
Since when am I Faust!?

by The Otaku Architect

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: A wedding not gone well.

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Chapter 5: A wedding not gone well.

Since when am I Faust!?
chapter 5

Clutching in as much of the searing pain as she could, Lauren looked up to the changeling Queen with tears threatening to well up in her eyes. “You just made a big mistake,”

The way she spoke was in a tone full of confidence, and it held a sense of authority that the Changeling Queen didn't expect.

Chrysalis just looked on at the alicorn in confusion, “What?”

The pony just stared intently at the changeling. A smug smile making its way onto her lips despite her pain. “Didn't anyone ever tell you there's one thing you never put in a trap, if you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans on seeing tomorrow, there's one thing you never ever put into a trap.”

At hearing that, Chrysalis looked at the alicorn with a thoughtful gaze.“Oh yeah, and what is that?” She said smugly.

Lauren’s head shot up and she stared directly at the Queen. “(Me.)” Instantly the changeling began to feel uneasy. She couldn't help but notice something about the alicorn was different. Her eyes... they changed... before they were cheery and youthful, but now they were ancient and deadly. It just wasn't right...

The pony’s horn then began to light up bright red as she stared daggers at the Queen.


A thunderous shock wave rolled through the halls of the cave system. The force of the blast caused the thinner walls to shatter, and the roof above Lauren to began to fall. Each boulder that fell was larger than the last, and before the alicorn could react properly to the situation, she was buried. The Queen’s blast at the roof doing its job.

“Hmph! Shows her that you never underestimate the changeling race!” Chrysalis said as she gave the pile of rubble a thoughtful gaze. Then she lit up her horn and ignited the rocks on fire with her magic. Her hysterical laughter continued to echo throughout the caves as she returned to the surface.

“I win!”

It was April 21, 1001, the day of the wedding. Other than one mare, Twilight Sparkle, Shining Armor's little sister, Chrysalis had no problems fooling the ponies into believing her facade. Celestia herself didn't even question the changeling and her odd behavior. Even though she was selected to direct the wedding by Cadence herself, the solar Princess didn't show any signs of suspicion.

Instead, the white alicorn had been too preoccupied with going over her part. She even ended up shutting herself in her room to practice. After hearing that her mother had decided to ‘stay in the library’ it just seemed like the logical thing to do. It still confused Celestia as to why her mother would tell Cadence before herself or Luna, but she didn't dwell on it too much. Instead, she continued rehearsing until the hour of the event.

When it was time to start, Celestia couldn't help but feel pure joy for her niece as the pink alicorn made her way up the aisle. She even had trouble holding in a squee of delight as the wedding got underway. Cadence approached the groom with a giddy smile and joy was all that could be seen. Apparently, she was also having trouble holding in her excitement as well.

When both the bride and the groom were standing side by side, Celestia gave the couple a warm smile and began the ceremony. “Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor.”

The wedding was going splendidly, and Celestia only got happier and happier as she got closer and closer to officially bringing the two lovers together in matrimony. The white alicorn, in all her glee, felt shivers dance around her legs as finally after all these years she was now able to say this last sentence; and bring her niece a life of happiness. With a clear and joyful voice, Celestia cleared her throat and began making the announcement to make everything official.

“Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you…”

“Stop!” A voice called from the back of the hall. The guests and guards present all gasped in shock as they turned to see none other than, Twilight Sparkle, standing in the doorway. She looked over at Celestia with a serious expression on her face, one that yielded no arguments.

The interruption, however, caused the Changeling to scowl at the small unicorn, and she huffed in frustration. “Ugh! Why does she have to be so possessive of her brother!”

At hearing that, Celestia to turned her head in surprise. Never before had Cadence shown such a short temper.

“I-I mean, why does she have to ruin my special day,” The changeling quickly said in an attempt to cover her error. She even shifted her tone and she ended up squeezing out a few tears.

“Because it's not your special day! It's mine!” A familiar voice rang through the wedding hall as Cadence, the real Cadence, stepped through the doorway. Once the crowd saw the two identical Princesses on either side odd the hall the ponies gasped in shock.

Even the changeling sputtered in shock at seeing Cadence. “What? But how did you escape my bridesmaids?

