
Steamy Summer Nights

by Nightmare

Chapter 2

Previous Chapter

Advise This Contains Herm Proceed At Your Caution, If You Don't Know What Is That Is Both Plumbing Equipment. Male And Female, YOU HAVE BEEN ADVISED.

“I won!” Yelled Rainbow Dash as she skidded to a halt at the train station, the outburst caused a certain yellow pegasus lounging on a bench nearby to practically jump out of her skin.

“No way!” Protested Applejack breathing heavily after the friendly competition had quickly turned into a full blown race. “I call that a draw!” She added.

“No way! I beat you by a nose!”

“You callin’ me a liar!?”

“No! I’m calling you a loser!”

Rainbow and Applejack began to laugh and the farm pony playfully slapped her blue friend upside the head. “Ow!” Cried Rainbow in mock pain trying to force her grin back down and failing miserably. It was three o'clock by now; the middle of the day, and though the town had been more than packed out, there were very few ponies gathered at the train station itself. Perhaps seven or eight ponies were wandering around, yet even then, they looked like they didn’t know where they needed to be. Maybe it was because of the heat, or maybe they simply did have nothing to do; nowhere to go.

“Hello, girls...” Fluttershy called from her bench. Until Applejack and Rainbow had charged in, she had nearly fallen asleep. She ushered the two mares over to her and they each took a seat beside the pegasus and waited for the others to arrive. The next train to Canterlot would be departing in no more than ten minutes: plenty of time for the three other mares to arrive.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Rainbow said cheerfully. “How long have you been here?”

“Uhhh...” The butter colored mare pondered for a moment. “About three minutes.” She answered with a smile.

“Whew!” Applejack sighed, slouching down on the bench and tipping her baking hot stetson over her eyes. “Sure is a hot day, huh, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy giggled and copied Applejack’s movement so her back was nearly touching the seat of the bench. “Yeah...” The pegasus replied softly. “It's lovely, isn’t it?”

Applejack sat up quickly and stared down at her yellow friend on her right. “Seriously!?” She asked, fanning her face with her hoof. “I reckon it’s too hot. Even fer me!”

Fluttershy hummed a content sigh, her eyes still closed peacefully. “The hotter the better.” She said, her smile only growing wider. “That’s what I always say.”

Rainbow silently alerted Applejack to her stare. The blue pegasus looked Applejack in her emerald green eyes, nodded towards Fluttershy, then gave a wink. It took a moment for the suggestion to sink in, but when it did, a great smirk exploded onto Applejack’s face. “Oh, you dirty bi-”

“Hi girls!” Twilight called out from the other side of the path several feet away, interrupting Applejack’s statement, causing all three bench-ridden ponies to look back at Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity, all traveling toward them with a quick trot and a skip in their steps. “I’m so glad you all could make it!” The purple unicorn exclaimed, she too, much like pretty much everypony in town that day wore an ecstatic smile upon her face.

“Howdy, Twilight.” Applejack greeted as the three new mares neared the bench, slowing to a gentle walk once they reached the other trio’s seat. Applejack, Rainbow and Fluttershy all stood up and joined their friends as they all made their way across the prickly grass field to the train station where the Canterlot express carriages were already waiting. “This sure was unexpected, but I’m a might grateful you’d think to invite all a’ us to come visit the princess with ya.” Applejack thanked Twilight graciously.

“No problem Applejack.” Twilight replied, peering towards her orange friend, her blonde mane shimmering in the bright light. “I’m just so excited to be seeing Cadence again after all these years!” She basked in the wonderment of the moment briefly before adding: “I bet she hasn’t changed one bit!”

Blithely, and radiating joy into the air around them, the Elements of Harmony clambered swiftly aboard the large locomotive which was nearly filled with water and raring to go. For some reason or another, the carriages seemed cooler than the outside world. As far as anypony knew, the trains weren’t equipped with air conditioning, so the most logical explanation Twilight Sparkle could come to was that the cool mountain air somehow became trapped within the train like some kind of cool box.

Idle conversation was established amongst the six mares. They each took seats one next to one another in the carriage at the front of the train. Fluttershy and Rarity sat on one seat, behind them sat Dash and pinkie and on the left side of the train resided a largely excited Twilight Sparkle, and a very flustered looking Applejack. The group talked amongst their pairs and amongst each other when the need arose.

“So what do you propose we would be doing at a royal sleepover?” Asked Rarity, who had dumped her saddlebag beneath her seat and was now resting her back hooves upon it.

“I’m not entirely sure...” Twilight murmured, staring out of the window into the flowery meadows on the other side of the unpretentious little station platform. “Though I’m pretty sure it won’t be all the conventional games like ‘spin the bottle’ or ‘truth or dare’.” The unicorn added, turning her head inward to look at Rarity who was sat the other side of the aisle away from the window.

“Well I for one simply can’t wait to meet Princess Cadence...” Rarity mused, sinking back into her cushy chair.

“Like I said before, Rarity,” Twilight continued, copying her white friend’s motion and sinking back into the spongy seat, “Cadence was one of the nicest ponies to me when I was growing up. And I’m certain she hasn’t changed one bit!” The unicorn finished her statement with a smile. “Strange...” She thought silently to herself as she gazed through the window and into the clear and bright distance. “Why can’t I get the feeling that she’s going to be different out of my mind...?” The purple mare frowned, focusing on the odd thoughts racing around in her head. “I keep telling myself that she’s stayed the same, but...”

Her thoughts were interrupted by the shrill wail of the train’s whistle. Twilight jumped out of her seat at the unexpected sound; a cause for the five other passengers on board to laugh at Twilight’s great expense. The unicorn blushed profusely, clearing some of her anxiety, yet the thought of Cadence having changed still stuck with her. Twilight simply accepted that she would have to wait and see as the train jerked out of the station, huffing out puffs of steam and giving one more short blast of its rambunctious whistle.

“Cadence!” Twilight cried in delight as the locomotive drew up in line with the shady wooden platform where a gorgeous alicorn stood serenely with two armored guards either side of her.

The pink alicorn furrowed her brow at the purple mare waving frantically at her from inside the train. However, once her mind made a few calculations, she gasped, her facial expression changing from that of confusion to pre-ecstasy. “Twilight!?” She gasped, her eyes lighting up as the train pulled up and it released its excess steam in an enormous hiss.

Suddenly, the door at the back of the train car burst open, and out galloped a beaming Twilight Sparkle. “Oh, Twilight, it is you!” Cadence cried, stepping forward to meet the mare halfway.

She lowered herself and opened her arms wide, gazing with wonderment into Twilight’s lavender eyes. The purple mare slammed into her ex-foalsitter, knocking the wind out of her in all good frames of mind. Princess Cadence coughed a little before returning the tight embrace. “It’s so great to see you again!” Squealed Twilight after a long moment of contact.

The long maned alicorn pulled back, returning with tender eye contact towards the young mare she hadn’t seen for years and spoke with a voice as demure as morning dew: “You too, Twilight. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown!” She pulled Twilight into another brief embrace, burying her muzzle into her soft mane. And when it broke, Twilight wore the biggest grin in an expression that could only be described as pure joy.

The purple unicorn pulled away and stood up, merging in with her five friends as they encircled the new princess. “You must be Twilight’s friends...” Cadence proposed cheerily. “Such a nice looking group of ponies...” She mused, scanning the bashful faces of each mare. Her attention was first drawn to Applejack, who stood rather uncomfortably, shifting from side to side a little whilst still maintaining eye contact.

“Are you alright?” She asked with genuine concern.

The orange mare put on her best smile and blushed subconsciously, not knowing whether to explain or put on her best lie. “It’s... nothin’, really!” She answered through her teeth, just as the pain went away. Applejack relaxed a little and her head cleared up a tad. Enough to make her fable seem feasible.

“Oh.” Replied Cadence, not entirely believing the mare, but nevertheless, she seemed fine now. “Well,” the princess began, still focused upon Applejack. “Can I ask your names?”

“Sure thing, princess!” Applejack cooed cheerfully. “My name’s Applejack. And let me be the first to say that it’s a pleasure to meet you!”

Cadence’s smile broadened into a great beaming grin. “Why, thank you, Applejack. It’s a pleasure to meet you too!”

“Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie!” The bubbly pink mare cried, leaping forward and furiously shaking the princess’ hoof with both of hers. Cadence gasped at the unexpected gesture, yet she couldn’t help but find laughter in Pinkie Pie’s elated appearance.

“I’m um... my name’s... Fluttershy...” Murmured the yellow pegasus who stood behind Twilight. She turned away a little as she spoke, her pink mane hiding much of her face as her carefree persona for this day in particular was dented by the two imposing pegasi guards on either side of Cadence.

“It’s nice to meet you, Fluttershy.” Said Cadence with a reassuring tone. Fluttershy turned back around and was met with the caring indigo eyes to which she herself gave a little smirk of peace.

“Hi! I’m Rainbow Dash, and this is-”

“Rarity, your majesty...” Rarity butted in, shooting Rainbow a smug look before turning with bright eyes to Cadence. “I must say, what an... honor it is to finally meet you...” The unicorn continued, her royal blue eyes sparkling for the princess.

“I’m flattered, miss Rarity.” Said Cadence, her superb white smile unfaltering. “But please, call me Cadence. We’re all friends here!”

Rarity giggled with glee and Pinkie Pie’s already humungous smile exploded and she leapt high into the air, much to the amusement of the young alicorn. “I love making friends!” The bubbly earth pony exclaimed as she landed, proceeding to bounce on the spot as she did so.

“Me too, Pinkie.” Cadence affirmed. “I’m sure we’re all going to be the very best of friends.” As the princess said this, the two royal guards behind her despite their training couldn’t help but let a smile creep onto their face at the glorious scene.

The platform all the ponies stood on was practically empty. Even though the train had now left the station, and the next had arrived from the dusty plains of Appaloosa, completely void of any passengers; the train had made the overnight trip for nothing and to say the driver was a little miffed would be an understatement. The station quickly picked up interest and had drawn several dozen ponies towards it. However, the platform remained relatively quiet except for one crying foal, yet its soft yells went unnoticed amongst the bushels of brightly colored tourists with their cameras and their rustling leaflets.

“Shall we go somewhere more quiet?” Cadence asked, not waiting for a response before she turned around and headed towards the station entrance, drawing hushed gasps and amorous looks from anypony who she passed. Cadence gracefully drifted through the small shady wooden shelter and stepped back out into her aunt’s glorious mid-year sun with the two guards, five new friends, and Twilight in tow humming a euphonic abstracted tune all the while.

The seven ponies slid back against the walls of the enormous outdoor bath nestled around the rear of the castle. It was agreed some time ago that this style of weather made it necessary for one to have multiple washes in one day. When Applejack asked whether their accommodation would have bathrooms, or if indeed, they would need to freshen up before dinner, which would be at seven; Cadence had quickly put forward the idea of every one of them having a soak in the castle’s outdoor bath to which the other ponies also enthused as a great idea.

