
A Aliena Orbis

by KennaLougheed

Chapter 3: Pinkie's Favor (Some Nudity)

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Pinkie's Favor (Some Nudity)

         Tec woke up after that day of exertion feeling pretty sore. So he stretched his arms up and brought his back into a bit of an arc and suddenly felt something warm and fuzzy on his morning erection. Now he knew that he was naked but, he hadn’t questioned it because it wasn’t the first time he had fallen asleep clothed and woke up naked, this however, caused his eyes to shoot open. Rainbow Dash was in bed with him… entirely nude… He tried to keep his eyes from wandering but… well, it didn’t really work. Her cyan fur was silky and shined a bit with the morning rays. Her breasts were beautifully shaped, she was about a b-cup, and she had two small beads of darker blue that were her nipples. Her areolas weren’t much bigger than the nipples, but were the same blue. Her Stomach was beautifully toned and her belly button was cute. Her hips thighs were toned as well and that made for one beautiful flank. Then, she moved a bit and her fur brushed against his manhood causing it to twitch and, subsequently, giving him a small show of the gorgeousness that was her marehood, a wondrous shade of light pink that contrasted so well with the cyan of her fur. His blanket had been shoved down towards the bottom of the bed.

Fluttershy hummed a tune to herself as she made her way up the stairs to go wake Tec up for breakfast. Her hooves made a soft clip clop in her attempt to keep her volume down. Once she was at entry she smiled, softly knocked on the door and just as quietly opened it. What she saw shocked her to say the least. She eeped in embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry." Then, closed the door loudly.

Tec turned his head to look at the door and shook his head, confused as to how this happened and what he was going to do. He turned his head back around and saw that Rainbow Dash had woken up and was silently staring at his lean chest. Her magenta eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. Tec cleared his throat to get her attention. She blushed and tried to look at her hooves then blushed some more as she caught sight of his erect cock and decided that the ceiling would be better to stare at.

“I don’t quite know how this happened. I know that I was alone when I fell asleep and I don’t think you would get into the bed of someone you barely know especially…” he started as a blush formed, he cleared his throat and began again, “especially like this.” he finished. Tec stood up and began getting dressed.

“Are… Aren’t you going to ask me to leave or something?” She asked while he pulled on his boxer-briefs.

“Nope, you’ve already seen all there is to see, no point in getting worked up about it. I will, however, leave as you get dressed.” Tec answered.

“Um… one problem… I don’t have anything here…” She muttered… fuck… he thought.

“Pull the blanket around you. We need to figure something out.” Tec stated.

“Why? You just said that there was no point in getting worked up about it?” She said quizzically and a bit defensively.

“Because I need to be able to think and if I look at your gorgeous, athletic body any longer I won’t be able to concentrate on anything other than wanting you.” he answered. “That and this boner is getting a bit painful. Actually, you know what I’ll be back in a bit. Please be covered up when I get back.” he said as he turned towards the door went through and closed it again. He made his way to the bathroom and… took care of some business. When he returned he no longer had an erection and she was covered by the blanket and sitting up. His face was quite flushed. “Now, you need clothes, we need to figure out what happened and we need to get Fluttershy to believe that we weren’t, well, involved.” Raibow Dash's eyes opened widely in shock.

“Wait Fluttershy saw us like that… Ah buck…” She stated quickly.

“Yeah, not that I wouldn’t get involved but, I don’t want your reputation to fall. Not with any of your friends.” He stated still trying to think of how in the world this happened. He saw her face flush even further. Than a thought hit him… “I think I know how this happened…” he paused and looked into her eyes and saw the realization in hers as well, “Pinkie.” They said simultaneously and with finality. “I’m gonna go get Fluttershy so we can explain to her. You stay here I will bring her.” Tec said with a sigh. He turned to the door and walked out to look for Fluttershy. He heard the clatter of metal against metal and sizzling coming from the kitchen. He took a breath and walked in to find that Fluttershy was cooking some kind of yellow… bacon? Wait no, not important. Talk. Tec thought. “Fluttershy, um… you, Dash and I need to talk.” He said to her.

“No… no, what you do… and with whom… is… um… none of my business.” She said quietly, never once looking at him.