Twilight and Cadence had been in the caves for a day and a half, and while searching for a way out they stumbled across a red trail of droplets. Figuring that they may add well give it a try they followed the trail.

Once thirty minutes of running had passed, the mares came across an opening on the far side of the cave. They ran to the light, hoping it to be a source of salvation. But once they were near the cave’s entrance three mares walked out of the shadows. Minuette, Lyra Heartstrings, and Twinkleshine, all walked forward to the purple unicorn, and the pink alicorn, with an empty look in their eyes.

The sight of the three mares in a zombie-like state made Twilight and Cadence feel quite uncomfortable, and they began to walk backwards in an attempt to keep their distance. Then as Cadance was backing up, her hoof landed on a bouquet of flowers. Quickly thinking she infused them with a weak want it need it spell, then she threw it away. The zombie guards immediately fell for the trick and dashed after the flowers. All of them saying in unison. “I want it!”

“Hmph. Clever. But you're still too late.” Chrysalis declared in a triumphant tone.

“I-I don't understand. How can there be two of 'em?”Applejack asked. Her confusion was shared with the rest of the audience.

Cadence took this opportunity to explain and she looked to the crowd of ponies with a pleading expression on her face. “She's a changeling. She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them.”

The changeling just smirked as Cadence continued trying to get the crowd to understand. Chrysalis, figuring her cover was blown anyway, hunched over and was engulfed in emerald flames that shot out of the floor. They did well at obscuring her form from view as her disguise peeled off like dried paint, and she began to grow in size. Once the fire stopped they whipped away into nothingness leaving the Queen in its place.

Those attending gasped in shock at what they were seeing. This unknown creature stood easily as tall as Celestia, and her black insect body had three or four holes in each leg. Chrysalis laughed hysterically at the expressions on the crowd.

“Oh! You should see your faces! The utter shock, the damned confusion. Aww! This.. is... great!”

The Queen started to leave back and forth as she gave her explanation. “Yes, I am a changeling. The Queen to be in fact, and as Queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered. My fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!”

“They'll never get the chance! Shining Armor's protection spell will keep them from ever even reaching us!” Cadence stated with confidence; slamming a hoof on the ground for emphasis.

Chrysalis chuckled a little bit at Cadence's comment and then smiled when a sly grin.“Oh, I doubt that. Isn't that right, dear?” The changeling then turned to look at Shining Armor. Cadence looked to see him nod in response. He was wearing a very distant expression on his face and a monotone, “Mm-hmm.” escaped his lips.

The pink alicorn looked on with worry to her fiance and his sorry state. She then turned back to the Queen and an angry scowl crossed her face. With a new sense of determination, she charged towards the Queen, but it didn't last.

“Ah, ah, ah. Don't want to go back to the caves, now do you?” Chrysalis warned as her horn glowed threateningly and Cadence was forced to stop in her tracks.

Satisfied with the alicorn’s reluctant obedience, the Queen continued her explanation; returning to the stage to use Shining as a prop of some sort. “Ever since I took your place, I've been feeding off Shining Armor's love for you. Every moment he grows weaker and so does his spell. Even now, my minions are chipping away at it.”

With a tilt of her head, Chrysalis directed the nobles attention to a large number of black dots banging against the shield that shining was sustaining. Once they saw this they began to shrink back in fear.

Glad that they understood that much, Chrysalis pushed on towards the punchline as she lifted Shining’s head with her hoof. “He may not be my husband, but he is under my total control now.”

Both Twilight and Cadance could barely believe what they were hearing as they both gave an involuntary gasp.

“And I'm sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as captain of the Royal Guard.”

“Not my Shining Armor!” Cadence pleaded hoping for some indication that this was all a ruse, but she knew it wasn't.

“Soon, my changeling army will break through. First, we take Canterlot. And then, all of Equestria!”

“No. You won't.” A regal voice cut through the Queen's speech with a serious tone.

From the side of the stage, Celestia returned to her previous post, standing directly in front of the insect. “You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self” The two Royals lunged at each other locking horns. “I can protect my subjects from you!”

