
A Collection of Short Stories and Poems by David Reinold

by DavidReinold

Chapter 1: Silver Splash of Light [Deceased]

Silver Splash of Light [Deceased]

A beautiful bell of bronze.

A courtyard of marble surrounding.

The city of Canterlot laments the loss of an indigo Alicorn.

Bell tolls once, twice.

Every head in Canterlot turns towards the sky.

There sits the silver moon.


The final remaining indication that there were once two.

Two Alicorns watching over the sky.

Controlling its perpetual rotation.

But the cycle had stopped.

The moon hung in the sky.

It would never again hide behind the horizon.

The sun continued past.

And though words wished to be said the city was silent.

Save for the single word spoken by that beautiful bell of bronze.

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