
The Guard

by Son Of Mu

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A figure that wore dark black armor stood in front of corpses of ponies while he held a sword that dripped with their blood. This figure was the very essence of fear. He served the tyrant King Sombrero for years. He was the right hoof of Sombra, Death's Hoof.

He stared at the corpses of the ponies his king had ordered him to execute.  Death's Hoof had done as he was asked to make examples out of. As he turned to walk he heard the sound of crying coming from one of the mares he beheaded.  

Deaths Hoof heard his king in his head. "Check it." Sombra voice spoke in his mind.

Deaths Hoof approached the corpse.and kicked it over to see a baby colt that was crying until it saw Deaths Hoof and stared at him. He also felt the eyes of the crystal ponies around on him.

"Kill it."

"It's just a baby!" A voice spoke out against his king voice.

"The slaves need to learn obedience!"

"By murdering innocents!?"

"Enough!" Sombra voice yelled out causing the other voice to disappear.

"Obey your king." Deaths Hoof raised his blade as the infant just stared at him. Deaths Hoof stared then trusted his sword down into the infant.

Anon awoke and sat up only to bang his head "Danm it!" Anon felt something on his head which he raised his hand touching it. Anon felt on it.

"Why am I wearing metal..." Anon trailed off as remembered with a horrible realization. "It wasn't a nightmare!"

Anon then began to feel sick in his stomach. "I killed...."

Anon then lifted his hands and pushed up only to feel wood. Anon continued to push up on it when he heard cracking. "Just.....a....little....more....there!" Anon pushed which caused whatever that was keeping him trap break.

"I guess I should count myself lucky that was wood." Anon sat up and got out of the tomb only for his jaw to drop. "That was metal!"

Anon stared at his tomb and saw that it was made out of metal even the lid. He even saw a sword with a shield inside. Anon stared at it as it caused a flashback.


Anon or better yet known as Deaths Hoof walked into a village. The ponies in this village had smiles on their faces as they stared at him. "Seems they don't know of you my servant." Sombra voice echoed inside Deaths Hoof head as he approached a hut in the middle of the village.

Deaths Hoof saw a elderly stallion with a cane sitting in a chair that was in front of the hut.

"Wow look at the vicious rebellion leader." Anon spoke while Sombra growled.

The elder stallion spoke with a smile. "Hey there stranger." Deaths Hoof stared at him without blinking.

"I take it you don't talk much eh sunny." The elder stallion spoke with that same smile.

"I have seen enough." Sombra spoke.

"I told a ya." Anon spoke with victory but he didn't know that Sombra was smiling.

"I can't be sure they will join the rebellion kill them. All of them." Sombra spoke.

"No I won't let you!" Anon shouted as he tried to control his body while Sombra just laughed.at his pitiful attempt.

"How pathetic." Anon watched in horror as he body began to pull out the sword.

"No! No! Please stop!" Anon had tears coming out of his eyes as he watched his body began to cut down the ponies of the village.

Anon watched as a mare ran up to him. "Please stop this! Why are you doing this!?" Deaths Hoof stared at mare with a emotionless expression.

"We lived here in peace! We never harmed anypony!" Deaths Hoof stared at her before thrusting his sword into her chest. Blood erupted from her mouth as she stared in horror. Deaths Hoof simply pulled his sword out and walked off as the mare fell to.the ground dead.

Deaths Hoof walked toward the elder stallion who still sat in his chair. "So the village time has come has it?" The stallion spoke with a soft voice.

Deaths Hoof began to walk towards him. "I know that you are being controlled." This caused Deaths Hoof to stop for a moment.

"You are not from this world yet I can sense the kindness in you."

"What are you waiting for?  Kill him!" Sombra yelled which caused Deaths Hoof to move until he was standing behind the old stallion.

"A word. You may think you deserve death and hell for what you done but remember. Hope and forgiveness are never lost." Deaths Hoof raised his blade.

"heart is like the reflection on the water's surface… The mouth says things opposite to what the heart really feels… But in truth, the hidden heart wants people to accept each other. Even when one of them is a beast…" Anon had his mouth opened in shock.

"Hmm boring." Sombra spoke as Deaths Hoof trusted his sword into the elder stallion.

                  *Flashback Ends*

Anon had a tear come out of his eye. "What did that stallion mean?" Anon thought but before he could think more on it he felt the place shake.

Anon narrowed his eyes as he walked over to a window and saw shadows coming.

"Sombra!" Anon growled.  Anon stared at then turned and began to pick up his gear.

Once Anon had his weapon and shield, he walked to the door and kicked it open and walked outside and turn towards the shadows. "Sombra prepare to die!" Anon thought with hatred as he sprinted towards the shadows and castle were.

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