
Since when am I Faust!?

by The Otaku Architect

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: The Second Attempt

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Chapter 7: The Second Attempt

Since when am I Faust!?
chapter 7

When morning came, I got the unfortunate privilege to wake up to the unpleasant sound of Celestia’s alarm clock. Like any good sibling, she had it set up on Luna's side of the bed. Whether it was to annoy her or not, I don't know, but Its constant ringing drew me out of my pleasant slumber.

My eyes slowly cracked open, and I took in a deep breath; filling my nose with the scent that the room had come to know. It was a smell of parchment and expensive woods, I took a moment to acknowledge how comforting that mix had become to be.

It had been maybe a month now since I ended up here, and at first the thought of being here was like a closing in space in which there was no return. My home was gone, my life was gone, and my very being was lost. But throughout all of that I managed to adjust. Little by little I got used to the feeling of this world. I knew I was going to miss it when I left, and all those I had come to know as friends, but the thought of my sister still lingered in my mind. I was worried about her and not a day went by that my heart didn't look back to the days past.

My thoughts wandered as I laid in the bed. Little did I know that as they did the image in front of my eyes was slowly growing dark. It wasn't until my vision faded to black and the constant ringing had become nothing that I noticed; I falling back to sleep!

The moment I realized that, my heart beat in an almost painful way. I'm sure that most people understand that feeling. Not wanting to have to wake myself up again, and the pang of hunger beginning to make itself known, I took a deep breath and flung my body into a sitting position.

I quickly found out that I shouldn't have done that. Having moved so quickly, my blood didn't have time to reach my head, and I soon found myself feeling woozy. Stars filled my vision and I had to support myself by holding my arms to the side on the bed.

Finally, after a few moments, I began to feel normal again. The alarm was still going, and from the center of the bed, I looked out to find that neither princess was getting up.

Instead, they were lying there peacefully completely oblivious to the constant ringing. Somehow seeing them like this seemed quite peaceful, and I couldn't help but wonder what those two were like when they were fillies. The thought made me smile and somehow I knew my co-pilot was smiling too.

I would have let them be, but they also needed to attend to their duties. So, along with the sound of the alarm, I softly shook ‘my’ two daughters. Celestia and Luna began to stir at the constant motion but they still ignored the endless ringing. Adjusting my sitting position, I sat up against the bed’s headboard and watched as the two ancient mares groaned and whimpered as they curled up in their sheets.

A few minutes passed of them whining and groaning. I had shut the alarm off, but they still refused to get up. From where I sat I heard a click at the door, it caught my attention, and then suddenly the doors of my room burst open. I gave a shout in fright, causing relentless laughter to drown out my hearing as Faust giggled away.

Looking towards the disturbance in the doors, I watched as thirty or more servants flooded into the room. “Your highnesses you must get up! The wedding is today!” One servant announced.

The two Princesses were practically swarmed by their maids; the poor alicorns didn't even get to fully wake up before they were dragged out of bed. Both of them made a loud thud as they fell onto the floor. Sets of one or two unicorns straightened them up in their magic, and their royal regalia was slapped onto them. I watched, horrified by the swarm. They tossed the two half-asleep Princesses into two big chairs, then began their attack for brushing and makeup.

I was so thankful that I hadn't been singled out yet, and I had no intention of being part of this. So while the maids were distracted I scampered off the bed and I found a spot at the end of the room. Unfortunately for me, all the doors and windows seemed to be blocked by the vast number of makeup artists.

So I hid, hoping that I'd remain unseen. I was so confused, what was with this all of a sudden? Who's wedding was this big huge commotion over? I couldn't think of anyone I knew who was only engaged.

I was so focused on the unanswered questions that laid in my mind that I didn't even notice my three attendants push their way into the room. They had a large suitcase with pictures of hairbrushes and other makeup products with them, and as soon as I saw it, dread filled my heart.

I took a glance over to the group swarming over the solar and lunar Princesses, and my heart skipped a beat in fear. Outwardly I did my best to hide any sense of discomfort, but it still didn't stop the hair on my neck from standing up. Along with a very goofy looking changeling as she tried to hide her amusement. Then again my expression may have been too easy to read for her to need to taste my emotions.