“That’s the thing we didn’t do anything.” He said sincerely. She looked at him then, her blush fading slightly and her face showed obvious confusion. “When you’re done please come to the room you allowed me and we will explain.” He stated.

“Well… ok, then… and… um… that’s your room you know… you can call it that…” She said with a soft expression on her face. Tec smiled joyfully.

“I… well… Thank you.” He finally said. He walked back to his room and opened the door. Rainbow apparently thought that he was going to be away longer than he was because when he opened the door he found her knuckle deep inside herself and moaning. He shut the door and walked back out with a huge blush on his face and a raging boner. He went back to the bathroom and began to wait out the erection. After about fifteen minutes he had finally calmed down and went back to his door. This time he knocked.

“Come in.” Dash answered, her voice muffled by the door. Tec opened the door and she had covered back up and was blushing just as badly as he was. “Well…” she started, he noticed that since she had awoken her wings had not gone down. “Now you really have seen everything…” she muttered.

“It was my fault for not knocking. I am truly sorry that you were seen like that…” He started, “however, I am not so sorry that I was the one who saw you. Um… so… in return I will offer you one favor. The only limit is that I can’t die. I have nothing else to offer as a means of apology.” He continued. “You don’t have to tell me what you want now and there is no time limit as to how long you have to tell me.” He finished. She nodded her head.

Fluttershy finished with her cooking and put the dishes in the sink to be washed. She went back up the stairs and cautiously knocked on the door. “Come in.” Tec's muffled voice sounded from inside his room. She opened the door and stepped in. “Ok, to start off, I fell asleep right after sunset and I was dressed and alone. I woke up and Rainbow Dash was there. All, I know is my side. Rainbow?” Tec stated immediately and Rainbow nodded her head.

“I went to sleep, in my home, somewhere around ten. I woke up here.” Rainbow stated.

“We pranked Pinkie yesterday and she declared a prank war. I think this is her prank.” Tec continued afterwards. “I’m not entirely sure but, I am almost entirely sure.” He finished. Fluttershy nodded as understanding set in. “Also, um… Dash has no clothes here…” Tec added.

“Oh, um… I can go and get them for you… if that’s ok.” She answered. Rainbow Dash shook her head in an affirmative.

“You might want to put them into something so that other people don’t see it. We don’t want any rumors, right.” Tec quickly added. Fluttershy nodded and she closed the door. After a while Tec and Dash heard the front door shut. “Ok. Now, I have to go and check on my new clothes. Are you ok staying here by yourself for a bit?” Tec asked.

“Yeah, I’ll be good.” Rainbow stated nonchalantly.

“K. See ya.” He said as he walked out and shut the door. He went out the front door, shutting it as well, and made his way to Rarity’s. He got there without incident and opened the door. She was working on something at her workstation when he entered.

“One second darling, I will be right with you.” She said without looking up. Shrugging silently, he sat in a stool near him and looked around at her different works. The dresses set up were absolutely beautiful, simply stunning truly. There were dresses with gems on them, dresses that shone with the utmost brilliance. Rarity cleared her throat. He turned his head and realized his mouth had dropped open. He promptly closed it and laughed a bit. “Well, at least you know that I like them.” He said, after which she chuckled.

“So, what brings you here, darling?” She asked.

“Do you have at least one pair of clothing done? I kind of need to have some clothes to alternate so that I don’t start smelling bad.” He said with a grimace, remembering just how bad he had smelt only yesterday.

“I have two actually. I made them a bit simple. I hope you don’t mind.” She answered.

“Thank the Gods and thank you for even agreeing to do this in the first place. So, at the risk of sounding rude, where are they? I kind of sweat a lot yesterday and need to get the filth off of me quickly.” He explained. She smiled and pointed towards a small box.

“I was going to take them to you when I took my lunch. I thought you might need them pretty quickly so I got those two completed before I started on your outfit for the coronation. Also, if you need the get clean quickly, you can use the shower upstairs, just leave your clothes by the door and I will get them clean.” Rarity stated. His mouth dropped open in shock once more.

“I realize that you are the element of generosity and that this is going to sound redundant but, you are ridiculously generous. You hardly know me and you are willing to do all this.” He said with a look of pure disbelief. “You girls really do completely resemble your elements.” He continued and shook his head still quite stunned. “Back where I am from, people of your and your friends’ caliber are few and far between. I am happy I got the chance to actually meet you girls.” He rambled. …and see one of you naked he added in his head.

