
Her Knight in Faded Armor

by Doccular42

Chapter 28: Insight, Explanations, and Whispers

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“—and that’s exactly what happened.”

Captain Flair sat on a chair in Princess Celestia’s private dining room. Amethyst Breeze sat beside her, her hooves resting on the table as she finished describing the events from earlier that afternoon.

“Hmm…” Princess Celestia said as she rubbed her chin with a hoof. “This is an odd development. What was your take on the incident, Breeze? Not the facts, just your opinion.”

“M-my thoughts?” the agent asked unsurely. “I, uh…”

“Don’t worry, Breeze. You’ve done very well, and I trust you. I can have the facts, but there is always something missing unless I know what it felt like in the moment to the mare who was on the scene.” Celestia nodded. “Please, continue.”

Breeze cleared her throat. “Well, Your Highness, I believe Chaput and the captain. It really did sound like a genuine scuffle, and I was the one who led Vlad down that hallway, so they couldn’t have planned it.”

“‘Vlad?’” Flair asked quietly. She raised an eyebrow as the other mare turned to her with a blush.

“Ah, I mean Captain Ivanov. Sorry.” Breeze smiled sheepishly. “Anyway, Dmitri and Chaput were showing real signs of anger and heightened senses of alertness. Their body language seemed to be authentic. Captain Ivanov was as surprised as I was that there was a scuffle.”

The princess nodded again. “Very good. Captain Flair. Your take?”

“It’s fake, Princess. It has to be,” she replied. “It doesn’t make sense for them to be so blatant about going off on their own and then getting into an argument. That’s, quite frankly, stupid. And I may not think too highly of the general himself, but he is anything but an idiot. They already tried to fake us out at least once. Why not again?”

“But they had no way to know that Ivanov and I would be there!” Breeze interjected. “How does it benefit them if there are no witnesses?”

Flair shook her head. “Bugs.”

“Didn’t they disable the bugs in the room though? Chaput has his device,” she countered. “They disabled all of our devices.”

“Not all of them…” As she spoke, Captain Flair pulled a round, miniscule object out of her saddle bag. “Ever since we learned that the griffons are able to detect our listening devices and spells and disable them, we’ve been directing our best tech team to develop new methods. Dr. Wing and his team finished the latest generation of devices two days ago. We rushed production and had them distributed around the castle. This little conversation confirmed it. They can’t find our new tech.” Flair reached back into her bag and revealed a small speaker. She hooked the device up to it and pressed a green button.

A low-mid frequency static played through the speaker before the opening of a door could be heard. Breeze recognized the next sound as Chaput’s bug-detector. There were a few crunching sounds, and then a grunt of satisfaction.

“What do you want, Chaput? I don’t have time for this.”

“Dmitri, you twice-damned fool! Are you trying to be the greatest fool on the face of the planet, or does this just come naturally to you?”

Flair sneered as the sound of a blow landing filtered through the sound system.

“How dare you?” Dmitri asked, his voice raised.

Stopping the recording, Flair nodded. “We have the whole thing on tape.”

Breeze sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s classified.” The captain shrugged. “I’m sorry, Ammy. I couldn’t tell you. But, on the plus side, your description matches up perfectly with our recording, and you gave us a lot of insight into the physical aspect.”

“Great. Classified.” She put her head into her hoof. “But does the fact that you recorded this make a difference?”

“What do you mean?” Flair asked.

Breeze glanced up at her. “If they disabled all the other bugs. why didn’t they get this one? They must not have known about it, which brings me back to the fact that it can’t be a ruse! Actors need audiences. They didn’t have one, at least not one that they knew about.”

Flair considered this for a moment. She hummed quietly to herself. “I mean, it’s possible, but it still doesn’t make sense. Are you certain that Chaput and Ivanov didn’t plan this?”

“I was the one who took us down that hallway, not Ivanov. He couldn’t have planned this.” She shook her head. “And I’ve gotten to know Ivanov. He’s not a liar like Dmitri and Chaput. I believe what he said about not knowing about Chaput’s plans.”

“How can you be sure?” the captain asked. “I mean, are you certain?”

“Nothing is certain, Captain,” Princess Celestia interrupted. “However, I am inclined to agree with Agent Breeze in this matter. Even though Chaput has proven himself to be a very cunning individual, I do not think that he knows everything. The new bugs are not widely known. Not even you knew, Agent Breeze. I do not see a large chance for Chaput knowing that the room was bugged, and the added coincidence of Ivanov’s presence makes me feel that this was a private meeting that blew out of proportion.”

