
Since when am I Faust!?

by The Otaku Architect

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Okay.... wasn't expecting this.

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Chapter 1: Okay.... wasn't expecting this.

Since when am I Faust!?
chapter 1

I woke up to the sight of bright sunlight. It flowed through the window as if it was a soft breeze, and landed on me. I groaned as I stirred from my sleep. My movements were slowed, and the task of opening my eyes was exhausting. It was warm, too warm, I made a move to sit up past the stiff sheets I laid in.

For some unknown reason, my room seemed different. It wasn't mine. I could tell seemingly by the atmosphere and smell of the dusty drapes. Even though my eyes were still hazy and trying to adjust to the harsh light, I began to get an idea of my situation. The air was a lot drier than I remembered my room being, and it smelt like it had been just sitting there for ages.

I made an attempt to rub my eyes, but I found my hands to be unresponsive. I gave a frustrated groan and wiped my eyes with my wrist. Once I was done, I was able to see more clearly, and my senses started to return. Immediately I noticed that I everything felt off... The room, my bed, the smells, and my body, everything was wrong. My muscles for the first time in my life felt.. foreign, and unnatural. The feeling I had could be likened to wearing a full body suit of a thick heavy clothing. But it also felt like it was me.

Panic began to settle in, and even though I was laying in the bright sunlight I felt cold. Questions stormed my now sobering mind and worries of this being a kidnapping or hostage situation demanded attention. I decided to do a quick check to make sure I was physically alright, but when I did, the already evident chill in the room dropped to absolute zero. I had no hands, my stumpy arms were covered in a pearl white fur, and red hair hung down just at the corner of my vision.

It took a minute or so for my mind to kick in, and realize that I was holding my breath in fear. I wanted to run, I wanted to scream. In fact, I was about to scream, but as soon as I inhaled, I started to choke on the thick dust floating through the air. I ended up wheezing and coughing for a good two minutes.

Choking on the fuzz, my breathing became desperate and shallow. I placed my hand or limb on my chest to try to forcibly control my breathing. Collecting enough saliva to swallow I managed to wash down the little thing, much to my disgust. I tried calming myself physically, taking slow deep breaths to prevent hyperventilating. But I made sure to take precautions to avoid making the same mistake twice.

I was shaking. Desperately I looked around the dusty room from where I sat and sought out any clues as to why I was here, or what had happened to my body. The room looked abandoned like it hadn't been used in years. Cloths and drapes covered over the furniture, and if not for the dust the wooden floor showed no signs of age.

While I was looking around; a shimmer of light caught my eye. On the other side of the room, a drape had slightly fallen down. Inspecting it from afar, I noticed what looked like a mirror stood there. Fear and curiosity filled my soul. I just had to know, I needed to know, just what had been done to me. Because I wasn't even sure if I was human anymore. I had to get over there. It was for better or for worse.

"Okay let's just do this slowly." I mumbled, slowly sifting my new limbs around with unfamiliar muscles. Each movement brought a different sensation, one alien to me. And each one sent a shiver down my spine. My mind then turned to my voice, I had noticed a feminine tone in my voice when I spoke, and it freaked me the hell out. The whole situation only made me tenser. Waking up in an unfamiliar room, with a new voice and a different body, it all made me feel sick.

"Just a little more." I urged myself. I was leaning my head out to see the distance I was from the ground. The torrent of thoughts storming my mind proceeded to demand my attention. However, the logical part of my mind kicked in convincing me to focus on my goal rather than my situation. My goal of getting out of here.

I shifted out from under the bed sheets and found my legs to match my arms. I scooted back off the bed, putting one leg on the ground. When I did, I felt my sense of pride return to me, and I opened my mouth in a victory. "Ha! no prob...


A loud thump echoed through the halls of the Canterlot castle and Celestia looked up from her throne in confusion. " What was that?"

She looked towards the direction she heard the sound, and with a hopeful gasp, her eyes glazed over. Each possibility painting its way in front of her eyes as to what it could be.

"Um, your highness..." A mare spoke up.

The voice of a job applicant reminded her where she was, and what she was doing. "Oh right, sorry, do continue Lillybreeze."