“Why thank you, darling. As I said the shower is upstairs first door on the right.” She happily said. He went over to the small box and opened it. He found two full pairs of clothing: socks, underwear and all the other amenities. One shirt was a plain white tee and the other was a green shirt. One pair of pants was black and the other was dark blue. He decided to go with the white shirt and the black pants and picked up one of the pairs of boxer-briefs and a pair of socks. He hurried up into the bathroom and, after disrobing completely and putting his clothes in the hall, hopped into the opulent shower. Tec thought as he bathed himself. Holy hell, this shower is gaudy and... tacky... and... and so... gold but, then again, I dislike gold with a passion. Still, he was in someone else’s house, using their things, so he kept his mouth shut. He showered quickly and toweled off and quickly got dressed. His hair was still slightly wet but, no matter what he did he couldn’t get it to stay strait. Gods damn it all. Now my hair is acting just like Pinkie’s, not that I should really be surprised. He thought. He went downstairs and said.

“Thank you once again. Also, have you seen Pinkie?”

“It was my pleasure. Hmm, not yet, though with that mare if she doesn’t want to be found, you would never see her again.” She answered chuckling slightly. He smiled and thought, she's probably right. He grabbed the box and found that his original clothes were in it and they were completely clean.

“Well, that was done fairly quickly. Thank you once again Rarity.” He said, still smiling.

“Yes, yes. I have all kinds of useful spells for apparel, so it was really no trouble.” She answered. He waved goodbye and thought with a dark smile. If Pinkie wants war… then she better bunker down, cause we’re gonna blitzkrieg this mother fucker! Now to go get Rainbow Dash… The walk back was uneventful but it gave him some time to think of many, many possibilities. When, he got back Fluttershy had finished her cooking and was eating slowly while talking to Rainbow Dash. They were laughing a bit when he entered the dining room.

“Ah, Tec, if you’re hungry there is some food for you in the kitchen… I mean if that ok. You don’t have to eat it.” Fluttershy said to him.

“And miss out on your wonderful cooking, I think not.” He answered as he headed into the kitchen. Anubis was stretched out in front of the stove trying to look innocent. He shook his head and called Anubis to him by snapping his fingers and patting his leg. Anubis readily jumped up and quickly walked over to Tec. He crouched down and pet Anubis for a bit and kissed him on his forehead. Then, Tec got the food and quickly made his way to the table. He smiled at both of them and thanked Fluttershy for the food before digging in. Afterward breakfast he looked to Rainbow Dash with a mischievous smile. She looked back confused and then blushed. He became confused for a moment before realizing what she thought his smile had meant. “Hey Dash, I thought of a way to get Pinkie, even if we can’t find her.” His smile returned. Her blush faded and understanding replaced it, then, finally, a smirk appeared on her face.

“So, what’s your plan?” Rainbow asked simply.

“All will be revealed soon, my dear.” He said with a devious smirk. “First though, I must help with the dishes.” He said with an undetectable amount of enmity in my voice.

“No, you really don’t hav…” Fluttershy started.

“Sorry, not going to happen. I am going to help and that is final.” He interrupted, stood up and walked into the kitchen with the dishes. He quickly washed them and walked back into the dining room. Dash and Fluttershy had a look of slight disbelief on their faces. “What?” He asked.

“Wow… you don’t even leave room for argument.” Rainbow said.

“Well, yeah, that’s the point. I need to do something so I don’t end up abusing her kindness. I’m really happy that you all are helping me but, if I allow myself to sit and do nothing I will end up being a horrible friend.” He stated bluntly.

“Well, then. Thank you Tec.” Fluttershy said in her soft tones. She was smiling softly.

“No thanks needed, though you are welcome. Friends help friends. Period.” He simply stated. A song popped up in his head and he smiled and laughed a bit.

“What’s funny? Thinkin’ of the prank for later?” Rainbow quizzed.

“No. I had a song pop up in my head.” He answered.

“Oh, what is it? I mean, you don’t have to tell me… if you don’t want to.” Fluttershy asked.