“I see what you’re saying, Princess,” Flair began, “but what about their very public announcement of their meeting? Chaput doesn’t do anything by accident. He made it extremely obvious that he wanted to speak with Dmitri, and this was after he told you that he thought Dmitri is the source of the windigo attacks. I think he’s working with Dmitri and that they are trying to get him onto your good side. I’d bet my hat that there’s a sting coming soon if we trust him.”

“‘Bet your hat…’” Breeze shook her head wryly.

Celestia nodded in reply. “All very good insights, Captain. In the end, this does not matter, however.”

“Doesn’t matter?” Flair asked. “How?”

“I have said this to many intelligence officers who have asked me the same question, Captain. Any manipulation, regardless of motivation, is an attempt to get the target to take the actions that the manipulators desire. Thus, the most important aspect is our response, not their motivation.” The princess rose to her hooves and walked toward the window. She gazed up at the sun that was near the horizon and sighed. “If this is manipulation, what is the desired effect?”

Flair rubbed her hoof against her chair. “Hmm… I think that they want us to trust Chaput and focus our attention on Dmitri.”

“Then how do we counter that?”

The captain smirked. “We consider everything that Chaput says to be just as suspect as what Dmitri says and keep a close watch on both of them.”

Celestia turned to the two mares and smiled. “Perfect. And what should we do if this incident was genuine?”

Breeze tapped the table. “Increase our security presence in the castle. Subtly, of course. That way, we can watch out for any betrayals from the father. Then, we ward Chaput’s room. If Dmitri is in control of the windigos, he could send them in and kill Chaput in his sleep. If we put a powerful enough friendship spell around his room, we should be able to keep the assassins out.”

“And we need to be aware of Dmitri’s ‘bodyguards.’” Flair glanced to the side with a grimace. “They’re special forces. Armed to the teeth, or beaks, or whatever, and I’m pretty nervous about their presence.”

“These are all reasonable ideas. I will have them implemented immediately.” The princess strode back toward the table. “Very well. I will review the tapes and consult with some of my advisors on this matter. If you both will excuse me, I have to lower the sun and prepare for my meeting with Dmitri before we have dinner. I suspect that our discussion will be nothing but the same political manoeuvring, outright lies, or thinly veiled threats as before.”

“Oh, joy,” Flair said dryly.

Celestia smiled. “Yes. Joy indeed. Thank you both. I realize that you both have been thrust into roles far beyond the scope of your training, and I am proud to say that you are both behaving far beyond any expectations. Keep up the excellent work.”

Flair and her partner both beamed at the princess. “Thank you, Your Highness,” Flair said. “We’ll get out of your mane. I’ll keep you appraised of any developments.”

“Please do.” Celestia nodded one last time. “Be safe.”

As the two mares left the room, Flair looked over at Breeze. “So…” The door shut behind them, and the captain raised an eyebrow. “‘Vlad?’ Since when are you on a first name basis with the captain of a griffon airship?”

“Uhh…” Breeze blushed. “Since today?”

“Today? Are you unsure or something?” Flair teased as they walked past Celestia’s guards and toward Section Eleven. “Ammy, are you…”

The other mare’s blush deepened. “I have no idea, Ember. I mean, I just met him, but—”

“Okay.” Flair stopped walking and blocked Breeze’s way. “You do realize that our nations are not at peace, right? If this meeting doesn’t go right, there is a distinct possibility that we’re going to go to war with Griffonia. Now, before you say whatever that it is that you’re about to say, I think you should consider that.”

Breeze’s face fell. “Oh. I…” She sighed. “Damn. You’re right.”

The captain’s expression softened. “Hey… are you serious about this? About whatever it is with Vlad?

“I don’t know,” Breeze muttered. “I just met him, but he’s nice, he’s smart, and he’s a gentlesta— well, a gentlegriffon, and the first being that I’ve been attracted to in years.”

“Shit,” Flair muttered. “You had to pick an enemy officer, didn’t you?”

“It’s not exactly like I picked this, you know,” she retorted. “Anyways, it’s not going anywhere. We’re just being very polite, getting to know each other, and working on this case. But it’s nice to dream, you know?”

Wrinkling her nose, Flair shook her head. “Sorry, but I can’t dream about griffons. I need somepony with four hooves, thanks.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll meet a nice llama someday, Ember,” Breeze said sweetly. “They have hooves, right?”

Her best friend laughed and shouldered her. “Damnit, Ammy. Silly jokes are my job!” They chuckled together for a moment, but then Flair sighed. “But really. If you do like him, and he really does like you back, don’t let this stand in your way. I’m sure that the princesses will negotiate peace in the end. Maybe then you can see where it goes?”