To my relief when they opened the bag it was literally just a comb and a blow dryer. That, I could handle. But if there was any chance of me looking like Rarity when she gets all caked up in face products, I'd be running for the hills.

So sitting down at the desk that Lauren had introduced herself to me at, I willingly let Minuette do my hair or mane; much to her enjoyment. It seemed that ever since I first met her, she was constantly glancing up to my messy hairdo. Perhaps this would make her happy. Still though what was this all for? Who's wedding were we getting ready for?

After a few minutes of pondering the question I gave up on trying to figure it out myself, and decided to ask Lyra in a hushed voice, “So who's... wedding is it today?”

Quickly making a mental note, I noticed that I'd need to practice whispering in this body. Because as soon as the question left my mouth a sense of tension hung in the air.

Not so much from my attendants, no, but from some of Celestia’s makeup ponies. They turned unanimously towards my direction and some glared at me harshly. It was as if they thought I was the most insensitive person on the planet.

One pony stepped forward, her face failing to hide any trace of disgust. “It's Cadence’s wedding day!” The pony said. Her tone was filled with disgust, and there was a sense of nobility in her voice that I noticed. Because the way she talked reminded me of a stuck up ass.

The room went silent. Those who had seen me, and have heard of me, turned in a fright as they waited for some type of judgment to occur. And I waited along with them in anticipation. Because at that moment, I could feel Lauren take control of our face, and it seemed almost out of reflex on her part. She turned to the pony and gave a shallow smile.

“(Thank you, young one).” She said.

Her answer was clear and sweet. But for some reason, the others in the room refused to make eye contact. They vigorously continued to work; doing so as if they were trying to avoid getting noticed. Perhaps it was not so much the words she spoke but what she said with her eyes.

Someone needs a coffee. I teased but got no response. Instead, I found myself suddenly in control again. Turning back I looked at my reflection, Minuette had just finished doing my hair. I still preferred the other way; but at the same time I had to admit, she did a damn good job.

While I was looking in the mirror, Lyra brought over a white box with a crimson trim and set it on the table. Minuette and Lillybreeze went to open it, but when they did they gasped in surprise. Both stepped back with grins on their faces and I soon found myself lured in by my curiosity.

Confused about what seemed to shock them, I walked over to see what it was. When I looked in my nerves spiked and I was dreadfully hoping no one saw me blushing because it was severely embarrassing.

Inside the box, there was a chest plate with Faust’s cutie mark, a tiara to go with it, and a set of crystal shoes. You ever have one of those moments when you're dying inside but can't show it because everyone else doesn't see the whole picture. That's how it was for me at that moment. Looking over at Lillybreeze I could see a wide smug smirk stretching across her face again.

Fricken changelings, they pick up on every emotion.

(Aww what's wrong Alex? Is it too girly for you?)

Shut up, you old lady!

Well that struck a nerve, anger roared through us, and soon we started to argue. The two of us were spouting nonsense and insults at each other. A vast internal war within our mind, It must have looked odd from everyone else's perspective because I was fairly sure we had a blank stare into space right now.

Unfortunately, I kept on forgetting that I was up against an experienced trickster and I often fell for her traps. In this instance, she used the argument to keep my focus on her and not the outside world. Lifting the objects out of the box and putting it on she managed to slip everything into place as I continued to insist that we'd never wear it.

It took me a second to notice she had once again taken control and was prancing around as if to get back at me. I was both appalled and severally impressed that she managed to do that. Inside however I was struggling with the thought, I wanted to rip off the stupid crown and toss it to the side. On the other hand, part of me knew that would only make things worse. It was clear that a lot of effort was put into making these things, and the more I inspected the new outfit the more guilt I felt for feeling ready to throw it aside.

I looked over to my three friends and gave them a warm smile, “Thank you all; please let the pony who made this know that I'm very happy with it.”

(It's a miracle! He's becoming a mature human!)

Don't push it Faust!

“Will do, Lauren,” Lyra said as she gave a salute before trotting, or pushing her way out of the room in search of the artist. Looking at myself now, I was pretty much done other than a few small things. As I sat there light erupted from the windows. It seemed that the two sleeping beauties were finally awake and tending to their roles. I smiled.

