
Celestia's Rocket Adventures

by Snake Staff

First published

Celestia winds up in the Pokemon universe. And captured by Team Rocket. Oh dear.

After a freak accident, Princess Celestia finds herself in a whole new universe. As she seeks a way home, she is captured by none other than Team Rocket.


Now on TV Tropes.

A New World, A New Problem

Princess Celestia blinked her eyes once and groaned. The lids felt like they were heavy enough to be made of lead. Her muscles by contrast seemed to be made of jelly, twitching and quivering uselessly in spite of the evident heat. Her stomach was weak, her heartrate elevated. And on top of everything else, the princess had a pounding headache. She hadn’t felt this bad in… centuries, maybe even more. Alicorn immune systems were nothing to trifle with.

“Nrgh…” Celestia managed to force one eye to at least crack open. “Wha time is…”

Her question trailed off as sunlight flooded through the small opening, her brain slowly managing to process the visual data. Luna had raised the sun for her. That was nice. She must have sensed her sister’s strange illness and taken it upon herself to deal with today’s work. That meant that Celestia could follow her body’s overwhelming urges and lay back down against her soft, comfy rock and…

Wait. Rock?

Celestia’s one opened eye trailed lazily down towards what she saw at the base of her head. Yes, there was no mistaking it. Unless she was hallucinating – and the princess was fairly certain even in her current state that she wasn’t – the diarch of Equestria was indeed resting her head against a common grey rock. Forcing the eye open still further, she made the rather disconcerting discovery that she was also lying sprawled out on a grassy knoll beside what appeared to be a small dirt road. A far cry from her usual silken accommodations at the palace, but not exactly uncomfortable. A nice enough place to take a nap, she decided, lowering her head back down and sealing her eye shut against the warm afternoon sun.

It took about ten seconds for a shot of adrenaline to jumpstart Celestia’s thoroughly muddled brain into realization: she wasn’t supposed to be here. Normally the thought of transgressing standard procedure ever so slightly wouldn’t have bothered the princess, or perhaps even elicited a few chuckles, but at that moment she realized that she genuinely didn’t know where she was. Though her body protested every movement, Celestia used the adrenaline stimulant to force her neck to crane upwards and give her a look around.

She was, as she had discerned earlier, indeed lying down on a grassy hill. Beyond it were many more such rolling hills, and in one direction the vaguest outline of a forest. Apart from that and the dirt road just down the hill, Celestia could make out no distinguishing features. Her present location was warm, comfortable, and pleasant. She might have thought herself in any one of a thousand such places in beautiful Equestria, save for one fact.

The sun above wasn’t hers.

Celestia had had a primal connection to the vast source of Equus’ light and life for thousands of years. She knew it at least as intimately as any mother knew her foal, and better than many of those. She had lived with that connection as a semiconscious part of herself for many lifetimes. And now the feeling was gone. There was a sun overhead, no doubt, warm and yellow and friendly like her star. But there could be no question that it was not the same.

Groggy, weak, and thoroughly confused, Celestia struggled to make sense of what she was seeing. The sun was there, but she hadn’t caused it to rise. It shined light and heat down on her, but it wasn’t that which was used to. In her present state, it took the princess a few minutes of increasingly-frantic mental processing to come to the rather alarming conclusion: if this was not her star, than this must not be her world.

The princess was not unfamiliar with the concept of other worlds. Since Starswirl’s time it had been known that separate dimensions existed, with their own creatures and strange rules. Indeed, she had visited more than one herself, even engaging in a romantic tryst with a certain grey stallion from….

Painfully, Celestia shook her head to clear away painful memories. Reminiscing would do her no good at this juncture. She needed to learn where she was, how she had gotten here. More importantly, how could she get back?

Wracking her fuddled brain for several minutes, she at last managed to turn up what she believed to be an explanation. She vaguely recalled attending an exhibition of her former student. Princess Twilight had wanted to show… what was it again? Celestia considered, looking around, until the flash of the sun against a crystalline pebble caught her eye and jogged her memory. Twilight had wanted to show her a mirror. Yes, that was it. She’d said she wanted to recreate Starswirl’s mirror, only larger. More reliable. With more precise control over where it sent a pony. She’d been saying something about immense potential benefits of reliable interdimensional travel… Celestia had taken a close look at her former apprentice’s invention… there had been a flash… and…

Try as she might, Celestia couldn’t remember anything more.

The effort of all this thinking was giving the princess what seemed to her to be the mother of all headaches, but she pressed on as best she could. Now she knew something about why she was here, she just had to figure out what to do next. She needed to find civilization, find help. Her purple eyes turned to the small dirt road. Following that seemed a good idea. Celestia nodded weakly. Yes, a good enough start. She would do that.

Summoning her strength, Celestia began to push herself upwards. Almost immediately, her legs turned to pudding, wiggling and collapsing out from under her. She hit the ground with a painful thud. Breathing heavily, her eyes slowly wandered back towards the rock.

Well, maybe she could leave after a nap.

Many hours and quite a few hazy dreams later, a better-rested but still very weak Celestia wandered meanderingly down the dirt path. Her pace was slow and sedate and she had shed all her regalia, allowing her to conserve precious energy. Lacking any other landmarks and finding any kind of magic quite beyond her, she had decided to walk towards the forest she had seen, many miles away. Through the light early morning mist she wandered, for how long she didn’t know. It seemed a matter of hours to her, but with her fogged perceptions and the unknown rotational length of this planet, she could not be certain.

It was just as Celestia was beginning to consider finding another spot on the grass and lying down for another nap that she spotted movement through the mist. Instantly she was on her guard, lowering her head and leveling her horn at whatever it was that approached. More intimidation tactic than actual threat, as the princess didn’t feel up to fighting off a bratty unicorn foal at the moment.

The movement continued, and drew closer, eventually revealing itself to be a trio of beings, all bipedal. Two were tall creatures wearing white clothing, with grey gloves and boots. Each had a large, red symbol stamped across the chest of their apparent uniforms. One had a long, curling wave of magenta hair coming out of her head, the other’s hair was shorter, and looked bluish-purple, perhaps periwinkle. The third biped was much shorter, looking like nothing so much as an off-white cat standing on two legs, with a metallic golden crest atop its head.

When the trio spotted her in return, there was immediate activity amongst them. They broke out in a sudden frantic burst of noise, appearing to squabble with each other. The magenta-haired female and cat seemed the loudest, alternatively yelling at each other in a language Celestia either couldn’t understand or couldn’t make out and gesturing at the princess. It was therefore a great surprise to her when the third, quietest figure of the trio brushed past the other two, holding hands up for silence.

This man walked towards Celestia, a friendly smile on his face. She kept he horn pointed at him and growled in what she thought to be an intimidating manner. The man paused, put his hands up to show that they were empty, and then continued walking towards. Unable to run and not feeling like a feeble fight, she let him come close. When he was almost upon her, he reached out his hand and…

Scratched behind her ears?

Celestia almost melted on the spot. A warm, relaxed sensation flooded through her body as the man gently scratched behind her quickly-folded ears. Her legs wobbled, threatening to become jelly again, and she let out an involuntary coo of pleasure. It was embarrassing and undignified, but she truly couldn’t think of anything better to do at that moment. It just felt so nice!

The strange man continued his behavior for almost a minute, stopping him being the last thing Celestia wanted to do. In the end, it was a great growl from her stomach that halted the scratching. The princess realized, to her dismay, that in addition to everything else she was quite hungry. But the man in front of her only smiled and held up a finger. He reached behind himself and soon returned with one hand full of large, brown pellets. These, he offered to her.

Celestia looked at them curiously. They didn’t look like any of the food she normally ate. Sniffing, she determined that they smelled strange, but not unappetizing. It was these, she soon decided, or eating strange wild grass. Another growl from her stomach sealed the decision. She reached down and took a cautious bite.

Dear gods above, it was delicious! Without the slightest concern for royal dignity, Celestia practically buried her face in the man’s hand, scarfing down every last one of the strange brown things in seconds. She even licked his grey glove a few times, just to make sure she had ingested every last crumb.

“Thank you, sir,” she mumbled weakly, her mouth extremely full. “I promise that your kindness will not go unrewarded.”

Celestia couldn’t tell whether or not the man understood her, for the next thing he did was reach behind himself again and pull out a strange red and white orb. Divided into even halves by a black line connected to a white button, the princess drew a complete blank on what it was. The man pushed the button with one finger and the ball abruptly doubled in size. He offered it to her, smiling broadly.

Celestia swallowed the last of her small meal and cocked her head. This ball didn’t look like any kind of food. A quick sniff confirmed that it was artificial, and definitely not edible. She turned her purple eyes up at the man, confused, but he only smiled, nodded, and offered it again. Celestia looked back down, puzzled as to what she was supposed to be doing. Perhaps this was some kind of greeting ritual?

Ah well, there couldn’t be any harm in it, right?

Absent any other ideas, Celestia reached down and gently tapped the orb’s white button with her nose. Immediately, it popped open to reveal a mirrored inside and-



James of Team Rocket watched as the Poke Ball in his hand absorbed the strange Pokemon in a burst of white light. He, Jessie, and Meowth watched carefully as the red and white ball wiggled frantically in his hands, red light flashing over the button. The suspense lasted for almost half a minute, the Pokemon inside putting up an unusual struggle for something that had apparently gone willingly.

And then, abruptly, it was over. The Poke Ball dinged and flashed, signaling a successful capture.

“Yes!” James thrust the ball into the air, to cheers from his teammates. “I caught… whatever this is!”

The First Battle

“Good job, James,” Jessie said, taking a few steps forward and putting on hand on her partner’s shoulder. “I’ll admit I’m impressed how quickly you caught that thing.”

“Yeah,” Meowth added, strolling leisurely up. “But what is it? I never saw a Pokemon like ‘dat before.”

Jessie looked down at the Poke Ball, frowning. “Some kind of weird mutant Rapidash, you think?”

“A Ditto what ate one too many Big Mushrooms?” Meowth guessed.

James shook his head. “No, I’ve seen plenty of Rapidash… and I don’t think it’s a Ditto…” His brow furrowed.

“Well whatever it is, it’s definitely very rare!” Jessie declared. “We should send it to the boss right away!”

“No,” James shook his head again.

“What?!” Jessie looked startled. “Why not?”

“Did ya forget last time we sent the boss a rare Pokemon when we wasn’t sure what it did?” Meowth berated her. “He didn’t even want dat Togepi! We were a laughin’stock!”

“He’s right, Jessie.”

“Well,” she considered. “I suppose you do both have a point. Okay, send it out and we’ll see what it can do.”

“Not yet.”

“What now?” she sounded exasperated.

“Couldn’t you tell? The poor thing was plain tuckered out. It needs a good long rest.”

Jessie sighed. “Fair enough, I suppose," she straightened out. "Let’s keep going then.”

“Right behind you.”

James replaced the now-filled Poke Ball on his waist. The two humans resumed their walk down the dirt path towards their hidden balloon with slow, sedate steps. Their Pokemon companion found it easy enough to keep up and, as he was prone to do, began to daydream.

“Just imagine,” Meowth said as they went. “What the boss’ll say when we bring him ‘dis Pokemon and Pikachu!”

“We’ll get a promotion for sure!” Jessie clenched her fist, eyes shining.

“And a raise!” added James.

“And I’ll be Giovanni’s top cat! No doubt about it!” Meowth laughed.

Jessie continued. “So today’s the day, team!”

“The day we finally beat the twerps!”

“An’ catch Pikachu!”

“Let’s go get ‘em!”

All three cheered, “Team Rocket’s rockin’!”

“Prepare for trouble, ‘cause trouble’s what you’re in!”

“And make it double, because we’re going to win!”

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all peoples within our nation!”

“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”

“To extend our reach to the stars above!”



“This day’s gone our way at the speed of light!”

“So surrender now or be crushed in a fight!”

“Meowth, that’s right!”

“Wobbuffet!” Jessie’s blue Pokemon added, as always.

“Team Rocket!” Ash Ketchum shouted up at the rapidly-rising Meowth-shaped hot air balloon. “Not you guys again!”

“Yes!” Jessie laughed. “Us again!”

“And we’ve got your Pikachu this time, so ‘dere!” Meowth gloated from the basket’s edge, holding up a remote.

Attached to the bottom of the balloon was an extendable robotic arm ending in a powerful, thoroughly insulated three-fingered hand. In that hand writhed a small, yellow, mouselike Pokemon: Ash’s Pikachu, the trio’s obsession and primary target for years. Pikachu unleashed the same electric volts that had sent Team Rocket flying countless times, but to no avail against the arm.

“Well, I hate to steal and run, but we really must be going! Ta ta!” James taunted as they gained altitude.

“Oh no you don’t!” Ash grabbed a Poke Ball from his waist and tossed it upwards. “Go Frogadier!”

The red and white ball exploded into a brilliant flash of white light, which quickly formed itself into a blue, froglike Pokemon. Frogadier posed confidently, looking ready to leap.

“Frogadier, use Water Pulse on Team Rocket’s balloon!” Ash ordered.

“Froooo” the Pokemon began forming a blue-white ball of energy between its two forelegs. “Gadier!” It flung the orb upwards, directly at the retreating trio.

“Oh no you don’t! Wobbuffet, Mirror Coat!” Jessie countered.

“Wobbuffet!” her Pokemon jumped onto the edge of the balloon’s basket. Swiftly, it surrounded itself with a layer of shimmering, semitransparent energy. Frogadier’s attack smashed into that layer, only to immediately bounce off and back the way it had come. Ash’s Pokemon jumped to avoid the projectile, which hit the ground with a tremendous explosion.

“Go Pumpkaboo!” Jessie called, throwing a Poke Ball.

“Inkay, you too!” James added his own.

Ash’s friends weren’t idle either.

“Braixen, let’s go!” Serena called out her first and primary Pokemon.

“Luxray, you’re on!” Clemont shouted.

Four Pokemon burst onto the scene at the exact same moment. On Team Rocket’s side were a flying orange-black pumpkin and a miniature floating cuttlefish, while the “twerps” had a bipedal fiery fox and a large, blue-black feline.

“Frogadier, Water Pulse!”

“Braixen, Flamethrower!”

“Luxray, Discharge on Inkay!”

A blue-white orb, a trail of orange flame, and streams of yellow electricity hurdled skyward.

“Dodge and use Shadow Ball!” Jessie commanded.

“Inkay, Psybeam!” James directed.

Team Rocket’s Pokemon flew sideways, attempting to dodge around the incoming attacks. Pumpkaboo soared nimbly around fire and electricity alike before forming a small purple orb near its mouth. It grew rapidly into a ball almost as large as the Pokemon itself before plummeting down to explode against Braixen, slamming Serena’s Pokemon into the dirt. Inkay wasn’t quite so lucky. It managed to aigly weave between the electricity and fire, but one of its tentacles clipped the edge of Water Pulse, which exploded on it.

“Inkay, no!” James called, holding out a hand.

“Discharge, one more time!” Clemont ordered.

Luxray again formed a yellow field of energy around itself, before sending it all flying up into the air. The attack converged rapidly on the stunned Inkay, scoring a direct hit and thoroughly inundated the little Pokemon’s system with electricity. James’ Pokemon flew up and backwards, directly at Team Rocket’s balloon. Inkay crashed full on into Meowth, sending both tumbling backwards into the basket.

“Inkay!” James hurried to the downed Pokemon’s side. “Are you alright?! Speak to me!”

“Kaaaaay…” mumbled the clearly incapacitated cephalopod.

“Forget da squid!” Meowth’s voice cut it. “Da remote!”

“Huh?” Jessie and James said simultaneously, looking down. Meowth was holding up two cracked, sparking pieces of the remote that had controlled their trap. Their eyes widened.

Below the balloon, the robotic arm holding Pikachu was going haywire. Its processor receiving a dozen mixed signals at one time, it jerked this way and that without direction, giving its occupant a thorough shaking. At last, the three fingers flew open, and Ash’s Pikachu plummeted towards the earth. Frogadier was on the case, leaping dozens of feet into the air in a single bound. It caught Pikachu in its forelegs as they fell, and landed with all the effortless grace of a ninja frog.

“Pika Pika,” Pikachu voiced his thanks to its friend as it hopped back to the ground. “Chu!” he glared at Team Rocket.

“Alright, everybody!” Ash pointed. “Get Pumpkaboo!”

Jessie’s Pokemon dodged frantically through the air as attack after attack from four separate Pokemon converged on it from all angles. Nimble and small though it was, the effort was taxing it to its limit. Pumpkaboo cried out in pain as it was clipped by another Flamethrower from a vengeful Braixen.

“James!” Jessie grabbed her partner’s shirt, shaking him. “Pikachu’s getting away! Do something!”

“But Inkay’s the only Pokemon I have with me!” James protested, shrinking before her.

“What about that thing you caught this morning?!” Jessie demanded. “Use that!”

“But it hasn’t had enough chance to rest! And I don’t even know what it can-”

USE IT!!!” Jessie shouted at the top of her lungs. As if to punctuate her sentence, Pumpkaboo shrieked as it was caught full in the face by yet another Flamethrower. The little Ghost/Grass Pokemon looked very shaky after that blow.

“Right,” James nodded weakly, reaching for his Poke Ball. He tossed it downwards at his twerpish foes. “Go!”

Ash and his friends looked on as yet another Pokemon took shape before their eyes. When the brief white flash faded away, they all gasped as one.

“What’s that?” asked Clemont’s little sister, Bonnie.

“No idea,” Ash pulled out his Pokedex and held the machine’s camera up to the strange creature.

“Pokemon unknown,” said the Pokedex in its calm monotone. “No data.”

“No way!” Serena gasped. “Since when does Team Rocket have a Pokemon like that?”

“I bet they probably stole it,” Ash growled, picturing the misery its old trainer must be going through.

The strange, white, rainbow-maned Pokemon, for its part had turned around. It was looking up at Team Rocket’s balloon with its purple eyes and speaking rapidly. “Les. Les,” it said. “Tia!”

Ash gritted his teeth. “Well, whatever it is, we’re not gonna let it take our Pokemon! Pikachu, Iron Tail!”


“You brigands!” Princess Celestia was saying. “You tricked me! How dare you attack my person! How dare you lure strangers in with kindness only to steal them away! Do you not know what the penalty is for abducting Equestrian royalty in such a manner-”

So great was her indignant fury that the princess had not been paying particular attention to what was going on around her. She would not have had a proper frame of reference regardless, but at that moment her attention was focused entirely on berating her treacherous captors. Yes, she had heard something about an iron tail – what was that anyway? – but wasn’t truly listening to Ash.

At the last second, Celestia spotted out of the corner of her eye a small yellow creature leaping into the air at her, its tail glowing a bright white. As it flew through the air, it brought its tail around and smacked her in the face.

Pain like Celestia hadn’t known since her niece’s wedding exploded throughout her. Despite her vastly greater mass, the yellow creature’s attack sent her soaring through the air. The princess smacked against the dirt once, twice, three times before rolling a considerable distance through the dirt to lie in a crumpled heap.

“Super effective,” Celestia could vaguely make out a mechanical monotone reciting. “Type identified: Fairy.”

“What in all the worlds did you do that f-” she mumbled, struggling to stand.

Celestia was cut off by a shouting boy in blue clothing and a red hat. “Frogadier, hit it while it’s down! Water Pulse!”

“Taaaaake…” a blue frog said. “This!”

“GAH!” Celestia screamed as a blue-white orb slammed directly into her chest. She was flung backwards yet again, this time completely soaked in icy-cold water. That’s what her rational side thought it was, at any rate. From the way it burned on her skin, it might as well have been acid.

“Super effective,” said the same mechanical voice that the princess was rapidly growing to hate. “Type identified: Fire. Pokemon classified: Fairy/Fire type.”

“Pikachu, Thunderbolt!”

“Luxray, Discharge!”

Celestia screamed again as she was hit with thousands of volts of electricity at once. What the hay was going on here? What had she done to these creatures? Had she harmed them? Deceived them? Even been impolite to them? No! And for that she had been rewarded with abduction and then pain, and lots of it. The princess was a famously forgiving soul, but there were limits. And so despite her injury and weakness, she felt a fire seizing her insides.

“You,” she began to force her trembling legs upwards. “Little,” her eyes looked practically ablaze. “VERMIN!

A powerful wave of force swept out from Celestia, smashing into ground, plants, and Pokemon alike. Pikachu, Braixen, Luxray, and Frogadier alike were bowled over and sent hurdling backwards across the ground, landing at their trainers’ feet.

“Whoa!” Ash marveled, having barely kept his own feet even at a considerable distance. Bonnie and Clemont hadn’t been so lucky.

“Move identified,” the Pokedex said blandly, as if nothing of note were happening. “Psychic.”

“That’s powerful,” Ash gritted his teeth, but then looked down at Pikachu and smiled. “But nothing we can’t handle, right buddy?”

“Pika!” Pikachu nodded as he picked himself up.

The attack seemed to have taken a lot out of Team Rocket’s new Pokemon. It was looking down at the grass beneath its hooves, breathing heavily. Ash could clearly make out sweat dripping down its face.

“Pikachu, use Iron Tail!”

“Braixen,” Serena shouted. “Use Flamethrower on Pumpkaboo!”

Pikachu darted forward on all fours, while Braixen waved its stick and sent another stream of fire skywards. Almost simultaneously, the attacks connected. Jessie’s Pokemon took the full fury of the fire directly to the face, while Pikachu’s tail hit the underside of the other’s chin. Both Pokemon flew upwards, crashing into Team Rocket’s balloon one after the other.

“Now Pikachu!” Ash pointed. “Thunderbolt!”

“Pikaaaaa… Chuuuu!”

An enormous bolt of electricity arced skywards, impacting directly against the Meowth head balloon. Humans and Pokemon alike screamed as the electricity coursed through the entire craft, giving ample attention to each inhabitant. And then the overstressed balloon exploded.

“Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off again!”

Yer a Pokemon, Celly

“Uuuugggghhhhh…” Celestia groaned, very slowly, when next she regained consciousness.

She almost immediately wished that she had not. Absolutely everything hurt: her head, her chest, her legs, her gut, but more than anything, her chin. The princess found her body to be quite befit of energy, even more so than before. She tried to raise her head, but almost instantly her neck muscles quivered and gave out. The most the bringer of the sun could do with all the power she could muster was force a single one of her eyes open.

High above Celestia was a clear blue sky with only the slightest traces of white clouds. The warm yellow sun shone down upon her from a position suggesting midday, or early afternoon at the latest. Its rays were comfortable on her fur, perhaps the only thing about the present situation that.

“Well well,” said a high, accented voice. “Look who’s finally decided ta come back ta the land of the livin’!”

Celestia’s eye rotated in place until it found the source: the bipedal white cat from earlier.

“Yeah, it’s me,” it put its hands on its hips. “Rise and shine, Sleepin’ Beauty! You’ve been out all yesterday, all night, and half’a today too!”

“Meowth!” came a second voice, sounding scolding. “Don’t be so insensitive! Can’t you see the poor thing is in pain?!”

Meowth put its hands behind its head. “Yeah, whatever you say, Nurse Joy. Hmph!” It walked out of Celestia’s sight.

A second figure strode into Celestia’s field view. She immediately recognized him for her abductor and tensed up. Or, at least, she would have if she had been capable of doing such a thing. As it was, she just watched helplessly as the man knelt down beside her.

“Now that you’re awake we can do this properly,” he said, holding an orange and red spray bottle in one hand. “This super potion can heal a lot of damage and make you feel much better, but…” he winced. “I warn you, it will sting a little. Are you up for it?”

Celestia was the last soul in the world to back down from a little pain for the sake of something greater. With a great deal of effort she forced her lips to move.

“Yyyeeesss…” she faintly hissed out.

The man blinked. “Uh, Meowth, care to translate?”

“It says go ahead, genius.”

“Right!” he turned back to her and raised the bottle. “Now hold still for just a moment.”

Celestia heard a hiss, and then felt liquid touch her fur and skin. Instantly the affected areas began to sting in the manner of alcoholic antiseptic. The princess shut her one eye against the pain as her abductor sprayed her down very thoroughly, paying careful attention to her face, legs, and chest. The potion continued to sting for some seconds even after he was finished, and Celestia gritted her teeth. But not long afterwards the stinging began to fade away into a cool, soothing sensation that swiftly began to permeate her body. First her skin, and then her insides felt cool, relaxed, and far more functional. Far more swiftly than she would have believed possible, the princess felt her energy returning, her muscles flexing in readiness. Less than two minutes after feeling the first of the potion’s stinging touch, Celestia managed to push herself up onto her knees and look around.

She was in a grassy plain, not far removed from any of hundreds back home. The weather was warm and calm, with a gentle breeze only just moving her fur. In the distance there were hills rising, with the faint shadows of mountains further away. Closer to home was what appeared to be a deflated hot air balloon in the shape of the cat’s head. Around her were six other beings: the one called Meowth, her abductor, the magenta-haired woman, a blue blob looking curiously like a punching bag, something resembling a floating pumpkin, and a hovering cephalopod. The latter two were wearing almost comically outsized bandages on several locations. Checking herself over, Celestia discovered that she too had been bandaged.

“Hello there,” came the sound of her abductor’s voice. “I’m sorry that we haven’t been properly introduced yet. My name is James.”

“I don’t care what your name is, you are a criminal guilty of kidnapping under Equestrian l- aaaaaaawwww…”

Mid-sentence, James had sat down and reached behind her ears. Celestia didn’t know what witchery it was, but the moment his fingers started scratching she just wanted to melt on the spot. The sensation was so relaxing that she found it all but impossible to remain tensed up, almost in spite of herself.

“You are hereby – a little to the left – charged with assault and kid – oh yeah, that’s the spot – apping of royalty and placed – oooooohhhhh,” Celestia cooed involuntarily.

James scratched behind her ears for several minutes, with the princess deciding to permit him to do so on the grounds that it felt really good. When she returned home, she resolved to hire a minotaur or some other creature with hands to perform this service for her. Why had she never done that before?

“So,” James said after some time, continuing to scratch. “Tell me about yourself, my new Pokemon friend. You’re a Celestia, right?”

“I am the Celestia,” she corrected. “And how did you know my name?”

"’Cause he can hear ya, can’t he?”

Celestia spotted Meowth strolling back towards them, hands behind its head and an expression of calm contentment on its face.

She cocked her head at the cat. “What do you mean, because he can hear me?”

“Geez, an’ I thought I’d seen some sheltered Pokemon before,” Meowth wagged one finger on its right hand in a patronizing manner. “When Pokemon talk ta humans, all dey can hear is ya sayin’ your name over and over again,” it pointed a thumb at itself. “’Cept me, ‘cause I’m special.”

“What’s it saying, Meowth?” James asked.

“Get dis: this Pokemon don’t even know dat humans can’t understand it,” Meowth chuckled. “I thought everyone knew dat.”

“I’m not an “it”!” Celestia huffed indignantly. “Nor am I a Pokemon of any kind! My name is Princess Celestia of Equestria! And you have abducted and unlawfully imprisoned me! I demand to be released at once on pain of imprisonment for you and all your accomplices!”

“Pffft…” Meowth put a hand over its mouth. “Ba ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!” It put both hands over its chest and laughed uproariously. “Ba ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

“What exactly do you find so funny?” Celestia demanded. “I have been involuntarily ejected from my own world into this one, only to find myself abducted for no discernible reason by strangers in whose kindness I trusted! And then I was summoned and attacked by creatures I don't even know!”

“Pikachu musta hit dis broad over da head harder than I thought.”

James looked curious. “What do mean?”

“She’s sayin’ dat she’s not a Pokemon, she’s a princess!” Meowth laughed. “From another world! Ha!”

“You say you’re a princess? Really?”

“I am,” Celestia nodded. “And despite all you have done I remain willing to pardon your crimes against me if you immediately release me and direct me-”

“Glad we didn’t send ‘dis Pokemon ta the boss,” Meowth continued over her. “She’s nuttier dan a Christmas fruitcake!”

“I am not insane!” Celestia snapped at it. “I am Princess Celestia, Diarch of Equestria, Sol Invictus, Bringer of the Day, and Mistress of the Sun! It is I that cause the sun to rise in the morn and set in the eve! I have born witness to eons of time, and I shall continue for eons more! I am of the sacred race of alicorns, not a Pokemon!” she paused. “Whatever that is.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” Meowth laughed again. “Good one!”

“You think that this is some kind of joke?!”

“I tink that you’re outta your gourd, lady,” Meowth chuckled.

STILL THY MOCKING TONGUE, WHELP!” Celestia roared in her best Royal Canterlot Voice. James had to shield his ears, while the force of it was enough to knock Meowth over onto its backside.

For just a moment, there was silence in the field as everyone stared at the slightly-panting alicorn princess. That had taken more effort than it usually did. Perhaps she was out of practice?

“What is going on over here?!” the magenta-haired woman was walking over, hands over her ears. “James, can’t you control your own Pokemon?”

Celestia got to her hooves, despite the continuing slight ache. “I am not his Pokemon!”

“Jessie, be reasonable! She’s freshly caught, and I don’t think she’s even seen a human before.”

Jessie jabbed a finger at James. “If you can’t keep this thing quiet, then you had better keep it inside its Poke Ball!”

“I am not falling for your trick again! Even if I am weak and in a foreign world. I will not be held captive!”

“You really don’t have a clue, do ya?” Meowth’s voice was quiet, almost strangely so.

Celestia turned back to it, frowning. “Have I not made it clear that you are to cease your mockery?”

“Listen, lady,” Meowth said with a gleam in his eye. “I was gonna break it to ya all gentle like, but dis Meowth don’t take well ta insults to his pride.” Claws slid out of one hand.

Celestia narrowed her eyes. “Are you challenging me?”

“No, I’m educatin’ ya.” Meowth held up a finger and wagged it. “You ain’t some pretty princess pony from another dimension. Yer a Pokemon wid’ a head injury.”

“You little-”

“Prove it,” Meowth challenged. “If yer all dat, what can ya do?”

“I can perform feats of magic far beyond you, little cat. I can pull the sun into the sky! I can transform inanimate matter into living creatures! I can even conjure objects into being from nothing at all!”

“Dat last one. Do dat. Right here, right now. Prove me wrong.”

“Do what, Meowth?” James asked.

“Dis crazy Pokemon is sayin’ she can do all kinds a magic hocus pocus. So I’m tellin’ her ta put up or shut up.”

The corner of Celestia’s mouth twitched upwards slightly. “Easily done. I’ll even allow you to name the object to be created.”

“Somethin’ simple, den. A picnic lunch. Think you can do dat?”

“Not a problem at all. Watch and prepare to eat your eat your words, cat!”

Celestia closed her eyes and opened her wings to their full, majestic length, more for dramatic effect than any practical purpose. Though she was still sore and weak, she could still feel the vast reserve of power inside herself. She called on that power, willing it to flow through her beautiful white horn. As it went, she wove mental enchantments that would cause the object of her desire to come forth, as she had countless times before.

Seconds ticked by. Team Rocket stared.

Nothing happened.

Celestia cracked an eye open. “Wha- what?”

Meowth sniggered.

“Hold on, just one moment.” Celestia clamped her eyes shut and tried again, going through the spell with a textbook perfection even Starswirl would envy.

Again, nothing happened.

Celestia gaped. “How… How is this possible?” Her power was there, she could feel it. It wasn’t like when she had given it away to Twilight. But when she called on it to perform a spell, it wouldn’t respond. How could that be? It shouldn’t have been possible! Unless… Unless…

Unless magic as she knew it didn’t exist in this world.

Unless every one of her spells was useless.

Hurriedly, Celestia cycled through several dozen of the tens of thousands of spells she knew. She tried conjuration, enchantment, summoning, transformation, abjuration, hexing, and even simple levitation. Absolutely nothing worked.

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!” Meowth laughed at the alicorn’s stupefied incomprehension. “And dat’s lesson number one!” He put his arms around the back of his head and walked up to James. “Lesson number two,” he snatched another red and white orb from the human’s belt.

“Hey!” James protested. “That’s mine!”

“Hold yer horses, you’ll get it back in a minute,” Meowth turned back to Celestia. “Now where was I? Oh yeah: yer a Pokemon!” He pressed the button that enlarged the sphere, tossing it up and down in one hand. “See, dis here is called a Poke Ball. It’s meant for catchin’ Pokemon like you and me. And it only works on Pokemon. See?”

Meowth whipped around and tossed the ball directly in James’ face as hard as he could. It smacked into the human’s forehead, bouncing off and knocking him over backwards. What it distinctly did not do was catch him.

James sat up, rubbing his forehead. “What was that for?!”

“Complainin’. Now shut your yap,” Meowth snatched another ball from James. “Now dis one is your Poke Ball. And it’ll only work if you’re a Pokemon,” he pointed the white button at her. “Return!”

A thin red beam shot out of the Poke Ball’s button. The instant it made contact with Celestia, she felt a powerful tug against her. The very next moment her body dissolved into red energy and vanished into the tiny sphere. To the princess, it seemed as if it was but a second later that she exploded back onto the scene in a burst of white energy.

“Ya see?” Meowth laughed triumphantly. “You’re a Pokemon, no more, no less. Now quit actin’ stupid and help the rest of us get dis here balloon back online!”

“Alright, I’ve seen enough,” Jessie said. “James, get your crazy new Pokemon under control and get back to sewing. Inkay, Pumpkaboo, Wobbuffet, Meowth, with me,” she clapped her hands. “Chop chop, people! We’ve still got more than thirty holes to fix before we can get this sorry sack back in the air!”

“Ma’am yes ma’am!”


The remainder of Team Rocket began to walk back towards the downed balloon, leaving James alone with Celestia.

“Don’t worry,” James said, rising to his feet and clenching a fist. “Even if you’re a little loopy on the inside, I still think you’re a great Pokemon! I promise I’ll take good care of you,” he scratched her behind the ears a little. “Now come on,” he gestured. “We have to go help out our teammates!”

Celestia brushed him off. “I’m not a-” she started to deny, but then hesitated.

Twilight Sparkle had reported from her own experience of going through Starswirl’s mirror that she had been transformed into one of the native species through its magic. The same fate had befallen the Sirens. Equestrian magic hadn’t worked in that dimension either, until the powers of Harmony had brought it there. Who was to say that it was impossible for a trip to this dimension to transform her as well? The facts seemed consistent enough with that interpretation of events.

Princess Celestia sank to her knees, wide-eyed, as realization set in.

She was a Pokemon.

A Pony and A Cephalopod

Celestia simply knelt there for some time, stunned, dismayed, and momentarily unsure of how to proceed. Her former student had had her own magic stripped from her during her interdimensional journey, but Twilight had been given the benefit of a fully-functional if irregular portal back home. She had no such advantage, and it seemed that Equestrian magic was no good in this land. She had to return home, but how? What was she to do now?

The princess was abruptly pulled from her musings by a gentle tugging on one of her ears. She looked up into James’ face.

“Come on,” he said, gesturing towards the fallen balloon. “We need to go and help our friends.”

For just a moment, Celestia considered disabling him and making a break for it. She still didn’t feel up to flying, but she knew that even without her magic her kicks were more than strong enough to shatter bone. Two legs and a handful of seconds, that was all it would take. Then she could bolt for the hills while the others helped their wounded comrade. James didn’t suspect anything and his backup was too far away to matter.

Just as quickly as she had thought of the idea, Celestia dismissed it. For one, she didn’t know the rules of this world. With her spells out of commission, a native guide willing to feed and medicate her could mean the difference between life and death. Second was the consideration that her power wasn’t gone. Equestrian spells might not function here, but there must be some other way to access her strength. Those creatures – Pokemon, she presumed – that had attacked her had been able to use some form of magic. Perhaps with this group she might learn to do the same? Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, in spite of all that had happened to her the princess remained at heart a kind, forgiving soul. The rules here were different than back home, and she wasn’t quite ready to condemn a man who had at least shown her some sympathy and kindness simply for following them. At least, not to the extent that she was willing to break his legs over it.

“Very well,” she answered, rising back to her hooves. “Lead the way.”

James smiled as she got up, even if he apparently couldn’t understand her. He walked down the hill with an apparent spring in his step, the princess trailing behind. Celestia was still trying to make sense of how the human-Pokemon language barrier worked when she suddenly found herself with a face full of something blue and pink.

“GAH!” she took a few hurried steps back, wings shielding her face, bracing for pain. Thankfully, it never arrived. After a moment, Celestia peeked out again. She quickly spied the cephalopod she had seen earlier. It had a blue lower body, including eyes and beak, and an enormous yellow-dotted pink upper head.

“Ah!” James had stopped and turned around at all the noise, and was smiling again. “This looks to be the perfect time for introductions. Celestia, meet Inkay. Inkay, this Celestia, our newest team member. I want you to make her feel welcome, alright?”

“You got it, boss!” the little Pokemon chirped in a cheerful tone.

“Very good. Now come on.”

As the three resumed their trek down towards the balloon, Inkay started to size up the alicorn princess.

“So,” it said. “You’re the newest Pokemon on master’s team, huh? Good to meet you.”


“You know,” it looked her up and down. “I’ve never seen a Celestia before. What type of Pokemon are you?”

“That’s because I’m the only one,” she explained. “And… type?”

“Yeah, you know. Grass, Fire, Water, etc.” Inkay waved one short tentacle in a circle. “I look at you, and I just don’t know. Normal? Fairy? Flying, maybe?”

Celestia decided in an instant to keep to herself what she had heard from the mechanical voice. It might prove a valuable secret. “I’m… I’m afraid I don’t know.”

“Wait, really?” Inkay’s eyes widened. “You never been in a battle your whole life or something?”

“You… might say that.”

“Geez, where are you from? Because I wanna move there!”

“Battles are common here, are they?”

“Uh, yeah!” Inkay said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“And what exactly happens in these battles?”

“Well…” it thought for a second. “Two or more Pokemon go at each other will all the moves that they have. What type you are changes how effective your moves are, and how effective others’ moves are against you. The battle goes on until someone bails or gets knocked unconscious.”

Celestia breathed a sigh of relief. They weren’t to the death, at least. “What happens then?” she asked.

“Well, if you’ve got a master, he patches you up and makes sure you’re healthy come the next one,” Inkay looked at James, then back at Celestia. “You know, he spent a long time looking after you. Sprayed you down with potion, kept a blanket over you at night, did a lot of first aid. You looked like you were real banged up. Your first battle?”

“Yes,” she admitted.

“Mmm,” Inkay nodded with its whole body. “Well, just be glad it didn’t happen when you were still in the wild.”

“Hmmm?” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Why is that?”

“Oh, you probably would have contracted some horrible infection,” said Inkay in a perfectly cheerful tone. “Might even have been fatal.”

“That bad?”

“All those injuries you were sporting? Good chance of it if master wasn’t here to apply medicine. The wild can be a rough place when you’ve got no one looking out for you.”

“I take it that wild Pokemon here battle frequently?”

“Over food, territory, pride, you name it,” Inkay confirmed. “Only difference is: out there there’s no Pokemon Centers, no potions, nada. You got yourself, and maybe your family if you’re lucky. Take a beating that’s bad enough, and you might never fully recover.”

So the whole of this world’s wilds were roughly analogous to the Everfree back home? That was useful information, but obviously rather troubling. It did, at least, explain the apparent nonchalance of Pokemon that were captured and used for battle. For most, it would probably be a genuine improvement.

“And these moves? Could you tell me more about them? What are they? How do you use them? Do you think I might learn some?”

“Do I look like a trainer to you?” Inkay scoffed. “Talk to master about it. And of course you know moves. Even newborn baby Pokemon know some moves.”

“They do? That’s good to hear. How do I know… what I know?”

“How should I know? It’s just instinct and training.”

The alicorn princess filed that information away for later. It was one of the first pieces of good news she had gotten yet, and she was determined to make the most of it as soon as possible. As the trio reached the hot air balloon, James sat down on the grass, picked up a rather large sewing needle from where it had been left off, and got to work mending a tear in the fabric. Celestia and Inkay looked on, the former far more interested than the latter.

“Tell me about your master,” Celestia said, studying the man. “What’s he like?”

“Oh, he’s great!” Inkay chirped. “He gives you food, shelter, care, and plenty of attention. All you have to do is battle when he says battle. I think you’ll get along just fine!” He paused, eyes darting from side to side, before floating almost directly up to Celestia’s ear and whispering. “I don’t think much of his girlfriend, though.”


Inkay poked a single blue tentacle in Jessie’s direction.

“You think that they’re…”

“Come on, everybody can see it!”

Celestia looked back and forth between the two humans. “I’m not so sure.”

“Ten pellets of food says they are.”

“…You’re on.”

Welcome to Team Rocket

Ash, Pikachu, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie were, despite the delay of Team Rocket’s attack, continuing northwards along the Kalos region’s Route 14. Their destination was Laverre City and Ash’s sixth gym badge from the region. The sky was blue, the sun was shining brightly overhead, the Fletchlings were singing, and all was right with the world.

Naturally, that didn’t last long.



The small group scattered in all directions as a massive truck came barreling down the road with great speed and somewhat less regard for traffic law. As the quartet of humans dived for the safety of the surrounding swampy forest, it swerved down the road towards Laverre seemingly at random, paying no attention to lanes or pedestrians. Just as it passed by, Ash caught a slight glimpse of two people up front wearing identical bright red suits and sunglasses.

“Geez,” he said from the puddle of murky water he had fallen into. “What was that all about?”


For some time, Celestia simply watched as her new companions repaired their balloon in something close to stoic silence. Every one of them joined in, human and Pokemon alike. Even little floating pumpkin – Pumpkaboo, Inkay had said it was called – was pitching in, managing to lift a needle in some sort of aura without limbs. She resolved to ask it about that when they had a free moment.

It wasn’t long, though, before Meowth glanced up from his work. “Hey!” he yelled, pointing at the princess. “No slackin’ off, newbie!” That caught the attention of the rest easily enough.

“Meowth’s right,” Jessie said. “I don’t care how crazy you are, if you’re going to be part of Team Rocket you’re going to have to pitch in!”

“They do have a point,” James added. “If you’re feeling better, a little sewing shouldn’t be too hard, should it?”

Celestia raised a hoof and an eyebrow. “No hands.”

“So?” Meowth said. “Use a move. You know Psychic, don’t ya?”

She cocked her head. “Pardon?”

“Don’t you remember?” James asked. “The move you used yesterday, in battle?”

“A battle where you didn’t do jack an’ got creamed, I might add,” mumbled Meowth. “’Cause ya spent more time yellin’ at us than you did fightin’.”

Celestia’s expression was less than amused. “I’m afraid that I’m not entirely sure how I did that,” she admitted. “I just… did.”

Meowth shrugged. “So use another move. Ya must have somethin’ in your bag of tricks dat can help.”

“Nothing that I know of.”

“What moves do ya know how to use?”

“Reliably and at this moment? None.”

Meowth’s face sunk. “You’re kiddin’, right?”

“I’m quite serious.”

“What is it, Meowth?” Jessie asked. “What’s it saying?”

A large sweat drop rolled down the back of Meowth’s head. “Dis Pokemon is sayin’ dat it don’t know any moves at all!”

“WHAT?!” Jessie jumped to her feet, clenching her fist. “What good is a crazy Pokemon that doesn’t even know any attacks?! Why would we want to keep such a thing around?!”

“Yeah!” Meowth joined her. “So far you’ve eaten our food, barely even fought in a battle, and used up two of our super potions! You have any idea how much those tings cost?!”

“Now hold on, hold on…” James tried to interject, only to be summarily ignored.

“You were the ones who threw me into battle in the first place!” Celestia retorted. “After you tricked me into imprisonment!”

“Tricked ya? Ya looked like you went into dat Poke Ball pretty willingly ta me!”

“I had no knowledge of what it was!”

“Dat’s Grimer slime! Dere ain’t no Pokemon in the world what don’t know what a Poke Ball does!”

“I told you already: I am not from this world!”

“Dat’s a load a garbage! Ya know what I tink?” Meowth folded his arms across his chest. “I tink you’re just tryin’ ta freeload! And dat just won’t fly around here!”

Celestia’s eye twitched. “After what you have done to me with no provocation, you dare accuse me of taking more than I give back?”

“Yeah, I dare! And another-”


James was standing between the two Pokemon, a hand held up to each. Meowth and Celestia both paused, looking at him.

“Have neither of you considered the condition we found her in?” James asked, after a moment had passed. “The poor dear looked like she was halfway to the netherworld just yesterday morning! And then she took the full force of the twerps’ Pokemon.”

“We already gave it two of our super potions,” Jessie countered. “That should have been more than enough to get it back on its feet.”

“But what if the damage was more than physical?”

“Where are you going with this?”

“I have a theory,” James said. He looked at Celestia, then back at Jessie and Meowth.

“Yeah, what is it?” asked the cat Pokemon.

“I think that whatever injuries this Celestia had before we met her, in combination with Pikachu’s attacks, have caused her to lose her memories,” he put a fist into his palm. “That would explain why she’s so confused, and why she thinks she doesn’t know any moves.”

“And da princess ting?”

“A minor case of amnesiac dementia.”

“Is that even a real thing?” Jessie asked.


Celestia opened her mouth to argue, then closed it again. It was obvious that they weren’t going to believe her story until she had more proof, proof that she yet lacked. And she still didn’t like her chances wandering this world’s wilderness without a native guide or any means of self-defense. She would do Equestria no good if she perished here. Her first priority had to be personal survival.

“Just remember the Psychic she pulled out,” James continued. “With training, patience, and a little love, I’m sure she could make a great addition to our team!” he paused. “And besides, we can’t just let her go back into the wild. In her state, she wouldn’t last a day.”

“I don’t know…”

“Come on, Jess. Have a heart!”

“Well… it would have a hard time out there… and it might have potential…” Jessie closed her eyes, folded her arms, and tapped one foot. “Alright, I suppose it can stay,” she opened her eyes and pointed at Celestia. “But you’d better not make me regret this, got it? Team Rocket isn’t a charity organization.”

“I understand your position,” Celestia nodded. “You feel that you are investing in me, and expect returns.”

“Hmph! You guys are startin’ ta sound like a pair of Chanseys. So what if she has a bit of hard luck out dere? We all gotta go trough dat at times. I still say dat if she ain’t gonna help right now she can hit da r-”

The princess’ already fragile patience abruptly couldn’t take any more of him. More than anything personal, it was the hard-hearted lack of sympathy that drew her ire. There was nothing, so far as she knew, preventing simply storing her in a Poke Ball until she could be released somewhere safe, but he wanted her ejected into the dangerous wilds regardless.


Celestia was as surprised as anyone when a trio of semitransparent blue shockwaves burst out from her mouth, crossed the distance in the blink of an eye, and smashed into Meowth. The cat Pokemon was sent flying back over a dozen yards before crashing into the earth and skidding some distance.

“Uuuuuggggghhhhh…” came the faint sound of his moan.

Jessie looked back and forth between the two, blinking. “Was… Was that Hyper Voice?”

“I… don’t know,” Celestia answered, the language barrier momentarily slipping her mind. “Was it?”

James clenched a fist and smiled at Jessie. “Why I do believe it was! What did I tell you?”

“Maybe you were onto something,” she tapped her chin.

“Celestia,” James walked up to her and met her gaze. “Just so we’re clear: you do want to travel with us, right? To join your cause to ours and become a member of Team Rocket?”

She considered briefly, then nodded.

“Then it’s settled!” James declared, sounding happy.

“I suppose it is,” Jessie remarked.

“For now,” Celestia added, under her breath.

“That’s the way it is,” said Wobbuffet.

New Mission

“Well,” James said after a moment had passed. “Since you’re going to be part of Team Rocket, Celestia, you’ll need to remember some of your moves.”

“You’re darn right it will,” Jessie mumbled.

James glanced at her, then back at the princess. “So I guess that means I had better start training you.”

“That seems reasonable,” Celestia agreed.

“Starting right now,” James began walking towards her.

“Oh no you don’t!” Jessie grabbed him by the back of his shirt, pulling him back toward her. “I am not going to sit here and sew this old thing back together while you run off and play with-” she paused and looked at Celestia appraisingly. Then she returned her gaze to James, a malicious-looking smirk on her face. “James,” she asked. “That is your Pokemon, correct?”

“Yes, I suppose so,” he answered, a large bead of sweat rolling down the back of his head.

“And it’s being excused from helping on grounds of disability, right?”

“I don’t think I’ll like where this seems to be going, will I?”

“So wouldn’t it be fair if you covered, say…” Jessie grinned. “All its share of the work?”

“What?! That’s not fair at all!”

“Life isn’t fair!”

“But you were just making an argument from fairn-”

“DO IT!”

“You know,” said Celestia, several hours later, as the sun was setting. “It probably isn’t a good idea to let her push you around like that.”

James sat beside her on the grass, nursing his hands. The two were huddled with the remainder of Team Rocket around a campfire, cooking something or the other in a rather small pot. After many hours of work, the Meowth balloon had at last been re-stitched into tiptop shape, ready to fly again in the morning. Celestia was still a little unclear as to how it had gotten so bad, beyond a vague memory of that horrible yellow rodent flash-frying the lot of them with electricity. She assumed that that had done the deed.

The princess put a gentle hoof on James’ leg. “If I had a healing spell, I would use it on you right now,” she bowed her head slightly. “I do apologize for your being made to do extra work on my behalf.”

“Yeah yeah, spare us all da act,” Meowth grumbled, taking a quick peek into the slightly-steaming pot. “You ain’t got me fooled, lady.”

Celestia ignored him.

James looked down at her leg. “Oh my, where are my manners? Here I’ve been so busy wallowing in self-pity that I’ve completely neglected to begin your training!” He stood up, hands on hips. “Well, let’s remedy that right away!”

“No, it’s perfectly alright, I can waaaaa-”

Celestia’s remark was cut off by a surprisingly powerful tug on her mane. Out of half-surprise, half-instinct, she rose to her hooves and began to follow him. The man seemed so enthusiastic as he pulled her along that she didn’t have the heart to tell him that yanking her flowing mane in that manner was rather painful.

“That’s the boss,” Inkay chirped as she was dragged off. “Always looking out for his team!”

Jessie and Meowth looked at each other. “More for me!” they cheered simultaneously.

James seemed not to hear as he led Celestia by the mane to a hill a short distance from the campfire. Once he found a spot that he deemed satisfactory, he released his grip, allowing the princess to resume her full height. The two stood eye-to-eye.

“Now then,” James said, tapping his chin. “Where to begin? Well…” he looked her over. “I’m not exactly familiar with your species, and I haven’t been able to find any data on it so far.”

“That’s because I’m the only Celestia there is,” she felt compelled to reply, despite knowing the futility of the gesture.

“So I don’t really know what kind of moves you naturally can learn.”

“That makes two of us.”

“So I think we’ll start with the move you used earlier today: Hyper Voice. Do you think you’re up for it?”

“I don’t know.”

“That’s the spirit!” he clenched his fist. “Always stay positive! Never give up!”

“I really wish you could understand me.”

“This move should be easy enough. Just try making the loudest noise you can and focusing your energy into it!”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

James bent over and whispered into her ear. “And if you can help it, aim for Jessie.”

Celestia put a hoof up to her mouth and sniggered. “Your wish is my command.”

“Now,” he straightened out, putting one hand on his hip and pointing dramatically into the distance with the other. “Let’s do this together! I know deep inside my heart and soul that you can!”

“Maybe…” James said, about three hours later. “This wasn’t the best way to go about learning Hyper Voice.”

“You think?” Celestia retorted. Or, rather, would have retorted had she not succeeded in screaming herself hoarse some time ago. What came out instead was more of a “horrible hacking cough” -type sound.

“Perhaps we should move onto something else for now.”

Celestia’s ears folded back.

James got up from where he was sitting in the grass and circled around Celestia, hand again on his chin. After a few laps, he paused by her sides, staring. Then he gently pulled her right wing from its folded resting position.

“Hmmm…” he ran two gloved fingers through her swan-white feathers, tickling slightly. “These aren’t just vestigial, are they?”

Celestia shook her head.

“Great!” he smiled. “That means you should be able to learn Fly!”

“That’s distinct from normal flight how?” she tried to ask, only to wheeze rather pathetically instead.

“That will let you soar through the sky at far greater speeds than normal, as well as unleashing a powerful physical strike against opponents, whether on the ground or in the air!”

“So I just fly into people?” Celestia wondered. "How is that something special?"

“So are you up for it?”

The princess hesitated.

James clasped his hands together and looked her in the eye. “Pretty please with a cherry on top?”

Celestia stared back boldly, mustering all her willpower to deny his request.

Her wings twitched, then drooped, and she nodded.

“He looks like a colt asking his mother for a cookie,” she thought with a sigh. “And I really need to stop falling for such things.”

“Wonderful!” he smiled. “Now, let’s start this show by-”

“Hey!” came Meowth’s voice. “Birdbrains!”

“Hmmm?” Both James and Celestia looked in his direction.

“Not dat I don’t enjoy watchin’ little miss princess dere make a fool outta herself, but we got a call comin’ in!”

“A call?” James asked.

“From da boss! So get over here, on da double!”

“Coming! Coming!” he rushed back towards the campfire. “Sorry Celestia, we’ll have to continue this a little while later!”

The princess breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

At a slow, sedate pace Celestia followed James back down the hill. As she did, she spied Jessie, James, and Meowth placing a small, flat device along the ground. It lit up, projecting what looked to be a thin, glowing screen around two feet off the ground. At the moment, it was blank. The trio knelt around it, having a hurried whispered conversation. Celestia’s keen ears could nonetheless make it out easily.

“Do you think we should tell the boss about Celestia?”

“Tell him we got a crazy Pokemon what don’t know any moves?” Meowth scoffed. “He’d tink we was insultin’ him!”

“Meowth’s right,” Jessie said. “Remember that Togepi. The boss doesn’t want just rare Pokemon for the team; he wants rare and powerful Pokemon. And your little horse friend there isn’t that.”

“Okay! Okay!” James waved his hands. “Just asking,” he looked up towards Celestia. “If you wouldn’t mind, please stay of the view of this, alright?”

She nodded. Apparently their boss was a rather picky man, and she had no wish to anger someone who might be able to help her.

“There’s a good girl,” he smiled, then turned his attention back to the moniter.

Celestia sat down in the grass and watched as the projected screen soon flickered to life. The image of a brown-haired, hard faced man in what looked to be an expensive black suit and red tie appeared, seated behind a desk. A white catlike Pokemon heavily resembling Meowth sat in his lap. Jessie, James, and Meowth immediately snapped to full attention, giving off crisp salutes.

“Giovanni, sir!” they said as one.

“At ease,” he said in a deep, rough, and yet calm voice. The trio sank back to their knees in order to be better level with the screen.

Jessie began. “Sir, our travels throughout the Kalos region have been very productive, including-”

“I haven’t called to ask for a status report,” Giovanni cut her off. “I’ve contacted you to assign you three a new mission.”

“Anything you say, boss!” Meowth said.

“Quite right,” he replied.

Giovanni paused for a moment to stroke the Pokemon in his lap, which stretched leisurely and yawned. Celestia could have sworn that she heard the faintest of growls from Meowth.

“Now then,” the Team Rocket boss continued. “I have recently been receiving a number of disturbing reports from sources within the Kalos region concerning the rise of group known as Team Flare.”

“You mean dose red-suited weirdos that like ta hang out at cafes in Lumoise City?”

Giovanni nodded. “The same.”

“No offense to your sources, sir,” said James. “But how could they possibly represent any kind-”

“Do not be fooled by appearances!” Giovanni snapped, sounding genuinely irritated this time. “No matter how ridiculous they may be!” His cat growled at the screen, as if in empathy.

Suitably chastened, the trio fell silent and lowered their heads.

“That’s better,” their boss nodded. “Now then, according to my sources – very reliable sources, I will add – this Team Flare is far more dangerous than it may first appear. If some of the more outrageous pieces of information are true, it poses a serious threat to the Team Rocket presence not just in the Kalos region, but in every region,” he paused. “And perhaps even to the world itself.”

In the distance, Celestia’s eyes went wide. Her ears twitched, straining to pick up every last little detail.

“It goes without saying that such a group cannot be ignored,” Giovanni went on. “After your recent performance during Operation Tempest, and then in the conflict with Team Plasma, I have decided to send you three in first.”

“It’s our honor, sir!” chanted all three at the exact same moment.

Their boss smiled and nodded. “Very good,” he stroked the cat again. “Now, I want you to obtain as much information on Team Flare’s plans as you can and report back to me. If you are able to determine the location of their headquarters or the identity of their mysterious central commander, that will be a mark in your favor going forward. And of course, if you should happen to find yourselves in a position to counter any of their plans,” he glanced at each of the three. “I give you permission to deal with them as appropriate.”

“Sir, yes sir!” they snapped off a unified salute.

There was a momentary silence.

“Uh, Giovanni, sir?” James spoke up. “Is there anything in particular that we should be looking for? What exactly is it that makes this group such a threat to Team Rocket?”

“Yes, I was just getting to that,” Giovanni replied. “Unfortunately, on this subject I have only whispered thirdhand information, at best. Nonetheless, the risk to us all is serious enough to warrant further action, even on such sketchy intelligence.” Yet again, he stroked his cat. “The reports I have read suggest that Team Flare seeks, or perhaps has already found, a legendary item from three thousand years in the Kalos region’s past.” Giovanni’s face was grim, and serious. “An ultimate weapon, said to be capable of unimaginable feats of destruction…”

In the darkness, Celestia shivered.

First Strike

Midmorning the next day, Team Rocket’s refurbished Meowth balloon floated high above Route 14, blending in with the sky’s abundant white clouds. Jessie, James, and Meowth all peered down through three sets of binoculars, the latter standing atop Wobbuffet’s head to peer over the basket. Jessie’s blue Pokemon took it with the same stoicism with which it handled almost everything else.

“Aaaand…” Jessie said, adjusting her set. “There we are. A pair of tackily-dressed losers at twelve o’clock.”

Far below, a man and a woman in nearly identical red suits and sunglasses were wandering down one of Route 14’s many pathways through the muck. They each had identical, presumably dyed, red hair in the same style. The only difference lay in the fact that the woman had one puff of hair stylized into a flame shape on both sides of her head, whereas her companion had a puff on only one side.

“An’ it looks like they got a metal briefcase between the two of ‘em.” Meowth zoomed in. “With some pretty fancy-lookin’ locks on it.”

“Why that simply must be something important!” Jessie clenched her fist.

“Shall we pop in and relieve them of their burden?” James asked with a smirk.

“Naturally!” Jessie smiled. “It just wouldn’t be neighborly if we didn’t help them out!”


All three laughed at the same moment. Around a second later, a Poke Ball around James’ waist burst open, and Celestia appeared in a blaze of white of white light.

Finally!” she said, stretching her wings. “It’s comfortable in there, but not very roomy. It took me a while to figure out how to open it from the inside, and-”

“Watch where you’re sticking those things!” snapped Jessie, shoving a wing out of her face.

“Yeah! Dis balloon ain’t big enough for da five of us!”

“I could fly outside of your balloon, if you wish,” she offered. “I feel much better now.”

“What’s she saying, Meowth?” James asked.

“She’s sayin’ she could fly instead,” Meowth crossed his arms. “I say just put her back in her Poke Ball an’ be done with it.”

“I don’t care what it does, just get your Pokemon out of my face!” Jessie ordered.

“Alright, Celestia,” James said. “We’re about to launch our first strike on Team Flare, and we need you out of our balloon. Do you want to watch?”

“Absolutely,” Celestia nodded. “Perhaps observing your Pokemon in action will give me some insight as to how to harness my own abilities.”

“And you think you’re up to flying now?”

She nodded again.

“Then go on.”

“As you wish.”

Celestia spread her brilliant white wings as far as they would go, bent her legs to push off, then took off with a single, powerful flap. The wind she whipped up was powerful enough to topple Meowth from Wobbuffet’s head as she went. Unlike everything else in this world so far, her wings continued to work perfectly, easily bearing her weight through the air in a series of long, slow beats. She smiled as she felt the high winds rush through her mane and fur, doing a few laps around Team Rocket’s balloon. Jessie, James, and Wobbuffet waved as she passed, steering their balloon in a southwards direction.

For once since coming to this world, Celestia felt absolutely certain that everything would be perfectly fine.

“Team Flare, prepare for trouble!”

“And while you’re at it, make it double!”

“Huh?” the two oddly-dressed Team Flare grunts looked up through the trees to spy a massive hot air balloon in the shape of Meowth’s head descending towards them.

“To protect the world from devastation!” said a magenta-haired woman.

“To unite all peoples within our nation!” added a blue-haired man.

“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”

“To extend our reach to the stars above!”



“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!”

“So surrender now or prepare for a fight!”

“Meowth, that’s right!”


The quartet held their pose for a few seconds, their balloon descending until it was all but touching the dirt of the forest trail. The woman in the Team Flare uniform lowered her sunglasses slightly, peering over them to scrutinize the newcomers blocking their path.

“Who exactly are you poorly-dressed freaks?” she asked.

“Poorly dressed?!’ Jessie snarled, grinding her teeth. “Why you little…”

“Weren’t you paying any attention?!” James’ right hand was balled into a fist as he shouted. “We’re members of none other than the famous Team Rocket!”

The woman put a hand on her hip. “Never heard of you.”

“WHAT?!” Jessie shouted. “How could you never have heard of the legendary and invincible Team Rocket?!”

“Look, is there a point to this?” the Team Flare man butted in. “What do you people even want?”

“We want dat briefcase you’re carryin’!” Meowth pointed from the balloon basket’s edge. “So hand it over all nice and quiet like and dere won’t be any trouble, k?”

The two Team Flare members glanced at one another sideways. Simultaneously, they reached into their pockets and pulled out Poke Balls.

“It seems that these unfashionable idiots want to pry too closely for their own good,” the man said, enlarging his ball.

“But we’ll take care of that!” the woman finished, tossing hers into the air. “Go, Fletchinder!”

“Pikachu, you’re on!”

The two Poke Balls burst open to unleash bright white energy, which quickly formed itself into two separate figures. From her position high above the teams, Celestia saw a sleek red, black, and grey bird, along with…

Her teeth ground together as she recognized the same species of despicable yellow rat that had attacked and beaten her without provocation the other day. She could tell that this one wasn’t the same individual, though. For an obvious start, their masters were different. And this one had a slight indenture in the middle of its tail’s end, resulting in a vaguely heart-like shape. The other one had had a flat end to its tail.

“Pumpkaboo!” Jessie called, tossing her own Poke Ball.

“Inkay!” James entered the fray.

The two Poke Balls burst into Team Rocket’s now-familiar Pokemon, and the battle began.

“Fletchinder, use Ember on Pumpkaboo!”

“Dodge, and use Shadow Ball!”

“Inkay, help Pumpkaboo out with Psybeam!”

“Not so fast! Pikachu, Quick Attack!”

The Pikachu broke out into a furious run, more quickly than Celestia would have believed possible with its short legs. It seemed to be in multiple places at once, trailing a silver line as it ran. Before Inkay could do much of anything, the yellow Pokemon leaped and slammed directly into it, sending it crashing along the ground.

Meanwhile, Fletchinder opened its beak and breathed out a rapid stream of tiny balls of fire at Pumpkaboo. Jessie’s flew up and to the side, faster than Fletchinder’s aim could track. It opened its mouth and formed a blackish-purple orb directly in front of its face, which it launched at the bird. The attack connected with a satisfying explosion.

“That’s the way!” Jessie cheered. “Shadow Ball, once more!”

Pumpkaboo began gathering energy to form another orb.

The Team Flare woman gritted her teeth. “Fletchinder, use Quick Attack on Inkay!”

“Pikachu, you do the same!”

Both of Team Flare’s Pokemon rushed for Inkay, trailing silver lines behind themselves.

“Inkay, counter with Foul Play!” James commanded.

Fletchinder got there first, soaring directly at Inkay with its sharp beak pointed directly at the small cephalopod’s face. James’ Pokemon waited until the very last second, when the bird was almost upon it. Then it leaned back and enveloped Fletchinder’s head in its tiny tentacles. Rather than fighting the momentum, it allowed itself to be pushed back briefly before, in a surprising show of strength, twirling in the air and hurling Fletchinder right back into the oncoming Pikachu. Both smacked into the ground hard, and were almost instantly hit with Pumpkaboo’s second Shadow Ball.

“Finish this with Psybeam!” James shouted, fist clenched.

“Counter with Thundershock!”

The yellow spots on Inkay’s cranium lit up, and a moment later it unleashed a white, vaguely rainbow-hued beam of energy towards the downed Pokemon. Pikachu hopped back to its feet, red checks sparkling. It squeezed its eyes shut and launched a stream of electricity upwards at Inkay. The two attacks met in the middle for the briefest of moments, then both exploded, filling the area with smoke.

“Fletchinder, use Double Team! And then Peck!”

“Pumpkaboo, Dark Pulse!”

When the smoke cleared seconds later, instead of one bird Pokemon there were many. All of their beaks began glowing silver, and as one they launched themselves at Pumkaboo. Jessie’s Pokemon looked this way and that, confused, before opening its mouth again and firing a beam of purple circles out towards one of the Fletchinder. The attack was a direct hit… and it passed right through, dispelling the intangible image. Panicked, Pumpkaboo fired the attack at another one, only to get the same result. It didn’t have time for a third shot.

The real Fletchinder slammed into Pumpkaboo from behind, beak first. Jessie’s Pokemon cried out as it flew forward, impacting roughly on the forest floor and rolling a considerable distance through the muck. It stopped there, face down in a mud puddle.

“Pumpkaboo, no!” Jessie called out, concern writ large on her face.

“Flyin’ type attacks like Peck are super effective on Grass types like Pumpkaboo!” Meowth remarked nervously.

“Inkay, Psybeam now!”

Inkay’s spots began glowing once again, and it spat another energy beam out of its mouth. This one caught Fletchinder right between the eyes, producing yet another explosion. The bird Pokemon hit the dirt on it backside. It lay still, moaning softly.

“Grrr…” the woman growled, before sticking her Poke Ball out. “Fletchinder, return!”

A red beam shot out and enveloped the downed Pokemon, quickly recalling it into the ball. At that same moment, there was a great cry from the forest. A small explosion of muck gave a dramatic backdrop to Pumpkaboo as it rose again.

“You’re alright!” Jessie smiled.

Pumpkaboo quickly flew back towards the battleground. Together with Inkay, it stared down Team Flare’s Pikachu. For its part, the little yellow Pokemon was on all fours and growling, cheeks sparking as it waited for orders.

“This isn’t going well,” the woman said through gritted teeth. “The boss won’t be pleased if we screw this up.”