Breeze looked up at her with a small smile. “Yeah. Maybe.” Lowering her head, she nodded to herself. “Thanks, Ember.”

“Hey. Thank you. You’re my best friend, and I want to see you happy.” Flair pulled Breeze into a hug. “You deserve it. Even if it is with a stinky griffon.”

“I’ll have you know that he is not stinky!” Breeze protested.

Flair chuckled. “I know. Just giving you a hard time.” She broke the hug and nodded down the hallway. “Do you have time to grab a bite? I need to get some food before I go back down to Sec Eleven and work all night again.”

“I, uh, I kinda just ate a little while ago… with Vlad…” Breeze blushed again.

“What!” Ember cried. “Oh, that’s it. You’re coming with me, even if you don’t eat!” She reached over and dragged her friend down the hallway. “Spill!”

“Well, he took me out to Glittering’s, and…”


Button carefully set his papers down on his table. The moonlight poured in through the massive windows, and the stallion grinned as he remembered who had put it there.

“Holy crap. I’m dating Luna,” he repeated in awe to himself. Shaking his head, he adjusted his final resume before stapling all of the neatly arranged pages together. He’d put in almost all of his applications into the various schools in Canterlot earlier that day, and all that remained was this final one. Canterlot Community College wasn’t his first choice for employment, but it needed a teacher for an introductory history class, so Button figured that he should at least try.

With a contented sigh, he sat down on his chair. With all of his work for the evening complete, he now faced the terrifying monster of free time. Luna had said that she’d be busy tonight with the state dinner, so she couldn’t get on. They were planning to meet up for breakfast and then some gaming in the morning. And kissing. Definitely room for some kissing in there too.

Button allowed himself another grin as he glanced down at his computer. “Well, I could probably get on and…”

As he opened his laptop, he saw a small chat bubble in the top right corner. He clicked it quickly, and his internet phone and chat app opened.

>Mom: how did it go with that mare? -6:09 PM

“Oh.” Button facehoofed. “Ah, I forgot!” With a click glance at her green online status, Button cleared his throat and prepared himself. He put on his headphones, unmuted his mic, and pressed the call button.

After a second of ringing, his mother’s face filled his screen. She beamed and waved. “Hey, baby!”

“Hi, mom,” he replied. “How are you?”

“Nuh-uh!” she said, waving him off. We’ll talk about that later! Did you talk to your mare yet?”

“‘My mare?’” Button asked with a raised eyebrow. “Really?”

She cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes. “You know exactly what I mean.”

He giggled. “Okay, okay. So, after I talked to you, I got onto our game and she sent me a message. We decided to meet that evening to talk about things.”

“Wait. You met her that evening? And you haven’t told me what happened yet?” She threw her hooves into the air. “Button!”

The stallion grinned sheepishly. “Uh, sorry.”

“Well, keep going!”

“She came over to my apartment and I invited her in. We talked for a little bit, and then I told her that I knew her secret.” Button inhaled deeply. “And… and I told her that I didn’t care. I love her anyways.”

“Love?” His mom’s jaw dropped. “That’s a rather strong word to drop on her!”

“It’s true,” he replied simply. “She seemed to be really glad and relieved… but…”

“Oh, no,” she moaned. “What did you do this time, Button?”

“I said it outright that I didn’t care if she were a changeling or not. She kinda flipped out, a bit.” Button shrugged. “I didn’t mean to upset her!”

“I guess you just have that effect on mares, Button,” she remarked dryly. “What part of your comments drove the poor mare that far?”

“Uhh, the changeling part.” Button ran a hoof through his mane. “She, she’s actually not a changeling, mom. That wasn’t her secret.”

She sighed. “So all of this was over nothing?”

“Eh, not really,” he continued. “She was lying to me, and she did have a secret she wanted to tell me…” He gazed at her for a moment.

She threw her hooves in the air. “And what happened? I swear, you are just like your father! Get to the important part!”

“She’s a princess, Mom.”

She stared at him, unmoving. A second later, she opened her mouth, but then she closed it. She raised a hoof to her face, lowered it again, and then attempted once more to speak. When no sounds came out, she returned a hoof to her mouth.

“Yeah. That’s basically what I said.” Button grinned. “Mom. I fell in love with Princess Luna over the internet… and she fell in love with me too.”

She brought a second hoof to her mouth and stared at him with wide eyes. She managed to squeak out two words after waiting for a moment. “Princess Luna?