"..blem." I finished with a groan. I laid there on the ground motionless, waiting for the pain of falling on my face to pass. The nose area was especially sore, and I think it now stuck out a little further than before. It also seemed to be more sensitive to the scents around me. That is until the fuzzy cloud I kicked up from falling drifted down to my level, then the dust just ended up stinging my eyes and causing my nose to itch.

"Ah-Ah-AH-CHOO!" Another cloud...

"Ugh, maybe I spoke too soon." I groaned again as I rubbed my muzzle? My pride and feeling of accomplishment had left as quickly as it had arrived.

Once the pain died down, my quest to get to the other side continued. The mirror itself was too dusty to see my reflection clearly, especially from this distance. However, that could be fixed quite quickly with a little blow on the well-polished silver.

"Okay, right arm moves back. Left leg moves forward." I coached myself, taking one step at a time until I was able to carry a slight rhythm.

As I made my way around, the unfamiliar sounds of my limbs against the floor reminded me of hooves. They clopped against the ground in an endless drum beat.

Once I stumbled my way to the mirror, I took in a slow deep breath. I made sure to be careful not to breathe the dust in as easily as last time. Carefully working my new facial muscles, I did my best to blow away the fuzzy layer. Surprisingly enough I was able to make a circle with my lips successfully. The dust rolled into fuzz balls and floated off the mirror. Slowly, my reflection began to clear.

Once they were out of the way I could see the image of a whitish female horse still blowing at the mirror. Her head was covered with a crimson red hair making up her mane. Her eyes were blue, intense and terrified. To my horror, the reflection copied everything I did. That was what made it terrifying. Looking at my reflection kept drilling in the fact that somehow I was now a small horse. I wasn't even a normal horse, I was some creature that had cartoonish proportions. Proportions that I knew all too well.

The more I stared, the more I started to wish that I hadn't looked. If I didn't look then I'd have the pleasure of not knowing whose body I was in. My reflection was none other than the OC Lauren Faust created after her making of My Little Pony. I was the small version, the same size as a normal pony. I knew this because my twelve-year-old sister was a Pegasister or Brony. She never stopped trying to show me stuff about that show. Whether it be canon or fan based, I knew it all.

One time, while I was sleeping at my computer, she tied me to my desk chair and forced me to watch the entire series as a prank. After that, I almost felt emotionally scarred. Scarred because, well the show was actually good, and I begrudgingly had to admit it was enjoyable to watch. However my pride as a man wouldn't have it, and I made sure that I never allowed myself to think otherwise. Nor did I actually admit what I thought to my sister. The explosion of things she would show me and force me to watch would be endless.

"This can't be happening...” I said in a low mumble. My voice was quaking with terror and sadness overwhelmed my senses. “God, what did I do to deserve such a punishment!?" I cried out. A small pang of guilt shooting through me at the sound of my sorrows. I continued to try to think of a plausible explanation for my predicament. Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with any explanation that I was willing to accept. Not only was I a female horse, but I was also some fictional cartoon character. One I knew next to nothing about, other than name, looks, and creator.

I stared at my reflection in shock; unable to move because of my mind's constant refusal to accept the reality I was facing. My thoughts were rampant and uncoordinated. Each question I asked myself was worse than the last. It was all like a constant stream until I got caught on one. One very important question in respects to my newfound situation.

"Am I stuck here?"

Again a pang of unexplainable guilt shot through me, and I found my emotional state to me lowering each second. My eyes started to water, and I began to quietly cry. In any other situation, I would have held it in, for the sake of my manly pride. But then again, I'm no longer a male. I looked down at my legs and my tears intensified.

"I'll miss ya, buddy."

I watched as my tears dampened the floor. My pitiful whimpers just barely audible. The dust on the ground slowly found itself to be a paste-like substance. And my chest began to ache.

"(Stop crying already! This attitude doesn't suit you.)" A feminine voice called out, it carried an air of age and authority. The unknown voice quickly shot me out of my daze of self-pity, and into a state of angered fear. I was shaking and at a loss for what to do.

"Who's there!.... show yourself!" I demanded.

I could feel her eyes roll. “(Really.. you couldn't come up with a line that hasn't been used to the point of cliche?)” The voice deadpanned.

Even though I was searching, nothing stood out as to show where the voice was coming from. So I started to look around the room, in hopes of catching the owner of the voice. Perhaps they knew what was going on and then I could get home.