“Right,” the man clenched his fist. “Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on Team Rocket’s balloon!”

The little yellow rodent crackled with electricity as it built up charge over a few seconds, then squeezed its eyes shut as it shot an enormous, crackling arc of electricity through the air.

“Not so fast!” Jessie countered with a smile on her face. “Wobbuffet, Mirror Coat!”

Wobbuffet jumped out of the balloon basket, standing directly in the path of Pikachu’s attack. A coating of semitransparent energy enveloped it. As the Thunderbolt descended, the front paused directly above Wobbuffet, more energy flowing in all the time.

Meowth had both eyes closed, one hand on his hip, and was wagging one finger of the other. “Ya see, Mirror Coat takes any Special attack ya care to use…” he opened his eyes and smiled. “And sends it right back at ya at twice da power!”

Abruptly, the electricity hurdled back the way it had come in an even more massive arc than before. It descended directly atop Team Flare, catching humans and Pokemon alike in its embrace. All of them screamed as they were thoroughly electrified.

James folded his arms across his chest. “It’s nice to see someone else getting zapped by a Pikachu for a change.”

“Isn’t it just delightful?” said Jessie.

“You said it!” added Meowth.

All three of them laughed as one.

A handful of moments later, the arc of electricity at last came to a merciful end. When it dissipated, it revealed a trio of quivering, charred figures. As one, they collapsed onto the thoroughly-charred ground like puppets with their strings cut. Team Rocket waited a moment to see if their opponents would get up, but they were quite beyond that.

James hopped over the balloon basket’s edge and onto the trail. He walked over to the Team Flare grunts, giving them a brief glance each. His eyes quickly settled on the metal (and apparently well insulated) briefcase that the man was carrying. James reached down and pried its handle from the Team Flare grunt’s twitching, sparking fingers.

“I’ll be taking that,” he said with a smirk, before walking back over to the balloon and climbing back in.

“Team Rocket thanks you for your generous contribution!” Jessie taunted.

“Bye bye!” all three of the trio said simultaneously, waving.

“Wobbuffet!” the eponymous Pokemon added cheerfully.

Recalling Pumpkaboo and Inkay, Team Rocket set their balloon to rising. It picked up altitude quickly with nothing to impede it, leaving the ground far behind in short order. Celestia watched it burst through the lowest layer of clouds, and then moved to follow it. For her part, she felt that the battle had been instructive.

When the princess rose through the cloud cover herself, she quickly spotted the Meowth balloon drifting east at a relatively steady altitude. Inside, the trio and Wobbuffet were crouched low and huddled around their acquisition. Flying closer, Celestia observed that Meowth was using one of his claws to pick the locks on it, one by one. The process took a number of minutes, to the point that Celestia sat herself down atop the Meowth balloon itself to wait. Sadly, the clouds here weren’t as accommodating as the ones back home.

“Aaaannnn…” Celestia’s ears perked up at the sound of Meowth’s voice. “Dere! Gotcha!”

The princess got back on her hooves and gently flew down towards the basket even as the briefcase clicked open. She found a good viewpoint and looked inside, eager to see for herself what was going on. It took a little effort to peer around Jessie, James, and Meowth, but she did, and saw that inside were…


The briefcase was full of clothes.

More specifically, it contained two complete sets of what Celestia concluded must be the Team Flare uniform: red jackets with matching pants, white shirts, black ties, black gloves and shoes. Additionally there were brushes, rollers, polish, and other assorted products for the care and maintenance of these clothes. Finally, there was red hair dye and styling gel, along with combs.

That was… less than ideal.

Team Rocket had the same reaction.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” James threw his hands up.

Jessie simply grabbed the case from Meowth’s hands and dumped its entire contents onto the basket’s floor. “Come on!” she snapped. “Look! There’s got to be something important in there!”

“Right!” James and Meowth saluted.

Jessie, James, and Meowth went systemically through the spilled clothing and care products. Every pocket was turned out, no can was left unopened. They were, Celestia had to credit, very determined in their search. They took several minutes going over everything that they had while the princess considered what she knew.

“Don’t tell me dat after all of dat all we got was their travelin’ suitcase!” Meowth hung his head after patting down one of the Team Flare jackets for the fifth time.

“This can’t be it!” Jessie growled, shaking the empty briefcase repeatedly.

“It isn’t,” Celestia declared confidently. No one seemed to listen.

“Those Team Flare guys must be really protective of their outfits,” James moped.

“All of that effort for a pair of tacky suits!” Jessie snarled, then punched the metal exterior. “OW!”

“No! There’s more to it!” Celestia tried to tell them. “Meowth, listen to me! If they were so concerned purely about their uniforms, why would they be wearing them during a trip through a filthy, slimy swamp? There must be more inside to justify their reaction!”

The cat Pokemon ignored her. “Well dis was a huge waste of time,” he pouted.

Jessie snatched up the empty briefcase and got to her feet. She marched to the edge of the balloon’s basket and held it over her head.

“Stupid worthless piece of junk!” she screamed in frustration.

“NO!” Celestia flew directly in front of her, waving her legs to try and call the human off. “Don’t throw it! Meowth, say something! Stop her!”

“Get out of my way!” Jessie waved a hand in Celestia’s face. The other she raised high, as if to chuck Team Flare’s case as far as she could.

Seeing nothing else for it, Celestia outright wrapped Jessie’s throwing arm in her forelegs. “The lining!” she pleaded. “You must check the case’s lining! It’s the only place left! There must be something there!”

“Get off of me!” Jessie struggled against Celestia’s grip. “What’s gotten into you?! James! Control your Pokemon!”

“Celestia, please!” he waved his hands. “Let go of Jessie and-”

“WAIT!” Meowth’s voice cut in.

Everyone turned to look at the cat Pokemon. Even Jessie and Celestia momentarily paused in their impromptu wrestling match.

“I got it!” Meowth declared. “Da linin’. We hadn’t checked the briefcase’s linin’!”

“That’s a good point, Meowth,” Jessie said, slowly lowering her arm. With a sigh of relief, Celestia let it go.

“Hand it over,” Meowth extended his hands and received the case. With a single claw her cut the interior lining off of the top portion along the edge. It fell out neatly… revealing a thin stack of documents taped to the briefcase’s metal interior. James promptly snatched them up.

“Meowth,” he declared, looking at one of the papers. “You’re a genius!”

“Dat I am,” Meowth rubbed his hand across his chest and admired his claws, smiling confidently. “Good of ya ta finally notice.”

“These look like blueprints for the Poke Ball Factory north of Laverre City,” James said, leafing through them. “It’s the largest of its kind in the entire Kalos region.”

“Let me see those!” Jessie snatched the papers from him. She studied them for a moment. “And look!” she said. “They’ve drawn routs into and out of the building. And there’s a date on here,” she pointed to number.

“Dat’s almost two weeks from today,” Meowth pointed out.

“They must be planning to hit the factory on that day,” James reasoned.

“And when they arrive,” Jessie clenched her fist and smiled. “Team Rocket will be there to stop them dead in their tracks!”

Yeah!” James and Meowth cheered.

As one, the trio raised their voices and pumped their fists. “Team Rocket’s rockin’!”

“Wobbuffet!” echoed Jessie’s Pokemon as it burst from its ball.

“Seriously, Meowth,” Jessie said, as they began to follow a new course. “I don’t know what we would have done without you! You were brilliant!”

“Shrivel up and die,” Meowth answered, putting his hands behind his head and smirking. “After all, somebody’s gotta do all da thinkin’ around here!” He gave the princess the briefest of glances and winked, still smirking.

Celestia glared.

One Step Forward

“Well,” said Giovanni’s image, a few hours later. “I will admit that I wasn’t expecting to hear from you three so soon. I trust that you have something for me?”

“Yes sir,” said James, holding up one of the stolen documents. “We were able to obtain these from agents of Team Flare.”

“Scan them,” their boss ordered.

Jessie, James, and Meowth did as bid immediately, holding up the pieces of paper to their projector one by one. It took a quick reading of each one, beeping affirmatively each time. In distant Kanto, Giovanni could be seen looking down at a small handheld computer, nodding as each document was scanned and transmitted to him. His eyes flashed over each in sequence.

“The Laverre Poke Ball Factory?” he asked.

“Giovanni, sir,” Jessie answered. “We have reason to believe that Team Flare is presently planning some kind of attack on this facility, the largest in Kalos.”

“I see,” Team Rocket’s leader said. “Three possible motivations are presently apparent. One is that they wish to damage or destroy the factory, greatly diminishing the region’s supply of Poke Balls for months, for their own reasons. Two is that they wish to steal unregistered Poke Balls en-mas directly from the source. As you should know, all criminal organizations use them to avoid the existence of any kind of legal record concerning their Pokemon. But the process of removing the registration from purchased balls is difficult, and time consuming. Stealing them fresh from the assembly line is far more efficient. As to Team Flare’s third possible motivation for such a move,” Giovanni closed his eyes. “There is the possibility that the factory is the site of some project of which Team Rocket is not aware – a new type of Poke Ball, perhaps. They may wish to gain a monopoly over such a thing. Hmmm…”

There was a moment of silence as Giovanni considered, Celestia watching the conversation play out from a distance.

“Whatever the case, I’m sure that it doesn’t need to be said,” his eyes opened again. “That I expect you to put a stop to this.”

“Sir, yes sir!” the trio snapped off a salute.

“You should be aware that I am taking measures to increase Team Rocket’s presence in the Kalos region. However, due to the need to do so without Team Flare’s awareness until we are ready, the buildup will take longer than it normally would.” Giovanni folded his hands together. “In the meantime, continue to monitor the actions of our foe, and alert me should you learn anything more.”

“Of course, boss!” Meowth declared. “Anything ya say!”

“Very good,” he nodded. “Giovanni out.”

Still later in the day, Celestia watched the countryside go by from atop Team Rocket’s balloon. The inflated fabric was strong enough to hold her weight and then some, despite the occasional ribbing she had endured over her cake-eating habits. The princess was seated comfortably, her eyes taking in everything that happened as best they could. She found that she preferred her waking moments during travel up here, though her Poke Ball still seemed a more comfortable place in which to sleep. The scenery was gorgeous, and the wins and sun felt simply divine against her fur.

Of course, comfort was far from the only reason for her choice. Her first and most important goal was to return home as swiftly as possible. Equestria needed her. Her ponies needed her. Her sister needed her. For that to happen, she needed to learn as much about this world, its technology, and its magic as she could. Getting the lay of the land from on high wasn’t a bad way to acquire some knowledge. As a secondary priority, she was keeping an eye out for anything that looked like Team Flare. This world wasn’t hers, but that hardly meant that she wouldn’t do whatever she could to prevent it from being devastated by some superweapon. This Giovanni had sounded sincerely concerned about the possibility, and the princess found herself inclined to believe him.

“Hey,” Celestia’s ears twitched as she heard Meowth’s voice from below. “Dis looks like a good spot! What do you guys tink?”

“I think it’s a perfect place for a little late lunch!” Jessie agreed.

“A picturesque picnic in a meadow on a warm spring day,” James said. “What a marvelous idea!”

“Let’s eat!” cheered all three.

Shortly thereafter, the balloon began to descend slowly towards the ground below. Celestia got to her hooves and stretched her wings as far as they would go, then walked to the edge of the balloon and peered down. They were indeed coming down onto what looked to her like a beautiful, flowery meadow. There were yellow and white flowers blooming in every direction, while a crystal-clear stream ran almost dead through the center. The princess’ keen eye could even make out tiny white and yellow Pokemon that seemed to be floating in the air atop flowers of various colors. These scattered in all directions as Team Rocket touched down.

“A wonderful place to take break after a well-earned victory!” declared Jessie with a smile, stretching her arms.

“And chow down on some grub!” added Meowth, who was carrying a picnic basket.

“It’s such a nice day that we can hardly leave our Pokemon out of it!” James pulled a Poke Ball out. “Inkay, come on out!”

“Right,” Jessie tossed two into the air. “Wobbuffet! Pumpkaboo! You too!”

All three of Team Rocket’s remaining Pokemon appeared on the scene just as Celestia hopped down off of the balloon. With all three of the trio working relative harmony, their lunch took shape in short order. They spread out a blanket, poured drinks, and dished out sandwiches and fruit cups. Next, they removed several bowls from the basket, along with a can. They filled the dishes with the brown pellets that had proved far more appetizing than they looked.

“Some for you, for you…” Jessie sat down a bowl in front of Pumpkaboo and handed one to Wobbuffet.

“And for you,” James gave a bowl to Inkay. He looked over at where Celestia had sat down in the flowers and smiled. “Hey Celestia!” he waved. “Come on over and sit down with us!”

“Very well,” she said, getting to her hooves and walking over.

Celestia sat herself down on the blanket beside James and Inkay. The human placed the bowl of food on the ground in front of her, and then sat down himself. Without any magic or limbs with digits on them, Celestia had to eat in manner reminiscent of an animal, lowering her face all but into the bowl and using her tongue to shovel food into her mouth. On the one hand, it felt somewhat demeaning and little improper to be doing this. Even if she wasn’t believed, she was still a princess and it befitted her to carry herself like one. On the other, there was always something appealing about shedding the more onerous aspects of royal decorum and cutting loose. It was a very liberating sensation.

Also, she was hungry.

The princess practically buried herself in the food bowl, gobbling up the Pokemon food with an almost undignified sense of haste. Half of her felt embarrassed at what she was doing, the other half almost reveled in it. No one here cared whether she looked the perfect, regal, “all-powerful” sun goddess or not. After millennia of nearly unbroken public decorum, save at most a few private moments with her sister, it was honestly a rather nice change to cut loose every once in a while.

After she had scarfed down her meal like a ravenous wolf, Princess Celestia closed her eyes, sat back, and gave a satisfied sigh. For a moment, she allowed all her troubles to slip away and simply basked in the sensations of the moment. The sun was warm, her belly was full, the ground was soft, and a cool, gentle breeze carried the sweet scents of countless thousands of flowers in full bloom right to her. For just a moment, life was good.

Then the princess felt the familiar sensation of a gloved hand running across the top of her head. She folded her ears down accommodatingly, allowing James to get behind them easily. The sensation was as relaxing and pleasant as it had been since the very beginning. If Celestia hadn’t already been feeling thoroughly mellow, she was then. A tiny part of her pointed that this made her seem a bit like a pet, but at that instant she could honestly say that she didn’t care.

It continued for a while – Celestia wasn’t exactly sure how long – in that fashion. For a time she was content just to sit there and enjoy it. But slowly, inevitably, the gears of her mind began to turn again. It occurred to her that here, the expectations were so different she could safely do things that she would never dare risk back in Equestria. So it was that, eventually, Celestia had an idea. A terrible idea. A terrible, awful idea. A terrible, awful, embarrassing, transgressive, utterly un-royal idea. Naturally, she promptly decided to execute it on the spot.

Celestia rolled over onto her back and gestured. An enormous bead of sweat rolled down the back of James’ head.

“You… You want me to give you a belly rub?”

Celestia nodded.

About an hour later, Celestia stood with James in the center of the flowery meadow, wings extended to their full length, showing off her best aggressive battle pose. Behind her, her trainer stood with one hand balled into a fist, a determined look shining in his eyes. Both faced a crudely-drawn cardboard cutout of a Pikachu.

“Alright, Celestia!” James pointed dramatically. “Uuuusssee… Psychic!”

“Aaarrggh!” the princess cried out, focusing all the power she could muster into her horn, willing nothing less than the total disintegration of the target.

Nothing happened.

“Aaaa…” James and Celestia simultaneously twitched, and then collapsed backwards into the dirt. They laid there, motionless, for a little while.

“Uh…” James was the first to sit up, making a rather strained effort to sound positive. “Forty-eighth time’s the charm?” he suggested.

Celestia sighed as she resumed her hooves, shaking her head.

“Don’t tell me you’re giving up already?!”

“I don’t think that this is working, James.”

James got to his feet. “That’s not a Team Rocket attitude at all!” he half-shouted. “Team Rocket never gives up! Through sun and rain and sleet and hail and hurricanes and erupting volcanoes and apocalypses and Whirlwinds and Fire Blasts and Hyper Beams and endless Thunderbolts from that horrible twerp and his Pikachu, we’ve never once faltered in our mission!” his eyes burned with a fiery passion worthy of Moltres itself.

“You… lead a very interesting life…” This time, it was Celestia who had a huge bead of sweat roll down her head. “Remind to ask you more about some of those later…”

“You’re one of us now, Celestia! And that means you never give up, no matter how insanely hopeless the situation might look! No matter how ridiculously stacked the odds are against even the smallest success on your part, you keep pressing forwards! Never look back! Even if everyone says you’re an idiot for continuing!”

“You’re not doing me any favors, you know,” she sighed.

“Now then, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to turn around, face down the twerp’s Pikachu, and kick it right up the-”

“JAMES!” Jessie’s shout cut off her partner mid-rant.

“Yes?” he called back. “What is it?”

“It’s time ta go, birdbrain!” Meowth yelled. “We got places to be, a boss to impress!”

“Coming!” he turned to Celestia. “I’m sorry, but it looks like we’ll have to cut this training session a bit short.”

“I’m not,” she replied, hanging her head a little. “I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one day.”

“There there,” he scratched her ears again. “I know how disappointed you must be. But don’t worry, I’m sure that we’ll get it next time. Just you wait and see!”

“Do you mean that?” she looked him in the eyes.

“Really,” he said.

“…Good enough,” Celestia shrugged. “Thank you for that.”

“James, if you and your little horse aren’t back in this balloon in the next thirty seconds I swear you’ll be riding it all the way to Laverre City!” Jessie shouted from the balloon’s basket.

“Alright! Alright! We’re coming!”

James broke into a sprint, Celestia close behind. He jumped inside the basket just as it was beginning takeoff, with perhaps a second to spare. The princess, having wings, was a bit less hasty than her trainer. A few quick flaps took her to the very top of the balloon, where she settled back down to watch the departure.

The Meowth head balloon lifted off from the pleasant meadow where they had eaten, gaining in altitude rapidly. Swiftly, the meadow below faded into a small green blob set against a much larger green and brown backdrop. Team Rocket was taking their ride higher than usual, to the point where even the princess’ keen eyes were straining to pick out any useful details. Celestia was just beginning to consider going down and asking to return to the Poke Ball for a nap when she felt the wind beginning to pick up. Before it had been cool and pleasant, up here it was starting to feel rough. Perhaps even dangerous.

Celestia hopped off and glided easily down to the basket. “Can I ask what you’re doing? Why is this so much higher than before?”

“Hmph,” Meowth crossed his arms. “We’re takin’ a shortcut. What’s it to you, newbie?”

“This wind seems powerful,” she offered.

“Ya tink I don’t know dat? While you and James over dere were off skippin’ through da flowers, me and Jessie did some real work. We looked over a wind chart and found da quickest way up north ta Laverre.”

The air currents became even more intense, starting to whip not only Celestia’s mane, but the hair of both the humans as well.

“Isn’t this a little strong for a balloon that you just patched up only yesterday? Perhaps descending a bit might be less dangerous?”

“What’s going on?” Jessie asked. “What’s it saying, Meowth?”

“Dis here Pokemon is questionin’ our navigatin’ skills,” he answered. “She’s sayin’ dat she tinks da wind up here is too strong for us.”

“Too strong for Team Rocket?!’ Jessie clenched her fist. “The nerve! No mere breeze can best us!”

“I’m only trying to keep your safety in mind. A faster route is no good if you plummet to the ground in the meantime.”

“What do you even know about flyin’ a balloon, anways?” Meowth demanded.

“Well, back home in Equestria I actually own an airship and-”

“Dere ya go! Talkin’ all crazy again about some other world where you’re a princess!” Meowth put his hands in the air.

“Is it going off about its loony fantasy world again?” Jessie asked.

“Yep!” Meowth nodded.

“Why do we always end up with the weirdos on this team?” she sighed.

“That’s the way it is!” said Wobbuffet, bursting out of his Poke Ball and saluting.

“Oh no, not you too!” Jessie jabbed the ball at him. “Return!”

Wobbuffet vanished again in a stream of red energy.

“Now look here, little miss pony princess,” said Jessie, getting directly in Celestia’s face. “You don’t make the decisions around here, I do! Got that?!”

“But I only want-” Celestia began, only to get cut off.

“Meowth, is it still challenging us?”

“You bet!” he nodded.

“I thought so,” Jessie folded her arms. “Take us higher, Meowth!”

“What?!” James piped up.

“I’m going to prove that your little Pokemon friend is wrong, and I’m going to do it by taking us safely through even rougher winds!” she declared.

“Jess, are you sure that’s a good idea?”

She ignored him. “Higher, Meowth!”

“You got it!”

Meowth pulled the balloon’s burner, and it quickly began to rise even higher. Celestia had never been one to fear heights (obviously) but as they pulled upwards she started to have some inkling of what that feeling would be like. The winds at this high altitude were even worse than the ones before, whipping through Team Rocket’s balloon at breakneck pace. Their howling quickly drowned out all but the loudest of noises.

It only took half a minute for the balloon to begin to rock.

The Meowth balloon was not, to be generous, the most stable or well-constructed hot air balloon in the universe. Having been destroyed, repaired, and destroyed again more times than its owners cared to count, it was not exactly suited for roughing it through the worst of weather. That was why it was so quickly afflicted as Celestia had feared, shaking back and forth unsteadily in the rough, high-altitude wind.

And then her worst fear came to pass.

JAMES!!!” screamed Jessie, Meowth, and Celestia in perfect unison.

The overpowering windstorm had shaken Team Rocket’s balloon enough to send James toppling backwards over the basket’s side. Jessie and Meowth reached out their hands and frantically grabbed for him… and both missed.

James fell from the balloon and plummeted, screaming, towards the distant earth below.

For Celestia, time seemed to freeze. Her heart was racing, her bloodstream a whirling maelstrom that was almost more chemical stimulant than actual blood. Her friend – the first friend she had made in this crazy, messed up world of Pokemon – was at that very moment falling to certain doom. And without her magic, there was absolutely nothing that she could do to stop it. That was… that was…


She was Princess Celestia, Diarch of Equestria, Sol Invictus, called Dawnbringer and Mistress of the Sun. No matter where she was, no matter what had happened, she would not simply sit idly by and watch a friend perish. No matter what foolish humans or Pokemon thought, she was an immortal of power beyond anything they could imagine. Very few things could be said to be truly beyond her. And this was not one of them.

As the fiery essence of her power welled up inside of her, Celestia found that she knew exactly what to do.

Several hundred feet down from Team Rocket’s balloon, the screaming, flailing James suddenly found himself enveloped in a golden aura. His descent slowed, then halted, and then miraculously reversed itself. The rather perplexed member of Team Rocket found himself being drawn right back to where he came from, like a fish on a hook.

As he drew close, James saw that the usually purple eyes of his newest Pokemon had become glowing orbs of solid gold. He was sat down into the basket with great care, at which point the eyes’ shine faded and the aura dissolved away into nothing. At which point he was promptly rushed by Jessie and Meowth, who wrapped him in hugs tight enough to rival an Arbok’s Wrap.

“Don’t you scare us like that!” Jessie cried, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Yeah, we tought you was a goner for sure!” even Meowth was crying, though he’d probably deny it later.

“It’s alright guys, really!” James assured. “I’m fine, see?”

“Yes, well…” Jessie sniffed and wiped her cheeks with one hand. “Meowth, take us down right away.”

“Aye aye,” he answered, triggering a rapid descent almost immediately.

As the Meowth balloon climbed down to gentler, less stormy parts of the atmosphere, James looked to Celestia.

“It was you, wasn’t it?” he asked.

She nodded.

James walked over and looked her in the eye. “You used Psychic, didn’t you?”

“I suppose I did, didn’t I?”

“Thank you!” He hugged her around the neck. “I knew you could do it!”

Celestia put one leg around him, hugging as best an equine could. “You’re quite welcome,” she said with a smile on her face. “I’m just glad you’re alright.”

At that exact moment, both Jessie and Meowth mysteriously stumbled and fell flat on their faces, while James was too busy to notice. A cynic might have claimed to have seen the slightest of glints in the princess’ eye.

But it was probably just the wind.

A Twilight to Remember

“And there it is,” said Jessie. “Beautiful Laverre City!”

The sun was just in the middle of setting when Team Rocket’s balloon crested the horizon, at last coming within visual distance of their destination. Below them, the team could just make out the oncoming city in the fading sun’s light. The shadows cast by artfully-designed building mingled with the faint glow of street lamps to produce a scene reminiscent of a swarm of fireflies flitting through the night. For Celestia, the experience was far more than that.

“So,” she thought from her position atop the balloon. “This is how the civilized inhabitants live here.”

The city below lacked, she noted, the towering skyscrapers of bustling places like Manehatten back home. The buildings were, for the most part, two or three stories tall at most, and tended to be spaced out between patches of green. Trees, young and old, grew everywhere, and Celestia even spotted a small stream or two running through the town. Almost of the construction had an artful, personalized quality to it that suggested a general lack of mass-production. Tiny dots that were people and Pokemon of many species were wandering through the streets, markets, outdoor restaurants, and what were presumably parklands. Flocks of birdlike Pokemon and other floating species flitted around from place to place. Near the center of everything was what appeared to be the largest building in town, one that instantly put the princess in the mind of her student’s old domicile back home: a half-dozen story structure built around, and almost into, what had to be the largest tree Celestia had seen since ancient times.

On the whole, Laverre City reminded Celestia a little bit of some of the more upscale, homey towns that littered Equestria’s countryside. These were homes not to the wealthiest of the elite, and to the poorest of the poor, but rather to those with some money who sought a quiet, peaceful life closer to nature. She wondered idly how the demographics here compared.

More importantly, Celestia thought as the balloon made its slow, steady way down to the earth, this was her first chance to acquire a broader knowledge base in a civilized environment. Since arriving here, she had had no real chance to do proper research on the state of interdimensional travel in this world, and she would be a fool to miss this opportunity to do so. From the way Team Rocket had scoffed at the idea of her being such a traveler, she was not optimistic about the chances, but she had to try.

And of course, Laverre also represented a chance to ditch Team Rocket, if she chose to do so. They had been mostly accommodating, true, but they were also irritating, overly aggressive, and none-too-bright. They had tricked her into joining them. Granted, by the rules of their world it wasn’t trickery and she probably would have traveled with them this far voluntarily, but that still didn’t make it alright, did it? Yes, James had healed her injuries and fed her, but he had placed her in the battle where she had gotten many of them. Besides, she had saved his life. Surely that was repayment enough. She was perfectly at liberty to leave them any time she wanted and make her own way through this crazy world. No one could fault her for it.

So why did she feel a slight twinge of guilt when she thought about it?

Some moments later, Team Rocket’s balloon touched down in a forest clearing slightly outside the city. Celestia jumped nimbly down to ground, watching the trio set the burner to slowly die away before climbing out of the basket themselves. The Meowth balloon would deflate before too long, and Jessie, James, and Meowth busied themselves with setting up a camp. The princess used her newfound Psychic move to assist, getting some practice using it for finer manipulation in the process.

“Ow!” yelled Meowth as he was smacked in the face with a hovering bedroll. He made a fist at Celestia. “Watch where you’re aimin’ dat thing, lady!”

“I apologize,” said Celestia with a completely straight face. “I am still learning to control this power fully.”

“Don’t think ya got me fooled! I know just what you’re up to, horsie!”

“Do you now?” Celestia smiled pleasantly as the two stared one another down. She held it perfectly, unerringly, as a dozen large objects lifted themselves up behind her head.

Meowth hesitated. “Uh… I tink I need ta go… do a ting! Bye!”

The small catlike Pokemon ran over to Jessie and James, and remained there for the remainder of the setup. It took a few minutes to get everything into place, set up tents, and get a fire going, but they managed with a practiced ease that suggested a good deal of experience in roughing it. Finally, they took out their rather small cooking pot again, poured some water and some brown thing in a can into it, and set it to cooking.

Celestia watched the sun’s orange rays slowly fade away beneath the tree cover before turning back to the trio and sitting herself down beside the fire. As daylight waned, it seemed to grow brighter and brighter. In contrast, the princess herself felt less lively, weaker than before. She brushed off the unfamiliar sensation as a simple failure to fully adapt to this world’s conditions.

“Can I ask,” she said. “Why you are choosing to make camp outside of the city rather than go in? For secrecy’s sake, I assume?”

“Dat’s right,” Meowth answered. “We don’t want no one knowin’ we’re here yet. It’ll be easier springin’ a trap on those Team Flare guys if they don’t see us first, see?”

“We’ll be going into town for supplies tomorrow, once everything’s open,” James added.

“Your stores close at night?”

“A lot of ‘em,” Meowth said. “Especially da ones we want!”

“Luna wouldn’t like that,” Celestia mused. “But this does mean night would be a good time to slip away into the city, if I wish to.”

“I’m coming with you,” she said aloud. “I want to see this place, up close and personal.”

A good few miles back down Route 14, Ash, Pikachu, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie were gathered around their own campfire. With their only form of transport being their own two feet, they couldn’t cover ground as quickly as Team Rocket, but they were certainly enjoying their journey more. They had set up camp inside a forest clearing of their own and were presently watching Clemont present his latest invention. Holding up a small box greatly resembling a microwave with a trio of metal sticks going through from one side to the other, the Lumiose City gym leader elaborated on its function.

“I call it my Perfect Marshmallow Maker,” he explained. “It takes an ordinary marshmallow,” he held up one of the puffy white treats in one hand. “And cooks it ever so gently into a flawless, uniform golden brown in less than thirty seconds. Perfect for eating alone, with friends, or on a smore. Never again will your camping trip be marred by burnt or undercooked dessert!” his large glasses seemed to flash as he grinned broadly. “The future is now, thanks to science!”

“That’s great, Clemont!” said Ash with a smile of his own.

“But does it work?” asked a rather more skeptical Bonnie.

“Of course!” her big brother answered. “Allow me to demonstrate.” Clemont opened the machine and placed a marshmallow along one of the sticks, which promptly started to rotate slowly. “Now we just activate the burners, and…” he pressed a button, and the inside of the machine began to glow a soft orange. Within seconds, the white dessert inside began to turn brown.

“Wow, Clemont,” Serena leaned in close to get a better look at the device’s inside, smiling. “Good job.”

“Thank you. Thank you,” he waved, looking proud. “As you can see, the Perfect Marshmallow Maker will revolutionize our camping trips and render cooking over campfires obsolete!”

“Uh, you might wanna check again,” Bonnie pointed.

“Huh?” Clemont looked down. “Yowch!” he suddenly dropped the machine into the dirt. “Hot! Hot! Hot!”

“How well did you insulate that thing?”


The machine exploded.

When the resulting massive cloud of smoke cleared away around thirty seconds later, both Clemont and Serena sported ashy black faces and impromptu afros. The inventor sank to his knees and moaned.

“Not again,” he sighed wearily. “Why does this always happen to me?”

“What did you do to my hair?!” Serena yelped when she spotted her reflection.

“Ah, it’s okay,” Ash scratched the back of his head. “Making smores with friends over a campfire is half the fun of having them. I wouldn’t want a machine to replace that.”

Pikachu put a paw to his mouth and snickered. Then, suddenly, he stood up straight, one long ear twitching visibly. He rushed over to Ash on all fours.

“Pika pi!” he said, tugging on his trainer’s vest to get his attention. “Pikachu! Pika pika!”

“Huh? What is it, buddy?” Ash asked. “What’s the matter?”

By way of answer, Pikachu turned and pointed towards some bushes at the other end of the clearing. “Pi Pikachu.”

“There’s something there?”

“Pika,” Pikachu nodded.

As if on cue, the bushes began to rustle, attracting everyone’s attention very quickly. Even Clemont looked up from wiping his face off and Serena took a moment away from trying to beat her hair back into submission. A medium-sized, quadrupedal creature exploded from the shrubs in a burst of speed, but almost immediately slowed down. The lavender creature’s eyes were squeezed shut, its face a mask of pain. Its gait featured a notable limp on one of its rear legs, and a secondary one on a foreleg.

“Whoa!” Bonnie exclaimed. “What’s that?”

Ash pulled out his Pokedex and held it up.

“Pokemon unknown,” it said. “No data.”

“Look, the poor thing is injured!” Serena said.

“What happened to it?” wondered Clemont.

“Pika pika Pikachu!”

Perhaps in some twisted form of answer to Clemont’s question, eerie, high-pitched howls rang out in rapid succession from very nearby. The Pokemon’s eyes opened up, looking wide and terrified. But it only managed to stagger forward a few more steps before three more shapes leapt out of the forest. These, Ash recognized instantly.

“Watch out! Houndoom!”

“Houndoom,” the Pokedex said as it scanned the newcomers, oblivious to the larger situation. “The Dark Pokemon. The evolved form of Houndour, Houndoom hunt in packs, working together to bring down their prey. It is said that if you are burned by the fires it produces in its belly, the injury will never fully heal.”

As one, the three red and black, horned Pokemon opened their jaws and unleashed three streams of red-white fire. All three shots found their target, and the lavender Pokemon went flying across the clearing, where it smacked into and rolled across the ground. It attempted to rise, legs quivering underneath it… and then they gave out, and the mysterious creature collapsed in a heap and lay still. The three Houndoom advanced, jaws wide and fangs bared.

“Pika pika!” Pikachu leapt over the fallen Pokemon, placing himself between the predators and their would-be meal. His cheeks sparked dangerously.

“You’re right, Pikachu!” Ash stood up, fist clenched. “There’s no way we’re letting you have this Pokemon!” he shouted at the Houndoom.

The three clenched their teeth and growled. For a moment, everything was still as the two groups sized one another up and postured. Then the Houndoom glanced at one another and opened their mouths again. Fire poured forth.

“Use Quick Attack to dodge!” Ash commanded.

Pikachu darted across the clearing at lightning speed, such that he appeared to be in multiple places at once. The streams of fire struck the ground and scorched away small saplings and grasses, but they did not manage to touch Ash’s Pokemon.

When Pikachu got close, one of the Houndoom ceased firing and leapt towards Pikachu instead, its fangs bared and suddenly coming aflame themselves.

“Look out, that’s Fire Fang!” Clemont shouted.

“Counter with Iron Tail!” Ash yelled.

“Pika,” Pikachu’s tail lit up with a bright silver glow. “Chu!” He jumped nimbly into the air, passing straight over Houndoom’s open jaws and even its horned head. Just as he reached the back of the Pokemon’s skull, Pikachu whirled himself around and smashed his tail directly into the back of Houndoom’s head, sending the powerful predator sprawling into the dirt.

“Now, Thunderbolt!”


Pikachu’s cheeks crackled violently, and the next instant he unleashed a spectacular arc of electrical energy that crashed down right on top of the two other Houndoom. They howled in obvious pain.

“Now, let’s make this a fair fight!” Ash grabbed two Poke Balls from his waist and tossed them upwards. “Frogadier, use Water Pulse! Hawlucha, Karate Chop!”

The two Pokemon burst onto the scene in twin flashes of white light, and moved at once to do as their master bid. Frogadier formed a blue-white sphere between its arms and hurled it, while Hawlucha’s wing and claw shone with a white light of their own. The sphere burst against one of the Houndoom, while Hawlucha smashed its claw into another. Both attacks were super effective against the Dark/Fire Pokemon.

Now themselves on shaky legs, the small Houndoom pack rose to its collective feat and took stock of the situation. Where they had expected to find easy prey there was instead a ferocious battle that they were presently losing. They were clever enough to see when things were unlikely to go their way, and wise enough to understand when to cut their losses. Howling angrily at their opponents, they turned around and ran back the way that they had come.

Ash waited a minute to see if they would return, and when they did not extended two Poke Balls. “You were great out there, guys! Return!”

After Frogadier and Hawlucha had vanished back to their balls, he turned around to see Clemont, Serena, and Bonnie clustered over the downed lavender Pokemon. As he got closer, Ash spotted a horn and a pair of short wings on its body, as well as slight streaks of other colors in its purple mane. On the whole, it bore a surprising degree of similarity to the other unknown Pokemon that Team Rocket had sent out the other day.

“This Pokemon is hurt very badly,” Clemont said as he went over its unconscious form with both hands. “It looks to have suffered several burns of the second and third degrees, more than a few deep cuts, some of which appear infected, and at least two factures that I can see,” he looked up. “It needs full-scale medical attention right away!”

“But the nearest Pokemon Center is still almost two days out, in Laverre!” Serena said, looking worried. “Will it make it that long?”

“I… don’t know…”

The whole group gasped as one.

“Poor Pokemon,” Bonnie laid a gentle hand on the creature’s head.

“Pika,” Pikachu’s ears and face were drooping.

Of the group, Ash alone wasn’t looking sad or frightened. Instead, he looked thoughtful. Then, a determined expression made its way up his face.

“Leave it to me,” he said, pulling out a red and white orb.

“Ash, what are you doing?!” gasped Serena.

“Poke Ball, go!” Ash tossed it at the prone Pokemon. It sucked the creature inside in a flash of white. The lavender Pokemon was in no position to put up resistance – the ball shook once, then flashed a successful capture.

“Ash!” Bonnie’s fists were balled. “Do you really think now is a good time for a capture?!”

“Just watch,” he said, with a slight smile.

As if waiting for its cue, Ash’s Poke Ball itself lit up with silver, and then vanished from the clearing.

“Of course!” Clemont put one finger up. “Whenever a league trainer has six Pokemon on hand, and captures another…”

“The Poke Ball is instantly teleported back to their home Professor,” Ash finished.

Serena clasped her hands together. “Ash, that’s genius!”

“I know for a fact that Professor Oak always checks out the Pokemon he receives from me right away,” Ash continued. “And if there’s anyone in world who can treat an unknown species of Pokemon, Professor Oak is your man!”

“Pikachu!” Pikachu agreed, smiling again.

“But…” Clemont looked at Ash’s waist. “I thought you didn’t have six Pokemon with you right now.”

“Well…” Ash smiled. “I may have asked the Professor to send up a few old friends before we left Lumiose,” he looked down at where the Pokemon had been.

“Good thing too.”

Springtime in Laverre

It was early morning of the next day when Celestia burst out of her Poke Ball again. As the princess stretched out her wings and yawned after a comfortable night’s sleep, she could feel the sun’s warmth flowing through them, energizing them. In the distance, she could hear birds – or bird Pokemon, she wasn’t quite clear – chirping noisily. The grass gleamed with droplets of morning dew. All in all, it seemed to be a pleasant morning.

When Celestia looked around for Team Rocket, she was momentarily taken aback to see them out of their usual uniforms. Instead, Jessie was sporting a long-sleeved blue blouse, along with white pants and a matching hat with a pink ribbon wrapped around it. Her usually-long hair was fixed, somehow, into a tight bun that fit comfortably under her hat’s edge without issue. James wore an off-white dress shirt and green vest, in addition to grey pants and a fedora. Both of them had also added glasses to their outfits. Meowth, for his part, was practicing walking on all fours, like a regular cat. Celestia presumed that that must also be the standard stance for his species. What made him different, she wondered idly? Why did he stand upright and talk normally when other Pokemon couldn’t? Or perhaps it was simply that this dimension’s humans could not hear normally?

“Oh, good morning Celestia,” James said, as he was fitting a glove over one hand. “Is there something you wanted?”

“To join you in the city, as I’m sure you’ll recall from last night,” she answered.

“Meowth, translation?”

“She’s sayin’ dat she still wants ta come with us.”

“And I am still saying,” Jessie butted in. “What I told you last night! You’re far too unique a Pokemon! If we take you into Laverre, you’ll blow our cover for sure!”

Celestia stared down the human. “And I am not asking your permission. I am going enter that city whether you like it or no. I would prefer to do so in your company, but I will make do without if it comes to that. I understand your need for secrecy and will go separately if you find it necessary.”

“Now hold on just a minute!” James waved his hands to get attention, continuing once everyone was looking at him. “After what you said last night, Celestia, I spent some time thinking about your appearance. I do believe I’ve come up with a way you might be able to join us, but…” he trailed off, looking uncertain.

Celestia didn’t like the sound of that word. “But what?” she asked.

“Yes, James, spill the beans,” Jessie said. “What’s your grand plan?”

“Well…” James cringed a bit. “You’ll need to stand still for a little while…”

Celestia sighed. “I feel ridiculous.”

“That’s probably ‘cause ya look ridiculous,” Meowth snickered, one hand over his mouth.

Celestia glared at him.

Despite that, she had to admit to feeling like Meowth might actually have a point this time. James’ plan, if one could call it that, was to make her look like a different and far less extraordinary Pokemon. He had called it Rapidash, and when he had shown her the picture Celestia had had to admit it seemed at least a plausible likeness. But that was before she’d had to spend an hour and a half under his careful makeup routine. First, her beautiful snow-white coat had been painstakingly dyed a more off-white color. Secondly, her wings had been carefully concealed underneath a wrap of the same color, which had the side-effect of making her look chubby. Thirdly, small orange and yellow tailings that mimicked the appearance of fire had to be affixed all four of her ankles.

For all that, though, the final step had been the hardest one. Dying a mane that, even in this world, was supercharged with a small portion of her power and consequently refused to stay still was no easy task. To make matters worse, her hairs had actually started absorbing the dye into themselves and reasserting their natural coloration, despite her own efforts to stop them. It had taken James and Celestia together the better part of an hour to finally force her mane and tail to take on the fiery appearance of a Rapidash.

Jessie had, naturally, gotten bored with the whole thing and opted to wander into town on her own. Meowth stayed, mostly because the prospect of watching Celestia get painted seemed more amusing that pretending to be an ordinary member of his species for several hours.

“Are you certain this will work?” she asked James, as he was putting the finishing touches on her tail.

“She’s wonderin’ if this is gonna work,” Meowth translated idly.

“Of course it will!” James stood up from where he had been kneeling. “The citizens of Kalos are terribly gullible. They’ll believe anything here.”

“That seems an overly optimistic assumption to make.”

“Why, it wasn’t so long ago that they believed my very own Inkay was a Pikachu!”


“Now come on,” James walked in front of her, pulling a small device that displayed a picture of a Rapidash. “Turn around slowly and let me get a good look at you.”

“Remind me to ask you for that story at some point,” Celestia muttered, moving to do as bid. She shuffled around on all four hooves, allowing James to size her up from every angle and compare her to an actual Rapidash.

“Uh huh,” he murmured. “Yeah… Ok!” He shut down the device and stowed it away before looking at the princess and giving her a thumbs up. “It’s not perfect but I’d say you’d at least pass a casual up-close inspection. Certainly enough to go into town on.”

Celestia’s face brightened as she walked up close to him.

“So,” James asked as the three began walking towards Laverre together. “Is there anywhere either of you are particularly wanting to go?”

“I’ll be headin’ to the grocery store with ya,” Meowth licked his lips. “Gotta be sure you bozos get everything we need.”

“I’d like to go a library,” Celestia told him. “The largest one in town, if possible.”

After Meowth had been prodded into translating, James nodded. “I think we can make that work.”

Together, the three crested a hill overlooking Laverre City. Below them, they could make out all sorts of people and Pokemon immersed in their morning activities. A slight hustle and bustle, but not so much as to make the atmosphere unpleasant. It was a very nice sight to begin their walk with.

“Hunh,” Celestia thought. “My wings itch.”

Celestia, James, and Meowth walked through one of Laverre’s outdoor marketplaces. By the time they had gotten there it was midmorning, and so a crowd was beginning to show. The princess didn’t mind; it gave her the chance to observe the natives of this place in their natural habitat and compare them to the denizens of Equestria.

So far, it seemed that the markets of these humans weren’t terribly different from those back home. Vendors hawked items of wildly varying quality for what Celestia suspected were inflated prices, customers haggled with them, and there was generally quite a lot of noise. And of course, there were Pokemon everywhere. Most were little things that rode on their masters’ head or shoulders, but there were a few exceptions. At one point she spotted what she assumed was an actual Rapidash a few streets distant. Needless to say, the three of them had quickly chosen another route.

Celestia attracted a few quick glances and a handful of stares, but no more. They still made her nervous – she had no idea what would happen if anyone knew what she actually was, but she had been told it would make her a target for every Pokemon poacher within a fifty mile radius. She didn’t quite understand the distinction between ordinary catching of Pokemon and Pokemon poaching, but she assumed that there were laws regulating the specifics of it. To be sure, she avoided saying anything while there were humans nearby, to avoid them accidentally hearing her name. That, naturally, meant that she had to be silent virtually all the time.

The little group continued their impromptu tour of the city for a short while, with James picking up a few things here and there as they went. At one moment while he was bent over a pottery stand, Celestia glanced at stall after stall, failing to notice much that aroused her interest, until…

“Hi there, miss!”

“Gah!” Celestia jumped slightly as what looked to be a tiny white Pokemon riding a yellow flower got directly in her face.

“I’m Flabebe!” it introduced itself. “And I think you look like a discerning connoisseur of the floral arts, am I right?” without waiting for an answer, it continued. “Well, have my mistress and I got a deal for you! Step right this way, please!” it put a tiny hand over Celestia’s neck and made an attempt to push, which was rendered totally ineffective by its miniscule size.

Nonetheless, Celestia decided to humor Flabebe, and allowed herself to be guided to one of the many stands lining the streets. This one in particular was brimming with flowers of all shapes, sizes, and colors, whether single, in a bouquet, growing in pot, or arranged into some more elaborate shape. Behind the stall was a young, brown-haired woman, who blushed and scratched behind her head when she saw Celestia and Flabebe getting close.

“Flabebe,” she said. “Are you at it-”

“This here,” Flabebe quickly interrupted, practically jamming a bell-shaped maroon flower into Celestia’s nose. “Is the red burgundy calla lily. Perfect for prolonged life in a vase, and if I may say so miss, it matches your mane! Only one hundred!”

“Uh…” Celestia wasn’t familiar with this place’s currency, and she didn’t have any regardless.

“Or perhaps you prefer the more exotic breeds? Well, have we got something for you!” Flabebe rooted around and pulled out an elegant-looking white flower. “This is a white clematis, breed from a plant coming all the way from Azalea Town in the Johto region!” it stuck the flower behind Celestia’s ear, then clapped its hands and swooned a little. “And I must say, it looks just darling on you!” Flabebe smiled a little knowingly. “Perfect to impress the gentlemen during mating season this year, wouldn’t you say?”

“Wait, what?” Celestia’s eyes widened, though she kept her voice a whisper.

“Oh!” Flabebe either didn’t hear or kept its voice a whisper. “And you know what would go perfectly with that? A necklace!” it rather impressively managed to hoist up a string of flower considerably larger than itself and wind it around Celestia’s neck.

“Flabebe,” the human woman said a little timidly. “Haven’t I told y-”

“Yes! Yes! YES!” Flabebe through its tiny arms up. “Gorgeous! Beautiful! Alluring! Oh, no Rapidash in his right mind would turn you down looking like this!” it had a gleam in its eye. “Tell you what! Normally I couldn’t let these go for less than a thousand. But they just go so well on you that I have do eight hundred! Your lovely visage is more than compensation for two!” it twirled on the spot. “I’m sure your trainer will love them! And come next week no male will be able to resist your beauty!” it clasped its hands together. “Ah, springtime love! Is there anything more wonderful? So, what do you say? Do we have a deal? Eight hundred!”

Celestia was actually blushing at this point. “Uh,” she whispered. “I think that you’re making a bit of-”

“Say no more!” Flabebe waved its hands. “Seven fifty! We’ll be going home hungry tonight, but it’ll be worth it to know that helped a young mare like yourself find-”

“What’s going on here?” James had finally looked up from where he had been examining a vase and walked over, Meowth tailing him.

“I’m so sorry, sir,” said the woman behind the stall, bowing a little. Flabebe facepalmed. “My Flabebe here can get a little aggressive in pursuit of a sale.”

“Well, one of us has to!” Flabebe tried to shout, though its high and tiny voice made it seem more like a squeak. “You can barely even talk to customers without trying to hide under the stall!”

“And she tends to try and pull other trainers’ Pokemon over here to try and get them to convince their trainers to buy our flowers,” the woman bowed. “Once again, I’m sorry for your trouble.”

“Don’t be sorry for trying to make a sale! We have to eat, Ellie!”

“Oh, it’s perfectly alright,” James waved it off, taking a look at some of the flowers himself. Meowth himself sniffed one, then sneezed.

“I see you and your trainer have some differences,” Celestia whispered in Flabebe’s ear while the others were distracted.

“I’ll say,” Flabebe was rubbing her tiny forehead. “Ellie’s great, but she’s such a doormat! She lets customers walk all over her and barely even tries to push our product! No wonder we have money problems.”

“I see,” Celestia was starting to feel pity for the tiny Pokemon and her mistress. “I’m sorry for your troubles.”

“Yeah, well,” Flabebe sighed. “It’s not your fault, lady. It’s just the way it is. I have to be aggressive because she won’t be. It was nothing personal.”

“I understand.”

“I suppose we’ve lost this sale now. But for whatever it is worth, I do really think you look good in those flowers,” Flabebe started to back off. “Good luck in this mating season.”

Celestia’s face drooped a little. Even if she wasn’t a princess here, that didn’t mean she didn’t still want to help out the less fortunate when she could. If she’d had her own money on hoof, she would have bought something herself, but since she didn’t…

James felt a slight tug on his sleeve, and turned to regard the most adorable set of pleading eyes that he had ever seen.

A few minutes later, the three left the flower stand behind, both Celestia and James sporting new decorative floral arrangements.

“Bye now!” waved Flabebe.

“Thank you! Take care!” said Ellie.

“What was dat all about?” Meowth grumbled irritably as they walked. “If ya want a flower so bad, just pick one.”

Celestia was tempted to respond, but ultimately resisted the same way she resisted the temptation to eat the tasty-smelling flower behind her ear. So instead they walked on for another hour, James occasionally buying something for either himself or the team as whole. The market was a generally pleasant place, but as midday approached began to get more crowded, and Celestia began to believe that she had seen enough for now.

The princess expected that she would be in this world for some time, and had full confidence in the abilities of her sister and student to manage Equestria while she was away. She had seen enough long eons pass by to understand that impatience seldom paid off in the long-term, and so was generally content to make slower but steady progress. But that didn’t mean that she didn’t want to be home – far from it. Now, she decided, was the time to obtain more information on the state of dimension travel in this place.

It was time to go to the library.

At the Library

Laverre’s largest library was, to put it entirely bluntly, not very large. While it was certainly larger than, say, the late Golden Oaks Library, it was hardly a match for the Royal Archives in Canterlot. Still, it was a pleasant-looking two story building with white walls and an artistically-carved wooden roof. Not too many people or Pokemon were about it, though there were some reading on the benches and chairs that littered the front porch. It didn’t seem the kind of place that would have knowledge of interdimensional travel, but one never knew. Celestia had lived long enough to know that appearances could be deceiving. She hoped that it was the case here.

“Hello and welcome to our-” a bored-looking clerk began as they entered, before cutting himself off as he glanced up and saw Celestia. “Sir,” he said to James. “We strongly discourage all trainers from bringing Fire type Pokemon onto to the premises! I suggest that you return your Rapidash to its Poke Ball, immediately, and not allow it to wander until you choose to leave.”

“Oh don’t worry,” James answered. “Rapidash can control the intensity of their manes to the point where they are safe to touch. And I assure you that this one is quite well-trained,” he looked at Celestia. “You won’t burn anything, will you?”

Celestia shook her head.

“Well sir, be that as it may,” the clerk reached under his counter and fumbled about for a bit before turning back up with a stack of papers and a pen. “If you insist on bringing your Pokemon onto the premises you are required to fill out a liability form. You will be held responsible for any damages that it causes our collection or property.”

“Very well,” James walked over and began to fill them out.

Meowth hopped up onto Celestia’s shoulder and whispered in her ear. “Ya hear dat? You’d better not break anything ‘cause Team Rocket ain’t made of money.”

“I don’t even know any Fire attacks,” Celestia whispered back.

“How do I know dat? Ya say that ya don’t know how to use Hyper Voice neither but ya didn’t have much problem usin’ it on me the other day!”

“Yes,” Celestia looked down a bit. “That was an overreaction on my part. I should not have done so. The day was stressful and I didn’t consciously choose to do so, but those are only excuses,” she sighed. “For whatever it is worth, I apologize for that.”

“Too little, too late, lady,” Meowth crossed his arms.

“Nonetheless, I am sorry for your pain.”


The two Pokemon stood and watched as James finished filling out the forms, tipped his hat to the clerk, and returned to them.

“Alright,” he said. “Go on in. Be careful, but enjoy yourselves.”

Meowth hopped down from Celestia’s back, and both of them nodded.

Half an hour later, Celestia was surer than ever of one pertinent fact: she couldn’t read the local language. She had expected as much when she couldn’t make heads or tails of anything that Team Rocket had written down. Her own attempts at writing with her mouth on the second night had produced nothing legible even to her – another bit Equestrian magic gone, apparently. Though she finally had had a method when she learned Psychic, her scrawling the night before hadn’t even been recognized as writing by Team Rocket. So she hadn’t been hopeful. But it was still helpful to confirm these things. It meant that she could spend some time to start learning how.

After a little pressing, Meowth had snatched up a small guide from the children’s section he had assured her was “The Kindergartener’s Guide to ABCs” and, after a bit of laughter, handed it over. Learning in this manner wasn’t exactly conducive to pride, but one had to start somewhere. Besides, it was hardly that much of a challenge to a princess who could alright speak, read, and write in over a dozen modern languages and more than three times that number of ancient or extinct tongues. It shouldn’t take her more than a few hours to get the alphabet and the basics, then perhaps a day or two more in order to be fully-

“You are not a Rapidash,” a voice snapped her out of her concentration. “Are you?”

Celestia’s head instantly snapped in the direction of the sound. Standing at the end of the isle she was on was a Pokemon. It was mostly yellow, with some brown, armor-like plates covering its chest, shoulders, forearms, and knees. Its body was bipedal, and thin enough to look almost skeletal. It had two of what looked to be either ears or giant spikes jutting from its head, along with a very long and prominent mustache. Its face sported wrinkles and dark spots, appearing to be signs of aging. It carried a spoon in each hand.

“What makes you say that?” the princess responded almost automatically.

“Among other things?” the creature took a few steps forward. “Rapidash don’t learn Psychic.”

Celestia’s face fell. “It was that or use my mouth, and I don’t want my… trainer to have to pay for a tooth-marked book or worse. I didn’t think many people came to this section of the library.”

“There is no cause for alarm,” it said, as if reading her mood “I don’t plan to expose you. You’ve just aroused my curiosity, that’s all. As to your implied question, they don’t. I don’t normally either. But I could sense something unusual from the moment I stepped into this building,” it took another few steps forward. “Allow me to introduce myself: I am Alakazam, once a battler, now a simple retired old Pokemon and scholar.”

The princess’ curiosity was instantly aroused. “Of what, if I may ask?”

“Oh, myths, legends, archaeology,” Alakazam shrugged. “The past is always so much more mysterious than the present, the prehistoric times even more so.”

“I’ve always found the present to contain quite enough mysteries.”

“I suppose so,” it chuckled slightly in its deep voice. “But a hobby is hobby, especially for an older gentleman like myself.”

“Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?”

“That depends. Will you answer mine in turn?”

“One for one, is that it?”


“Very well. But I reserve the right to decline to answer anything too personal.”

“Now that is a shame,” Alakazam paced slightly. “Because you are what I am most interested in, at the moment. Your mind feels like nothing else I’ve ever encountered.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes. “You’re in my mind?” she didn’t feel anything, but threw up as many mental barriers as she could just in case.

“Just observing it from distance. It would be rude to pry uninvited…” he looked her up and down. “And in your case, I think, dangerous to one’s mental well-being.”


“I see,” Alakazam considered briefly. “Perhaps I might learn something even if you decline to answer. Very well, I accept your terms.”

“So be it. I shall start: are there, to the best of your knowledge, any means of bending space and dimensions existing within this world?”

“An odd question,” Alakazam eyed her. “But to answer it, there is to my knowledge only one creature and no technology in this world capable of such a feat. And now my turn: what is your name, that I might address you properly?”

“I am called Celestia. What is this creature you spoke of? Describe it.”

“Legends from the Sinnoh region identify this being as Palkia. Some tales claim him to be the creator of space itself. All agree that he can warp dimensions at will. He is most commonly depicted as being a bipedal being of silver and pink, with a long neck, small face, and wings.”

Celestia felt her heartrate speeding up.

“Now, what manner of creature are you?”

“Insofar as I know, I am a Pokemon,” Celestia answered. “I have a Poke Ball, and a trainer.”


“Are there any hints as to how one might find this Palkia? How one might speak to him?”

“He is said to dwell in an alternate dimension himself,” Alakazam answered. “If he wishes to communicate, the legends say that he will find you. No one, to my knowledge, has ever sought and found him save the Lake Trio,” he paused. “You come from a different dimension, do you not?”

Celestia had wondered how long it would take for him to guess.

“I do,” she answered. “Who are the Lake Trio? What is their relation to Palkia?”

“That is two questions,” Alakazam responded. “But I shall overlook that just the once. The Lake Trio are Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. They are believed to be children of Arceus, said to have created the world. They alone are said to be capable of containing Palkia when he is angered. They supposedly intervened in the more recent incident, and have been on the move ever since. Where are you from?”

“The land of Equestria. What is the “recent incident”?”

“A madman and his “Team Galactic” attempted to summon Palkia and his brother Dialga to accomplish some unknown goal. He failed. The details remain ambiguous, for the eyewitnesses are recalcitrant. What are you in your home dimension?”

“An alicorn princess and the bringer of the sun.”

Alakazam’s eyes widened. “Now that is interesting.”

“I’m rather surprised that you believe me.”

“I have not seen your like in my one hundred and sixty years of life, Celestia. I can feel great power inside you. I can sense that your memories go deeper than even mine. I am inclined to give credence to your story.”

“You are the first.”

“I should like very much to hear about your homeland, princess.”

“It is my turn to ask a question, is it not?”

“I am willing to dismiss the petty game if you will tell me about where it is that you come from.”

“Why should I trust you with that knowledge?”

Alakazam chuckled. “Look at me, Celestia. I am old. I am tired of battle. I seek only to accumulate and pass on whatever knowledge I can before my time comes. I have seen four generations of trainers come and go in my old master’s family, and I do not think I shall see a fifth. I will not use anything you tell me to harm your homeland, I swear. And you may, of course, decline to disclose anything you think unduly compromising.”

“And what will you tell me in return?”

Alakazam spread his arms wide. “Anything you wish to know, so long as it does not put my world at risk. This is a unique opportunity for knowledge – it would not do to be stingy and miss out.”

Celestia mulled it over. “I wish only to go home,” she said. “We have a deal.”

“Excellent. Tell me of this Equestria.”

“First, I have a few questions I wish answered.”

“Very well then.”

“What do you know about Team Rocket?”

Alakazam cocked his head. “Who?”

“Team Rocket.”

“Never heard of them.”

“You can tell me about old legends from another region but not a currently active organization?”

“Princess, you must understand that at my age current events not involving my passions tend to… slip by me. If Team Rocket has never come up in the context of my research, I am not likely to have heard of it.”

That answer gave Celestia hope. It meant that there might be other means of dimensional travel that he simply hadn’t paid attention to. It was, at least, worth an investigation.

“Are there any works in this library on the state of dimensional travel here?”

“Nothing but old collections of legends repeating what I can tell you. Believe me, I know.”

“Where is the largest and most extensive repository of information in the area?”

Alakazam considered. “Your best bet would be one of the many libraries in Lumiose City. I haven’t been there in twenty years, though, so I’m afraid the specifics are not available to me.”

“Now, before I talk to you of my home, I should like to learn a little more of yours.”

“Go on…”

The Sun Sets

“Fascinating,” Alakazam was saying, several hours later. “You’re saying that friendship and love are such powerful forces in your home dimension that they can actually render a subject immortal?”

“And more,” Celestia confirmed.

“Well, I can’t exactly say that they don’t exist here, but insofar as I know they can’t make one a demigod. They can cause the evolution of certain Pokemon, such as Rioulu, Togepi, or Eevee, for instance, but none of those evolved forms are a species of extremely rare immortal. On the other hand, while the effects seem less powerful here they are orders of magnitude more common. Perhaps that spreads the power out more evenly somehow? Hmmm… Could it be that the differing nature of the transformations induced by friendship across our dimensions is not caused by different inherent properties but by a simple variance in concentration?” he stroked his mustache. “Whatever the case, if the chance ever comes, I should very much like to meet this Twilight Sparkle. Perhaps in the company of my dear friend Espeon – a result of friendship with his master causing an Eevee to evolve. I would like to compare their experiences.”

“I’m afraid that that may be difficult,” Celestia explained. “My old student is still on the other side of the dimensional and – if I know that mare at all – working nonstop to try and bring me back as swiftly as possible. I do not know if you will have a chance to meet. But if one should come, I am certain that Twilight would be very eager to meet with you and have a discussion on your theory.”

“Well, one can always hope, no?”

“Of course,” Celestia nodded.

“Another interesting experiment might be to compare a Mega Stone, also capable of inducing a temporary transformation and providing a boost in power when paired with friendship, to these Elements of Harmony that you’ve described.”

“If they could be safely removed from the tree.”

“Naturally. I wonder what similarities might be found between my Alakazamite and these Elements.”

“That would be-”

“Hello!” a third voice interrupted their conversation. Celestia’s eyes shifted, and she saw James standing at the end of the isle where she and Alakazam sat. “Oh, I see you’ve made a new friend. How nice,” he walked a bit closer. “But I’m afraid it’s about time to go. The sun is starting to set and we really do need to be getting back with Jessie soon.”

Celestia blinked. “Has it really been that long already?”

“Time flies when you get older, it seems,” Alakazam noted.

“You have no idea,” Celestia muttered, getting to her hooves. “I suppose I had better depart for the moment.”

“You’re going to leave so soon?”

“I do feel a little bit of… well, fondness for my so-called trainer,” Celestia admitted.

“Even though he does not believe your story?”

“Yes. Besides, at present I expect us to be here a while,” Lumiose City was some distance, and she didn’t feel prepared to make the trek on her own yet. Besides, a little patience might deliver some more valuable information her. And this Alakazam was the best she’d had – not to mention a pleasant source of conversation. “Might you be interested in continuing our discussion tomorrow?”

“I would.”

“How about we meet at the market square at midmorning?”

“I…” Alakazam scratched the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed. “Prefer to sleep in. I actually came here almost first thing after waking today. I’m not as spry as I once was.”

“Midday, then.”

“That sounds reasonable,” he nodded, before looking at James. “Would you like me to try and convince this “Team Rocket” of your story’s veracity? Perhaps an outside source would be enough to change their minds.”

“Are you coming?” James beckoned.

“Just a moment,” Celestia answered. “What can you do that I can’t?” she asked Alakazam.

“I could project images from your memories into their minds,” he said. “Assuming, of course, that you and they allow for it. I would never enter another’s mind without express permission. I can also use telepathy to talk to them directly, if you think that could work.”

Celestia mulled it over briefly. “Hmmm…” she shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. Not right now at any rate. They’re pretty convinced I’m delusional, and projecting images doesn’t help. You could, so far as they know, be making them up, or they could be simple results of my head injury from that horrible Pikachu.”

“That seems reasonable.”

“As it stands, they simply don’t have a reason to trust you.”

“Do you?” he pointed out. “We’ve just met. For all you know I could be a spy for some outlawed Pokemon poaching organization simply attempting to gain your trust to lure you into a trap at some point in the future.”

“Are you?” the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Alakazam’s eyes twinkled. “If I was, I wouldn’t tell you, now would I?”

“But if you were, you wouldn’t bring it up in casual conversation.”

“Unless of course I were trying to cause you to subconsciously dismiss that exact possibility as too ridiculous to contemplate.”

“Mmm, you’ve thought this through. Should I be worried?”

“In my experience? Always.”

The two shared a brief laugh.

The trip back through Laverre was pleasant enough. Even though the sun was slowly setting behind the horizon, it still cast enough of its orange light over the city to illuminate the way. The marketplace, though down from its midday peak, was still buzzing with people and dozens of different types of Pokemon following them about. Outdoor restaurants and cafes were hitting their own height as people came out for dinner in the cool evening. Small pink Pokemon Celestia now knew to be called Spritzee floated gently over the diners, spreading their sweet, pleasing scents all through the air. Street performers and other entertainers were out in force, with some acts incorporating Pokemon and some not. Celestia spied jugglers, magicians, singers, and even one odd young woman with a Ditto that kept transforming into miniature Pokemon.

The trio passed hundreds of people on their way back through the city. Most were friendly, giving smiles, nods, or other acknowledgements as they passed. They even passed the same flower stand from earlier in the day, earning a cheerful hello and wave from Ellie and Flabebe. Celestia found the journey rather enjoyable, the warmth around them reminding her somewhat of that found back in Equestria.

And then something else arrived on the scene.

Celestia felt it before she saw it. The air around her seemed to the princess to chill, just ever so slightly. The background noise became dimmer, the fine scents wafting through the air lost a slight bit of the sweetness. In short, everything around her seemed to be losing its better qualities in tiny but perceptible amounts. Glancing at James and Meowth, she saw immediately that they weren’t reacting at all. So this was all in her head.

The princess was no fool – she recognized a premonition when she saw one. How she was having one with her Equestrian magic gone was another question altogether. And, premonition of what? As Celestia looked around, she didn’t anything that seemed to be sinister, openly or otherwise. Yes, there were some oddities, like that off-color Eevee and the man with the strange red hairstyle, but…

Celestia did a double take and looked again at the man passing them by. He was tall and well-built, one of the more physically-imposing humans that she had yet seen. He was also well-dressed, sporting a fine black suit with bright red trimming along its edges and matching fingerless gloves around his hands. Around the neck the man’s suit featured an open collar of fine white fur, while his neck itself was concealed by an artfully-tied red scarf. His bore well-defined, regal features and was a mask of powerful determination. Above all, it was the man’s hairstyle that drew her immediate attention: a full, neatly-trimmed red beard, along with an extremely dramatic flair from all directions of his head. It rather gave off the impression of a mane.

As the man passed by James, Meowth, and Celestia, the latter caught a quick glimpse of the belt underneath his suit. He had several of the by now familiar red and white Poke Balls about it, and… was one of his Poke Balls a striped black orb? Just looking at it for the second that she did gave Celestia the impression of ice water trickling down her spine, and she could sworn that there was the faintest echo of a high-pitched scream bouncing around inside her head. And then the man was swallowed up by the crowds around them, and both sensations faded away as quickly as they had come. In the space of a blink, everything returned to normal all around her.