With that said, Celestia pulled away from the queen and flew high above the stage. She was determined to protect her own, and she wanted revenge for this bug's interference with her niece's wedding. Her horn started to glow a brilliant gold and she fired a beam of magic at the changeling. Chrysalis responded with her own beam and the two trails of magic collided in the middle. The resulting force of the collision blew back a few ponies and decorations as they both struggled to overpower one another.

“Ah...ah ugh Ahhh!” Chrysalis screamed as the golden beam neared her head. Then suddenly she glared up at the solar princess with a smirk. “Good acting right!?”


To the surprise of all who were present, Chrysalis’s beam of green magic suddenly shot forward, easily overpowering Celestia. The audience was forced to shield their eyes from the blinding flash, and then once it was gone the princess laid motionless on the ground. Her feathers burnt, fur charred, and a look of pain present on her face.

Luna, who had been told to stay out of the matter by Tia, shrieked at the sight of her older sister on the ground. She ran over as did the rest of the elements of harmony to see their dear Princess. Luna cradled Celestia's head in her hooves and she began to cry. “No, Tia, wake up. You got to wake up,” Tears rolled off of her cheeks as she wept for her sister. She was still breathing, but just barely.

“It's such a shame wasting potential food like this, To have to kill another alicorn in just so few days, it's so annoying,” Chrysalis said with a wide grin. “After all, you are the ones with the most substance.”

Luna's head shot up at hearing the phrase ‘kill another’. She looked pleadingly to the changeling. “Wait, what did you say?... Kill another alicorn? You don't mean... no... you didn't! You couldn't have!” Luna's pupils shrunk in the realization of who the Queen was referring to, and her anger began to flair.

“Yes, that runt with the red mane she was as easy to kill as stealing a foal.”

“Noooooo!!!” The lunar Princess suddenly found herself teleporting onto the red carpet with her head pointed at the changeling. A wave of power began to push the crowds up against the wall as Luna's rage built. “How dare you... How dare you kill my Mother!!!”


Rapid beams of magic then began to fire from Luna's horn. Each bolt hitting their target with enough force to shake the room. She screamed and she wept for the parent she barely knew. Each time a magic bolt hit, Chrysalis was pushed back, and her shell would spiderweb with cracks.

“Dammit! That hurts!” Chrysalis yelled as she zapped Luna with a lightning spell. The alicorn was thrown across the room and into the wall, but she rose soon after with a look of pure hatred on her face. Her dragon like eyes glistened in her wrath, and she breathed heavily through her fangs.

A large blue ball of magic began to form above the alicorn’s head. She made sure to locate the insect through her blurry vision of tears, then she threw it with a mighty roar.“Die!!”

Cadence barely had time to levitate Shining off of the stage, and to the sidelines before the stage blew up. Debris flew through the room and thick black smoke loomed over the blast zone; all that could be heard was the sound of burning wood.

“Are you done?”

Much to Luna's frustration, the Queen emerged from the thick cloud with a bunch of wounds that seemed to be disappearing before her very eyes. The changeling smirked at her with a smug smile. “A good effort, but you can't kill me, not as long as I'm connected to shining over there. Though I must say I really didn't expect this much resistance to occur, your power seemed to continue to grow with your anger, well done, but how long can that hatred last before you fully return to being Nightmare Moon?”

To add emphasis to her point the changeling levitated a silver platter over to the night Princess. Once she saw her reflection Luna's eyes shrank in shock. She then looked down at herself to see that her coat had gone pure black and her mane is whisking around her head like a fine mist. The mirror showed that the portion of mane above her eyes had gotten messy and the rest of her mane whisked around as it had done all those years ago.

Her heart suddenly felt like it had turned to ice, and her will to fight quickly withered and died. She slumped down to the ground to begin sobbing; muttering to herself about failing her subjects and herself. She laid on the ground with her hooves over her head and a look of worry as she stared off into space.

Chrysalis looked down to the Princesses shivering form with a look of pity. “Such a weak creature... held captive by your emotions. I'll be sure you'll never feel anything ever again.”

The Queen then shot a powerful bolt at Luna but a small unicorn maid emerged from the crowd. She quickly jumped in front of the blast and took the blow. The maid winced in pain as she stumbled in place but she remained firm and guarded the Princess. Looking up to the Queen she took on a pleading expression and she begged, “Please mother this isn't the way. We can live in harmony! Please call off the invasion before it's too late!”