“Uh… well… um…” He started, trying to think of something to say that would make sense. “I don’t remember most of the lyrics anymore.” He lied.

“Oh, ok.” Fluttershy stated. He walked over and pulled her into a hug.

“Thank you for offering me kindness, when you didn’t know me and thank you for giving me a chance.” He felt the urge to kiss her cheek but refrained. Fluttershy hugged him back and when they pulled away Tec looked to Rainbow. “You ready?” He asked. She smiled and nodded. “I’ll be back later Flutters,” He stated to Fluttershy with a smile. She blushed a bit at the nickname Tec had decided to use. Dash and Tec walked out. After a while Dash began laughing really loudly.

“Flutters… really… Flutters!” She stated in between her laughter.

“Better that than what I have for you and far better than what I have for Celestia and Luna.” He stated simply with a smile and sped up a bit. She took to the air and flew in front of him and turned around, continuing to fly backwards.

“Wait. What do you have for me, Celestia and Luna?” She asked. He smirked and snickered a bit.

“Little Dashie, Sun-butt and Moon-butt, respectively.” He answered. At the mention of her nickname she frowned a bit but at the mention of Celestia and Luna’s her eyes went wide and she tried to hold back laughter.

“You… can’t… say that… about… the Princesses…” She said trying very unsuccessfully to keep in her laughter.

“I wouldn’t say it to them to their faces until I knew them a lot better.” He said still smiling. “Also, if you don’t watch where you are going you’re going to hit something.”

“Pfft, come on I won’t hi…” She started before smashing the back of her head into a branch. “Ow, oh buck, that hurt.” She said after turning around. She rubbed her head.

“Told you.” I said as I chuckled.

“Yeah, yeah. So what’s this idea of yours?” She asked, we had made it about half way to town at this point.

“Before I tell you I need you to go and get some clouds. I need to go get a small pool.” He said as he turned towards Sweet Apple Acres. She stopped me and asked.

“Ok, why are you being so secretive about this?”

“Because I have a feeling Pinkie is around.” Tec said as he suddenly felt the urge to look at a bee hive. Pinkie popped out of it and said.

“Ahh… and I thought I was hiding really well too.” She shrugged and bounded off in the direction of town. Tec turned back towards Dash. Her eyes were wide with disbelief.

“How in the hay did you find Pinkie when she was hiding?” She asked. He chuckled again.

“Eh, just a hunch.” He said smiling. “Now, I need you to get enough clouds together to make a bed, I’ll go get the pool.” She shook her head. He walked over to Applejack’s and asked her, when he found her, “Do you have a small pool or something like that I can borrow? Nothing too big.”

“Well sher we do but, why do ya need it?” She asked scratching her head in confusion.

“Rainbow Dash and I are in a prank war with Pinkie.” He answered simply.

“Uh-huh. Well ah guess it’ll be fine just bring it back when yur done I guess.” She said as she led him to the barn and over to a small two foot wide wooden pool like thing.

“Perfect. Thank you AJ.” Tec said as he pulled her into a hug, which she returned. “Also, can we have a talk tomorrow about my little habit?” He asked as they split.

“Sher. I was wonderin’ when you were gonna ask me ‘bout that.” She answered.

“You know, country accents usually grate on my nerves but, I actually find yours to be really cute.” He said without thinking. Her face blushed heavily. “Sorry, just tell me if I ever make you feel uncomfortable.”

“Ah just ain’t used to gettin’ compliments from a stallion. Ah ain’t pretty like Rarity or cute like Fluttershy.” She managed.

“No, you aren’t. You are you, not them. You have things that make you alluring that none of the others have and they have things that make them appealing that you don’t have. Plain and simple. Now, if you don’t mind I have to go and get a lot of pudding.” He rambled.

“Wait, what now?” She asked.

“Pudding.” Tec answered as he grabbed the small wooden pool, it wasn’t all that heavy so he had no issues carrying it with him. He walked the rest of the way to town and met with Rainbow.

“So, what are we doing exactly?” She asked.

“We’re going to fill this pool with pudding and place it underneath the cloud that you are going to make look like a bed and replace Pinkie’s with.” Tec answered.

“Wait… Pudding, really?” She asked.

“Yep. She will probably already know what’s going to happen but, she’ll let herself fall for it anyways.” He stated. “So, where’s the cloud?” He asked.