What, she thought as the trio made their way back to camp, had that been about?

The Next Day

“Meowth?” Celestia asked a little while later, when Team Rocket was once again huddled around a campfire while the moon shone bright overhead.

“Yeah? What is it?” Meowth said.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Dat depends on what it is, don’t it?”

“Do you know much about variant types of Poke Balls?”

“Lots of stuff! Why? Ya lookin’ for an upgrade?”

“Do you know of any that happen to be black?”

“Sure! That’s the Luxury Ball, da cream of the crop! They say stayin’ in it is like stayin’ in a five star hotel all day, every day, for free! Only the richest, most fancy trainers can afford them for their Pokemon, but those that can usually get real friendly with dem real quick. Pokemon love the things.”

That didn’t sound at all like whatever Celestia had seen. Ponies staying at five star hotels seldom screamed in horror, and she was willing to bet Pokemon were similar.

“These Luxury Balls,” she said. “Can you describe what they look like?”

“Why? You ain’t gettin’ one, I can promise ya dat. Too expensive.”

“Academic curiosity. I saw an unusual Poke Ball today and wish to verify what it was.”

“Well, if it was black, it was a Luxury Ball,” he declared. “Not like dere are any others of dat color.”

“Nonetheless, can you at least give a short description?” Celestia looked him in the eye, her expression soft and unthreatening. “Please?”

“…Alright,” Meowth sighed. “A Luxury Ball is almost all black, all around. It’s got two stripes: one is right in da center and crosses da button. That one is a yellow-gold color, just like da button. Near the top is another stripe. This one is red, with a little bit of a gold stripe on either side of it. They say dat those gold stripes are actual gold. And… dat’s about it,” he shrugged. “Luxury Balls ain’t exactly da peak of artistic design.”

Celestia nodded, but inside she was worried. That description didn’t match the Poke Ball she had seen. The one she had spotted on the man’s belt had had a black belt in its center, and curving black stripes across its body. There had been a grey button on the top. And the sense of dread and pain coming from it were obviously out of line with the idea that it had simply been a particularly pleasant Poke Ball to stay in.

“Are you sure that’s all?” she asked, trying to keep her voice small. “Are there any other Poke Balls that are black? Any at all?”

“What, are ya questionin’ Meowth’s knowledge?!” he crossed his arms. “Look lady, if I say dat only Luxury Balls are all black, den only Luxury Balls are all black! Ya got dat?”

“Yes,” Celestia nodded.

As the conversation dropped away, the princess stared into the fire and considered. Should she describe the ball she had seen in more detail? Perhaps that might trigger some sort of recall in Meowth. Then again, it was also possible that he would simply dismiss her as being delusional again. Or that he genuinely didn’t know of any others. There was a Poke Ball factory nearby, so perhaps this was some form of new design yet to reach mass production? So there was a possibility that-

“Wait…” Meowth tapped his chin. Celestia’s eyes returned to him. “Guess dere was always those Dark Balls.”

Celestia’s ears pricked. “Dark Balls?”

“Yeah, a creep called the Iron-Masked Marauder used ‘em years ago,” Meowth said. “Dey made his Pokemon stronger, more aggressive, and more obedient. Brainwashed ‘em.”


“Yep,” he nodded. “But dey wasn’t foolproof. Even though dey could take over a Pokemon’s mind, dey couldn’t get rid of it. Eventually all da Pokemon fought them off and then he was arrested.”

“So, these… Dark Balls…” the word seemed to taste bad on Celestia’s tongue. “Were there any more of them?”

“You kiddin’?!” Meowth laughed. “The Marauder’s been in jail for years, and all his Dark Balls exploded when da Pokemon in ‘em broke free! Dere ain’t no more of ‘em. So don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”

“I see,” Celestia said, looking back towards Laverre with an unclear expression.

The next day Laverre City saw the midday arrival of Ash, Pikachu, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie. Pressing themselves and walking through part of the night had cut the two day trip into one and half days. Though each one of them knew it was out of their hands, they were one and all worried and very eager for news on the strange purple Pokemon. So it was that the group ignored the crowded market, the pleasant restaurants, and their own empty stomachs to march straight to the nearest Pokemon Center. From there, a video phone call to Professor Oak was easy enough to manage. Ash sat in front of it, while the others clustered around.

“Ash!” the older man said virtually as soon as his face appeared on the monitor.

“Professor,” Ash nodded, face serious. “So how’s-”

“That Pokemon you sent me?” Oak finished. “Well… Ash, what happened to her? She was one of the worst cases I’ve seen in years, and I get knocked out Pokemon all the time!” he paused. “I trust that you aren’t responsible?”

“It was being attacked a buncha Houndoom, Professor,” Ash replied.

“Yeah!” Bonnie said. “We were just sitting around and suddenly three Houndoom chased it out of the bushes and blasted it.”

“Houndoom, eh?” Oak rubbed his chin. “Well, that would explain the toxicity levels that we found in her bloodstream.” Upon noticing the confused looks on some of the group’s faces, he elaborated. “We don’t exactly understand the process, but somehow wild Houndoom mix their fire with unusually virulent toxins, enabling them to strike hard targets and then back off and wait for them to keel over. That’s the origin of the myth that burns they cause will never heal.”

“How’s it doing?” Ash asked.

“As well as could expected, given the circumstances,” Oak sighed. “In other words: comatose in a stabilizing unit. You sent her here in the middle of night in critical condition, Ash. Healing such extensive injuries will take time.”

“Pika,” Pikachu’s ears drooped.

“But don’t worry,” the professor added quickly. “She’s in the best of hands! I assure you that her condition is stable and that she should make a full recovery in time. In fact, we estimate a return to consciousness within the next day or two.”

“Glad to hear it,” Ash wiped his forehead.

“Pikachu!” Pikachu smiled.

“It would have been easier if I had known what she was. But I’ve never seen or even heard of species of Pokemon like this one. Tell me,” Oak looked Ash directly in the eyes. “What do you know about this Pokemon? Where did you find her?”

“Not much,” Ash shook his head. “It was a little past sunset, and we were sitting down around our campfire about two days out from Laverre, on Route 14. Then all of a sudden that Pokemon just came stumbling out of the bushes, with three Houndoom on its tail. They knocked it out in one hit. After our Pokemon chased them off, we saw that it was really hurt and I thought getting it to you would be the fastest way to help it.”

“Yes,” Oak nodded. “You did well. To be perfectly honest I don’t think she would have lasted two days in the condition she was in. Burns, infection, severe poisoning…” he shook his head. “She’s very lucky to have found you all when she did.”

“You keep saying her,” Clemont noted. “You’re sure it’s a girl, then?”

“Absolutely,” he nodded. “My assistants and I did a very thorough medical investigation. There is no doubt that this Pokemon is female.”

“What else do you know about it – her?” Ash asked.

“Not much, I admit. One of the few things I have confirmed is that she is definitely of a previously undiscovered species. Nothing in our database matches with her, nor do existing myths or rumors point to anything comparable. Even Professor Sycamore couldn’t find any reference to such a Pokemon in Kalos region lore,” he paused. “And until she wakes up we can’t ask any questions or even find out her species’ name. In her condition, we obviously dare not attempt any procedure not medically necessary.”

“Of course.”

“But when she does recover… I’ll admit to being a little more eager to begin than I probably should be,” the professor clenched his fist, fire in his eyes. “Even after all these years, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of discovering and studying a new Pokemon! At my age, seeing one is such a rare treat! I can’t wait to catalogue everything about it!”

“That’s great professor,” Ash said, a little nervously. “Just try and take it easy on her, alright?”

“Well of course I will, what do you take me for?! I’ve been taking care of hundreds of Pokemon every day for over a decade! Including quite a few of yours, I might add. Pikachu?” he looked at Ash’s little yellow friend. “Would you say that I do a good job?”

“Pika Pika Pikachu!” he nodded cheerfully.

“That’s what I thought,” Oak winked. “So I think you can trust me with this one. And if you wouldn’t mind doing me a little favor...”

“What do you need?”

“I just wanted to request that you not send for this little one for a while. For medical reasons and, well, because I really want the chance to study her and see how she does with the other Pokemon around the lab.”

“Ok,” Ash nodded. “I can do that.”

“Great!” Oak smiled. “I’ll let you know when she gets up just as soon as I can.”

“That’d be great.”

“Oh, and, before we go, is there anything else that you could tell me? Anything at all? Even the most incidental piece of data might be helpful in my research.”

“Hmmm…” Ash rubbed his chin, considering. “Not really. She wasn’t around long enough to-”

“Ash,” Serena put a hand on his shoulder. “What about that other Pokemon? The white one?”

“Oh yeah!”

“White one?” the professor asked. “There was another?”

“Well, not exactly,” Ash explained. “But a few days before we found that Pokemon, we saw another kind that didn’t register on the Pokedex.”

He clearly had Professor Oak’s attention. “Go on.”

“Well, the thing is, that other Pokemon looked a lot like the one we sent you. It had four legs, wings, and a horn like a Rapidash’s. But this other one was also taller, and white.”

“And it had a rainbow mane and tail,” Serena added. “That both seemed to keep flowing even when there wasn’t a breeze.”

“Where did you spot this other Pokemon?”

“See, that’s the thing,” Ash said. “When we saw it, it had already been captured in a Poke Ball.”

“Really?” Oak leaned in towards the camera. “By who?”

Ash gritted his teeth. “By Team Rocket.”


Princess Twilight Sparkle’s world was a curious combination of numbness and pain. Most of her body was numb, unresponsive, and what wasn’t was simply pain. She couldn’t make it move, even when she wanted to, which was rare. Her mind floated dreamily from states of groggy half-consciousness and the total, comforting blackness wherein no thought dwelled. She shifted back and forth between these two states and indeterminate amount of times – her brain was far too fuddled to make any sort of count.

It was during one of her more lucid moments that the princess finally started to ask herself a question: where am I?

She started by attempting to open one of her eyes. For all the good that did, they might as well have been made out of lead. Twilight spent no fewer than three different, brief periods of lucidity making an effort to force her body to move, react, or otherwise acknowledge her mind’s presence and ownership. When that didn’t work, she moved on to more cerebral exercises.

The first possibility that she considered, when she was aware enough to do so, was that she was dead. But this was unlikely for any number of reasons, most prominently the continued sensory perception of her own body, and pain within it. That didn’t seem consistent with the hypothesis that her soul had been torn loose from her flesh and cast into the next world. So, for the time being, she dismissed it.

Being the logical sort, it eventually occurred to Twilight that a review of her most recent memories might shed light on her current position. It took a little while to dredge anything up from her drug and poison-addled brain, but in her state she had nothing but time.

Let’s see… she had been unveiling... what was it? Oh yes, her own modified version of the interdimensional mirror first pioneered by Starswirl the Bearded. Meant to enable travel between the worlds in a way that was reliable, two-way, and safe for all worlds concerned. Then… then… the princesses. Princesses Celestia and Luna had been invited to attend her grand unveiling in Canterlot, and had agreed to do so. Her brother and sister-in-law had been invited as well, but had been forced to decline because… she didn’t remember.

Regardless, there had been a little get together, her speech, and then the presentation of the device itself. The princesses, as befitting their status, had been given the first close-up look at her invention. Princess Celestia had gotten the closest, examining the whole thing in minute detail before… before… something happened. First a crack, then an implosion, then a whirling vortex. Princess Celestia had been pulled through almost at once… Princess Luna shortly thereafter… then herself.

The next memory Twilight had was wandering through a dark forest, alone. She was tired, and weak, No magic worked, not even her simplest spells. She stumbled and fell a lot over the forest floor’s many hazards. Muck had gotten everywhere on her. Strange creatures were everywhere, and fled at the sight of her, ignoring her cries for help. And then there were those… devil dogs, they had looked like. They attacked her. She ran. They followed. There were blurred memories that could have represented minutes, or even hours of chase.

She had grown weaker and weaker, and the dogs had not given up. Eventually, she vaguely recalled stumbling onto a camp of what she assumed had to be this dimension’s humans. And then her last, most recent memory was of her entire world being consumed by red-hot fire. After that… she was here.

But where was here?


“Are you quite certain?” Alakazam asked.

“Fairly so,” Celestia, once again wearing a Rapidash guise, nodded. “I’ll admit to unfamiliarity with Poke Balls, but the data seem to fit the description of a Dark Ball far more than one of a Luxury Ball.”

“To be perfectly honest, I’ve never heard of a Dark Ball before now, princess. Luxury Balls, however, can be bought with relative ease in Lumiose City, due south of here. Is there no possibility that you are simply mistaken? Perhaps this premonition of yours was in reaction to something else and the ball’s appearance was just a coincidence? Or perhaps simply a side-effect of your own adjustments to your body’s new configuration?”

“I am pretty confident in what I saw,” Celestia answered. “Would you care to examine the memory for yourself? I would grant permission for that.”

“To be entirely honest, your highness, I would be greatly reluctant to peer too closely into your head. There are a great many things in there, some less than safe for younger creatures.”

“This is true, I admit.”

“In any case, I do at least concede that the situation is very odd. The question that must be asked is: what do you intend to do about it?”

“I must intervene,” the princess declared firmly. “If there is a creature inside that device being tortured and brainwashed…” she shook her head. “Poke Balls are one thing, but that is nothing less than black magic and slavery. I cannot stand idly by and allow it to happen.”

“Even though this is not your world?”

She nodded in confirmation. “Some things are too heinous to let stand, no matter where one is. If I can do anything to stop it, morality demands that I do so.”

“A noble stance to take, some would say,” Alakazam looked thoughtful. “Others would call it the meddling attitude of an overzealous crusader.”

“Then you will have to call me a crusader. I have long taken the stance that one should right wrongs when possible, and that those with power have a responsibility to use it to help others.”

“You do not have such power here, Celestia.”

“Perhaps not as much, but I am not some helpless infant. It isn’t always possible to correct everything, I admit, but some things can be righted. If I can do anything about these Dark Balls, I must do it.”

“Would not going home be a greater priority?”

“I have faith in my sister, my student, my niece, my nephew-in-law, and yes, even my actual nephew. Equestria will not crumble away if I take a little more time to help your world. I did set up a redundant contingency system for moving the sun and managing the nation after the whole plunder-seed “incident”, after all. I didn’t want any repeats of the panic and brief anarchy that broke out when Luna and I were taken. Besides, at the moment my prospects of dimensional travel from here seem rather dim. I almost give it fifty-fifty odds of Discord finding me first.”

“You think that your spirit of chaos is searching for you?”

“He’s the only being that I know who can travel through dimensions on a whim. He’s the first one everypony would go to. And I’m certain that Fluttershy could convince him to help. But there are more dimensions than can be counted, so it may take a little time.”

Alakazam nodded. “Alright. I believe I understand your position. So, what exactly is it that you want to do now?”

“I want to find that man again. To confirm my theory first of all, and then… go from there.”

“Will your master not be upset if he should find out that you wandered out of our little library on your own?”

“First, he isn’t my master. I would have thought you would have understood that much.”

“Force of habit, I suppose. Most Pokemon not actively disobeying or running away tend to think of their trainers that way.”

“Secondly, I think we might be able to find the man quickly enough. He did have a rather distinctive appearance.”

“Well…” Alakazam stroked his mustache. “If he is as distinctive as you say, perhaps one of the local Fletching might have seen him. I’m friendly enough with a few of them.”

“Then you’ll help me?”

“Well, I’m not much for battle any longer, but I do like you… and if you are correct, these so-called Dark Balls must be eliminated. They are a crime against nature and Pokemon alike. So yes, in this I will help you.”


Around an hour and a half later, Celestia and Alakazam were walking down a smaller street playing host to some of Laverre’s many outdoor restaurants and cafes, following a tiny grey and red bird Pokemon.

“This way,” the Fletchling said. “I know I saw him over here!”

“That’s what you said about the last three spots you took us to,” Celestia noted.

“Yeah, well I’m sure of it this time!”

“Are you?” Alakazam asked.

“Look, buddy,” the little bird Pokemon turned around and perched itself on the gutter of one of the buildings. “You want my help or not? I’m telling you: I saw the bigshot with the funny hair. It’s just taking me a little while to retrace my steps with you slowpoke grounders in tow.”

Celestia’s wings fidgeted slightly under the tight bindings. “Please,” she said. “Continue.”

“Yeah, alright,” it said, taking flight once again.

A few people stared as the trio of Pokemon passed by, and it wasn’t hard to see why. A Fletchling, an Alakazam, and a Rapidash walking down the street without a human in tow was, according to her new friend, very unusual. Still, they weren’t hostile and appeared relatively domesticated, so most people just shrugged them off after a quick glance and went back to whatever they had been doing. They passed through several different streets and alleyways, following a complex and, to Celestia’s mind, rather circuitous route through the city. Alakazam, being more aged if not actually older, lagged behind slightly. At last, Fletchling came to a halt atop the corner of a small scent shop.

“Yep,” it said in a rather self-satisfied tone. “He’s right down the street. I can see him from where I’m standing. You should be able to poke your heads out from down there and look without too much risk.”

“Let me see,” Celestia looked around the corner with one eye.

“Third building on the right. Sitting by the second window from the left. There’s a purple-haired lady with him.”

Celestia’s eye flicked towards the position indicated. “That’s him,” she declared almost immediately.

“Am I great or am I great?” asked Fletchling.

The princess smiled good-naturedly. “You are an excellent tracker, my friend.”

“Yeah,” it said, puffing out its chest. “And don’t you forget it!”

“I won’t.”

“Well, my part’s over. I’ll be seeing you. Tell the old fogey he owes me now!” Fletchling took flight again, disappearing easily over the many roofs of Laverre.

Several seconds later, the old fogey in question walked up to Celestia’s position. Alakazam’s breathing was slightly labored, and Celestia began to worry that she’d inadvertently overtaxed the old mon.

“Let’s have a look,” he said after he had caught his breath, peering around the corner. “Where is this man?”

The princess pointed him out. Alakazam’s eyed flicked in that direction. A moment later, his jaw dropped. He turned back to Celestia with an astonished expression on his face.

“Begging your pardon, princess, but are you certain that this your man?”

“Without a doubt. Same face, same clothing, same hairstyle. As you can no doubt tell he’s very distinctive.”

“… You’re not aware of who that is, are you?”

“Should I be?”

“Let me put this into perspective: I haven’t left this town in more than two decades. I pay virtually no attention to current events. My entire day is frequently spent either in my research or at play with my great-grandchildren. And even I recognize that man on sight.”

“Who is he?”

“That is Lysandre, owner and proprietor of Lysandre Labs.”

“He has a reputation, then?”

“Yes, but…” Alakazam blinked. “As a brilliant inventor, former student and personal friend of the regional Pokemon Professor, and a very generous philanthropist. Lysandre is known throughout the Kalos region for his endless passion for making the world a more beautiful place for all. He has visited this town on more than one occasion, and contributed greatly to improving the conditions of the most impoverished segments of the population. I recall him giving a speech celebrating the opening of a local orphanage that he financed from the ground up not even two years ago,” he blinked again. “Are you quite certain that you have the right man?”

“He matches my memory down to the last detail.”

“Then I fear you must have been mistaken, princess. Whatever the cause your premonition, it could not have come from this man. I am sure of it.”

“Evil can often disguise itself in the most beguiling or seemingly innocent of forms.”

“That may be true, but to accuse a man like Lysandre of something like that…” he shook his head. “Celestia, I think that you must have simply seen a Luxury Ball. The man is more than rich enough to afford one. You are not yet familiar with this world. A simple case of mistaken identity must be at work here.”

“I maintain what I have said.”

“And I maintain that you must be mistaken. You cannot seriously expect me to believe a wild accusation against one of the Kalos Region’s most beloved figures without a good deal of evidence.”

“I have offered to allow you to examine my memory in detail.”

“And now that I know who you are accusing, I cannot be sure of its objectivity! And that’s in addition to the safety hazards involved in probing your mind that I’ve already mentioned!”

“Then how about this?” Celestia offered. “You and I can probe for the Dark Ball. The sense of malevolence and pain coming from it is very powerful even when you aren’t looking for it. I’m sure that between us it should be obvious.”

Alakazam hesitated. “I…”


“… Very well. If only because this accusation is so serious. I cannot believe that you would carry it so far if you weren’t very certain…” he chewed his lip a little. “I don’t know what to believe right at this moment.”

“Then let’s find out.”



Both Celestia and Alakazam closed their eyes and dug deep inside themselves. Alakazam lifted both hands with dual spoons held high. Celestia’s wings would have done the same but for the bindings around them. Working together, with just a little quick tutoring from the native Pokemon, the two projected their minds over towards where Lysandre and his purple-haired companion sat eating. They registered the presence of what minds there were, reading the aura coming off of them. They felt around mentally, ascertaining the total environment, and then pulled themselves back into their flesh.

“My lady,” said the somewhat winded Alakazam after he had opened his eyes. “I could sense even the minds of Lysandre’s Pokemon in their balls. And yet there was no pain, fear, or malevolence radiating from any of them. If there is a Dark Ball in this city, this man does not have it.”

“Uuuuurrrgggghhhh…” a pony struggled against quicksand enveloping both of her forelegs. “Rargh!” she roared, as she yanked herself free from the marshy muck and collapsed backwards onto the bank of the lethal trap.

“Great…” she said, panting slightly. “Just great. There went my last shoe. Perhaps my crown is next?”

Princess Luna rose back to her hooves with an annoyed expression on her face. She had been wandering this disgusting marsh for a day and half now, with no sign of any civilization to speak of. Her fur was wet and matted from the constant humidity, irregular showers, puddles of muck, and her own sweat. Her beautiful wings were gummed up from the slimy puddles she’d been dropped in and forced to wade through, feathers stuck together or jutting out at odd angles. She wouldn’t have dared to fly with wings in that condition even if she had felt up to it. None of her magic was working, not the simplest of spells. Countless tiny insects swarmed about her, looking to nestle in her hair or feast on her blood. And just to make the whole situation more miserable, she hadn’t even been able to get much sleep.

Still, Luna was far from a quitter. She swatted irritably at the insect swarm, despite knowing how futile the action was, and set off once more along her chosen. Following a small stream down its current seemed the best option currently available. Water usually meant civilization of some kind. If, that is, there was any such thing on the world where she had landed. It was worth taking the chance; at the very least it would probably eventually lead her out of this horrible marsh.

Luna continued to make her slow way through murderous heat and humidity, ears and wings constantly flicking out at the accursed bloodsucking swarm. Hours passed as the exhausted princess climbed over massive roots, waded through puddles of mud and murky water, and stamped angrily through reeds. Every so often she thought that there was some creature in the corner of her eye, but whenever she turned to look it was gone. The only native creature that she did see a lot of – besides her eternal insect companions – was a species of bizarre, brown fish that was all but completely flat, often buried in mud or murky water. Besides the odd yellow marking near their rear, the only thing of note about these fish was their tendency to lash out with electricity if stepped on. Luna only made that mistake once.

It was late in the day, with the sun almost completely gone from the sky, when Luna first heard the sound of another’s voice.

“Well well well…” said a high-pitched, raspy voice that seemed to come from nowhere in particular.

“Who goes there?” Luna shouted, spreading her wings to try and make herself look bigger.

“Heh heh heh,” the voice continued ominously. “A little lost traveler, alone in the swamp.”

“Show yourself!” the princess demanded.

The deepening shadows of a nearby tree seemed to coalesce on cue. Luna’s eyes went wide and she recoiled slightly as a thoroughly repulsive creature took shape. It was a deep, dark purple color, with a seemingly detached, spiky head floating in midair. Beyond the head, all that was visible of the creature was a pair of three-clawed hands that hovered in front of its face. Its mouth was completely outsized for its body, sporting several small purple fangs and a grotesquely long pink tongue.

“The perfect meal for a hungry Haunter, wouldn’t you say?” it said, tongue reaching out towards the princess.

“You would consume a sapient being?!” Luna’s face was aghast.

“Hahahahahahahahaha!” it grinned. “Would, and have. But never one of your species before. I wonder how you taste.”

“I am no one’s meal,” Luna leveled her horn at the Haunter, more for intimidation than any expectation of effect.

“Oh? Because this Haunter thinks you’ll make a fine course for her dinner,” she laughed again. “Let’s find out!”

Haunter’s claws came together and, with incredible swiftness, broke apart again to reveal an inky purple-black ball of energy. She propelled it towards Luna with a single gesture. The attack moved so quickly that the princess barely had time to throw a wing up to shield her head. The ball made contact and exploded dramatically against her feathers, and…

Barely hurt at all.

When the smoke cleared and Luna was still standing, Haunter’s eyes went wide.

“What the-” she said, reeling back with a claw hanging protectively over her face. “How in the world could you-” then her eyes narrowed as realization set in. “Dark type.”

Luna blinked. “Huh?”

“No matter! Even Dark types can’t stand against this!”

Both of Haunter’s clawed hands flew open, exposing palms. Waves of expanding purple-black circles rapidly emerged, crossed the distance, and enveloped Luna within a second’s time. Absolutely nothing happened.

“W-What?!” Haunter now looked genuinely frightened. “How could you not be asleep?! Even Dark types are vulnerable to Hypnosis!”

Luna started forward, a grin on her face. “Perhaps I shall tell you when I am done beating you into an appropriately-chastised pulp.”

“S-Stay away from me!” Haunter reeled back, then dissolved back into the shadows from whence she had come.

Even if she was a predator, Luna saw opportunity in the first sapient she had yet encountered. “Surrender yourself into my custody, and I will be merciful,” she called out into the swamp. “Refuse, and the consequences will be dire!”

“HA!” Haunter’s voice came from everywhere and nowhere. “You may not be vulnerable to my attacks, but you have to sleep sometime! And when you do, I’ll be there to claim you! Don’t think that you’ve seen the last of me! Hahahahahahahahaha!”

With that, Luna was – for the moment – alone once more.

At Night

As the last of the sun’s light died away and a white quarter-moon rose to take its placed, Luna continued her journey through the disgusting bog. The lighting was never a problem – as befitted the princess of the night, Luna had never had difficulty dealing with even pitch black conditions. She had been pleased to discover that that power, at least, yet remained to her. It might have been her imagination, but Luna even felt a little stronger, a little less tired under the moon’s pale light.

Just her luck, what she gained from the change of sky was more than made up for by the continuous irritations she was having to deal with. For the past several hours the going had been slower. The ground shifted under her hooves more easily, objects fell from the trees towards her head, and plenty of noise was being made, spoiling any hope of stealth. Luna knew who was behind this, of course. Every so often she caught a glimpse of Haunter from the corner of her eye, but whenever she turned her head the creature would vanish. Sometimes she even flashed the princess an insulting gesture beforehand.

Luna growled irritably every time that she saw it. If only she had her magic! Then she could have given the horrible thing the treatment it deserved. Not one sighting passed without the princess making at least one attempt to cast a spell at Haunter, in the vague hope that her magic had returned. She had no such luck, of course. Without any effective means to ward off the creature, she simply had to press on and wait for an opportunity. But Luna was good at waiting, when she wanted to be – she’d had a thousand years of practice on the moon, after all.

As the princess pressed on throughout the night, enduring all the environmental hazards that Haunter attempted to throw in her path, the stream she was following grew larger. As tributaries flowed in from all directions, the murky little trickle gradually became a flowing brown-green river. Luna took that for a positive sign. Surely this body must lead her out of the swamp, or at least to a beach, soon enough.

It was during a moment that Luna was climbing down over the muddy roots of a particularly large riverside tree that things began to go seriously wrong. To begin, one of the slippery roots shifted abruptly the moment she put her weight on it. She overbalanced, and her hooves couldn’t maintain a grip. She fell forward, rolling rough down the tree’s side into a patch of reeds growing on the river bank. When the motion finally stopped, the princess found her face buried inside the yellow center of a truly gigantic red flower. Her sensitive ears could pick up the sound of all-too-familiar laughter on the wind. Luna bristled angrily, baring her teeth.

And then the flower shot an enormous cloud of purple spores directly into her face.

Luna reeled upwards and back, coughing madly. The spores were everywhere: in her mouth, in her throat, her face, in her mane, and in her lungs. They burned and choked her, her body struggling madly to expel the intruders. The world around her seemed to spin like she was riding a foal’s top. Her sense of balance badly distorted, she collapsed backwards into the mud. And then, to her shock, the flower popped up from the mud, revealing a short, dark blue body with stubby arms and legs beneath.

“Alright!” the flower-creature declared. “Breakfast doesn’t usually come that easy!”

“I am…” Luna managed, struggling to get back on her shaking hooves. “No one’s breakfast!”

“Still alive?” it opened its mouth wide. “Let’s fix that!”

The little creature sprayed a stream of purple liquid through the air at the princess. The moment it made contact, Luna screamed. The liquid was a burning acidic compound, which rapidly began eating through whatever it touched. It burned through patches of dirt and patches of fur, sizzling against the sensitive skin underneath. Unlike the Haunter’s strikes, it hurt. Quite a lot.

“Nothing personal, lady,” the creature said, stubby arms on hips and smug expression on its face. “But a Vileplume’s gotta eat, and well, you’re there. And Acid just makes the digestion go so much better! Ha ha ha ha ha!”

“You,” Luna’s legs were wobbling as she strained. “Little,” her anger drew her power, and she began to rise. “VERMIN!

The enraged alicorn princess towered over the Vileplume. Acid still burned away against her skin, causing visible streams of smoke to rise, but she seemed to be ignoring it. Overhead, the moonlight seemed to intensify, breaking through cloud and fog to shine down on her weary body. Where it touched, bruises vanished, wounds closed, and acid fizzled into nothingness. Luna’s wings extended in their full, majestic glory as her body shed its injuries like a snake shedding its skin.

“You think I’m going to be impressed by a little trick like Moonlight?!” Vileplume growled. “I know Oddish that know that move! I’m not losing out on a meaty morsel because of that! Take this!”

Vileplume leveled its flowery head cap at Luna and puffed it. A cloud of spores, this time green, wafted out. This time she beat her wings powerfully at the cloud, somehow whipping up a breeze that swept away the cloud and threatened to bowl Vileplume over.

“I’m not giving up that easy!” Vileplume growled. “You’re my food and you’re not getting away!”

It opened its mouth again and unleashed another spray of Acid. Once more, it struck the princess head on. Once more, it burned and ate into her flesh. But it also made her angry. Very, very angry. She had been in mild state of discontent since arriving on this benighted world, which had only grown worse over the past few hours. And now Vileplume was presenting a physical, tangible target upon which to unleash her wrath.

That was a big mistake.

As Princess Luna swung her hoof towards the offender, she noticed at the last second that it was glowing.


Vileplume went sailing through the night air, screaming its little lungs out as it went. It landed, some distance away, in the deep, murky river. When it saw where it was, it flailed even harder despite the fact that it was floating easily. The reason became evident a moment later.

An enormous red claw reached out from the depths and seized the struggling Vileplume by the flowery top. It screamed one last time as it was dragged under, kicking and spitting acid. For a brief moment the river currents were disrupted by thrashing and a flood of rising bubbles. But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the thrashing stopped. The murky water around that spot grew even murkier.

From the bank, a weary, panting, and acid-burned Luna watched with mixed emotions. She didn’t think its fate unjust – on the contrary, she had always been less squeamish than her sister about dispensing capital punishment for murder, attempted or otherwise. Besides, there was nothing she could have done in those brief seconds save make herself another target for the clawed creature. At the same time, she chastised herself for not trying to capture it. This Vileplume could have been made to answer her questions in return for leniency. Now the opportunity was gone.

It was as she was standing amongst the reeds, trying to recover her strength, that Luna spotted a familiar figure floating above one of the nearby tree branches. For once, when she turned to face it, it didn’t disappear. Instead, it grinned down at her with an expression of total triumph.

“What are you so happy about, coward?” Luna snarled. “Finally decided to come and fight me face-to-face?”

Haunter threw her head back and laughed. “Hahahahahahaha! You don’t understand what just happened at all, do you?”

“I demonstrated what happens to those that try to prey on me.”

“You took a face full of Vileplume’s Poison Powder,” Haunter clasped her hands together. “Even Moonlight won’t heal that. It will remain in your system, poisoning you, draining you of life and strength, until…” she grinned. “You become a weak, helpless mound of quivering flesh. And then, you become mine. Heheheheh! My plan worked perfectly. Now I don’t need to be able to hurt you myself. Enjoy your last few hours of life, dear little traveler.”

With that, Haunter faded away into the night.

Many miles away, Celestia was, once again, huddled around a campfire with Team Rocket, lost in thought. Her compatriots were watching a “horror” movie about a serial killing Wobbuffet, which seemed rather ridiculous considering that this one, like all its kind, couldn’t actually do anything until it was itself attacked. A villain that could be thwarted by standing there and doing nothing didn’t seem particularly intimidating to her. But Team Rocket was collectively shivering, hugging each other, and occasionally letting off little squeaky screams. Especially, for whatever reason, their actual Wobbuffet.

The princess’ mind was elsewhere. After the incident at the restaurant, Alakazam had decided to go home and take a nap. For her own part, Celestia hadn’t been convinced, and had spent most of the remainder of the afternoon keeping her eye on Lysandre as he moved about the town. While she had certainly gotten a feel for the man’s personality – he enjoyed somewhat rambling speeches on his passion for making the world a beautiful place, followed by small gifts to thank listeners for their patience – she hadn’t actually found any evidence to suggest any wrongdoing on his part. On the contrary, he seemed polite, generous, and generally friendly with the city’s inhabitants. He made a few business transactions, paid in full, and was even a generous tipper. At no point did Celestia see the little black Poke Ball again, though she got a look at his belt on more than one occasion. All the balls there were the normal red and white.

After Lysandre had bunkered down in a local hotel for the evening, Celestia had called it a day and returned to the library to await James’ return, only to find him already there and looking worried. That had gotten her a brief telling off, and to her own surprise she didn’t argue back. Partially because he couldn’t understand her, of course, but partially because she really did feel a little guilty for not telling him what she was up to. Even if he was unlikely to believe her.

As Celestia reviewed her day, she began to wonder if Alakazam might not have been onto something after all. True, criminals didn’t spend every waking moment doing crime, and could in fact be quite affable at times, but this Lysandre didn’t give her so much of a villainous vibe as the first time. He seemed sincere, passionate about improving the world. And it was possible for her to make errors in judgement – her niece’s wedding came to mind.

On the other hoof, what of that Poke Ball? Even after not finding it on him, Celestia was still sure that it couldn’t have been a Luxury Ball. It looked different than the picture Alakazam had shown her, and had radiated malevolence and pain. It couldn’t have just disappeared. Was it possible that Lysandre didn’t know what it was? But where would he have gotten it? And what had happened to it? Too many questions, not enough answers. Perhaps tomorrow would bring clarity.

It was just as Celestia was getting up to request being returned to her Poke Ball for the night that her ears pricked up. It was faint, very faint, but she could a voice on the wind over the chirping Kricketot and Team Rocket’s horror movie. It was deep, confident, and familiar. The princess hardly needed to guess whom it might be, though she did wonder if any local gods or luck spirits were watching over her at that moment.

Eyeing Team Rocket and finding them still thoroughly engrossed in their own movie, she made a quick decision. Her wings opened up and lifted her almost silently into the air and over the treetops. She found a spot where she could hear more clearly, though the thick forest cover prevented her from spying exactly where the human might be.

“…you sure we should proceed?” a female voice was asking. “After the incident, wouldn’t it be better to shift dates or change target?”

“We’ve waited too long already,” Lysandre’s voice replied. “The more we put it off the more likely that we will face greater opposition.”

“But now that Giovanni’s minions are onto us…”

“I’m sure he’s moving more in as we speak. Waiting will only give him more time to spirit them into Kalos under our collective nose.”

“If they tip off the police?”

“They have no proof save documents they could have easily written themselves.”

“So, no changes?”

“Proceed with the operation as planned. And keep your eyes open for Team Rocket.”

“Yes sir.”


Celestia watched and listened for some time afterwards, but was rewarded with only the sound of Hoothoot and Noctowl calling out through the night air. Eventually, she caught the sound of two different sets of footsteps crushing fallen leaves, going in opposite directions. One was lighter and swifter, while the other moved with a slower and more purposeful gate. Celestia decided that the latter would be Lysandre. After a quick internal debate, she decided to tail him again, just to see if he would do anything else she should know about.

As she followed in the air, Celestia pondered whether or not it would be a good idea to jump the man on the spot. Even with only one reliable attack, she was still stronger and likely to get the drop on him before he could call out a Pokemon. If he was the driving force behind whatever Team Flare intended to do, perhaps taking him out would put an end to the whole situation before it could truly begin.

But… then what would she do? Kill him? On the basis of half-heard whispers and likely exaggerated rumors of an ultimate weapon? Premonitions were valuable, but they weren’t exactly considered admissible proof by the Equestrian legal system. She still didn’t have a positive confirmation of the existence of a Dark Ball in Lysandre’s possession. The most she had was probable intent to rob a factory which, while criminal, was not worthy of a summary and impromptu execution. Capital punishment was for the worst of the worst, in extreme situations – at times she had flirted with banning it entirely.

Attempt to imprison him? She couldn’t, not here, and from Alakazam’s reaction the legal authorities weren’t likely to believe the word of a random Pokemon against his. Hand him over to Team Rocket? She wasn’t sure how much she trusted them, even if they believed her conviction of the man’s identity. The trio she was with seemed mostly alright, but this Giovanni might be another matter. It wouldn’t be morally right to deliver someone into an unknown fate like that. It was a question of the ends justifying the means, and for the moment Celestia made the executive decision that they didn’t.

Thought the princess followed Lysandre from a distance as he walked out of the forest and back to Laverre, she didn’t see anything more suspicious. He stopped at a cafe, ordered a pastry and warm milk, tipped generously, and then returned to his hotel. Shortly thereafter, he closed the curtains and the lights went out in his room. Though Celestia kept a vigil for nearly an hour, no more activity was evident.

Eventually, feeling tired, the princess sighed and took flight, giving up for the night. She needed to get some rest. But first, Team Rocket needed to hear what she had learned.

As the moon hung high overhead, Luna continued her journey through the dark and murky swamp. It had been almost an hour since she had been poisoned by Vileplume, and the effects by now were thoroughly set in. Her heart beat faster and faster inside her chest, forcing the princess to pant just to keep herself oxygenated. Her muscles burned with every expansion and contraction, as though being eaten alive from within. Her legs quivered and threatened to give out, with only willpower and adrenaline to keep them going. Most alarmingly, Luna’s vision was starting to blur, fading in and out in random segments. No matter how much she blinked her eyes to try and clear them, they continued to deteriorate. Even the insect cloud was now gone, as if sensing her polluted blood and refusing to drink it.

Though her limbs were aching and her body cried out for rest, Luna knew that had no choice but to press on. That Haunter – may the gods forever curse her name – had been right. The princess could feel the Vileplume’s toxins coursing through her bloodstream, eating into more of her flesh with every passing minute. Had she had her magic, Luna had spells enough to neutralize any kind of venom imaginable, and some that weren’t (except by Discord). As it was, the princess feared that if she laid herself down to rest, she would never wake up again. That wasn’t, of course, to say that she hadn’t been trying to magically cure herself along the way.

“Come on… Come on…” Luna’s eyes were screwed shut as she tried to focus her power into her horn. “Come on…” She gritted her teeth. “Urrrrrrggggghhhhhh…”

Nothing happened.

BAH!” Luna threw her hooves up in disgust, then immediately regretted it as the muscles inside burned and screamed. More infuriated now than ever but lacking a tangible target to turn herself against, she spitefully crushed a random reed as she passed. It was just so frustrating! She still had her power deep within herself, she could feel it. With the right spell, it could turned inwards to sear the poison from her veins and restore her to her full glory. But it just. Wouldn’t. WORK!

Snarling, Luna crashed indiscriminately through the riverside forestry, scattering enormous insectile creatures and little water-bound things alike. She had to find help. It was, however damaging to her pride, the only solution she could think of at the moment. Sapient creatures existed on this world. There must be a civilization somewhere – or at least someone who would know how to deal with this poison. And something for the Haunter presently flashing her what she presumed to be an obscene gesture from the river’s opposite bank would be nice too.

From the forces of frustration and wounded pride, tinged with the slightest bit of fear, the princess found the energy to redouble her efforts. Dulled vision hampered her ability to work around obstacles, so she compensated by simply smashing through them like a wrecking ball. Whatever had been done to her magic, her strength remained. Luna crushed paths through the muddy reeds, shoved aside rocks half as large as herself, and at one point crossed a ravine by kicking a tree down over it. Throughout the whole endeavor her body was wracked with pain and occasional spams, but she endured it with all the patient stoicism of one who has endured a thousand years of solitude on a barren rock. Luna’s pride would not permit anything less.

The princess didn’t know how long she kept up her impromptu demolition derby, partially from inattention and partially because of the blinding agony coursing through her. She couldn’t afford to pay attention to much that wasn’t directly in front of her, and so she didn’t. It therefore came as something of a shock to her when she heard another’s voice.

“Sweet Arceus in heaven, lady!” it shouted in a strangely chirping tone. “What in the blazes are you doing?!”

“Huh?” Luna paused mid-step, her head swiveling towards this newcomer.

Squinting against the blurring and random flashes of color plaguing her vision, she managed to make out what looked to be a large, four-limbed white insect. Its front two limbs were brown and clawed, with its two hind ones resembling more typical insect legs. It also sported a pair of tiny wings that were buzzing irritably.

“Who… are you?” she asked, finding her voice surprisingly weak and scratchy.

“Name’s Nincada. Now, what the heck are you doing to my burrow!”

“Your burrow?”

“You just knocked over the tree I had built it in!” Nincada’s tiny wing buzzed furiously, though they did not lift it from the ground.

“…Oh,” Luna paused, her toxin-riddled brain seeming hesitant to think too fast. “Wait!” her face brightened. “You can help me!”

“Why would I do that?!” its tone was incredulous. “You just ruined my home and now I have to go and dig a new one before molting season! You have any idea how much work went into that! I should just give you a taste of my Metal Claw right now! Yeah!” Nincada stepped forward, raising one brown claw at Luna, which quickly turned silver. “Now you had better-”

“Let me see if I understand you: you run into a being more than quadruple your size, capable of flattening your home without even noticing. And your first response… is to threaten this being?”


“Can you really see that ending well for you?”

“Well I-”

“And I should add that I’m in quite the bad mood tonight. Giving me a target for my anger isn’t likely to do you any favors.”

“Well… when you put it like that…” Nincada took an uneasy step backwards.

“On the other hoof, if you’ll cooperate I give you my word that I will help you restore your dwelling place.”

“Wait…” Nincada’s antennae twitched. “Really?”

“’Tis only just,” Luna confirmed with a nod, despite the sharp jab of pain that went through her neck. “A princess should honor her debts.”

“You’re not just going to try and eat me?”

Eat a sapient creature!” Luna’s face was aghast. “What do you take us for, some kind of monstrous barbarian?!”

“Well…” Nincada glanced behind her, at the crushed remains of its burrow.

Luna sighed and opened her jaw to display her teeth. “Herbivore.”

“…Looks that way,” it said after a quick look. “Alright, what kind of help do you need?”

“I’m looking for medical attention. I was attacked and poisoned by someone called Vileplume and I need you to show me the nearest-”

“Oh,” Nincada interrupted. “Just poisoned? That’s all?” Its mouth parts clicked.

“It’s no small matter! I may well be dying!”

“Meh,” Nincada held its claws up as if shrugging. “It’s not a big deal.”

“Why you little…” Luna snarled and started forward. An attentive observer would have noticed a slight sharpening of her wing feathers.

Nincada backpedaled hurriedly. “No, wait!” it called out, displaying empty claws. “I mean it isn’t a big deal because it can be cured easily!”

The princess paused. “It can?”

“Yes! Yes!” Nincada nodded frantically. “There’s a Pecha Berry tree not a quarter of a mile from here! That can heal you!”

“You’re certain of this?”

“Absolutely! Pecha Berries can easily cure any kind of poison! It’s just a little one, but it has a couple of fruits on it.”

“If they’re so valuable, why hasn’t anyone else eaten them?”

“They would have, ‘cept,” Nincada brushed a claw across its chest and looked at it. “Only I know where it is, see? But if you’ll help me rebuild my burrow – and not squish me – I’ll show you where it is.”

Luna considered briefly. It could be a trick – this Nincada had a good reason to be angry with her, to try and lead her to her doom. On the other hoof, the pounding of her increasingly-frantic heart and the burning she could feel from inside reminded her that she hadn’t much to lose. Nincada was the only native she’d yet encountered that didn’t attack her on sight, and it said that it had a cure. There was no guarantee she’d find any others before the poison claimed her.

“Very well. Take me to this tree.”

“Come on, come on,” Nincada said as it scurried through the underbrush. “Move along, lady!”

“It’s Luna,” the princess said as she trampled another bush. “And I’m going as fast as I can!”

“Yeah, well maybe you could try not being a great lumbering Snorlax and destroying everything in sight.”

“I… don’t see so well,” Luna lied slightly. She didn’t want this creature to think her too weakened by the poison.

“Yeah, well don’t blame me if you get the local Houndoom on your trail.” Nincada clicked. “Course, they prefer the drier bits of the forest, but still…”

“How much further?”

“I’d say… about ten feet to your left, oh sightless wonder.”

Luna gritted her teeth to check the impulse to snap back. Instead, she glanced to her left as indicated, but saw nothing but a green-black blur filled with oddly-shaped blobs. Shaking her head and blinking restored the slightest bit of clarity, allowing her to distinguish individual trees.

“Which one is it?”

“What, you’ve never seen a Pecha Berry tree before?” Nincada’s tone was incredulous.

“Please, just tell me.”

“The one with the half-dozen pink berries hanging from it, what do you think?”

“…And which one is that?”

“What, do I have to spoon-feed you?!” the little bug creature scattered to the base of one of the blobs. “This one!”

“Thank you.” Luna started towards it.

“How did you even survive this long if you can’t even-”

Nincada was cut off by what appeared to Luna to be a passing flash of purple that made her fur stand on end. There was a small explosion, and then the princess felt a few hot twigs bouncing off of her coat. Her ears pricked up at the sound of all too familiar mocking laughter.

“Hahahaha!” Haunter laughed from somewhere. “Nice try, little morsel.”

“EAT HER!” Nincada screamed. The next moment, Luna heard it skittering through the undergrowth in the opposite direction.

“You coward,” Luna growled under her breath.

“So close, and yet so far,” Haunter taunted. “Too bad, looks like you’re going to die after all.”

“Come out and face me, you cowering wretch!” Luna shouted into the wind. “Even now I do not fear you!”

“Let me think about that. Hmmm… Nah! Hahahahahahaha!”

With that, Haunter was gone.


Hours passed, or so it seemed to Princess Luna. Her body continued to deteriorate as Vileplume’s toxins ate away at it. Every step now sent lances of pain up her legs and through her chest, muscles worn almost to the breaking point. Her vision was all but gone, the world around her reduced to random blotches and flashes of color that offered no real sense of anything, much less direction. Eventually she shut them altogether and navigated by her other senses as best she could.

She fell on her face a lot.

Though the princess continued on and on, her pride and determination to find a way home driving her to ignore pain and sweet cry of rest, there was nothing she could find. Without any knowledge of the area she was at a loss for any direction. If there were any other sapients about besides the accursed Haunter, deceased Vileplume, and cowardly Nincada, Luna did not find them. Even finding the massive river again proved a formidable challenge, though at least its cool waters quenched her thirst.

Despite all the pain, despite all the misery, and despite the increasing sense of hopelessness that began to beset her, Luna refused to give in to the part of her that wanted to give up. She was a Diarch of Equestria, Princess of the Moon, Maiden of Dreams, and Vanquisher of the Wicked! She refused to simply lie down and die, no matter what the situation. She would keep going until the last embers of her eternal life faded into cold nothingness.

It was after an indeterminate length of time had passed that gloomy realization sunk in: she was probably going to die here. She, Princess Luna, after all her trials and tribulation, face-offs with the greatest of villains and heroes alike, was going to be killed by poison in another dimension. There was no story to it, no dramatic conclusion, not even a proper burial to reward a life well lived. Just the random dance of predator and prey in world she was not meant to be in and did not understand. Her body would be defiled and consumed. The mere thought of it was… it was…

Luna sank to her knees, then collapsed to the ground altogether. She laid her head gingerly on the damp leaves of the forest floor, and waited.

She did not have to wait long.

Slowly but surely the wind began to pick up. It grew colder, more whispering and malevolent. Laughter hissed through it and into the princess’ ears, malicious and triumphant. At length, it began to speak.

“So,” said Haunter. “You’re finally done. I’ll admit you’ve lasted longer than any other prey I’ve chosen in a long time, but in the end Haunter always gets her way. So,” the creature’s voice got louder. “Now I get to find out what your life force tastes like,” there was a note of anticipation in her tone. “I haven’t tried a new flavor in so long.”

The sound grew closer and closer, until Luna could virtually hear Haunter breathing on top of her.

“I know you can hear me in there,” a cold, clammy claw descended onto Luna’s shoulder. “And so before the end I want you to know-”

She never got the opportunity to finish, for that was exactly what Luna had been waiting for.

With a sudden, wild burst of energy, Luna burst upwards and grabbed for what she calculated had to be Haunter’s central body. It was freezing, clammy, and vaguely insubstantial in her forelegs, but somehow they found a grip. Luna rolled over on the spot, pinning the surprising, writhing Haunter underneath her body.

“GAH!” Haunter screamed. “Get off of me! Damn Dark types to the deepest-”

“If I die here,” Luna’s expression was pure rage. “YOU DIE WITH ME!

With that, Luna plunged one hoof down at Haunter. Raw and unfettered emotion leant it strength, bizarre new rules leant it magic. The upshot was, when it connected, it did so with all the force of a runaway freight train.

Luna’s hoof burst straight through Haunter and out the other side, diving deep into the marshy ground below them both. Her enemy screamed and writhed underneath her, swinging desperately at the princess’ flanks with its claws. It did her no good – Luna simply jammed her horn into the Haunter as well. She gave off one last unearthly shriek, and then there was an immense explosion of icy-cold wind. The sheer force of the localized hurricane was enough to strip trees bare, scour the earth, and send Luna sprawling into the mud.

The princess waited for her foe to pounce. And waited. And waited.

Gradually, it dawned on her that Haunter wasn’t coming back again. Whatever she had just done, it had been enough to put the creature down – or so she hoped. In any case, she was alone again. That was good enough.

Luna attempted to rise. And then attempted it a second time. A third. A fourth. A fifth. By the thirty-seventh, she was starting to get the hint. Her body was finally succumbing to the toxin, shutting down utterly in defiance of her wishes. Perhaps her own use of power against Haunter had sped up the process.

She didn’t regret it.

Throughout her seemingly-endless life, Luna had never really contemplated death in a personal sense. It had always seemed to her that she was destined to live alongside her sister until the end of the world itself and beginning of the next. She had been injured before, and badly too, but the possibility of dying had never seemed as imminent as it did in that moment.

That didn’t mean she was going to blubber and beg fate for more time. On the contrary, Luna spent her last few breaths whispering prayers to the gods above, asking them to watch over her sister and her nation, now that she no longer could. This done, Luna allowed herself to relax and take in the surprisingly peaceful sounds of the nighttime.

The last sound she heard before the darkness of unconsciousness claimed her was that of footsteps and a thin voice.

“…here! This… pretty badly!”

Then her eyes rolled back in her head, and she knew no more.

By the time Celestia returned to Team Rocket’s camp the moon was high in the sky, the fire was burning low and most of the team were curled up in their sleeping bags. Save for James.

“Where have you been?!” he demanded, pointing a finger at her. “You can’t just go running off like that!”

“Actually I can. Further, I can leave at any time. I am not a servant, nor a child,” Celestia paused. “And why am I even bothering to reply? I know you can’t understand me. Do I just enjoy hearing myself talk?”

“Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?! It’s dangerous out there! I was on the verge of running off into the forest after you!”

“I apologize for causing you concern,” Celestia dipped her head a little. “But I had a good reason for it,” she pointed a hoof at Meowth, curled up tight by the fire. “I suggest you wake him so I can tell you. Your master will want to know this, I think.”

“Uh, you want to wake Meowth?”

Celestia nodded.

James sweatdropped. “Um… that may not be possible. He can get a little… cranky when someone gets him up early.”

Celestia sighed. “Then I will wake him.” She took a few steps over, ignoring James’ uneasy expression, and gently tapped Meowth with one silky-soft feather. “Meowth,” she whispered softly. “It’s time to-”

“HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT MY CAT NAP?!” he screamed out of nowhere, leaping up to grab Celestia’s muzzle. “TASTE MY FURY SWIPES!!!”

Meowth’s claws shot out and lit up with a bright silvery glow. He raked them across Celestia’s face in swift, diagonal motion, cutting thin lines of red across her snow-white fur. That lasted about a second before the princess’ eyes lit up and a golden glow held the cat Pokemon suspended in the air.

“That was uncalled for!” Celestia snapped, rubbing her stinging face with a hoof.

“DA HECK IT WAS!” Meowth yelled, struggling against her Psychic. “YOU DISRUPTED MY BEAUTY SLEEP! YOU MUST DIE!!!”

In the background, James was waving his hands and looking embarrassed. “Sorry,” he said. “Meowth gets this way sometimes, especially if he’s having nightmares.”

“So I see…” Celestia muttered.

“What is going on here?!” Jessie was rising from her own sleeping bags, rubbing her eyes. “Can’t you great lummoxes keep quiet for just one night?!”

“Sorry! Sorry!” James held up his hands. “It’s just that Celestia had something to say and she needed to wake Meowth and…”

“And it couldn’t wait until morning?” Jessie stretched her arms and yawned.

“Uh…” James sweatdropped. “I don’t know yet.”

“Well then hurry it up and get on with it! Some of us have important beauty sleep to attend to!”

“Meowth, care to-”


“Grrr…” Jessie gritted her teeth and marched up to Meowth. “You listen here, you little furball! I have just been rudely pulled from my bed by your incessant screaming!” she grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. “Seviper made me mad the day I captured him. Do you want to make me mad?”

“Ummm… no?”


Jessie tossed Meowth to the ground. He landed nimbly on his feet, grimacing and rubbing his neck.

“Alright, alright,” he said. “Geez lousie.” Meowth turned to Celestia and put a hand on his hip. “So, whadaya got ta say, “princess”?”

“I believe that I have determined the identity of Team Flare’s leader, or at least a high-ranking figure.”

“Uh huh,” Meowth looked skeptical. “Go on.”

“The man Lysandre, the proprietor of Lysandre Labs, is involved with your enemies. Just this evening I observed him giving orders relating presumably to the upcoming strike against the Poke Ball Factory. Your stolen documents and your master Giovanni were explicitly mentioned. Lysandre ordered them to proceed as planned, with specific instructions to watch out for Team Rocket.”

“Well Meowth,” Jessie demanded the instant Celestia stopped talking. “What did it say?”

“It’s sayin’ dat the Lysandre Labs guy is in deep with Team Flare. Claimin’ it saw him givin’ orders about the Poke Ball Factory tonight. And dat dey know Team Rocket is onto ‘em.”

“Lysandre’s with Team Flare?!” James looked shocked.

“Well, it would explain the tacky hairstyle…” Jessie mused.

“And I also saw him in possession of a Dark Ball yesterday, though I admit that I cannot confirm this. By the time I saw him next, it no longer appeared to be in his possession.”

“Ahahahahaha!” Meowth laughed. “Now I know she’s makin’ it up!”

“Why?” Jessie asked.

“Cause she’s sayin’ dat she saw Lysandre with a Dark Ball!” Meowth chuckled. “Does were all destroyed years ago!”

“A Dark Ball?” James said. “You’re certain?”

“I admit that I cannot be 100% sure of what it was,” Celestia admitted. “But I do trust my… intuitions.”

“Well I don’t,” Meowth crossed his arms and waved one hand airily in Celestia’s direction. “Dis broad is clearly havin’ another one of her episodes, so I say we just go back to bed and leave her ta talk to da grass or whatever else she feels like doin’.” He turned around and began walking back towards the fire.

“Really?” Celestia’s tone was flat. “You of all people?”

“Hmmm?” Meowth’s ears twitched and he glanced back.

“After stealing my idea for searching the briefcase, then ignoring my advice on the wind to your friend’s peril, you’re simply to brush off what I have to say about this?”

Meowth’s expression said nothing.

“Think about it. Do I seem insane to you? Am I some kind of raving lunatic or compulsive liar? Think what you will about my origins, but at the very least you must admit to yourself that my observational skills are not lacking,” Celestia spread her wings. “Please, consider. What have I to gain by lying to you? Why would I wish to oppose your mission to protect the world from devastation? Please, just believe me when I tell you that Lysandre is involved with Team Flare, and that he was carrying a Dark Ball.”

Meowth hesitated, glancing back and forth between the princess and the ground.

Celestia’s own gaze quickly caught his. As they stared, she invited him in, imploring the cat Pokemon to see the truthfulness in her eyes. It was an old, non-magical diplomatic ploy she’d perfected millennia ago. The two Pokemon stared at one another for some seconds, Jessie and James just looking on in confusion.

At last, Meowth broke the eye contact.

“Guys,” he said. “I think I believe her dis time.”


“You’re sure?”

“I don’t think she’s lyin’ about dis,” Meowth sighed before clenching a fist. “We gotta tell da boss.”

“You are certain?” Giovanni’s projected image said, almost an hour later. “Lysandre, a member of Team Flare?”

“We have it on good authority that he is at the least involved in directing their operations in the vicinity of Laverre City, sir,” Jessie answered.

“Then he and his company will need to be tagged for surveillance by other assets,” Giovanni said. “You did well to notice this. But… a Dark Ball? You are absolutely sure of this?”

“Our intelligence there is… less clear,” James admitted. “The witness sighting cannot be confirmed.”

“It is hard to credit,” Team Rocket’s leader stroked his Persian. “Those were supposed have been destroyed years ago. To hear of one popping up now… in Kalos of all places…” he shook his head. “It is not something that one would expect to hear. One might almost think you were lying to me.”

Jessie, James, and Meowth shrank back from the screen a little.

“Fortunately,” Giovanni continued after a brief pause. “I don’t believe you three to be the type of agents who would make up such a wildly implausible story. If you say that it could have been a Dark Ball, I am inclined to take you at your word.”

“Thanks a million, boss!” Meowth said, fists clenched and stars in his eyes. “Ya won’t regret dis, I promise!”

“I should hope not.”

There was a pause in the conversation while Giovanni stroked his Persian with one hand, putting two fingers of the other on his chin. The trio’s boss considered for about thirty seconds by Celestia’s count before continuing.

“The question now becomes, what do we do about this?” he mused. “I think it is clear that if Team Flare has indeed come into possession of a Dark Ball, then the upcoming move on the Poke Ball Factory must be related. The most likely scenario is that they wish to use the machinery there to replicate it in bulk. At full capacity that factory can create hundreds of Poke Balls of any synthetic design per hour,” he sat up straight, gaze firm. “They must not be allowed to succeed in creating a run of Dark Balls.”

“What do ya want us ta do, boss?” Meowth asked.

“I will be sending more agents in the region to the vicinity of Laverre immediately,” said Giovanni. “To be placed under your temporary command. Your success so far has convinced to allow you to take the lead in this operation.”

“Really?!” all three gasped in perfect unison.

He nodded.

“THANK YOU BOSS!!!” they cheered.

“You will keep the factory under constant surveillance. Be aware that Team Flare likely has spies among the workers, and plan accordingly. The night before they are due to strike, I want you to move in and sabotage all of the factory’s vital components. There is no sense in taking chances. And then, when they do attack, take your men and ambush them. Bring as many as possible back alive.”

“Sir yes sir!”


Twilight Sparkle’s bone dry throat hissed with slow, raspy breathing. Her body lay flat and unmoving against a mattress, plugged into half a dozen fluid sacks and vital sign monitors. To an outside observer, nothing appeared to have changed – the strange new Pokemon was as unresponsive as ever. Had these outsiders been possessed of telepathic abilities, they would have seen a different picture.

Twilight’s mind was abuzz with activity. Ever since finally shaking off the last aftereffects of the poison and regaining a semblance of mental normalcy, she had been feverishly processing her data, reprocessing, and making plans. Circumstances: she was, once again, in an unknown world where magic apparently didn’t function. Observation: this world appeared to be far more dangerous than that of Canterlot High. Observation: she had no effective means of self-defense here. Observation: after being brought down by the dogs, she was in a bed with medical devices attached. Conclusion: some the natives must be at least amendable to her continued existence. Solution: Befriend or bargain with them.

It wasn’t exactly a difficult decision. She needed to survive this world, find Princesses Celestia and Luna, and get them all safely home, in that order. Native help would be invaluable, perhaps instrumental – her prior dimensional jaunts had certainly provided evidence for that. Idly, she wondered whether or not her friends might have counterparts in this dimension as well. Certainly something to keep eye out for. But whether they did or they didn’t, Twilight was firmly convinced that the best way forward from here was to obtain native cooperation. There was just one little snag in her plan: she still couldn’t move.

Ah well, no time like the present.

Twilight began by trying to simply flick an ear around. She could vaguely hear the sounds of nearby medical devices, such as what she assumed to be a heartrate monitor, so it seemed a good place to start. Around half an hour later, she decided that opening an eyes to gather visual data might be a better solution. So she pulled and willed and called on all the mighty magicks she had to force the lid of left eye to reveal onto her the secrets of this world. It… didn’t go so well.

This might take longer than she thought.

Many miles distant, in the forest north of Laverre City, Celestia was watching Jessie, James, and Meowth marching up and down in front of half a dozen men and women in black Team Rocket uniforms, doing their level best to look stern and imperious. For her part, the princess just thought they looked ridiculous – they might as well be wearing generalissimo outfits with chests full of medals.

“Alright, ya slackers!” Meowth snapped, pointing at one of them at random. “Stand up straight! Pay attention when we’re talkin’ to ya!”

The six grunts snapped to attention, their face-obscuring hats making them look almost identical. The only real differences in uniform that Celestia could see were between the sexes. Women got longer boots and a skirt, the men wore pants and shorter boots that didn’t quite reach up to their knees.

“Listen up!” Jessie ordered, curling one hand into a fist. “We’ve got a mission straight from the boss, and we’re counting on you to help us make it happen! Got it?!”

There were vague mumbles of assent.


“MA’AM, YES MA’AM!” they shouted back at her.

“That’s better,” Jessie folded her arms and smiled. “James?”

“Right,” Celestia’s “trainer” sank to one knee and activated a small device. It flared into life, displaying a three-dimensional projection of a multi-building industrial complex surrounded mostly by forest. “This facility is the Laverre City Poke Ball Factory, the location of our operation. Intelligence indicates that Team Flare will be arriving here in force in matter of days. Our mission is to make sure that they don’t get back out.”

“I’ll take it from here!” Meowth butted in. “See, da boss thinks that these Flare weirdos is tryin’ ta recreate da Dark Ball in bulk right here. We gotta make sure dat don’t happen!” he clenched a fist. “Step one is watchin’ dat place like a Braviary watchin’ a Magikarp!” Red dots appeared on the hologram, surrounding the complex. “So we’re assignin’ you six into three teams of two and settin’ ya ta keepin’ yer eyes peeled on three of da biggest entrances. You two will be takin’ dis one,” he pointed. “You two dat one, and da last two dis one over here.”

“Pardon me sir,” one of the grunts spoke up. “But aren’t we a little too few to cover that much ground on our own?”

“If the boss says we can do it, then we can do it!” Jessie snapped at him.

“Also, the Team Rocket presence in the Kalos region is relatively small,” James elaborated. “Reinforcements are on the way, but they will take some days to arrive.”

“Now, as I was sayin’,” Meowth once again seized the initiative. “Do any of ya have any flyin’ Pokemon?”

“I have a Golbat,” a woman said.

“Does a Doduo count?” another asked.

“Not really.”

“But it’s still a Flying-type Pokemo-”

“A Pokemon what can’t fly ain’t a Flyin’ type!” Meowth huffed. “And dat’s dat. Now shut yer yap and listen ta me,” he cleared his throat. “Dose of you with flyin’ Pokemon – by which I mean just you,” he pointed at the woman with the Golbat. “Will be sendin’ it up ta check da forest around ya on a regular basis. If anybody’s hangin’ out in da woods, we wanna know about it pronto.”

“Yes,” James said. “Now, your objective while in the surveillance phase is simply to note who goes in an out, as well as when. Keep in mind that the factory is highly automated, so there shouldn’t be too many people there at once. We have the names and faces of actual employees on file to help you with this task. Alert us at once if there’s an unusual concentration of people or unfamiliar faces.”

“And make sure you keep out of sight!” Jessie added. “This whole operation culminates in an ambush, and we don’t those red-suited freaks knowing anything about what we’re planning.”

“They may have spies inside the facility already,” James continued. “The boss suspects as much. Now then, stage two will be sabotaging the factory’s assembly line. We don’t want to risk Team Flare managing to produce any Dark Balls, so the plan is to hit the factory ourselves the night before. We’ll be taking out the following targets,” several green dots lit up inside the projected factory. “These are the local generators powering the assembly line. Take them out, and no one will be able to produce anything in there for days.”

“So why are we waiting?” asked one grunt. “Why not just destroy them now?”

“Because we want the enemy to break in, moron!” Jessie got right in his face. “Team Rocket won’t gain anything from this unless we actually capture Team Flare’s agents and the sample Dark Ball they’re bound to bring with them! They won’t attack if they know that the factory’s just deadweight anyway!”

“As my two fellows are notin’,” Meowth resumed. “Our third an’ finally phase is ta wait for the Flare bozos ta stumble right on in, den pounce on ‘em from behind. Giovanni wants dem brought in alive for questionin’, and their Dark Ball ta be destroyed. We’ll be fillin’ ya in more on dat part when more of ya get here and we’re about ready to catch em in our net,” he looked up and down the short line of Rocket grunts. “Any more questions?”

No one said anything.

“Good! Den get to it!”

“Yes sir!”

Twilight was several hours into her attempts force her body to function, and by her own analysis wasn’t making any. She’d tried opening her eyes, flicking an ear, opening her mouth, moving a leg, twitching a wing, and channeling magic through her horn. All had ended in the same failure. It was getting to be quite frustrating and, even more so, worrying.