“Come out coward!” I taunted, but only got silent disappointment.

"(You don't listen well, do you.)" The voice was beginning to sound like whoever was speaking, had their arms crossed and their head shaking with minor amusement. At least I hoped it was amusement.

I was near the open closet at the rear end of the room when she last spoke. Peering into the wardrobe, I found nothing that hinted to anyone being there. It was completely emptied of anything. I made my way out of the closet and gave up my search.

"Please, I just want to know what's going on. Why am I like this! And where are you!?" I begged. A silence hung in the room for several seconds as if she were pondering what to say.

"(Oh okay fine... I shall humor you; look to your left.)"

Having nothing else to go on, I did as I was told. Doing so, I found myself staring at my reflection in the mirror once again. The mare that I had now become, sat there in the mirror and smiled. She carried an age to her, it was clear as day in her eyes. They seemed to be focused, a fire burned deep in the back of those eyes. And it terrified me.

"(Hello, my name is Lauren Faust, and who might you be?)" My reflection greeted me as she gave a small wave with her hoof.

I would have stumbled back onto my rear, but I found that I no longer seemed to be in control of my body. Out of the corner of my vision, I could see my hoof was moving back and forth. My anxiety rose to an all-time high. Now I'm stuck in someone else's body, with them still in it!? The only reassurance that I've found today is that I'm not dead. That's always a good thing.

"It's A-Alex. Why can't I move?" I panicked in place, only able to move my mouth.

"(You really are a slow one aren't you? I'm currently controlling the body. Duh.)" Lauren deadpanned.


"(Relax Alexander, my control won't last for long. I need my rest, and you need your freedom.)"

"What do you mean I need my freedom?"

"(Several hundred years ago, no wait... Several thousand years ago, I was badly injured for the sake of Equestria. In order to save my life, I was sent through a magic mirror to another dimension. They had hoped that it would heal me. However, when I was sent through, a surge of energy caused the mirror to malfunction splitting my very being across to all realms.)”

She paused as I took this in, and after a few seconds, I motioned for her to continue.

"(So... Um because I've been divided so many times throughout everything, the only hope I had of seeing my kingdom or daughters again was by using... you as a toll? By doing this my existence wouldn't be comprised.)"

"So you risked me instead!" I raged. “What type of person sacrifices other people so they can benefit!?... Actually never mind, everyone does that.”

"(Aww, don't think so negatively Alex, there are many good people who look for others interests. Anyway, as to your question of whether I risked your life, no I didn't. That much I'm sure of... I believe, whole beings such as yourself are utterly unaffected by the jump.)”

I guess that explained some stuff but I still didn't get the majority of what Lauren was saying. I sat there trying to understand everything that had been dumped on me. In the end, it just made my head hurt.

"(Listen, I'm sorry I did this to you but after being gone for more than several thousand years, I was desperate.)"

"Whatever, let's just move on. What's done is done." I said dejectedly.

I felt our emotions fill with hope and she asked, "(Really, you forgive me?)"

"I wouldn't say that, but I'm not going to go out of my way to make things difficult." Really it's too much work.

The sense of hope and joy diminished for a moment, then she looked at me in the mirror. Her expression became more relaxed and a slight smile formed on her, no our lips.

"(Thank you anyway.)"

"Don't mention it." I seriously meant that. In no way did I want to think about this situation. If I did, I'd probably become furious at her. Already I found it difficult to withhold my burning rage. In the past I never got angry, but I guess today's a day of change.

This mare may have taken away my life on earth but she will never be able to take away my spirit. I'd find a way out of this no matter what happens. I had to find a way out of this for my sister because, even though she's mean to me at times, I need her. And whether or not she'd admit it she needed me.

Don't worry Maya, I'll get home no matter what.

That was a promise I hoped to keep. Now just how was I going to keep it? I needed to think about this.

"(Alex... Hey Alex!)"

"Huh, what is it?" Lauren's voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I saw that we were still in front of the mirror.

"(I've been trying to get your attention for a good four minutes now, I guess you dozed off. Anyway, soon I'll have to go back into this body's subconscious. When I'm there you shall have to be my substitute. Answering to my name, and dealing with my relationships.)"

"How many relationships are we talkin?"