“I have it near my house so it doesn’t attract attention.” She said quietly.

1 hour and 17 bits later

“To bad we won’t see what happens.” Dash said solemnly.

“Yeah, though, I am glad I left that letter asking for a truce for now.” Tec said.

“What, why?” She asked .

“Because, I don’t want to find anymore naked mares in my bed that weren’t there by choice.” He answered. She blushed heartily.

“Ok, I get it.” She answered. They sat down at a table at Sugarcube Corner and waited for a while. After a little while, they heard a loud thump from upstairs and laughing.

“Huh, that happened quicker than I thought it would.” Tec said, more to himself than anyone else. After a couple seconds Pinkie, who was completely clean, bounced down the stairs with a huge smile on her face and Tec's note in her hand.

“That was funny and delicious. Truce accepted for now. So, how did you two like mine?” She asked. Tec and Dash both blushed madly. Her smile only grew. “OH! I know what I want my favor to be. Sorry Dashie, I’m going to borrow Tec for a bit.” Pinkie spouted out as she grabbed his arm and bounced away with Tec in tow. They exited the bakery and she continued forward for a while before He could get his arm loose, damn earth ponies are strong, he thought.

“So, what is the favor?” He asked.

“You’re going to spend the whole day with me.” She said as she smiled and once again squeed.

“Ok, no problem. I kind of wanted to spend some time with you anyways.” He said smiling. He looked at her and saw that she was wearing a light purple dress with short sleeves that came down to the middle of her thighs. She had two blue, balloon earrings on at the bottom of her ears and he also noticed that she had three more piercings in each ear. They were small, simple, silver beads. He, also, noticed that Pinkie Pie was probably the most endowed of the mane six, her only possible rival being Fluttershy.

He pulled her into a hug, which she happily returned. “Pinkie Pie, you are really huggable you know that?” He said.

“Aww thanks.” She answered.

“So where to first?” Tec asked.

“Don’t know. What do you want to do?” She asked.

“Well, you know any good areas to swim?” He asked.

“Ooo! That sounds fun! Let’s go!” She stated excitedly and pulled him off quickly. Five minutes later they found themselves in the park next to a pretty decent sized pond. Tec smiled.

“This is going to be fun.” He said as he looked around. Seeing nobody, he stripped down to his underwear.  Pinkie Pie was wide eyed. “What?” He asked smirking. “Like what you see?” Pinkie blushed. Then, she looked thoughtful. Then, shrugging, she too stripped down to her under clothes. Tec's eyes got very wide as he took in her dark red bra, that was just barely holding her in, and panties, her huggable soft stomach and cute belly button.

“What? Like what you see?” She asked giggling. He just nodded an affirmative. She blushed again at his bluntness. He smiled and jumped strait into the water. Tec found that the pond was pretty deep and he didn’t touch the bottom even as he sank a few feet into the water. Pinkie jumped into the water and Tec and her surfaced at the same time. He splashed her and laughed, she returned the favor and they both laughed. He dove down to see how deep it was. Finding that it was around thirteen feet deep he surfaced again, though Pinkie had disappeared he looked around wondering where she had gone. After about a minute he began to panic a bit, suddenly he got glomped from behind, Pinkie’s large breasts pressed against his back. He fought a boner and dove back down. She released her arms and he turned around under the water. Tec smiled as he had a devious thought. He swam up to her stomach and tickled her. He heard muffled laughter and she began to kick around a bit. He swam up further and surfaced and began to tickle anywhere he could reach without touch her inappropriately. They played around in that pond for somewhere around six hours before they finally got out and dressed again. Tec looked up and saw that the sun was setting.

“Pinkie, this was really fun. Thank you.” he said as he pulled her into a hug she returned it and laughed.

“Today’s not over yet silly. Come on let’s head over to Twilight’s.” She said. He shrugged and began walking in that direction. He was tired but in a good way and not so tired that he was going to fall on his face anytime soon. A song came to mind and he smiled and began to hum the tune. Pinkie, who was bouncing in front of me stopped. “Is that what I think it is?” She asked turning around with a huge smile on her face.

“Probably. Why?” He answered.

“I don’t know how you know that song but, now we are going to sing!” She said in a sing-song voice.