Was she more injured than she thought? Had the demon beasts done permanent, crippling damage to her? Was she doomed to the miserable life of a conscious vegetable on a hospital bed? More importantly, what about the other princesses? Were they alright? Had they found some civilization? Or were they still stuck in the same dark forest with the devil dogs… or worse?

Twilight’s body shivered slightly. No, she wouldn’t think like that. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were powerful alicorns with millennia of experience. They could take care of themselves! But they were all still be lost in an alien world, and who knew what could be happening back in Equestria. Sure, Celestia had been more adamant about creating a reserve structure after she and Luna had been abducted by the plunderseeds, but who was left to govern? Shining, Cadence, and Blueblood? To raise the sun? Cadence and court wizards? What if the nation were attacked? What if her friends were in trouble?! What if Sweet Apple Acres went out of business? What if an army of Diamond Dogs had sacked the Crystal Empire? What if Discord had betrayed them again and Tirek returned and teamed up with Queen Chrysalis and Starlight Glimmer to-

She had to do something!

Twilight’s mind squirmed and squiggled, trying desperately to force open unwilling eyes. Despite all her efforts, they still stubbornly refused to be moved. It made Twilight want to scream in frustration – to do anything, really. Her body felt more like a prison than a part of herself, which only served to fuel her rising panic and wild suppositions. Her brain flailed wildly, clutching for any straw that would help her. One grasping tendril happened to grasp her internal well of power, and…

Twilight’s eyelids shone purple, then slid open.

She almost immediately wished that she hadn’t. There was a blinding glare overhead that made her want to squeeze her eyes shut and stuff her head under a pillow. Lacking the immediate capacity to do that, she glanced in another direction. It took her eyes some time to adjust, but when they did she found herself staring at what was indisputably a heartrate monitor. The language on it was foreign and the machine visibly distinct from its Equestrian counterparts, but there was still no mistaking. Beyond the machine was light green room with a blue tiled, containing another medical and…

An egg-shaped pink-white blob with tiny legs?

The bizarre pink creature was doing something at the other bed, its bulk shielding the occupant from Twilight’s gaze. It was recognizably humming to itself, and soon she saw it reach for a roll of medical bandages with one extremely stubby pink arm. A few minutes passed, then it put the tiny arms (with no visible hands) on its hips.

“Well,” it said in a cheerful, distinctly feminine voice. “We’re all done for today! I’m sure you’ll make a full recovery soon, Mr. Beedrill! Your burns should be gone in no time!” it patted the bed’s occupant with one arm. “Now then,” it turned around and started towards Twilight. “For our mystery patient! Da da da da da da- Oh?”

The creature’s disproportionately small eyes made contact with Twilight’s own. They stared at one another briefly, before the pink-white creature blinked.

“You’re awake!” it clasped tiny arms together. “That’s wonderful! Master will want to know right away!” it began to run as best it could towards the door. “Don’t worry, dearie,” it said right before it left. “I’ll be right back! Professor Oak will be thrilled to meet you!”

Elsewhere, Laverre City Gym was alight with cheering crowds and clashing energies of a Pokemon battle. Valerie, the Gym Leader, was engaged in a fierce struggle with Ash Ketchum for the prize of the Fairy Badge. After half an hour’s combat, each was down to their last allowed Pokemon, creating an appropriately climactic atmosphere.

“Sylveon!” Valerie commanded her white and pink quadrupedal Pokemon. “Use Disarming Voice!”

“Syyylll…” it opened its mouth wide. “Veon!” a rapidly expanding beam of purple hearts shot out.

“Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!”

“Chuuu!” Pikachu’s cheeks crackled, and then he unleashed a massive bolt of yellow electricity.

The two energy streams met roughly in the center, pushing roughly against one another. Sylveon and Pikachu visibly strained themselves, pouring in all their power in an attempt to overwhelm their opponent. For a handful of heartbeats, the two appeared to be evenly matched – and then both attacks exploded, filling the gym with choking grey smoke.

“Giga Impact!” Valerie’s voice shouted through it.

“Dodge, and use Iron Tail!” Ash commanded, not a moment too soon.

Sylveon burst through the smoke cloud, enveloped in light purple and yellow energy. Moving far faster than anything its size had any right to, it tore across the gym floor directly at Pikachu. The yellow Pokemon held his ground, not moving one inch as the opponent drew closer. At the very last second, he jumped, tail aglow with silvery energy. Pikachu passed directly over the tips of Sylveon’s ears – then slammed his tail into the back of its head.

Steel attacks are normally super effective against Fairy-types like Sylveon, and in this case Sylveon’s own tremendous momentum worked against it. Unable to maintain balance or control the tremendous energy of Giga Impact, it slammed face first into the floor, skidding and bouncing like some rubber ball. By the time it rolled up virtually to Ash’s feet, Sylveon was twitching and moaning softly.

“Sylveon, no!” Valerie’s eyes were wide.

Ash and Pikachu stood waiting for the gym leader’s Pokemon to regain its feet. As they seconds ticked by, however, it became clear that it wasn’t about to any time soon.

“Sylveon is unable to battle!” the referee declared with just a hint of reluctance. “The winner of the battle and the match is Ash Ketchum!”

“Alright!” Ash smiled as Pikachu leapt into his open arms. “We did it buddy!”

“Pikachu!” Pikachu cheered happily after scurrying up onto his trainer’s shoulder.

“You did a good job, Sylveon,” Valerie said with a faint smile, holding a Poke Ball between the two massive, all-covering sleeves of her outfit. “Return, and have a nice long rest. You deserve it.”

Sylveon quickly vanished back into its Poke Ball in a flash of red. One of Valerie’s many female employees walked up to her as she somehow managed to put it away without showing her hands. Valerie plucked something small and shiny from the tray the woman offered her, before striding across the field towards Ash.

“This is the Fairy Badge,” she said, offering him a tiny design of pink and gold. “It’s proof of your victory against me, and one of the eight you will need in order to enter the Kalos League.”

“Thanks a lot!” Ash took the badge from her, holding it up high. “I got – a Fairy Badge!” he yelled holding it up high.

“Pi Pikachu!”

A short while later, Ash, Serena, Bonnie, and Clemont exited the gym, the former filled with smiles and confidence.

“Just you wait!” he said, hands behind his head and a confident grin on his face. “Six badges down, two more to go! I’m gonna be the Kalos League Champion for sure! I can feel it!”

“Pikachu!” Pikachu nodded, pumping his own fist.

“I’m sure you’ll go far, Ash,” Serena said.

“I would agree,” said a deeper voice from behind them.

“Huh?” As one, the group turned around. Standing there, with Laverre City’s Gym directly behind him, was a tall man in a fine suit with flaring red hair and well-groomed beard. He had one hand on his hip and a friendly smile on his face. Clemont and then Bonnie gasped slightly in recognition and then smiled themselves, while Ash and Serena looked stumped.

“I was watching your gym battle today,” the man said, starting forward. “And I have to say I was impressed. The bond you share with your Pokemon is evident.”

“Thanks, mister,” Ash said, scratching the back of his head before offering a hand. “In case you hadn’t heard, I’m Ash Ketchum.”

The man took Ash’s hand and shook it firmly. “A pleasure to meet you. My name is Lysandre.”


A short while later, the pink-white creature came back into Twilight’s room, tugging another figure by a lab coat. This had to be one of this dimension’s humans, Twilight decided. Yes, the proportions of his body were a bit different from those of her friends from Canterlot High and his skin color was far more muted, but even with those trivial distinctions his species was obvious enough.

The princess was, to a degree, pleased with the revelation that she was in human hands. She liked the species as a whole, and in particular their extremely efficient manner of digitally storing enormous amounts of data. With any luck this dimension’s humans would have something of that nature. They might not have been ponies, but she knew roughly where she stood, which was something.

The old man walked over to her bed and loomed high over her, smiling faintly.

“Hello,” he said. “I’m Professor Oak. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

So this man was the professor? Good. That should make gathering data far easier. Twilight would have returned his greeting, had she been able to move anything but her eyes. As it was, all she could do was roll them around in their sockets to show that she was awake.

“Yes…” Oak winced. “That’ll be the paralytics. Apologies for any inconvenience, but it’s standard practice to give a dose to severely injured Pokemon in hospital setting, particularly freshly-caught ones. A wounded Pokemon blindly lashing out in pain and fury can pose a severe risk to medical staff and other patients alike, you know.”

A Pokemon? What was that? Something worth learning about, the princess supposed. Twilight assumed that she was one now, though her physical form was unchanged. After transforming into a human twice in Canterlot High’s dimension, it seemed entirely plausible. A species change could also explain the non-functionality of her spells despite the continued presence of her inner reserves of power.

“Anyway… we had planned for the paralytic to be mostly worn off by the time you woke up, but it seems we underestimated the necessary dose of anesthetic. We haven’t treated a Pokemon of your species before, you see.”

Well, of course not. That at least explained why her body was so unresponsive. Good to know that it wasn’t due to some permanent crippling.

“Now, we can move your treatment schedule forward a bit and administer a counteragent to purge the paralytic from your body right now, but we will require you to remain in bed for some time and refrain from lashing out or attempting to escape.”

Fair enough, Twilight decided. She didn’t feel much like getting up at the moment anyway.

“If you can understand me and consent to those terms, please look up, then down, then back at me.”

Without hesitating, Twilight did so. Professor Oak smiled.

“Well that’s a relief. I’ve seen some Pokemon who had to be sedated virtually all the time for their safety and that of others,” he paused, hand over chin. “You know, I think I’ll have to tell you the story of the rampaging shiny Cottonee sometime.”

“That was a nightmare,” the pink creature commented.

“Blissey here will administer the counteragent,” he gestured at his pink sidekick. “As soon as she’s ready.”

“You got it, boss,” Blissey answered with a rather comical attempt at a salute, before walking back out the door.

“It should start taking effect within a few minutes,” Oak explained while they waited. “Full motor control should resume inside an hour. If you don’t mind, once it does I’d enjoy having a little chat with you.”

Twilight did not mind. Not one little bit.

Back in Laverre, introductions were ongoing.

“Ash, Serena,” Clemont said. “This man is Lysandre, founder and owner of Lysandre Labs, the company famous for creating the Holo Caster and advancing the march of science throughout the Kalos region! And that’s not all! He’s also famous for his charity work and passion for building a better world!”

“Oh, wow,” Ash said.

“You two know each other?” Serena asked.

“Oh yes,” Clemont answered. “You see, Lysandre Labs is based in Lumiose City. And I’m the Gym Leader there, after all. I couldn’t possibly ignore such a prominent and inspirational figure in our community!”

“You flatter me unduly,” Lysandre said, looking a little embarrassed. “I’m just one man with a dream, after all.”

“One man with a dream and the genius to see it done,” Clemont countered. “I’ve always admired your work.”

“Yet you’ve turned down all my invitations to come and work for my company. We could use a young man of your prodigious talent.”

“Gee, thanks,” Clemont scratched the back of his head. “But I don’t think I’m cut out for working at a corporation – even yours. Unfettered science has always been my one true passion!”

“I can respect that,” Lysandre nodded. “But the offer remains open, should you ever change your mind.”

“I’ll remember that.”

“Yes,” Lysandre said. “Now where were we? Ah yes, introductions,” he looked over at Serena and offered his hand. “You’re Serena, are you not?”

“I am,” she took it and shook.

“Now that we’re all acquainted, back to the reason I came,” he turned his gaze back to Ash. “I happened to be in Laverre Gym to witness your battle, and I came away impressed with the bond you share with your Pokemon – especially that Pikachu there. It was your first Pokemon, was it not?”

“Pika,” Pikachu nodded.

“Wow, that’s pretty good,” Ash said. “How did you know?”

“I have an eye for these things,” Lysandre answered, putting a fist over his heart and looking upwards. “My dream… my passion… my reason for existence to make this world of ours a truly beautiful place. And nothing is more beautiful than the bonds between people and the Pokemon that they train!” he glanced back down at Ash. “So you might say that I’ve trained myself to notice such tight bonds when they come along.”

“Thanks!” Ash clenched his own fist. “Pikachu and I are best buddies forever, right?”

“Pikachu!” the little yellow Pokemon pumped his fist.

“There are two types of people in this world, Ash Ketchum: those who give, and those who take. Unfortunately, there are many who seek to elevate themselves in life by taking from others, making this world a dark and ugly place.”

“I’ll say,” said Ash, thinking of a certain trio.

Lysandre clenched his fist. “They’re filth!” he barked with suprising vehemence. “Scum of the earth who do nothing but drag it down! In this beautiful but limited world we have, to selfishly take and take and take without giving back… it’s unforgivable!”

“Whoa,” the group took a slight step back from the tall man.

Lysandre glanced at them, then relaxed his hand and face. “Did I go off again?” he asked. “My apologies. My blood tends to get a little stirred up if I think about certain topics too much. Don’t worry though. I can see,” he smiled warmly, “that you are the type of people who give rather than take. So let me make it up to you.”

“Oh, there’s nothing to make up for,” Clemont assured him. “Your anger at bad guys just shows how devoted you are to improving the world.”

“But there is,” Lysandre insisted. “I’ve taken up quite a bit of your celebration time simply so you could listen to me rant,” he stroked his beard briefly. “Tell me, are you planning on staying in Laverre?”

“Well, we were kinda thinking of heading towards Anistar City soon,” Ash answered.

“For your seventh gym badge, correct?”

“That’s right.”

“Let me tell you what. If you’re willing to put off leaving the city for a few days, I can see to it that you’re put up in one of the local hotels,” Lysandre smiled. “Better than camping in the wilderness or sleeping in a Pokemon Center, I’d think. Take a few days off and reward your Pokemon and yourselves for a hard-earned victory. My treat.”

“Wow, really?”

“Of course,” he nodded.

“Thanks, but you don’t really need to do that,” Serena said.

“Yeah, we’re used to roughing it a bit,” Ash added. “No need to bother yourself about us.”

“Oh, it’s no bother at all. If you won’t take it as an apology for taking up your time, then consider it my way of rewarding your contributions to the world in my own small way. You and your Pokemon help make the world a little more beautiful every day. It’s only fair that you should get something in return.”

Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie looked at each other, then huddled up. A few seconds of hurried whispered discussion took place among them. Then, suddenly, it was over and they turned back to Lysandre.

“We talked about it,” Ash declared. “And we’ve decided we’re in!”

“Excellent,” Lysandre smiled. “Excellent.”

“Are you… are you being serious?” Professor Oak asked.

Twilight nodded.

It had been almost an hour since the paralytic’s grip had slackened, and then fallen away. Twilight had begun talking almost as soon as her jaw began working, only to find out that all Oak or other humans could hear when she spoke aloud was her own name and parts of it being repeated ad infinitum. Apparently, this was true for all species of Pokemon, which at least confirmed her hypothesis of species transformation.

Oak had brought in what looked to be a tall, thin, and frail humanoid in white dress. She had introduced herself as Gardevoir, and explained that she was capable of direct telepathic communication with human and, hence, translation. A useful skill. Twilight wondered if she could learn to do it.

With Gardevoir translating, Twilight had opted to lay most of her cards on the table. She didn’t have enough knowledge to fake being a denizen of this world even if she had wanted to, so she didn’t try. Instead, she told Professor Oak exactly what she was: an alicorn princess from another dimension, stranded here by accident and looking for a way home. She told the story of her journey through the dark forest and the devil beasts’ – she learned that they were called Houndoom, which she felt to be a totally appropriate designation – attack. She’d told him that she needed help to survive in a world like this one, and asked politely for assistance. The one thing that she hadn’t done was reveal the likely presence of Celestia and Luna in this world. She wasn’t ready to trust this stranger quite that much.

“It’s…” Oak hesitated. “Quite a lot to take in. Of course, extraterrestrial Pokemon are not unknown, but something like this…” he shook his head. “I’ve never seen or even heard of anything like it.”

“Do you believe me?” Twilight asked.

Once he’d heard Gardevoir’s translation, Professor Oak scratched his chin, looked at Twilight, and then nodded. “You know, I think I do. Call me crazy, but it’s not the first time I’ve seen something impossible. That whole Celebi business really has a way of opening one’s mind to new wonders,” he sighed, looking wistful. “So, I suppose the question becomes: what now?”

“Well…” Twilight considered. “Could you bring me some… books?”

Best Laid Plans

Days passed. For Celestia, these were days of learning and experiments. With Team Rocket mostly preoccupied preparing for their ambush and her presence not really required, she had plenty of time to spend doing research, both in the company of Alakazam and on her own. The first thing she looked into was, rather obviously, interdimensional travel from this world. New friends and moral imperatives notwithstanding, she was still princess of Equestria first and foremost. It was her duty to come home to shepherd as soon as practical. And it wasn’t that she disbelieved Alakazam, but she thought him singularly focused enough on his own chosen specialty to keep track of every development in others fields. He might well have missed something that she wouldn’t.

To the princess’ dismay, what other sources she was able to find indicated that her new friend had, in fact, been correct. There was no technology here related to interdimensional travel, and what magic was rumored to exist was far less codified than in her own world. Meanwhile, so far as Pokemon went, almost any legend related to such warping of space pointed to this Palkia character, while giving no clear indication of how to find him or otherwise attract his attention. Without her own magic to work with, Celestia was forced to call that particular line of inquiry a dead end, at least for the moment.

On the other hand, her second line of inquiry proved to be far more fruitful. This world of Pokemon was dangerous, she now knew, especially for someone who didn’t know how to properly defend themselves. It behooved her to learn just how to make use of her new powers, how they manifested themselves in moves. She would be able to contribute more to Team Rocket’s upcoming effort and she would be better placed to strike out on her own, if need be. Fortunately for her, Alakazam had had plenty of practice teaching inexperienced Pokemon (mostly his own children and grandchildren) the ropes and knew a good many other Pokemon around town. In return for his assistance, she regaled him with a selection of the most riveting tales from her long and storied past, as well as whatever knowledge he liked about her world. Several days in, he had collected a good amount of such information – enough to write a book with, really. Celestia considered it more than worth it for the new tricks she learned. The next time she had to fight, she would be ready.

The sun was just beginning to set when Celestia made her latest return to Team Rocket’s camp, again wearing the guise of a Rapidash. She could have stayed in Laverre longer – indeed, the library wasn’t set to close for some time yet – but she had found that she much preferred to be back and inside her ball by dark. She had never particularly been a night owl, but the effect was more pronounced on this world. The princess had yet to figure out the exact reason why it was so.

“Ah,” James looked up from the holographic Poke Ball Factory he had been examining. “You’re back.”

“And pleased to be so,” said Celestia, with a yawn that surprised even her.

James got to his feet. “I’m sorry that I haven’t had a lot of time to spend with you these last few days,” he said as he walked over towards her. “It’s just that, well, we’ve been so busy and all. We have to make sure that this goes well. The boss is counting on us.”

“I understand completely,” Celestia nodded sympathetically. “Believe me when I tell you that no one can empathize better with such stresses than I can.”

James reached the princess and began to scratch behind her ears. In response, Celestia cooed in a semi-voluntary manner.

“After we’re done with this job we’ll have more time together, I promise. Just you, me, and Inkay together for a little fun. How does that sound?”

“Pleasant,” Celestia admitted, taking a moment to enjoying the relaxing sensation. Then her thoughts drifted and her face drooped a little. “I wish Luna were here to meet you,” she said. “I think you might like one another… On second thought, I wish you were in Equestria to meet her. And my niece and nephews and my old student,” she glanced upwards in a slightly mournful manner. “I hope that they’re doing well. I had been wanting a vacation, but not like this.”

“Anyway,” James pulled out a Poke Ball. “Tomorrow’s the big day, and I want you be well-rested for when we pummel those Team Flare poseurs.”

“I find this suggestion agreeable,” said Celestia with another yawn.

“But first, I think we need to get you out of that disguise you’re wearing.”

Later that night, Team Rocket was moving to enter the Laverre Poke Ball Factory. Thoroughly disguised in all black, face-concealing clothing and with a full dozen Rocket grunts at their back, Jessie, James, and Meowth were feeling quite confident. A thorough study of the place during the period leading up to now had given them knowledge of the blind spots in the local security cameras. One by one the group vaulted over the perimeter fence, landing easily on their feet.

“Inkay,” James whispered as he pulled out a Poke Ball. “You’re on.”

The small cephalopod Pokemon appeared in the usual flash of silvery light.

“Just as we planned,” James pointed. “Use Hypnosis.”

“Kay!” Inkay saluted.

A nearby night guard, one of the only ones the factory had, was patrolling the exterior of the building when he suddenly found himself with a face full of something pink and blue. He jumped and swatted, turning his flashlight onto the newcomer. Even as he did so, the yellow spots on Inkay’s head glowed. A small beam of yellow circles drifted out, catching the guard full in the face. He staggered, then slumped to the ground, out cold.

“Well, that takes care of that one,” Jessie noted with a smirk. “And his replacement won’t be along for another two hours.”

“Plenty a’ time for Team Rocket!”

“And everyone will think that he just fell asleep on the job!” James noted as their grunts dragged the fallen man and propped him up against a factory wall in a plausible napping position. “Good work, Inkay. Return.”

Inkay disappeared back into its Poke Ball, and then the rest of Team Rocket made a quick dash for the nearest door. Once there, James took out a small toolkit and began fiddling with the exterior alarm system. It took him a few moments to pry off the alarm’s casing and adjust its insides, but at length he turned back to his companions with a smile.

“Got it!” he said. “The alarm’s been deactivated.”

“Excellent!” Jessie said. “Meowth?”

“With pleasure!” the cat Pokemon grinned, holding up a hand. A solitary claw slid out, which Meowth promptly stuck into the door’s lock. After several seconds of quick fiddling, the lock clicked and the door slid open.

“Alright!” Jessie clenched her fist. “Let’s go team!”


As one, Team Rocket moved into the Poke Ball Factory. The plan, as all their best plans were, was simple and efficient. They had marked out which of the local generators fueled the assembly line, and which fed into other aspects of the factory. The former they would sabotage by removing vital components and disabling the control circuits, the latter they would leave alone. Then they would bail, and wait. Unless someone knew what they were looking for, no one would even notice that anything had happened until they tried to fire up the assembly line next morning. And by then, if all went as anticipated, Team Flare would have already begun their attack, so as to maximize the amount of Dark Balls that could be churned out before someone came snooping.

Jessie, James, and Meowth were giddy with anticipation. It was a perfect, perhaps one the best ones they’d had yet.

What could go wrong?

On a hilltop some distance away from the Poke Ball Factory, another figure in black was peering through a pair of electronically-enhanced night vision binoculars. The figure watched for a short while, before reaching for a device attached to its ear.

“They are moving in now, sir. As you anticipated.”

It took a minute for a response to arrive.

“Thank you for informing me.”

For Ash and his friends, the last few days had been ones of previously nigh-unimaginable luxury. Lysandre had been as good as his word and more. Most people rarely got the chance to stay a five star hotel at no cost to themselves, much less received two separate rooms in one. For a group used to staying at the facilities provided by Pokemon Centers or camping out on some dirty wilderness trail, it was like a little patch of heaven on earth. There was good food and lots of it, comfortable beds, hot baths, ample gym space for the training of Pokemon and people, and a salon for Bonnie, Serena, and the latter’s notoriously fastidious Braixen. It was a vast step up from their normal accommodations, and they hadn’t had to pay a cent for it!

At that particular moment the group was just settling in for the night in their rooms. As usual, Ash and Clemont shared one room, while Serena and Bonnie took the other. Ash was comfortably wrapped in his pajamas and tucking himself into one of the two beds, Pikachu curled up at its base, when the phone beside him began to ring. And ring. And ring.

Blinking slowly, Ash reached over and picked it up, putting the receiver to his mouth. “Uh,” he yawned. “Hello?”

“Ash?” said a familiar voice. “It’s Lysandre. Please rouse your friends. I need your help.”

Contact With the Enemy

Several minutes later, Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie ran out their hotel’s front door in a state of messy quick dress and adrenaline-fueled urgency. They found Lysandre already waiting for them, a jeep revved up and ready to do go.

“Hop in,” the red haired man said brusquely.

When they did, he took off at an almost breakneck pace, driving quickly yet skillfully through Laverre’s nighttime streets.

“What is it?!” Ash asked, face full of concern. “What’s the emergency?”

“I’m afraid it seems that Team Rocket is breaking into the nearby Poke Ball Factory, most likely in an attempt to steal all of the invaluable devices produced there for themselves,” Lysandre answered, not taking his eyes off the road. “If they should succeed, Kalos’ Poke Ball industry could be crippled for months. Young trainers would no longer be able to add new Pokemon friends to their teams, and Team Rocket would have free reign to catch thousands of Pokemon for themselves. I happened to witness the start of their attack while I was nearby on some business for Lysandre Labs.”

“That’s awful!” Ash gritted his teeth.

“Pika!” Pikachu agreed.

“Why didn’t you go to the police?” Serena asked.

“Or Valerie?” Clemont added. “She’s closer than we were.”

“I couldn’t go to the police because I suspect that someone highly placed among them is on Team Rocket’s payroll,” Lysandre said as he drove. Noting the shocked looks and hurried protests of denial, he continued. “Don’t be so naïve. Think about it. Team Rocket has attacked you and others countless times during your travels in this region. I simply watch the news and I know that much. And yet, despite all their crimes, they are never arrested. Never placed in prison. While lesser criminals such as that Dolan fellow are snatched up on a regular basis. Why do you think that is? Are our police forces simply mind-bogglingly incompetent in that one specific area? Or is there something deeper at work?”

“But what about Valerie?” Clemont asked again. “You surely can’t think a Gym Leader would side with Team Rocket?”

“I’m not so sure about that,” said Ash, remembering his own eighth gym battle way back in Kanto.

“I do not,” said Lysandre, making a sharp turn with seemingly minimal effort. “But as it happens, Laverre’s Gym Leader is presently out of town. She left to participate in a fashion show in Lumiose City two days ago. One sponsored in part by Lysandre Labs, in fact,” he looked down briefly. “I regret that now.”

“But still, why us?” Ash inquired.

“Because you four have the most experience dealing with Team Rocket of anyone in the Kalos region,” Lysandre answered. “When I realized they were too many to defeat on my own, you were the first ones that came to mind,” he glanced briefly over at Ash. “So, will you help me put an end to their scheme?”

Ash clenched his fist. “Absolutely!”

“We can’t let them get away with this!” Serena said.

Clemont’s glasses shown. “You bet we will!”

“Uh huh!”


Lysandre smiled again. “Very good.”

Back at the Poke Ball Factory, Team Rocket was hard at work. With wrenches and hammers and crowbars they attacked the generator before them. Wires were cut, bolts and screws pried loose, and essential components torn out and smashed into tiny fragments. The team’s hard work and determination were devoted fully to the task of seeing boss’s will enacted.

Meanwhile, Jessie, James, and Meowth sat on the sidelines and “supervised”.

“Dat’s da way!” Meowth cheered on the Team Rocket grunts who were actually engaged in the sweaty, dirty work. “You can do it! Smash dose gears into iddy-biddy bits!”

“Put your backs into it!” yelled Jessie, pointing dramatically at the generator. “Giovanni is counting on us!”

“You!” James snapped at one grunt who had paused to wipe his brow. “No slacking! Get back to work!”

“Sir yes sir!” the grunt saluted, going back to his task of dismantling one section of the vast machine.

The trio reclined leisurely in the comfy chairs they had confiscated from a manager’s office, allowing two other grunts to fan them.

“Ah,” James said. “Now this is the life!”

“You said it!” echoed Meowth, munching on a sandwich he’d stolen front the refrigerator in the employee lounge.

“I can’t wait to tell the boss what a great success this mission was!” Jessie’s eyes gleamed. “I’m sure he’ll be so pleased that he’ll promote us on the spot!”

“Yeah!” James and Meowth cheered.

“We’ll get raises!”


“And new uniforms!”


“And one of those great corner offices back at headquarters!”


“And a yacht!”


“Hey!” Jessie yelled at random grunt. “You’re slacking off! Work harder! For the glory of Team Rocket!”

“Yes… ma’am…” she grumbled.

“I’m a miss! And don’t you forget it, grandma!”

Sullenly, the poor, unnamed grunt went back to her monotonous duties, while her commanders sat around and did not much of anything.

“I love being the boss!” said Jessie, James, and Meowth as one. They relaxed comfortably, completely missing the resentful glares they got from the Rocket grunts around them.

The instant Lysandre’s jeep pulled to a stop in front of the factory, Ash and his friends leapt out of it almost at once. With the boy and his Pikachu in the lead, the group raced through the opened door and down the dark and empty hallways. None could see anything, but Pikachu’s sensitive ears could make out the noises coming from their enemies, and they quickly began to follow his lead. Despite being tiny with short legs, the little yellow Pokemon easily out-sped them all, frequently having to wait for his humans friends to catch up. At least, he led them out into a more open area, wherein they immediately spotted a small group of humans surrounding a much larger machine.

“Great job, team!” came a voice that they all instantly recognized as Jessie’s. “That’s three down and two to go!”

“Now, if you’ll just grab dese chairs here and get a move on, we can finish smashin’ dis place-”

“Team Rocket!” Ash shouted, his words echoing easily throughout the cavernous factory floor.

“Huh?” several heads turned at once. “GAH!” Jessie, James, and Meowth all jumped when they saw who had arrived.

“Da twerps!” Meowth yelped.

“What are you doing here?!” Jessie screamed at them.

“We’re not gonna let you guys stop everyone else from getting Poke Balls!” Clemont declared, glasses shining ominously.

“That’s right!” Serena’s fist was balled. “You cowards, how could you do something so despicable?”

James clenched his own fist. “Listen twerp, this has nothing to do with you or your little pals!”

“Yeah! So why don’t ya just buzz off already and leave da grownups ta do our stuff?!”

“No chance!” Ash declared.

“Pikachu!” Pikachu’s cheeks sparked dangerously.

“Well, what are you waiting for!” Jessie yelled at the Rocket grunts. “Get them!”

“Right!” the other members of Team Rocket reached for their belts, tossing Poke Balls into the air. All sorts of Pokemon took shape, including Rhydon, Golbat, Golem, Weepinbell, Grimer, Gloom, Doduo, and Rattata.

“That’s the way!” James cheered. “Now get rid of them!”

“And we’ll see you on da other side!” Meowth added.

With that, the trio turned and ran in the opposite direction. They quickly disappeared amongst the winding machinery of the factory’s assembly line.

“Get back here!” Ash yelled, starting to chase them.

The next second, the Rhydon interposed itself, stopping him dead in his tracks. It gave Ash a quick smack with its tail, sending him tumbling back the way he had come.

“Ash, are you alright?!” concern was writ large over Serena’s face as she hurried to his side. “Speak to me!”

“I’m… ok,” Ash managed as he sat up, gritting his teeth. “We’ve gotta… stop Team Rocket!”

“Fat chance, kid,” laughed one grunt. “Rhydon here will make short work of you lot!”

“Rhhhhyyy!” the Pokemon flexed its powerful muscles and roared.

“Yeah, we’ll just see about that!” Serena grabbed two Poke Balls. “Go, Braixen and Pancham!”

“Chespin, Bunnelby, Luxray, come out!” Clemont shouted, throwing his three Poke Balls into the fray.

“So, you’re gonna make a fight of it after all,” the man said. “This should be amusing.” He snapped his fingers and pointed. Team Rocket’s group of Pokemon growled menacingly, advancing as a group on Ash and his friends.

“Ash,” said Clemont as he and Serena helped him to his feet. “We’ll take care of these guys here!”

“You go after those other three and make sure that they don’t destroy this place!” Serena added.

Ash looked at the Team Rocket grunts, then at the way the trio had fled, then back at his friends again. “Right!” he nodded, before running into the maze of machinery, Pikachu at his side.

Behind him, the sounds of battle began.

When Ash finally caught up to Jessie, James, and Meowth, the trio were clustered around another of the massive machines, hurriedly swinging away at it with hammers. Their efforts were much less subtle and precise than the others had been, amounting to little more than smashing anything that looked important and hoping for the best.

“Team Rocket!” he called out, Pikachu leaping off his shoulder. “Stop right there!”

“You know,” James said, looking up. “You really are annoyingly persistent.”

“Stay outta dis, kid!” Meowth pointed. “If ya know what’s good for ya!”

“I’m not letting you guys wreck up this factory!” Ash declared through gritted teeth.

“Pika pika!”

“You’re getting on my last nerve!” Jessie snarled, reaching for her belt. “Go, Pumpkaboo!”

“Inkay, you’re on!”

“Pikachu, Electro Ball!”

Team Rocket’s two Pokemon burst from their balls in silvery light, while Pikachu ran at them and leaped into the air. He formed a glowing orb of brilliant yellow electricity above his tail, then flipped mid-leap and flung it at his two floating adversaries.

“Pumpkaboo, dodge!”

“Inkay, you too!”

The two flying Pokemon darted to either side, allowing Pikachu’s attack to pass them by. It slammed into one of the factory walls, exploding in a great flash that left an enormous scorch mark but not much more.

“Inkay, Psybeam at once!”

“Use Shadow Ball, Pumpkaboo!”

Inkay flipped upside down and fired a multicolored stream of energy from its yellow spots, while Pumpkboo created its own purple-black orb and threw it at Pikachu.

“Pikachu, dodge and use Volt Tackle!”

Pikachu bolted with amazing speed, zigzagging to avoid the strikes of both of Team Rocket’s Pokemon. As he ran, his cheeks crackled and his body began to be surrounded by a yellow glow. By the time he leaped into the air at Pumpkaboo, it was a full-fledged electrical storm in its own right.

Pumpkaboo cried out as it took the impact and electrical discharge head on. It was sent flying back, directly into a singularly unfortunate Inkay. The two tumbled from the air, then rolled along the ground to wind up in a great heap at Team Rocket’s collective feet.

“Now,” Ash pointed. “Use Thunderbolt!”

“Pikaaaa… CHU!”

Pikachu released an enormous bolt of electricity, which flew up and then arced down to land directly atop Team Rocket. All five members screamed as they were, for what felt like the millionth time, electrocuted by the infernal yellow rat that had so dominated their lives these many years. When at length the flow stopped, all of them collapsed to the ground like puppets with their strings cut.

“Alright, Pikachu!” Ash cheered as his Pokemon leapt into his arms. “You did it, buddy!”

“Pika Pikachu!” he smiled.

“Not so… fast,” came a weak voice.

Ash and Pikachu looked back at Team Rocket. James, though sparking and smoking from his most recent trip through the Pika-wringer, was forcing himself to his feet. A spark of determination shown in his eyes.

“We’re not done… yet,” he winced as he grabbed another Poke Ball and managed to limply toss it. “Go… Celestia!”

When Celestia first felt herself being called out, she was actually asleep. The Poke Ball was warm, comfortable, and safe, which made being thrown suddenly all the more disrupting. When she appeared in the trademark silver light, the first thing the princess did was stretch her wings and yawn broadly.

“You!” came a voice.

Celestia glanced and her eyes widened, then narrowed. It was the horrible boy and the yellow rat that had so senselessly attacked her before! She realized instantly that they were in the Poke Ball Factory – what were these two doing there? Why would they want to interfere now? What could possibly motivate them to-

Then Celestia’ keen eyes spotted something further back in the darkness. The figure was a good distance back from the boy and shrouded in the shadows, but she couldn’t fail to identify him almost instantly. It was Lysandre, apparent leader of Team Flare. And he was watching the lot of them. Celestia turned her attention back to the yellow rat, her eyes virtual slits.

“So,” she said. “You’re with him, are you? I might have known.”

“You’re Team Rocket’s new Pokemon!” the yellow creature responded, cheeks sparking. “We won’t let you win here!”

“We’ll see about that.”

“Pikachu,” the boy’s voice cut in. “Use Iron Tail!”

“On it!” the yellow Pokemon answered, darting forward. It covered ground with surprising speed, its tail rapidly lighting up with powerful silver energies. A second later it leaped into the air, flying straight at Celestia.

“Celestia, Psychic!” she heard James’ voice from behind her.

“You got it!” Celestia’s eyes lit up with her golden glow.

Just as Pikachu was about to bring its glowing tail down on her head again, it found itself floating in midair, surrounded by Celestia’s power. It squirmed, looking shocked.

“Not this time, rat,” she grinned, before hurling it backwards with all her strength.

Pikachu crashed into one of the metal walls with a great echoing clang. It slid to the floor, leaving a notable impression where it had hit. It stumbled as it tried to get up, head rocking back and forth.

“Pikachu!” the boy called. “Are you alright?!”

Pikachu shook its head briefly, then took up a more aggressive posture. “Just fine, Ash!” it called. “Now let’s electrify this witch!”

“That’s the spirit!” Ash clenched his fist. “Now, use Electro Ball!”

Pikachu’s cheeks crackled with energy as it leapt into the air. An electrical orb took shape above its tail, which it immediately hurled at her.

“Dodge it!” James yelled.

Celestia jumped into the air, her powerful wings beating. They carried her up as the attack struck where she had stood and exploded. The factory was more than spacious enough to fly in, allowing her to put considerable distance between herself and the ground in seconds.

“That’s the way!” she heard James cheering.

On her own initiative, Celestia decided it was time to employ one of her new tricks. She drew back her head, opened her jaw wide, and sucked in a great lung-full of air. She willed her power into action. In microseconds the oxygen was superheated, then set alight. Celestia whipped her head back down to unleash a rapidly-expanding cone of yellow-orange flame. It sped down at Pikachu, but the yellow rat was fast. It darted aside in a silver blur, completely avoiding the strike.

“You know Flamethrower?!” James’ tone was elated. “Alright, use that once more!”

“Dodge it!"

Celestia drew back her head and did as she was bidden. Another stream of fire descended towards Pikachu, but once again the infuriatingly quick Pokemon dodged around it, leaving only a red-hot spot in the factory floor as evidence. Snarling, she summoned another Flamethrower, and then another. It was no good; the accursed rodent darted around them all. Pikachu, she realized, was too far away. It could dodge faster than the Flamethrower could reach it from this distance.

“Pikachu, shoot it out of the sky with Thunderbolt!”

Pikachu leapt into the air and squeezed its tiny body tight. A truly prodigious bolt of yellow lightning cut through the air towards the princess.

“Dodge it!” James commanded.

But Celestia’s expert eye could see that the bolt was already too close and too large to avoid, so her brain made a snap decision to pull out a new trick instead. Her eyes lit up briefly, and then a bubble of turquoise energy formed around her. Thunderbolt scored a direct hit and exploded against the field, but when the smoke cleared Celestia stood unharmed.

“Wow, Protect too?!” James sounded awed. “You really are full of surprises! Alright,” he clenched his fist and pointed. “Celestia, get closer and use Flamethrower!”

“With pleasure,” she answered, folding her wings in and commencing a dive bomb.

“Pikachu, counter with Electro Ball!”

Celestia swooped down, mouth wide and inner fire building. Pikachu stayed right where it was, another orb forming around the tip of its tail. Both locked eyes for a fraction of a second, then unleashed their power. A jet of all-consuming flame met a sphere of electricity at the midpoint between the two adversaries. For just one, perfect moment, the two attacks pressed against one another to creature a sculpture of unearthly beauty.

And then they exploded.

Celestia landed, hacking and coughing as the smoke filled the factory and her lungs alike. She spread her swanlike wings wide and flapped as hard as she could, creating a small gust in very short order. In moments she could see James again. He smiled and gave her a thumbs up. She returned the smile, though she noted that his arm appeared a little shaky.

The smoke slowly faded away, and Celestia’s eyes narrowed when she saw that the brat and his Pikachu were still standing. Pikachu was even smiling confidently, cheeks crackling and little feet pawing against the floor.

“Alright Pikachu,” Ash pointed. “Use Iron Tail once more!”

“Just a hunch,” James said. “But Celestia, use Steel Wing!”

The princess smiled. He’d read her priorities like an open book.

The two Pokemon launched themselves at one another. Pikachu’s tail once again shown with the silvery energies of the Steel-type attack. Celestia’s right wing also came alive with this power. Right before the two connected, the princess silently thanked the local Fletchinder for her assistance. Glowing tail met glowing wing with enough force to send both combatants flying backwards.

Celestia, as the larger and heavier of the two, managed to keep her balance, hooves skidding roughly against metal as she slid across the floor. Pikachu, by contrast, was sent soaring a not inconsiderate distance, twirling wildly in the air. Still, it managed to land nimbly on its tiny feet. It glared at her, cheeks still crackling. Celestia gritted her teeth and returned the glare.

“Another Iron Tail!” Ash ordered.

“This time, use Psychic!” James countered.

Pikachu rushed across the floor, quick as ever and tail alight once more. Celestia waited, allowing it to reach her move’s most optimal range. Pikachu leaped into the air and swung its tail for her face, only to again be caught mid-leap by her golden glow.

“That’s it!” James cheered her on.

Meanwhile, Ash… grinned?

“Just what I was hoping you would do. Pikachu, close-range Thunderbolt now!”

The yellow Pokemon came alight with electrical energy, which surged forth almost instantaneously. Pikachu and Celestia were only feet apart. She had no chance of dodging.

Celestia shrieked as she was caught full on by the attack. Thousands of volts coursed through her entire body, instantly breaking her concentrating. Pikachu only redoubled the attack as it dropped, electrocuting the princess with such force that she was sent screaming back the way she had come. Her body impacted on something solid that toppled over to form a heap with her alongside it. Electricity continued to flow through her and onto whatever it was that she was atop. After a few more seconds, the flow ceased. A moment later, she was able to peek an eye open and…


“James?!” she shook the blackened, sparking human a little. “Are you alright?! Speak to me!”

“Did someone… get the number of that… banana… Tentacruel?” he mumbled.

Celestia released a breath she hadn’t realized that she’d been holding. At least he was alive. Glancing around, she saw that the entire Team Rocket trio she knew, plus Pumpkaboo and Inkay, were in the same state. They had been charred in places by electricity, and a few errant sparks still danced about them. They were all breathing, but none of them looked to be getting up any time soon.

“Alright Pikachu,” Ash’s voice cut through her mind. “Let’s finish this with one more Thunderbolt!”

“You got it!” answered Pikachu, smiling confidently as its cheeks yet again surged with electrical power.

Wait, “finish this”? What did that mean, Team Rocket was already-

Celestia’s eyes went wide.

Her friends?


Pikachu leaped into the air and unleashed its largest crackling stream of electricity. It tore through space at an alarming pace, arcing downwards towards Team Rocket. It never got there.

Celestia’s horn glowed a brilliant white color for a fraction of a second, and then overflowed with energy. A vast stream of yellow-orange energy lanced out and met Pikachu’s Thunderbolt head-on.

And brushed it aside with consummate ease.

Pikachu, caught by surprise in midair, never stood a chance. Celestia’s attack surged right through its attack and hit it directly in the chest. The energy beam carried it all the way into Ash’s own chest and still had plenty of power to pick him up and throw the whole tangled pile into one of the walls, where it promptly exploded.

Celestia stood tall and proud, placing her own body between Team Rocket and the enemy. She watched carefully as the black smoke slowly faded to nothing, alert for any sign of the boy or his rat. The princess half-expected that they would come charging out for another round at any moment, but when the smoke finally cleared, the truth was quite the opposite. Ash and Pikachu lay blackened and unmoving at the base of the equally-blackened factory wall. They weren’t even attempting to rise, simply laying sprawled out and smoking where they had fallen. It was only the slight rise and fall of their chests that told her that they were still alive at all.

Celestia nodded her head and snorted. Good. Maybe now she could help Team Rocket and they could finish this mission and get out of-

“Enough!” a deep voice cut into her thoughts.

Celestia immediately about-faced to regard the source, and then cursed herself for a fool. In all the excitement of battling Ash and Pikachu, she’d allowed the other enemy in the factory to slip from her mind. It was a careless mistake that, fortunately, it seemed he hadn’t decided to take full advantage of. A surprise attack might have reversed the course of that battle.

Lysandre stepped into what light there was, holding an ordinary red and white Poke Ball in his hands.

“Enough of this!” he said. “I will not permit you to succeed here! Filth like Team Rocket must be cleansed from this world, and I will see it done!”

“Not if I beat you first,” Celestia answered, eyes narrowed. "Like I did your little friend there."

“My oldest friend,” Lysandre looked down at his Poke Ball. “My dearest partner. I have need of you!” he tossed it high into the air. “Go, Gyarados!”

A Confrontation

Celestia wasn’t in any mood for games. Her friends had been hurt, and much was at stake here. She drew again on the power inside of her, commanding Psychic to reach out and seize the Poke Ball before it could open, and…

Bent double, wracked with shivers, as Lysandre’s ball burst into an explosion of silver light.

“That’s a downside of using Hyper Beam,” the man said with a smile on his face, as his Pokemon took shape around him. “You are unable to use any other moves for a short period of time afterwards.”

But Celestia wasn’t paying Lysandre any attention. Her focus was entirely on the monster he had just summoned.

It was… big.

Gyarados was a towering serpentine monstrosity, easily the biggest Pokemon Celestia had yet seen. Even in the cavernous factory its head almost reached the ceiling, and it was plain to see that by leaving a bit less of its body on the ground it would run into it. Every inch of the Pokemon’s vast serpentine coils rippled with muscle. Its body was a vivid blue, with faint yellow spots along its sides and a matching underbelly. It lacked any limbs, instead featuring a finned tail, four separate white fins running down its back, two more fins poking out from the side of its face, a pair of blue barbels on either side of its jaw, and a three-pointed dark blue crest emerging from between and above its eyes. There was a small jewel attached to the center point of the crest – it rather reminded the princess of a crown.

Lysandre’s Gyarados threw back its head and roared, an ear-splitting sonic boom powerful enough to shatter glass, topple stacked crates, rattle steel, and force Celestia to press her ears to her head. She stared up at the Pokemon in undisguised awe. She had known from her studies that this species was large, but knowing that intellectually and seeing it in person were two separate things. Even Tirek as he was when he stormed her throne room would have been dwarfed by this thing!

"Gyarados,” Lysandre’s voice cut in. “Use Aqua Tail.”

Water burst forth from Gyarados’ tail, swirling impossibly to create a miniature vortex around the vast fin. This it swung at Celestia with speed more befitting the strike of an ordinary serpent. She jumped into the air, wings pumping furiously. Behind her, she heard the metal floor where she had stood shatter to a million pieces, felt some of those pieces bounce off her coat.

Celestia opened her mouth, drew her head back, and spat a Flamethrower down at Lysandre himself. The man didn’t move one inch – Gyarados’ head dove down in front of him at lightning speed, and a wall of turquoise energy sprang up. The fire pattered against it like a rainstorm against a window, and to no more effect. Quickly the stream of fire died off, with the wall vanishing shortly thereafter.

“Thank you my friend,” Lysandre rubbed one of Gyarados’ cheek fins, to which it nodded in a surprisingly affectionate manner. “You see?” he said. “You’re not the only one who knows Protect.”

“That doesn’t mean that I won’t put an end to this, human.”

“You cannot stop,” Gyarados declared, head rising to Celestia’s level and the two locking eyes, “what is to come.” It roared again, the sound painful in the princess’ ears.

Lysandre pointed. “Gyarados, Crunch!”

The massive serpent lunged forward, jaws open wide and fangs gleaming. Hurriedly, Celestia called on her own power and used Psychic. A golden glow enveloped Gyarados’ head, and then spread down its neck, locking it in place. The two strained against one another, Gyarados struggling to break free and surge forward, Celestia doing all she could to hurl the beast back onto Lysandre himself. Seconds passed in eerie silence, as both gave their all to the contest. Celestia quivered with the effort, sweat running down her face and neck.

“Gyarados!” Lysandre’s voice broke the silence. Both combatants’ gazes shifted slightly towards him. “I know you can do this!” he yelled, fist clenched over his heart. “I believe in you!”

Gyarados’ eyes went back to Celestia, then narrowed. Its jaw stretched as wide as it could go, revealing an enormous black pit of a throat, easily large enough to swallow the princess whole. Its head pulled back slightly, muscles tightening. Then it surged.

And shattered Celestia’s Psychic like glass.

The princess barely had a second before the monster’s jaws were on her, clamping down with the promise of impalement and oblivion. At the last second she managed to throw up a hasty Protect, and Gyarados found itself clamping down on a turquoise bubble of energy instead of alicorn flesh. Celestia was half inside the serpent’s mouth, and so got an up close and personal view of powerful white fangs crushing down on the bubble she struggled to maintain.

“Toss it!” Lysandre commanded.

Gyarados whipped its head around, spitting the bubble and princess inside at the nearest wall. She hit it hard, Protect fading away as she slumped down, gasping for breath.

“Follow up with another Aqua Tail!”

Gyarados roared again and swung another vortex-encased tail at the princess. Celestia tried to call up another Protect… only for the move to fail, as she had been warned it might if used in sequence. She took the full weight of the car-sized tail on her own, which would have been enough. That fact that the water was effectively acid against her coat only made things worse.

Celestia hit the ceiling hard enough to dent the steel, then fell limply to the floor below with a great crash. Her world was pain. Pain and dizziness. Her legs quivered underneath her as she attempted to rise. Her body wanted nothing more than to be back in her safe, warm Poke Ball at that moment, but her friends needed her. She refused to give up so easily!

Slowly, painfully, Celestia rose to her hooves, dripping with water and sweat, breathing hard.

“You see?” Lysandre smiled, Gyarados looming over him. “When the lives of people and Pokemon are joined in friendship… when two hearts beat as one…” he clamped his right fist over his own heart. “There is no one we cannot overcome!”

Gyarados unleashed yet another almighty roar.

“I may not know what you are,” Lysandre continued. “Or where you came from… or even what you can do. But this I do know:” he closed his eyes. “Our friendship is stronger than any power you may have!” his eyes shot open. “Gyarados, use Return!”

Fast as a striking serpent, Gyarados lunged forward, head surrounded by a brilliant white aura that made the beast seem almost black and white. Before Celestia could do anything, could muster any defense, it impacted with all the force of a runaway train. She flew through the air like a ragdoll, bouncing and rolling across the floor and right up to the remainder of Team Rocket.

“Finish this!” Lysandre called. “Hyper Beam!”

Gyarados’ jaw opened wide once again. An orb of yellow-orange energy formed in the center of it, and then its head jerked forward. An all-consuming energy stream tore up the factory floor on the way, and then reached Team Rocket, where it culminated in a spectacular explosion. Through all the burning pain, Celestia found herself rising very rapidly, smashing straight through a glass panel in the factory’s roof and showing no sign of slowing down.

“No fair!” she heard Jessie’s voice shriek. “We were so close!”

“And yet so far,” said James glumly.

“Yeah,” Meowth moaned. “But now…”

“Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off again!”

“Ash?!” Ash could vaguely feel someone shaking his shoulder. “Ash, wake up! Please! Ash!”

“I’m…” he moaned faintly. “I’m… awake…”

He could make out sounds of relief from multiple voices.

“Oh thank goodness!”



“Just hold on, Ash,” said a strong, deep voice. “An ambulance is already on its way.”

“What about… Pikachu?” he managed.

“He’s already being taken to the Pokemon Center,” the voice answered. “I assure you, he’ll be in good hands. Please, just lie still and wait. You took a Hyper Beam from a very powerful Pokemon, and that isn’t easy.”

“What was… that… Pokemon?” Ash managed, just before drifting back into unconsciousness.

Later the following day, when the sun was just beginning to rise on the damaged Poke Ball Factory, Lysandre was walking down one of Laverre’s side streets. This early, there were few people up and about to see him, and those that did usually recognized the famous philanthropist and gave him a smile or friendly wave. He walked through boulevards, main streets, alleys, and market squares in a long, circuitous route.

At length, Lysandre walked into one narrow alley between two herbal shops. A woman with dyed red hair was walking down it from the opposite end. The two exchanged no words, only a simple nod of greeting as they passed. They neither paused nor hesitated as the flowed past each other and out the alleyway’s opposite ends. An outside observer would never have noticed that he had slipped her a small piece of paper:

The boy and his companions are not such a threat as we had feared. It would seem that all of his previous encounters with Legendary Pokemon were little more than an unlikely series of flukes after all.

TR has been chased off of the premises. Damage is extensive but enough facilities are in working order. Proceed as planned.

The woman read the note, smiled, and then tore it into a thousand minuscule pieces. These she tossed into a passing stream, watching confidently as they were washed away into nothingness. Then she turned and went to give the signal.

Team Flare had a job to do.

The employees arriving at the Laverre City Poke Ball Factory that day were in for two very great shocks. The first was apparent when the shift manager opened the factory’s door and beheld devastation. It looked as though a localized hurricane had stormed through large parts of the building while they had slept. The walls, floor, and even ceiling were covered in dents, scars, discolorations, and scorching. Carefully-laid stacks of crates had been toppled and smashed open, mechanical arms thrown out of alignment, conveyer belts cut up, windows shattered, and there was a hole in the roof. The factory was, in short, a mess.

The second shock came a few moments later, when one of the uniformed employees grabbed the manager from behind, slamming something in front of his nose and mouths. Three others threw Poke Balls into the air, which burst open to reveal a trio of Weepinbell. The plantlike Pokemon flapped their leaves to emit prodigious qualities of powder into the air. As the factory was highly automated, the actual number of employees was quite low. It wasn’t half a minute later before every last one not wearing concealed filtration systems in their nose and throat hit the pavement, snoring.

While those that were still standing wearing dragging the sleeping employees inside and into a storage closet, a pair of enormous delivery trucks rolled up. Looking nothing out of the ordinary, they flung open their cargo doors to reveal several more men and women wearing the uniforms of factory employees. These disguised Team Flare operatives hurried to take up their positions inside the building complex. Having had people working there for months, all knew exactly what needed to be done to operate those systems that were still standing.

Last of all came a trio of uniformed administrators. All were women, one with red hair, one with green, and one with purple. The latter carried a carefully-sealed box containing the most crucial part of the plan: an empty Dark Ball presented by the boss himself, to serve as a template for the factory’s remaining systems to replicate. The team set to work immediately – they only had a few hours before they risked someone noticing something was off, and there were fewer working assembly lines than they had wanted.

But it would be enough.

Several hours later, Team Flare Scientist Celosia held up a black-grey sphere in her thin finger and smiled. All the time spent searching across the criminal underworld for a single sample. All the months of painstaking research and reverse-engineering. The long, careful process of infiltrating the Poke Ball Factory and precisely documenting how make it function at peak efficiency. All of it had come down to this, this moment, this little black device.

Celosia put two fingers to the edge of her visor. “Outing party to base,” she said, looking out on the maze of churning machinery. “Mission successful.”


“You idiots!” Giovanni’s image roared. “You brain-dead ignoramuses!”

Jessie, James, and Meowth cowered in the dirt before the holographic projection of their wrathful boss.

“Do you blundering incompetents have the slightest idea just what you’ve allowed to happen?! You sat around and abused your authority instead of doing the job quickly! You allowed yourselves to be delayed and thwarted by mere children! Because of you there are undoubtedly now anywhere from dozens of hundreds of Dark Balls floating around in enemy hands!” Giovanni folded his hands together and closed his eyes. “The situation has suddenly become much direr. I continue to receive reports suggesting a Flare project to revive the legendary ultimate weapon. Combining the two…” he fell silent, seeming thoughtful.

Eventually, Meowth worked up the courage to poke his head up and speak. “So, uh, boss? What do ya want-”

“Silence!” Giovanni barked.

Meowth promptly pressed his face back into the ground.

“Now then,” he said, a little while later. “Here is what is going to happen. I am going to be sending new agents to the Kalos region. Competent agents. They will take charge of our operations in the region. They will deal with Team Flare in a quick and efficient fashion. You will do everything they tell you to do. Without question or hesitation. Do I make myself clear?”

“Sir, yes sir!” the trio’s jumpy shouts were somewhat muffled by the ground in their faces.

“Consider yourselves very fortunate that you happen to be one of the few teams operating in Kalos and that time is a pressing factor,” Giovanni looked balefully over the trio. “Replacing you would not yet be worth the time and expenditure necessary. And you did bring me actionable intelligence on our enemies,” his tone was hard. “So consider this your chance to partially redeem yourselves in my eyes. Fail me in such a manner again and the consequences will be… most dire.”

The hologram vanished.

“So,” said Celestia, several hours later. “How did it go?”

James replaced the princess’ Poke Ball on his belt and held up another bottle of Super Potion.

“Now hold still and close your eyes,” he said. “This will sting a bit.”

Celestia did as she was bid, squeezing her eyes shut and folding her ears back. She quickly received another dose of the stinging fluid, particularly concentrated on her neck, chest, and right wing. Her body stiffened up and shook just a little beneath the pain, but soon thereafter it faded away into the familiar cool, soothing sensation of her body healing itself. For that was what it was – she now knew that Potions and the like drew on innate energy within Pokemon themselves to induce rapid healing. Infinity Energy, it was called, and it was speculated to be the source of Pokemon attacks as well. For whatever reason, humans did not possess it.

Around a minute later, when James had finished spraying her down and applying bandages to her wings, Celestia opened her eyes again. It was midmorning, the sun shining down on Team Rocket’s improvised camp. Lacking access to their supplies, the trio had been forced to hunker down and spend the night on the dirty forest floor. Looking at Jessie, James, and Meowth, seeing their dilapidated state and the haggard looks in their eyes, Celestia found herself feeling guilty for spending the remainder of the night in her warm, snug Poke Ball.

“Feeling better?” asked James.

“I am,” Celestia nodded.

“Good to hear,” he smiled wearily, giving her a slight scratch behind the ears before walking over to sit down next to his teammates. Whereupon he promptly joined them in staring mutely at the ground, faces downcast.

“This must be so hard for them,” Celestia thought, her own eyes drifting downwards. “To try to stop something so heinous, only to fail… because of… because of…”

Gently, in a manner that could almost be described as tiptoeing, Celestia made her way over to where Team Rocket sat. She lowered herself to the ground next to James and allowed her own eyes to drift to the patch of ground they were all staring at. For some time they all simply brooded in silence, Pumpkaboo and Inkay orbiting lazily overhead.

Eventually, Celestia cast a worried eye back towards her trainer. They’d been sitting there for almost an hour and not one of them had said a word or done anything. It was such a change from how they had been…

She nuzzled James gently on the shoulder. “Is there anything I can do? Would you like to talk about it?”

James was unresponsive.

“I doubt dat’ll help much,” Meowth said mournfully, a few seconds later. “Da boss is really steamed at us dis time.”

“Oh,” Celestia’s ears folded back, her eyes downcast. She’d expected that, but hearing the news made her feel even worse.

“He said he’s gonna replace us,” Meowth continued. “Some new bigshots are comin’ over and we’re gonna be at da bottom of da heap.”

“I’m sorry to-”

“And if we screw up again,” Jessie interrupted. “Then we’re finished.”

“And after how we botched that last job,” James’ tone was miserable. “Who do you think will get blamed if anything goes wrong from now on?”

Celestia looked back and forth between the three, and then hung her head.

“I’m sorry,” she said in a low voice. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. If I had been stronger… If I hadn’t been so easily brushed aside…” her teeth clenched, her eyes squeezed shut. “I’ve failed…” small tears trickled down her soft white cheeks. “Again.

Celestia thought of her dear sister. She thought of her niece’s wedding. She thought of the Crystal Empire. She thought of Discord and of Tirek. It seemed that everything she had done lately was a massive failure, wasn’t it? Her plans never worked as intended, always needing to be bailed out by Twilight Sparkle or somepony else just to avert disaster. And when she tried to fight directly, she was bested. Last night, she had been bested again. What good was an outdated princess who could neither think nor fight half as well as-

“Stop that!”

Celestia was yanked from her head by the sound of her trainer’s voice. When she reluctantly opened one eye, she could see from the angle of his chest that he was sitting up much straighter than before. James’ gloved hand gripped her chin firmly, forcing her upward into eye contact with him.

“Now you stop that, do you hear me?!” he said, expression serious.

“But I-”

“Listen to me,” James continued. “I don’t even need Meowth to tell me that you’re blaming yourself for this. As your trainer, I’m telling you to cut that attitude right now! Last night’s failure rests on all of us, not just one of us!”

“But if I had been strong enough to defeat that Gyarados we-”

“No backtalk! I won’t hear of it!” James frowned. “Besides, we can’t just sit around moping about it! We may have failed that one time, but we’ve been through worse! The important thing is that we’re all here, ready to come back better than ever! To just give up and blame ourselves and cry…” he got to his feet, fist clenched. “Why that’s the opposite of what Team Rocket stands for!”

“I never thought I’d say this, but James is right,” Jessie stood up herself. “Look at us! We’ve been moping around like a bunch of sad sacks while Team Flare gets a head start on us! This isn’t the first time we’ve screwed up! This isn’t the first time we’ve blasted off! This isn’t the first time the boss was mad at us! And have we ever given up before?”

“No!” Meowth joined in. “So why should we dis time?!”

“So we’ll work together…” James began.

“Track down Team Flare…” Jessie continued.

“And make ‘dem all pay for insultin’ da dignity of Team Rocket!” Meowth jumped to his feet.

“YEAH!” the three cheered, fists pumping. Inkay and Pumpkaboo raised their own voices in support.

“So no tears!” James whipped back around to Celestia, eyes alight with determination. “No more moping! Now is the time for action! So are you just going to sit there and blame yourself like some kind of weepy little baby Togepi? Or are you going to show true Team Rocket spirit!”

“I…” Celestia hesitated. “I don’t know if I’ll be of any-”

“Come on!” James extended one gloved hand. “Get up! And together we’ll show those Team Flare freaks just what a big mistake they made when they tangled with us!”

“I don’t-” Celestia looked into her trainer’s eyes. For a precious few seconds, they stared at one another Then her own brow creased. “Yes,” she rose gracefully onto all four hooves. “That’s what we’ll do. For the sake of all. And for Team Rocket.”

“That’s the way!” James smiled.

“All for one,” Jessie said, reaching a hand out.

James and Meowth put their hands atop hers. “And one for all!” they echoed.

“Team Rocket’s rockin’!”


Shortly thereafter, Celestia was flying high above the dense, swampy forest that seemed to stretch on forever. As the best flier, it naturally fell to her to find a path out of this place and back to Laverre, where Team Rocket’s balloon and supplies still waited. It should have been easy to find one from so high up. Unfortunately, there were a few… complications.

First and foremost was the fact that Team Rocket seemed to have landed in a truly abysmal location. There weren’t any paved roads, buildings, or other such signs of civilization in any direction that Celestia had been able to pick out in the last few minutes. What she could see were a few dirt paths that went hither and yon. Some were obvious dead ends, but others stretched out a good ways away from where Team Rocket now stood. Celestia would have preferred to figure out a route more quickly, but it looked as though she’d just have to follow a trail a good ways until-

Alternatively, she could just ask that man walking along a trail down there.

Why not? She had a decent enough grasp of the local alphabet now. Enough to etch a simple question into the dirt, at any rate. And as a captured Pokemon, she needn’t fear any Poke Ball. It would save a bit of time, and with Dark Balls and perhaps an ultimate weapon about, time was now precious.

“Excuse me, sir?” she called out as she descended towards the trail. “Would you mind-”

Celestia paused as she got a better look at the man. He was, for lack of a better term, enormous. The largest human she had seen in this world, by far. Nine feet or more, easily. His clothing was ragged and battered, as was the red hat atop his head. Long white hair hung down to below his chest, while a green scarf concealed much of his lower face.

But when the man took notice and looked up at the princess, the primary sense that she got from him was one of age. Age and a supreme, all-consuming sense of melancholy. Though what she could see of his expression was neutral and entirely disinterested, Celestia still could almost feel her mood dropping at his mere presence. Not wanting to be rude, she suppressed it and landed in front of him.

“Excuse me,” she said to the towering man. “My friends and I are looking for Laverre City. I was wondering if you could point us in the direction…” she blinked, then chuckled half-heartedly. “What am I saying? Of course you can’t understand me! I need to-”

“The Pokemon…” the man said.

Celestia jumped slightly,

“The flower Pokemon…” he continued, his voice deep but sounding raspy as if from disuse. “The Pokemon that was given eternal life…”

The way he said the last bit made it sound to Celestia’s ears rather like a question.

“I’m sorry,” she shook her head. “I don’t know of any such Pokemon, but I’m-”

The giant simply walked around her, saying nothing more. Despite his slow pace, he seemed to cover ground unnaturally fast.

“Wait!” Celestia called out, despite feeling a little foolish. “Sir! I need to ask you one question! Which way is Laverre from here?”

One of the man’s massive arms pointed, though he did not turn.

“Um…” Celestia glanced in that direction. “Thank you!”

New Faces

When Princess Luna awoke, she was in a good deal of pain.

Her insides felt as though somepony had flushed acid through them, leaving raw, quivering alicorn organs behind. Her muscles too felt strangely wet and raw, stinging with the cold pain of wintery winds. Her stomach grumbled incessantly between contractions, as though trying to decide between purging itself and begging for food. Her skull was practically split by a pounding headache, which pulsed and throbbed with every loud beat of her heart.

But pain, Luna could take. Pain was a good thing. It meant that she was still alive to feel it. Besides the pain, she could feel something cool, soft, and wet beneath her prone body. The air itself seemed cool and damp here, in contrast to the muggy oppressiveness she last remembered feeling.

With a will born through the innumerable travails of millennia, the princess forced her creaking, aching neck to rise a little. And then she lifted her heavy eyelids and took in her surroundings. Her vision, she immediately noted, was much better than it had last been. Her blue eyes could make out what she now recognized for a decent-sized, damp cave easily, piercing the dark as well as they ever did. This place was almost entirely lightless, wet off-white rock as far as she could see, save for a small speck of white light in the far distance. When her gaze shifted downwards, Luna noted that she was sprawled atop what appeared to be an improvised mat of long green leaves.

“Oh,” came the sound of a soft, high-pitched voice. “You’re finally awake.”

Luna’s ears stood on end.

“Who…” she managed, voice raspy and hoarse. “Who goes… there?”

Moments later, her eyes picked up movement in the dark. Gritting her teeth against the pain, the princess forced her neck to swivel about and give her a clear view. The figure she saw was a tiny thing, not even the size of her head. It seemed to float in the air, hanging by some miniature umbrella.

No, Luna realized as it got closer, not an umbrella. The tiny white creature hung in the air from an odd-looking flower. Its upper body was white and vaguely humanoid, with two arms, a neck, and a head. In place of eyebrows, odd blue shoots seemed to simply sprout from above its eyes, white red lumps with trailing white protrusions took the place of ears. Its lower body was a blue, tail-like thing terminating in a heart shape. The flower it seemed to cling to was a red thing with six sharp petals arranged in twin triangles, with patterns of black on the larger three.