“(Do not fret for at this point in time it will only be Celestia and Luna you will need to worry about. I'd prefer that we kept this knowledge of our being joined between us, but if all else fails we may have to tell my daughter's. Please be kind to them. Again don't tell anypony about us it would be most unfortunate for us to end up in a psych ward. Especially being since the ponies of this world see me as a god.)"

"O-Okay, I'll do my best."

(From now on whenever you need me I'll speak to you this way so that our secret doesn't get revealed. Oh, and one last thing, get something to eat, this body hasn't had a good meal in a very long time.)

After that, it was silent, and I figured she left to our subconscious. Quickly wiping a tear from my eyes, I took a good deep breath and let out my frustration.

It was about noon when Celestia was making her way through the castle. She was pondering over the mysterious bang throughout the ceiling of the royal court from this morning. It had been a minor portion of her day, but somehow it seemed to be significant. She just couldn't put her hoof on what it was.

Passing through the halls, she would glance at the workers and give them her patented celestial smile of approval. She had become quite accustomed to doing so throughout those long years without Luna, and it seemed to stick.

Celestia passed by the Maid's room where they were cleaning the bedsheets, the Kitchen where the chef was making a gourmet three-course meal, the Dining Hall where her mother was stuffing her face, then... Celestia froze, not our of terror but our of a swell of emotions like joy, sadness, and most of all shock. Tears started to roll freely as she trembled in place.

"M-M-M-Mother." She managed to mumble through her sniffles. Doubt clutched at her heart, but unlike the other times, other objects were in motion.

Like a statue, she stayed in the center of the hallway despite her will to run back. Her heart was beating painfully in her chest as if it wanted to run ahead of her. But still she was overwhelmed, slowly she managed to unfreeze. Her frozen stature becoming more active. Joy began to well up within her, so much so that she began having trouble with containing her composure. A goofy grin covered her face.

She turned back to the dining hall and when she made her way inside, she bolted for it, quickening her pace more and more the closer she got to her target.


I had made my way downstairs tumbling and swearing all the way down. I was tripping all over my new hooves the entire way. Then, once I was on the main floor, I wandered the halls of this monumental castle, until I found a fridge.

I didn't care or know what anything was, so I ate the first thing I saw. It turned out to be nothing other than a classic slice of Apple pie. It was so good that I kept going back for seconds. On my fourth helping, I noticed a white Alicorn open the doors to the dining room I was in. She stared at me for a moment as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Mother!" She shouted, and then the next thing I knew, I was being tackled in a bone-crushing hug by none other that Sunbutt herself.

"Mother I've missed you so much! Both Luna and I have been eagerly awaiting your return."

Celestia... let go... can't breathe!" I wheezed as my lungs got crushed.

It took a second for Celestia to register my pleas for air, and even when she understood she was reluctant to let go as if she was afraid I'd disappear. When she loosened her grip, I checked myself over to make sure she didn't actually break a bone, and thankfully nothing got damaged. Looking up, I saw Celestia staring at me with tears of joy.

"Is it really you, mom?" Her question was filled with so much emotion and I couldn't help but feel some intense sympathy for this mare.

I may have been in pain because of her, but I couldn't find it in myself to be mad at someone who seems so happy to see me. It just wasn't right. It also pained me at the same time, because I wasn't really who that joy was meant for. So hiding my sudden depression, I answered for my passenger.

"Yes, Celestia it's me," I said, giving a heartfelt smile.

That statement seemed to strike her to the very core. Celestia continued to stare at me as if she wasn't mentally present but instead was reminiscing over past events. After about twenty seconds I couldn't fight the urge anymore. With a swift motion, I trapped my hoof on her nose.


The tap on the nose seemed to bring her back to reality. And she wrinkled her nose in irritation. She stared at me with a confused expression.

"Heh, I'm glad to be back to reality.”

“Mom, forgive me but it's truly difficult to believe this is reality.”

To that, I only gave a smile. Then I started to look around and ask a question that could either cause more joy or a lot of pain. Biting the bullet I asked, “So where's Luna? Asleep I suppose?”

At mentioning Luna, Tia’s eyes lit up, and she quickly made her way out of the Dining Hall. My only guess was to wake Luna. I shook my head at her response. It was like watching a child be told there's ice cream in the fridge.

Once the room was empty, I asked Lauren. "Was that good?"

(It was perfect, thank you.)