For some reason, it seemed as if for a single moment everypony stopped making noise. And that's the time my stomach decided to growl in hunger. Honestly, why do things always work out like that? It's as if some idiot with no storytelling skill was in charge of these events. The ponies simultaneously turned to find the source of the sound, and they found me.

They took their time staring. All as if they had seen an anomaly for the first time. “What!? I missed dinner last night, okay...” I tried to defend myself from their relentless gaze but to no avail.

Lillybreeze tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I wanted her to bring me my breakfast from the kitchens. I smiled and gave a quick nod. Little did I know how much I would have liked her to stay.

Not even two minutes after she left, Pennilia rushed into the room in her base form. Her big cat-like eyes looking at me and Celestia with a commanding expression.

“I'm bored!” She declared, and a moment of silence passed as all the servants paled.

“I-I-It's a Changeling! Run!” One maid shouted. Mass panic among the servants spread quickly and they all began to run around aimlessly as they screamed at the top of their lungs. The vast mob of chaos was so distracting that I almost didn't notice the nymph had run up to me and bonked me on the nose with a jump.

“Tag you're it! Catch me if you can!” She taunted.

Now I know the proper thing to do would have been to calm down the servants and keep order in the castle, but... well I'm not one to resist a challenge, nor do I ever do the proper thing.

“Oh, it's on!” I exclaimed, and I found myself to be running out of the room after the little rascal with a stupid grin on my face.

As we were running through the halls and acting childish, Pennilia kept on finding odd places to hide. Behind the curtains, on the ceiling, under the couch, and on my head. I don't even know how she managed to pull that one off but somehow she made herself almost weightless.

Once the chase was on, but this time as we traveled through the halls the commotion we were causing didn't go unnoticed. Two guards came at us with their spears drawn and a slight look of fright in their eyes. “Stop right there!” They commanded me.

The nymph and I stopped as they said and I looked at the determination in the guard's eye. Deciding to play dumb and I leaned against the wall with a nonchalant attitude. “Oh? Okay, so what's up?”

“Tell us what you have you done you beast!” The guard said as he moved the spear forward to try to intimidate me.

I looked around with a dumbfounded expression on my face. Finding no other people or ponies for them to be talking to. I turned back to them. “Are you talking to me?... You're talking to me?”

“Yes!” The guard answered, his friend closed in with his spear held ready. “Now Changeling, tell us what you have done with the Princess's mother!”

I couldn't get the look of ‘what the hell’ off my face, and I'm sure neither could my counterpart. “(I'm right here dipshit.)” She said. But It was safe to say that they didn't believe her.

Instead, they tossed their spears against our neck. “Don't play games with us. Do you think we're blind? I can see you scheming with your associate.” The guard took a glance down to the whimpering nymph, and I couldn't help but feel quite indignant with his attitude.

Switching places again I began to say in a mocking tone. “Well you've caught us, playing tag with a child is obviously the evilest, most horrible thing I could possibly do.”

My words were practically dripping with sarcasm. And my attention was hard focused on the two guards. I didn't even notice the sound of hooves from behind me. The guards looked surprised, “Prince...” They muttered.

Suddenly there was a loud smack then everything went dark. I was still able to hear for a short time. A familiar voice commanded the guards to, “Throw the two changelings into the...” And that's when I truly passed out.

When I came to, the first thing I noticed was the humid stale air around me. I was laying on a thin layer of straw and I was in a small space. Looking around, I saw that It was a cell. The three walls were made out of stone and the last one iron bars. There was a small cot and a bucket in the corner and the nymph was laying on the bed. She was asleep.

From the far side of the halls, I could hear a key undoing a lock, and it was followed by the shrieking sound of a squeaky door. I flinched in pain, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pennilia jump as well despite being asleep.

I stood tall, and as the sound of approaching ponies became louder I began to wish I had a glass wall instead of iron bars. It would be hilarious. They came into view; It was the two guards from earlier and Celestia.“Princess, this is the prisoner we told you about. We believe she is a Changeling.” The soldier pointed to me and I gave a nonchalant wave. “Yo.”