A wave of flames engulfed the maid burning off the uniform and leaving a smaller changeling in its place. “It's me, Adorilin... your daughter. I've lived here for a while now, and I am proof that we can coexist. Please before she comes, please reconsider, and let our nation's join in piece!”

Chrysalis, however, wasn't convinced. Instead, she looked insulted and she scowled at the changeling. “You still have no faith in your mother? Instead, you still hold right to the side of the ponies? Ha ha ha! How typical of you, you're nothing but a disgrace that would side with her food rather than her own mother!” Chrysalis snapped.

“Mom please, this is for the good of our race!”

“No! Your fantasies have clouded your mind, and you are nothing but a poisonous opinion floating around my hive. It is obvious that just removing you from our home and the hivemind didn't teach you your lesson. It's time to make an example out of you!”

Chrysalis advanced towards Adorilin with an emotionless face, and the little proto Queen was suddenly compelled to retreat. She began walking back up the aisle towards the doors and her mother continued to loom over her with a condemning gaze.

“You betrayed our trust of secrecy by revealing our plans to our enemies.”


A lightning bolt shot out of the Queens horn and hit the smaller changeling. Her knees buckled in pain, and she struggled to continue her retreat.

“You blaspheme against my ability to succeed in conquering this nation.”


This time, Adorilin was thrown a few feet closer to the door. Her smoking figure was twitching and jumping around as tears started to fall from her face. She continued to crawl towards the doors with her back to her mother as she wept.

“And you have led so many of my changelings to believe I'm incapable of success!”


Adorilin cried in pain, as another electric bolt came in to strike her. It moved through her body and caused her twitching form to shake violently. Her cries of pain and sorrow rang out through the city, and nearly at the same time as she called for help the shield that surrounded Canterlot shattered like glass. Thus, the swarm of drones began their attack.

“Now sweetheart, goodnight.” Chrysalis’s horn then started to glow with a threatening hue of green and a wicked smile crossed her face. The Queen had almost backed Adorilin out the door at this point. The little changeling then turned her head behind her and watched with wide eyes as her mother didn't even second guess her intentions.

* ffffffffhhhhhhhooooooppppp bang!

Light, that was all that the proto Queen could see. Flames had suddenly shot into the wedding hall and they hung over her like a warm blanket as they rushed past. Instinctively she covered her head and shut her eyes as the roaring fire continued over her.

After three seconds the flames suddenly fell apart and vanished. Adorilin, still shaking, heard a strange clunk from a few inches away from her face. Opening her eyes, she saw the jar of love that she brought with her when she was kicked out of the hive. Lauren stood over her with a serious yet caring expression on her face.

“(Drink up, you'll need it.),” She told the changeling, who nodded vigorously in response.

The crowd of ponies was in shock. Was a pony helping one of these bugs? Not only that, but she was a Princess going by her alicorn biology.

Chrysalis in her charred state couldn't believe her eyes. In the doorway stood an off-white Alicorn with a crimson mane that flowed in an unfeeling wind. Her body was covered with dried wounds and dirt. She was staring directly at her with a look of pure wrath.

“(She)” The mare looked to the teenage changeling, who was quickly gulping down her drink, then she turned back to Chrysalis. “(Is under my protection.)”

fffhhoooppphh “Ahhhh!”

“I offered you peace and a decent amount of love for your subjects to live. And this is your response? Destroying my city, attacking my subjects and hurting the people I love!!"

fffhhhoppp “Waaagh!”

“(Now your daughter has gone out of her way to try to save you from anguish and this is how you repay her!? By trying to kill her!?)”

ffhhophh bang!

“Just who in the hell do you think you are!?”


The flames once again cleared and I stood over Chrysalis, who now laid on the ground panting, and she looked up at me with fear-stricken eyes. I got right up into her face and made sure she was looking into my eyes.

“Call off the invasion and no more harm will come to you.”

“W-Who are you?” She choked.

Lauren stood back up and flared her wings as she glared down at the changeling. “(The Queen of Eternity.)”

The look on Chrysalis’s face suddenly changed, and her eyes immediately shrunk to pinpricks. Her body began to violently shake in fear and her wings buzzed uncontrollably. “N-No it can't be-e... Not her! That's just a legend! You died three thousand years ago!” Chrysalis weakly began to shuffle back towards the stage as I walked forward.