I gave a small smile. Then turned back to the doors were running hoof steps could be heard.

"Hey Celestia wait up, I'm coming with you!"

As we quickly made our way to Luna's room; I was running at full speed through the halls. in an attempt to catch up with an eager alicorn. My footing was uncoordinated and every few moments I found myself beginning to stumble.

That didn't bother me though. Instead, what I was struggling with was how noticeable I've become to those around. I was being watched by everypony there. The guards, staff members and regular citizens roaming the halls, they were all looking intently at me with wide eyes. From my viewpoint, shock wonder and even a little fear was clearly evident on their faces.

The constant stares were beginning to make me feel a little on edge, mostly because being the center of attention was never my thing. From past experiences, I knew the uneasiness would build in me, and then it would start to make me feel sick. So quickly looking for an answer as to why I was being watched I checked to see if there was anything on me or around me that was surprising. But through my fast effort, I couldn't figure out why everyone's focus seemed to be on me.

So with no answer coming to me, I bolted faster through the halls; hoping to escape their relentless glares. But, as I was running at high speed with little motor control, I soon found myself accidentally running into one of the maids. We fell to the ground faster than I had time to think, and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground. Fiddling with my hooves as I tried to get up.

After a couple of false and awkward starts, I eventually managed to lift myself up. But when I did, I came to the revaluation that Celestia continued on without me. She didn't notice me fall and now had left me in this giant labyrinth of halls without direction.

"I'm so sorry!!" My attention turned to the maid I'd knocked over. Confused, I turned to look behind me to see if she was talking to someone else.

However, when I turned my head back to her, the maid was bowing her head. She also had an expression that conveyed the feeling of being sincerely sorry for something. Something that wasn't even her fault.

Her apology was quite unexpected and I soon found myself saying, "Sorry for what? It was completely my fault.” To this, the maid's head twitched upwards in surprise, and I decided to take this opportunity to ask the question that had been gnawing at me for the past few minutes, “In fact, while I have you here, do you know why everybo-pony is staring at me?"

It was a straightforward and simple answer, but still, the maid tensed up and gave me a nervous smile. You could almost hear the gears turning. Finally, after about ten seconds she answered,"W-well your majesty It's b-because you're an alicorn." She squeaked.

The way she bowed her head and shivered at my presence was kind of unsettling to me. I couldn't comprehend why she would seem to fear me, unless...

"Pardon my asking but do you know who I am?" I tried to ask in the nicest way possible; I didn't want to terrify her anymore.

My efforts unfortunately only worked to a halfway point. The maid although not overly frightened became slightly downcast. She probably thought it was a requirement to know all the rulers of Equestria, even the ones that have been gone a millennium.

"I'm sorry your majesty, but I have never seen you before and I don't know your name."

Her voice became worried as she said this, but it only drew my curiosity further.

"Then why are you scared of me?" I asked.

She flinched. Turning her head up to me with an almost desperate expression she said, "... I-It's because you're a princess! And I'm just a maid."

A brief silence hung over us. it lasted only a moment but then I felt myself begin to speak. "So what?" I asked. There was a sense of boredom in my tone yet I tried to imitate the authoritative tone Lauren had when she spoke.

"Huh?" Her surprised expression was priceless!

"I said, So what? I'm the same as you, a pony with normal feelings and emotions. The only difference between us is an occupation. Well, that and I have wings. But even at that, it's not a big difference. I serve the kingdom as a ruler and you support me with the jobs I can't do. Technically you make it so I can be a princess or authoritative figure so try not to be so downcast."


Her reluctance to speak was like pulling teeth. I felt a strong sense of awkwardness begin to creep in every time she sat there with a blank look in her eyes.

"So um.. anyway what's your name?" I asked.

This seemed to snap her out of it. As soon as I had said this, she seemed to sense my sincerity and she offered me a smile."It's Lillybreeze, I just started working at the palace today."

"Nice to meet you, Lilly, my name is Ale-um... Lauren Faust."

Lillybreeze seemed to cheer up at my casual introduction and finally stopped trembling."It's nice to meet you too Princess."

"Okay, I need to get going, but thanks for your help. I hope to see you around!" I called out as I started to make my way down the hall again. I quickly began to curse myself for losing Celestia though. Aimlessly I ventured through the halls of Canterlot's royal palace. I kept on passing by the same rooms and hallways as I tried to escape this labyrinth. But it was all to no avail.