“Hello,” the creature said in its distinctly feminine voice. “My name is Floette.”

Luna wasn’t entirely sure what to make of this creature, and something of it must have shown in her face.

“Don’t be afraid,” said Floette, gently shifting her flower to point the petals at Luna. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

The flower lit up gently, and from its end came a small cloud of soft pink. Luna immediately held her breath as it washed over her. She tried to rally her weakened body to get up, to run, but for the moment that seemed beyond her. She managed almost two minutes before she had to give in, sucking in air and a great deal of pink in one massive gasp.

Immediately Luna’s quivering body began to relax. The sweetest aroma she had ever smelt rushed down her trachea and into her lungs, permeating her body. The pain began to recede at once, while her muscles felt as though they had turned into a soft jelly. She sank slowly back onto her mat, smiling almost in spite of herself.

“My Aromatherapy,” Floette said. “It purged the poison from you. It will help you get better.”

“Mmm…” Luna managed a vague nod.

“I can also use Wish. That will heal you more, alright? But I’ll need to get basically on top of you.”

“Do it,” Luna said.

Twin massive piles of books, easily mistaken for fortress walls, surrounded Princess Twilight Sparkle. Professor Oak, as she had hoped from an academic, had a massive collection of literature for her browse through. The first step, obviously, had been learning to read. Fortunately there were a great many similarities between the written language of this land – called Kanto, she now knew – and that of Neighpon back home. At any other time such a comparison would have made for a fascinating subject of study on its own, but for the moment the princess was simply glad that learning to read hadn’t been too hard.

This world was very different from Equestria. The sun and moon, as in the other human world she’d visited, moved on their own. The climate was uncontrolled, and the weather up to nature and plain luck. Far more important were the creatures known as Pokemon, which existed alongside humans in a strange relationship with no exact parallels to home. Though they were sentient, and in many cases sapient, no Pokemon species had ever achieved civilization. Though fully capable of using it if supplied, none had ever built technology. They could tap into a strange phenomenon known only as Infinity Energy – Twilight suspected it to be magic by another name – to cause physically impossible effects on their own or under human command. The creatures were a strange mix of mythical beast, wild animal, and intelligent being.

And, insofar as Twilight knew, she was one.

As she recovered more and more the princess submitted to several of Oak’s tests, one of which indicated that she was a Fairy/Psychic type Pokemon. That meant that she should resist Fighting and Psychic moves, while being vulnerable to Ghost, Poison, and Steel attacks. It was useful information to have, if she ever got into another fight here. If she had time, Twilight decided that learning some moves of her own might be useful. And whatever ability she had, if any, was still an unknown.

But more important than anything to Twilight was trying to decide what to do next. The way that the princess saw it, she had two primary options: attempt to locate the other princesses first, or start by seeking a way back home. Each had it pluses and minuses. On the one hoof, what if Celestia or Luna was in danger? On the other, would she even be able to find them without her magic? And even if she did, could she get to them? The world was very big, and they could have landed absolutely anywhere in it. By herself, finding the two of them could take years – decades even!

But if she were able to find, or create, a way home first, the process might be greatly expedited. Not only would she be able to perform proper scrying spells, but she could call in backup. Her friends, the guard, Discord even. Together they would stand a much better chance of actually locating Celestia and Luna. And the diarchs of Equestria were strong, not easily beaten down. They could take care of themselves for a little while. Right? So it was only rational that the first thing she should do would be to seek to establish a stable route home instead of blindly wandering through this strange world in the hopes of blundering into them. That made sense, didn’t it?

Twilight wasn’t entirely without her doubts about the idea, but the more she pondered it the more convinced she became. She was in a laboratory with one the world’s preeminent scientists. She had all the knowledge of her world and his right her at her hooftips. This was an excellent place to research, to plan, and to build. And she wouldn’t have to break her silence on the subject of her fellows. She wouldn’t even have to lie about what she was doing to Professor Oak. That seemed to her the most level-headed course, the one most likely to produce results for them all.

So Twilight Sparkle began to plan.

The journey back to Laverre City and Team Rocket’s deflated balloon took almost three days on foot. From there Celestia watched the trio pack up their camp, contact their superior, and re-inflate the Meowth balloon to its full extent. Then it was a mere few hours balloon ride to a random patch of wilderness only noteworthy for the collection of Rocket grunts already waiting there. Celestia noted the resentful stares the men and women gave Jessie, James, and Meowth. Some of them stared at her with something more akin to envy, though none of them said a word.

A few hours of waiting, a quick meal, and some idle chit-chat later all four of them stood among the ranks of the other Rockets. Save for the princess herself, every one of them was ramrod straight. High overhead a black aircraft with whirring rotary blades could be seen in the distance, rapidly drawing near. As it did Celestia briefly found herself wondering for the umpteenth time if this whole thing was a good idea, whether she might be better off on her own. Then she remembered what she had felt from the Dark Ball, and such doubts vanished. That thing was evil, and morality demanded that she do everything in her power to destroy it and defeat its wielders. And besides, she found she kind of liked “her” trio.

A minute later the transport touched down in the open field where they stood, rotary blades slowly coming to a halt. A latch on its side opened up, and a small staircase descended towards the ground. Shortly thereafter two figures appeared at the entrance, a man and a woman.

As one, Jessie, James, and Meowth gasped.

“Cassidy!” they looked at the woman, and then turned their heads to her partner. “And Bob!”


New Bosses

Celestia sized up the two newest arrivals. Cassidy was a woman of average height, dressed in a customized black Team Rocket uniform that doubled as a mindress, with long white gloves covering her arms and very long high-heeled boots that reached to the top of her thighs. Her long blond hair split into two lengthy tails, and she wore long pink, triangular earrings. Her partner… whatshisname had short green hair notable only for its prominent bangs. He wore more conservative and practical attire, a long-sleeved black Team Rocket uniform with regular white boots and gloves.

The duo walked down their vehicle’s stairway as all but the trio offered them salutes. Cassidy had her hand on her hip and looked imperious, while the other guy just looked sullen and slouched a little. Upon setting foot on the ground, Cassidy immediately started towards Jessie, James, and Meowth.

“Well well well,” she said with a smirk on her face. “What have we here? Team Rocket’s biggest failures again?”

The trio glared daggers at her, but kept silent.

“The boss told us that we were going to take over from a gaggle of incompetent nitwits, but he never mentioned it would be you three. Of course, it’s not like we didn’t figure it out immediately. I mean, who else could possibly bungle such a simple operation?!” Cassidy put a hand to her mouth and laughed.

“Honestly,” her partner waved his hand dismissively. “How you three are still in the team is a mystery even Uxie couldn’t solve!”

The two burst out laughing. Jessie, James, and Meowth stood there with fists clenched and teeth gritted, visibly trying not to break their attention.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!” Cassidy chuckled, wiping a tear from her cheek. “Good one Bill!”

“Bill?” the green-haired man’s eye twitched.

“Grrr…” Jessie growled. “Listen Cassidy, why don’t you and Chuck there take a hike already?! Kalos is our turf, Giovanni said so himself!”

“Not anymore, sweetie,” Cassidy said. “The boss sent us to manage the operations in Kalos from here on out. That puts you under our direct command!”

“Yeah, so you’d better get one thing straight!” the man got in their faces. “My name is Butch, you got that? Not Bill, not Bob, not Buffy, not Chuck, not Boris! BUTCH! I’m your boss now, so you’d better not forget it!”

“Oh, quit your whining, Barney!” Cassidy scoffed. “One mustn’t lose one’s temper before one’s inferiors.”


Celestia could swear that she could make out the faintest traces of steam coming out of the man’s ears.

“MY NAME IS BUTCH!” he screamed, grabbing Cassidy by the shoulders and shaking her like a ragdoll. “BUTCH! NOT BARNEY! WE’VE WORKED TOGETHER FOR YEARS! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THAT?!

“You know,” Celestia commented to Meowth. “I find that I don’t much care for this Cassidy, or this Bruce. I assume you have history?”

At the sound of her voice, Butch took a break from putting his partner through a localized earthquake. His head turned towards the trio, and he looked past them to where the princess stood. His expression drooped into one of weary sullenness.

“You know,” he said with a sigh. “I can’t understand a word that Pokemon is saying, but somehow I just know that it’s mangling my name.”

Cassidy, meanwhile, shook her head frantically to clear the swirls from her eyes, and then shoved Butch’s hands off of her. She too turned to look at the three, and then advanced towards them.

“Stand aside, peons!” she waved her hand at the trio.

Grudgingly, all three of them parted to let their new superior through.

“What have we here?” Cassidy walked directly up to Celestia.

Two pairs of eyes locked as both sized up the other. The two females stood at almost even height, with the alicorn just edging out the human, not counting her horn. Butch very quickly moved to join his partner, also giving the princess a quick once-over.

“This is your Pokemon, I assume?” Butch asked.

James nodded, tightly.

Butch and Cassidy eyed Celestia one more time, looked at one another… and burst out laughing.

“Ahahahahahahahaha!” Butch roared. “It looks like something out of a little girl’s coloring book!”

“I think I saw it once before – when I was four!” Cassidy laughed along. “Sweet Arceus above, it’s got a rainbow mane and a cute little nose and everything!”

“Its hair even sparkles!” Butch chortled. “Is this a Pokemon or a three-year-old’s crayon drawing?!”

“What type is it?” Cassidy clasped her hands together. “A pretty rainbow unicorn princess Pokemon? With sparkles and glitter and magic pixie dust? Will it play tea party and dress-up with us?”

“You’re wrong!” James finally broke his silence, fist clenched. “That’s Celestia, and she’s one of the strongest Pokemon you’ll ever see! You don’t want to make her angry!”

Butch and Cassidy looked over at him, blinked, and then resumed their laughter louder than ever.

“Oh no!” Cassidy mock-swooned. “The little girl’s toy will get mad at us! Oh Brutus, whatever shall we do?”

“It’s Butch!” he snapped.

“Should we tremble at the painted toes of her dainty feet?” Cassidy continued, oblivious.

“Or offer it frilly dresses to appease its dread wrath?” Butch rejoined the mocking.

Celestia gritted her teeth, wishing to deliver a retort but know that they had no way of understanding her. She wondered whether or not she should give these mockers a little demonstration of her power.

“Hey Bryce, maybe she’ll spare us if we feed her tea and cakes!”

Celestia wondered a little harder.

Cassidy and Butch continued to laugh for a little while longer, to the point where they were beginning to tax even Celestia’s patience. She restrained herself for the sake of her friends. They might well be blamed if she did anything, and she did not wish to cause them any further difficulty. Eventually, the duo managed to calm themselves down.

“Even if I’ve never seen anything like it,” Cassidy said. “This thing is way too frou-frou to be of any serious value to Team Rocket.”

“And besides,” Butch added. “You losers managed to capture it. That means it can’t be all that, no matter how rare it is!”

“Face it: you idiots screwed up in catching this thing. Again!” Cassidy smirked.

“But what else could we expect from Team Rocket’s biggest failures?”

The duo high-fived one another before walking onwards, laughing all the way.

Later that afternoon, Celestia sat beside Jessie, James, and Meowth, watching as Butch Cassidy began a presentation. They, naturally, had made the trio set up the entire stage set, sound system, and rows of chairs. Then the three were made to sit on three rickety wooden stools in the back. Celestia sat on the soft grass, staring irritably up at Kalos’ new Team Rocket leadership.

“Alright people, listen up!” Cassidy half-shouted into her microphone. “Giovanni himself assigned us to the task of taking down Team Flare, and we’re going to show the boss exactly why he was right to do it!”

“Since a certain group of unnamed morons,” Butch continued, earning chuckles from the audience. “Bungled the last attempt so horribly, we’re gonna have to work double time to fix it all up!”

That only earned groans.

“Shut your pie holes!” Cassidy barked. “Where’s your Team Rocket spirit, you lackies?! We’re going to go out there and kick Team Flare’s badly-dressed behinds like they were month-old tuna salad sandwiches! We’re going to save the world and boss will shower us with glory and rewards! Now who wants in on that?!”

The Rocket grunts raised their fists, cheering.

“That’s what I wanted to hear!” Cassidy pumped her fist. “We’re Team Rocket, the biggest baddest bunch in town! A bunch of freaks in clown suits can’t hope to stand up to us! So let’s go and get ‘em! For Giovanni!”

“For Giovanni!” the crowd echoed.

“For Team Rocket!” she continued.

“For Team Rocket!” they cheered.

“For riches and glory!”

“YEAH!” the Rocket grunts applauded wildly, while the duo waved and looked eminently satisfied. Cassidy even took a moment to glance over at the still-miserable trio, giving them a smug little wink and wave. Jessie bared her teeth.

“Now,” Butch went on after the noise had died down. “Team Flare thinks they got away with beating us last time. They think they’ve already won! But what they don’t realize is that they’re more vulnerable than ever! Because we’re here, and with us at the wheel Team Rocket is going right for the throat!”

The screen behind the duo lit up, revealing a picture that Celestia found uncomfortably familiar.

“For our new battle plan, Team Rocket is going right for the big boss himself, Lysandre,” Cassidy explained. “We’re going to jump that chump and drag him kicking and screaming right back to Giovanni himself!”

“Then, without their leader the rest of Team Flare will be easy pickings,” Butch said. “We can wrest the names of the rest of their leaders from him, and then take them down one by one,” the picture behind him shifted again, this time to a Dark Ball. “And then we’ll hunt down and destroy every last one of these. Giovanni doesn’t want a single one escaping our sight, so keep your eyes open, you got that? Each Dark Ball that you find and destroy earns you a bonus.”

The grunts cheered again. Celestia didn’t care about money and very much disliked these two, but at least they were on the same page. Those devices were evil, and needed to be destroyed as soon as possible.

“And if we catch any one of you so much as thinking about keeping one of those things,” Cassidy glared out. “Giovanni said to tell you that you’ll answer to him, personally!”

Celestia could practically feel the temperature dropping at her words. But that was hardly an unreasonable position to take. She would force anypony she caught doing something similar answer to her as well. Giovanni seemed well-intentioned enough, for all his gruffness.

“To maximize our effectiveness,” Butch pulled out a sheet of paper. “We’re going to be splitting the lot of you into teams with individual assignments. When I call your name, stand up and receive your first assignment.”

And so Butch and Cassidy went through the Rocket grunts one by one. Each man or woman stood up when called, learned the names of their team members, and was given an initial task to do. The process took a few minutes to complete.

“Last,” Butch said at length. “And certainly least, we have Jessie, James, and Meowth.”

Reluctantly, the trio got up from their stools.

“You three get the most important task of all,” Butch smirked a little.

“You get to go set up for our victory celebration,” Cassidy declared, hands on hips. “We’ll need accommodations for, say, a hundred for five days.”

“A fully-stocked buffet.”

“A DJ… no, scratch that. A live band.”

“A reserved section of the Kalos coastline.”

“Oh, and don’t forget to schedule our appointments at a spa,” Cassidy stretched. “Humiliating losers always gives me a yearning for a nice massage.”

“And as punishment for your previous failure,” Butch chuckled. “The whole thing is coming out of your paychecks!”

Jessie, James, and Meowth sank miserably to their knees while the rest of the crowd roared with laughter. On the stage, Butch and Cassidy high-fived one another.

“A huge party and those morons have to pay for it?” Cassidy smiled. “Oh Hutch, you and your brilliant ideas!”


New Challenges

“Alright, Celestia!” James called out, posing dramatically with fist clenched. “Use Solar Beam!”

Celestia reached deep inside herself, dipping into the great, churning ocean that was her magical power. In her mind, waves the size of tsunamis rose up and crashed against her skull, flowing up through it and into her elegant horn. Simultaneously, she called on the vast power of the star burning millions of miles away, willing it to flow through her, to mix with her magic. She felt the sunlight bathing her body in its and relished it, even as she prepared to channel its immense energy into a coherent beam of destruction.

Celestia lowered her head, leveled her horn at her target, closed her eyes, and willed the power to be unleashed.

Nothing happened.

Behind her, James lost his balance and tumbled backwards into the sand.

“Well, uh…” He sat up, scratching behind his head. “Twenty-sixth time’s the charm?”

Celestia sighed a little. Team Rocket was presently encamped on a beach just south of Cyllage City. The day was warm and sunny, the skies above clear and blue. Like any good employees, the trio were here obediently following the orders of their superiors to set up for a victory party. After, that is, they had been caught attempting to surreptitiously follow Cassidy and her partner on their plan. Twelve separate times.

Never ones to give up easily, Jessie, James, and Meowth had decided to take a little time to train themselves and their Pokemon on the beach before giving it a thirteenth go. That decision was only slightly influenced by the fact that Cassidy and… whatever his name was had threatened to call Giovanni the next time they caught the trio anywhere within twenty miles of them. Around her, Pumpkaboo and Inkay sparred with one another under Jessie’s direction. Wobbuffet stood a safe distance from the princess herself, ready to practice his counterattacks against whatever she threw at him. As for Meowth… he was busy mutilating sand drawings of the other Team Rocket duo.

“Alright,” James picked himself up. “Let’s try again! We’re going to try this move again and again until you’ve got it just perfectly, even if we’re out here all week! Rain or shine, night or day, we won’t give up! Neither hunger nor fatigue nor tsunamis nor a plague of the undead will stop us! Because,” he held both fists up high as flames from nowhere seemed to envelope him. “We are TEAM ROCKET!”

At least, Celestia reflected as sweat rolled down the back of her neck, it was a nice day.

The cool light of early morning found a certain tall, red-haired man walking down a serene forest path. All around him, droplets of dew glistened like a million shimmering diamonds, rolling gently off of deep green leaves. The faint sounds of slowly rising Pokemon could be heard – the chirping of Fletchling, the buzzing of Combee, Nincada scurrying back into their burrows, and many more. Lysandre took it all in with a relaxed smile on his face.

It did his heart good to get out every so often. Between secret plans to do the unthinkable and constant reminders of the selfish stupidity of so much of the world, it would be easy to become a brooding shut-in who thought of nothing but anger and hatred. Those things were important, to be sure, but it was also good to remember exactly what he was fighting for. A beautiful, clean world untouched by the ravages of time and greed. A future that would be worth living in. An eternal, unchanging world of beauty and peace. A heaven on earth.

Lysandre clenched one gloved fist, eyes alight, as he let the world’s beauty wash over him and reinvigorate his spirit. Yes, he was doing the right thing. There could be no doubt about it. He could not let this purity be despoiled and ravaged, forever lost to the universe. It didn’t matter what he had to do to stop it – anything was justified.

At that moment, Lysandre looked down at the Poke Balls around his waist and thought of all the friends he had made. The times they had shared, good and bad. Then he thought about what was coming, and what he would have to do. For just a moment his expression wavered, his clenched fist opened and closed again and again. For just a heartbeat, he hesitated.

And then both of his fists clenched twice as hard.

Lysandre snorted and redoubled his pace, good mood now vanished. What had he been thinking, coming out here? He had too much work to do. There was far too much at stake in the coming days for him to be taking pleasure walks. Perhaps such things weren’t as good for his heart as he’d imagined. Perhaps they instilled too much soft-hearted weakness, hampered his ability to do what had to be done. He resolved to make this his last one until after the plan was finished.

He made his way back the way he had come at a brisk pace, sweeping by the trees and shrubs and small Pokemon surrounding the trail without a second thought. Lysandre’s mind instead focused on the day ahead, and the many tasks he needed to complete. There was business for Lysandre Labs, business for Team Flare, police to bribe, operations to plan… so much yet remained to be done. And, as the last descendent of Kalos’ ancient royalty, it was on him to do all of it.

Lysandre was so busy planning out the days ahead that he almost didn’t notice a small glint in the dirt ahead of him.

“Well…” Lysandre froze in mid-step, before pulling back slightly. “What have we here?” He knelt down, running a finger along a thin shimmering strand in the dirt. “High quality fiber mesh… surrounding earth suggesting very recent movements…” He stood up tall, looking around. “I take it I’m about to be ambus–”

Out of nowhere a pair of powerful brown arms wrapped around Lysandre’s midsection, pulling him roughly up against something furry. At the same moment the crushing grip was being applied, a blue glow enveloped the Poke Balls around his waist. They flew off, disappearing into one of the many bushes surrounding the forest trails. A moment later two humans and a yellow Pokemon rose up from it.

“Good job, Hypno,” the green-haired man said, snatching the floating Poke Balls from the Pokemon’s psychic grip.

“Primeape,” the blonde woman said. “Be a dear and squeeze our clever guest a little.”

Lysandre grimaced as the pressure around his arms and midsection intensified to levels just short of rib-cracking. All around him, the bushes rustled as more occupants stood up and revealed themselves. More than a dozen men and women in black uniforms emblazoned with great red R’s surrounded the leader of Team Flare, grins and smirks decorating their faces.

“You thought you were pretty clever spotting our net, didn’t you?” the green-haired man taunted. “But Team Rocket always has a Plan B!”

“So you’re…” Lysandre gritted his teeth against the pain, only one eye open. “More Team Rocket filth?”

“You got that right!” the blonde woman answered, glancing at her partner. “So prepare for trouble!

“And while you’re at it, make it double!”

“Now!” The duo put their backs to one another. “Here’s our mission, so you’d better listen!”

“To infect the world with devastation!”

“To blight all peoples in every nation!”

“To denounce the goodness of truth and love!”

“To extend our wrath to the stars above!”


“And it’s Butch!”

“Team Rocket circles the earth day and night!”

“So surrender to us now or prepare to fight fight fight!”

“Shuck-uckle!” a small Pokemon at Butch’s feet added cheerfully.

The forest was silent for a moment, as Butch and Cassidy held their poses acrobatically, before coming down gently. The duo wore triumphant smiles on their faces.

“Well well,” Cassidy laughed. “How the mighty have fallen!”

“This was even easier than I thought!” Butch continued. “The boss is going to promote us for sure!”

The duo hive-fived one another. Primeape squeezed a little more, and Lysandre winced again.

“Is that… what you think?” He managed, despite the pain. “Well… Cassidy and Butch…”

“THE NAME IS BUTCH, YOU GOT IT?!” Butch screamed. A moment later, he blinked. “Oh yeah, that’s what you said…”

Lysandre opened both eyes, glaring at the two with an intensity enough make even them flinch.

“This is the worst mistake you’ve ever made in your miserable lives. And now I’ll show you exactly why.”

New Perspectives

“And now I’ll show you exactly why,” said Lysandre.

Butch and Cassidy looked at him. Then each other. Then they laughed.

“That’s just rich!” Cassidy giggled, one hand posed aristocratically in front of her mouth.

“What are you gonna do, stare us to death?!” Butch chortled along merrily.

All around them, in ones and twos at first but spreading quickly, all the other members of Team Rocket began to join in their superiors’ laughter. Why would they not? The clearly delusional man had been stripped of his Pokemon and was caught in a Primeape’s vicelike grip. Why not savor an easy victory and play sycophant to their leaders at the same time? All the while, Lysandre’s piercing glare moved not at all.

“Mienshao,” Lysandre said quietly, “if you would.”


Butch and Cassidy had barely had a second to look up from leaning against each other. One of Lysandre’s Poke Balls, hooked onto Butch’s belt, suddenly shook and burst open with a flash of silver. In an instant, a tall white and purple ferret-like Pokemon appeared on the scene, its eyes narrowed and its long yellow-tipped whiskers twitching angrily. The Team Rocket members scrambled backwards with wide eyes.

“Payback,” the Team Flare boss continued.

Mienshao turned on a dime. Fast as a striking serpent, it darted at the backpedaling Hypno. One of its paws alight with purple-pink energy, it hit the slower Psychic type with the force of a thunderbolt. Hypno barely even managed to cry out as it went flying backwards, hitting a tree hard enough to leave a notable indent in the wood. The yellow Pokemon slumped miserably to the ground, and did not get up.

“Take them.”

By this time Butch and Cassidy as well as some of their more perceptive subordinates were reaching for Poke Balls of their own. Mienshao didn’t give them a chance. Rushing headlong at the leading duo, it lashed out with its left foot and long tail and swept the legs easily from underneath them. They hit the dirt, but Lysandre’s Pokemon wasn’t done yet. It grabbed each of them in one paw, pulling both close to its chest in a surprisingly powerful headlock.

“If anything happens to me,” Lysandre went on, almost conversationally, “break their necks.”

Butch and Cassidy froze in place, color draining from their faces. Around them the grunts too stiffened up, shock and indecision not even allowing them to call out their own Pokemon.

“Are you nuts?!” Butch shouted more than a little hysterically. “If anything happens to us you’ll go too!”

“Ape!” the Primape still holding Lysandre barked its agreement, increasing the pressure to just short of rib-cracking. Lysandre squeezed his eyes shut.

“And I am willing… to die… for what I fight for,” he said through gritted teeth, now barely able to breathe. “Can you – ergh – scum say… the same thing?”

Though only a few seconds passed on the forest trail, time slowed to the barest crawl. Team Rocket grunts stared mutely at their leaders, wanting to do something but powerless to intervene. Mienshao glared at Primeape. Primeape glared back. Both Pokemon tightened their holds. Lysandre said nothing, even as he felt like his chest must surely give in. As they clutched futily at the iron paws wrapped snugly around their throats, Cassidy and Butch’s eyes slowly wandered to Mienshao, each other, and finally to Lysandre. Cassidy gave a small nod, and Primeape’s grip slackened marginally. Lysandre gasped for air.

“That’s…” he managed between gulps, “the difference between us, do you see? You’re nothing but selfish vermin, poisoning the beauty of this world with your mere presence! You connive and grasp and strive and steal all that you can get your filthy little hands on, but in the end what do you believe in? What cause do you fight for that’s greater than your wretched selves?!”

“Team Rocket,” one of the slower grunts said.

“Team Rocket?!” Lysandre laughed bitterly. “What is Team Rocket but a pitiful band of Pokemon thieves, loathsome miscreants brought together only by their petty desires for riches and power? You sulking cowards even now have me in your grip. If you were brave, if you cared for something, for someone else more than you do yourselves you could put an end to me and my plans here and now!”

There was silence on the forest road, even the chirping Nincada having long since scurried away.

“But you won’t, will you?” Lysandre wore a small, pained grin. “You believe in nothing. You care for nothing. You fight only to indulge your pitiful greed and from fear of your master’s punishment. It would be almost funny…” here his grin faded away, “if it weren’t so disgusting! People like Team Rocket are the blight that’s slowly killing this world. Look around you, you fools. See this purity? This innocence? This beauty? All of these things, all of them, are dying because of PEOPLE LIKE YOU!”

Lysandre’s last words came out like a sudden thunderclap, their intensity so palpable it seemed almost physical. The Team Rocket grunts shied away from the seeming madman. Butch and Cassidy winced, increasingly nervous expressions on their faces. Even Primeape seemed to cringe back a little.

“So, vermin…” Lysandre’s next words were a low hiss. “Since you lack the conviction to carry out your mission to the very end, how about we make a deal? Call your Primeape off of me, and I’ll call Mienshao off of you. Then we fight it out and may the better man win.”

Cassidy and Butch eyed the red-haired man warily, though they said nothing.

“Ah, I see.” Lysandre’s wry grin returned. “You think me some foam-mouthed fanatic, set off at the slightest trigger and completely untrustworthy, yes? Well, as a professional businessman I can assure you I would never have gotten anywhere if I didn’t know how to lock my rage in the deepest depths of my soul. I offer you my word that I will uphold any agreement to the letter.”

The duo remained silent, though their expressions were slowly shifting.

“How about a simple verbal contract? You will roll Mienshao’s empty ball over to me. Then I will count to three, and on three we both recall our Pokemon? More than a fair deal to save your cowardly skins, don’t you think?”

“Grrr…” Cassidy gritted her teeth, but slowly nodded. “Deal. Bob?”

Butch didn’t even say anything as he tossed the small orb onto the forest floor. It rolled slowly, vaguely in Lysandre’s direction. Primeape relaxed its grip just enough to allow him to grab it with one hand.

“On three then?” he asked. The duo nodded.

“One,” they said.

“Two,” went Lysandre.


Even as three voice shouted in perfect unison, twin beams of red streaked between them. In an instant, both Primeape and Mienshao vanished from the scene. All three of them hit the dirt as one. Butch was the fastest to regain his feet.

“You’re gonna pay for that!” he roared, eyes alright with indignant outrage. “Go Mightyena!”

“Granbull, you’re on!” Cassidy shouted.

Twin Pokemon, one a vicious-looking grey and black wolf with a mouth full of gleaming white fangs, the other a greyish-purple biped with a massive lower jaw and thick muscles, appeared before the enraged Rocket duo.

“Graveler, come on out!” one Rocket grunt cried.

“Muk, go get ‘em!” added another.

“Go, Golbat!” came a third.

In quick succession, the forest trail was filled with over a dozen Pokemon, as even the slowest of the duo’s minions caught on that their leaders had no intention of making it a fair duel. Rhydon, Weepinbell, Gloom, Mawile, Foongus, Doduo, and Hoppip all burst onto the scene. Through it all, Lysandre simply stood there, a tight but confident smile adorning his face.

“Is that all you’ve got?” he asked, palms up. “Honestly, I have to say I’m a little insulted your superior thinks this enough to beat me.”

“It doesn’t matter what you think!” Cassidy spat back. “That Mienshao of yours may be strong but it’s not unbeatable! You’re outnumbered here so just give up already!”

“Outnumbered, but hardly outmatched.”

“I think we’re gonna have to teach this punk just why Team Rocket is so feared.” Butch cracked his knuckles. “We’ll bring you back to the boss alright, but he never said anything about your condition when you get there.”

“Is that so, Mr. Butch?”

“IT’S BOTCH YA GOT I- wait what am doing?”

“Once again you fools prove you understand nothing. Relying on the sheer weight of numbers to intimidate me. What are mere mercenary numbers against heart?”

“A beating is what it’s looking like.” Cassidy leveled her finger at Lysandre. “Last chance, rich boy, come quietly and this won’t hurt too much.”

“Oh yes dear me whatever shall I d-” Lysandre’s eyes flashed. “Gyarados.”

Another Poke Ball on Butch’s belt began to enlarge. This time the panicked green-haired man snatched it up in an instant, throwing it as hard as he could at the infuriatingly smug philanthropist. It burst open in mid-flight, silver glow so vast and bright that it seemed to all present that a second sun had flared into being. Then the instant passed, and Lysandre stood there with a triumphant grin on his face.

“You see, you parasites,” he explained, even as the vast blue sea serpent let out an ear-shattering roar. “You have no hope against me. What are your Pokemon to you but tools? What are you to them but harsh masters?”

Gyarados stared down at the little insects who had dared attack its partner and friend. Its massive, pearly-white fangs gleamed in the afternoon sun. Hoppip took one look up at the towering Pokemon and fainted on the spot.

“To you, your Pokemon, as with your ‘Team’, are simply another means to satiate your greed and indulge your vanity. But they are so much more than that, these wonderful creatures.” Lysandre rubbed a hand gently across one of Gyarados’ shining scales, sounding almost philosophical. “They are our friends, our companions, dearest to the hearts of all true trainers. It is this, our friendship and affection, which in turn brings out the true power within them.”

“I’d say the ‘true power’ of that thing is being fifty feet tall and made of muscle and bad attitude!” Cassidy pointed up at it. “But if you think that’s gonna scare Team Rocket off, you’ve got another thing coming!”

Lysandre simply shook his head, smiling like a world-weary teacher correcting an ignorant child.

“I never thought my words would reach people like you,” he said. “They never did before, not really. Those ‘innocents’, so eager to receive my generosity yet so reluctant to part with so much as a single coin for the sake of another. Those vicious liars who nod and smile and call my words wise yet do nothing to heed them. Those selfish, greedy, short-sighted insects who sully this world with their mere EXISTENCE!” Lysandre snarled, clenching his fist tight. “Words solve nothing! Patience solves nothing! ‘Charity’ solves nothing! Only heart and action will save the beauty of this world! Gyarados!” His head jerked up, meeting the serpent’s eyes. “Let’s show these vermin the true power of two hearts together as one!”

Gyarados nodded, then let out an eager bellow. Lysandre raised his right hand high, a ring on his middle finger beginning to shine. The gem affixed to the center point of the Pokemon’s crown-like crest did likewise.

“Alright I’ve had enough of this nonsense! Mightyena!” Butch pointed. “Attack now! Crunch!”

“Granbull, Thunder Fang!” Cassidy joined him.

One by one, the others called of their own attacks, save for the poor girl still trying to awaken her limp Hoppip. Moving as one, a dozen Pokemon charged the shimmering giant.

“Gyarados,” said Lysandre. “Mega Evolve”

The gem on his ring flared bright. The sea serpent was encased in a sphere of roiling rainbow energy. A slightly smarter man took a few steps back.


The orb surrounding Gyarados shattered into a million pieces. The giant now wore a new form, but none of Team Rocket had even a moment to appreciate it. A veritable tidal wave of freezing energies burst from its mouth without delay, all but burying the luckless Pokemon now but a few feet from the epicenter. That barely even slowed the attack down, pelting hail and swirling mists and newborn spikes of ice surging forward as if in a frantic race to consume the whole world. Butch and Cassidy had just enough time to hold one another and scream as the tide washed over them as well.

Even then the attack didn’t stop, tearing through the woods around them as if driven by an insatiable, ravenous hungers. Trees that had stood for generations, weathered the storms of centuries, were ripped from their proud pillars and tossed about like so many sticks in a hurricane or ripped apart by wild icicle spears. Gyarados unleashed its fury onto the world around it, letting loose bitter rage long locked inside its poisoned soul. And perhaps not only in that soul.

It was only when his Pokemon had reduced whole swathes of forest about him to frozen wastelands that would surely take decades to recover, if they ever did, that Lysandre finally raised one hand. Immediately, Gyarados ceased, form already beginning to change back to normal as the fires of battle cooled.

“Thank you old friend,” Lysandre said warmly, scooping its Poke Ball from the frozen earth. “We’ll go out swimming together, soon, just you and I on your favorite reef. Return now, and rest.”

Gyarados vanished as suddenly as it had come, disappearing into the orb in a flash of red light. Lysandre stared down at it, just for a moment.

“One last time,” he said, then put it away.

The leader of Team Flare walked almost casually through the icy ruins he had created, looking around with a neutral expression as if simply judging an unusual piece of artwork. It was only when he spotted the frozen forms of Cassidy and Butch that his expression changed.

“As you can see, I don’t think I’ll be coming with you,” he said matter-of-factly. “Perhaps you all might instead do me the honor of accompanying me back to my home.”

Inside their icy prison, the duo shivered.

New Discoveries

“Well, where are they?” Jessie fumed.

“Dey gotta be somewhere,” said Meowth.

Do these people know the meaning of “give up”? Celestia wondered.

The alicorn princess was currently resting atop Team Rocket’s Meowth balloon, enjoying the warm afternoon sun even as she craned her neck to look down at the ground far below. Down the basket, Jessie, James, and Meowth lacked the benefits of alicorn eyes or the Foresight move, so they were stuck with simple binoculars. Three days had passed since their initial attempts to follow Cassidy and Bill, but they had no intention of letting a little thing like orders prevent them from one-upping their hated rivals.

It wasn’t that Celestia necessarily disagreed with their decision – obviously this Team Flare had to be stopped and wasting agents for simple petty humiliation was wrong – but the trio’s way of going about it…

She sighed.

The two humans and catlike Pokemon hadn’t so much as landed their balloon since taking off from the beach. They ate, they slept, they did everything in a tiny green basket, barely even pausing for the slightest break. Even at night at least one of the three was awake and on watch at all times, scanning the land with binoculars for the slightest trace of their fellow agents. By her count, since emerging from her Poke Ball early that morning the three of them put together had barely so much as sat down for fifteen minutes out of nine hours. Their dedication was admirable, but their monomania reminded Celestia a little too much of some “episodes” of a certain former student back home. How much could they physically take?

“So what’d you say they look like?” a voice jogged her from her worries.

Celestia looked back at the wild Pidgeotto currently sharing the balloon with her. “Cassidy is a blonde-haired woman with long twin tails, pink triangle earrings, long white gloves and boots, and an impractical-looking black minidress with a prominent “R” on her chest. Botch has green hair, wears a long-sleeved black uniform very similar to the man in the basket, and is perpetually angry about people getting his name wrong.”

“Hmmm…” Pidgeotto rubbed his chin with one wing. “Nope. Can’t say I’ve seen anybody like that ‘round these parts.”

“What about Lysandre? Bright red hair styled like a mane, prominent beard, wears a red-lined black suit with fur trimming about the collar? I hear he’s very famous.”

“Can’t say I’ve heard of him. Don’t get much news out here in the forest.”

“But have you seen anyone that looks like that?”

“Sorry,” Pidgeotto shook his head. “I ain’t seen hide or hair of any human lookin’ like that fella.”

“I see. Well, have you seen any humans wandering around in ridiculously tacky orange suits? They also seem to enjoy orange sunglasses for whatever reason.”

“You mean the wanderin’ clown posse? Yeah, I’ve seen ‘em.” Pidgeotto pointed a wing in a roughly northeastern direction. “Bout half an hour or so that way, two days back as I recall it. Maybe ten of ‘em, loadin’ something or other into some trucks by the road. They had some Pokemon on patrol that didn’t look hospitable-like, so I didn’t stick around.”

“Understandable,” Celestia replied. “Has there been anything else unusual of late? Anything at all to do with the clown posse?”

“Hmmm… welp, I don’t rightly know if it had anything to do with them, but a few days back heard some weird stories about a chunk of the forest just plum up and freezin’ over. Took a look yesterday, but I guess it’d all melted ‘cause all I found was a big blotch of dead brown trees and mud. Don’t know any critters ‘round here strong enough to do something like that. Or any Ice types at all, really. Could just a been some stupid trainer kids throwin’ down where they don’t rightly belong again.” He snorted.

“I see. Is there anything else you can think of? Anything at all?”

Pidgeotto thought a moment, then shook his head. “Not really. Losin’ a chunk of the forest to some vandals is about the biggest thing that’s happened in the last few months. ‘Sides you guys hoggin’ the skies today.”

“In that case, thank you for telling me what you did.”

“You shared yer lunch with me, it was the least I could do. Why are you lookin’ fer these fellows so hard anyway?” He looked down at Team Rocket, hunched over the edge of their balloon’s basket with binoculars pressed hard against their faces. “Are your friends down there okay?”

“We think that Cassidy and Braden may be in danger from the clown posse,” Celestia explained. “We’re… friends, you see.”

Pidgeotto looked down at the trio, then back up. “Well, you’re some pretty devoted friends alright.”

“You could say that.”

“Anything else you wanted ta know? I know a few decent waterin’ holes I might share with a nice gal like you. Couple a’ trees where lots a Caterpie gather too.”

“Tempting as the offer is, I must decline. My thanks for your assistance.” Celestia answered politely, trying not to think about why he knew where Caterpie lived.

“Welp, if that’s all ya wanted ta know I suppose I had better be getting’ back ta the missus. Gotta help find a good nest ‘fore eggs come out.”

“Best of luck to you.”

“And same to you,” Pidgeotto nodded, spreading his wings. “Oh, an better watch yerself. Some Pokemon ‘round here ain’t as hospitable as me.”

You wanted to blow us out of your sky with Gust before I invited you to lunch. Celestia felt a drop of sweat forming on her neck.

Pidgeotto took off with a single beat of his wings, circling the balloon once before beginning a descent, waving one wing as he did so.

“Take care, Ms. Celestia. Good luck findin’ yer friends!”

Celestia waved goodbye to her newfound acquaintance, watching him slowly drift down towards the trees below, before turning her attention back to the trio below. She stood up, stretched her wings, and then proceeded to float gently down to the basket.

“Meowth?” she poked the cat softly on the shoulder.

“Yeah what is it?” he grumbled, not looking at her at all. “I’m busy.”

“I think I have some information that might aid our search.”

Meowth humphed indignantly, prying the binoculars off his face momentarily. Celestia winced at the red indents in the white fur around his eyes.

“Dis had betta be good, princess.”

An hour, an argument, and a frantic skirmish with a hive of wild Beedrill later, Jessie, James, Meowth, and Celestia stood amidst an ugly splotch of brown amidst a sea of green. All around them were dozens of dead trees of all sizes, some toppled and many full of holes. Lesser vegetation lay scattered about in clumps, brown and dead, torn out by the roots or simply torn to pieces by the sheer force of whatever had done this. Celestia grimaced at the destruction, though she felt some relief at the lack of any bodies.

“Well it’s obviously something unnatural,” Jessie said, hand on hips “but how do we know it has anything to do with Cassidy and Hutchison? Any number of Pokemon or trainers could have done this.”

“Well we won’t know til we look fa clues, will we?” Meowth retorted. “May be somethin’, may be nothin’, but it beats spendin’ anudda minute in dat balloon.”

“Well aright, but only half an hour you hear? I don’t want that stuck-up prima donna Cassidy gaining one second of a lead on us while we scrounge in the dirt!” She eyed James. “Your Pokemon had better not be leading us off course.”

“I’m sure she wouldn’t have brought it up if she didn’t think it was important somehow,” he said hastily, hands up in front of his chest.

Jessie snorted. “Alright, split up and search! I want to know who did this and where they went, and I want to know now!” She pointed grandiosely.

“Ma’am yes ma’am!” James and Meowth shouted at the top of their lungs, dashing headlong into the shattered forest.

Celestia made to go with them, trotting a few steps in that direction before noticing something. She turned her head around.

“Aren’t you going to-”

Jessie was propped up against the balloon, already sound asleep.

Celestia sighed.

“Well that was a whole lot of nothing.” James moaned, halfheartedly kicking a passing pebble.

“I am reluctantly forced to agree,” said Celestia, walking by his side.

“If I weren’t so tired I’d be furious,” Meowth muttered from atop Celestia’s back.

The three of them had spent the past hour or so meticulously combing through the shattered forest, but to no avail. If there ever had been any evidence of what exactly had happened here, the freezing torrent and the passage of time or the whimsy of scavengers had stolen it away. There was nothing left but dead plants and broken wood tossed haphazardly about or sticking miserably out of the slightly-damp earth. The alicorn had even had the presence of mind to take a look at the dirt trail beyond the wreckage, but it was so tightly-packed and cluttered with debris that she didn’t see anything meaningful. Even Foresight failed to offer any real clue. And she had so been hoping for some good luck for once.

When the three of them made their way back to the balloon, they found Jessie exactly where the princess had left her, contentedly catching up on the nap time she had missed the previous days. James’ left eye twitched. Meowth, from his comfortable position between Celestia’s wings, was less restrained.

“HEY!” he yelled, the force of it flattening Celestia’s ears. “What the heck do ya think you’re doin’, sleepin’ on da job like dat?!”

“Huh? Wha…” Jessie blinked several times, yawned, then stretched her arms behind her head.

“You just decided to take a nap while we slaved digging through the muck?” James said, wringing his hands.

“Why you little…” Meowth growled, unsheathing his claws.

In a flash, Jessie regained her feet. “Team, report!” she snapped in a commanding tone, as if nothing had happened. “Any clues to the location of Cassidy and Biff?”

“No! No thanks ta you, sleepin’ beauty!”

“I’ll have you know that a well-rested commander is vital to the success of any team!”

“Who died and made you queen?”

“Well I don’t see any of you coming up with any bright ideas,” Jessie crossed her arms. “And from what you just said this whole thing was a complete waste of time, so I suggest that we get out of here right away and get back to-”

“Hey, Jess,” James said, anger gone from his voice. “What’s that under your foot?”


Jessie, Meowth, and Celestia looked down at where James was pointing. There, in the churned earth beneath the former’s boot, was a slight glint. Jessie bent down and seized it, while the others walked over. Celestia could see that it was a small bit of reflective black fibers, only slightly coming out of the earth. Jessie tugged at the little bit of rope, but it stuck fast. Jessie grabbed it with both hands and tried harder, but it remained where it was.

“It’s under there pretty good,” she announced. “Feels like it’s buried under something heavy. Help me out, would you?”

“Uh, guys?” Celestia interjected.

“Not now, princess,” Meowth said as he and James took up position behind Jessie.

“On three,” Jessie ordered. “One. Two. Three. Heave!”

“Ho!” answered James and Meowth.

The three of them pulled, straining with all their might against the cord buried deep in the earth. At first their strength was rewarded, a foot or so of rope now revealed to be fastened to a network of other ropes emerging from the earth. However, very soon the rope stopped coming, but that did not deter the intently focused trio. If anything they simply redoubled their efforts.

Do they even realize their balloon is directly on top of it?

Although it took the three around five minutes of sweating and straining before they finally realized the source of the problems, at least they did manage to haul their prize out of the dirt. Inspection revealed that it was a large, tough fiber net easily big enough to trap any one of them, or perhaps all four of them together. James knelt beside it, running his fingers along the dirty ropes.

“Hmmm… I’d say this is a standard capture net,” he said. “Looks to be pretty new and in good shape.”

“Set up but not activated, by the looks of things.” Celestia added her own observation. Meowth translated.

“Sounds about right.” James stood up. “It doesn’t have any surefire markings but it definitely looks like something Team Rocket would issue.”

“So Buffy and Cassidy were here!” Jessie growled.

“Well if they were dose two sure got more than dey bargained for.” Meowth looked around at the devastated forest. “But what happened to ‘em next?”

“Do you think they won?” asked James.

“No.” Jessie shook her head.

“How do you know?”

“Because I know Cassidy,” she growled. “If that insufferable woman had taken Lysandre back to the boss then there’s no way she wouldn’t have called us to gloat about it. Then demanded her oh so glorious ‘victory party’.” Jessie crossed her arms and snorted. “No, there’s no way they won if they were here. So that leaves the question: did they lose, or did they just run away?’

The four of them had just a moment to ponder that question when there came a familiar beeping from inside their balloon’s basket. Their projector was receiving a call.

“Gah!” James jumped. “Of all the times…”

“Don’t tell me it’s Cassidy and Benjamin,” Jessie fumed.

“Just shut up a second!” Meowth hopped inside, then came right back out a minute later with their small device. Setting it on the ground and pressing a button, it only took one moment for the projective screen to come online.

Jessie took the initiative, pointing right at the projection. “Now look here you horrible little-” Her voice trailed off as she realized just who was on the other end of this call.

“Finally,” said Giovanni, shadowed but unmistakable in his shrouded office. “It’s about time someone answered.”

The Persian in his lap hissed in sympathy.


All three members of Team Rocket dropped to their knees in an instant.

“What is that supposed to be?” Giovanni said, looking beyond his kneeling subordinates to the still-standing alicorn now visible behind them.

Celestia didn’t know quite why, but she didn’t like the way he said that.

“Bah,” before anyone could answer, Giovanni waved a dismissive hand. “There are more important matters to attend to right now.” He stared the trio in the eyes. “As of right this moment, I have every reason to believe that you three are the last Team Rocket members active in Kalos. It seems I may still need you after all.”

New Directions

“Alright you three,” Giovanni continued, “listen and listen well. For the past three days Team Rocket headquarters has received absolutely no communication from Cassidy, Butch, nor any other member of our organization in the Kalos region. No reports of success, no indications of failure, no routine check-ins, nothing. After having waited inordinately long for some signs of mission status, I have spent the last several hours attempting to contact our agents through various means. I went through each and every member we have there before at last coming to you. As you are the only responsive team, it falls to you to tell me what I want to know. And trust me when I say I am in no mood to hear anything but the utmost, unvarnished truth of the situation.”

Jessie, James, and Meowth swallowed as one.

“Now first, tell me what has been happening there. All that you know, and no embellishments.”

“Ummm…” Jessie took a deep breath. “Well boss, we haven’t seen heads or tails of Cassidy or Bob or any of the others ourselves for three days either. They said they were going to take everyone on a mission to ambush Lysandre himself to bring him to you, but they… left us behind.”

Giovanni’s frown deepened.

“They sent us off to go plan their victory party!” James blurted out, voice cracking a little. “They told us to go to the beach and ordered us to use our own money to make sure they had a nice festival all set up in their honor when they got back!”

“But we tried ta follow ‘em instead boss!” Meowth admitted, sweating bullets. “We thought dat partyin’ weren’t da best use of our skills so we decided ta tag along by balloon an’ help see?”

“But they eluded you fools, I take it?”

The trio abased themselves, foreheads nearly to the earth by this point, and shuddered.

“We couldn’t find them, no,” Jessie muttered from where she was. “We searched high and low for three days without rest and all we found was this stupid patch of dead trees!”

Giovanni raised an eyebrow. “Go on.”

“There’s this chunk of forest on a trail near Route 14 where something killed a bunch of trees a few days ago. Something froze the ground and tore up the trees, but when we got here everything had melted already. We searched the area and found a net set up but not triggered buried underneath all the dirt and torn wood.”

“It looked like it could have been issued by Team Rocket,” James added.

“And that’s all you found? No indications of causalities?”

“Sir no sir!” all three said as one.

“I see.” Giovanni sat back in his chair. “So, it would appear at least somewhat likely that Team Flare has at the very least chased your fellows into hiding, possibly captured or incapacitated them, or perhaps applied a more permanent sanction.”

The dispassionate way he said that did not bode well to Celestia’s ears.

“Nonetheless, it remains a priority to stop the proliferation of the Dark Ball technology and bring a halt to whatever scheme this Lysandre is brewing for this ‘ultimate weapon’. The world will not be put at risk by such an unstable man wielding a superweapon. Not if I have anything to say about it.”

That sentiment, the alicorn found herself nodding along to.

“Only a man utterly callous or completely insane would wish to revive those devices,” Giovanni mused. “The Dark Ball’s energies over-tax the bodies of the Pokemon trapped inside. Though this provides a substantial boost in power, the massive exertions forced on them eventually lead to multiple organ failure and death within anywhere from a year to a mere few weeks. Anyone willing to do this to their own Pokemon… what would they be willing to do to the world, if they had access to something like the legendary superweapon from Kalos’ past? What would they do to my agents?”

After a moment’s thought, the boss shook his head. “Something must still be done, but it seems you three are the only ones left active in the area. Therefore, against my better judgement you three will be given one more chance to redeem yourselves for your failures.”

“We won’t fail you, Giovanni sir!” Jessie, James, and Meowth shouted at the top of their lungs, still abased on the earth.

“I should hope not.” Giovanni paused. “Now listen to me and listen well. Follow my orders to the letter, you understand?”

“Yes sir!”

“Good.” He nodded. “Now, here is exactly what I want you to do…”

“Understood, sir!” the trio saluted, a few minutes of explanation later.

“Excellent.” Giovanni folded his hands together. “I will remain in touch. Giovanni out.”

With the slightest touch of his finger, the projection of his three most useless yet strangely resilient and loyal agents vanished in an instant. On his lap, Persian rubbed his head against Giovanni’s stomach and kneaded his paws, so the boss stroked his pet in response. As was his wont, he soon fell into contemplation and thought as his pet purred appreciatively. Today, his thoughts were on Kalos and the rapidly-deteriorating situation there.

For a moment, just a moment, Giovanni thought of the strange pale, winged, rainbow-maned Rapidash he’d seen accompanying his least favorite trio. The odd Pokemon hadn’t said anything, but he felt sure it had been paying close attention to every word that he had said. And there was a look in its eyes that suggested something more…

Giovanni shook his head once and put the matter from his mind. No matter how unusual or beautiful it might look, his rational mind told him it wouldn’t be anything more than a pretty curiosity. After all, those three had managed to capture and tame it.

It couldn’t be that impressive.

“Hiya Professor!” Ash waved at the image on the screen.

“And a good evening to you, Ash and Pikachu,” Professor Oak smiled.

“Pika!” said Pikachu cheerfully from atop Ash’s shoulder.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?”

“Well you see,” Ash replied, “I was calling to check in on how that Pokemon I sent you was doing. It’s been a few days since we last spoke and I was just wanting to be sure everything was alright.”

“Oh more than alright,” Oak assured him. “Twilight here is making a remarkably fast recovery, especially considering the extent of her injuries. Wouldn’t you say so?”

“Light,” came the response from somewhere off the camera.

“But there’s something else that I think you should know about her, Ash. From what she’s told me – and I know it may seem hard to believe at first – this unique specimen of Pokemon you sent me isn’t from our world at all!”

“Woah.” Ash and Pikachu’s mouths opened. “You mean like she’s an alien or something? Because there was this one time in Mount Moon…”

“I’m not quite sure I would use the term ‘alien’.” Oak scratched the back of his head. “At least not as broadly imagined in popular culture. I would classify Twilight as a form of unintentional dimensional traveler.”

“You mean like Unown?”

“Something like that, although in her case the travel wasn’t voluntary and according to her story she wasn’t already a Pokemon of some type in her home dimension. The mechanisms of this are theoretical at best, but it seems that during her accidental dimensional jaunt, young Twilight somehow transformed from what she calls an alicorn to a unique species of Pokemon all her own.”

“Wow. So is she looking to get home?”

“Oh yes.” Oak nodded. “Ever since she could communicate she’s been absorbing knowledge on this world, and in particular the state of interdimensional travel here. I’m sad to say that there isn’t much to offer on the subject, not that it’s stopped her from looking.”

As if on cue, there came the sound of frantic page-turning from somewhere else in the laboratory.

“And even more remarkably, according to her story the Pokemon you caught isn’t just a traveler from another dimension, she’s a princess from another dimension. One of four, as a matter of fact. Not something you just find wandering through a forest every day, eh?”

“That’s pretty incredible!” Ash smiled for just a second, then lost it just as suddenly. “Hang on, did you say one of four?”

“Yes.” The professor nodded again.

“Chu?” Pikachu asked from his shoulder.

Ash put a hand to his chin, looking down slightly. “One of four… hey professor?” He looked back up at the screen. “Can you ask, uh… Twilight if she knows anybody who looks a bit like her, only taller… and whiter… and with a rainbow-colored mane?”

Before Oak could do any such thing, or even answer, there was a sudden flash of energy and the screen was filled with purple. Ash and Pikachu jumped in their seat.

“Light? Twi li li light?! Light twi twi li twilight! Twi twilight! Twi twi twi twi twi twi twi twi twilight!”

“Pikachu! Pika pika pikachu!” Pikachu responded, waving his arms in an attempt to calm the suddenly-frantic alicorn down.

“Twilight! Light light li twi! Twilight!” she responded, not one iota less urgently. “Twi twilight twi! Light li twi twi twi! Light?!”

From off screen, Ash could barely hear Professor Oak’s voice.

“I’m guessing that’s a yes.”

As the moon slowly rose overhead, Luna walked softly through a dark forest. A small blue and white Pokemon floated by her side, clutching its flower tight. All around them, the land was quiet and still save for the chirping and occasional bioluminescent Bug Pokemon. The alicorn knew now that that hardly guaranteed its safety. After a moment, two stepped into a small, deserted clearing.

“And you are certain that this is the direction of the nearest bastion of civilization?” Luna asked her little companion.

“Absolutely.” Floette nodded. “I may avoid humans myself for… personal reasons, but I know where they live. And if you want cities and governments, you want humans. There’s a big city in that direction,” she pointed, “not more than a day or two by air. I still don’t know if it will help you though, people don’t understand Pokemon languages.”

“I assure you I am capable of finding some means of translation if that applies in my case.”

“I still think you should stay. Rest another day or two.”

“I must find my sister and a way home, and to do that I must find civilization.” Luna shook her head. “I still think you ought to come with me. This forest isn’t safe for a creature your size, even with Haunter no more.”

Floette shook her own, much smaller head. “And I told you, I won’t live near humans. I’m perfectly capable of caring for myself out here – I’ve been doing it far longer than you can imagine.”

“I can imagine quite a long time,” the princess responded drily. “Is that your final answer, then?”

“It is.”

“In that case I wish you well, Floette.” Luna spread her wings. “And I thank you most sincerely for all of your assistance.”

“Don’t mention it. Helping Pokemon in need is what I live for.”

“A worthy calling, I think. Fare thee well, my friend.”

“And you as well.” Floette nodded.

With one last look back at the Pokemon that had so recently saved her life, Luna beat her powerful wings but once and she was aloft. She rose quickly through the hole in the trees above, circled once to wave goodbye, and then was off into the night.

New Friends

“You know,” Luna said, looking idly at one of her hooves, “where I come from it is considered rather uncouth to ambush royalty, and then declare that you will ‘beat you to a twitching moaning pulp’ for and I quote ‘smelling funny’.” She looked down. “Is any of this getting through to you?”

The twitching, moaning pulp of a Fearow let out a small wheeze.

“Yes, I see what you mean.” The princess nodded. “I am certain it has occurred to you by now that as the undisputed victim of this circumstance and the beating heart at the codes of law, that I have a number of means I might pursue justice for your unprovoked assault of my royal personage? It would be well within my rights to see you imprisoned for your crimes, or perhaps strip you of your valued plumage.”

The beaten bird Pokemon coughed weakly.

“Yet, as you say, it is also within my prerogative to exercise mercy, for I am not a benevolent dictator? It is thus that I hereby pass sentence of community service. To wit: you will serve the Equestrian community by aiding me, its ruler and representative, in my quest.”

Then came a twitch and a low groan.

Luna sighed. “To put it less formally, tell me where I can find a decent meal, something to drink, and some directions around here and I won’t leave you lying on this forest floor in your current semi-gelatinous state.”

Fearow sneezed.

“I thought you’d see it my way.”

Many miles distant, as the pale moon rose high overhead, Ash was picking up a new Poke Ball freshly emerged from a machine. He looked down at the unassuming red and white sphere, indistinguishable from any other of its countless kind, and smiled.

“Well here she is, Pikachu,” Ash said to the little yellow Pokemon by his ankle, “our newest friend.”

“Hopefully some time to think things out in her ball calmed her down a little,” said Professor Oak through the nearby video phone.

“You can say that again,” muttered Pikachu, the only one privy to the contents of her rant.

“Alright.” Ash pushed the white button to enlarge the ball. “Enough standing around, come on out and say hi!”

He tossed the Poke Ball casually into the air and in an instant it exploded into the all too familiar silver light. Pikachu watched, nose and ears twitching, as the newcomer took shape in front of him. As she stretched her wings he sized her up – he hadn’t really had a chance to before, what with the Houndoom and later her confused ranting into the video camera. The purple Ponyta-like creature was shorter than the white one with Team Rocket. That one’s face came up to James’ head, whereas this one only reached Ash’s chest. She was a little stubbier, her legs and neck noticeably less elongated. And her hair wasn’t flowing like the other ones’. Pikachu sniffed.

Smelled alright, though.

“Hey there, Twilight,” Ash said cheerfully, as she turned around to face them. “I’m Ash, and this is my buddy Pikachu!”

“Hi!” Pikachu waved one stubby arm.

“Pleased to finally meet ya!”

For her part, the newcomer was looking Ash up and down, a curious but neutral expression on her face. After a moment, she returned the smile.

“Likewise. You’re the ones I have to thank for saving me back in the forest, right?”

“Well it wasn’t just us,” Pikachu explained, scratching the back of his head. “But we did a lot of the work, yeah.”

“Well then, uh… thanks.” Twilight tapped her two front hooves together a bit nervously. “I – ahem – don’t mean to sound rude or ungrateful, but…”

“Aw come on, no need to be shy,” Ash interjected, bending over to get closer to eye level. “We’re all friends here!”

“Well… okay…” Twilight chuckled a little. “If you insist…”

Absolutely without warning, Pikachu found himself with a face full of wide-eyed purple.


“Gah!” Pikachu jumped, stumbling over backwards and barely resisting the instinct to shock whatever startled him. He almost fell over, but a hand caught his back at the last second.

“I gotcha, buddy.”

“Thanks.” Pikachu nodded, using his trainer’s arm to steady himself before turning back to look at Twilight. She was breathing heavily, a look of barely-restraining panic on her face. Pikachu backed up a step.

“Now… didn’t mean to startle you there… friend…” Twilight’s eyelid twitched. “But I gotta know… your trainer there said you’ve seen a white, rainbow-maned alicorn, right?”

“Alicorn?” Pikachu cocked his head.

Twilight gestured at her own body, never removing her unblinking stare from Pikachu.

“Ummm… yes?”

“And Professor Oak says that you’re always out of your ball, yes?”

“That’s right.” Pikachu nodded with more than a little pride.

“So you gotta know… WHERE IS SHE?!” Twilight’s voice went from a twitchy whisper to shouting without the slightest indicator. “WHERE IS PRINCESS CELESTIA?! IF YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS I NEED TO FIND HER YESTERDAY!”

“Whoa, easy there.” Ash waved his hands for calm. “I know this is probably still weird for you but just try to stay cool, okay?”

Twilight completely ignored him, breathing heavily in a manner that uncomfortably reminded Pikachu of his few experiences with horror films. He backed up another few steps.

“Y-Yeah,” he managed. “We saw her twice.”

“And where… was she then?”

“With T-Team Rocket,” Pikachu managed, uncomfortable visions of himself as a hat dancing before his eyes. “Poke Ball Factory, a-around a week ago.”

“And… who… is…” she continued, sucking a deep breath between every world, “Team… Rocket?”

“J-Jessie, James, and Meowth. They’re a b-band of Pokemon thieves.”

“MY MENTOR HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED BY CRIMINALS?!!!” Twilight shrieked at the top of her lungs, bowling Ash and Pikachu over with the sheer force of it. “THE PRINCESS OF EQUESTRIA IS A HOSTAGE?! AND YOU LET IT HAPPEN?!”

“Hostage?!” Pikachu sat up, a new, fiercer look on his face. “She’s not a hostage! She’s an accomplice!”

Twilight froze in place, all previous fear and noise gone. The building around the three became deathly quiet. Pikachu suddenly realized that Oak’s face was gone from the video. And if it wasn’t just his imagination, the lights had gone down. And the wind had picked up. And the crazy purple Pokemon princess was advancing towards him.

“Are. You. Truly.” She took one step forward with each word, hooves suddenly. “Accusing. The. Loving. Kind. Wise. Wonderful. Brilliant. Incomparable. Omnibenevolent. Perfect. Shining star of Equestria OF BEING IN LEAGUE WITH CRIMINALS?!” She towered above Pikachu, a black and purple mass absorbing all light.

“Accuse nothing!” Pikachu found his courage, pointing up at her. “I saw her fighting for Team Rocket with my own eyes! She attacked me and Ash on their orders!” He rubbed his head. “Packed quite a wallop too.”

Twilight stood there, frozen in place. Second ticked by, neither human nor Pokemon daring to speak a word between them, barely even daring to take the shallowest breaths. Pikachu felt sweat trickling down the back of his neck.

“Omygosh!” Just as suddenly, the spell was broken. “Omygosh omygosh omygosh!” Tears were welling up in Twilight’s eyes. She hopped up and down on all four hooves. “What have they done to her?!”

“Pardon?” Pikachu cocked his head.

Twilight had already turned away from him.

“What could those fiends have possibly done to Princess Celestia?” Twilight muttered as she walked away towards the entrance. “How could anypony in the world, anyone in the all multiverse ever come up with something fiendish enough to turn Sol Invictus to darkness? This Team Rocket must be the most wicked group of devils that ever lived, if they could even begin to do that to her!”

“Uh, I don’t…” Pikachu began, but the princess wasn’t listening.

“They must have taken her while she was weak, burned her with the flames of those devil-dogs and shocked her with the strength of ten thousand thunderclouds to have even the faintest hope of scratching her will, her inner strength! They must have needed to invent new words just to describe the levels of pain they had to have inflicted on her!”

“Team Rocket doesn’t really-”

“But even that surely can’t compare to levels of intelligence and charisma they must have! Raw pain couldn’t hope to do the job alone, they must be the world’s foremost experts in psychological warfare and mind control to crack her mental defenses and usurp her will! All the manipulations of Starlight Glimmer herself would be as the mildest breeze compared to their raging hurricane of cunning and trickery!”

Pikachu sweat-dropped. “Listen, you really need to-”

“Crueler than Discord! More devious than Chrysalis! More powerful than Tirek!” Tears were now running down Twilight’s cheeks. “They have to be the most terrifying, brilliant, unconquerable band of villains in this universe! In all the universes put together!”

“Uuuuh…” Pikachu looked pleadingly up at Ash, who simply shook his head.

“Against such darkness, how can we stand?!” Twilight bumped into the wall but didn’t seem to notice. “HOW CAN WE STAND?!!!”

The alicorn princess banged her head into the wall and, for several seconds, simply wept. Ash and Pikachu just stared.

Eventually, Twilight stared blurry-eyed out the window into the starry skies above. “Who kn-knows what kind of h-horrible tortures they could be inflicting even now?” she sobbed.

Jessie and James smiled to each other as they slowly pulled their pokers from the brilliant orange of their fire pit. Both raised twin long, thin metal stakes right up to their faces. They turned them about slowly, inspecting every inch of the red-hot steel with careful eyes. Seconds ticked by in tense anticipation. When at last the two hardened criminals were satisfied with their work, they gave each other a small, smirking nod. They turned to face their huddled Pokemon with wide grins on their faces, the red-orange fire lending the two a truly fiendish aspect.

“Alrighty everyone, the wait is over!” Jessie announced.

“They’re finally ready!” James added. “Now who wants s’mores?!”

“I do!” cheered Meowth, Pumpkaboo, Inkay, and Celestia as one.


“Great, that’s the attitude!” James put his hands on his hips, only just barely avoiding setting his pants on fire.

“Now who’s got the marshmellows?” Jessie asked.

“Right here!” Celestia psychically tossed the plastic bag out from its hiding place in her wings. Jessie caught it with her teeth. Somehow. “I kept them safe from the others!”

“Now let’s get this campout really started! S’mores and cowhorn biscuits, scarey stories and truth or dare!” James raised a fist, red-hot poker still clutched in it. “Who’s with me?!”

“WOOOOO!” cheered the Pokemon.

In One Ear, Out The Other

“I’m sorry…” said Twilight a little while later, brushing tears from her cheeks. “But you… you just can’t expect me to believe something like… that.” She sniffed.

“Like what?” asked Pikachu.

“Like the Unconquered Sun, Banisher of Shadows, Mistress of Magic, Radiant Protector, the Victor of Ten Thousand Battles was in the space of a few days captured, broken, and pressed into servitude by… by… by a band of incompetent boobs!” Twilight snapped a little more harshly than intended. Just imagining the magnitude of such an insult to her idol irritated her. Granted, it probably wasn’t intentional. “There’s no way that could possibly be true!”

Pikachu chuckled a bit. “I’ve been dealing with Team Rocket since…” he thought a moment. “Since literally the same day I met Ash. I think I’m more qualified to judge them.”