It was half past five now and the early signs of a gorgeous summer evening were coming into play. The sun was nearing the horizon and the sky was darkening, yet far from nighttime and thick, fluffy clouds occasionally passed the great orb of fire in the sky and threw the bath into shadow. The only sounds were of an affable rustling of leaves from the grape vines which hung from the grid fence suspended above, causing shade, yet still allowing enough light through to dapple upon the pool and give the surface a shimmering, sparkling gleam.

The whir of a generator which operated with ambient magic that regulated water temperature at a comfortable ninety-five degrees fahrenheit could be heard somewhere below the tub. The ambient sound of sloshing water was also evident as each pony made a small bow wave as they sank into the soak. Numerous sighs of bliss rang through the open courtyard from several tense mares as already, the waters began to soothe their joints.

It didn’t take long for the near perfect silence to be broken, and it was Cadence who took the liberty. “Once again, Twilight,” She said, only her shoulders and up un-submerged. “It’s so wonderful to see you again after all this time!” The princess eyed Twilight up and down through the crystal-clear water. “You’ve changed so much, yet still so much the same...”

The young purple unicorn blushed a tickled pink and giggled into her hoof a little, not knowing what to say as a response. Thankfully, the spectral maned mare to her left took the opportunity to be audacious as ever.

“So, princess...” She began, endowing a cocky smirk. “Looking forward to the wedding?”
Cadence giggled and stared off into the distance, visualizing the face of Shining Armor before she spoke. “Very much so, Rainbow Dash...” the princess answered with a sigh.
The blue pegasus’ impudent stare intensified as she continued. “Are you looking forward to the honeymoon as well?”

From Rainbow’s look, tone, and by the way she leaned forward from where she sat gave the other equines all the implication they needed to know what she was getting at. Cadence’s dreamy smile transformed into one of fillyish giggles. “Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed, catching on strongly to the pegasus’ implication. “That’s my brother!”

Rainbow Dash began to giggle, trying her best to restrain a huge whooping laugh. “Well you’re not marrying him!” She replied with far too much emphasis than was needed.
Twilight appeared mortified; she simply turned back to the pink alicorn. “I’m sorry about my friend, princess.” She said with an atoning voice. “She’s just easily...” She shot Rainbow a grimace before continuing. “Excitable...”

All Cadence did was chortle again, waving off the apology with her hoof, no longer clad with the small golden shoes. “Don’t worry, Twilight!” She replied abstractly with a little blush across her already rosy cheeks. “I don’t mind discussing my sex life around my friends.” Upon hearing the word, Applejack’s mind began to race with sensual images. “In fact,” Cadence continued, “I’m still a virgin.”

“What!?” Everypony in the bath cried at once at the alicorn’s confession.

“Don’t look so shocked!” Cadence cried in amusement, allowing herself a brief cackle. “Actually, I was wondering if you would all do me...” She paused, her whole face bright red. “...a favor...” The six other mares exchanged curious looks before willing Cadence to elaborate; eager to help: she was a princess after all...

“What is it, princess?” Asked Rarity, who sat on the opposite side of the bath to Cadence, no more than several feet away, the bath was three times as long as it was wide, allowing for twenty ponies to just manage to squeeze in. But shared among these seven, the crystal clear bathwater remained perfectly still spare the odd ripple or two.

“Well...” Started Cadence, shifting her eyes left and right as if she was checking to see if anypony was around. Alas, she was alone. “I may need some... ‘practice’...’” She continued, her blush refusing to falter.

“Practice?” Applejack quizzed, her inner thighs on fire as the soft underwater currents caressed her senses.

“Yes, you see...” Cadence tried to be professional, but she just couldn’t stop herself from practically leaping onto the farm pony sat next to the white unicorn opposite her in the white enamel tub. With the speed of an alicorn, the princess leapt through the water, a heavy, sloshing wave in her wake as she pressed herself into the earth pony’s mouth.

Applejack didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t shove the princess off of her. Nor did she feel it was right to join in with the unexpected sensuality. Before she knew it, Applejack found herself roughly flicking her tongue all around Cadence’s silky mouth, emitting soft moans as her heat exploded. The sudden gush of hormones overwhelmed her and she instinctively jammed her hoof towards her love, the conscious thoughts of her friends watching completely gone as she was swept away in the passion. She didn’t know why the placid young princess did this, nor did she care. The only thing that was on her mind was making contact with her screaming pleasure. However, when her hoof passed down, it was blocked by another entity.

It was the unmistakable touch of a stallion’s organ.

And the weird part was... It was hers...

“What in tarnation’!?” Cried Applejack as she pulled away from Cadence and stared through the water at her new member. It took a moment or two for the fact of having another body part to sink in, and once it did, she didn’t entirely know how to feel about it. “What’s goin’ on!?” She continued, becoming exasperated. “Why’ve I got a dick? How have I got a dick?” Usually, such an experience would be a tad traumatizing, but for some queer reason, she was beginning to feel awfully ‘excited’ despite herself. Mentally and physically.

Cadence pressed her hoof to Applejack’s lips, silencing her. The farm pony hermaphrodite gazed deep into the alicorn’s dark purple eyes and waited for her to say something: to explain. But she said nothing, and instead smiled and turned to face the five other mares, who expeditiously discovered their own new skin, and all but Twilight and Pinkie began to panic. The water in the bath sloshed around madly and huge ripples distorted the otherwise flat surface of water as everypony attempted to hide their growing erections.

“Ooh! Look at this!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, raising herself out of the water and somehow managing to stand on her hind legs upon her seat. “It’s so big and thick!” She cried, bragging about a penis many stallions would be proud of as it slowly pulsed upwards. She grasped it near the tip and began to gently pump her hoof backwards and forwards, pulling the foreskin right over the top before bringing it down again. “Look at me! I’m a perverted old stallion!” She cried out, trying to play the fool and failing: she was the only one to laugh at her joke and the giggles caused her to lose her - already imperfect - balance and fall into the hot water, generating a tremendous splash and drenching everypony present, matting their names to their necks, and part way down their wet bodies.

Twilight stared towards Cadence with an air of mistrust; she knew all too well about the spell to give mares stallion parts and vice versa, but she had not but a clue that one of her friends would even give the thought of a spell such as this, let alone to actually use one herself. “Princess?” Twilight asked, pressing up against the wall of the tub, resisting the urge to touch herself. It was a side effect of the spell, not only did it present the physical differential ties, but it also made whoever was affected extremely horny. Enough so, that the tomboyish Rainbow Dash, though skeptical at first, could be seen manipulating her own piece below the water, and not looking as if she wasn’t enjoying it in the slightest.

“Yes, Twilight?” Cadence asked after pulling away from a much more accepting kiss from Applejack, a long stream of saliva stretched between the pair’s lips before it broke when she talked.

Twilight furrowed her brow, not knowing how else to word it other than “Did you do this?” Once she had said it, she was found to curse herself under her breath.

“What do you mean, Twilight?” The princess asked alluringly, suffering greatly from the effects of the spell.

Twilight blushed as she realized she herself was becoming rather stiff, the same sensation that had come across her many, many times before when experimenting with the spell easily twice as intense as her ‘best’ test. “Did you um...” Twilight began, her cheeks glowing violet. “Did you cast the spell that gives mares...” She paused, resisting the urge to use slang. “Male genitalia?”

Cadence allowed herself a loud chuckle. “Well, my cutie mark is love making...” She motioned, wafting her hoof over her cutie mark as she raised herself out of the water, the perfectly clear water trickling down her slender body like a petite waterfall.

“But,” The purple unicorn began, her horn beginning to tingle as her pleasurable desires began to consume her mind. “But you said you were a virgin...” Twilight finished, looking desperately towards Cadence.

“I lied.” The princess replied with a foalish smile. “Just to get you all in the right mindset for the spell to work properly.”

Twilight’s eyes fell to half-lidded jewels. “Oh, princess-”

“Cadence.” The alicorn corrected with a slight wink.

“Cadence...” Twilight tried again, “You could have just asked...” The purple mare then proceeded to chortle into her hoof at her lusty little remark.

“I can’t take it anymore!” Cried Applejack as she lurched forward with another convulsion due to her ‘condition’, the pain and greed intensified by that sinful spell. The orange farm pony, who was still pressed up against Cadence, thrust her hoof between her legs and began to mangle her marehood furiously in some futile attempt to ease the incinerating pain. “Somepony, anypony! Agh!” Another wave of need flashed through her body and she contemplated shoving her entire hoof inside herself, but despite all of what was happening, she was still in the presence of royalty. (Even if that royalty was a nympho...)

She decided to make her agonizing desires vocal. “Please fuck me!” She begged, looking between Twilight and Cadence, the latter of which even looking a little shocked towards the outburst.

“Well that was quite a demand...” Cadence teased, eliciting a long, whining groan from Applejack.

“Please!” Begged the farm girl. “I need something inside of me!” Her eyes began to water. “It hurts!”

The pink princess pressed her lips up to Applejacks once again, nearly having her tongue sucked out by the mare. Cadence’s hoof drifted down Applejacks stomach until it rested upon Applejack’s throbbing, begging stallionhood. The pair continued to passionately kiss, much to Twilight’s amazement and to Rarity and Fluttershy’s; who had herself buried as far underwater as possible whilst still being able to breathe. The white unicorn’s attention, however quickly shifted to her own brand new appendage and the appetite building behind it.

Rarity reached down to touch it and jerked her hoof away when the spike of pleasure rocketed along her entire being. She had never been touched in such a way before, rather obviously, but what she felt just then was exactly what she wanted, what she needed right now. She brought her pampered hoof to her member again and begun to lightly stroke the even more sensitive underside of it, sending shivers down her spine and across her marehood. She brought her other hoof down as if she were alone and began to slowly but forcefully rub her sensual lips together erotically whilst watching the other pegasus and earth coupling become very personal very quickly in the corner of the tub.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had easily given into their temptations and now Dash had her firm rump resting upon the hard white edge of the tub with her cock above the water and a very excited Pinkie furiously slurping it all up from the very tip, right down to the base where she just managed to stick her tongue out under the blue penis and give Dash’s clit a flick, drawing out high pitched squeals from the pegasus as she guided Pinkie’s head up and down her rock hard shaft with one hoof while supporting herself with the other.

Applejack was once again begging for penetration and Cadence, being the kind and thoughtful pony that she was, became rock solid at the earth pony’s pleas. “What was that Applejack?” Cadence asked with a grin, her eyes half lidded, her voice soft and provocative and her penis pressed against Applejack’s opening. “What is it that you want me to do?”

“Oghhhhhhh...” Applejack moaned in response. At the sound, Cadence pulled away, receding from contact with the orange mare’s bright pink pussy.

“FUCK ME!” Screamed Applejack as the minute attention from Cadence’s cock left her, drawing the attention of everypony in the water. Even Fluttershy turned her head up from the water.