(So, it looks like you made a friend.)

“Eh distractions, I still hope to get out of here as soon as possible, but whether I like it or not I'm going to have to cooperate if I want that to be home soon.”

(Oh, well okay... I guess that makes sense. But to be honest, you're taking this a lot better than I expected.)

“I used to watch a lot of anime, and this isn't the weirdest thing I've ever thought about happening to me. Getting stuck in a life or death game, having to fight a God for the sake of a planet, and a similar situation. Though I have to admit I didn't see it being in this universe. That was a shock to the core.”

Ten minutes later, I was still looking for Luna's bedroom. With little results, I continued talking to myself figuring two heads wrestling better than one. But still, that wouldn't give us the directions.

(Perhaps we could just go and ask one of the guards which way.)

"Never!" I harshly whispered. I never knew why, but I had always felt like asking questions of others was just a burden to them. Since I was little, people never listened to me when I wanted to talk, so I eventually developed an uneasiness to the task.

(There're servants right over there, just ask where is the room of Princess Luna.)

You can't make me! As a man, I have a duty never to ask for help!

Unfortunately, I forgot the seemingly admin power she had over the body, and I suddenly found myself being controlled once again. Our hooves started to carry us to the closest guard ponies, and I was powerless to stop it.





My resistance efforts didn't stop the body's owner from doing whatever she pleased. But I got the satisfaction of having the guards look at us with confused stares as this strange alicorn fought with herself while she approached them."(Excuse me gentle colts could you direct me to the quarters of Princess Luna?)" Faust asked. She spoke in a soothing tone and knowing the not so sweet side of her made this just seem weird.

"Um..Sure thing your highness. Down the hall, to the left, and up the stairs." The guard answered as he pointed the way. Lauren gave a polite nod as we passed as if to say thanks as we continued on.

We had walked away about forty feet before Lauren turned our head to the left and started to talk to me. "(See now was that so hard?)" She mocked, and to that, my frustration flared. If I was able to its give her an angry scowl I would have. And I was certain she knew it.

Aren't you supposed to be in our subconscious!?

"I would be there believe me, but someone kept on calling for me to help them out. Really it gets annoying; you should learn to think for yourself once in a while."

... heh, right.

Once I finally found the room. I quietly looked through the open doorway and spotted the sun princess harshly shaking her younger sister. It was an attempt to wake her, but it looked more like she was going to through the Princess out of the bed.

I moved closer, and as predicted, I saw Luna fighting to stay in bed. I felt my heart start to flutter. No doubt it was from Faust's reaction rather than mine. I felt a feeling of joy and relief wash over me almost from within. And to be honest, it was freaking the crap out of me.

Hey what's up?

(I-it's just... I haven't seen her since she was a young filly. I missed her whole life of growing up.)

I had to admit that type of sadness touched my heart. Spending time with your child while they are growing up is something special, and no parent should have to miss it... even if they are a mind snatching nutcase.

"Come on Luna! Wake up!" Tia commanded, but her sibling resisted the best she could.

"Leave me, alone sister! Thine actions art most annoying." In saying that, Tia’s face grew mischievous and her horn lit up as she started to magically drag Luna out of bed by her tail.

Once Luna realized what was happening, her eyes shot open in a panic. It was hard not to laugh at the sight. Especially when while Celestia slowly pulled her off; Luna was frantically clawing at the bed in an attempt to stay on. Then finally, the dark mare fell to the ground along with her fluffy comforter sheets. Her mane was a mess, lacking the usual ethereal look to it that the show often depicted. Her coat was fluffy and unbrushed, and to say the least, she looked adorable, especially because of her grumpy attitude.

"This better be good Tia" Luna warned sternly as she crossed her hooves.

"Oh trust me, Luna, it is." Even from a distance, the mischievous smile sun butt was giving her younger sibling was something that provoked a sense of worry. And the non-canon works that my sister Mya showed me, popped into my mind.

It can't be.. not Trollestia!


Never mind.

"Sister why art thou just sitting there looking smug."

“Because Lulu, we have an unexpected guest. Somepony who neither of us have seen in a very long time.”