“And I’ve been dealing with Celestia since I was a foal! The idea that anyone but the vilest, cruelest, most powerful and cunning gang of villains to have ever lived could have the slightest hope of forcing her to serve them is utterly inconceivable!” She stamped one hoof.

“Maybe you’re overestimating your teacher a bit?” Pikachu hazarded.

Impossible.” Twilight looked him straight in the eye. “Princess Celestia is the greatest hero that ever was or will be in my universe. The idea that a trio of bumbling morons like you describe could turn her to the service of evil is just impossible.”

“Maybe it wasn’t forced?”

Twilight just stared down at the little yellow Pokemon, eyes an unblinking maelstrom of unbending pride and purest contempt. Pikachu looked back into those fathomless depths, feeling his ears slowly fold down.

“Or…” he went on, “maybe Team Rocket is actually a ruthless band of hyper-competent criminals who’ve merely been stalking my trainer and I for years pretending to be nigh-harmless goofs as part of some grand and elaborate evil plan the likes of which our mortal minds can scarcely comprehend?”

“Good.” Twilight’s face was suddenly smiling again. “I’m glad you’re seeing reason!”

Pikachu breathed a small sigh of relief.

“Let’s see…” The alicorn turned away from him, beginning to pace with one hoof rubbing her chin. “They’re devious, evil, manipulative, and powerful, that much is a given. But to spend years stalking a kid and a Pokemon that isn’t even terribly rare… why would anyone do something like that? Even I can’t think of any real plausible angles for wanting to appear that weak while continuously drawing the attention of authorities. Not to mention the constant fake and unnecessary humiliations, property damage, and simple pain. Surely they have to have wills and bodies of the firmest iron!”

“Well they do keep getting back up from falling out of the sky…” Pikachu conceded. “And I guess it takes an iron will to just keep coming when it’s obvious you’ll never succeed.”

“Right, now you’re getting it!” Twilight nodded. “Don’t feel bad about not seeing this before, it’s obvious that they’re as duplicitous as they are brilliant. I don’t doubt my friends and I would have fallen for their subterfuge too if we didn’t have all the knowledge of Princess Celestia that I do.”

“Right,” Pikachu nodded back. Crazy alien princess lady.

“But after all these years of trying, why risk their illusion now? Why spend years meticulously fooling all who knew them about their true strengths and wickedness only to potentially give the game away by subduing Princess Celestia? Surely that can’t have been their end game. Even the most fiendish intelligence couldn’t possibly have predicted her arrival. So that must mean their end goal is somehow even grander and more terrible than the corruption of Sol Invictus! And they must be nearing completion even as we speak! We have to work fast if we want to stop them, save your world, and rescue my mentor!”

“Here’s my guess,” Pikachu interjected before she could work herself into another rant. “We were in a battle because they tried to steal me, again. They were losing, again. So they tossed out their new Pokemon to try and turn the tide but it didn’t help so they went blasting off, again.”

“No no no.” Twilight shook her head. “We’ve well established that Team Rocket is far too cunning and insightful to risk years of hard work cultivating their illusion simply because of a little pain and humiliation they’d endured a thousand times before.”

“We have?”

“So they must obviously have had a deeper angle to the sudden reveal. But what? Sending a message, perhaps? But what message, and to whom?”

“Aren’t you just assuming the conclusion and working backwards?”

“But you had a good idea.”

“I did?”

“Of course,” Twilight nodded. “Run me back through the first time you saw Team Rocket deploy Celestia. Maybe it’ll give me some clue as to their real intentions.”

“Okaaay…” Pikachu paused to collect his thoughts, then began. “Well, it was an ordinary day on Route 14. The sun was shining, the Beedrill were buzing, and we were all on the way to Laverre City for Ash’s sixth Kalos gym badge. Then out of nowhere this massive rubber hand just grabbed me off of Ash’s shoulder and pulled me up to a hot air balloon. Wouldn’t you know it, it was Team Rocket again, after me like every week.”

“You said out of nowhere,” Twilight interjected. “Didn’t you say Team Rocket use a gigantic balloon in the shape of Meowth’s head?”

Pikachu nodded.

“So they snuck up on you… with a hot air balloon?”

“Uh… I guess?”

“See, evil genius!” Twilight grinned. “Even you can’t deny that can only be the work of true masterminds!”

“Or experienced hot air balloon pilots… Anyway,” Pikachu shook his head “the hand was shock-proof so they just stood there, did their motto, and posed. Then they tried to float away but Ash, Serena, and Clemont called out their Pokemon, so Team Rocket called out Pumpkaboo and Inkay. During the fight some attacks knocked me loose and Frogadier caught me when I fell. Then Inkay got clobbered and Pumpkaboo was looking bad, so Jessie started shaking James real hard and shouting something at him. Then he threw another Poke Ball and out came… Celestia, wasn’t it?”

Twilight nodded, eager anticipation on her face.

“The Pokedex didn’t know what she was but she was Team Rocket’s Pokemon so I charged her. She was saying something – asking for orders, I think.”

“You think?” Twilight frowned.

“I wasn’t really listening to her, you know? Team Rocket attacks, Team Rocket sends out Pokemon, I fight their Pokemon, and eventually they go flying over the horizon.” Pikachu shrugged. “The faces change, but the routine never does. I just thought they’d just bumbled into something rare this time and I don’t like being kidnapped over and over. So I charged.”

“…Go on.”

“She kept talking for a few seconds while I got closer so I hit her with Iron Tail before she could attack.”

“She’d hadn’t done anything… and you blindsided her?!”

“Half of James’ Pokemon have started out almost every battle by hurting him!” Pikachu defended himself. “Victreebel and Carnivine kept trying to eat him, Cacnea would always give him a great big hug with literal needle arms! They all attacked me and my friends sooner or later, so why should I have thought this new girl would do anything else?”

Twilight said nothing at all.

“Anyway… Iron Tail sent her sprawling, so we hit her while she was down, then she sent us sprawling with Psychic. Then we all teamed up to send Pumpkaboo and Celestia flying back into the balloon before my electricity popped and they all went ‘blasting off again’ right into the sky. And then we didn’t see each other for about a week. The end.” Pikachu nodded. “And that’s the story of the first time we met.”

Twilight’s eyelid twitched.

“You little yellow RAT!”

Pikachu suddenly found himself grabbed roughly between two hooves, hoisted to Twilight’s eye level, and then shaken about like a like rag doll.

“The princess of all Equestria was just standing there, doing NOTHING against you, and you decided to just BLINDSIDE HER?!” Twilight screamed in Pikachu’s face. “You attacked a pure, loving, wise INNOCENT for the crime of being captured by your enemies?! What kind of sick morality do you ponies have in this crazy world?!”

“Hey!” Ash stepped off the bed he’d been sitting on, watching the Pokemon “bonding”. “That’s enough! I don’t know what you guys are talking about but I’m not just going to let you hurt Pikachu like that!”

“AND YOU!” Twilight’s baleful gaze fell on Ash, even as she kept shaking Pikachu about. “You must have ordered him to do it! Or at least not told him to stop! How can you MANIACS possibly justify falling on total stranger with such insanely disproportionate force for no crime whatsoever?!”

“I’m… warning you…” Pikachu managed as his body jerked roughly about, looking queasy. “Let… me… go…”

“You don’t even know WHAT she was saying!” Twilight ignored him, continuing to shout and shake. “She could have been vowing never to submit to their orders! She could have been promising justice for her abduction! She didn’t make a single move towards you at all until you blasted her to her knees for NO REASON! You SOULLESS SAVAGES beat the living daylights of the greatest mare alive for NOTHING!”

“Alright, that’s it!” Ash pulled out a Poke Ball, but a wave of psychic force slapped it from his hands.

“I’M NOT FINISHED!” Twilight roared. “HOW DARE YOU?! HOW COULD YOU?! IF YOU HADN”T SAVED MY LIFE I’D… I’D…” Her teeth ground together.

What exactly she would have done will remain forever unknown, as it was at that exact moment Pikachu’s patience finally snapped.

Having been thoroughly rag-dolled and mostly ignored for more than a solid minute, the little electric mouse Pokemon had had enough. His bright red cheeks crackled with energy, and then he unleashed the electrical attack that Team Rocket and so many others had come to know and dread. The alicorn princess got a taste of a point-blank Thunderbolt.


There was a scream, then a localized explosion. Twilight and Pikachu went flying in opposite directions, both smacking hard into walls on the opposite sides of the small room. Twilight slumped down to the floor.

“Pikachu! Twilight! Are you guys okay?!” Ash managed, coughing and fanning at the smoke in his face.

Pikachu forced his way up onto wobbly legs, stubby arms pinwheeling in a frantic grasp for balance.

“I… told you…” he slurred dizzily, pointing at the blank wall directly in front of him. “Don’t… mess… with… urgh…”

Pikachu fell over onto his back and lay there.

“Pikachu!” Ash rushed over to his companion, cradling the electric mouse in his arms. “Are you alright, buddy?”

From the opposite end of the room came a low moan. As the smoke faded away, Twilight was slowly revealed. The purple princess lay there in a heap on her back, twitching and sparking at random. Her eyes were little more than dazed swirls.


“That was some game a truth or dare, wasn’t it?” Meowth was saying, the next morning.

“I didn’t think it was so bad,” Celestia replied, looking down at the little white Pokemon, now dressed in a yellow clown outfit complete with red rubber nose and blue wig for the rest of today. She giggled.

“Well maybe ya should look in a mirror, den!’ Meowth chortled right back at the alicorn’s newly-dyed hot pink fur and neon purple mane.

“I never knew Wobbuffet had it in him,” Celestia shook her head.

Both shuddered.

“Oh, stop complaining you two,” Jessie interrupted, pointing one gloved finger out of the balloon’s basket at a slight shimmer in the distance. “We’re already almost there!”

“Beautiful Lumiose City, here we come!” James cried out.


Celestia and Meowth grabbed one another tight.


A third Fearow was hurled backwards into a mighty and ancient oak tree, slid down the trunk, and lay there smoking and moaning.

“And so it ends,” Luna declared with a satisfied nod. “Does any other step forth to oppose me?”

In a great circle in the trees all around the deep blue alicorn was a flock of Spearow, almost four dozen strong. The little brown, red, and white birds, normally belligerent and ill-tempered, now sprouted alternating looks of shock, fear, and awe. Interspersed within them were five Fearow, all but one now sporting fresh injuries. Naturally, all eyes soon fell on him.

“Who? Me?” the Fearow said. “Heck no! I’ve said for a long time we need some fresh leadership around here! And what could be fresher than a creep- er, awe-inspiring alien princess from another dimension?!”

“You never said any of that,” came the voice of one Spearow in the crowd.

“SHUT UP!!!”

“Very well,” Luna nodded once again. “It seems that, by right of combat, I shall claim thy former leader’s place at the top of this little flock.”

The alicorn princess took flight with an easy beat of her wings, rising up through the forest clearing. The flock tracked her as she rose, necks craning to watch as Luna found a strong branch far above those that they sat on. From her new pulpit, the flock’s leader began her inaugural address.

“Pokemon of Kalos. Spearow. Fearow. For far too long has this flock been nothing but a ragged band of vagabonds and rascals! Ask yourselves, my new subjects, for what purpose do you gather? That you might come together to build something great? Nay! That you might form friendships, and learn to delight in one another’s company? Nay! That you might protect yourselves from the harsh world beyond? Nay! Even that you might train together, to grow strong and delight in your might? Nay!”

Luna pounded the branch she stood upon, and a few leaves slipped their moorings.

“You gather together to victimize the weak, to steal what you can, and to bask in whatever spoils your leaders do not loot! You choose your leaders not for their ability nor wisdom nor strength of character, but simply because they can out-scheme and out-brutalize any who would deny them! Is this any way to live? Day to day, scheming and squabbling your way to supremacy over your brethren, merely to squat in a dark forest and fight over scraps? Falling upon travelers simply because they happened upon you? What gain you by this? You live in poverty, hated and shunned, and yet your leaders one and all merely set you all against another to maintain their unworthy leadership! Miserable, petty lives amounting to nothing!”

The Spearow were beginning to chatter among themselves, some wondering what this was all about, some wondering if it was time to bail.

“No more!” Luna declared. “As your new dictator, I vow that I shall rule with an iron yet caring hoof! No more will this flock be condemned to skulk in this miserable place, but stride boldly forth beneath the moon’s white light! I will teach you to be more than a vagabonds and ruffians living for your own petty whims! Though you known nothing but squalor and cruelty, I will teach you a true and worthy purpose! I will show you friendship and the bonds of brotherhood, and I will show you true strength! What you have seen thus far is naught but the least part of it! I will take this flock, and I will make it great!”

That, at least, the Spearow understood. Their chattering became louder, more excited.

“I am the princess of Equestria!” Luna roared over them. “And you shall be my knights!”

When Twilight next emerged from her Poke Ball, she was wearing a very different expression than the night before. So were Ash and Pikachu.

“Look Twilight,” Ash said with arms crossed. “Professor Oak told me how much you wanted to find your friend and go home. I get that, I really do. But,” he shook his head, “if you wanna travel with my friends and me to find her, you can’t act like you did last night. You understand?”

The purple alicorn bit her lower lip just a bit, and then nodded.

Ash smiled, shook his head, and then walked a bit closer to her. “I know this world has gotta be scary for you. You’re in whole new place, with a brand new attitude, but you don’t know anyone or anything. Your friend is out there and mixed up with a really bad group of people, I get that. You wanna get her back so you can go home together, right?”

Twilight nodded a second time.

“And we’re willing to help you with that, right guys?” Ash looked back over his shoulder at the three other humans there.

“That’s right!” said Bonnie.

“Absolutely!” agreed Clemont.

“We can’t just leave a princess in the hands of Team Rocket!” Serena clenched her fist.

“You see?” Ash looked back at Twilight. “We’re all willing to pitch in to help, aren’t we Pikachu?”

“I don’t know how much I trust her judgement,” the little yellow Pokemon looked skeptical.

“Right,” Ash continued on, oblivious. “We’ll help you get your friend back if you let us, Twilight, but you’ve gotta let us! You do want that, right?”

Twilight hesitated, saying nothing.

“Look…” Ash reached down to his belt, picking a Poke Ball. “If you don’t wanna stay with us, if you’d rather go your own way, then that’s okay. I won’t make a Pokemon stay if you don’t want to. If you want to, you can walk right out the door right now and go look for your friend by yourself. Or you can jump back in this Poke Ball and go back to Professor Oak’s place. He’s a great guy, I’m sure he’d let you stay a while. You can do any of that right now if you don’t want to be with my friends and me, but…” he frowned a bit. “If you do wanna come with us to look for Team Rocket, you can’t attack Pikachu or any of the rest of us, okay? I don’t know what that argument last night was about or how it works in your home, but in this dimension friends don’t attack friends.”

Twilight stared up at him, then down at the ball. She spared a glance to the Pokemon Center’s glass front door behind her.

“So,” Ash bent down and offered her a hand. “What do you say? Friends?”

“I…” Twilight looked down at her hooves. “I’m sorry about what happened last night. I… I wasn’t thinking quite clearly. I was just so scared for Princess Celestia, so angry at what happened the first time you met, that I didn’t properly consider all the circumstances that brought it about. I didn’t consider how long you’ve had to deal with Team Rocket or the rules of this world. I didn’t think about how angry you must have been that your friend had just nearly been kidnapped. I still don’t think what you did was right, but after thinking about it I don’t think you’re bad poni- er, people either. You did save a total stranger when you didn’t have to, after all.”

“You think we would have just let you die!” Pikachu looked shocked. “Even Team Rocket wouldn’t do something like that!”

“Anyway, much as part of me still wants to yell at you for attacking the princess when you obviously shouldn’t have, I can’t ignore the circumstances or what you did for me that night in the forest. If you’re willing to redeem your mistake by helping me to rescue her I’ll consider us more than even.” Twilight looked up. “So I guess what I’m trying to say is: yes, friends.”

Twilight reached up with one hoof. Ash smiled, grabbed it with one hand, and shook it firmly.

“Welcome to the team, Twilight!” He said happily, releasing her hoof after a moment and returning to his full height. “Now come on, I gotta introduce you to everybody else!”

As Ash led the group outside to release the rest of their Pokemon for a meet and greet of the newcomer, Pikachu sidled up alongside Twilight.

“So are you really sorry for what you did to me last night?” he whispered to her. “Or are you just wanting to use us to get your princess back and sorry you got shocked?”

“I really am sorry,” Twilight replied. “I shouldn’t have treated you like that. You did a bad thing, but I don’t think it was malicious on your part, just ignorant. My behavior was unproductive, ungrateful, and wrong and for that I apologize. Upon further reflection it’s Team Rocket that should bear the brunt of my anger.”

“Right,” Pikachu nodded.

“I mean,” she continued as they all exited the building, “it’s obvious they were manipulating you.”

“Rig- wait, what?”

“In hindsight it’s clear to me that they arranged that whole encounter for the sole purpose of baiting you into attacking Princess Celestia, presumably as part of their ingenious campaign of psychological warfare designed to undermine her will to resist.”

Pikachu felt a sweat drop forming on the back of his head. “You really still believe that Team Rocket are some super genius band of evil masterminds?”

“Think about it. First they kidnap you and start a battle to get your group all riled up. When you’re looking angry enough, they begin to ‘lose’ to get you confident, then call out a resistant Celestia. Having no clue of the true situation you think her another Pokemon and attack. Do you see the brilliance of it? Either she does nothing and allows herself to get beaten, thus giving them ammunition to fuel her rage against an injustice you perpetrated against her. Or she fights back and does battle on their behalf, crossing a major psychological line right then and there. And because you were already in a state of anger and battle adrenaline, there was virtually no chance for a peaceful solution! What is one more fake humiliation and little pain in return for gaining the allegiance of an alicorn princess?!” Twilight shuddered. “They’re fiendishly cunning.”

Pikachu rolled his eyes.

“Uh huh.”

Hard At Work

Jessie and James, now wearing civilian outfits, sat casually outside one of Lumiose City’s many cafes alongside one of the gigantic city’s biggest thoroughfares. James, in a neat blue collared shirt, slacks, and a fedora, tapped idly at a laptop computer on the table in front of him. Jessie, in a pink blouse and white pants with a wide-brimmed hat, sipped at a latte while flipping casually through a city guidebook. They had been sitting there for over two hours already, apparently not doing much of anything at all. Those who didn’t know them would think they were slacking off. Those who did know them would be assured of it.

Uncharacteristically, they would be wrong.

“Inkay,” James whispered as he spotted a woman in a distinctive orange suit walking on the opposite side of the street. “Other side. Now.”

“Kay,” Inkay mumbled.

Detaching himself silently from the table’s underside, the little cephalopod Pokemon flew low to the earth. Darting between the legs of passers-by, he crossed the busy road easily, sweeping across the sidewalk behind the Team Flare woman. A quick flick of a short tentacle and a small barb attached itself to one of the legs of her pants, Mission complete, he disappeared into some shrubs planted near the sidewalk’s edge. He would make his way back to the table in a few minutes via a more circuitous route.

“Done,” James muttered, observing another dot taking shape on his screen before quickly changing tabs. “The boss’s technology just can’t be beat!”

“And those Flare fools make it so easy to pick them out with those tacky clothes and stupid hair,” Jessie giggled under her breath.

Lumoise City was large. Enormous. Far too enormous for a pair of people and a few Pokemon to search in any reasonable amount of time. But thanks to the dark miracles out of Team Rocket’s laboratories, they wouldn’t need to.

“That makes five on our end,” Jessie whispered into an earpiece concealed by her flowing hair and massive hat. “How’s it going over there?”

“Why I am still dressed up like a clown?” Meowth fumed back.

“Because truth or dare is sacred!” came the answer from his earpiece. “It’s said Arceus himself will punish those who go back on their dares!”

“Your god has strange priorities,” Celestia remarked.

“I’m pretty sure she’s just making dat up,” Meowth muttered to the still-pink alicorn. He peered through his oversized pair of binoculars, looking down from the tall building the two were currently perched atop. “Hold da phone, we got a live one over dere!”

Following her spotter’s pointed paw, Celestia picked out a tiny dot of bright orange against the mass of humans milling far below. Levitating her own binoculars up to her face, she confirmed the target before lowering them. She nodded, and at her psychic beckoning a tiny black barb rose from a small metal case full of them.

“Alright,” Meowth held a paw up. “Target at two o’clock. Prepare to drop it.”

Controlling such a miniscule object from almost forty stories up was no easy task. It needed a feather-light touch not to accidentally crush the technological wonder, yet she had to grip it tight enough that it didn’t slip away in the wind as it flew away from her. It required her total concentration to keep the tiny tracker on course. Which meant someone else had to plot it.

“Ready…” Meowth squinted. “Fire!”

The little black barb shot off like a panicked Dodrio, eating away the distance between the two and their unwary target far below. Celestia held it steady even as she felt her power waning the further it got.

“Twenty left!” Meowth cried.

Celestia adjusted the course without thinking, without a millisecond’s hesistating. She just did, and abruptly the barb flew in another direction.

“Down a bit, you’ll hit his head!” Meowth continued. “Right! Stuffed suit! Left! More left! Fat lady, down more!”

Despite his hasty, nonspecific directions Celestia simply closed her eyes to shut out distractions and listened to him. All her mind focused on keeping the meticulous balance, she followed his jerky path simply through instinct. She felt what he meant, and that was enough.

“Pull up and right!” Meowth was scrambling with his binoculars zoom. “Now duck the ice cream stand and go low! We almost got ‘em!”

Celestia could feel the shaky balance of energies around her projectile beginning to fade.

“’Celerate!” the cat Pokemon went on hastily. “Briefcase! Left! Home free, slam the gas!”

Forty stories below, the little barb shot of like an arrow.

“Aaaaand…” Meowth pumped a sudden fist. “Got ‘em! Direct hit on da back!”

With a sigh of relief, Celestia released the psychic power and opened her eyes again. To her surprise, she saw Meowth with one paw raised high, a triumphant grin on his face.

“Gimme five!” he laughed. “Dat makes eleven fer us an’ only five for da sad sacks down dere!”

“Tracking Team Flare back to its base isn’t a competition, Meowth!” came Jessie’s voice through his earpiece.

“You only say kind ting when you’re losin’!”

Celestia giggled.

“Are you sure this is going to work?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. “I mean, doesn’t it seem a little… simplistic?”

“Look,” Pikachu said, putting his tool aside for just a moment. “I’ve known Team Rocket for years. Through good times, bad times, and just plain silly times. And I can tell you, from every one of those years of experience, that nothing will bring those three running faster than a chance to finally bring me to their boss. Trust me, we’ve done this before.”

Ash, Serena, Clemont, and all of their Pokemon stood in the middle of a wide open field not far from the forest’s edge. Working together in teams, Bonnie encouraging them from the sidelines, the lot of them were engaged in heavy digging. A good ten or so deep, wide pits were taking shape around a jutting grey rock with a flat top. They’d been at it since earlier that morning, and it’d wouldn’t be too much longer before they were completed.

“Team Rocket loves to use this trick on us,” Pikachu continued, struggling to pick up his disproportionately large pickaxe. “They dig pit traps in the middle of the road maybe once a month, sometimes more. But half the time they wind up in them themselves. We’ve pulled a trick like this before, in Unova. I lay out on that rock where they can see me, they come running to grab me while I’m alone, and that’s when they fall into the hole.”

“But would a simple trap like this really work on masterminds the caliber of Team Rocket?” Twilight wondered, rubbing her chin. “I mean, under the generous assumption that they don’t spot the bait for what it is…”

“They won’t,” Pikachu assured her.

“Then couldn’t they just hover over the rock in their balloon and drop a net on you or something?”

Pikachu tapped his noggin and grinned. “What do you think you guys will be staying in the woods for? When they show up for a snatch and grab, you’ll jump them and grab your friend back.”

“I don’t know… it just seems to me that such ruthless villains will see right through the trap and simply avoid it until we give up, if they don’t find some way to turn it against us.”

“Do you have any better ideas on how to find them? It’s been more than a week since they last blasted off so they’re practically guaranteed to be stalking us again.”

“Unless they’ve move on to some other phase of their master plan. Then they could be anywhere!”

“In that unlikely event that they’re not around they’ll inevitably do something really stupid and get on tv, then we can track them from there. But I don’t think that’s very likely.” Pikachu shook his head. “I think today’s the day we rescue your friend!”

“Well, plausible or not you have been spending all morning working hard digging holes in the hot sun just to help someone you barely know,” Twilight admitted. “And I’ll give it to you that I don’t know how we could track them from here unless they come to us first. If only I had my magic…”

“Cheer up, Twilight!” Pikachu patted her on the shoulder. “Team Rocket will be here for sure!”

“Say, Jess?”

“Yes?” Jessie irritably looked up from her article about Lumiose’s many high-class salons. “What is it?”

“Do you ever feel like you’re supposed to be somewhere else, but you’re not?” James mused, finger tapping his chin. “Because-”

“Of course not, what kind of stupid question is that? We’re right where the boss told us to be!”

After a moment, James shrugged.

“You’re probably right.”

Nice Work

Many hours later, as the sun slowly dipped behind the horizon, Jessie and James once again stood before their holographic screen. With Meowth and Celestia finally freed from their respective dares by the passage of time and working to clean the die off the alicorn’s fur, it was up to the two humans to report to Giovanni by themselves. They stood straight as ramrods, heels together and arms pinned to their sides.

“Good news, boss,” James said. “We’ve analyzed the data from the tracking beacons planted on thirty-seven members of Team Flare all throughout Lumiose City and discovered a pattern. It seems that an inordinate number of the fiery freaks spend a lot of time inside a certain establishment or else walking the next few blocks in circles around it.”

“Upload the data to our servers,” Giovanni commanded. “I want a second opinion before you commence stage two of this operation.” He stroked Persian, now sleeping comfortably on his lap. “Team Rocket cannot afford any further losses in Kalos. Not at such a critical juncture. If you fail it may be impossible to stop the proliferation of Dark Ball technology, and if the rumors are to be believed that is only the tip of the iceberg.”

“Right away sir!” James saluted, then turned away to his laptop. In a few keystrokes the lengthy process was begun, the small computer beaming heavily-encrypted data through several underground networks on the dark web to massive server banks in distant Kanto for further analysis.

Giovanni’s eyes turned to Jessie. “Have you discovered the nature of this establishment?”

“A café, sir,” she answered. “We looked up the address. It’s apparently known to be a popular hangout for Team Flare membership, something about it suiting their ‘burning hot spirits’ or something like that. But continuously running patrol patterns through the surrounding streets suggests something more.”

“A reasonable inference.”

“What’s more, sir, we discovered that the establishment goes by the name of Lysandre Café.”

“He actually named it after himself?” Giovanni raised an eyebrow. “I’m almost insulted.”

On his lap, Persian yawned.

“But not quite,” the boss shook his head. “Something that obvious smells like a trap to me. Bait for the unwary.”

“We had considered that, but until we proceed with the next phase we won’t know for sure. Unless you want us to begin the backup plan now?”

“The break-in at Lysandre Labs?” Giovanni considered for a moment, then shook his head. “No. Too much risk on too little chance at this stage. I doubt any criminal worth his thefts would hide sensitive data inside a legitimate front company. Considering the public reputation of the man and his company I have little doubt most if not all of its employees are entirely oblivious dupes. The man seems to enjoy a certain amount of theatrics, it is possible that this location does indeed serve as a hub for his little group.”

Giovanni stroked his pet, pondering. Jessie stood there in total silence, James joining her once the process of getting the information to Kanto was all but complete a few minutes later. Both simply stood at unflinching attention while their leader considered the situation, weighing the odds and attempting to predict the ramifications. Neither even thought of daring to offer an unsolicited comment, not when they were on such shaky ground after the last mission.

Eventually, another figure appeared on the camera. Giovanni’s secretary, Matori, appeared from the side of his desk, walked up beside him, bent down, and whispered something in his ear. The man’s expression didn’t change, he simply nodded. Matori returned the nod, then vanished back the way she came without a word to Jessie or James. Their boss closed his eyes, folded his hands, and then at last broke the oppressive silence.

“It seems our analysists agree with your conclusions.” Giovanni’s voice was quiet. “They believe the data you have gathered today indicates a deeper interest in that area than simple food and comfort. Under ordinary circumstances I would prefer a great reconnaissance, but thanks to your idiocy…” he frowned, the duo cringed “and the failure of the others time is a luxury I do not possess. And if there is one thing you fools do have a genuine talent for, it is resilience, Proceed to phase two immediately. Keep me informed of any developments as they occur. I want no mistakes, am I clear?”

“Sir yes sir!”

“Good.” Giovanni opened his eyes again. “If the remainder of this plan goes as smoothly as today, then I might forget about your Laverre debacle. Giovanni out.”

The screen vanished, and the projector went dark.

“Did you hear that?!” James clenched his fist. “The boss said if we do this right we’re in the clear!”

“Why think so small? When we show him how masterfully we can do this he’ll promote us for sure! Just imagine it, Jessie, James, and Meowth, Team Rocket Admins!”

“I see it!” James clasped his hands. “When we trump these chumps and leave them stumped we’ll be rich!”

“Famous in Team Rocket, feared in all the underworld beyond!” Jessie gushed. “We’ll have our own private all you can eat buffet on our own private yacht!”

“We’ll have vacation homes from Cinabar Island to Alolan beachfront!”

Jessie and James reached out and high-fived one another before beginning to prance in a circle, their two hands grasped together.

“We’ll have mountains of cash!”

“We’ll be movie stars!”

“Book deals and autograph signing!”

“Red carpets and paparazzi!”

“Guaranteed invites to the most exclusive parties!”

“We’ll make Cassidy and Bill throw us a party!”

The two threw their heads back and laughed like maniacs.

“An’ I’ll finally throw dat Persian off da boss’ lap!” came a new voice as Meowth threw open the door the warehouse room the team had made their temporary base. “Den I’ll be da top cat of Team Rocket!”

Acting on some hidden instinct, the three spontaneously joined hands in a circle before beginning a cheerful kick-dance.

“We’re gonna get promoted!” Jessie, James, and Meowth sang as they spun around the floor. “We’re gonna get promoted! We’re gonna get promoted! We’re gonna get promoted! We’re gonna get promoted! We’re gonna get promoted!”

The once again white alicorn princess walked in the door after Meowth, took one look at scene, then blinked.

“Um… did I miss something?”

“Oh come on!” Pikachu screamed into the night sky. “You guys have been stalking me for years! Day after day, week after week, year after year! Since that first day in Viridian City, don’t you remember? Ever since the day I met you I’ve been constantly kidnapped, shoved in cages, dropped into pit traps, dangled from your stupid balloon, and Arceus knows what else!”

Twilight, from her position in the forest, watched the little yellow Pokemon hopping up and down atop the rock with increasing concern. She didn’t really like the guy that had unjustly assaulted the princess that much, but all his frustration had come about from an attempt to redeem his mistake. She couldn’t overlook that.

“How many times have you tried to steal me now? I’ve lost count after the first few hundred! You’ve disguised yourselves, jumped me in my sleep, tricked my friends, attacked during my battles, and just plain tried to jump me at every possible occasion! Not a week goes by without one of your inane schemes! I know that just like I know the sun rises and the sky is blue! But now, now that I actually want to see you three idiots you’re nowhere to be found! I’ve been ‘sleeping’ on this rock all day! It gets really hot on a shade-less rock in midafternoon, you know? I’m pretty sure I’ve got sunburn all over my back. But I thought it’d be worth it, if only you lunatics would just act conveniently for once in your lives! But nooooo…”

“This,” Twilight whispered, tugging on Ash’s sleeve as Pikachu ranted on, “isn’t working out.”

Ash’s expression too was one of increasing concern.

“I’ll make you regret this, you hear me?!” Pikachu went on. “I know you must be out there somewhere, watching! Stalking me like you always do! On a normal day I can’t so much as go down to stream to take a drink without half wondering if you people have somehow fit a giant Magikarp submarine into it! Yet I’ve been sitting out here all day just being vulnerable and you don’t do anything! When I see you again, I’ll get you! I’ll take that princess back and then… and then…” Pikachu breathed heavily through gritted teeth, wiggling his tiny fingers. “Oooooh you’re gonna get it…”

“You know what, guys?” Ash said. “I think it’s about time to hit the sack for the night, don’t you?”

That got a chorus of agreement from the tired, hungry, stiff gang. Ash smiled, nodded, and rose out of the bush he had been crouched carefully in. Avoiding the concealed pit traps with a little tiptoeing, he walked over to the rock where Pikachu was giggling with sparks on his bright red cheeks.

“Blast off? You haven’t seen blast off yet. I’ll give such a Thunderbolt you’ll be flying straight back to Kanto! And while you’re there you can tell your stupid boss-”

Ash picked his best friend up. Pikachu didn’t seem to notice.

“-that he can take that horrible cat of his and shove it down the nearest sewer line, you hear me?” Pikachu continued even as the group began the long trek back to the Pokemon Center for some food and rest. “You’d better be listening, Team Rocket! Pikachu is coming for you!”


Jessie, James, and Meowth waited with baited breath as their quarry approached. Far below the under-construction office building the trio were hiding in, a man sporting the unmistakable uniform of Team Flare turned a corner off the main road and began meandering slowly down a back alleyway. It was difficult to tell exactly where he was looking between the darkness of night and his sunglasses, but it evidently wasn’t up.

“Pumpkaboo,” Jessie whispered, “Leech Seed.”

The ghostly pumpkin-shaped Pokemon floating over her head opened its mouth and spat out a handful of tiny seeds. They shot downwards swiftly and silently, giving the target no warning. When they were almost on him, the seeds exploded into a massive tangle of green vines that wrapped themselves around the Team Flare man. He barely had the chance to let out a surprised, muffled grunt before the seeds did their true work and began sucking his energy. Pumpkaboo glowed softly as she received it, and within a few seconds the man below toppled over, unconscious.

“Good work, Pumpkaboo,” Jessie smiled, holding up a Poke Ball. “Now return and get some rest. I want you in tiptop shape in there if anything happens.”

“Boo,” Pumpkaboo nodded briefly before disappearing.

“Alright James,” Jessie continued after putting the ball away, “since that was a guy it looks like you’ll get to play dress-up first.”

“I’m on it.” James stood up. “Just make sure you have the hair care ready when I drag him back up here.”

“Got ‘em right here!” Meowth held up some orange dye and extra-strength hair gel.

“And I’ll stay on lookout,” Jessie declared. “Look out Team Flare, here we come!”

A few minutes and another mugging later, a man and a woman in Team Flare uniforms walked into Lysandre Café, ignoring the “Closed” sign on the door. The well-dressed girl behind the counter looked up from her magazine, took a quick look around the empty café, and then scowled.

“You’re back late,” she said. “Your rounds ended half an hour ago, where were you?”

“Well you see…” began the man.

“We found this adorable stray!” The woman cut him off, holding up a dirty-looking Meowth. “It came right up to us so hungry and smelly and wanting to play, and we simply lost track of time.”

“Meowth,” the cat Pokemon glared briefly at her.

“Never much liked cats,” the woman behind the counter eyed it distastefully. “But if you’re going to keep the thing at least get around to catching it. You know Mable is allergic. Keep it in a ball if you have to have it.”

Meowth glared at her too.

“Well we do need to report back in,” the man scratched the back of his head, “but there’s just one isty-bitsy problem with that. We… well…” he shrugged.

“Ugh…” the counter woman rubbed her forehead. “You mean to tell me that you morons forgot the passcode, again?”

“Y-Yes, that’s exactly what my partner here is saying!” the woman exclaimed, just a little hastily. “So if you’d just be a doll and let us in we’ll be happy to get out of your hair.”

“Why is that all the new hires are dumber and dumber?” The woman grumbled as she walked out from behind the café’s counter. “I swear a single-digit IQ must be a new job requirement or something.”

The woman walked over to s seemingly innocuous section of wall next to one of several bookcases, then pushed with one hand. A small, square section of the wall went backwards, then easily slid up to reveal a keypad. Still mumbling under her breath, she punched in a series of numbers in quick succession before rounding on the trio.

“For the fourth time this month, the passcode is 52468!” She sighed, then hit the enter key. “Try not to forget it this time, or I might just decide to throw you buffoons out of the café altogether.”

The two offered a salute as the closest bookshelf slid to the side, revealing a metal double door behind. This too slid open after a moment, exposing a long staircase descending deep into blackness.

“Well go on,” the counter girl said, hands on hips. “Aliana is going to be furious that you’ve messed up her schedule again, I’m not going to be a part of whatever tongue-lashing she decides to give you.”

The man and woman looked at each other, nodded, and then walked down through the open portal without a further word.

“Well, we’re in,” Jessie whispered, as the double doors sealed shut behind them.

“That was easier than expected.” James added. “All we had to do was walk in the door!”

“Well don’t get too cocky just yet,” Meowth, struggling to keep pace with all four legs, said. “We’re in da front door but we still gotta long ways ta go.”

“Right,” the two humans nodded.

The stairs led down, down, down further into the blackness. The lighting was minimal, the sunglasses both Jessie and James wore made it worse. It was slow going and these stairs clearly reached under even the Lumiose subway system. By the time they finally reached a wider, better-lit area almost a full minute had passed.

Jessie, James, and Meowth maintained carefully neutral expressions as they walked directly into Team Flare’s secret underground laboratory. They were alone, trapped far beneath the surface, surrounded by hundreds of enemies, in a place where no one could hear them cry for help. Each of them could feel just a faint sheen of sweat on their faces, and it wasn’t just from the substandard air conditioning.

“There you are!”

The trio froze in their tracks.

“What have you idiots been up to this time?”

Slowly but surely, they turned around to face their accuser. Standing there, gloved hand on hip with lips pursed irritably, was a woman in a red dress with a tutu-like skirt and short red hair. A metallic visor concealed her eyes, with twin horizontal stripes of red light running across the length of her face taking their place. Despite this, her distaste was obvious.

“We have a schedule for a reason. Do you people not understand the concept of that? Do you fail to grasp why efficiency in ours operations is important?” she looked down at Meowth. “And are you bringing a stray into our base?”

“No ma’am!” James said. “We-”

“We’re just trying to decide who gets to catch it is all!” Jessie finished for him.

“I see,” she crinkled her nose. “Be sure to figure it out before Mable comes back from Geosenge Town or she’ll make you regret leaving that scruffy thing in the open. Now, report! Any suspicious activity spotted?”

“Ma’am no ma’am!” both shouted with a salute.

“Keeping in mind that it’s coming from you, I’ll take that with a grain of salt. Now,” she pressed two fingers up against her temple, “what to do with the pair of you? I did warn you that the next time you screwed up I’d have to make an example of you.”

The trio swallowed.

“So… I hope you enjoyed your last fresh air for a long time,” she continued. “Because all of you will be spending the next month down hear where I can keep an eye on you. You’ll be eating, sleeping, bathing, and working full time in the lab. And speaking of working, I’m assigning you both to full-time janitor duties for Xerosic. Maybe you can think about just how you can do better. Now report there and begin cleaning on the double!”

“Yes ma’am!”

There was a moment’s pause as the trio stood there, unmoving.

“Um, where is that again?”

Their “superior” facepalmed, then pointed at the wall directly beside them.

“There’s a map right there.”

A few moments and a discrete picture later, Team Rocket walked down the halls of Team Flare’s lab, eyes hidden behind sunglasses yet watching carefully. They passed a handful of scientists in white lab coats, but for the most part all the people they saw were more Team Flare grunts wearing identical suits and hairstyles, along with orange sunglasses. At this time of night, few were doing more than walking to the designated sleeping rooms or chatting in the cafeteria.

“How do these freaks tell each other apart?” Jessie whispered as they passed yet another seemingly-identical woman in an orange suit. “Between the clothes, hair, and makeup I can’t make out one from the other.”

“Well, I have noticed that exactly no one has addressed us by name,” James noted. “Maybe they can’t?”

“Then how is anything supposed to get done?” Jessie complained. “How does anyone even know who’s clothes are whose? I didn’t see a name tag inside this thing.”

“Quiet you two,” Meowth hissed, still having difficulty keeping up while walking on four legs. “Dere it is.” He pointed. “Da base’s main computer system. Let’s quit yappin’ and get on with da job!”


On Track

Jessie, James, and Meowth walked directly towards the room, intending to perform the quick snatch and run mission they were on without delay. It was only when they walked right up to it without it budging an inch that they began to suspect there might be some kind of difficulty.

“Where’s the handle on this thing?” Jessie whispered, eyes darting left and right.

“I don’t see anything, not a hinge nor a bolt nor a keypad!” James muttered back as he too looked around.

Both suddenly felt a small tug on their pant legs. When, they looked down, Meowth pointed up and to the side. There, on the wall a few paces to the right, was a simple, flat pad glowing softly with red light.

“Hey! Just what do you think you’re doing?”

All three jumped at the sound of a familiar voice. They looked franticly around, but barring themselves the hallway was deserted.

“Up here you cretins,” the voice now sounded exasperated.

Three pairs of eyes tracked the noise up up up… and right to the ceiling, where tucked away in a small and shadowy corner was a faintly visible speaker. The trio swallowed nervously as they hastily snapped to attention.

“What, did you forget I don’t wear this visor just because it looks cool?” the voice of the same woman who had berated them earlier continued. “It links up with the lab’s security system, allowing me to interface with any camera, sensor, or speaker in this building at anytime from anywhere. My own invention.” She sounded proud of herself. “Nothing says motivated employees like the knowledge your superior could be looking over your shoulder at any moment. But as for you three…”

The two humans stood stiff as ramrods, while even on four legs Meowth tried to look attentive.

“For starters, you’ve somehow managed to wander into the completely wrong section of the building. Xerosic’s lab in the east wing, you’re in the central hub. That’s our primary data storage facility in there. Secondly, do you think our biometric scanners would let a bumbling pair of idiots like you two inside? Director-level access only, since you seem to have forgotten. We didn’t spend all that time and effort building a localized network completely cut off from any conceivable outside source just so two morons could wander in and access anything they felt like.”

Beneath their sunglasses, Jessie and James shot one another a glance.

“And thirdly, I seem to recall assigning you two and your new pet a new job tonight. So I suggest that if you don’t like the idea of spending the next week in the brig, that you MOVE IT!”

“Ma’am yes ma’am!” they screamed as they scampered.

“Well,” James muttered under his breath as he swabbed the floor. “This complicates things.”

“No kidding,” Jessie grumbled before spraying another squirt of cleaning fluid on a metal table. She followed up by scrubbing hard with a bright red cloth. “How are we supposed to get anything done if some creep can just be watching us at any second?”

From where he sat relaxing on the floor, Meowth pointed up against the ceiling and then put a paw to his lips.

“How come you don’t have to do any of this?” Jessie hissed as she struggled with one especially resilient chemical stain.

“Because Meowth can’t use their front paws like we can our hands, silly,” James said hastily. “He is just an ordinary cat Pokemon, remember?”

“…Right,” Jessie forced a grin onto her face. “But the question remains, what now?”

“I guess we’ll just have to… come up with something.”

Far away, after dinner and a little bit of curative Potion, Ash and Pikachu found Twilight staring out a window at the Pokemon Center. The food she had been given sat beside her, almost entirely untouched. She simply stared straight forward into the pale moon, not even acknowledging either of them as they entered the little guest room.

“Hey there,” Ash said softly. “You haven’t said much since we got back, so…”

“We thought we’d come and check on you,” Pikachu finished.

Twilight didn’t say anything.

“Hey…” Ash frowned a little, then took a few steps forward. “I know we didn’t find your friend today, but that doesn’t mean you gotta stay couped up in here.”

“You didn’t say anything at dinner,” Pikachu added. “And you didn’t eat. Are you feeling okay?”

“I mean, sure we may not have found Team Rocket this time, but that doesn’t mean that we’ll give up on it.” Ash clenched his fist. “We’ve met those creeps hundreds of times now, and they’re always trying to take Pikachu from me! They’ve never given up after all this time, and neither will we!”

“That’s right!” Pikachu nodded. “There’s no way that we won’t meet again, even if we have to hunt them down to the ends of Orre! They won’t be able to get away from us!”

“I understand you’re worried, but sitting up here and not talking to anyone isn’t going to make anything better.” Ash smiled softly. “We may not have known each other for very long

There came the sound of a faint sigh.

“Neither of you get it…” Twilight whispered softly.

“Huh?” Ash looked down at Pikachu, who nodded and then stepped forward.

“What do we not get?” the little yellow Pokemon asked. “You can talk to us. Trust me, Ash and all our friends are really great people. If we can, we’ll help you.”

“That’s just it,” Twilight still hadn’t moved an inch. “I’m not sure you can.”

“Huh?” Pikachu’s ear twitched.

“I’ve been thinking…” she continued. “About today. I know you guys did a lot of hard work and uncomfortable waiting around to try and help me, but…” Twilight sighed. “It was always a longshot plan, but that it was the first thing that you thought to try and find them doesn’t bode well. You said you’ve known them almost as long as your trainer, but your only idea on how to find them was to present yourself as bait. It’s kind of you, but it doesn’t speak well to your abilities. You don’t know the kind of places they seek out, the criminal networks they trade with, the sorts of people who would know that. You don’t know how to run a proper investigation or manhunt. Not that I blame you,” she added quickly. “You’re both so young, still on your journey together. I think traveling the world to meet new people and Pokemon sounds like a marvelous idea, but I don’t think it prepares you to track down a devious gang of ruthless criminals holding a princess hostage.”

“Are you-” Pikachu began.

“You have to see this from my perspective,” Twilight cut him off. “I need to rescue Princess Celestia, without delay. The fate of my entire world could depend on it!”

Pikachu’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yes,” Twilight nodded, back still to him. “I haven’t told anyone here this, but the princess is more than just a ruler to Equestria. She’s the bringer of life and light, literally and metaphorically. Our nation’s political system depends on her, our guiding hoof for a thousand years and more. There are other princesses sure, but I don’t know if they can cope. But even worse than a missing princess, what if the news got back that she had somehow been corrupted?” Twilight shook her head. “Don’t you see? It would be a disaster, an upending of a millennium’s traditions and faith. If the princess, the firm bedrock of our polity for so long, fell to darkness then the consequences would be unthinkable. I’m afraid it’s already too late, that those… monsters that captured her have already broken her totally. I can’t imagine how, but I can’t imagine how they managed to both overpower her and press her into servitude either. And every passing minute gives them more and more time to break the last vestiges of her resistance, if there are any. Can’t you understand? Equestria needs her to be alright.”


I need her to be alright!” Twilight finally turned, her large eyes now visibly watery. “The princess… Princess Celestia has been like a second mother to me, ever since the day I first met her when I was a little filly. She taught me all I know and sent me to find the best friends in all the world. She helped me in more ways than I can describe, but now she’s been thrown into another world and captured by villains and it’s all my fault!” Twilight finally let out a sob, tears beginning to trickle softly down her cheeks.

Ash frowned and began to move towards her, but felt a slight tug on his leg. When he looked down, Pikachu shook his head.

I built the portal that sent us here!” Twilight cried. “I made the misculations! I threw Princess Celestia into a strange and terrifying new world! Without even the slightest magic to defend herself! It’s my fault she got captured by a gang of villains like Team Rocket! Whatever manipulation, mind control, or torture she’s gone through are all my fault!” She sobbed. “And I know, in the very core of my being, that if it hadn’t been for me and my mirror whatever happened to her here wouldn’t have happened! She’d be safe and happy at home with her sister and subjects if it weren’t for me!”

“You don’t need to be so hard on yourself,” Pikachu said softly.

“What I need is to find Team Rocket and my mentor, yesterday! I have to pry her from their grip, no matter what it costs me! But to do that, I have to find them first and… and… and…” She cried a little more. “And I don’t have a clue how to do that. If I had my magic… if we were back in Equestria then maybe… but I don’t, and we aren’t. And from what I can see none of you have any idea either.”

“Well…” Pikachu tapped a tiny finger on his chin. “We may not, but now that I think about it we did meet someone who might. Not very long ago.”

“What?!” Twilight blinked, tears still staining her fur. “Who?! Where?!”

“Lumiose City I think,” said Pikachu. “His name was Lysandre.”

Family Reunion

An old man walked a lonely road in the dead of night. He’d been up and down this path many times over the long years, to the point he barely needed to look ahead. His eyes were downcast as they always were, his gait slow and expression melancholy. Even he scarcely knew why he bothered any longer. It was obvious he would never find what he sought, it had been for centuries. He was to wander the world forever, always looking but never even catching a glimpse. But he deserved that, didn’t he?

The old man pulled his ragged coat a little tighter as his mind opened old wounds yet again. Those trusting faces so long ago, turning to horror and then… he shuddered, though the night was warm. He knew why he wandered. Why he could never stop, not even for a moment. Not as long as there was even the faintest chance that he could somehow, if not make things right, then at least bring some sense of closure to it all. He owed it to them… he owed it to her, even if true atonement would forever be beyond his reach.

“Good evening,” a new voice cut into his thoughts.

As the old man walked down the road, nursing gnawing guilt almost as old as he was, he had failed to notice another man waiting for him.

“A pleasant night for a stroll, wouldn’t you say old timer?” a well-dressed, red-haired man stood alone in the center of dirt path, one hand on his hip and a half-smile on his face.

“Who…” the old man’s voice was weak from disuse, scratchy and parched, “Who are you?”

Something seemed somehow familiar about this man, though he could not recall ever once laying eyes on him before. Somehow that thought was tinged with sadness and just a little bit of inexplicable guilt. Then again, most of the old man’s thoughts were.

“You really don’t know?” The stranger’s smile broadened a bit. “You are out of touch. Allow me to introduce myself then. I am Lysandre, owner and proprietor of Lysandre Labs, and one of the most well-known men in Kalos. I’m surprised that you hadn’t at least heard of me.”

“What… do you want?” Few people ever talked to the old man anymore, not that he blamed them.

“What if I said that all I wished for was a family reunion?”

The old man’s eyes widened in shock for the first time in decades, as his mind cast him back much further. He’d had a brother once, hadn’t he? Yes, a proud young man of noble bearing and red hair almost as bright as the fire in his eyes. He hadn’t considered his sibling in years too long to count, but now that he finally did…

“You look… like him,” the old man breathed.

“Yes, so I’m told,” Lysandre said, crossing his arms. “While you don’t look a day over five hundred.”

The old man frowned, not liking the tone in his young nephew’s voice.

“What do you want?” he repeated, voice clearer and less raspy.

Lysandre’s smile fell as he met his distant uncle’s gaze, his brow furrowing.

“What I want is a world of eternal beauty and purity, free from the ravages of the selfish and cruel. A world scoured clean of those who would defile it, where people live in harmonious bliss with each other and with nature. A slate wiped clean of greed and pettiness, where the short-sighted no longer exist. A heaven on earth, if you will.” He sighed with a weariness that echoed the old man’s own. “But for tonight, I’ll settle for no more loose ends running about.”

“Loose ends? I-” he froze just a moment, as something clicked. “You want the weapon.”

“Correction: I have the ultimate weapon,” Lysandre said. “And it’s almost ready. That’s what happens when you leave your masterpiece simply sitting around for the motivated to find.”

“It is an abomination,” the old man hissed, fists clenching. “You do not understand what you’re dealing with, boy. That thing could-”

“Scour the globe clean of the undeserving;”

“What?! Are you insane?” he shook his head vehemently. “Listen to me, that thing runs on Pokémon lives, nothing good can come of digging it up again! You might think that you understand the costs and that the sacrifices are worth it, but all you will have in the end is dust and ash! Look at me!” he spread his arms wide, showing his unnaturally tall, lanky body and dirty, ragged clothing to its fullest. “I was a king once, and now I am nothing!”

“A natural consequence of a selfish and petty mind.” Lysandre growled. “You built the means to wipe the world clean and usher in age of eternal peace, and what did you do with it? Indulge your own self-centered wish to see your partner again, then lash out against everything in empty spite. Then you wasted the gift of immortality, tramping around in a useless and futile quest for your precious flower Pokémon, and for what? So you can say that you’re sorry?!”


“You’re pathetic, uncle. You had all the time in the world to work towards everlasting perfection, and instead you wander about feeling sorry for yourself. And so the task falls to me instead.”

“I have no right to decide anything for anyone.” He shook his head. “Never again.”

“Yet you feel confident enough to tell me that I should leave your creation buried, hmmm?”

“I will not allow you to make my mistake! I will not let anyone make my mistake!” For the first time in generations, the old man was actually shouting. “I was even more a fool than I thought, I understand now. Burying that machine was not enough…” he met Lysandre’s gaze with an old fire in his eyes. “I should have destroyed it. I will destroy it, before it destroys you and everyone else.”

“So you do have some fight left in that withered frame, however misguided it might be.” Lysandre gave a tight grin with one corner of his mouth. “But I think you misunderstand me. I came here because you represent a loose end, a potential danger to my plans. And I won’t allow anyone to do that. So come quietly, if you know what’s good for you.”

The old man flinched for just a moment, then his face hardened. He reached into a coat pocket, pulling out a dusty, weathered, obsolete model of Poke Ball.

“Perhaps you are related to me after all,” Lysandre selected a ball of his own from his belt. “Very well, uncle, let’s battle. May the stronger bond win. Go, Pyroar!”

Lysandre chucked the ball into the air and a brilliant silver blaze lit up the dark night, startling what few nocturnal Pokémon were around. Most fled for the safety of burrows and tall grass as a tall, catlike Pokémon materialized on the road. Pyroar held his head high, mane glowing softly in the darkness, and growled out a challenge.

“Golurk,” the old man said with a simple underhand toss.

Another blaze of light, and a mighty blue humanoid figure appeared. More than twice the size of Pyroar and brimming with barely-contained energy, it stared down wordlessly at its opponent. The feline stared back, tail swishing back and forth in anticipation.

“Golurk,” he pointed. “Stone Edge.”

A trio of shining blue rings formed about the enormous Pokémon immediately, coalescing rapidly into rings of razor-sharp grey rock.

“Pyroar dodge it!”

The leonine combatant stared for just a moment as the rings circling Golurk cracked into hundreds of tiny shards, then bounded nimbly to the side as dozens of them suddenly embedded themselves into the ground where he had just been standing. The golem stuck out its hand and more stone blades flung themselves at Pyroar, but again the cat was too swift. It dodged with near-perfect economy of motion, escaping the attack once more with a single bound that carried it just out of range. Then it avoided a third and fourth attack with a well-practiced grace, staying just ahead of the shards each time as though mocking his heavier opponent. Lysandre smirked, his opponent grimaced.

“Earthquake!” the old man ordered.

Golurk raised one fist aglow with power and struck the earth with the force of a comet. The ground bucked, then split as shockwaves radiated in all directions. Both men were knocked from their feet by the sheer power of the attack as around them the field was torn to pieces, grass uprooted and tossed about while longed-maintained Nicada tunnels collapsed in on themselves.

But again, Pyroar’s training showed through. He held position until the last second, then leaped into the air just before the first shockwave reached him. He hit the cracked ground considerably closer to Golurk, rocked by subsequent lesser waves but keeping his balance all the same. As Golurk raised its fist to strike again, Lysandre shouted a command from where he lay in the dirt.

“Flamethrower now!”

Pyroar’s mouth unleash a jet of bright orange flames almost immediately, flying across the battlefield to strike Golurk dead on in the face. The giant staggered back under the onslaught but kept its footing amidst the broken earth.

Lysandre sat up, an eager expression on his face. “Follow up with Crunch!”

The old man struggled rise, ancient aches catching up with him, but managed through clenched teeth. “Dodge and use Hammer Arm!”

Pyroar’s sharp fangs gleamed with a silvery-white energy as he bounded forwards, hopping nimbly through the uneven terrain. Golurk rose to its full height to meet him, thick right arm glowing with a similar energy. It glanced at its trainer, who gave a slight nod.

The golem barely turned around in time to see the leonine Pokémon take a flying leap for its chest, fangs bared. Goluk leaned backwards and, almost instantly, its legs vanished in a surge of ghostly, rocket-like energy. It shot backwards with astounding speed and Pyroar’s snapping jaws easily missed its midsection. Unnaturally it turned on a dime, entire body swinging around to bring one massive glowing fist right into the cat before he could recover. Pyroar went flying, hitting the grass a good distance away and rolling yet further still.

Lysandre’s smile was gone as he regained his feet, replaced by an irritated grimace. His Pokemon, magnificent mane now covered in dirt and coat thoroughly ruined, followed suit with an angry growl as it rose. Golurk raced forward on its spectral energy, closing the distance again with fist glowing.

“I’m through playing around!” the younger man called with a fist clenched. “Pyroar, Dark Pulse now!”

Pyroar’s eyes gleamed vengefully as he opened up his mouth. A beam of black and purple rings took Golurk in the chest, blasting away all momentum and hurdling it roughly onto the ground.

“Now once more!” Lysandre ordered.

Before Golurk could recover, a second super effective attack smashed into its head, sending it flying back the way it had come. Its trainer, barely back on his feet after the Earthquake, had no chance to dodge before several hundred pounds of Pokémon bowled him over. The old man slammed right back down onto the ground as roughly as he had in a long time, hitting his head against an exposed rock. As he lay there, pinned beneath a nine foot unconscious golem and consciousness fading, his last thought was that now he had something else to feel guilty for.

Spearow didn’t know much about humans beyond their tendency to carry food and interesting shiny things. He didn’t know where they got such strong Pokémon from or why they insisted on battling in the flock’s territory. He didn’t know what the flying thing with the spinning blades the flame-haired one seemed to call was, or why the big white-haired one was dragged limply into it. He didn’t know why they had started a fight in the first place. And he certainly didn’t know anything about what an “ultimate weapon” was. In fact it would be entirely fair to say what he didn’t know about the situation that had just unfolded while he was out foraging vastly exceeded what he did know.

But, as he sat perched very, very, very quietly in the tall grass, he realized that there was one important thing that he did know. The flock’s new leader would definitely want to hear news of this as soon as possible. He should let her know what had happened here right away – just as soon as he was sure none of the terrifying humans were coming back, of course.

Moving Fowards

“And then the scary red human said that he had some kind of ‘ultimate weapon’ thingie,” Spearow said, several hours later. “And he was going to use it to clean the world or something like that. That made the tall smelly human real mad for whatever reason.”

“Cleaning is good,” a second Spearow chimed in, apropos of nothing. “It’s hard to fly with dirty feathers.”

“I heard humans have something called ‘soap’ that makes you really clean,” a third bird Pokémon added. “Maybe the ultimate weapon is soap?” she hazarded a guess.

“That would explain why the dirty human got mad,” still another nodded sagely. “He’s like a chick that doesn’t like grooming.”

From her improvised throne – meaning a somewhat taller tree branch – Princess Luna stared down at her flock and resisted the urge to weep.

“If I may hazard a guess, the red human used the word ‘cleanse’, did he not?” the alicorn asked in a gracious tone. “As in, to cleanse the world of undesirables?”

“Yeah, I think so,” the first Spearow nodded. “Something like the greedy and petty I think. Then the old man got really angry like I said, then they started yapping at each other like alpha shows in mating season. But I guess no one wanted to back down, because pretty soon the red man called out this big hungry-looking cat with a huge red mane to match his, and then the other guy pulled out this huge blue Pokémon. I’m talking like even bigger than you, boss lady. Then they battled for a while, which surprised me ‘cause you’d think the bigger mon would win right away but nope! It was the cat that took down the big blue guy!”

There was much chattering in the flock almost immediately. Size meant everything in the hierarchy of Spearow life, the largest Fearow was almost invariably the flock’s alpha. The idea of something smaller defeating a larger opponent one to one was almost unheard of.

“Pray continue,” Luna urged her messenger. “What happened next?”

“Well then the red man talked into this funny machine and a minute later some flying metal thing with spinning blades came by. There were more people in it and they loaded the smelly old guy onto the flying machine. And then the red man got on it and they took off over the horizon. Then I nibbled on a Nincada leg before coming back here.”

“I see,” said the princess.

Luna tapped her hoof to her chin as she considered the situation. On the one hoof, arriving at true civilization and finding help to get home was vital. On the other, the prospect of an “ultimate weapon” in the hands of someone who wanted to “cleanse” the world and who wasn’t above beating and kidnapping a homeless old man for being a loose end… that wasn’t something she could in good conscience tolerate. Even if it wasn’t her world, morality demanded she do something if she could.

“Alright everypo- everymon!” she stood up to her full height, one foreleg gesturing grandly. “Make ready yourselves, we fly at the break of day!”

There was a moment of silence.

“Why?” one of the Spearow asked.

“Yeah,” another nodded. “I’d like the world to be clean.”

“And where are we going?” said a third.

“Firstly,” Luna said, “cleansing the world does not mean scrubbing it down like a mother with a muddy foal, it means mass death and quite likely a good deal of exploding. I trust you all recall my explanation of the code chivalric?”

“We should fly around and beat people up if we think they’re doing bad?”

“And tax peasants to pay for it?” another Spearow added. “I’m not really sure what a peasant is though. Or taxing.”

“Er… something like that…” Luna felt a bead of sweat forming on the back of her head. “Regardless of your… imperfect understanding I intend to lead by example, and we shall start by assessing this situation that our… fine… scout reported.”

“Can’t we just eat food instead?”

“No! True knights do not sit around eating berries and insect bits when the world is in jeopardy! They ride out boldly to confront evil and vanquish it wherever it may be found, no matter the odds! Without fear or doubt they brave the harshest of perils, endure the cruelest of trials, weather the most brutal deprivations! Without hesitation they hurl themselves into harm’s way to protect that which they love, never once thinking of turning back!” Luna flared her wings, mane wafting proudly in a sudden breeze. “For honor and justice we ride, to thwart evil wherever it may be found, thinking nothing of dangers ahead but of what we fight to protect! With our indominable courage and steadfast loyalty there is no foe we cannot overcome! There is no evil beyond our power to undo! We will neither tire nor rest until all those fiends who would do the world harm are brought to justice! We are evil’s bane, the defenders of the innocent, the sword of the righteous, the glory of our people, and the masters of all we survey! We are the Order of Midnight, and we will be triumphant!”

Dozens upon dozens of bird Pokémon stared up as the alicorn princess worked herself into a fever pitch, falling utterly silent before her tirade. Even when it ended, all eyes fixed on her, not a soul daring to be the first to look away from the awe-inspiring, slightly-glowing, slightly-panting dictator. Until at last, there came the sound of another voice.


Luna planted a hoof in her face.

“Just shut up and do what I tell you, alright?”

The Spearow and Fearow all nodded as one. That, at least, made sense.

Meanwhile, many miles distant, another alicorn princess found herself pressed tightly up against a wall shelf stocked with cleaning fluid, wipes, and rubber gloves. Jessie, James, Meowth, and all of their Pokémon were huddled in a janitor’s closet to brainstorm and plan their next move. It was, so far as they had been able to figure out, the only room without any prying cameras on the wall, which made it perfect. The fact that it had been designed for, at most, one person standing in it was but a minor inconvenience.

“She’s watching us all day!” Jessie fumed. “All the time! In every room!”

“We’ve been grunts in a Rocket base but at least there the walls weren’t yelling at us,” James moaned from where he sat slumped on the ground, Meowth in his lap.

“How are we supposed to get anything done when at any moment that witch can peer through her glasses and see right where we are?!” Jessie went on, grinding her teeth. “I can’t even think about trying to mess with anything before I hear her screeching voice!”

“That’s obviously what she wants,” Celestia commented from where she was wedged up against Wobbuffet, James, and the cleaning supplies. “She doesn’t trust either of you, though for entirely wrong reasons. The proverbial eye on an employee’s back usually serves to keep even the least able on the straight and narrow.”

“At this rate we’ll never even get close to their computers before whatever Lysandre’s cooking up is already done,” James said mournfully. “And then the boss will have our heads.”

“Or worse, our jobs,” Meowth nodded.

I fear it is far worse than that, Celestia thought.

“But what are we supposed to do about it when we can’t even get five minutes alone?!” Jessie crossed her arms as best she could. “Whenever either of us even gets near anything important she seems to know about it instantly!”

“It’s the visor, she said so herself. She can see anywhere, any time she feels like it.”

“Then get it away from her,” the alicorn said.

“Easy for you to say, spending all day relaxing in a Poke Ball while we slave out here,” Jessie snapped back when Meowth offered a translation.

“It’s not like we know anything about where she is or what hours she keeps,” James explained. “All we get is ordered about and shouted at through the wall speakers. I haven’t even set eyes on her since the first time we met, and all we get told is where to scrub down next.”

“You said she’s keeping an eye on you two. What about Meowth? Doesn’t she think him an ordinary street Pokémon?”

“As if,” Meowth added when he translated.

“Yeah, so?” came Jessie’s immediate response.

Celestia resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “So Meowth should be able to slip away unnoticed, right? And don’t you still have a few of those tracking bugs we planted to find this place?”

James nodded wearily. “If by that you mean we fished them out of the dirty laundry we’re made to do, then yes. But we don’t have any way of monitoring them without being seen staring at our phones at best.”

“Except for Meowth, in this closet,” the princess pointed out. “And all you really need to know is where she spends her nights and how guarded it is. She’s still a human after all, she needs to sleep somewhere just like you.”

“Could’ve fooled me,” Jessie mumbled.

“And she’s always the one giving orders or berating you, correct? No one else?”

“Most everyone else just ignores us.”

“Good,” Celestia nodded. “Then that means any special attention is coming from her. The way I see it, there are two things we need. One, that visor needs to be taken or disabled, so she can’t instantly zero in on you. Two, we need a distraction to keep this base occupied for long enough to hit their main computers and make a run for it. The visor has to go first, and then we’ll have a limited window of opportunity before she regains a true understanding of what’s going on.”

“Again, easier said than done,” James countered. “Even if we do figure out where she makes her bed, how are we going to get close enough to do anything without tripping every alarm in this base?”

“And even if we did somehow snatch her visor, how would we keep her from barring every exit and flooding every tunnel with Flare goons until she got it back?” Jessie said. “How can we possibly create a big enough distraction to keep the heat off us when we can’t even touch a keypad?”

“As to the first, I would ask you for help, Inkay.”

“Me?” the cephalopod blinked from his position behind Jessie’s head.

“Look up,” said the alicorn, doing exactly that. “Note the larger than average ventilation shafts, no doubt a necessity to keep such a vast complex so far underground safely oxygenated and temperature controlled. Not large enough for a human – or myself for that matter – but a small fellow like Inkay? And you can guarantee that any leader will have her own duct in her quarters, to maintain her precisely preferred temperature. Once you know where that is, and when she’s there, Inkay should be able to find his way from here to there. One Hypnosis and he can grab the visor and run.”