“(Eternity has but one meaning does it not? I am Lauren Faust, and I exist as the ruler of Equestria forever. Nothing will change that, and I'll be damned if I let some fool like you try to take my precious subjects away from me.)” The venom in her voice was so thick that even the ponies who she was protecting started to get fearful.

The changeling backed up against the stage's stone stairs, and then once cornered, she threw her arm above her head in an attempt to protect herself. Still, though, Faust decided to get close to Chrysalis to make sure her attention was undivided. “(Leave now.)" A small flame emerged above Lauren’s horn. "(Or should we see how many times it's going to take.)"

The queen reared back at Lauren’s threat for a moment and then, she just sat in front of me, or us, still as a statue. Her eyes glazed over. Then after five seconds, a small smirk returned to her face. Her horn lit up with a flash and I found myself not only back in control but also thrown back down the aisle. I landed about ten feet from the doors and the hysterical laughter of the changeling in front of me ran through my mind as if on a loop.

While I laid there and tried to make sense of what just happened a member of the crowd took a glance out the window. He shrieked at the sight he saw, and the rest of the nobles soon began to run out of the hall in a stampede that nearly flattened Adorilin. I, however, made sure to keep my eyes on the Queen as I stood up, but the distant buzzing noise coming from the window didn't go unnoticed. I also realized that the buzzing was growing louder.

The elements, Luna, and the rousing Celestia, all looked on in worry as a large number of drones suddenly burst through the windows and surrounded me. Some were in the air and others were on the ground, and from the other side, if the hall I could see Chrysalis slowly get up, her pupils were small dots and a crooked smile laid on her face. It really creeped me out. “Even if you are the same mare that is passed on in legends, that doesn't mean you'll be able to stop me!!”

Adorilin walked over to my side and gasped in shock at the sight before her. “Oh no, there's so many of them! I'll back you up.”

There was just something about the way the Proto Queen spoke that made it so I couldn't resist. “Aww, that's adorable.” I ruffled her mane as I walked forward. “You think they're a threat, well you just sit tight. Careful, though, first three rows are a splash zone.~”

“What do you mean by that?”


“Now my minions, attack!” Chrysalis ordered. The drones barely moved an inch before they all were encased in my magic. I was staining myself but I felt I needed to contribute to this battle other than in words. Chrysalis sat with her mouth agape. “No... that's just not possible...”

“You know something when you challenge someone to a fight maybe... just maybe you shouldn't fight someone who can blow shit up!”


The whole room was suddenly in chaos as the drones were flung against the walls or through the windows. The blast caused a drone to fall against Chrysalis and it's horn scratched her face. But to my surprise, she wasn't healing at the same rate she was before. Instead, she clutched the side of her face with shock and then looked desperately around the room. She searched but the Changelings that remained were flailing around and crying in agony as my flash burn stung their nerves. It was hard to focus on anything over their chilling screams.

As she was looking a bright light began to shine from the other side of the room. Shining Armor and Cadence were floating in the air with their horns touching and a pink aura surrounded them. Their eyes opened and then a blast of love quickly expanded and covered the city. Afterward, they floated back down.

“What the heck was that for!?” I yelled; giving the couple an irritated gaze.

Cadence looked over to me with a sheepish expression.“We were trying to blast the Changelings away with love.”

“WHY!? They eat love!”

“I don't know... I thought it would work.”

I was about to get farther into my little rant towards Cadence but the sight of Chrysalis approaching from the corner of my eye stopped me. “Hmm... Thank you for the snack, Cadence, Shining. It's just what I needed. Now I can finish off what I started.”

The Queen turned to face me and I looked over to Cadence and pointed my hoof at the changeling.

“See, now look at what you've done!”

“I'm sorry!”

A thick beam of magic shot me in the side of the head and I found myself tumbling towards the door, where Adorilin stood. The teenage changeling quickly caught me and tried to check for serious injuries, but she didn't know much about what she was looking for. From my half-lidded stare, I could see Chrysalis looking over the now healed drones. “Now my hatchlings, go feast on the ponies and grow stronger!”

