
Letters From a Friend

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 16: Moon 3063, Day 20

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These phones of yours sound quite incredible. I suppose that if the concept of magic is more practical in recognition to you humans, that must mean that your species is more technologically inclined than us ponies. In any case, I do look forward to see what you'll manage to capture to show me.

As for the movie, that certainly sounds like an interesting premise. I'd like to hear all about it when you get back from it, and perhaps I can share a couple of classic horror tales from our world and we can compare them. Of course, they're merely short stories and campfire tales, but this may allow me to test if we can send larger objects like books and journals to each other. If this works, the possibilities of what we can share amongst one another could be endless!

Anyways, I hope I've caught you before you left to meet up with your friends, and I'll hear back from you later tonight. In the meantime, I'll try and find a good short story collection to let you borrow.

Talk to you later.


Next Chapter: 9/12/15 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 27 Minutes
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