“Quiet you!” One guard snapped as he smacked the bars with a small bat. Celestia had a shallow smile on her face. She knew it was me, it was obvious. Pacing back and forth in front of the cell she looked at me with a questioning glare. “So, you're impersonating my mother?”

Her stretching grin wobbled as she tried to keep up the act. My ears moved on their own again and planted themselves against my head. Panic began to build up as she kept staring at me with that ever-darkening grin. “Celestia what are you doing?”

“Oh, just my job of questioning the prisoners.” She answered, but there was a bit of a skip to her steps. I noticed a brief look of glee as she spotted that the guards were buying every minute of her facade.

“You're really liking this aren't you?” I deadpanned.

Then, Celestia drew closer to the bars, and with a goofy expression on her face. “Oh come on I'm just having fun, what are you going to do ground me?” She taunted.

However, this wasn't just a normal joke. This was a child testing the grounds with what their parents will let them get away with.

Now, I was never much for reading the situation, but boy did that send a shiver down my spine. Not because of what she said, but because of how Lauren took the disrespectful attitude. Anger that wasn't mine flared up. She was going to do something, I could feel it. Letting her take over, for my own sake; our horn lit up. It enveloped the end of Celestia’s muzzle sticking through the bars. A bright light had suddenly appeared, then in a moment, it left.

The solar princess jumped back from the bars in a heavy and worried shock. “W-What did you do! What did you do!?”

Lauren's face stretched into a smug smirk, “(No cake for one thousand years.)” she said. And a look of complete horror planted itself onto Tia’s face.

Her knees buckled and a sense of despair loomed in the room. “Noooooooo!” She cried to the heavens. Personally, I thought she was being a little too over dramatic. Her display reminded me of Spike when Rarity was kidnapped by Diamond dogs.

Immediately guards were at her side. “What is it princess, what's wrong?” but she gave no response she just cried. They turned their attention to me, “What have you done to her, you monster!?” Faust just ignored the commotion outside the cell and turned to face the wall. Curiosity was eating away at me though, so finally I took the risk and asked...

Hey did you really make it so she can't eat cake?

(Only for the week)

How is that even possible?

(I have my ways)


Clanking metal could be heard as Tia was reaching for the bar doors. She was having her first tantrum in probably over several thousand years. “Mother please undo it! Please, mom, I'm begging you!” She pleaded with tears down her face, but Lauren and I stayed silent.

Some guards were holding her back and saying, “Princess she's a changeling!” but their false comfort was shot down as the solar princess turned to them with eyes bloodshot and filled with tears.

“She's my real mother!” Her declaration was clear, and all that heard it knew she was telling the truth. That's not to say the guards were fully competent. As soon as she those words left her mouth the guards grew fearful and those in charge shouted, “Guards we've got another one!” Then reinforcements flooded in and seized her.

“No, you've got it wrong. Here, I'll prove it!” Her horn flared and a soldier shouted, “Quick, use the Forget-Me Stick.”


The next thing Celestia knew she was waking up in a small cell with a floor of dried grass and walls of carved stone. She looked to her side where I sat on my rear with my front hooves crossing over my chest. “Well, way to go Sunass now we are both stuck in here,” I complained.

Celestia looked around with a bewildered expression.“I can't, I don't... Why didn't they believe me? I moved the sun to prove it.”

Well, with that ridiculous statement my frustration flared up, and I turned to her flailing my arms as I spoke. “We are in a frickin dungeon! They couldn't see squat if they wanted to!”

Raising my voice, unfortunately, got the attention of someone I had forgotten, and a rustle of stiff sheets sounded from the cot in the corner. Looking over to it, both Tia and I spotted the cowering Pennilia. I gave a sigh and bowed my head slightly; turning my gaze upwards I made eye contact with ‘my’ daughter. “Your right... It's not your fault.”

The nymph was looking around the room and seeing that she was trapped she began to shiver and she squeaked,“I'm scared.” Now that would melt the heart of anyone who had one.

Both Tia and I, soon found ourselves at the nymphs sides with our closest wings draped over her. “It's alright Pennilia, everything is going to be okay,” I said hoping to offer some type of comfort.