Cadence giggled darkly. “You’ve been kicking off pheromones like mad... And I can smell it.” Applejack growled through her teeth out of anticipation. Cadence’s smile intensified and she drew closer, so that her mouth was nearly touching AJ’s ear. “I can taste it...” Continued the alicorn drawing ever closer. Finally, the princess whispered into Applejack’s ear. “And now I want to feel it...” She bit down very softly onto the mare’s ear, pushing Applejack over the edge of reason.

“PLEASE!” The farm girl screamed again. “Fuck me! I want it so bad! Jus’ shove that cock inside me and rut me as hard as you fucking can!” The earth pony was hyperventilating, her chest heaving up and down with lust. All until she felt an entity bury itself between her tight lips. She froze, her eyes as wide as saucers and her mouth stuck open in a silent scream of the most intense pleasure she had felt in her entire life.

Princess Cadence leaned over the mare’s trembling chest, bent her neck around so her head was level with AJ’s ear and whispered once more. “I thought you’d never ask.” Cadence then drew herself out of Applejack until only her head remained, then she thrust forcefully back in, slamming Applejack’s ass into the back of the tub. She repeated this motion another ten times until the orange mare came. Cadence buried herself as far as she possibly could inside Applejack when she felt the mare’s inner walls compressing her cock, eliciting cacophonous screams of pure pleasure from Applejack as she ejaculated her load into the open water in long, sticky strands which clung fiercely to the fur around both mare’s crotches.

Twilight could do nothing except watch with an unrelenting libido, unable to take her eyes off of Applejack’s twitching member as it spurted ejaculation onto her foalsitter’s stomach. Twilight hadn’t noticed until now, but she was fully erect and raring to go. She turned around to see Rarity trying to comfort Fluttershy out of her embarrassment, and to some degree, her influence was working, yet the main cause for the shy pegasus’ return from the depths was the mental pressure right at the front of her mind.

The yellow mare had always looked up to Rarity, she had always looked up to all of her friends, but Rarity was different, she could see that the white unicorn was the most generous of all the ponies she had met. Even now, instead of pleasuring herself, which Fluttershy could tell from her grave blush and enchanting eyes was what Rarity wanted, she was trying her best to make her friend feel better. The two were alike, kindness and generosity; without kindness, generosity could not exist, yet because of this, generosity brings out the kindness in all ponies’ hearts.

At this mystifying thought, Fluttershy raised from the water with benevolence and swiftly pecked Rarity on the lips. Rarity stopped talking and stared into the big, aquatic eyes, and they stared right back. Rarity’s smile broadened, and Fluttershy was delighted to have made her best friend so happy. Unbeknownst to the moaning of Pinkie and Dash behind her, Fluttershy began to blush profusely as she lowered her head under the water. Rarity became quizzical for a stage until she felt a silky entity pass along the entire length of her love. The movement sent shivers down Rarity’s spine as Fluttershy’s tongue slid excruciatingly slowly along her petite folds. Fluttershy stopped just below the top and sucked the unicorn’s clitoris into her mouth ever so slightly.

Rarity tensed up at the unexpected, but more than welcome gesture. Fluttershy rubbed the tip of her tongue rapidly across Rarity’s clit, drawing her close to orgasm. Very close. Fluttershy continued to lick until she felt Rarity press her hips into her muzzle. The yellow pegasus immediately ceased the licking and bit down with her front teeth ever so softly, but that was enough. Rarity’s body convulsed and she thrust herself forward into Fluttershy’s face. Even though she was underwater, the pegasus could still feel and taste Rarity’s juices pouring over her face.

On the surface, Rarity didn’t know what to do; she needed to grab hold of something, but the only thing to grab was Fluttershy’s mane. Without thinking, Rarity clasped the back of Fluttershy’s head, rammed it into her pussy and clamped her back legs around the yellow mare’s head. She stayed like this for a few seconds until most of the afterglow had dissipated. She soon became aware of Fluttershy’s desperate struggling within her iron grip. She instantly released the mare and she appeared less than a tenth of a second later, gasping for air and sobbing her poor little heart out.

Realizing what had just happened, Rarity became impossibly apologetic, pulling Fluttershy close to comfort her. A feeling of immense relief passed over Rarity as she felt Fluttershy hug her back. Fluttershy’s head pressed Rarity’s slimy ejaculation onto her cheek as she embraced her. Unbeknownst to Fluttershy, she had just prodded at Rarity’s fetish for sloppy sex. The white unicorn didn’t revel in her ecstasy, however. Instead, her sole intention was, once again, making her friend happy.

“Fluttershy, I...” The white unicorn began, resting her head in a puddle of her own magical semen. “I’m so sorry... I just... lost control...” Fluttershy nodded, further smearing Rarity’s stallion juice over her face. Rarity smiled as a thought crossed her mind. “You’re amazing, Fluttershy!” She began, smiling to herself for her pegasus friend. “You must have had a lot of practice!” She laughed, and amongst the sobs over her shoulder, she could have sworn she heard a giggle or two as well.

Rarity pulled Fluttershy around in front of her and looked her in the eyes again, noticing the long stream of cum that stretched between their faces like melted cheese and nearly instantly became hard again. “Here,” Said Rarity, rotating in the water so that Fluttershy was in Rarity’s place against the wall. She laid her yellow friend back against the enamel seat and kneeling on the floor of the tub, spread Fluttershy’s legs open with her forehooves. “Let me make it up for you...” Rarity finished. And before Fluttershy could protest, Rarity submerged her head and peered down at the tip of Fluttershy’s sizeable member.

Without hesitation, with the intention to get straight to work, Rarity poked her tongue into the base of Fluttershy’s rod, a little surprised to not find a pair of balls like she had done with all of the stallions she had been with. Never the less, Rarity continued without the usual bout of testicular tongue tickling and ran her tongue along the length of the piece. Eventually, she reached the top and encircled the bare tip with her tongue. Her delicate, cotton like tongue excited Fluttershy’s senses and she attempted to stifle moans of bliss. Her breath coming out in short, shivering stabs as Rarity gave her an entirely new experience.

Underwater, Rarity decided to take her tongue action to the next level and forcefully, yet not painfully poking the very tip of her tongue into Fluttershy’s japs eye, causing the yellow mare to squeal in delight just as Rarity nearly instantly sunk onto her cock, taking in the whole length in one big swooping bob. The unicorn suddenly felt the thirst for air and returned to the surface, flicking her tongue across Fluttershy’s wood on the way up. She finished with a kiss upon Fluttershy’s tip and poked her head through the surface of the water.

Upon exiting her watery world, Rarity became joyous towards Fluttershy’s satisfaction. Her head was resting on the decking at the side of the pool and her tongue was flopped lazily from her mouth, trailing drool down her cheek and onto the wet wood below. Taking a few gulps of air, Rarity eagerly submerged her head again and cupped Fluttershy’s head within her lips. She stuck her tongue out and licked rapidly around Fluttershy’s shaft. She felt the yellow member tense somehow more when she did this. It wouldn’t be long now...

Once again, Rarity went back to work, bouncing her head mightily, but as always gracefully, up and down Fluttershy’s stiff penis. She felt Fluttershy’s hooves press into the back of her head and knew what was coming. She powerfully sucked as she withdrew her head, shoving Fluttershy into the realms of orgasm. Rarity kept the head of her friend’s member between her lips and allowed her mouth to become filled with the slimy, disgusting, wonderful substance. She felt Fluttershy’s penis pulsing through her lips, spurting copious amounts of jizz into the unicorn’s amazing mouth. Fluttershy was subconsciously thrusting, only a little, but enough to thickly coat Rarity’s mouth with her semen.

The unicorn pulled away, keeping the valuable liquid stocked in her cheeks. She just noticed a tiny spurt climb out of Fluttershy’s penis and form a little pearl atop the head of it. Rarity smiled and brought her head out of the water, cheeks bulging. Fluttershy was sitting up now, her eyelids fluttering dreamily and her eyes rolled back in her head as the twangs of pleasure echoed inside her mind.

Unexpectedly, Rarity cupped her lips around Fluttershy’s, clamping their heads together and forcing her cum-blanketed tongue into Fluttershy’s. She sloppily sucked and spat the sperm between their mouths, caking Fluttershy’s cheeks with her own spunk. It certainly tasted... ‘interesting’... Not nice, nor rancid, rather a healthy mixture of the two. It was obvious that semen didn’t belong in the mouth, but knowing this was what made the act that much more naughty.

Rarity broke the sloppy kiss, a long strand of cum stretching between both ponies lips before it snapped and trickled down each chin. “On three.” Rarity proposed, shooting Fluttershy a suggestive wink. Fluttershy nodded and began to scrape her semen from her cheeks like she could see her unicorn friend doing, her tongue making her cheeks bulge.
“One...” Said Rarity, collecting a sizeable glob of sperm on her tongue. “Two...” She continued, pausing to allow Fluttershy to do the same. Fluttershy finished and nodded to Rarity, trying hard not to burst out laughing and spray her load from her mouth. “Three.” Rarity said finally, and both ponies swallowed their loads in one loud, thick, heavy gulp.

“Ohhhhhh...” Moaned Rainbow Dash as she was thoroughly sucked off by her pink friend. The blue pegasus had her right hoof draped over Pinkie Pie’s head, not aiding in anything else other than somewhere to rest. Pinkie was doing all the work and Dash simply sat there and enjoyed, yet who could blame her? The way Pinkie’s soft, moist tongue danced around the blue cock as she roughly and sloppily drew it in and out of her mouth made Dash want to explode. And despite the new sensation, the spectral pegasus could tell she was nearly there.

Pinkie slowly and teasingly rose from the dick before she reached the tip and instantly began to guzzle up her friend’s member in strong, deep-throated bangs. Her lips were like magic, her tongue indescribable and, like Dash, her eyes were lightly closed and her lids fluttering. Whilst Pinkie filated Rainbow Dash, she slowly rubbed her slit up and down in time with her own movements, managing to groan in time with Rainbow Dash until she felt the familiar shivering sensation she got from stallions.

She shoved as much of the cock into her mouth as she could, but in her eagerness, misjudged the capabilities of her mouth, the end of Dash’s penis poking the back of her throat and refusing to slip downwards. Pinkie’s eyes shot open as she realised what had happened, her blue eyes wild with lustrous panic, half of her mind wanted to pull back and make Dashie finish outside, but the other half wanted it so badly she forgot entirely about possibilities and instead, braced herself for what was about to come, but nothing could prepare her for what happened next.

Rainbow’s load rocked out of her dick like a bullet, colliding with the back of Pinkie’s throat and spraying everywhere. Pinkie winced, but managed to hold Dash inside as she felt her friend’s jizz travel upward. Dash cried out in exaggerated, laconic bleats of intense orgasmic bliss with every thunderous squirt. She felt her own spunk hug her long dick and coat Pinkie’s mouth. The pegasus screwed her eyes shut and began to twitch as the last little bouts of electrical pleasure left her body along with her hot wetness.