“Oh, this is going to be awesome.” He said as his smile grew. “I’m going to sing it a bit differently though.” He continued.

“Ok!” She said just before beginning her song. He began at the same time singing with a nice baritone.  

My name is Bubble Berry (Hello!)

And I am here to say (How ya doin'?)

I'm gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day

It doesn't matter now (What's up?)

If you are sad or blue (Howdy!)

'Cause cheering up my friends is just what Bubble’s here to do

'Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smile

Yes I do

It fills my heart with sunshine all the while

Yes it does

'Cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

I like to see you grin (Awesome!)

I love to see you beam (Rock on!)

The corners of your mouth turned up is always Bubble’s dream (Hoof bump!)

But if you're kind of worried

And your face has made a frown

I'll work real hard and do my best to turn that sad frown upside down

'Cause I love to make you grin, grin, grin

Yes I do

Bust it out from ear to ear let it begin

Just give me a joyful grin, grin, grin

And you fill me with good cheer

It's true some days are dark and lonely

And maybe you feel sad

But Bubble will be there to show you that it isn't that bad

There's one thing that makes me happy and makes my whole life worthwhile

And that's when I talk to my friends and get them to smile

I really am so happy

Your smile fills me with glee

I give a smile I get a smile

And that's so special to me

'Cause I love to see you beam, beam, beam

Yes I do

Tell me what more can I say

To make you see

That I do

It makes me happy when you beam, beam, beam

Yes it always makes my day

Come on every pony smile, smile, smile

Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine

All I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

Come on every pony smile, smile, smile

Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine

All I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

Yes the perfect gift for me ( Come on every pony smile, smile, smile)

Is a smile as wide as a mile (Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine)

To make me happy as can be (All I really need's a smile, smile, smile; From these happy friends of)

Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile

Come on and smile

Come on and smile

Some ponies decided to join in with their singing along the way as well. All in all it was nice. Soon they found themselves outside of Twilight’s home laughing loudly. Pinkie opened the door and they walked in. They were laughing so hard that Tec didn’t question why it was completely dark and when he finally caught his breath the lights flashed on and every pony yelled out ‘Surprize!’ as a few party poppers went off. He jumped a bit at that. Then, he smiled widely and looked to Pinkie. “So, I am getting my Pinkie Party now, I take it.” She giggled and nodded.

“Tec,” Applejack said in as Tec turned and found her with two mugs in her hands. “Howdy pardner, y’all wanna try some cider?” She asked.

“Hell yeah, I love cider.” Tec said as he took the offered mug and drank some. It tasted wonderful, sweet but, not overly so, with a heady cinnamon spice to it, there was also the telling after burn of alchohol. “Hm… I’ve never had hard cider before. Warning: I am a light-weight and I have no inhibitions when drunk.” He said to AJ. “Please spread that around a bit AJ. I don’t want anyone to think badly of me because of tonight.” She nodded and said.

“Alraht. Will do. Hope you have fun.” She walked off and he heard her start talking to someone. Tec downed the mug of cider and looked for the refreshment table. Tec saw it near the stairs and began to made his way there. On the way he said hello to a few ponies, got a few names and shook a few hands. Once he got there, he saw that it was piled with food. Oh this is going to be delicious. He thought as he took a plate and put a little of everything on it. There was also a, wooden keg of cider near the table. He filled his mug once more and sat back listening to the music and sipping from the mug with his eyes closed.

“Hey, Tec! Awesome party huh!” Dash said as she made her way to Tec.

“Yeah, it’s totally off the hook Dash.” He said to her without opening his eyes.

“Huh… Oh! Ok yeah! The cider’s great!” Rainbow said.

“Yeah but, I have to go easy so I don’t get drunk to fast.” He said as he opened his eyes and looked at the mug.

“Buck that man! I challenge you to a drinking contest!” She said with bravado.

“Fine, fine but, I choose the game.” He said, accepting defeat in that argument a bit too fast.

“Wait, what do you mean game?” She asked.

“Why just have a drinking contest? Why not make it a bit more challenging and more fun?” He answered, smiling.

“That sounds awesome! What game then?” She practically squeaked.

“A little game called beer pong. Do you know what it is?” He continued.

“Uh… no.” She said confused.

