
The Coin Master

by arkantos

Chapter 1: Prologue: Inhio's story

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My name is Inhio Hellbridge. Although, you can just call me "The Coin Master". Not like anyone else has called me by my real name within the last 2 years or so, anyways...

Have you ever felt like you're not in the right place? Like, for example - you're a great cook, and yet you're working at a construction site? My story is more or less the same.

Every parent likes to tell their kid that they're special, but in my case, this was more than just a few words of comfort...I could see things that others couldn't...As you've probably realized by now, the first time I found this out, I totally freaked out.

One day, at school, boredom prevailed. The teacher was busy teaching something incredibly boring, and I was busy not paying any attention. As I sat and fiddled with the pencil in my hand, I started focusing more on the pencil and less on the lesson, and then, all of a sudden - a flash of light covered my sight, and my mind was swooped away into another dimension.

I...I could see the pencil's history! Everything! Starting from the moment it was just a seed trying to find a good spot to grow in, and up to this very day. I was shocked, even scared, at first, but as time went on, I realized that I could accomplish great things.

Why call myself "The Coin Master"? That's just a little poetic nickname I made for myself. I've always loved the way money never stops travelling. Every tool and toy has about the same, exact story, but coins...I touch one old-looking penny, and I sometimes end up shaking hands with nearly half a hundred people!

"What better way to aid the people than by helping to rid the world of crime?" I thought. I didn't become a cop, but I had a sort of a deal with them. Whenever they had a case where they had trouble finding the culprit, I was called.

Just one touch of the murder weapon, and the person that had recently used it was behind bars on the very next day...Sadly, the government doesn't care about stopping crime as much as it does about following their stupid policies and earning more money.

Not only did they forbid me to further aid the police, they also called me a fraud in front of the camera...Millions saw my shameful moment, and I've had trouble finding a job ever since.

In the end, I had little choice but to make a private booth where I would make readings for people for a small fee...

I had the potential to become nothing short of a superhero...Instead, I was now seen as just another gypsy trying to scam people out of their pennies. In short - my life was a wreck.

People kept on bringing me all sorts of weird stuff to identify. Some were worth mentioning, but most had incredibly boring stories...No wonder so many people wanted their money back.

This is the tale of the most interesting object that ever found it's way into my booth.

Next Chapter: First contact Estimated time remaining: 36 Minutes
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