After a short moment, Dash’s eyes reopened, coming face to sticky face with the mare who had given her possibly the best orgasm in her life. Dash focused on the two milky trails of cum quickly flowing from Pinkie’s nostrils, her watering eyes and lastly, her bright red blush, poking fun at her usual bright pink appearance. Dash grinned with an air of satisfaction. “Whew!” She said, “That was great, Pinkie! You really know how to work the shaft!”

Pinkie Pie shot her a smile. “Why, thank you, Dashie!” The pink mare replied loudly, spraying the remnants of Dash’s orgasm that hadn’t squirted out of her nose or ran down her throat all over the pegasus’ face.

Dash laughed, and Pinkie’s happy smile became sinister. “Now if you don’t mind, Dashie...” She began, frowning playfully, even a little intimidating. Dash stopped her giggling and furrowed her brow in thought as she noted Pinkie’s determined expression. “It’s my turn.” Pinkie finished, and almost instantly stood up, using Dash’s shoulders as a guide, wrenching the pegasus from her spot on the bathside and causing water to explode around her. Very much excited from the oral attention she had given her blue friend, Pinkie thrust forward without warning, jamming her thick cock between Dash’s slightly parted lips.

The pegasus’ eyes widened and she choked at the unexpected entry. Once again, Pinkie was doing all the work, fucking Rainbow Dash hard in the face, her hips going like a jackhammer and her hooves pressing Rainbow’s head right down to the base of her cock. Pinkie was grunting throatily, eyes screwed shut and focusing intently on the squelching sound that could be heard when her dick struck the back of Dash’s throat.

Dash began to gag on Pinkie’s member, every thrust drawing a louder and more intense wretch from the pony. If this trend continued, she knew she would eventually throw up. Suddenly, Pinkie’s penis tore from Rainbow’s mouth when the pegasus let out an exceptionally loud wrenching sound followed by fits of coughing. Secretly, Dash loved every second of it, and was a little disappointed when Pinkie pulled out before she could vomit; Rainbow was that kind of mare.

She knelt there, inched away from Pinkie’s slimy cock trailing thick strands of precum from her shivering lips. Dash continued to cough and splutter violently until the semen which had somehow made its way into her lungs was evacuated. She dribbled Pinkie’s lubrication down her chin and began to pant for air.

“Oh, sweet Cele-” But that was all she managed before Pinkie penetrated her once again, perhaps with even more force and desperation than before. The feeling of Dash’s tight throat around her proud shaft quickly brought Pinkie to orgasm, and at this point, the pink mare rammed as much of her dick into Dash as she could. She felt the head of it slip downwards into Dash’s esophagus. And then she began to come.

PInkie squeezed her friend’s head as hard as she could onto her shaft and she felt Rainbow resist strongly as her dick spurted straight down the pegasus’ throat. Dash’s natural reflex was to attempt to swallow the jizz collected around her throat, but the thick pink cock was in the way. The sensation of Dash’s tongue compressing her penis mid-climax was all it took for Pinkie to achieve a double orgasm. The pink mare screamed in purest ecstacy and ripped her juddering dick from her friend, proceeding to squirt the rest of her load all over Dash’s face, gluing one of her eyes shut.

When she was spent, yet still highly sensitive, Pinkie drearily rubbed the spunk around dash’s face with her dick as the pegasus gasped for breath. Pinkie Pie’s slimy penis quickly grew soft and she receded to the water next to dash, resting back on the wall of the tub and tried to recover from her insane orgasm. Rainbow swiftly joined her, sinking into the hot water and still panting heavily.

“Oh... Sweet... Celestia...” Sighed Dash in between breaths, her heart pounding in her heaving chest.. “That was amazing, Pinkie...” She added after a while.

“Thanks, Dash.” Pinkie replied. “I’ve always wanted to do that...”

“Heh, heh, heh...” Rainbow replied, wearily turning to look at Pinkie’s bright blue eyes with her one good eye. “So have I...”

Twilight had simply sat, watching all of her friends climax and somehow ejaculate without testis after having stallion parts for less than ten minutes. Applejack had since grown hard again and was thoroughly enjoying a good fucking from a very well hung princess Cadence. The orange pony’s dick was flopping violently up and down between her legs as Cadence bent her over, slapping against her sweaty stomach with each powerful pump. Applejack’s front hooves rested on the edge of the bath, struggling to support her body as her hindquarters were pounded by the berserk Cadence.

Twilight watched the big, dark cock of her friend dance beneath her belly with anxiety; she wanted it, badly, but Applejack was one of her closest friends and in asking, felt as if she would be using her. As she pondered this, she found herself to be subconsciously tickling the underside of her penis, withdrawing electric twitches from the fleshy organ as the sight, sounds and smells of Applejack’s squishy experience invaded her senses, scrambling all logic and eliciting her basic instinct to mate.

Twilight didn’t stop massaging her cock; in fact, she sped up, gripping it at the base and rapidly pumping up and down. She stared around at all of her other friends in the pool. Pinkie Pie was sat on Rainbow’s lap facing her and gently gyrating her hips, biting on the tip of her pink hoof as she passionately rode her best friend; even though the water was choppy, and a little frothy from semen.

Twilight could just imagine the big blue cock pulsing inside the pink mare as she wiggled her hips, bending it forwards and backwards, bringing the pegasus to the edge of pain and back again, into deeper realms of pleasure. Twilight could see it in the blue pony’s flared face, and the sight made her soaking wet.

She turned even more, now also stroking her sex with her other hoof as she caught sight of Rarity and Fluttershy. The pair had risen to the decking surrounding the pool and were gently scissoring each other, both of their members buried inside the other’s slit. Twilight could see Fluttershy’s vertical cock mashing Rarity’s bright pink lips around in big circles. Rarity, for once, appeared very uncouth, her tongue flopping limply from her mouth leaking translucent, slobbery drool down her chest, through her fur and around her love, providing further lubrication for Fluttershy’s wide penis. Twilight thought it amusing that a timid little pegasus like Fluttershy could be the proud owner of such an impressive utility. Nevertheless, she deemed it simply an effect of the spell.

This notion drew her head back to Cadence and the juddering Applejack below her, her eyes screwed shut and her unbound blonde mane matted to her sopping body. With a huge lack of expectation, Twilight felt a magical clamp around the entirety of her shaft as Cadence’s horn flared a luminous green. At several points along Twilight’s member, pressure could be felt massaging it as if pistons were pumping her cock with strong compressions. The purple mare’s upper body twisted back and forth as she struggled to hold onto what little mentality she had left, and she was badly failing.

“Why don’t you come over here, Twilight?” Asked Cadence, turning to face the unicorn but not letting up even slightly on her thrusting. “Applejack wants to show you something.”

“Uhm...” Said Twilight, scooting forward on her butt towards the princess. She knew that if she went over there she would either be penetrated, or have to penetrate somepony else. Looking around her at all of the deeply desirable faces of her friends, Twilight gave up then and there and simply accepted the situation with open arms.

A smile made its way onto her face and she rolled forward onto her hooves and began to slosh through the water to Cadence. “Ho- Howdy, Twilight...” Sighed Applejack, somehow feeling the unicorn’s presence through the cascading waves of pleasure washing up and down her spine.

“Hey, Applejack.” Twilight replied, swapping her gaze from Applejack’s green eyes to the meat show between her legs. “Having fun?” She asked sarcastically.

Applejack went to answer, but Cadence hit a sweet spot and Applejack arched her back and began moaning with desire as Cadence again and again raised the bar of her excitement. “Oh, yes...” Cadence answered in the farm pony’s place. “She is...”

Twilight, among other things, appeared puzzled. “So what did Applejack want?”

Cadence smiled and turned to the back of Applejack’s head. “Go on, sweetie...” She said in a voice that was far too relaxed for someone involved in a sport this vigorous. “Ask Twilight what it was that you wanted...”

Applejack turned to the purple mare beside her, eyes dreary and filled with desire. “If- If-” She started, but cut herself off. Having to try to speak out of breath and over the highly intense pounding she was receiving from Cadence was proving to be difficult. “Could you,” Applejack tried again, focusing on formulating the words and trying as best she could to block out some of the pleasurable tingles. “Could you, if y’all didn’t- ngh - didn’t mind that is, would you uh... uhhhhoooooohhhhhhh!” Her words dissolved into a long, deep moan as once again, princess Cadence’s magic cock found one of Applejack’s most sensitive inside points.

Twilight kept her smile, if not widened it. “Do you want to fuck me, Applejack?” She asked, surprising herself with the way she spoke.

The orange earth pony turned towards her unicorn friend, her body limp towards Cadence’s thrusting, her entire body pumping up and down in time with the princess. “Uh, huh...” She managed to sigh in response.

Twilight chuckled quietly before replying. “Well why didn’t you say so?” She playfully affirmed, taking a step towards Applejack and bringing her face level with hers.

Without warning, Twilight pressed her face into Applejack’s, forcing her tongue into her apple scented mouth. Applejack gladly accepted her friend, meeting Twilight’s hot, wet tongue with her own and beginning to violently wrestle and suck, drawing sighs of anticipation from the purple mare. All of a sudden, the kiss broke and Twilight could be seen clambering underneath Applejack and positioning herself appropriately. She was a little smaller than Applejack, and could feel her rock hard cock slapping against her sex as Cadence continued to thrust.

Twilight placed her front hooves on the edge of the bath and readied herself, pressing her buttocks into Applejack’s crotch, waiting for her hot member to slide inside of her soaking wet pussy. Twilight could feel her mare juices trickling down the insides of her legs and splashing into the water below. She could hear Applejack’s throbbing dick slapping wetly against her folds and she could smell Applejack’s own fragrant lubrication on the air. “Ready Twilight?” Came Cadence’s voice from somewhere behind, perfectly audible over the sloshing of water, deep moans and groans of ponies and the wet slapping of meat.

“Yup!” Twilight answered happily as she relaxed her flanks, readying herself for the glorious inevitable penetration.

“Wonderful...” Replied Cadence with an air of darkness. All of a sudden, the princess thrust so violently and with so much force that both Applejack and Twilight slid forward. Applejack’s solid shaft pierced Twilight’s pussy as she was forced inside by the unexpected thrust. She screamed in painful pleasure as her body became squashed between Twilight’s back and Cadence’s chest. The earth pony’s legs hung limply around Twilight’s body, she could no longer support herself and she loved it. The sensation of being trapped in this sandwich of sex overwhelmed her.

The feeling of her walls being mashed by Cadence’s cock and herself mashing Twilight’s elicited yelps of pure agonizing ecstasy from Applejack as all of her legs flopped with Cadence’s thrusting. Twilight matched the princess’ movements and began to thrust her hips backward as Cadence pressed forward, both ponies sliding out of Applejack before slamming their nethers back down upon her, every time drawing out a louder and longer wail of debilitating joy.

“Ohhhhhh!” Cried Twilight as her friend’s dick pressed up against the sides of her vagina and her own member began to slap violently against her belly like Applejack’s was a short moment ago. Twilight grunted from deep within her chest as Applejack writhed atop her. The squashed purple mare could feel a forgotten pressure welling up inside of her. The sensation, smell and taste of vigorous sex cascaded across her expanse of senses and both Twilight and Applejack rapidly grew tense in expectation for their impending explosions.