“That makes some kinda sense,” Meowth said. “But what about a distraction?”

“Oh that?” Celestia looked at the shelves with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “Let me put it this way: how much do you know about chemistry?”

Moving Along

Dat princess lady betta be right, Meowth thought, as he crept through the bowels of Team Flare’s secret lair.

It was exhausting, nervous work sticking to corners and shadows, freezing up whenever any humans were in sight. Walking on four legs only made it worse, much has he would never had admitted it to anyone he was out of practice. Miming human gait for so many years made it feel difficult and unnatural to have to walk on four again. And it was hot enough down here even with the overtaxed air conditioning.

It wasn’t much of a surprise that the cat Pokémon was sweating bullets as he crouched under a table while two Team Flare grunts walked by, chatting obliviously with one another.

“-and she’s always been a real sweetheart to me is all I’m saying,” one man said. “But’s no way a food truck worker would ever be able to work up the cash to join the team even if she understood the cause-”

“So forget about her,” the other man cut him off. “If she’s not with us, then she won’t be around in the new world. You know that. You’ve known that for months.”

“Well… yeah I know…” the first man hesitated. “But is it, you know… right? I mean they say that only Team Flare deserves to enjoy eternal beauty but…”

What are dese clowns on about? Meowth wondered.

“Are you having second thoughts about joining?” his partner asked a moment later, then continued before the other could answer. “Well if you are you’d better suck it up. The boss isn’t accepting resignations anymore, we’re too far in for that. You want out, there’s only one way.”

The first man swallowed audibly.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear anything this time,” the second man went on as they walked right past Meowth. “But for your sake you’d better not bring it up again, with anyone. Remember that the walls have ears.”

“R-Right,” he stuttered, as the two men rounded the corner and vanished from Meowth’s vision.

The cat waited a moment to make sure that they were gone, then scampered down the hallway the same direction that they had come from. He’d been wandering the base for more than an hour at this point, and it seemed like the more ground he covered the more there was to check. He hadn’t seen heads or tails of Aliana, and more than once had found himself lost amidst the huge network of corridors. How they’d dug this place out without anyone being the wise was beyond him.

Meowth wandered this way and that throughout the base, ducking into corners and behind furniture whenever he heard movement, but all the same never quite feeling safe. After all, he knew perfectly well there were security cameras everywhere, microphones hidden behind every wall. There was no telling who could be watching anywhere, at any time. Someone might have seen him the moment he parted from Jessie and James. They might have watched him the whole time. They might have figured out what he was up to a long time ago! Maybe the creepy lady had spotted him and caught on right away! Maybe she was sitting behind a sealed door right now, laughing as she toyed with his feeble hopes. Sweat poured down Meowth’s face as he imagined her ordering him seized at her leisure, dragged off by faceless goons into a dark room from which no one ever returned, there to-

“Hey, watch it!”

Meowth jumped at the familiar voice, blinking as he suddenly realized that there was a boot directly in front of his face. Shaking not a little, he very slowly craned his neck upwards to look directly at the visor-ed face of Aliana. The Team Flare Scientist was looking right back down at him with a curled lip and a Holo Caster in one hand.

“What’s a scruffy little thing like you doing wandering the base unattended?” she said as she looked down at the shivering, sweat cat Pokémon. “All Pokémon are to accompany their trainers at all – wait…” she snapped her fingers. “I know you!”

Meowth’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates, and all his terrified brain could think to do was shudder harder.

“You’re that stray those two worthless stooges brought in!” Aliana put her hands on her hips. “I told them to capture you and they let you wander around like a walking biohazard instead? Typical.” She snorted. “Well you can go right back the way you came and tell them that if I see you tramping around again, I’ll feed you to my Druddigon. We have delicate experiments ongoing and I won’t have them contaminated by some alley cat. Understand?!”

Frantically, Meowth nodded his head as hard as it would go.

“Good,” she pointed. “Now get going!” When the cat Pokémon didn’t immediately move, her lips curled. “Are you as stupid as your masters? I said beat it!”

Her boot lashed out, catching Meowth in the face. He went flying and smacked head first into a nearby wall, then fell into a heap on the floor below. Aliana loomed over his crumpled form, hands on her hips.

“Now are you going to spend what’s left your time with your masters, or I am going to have to-”

There was a twitch of the Pokémon’s ears, a flick of his tail, and then all of a sudden Meowth scampered away as fast as his four legs could take him. The Team Flare woman gave a slight satisfied humph as he disappeared from her sight. She turned and, without another thought, continued the way she had been going. As she did, Aliana remained totally oblivious to the small, black bug now affixed to her boot.

“I’m sorry,” said a plain-looking woman in proper business attire. “But Mr. Lysandre is a busy man and his schedule is not a matter for public discussion. If you want an interview you will simply have to schedule an appointment like anyone else.”

“But this is the third day in row that you’ve said that!” Clemont protested through the video phone. “Can’t you at least tell us when he’d be able to take a call?”

“I repeat,” the secretary answered in a stern tone. “Mr. Lysandre’s schedule is not a matter for public discussion. I will not disclose anything about it to you, and if you continue to pester me about it will be blocked from further contact.”


“Good day,” she said, and then the screen went blank.

Clemont sighed wearily, then rose from the booth where he’d sat. With a dejected look on his face, he returned to the Pokemon Center’s lobby where the remainder of their group was huddled. Twilight in particular was pacing the floor with a worried look on her face that had only intensified as the days had gone by.

“Anything?” Serena asked.

“No,” Clemont shook his head glumly as he took a seat. “They won’t even say if he’s in or when he could take a call, much less try and forward me to him.”

The group gave a collective groan.

“Light?!” the purple princess-Pokémon sounded scared. “Twilight light twi twi twilight!”

“Pikachu! Pika pika chu!” Pikachu waved his tiny hands at her.

“Light light?” she sounded on the verge of tears. “Twilight!”

“This isn’t working,” Ash gritted his teeth. “And Team Rocket hasn’t shown themselves since the Poke Ball Factory.” He pounded his fists onto the armrests of the chair. “This isn’t right. We can’t just sit back when a friend is in trouble!”

“But what can we do?” Clemont asked. “We have no idea where Team Rocket could have gone. The police didn’t have any leads, and we can’t even speak to the only one who might know.”

“Twi twi twi twi light!” Twilight interjected, eyes now blurry.

“If Lysandre isn’t answering his phone then we’ll just have to go see him in person!” Ash declared. “It’s better than just sitting around doing nothing and waiting for Team Rocket to show up.”

“And why would they even let us in the front door, even assuming he’s in?” Clemont asked. “Can you see them buying ‘hey this funny-looking Pokémon is actually an alien princess from another dimension who’s missing her friend and that’s why we need to walk in to see the head of a multinational cooperation completely unscheduled’?”

“There has to be something…” Ash muttered.

“Maybe there is?” Serena had a hand on her chin. “Hey Clemont, didn’t Lysandre offer to hire you?”

The Gym Leader blinked. “Yeah, now that you mention it, a couple of times.”

“Well I was just thinking, what if we showed up at Lysandre Labs and say that you’d been reconsidering his offer but wanted to ask a few questions first?” Serena winced a little. “I mean, it’s not entirely honest but if he’s that eager to have you then-”

“-he’s probably left instructions to let me in case I decided to take him up on it,” Clemont finished for her.

“Serena, that’s genius!” Ash declared.

She blushed a little, but said nothing.

“I don’t know for sure if he’s in, or if he’d see me, but it’s better than doing nothing.”

“You got that right,” Ash agreed with a clenched fist. “Pikachu, Twilight, you up for a road trip?”



Dark Discovery

“I have no idea what any of this means,” Princess Luna finally admitted to herself.

The alicorn princess stood in the middle of a devastated field, where her subordinate had reported a clash of the titans. And the evidence bore it out: the trail bore clear marks of battle, the earth itself rent and torn open in many places. Her flock seemed happy enough with that, since the brutally tilled soil had turned up many tasty grubs and seeds for them to eat, but for Luna it was simply a source of consternation.

Try as she might – and had – the princess could find no discernable way to trace which way the flying machine carrying the two combatants had gone. And trying to backtrack via their trails in the dirt didn’t help much either. Between the ruined ground and hard earth the few footprints she could find did not offer much clue where the two had come from, though she’d sent out a few scouts in both directions just in case. But there just didn’t seem to be any solid leads for her to follow, not even a solid grasp on who had been fighting in the first place. She doubted very much that “lice-amber” was the red man’s actual name.

Luna ground her teeth in frustration, pacing about as she considered the situation. She had always preferred to think of herself as a mare of action first and foremost. Leave the long-winded speeches and backroom politicking to Celestia, she would rather be doing something, whether that be leading a charge or banishing nightmares or coordinating a public works project or just filling her fillyhood home with ludicrous numbers of arbitrary traps. What she hated, almost as much as not being given due regard, was having nothing to be doing. But without any clear leads to follow, there was nothing she could do to intervene in… whatever evil shenanigans the red man was planning.

This aggravation was only compounded by the general attitude of her would-be knights. Despite all her efforts and detailed explanations of chivalry and its ideals, despite their own clear sapience and self-awareness, their thoughts rarely if ever rose above the level of wild beasts. They followed her because she offered them food and power and because she could flatten anyone who said otherwise, but they showed no idealism or thought of the future whatsoever. Honestly, if they were representative of Pokémon as a whole, then it was no wonder it had been left to humans to create civilization in this word.

Take that moment, for instant. She had sent out a small group of Spearow led by a Fearow to scout out one of the several trails branching off from the direction the red man was purported to have come from. Yet, with the lackadaisical attitude they demonstrated whenever she wasn’t directly present, they had been gone for several hours and had yet to report back with anything. The alicorn considered sending more minions to round them up, then thought better of it. A personal demonstration of ire would be much more memorable and give her something to do besides.

After giving orders to the remaining Fearow to keep the flock corralled in the field, Luna swiftly took to her wing and flew south, tracing the path of her by the winding road through field and forest. She’d ordered her birds to scout it out for any clues as to where her mysterious quarry had come from or gone, but as she soared high above the earth she spotted and hoof-full of bird and bug Pokémon in the sky but no Spearow or Fearow at all. As the minutes and miles went by and she still saw no sign of them, Luna grew more suspicious. Was this a simple matter of laziness, or had they simply decided to desert? And if they had, was there anything she could do about it? Or even should? It wasn’t as though they were oathsworn vassals of hers, if they wanted to leave she should just let them?

Before the princess had a chance to resolve that particular dilemma, her keen blue eyes spotted something suspicious. Far below, amidst the sea of green and brown, Luna caught a glimpse of an unnaturally bright orange-red color. She circled a moment, trying to get a better view, but the trees below gave whatever it was good shelter from this height. The alicorn weighed her options, then quickly decided she’d rather go ahead and see what this was about than ignore what was potentially her only lead.

Luna descended carefully from the air, centuries of practice offering her fine control of her flight even in this unfamiliar world. Cautiously, she pierced the forest canopy, dark body blending easily with the shadows beneath the leaves. She gingerly glided from branch to lower branch, making as little sound as possible, until at last she was low enough to get a good view what it was she had seen.

It wasn’t the red man from the other night, at least not as had been described to her. It was two humans, male and female by the looks of them, dressed in almost identical orange-red suits and brightly-dyed hair. They wore sunglasses of a similar color, adding to their already uniform appearance. Despite the colors, they lacked the air of intensity (and beard) of the man described to Luna by her Spearow.

But as the princess’ eyes went further down, she spotted something about their waists as the two walked, At first just a slight flash of black, but when the male’s movements threw back his jacket and gave her a good look at his belt… A flash of psychic pain hit Luna’s mind the instant she got a good look at the black orbs affixed to his belt. A scream, distant and all but unrecognizable, echoed through her skull. The alicorn let out a startled, pained yelp and doubled over with a hoof to her forehead.

As if on some infernal cue, the duo below stopped and turned around almost as one. Head darted this way and that for a moment, but it didn’t take long before one of them spotted the dark alicorn on the tree branch.

“Look, up there!” the woman pointed at where Luna lay, eyes scrunched up against the pain. “What’s that?”

“No idea,” her partner said, grabbing one orb from his waist. “But I’m betting it’s got life energy!” The orb in his hand suddenly doubled in size. “Dark Ball go!”

The man pitched the black orb directly at Luna.

“Alright,” Meowth said, after a good few hours of staring at a mobile phone. “I think dat it’s probably safe ta say dat she ain’t leaving dat place any time soon, so it’s probably where she takes her cat naps.”

“It does seem to correspond to the living areas indicated on the map,” Celestia noted from where she was squeezed beside him in the janitor’s closet. “So it seems likely. Still, best to be sure with these things.”

“What did ya have in mind?”

“Simple enough.” Celestia looked up. “Inkay?”

“Wha- huh?” the little Pokémon suddenly stuck his head out of a bucket and yawned. “Is it time for dinner already?”

“I’m afraid not,” the princess smiled faintly. “However, there is something we need you to do now, if you please.”

“What’s up?”

“We tink we got a good fix on where da boss lady makes her bed,” Meowth told him. “But we wanna be sure, so you’re gonna take a trip through the vents an’ scope it out. Got me?”

“Additionally, we’d like you to memorize the route there as best you can,” Celestia explained. “We will be needing you to travel there and back in a hurry very soon, so it is imperative you know the best way. Take as many trips as it takes.”

“And don’t get caught, ya here me?” Meowth finished for her. “Just go make sure dat’s her room and get ready ta do your job. For Team Rocket!”

“For Team Rocket!” Inkay saluted with one tentacle.

“And for revenge for da boot ta my face!”

“And for the boot – wait, what?” Inkay blinked. “When did you get a boot to your face? Did anyone get any pictures?”

“Never you mind,” Meowth growled, then pointed. “Just go.”

The man pitched the black orb directly at Luna. It flew through the air straight for her face, its aim true – until a beam of purple-black rings shot out of her glowing horn, intercepting it mid-flight. The small ball exploded, raining sensitive electronics and pieces of grey-black shell onto the forest floor. The man in the bright suit grimaced.

“Looks like this one’s a fighter,” he said. “The boss won’t be pleased we’re one short.”

“You mean you’re one short,” his partner answered. “Better hope this thing has enough power for two.”

“Power for what?” Luna demanded. “What do you poorly-dressed bandits want with me? What did you mean by your life energy comment? Tell me or this will go ill for you.”

“What in blazes is a ‘Luna’?” the woman asked. “I’ve never heard of a Pokémon like that.”

“How should I know? Let’s catch it and find out.”

“How dare you ignore my questions?!” Luna snapped down at the pair. “Do you not recognize royalty when you set eyes upon it? I am Princess Luna of Equestria, Mistress of the Night, Guardian of Dreams, Slayer of Monsters, Bane of Evil, Keeper of the Sixth Vigil! I am not some helpless, cowering victim that you may abduct at your leisure! I am that which nightmares fear! Throw down your wicked instruments and get on your knees or I shall be forced to teach you exactly why!”

“What on earth is that thing yapping about?”

“Why are you asking me, do I look like I speak Pokémon? Let’s just rough it up and bring it back to base.”

“Works for me. Go Spearow!”

“Go Fearow!”

Both humans had grabbed another black orb from the waists, but instead of hurling them at Luna tossed them straight up into the air. They burst open from the middle, and black energies came flooding out. The energy quickly took shape and solidified, becoming very familiar birdlike Pokémon hovering above the earth.

“Hah!” Luna said. “Do you really think that simply because you have abducted some my servants that you can threaten me? Nay, you have simply made your own punishment all the harsher, now that you have so foolishly… released… them…”

Luna’s voice trailed off as she stared at the two Pokémon now before her. Looking into their eyes, instead of the familiar and annoying personality she’d come to associate with the species, the alicorn saw… nothing. Their eyes were empty. Soulless. Dead. It was as though some force had reached into her scouts, hollowed them out, and filled them with something far worse. Even from here, she could feel the wrongness radiating from their every pore.

What have they done?!

Dark Pokemon

Luna stared at the two birds, for once simply dumbstruck. The more she looked at them, the more obvious it was that something was terribly, awfully wrong with these two. Their feathers seemed just a few shades darker, as though they were somehow absorbing more light around themselves. They were poised differently as well. She’d gotten to know the standard flight stances of their species over these last few days. Spearow and Fearow were aggressive, yes definitely, but they were also perpetually poised to flee before stronger opposition, to submit to a more dominant bird rather than get pummeled. These two… they looked for all the world like they simply waited for a cue to attack without thought for restraint or self-preservation.

And their eyes… the bird Pokémon normally had such an alert liveliness to them. Perpetually alert for the next meal, or a predator, or a challenger from within the flock. They were in constant motion, flicking this way and that at all times. But now their dark eyes fixed unwaveringly on the princess, empty of feeling or awareness. There was their next target, and nothing else.

“Drill Peck now!”

Luna was snapped from her horrified reverie by the sound of a human voice. Without hesitation, Fearow threw itself at her in a corkscrew move, razor sharp beak enveloped in grey energy and pointed directly for her throat. The princess threw herself to the side, flapping her wings to gain some altitude. The beak struck home on the branch behind where she had been shattering the wood into a thousand sharp fragments. The alicorn felt a few of them patter against her flank, drawing a little blood. When Fearow turned swiftly about she saw several had cut into its flesh, but it didn’t even seem to notice.

Since when can Fearow do that? I fought this very creature for leadership and it never demonstrated that kind of attack.

“Spearow, Peck!”

The princess cried out in shock and pain as something slammed into her back with far more force than such a small Pokémon had any right to. Pitched forward by the sheer impact, she barely twisted out of the way as Fearow shot by with another Drill Peck, aiming for her head. This time she aimed a shot at its back with the move Floette had termed Dark Pulse, but suddenly her vision was filled with an incredibly angry tiny bird trying to jam its beak into her eye.

Luna jerked her head back but Spearow’s beak still scraped her cheek, drawing more crimson into her dark blue fur. But the little bird’s reckless attack put it far too close to dodge when she unleashed a point-blank Dark Pulse into its chest. Spearow was hurdled away by rings of black and purple energy almost as big around at is was. Before the princess could so much as look around she was finally struck in the side by Fearow’s corkscrewing attack.

The alicorn screamed, thrown from the air by the overpowering force of the attack. She hit the leaf-covered dirt right flank first and skidded a good few yards. Fearow plunged after her, beak aimed to plunge into her chest before she could recover. Luna’s mouth curled into a snarl, one forehoof glowing bright. Beak and hoof collided, strained with one another for a fraction of a second, then the energies exploded against each other. Luna was knocked onto her back and sent skidding back several more yards by the force of it. Fearow flew backwards and smacked headfirst into a tree. But even as Luna watched, the bird Pokemon struggled to rise and continue, eyes staring at her with naked malice – a far cry from its previous cowardice.

How is suddenly this powerful? Did that device of the humans do it?

“Now’s our chance,” one said to the other, “it’s weak!”

“Right!” the other human grabbed another black orb from her belt and pitched it hard as she could at the alicorn.

The princess scrambled, rolling hard along the rough ground. The dark device hit the forest floor some several feet from where she lay, but did nothing. Luna jumped to her hooves and, with one vicious stomp, shattered the little thing to pieces.

“Hey!” the woman snarled at her. “We have quotas to meet and Dark Balls don’t grow on trees!”

Celestia would probably have made a sarcastic quip about how sorry she was to inconvenience them, but Luna just bared her teeth in a naked snarl.

“This one’s a real pest,” the man said as he returned the snarl. “I don’t feel so sorry for what’s going to happen to it.”

“What’s going to happen?!” the princess demanded. “What devilry is afoot here, you brigands?”

“Fearow,” the man stretched out his hand. “Attack with Aerial Ace!”

The Pokémon, which had managed to return to its feet, hurled itself into the air and at the princess once more. A silver-white energy enveloped its wings, trailing off into the air behind it. Luna closed her eyes, drawing on the energies of the moon inside her, a pinkish-white sphere of energy taking shape before her face even as Fearow tore through the space between them. At the last possible second her eyes shot open and the sphere was hurdled at her subordinate turned foe. At such close range, it was all but impossible to dodge. The bird, set on its target to the exclusion of all else, didn’t even try.

An explosion of fey energy rocked the forest as Luna’s attack took Fearow head on. It went soaring like a baseball in a home run, flung back and back and back some more until it finally struck the earth. It bounced and skidded yet further, kicking up leaves along the forest floor until it finally came to a halt at the feet of the human duo. The princess watched, but this time Fearow did not rise.

“R-Right,” the female grabbed three more orbs from her belt and tossed them into the air. “Spearow, attack as one with Fury Attack!”

The orbs exploded into more dark energy, revealing the remainder of Luna’s scouting party. They too, she saw, had the dead eyes and dark complexion that seemed to come from those evil devices. They all surged forward with beaks aglow. Such a strategy might have worked if they had all attacked in tandem with Fearow to begin with, but now the alicorn had their measure. A Dark Pulse blasted one from the air, and the others pressed forwards without hesitation or the slightest regard for their fallen comrade. Their mindless aggression made them predictable, she shot a second bird down with another beam of black-purple energy. The third and final bird managed to close the distance, only to be rewarded with a glowing hoof rising to meet its beak. Even with its powers magnified, it was considerably weaker than Fearow and was sent flying by the attack.

After making sure it was down for the count, the alicorn’s eyes darted back to the humans. Or rather, where the duo had been. They were a considerable distance from there now, sprinting down the forest trail at full tilt away from her. Fearow was left to lie there on the forest floor, beaten and unconscious.

“Cowardly curs,” Luna snorted, then opened her wings and took off after them.

The outcome was never in doubt, the princess had centuries of racing against the best pegasi in Equestria and they had sheer terror. Luna gained ground rapidly, a snarl on her face. When she came close enough, she unleashed another Dark Pulse from her horn, this one sweeping into the ground in the space between the two. The explosion flung both humans in opposite directions, though both were hurdled into trees.

The man’s face was a grimace of pain as he looked up to see the alicorn descending on him like an avenging valkyrie. He reached for his belt, but quickly yanked his fingers back as a hoof descended, pulverizing the remaining black orb affixed to his right side. There was a sudden discharge of black energy from one of them as it was destroyed, and Luna’s eyes widened when she caught a glimpse of it around Fearow’s prone form as well. Turning her gaze to bird Pokémon, she saw its dark complexion fading away even while she watched, healthy brown returning to its feathers.

Luna’s ears twitched, and she jerked her head around to catch another black orb enlarging in the woman’s hand. Another Dark Pulse to the tree behind her hurled the human forward on the shockwave. The alicorn stuck one foreleg to her side, just in time to catch the human woman in the midsection. She all but bounced off the unbending limb, hitting the dirt on her back. Luna’s hoof smashed the devices still attached to her belt, one more attack consumed the one that had been ripped from her hand. The princess noted to her satisfaction that on the destruction of these the Spearow’s bodies crackled with dark energies and immediately began regaining their normal complexion.

“Now…” she turned her hard blue eyes back to the prone humans. “We have a great deal to discuss, you and I.”

Meanwhile, Team Rocket and all their Pokémon were once more jammed into the janitor’s closet. With little enough room to envy sardines and time pressures mounting with every passing day, it was little wonder that none of them were in the mood for games.

“Meowth, report,” Jessie demanded. “You’ve been lounging in the closest with miss sunshine and rainbows all day, it had better have been worth it!”

“We had to clean out the bathrooms today!” James fumed. “Can you imagine how much plumbing goes into a secret underground base for hundreds of people? And can you imagine what happens when it breaks? You can’t exactly call a plumber down here!”

“Moving on from that slightly nauseating thought,” Celestia interjected quickly, “why don’t you tell them what we have?”

“We spent all day trackin’ da cranky lady with da bad hair and funny visor,” Meowth said. We saw whereabouts she lays her head and sent Inkay ta take a look.”

“It’s just like you figured,” the little cephalopod offered while the cat translated. “The boss lady has her own room – a real nice one too – and she isn’t bunking with any grunts around. Near as I can figure there’s no one liable to notice real quick if she takes a nap.”

“Good,” Jessie nodded. “And our distraction?”

“Ready and waiting… and heavy,” Inkay saluted. “Really heavy, actually.”

Jessie arched an eyebrow. “You wanna scrub toilets instead?”

“N-No no,” Inkay waved his tentacles. “Heavy works for me!”

“That’s what I thought,” Jessie put her hands on her hips. “But if everything’s in place…”

“Then there’s no time like the present,” James finished. “Showtime, ladies and gents.”


Rocking the Base

Aliana, scientist and administrator for Team Flare, current ranking officer for Lumiose City, was utterly exhausted. It had been a long day conducting last-minute experiments, yelling at screw-ups, arranging for the movement of vital equipment, and handling payroll. Though only a few yet knew it, the base was getting ready for evacuation. It wouldn’t be long before Lumiose itself and the rest of the old world were no more, and when that happened no one could be left here. Deciding what was vital and what equipment to ditch was a lot to ask in a hideout filled with several hundred people was immense enough a task. And that was without even considering that her closest colleagues had already moved north and left her to manage this place. She sat back on her bed, sighed, and then yawned.

But just before she got up to get into her sleepwear, there came a sudden clanging from the large vent overhead. She looked up, visor already scrambling to track motion, when the cover flew off the shaft. She reached for a Poke Ball, but almost immediately a small blue-pink Pokémon her device identified as an Inkay dropped out of it and right in front of her face. Aliana started backwards, but the little thing released a beam of yellow rings that caught her dead in the face. She stared at it for a few seconds, then fell over backwards onto her bed.

The cephalopod’s short tentacles wrapped themselves about her visor and tugged. It took a few tries for the lightweight little thing to pull it off, but once it did Inkay quickly retreated upwards and vanished back into the ventilation ducts. What it missed, once the room had gone silent, was the Flare scientist’s eye cracking open and a grin tugging at the corner of her mouth. The visor offered more than powers of observation.

“Ambush me in my bed, will you?” she muttered. “Someone’s going to regret that.”

“Good work, Inkay,” James smiled as his Pokémon dropped the high-tech visor in his hand. He glared at it. “This for all the toilets you made us clean!”

“Wha – wait!” Celestia held out a hoof, but too late.

James hurled Aliana’s visor at the ground as hard as he could, cracking the red glass. The alicorn took a step forward, but Jessie had already brought down her foot on top of it. James cheerfully, obliviously joined her in stomping all over it, very quickly reducing the mechanical marvel to so many shards of metal and glass.

“And that’s for every time you called me an idiot over your stupid loudspeakers!” Jessie declared as she ground a piece beneath her heel. “Who’s the idiot now?!”

“You could have just worn it yourselves…” Celestia moaned with a hoof on her forehead.

“That’s the way it is,” Wobbuffet said sympathetically.

“It’s not like knowing your enemy’s every move would be useful or anything,” the princess sighed. “And heaven forbid we used it to make announcements over their own speaker systems.”

When the two humans were finally done spitefully reducing their tormenter’s spying eye and microphone to so much dust, they looked back at their Pokémon, pleased as could be.

“Alright, Phase One was a great success!” James declared with a confident thumbs-up.

“So Phase Two is a surefire home run!” Jessie said. “Meowth, if you’d do the honors?”

“With pleasure!” the cat Pokémon slammed down on a button on his phone, and the diversion began.

Throughout Team Flare’s underground base, a series of muffled thumps in the ventilation shafts heralded a tide of smoke suddenly pouring from the vents. Almost immediately, the base’s fire alarm began to wail, sharp and shrill. Just as suddenly the base’s automated sprinkler defenses activated one after the other in a score of separate rooms and hallways. Hundreds of men and women were jarringly ripped from slumber by shrieking alarms and cold water, looking frantically around to spot heavy black smoke wafting from the air ducts.

Normally a familiar sharp and commanding voice through the intercoms would provide some sense of direction, but most senior personnel were already gone and their acting leader mysteriously silent. Therefore, the great majority of Team Flare personnel did exactly what one expects a mob of bleary, half-asleep people suddenly faced with the prospect of being trapped in a very confined space with a raging fire to do. They panicked.

Men and woman ran screaming from bunkrooms and mess halls, fanning out in all directions as the confused mass either sought the source of the flames or just the exit. Contradictory information quickly began filling the air as some agents yelled that this or that way was blocked by fire or smoke, or that another room was filled to the brim with flames. Lesser admins shouted for order when they weren’t running around like headless chickens themselves, but their voices were barely audible above the wailing fire alarms and shouting subordinates. Even when they were heard they had no sense of overall agency and were as likely to order a “calm” evacuation as to try to locate the source of it all.

The base was, in short, in total chaos.

Jessie, James, and Meowth, Pokémon safely recalled to their balls, dashed through the smoky, wet, ear-splittingly loud base with smirks on their faces. They passed Team Flare grunts dashing madly for the exit in their pajamas, splayed out all over each other on the wet metal floor, and in one case spraying a fire extinguisher into a vent to no particular effect. The trio ignored them all, running and shoving their way towards the primary data storage facility. In the maddened panic and confusion, no one noted them going.

“Out of my way you idiots!” Aliana screamed as she shoved at the amorphous blob of bodies surrounding her. “Out of the way or you’re all fired!”

It did her no good. The headache-inducing wails and incessant shouting ensured that her voice didn’t carry much further than a few feet in any direction. Most Flare grunts didn’t recognize her on sight through the haze and ceiling rain, what with her missing her signature visor and being thoroughly soaked. Even those who did were packed into the corridor like sardines themselves and could barely move. Up ahead, three grunts had simultaneously tried to claw their way through a door built for one and had gotten thoroughly stuck. Dozens more people were now packed into the hallway behind them, each pressing forward mindlessly as smoke continued to waft from the vents. One of them carelessly elbowed the scientist in the face.

“Alright, that’s it!” she raged, seizing a Poke Ball. “Druddigon, clear a path!”

Silver light burst from the ball, forming quickly into a massive bipedal dark blue dragon with a red head and yellow belly. With nowhere else to take shape, it appeared above several of her subordinates and immediately fell on top of them. Ignoring the squirming humans beneath its feet, Druddigon bull rushed the door ahead, tossing Team Flare grunts aside like blades of grass before a lawnmower. The sheer force of its charge sent all three men blocking the portal flying, breaking open the hallway beyond. Aliana followed quickly in its wake, stepping carelessly over her moaning grunts in her haste.

Immediately once she emerged, the scientist took a right, then a left, then another right. Her Pokémon charged before her at all times, massive strength sweeping aside anyone dumb or unlucky enough to get in its way, until finally she reached the security. Aliana’s teeth clenched to see the door slid open and the room smoky, wet, and empty.

“You abandoned your posts?!” she clenched her trembling fists. “Am I the only competent woman in this building?!”

Vowing revenge on her idiot subordinates, the scientist hurried over to the security console, flipping through camera views one after the other in rapid succession. Quickly a pictured began to take shape in her head: smoke and sprinklers and panicked morons throughout the complex, but not even one instance of open flame. Then the whole thing was a deliberate distraction, just as she’d thought. If she’d had her visor she could have confirmed this in an instant.

“Knock me out and throw the idiots into confusion,” she growled. “Then hit…”

She immediately switched the view to the laboratory cameras, but apart from being soaked by sprinklers her experiments appeared just as she’d last left them. No one was in there save some fool with a fire extinguisher running about this way and that and dousing the vents in white foam. Next she checked the central data repository, but it too was empty and the door sealed tight. Frustrated, she flipped through several hallway views, getting nothing but screaming idiots flailing all over the place.


Aliana paused her view one hallway in particular. Two grunts – in full uniform, not pajamas – and familiar Meowth ran straight down the near-empty metal corridor. There was no sense of panic to their movements. They looked like they knew where they were going and ran straight with a steady sense of purpose.

Also the Meowth was running on two legs.

The Team Flare Scientist hissed her outrage through clenched teeth, then slammed one balled fist into the control console. Of course, she should have seen it sooner! The shame she felt only fed her urge to kick the living daylights of them. Quickly surmising their intended destination, she got up and began another dash. She wouldn’t let this humiliation become a true disaster. Not when they were so close.

Team Rocket rounded the final corner, and at last their destination was in sight. At the end of the hallway was the flat, handle-less door. Behind it lay Team Flare’s central data repository for this base and all the information Giovanni could want. They’d make the boss proud of them this time for sure!

It was only when the trio had run straight up the reinforced security door and its biometric locks that the problem finally began to dawn on them.

“Uh, guys?” Meowth said as he stared up at the featureless sliding door. “Now dat we’re here, how do we get inside all quick like?”

“Well, I…” muttered James.

“Uh…” Jessie trailed off.

Just as the sinking feeling was finally beginning to creep over the failure-prone trio, one Poke Ball on James’ waist spontaneously doubled in size and burst open.

“Allow me,” said the white alicorn as she appeared in silver light, a calm smile on her face.

Celestia opened her mouth and unleashed white-hot flames. Team Rocket flinched and backed away as the fire assailed the door’s side, top, and bottom. After giving each location a few seconds of withering Flamethrower, the princess’ eyes flashed with psychic power. The weakened door was torn from its portal and flung to the side, leaving red-hot metal on three sides steaming in the sprinklers.

“After you,” she gestured at her slack-jawed teammates.

Whatever else could be said about them, Team Rocket always recovered quickly. Jessie, James, and Meowth rushed the open portal – stepping gingerly over the steaming metal – and all but tackled the machines inside. Sleek black devices no larger than a human thumb seemed to emerge from nowhere about their persons and were quickly inserted into localized server stacks, computers, laptops, and wherever else presented an opening. Red “R” symbols on the black data thieves began to glow as they worked at a feverish pace. James looked down at his handheld computer, frowning.

“What’s da matta?” Meowth soon asked him.

“All this data is heavily encrypted,” James answered. “I’m not even getting coherent file names. We could be getting their top-secret plans or the last five years’ worth of bills for dry cleaning and hair dye.”

“Just copy everything you can and we’ll send it to headquarters for decoding once we’re out of this dump!” Jessie ordered

“Right,” he nodded quickly.

“That’s far enough!” a sharp, familiar voice cut in.

Jessie, James, Meowth, and Celestia all peered as one out into the corridor. Striding through the smoke and rain, an imposing dragon Pokémon at her back, was the flustered and wet but unmistakable form of their slave driver of the past few days. Her green eyes, visible for the first time, were alight with rage. Her teeth and fists alike were clenched, and the dragon behind her flexed its claws meaningfully.

“I should have realized that you three were more than just idiots from the moment you came back from patrol,” Aliana snarled. “The way you made a beeline for this place that first day – I thought you were just being stupid, but I should have known better. I should have thrown the lot of you into the brig right then and there!”

“But ya didn’t so dere!” Meowth taunted her.

“You made us clean bathrooms, but now we’ll clean your clock!” Jessie added, sticking out her tongue.

“Your good fortune is a mistake I intend to rectify right now!”

Her Pokémon roared a challenge, stepping forward past its mistress and flaring its wings wide, taking up almost all space in the hallway.

“Look lady,” James crossed his arms. “If you expect us to be scared by that then you obliviously have no idea who you’re dealing with.”

“Enlighten me. I’ll be sure to add names to your tombstones.”

Jessie, James, and Meowth all looked at one another with a identical gleam in their eyes. Then, as one, the two humans cast off their Flare guises, revealing proud white Team Rocket uniforms underneath. With experienced ease, all three posed.

“Prepare for trouble, we’re wrecking this base!”

“And make it double, putting you in your place!”

“To protect the world from tacky fashion!”

“To unite all peoples with our passion!”

“To denounce the evils of Team Flare’s ranks!”

“To extend our reach to computer banks!”


“And it’s James!”

“Team Rocket breaks in at the speed of light!”

“Hands up and surrender or be crushed by our might!”

“Meowth, that’s right!”


When was motto practice? Celestia wondered. I wanted to be in this one.

Rocking the Stage

For a moment, time stood still. In spite of the raining sprinklers and wailing alarms, Team Rocket and Team Flare’s Scientist stared one another down. The trio held their poses, Aliana looked at them with a blank expression on her face. Celestia’s eyes flicked from one side to the other. Druddigon simply looked confused.

“How did you fit that much hair under your disguise?” The red-haired woman finally broke the standoff, looking at Jessie. “Your hair is at least five or six times longer than it was a few seconds ago. I’m a scientist and even I don’t know how that’s possible.”

Come to think of it, neither do I. Celestia realized with a slight start.

“Good hairstylists are like good magicians,” Jessie crossed her arms and smirked. “We never reveal our secrets.”

“…why do I even bother?” the other woman just shook her head, then pointed. “Alright Druddigon, let’s go! Take out these interlopers with Dragon Pulse!”

Her dark blue dragon roared its approval, and then opened its jaws wide. A massive ball of white energy tinted with all colors of the rainbow quickly grew to the size of a human head, then erupted out. The energy raced towards them as half a massive dragon, wings flared and mouth wide open as if to swallow all three of them whole. But Celestia leapt in front of Team Rocket, wings held out like shields, and took the full force of the attack with her own body. The draconic energy collided with her head and chest, seemed to freeze in the air for just a split second, and then burst into a brilliant shower of multicolor sparkles dancing in the hallway.

“Was that it?” Celestia said with an arched eyebrow, more to the startled Pokémon than its mistress. “Because you might want to consider surrendering now. I can honestly say that the sprinklers hurt more.”

“So the sparkling rainbow unicorn is a Fairy-type,” Aliana said disdainfully. “I suppose I should have guessed, but I thought you’d just brought along one of your dollies.”

Why can’t we ever just do things the easy way? The princess sighed internally.

“That ‘dolly’ is going to send you and your oversized oaf packing,” James declared, arms crossed and a cocky grin on his face.

“Oh yeah? You think a scientist wouldn’t be prepared for any eventuality?” She clenched her fist. “Druddigon, Sludge Bomb now!”

“Celestia, use Protect!” James countered.

The dragon blinked away its startled expression and opened its mouth wide once more. This time what emerged was a veritable barrage of brown and purple sludge-balls. But a bubble of turquoise energy enveloped the alicorn, and the attack spent itself against that like rain on a window. So did the actual rain from the sprinklers, which irritated her skin.

“You’ll never win a battle by cowering behind barriers! Shadow Claw, let’s go!”

This time the massive dragon leaning forwards and charged the princess, talons aglow with purple and black energy.

“As it happens I agree.” James gestured dramatically, one hand on his heart and one extended and open. “Celestia, show us you’ve been practicing by serenading that scallywag with the sweet sound of Hyper Voice!”

STOP BEING STUPID AND EVIL!” the alicorn promptly screamed at the top of her lungs.

The words emerged as a shockwave of white energy rippling from her open mouth. The sheer force of it was enough to halt Druddigon’s charge in its tracks and bowl over the woman behind it. The heavy dragon Pokémon immediately dug its claws into the floor, leaving deep gouges in the metal but arresting its momentum all the same.

“Now my dear, demonstrate your delightful dulcet intonation with the scintillating sonorous sensation of your Disarming Voice!”

“He’s really hammin’ it up, ain’t he?” Meowth said with a sweat drop behind his head.

“You know how he gets,” Jessie shrugged.

“Why can’t we just be friends in-steeead?” Celestia sweetly intoned in soprano.

This time the energy came out purple-pink and heart-shaped, a beam of ever-expanding shockwaves that hurled the dragon about like a kite caught in the breeze. Druddigon hit the slick wet metal on its back in a painful-sounding thud. It forced its eyes open and rolled onto its side, arms struggling to push itself upright.

“Now terminate the troublesome termagant with a paramount persuasive presentation worthy of artistic accolade!” James cried, hands held wide. “Hyper Beam!”

Golden energy seemed to appear from nowhere to coalesce about the alicorn’s horn, a blazing beacon in the smoky darkness of the underground base. After a moment’s buildup, she unleashed a coherent beam of destruction that slammed straight into her struggling opponent. Druddigon smashed into its trainer at lightning speed, both flung backwards down the corridor like a jet slicing through the air. There was a distant thud followed by a brilliant flash, and then nothing more.

“And with that we must bid a fond farewell to our Flare foe,” James tossed a rose from somewhere to Celestia who caught it in her teeth. Both turned as one to Jessie, Meowth, and Wobbuffet. “And to our cherished congregation, we bid a bonne journée.”

James grabbed a second rose in his own teeth, and alicorn and human bowed deeply as one.

“They really have been practicing, haven’t they?” Jessie asked with a sweat drop of her own.

“You’re tellin’ me.”


Celestia giggled.

Far above, Lysandre Café was absolutely packed to the gills – and running critically low on hot cocoa to boot. Soaked, confused, and frequently pajama’d members of Team Flare milled about in a general state of paralyzed shock. Or, more accurately, pressed up against another and struggled not to spill precious steaming hot beverages. The lucky ones got to stand inside, the less fortunate shivered out in the cold of Kalos’ night.

Even after almost half an hour no one was entirely sure what was happening or what they should do about it. Their guiding voice was missing, and training for living in a secret underground base had been notably light on fire drills. Generally, it had been assumed that good ventilation, metal construction, and a top-notch automated fire suppression system with an abundant reservoir of water would be adequate to handle any potential risks from that department. And no one had any means to immediately contact headquarters via secure channel. They were equally unwilling to venture down into a flaming death trap to retrieve one. In the absence of higher leadership, lesser managers and admins debated their next course of action. At the moment, they were divided between those who wanted to call the fire department and those who realized how profoundly stupid calling outsiders into a massive secret underground lair would be.

In a night of strange and unexpected events, what happened next still said something about how shell-shocked the crowd was feeling. A man and a woman Team Flare uniforms, soaking wet but bright-eyed and giggling, came racing up the stairway from the underground with a Meowth riding on their shoulders. They shoved their way quickly through the murmuring grunts, taking a few smacks in the process but hardly seeming to notice. Right at the door, the woman snatched a passing man’s hot chocolate out of nowhere, drained it in one chug, then tossed the styrofoam cup aside and gave a mock salute. At which point all three ran out into the Kalos night as fast as their legs could take them, laughing like madmen to the baffled stares of their “teammates”. No one bothered to run more than a few hundred yards after them.

It would be hours before a soaked, dirty, burnt, quivering-with-rage Aliana stormed up the hidden stairwell and restored overall sense of purpose and coherency with liberal applications of screaming, insults, and pain. By which time, of course, it was much too late.

“Took you all long enough,” said the image of Giovanni said to his three employees. “I was beginning to wonder if you’d been found out and defeated as well. That would have been inconvenient.”

“We promise da wait will be worth it, boss!” Meowth saluted.

“We took every scrap of data from their system we could fit on our drives,” Jessie said.

“And we’re transmitting it to headquarters for decryption as we speak,” James added.

“I’ll put our best system analysts on it without delay,” Giovanni answered from where his holographic face stood beside the trio’s balloon. “We’ll soon see what exactly these fools have been up to and what they want with Dark Ball technology. Did you learn anything else while infiltrating the enemy?”

“Just that their collective hygiene is as poor as their fashion sense, sir,” Jessie answered.

The boss raised an eyebrow, but did not inquire further. Instead, he soon gave that rarest of his expressions: a slight smile.

“I have to admit that most of me wasn’t expecting you three to come back at all,” he said. “That you appear to have actually accomplished something this time exceeds my expectations. So… well done.”

Jessie, James, and Meowth all visibly swelled with pride at such rare words of praise from Giovanni.

“Boss…” Meowth sniffed with visibly moist eyes. “You’re too kind.”

“Perhaps I am,” Giovanni said. “Still, while we focus on decrypting Team Flare’s data, I want you three to concentrate on laying low and avoiding their inevitable attempts to ferret you out. Reinforcements are being gathered for the Kalos region but for the moment you three represent Team Rocket’s only local presence. You have my permission to engage targets of opportunity if there’s something to gain, but none of your idiotic news-grabbing schemes, you understand? I want you out of sight, out of mind until we know more.”

“Sir yes sir!” the trio saluted once more.

“Good,” he nodded. “Giovanni out.”

By the Firelight

“And the motto isn’t simply something you just rehearse and memorize,” James explained to Celestia, later that night. “It’s something that comes from deep inside of your heart. It’s an expression of our souls, the ties that bind Team Rocket! When the moment comes, the words simply come to you and you find yourself knowing just what to say and do. It can’t just be taught, you have to listen to the artistic urge deep inside and you’ll know how to act in sync with all of us. Like Wobbuffet there.” James gestured at the blue Pokémon. “He knows just when to burst out of his ball and strike a pose.”

“That’s the way it is,” Wobbuffet nodded.

“Also, we practice Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3,” Meowth added.

“Meowth! Not helping!” James put his hands on his hips. “I’m trying to make a deep point about the nature of our relationship and you go ruining it!”

“It’s alright,” Celestia said with only a slight giggle. “I understand. Where I come from ponies have been known to become overwhelmed with artistic urges and break into spontaneous musical numbers.”

Team Rocket and their Pokémon were all huddled around a small campfire, watching a pot of soup slowly heat up. After taking their balloon several miles out from Lumiose they’d set up camp in a forest clearing far from the main trails, concealed their balloon as best they could, and then set about making some well-earned dinner. Despite the unseasonably chilly night, all were in good spirits after their success against Team Flare.

“Well anyway,” James continued as he sat back down. “You were great back there, Celestia, and we couldn’t have done it without you. I’m sure it won’t take you long to get the hang of our motto.”

“You think so?” the alicorn asked.

“I know so,” he said after Meowth’s translation. “Just keep an eye on that part of you that causes… what did you say? Spontaneous musical numbers?”

“It sounds kind of silly when you actually think about it, but everypony has learned to more or less go just along with it.”

“You know,” James tapped his chin. “Come to think of it, you haven’t really told us much about what it’s like where you’re from.”

“Equestria? Well, it’s a very beautiful and peaceful country, populated by unicorns, our weavers of spells, pegasi, masters of the weather and flight, and earth ponies, our craftsponies and folk of the land. That’s a broad overview at best but I’d need weeks to go over the exact intricacies of cultural norms and regional variations of a pony’s expected role. The country is green and the weather is well-managed to keep it that way, to support our abundance of animal life.”

“Are there any humans there?” Jessie asked from across the fire. “You seemed to have some idea of what we were the day you arrived, even if you didn’t know about Pokémon.”

“No,” Celestia shook her head. “None of your kind that I know of populate Equus – that’s the planet’s name – and I’m reasonably certain I haven’t missed any major population groups. But previous jaunts across dimensions have seen encounters between ponies and various groups of humans, so you weren’t terribly novel to me. Once this whole horrible affair with Team Flare and Dark Balls is over, and I discover a way back home, I’d be happy to have you all as our first guests of your kind.”

“Ya said you were a princess back home,” Meowth said. “Dat must mean you’re loaded, right?”

“Well, I don’t really think about it that often, but I suppose you would consider me to be quite rich, yes.” Seeing stars forming quickly in their eyes, she hastened to add. “But in all honesty, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Flaunting wealth, jewelry, expensive clothing… it gets very boring after a few years and then you just don’t know what to do with it all.”

“Ya could always give it ta us,” Meowth cut in.

“And when everything comes easily material goods lose their luster and you find yourself funding random public works and charities out of your own pocket just to clear some space around your palace.”

“Sounds like the kind of problem I could learn to live with,” Jessie said.

“Tell ya what, you try getting zapped by a Pikachu for a couple a’ years and we’ll try rolling around in your dough and we’ll see who has it da hardest.”

“If money is something you want I’d be happy to give you some whenever I can,” the princess said. “You’ve been very hospitable, and if I’m honest this whole thing has been more exhilarating and, well, fun than I’ve been able to have in a long time. Daily business of running a country and mingling with the upper crust gets rather dull after a while.”

“We’d be happy to pay your homeland a visit,” James said, reaching a gloved hand to scratch behind the alicorn’s ears. “When we have time.”

“Long as ya feed us.” Meowth added.

“Mmmm…” Celestia could practically feel her body melting to goo. Why she never thought to have this done back home? “How much Giovanni… ooooh that’s the spot… pay you?”

“Not enough,” the trio sighed.

“But after we take down Team Flare da boss’ll give us all a big promotion and a raise for sure!” Meowth raised his fist.

“Yeah!” all three cheered.

Not so much further north, Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie were huddled around a campfire of their own. The mood here was much less celebratory – they were chasing a thin lead, and all of them knew it. Twilight Sparkle herself was staring into the flames, an uneasy expression on her face.

“Hey,” Pikachu sidled up to the purple princess. “Are you okay?”

“I’m stuck in a foreign dimension, I have no idea what’s happening to my home or friends, and my teacher has been ponynapped and brainwashed by super-criminals,” Twilight answered without looking at him. “I’m wandering through the forest at night to go see a man who won’t answer a call who once knew where they were in the vague hopes that he somehow still does. So, all in all, just peachy.”

“Mmm…” Pikachu’s face fell, and he put a stubby hand on her wing. “Hey, we’ll find her. Don’t worry. Even if we have to chase Team Rocket all the way back to Kanto and fight Giovanni himself for her, we’ll find her.”

“I wish I was as confident as you are,” Twilight sniffed a little, brushing a tear from one eye. “I don’t even know if I’ll ever see my home, my family, or my friends ever again. Alicorns live a really long time. I could wind up wandering this world forever. I just… I just don’t really know how to handle that.”


Another hand reached down. The alicorn didn’t need to look to recognize the sound of Ash’s voice.

“I know it’s gotta seem rough right now,” he said as her began to scratch the back of her neck in a rhythmic, surprisingly soothing manner. “But there’s always a way to make things better again, especially when you’ve got good friends to back you up.”

“Don’t I know it,” said Twilight with a faint smile.

“And if you need anything, we’re here for you.”

“I… thanks.”

“Do you all know what I hate?” Princess Luna said as she paced the forest floor in a circle around the two red-suited humans, in turn surrounded by dozens of Spearow and Fearow. “I hate evil forces possessing somepony’s mind! Do you know what I hate almost as much? Giving an hour-long speech on the nature and importance of free will that my prisoners cannot understand and NO ONE REMINDING ME!

A momentary silence greeted the alicorn princess as her hard, blue eyes swept out over her followers. Birds flinched and looked away, instinctively unwilling to meet her gaze for too long lest it be taken for a challenge.

“It was a very good speech,” came an anonymous voice from the crowd. “We didn’t want to interrupt.”

“Also, you’re scary,” said another.

“Urgh…” Luna rubbed her temple with one hoof. “Just tell me one of you has what I sent you for.”

“Got it right here, boss lady,” said one of the Spearow, flapping down from a tree on tiny wings. It dropped several shards of the strange black orbs these humans had called “Dark Balls”.

“Good job, ummm… Spearow,” Luna said. As far as she could discern they recognized one another by smell and slight visual cues and didn’t really seem to have individual names. It didn’t make much sense to her but truthfully little about this place did.

With a little bit of difficulty, she nudged the shard of shattered technology over towards the humans. When the two could clearly seem them for what they were, Luna looked both straight in the eye and raised one brow. If the spoken word wasn’t working and her usual dream magic was on the fritz, body language would have to do.

“You… want to know about the Dark Balls?” the woman guessed.

Luna nodded.

“And why should we help you?” the man demanded. “Team Flare isn’t-”

The alicorn cut him off with a beam of purple and black energy that swept narrowly above the humans’ head, slicing the thick branch off a tree and carving a deep furrow into another tree behind that. Then she looked back at the two and raised an eyebrow again.

“Tch… what does it matter anyway?” the man said. “It’s not like they can tell anyone.”

“And in a few short days they’ll all be gone,” his partner agreed.

Luna’s eyes narrowed.

“Fine, Dark Balls utilize captured technology to increase a captured Pokémon’s capabilities to the highest level while inducing total loyalty.”

“I already knew that, you idiots.” Luna bared her teeth. “Tell me what you were doing here and why!”

“We need them because the boss’ plan calls for a lot of energy to be taken from a lot of Pokémon at once and we need them compliant,” the woman said, flinching away from the snarling alicorn.

“And the boss has a special use for them too but never told us what,” the man added.

They were going to enslave thinking creatures with these things only to drain them dry? Why? What possible scheme would demand cruelty like that? And what “special use” did their superior intend to put them towards?

“We aren’t the only ones. There are hundreds more out there, gathering wild Pokémon for the world’s reshaping.”

Luna’s eyes widened as she processed the implications of that. If these two alone had taken five of her subordinates and still had room for more, and there were hundreds more teams just like them, then that would mean…

“It’s Sombra all over again,” she breathed.

“You see?” the man leaned forward. “You haven’t stopped Team Flare at all. It won’t be long before more of our brothers and sisters arrive to free us, and they’ll be bringing way tougher Pokémon than these measly birds of yours. So I’d suggest you take your flock here and fly away if you know what’s good for you.”

“I’d say a master willing to do this to innocents is far more likely to write you off for dead,” Luna countered, though her thoughts were already elsewhere. “Tell me, Spearow,” she pointed to one bird at random, “these two were found walking the woods with clean clothing and no ready means of expedient transportation, motorized or otherwise. What does that tell you?”

“Uh… they like walking?”

Luna sighed. “What does it tell you about where they walked from?”

“That it’s probably close by?” the Pokémon guessed.

“Very good,” the princess nodded. “So, you all can be made to learn. Yes, we may safely conclude from their condition when I found them that they had not been roughing it in the wilderness recently. From the descriptions I have of mainline human civilization, it would appear that a group practicing mass abduction and slavery would be considered abhorred outlaws. Ergo they must have some sort of base or underground waystation nearby, from which they walked and to which they intended to transport their brainwashed prisoners. If they cannot simply do it in the open, there must be some kind of clandestine hub for operations. And it must be within walking distance of here.”

Luna began pacing as she continued. “If in danger, most social species will seek reinforcements from their own kind. If, for example, these two humans were to be chased by a vicious and vengeful flock of wild birds, where would they be most likely to run for help?”

“Their base?” one Spearow hazarded a guess.

“Exactly,” she nodded. “If denied time to think and made to believe danger is imminent they should default towards the one place they know to be friendly. Thus, we can use this reaction to track them back to their nest and uncover the true scale of this fiendish operation.”

“So if we chase them hard enough they’ll run to their friends and we can figure out where they are and how many?”

“Yes!” Luna nodded with sincere pleasure. “And with that information we can begin forming our own counter-stratagem. We can avenge our injured comrades and put a stop to whatever is brewing!”

That got the flock excited. Spearow are widely known to have a disproportionate vengeful streak ten miles wide, actual harm done to members of their flock was all but unforgivable. The alicorn princess nodded approvingly. Even if they were a bit trigger-happy, they at least had good reason to be here.

“Well what are you waiting for?” she pointed a hoof at the humans, who flinched. “Get them!”

Loose Lips

“They copied everything,” Lysandre repeated in a subdued tone.

On the computer screen, Aliana’s bandaged face flinched, but nodded.

“It’s difficult to say for absolute certain, sir,” she said. “Due to the fact that they destroyed and vandalized our data repository before making their escape, but security footage we’ve recovered seems to bear the theory out.”

Aliana’s face vanished from the computer, replaced by a scene of a man, a woman, a Meowth, and a bright white Pokémon with a flowing rainbow mane and tail. He recognized them from that night in the Poke Ball Factory immediately – apparently, he had been far too merciful.

“Hey, Team Flare!” the woman pointed up at the security camera. “We’re in your super-secret room!”

“And we’ve stolen all of your files!” the blue haired man added.

“And dere’s nothin’ you clowns can do about it!” the Meowth laughed.

All three of them stuck out their tongues out a blew a raspberry directly at the overhead camera. Behind them, the white Pokémon that Gyarados had faced not so long ago was breathing a steady stream of flames even through the sprinklers. When it stopped, Lysandre realized that it had burned an enormous “R” over the Team Flare insignia emblazoned proudly on the central wall. The mysterious Pokémon turned towards the camera itself, then flashed a winning smile with utterly perfect white teeth. The image froze right there, and Aliana’s face reappeared.

“I trust that our data has been better protected in cyberspace than here in reality?” he asked her in a level voice.

The scientist swallowed, but nodded. “We encrypted all data stored there as best we could, but…”


“But no encryption is unbreakable, and to be frank our knowledge of Team Rocket’s technological capabilities is incomplete at best. I doubt they’ll get anything out of there fast, but we could be talking about anything from days to weeks,” she admitted. “Maybe even months, if we’re lucky.”

“Which is a foolish assumption to make,” Lysandre said. “Especially under these circumstances.”

His subordinate nodded with visible reluctance.

“We must accelerate our plans,” he continued. “I want all personnel evacuated from the Lumiose base before the week is out. Wipe all remaining systems and destroy anything of substance left behind.”

“But, sir-”

“Your experiments can continue when we’ve won and the world is reborn. Right now, all of our efforts must be turned towards ensuring that. We must proceed as though our enemies will very soon understand something of the true extent of our plans and the location of the ultimate weapon. Do you understand, Aliana?”

“I understand, sir,” she stiffened. “I won’t fail you again.”

“See that you don’t.” Lysandre nodded once. “Over and out.”

As his subordinate’s image vanished, Lysandre folded his hands together and considered the situation. Apparently, he’d underestimated the persistence of Team Rocket. He’d thought that after the thorough pummeling they’d been given in Laverre and the total defeat of the force sent after him personally, that they’d take the hint and back off. For selfish, criminal, cretinous vermin they were strangely hard to dissuade. Was their strange determination simply a result of his… acquisition of what was left of their Dark Ball project? Would simple revenge really drive even such base people so far? Or had they somehow uncovered hints of his greater plans? Did that strange white Pokémon have anything to do with it?

“Sir,” the voice of his secretary cut into his musings. “We have the Lumiose Gym Leader Clemont and a group of his companions here, requesting to see you. They say it’s something about a job you had offered.”

Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, Pikachu, and Twilight were escorted from an elevator a few minutes later by a stern-faced, brown-haired middle-aged woman who apparently served as Lysandre’s gatekeeper. She led them to a finely crafted oak door, knocked three times, apparently received some answer through her earpiece, and finally opened it. They had to squint briefly against the sudden blaze of sunlight.

Once their eyes adjusted the group caught a breathtaking view of Lumiose’s Prism Tower and the surrounding downtown through the enormous window that made up the office’s back wall. The remainder of the room was lavishly decorated, shelves packed with antique books and rare first editions sitting next to plinths topped with expensive-looking statues and pottery. Several paintings hung from the walls, many depicting what looked to be kings and nobles of ages long past. Others portrayed proud-looking Pokémon in regal poses.

In the center of the room was a sleek-looking metal desk decorated with Lysandre Labs’ corporate logo. A bound notebook rested alongside a computer, a small statue of a Gyarados, what looked to be a fossil of some kind. And behind it, seated in a deep red leather chair, was the man they had come to see.

“Ah, Clemont,” Lysandre smiled warmly as they filed in. “And I see you’ve brought your sister Bonnie, Ash, Serena, Pikachu, and…” his eyes fell on Twilight, widened briefly, then flicked back to the Gym Leader. “And a new friend I’m not acquainted with.”

“This is Twilight,” Clemont introduced the alicorn, who gave a respectful nod. “And she’s… well, she’s,” he looked a little guilty. “She’s the reason we’re here.”

Lysandre raised an eyebrow.

“The truth is I didn’t exactly come here about a job interview,” he admitted sheepishly.

“You lied to us?!” the woman who’d escorted the group there started. “That is grounds for immediate eviction and-”

“It’s alright,” Lysandre held up his hand for peace. “If such fine young people are willing to tell a lie just to gain a few moments of my time, then it must be important. I’ll hear what they have to say.” His gaze turned back to the group, and his smile faded. “But be warned that you’re treading on thin ice. I am a busy man and I do not much care for dishonesty.”

“Thanks very much Mr. Lysandre sir!” Bonnie said.

“Yes, thank you very much,” Clemont nodded, to general agreement from the others. “We came to you because we’re looking for someone, and we were hoping you could help.”

“Twilight isn’t just a Pokémon,” Ash added, “She actually came here accidentally from another world.”

“She was a princess there,” Serena said.

“Right,” Ash nodded. “And she’s looking for another princess that got accidentally caught up here too. Do you remember Team Rocket’s strange white Pokémon from the factory?”

Lysandre frowned, looked down, and typed something onto his computer. A moment later, he swung the screen around to reveal a hazy picture of a white alicorn with a rainbow mane in a dark hallway. Smoke and water obscured the image, but it was clear she was accompanied by two humans in white uniforms, a Meowth, and a Wobbuffet.

“That’s her!” Twilight said immediately, pointing and nodding her head frantically. “That’s Princess Celestia!”

“You’ve seen her?” Clemont asked breathlessly. “Since Laverre?”

“Not personally, no.” Lysandre shook his head, and their faces fell. “But not long ago an affiliate of Lysandre Labs suffered a break-in at the hands of Team Rocket. They assaulted several employees and made off with a great deal of valuable data. I believe this to have been their revenge for thwarting their plans at the Poke Ball Factory.” He frowned. “This friend of Twilight’s appears to have been complicit.”

“Princess Celestia would never do something like that!” Twilight shook her head vehemently. “Not unless she was being forced to somehow! She’s not a thief and she’s not a bad guy, you have to believe me!”

“When did this happen?” Clemont asked.

“Less than a day ago,” Lysandre answered.

“So that means they can’t have gone far,” Twilight felt her hopes rising. “Please, do you know which way they went?”

“Do you have any idea where they’re headed?” Ash asked. “If we hurry we might be able to catch up to them and get Twilight’s friend and your data back.”

“I would certainly appreciate it if you did,” Lysandre smiled faintly again. “And I do have enough information from people who spotted their balloon to make an educated guess as to where they headed.”

“Really? That’s great!” Clemont smiled back.

“But…” he paused. “Before I give you that information, might I ask that you do one small thing for me? It’s nothing difficult, I assure you, just a small compensation for getting my hopes up.”

“Name it,” the Gym Leader said without hesitation.

“I am, as you can see by my choice in literature, fascinated with unique and beautiful stories. And this particular tale seems to be a true once in a lifetime event. So, after I tell you where I believe Team Rocket to have headed,” his eyes glittered, “I’d be much obliged if you would tell me everything that you know about Ms. Twilight there, her white friend, and what exactly is going on here.”

“Done,” the alicorn said immediately.

Several minutes of mutual explanations later, Lysandre’s underling escorted the children and their Pokémon from his office and shut the door quietly behind them. The famous inventor and philanthropist folded his hands together, considering all that he had just learned, and what had just happened to Team Flare’s Lumiose base. He was lost in thought for a good few minutes before finally coming to a decision. Lysandre reached for his computer, tapped a few keys, and waited. The Team Flare logo appeared on the screen for perhaps half a minute, before being replaced with the image of a blue-haired woman in the uniform of a Flare Scientist wearing a mechanical visor across her eyes.

“Lysandre, sir,” Mable saluted him. “You called?”

“It seems this Team Rocket and their mysterious new Pokémon – this ‘Celestia’ – have the potential to pose a more serious danger to our plans than previously anticipated,” Lysandre informed her. “Therefore, I’m authorizing the release of Pokémon under Dark Ball control from the ultimate weapon project. Send whomever you deem appropriate, go yourself if necessary, but hunt down this Jessie, James, and Meowth, and see to it that they are no longer an issue.”

“Yes sir,” she nodded. “Consider it done.”

Lysandre frowned. “Only when it is.”


“Fall back!” Luna shouted down from the sky. “Everyone, fall back NOW!”

Things weren’t going well. The flock had chased the two members of this “Team Flare” towards a rock formation just north of what appeared to be a sleepy and small human village. But they’d apparently been spotted by some patrol or tripped some alarm system, because before they had been able to get close more humans in what was apparently the Team Flare uniform had come running in from all directions. Flinging more balls into the air – red and white this time, not black – they had called out an array of Pokémon.

These Pokémon didn’t seem to be the dead-eyed, mindlessly aggressive slaves from before. They fought tactically and worked together. Two kinds, one little and green and the other taller with blue and yellow coloration, were able to unleash electrical discharges that apparently hurt her Spearow like dickens. They were already almost on numerical parity with her subordinates, and from on high she could see more humans were on the way.

“There are too many of them!” she called out, blasting one blue-yellow Pokémon with a Dark Pulse. “Fall back at once!”

Few of bird Pokémon needed encouraging. Vengeful they might be, but particularly courageous they were not. Faced with an enemy they could not overwhelm by sheer numbers or aggression, it was most likely only fear of the dark alicorn that prevented them from just bolting in all directions. At her word almost all of them broke contact, leaving only a few hot-headed or stubborn birds to find themselves being rapidly surrounded.

Snarling at their stupidity but unwilling to abandon them, Luna again called on the energies of the moon inside of her. Another white-pink sphere of energy took shape before her chest, then blasted down into the earth amidst a pack of enemy humans and Pokémon. Perhaps a score of them staggered and fell, but more importantly the impact kicked up an enormous cloud of dust and smoke.

“Up!” Luna shouted. “Fly straight up and follow my voice!”

It was a tense few seconds, even her eyes unable to pierce the shrouded battlefield, but the alicorn breathed a sigh of relief to see Fearow and Spearow rising from the dark cloud. Beckoning for them to follow her, the princess turned and began flying back the way they had come. Electrical discharges soon began crackling up after them, but were poorly aimed through the dust and smoke. Few did anything more than give the already battered birds a fright.

They flew in silence, overtaking the remainder of the leaderless flock quickly. It took just a few moments and a bit of screaming for Luna to reassert her leadership, and from there she led them in a direct retreat back the way they had come. They did not stop, nor touch ground again, until they were far out of sight of the human town and any major trail. Luna gave a signal with her wings, and dozens upon dozens of winged Pokémon descended into the massive forest as one.

Luna touched down on the ground itself, though most of her followers chose to roost amongst the trees instead. The princess’ gaze swept over them, and was relieved to see that despite many injuries, they hadn’t actually lost anyone. Apparently Team Flare was not making a habit of using these Dark Balls en masse in the open, or perhaps simply had a limited supply and had not issued them to their base’s defenders. In spite of that, she caught a number of hostile glances from members of the flock.

“What was the point of that?” one of the Fearow worked up the courage to say in between plucking blackened feathers from its chest. “We let them go, and we didn’t get anything except hurt.”

“Yeah, Manetric attacks really pack a punch!” another Pokémon agreed.

“We should have just taken care of the interlopers and gone back to foraging!” a different Fearow said. “Who cares what the rest of them do if they’re not in our territory?”

“Is that a challenge?” Luna asked in a flat voice.

That particular Pokémon seemed to pale a little bit and lowered its head deferentially, but she could still spot the resentment simmering in its eyes. Notably, it did not hasten to deny her accusation.