Luna looked up at her sister in a perplexed manner .“But Tia, nopony has lived long enough to be considered unseen for a ‘long’ time.”

Celestia’s grin only grew wider, and I took that as my cue to finally reveal myself. I trotted quietly through the open doorway and stood directly behind the queen of the night.

"Hello, Luna." It was difficult to speak when Lauren was in control of the body's emotional state. I was doing everything to keep us from breaking down into tears.

Her fur immediately stiffened, and her body froze like a stone at the sound of my voice. Her head slowly lowered and even though I was behind her, I could sense a shadow covering her eyes in sadness."I-Is that you Mother?"

"Um.. yeah" (Well she's in here :P)

Luna looked towards my direction with pained eyes, but she never met my gaze."M-Mom, I am so sorry." Tears began to well up at the corners of her eyes, and I felt my heart begin to feel pain.

I decided to play dumb, and said, "Sorry for what?" I didn't know if it was best to talk about it, but I figured the sooner we get past it the better.

Celestia’s eyes widened and she flinched forward as if to warn me not to go there, but before she could sign anything Luna reluctantly spoke up. "After you left I-I became a tyrant who tried to overthrow Equestria out of jealousy of Tia." She said as she hung her head with guilt. "I've failed mother, terribly. My actions hath caused great fear and hatred of myself among our subjects."

"Yeah... I can see how that could happen." I said accidentally as I thought out loud about earth's history and similar situations. I remembered how most of the history classes in school was about that. Monarchies that have come and gone merely because the ruler wanted absolute control. At least that's what I remembered...

After I said that I noticed Luna visibly flinched as if I stuck her from the corner of my eye. It was at that moment that her crying went from quiet sobbing to a noticeable wail. My mistake was not watching what I said.

No no no. Please, don't cry.

It was obvious that this emotional confrontation was doing a number on this body's owner, and thus me. Trying to keep it together, I tried to think of what I should say to fix my mistake. But, nothing was coming to my mind. I didn't know her; I didn't know how it felt to be in her position. All I am is an eighteen-year-old guy who got thrown into another world!

Stretching out ‘my’ hoof I began to speak, "Luna, I... (forgive you. I don't care what you did in my absence. All I've ever wanted during this time has been to see your faces again. I could never hate you.)" As I was speaking I suddenly found words that were not mine coming out of my mouth.

It was nice to see how much Lauren cared for her daughter's. I could feel the love she had for them in the heart we now shared, and I slowly began my journey to understanding her point of view.

"You forgive me?" Luna asked as she looked up. Her body was quaking as she struggled to control her sobbing.

A moment passed of silence, and I suddenly found myself back in control. Taking a deep breath to get a hold of this body's ever-present desire to break into tears, I answered, "Yes."

"Why!?" Luna suddenly shouted. I stepped back in surprise, and I could see the pain growing within her expression as she looked at me.

“...What?” I asked as I tried to think of why she seemed to have reacted so differently than what I expected.

“I said, why would ye forgive me!? I've tried to throw over Equestria, I turned against my sister, and I've killed many in my selfish ambitions!” She spoke again; this time growling in what looked like self-hate as tears streamed down her face.

“That may be true, but look at yourself right now. The tears streaming down your face, the guilt, the desire to be shunned and rejected just so you can feel that you get what you deserve. Do you think that counts for nothing?” When I mentioned being shunned and rejected her eyes flinched open a slight bit. Finally, she looked at me in the eyes.

“How did you know?”

“Because to some extent everypony goes through those feelings, and they all need to learn that the past shouldn't be dwelt on. Instead, we need to focus on the future and how we can make up for those mistakes.

Everypony seriously? What a stupid form of wordplay.

(For your information I was the one who came up with that dialect.)

Yeah okay, but you forgot there are Dragons, Zebras, and Griffins. They are not ponies.

(...Sh-shut up!)

Returning my attention to what was happening I noticed that Luna's expression of rage, pain, and sadness, seemed to dissolve, and the tears that had slowed flowed freely again. She began to fight to get out of her bed coverings; stumbling a few times, then she made her way over to me.

Tears of joy stained her dark coat."Thank you."

Once again I found myself embraced in a bone-crushing hug. This time, though the strength put into it was twice that of Celestia's. She crushed me to the point that I started to sound like a giant squeaky toy as my wheezing became high pitched. Is this going to become a trend? Thankfully she quickly let me go, and I was given the privilege of breathing again.