Applejack cried out something inaudible as Cadence focused on driving her long cock as far inside Applejack as possible, in turn, aiding the orange pony in impaling her purple friend even more. Twilight’s horn began to glow a dim purple as her orgasmic release quickly approached. “Ahhhhhh!” Cried Twilight as she fought to keep herself from ending her experience right here. “Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!” She screamed, feeling Applejack’s rod poke her g-spot over and over again. She couldn’t take it anymore, she needed to come.

“Bite my horn!” Twilight ordered. Without thinking, Applejack obeyed and bit down hard with her front teeth on the tip of Twilight’s softened purple anatomy. Twilight’s eyes screwed shut and her mouth flew open. She screamed as loud as she could as semen, mare cum and ‘majaculation’ erupted from her body. She hadn’t had this for so long that she had forgotten what it felt like to have the liquid ‘pleasure-magic’ course through her horn. And it felt amazing. Below her, her stallion member twitched and jerked as it spat out great strands of cloudy whiteness into the water, carrying with it explosive chills stabbing along Twilight’s spine, causing her back and rump to cease up, squeezing Applejack’s cock, pushing the farm pony deep into a wild spasm.

Applejack screamed perhaps twice as loud as Twilight, drawing the attention of all of the other ponies, distracting them from their own fucking to gaze in awe at the spectacle. Twilight’s horn shot some kind of fizzy, explosive substance into her mouth, the likes of which Applejack had never tasted before. It reminded her of stallion semen, but at the same time, tasted like pure sugar. The earth pony’s legs straightened out and flailed about as the princess continued to thrust inside of her, relentlessly pumping her oversensitive cock into Twilight’s crotch. Her own apple scented jizz squirted out from her friend’s pussy, wrapping around her vibrating dick and spilling out between Twilight’s legs to join the purple pony’s own magical stallion juice.

Applejack screamed along with Twilight throughout the entirety of both their cacophonous orgasms. The purple mare could feel her friend’s thick knob filling her orifice up with hot, slimy cum. She could feel the power of the alicorn through Applejack and she loved every single second of it. At Cadence’s end, the princess felt not a twitch, rather, she felt overjoyed that she could provide such an ecstatic sensation for her two friends. She smiled as Applejack’s bright pink hole leaked slippery clear juice around her cock and could feel the pony’s intense heartbeat through her member as Applejack writhed beneath her, spurt after spurt causing her whole rear end to tense and her powerful flanks to squeeze Cadence’s penis in a crushing embrace.

When she was spent, Applejack came over incredibly drowsy, she felt as if she could fall asleep right here, covered in her own juices, being pounded from behind by a supreme being, her softening cock squelching between her unicorn friend’s folds. Her sleepy thoughts were cut short, however when the wobbly pony beneath her slid out and away to the side. Her barely spongy dick flopped out, dragging with it a river of sperm as Twilight’s stretched lips slowly closed up again.

Cadence finally stopped her thrusting and dismounted Applejack, her fair lips and her toned rump bright red from their strenuous tenderizing. Twilight sank into the water, a mixture of hers and Applejack’s juices collecting around her neck. The warm water soothed her soft penis and cleansed her backside of semen and mare-cum. Applejack swiftly joined her, the waters pressing against her throbbing clit, giving the feeling as if her whole vagina was on fire. But she didn’t mind, instead, she simply sat there, trying to catch her breath next to her purple friend she had just cum inside.

“Hey... Hey, Twi?...” Applejack asked, breathing deeply.

“Yeah?...” The unicorn replied, slowly turning her head, which rested on the back of the tub, to face her sweaty orange friend.

Applejack smiled weakly, her cheeks soaked from the tears of pleasure. “You... You feel... You feel so good, Twi...”

Twilight smiled in response, pleased to hear that complement come from the element of honesty. “Why, thank you, Applejack...” Twilight replied, not noticing princes Cadence standing above her, her raging erection wiggling back and forth between her legs.

“Ready for round two?” Asked Cadence in an encroaching tone, trying to protrude as much of her member as possible, hungry for another taste.

“Round... two?” Twilight and Applejack asked simultaneously, meeting each other’s gaze before turning back to Cadence who had her wings stretched out behind her so wide it appeared painful.

Cadence glanced towards Pinkie Pie and Dash, the latter of which was now contributing to the efforts and pumping her hips upwards while Pinkie still grinded her meat against Dash’s shaft and smiled. “How would Pinkie feel if I were to knock down her back door?”

Applejack shifted nervously, looking at Twilight before turning back to Cadence. “Do you mean...” She began, but for once, not being able to find the front to say what was on her mind. “...What I think you mean?” She asked. Cadence merely nodded. The orange Earth pony glanced towards her bouncing pink friend, then down to her waist; her big, bouncy buttocks harboring Cadence’s interest.

“I... I suppose it might be alright...” Applejack affirmed weakly, mesmerized by the pink mare’s jiggling cheeks. Cadence said nothing, rather she just ambled off towards Pinkie, an eager smile worn on her face, her tail raised high, displaying her sopping marehood to the world. Once again, Applejack and Twilight met each other’s eyes.

“Should we follow her?” Asked Twilight frowning slightly in fear.

“Yeah...” Applejack huffed, clambering to her still wobbly hooves. “I think we should...”

Pinkie was giving Dash a really good time, having had lots of experience with stallions, her movements atop her blue friend felt surreal. Despite all the stings of pleasure shooting up her spine with every pump, Pinkie still managed to keep composure. Moving her knees around in big arcs, squeezing Rainbow Dash’s penis within her pussy.

“Oh, yes...” Dash sighed for the seventh time. “Don’t stop.” She added for the eighth time. But Pinkie wouldn’t stop - even if she wanted to - she could tell how much Rainbow Dash was enjoying this and to say she herself wasn’t taking great interest in her work would be a lie.

At this point in time, Rainbow was reaching out with her forehooves and massaging Pinkie’s shaft as the pink mare worked her hips in divine circles. Suddenly, there was a voice in Pinkie’s ear, the unexpected sound made her loose rhythm a tad, nevertheless, she soon found her pace again.

“Hello, Pinkie Pie.” Said Cadence, smiling temptingly with half-lidded eyes next to the earth pony’s blushing face. “Are you having fun?” The princess asked, dying for a taste of Pinkie Pie’s flesh.

“Oh, yes.” Both Pinkie and Dash answered at the same time, drawing giggles from them both.

“Room for one more?” Asked the alicorn with the utmost desire, not waiting for a reply before she mounted Pinkie’s back, forcing her downwards onto Dash’s chest.

“What- What’s going on!?” Cried Pinkie in fear as she felt a pressure against her tight hole. Dash’s dick sunk all the way into Pinkie and the Pink mare cried out in pain.

“Don’t worry, Pinkie Pie...” Cadence growled with a voice that was too seductive for her own good. “Just relax...”

Pinkie Pie obeyed, nodding gently and unclenching her private parts. She once again started to wiggle as best she could, still trying to give Rainbow her love, but was halted when she felt a second, much larger, entity stuff her silly. Pinkie’s eyes widened and she screamed in what could only be described as pure pain as Cadence’s cock, lubricated by Applejack’s juices slid with great force inside her ass. Her steady breathing turned to frantic pants as Cadence began to work her physical magic, slowly pulling out of Pinkie before ramming herself all the way back inside.

Rainbow Dash could feel princess Cadence’s rock-solid cock through Pinkie’s skin and could also tell by the gritting of Pinkie’s teeth that she wasn’t enjoying it one bit.
“Princess!” Cried Rainbow angrily. “You’re hurting Pinkie!”

Cadence went to reply, but was swiftly interrupted by the pink mare in question. “I fucking love it!” She yelled. “Don’t stop! Tear me apart! Fuck meeeeeeeeeee!!!” Pinkie screamed, screwing her eyes shut and galvanizing Cadence’s senses into overdrive.

“That’s a good girl.” Cadence smirked darkly before pinning Pinkie down with her front hooves, pressing her chest into Rainbow Dash’s, her face right on top of the shocked blue mare.

Cadence began pulverising Pinkie as hard as she possibly could, smashing her knees into Rainbow’s pussy as he did so, sending water flying everywhere with huge force. Pinkie reeled in pain, howling inaudible demands for the torturous pleasure to increase, feeling Cadence’s more than average penis prod her insides. She was loving it.

“Harder! FASTER!” She screamed, her penis being rubbed raw on Dash’s fur as Cadence rammed Pinkie backwards and forwards.

“You dirty, dirty bitch!” Cadence growled, knowing exactly what to say to push this girl over the edge. She took it a step further and slapped Pinkie’s buttocks firmly with her right hoof, making the mare’s rear end glow.

“HARDER!” Pinkie screamed. Cadence obeyed, striking out and catching Pinkie in exactly the same place. Her wet pink body went rigid, her anus clenched. “I’m going to cuuuummmmm!!!!” She wailed.

“M-me t-to...” Dash added, her voice a volume incomparable to her friends.

Pinkie’s eyes tore open, revealing pinprick pupils displaying her intense fetish stimulation. “Cum inside me, Dashie!” Pinkie demanded. “Fill me up! I want to feel your hot cum-” But that was all she managed. She felt as if her penis exploded as a searing goo coated her and Rainbow’s bellies.

Cadence found herself literally stuck inside Pinkie as her walls clamped around her dick like a vice. Regardless, Cadence continued to thrust, rubbing Pinkie against Dash, smearing the hot, gloopy cum between them, feeling the friction between their two bodies lessen as the semen lubricated the two mares. Pinkie Pie hollered into Rainbow’s face as all three of her ‘sex-spots’ exploded at once. She felt Dash’s strong abdomen repeatedly tense and twitch, simultaneously feeling Dash’s warm release coating her spasmodic walls with its wetness as her own sweet, sweet mare juice spurted from her gash.

Rainbow pushed as hard as he could, getting as deep inside Pinkie as possible. Though it made little difference. She began to join Pinkie’s uproar, but choked on her own drool, entering a violent coughing fit which, coupled with the violent pounding of Cadence’s knees into her pussy, made her begin to black out.

All of a sudden, for some reason or another, everything stopped, the coughing and spluttering, the thrusting, the intense orgasmic ecstasy, everything. She lay there, squashed beneath a heavily panting Pinkie Pie and a just plain heavy alicorn, basking in the afterglow of this (quite literally) ‘explosive’ orgasm. She could feel Pinkie’s slimy spunk seeping out around her sides and became aware of the fact that her own warm semen had begun leaking out of Pinkie’s sopping vagina when she felt the stallion juice seep over her own flared slit.

Eventually, Cadence clambered off of Pinkie, a little disappointed that, once again, she had been left with blue balls. That is... she would have been... if she had any. Pinkie remained on top of Dash, enjoying the feeling of her squishy produce gluing the two of them together.