While I was still speaking our ears were once again assaulted by the shrieking sound of the doors as they were swung open. The guards in the dungeon with us gave a little bow and said. “Sorry to disturb you your highness, but we thought this was something you needed to see. We have apprehended two changelings caught roaming the halls this morning and one more just a few minutes ago.”

I didn't see who they brought but I already had a fairly good idea of who it was. Grabbing the bars I drew my face against them and shouted. “Hey Luna, can you do me a favor and deck these morons in the face.”

From around the corner, I heard the night Princess question herself trotting quietly as she approached.


She looked at me with bewilderment and stepped forward. But a guard came with her and said, “May I remind you, Princess. Changelings can mimic almost anypony.”

With this seeded doubt she halted her approach; standing tall she looked at me and told me. “Say something that only my mother would say.”

That is always a tricky one but thankfully I had an ace up my sleeve, “Last night I visited your dream...” I didn't even have to finish my sentence when her eyes lit up, and she quickly turned to the guards to give commands.

“It's her. Release them.”

Again confusion crossed the faces of the guards and they began to protest, “But Princess, they're changelings.” Her unwavering stare though began to wear them down and fear could be seen in the faces of those she looked at. From where I was, I could hear as a few of the soldiers began to say amongst themselves, “She must be one too.”

So they moved to seize her, but as they tried to grab her, to throw her in with us; Luna's horn flared up. In an instant, her body became a mist-like cloud that they couldn't grab. Like a nimbus, she flew around zig-zagging through the crowds and reforming at the far end of the dungeon.

However, she wasn't Luna anymore. Instead, she was Nightmare in Luna's royal attire. Her black coat shined and her mane became transparent. Now as soon as they saw that she had turned into smoke just as she had done in times past, some began to worry. But when she spoke dread filled their hearts and that's when they realized they bucked up.

“How dare you! All of you know that the changelings who tried to attack Canterlot were blown away. Others helped us, one aided us in a battle against her own mother and saved our life. Now, who are you to start rounding up innocent ponies and throwing them into prison? These two are both my sister and mother, and even if there are changelings roaming the halls do you not think we know that? They are under our protection!” Nighty sneered.

Her anger was clear to see, and as she stepped forward all the guards shouted in unison, “We are infinitely sorry!” They began to prostrate themselves bowing low until her anger subsided. Then one soldier that was standing beside the door grabbed hold of one of the bars and swung the door open. To which, Luna looked at Tia and I with a deadpan expression.

“The three of you, and not one decided to try the door?”

“It should have been locked.” We protested. We all felt quite awkward stupid.

After that awkward, and stupid turn of events, we left the cell. Being not as busy as everyone else is, I soon found myself alone wandering the halls. To be honest I was extremely bored and my thoughts kept lingering on being thrown into the dungeon. Although it was mostly a waste of my time it also helped me to realize that waiting for things to calm down was just trouble waiting to happen.

So as I walked through the endless corridors, I decided that I would need to announce the small remnant of changelings now residing in Canterlot; as citizens by my order. Hopefully, that would be enough. My thoughts pondered through what I could do to keep mobs and panic at a minimum, but so far I wasn't coming up with anything good.

Just the uncertainty of the reaction alone filled my soul with dread, I didn't even notice myself walk straight into a group of servants until I was sitting on the floor. They were standing outside a large gold plated door and knocking furiously on it. Frustration was evident on their faces and some even fury.“Your Highness, you must get up it's nearly time for your cousin's wedding!” They continued to shout as they knocked, but there was still no response, and it looked like the group was getting tired.

Seeing this, I cleared my throat as I stood up, hoping to get their attention. Leaning in closer I asked, “Hey um, what's going on?” One of the servants turned to look at me, and they lowered their heads almost automatically.

“We are trying to get Prince Blueblood out of his room for the wedding your highness.” One said.

Damn it; it was him again, and of all times. Then it hit me... before I was sent down to that damn dungeon the last thing I heard was the guards uttering Prince. And that voice it was his. That stupid bastard! He whacked me on the head in the first place, didn't he!? And now he's mysteriously locked himself in his room.

