
Letters From a Friend

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 57: Moon 3063, Day 26

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That would actually be wonderful! In fact, I can lend you a couple of Equestrian history books of my own! I’m almost done with Nightmares and Dreamscapes now, and if there are works by this author that require a more experienced knowledge of your world (especially if they’re his opuses), I’d be more than happy to do a little extra legwork!

Not to be pushy, but if you could send me those before you go to bed tonight, that would be great. Looking forward to learning more!



Hey Toby,

Thanks a whole bunch for the comics, they look really cool! Also, thanks in advance for the library trip tomorrow! I’ll try not to be too picky, but I’m not into that mushy stuff like Twilight is. Perhaps something like Power Ponies? But in not-book form?

Actually, sorry, I’m sure I’ll like whatever you get me! Thanks again, bud!


Next Chapter: 9/18/15 Estimated time remaining: 58 Minutes
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