“That. Was. So... Good.......” Pinkie sighed, her asshole burning, the feeling of Cadence’s solid shaft still evident even with its absence. Slowly, Pinkie slid off of Rainbow Dash, the blue Pegasus’ cock had grown flaccid whilst still inside Pinkie and it flopped out with a wet ‘squelch’.

The couple of exhausted ponies were joined by an astounded looking Twilight and a very fearful Applejack. “Pinkie!” Twilight cried out in exasperation. “That looked like it killed!”

“It did!” Replied the pink mare, somehow able to yell even after her bout of what, without consent would be classed as brutal rape. “And it was great!” Rainbow dash sighed in agreement, her crotch aching from the pounding it had just received.

“I... I think I saw blood...” Applejack murmured, fear very evident in her eyes.

“What!?” Yelped Pinkie, exploding out of the water and proceeding to chase her tail to see if any permanent damage had been done. In the past, there had been moments where she had taken her sadistic sex drive to dangerous levels, resulting in multiple times internal bleeding and once, she even had to go to hospital to have her stomach pumped. Nopony could get a straight answer as to why this was and what could have caused it. She either had somewhere she needed to be whenever somepony asked, or she made up a story that was as easy to tell as a lie as if the element of honesty herself had told it. Regardless, whenever Pinkie saw blood, she would become really rather paranoid no matter what circumstances it was under.

“Hold still, Pinkie!” Twilight instructed, truly concerned for her friend, despite her sexual arousal. Pinkie Pie obeyed, standing deathly still and trying not to visualise her own bleeding hole. Twilight brushed Pinkie’s tail to the side, feeling a little embarrassed, but nevertheless, Pinkie needed to know. And the news was good. “Well,” Twilight began, releasing Pinkie’s bouncy tail. The pink earth pony held her breath. “The good news is, there’s no blood-”

“Oh, thank Celestia!” Pinkie reeled, bouncing as best she could in the water, succeeding in little more than saturating her friends around her.

“But,” Said Twilight, causing pinkie to somehow stop in mid-air. She remained motionless in the sky for a second or two before falling back into the pool with an ample splash.

“But!?” She cried. “But what!? What do you mean is but!?” Pinkie began to panic again, feeling as though something worse had happened. Suddenly a revelation hit her. “Am I pregnant!?”

“No, Pinkie!” Twilight giggled. “You’re not pregnant; you can’t get pregnant from this spell.”

Pinkie looked puzzled, cocking her head to the side and raising an eyebrow. “Huh?” She asked, curious, but relieved, nonetheless...

“Well,” ‘Doctor Twilight’ began, blushing profusely as she continued. “This spell in particular, let’s face it, is purely meant for sexual pleasure...” Applejack stepped closer to get a better earful, as did Rainbow Dash, the athletic pegasus doing her image no favors by struggling to raise her body from the soak, still slightly wobbly from her stunt with Pinkie, her chest still glazed with spunk.

Twilight sparke paused for a moment as she hungrily observed Dash’s milky underbelly. “The ‘sperm’ we ejaculate is nothing more than a sticky liquid produced by the spell. It’s better than semen; it feels, smells and,” She licked her lips “it tastes better than normal semen...”

Applejack looked to Twilight, then to her cute purple cock, then towards Rainbow. In her highly aroused state, Applejack was compelled to ask Rainbow Dash for a taste. However, when she opened her mouth to speak, she was interrupted by a shrill squeak from behind her, unmistakable for a certain yellow pegasus who had the entirety of Cadence’s muzzle pressed deep inside her tender slit.

Cadence’s face was surrounded by meat curtains; her mouth was practically inside Fluttershy’s cooch and everywhere she licked drew excited gasps from the sensitive pegasus. Yellow legs were wrapped around her head, pressing her deeper inside Fluttershy, the mare’s sweet juices flowing in and around her mouth as she continued to expertly wiggle her tongue around. Rarity was sat atop cadence’s head, the princess’ horn, and indeed Rarity’s, was soft and spongy, losing its bony norm and taking on a stature much like a second penis.

The unicorn’s horn is sensitive to most things, but given enough stimulation, can soften, becoming nearly impossible to use magic and activating the pleasure receptors in one’s brain. Rarity, laying on her back on the poolside gyrated her hips, feeling Cadence’s rough horn work around inside of her and stroking her own cushy appendage, each time she neared the base, magical potential grew inside causing it to dimly glow a pale blue.

“What’s goin’ on over there?” Asked Applejack, not waiting for an answer before she started moving towards the scene. Nopony answered; nopony really needed to, they could all see how engrossed Cadence was with her ‘work’. She was leant backwards over the edge of the bath, Rarity laid on her back with Cadence’s unicorn anatomy inside her, the white unicorn’s eyes barely closed, her eyebrows raised high into a backwards frown and she was blushing boldly. Fluttershy was grinding against the princess’ face, making it hard, but not impossible to breathe. Every now and then, Cadence would stop her playful tongue to suck in a lungful of air, often inhaling Fluttershy’s unique, flowery fragrance as she did so.

“Whoa!” Exclaimed Pinkie as the four ponies were momentarily disengaged from their desires approached. Pinkie Pie practically threw herself onto Cadence’s groin, bringing herself level with the princess’ huge solid-as-steel shaft, beginning to slowly stroke it up and down, her own member beginning to fill rapidly with blood yet again as she grew more and more excited. “I never knew it was this big!” The pink mare added with an impressed giggle. “Do ya want to get some of my tight little asshole again, huh?” She asked, her filthy mouth forming filthy words to which she stood immediately to attention.

Cadence mumbled something into Fluttershy’s muff. Pinkie knew exactly what the twitchy alicorn wanted, but nothing got her harder like a little teasing. “What’s that, Cadence?” Pinkie asked, brushing her soggy cheek along the length of the penis, feeling it judder and twitch through her wet fur. “I didn’t quite catch that.”

Cadence met the question with a long moan as Rarity continued to grind against her horn. She desperately wanted to be back inside Pinkie; longed for the vice-like grip around her shaft as Pinkie came, squealing like an injured piglet. The princess started to thrust gently against Pinkie’s face hoping Pinkie would become as eager as she was.

Pinkie acted surprised. “Oh, you- you want me to do something with this?” She asked, taking the head into her mouth and sucking excruciatingly gently. Once again, Cadence wailed deeply inside Fluttershy. Pinkie’s smile widened as she continued to tease the princess. “I- I’m not sure what you want...” She spoke around the dick, her hot breath causing clear beads of precum to form atop the tip, which Pinkie quickly smoothed around with her wet tongue.

“Do you want me to suck it?” The pink earth pony continued, taking Cadence’s penis back into her welcoming mouth, sucking so hard her cheeks caved inwards. Cadence pulled her muzzle from Fluttershy, her nose, lips and neck completely drenched with the pegasus’ juices.

“Sit on it, Pinkie.” She ordered, still thrusting weakly.

“Oh, you want me to use my pussy!” Pinkie Pie replied, dropping Cadence’s organ from her mouth and whirling around to face her friends, squatting down just enough so that Cadence’s cock was pressed up against her pale lips which swiftly begun bathing the princess’ cock with hot lube.

“Like this?” The earth pony asked, using her forehooves to prop herself up on Cadence’s chest.

“No...” Whined Cadence. “Use your ass.”

Pinkie bore a great toothy smile. “Say... please.” She shifted her eyes to the side, waiting for the response she was dying to hear.

Cadence sighed in defeat. “Please, Pinkie. Please sit on my dick.” She was still looking into Fluttershy’s vagina as she spoke, watching as the fair pink lips seemed to breath, beckoning her amazing tongue back inside.

“Hmmm...” Pinkie pretended to ponder, repositioning herself so that her tight little asshole rested atop Cadence’s sloppy cock. “I don’t think you want it enough...” The pink mare continued evilly, even making little circles with her hips to further push Cadence into desperation. “If you really, really want me, you’re gonna have to beg me.” Pinkie loved being in control, she loved being the ‘master’; and given the fact that she was addressing a princess, her fetish for pain, whips and latex was flaring up her sex. So much so that she could barely restrain herself from slipping her rear hooves away and once again feel Cadence’s whole length inside of her.

Right about now, Cadence had had enough; rather, a far more precise way of wording it would be that she hadn’t had enough of what she wanted. She peeked over Fluttershy’s soft yellow thigh and glared at the back of Pinkie’s head, seeing nothing of the mare’s face, just huge locks of exuberant hot pink hair.

“Oh, for goodness sake!” Yelled Cadence angrily. “Please, Pinkie, please...” She began, putting on a very exaggerated pleading tone. “Please sink your tight little asshole onto my big throbbing cock. I want to fill you up with my hot, sticky cum!”

“Hm, hm...” Pinkie chortled in her throat, kicking her legs out and free falling onto Cadence’s sloppy member, feeling the thick, warm shaft stuff her ass. She sunk all the way down to the base, her buttocks crashing into Cadence’s hips. Cadence screwed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth at the immense feelings of pleasure generated by the ridiculously snug cavity. Pinkie Pie despite having seventeen inches of rock-hard meat inside of her, managed to find her voice albeit quiet and hoarse.

“Now that’s more like it...” Pinkie affirmed, gazing over her shoulder, reveling in the sight of Cadence’s pained expression as she drew her knees up, replacing her hooves on the enamel surface of the tub as she began bobbing up and down, feeling the gigantic organ prod her stomach. And she yearned for more.

Ardently, she rode Cadence up and down, keeping the majority of the superb penis inside of her as she did so, feeling the meat, slathered in her own organic lube slip and slide around the walls of her anus. “Oh sweet Celestia yes!” Pinkie exclaimed as she let her head roll backwards in bliss, every time she lowered herself, she felt a very welcome stinging sensation as the perfectly sized object dove in.

At this moment in time, all of the other mares there had grown so hard it hurt. As they observed Pinkie’s face twist and contort in excellent pain, they could feel the blood pressure in their cocks skyrocket, making it feel as though they would explode. Applejack was first to make a move. She hopped up and placed her front hooves upon Pinkie’s erratic chest, recapturing the attention of the pink mare. Pinkie Pie looked up and forced her eyes open, the first thing she saw were two luminous emeralds staring half-lidded back at her.

“Room fer one more?” She asked before thrusting her iron cock into Pinkie’s drenched pussy, delving as deep as she could go, pushing inwards until her hips touched Pinkies. The blue eyed mare’s panting breath transformed into ravaged gasps of exasperation as she began to spasm atop both cocks, now relying entirely on Applejack to provide leverage, and boy, was she doing just that!

Applejack pounded Pinkie like there was no tomorrow, thrusting her crotch in and out like a dog. Pinkie’s squeals and the occasional scream only excited her more, consuming her mind with the desire to go faster and harder. Pinkie Pie’s dick flopped vigorously up and down, slapping against the two earth ponies’ stomachs as the farm girl persisted in bucking her pink friend like one of her many apple trees. Rainbow Dash too could not refrain from getting a slice of pie; she clambered over Applejack and positioned herself so that she was sitting atop her head.