"Sorry. Too strong?"

"It's okay I'm just in a weakened state as you can see,” I said pointing out my small form in comparison with her. “I'm a little delicate with certain things." Saying that I was delicate was definitely a shot to my pride as a man, but if it made everyone else more aware of the pain they inflict on me I was more than willing to give it a go.

We ended up talking until it was time for Luna to raise the moon. Celestia made arrangements for me to sleep in the guest bedroom that she always had ready for Twilight. Then after showing me the room and how to get to it she went off to bed.

I decided to stay up a little longer to talk with Luna, I guess I felt some kind of connection between our situations. Her being taken over by Nightmare moon and I being Faust's puppet. I just seemed to feel like she would be the one to understand what I'm going through.

We conversed about how life had been when it was just her and Celestia ruling Equestria. I couldn't help but get caught up in the fascinating mental images her story brought to my mind. Eventually, I no longer heard what she was saying but mentally I saw everything play out before my eyes. In fact, I got so caught up in her tale that I was caught daydreaming when she started to ask me something.

"Hmm? Sorry, what was that Luna?"

The night princess rolled her eyes in response to my daft response."I was asking thou about thy life in the other realm. Please, mother, do tell of what wonders thou had the pleasure of witnessing."

Oh, this should be easy, I'm an expert! "You want to know about the other world?"

"Oh yes, mother please do tell." Luna happily smiled as she got into a more comfortable position. Cradling her head in her hooves much like a child or, in this case, filly does when a parent decides to read them a story. She waited for me to begin.

"Well... I don't really know where to begin. What would you like to know?"

"What of that world's intelligent life?"

"Okay then, in the other world the top species of life is known as a Homosapien or human. They look like an ape without a tail, and most of their hair is visible on top of their heads much like how we have manes."

"Hmm...and what of their magic?"

"There's none."

"What? I do not understand."

"Humans have no magic, in their world, it is just a fantasy carried along with myths and legends."

"Then how do they survive? Conduct the weather, or change the seasons?"

"Well for your first point they are actually quite intelligent. Their eagerness to know about the world around them and where it came from drives their civilization onward. Humans have technology that makes Equestria look like the stone age. Vehicles that can fly fast enough to break the speed of sound. Space travel! Luna, they have managed to land on the moon!"

At least that's what they said, I sometimes wonder though if those conspiracies were correct.

"What! Mother is this true! Such advancements in a society where there's no magic, how can it be that they have accomplished such actions!?"

"With a lot of time and imagination."

"What of the weather?"

"That runs automatically through the way water is designed. The sun heats the top of the water slowly turning it into steam. Then because it becomes lighter than air it rises upwards. Once the water is collected high in the sky the floating water droplets collide getting bigger and heavier. Finally, after enough water is collected its weight pulls it back down to earth. At least, that's the water cycle there.

"Water cycle?"

"Yes, there are many cycles in that world like for example the day and night cycle. That's automatic as well."

"How did they make it so it is automatic for the sun to come up and the moon to do so at their proper times?"

"They didn't do anything over on the other side it's just the way the world works. The earth orbits the Sun and the moon orbits the earth.

"Oh, of course, the planet orbits the Sun."

Sensing her mood drop a little bit I decided to share a little bit more science with her. "Hey, Luna listen. The planet over there may revolve around the sun, but the sun is only a small star compared to those in the rest of the sky. And that's not all, billions of galaxies exist beyond what we can see in between the stars where we think it's dark. You move all of them here and Tia moves a small star. So please don't feel sad or less important."

"(Sniff) Okay" After a second of processing the information Luna suddenly looked up at me with wide eyes.


A few hours of talking went by before I started to get sleepy. So saying my goodnights to Luna I made my way to my previously assigned bedroom. I found myself pondering my situation once again.

“Maybe it won't be so bad here I just hope I'll be able to do something about Mya.” Once my head hit the pillow everything went black. A faint whisper was heard at the door as I laid there asleep.

"Welcome, home and sweet dreams mother," Luna said peeking through the doorway, before resuming her nightly duties.

Author's Note

Thanks for reading. :P

Next Chapter: Chapter 2: A new day, still here... Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 10 Minutes
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