“Well first we are going to need to get to an empty table. You go find that and I will get us what we need for it.” He stated. She nodded and took off to find a table. He gathered up twelve empty mugs and realized he needed help.

“Watcha’ doin’?” a happy voice asked from behind me.

“Going to play a party game with Dash. Pinkie would you mind helping me with these twelve mugs and possibly getting some more help. I need these mugs to be half filled with water. I also need a small Ping-Pong ball, two shot glasses and for the cider to be moved to where Dash is.” He listed.

“Ok.” Pinkie said as she scanned the room a bit then took off. She soon returned with Twilight and Applejack.

“So, yer playin’ a drinkin’ game with RD?” Applejack asked.

“Yep, did Pinkie explain what I needed?” He answered.

“Yes she did. To be honest I am curious as to what this game entails.” Twilight said smiling. Twilight’s aura coated the mugs as she levitated them up and took them all into the kitchen. Applejack smiled and said.

“Ah’m a might curious about this game too.” She lifted up the keg and asked. “How’s it played?”

“Stick around to watch and you’ll find out. I have to explain it to Dash as well.” He answered as he looked for Rainbow. She was flying above the crowd. She pointed down and then flew down. He walked over to where she was and had AJ put the keg down near the table. She took a seat on the top of it careful not to block access to it. Pinkie had followed too and pulled two shot glasses and a Ping-Pong ball out of her hair. “Rainbow fly up and get Twilight’s attention when you see her, she has the mugs we need.”

“Alright.” She said as she flew up. Pinkie set the shot glasses on either side of the table and gave Tec the ball.

“AJ, you wanna be our ‘bar-tender’ for the game?” He asked her.

“Sher, why not.” She answered. He handed her his shot glass and got Pinkie to hand her the other one.

“Fill ‘em up. When Twilight gets here we can begin.” AJ did so and handed both glasses back. Dash flew down soon after and eyed the shot glass. She reached out to grab it but, Tec stopped her.

“Don’t drink that yet. That is part of the game.” He said. Twilight soon got to the table. He grabbed two of the mugs and began setting up his end of the table. When he was done it looked like a triangle with six cups. He had seen that Twilight had set up the other side following his example.

“UBERFUNPARTYGAMECOMPETITIONBETWEENRAINBOWDASHANDTEC!” Pinkie screamed at the top of her lungs. The music turned down a bit and everyone began looking towards the table.

“Well ok then, looks like we have an audience. This game can be played one on one or in teams we are playing one on one. You and I will bounce this ball until one of us makes it into the other’s cup and the other doesn’t to decide who will go first. You either play by the Elbow or Wrists rule, in which you either have to keep your elbow or your wrists behind the table. We will be playing by the wrists rule. There is Re-wracking in which you can ask for the cups to be rearranged before you take your turn. If you are playing with more than six cups you may do this at six, four, three or two cups. Six cups are made into a triangle. Four cups are made into a diamond. Three cups are made into a triangle. Two cups are set one right in front of the other. You can always request for the last cup to be pulled back and centered. You can always ask for the cups to be fixed. This is not racking. You are just asking for the cups to be returned to the position where they would have been if they hadn’t slid or been knocked out of position. Bitch cup is one of my favorite rules. If you make it into the cup that your opponent is drinking out of, even if it is set on the table you win, period. Rollbacks is another cool rule. After you shoot the ball, if it comes back to you without touching the floor it is your turn again. You may also snatch it mid-air. Solo cup is a fun rule that can backfire. Once per game you can call out a specific cup that isn’t touching another cup, those that slid away instead of being singled out by the other cups around it being hit do not count. If this cup is hit then you pull that cup and one other of your choice, from your cups, out of the game. If a different cup is hit no cups are removed. Also, no magic and no flying.” Once he finished telling them the rules he smirked and looked at Rainbow. “You ready?” He asked.

“Psh, I was born ready.” She answered with a smirk of her own. She set the mug she was drinking from on a small round table off to the side that had a lamp on it. Then she sat back a smug look on her face. He tossed the ball and it went into the cup in the middle. She tossed the ball back and landed it in the same cup. They went back and forth like this for a while until Tec missed and she hit.

“Looks like you go first.” He said as he passed the ball to Pinkie and Pinkie passed it to Dash.