They gave her a quick nod and retreated out the windows. Meanwhile, I once again found myself being struck by the changeling’s magic. Both Adorilin and I were flung into the hallway and my vision went dark.

When I came to, it could have been hours or mere moments. I didn't know. I weakly looked up and found myself still in the hallway, Adorilin was knocked out beside me, and coming out of the wedding doors was Celestia? She looked normal, well except for the pinpricks of eyes.

“Hello, mommy.”

Oh God! Nope,Nope,Nope,Nope,Nope,Nope, not Molly!

My fear of the possibility of frightening fanfiction being a reality in this world got the better of me, and I found myself replicating the fire spell that Faust had been using.

fffhhoooppphh “Ahhhh! What's wrong with you!? You didn't even hesitate to burn your own daughter!”

At that moment, my memory fully returned to me and I glanced upwards to find the real Celestia struggling to stand. I felt both embarrassed and insulted that Chrysalis thought I would fall for that. To prove my point, I threw my arm up and pointed to the Solar Princess.

“She is literally right over there. How stupid do you think I am?”

Chrysalis, however, didn't answer, instead, she continued to flail around aimlessly as the flames danced around her. Just like the drones. I looked at her and watched, waiting for her to suddenly jump up and attack. But no, even after the flames died out she was crawled up into a ball as the pain continued to course through her body.

“Whatever, I'm done with this.” I turned to leave.

(So am I, get the proto Queen out of the city. I'm going to remove the rest of the vermin myself.)

Glad to hear a response from my partner, I nodded in acknowledgment, “Okay.”

“Hey, Adorilin,” I called to her and shook her side in an attempt to wake her. It took a couple of tries but eventually her big eyes cracked open and she rose from her unconsciousness.

“Ugh...Yes?” She said, still half asleep. She was rubbing her eyes and blinking the blurriness from her eyes.

“When you gain control again head as far away from the city as possible then go down.”

“What do you mean?” The little Proto Queen was then encased in my magic as I held her up, headed into the wedding hall, and flung her out of the window high into the sky. “Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!”

She's awake now.

Then, I turned my attention to Luna. She was still freaking out about having failed her subjects and allowed ‘her’ to return. She laid on the floor with her hooves covering her head and her eyes were almost distant and glazed over. That is until I made my way over to her and lifted her head up to look up. “Luna, look at me.” She managed to do so after a few attempts. “Whatever troubles you, please know that I'm here to help you. And we will work it out together. But right now I need your help can you do that for me?”

“Y-Yes mom.”

“Okay, all I want you to do is make sure Chrysalis doesn't move from that spot while I go over to the window.”

She looked unsure and she never met my gaze, but after a few seconds of internal debate, she nodded weakly and returned my soft smile. Taking this as an ‘okay’ from Luna I left her and continued walking towards the windows. It was the first time I had looked out over Canterlot from a high place. It was such a sad sight. The masses of ponies being attacked numbered into the thousands, easily, and it was heartbreaking. As I leaned my head out the window and over the city I cleared my throat. “Those of the changeling swarm leave now! Flee the city! Because in just thirty seconds, judgment shall come!”

As soon as the Royal Canterlot voice echoed through the city and tremors shook the buildings; a third of the drones left quickly out of fear. The others noticed the warning but paid no attention to it because as far as their Queen had told them no pony could defeat them. Instead, they increased in their attack. I looked on saddened, “I guess that's their choice.” I mumbled. Then I turned back to look at the others in the room.

“Okay, Lauren, go ahead.”

I watched as the body's owner resumed control, and we started to float in the air. Our mane was flailing high above our head and it seemed like a light was coming from our eyes. Lauren's horn lit up and a ball of white began to glow from it. For the first time since coming here, I could really feel the strain being put on our mana reserves. It felt like our body was being sucked dry of any moisture and the amount of energy was disappearing.

Then in an instant, the ball expanded through the city and it stopped at the border. A second layer began to retract from the edge and it turned everything white. All except for the changelings. Cloaked or not, each one began to glow bright red. The second layer shrunk into the size of a needle head, and then suddenly, it expanded. It swept all the remaining drones out of the city in an instant.

The last thing I saw was the screaming form of the Queen as she and her kin were ejected into orbit. Chrysalis herself had to go through the wall to do so, but she was still swept out with the rest.