“Hey, Pink!” She called, making Pinkie look up at her. The mare’s blue eyes were filled with tears as she was painfully rutted by the two mares’ sizeable cocks.

“Ugh!” Cried Pinkie, testing her voice to see if she could actually speak over the amazing sensation spiking down in her groin. “What- what is it, D-Dash!?” She shuddered.

“I was just wondering if I could plug you up.” The blue pegasus confirmed, her wings flared behind her back like some kind of twitching blue screen.

Pinkie, among other things, appeared confused. “Huh? Yeah, fine. Whatever you want DashieEE AGH!”

Rainbow grinned darkly, swishing her multicolour tail from side to side as she placed her right fore hoof on Pinkie’s left shoulder for better ‘accessibility’. “Awesome.” Dash affirmed before forcefully pushing her entirety into Pinkie’s slightly parted lips. The pink mare’s cheeks bulged as her last hole was stuffed. Pinkie entered a world of paradise. There were three dicks wiggling around inside of her, she was surrounded by friends, and she felt utterly violated. And she was loving it. Every single second.

Pinkie Pie gagged and choked on Dash’s cock, the vibrations of her involuntary protest making Rainbow Dash tremble with delight as her sensitive stallion part oozed its sweet, sticky lube down Pinkie’s throat. Much like Dash earlier, Applejack could feel Cadence’s throbbing penis through Pinkie’s body, she could feel it sliding up and down the pressure at the end of her own dick. She groaned, the warm wetness trickling from Dash’s pussy ran down her forehead, across her face and into her thirsty mouth. For one reason or another, the sprightly blue pegasus’ lubrication was found to be highly addictive. So much so that she cursed whenever she missed a single drop.

“Oh, goodness...” Twilight sparkle muttered as she beat herself where she stood, looking for a place to slide in. She scanned the tangle of ponies, taking in everything that was going on, imagining how Pinkie must feel. Even from where she stood, a couple of meters away, she could smell the potent aroma of the cocktail of mare juices and sweat radiating from the writhing body of sex. Suddenly, she spotted it: Cadence’s tight, bright pink little pussy. She knew then and there that she needed to have it. Twilight raced towards the hole, it lay just above the surface of the water, gushing fluid like a waterfall. The eager purple unicorn drew herself up to the tiny slit, her hot breath causing it to clench up and release even more wetness.

She could hear Cadence’s frantic groaning from within her chest as Pinkie continued to tense and relax, trying desperately to milk her huge cock. The smell of apples flooded Twilight’s nostrils. She peered upwards to be met with a thin stream of Applejack’s fragrant lube. She felt so perverted doing so, but she needed a taste. Twilight opened her mouth, allowing the slippery substance to fill her mouth with its appley taste. She lapped at the stream with her tongue, making sure to spread the delectable liquid around as much as she could, smearing it’s warmth around her entire mouth, behind her teeth and under her tongue. Twilight knew from experience that all ponies had a unique taste to their sexual produce. In her ‘studies’, Twilight had discovered many tastes to be rather indulging, particularly her own, but Applejack, by far, was the best mare she had ever tasted.

Twilight followed the stream upwards, meeting Applejack’s lips with her own and sucking them dry. Somewhere above, she heard Applejack wince in pleasure as her marehood began to twitch with excitement. But, as much as she would have loved to orally filate her orange friend’s amazing tasting pussy forever, her penis was fit to burst: she needed to get inside her old friend right away. Pulling back from Applejack after planting a very wet, sloppy kiss on her meat. Twilight slid backwards so she was lying between Cadence and the edge of the bath. By now, Cadence’s entire mane was saturated with both Fluttershy’s and Rarity’s wetness as she continued to eat out the pegasus and as the unicorn continued to squeeze herself around Cadence’s horn, both ponies emitting squeaks and high pitched sighs of ecstasy.

Twilight wasted no time in grabbing her painfully hard dick, positioning it perfectly in front of the alicorn’s hungry slit, feeling the hot, slimy juices trickle over her shaft, getting it nice and wet before she too shoved herself effortlessly inside of Cadence, completing the huge orgy of seven ponies. She heard Cadence scream into Fluttershy’s marehood, vibrating the yellow pegasus’ clit, causing her to join the princess’ cacophonous wail.

The mass of ponies lay there, writhing against each other, a harmony of moans and groans could be heard reverberating off of the stone castle walls. Out of all of the ponies there, Pinkie Pie felt the most battered, she was being screwed violently in all of her holes, her breath cut short by Dash’s cock, the pink mare’s saliva and Rainbow’s precum forming a sloppy mess which Pinkie often choked on, spitting the mixture all over Rainbow’s crotch, gasping a few times for precious air before the pegasus rammed her slobbery cock back into her mouth.

Pinkie opened her throat and tried not to gag as best she could. She could feel her neck bulge around her friend’s cock, and every time she felt as though she would pass out, Rainbow would rip her dick out, allowing Pinkie those few seconds of life-giving air, her breathing epileptic from her lower stimulation came out in gurgling screams. Then, as always, Dash plugged her up again and her world returned to the glorious, wet choking sensation.

Rarity was entering a surreal state, circling her knees as if she were rowing with them while she lay on her back with an alicorn horn stuffed inside of her. With her right hoof, she recklessly rubbed her softened horn, feeling it’s spongy texture build pressure inside her head, making her dizzy, and drunk on bliss. Her left hoof remained on her chest, controlling her breathing so as to not allow herself the screams that were threatening to escape her gentle lips. She hadn’t realized, but she was losing fluids like a floodgate, it was only when she felt her own wetness seep into her rump when she let out a low moan, silencing herself quickly before she began to wail. Just then, the white unicorn received a terrible, wonderful idea. Slowly, her free hoof made its way down her body, stopping just above the top of her slit as she pondered whether this was a good idea or not. She found the situation that of the former as she gradually began to make delicate little circles around her clit.

“Ooh!” She winced as a far more intense pleasure rocketed through her body. She began to work harder, transforming the pinprick pleasure to a throbbing wonderment. “Oh, heavens! I am wet!” She thought as her pedicured hoof glided over her folds, quickly becoming drenched as if she had just dipped it into the pool. With nothing to steady her breathing, which was rapidly growing into pants, Rarity bit her bottom lip, wheezing like a steam train as she felt her sex begin to swell.

Fluttershy very rarely pleasured herself, and close to never had sex, but that was about to change she decided. As she felt the red hot poker inside her love, eliciting brand new, amazing feelings of pleasure one couldn’t receive from a hoof in the bath or the penis of a certain chocolate colored pegasus. Fluttershy found herself to be gently thrusting against Cadence’s face, riding her as her tongue gave her the time of her life. Usually, she would have stopped, felt embarrassed, and shy again. But being here with her best friends with the slowly setting sun and this spectacular feeling between her legs, Fluttershy felt as though she could have taken on the world. In conquering her embarrassment that another mare, another pony, was touching her down there maybe she had.

Rainbow Dash was giving it her all, thrusting hard into Pinkie’s mouth, the gags, chokes and sloppy sucking sounds feeding the fire in her crotch. Her vagina was becoming red as it rubbed viciously on Applejack’s hair, but the thought of her mare lube running down that orange pony’s face, blinding her and running into her mouth; the fact that Rainbow knew this was happening made lightning excitement flash across the threshold of her consciousness, nearly causing her to forget that even Pinkie needed air, pulling out her dick just in time before Pinkie suffocated.

Applejack, as ever, was doing her best, screwing her friend hard enough to send shockwaves through Pinkie’s entire body. With every fatal pump, Pinkie would tense up, making Cadence huff into Fluttershy’s vagina, causing the yellow pegasus to squeal in delight. The orange mare’s soul focus was to get Pinkie to cum. She desperately wanted to feel that mare’s hot, sticky jizz spurt all over her coat, lathering her body with semen spraying everywhere, all down her front and inside her mouth. She pondered what Pinkie would taste like, no doubt sugar, she decided, giving her the drive to continue thrusting, all the while, lapping up the fruity juices from the mare above her, feeling her hair being matted by the awesome liquid.

Twilight was just trying to fit in, donating her own climatic moans to the orchestra of wines rising up from the quivering mass of skin. All she could see around Cadence’s side was the focused face of her orange friend as she thrusts in and out of a flailing Pinkie; drinking Rainbow’s lubrication at the same time. Even over all of this sex, the sounds, smells, and ridiculous feelings, Twilight couldn’t help but admire her friend’s ability to multitask to such a degree of accuracy. Pinkie however, to the ponies she was pleasuring she was but a piece of meat with holes in it and if it weren’t for the fact that the pink mare loved it that way, Twilight would have felt remorse in her favor.

Twilight thrust in and out of her ex-foalsitter, (although now the literal meaning of Cadence’s profession really came into play) nowhere near as roughly as Applejack or Rainbow Dash, rather, as experience had taught her, she was focusing on moving her hips up and down in big circles, forward and backward, in and out, making sure to touch every part of Cadence’s insides with her meat. The alicorn in question was ready to explode, Twilight could tell this from the gradual increase of compressions on her penis she was feeling, and, referring to experience again, Twilight knew that at this point, all a mare wanted was one thing: fast, and hard.

Twilight entered a berserk state, pounding Cadence’s opening as fast as she could, listening to the princess’ grating breaths become more and more intense; more high-pitched and faster. At this stage, everypony (even Rarity) was tensing up, giving it their all to fuck the fuck out of themselves and each other. Fluttershy was harshly mashing her crotch into Cadence’s face, yelling at her to “go as deep as you fucking can!” Twilight had practically turned into a jackhammer, pounding away at Cadence with a newfound strength and urgency that startled even herself.

Applejack was giving one hundred and ten percent, diving into Pinkie’s pussy, listening to the screaming gargles of the mare as Rainbow Dash infiltrated her mouth once more, long strands of cum-sodden spit dribbling from her raped lips, falling down in unbroken strands onto her wobbling penis, as hard as diamonds, and ready to pop. Rainbow Dash was nearly tearing Pinkie’s mane off, grabbing the back of her head and fucking it until Pinkie began to reel in pain, of course, loving it to no describable extent. Cadence’s rock hard, pulsing Cock was welded into Pinkie’s rear end, the muscles all around her ass clenched as tight as a vice, allowing Cadence as much leverage as a hotdog in a cheerio.

Rarity’s horn began to vibrate painfully, emitting tiny blue sparks from the tip. The white unicorn was so unbelievably close to heaven she could taste it. She managed a peek downwards and could see Cadence’s bright green aura shining through her flesh, filling her belly with light and electric tingles. Cadence, despite how much she loved to be in control, was discovered to be completely dominated by all the ponies, all she could see before she screwed her eyes shut as every single one of her sensed dissipated to nothing was Fluttershy’s yellow cock bouncing up and down and the checkered roof above. She felt pressure bulge and swell in both of her horns and she gritted her teeth hard.

And then she came.