“Yes. Luna. My marefriend.”

“Is this your idea of a joke?” she asked. “Because…”

“No, I’m telling the truth, I swear!” Button replied. “After I said that I didn’t care if she were a changeling or not, she got really upset, called me an idiot, and then actually moved the sky. She did all that, just to prove that she was a princess. And after she transformed back into herself…”

“Oh. My. Celestia,” she swore. “The moon and stars did move a few nights ago… and we didn’t know why. You aren’t kidding, are you?”

He threw his hooves into the air. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Mom! I’m dating Princess Luna!”

Once more, she stared at him. As he gazed back, he saw the corner of her mouth twitch once. Then it twitched again. After that, a small squeak came out, and she gave a small laugh. And then the laughter grew louder as a genuine smile spread across her face. Button grinned in response as she burst out into uproarious laughter.

“My son… is dating Princess Luna. For real.” She threw her head back and howled with laughter. “Oh, Button… you’re such an idiot!”

“Hey! I thought we covered this already…” he grumbled.

“No, I think this needs to be said again. You were going on dates with a disguised princess, and you thought that she was a changeling.” She leaned forward and rested her head on her desk, her sides heaving. “A princess. A changeling. How did you manage that?”

With an exaggerated sigh, Button waved his hoof in front of his webcam. “Aw, cut me some slack, Mom. What made more sense? Me attracting a changeling, or Princess Luna? Me. Button Mash.”

She sat back up, her face red. “Oh, Button… I can’t tell you how happy I am for you. Although I do have a few questions…” Her expression became more serious.

“Me too, honestly.” Button nodded. “This is as new to me as it is to you.”

“Okay, so she’s a princess, but she didn’t tell you. Did she explain why?” his mom asked.

“She said that there were a few things. She thought I wouldn’t believe her or that I wouldn’t see her the same way if she’d told the truth. And I understand. I don’t know what I would have thought if she’d just told me right off the bat before I got a chance to meet her and realize how I actually felt.”

“That makes sense.” She rubbed her chin. “Now, don’t take this the wrong way, but… why you? She’s the princess. Why did she choose you, out of everypony?”

“She said it’s because I’m the sexiest stallion who ever walked the face of Equus,” Button replied with a straight face.

With the simple act of raising an eyebrow, she dismissed that excuse. “Seriously.”

“Darn.” He laughed. “She actually told me that I treated her like a normal pony, and not like a goddess. We were friends, and then… we became more than just that. It kinda also helps that she saved my life during the attack on the castle. But the main part was my sexy flank. She said it was too good to pass up!”

She facehoofed. “No. Just no. I’m not going to talk to my son about his supposedly sexy flank.”

“Who said anything about supposedly?” he said as he grinned. “But yeah. That’s what happened.”

“I still can’t believe this.” With the shake of her head, she looked at him through the camera. “Button…”

“Ya’ know, a stallion could feel insulted by those comments,” he joked. “What? Am I not good enough for a princess?”

“Button, I think that any mare, princess or other, would be lucky to have you. You’re an amazing young stallion, and I think that any mare worth anything at all could see that.” She met his eyes. “I mean that. You deserve this, and I’m so glad that you found somepony, princess or no.”

Button smiled warmly as he saw her love-filled gaze. “Thanks, Mom. I love you too.”

She shrugged. “But, really. You have to admit that this isn’t exactly the most likely of events.”

“I know, right?” With a chuckle, he ran his hoof through his mane again, ruffling it even further. “Button Mash. Dating a princess. Man, if only I could tell Rumble or Pip about this… they’d never believe it.”

“Why can’t you tell them?” she asked.

“Paparazzi. Luna likes her privacy, and if the world knew that she had a coltfriend, it’d be all they talked about for weeks. So, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, my marefriend’s name is Starry Skies, and Princess Luna is a private mare who keeps to herself. We’ve gone on all of our dates with her disguised. It makes things easier.”

She nodded. “Fair enough. But, uh…” she pursed her lips. “This is awkward… doesn’t it feel like, you know, cheating if you kiss her on a date?” Opening her eyes wide, she leaned back. “That is, if you’re at that stage in your relationship!”

“Mom,” he chuckled. “We’re both adults. Yes, we’ve kissed.” He pressed a hoof onto his face. “Ahh… I’m talking about kissing with my mother. Again.”

“Well, does it?”

He looked up and allowed a lopsided grin to escape. “Okay, let’s ignore my subtle hint to change the subject! No, it doesn’t feel like cheating. She’s her, regardless of what she looks like. It’s her, and all I have to do is look into her eyes to remember that.” He smiled at the far wall. “Her eyes are the same whenever she transforms… it’s always her.”