“Of course, I’m awesome.” She said as she tossed the ball into the cup in the back. He removed the cup and took the shot. He handed it to AJ who filled it up again. He stretched a bit and cracked his neck. He thought for a bit then smirked.

“Awesome enough to lose with grace?” He questioned Rainbow.

“Pfft, I don’t lose.” She answered.

“We’ll see.” He said still smirking. Then he took a breath, steadied his hand and took the shot. The ball bounced off of the edge of the table causing it to break towards the round table and strait into Dash’s drink.

“Ha, you overshot!” She said smiling.

“Nope, I got it exactly where I wanted it.” He said.

“You wanted to miss?” She asked confused.

“I didn’t miss. Bitch cup.” He answered simply still smiling deviously. “Pinkie five more shot glasses please. I want Dash to take her shots one right after another because she... just... lost.” He continued. Rainbow’s eyes went wide. Pinkie pulled out the five shot glasses, from nowhere it seemed, and AJ filled them. AJ was fighting laughter and Pinkie was smiling widely. Even Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity were giggling a bit. Dash growled a bit and slammed her shots one right after another.

“Rematch!” Was all she said after that. She won that game and the subsequent one. Tec won the two after that. After about two hours later, he was completely smashed and giggling to himself. There were still ponies playing beer pong. Pinkie walked up to him after a bit.

“Hey Tec! Havin’ fun?” She asked.

“C’mon Pinkie, this is a Pinkie Party, those are always going to be fun.” He managed, doing his best not to slur, as such he was talking a bit faster. A song started playing that caught his attention. He grabbed Pinkie’s hand and said, “Dance with me Pikie.” She giggled and followed him to the dance floor. They danced and flailed and shook for the next few hours. It only ended because Tec ended up smacking himself on the ear with his arm and he crumpled onto the floor and began laughing. Pinkie looked worried for a bit until he started laughing, then she laughed too. Then Tec yawned. “Pinkie, are you sober enough not to fall?” He asked.

“Yepperooni.” She answered.

“Can you take me back to Fluttershy’s cottage? I’m starting to pass out.” He said.

“Okie dokie lokie.” She said as she put his arm around her neck to keep him up. She was slightly taller than Flutters but not by much. She took him to the door and he turned his head back to everyone and said way over the music.

“Gotta go! I’m getting’ really, really tired! See ya everybody!” Tec heard some good byes and some laughs. He giggled as well. They walked for a bit in the slightly cold air. Tec had a thought then. “Pinkie when’s your birthday?” He asked with a smile on his face.

“It’s May third which is sixty-one days from now. I’m going to be turning twenty-three this year.” She said happily.

“Awesome, awesome. My birthday is March twenty-eighth and I’ma be twenty-four.” He said giggling. Pinkie gasped loudly.

“Ohmygoshyourbirthdayisintwenty-fivedays!” She spouted out a little loudly.

“Mhmm.” He managed as he struggled to keep himself awake. A song popped up into his head and he decided to belt out the lyrics rather than fall asleep. Pinkie giggled at his drunken antics. When they finally got to the cottage and she got him to the bed, she hugged him and went to leave, but before she could do much more than turn around he grabbed her hand. “um… sorry… I… I am… terrified of being alone…” He managed quietly. Pinkie smiled sweetly.

“Ok, I’ll stay with you for a while.” She said softly. Tec laid down on the bed and she sat down on it. After a while he felt the urge to pull her down with him and, as he had no inhibitions to stop him right then, he did so. She gasped a bit as he threw the blanket over her and snuggled her a bit.

“Pinkie, you are one of the most selfless people I know. All you want to do is make everyone happy and you will go at great lengths do… to do… so. I adore you.” He said. Pinkie Pie began to heat up a bit as she snuggled into his chest a bit and wrapped her arms around him and muttered.

“Thank you.” Tec felt wetness on his shirt that he assumed to be tears and put his arms around her and pulled her even closer. He nuzzled into her hair and could smell the sweet smell of cupcakes coming from it. He laughed a bit and kissed her on the top of her head. She heated up even more and He drifted off to sleep. Next Chapter: A coronation, a new friend and untold rage Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 27 Minutes

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A Aliena Orbis

Mature Rated Fiction

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