All of a sudden, the alicorn’s senses exploded back into existence like a bomb, her eyes shot open to see long white streamers spurt out of Fluttershy’s cock, falling onto one of her eyes and gluing it shut. The alicorn screeched with all her might into Fluttershy’s pussy as her unicorn anatomy exploded into Rarity, filling up her uterus with luminous green magic. Rarity’s horn released too, both of them, the one atop her head leaked a fizzing, sparkling pale azure liquid onto the wet decking, giving her the sensation of freezing water gushing over her bones as the horn between her legs released huge spurts of white goo all up her body, each blast as powerful as the last as with every squeeze, her pussy clamped down on Cadence’s long pink horn, sucking out the last drops of magical ejaculate as Rarity gave up the charade and screamed, reeling in the orgasmic heaven she was now touching.

Pinkie’s legs scrambled frantically as instantaneously, Dash exploded inside her mouth, squirting cum out of her nose, Applejack gave one final thrust before blowing a huge load into her ravaged pussy and princess Cadence’s cock began to spurt, filling her stomach instantly and proceeding to rocket out of her ass. On top of all of this torturous ecstasy, Pinkie felt the sensitive head of her cock being pulled into Applejack’s mouth as she herself began to come. She somehow managed to look down. And at the bottom of her periphery, past semen-glazed lips, vast bubbles of spit-cum, Pinkie could see that with every gush of cum from her dick, Applejack’s cheeks bulged and copious amounts of ‘frosting’ squirted from the corners.

Twilight Sparkle shivered and shook under Cadence, the feeling of her semen gliding down her shaft and across her slit made her eyes roll back in her head and her fair purple eyelids flutter. She preferred a more quiet approach to orgasms, feeling that the screaming and whining only distracted her from the sensation. Once the initial explosion of cum had passed, she began to buck softly, her penis still twitchy as the last flecks of semen creeped out from her penis and squished into Cadence’s slimy pussy.

Eventually, the screams, wails and yelps dissolved into pants, sighs and occasional ‘Wheeeeww...’s from a couple of ponies. As the ponies’ orgasms slowly passed, so did their extensions, glowing bright green before dispersing into the still air. Cadence’s proud penis faded and she felt her warm spunk begin to slowly seep from Pinkie’s ass down her front. As Rainbow Dash’s penis disappeared, Pinkie’s mouth stayed hanging open in exhaustion, dribbling spit and semen down her chin as she barely tried to catch her breath. She was sure, any second now, that she would pass out.

Applejack, having her assumptions confirmed swirled Pinkie’s thick, sweet liquid sugar around in her mouth before swallowing it, feeling it slowly trickle down her throat before her body became used to it and she promptly sighed with a great air of accomplishment.

One by one, the ponies dismounted each other, all falling to rest next to Cadence, all except Pinkie who remained on the alicorn’s lap, drifting in and out of consciousness due to the fact that her stomach was full of nothing but hot cum which hadn’t entered the stomach in the appropriate way. Suddenly, Pinkie felt a gush of awareness as the usual bombardment from Dash’s penis hadn’t come. She lurched forward and violently hacked up the cum which had entered her lungs. Twilight, who had slid out from underneath Cadence began to rub and slap her pink friend’s back, urging the rest of the substance to loosen from her lungs.

After several moments of wheezing; trying to get their breath back, the seven ponies looked about each other, taking in all of their expressions of the utmost satisfaction. “Whew-ee!” Cried Applejack, her vagina still sore from Cadence’s pounding. “That sure was somethin’!”

“You can say that again!” Affirmed Pinkie, who had recovered remarkably well and was now sitting up against the edge of the pool, though she was still rather windless. “I’m not gonna be able to walk properly for weeks!” She added, stimulating laughter among their group.

Their happy giggles, however, silenced when the sound of hooves upon floorboards could be heard somewhere in the shaded courtyard. Everypony held their breath, wondering who it could be. Were they here the whole time? Had they been watching Pinkie get violated? Had they seen the soon to be married princess fuck the living daylights out of the Elements of Harmony?

The ‘intruder’ was soon identified as a very placid-looking princess Luna, who stopped just next to the poolside, casting a interrogative eye over the flustered faces of her friends.
“Ah,” She started, giving a small smile of amusement. “I see you have introduced milk to the waters...” She ruffled her wings, the dark blue quills resting back into place at her side in ordered lines. “Intelligent.” The princess of the night continued, bringing her gaze to a blushing Twilight Sparkle. “Milk does wonders for the skin.”

Twilight turned away after a weak smile, fearful that her eyes might give away some kind of insight to the messy truth. Luna turned to Pinkie Pie, who had forgotten about the trails of ‘milk’ flowing from her nostrils and chuckled.

“However I don’t believe it is a good idea to drink milk through your nose, Miss Pie.” Said Luna. “Possible, and a commendable achievement, I must admit, but still rather foalish.” She gave another light chortle before turning to Cadence. “Ready for your big day?” She asked with a comforting smile.

“Uhm...” Cadence stalled, turning away from Luna to the faces of her new friends. “Well let’s say tonight has helped me relax a great deal...” She smiled at the memory; an inside joke.

Once again, Luna chuckled softly and gracefully in her throat. “Don’t worry, Cadenza.” She spoke with a rare tone of soothing words. “It will be, as they say: ‘alright on the night’.”

Luna smiled to which Cadence returned, keeping her eyes fixated on Luna’s as she peered across the orange horizon. “I suppose it’s time for me to raise the moon for tonight.” She said, half turning to leave. “You don’t mind if I join you later, do you?” She asked.
A moment’s silence passed before anypony spoke.

Cadence took the liberty of explaining. “Well, you see, Luna, I um... we... well, it’s rather cold at night, and we’re all pretty tired now, so I think we’re just going to dry off now anyway...”

Luna’s face fell. “Oh.” She replied sadly before forcing her features to rise again. “Oh, I mean.” She repeated with a lot more enthusiasm. “There’s always another day, right?” She asked, eyes sparkling with hope.

“Of course, Luna.” Confirmed Cadence with a tranquil smile. “There’s always another day...”
Princess Luna’s face lit up with relief “Well,” She began, turning away, her starry mane billowing around her in the windless evening. “Well I’ll see you all later on, then.” She said with a smile that was only heard.

The seven ponies took up a symphony of “Goodbye!”, “Goodbye, princess Luna!” and “See ya’ round!” as the princess returned to the shadow of the castle. They waited for the hoofsteps to fade away before they each burst out laughing. They each sat there, playfully giggling and splashing each other with ‘milky’ water before gradually, their amusement faded into the darkening sky. Once again, the air had returned to the non-existent breeze of the morning, but the cool evening; the slowly setting sun sending the sky a pale spectrum made the lack of wind much more bearable.

“This was amazing, princess.” Sighed Rainbow Dash as she clambered to the side of the bath, raising her wings and beginning to flap them dry.

“Cadence is fine.” The alicorn corrected, smiling warmly to the scruffy pegasus.

Rainbow mimicked Cadence’s expression and corrected herself. “This was amazing, Cadence...” She exaggerated with a cheeky wink. “We’ve got to do it again sometime!”

“Are you kidding!?” Cadence asked, yelling a little more than she needed to. Realizing this, she promptly lowered her voice as she spoke next with an air of desirable secrecy. “Just wait and see what we’re doing tonight!”

Evening had fallen across Equestria and as Cadence made her way down the long, dimly lit corridors to her sleeping quarters where she would play the next part of her naughty little game, something made her freeze in place. She wasn’t certain, but nonetheless, pretty sure that she had shut and locked her bedroom door when she left for dinner. Finding her footing, Cadence edged closer until she was level with the big burgundy door. Shaking some fear from herself in the belief that it was probably the maid warming her bed for her, the pink alicorn nudged the door open to find a much more curious entity warming her sheets than a bucket of coals.

“Aunt Celestia?” Cadence asked, stepping through the wide doorway towards the white mare who happened to be resting in a very suggestive pose atop her soft mattress.
“Ah, my dear princess Cadence!” Celestia greeted slowly, her serene tone personified by the slowly burning candles scattered around the room, casting long shadows across the walls and red carpeted floor, throwing the white alicorn’s face into shadow, the only easily visible parts of her were her porcelain lips and her deep purple eyes, glinting with some unsung desire.

“Have you been getting to know my subjects better today?” She asked provocatively, drawing a mighty blush from the not so relaxed Cadence.

“I’ve... Yes... you could say that.” She answered fearfully, praying that her aunt didn’t know about her disgusting sex games earlier in the day, yet finding no hope as to believe that this was the case.

“Wonderful...” The white mare replied agonizingly slowly, right before her horn glowed a dim golden color and the door behind Cadence slammed shut with a bang which echoed throughout the staff less corridors.

Cadence turned around fearfully, finding that she could not move her legs. She snapped her head back around to the alicorn strewn across her bed as she began to speak. “Tell me, my dear niece...” Celestia calmly said, rolling onto her stomach and removing a distinctive piece of curved yellow fruit from her unspeakable, proceeding to draw it up to her lips where her pink tongue poked out little more than the tip. She glided the fruit all the way down her tongue, her lips curl at the sides with an air of darkness only accomplishable by a princess of her caliber.

“Tell me...” Celestia repeated, burning her darkened indigo rings into Cadence’s tiny, frightened eyes. “Do you like... bananas?”

-The End

Author’s notes:

Hi there. My name is Still Breeze. You may remember me from such works as...

You probably haven’t heard of me. Anyway, I have been working with Nightmare to create this...distinctive fan fiction. Actually, I was forced to. Otherwise he won’t feed me. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this clopfic and I’d really like to hear your feedback; what i did well, what I could improve on... ect, ect...

Oh, by the way, that ending, that was Nightmare’s idea, and I felt it was the best possible way I could end it!

Anyway, I hope you liked this fic, but if you didn’t, I’d love to hear ways in which it could be made better for the next time I decide to write a... story.

Anyways, props to Nightmare, Johnson (A.K.A: ‘Grizzly’), Bigwig, Disappearing, Dark and my good self, Still Breeze (IN CASE YOU HAVEN’T HEARD!)

I’m not fishing for thumbs, but if anypony who has made it this far without being sick, first of all, I congratulate you, and secondly, if you wouldn’t mind, could you possibly give my story, ‘Your Wings Were Made For Angels’ a read please? That’d be great...

Once again, thank you for reading and I’m pretty sure Nightmare will pick out a fitting image from his vast collection to see you off with.

Thank you, fillies and gentlecolts... I’m out.

Bla Bla Bla Thank You For All... Specially Johnson (Grizzly )Still Breeze (Co-Writer), Bigwig For Prereading Chapter 1 And Disappearing For Chapter 2, Dark, and ThePhantomAssassin For Prereading/editing Chapter 2, And Good Day To You Gentlecolts And Lady.

Double thanks to Phantom for going over Chapter 1 as well. Even if it was a little late.

ThePhantomAssassin here. I’m writing this as what would be my comment here to be earlier and first and to make god damn sure I get this across. What the actual fuck did I just read/edit.

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Steamy Summer Nights

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