
The Rise of The Changelings

by Bry7x7x7

Chapter 1: The Settling

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Changelings, oh how have they fallen. Expelled after the failed invasion of Canterlot, they wander aimlessly though these sand dunes, trying to find a new home. They have had little luck. Such a shame too. It's not like coexistence was impossible. Yes, it's an old mare's tale that the process of feeding off of love will leave the pony "host" an empty husk. It's more like putting your hoof near a hot object, you can feel the heat radiating off it and your hoof gets a little warmer. Unfortunately, ponies don't like the idea of being feed off of. Now it will impossible to peacefully exist after that event at Canterlot.

Chrysalis leads the band of some fifty thousand Changelings across the wastes. She only wishes the best for her changelings in much the same way Celestia with her ponies does. She just needs a lucky break. Fortunately, her changelings are patent with her. Changelings are strange in that way. It's not really a hivemind like most assume. Truly, they are somewhat independent, though they tend to allow their queen to guide them and they follow her with unmatched loyalty. Queens themselves are unique, they are able to live forever, so as long as she has enough love of course. If one dies, her powers are inherited to some other changeling female. Chrysalis still has lots of Shining Armor's love but, that may only mean she'll see her species destruction unless she can find some way to supply her followers.

It doesn't help that a strange phenomenon is occurring. One day the sun just sat still. They were all resting, getting ready to set off at noon and noon never happened. It's almost like Celestia is trying to fry them out of the wastes. Unlikely but, they must find a home soon. They finally find a river and rivers lead to the ocean. They follow the river downstream until they are lead out of the wastes and into lush grasslands and the ocean shore. They began to form their new home. Changelings are very fast and efficient builders and an adequate colony is built in a couple of days, relatively speaking of course. The buildings are made of a hard concrete like substance that is a combination of their saliva and sand. The material is black like the changeling's chitin. The buildings have sharp jagged angles, something that can be fixed at another time. Funny enough, if you look at the structure just right it will give the building a lime green outline. It's a little tricky right now with the angle of the sun is but, it's still cool.

Now to secure their food source. Much of the most starving population are given makeshift spears and casted out to hopefully find a village and find their food as find out what is happening with the sun. Relatively five five days later, about sixty miles out north from the colony, buildings are spotted on the horizon.

Next Chapter: The Encounter Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 29 Minutes
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