He was going to pay, and I knew just how I was going to get the little dumbass back. I walked over to the door and gave three hard knocks that echoed through the halls. “Blueblood it's me, Lauren, open the door,” I warned. But still, there was not much of an answer, nothing more than a muffled sound of stacking? The group and I waited in silence for about a minute before my patience wore thin. I gave him a chance to come clean but now he'd have to suffer the payback scare.

Standing on my hind legs I punched the door splintering some wood and a shriek of fear was heard from inside. Hitting the door again I could hear as his crudely built barricade fell to the ground. Then once more, and a big hole blew out of the door, big enough to fit a basketball through. Again there were some very womanly screams for a colt, and being unable to resist, I stuck my face in the hole to look at him. “Here's Johnny!”

He was cowering in the corner whimpering in fear, muttering “I'm sorry.” Repeatedly as he made his way around the edge of his room. Then with a swift kick, I knocked the door off its hinges. Blueblood had run into his bed and curled up under the sheets.

I looked at him with a bored stare; then walking through the doorway I went over and sat on the edge of the bed beside him.

The room was silent and those in the hall leaned their heads in to see what was going to happen. The shivering prince nearly jumped when my wing lifted the sheets from his head. He looked at me, dread filling his eyes. I then gave him a soft reassuring smile; well, that is until I couldn't hold it anymore. “Boy, you should have seen your face! Pff..Haha!” I rolled off the bed in a fit of giggles.

The Prince was confused to say the least. He didn't know what to think. Here he thought I was going to kill him or something, but now I was acting like a child who pulled off a prank successfully.

When I finally calmed down, I sat up to face the bewildered Prince with an innocent smile. At least now his shivering fear seemed to be gone but my counterpart helped me notice his skepticism. Making no sudden movements, I got up and sat where I had before and looked towards the kid.

“I think that makes us even.” I grinned.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, after I figured out that you bonked me on the head, and damn near broke my skull. Then I woke up in a dungeon freaked out about what was happening, I think this little scare makes us even... Although I'll admit I probably went a little overboard...”

At my last comment, the Prince instinctively had a look on his face that said ‘just a little?’ We looked towards the damaged door but he decided to keep silent about it.

“Listen, Blueblood, I know you are a good pony, and although there was a mix up I understand you were just trying to do what's right.” I put my wing over his back in an attempt of a hug and continued. “However there's one thing that you and the rest of the staff should know, and that is that a small remnant of changelings repented from their actions and I have taken them in.”

When I said that, he looked appalled and was going to protest, but I went on. “They're just like you and me, the thoughts and feelings you feel are the same. Some can be bad and some can be good, it all really is determined by what type of person we choose to be.” As I said this I stood up and began walking to the doorway.

“By the way, Cadence’s wedding is in a few hours don't be late okay.”



As I left, Lauren helped me reform the doors to their original state then we continued on. But this time I decided not to wander through the halls aimlessly. Instead, I figured that it may be an idea to check up on the Royal Canterlot Library near the gardens. So, trotting through the halls and out the door I was met with the bright light of midday. I had to shield my eyes from the light, and wait for them to adjust before I could continue. When they did I was on my way.

While walking to the Library I decided to pass by the gardens and see Discord. Maybe tell him about the wedding and its chaos with the changelings. But, as I looked up to his towering feature, Lauren asked me to switch with her. I didn't know why, but I also didn't see any reason to refuse her request. So, I stepped aside from control. When I did, our face went into a mischievous smirk in no time flat. She grabbed a permanent marker from well... somewhere, and began doodling.

When she was done, he was covered from head to toe in pictures of... you know what let's just say she drew things, inappropriate things that I'm not going to specify. But I was certain the pictures would piss off the Draconequus at least to a certain degree. She gave me control again after admiring her handy work, and after quickly throwing the marker in the bushes; I set off to the library as originally planned.

As I walked inside the large book house, I was greeted with the calming scent of parchment and ink. It had come to be such a familiar scent that it felt almost like home, and to a degree, I felt that those feelings weren't mine entirely. I was standing in the main lobby area; It was deserted as always.

As I was looking around, I heard a squeak from the doors behind me. My ears followed the sound, and I found myself turning my head that direction. When I did, I found Twilight Sparkle to be standing in the doorway with a surprised look on her face. She was dressed up in her best mare outfit. “Oh, hi... I didn't know anypony was in here.” She said.

