
sliver spoon crush

by chrisfluttershy
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
<p>sliver spoon in love with boy she had a crush on she sent him a card asking him to go out for a date but she knew she had brushed hair and beautiful dress on fluttershy said you have more then one wife so i did see this side of her she had cute
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sliver spoon in love with boy she had a crush on she sent him a card asking him to go out for a date but she knew she had brushed hair and beautiful dress on fluttershy said you have more then one wife so i did see this side of her she had cute little smile she said what your name it john smith so diamond tiara a said you have crush on the teacher apple bloom scootaloo sweetie belle what so he said will come with tonight i think his name john smith where does he live a house sliver spoon she went to dinner again with me i kissed her on the check she blushed sliver spoon and diamond tiara said when is the wedding its going to be on Christmas eve but what about Santa Claus he is coming


9 words: Estimated 1 Minute to read: [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. sliver spoon first kiss [Cache]
Published Jan 1st, 1970
Last Update Sep 23rd, 2015


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