
Letters From a Friend

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 64: 9/19/15

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That's really interesting. I won't get too ahead of myself on this one, but perhaps every nine minutes on my end is 12 on yours, which would mean that time passes about fifteen seconds faster per minute on my world. Anyways, I still have a little more time before the library opens, so I can do another test before I head out.

As for this other pony, I mean, Spike's already in on it, so I don't see how bringing another pony in will hurt, especially if she's as friendly as you say. Speaking of, I haven't heard from him in a while. Is Saturday his sleep-in day or something? I mean that's cool if that's the case, but I just want to be sure he's still up to talking.

Anyways, yes, I'm more than ready to hear from another one of your friends. If she's nearby, just don't have her expect to hear right back from me while I'm out.

Thank you,

P.S.: If you're up to a little more on your plate, I can also send you some science textbooks to share a little history of the planet itself. I figure that's important for history too.

Next Chapter: 9/19/15 Estimated time remaining: 54 Minutes
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