To make a long story short, Twilight, and I, had a nice conversation. She seemed a little skittish at first, but I quickly found a common ground to break the ice. Our love of books. Now before I came to this world, I never really read books for fun. But damn, this medieval planet makes me feel like Super Kami Guru. We need TV!

Anyways, back on track. The purple unicorn soon calmed down, and through some hard work, I got her to see me as a peer. While doing so, I got her something to drink and gave her the present that spike got for Moondancer. She seemed surprised, but also genuinely grateful. Seeing that made my heart glad.

While we were talking we got on the subject of her life studying under Celestia's wing. It was really interesting to say the least; all the stories of how she'd sneak in here late at night to read caused me to have a warm smile my face. Just imagining filly Twilight up at night somehow sparked a sense of nostalgia, and I couldn't understand why.

As the student spoke, her vivid description made the visualization of the filly Twilight all too easy to see. It was almost like a window had been opened to the past. However as I watched the scenery soon changed and the library was entirely different. The filly in the image had turned from purple to white. It didn't take long to understand the memory as the sense of nostalgia washed over me again. Apparently, there were many similarities between the adorkable unicorn and the dorky ruler.

Soon I had noticed that my focus had delved into our own mind, and as I returned to reality I spotted Pinkie Pie pop through the doorway. “Hey, Twilight! Fausty, it's time to go. The wedding is going to start!”

I for my part clenched my chest as my heart tried to burst out. Twilight looked at me and I waved off the pain silently saying I'm fine.

The question, however, came up in my mind of how she knew we were here... Wait this is Pinkie Pie. Of course she would know where we were. Twilight helped me pack up the cups I had brought out, and we soon left together.

As we were walking down the roadway we still shared a few stories with each other. Twilight about her childhood, and I, or well, Lauren, was telling her about Tia as a child. I was certain Sunbutt wasn't going to be happy about it, but we didn't care.

As we came close to the castle we were broken out of our conversation by the sight of a pony is being dragged to the Royal Canterlot Hospital. From where I was, I could hear the stallion as he said to anypony who would listen. “What happened!? Why is it different? The sky should be green right now.”

All who were present had the same thought, and I found myself saying. “Okay weird.” As they exited the scene.

(He remembers the first attempt of this chapter?)


(Nothing important.)

We got to the castle and as we entered the wedding hall the ponies proceeded to their assigned posts. I had to say they really did a good job at restoring this place after the wreck it was the last time I saw it. They must have called in the guys from Ponyville. To be able to restore the town to normal as often as they do in the show they'd be able to fix this place easily in an afternoon.

Before I knew what was happening the wedding began, and I scrambled to find a seat. Shining armor got to his spot and looked down the aisle; music and flowers filled the room, and everypony’s attention turned to the bride. Cadence was walking with the music; almost dancing, her face shining in a brilliant smile. Even though there were so many ponies in attendance, she didn't notice one. Because her eyes were purely locked onto her love and as she stepped onto the stage to meet him.

Finally after all the waiting, the two could now be married. Celestia teleported her cue cards away and thus began her part, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence.”

To be honest I kinda zoned out there for a few minutes or two, but when I came back to reality Tia was asking Shining and Cadence the final two questions. The two looked deep into each other's eyes and they smiled as she did. “Shining Armor, do you take Princess Cadence to be your lawfully wedded Wife.”

“I do.”

“Princess Cadence, do you take Shining Armor to be your lawfully wedded Husband.”

“I do.”

“Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you two Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride.” Shining and Cadence almost lept for each other as they shared their first kiss. Confetti and sprinkles erupted from the ground and Pinkie Pie was almost jumping for joy. Tia lowered the sun just slightly and soon the two lovers were only seen as a silhouette in front of the sunset.

I hadn't noticed it but when Luna passed me a tissue I realized I had been crying. I don't know if it was me or if it was my other half, but the tears and sheer joy I felt was something that made all the troubles from earlier worth it.

Next Chapter: Chapter 8: The Beginning of The End. Estimated time remaining: 51 Minutes
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