“Aww, so romantic!” she cheered.

Button shook himself and blushed. “Ah, I mean, I’m a strong grown stallion, and strong grown stallions can—”

“Uh-huh. Sure. You big softie.”

He pursed his lips and nodded slowly. “Well, yeah. I guess I am.”

“You always were, you know. So sweet.” His mom adjusted the cable to her headphones. “But the biggest issue is still there staring us in the face.”

“What’s that?” Button asked.

“Well, you’re both adults, but one of you is a tad bit older than the other…” she leaned forward. “Button, you realize that she’s older than your grandmother was before she passed away, right?”

Grimacing, he leaned back. “Mom. First, you’re comparing my marefriend to my grandma. Eww. Second, eww. Thirdly, eww.

“Hey, I’m just saying…”

“We’ve talked about this, Mom. Here’s how I look at it. She’s an immortal. Age with her is different, because it has to be. It’s not about age here. It’s about maturity, and we’re both mature adults. So what if she has a few hundred years on me? We love each other, and that’s all we need,” he said. “Besides, I kinda like older mares…”

“Okay. I neither needed nor wanted to hear that,” she replied, shaking her head. “I’m going to ignore that last part.”

“Mwahaha, I have forever stained your memory,” Button declared in his best evil voice.

She glared at him, but her eyes glittered. “Wow.”

With a laugh, Button sat up straight in his chair. “But yeah… I love her, Mom. She’s perfect, and we just work. We both love history, we don’t feel like we fit in, and something just feels so right when I’m around her. It’s like something incredibly important was missing from my life before, and I finally found it. And now that I have it, I’m never letting go.”

“Oh, my…” His mom stared off into the distance.

“What is it?” he asked.

“I just realized… if you get married, I’m going to be the Princess’ mother-in-law.”

Button snorted and covered his mouth with his hoof. “Mom! I don’t know if we’re there quite yet, and—”

“If you really do love her that much, I won’t be surprised if that happens,” she said plainly. “But please, take your time. I think that I could wait for that to happen for a while…”

“Me too. Wouldn’t that make me, like Prince Button Mash? Like what happened with Shining Armor?” He inhaled deeply. “That’s… kinda terrifying.”

“In a very good way,” she agreed.


They looked at each other, and immediately broke into another fit of giggles.

“Oh, my…” Button sighed. “So, I have a bit of time. Do you want to play a game or something, Mom? We haven’t been able to do something fun for a while.”

“That sounds amazing, Button. And you can tell me more about these dates…” She smirked. “Ah, you have no idea how happy I am!”

Button pulled up his game library. “Oh, Mom. I think I understand. I really think I do…”


The city of Canterlot was known for many things. Beautiful architecture, elegant designs, solid education, and generous ponies, among countless other accolades. Some called it the jewel of civilization, the perfect example of peace and prosperity.

But perfection can be a façade.

In the darkest alleys in the deepest shadows of the magnificent city was an ancient tavern. The building was nearly as old as the city itself, it’s stone walls worn and crumbling. The current owner of the building used it as a bar, and the location lent itself to use by the seedier elements of Canterlot. The police never came here. The owners looked the other way. The populace ignored its existence.

In short, it was perfect for his needs.

He sat in the back room, staring down at the meticulously drawn map of Canterlot castle. One other pony sat in the dim room with him. She watched from under her cloak, her breathing the only sound that pierced through the still air. The room itself was lit by a few candles on the tables. There were no windows, no decorations, and only one door. The walls were cracked and unpainted, and the only objects of interest beside the table and the few chairs were a stack of crates on the far wall. A cold breeze turned the ponies’ breaths into mist, but they paid no mind.


He grinned. “Are the weapons ready?” he asked in his raspy voice.

She stood up and opened one of the crates that lined the wall. Using her magic, the mare levitated three rifles of Germane design out of their containers. Smiling, she turned to him. “Yes.”


He nodded solemnly. Grasping a knife that lay on the table beside the map, he traced the outline of three of the castle’s rooms. “Prepare the troops. The beasts have come at last. The monster and the bitch have joined the perverter. Our time is now. For Equestria. For freedom.”


“For the princesses.”

He stabbed the knife downward, impaling the room labeled General Chaput.

“We attack tomorrow.”

Author's Notes:

Song for this chapter was "Maneater" by Hall and Oates!

Next Chapter: Recollections, Dreams, and Nightmares Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 6 Minutes
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