The air around Canterlot suddenly became a torrent of booms and bangs as each Changeling broke the sound barrier. If that blast didn't knock those bugs to the other side of the planet, I had no idea what would. Lauren and I fell to the ground and let the strain of fatigue bring us to sleep.



What is that?


(That my good friend is the annoying beat of our heart.)

Ugh, I liked it more when it sounded like a drum.


Lauren gave an inward chuckle at my comment and our eyes began to open. The hospital lights above me stung my eyes as our retina began to adjust. Then the feeling of sore aching muscles started to return to me. I winced in pain as my senses began rebooting, and for the first time since being in the caves, I felt just how bad off I really was.

I made an effort to sit up in my bed, and as I did, I noticed that I wasn't alone. Celestia laid in a bed next to me, and her heart monitor continued a steady beat. At seeing her heartbeat, I felt as if a heavy weight of worry was lifted off my shoulders, and I gave an involuntary sigh. Over on the other side of the room, Luna was sleeping on a couch near the window. A small smile crossed my face as I saw both daughters sleep peacefully.

“It all worked out, in the end, didn't it.”

(Yeah I guess it did.)

“Still a shame that we managed to mess up the timeline this badly, though.”

(Eh, Butterfly effect, it was unavoidable.)

“Butterfly effect, what's that again?”

(It's the theory that if one were to go into the past and change one small thing the event would snowball drastically creating an entirely different present.)

“Hmm... I guess that makes sense. But why didn't the thing between Shining and Cadence work? It did in the show.”

(Again, our fault. I think we may have been a little too distracting for them to focus on their feelings properly. You know, imagine trying to tell someone that you love them when another person is being burnt alive not even thirty feet away.)

“Heh, yeah I guess you're right that would be difficult.”

My passenger and I shared a small chuckle while we surveyed the room. I was about to mention something else to talk about, but then I heard the sound of hooves coming from the hallway. They got louder and louder until they stopped at the door. The handle began to turn, and the door creaked open revealing Cadence and Shining Armor. Cadence gave a brief pause at seeing me sit up and wave at them, then her eyes began to tear up. The pink Princess quickly ran over to me and wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug.

Yep, it's a trend.

“I was so worried!”

“Hey... Cadence, can't breathe... painful...”

“Oh my!” She quickly hopped off of me and stood at the side of my bed while giving me sheepish look. “I'm sorry.”

“It's no big deal. Celestia is the one to worry about when it comes to hugs. My spine nearly separated from my brain stem.”

This time, Shining stepped forward with a concerned look in his eyes. “... are you alright?”

“Guys that was sarcasm, she didn't actually hurt me. But it was a tiger grip that's for sure.” The duo smiled at me and we shared a comfortable sense of peace and quiet.


Well there goes that idea...

Luna was roused from her sleep as the elements of harmony came into the hospital room, well most of them. Pinkie just seemed to pop out of nowhere beside me and nibbled on a cupcake.

I decided to ignore the barrage of questions the pink mare was asking me and focused on Cadence's sunshine dance with Twilight. When it was over, I cleared my throat a little to regain the pink alicorn’s attention. Her eyes lit up and she motioned for the little unicorn to follow her.

“Twilight, I would like you to officially meet my great aunt, Lauren Faust.”

At hearing my new name the unicorn froze, she was as still as a statue and Cadence accidentally knocked her over as she tried to get her attention.

Sigh... “I've got a feeling that a whole lot more crazy is coming our way in the future,” I mumbled. All in all, I was starting to like it here in Equestria.

Author's Note

Hey guys, thanks for reading. I hope you like what I did with this chapter. It was a long set of debating and rewriting to get this. I'll probably touch it up a bit more in the future, but this is the best I can do as of now. I wanted to show that even though Alex is very new to magic that doesn't mean Faust who's been doing it for thousands of years can't take over and help out a bit. So yeah, a mother rage moment. I also experimented with the amount of detail I put into describing the scenes. So let me know if this form of writing was better or worse than my pervious chapters.

Again thanks for reading, and please leave a Like up at the top. :pinkiehappy:

Next Chapter: Chapter 6: A wonderful Recovery. Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 44 Minutes
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