“Hearken to my words!” Luna raised one hoof, flaring her wings to make herself appear even larger. “Know that we act not just for the sake of justice and morality, but for the good of this flock as well! Or do you suppose that simply ignoring a growing pack of slavers will cause them to cease? No, leaving them be will only allow them to grow stronger as they plunder all those about them, until at last they come for you as well!”

“So we take care of anyone who shows up. Big deal.”

“Fool!” Luna spat. “If it were not for me five of your fellow would languish in miserable captivity yet. And how many more would have been taken, ere you were even aware that there was a threat? And how would you stand against your brethren they had taken alongside those we faced today?”

“Then we ought to fly away and find new foraging grounds,” still another bird piped up.

“Coward and more than coward,” she accused. “If not dealt with, a cancer will only grow until it eats the body alive.”

“What’s cancer?”

“And what does that have to do with anything?”

“Ugh…” Luna rubbed her temple again. “It means that if we do not deal with this problem, now, then it will only grow worse until it finds you and consumes you as well.” In truth she was not sure of how far this could go, but she had her suspicions. “And beyond that, morality demands we cannot let such a nest of evil stand.”

“And what are we supposed to do about it?”

“Yeah, even you couldn’t win us that battle back there!”

“What we are supposed to do is gather allies,” the princess answered. “We will not be the only ones affected nor the only ones under threat. We must find the others, be they Pokémon or humans, and coordinate ourselves. If we have not the numbers to do it our own, we must simply find more.”

There were uneasy looks at that proclamation. Spearow and it evolution were not a species well-inclined towards others, and the feeling was largely mutual. The flock had gained many enemies over the years.

“I think she’s right,” came another voice from the crowd. Luna recognized the same Fearow that had been trapped by a Dark Ball not long ago. “Those things they’re using… they’re not normal human stuff. I don’t… I don’t really remember much about what I did when they got me, but…” it looked down. “I remember it was seeing through my own eyes in some kinda nightmare. I didn’t know what was going on or even who I was, just that I had to obey and destroy. Destroy… everything.” Fearow looked up again. “That isn’t right. That isn’t how it’s supposed to be. We gotta do something.”

There were whispering and muted chattering throughout the flock. Some expressed a vague agreement, some thought the downcast Fearow looked weak and ripe for overthrow.

“As dictator,” Luna declared loudly, “I have already made the final decision, unless one of you wishes to challenge me.”

Despite the lingering ill-will, none spoke up to do so.

“Then it is settled. We seek new alliances. But we will not be the only ones on the move.” Luna pointed to a Fearow that had remained quiet so far. “You. I want you to take a few of our nimbler flyers and return to the area of the humans’ base. Do not approach it closely, give plenty of ground if they approach. I wish you to observe their movements. See what they do, and send a messenger back to me if any major or unusual deployment are in evidence.”

“Shouldn’t we attack them? You know, pick them off one by one if they get too separated? The flock got hurt.”

“No. Strategy before vengeance. Observation only, do you understand?”


“After working so hard, it feels nice just to take a moment to relax,” James said as reclined on the forest floor.

“I have to agree,” Celestia said, fanning her wings wide to catch as much of the glorious golden sunshine as she possibly could. “Even though it can’t last, a small break always does wonders for morale.”

The sunshine felt more than just pleasant on the alicorn’s fur, it felt invigorating. The star’s energy flowed through her, and at that moment she felt almost as if she could take on Lysandre and the rest of Team Flare simultaneously. Plus, it did wonders for that irritating stiff spot on her neck.

“Say, Meowth,” Celestia’s ears flicked up at the sound of Jessie’s voice from across the forest clearing. “Do you really think she’s telling the truth?”

“About what? Bein’ some fancy princess-type from anudda world?”

“What else?”

“Does it matta? I think she thinks she is, and she wants ta help out. Da boss is countin’ on us, why make a big deal outta it?”

“Because the question of whether your teammate is obscenely rich or just delusional makes a load of difference last time I checked.”

“Really? ‘Cause I can think a’ two delusional idiots on dis team already, but ya don’t hear me complainin’,” Meowth answered. “Dat much.”

A moment passed.


Celestia stifled a giggle.

“Hey,” Twilight said as she came down from on high. “Pikachu?”

“Did you see anything?” the little electric Pokémon asked from his position atop Ash’s shoulder.

“No,” Twilight shook her head with a glum expression. “And neither has Fletchinder.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Pikachu’s face fell. “But we’re not giving up. Team Rocket couldn’t have gone far on foot, and if they’re in their balloon we’ll spot them!” he clenched his tiny fist. “They won’t get away with your teacher.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” the alicorn nodded. “But I had actually had a thought I wanted to run by you.”

“What is it?”

“Is Ash, you know, good at training Pokémon?”

“Of course he is!” Pikachu frowned. “Why would you even have to ask that?”

“Well, I uh… was just thinking of what happens when we actually find Team Rocket,” Twilight answered delicately. “Because it’s obvious they’re extremely skilled and dangerous fighters to begin with.”

“Are you still on about that? They’re idiots who’ve literally been beaten up by children.”

“No idiots could ever hope to force Princess Celestia to serve evil,” Twilight shook her head vehemently. “So it’s obvious that they’re far more cunning and skilled than they led you to believe. But anyway, what I was thinking was they must be extremely dangerous to begin with. And, assuming I can’t break whatever hold they have on the princess before they can force her to attack, we’re going to be in for an extremely tough fight.”

“I admit she packs a punch,” Pikachu said, thinking back to Laverre and rubbing his head.

“So we’ll need every edge we can get, and that includes me. But I really haven’t done much fighting in this form. I’ve read a lot about it, and had myself analyzed by Professor Oak, but I haven’t actually practiced much. So… maybe if we don’t find Team Rocket today, you and Ash could train with me tonight?”

“Sure, we’d be happy to help.”


Not so far outside the quiet little town of Geosenge, a Fearow sat high on a tree branch. Concealed by the thick foliage, it watched, irritable and bored, as the humans below went about their business. Keen eyes built for spotting prey from high in the sky worked equally as well for spying on this “Team Flare” from a considerable distance. The problem was that they weren’t doing anything particularly interesting.

Since Fearow and its Spearow helpers had arrived, all they had seen was a bare handful of these odd humans with their bright red-orange clothing simply walking around. There weren’t nearly as many present as there had been when the flock first arrived, and all they seemed to be doing was walking around a rock formation in broad loops. They were nowhere even close to where the bird Pokémon were nestled, so there was little risk despite the humans’ constant scanning the skies.

Fearow grumbled irritably at the many long hours of forced inaction. Its kind weren’t built for stealth – they took what they wanted and strutted where they willed. What made it worse is that every time it saw one of those wretched uniforms, it recalled seeing what the humans’ flock-mates had done to its fellows, and then what they had done to it. Its chest still ached from receiving a point-blank Thundershock in the brief engagement. Anger simmered inside of it.

“We ought to be fighting them,” one Spearow gave voice to its grumbles. “Since when does the flock just let anyone attack it and get away?”

“Yeah,” another muttered. “They’re all alone in the forest. We could pick them off one by one.”

“Quiet,” Fearow held up a wing.

“Why? You ain’t ‘mon enough to-”

“You challenging me?” Fearow glared down at the smaller bird, who immediately flinched and then shook its head. “That’s what I thought. Now quiet.”

An hour passed. Then another. Then still another, and nothing was happening. The Spearow began to grow more restless. Fearow silenced their chattering when it came up, but in truth knew just what they were coming from. This was boring and pointless. Why were they sitting here when it was obvious the humans wouldn’t do anything major unless their nest was disturbed?

It was only after they had been sitting there well into the night hours that there finally came a rumble of movement from the rock formation the humans had been guarding. As Fearow watched, one of the massive slabs of stone slid slowly into the earth, revealing a metal tunnel behind. Five small vehicles soon zipped out at a surprising speed, each bearing a single human on its back.

“Hey, wake up!” Fearow whispered to its cohorts, waving a wing in their faces to dispel sleep. “One of you, get ready to fly back to Lady Luna.”

“It’s night, I don’t wanna,” one Spearow moaned.

“Too bad.”

The four-wheeled, roofless vehicles handled the off-road terrain better than any other ground-bound human contraption that Fearow had ever seen. They ate up the rocky ground like it was nothing, driving southwest along the same forest the Pokémon were perched in. As they grew closer, they could make out more of the features of the riders. Four were men and women dressed in the same red suit and hairstyles all the humans outside the base seemed to be wearing, though one was wearing what looked to be some kind of dress outfit and a visor across her face. Twin blue lights emerged from it right about where her eyes would have been.

The humans came closer and closer to where the Pokémon were. The other four seemed mostly concentrated on the path ahead, but the woman with the visor kept sweeping her gaze in all directions. It was when her gaze finally fell on their exact hiding spot that she held up one hand, and all five vehicles pulled to a surprisingly fast stop. The apparent leader’s in particular swerved as it braked so it directly faced the bird Pokémon.

“Well, what do we have here?” her voice was sharp and clear, tinged with an easily confidence. “Little birdies far from the nest? Or maybe… spies?”

“Should we run?” one of the Spearow whispered.

Fearow glared down. There were only five of them. And they were so far from help. And no Fearow worth their feathers would ever decline a challenge.

“No,” it whispered back.

Fearow rose up to its true height and flared its wings, then shrieked in challenge. The Spearow around it flapped up to surround their leader, adding their screeching voices to the mix.

“So you do want to come out and play?” she smirked. “Weavile and Houndoom, let’s have a little warm up.”

She tossed two red and white balls into the air, and in twin bursts of silver light her Pokémon appeared. One was a horned black dog with red muzzle and underbelly and a pointed tail. The other was a short, humanoid black creature with a prominent red crest atop its head. It didn’t take long for Fearow to weight the odds: eight on two.

With another piercing cry, Fearow swept down from its perch, silver energy of Aerial Ace trailing behind it. Seven Spearow flocked in its wake, beaks shining with energy of their own.

“Show them how it’s done, ladies!” the woman commanded. “Weavile, Ice Shard!”

The smaller black Pokémon leapt into the air, ice crystals already taking shape about her body. As Fearow came soaring in, beak-first, Weavile launched a dozen fist-sized chunks of ice straight for its face. The bird nimbly dodged most of them, but one struck its wing and a second its neck, sending it hurdled backwards. The seven Spearow almost immediately mobbed it as it fell back to earth, sharp beaks pummeling the squirming Ice-type from all directions.

“Weavile, use Protect!”

Weavile’s arms tucked over its chest, and legs tucked over its arms. A bubble of turquoise energy enveloped the Pokémon as she hit the earth, almost immediately engulfed by Spearow.

“Now Houndoom, Flamethrower!”

The doglike Pokémon opened her mouth wide and sprayed a torrent of bright red flames all over the struggling opponents. Weavile was safe under her protective barrier. The Spearow, not so lucky, squawked as the cone of fire burned at their feathers. They rose quickly into the air, flapping hard as they could to escape the pain.

“Use Icy Wind!”

Weavile’s protection faded as she regained her feet. Looking upwards with a vengeful smirk, she spread her arms wide and a wide blast of freezing wind laced with ice particles blasted into the small birds as a wide cone. Spearow were flung in all directions like leaves in a hurricane.

“Houndoom, finish Fearow off with Sludge Bomb!”

Houndoom opened her jaws wide a second time, unleashing a dozen black and purple blobs of poisonous slime. Still struggling to rise from the super-effective Ice Shard, the massive bird was in no position to dodge as they pelted it one after the other. Fearow toppled over backwards, barely able to so much as breathe through the toxic miasma now emanating from the goo stuck fast to its feathers.

“We could always use another aerial scout,” it vaguely heard the woman say.

The last thing Fearow saw was a grey and black orb flying through the air.

“And you’ve confirmed this?” Lysandre asked, fingering a fine crystal bordeaux glass. “There is no question?”

“None, sir,” Celosia, the purple-haired woman on his computer, answered. “The images are of admittedly poor quality, but eyewitness accounts from our grunts confirm the unmistakable similarities.”

Her face vanished momentarily. In place was a hazy image of a distant figure, taken through the smoke and flash of a battlefield, but the profile was nonetheless as unmistakable as promise. It had the general form of the other two dimensional interlopers – alicorns, they had been called – but considerably darker. There were a number of Spearow and Fearow surrounding it, further obscuring the details, but overall Rapidash-like form paired with wings could not be denied. After a few seconds, the image vanished and Celosia’s face reappared.

“So if I am to understand the situation,” Lysandre said, idly studying the gold inlays on his glass all the while, “this Pokémon attacked two of our agents, released the Pokémon they had captured, somehow knew to demand details of Dark Balls, and then proceeded to chase the both of them more than a mile and half with a flock of Spearow and Fearow? Upon arrival at our base, it briefly engaged our outer defenses, then retreated with its allies when outnumbered, correct?”

“That is the situation as best we understand it, sir,” Celosia nodded.

“I believe we can safely identify the culprit here as one Luna, sister to the white creature Celestia,” Lysandre informed her. “Our friend mentioned the meddlesome interloper had a darker sister by that name, though she failed to tell me that she had fallen to our plane of existence as well.”

“Perhaps she wasn’t aware.”

“Perhaps. Or perhaps she simply lied in order to conceal the presence of her friend.” He shrugged. “It matters little either way.”


“Consider the facts. She and her followers had two of our agents effectively subdued, then attacked them, but not so effectively as to actually prevent them from running more than a mile in panic. Does that sound like a typical Spearow attack to you? They are known for being easily-provoked and vengeful, not sadistic.”

“So, you think she let them go?”

“So that they could lead her to us? Yes, that is what I believe. I suppose you could argue that it was a simple coincidence,” Lysandre took a sip of his wine, an expensive and exquisite red of a rare vintage. “But I don’t believe in coincidences. I think that she means to oppose us, and this little skirmish was just a way of locating our base and testing our defenses. I would be very surprised if we have seen the last of her.”

“Is she a threat?” Celosia asked.

“Isn’t that obvious? Her sister displays unusual amounts of power, it’s very likely she has access to similar abilities. And she appears to be in opposition to us and have attained a following amongst local Pokémon. I don’t care for the implications of that at all, especially not when we’re so close.”

“What should we do, sir?”

“Simple.” Lysandre took another swallow of wine. “Locate this princess, and bring her around to our way of thinking.”

“As you wish.”

“Very good. Dismissed.” Lysandre tapped a key, and Celosia’s face vanished from the screen.

The entrepreneur, inventor, and philanthropist took a moment to drain his glass rather more quickly than he should have. He sighed, then idly considered that since none of the makers of this particular vintage were in Team Flare, it was probably the last bottle he would ever have. Then, vaguely annoyed with himself for even considering that at all next to far greater sacrifices he must endure, tapped a few more keys. It took almost a minute for the call to connect this time.

“Lysandre?” the face of Kalos’ Pokémon League Champion, Diantha, appeared and yawned. “It’s late, couldn’t this wait until morning?”

“My apologies. My schedule frequently forces me to keep unusual hours,” he said with a slightly self-depreciating smile. “I had only recently heard that you had accepted the invitation to Johto as keynote speaker for their fifteenth International Film Conference, and I had wanted to offer my congratulations before you left in the morning.”

“Well… thanks?” she still sounded sleepy.

“I know we’d had our differences lately, and I just wanted to apologize if I seemed overly combative when last we met. I didn’t want you heading overseas thinking I thought anything but the best of you.”

“Apology accepted,” Diantha said. “You know, I’d heard Lysandre Labs was taking a major sponsoring role in this year’s conference. There wouldn’t be any truth to that, would there?”

“There are always rumors, you of all people should know how that goes,” he answered with another smile.

“Uh huh,” she sounded unconvinced. “And I only received a keynote invitation after we had our little argument in the café. You wouldn’t have pulled any strings just to say you’re sorry, would you?”

“Who, me?” he said in an innocent tone. “I’m almost offended you would think that little of me.”

“But you’re not denying it either,” she noted slyly. “Well, on the off chance you did, I suppose I should say thanks.”

“I still say it was a choice made entirely on merit. But I hope you enjoy it all the same.”

“Thanks,” she yawned again. “It’s still late, so…”

“Don’t worry,” he smiled. “I won’t keep you any longer. Pleasant dreams and a safe flight.”

“Goodbye,” she said. “And goodnight.”

The screen went blank again.

“Yes,” Lysandre said quietly. “Goodbye, old friend.”


“And then they threw one of those dark things at Fearow!” Spearow reported breathlessly. “And I flew back here fast as I could.”

“I see,” Luna said in an even tone.

Part of her felt some loathing for the Pokemon’s apparent cowardice. The princess’ more rational side said that he was only following her actual orders, and what difference would his presence really have made? From the sound of it, the battle had been one-sided from the very beginning.

“Did these adversaries give any hint as to their ultimate destination?” The alicorn asked in her best impassive tone. “Or what their goal might have been?”

“All I know is they were driving those funny wheeled things humans have that way,” Spearow pointed a wing in a roughly southwestern direction. “And that the female with the blue visor somehow spotted us in the trees.”

“And you have no inkling as to whether or not they continued on their way or changed course?”

“I didn’t stick around! Those two Pokémon wiped the floor with every ‘mon that fought at the same time! What could I have done?”

Hovered high overhead and given me more to work with. Luna thought, though she held her tongue.

In truth, she supposed that he was the only one who had made any effort to follow orders at all. Even so, without better information on where the humans had ridden off to there was little hope of rescuing the missing members of the flock. She would have liked nothing better than to fall on them herself and liberate the captives, but she had no idea where to begin looking for them.

It was frustratingly stupid how easily the birds she’d sent to spy had been goaded into openly fighting the humans by a simple challenge. But then, if they weren’t so eager to fight, would they even be listening to her at all? They submitted to leadership of a random outsider solely for her ability to defeat any one of them in combat, less proud creatures could have simply ignored her and flown away. Double-edged swords always rankled.

“You did… adequately,” Luna said after a moment. “You have permission to go and eat and rest now."

As Spearow flew away, the alicorn sighed and rubbed her forehead. Setback after setback, that was always the way. Few Pokémon her flock had encountered so far wanted to so much as look at a Spearow, and those who did generally just wanted a fight. There were other flocks of the same species about, of course, but they were rivals and Luna held precious little hope of convincing them by anything short of challenging their alphas one after the other.

Beyond that, Pokémon populations in the forest where they dwelt were dominated by black, doglike Houndour, pink Snubbull, and green Electrike. There were also populations of strange, construct-like creatures known as Golett and Sigilyph, but they dwelt much closer to the strange rock formations the humans frequented and she did not wish to approach so near to them. She was told the mountains to the west contained other species, but her envoys had yet to return bearing more details.

All in all, it had been a disappointing if rather expected first response. Few wanted anything to do with Spearow, and the ill-tempered and vengeful birds were not cut out for diplomacy. Or spying, apparently. The alicorn was going to have to visit a great many Pokémon in person if she was to have any hope of securing their allegiance, there was no way around it.

Luna’s blue eyes turned to the north, and she scowled. Who knew what the humans would get up to in that time?

“Alright Celestia,” James pointed. “One more time! Use Solar Beam!”

The white alicorn closed her eyes for just a moment. Mentally reaching out for the star burning brightly overhead just as she would at home, she pictured herself seizing it in a golden glow. In Equestria she would have bid the sun move and felt it obey her will. In this world her request was far humbler: only the merest fraction of its power. It seemed to flare in response, and Celestia could feel a heavenly warmth gushing through her veins.

When she opened her eyes again, perhaps a second or two had passed. Her long horn shone with a blinding gold-white glare, banishing shadows throughout the forest clearing. She felt almost all-powerful for a split second, then raised her head and fired.

“Wobbuffet,” Jessie was pointing right back at them, “use Mirror Coat!”

The blue Pokémon saluted briefly and then leapt into the air, a semitransparent rainbow sheen enveloping his body. He caught the blinding beam head-on, straining visibly as its full power slammed into him. The beam swiftly became a miniaturized sun pressing up against Wobbuffet, and they pressed against one another in the air for a few seconds. Then Jessie’s Pokémon thrust out his chest with a determined expression, and the concentrated orb of destructive energy careened off into the air to explode spectacularly above the forest canopy. Wobbuffet fell back to the earth, landing smoothly on his feet.

“That was perfect!” Jessie gave a thumbs-up. “I give you an eleven out of ten.”

“Wobbuffet!” her Pokemon saluted happily.

“And you were great too, Celestia!” James added. “Your Solar Beam is coming along wonderfully!”

“Much as I appreciate flattery,” the princess said, looking upward, “I should point out that we probably ought to move now. That was a rather loud bang even for a training session already full of them.”

“Pikachu, use Iron Tail!” Ash yelled with a finger extended.

“Why would you do that?” Twilight asked, as she flapped her wings and rose from the earth. “I can fly, a ground-bound Pokémon has no hope of hitting me with a physical attack unless I choose to come close, which I have no reason to ever do. While as a Psychic/Fairy-type a Steel-type attack would be particularly effective were it to hit, you have to actually make physical contact with that move.”

Pikachu charged closer to the alicorn, and she only rose higher into the air. Not that that stopped her from talking.

“Now, the appropriate move would be Thunder Wave – your Pikachu does know Thunder Wave, right? By inducing muscle paralysis it would effectively prevent flight and allow your Pokémon to close the distance and beat the metaphorical daylights out of me while I was unable to effectively respond.”

“Alright, Pikachu,” Ash grinned. “Quick Attack, now!”

“Right!” Pikachu smiled confidently back. The glow around his tail faded and his entire body seemed to blur in and out of sight as he doubled, tripled, then quadrupled his pace. Far overhead, Twilight continued to look puzzled.

“I know Ash can’t understand me entirely, but surely you get the point, Pikachu? Attempting a physical attack against an opponent far over your head is irrational, so why would you follow that order? I know very well Poke Balls exert no compulsion to obey. It’s just not a rationally calculated strategy.”

Pikachu’s body was enveloped by silver energy as he ran. One moment he was darting straight towards Twilight, then the next he had leapt onto a tree at lightning speed. The alicorn’s eyes had trouble tracking him as he shot up the trunk, along a branch, and then launched himself into the air as little more than a flash of silver and yellow.

Twilight’s eyes widened as somehow, impossibly, Pikachu flickered back into proper existence directly above her. The little yellow fellow fell straight down, landing on her back with minimal impact. The alicorn bobbed a bit in the air, more from surprise than weight. Spike was considerably heavier.

“Oh,” she breathed.

Twilight blinked once, then turned her head to regard the little Pokémon on her back. Pikachu smiled cheerfully and waved a stubby little hand at her.

“…I take it you’ve done this before?”

“Yeah, you’re pretty spacious next to some of the flying Pokémon I’ve ridden,” he said.

“I see,” the alicorn frowned. “But how did you know to do that? Ash didn’t give any order so specific, is this a maneuver you’ve practiced before?”

“Well, when a Pokémon and a trainer are connected and in sync you just sort of… know,” he shrugged. “You know?”

“So, you’re saying you consciously or subconsciously grasp an entire unrehearsed stratagem and plan of action based on a single attack order from your trainer due to a subliminal and possibly semi-mystical connection you have with him?”

“Um… I think so?” Pikachu scratched his head.

“I see,” Twilight put a hoof under her chin. “Fascinating.”

Houndoom paced through the forest clearing, nose pressed firmly to the earth. She sniffed hundreds of times, taking in the countless scents of the trees and the creatures that dwelled within them. Amidst all the irrelevant sensory clutter, picking out a single trace was like trying to find a particular needle amidst a stack of needles. But this Pokémon was well-trained and patient, allowing her instincts to guide her and only coming to a halt when she finally had the desired thread.

Mable, hand on hip, strode calmly over where her custom four-wheeler was idling. Visor constantly scanning and sorting the environment, by the time she knelt down where her companion stood she had already picked out the tiny hair amidst the grass. Holding it to the light where she could get a good look at it, the scientist quickly matched the bright white color to the images of this “Celestia” Pokémon’s coat. Houndoom gave it another sniff, then growled.

“Good job,” Mable patted her Pokémon affectionately. “You think you’ve got their scent picked out?”

Houndoom gave a terse nod.


“Surely you must see the direness of your situation?” Luna asked. “The peril that you and all your kin now must face?”

“I really don’t,” said Snubbull

The princess kept her voice and face level with some effort. “Ruthless slave-makers roam your home even as we speak, seeking those they might steal away. Uncounted Pokémon have already been taken, their wills stripped and replaced with mindless violence and servitude. Every passing day brings them further into the forest and closer towards the territories claimed by your clan.”

“I don’t really see how that’s my problem,” the pink Pokémon replied. “If humans come in numbers, we hide in our nests until they go away. If there aren’t any other Pokémon around there’s more food and space for us.”

“The fact that your fellow Pokémon are having their minds violated is of no concern to you?”

“Well…” Snubbull looked down a little. “It’s not like I like the idea or anything, but you know what I like less? Having my clan’s minds violated. Because if what you’re saying is true, we should hide until they leave this place. Fighting them will just get us captured too.”

“Why is it you assume hiding would work?” Luna asked her. “Is it not so that these humans already display technological terrors beyond the rest of their kind?”

“Assuming everything you’re saying is the truth.”

“On my honor, it is.”

“Well, just granting that for the sake of it,” she eyed the princess warily, “we still have a better chance if we run and hide than if we fight. There aren’t enough of us to fight humans. Especially if these humans really can take over a ‘mon’s mind or see you wherever you go like you’re saying.”

Not exact what Luna had said, but she thought better of correcting it for now.

“Have you ever heard the phrase ‘stand together, fall apart’?” the princess asked.

“No. Why would I have? What does it even mean?”

“It means that the multitudes rising as one are a nigh unstoppable force, but can be picked off one at a time if they foolishly separate themselves from one another.” Luna shook her head. “These humans… they intend to suck the Pokémon they capture entirely dry. I heard it attested to by their own lips. For what purpose I know not, but merely enslaving the Pokémon of this forest is just the beginning. We must work together, now, to put a stop to this plan or else we shall all be overtaken and consumed in our turn.”

Snubbull cocked her head a little, an uncertain expression on her face.

“I know that the idea of working alongside Spearow is very foreign to you,” Luna continued, “but you must believe me when I tell you that the alternative is horrible beyond imagination. Imagine your kin taken, their very wills stolen away, and then their lives expended in some insane scheme. I know that you may not wish to believe it, but I swear by my honor and my life that everything I tell you is true. Unless we work together, your time will come, and far sooner than you believe.”

“…How do I know I can trust you? What proof do you have of any of this? Besides little pieces of black human stuff you say are shards of these ‘Dark Balls’?”

“I thought you might say that. Fearow,” Luna glanced over her shoulder, “why don’t you tell her all about what happened when you met those two humans?”

“I think I can do that,” he said.

“Now this is what I call a good spot!” Jessie smiled, as she and James unfolded and laid out a ground cover.

The two humans were still in the forest, but a couple of different moves around had brought them closer to some of the main trails that ran throughout it. But it was a warm and sunny day, without a cloud in the sky. Their balloon was safely hidden amongst the trees. And there was no one around. What harm could a little break do?

“Meowth, you have our lunch?” James asked.

“Right here!” Meowth patted the picnic basket in his right arm. “Grub is ready ta go!”

Jessie and James nodded to each other and reached for their belts. Four Poke Balls flew up into the air, and Pumpkaboo, Inkay, Wobbuffet, and Celestia all appeared in a row with a flash of silver light.

“Alright everyone,” Jessie said with hands on hips, “you’ve all been training very hard over these past few days, and we thought you deserved a reward.”

“And to work hard you have to eat hard!” James smiled. “So we three-”

“Just me,” Meowth interjected.

“Meowth here made us all some lunch while Jessie and I supervised! So who’s ready for a good old-fashioned spring picnic?”

“I am!” cheered two Pokémon and an alicorn.


“Great! Now come over here and we’ll get you all a plate. I know you’re all going to love this one!”

“Course ya will. I made it!” Meowth boasted.

“Not to rain on anyone’s parade,” Celestia suddenly spoke up, ears standing on end, “but if I’m not mistaken I hear the sound of human voices.”

One translation later and everyone was staring at her.

“Not your voices.”

Twilight blinked when she saw it.

It was simply unbelievable. The princess did a double take, rubbing her eyes hard with one wing to make sure that she wasn’t hallucinating. But when she opened them again, they were still there, plain as day for all the world to see.

Sitting there in full were two humans, one a blue-haired man and the other a magenta-haired woman, alongside a Meowth curled up in the sun. Sure, the man was wearing cargo pants and a polo shirt alongside sunglasses and a mustache. Yes, the woman was wearing shorts, a light pink blouse, and a wide-brimmed tan hat. But all three together, with the same facial profiles and general appearances as the images she’d so obsessively memorized? You would have to be a lunatic not to recognize them immediately, even out of uniform.

And such brilliant criminals would have to know these “disguises” were incredibly obvious as well. So, what was their angle? Why put on a pretense of rolling out a mat and setting up a picnic in the middle of nowhere? Was this some twisted mind game, intended to mock her with how little they feared a princess of Equestria? Or maybe some sort of minuscule step for larger master plan her immortal mind could scarcely begin to fathom?

“Hey there!”

Twilight musings were interrupted by the sound of Ash’s voice. When she looked briefly away from her adversaries, she saw the trainer walking ahead and waving cheerfully. Her jaw dropped.

“Why hello there young man,” the woman said pleasantly. “Lovely day for a walk in the woods, don’t you think?”

“Allow us to introduce ourselves,” the man added. “This is Jessiella, and my name is Jamison. And this is our beloved pet, Meowth.” He gestured to the apparently napping Pokémon.

“Nice to meet you, my name’s Ash,” the boy introduced himself with a smile.

“And I’m Serena,” the girl behind Twilight said.

“My name’s Clemont, pleased to meet you.”

“I’m Bonnie.”

“You can call me Pikachu.”

“Are you people insane?” Twilight gawked.

Pikachu turned around to look at her with a puzzled expression, but none of the humans seemed to pay the least mind. Presumably they thought she’d just introduced herself.

“Well, it’s certainly nice to meet a nice group of young people who love being in nature as much as we do,” “Jessiella” said. “Can we help you with anything?”

“Actually we were looking for someone. A really bad bunch of Pokémon thieves called Team Rocket. They go by Jessie, James, and Meowth. They’re always after my buddy Pikachu here and they stole another Pokémon we need to get back to help Twilight. Maybe you’ve seen them?”

“Hmm…” the woman put a finger to her chin. “Nope, can’t say we have. They sound fiendishly powerful and intelligent, though.”

“And handsome,” the man added.

“Are you sure?” Serena asked. “It’d mean the world to us if you even have a vague idea!”

“They like to fly around in a Meowth head balloon,” Clemont added. “Does that help any?”

“Sorry, can’t help you with that,” the blue-haired man shook his head. “Haven’t seen anyone out here but ourselves and a wild Wurmple.”

The whole gang’s faces collectively fell.

“Am I crazy or are you guys actually getting fooled by this?!” Twilight managed despite her hanging jaw.

“Fooled by what?” Pikachu turned his head to regard her with a puzzled expression.

“Them!” Twilight gestured at the picnickers with one hoof. “That’s obviously Team Rocket! Right there!”

“Huh?” Pikachu looked back over at them. “What are you talking about?”

“A magenta-haired woman, blue-haired man, and a Meowth all of the correct age just sitting around having a picnic in the middle of nowhere? Exactly where we’re supposed to be looking for Team Rocket?! How can you not connect the dots instantly?”

“Well, thanks anyway,” Ash continued.

“I’m very sorry we couldn’t help. Would you like to stay for lunch?” the man offered, to a glare from his partner.

“Sorry, but we’ve gotta find Team Rocket before they can get away with Twilight’s friend.” Ash shook his head.

“But thank you very much for the kind offer,” Serena said.

“Oh, no problem at all. Anything help a group of youngsters in need.”

“Bye now!” both man and woman waved as Ash walked a little dejectedly away from the trailside picnic.

“Alright guys,” he began. “We-”

Whatever Ash was going to say was cut off as Twilight barged right past him with a deep scowl on her face. The alicorn pointed one accusing hoof at the trio.

“I have no idea what kind of evil mind-control rays you’re using to make people buy such garbage disguises,” she barked at them. “But it doesn’t work on me! You’re Team Rocket and if you’re smart you’ll release Princess Celestia from captivity right now and turn yourselves in!”

“What’s it saying?” the woman asked.

“Maybe it’s hungry?” the man guessed.

“I’m not falling for any mind games you want to play!” Twilight shouted. “If you won’t come clean I’ll just have to make you!”

A charge of white light tinged with all the colors of the rainbow began building around Twilight’s horn. Before anyone could move to stop her, the alicorn unleashed Psybeam. It ate up the distance between the parties in a flash, striking Meowth firmly on the backside.

“YOWCH!” the cat Pokémon screamed in a voice loud enough to wake the dead. “Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!”

Meowth danced around for a moment on his two hind legs, frantically rubbing his smoking hindquarters with his two front paws.

“Alright which one a’ you just did dat?!” he demanded, one paw bunched into a fist and other showing claws. “Because whoever did is gonna a Fury Swipes so bad dat… dat…”

Meowth’s voice trailed away as he stared at the smug-looking alicorn and the slowly dawning comprehension on the faces of the others.

“Uh… I mean Meowth… Meowth?” he tried.

“You’re Team Rocket’s Meowth,” Serena said.

Clemont picked up. “So that must mean the rest of you are…”

The man and woman took one look at each other, at Meowth, and then nodded. Both humans rose as one, grabbed their clothing, and cast it to the wind with a single practiced fling. Beneath, the same white Team Rocket uniforms Twilight had seen in images gleamed proudly in the sunlight. Including in areas that had previously been bare skin. Somehow.

Maybe Pinkie could explain it. Twilight thought.

“Prepare for trouble and watch where you shoot!”

“And make it double or we’ll give you the boot!”

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all peoples within our nation!”

“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”

“To extend our reach to the stars above!”



“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!”

“Surrender now or prepare to fight fight fight!”

“Meowth, dat’s right!”


A Poke Ball at James’ waist burst open, and a white alicorn appeared in a blaze of silvery light.

“Wait!” Celestia managed. “I’m not… ready… yet….”

She hung her head and sighed.

Together Again

“Princess Celestia?!” Twilight gasped in spite of herself, hardly daring to believe her own eyes.

“Huh?” the white alicorn looked up, and her magenta eyes instantly widened. “Twilight?!”

“Princess Celestia!”

All thoughts of caution and trickery vanished from Twilight’s mind in an instant, banished by the sight of her teacher and mother-figure so close at hoof. The purple alicorn galloped forward with watery eyes. Celestia blinked once, then raced past her dumbfounded teammates to meet the smaller pony in between the two parties. Both instantly embraced one another, Twilight wrapping both legs around her mentor’s neck and Celestia pulling her former student close with a single long leg behind her head.

“Thank Celestia you’re safe!” Twilight said, rather obliviously, with tears streaming down her cheeks. “I thought for sure I’d n-never see you again! That horrible things had happened to you and it was all m-my fault!”

“Shhh… my little pony…” Celestia said in a motherly tone, patting Twilight gently with a wing. “I’m alright, I assure you. Nothing bad has happened to me.”

“I… I… I’m so sorry I got you into this!” Twilight bawled. “I got you flung into another world and kidnapped by horrible criminals and tortured and brainwashed and who knows what else! It was my mirror that did this! I’m sorry!”

“I take these two know each other?” James asked in the background.

“Da purple one is sayin’ she’s real sorry for how some mirror a’ hers sent Celestia here,” Meowth translated. “And she thought she’d neva see her again.”

“None of that has happened,” Celestia said in a soothing tone. “I’ve made my way here just fine and made some wonderful new friends along the way.”

“New… new friends?” Twilight looked up from where she’d been crying into her teacher’s chest. “Who?” she looked behind Celestia. “Team Rocket? But princess, they’re a horrible band of thieves and kidnappers?!” Her tone shifted from worry to alarm. “How did they take you? What did they do to you? Do you remember?”

“Thieves and kidnappers?” Despite herself, Celestia held up a wing to cover her mouth as she snickered. “Oh my little pony, I’ve travelled with Team Rocket for weeks and I have difficulty imaging them successfully robbing a cotton candy stand.”

“Well dere’s confidence for ya,” Meowth muttered.

“I don’t know what you’ve heard, but the only heist I’ve ever seen these three carry out was planned and executed primarily by me.”

“You… You planned a heist for them?” Twilight’s eyes were now, the last of the tears trickling unnoticed out the side. “Omigosh, you planned the robbery Lysandre told us about?!”

“Lysandre?” Celestia’s tone instantly hardened. “You’ve been talking to…” As she gazed beyond her former apprentice, the white alicorn’s eyes widened as if seeing Ash and his friends for the first time.

“He told us where to find you,” Twilight finally released the hug. She stared up at the princess with an uncertain expression. “Princess, why would you help thieves, much less plan their crimes? What did they do to you?”

“What did Lysandre say to you?” Celestia asked her right back, in between glaring daggers at the humans behind Twilight. “He’s a deeply evil man, a thief and slaver and potentially much worse. Why are you traveling with these pawns of his?”

“He’s evil?” Twilight sounded baffled. “Princess, he told us where to find you even after we lied to get into his office and all he wanted in return was to know a bit about what’s been going on.”

“You told him about us? About Equestria?” Celestia’s eyes were wide with horror.

“Why wouldn’t I? But please, stop ignoring my questions. What did Team Rocket do to you? How could they convince you that burglary and assault of innocent people is a good thing?”

“Innocent? Twilight, I helped Team Rocket to take information from a wicked human organization called Team Flare. They deal in crime and the enslaving of minds. Lysandre leads them, and these humans you now stand with are his puppets! Thanks to them, horrific devices of mental enslavement have been unleashed on this world in huge numbers.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight sounded shocked. “Ash and Pikachu and his other Pokémon saved my life, they’re not bad people!”

“And yet they serve the likes of Lysandre, battling against our efforts to protect their world from devastation on several occasions.” Celestia glared balefully at them. “What lies have they been feeding you, Twilight? I believe you are being manipulated.”

“They’ve been nothing but nice to me!” Twilight insisted. “When I told them about you they dropped everything to come and help me try to find you. When they barely knew me! What did Team Rocket do that made you think a bunch of kids and a rich philanthropist were somehow the bad guys?”

“Team Rocket has been nothing but kind to me all the time I have been here. They have never tried to stop me from leaving. They would not be able to stop me from leaving! I agreed to help them when I realized the true depths of horror Lysandre will sink to. I cannot allow an evil like the Dark Balls to exist, not if I can do anything about it!”

“I’ve read about every different type of Poke Ball that exists across the regions, and I’ve never even seen a mention of a ‘Dark Ball’.” Twilight shook her head. “I think you’ve been tricked. Team Rocket is way more powerful – and way more evil – than you think, and they’re manipulating you into helping them commit crimes by convincing you a good man is evil! Please, just come with us. We’ll go back to Professor Oak’s and find out how to get back to Equestria and then everything will be alright.”

“And simply leave this world and who knows how many people and Pokémon to suffer the full brunt of Lysandre’s plot?” Celestia shook her own head. “No, that isn’t something I’m prepared to do. I will not insist that you face the danger alongside us, but I cannot allow you to remain alongside his pawns.”

“What plot?” Twilight’s voice cracked a little. “Princess… you’ve been helping Team Rocket damage a factory and steal technological secrets for a criminal organization, not thwarting a villain. I know these people attacked you first, but it was an honest mistake! They didn’t know who you were when you were thrown out against them!”

“Their first assault on my person would be perfectly forgivable if I believed that,” Celestia said. “But what I cannot ignore is that they accompanied Lysandre of their own volition to do battle with us in Laverre, and now you tell me he also sent you after us here. They are plainly his tools, and they wish to use you to get to me.”

“Get to you and do what? All I want is for us to go back home, to Equestria.”

“I don’t doubt you do. But I believe they wish to use you to pull me apart from my new friends, either to ambush me later or simply banish us from this world and leave Team Flare free to act.”

“That’s crazy! These people don’t work for Lysandre, they went to him for help because he’s a good man!”

“I saw that ‘good man’ carrying a device to mutilate and enslave a Pokémon’s mind,” Celestia answered, voice now hard.

“Was that before or after you started listening to Team Rocket?” Twilight answered back. “Please, I’ve read all about them and heard plenty, and not just from Ash and his friends! They’re thieves and villains, and there’s no despicable act that’s beneath them!”

“And that’s why their leader is ordering them to defeat Team Flare, destroy the Dark Ball, and protect the world right before my eyes? I’ve travelled with them myself and seen much in the way of friendship and caring. I don’t believe them to be some evil monsters.”

“Please, princess,” Twilight practically begged, “just come with us, and let’s go home!”

“I’m sorry, my dear student, but I can’t do that right now. I cannot just abandon friends and an entire world like that.” Celestia stood tall and firm, wings flared, and stared down Ash and the others. “Leave my former student be peacefully, and you can go without harm. Otherwise…”

“Are you crazy?” Pikachu hopped down from Ash’s shoulder. “We’re here to save you from Team Rocket and reunite you with your friend, and you’re defending them?”

“Were you saving me the night you fought for Lysandre in Laverre?” Celestia retorted, eyes narrow.

“You were attacking a factory to steal Poke Balls and ruin it and he tipped us off,” Pikachu retorted. “It was nothing more than that, whatever delusions you’ve got.”

“And you expect me to believe it was pure coincidence you do his bidding not once but twice while we attempt to stop him?”

“You know, I didn’t think much when Twilight thought you were brainwashed, but you sound like a paranoid lunatic!” Pikachu said. “Lysandre isn’t a bad man, he’s been nothing but helpful and nice to us. Why would I trust people who’ve tried to kidnap me hundreds of times over him?”

“So, I take it you won’t simply release my student and walk away peacefully?” Celestia asked.

“Give a princess to Team Rocket because you’re convinced we’re stooges for Lysandre? As if.” Pikachu’s cheeks sparked. “If you wanna hand Twilight over to Giovanni to satisfy your delusions, you’re gonna have to go through me!”

“Alright, I don’t know exactly what’s going on here but I know that this shouldn’t be happening!” Ash took a step forwards and pointed. “Team Rocket, what did you do to Celestia?”

Jessie and James popped up from a frantic whisper session with Meowth.

“Who us? We didn’t do anything except help a poor lost soul we found wandering the road,” James declared.

“What did you do to that Twilight Pokémon?” Jessie folded her arms. “Obviously she would be happier with her friend on Team Rocket.”

“Just think a’ what we could do if we had two of ‘em!”

“I am! You’d use them to steal lots of trainers’ Pokémon!” Ash looked at Celestia. “These guys will say anything to get a Pokémon to go along with them,” he said in a softer tone. “Once, when Pikachu lost his memory back in Hoenn, they told him he was a member of Team Rocket and had him attack me and my friends.”

“They did,” Pikachu nodded.

“So you gotta believe when I say whatever they told you about us is a lie. We only want to help you,” Ash extended a hand.

“I might consider your words had I not already scene for myself who you deal with and what he intends. And I have seen clearly Team Rocket intends to stop a cataclysm you seem intent on causing. Meowth?” she looked over her shoulder.

“Present!” the cat Pokémon volunteered.

“Extend the boy my offer: release my student to her own will, not necessarily to the care of Team Rocket, and walk away peacefully and you have my word as Princess of Equestria that no harm shall befall you or yours.”

“She’s sayin’ let Twilight go her own way and you can go without gettin’ hurt.”

“Ash offered to let me go my own way to find you days ago,” Twilight said. “He isn’t keeping me prisoner.”

“No, simply lying to you in service to his master,” Celestia growled.

“I’m not just gonna hand over Twilight to the likes of Team Rocket!” Ash snapped back.

“Yeah, you’ll try and steal her the moment our backs are turned!” Serena added.

“Past interactions show you can’t be trusted not to steal every Pokémon in sight,” Clemont nodded. “There’s no way we could turn our backs on her with you three around.”

“Tell that to Arbok and Weezing!” James snapped at them.

“And Dustox!” Jessie bunched her fist up.

“If we walk away you’ll capture Twilight and send her to your boss,” Ash shook his head. “And I won’t let that happen. No deal!”

“Very well then,” Celestia looked down at Twilight. “Please, my student, stand aside. My battle is with Lysandre and his pawns, not you.”

Twilight sniffed, but stood tall and flared her wings. “And my battle is with whoever is trying to keep you from returning home! I promise that whatever Team Rocket did to brainwash you, I’ll undo it. Just come with us! Please,” she added with an undercurrent of plea.

“I will not leave my friends to be picked off by the likes of Team Flare!”

“If you guys won’t let her go, then we’ll just have to do this the old-fashioned way!” Ash clenched his fist. “Pikachu!”

“Ready!” the yellow Pokémon nodded, cheeks sparking.

“Use Thunderbolt on Team Rocket!”

“This is for making me bake on a rock!” Pikachu shouted as he leapt into the air.

The little yellow Pokémon crackled for just an instant, then unleashed a truly titanic bolt of electricity worthy of an angry sky god. It tore down over the heads of the alicorns, aimed straight for the trio behind them. Celestia tensed, wings extending as she prepared to intercept.

“Not so fast, twerp,” the sound of Jessie’s voice froze her in place. “Wobbuffet, show them you’ve been practicing!”

“Wobba!” the blue Pokémon nodded.

Wobbuffet leapt into the air, a rainbow sheen enveloping his body. He met the massive Thunderbolt as it descended, catching it directly in front of his chest. His aura struggled visibly as the electricity coalesced into a single gigantic ball of energy.

“Hey, that’s Mirror Coat!” Twilight observed, eyes widening as her mind caught up with her tongue.

“Wobb…” he said. “Buff… FET!”

Pikachu’s Thunderbolt exploded out from Wobbuffet as an electrical storm, a dozen bolts of lightning scattering back the way it had come. Before Twilight had time to say another word, Celestia had all but forced her beneath herself. The elder alicorn’s wings wrapped protectively around the younger as a barrier of turquoise energy enveloped them. One bolt of lightning struck it, fury spent uselessly on a rock-solid defense.

Lacking such protection, there was little for Twilight’s human friends to do but scatter as bolts of lightning rained down on them. But they weren’t fast enough – Clemont had barely managed to shield Bonnie with his body, and Ash to grab Pikachu to his chest and duck, before they were struck. Double-powered Thunderbolt coursed through them all like one massive circuit.

“It feels refreshing watching the twerps get a taste of it for once,” James remarked.

“You said it,” Meowth agreed.

The attack was intense but mercifully brief. After just a few seconds electrical scourging Pikachu’s attack vanished as if it had never been. Ash, Serena, and Clemont all toppled over like a row of dominoes, sparking and smoking. Celestia’s protection around Twilight faded, and she immediately looked behind her and winced.

“I told you they were criminal masterminds!”

Not so far away, another figure stared at the bizarre scene through technological magnification, a scowl forming on her face.

“Blast,” Mable muttered under her breath. “I was hoping they’d totally beat each other down first, but it looks like the fighting’s over already.”

“What should we do, ma’am?” one of her subordinates asked.

“What we were ordered to do,” the scientist answered. “We eliminate Team Rocket and this princess of theirs’, then get back to base to welcome the new world.”

“And what about the kids?” another said.

“They’ll be no more in a few days no matter what happens here. Still, better safe than sorry when the stakes are this high.” Mable’s voice was perfectly calm. “No witnesses.”

Rumble in the Woods (I)

“Big brother!” Bonnie cried, kneeling down beside him. “Say something!”

“Future is… Tuesday…” Clemont mumbled vaguely, eyes closed as sparks continued to dance across his body.

“Ash!” Pikachu said as he wormed out from between the boy’s smoking arms. “Are you alright?” His little arms tugged at his trainer’s vest. “Speak to me!”

“Uuuurgh…” Ash simply moaned, not even able to look at the little yellow Pokémon trying desperately to rouse him.

“Well well well, how the tables have turned!” Jessie said smugly, arms crossed. “Nice one, Wobbuffet!”

“Wobbuffet!” her blue Pokémon saluted cheerfully.

Twilight almost rushed back to try and check on the humans herself, but stopped after only one step when she realized that she was now literally the only thing standing between these fiends and her new friends. So instead she turned, faced Team Rocket, and flared her wings as wide as she could, trying to make herself seem larger. Next to Celestia as she was, it seemed rather inadequate.

“So as ya can see, Twilight,” Meowth said. “Team Rocket’s da wave a’ the future, and once we complete our big mission for da boss our stock is only goin’ up!”

“That’s right,” Jessie nodded. “So why don’t you ditch the twerps and come work with us instead? We’re always looking for new talent, and the health plan is top-tier!”

“And you’ll be right alongside your friend Celestia, and all the rest of the gang,” James added. “We’ll go camping together and tell stories and watch movies and-”

“AND complete our mission ta save da world from Team Flare!” Meowth cut him off. “Ya like savin’ da world stuff, doncha?”

“I don’t believe a word you people say,” Twilight declared. “Even if you have somehow managed to brainwash even Princess Celestia, I won’t be so easily manipulated!”

“My little pony, I assure you that I am furthest thing from brainwashed,” Celestia said. “I’m on their side because they’re trying very hard to do the right thing and prevent great evil.”

“Even you can be fooled, especially by the likes of such dangerous criminals,” Twilight insisted. “Remember my brother’s wedding? You’ve got to believe me, Team Rocket is as evil and dangerous now as fake Cadence was then! No, even more dangerous!”

“Having actually battled alongside them, I would disagree.” Celestia shook her head. “But I don’t insist you join, if my new friends are not to your liking. All I want is for you to free yourself from these pawns of Lysandre, before he decides to use you against us far more directly. I will not see you sucked into a Dark Ball.”

“And I won’t see you made a pawn of evil! Don’t you see? I can’t leave you here because Team Rocket will only deepen your conditioning and make you do more and more evil for them? You’ve already taken part in assault and robbery. Will it be kidnapping next, or something even worse? Equestria needs you back home safely!” There were more tears in Twilight’s eyes. “I need you back home safely! I could never forgive myself if my mirror left you forever lost to darkness!”

“And I would not forgive myself were I to abandon this world and my friends in it when they need me,” Celestia countered. “And again, my student, I am not under some sort of mind control. I act of my own volition. Team Rocket does not hold me prisoner. Team Rocket is not capable of holding me prisoner. Why is that so hard for you to understand?”

“Because the Princess Celestia I know wouldn’t be serving-”

Twilight’s voice was cut off by a jet of red-orange flames flying overhead. Both alicorns flinched and ducked, but the attack wasn’t aimed for them. Jessie, James, and Meowth all dived in different directions as the fire burnt a scorched ditch into the dirt path, sweeping right through the middle of where they had just been.

“Hey, watch it!” Jessie shouted.

“Dat ting almost barbequed us!”

“Who do you think you are just shooting flames at passers-by?”

“Better question,” came a voice from the trees, “did you really think you could get away with stealing from Team Flare?”

Twilight finally turned around properly, and immediately flinched at the sight of a snarling Houndoom. Memories of that first, horrible chase bubbled up immediately and she shuddered. Behind the Pokemon, the princess spied five humans also emerging from the trees. Four were men and women wearing nigh-identical red-orange suits, sunglasses, and dyed red hair. The fifth was a blue-haired woman in some kind of dress outfit with a prominently flared skirt leaving her thighs bare, knee-high boots, and a visor clamped over her face. Twin blue lights shone from it where her eyes would be.

“Twilight, get behind me,” Celestia insisted in a hard tone.

The elder alicorn didn’t wait for a response, storming right past her former apprentice to place herself directly between her and the humans. Celestia held her wings up and turned to the side, maximizing her own profile to shield Twilight as much as possible. The younger alicorn just looked confused.

“Honestly,” the blue-haired woman continued, “if this was your idea of staying hidden, you’re terrible at it. It only took Houndoom here a day to pick up your scent.” She patted it on the head, then her voice became more affectionate. “Isn’t that right?”

Twilight peeked out from behind her mentor to witness the incongruous sight of the fierce-looking devil hound wagging its tail and licking the woman.

“So you managed to find us,” James crossed his arms, “now you have to beat us, and I’m afraid your little puppy there just won’t cut it.”

“Oh, there’s plenty more where she came from,” the woman smirked. “Isn’t that right, Weavile?”

“Yeah!’ a black Pokémon with a prominent red crest leapt down from the trees.

Jessie and James looked at one another, then both grabbed a Poke Ball from their waists. Twilight watched as a black and orange pumpkin-like Pokémon and blue-pink floating cephalopod took shape above her mentor’s head.

“Looks like you’re outnumbered,” Jessie grinned right back.

“That’s the way it is,” Wobbuffet agreed.

“And we have Celestia on our side,” James said. “So you might as well just turn around and slink back to your boss right now.”

“He’s right,” Celestia addressed Houndoom and Weavile. “Surrender now or prepare to lose the fight.”

“Oh, don’t you worry,” the woman’s grin never faded. “We came well-prepared to deal with her majesty.” She mock-curtsied. “I’m Mable, by the way. Thought you should know the name of the woman who finally eliminated you pests.”

“I don’t care what your name is, whatever you’re planning won’t succeed!” Celestia insisted.

“Wait!” Twilight leapt out from behind her teacher. “She’s not with Team Rocket, not really! She’s been brainwashed or tricked or something, she didn’t mean to steal from you or attack your friends!”

“I very much did,” Celestia insisted right back.

Ignoring the two alicorns, Mable opened a pouch on her belt and extracted a small, dark sphere. The moment Twilight laid eyes on it, she doubled over and cried out as her mind was hit with a psychic scream of pain and fear. She scrunched up her eyes against the sudden mental assault, while with elder alicorn reimpose herself protectively.

“But don’t take my word for it!” Mable continued. “Come on out, Rhyperior!”

Celestia’s horn immediately unleashed a golden blast of energy at the woman, but Weavile leapt to intercept. Crossing its arms across its chest, it was enveloped by turquoise energy and caught the alicorn’s attack directly. The energy pattered against that barrier harmlessly, and behind that Mable tossed the ball high into the air.

In an explosion of black energy, a hulking grey Pokémon materialized onto the scene. It stood on two legs, with two massive arms bulging with muscle and a tail tipped with a rocklike wrecking ball. Heavily-armored orange scales protected its chest, shoulders, and head, while a massive drill-like horn emerged from its face where its nose should have been. But by the far the worst part was the eyes. Rhyperior’s eyes were empty and lifeless, and as it stared unblinkingly down at her Twilight saw nothing in them but the chill of the grave.

“W-What’s that?” she managed. The Rhyperior she’d met at Oak’s lab didn’t look like this at all. He had been perfectly amiable.

“That,” Celestia said grimly, “is a Dark Ball.”

“Impressed yet?” Mable grinned again from behind her hulking servant. “Well, save some for what happens next.”

The blue-haired woman snapped her fingers, and all four of the other humans pulled identical balls from their suits. As one, they tossed them high into the air.

“Go Nidoking!” one man called.

“Barbaracle, you’re on!” yelled a woman.

“Swampert, get them!”

“Toxicroak… go!” the last one managed.

Four more Pokémon appeared on either side of Rhyperior in the same dark energy. Though their appearances varied dramatically, to Twilight’s mounting horror she realized that each and every one of them had the exact same unblinking, dead eyes. Of the seven Pokémon now arrayed before them, Houndoom and Weavile alone had a gleam of intelligence and awareness to them. The rest… nothing.

“As you can see, it’s you who’s outnumbered.” Mable had a hand on her hip. “And I did my research on your little friend, so she won’t be saving you this time. But if you surrender right now, I promise I’ll make it quick. Otherwise, no guarantees.”

“If you think Team Rocket’s giving up to some blue-haired freak in a tacky outfit you’ve got another thing coming!” Jessie shouted up at her.

“You’ve got that right!” James raised a fist. “Celestia, Solar Beam on Rhyperior right now!”

The white alicorn drew freely from the warm sunlight, feeling the star’s power coursing through her veins. A golden aura coalesced around her horn, the unleashed itself as a coherent beam of destruction aimed straight for the massive grey Pokémon.

“A princess of the sun knows Solar Beam. Oh, shock and surprise.” Mable said drily, then snapped her fingers again. “Protect.”

Rhyperior crossed its arms before its chest, familiar turquoise energy enveloping it in a protective bubble. Solar Beam slammed into it, but the energy dissipated uselessly into the barrier, fury expended to no purpose.

“As you can see, I’m well-prepared for any scenario. I’ve studied your Pokémon and I know all their potential moves,” she continued. “And your princess is a known factor. Face it, the outcome of this equation is inevitable.” She shrugged. “You should have joined Team Flare instead. Now,” Mable pointed. “You five, get the white one. Houndoom, Weavile, finish off the kids.”

“Wait… WHAT?”

Rumble in the Woods (II)

“Alright Rhyperior, you’re on!” Mable leveled a finger at Celestia. “Take her out with Rock Wrecker!”

The massive Pokémon extended both hands, revealing holes in its palms. Gravel flowed from them, rapidly coalescing into twin boulders coated in a deep red energy. Rhyperior roared and launched both projectiles at white alicorn, one after the other.

“Celestia, use Protect!” James ordered.

Twilight flinched as both boulders slammed into the turquoise bubble enveloping her teacher and exploded with tremendous force, but breathed a sigh of relief when the smoke cleared and Celestia stood unharmed. Her relief was short-lived, because Houndoom and Weavile darted forwards at the same instant Mable gave her next orders.

“Don’t let up! Toxicroak, Poison Jab! Barbaracle, Razor Shell! Nidoking, Sludge Wave! Swampert, Hydro Pump!”

The blue aquatic Pokémon and towering purple opened their jaws at the same instant, unleashing torrents of water and purple-black sludge respectively. Yellow energy formed into crystal blue blades at the end of Barbaracle’s claws, while the spikes emerging from Toxicroak’s hands became sickly purple. Both empty-eyed monsters leapt directly forwards as one.

“Inkay, fight back with Psybeam on Nidoking!” James shouted.

“Pumpkaboo, Leech Seed on Swampert now!” Jessie commanded.

Jessie’s Pokemon spat several seeds from her mouth, while James’ turned upside down and unleashed a multicolored beam of psychic energy from a white spot on his forehead. Toxic sludge and a torrential downpour smashed into the straining alicorn’s defense even while both of Team Rocket’s attacks struck home. Nidoking was consumed in an explosion, while thick vines exploded from Pumpkaboo’s seeds and wrapped tightly about Swampert, sucking greedily at its energies.

Twilight didn’t have any time to process any of this, because at the same moment Houndoom and Weavile had gone wide around either side of Celestia and the other Pokémon. Houndoom immediately rounded on the prone Ash, Serena, and Clemont, opening her jaws wide. Flames began licking the back of her throat, but the black Pokémon was thrown aside as the purple alicorn blindsided her with a full-body tackle.

On the other side, Weavile leapt for the prone form of Clemont, razor-sharp claws aglow with silvery energy. She was so intent on her target she almost missed the yellow blur flying towards her from the right. Almost, but not quite. Weavile hurled herself downwards at the last second, ducking beneath Pikachu’s Quick Attack. But the lightweight yellow Pokémon caught himself quickly, and the moment Weavile whirled to face him she caught an Iron Tail directly in the face.

As all that was happening, Celestia was struggling against the combined deluge of sludge and water. She had precious little time to react as both Toxicroak and Barbaracle appeared on either side of her. Claws and spikes alike punched into the side of her barrier, and it was more than it could take. Protect shattered, and both Pokémon went instantly for the kill. Celestia’s wings beat frantically, carrying her from the earth an instant before both physical attacks slammed into the spot she’d been standing, gouging deep furrows into the earth.

“Don’t let her get away!” Mable called.

“Wobbuffet, get in there with Counter!” Jessie commanded.

Toxicroak and Barbaracle leapt after the retreating princess, only to get a blobby blue Pokémon in their faces instead. Claws and spikes slammed into the red aura enveloping his body, then both were hurdled backwards by the reflected energies of their own attacks. Both hit the ground with painful-looking thud – but both immediately rose again. Behind them, Celestia’s eyes widened as Swampert tore Pumpkaboo’s vines from its body with a single mighty flex. The smoke about Nidoking cleared, revealing a snarling and scorched but unhindered purple biped.

“Rhyperior, Stone Edge!”

The massive Pokémon pointed one hand at Celestia, and a veritable barrage of sharp, glowing rocks tore through the air like bullets. The alicorn rose into the air as fast as she could, but not fast enough. Several sharp stones caught her in the side, and she screamed and careened into a tree branch.

“That’s the way!” Mable clenched her fist. “Horn Drill, now!”

“Wobbuffet, use Counter!”

Rhyperior’s drill-like horn started spinning on its face, picking up speed as the massive Pokemon charged. It barreled through the forest like a wrecking ball, smashing aside branches and trampling brush under its massive feet. Wobbuffet leapt into its path, red aura enveloping his body, but Rhyperior never even slowed. It stabbed Jessie’s Pokémon full on with its horn, and for a moment the two were deadlocked. The next instant Wobbuffet was hurled back like a child’s toy, smacking into the ground face-first and skidding into the dirt all the way back to Team Rocket’s feet.

“Wobbuffet, no!” Jessie cried, rushing to his side. “Are you alright?”

“Wobb…” he managed, painfully.

“You’ve earned a good rest,” Jessie pulled out a Poke Ball. “Now return.”

Even while the blue Pokemon disappeared back into his ball, Twilight was rolling on the ground in a frantic wrestling match with Houndoom. As they rolled, the devil-dog snapped at the princess’ face with vicious-looking fangs. Twilight flinched back, then smashed her head into the Pokémon’s face, horn first. Houndoom yelped, then unleashed a point-blank Flamethrower that sent the princess scrambling to get off her. Houndoom leapt to her feet, snarling – only to immediately be struck by lightning.

“Got your back,” Twilight heard Pikachu’s voice.

Wobbuffet’s move had given Celestia time to recover, and she was back in the air again, Pumpkaboo and Inkay at her side. Barbaracle and Toxicroak had already leapt into the tree branches in pursuit, while Nidoking and Swampert were storming forwards to join them.

“Concentrate your attacks on the princess!” Mable ordered. “Use Poison Jab and Razor Shell!”

“Inkay, Foul Play! Celestia, Flamethrower on Toxicroak!”

“Pumpkaboo, Shadow Ball on Barbaracle!”

Jessie’s orange Pokémon formed a dark ball of energy around her mouth, launching it straight into the massive shellfish’s face and sending it plummeting from the trees. Toxicroak leapt for Celestia with spikes alight, but Inkay caught the much larger Pokemon in the face with his tentacles. Surprisingly strong, he flipped the poisonous frog around in the air and flung it back towards the ground. The moment it struck the earth, a cone of yellow-orange flames enveloped it.

“So that’s how it is? Fine, Nidoking, Sludge Wave on Pumpkaboo. Swampert, Hydro Pump on Inkay.”

“Dodge it!”

The three scattered as both attacks rose to meet them, flying in separate directions through the forest. As Nidoking mindlessly tracked Pumpkaboo with its toxin, Celestia turned and unleashed Flamethrower on it. The massive purple creature staggered back under the assault and its attack ceased. Behind the princess’ back, Inkay was not so lucky. Swampert caught him with a torrent of water, tossing him roughly into a tree branch. He fell to the ground, and before he had a chance to recover Barbaracle was on him. It rained down vicious blows with the blue blades extending from its claws, pummeling poor Inkay mercilessly again and again before he could so much as move.

“Inkay!” James cried in alarm, thrusting his ball forwards. “Return now!”

Inkay vanished in red light before his pitiless foe was completely done with him, but it was a close thing.

“Two down,” Mable grinned. “And two to go.”

Weavile leapt nimbly from branch to branch, dodging lightning high above Pikachu’s head. Her longer legs and experience gave her the edge, while the yellow Pokémon was compelled to stay close to his trainer and friends. After leaping past one Thunderbolt, she whirled in midair and hurled shards of razor-sharp ice down at her foe. Pikachu dodged himself and most buried themselves in the soil, but one struck him the forehead. He hit the ground on his back, several yards away.

Weavile landed agilely on another tree branch and raised her arms. Another Ice Shard rapidly coalesced into being, but before it could be unleashed a multicolored beam of psychic energy erupted from behind her. Twilight watched with satisfaction as Psybeam shattered the branch at its base, sending a startled Weavile plummeting. Another Thunderbolt struck home on the way down, rendering her skeleton briefly visible. She had no time to recover before Pikachu had leapt into the air and brought another Iron Tail down on her with all the force of a meteor strike.

Twilight saw Weavile feebly struggle for just a moment, before at last slumping back into unconsciousness. That was when Houndoom’s Flamethrower took her in the side.

“Rhyperior, Stone Edge once more!”

“Nidoking, help out with Sludge Wave!” a Flare grunt added.

“Celestia, counter with Protect!”

“Pumpkaboo, Dark Pulse!”

Rhyperior and Nidoking looked up, dead eyes locking onto the alicorn. The former unleashed another hail of sharp stones from its palms, the latter more purple-black toxic sludge. Turquoise energy enveloped Celestia protectively as both attacks slammed home in another explosion. The smoke engulfed her, obscuring her sight.

From another angle, Pumpkaboo opened her mouth again, this time unleashing a beam of her own black-purple energy directly at Nidoking. It caught the purple Pokémon in the side of its head, knocking it backwards several steps and ending its own attack.

“Strike while the iron is hot!” James ordered. “Use Hyper Voice on Nidoking!”

Celestia abruptly stopped flapping her wings and released Protect, dropping like a stone while Rhyperior’s shards embedded themselves in the tree where she had just been. The princess hit the ground on all four legs but didn’t hesitate in opening her mouth as wide as possible. In the crucial second between when Rhyperior noticed her and when it shifted aim, she let out an incoherent scream of outrage as a massive sonic blast.

Rhyperior was forced backwards as it was struck, digging its claws deep into the earth to halt its progress after a few feet. The already weakened Nidoking, on the other hand, was blasted from his feet altogether and flung straight through a pair of trees before finally coming to an abrupt stop against the third. He collapsed in a limp heap, leaving a massive indent in the wood, sap leaking everywhere.

Celestia barely had time to give a slight snort before she caught movement in the corner of her eye. She whipped her head about.

“Pumpkaboo, watch out!” the princess cried.


The little orange Pokémon barely had a split second to look around before Toxicroak leapt from a tree branch behind her. Poison Jab slammed home, a toxic spike delivered cleanly into Pumpkaboo’s back. She crashed roughly into the underbrush, skidding a good distance across the forest floor. Barbaracle flexed its claws and started towards her, but she vanished back into Jessie’s Poke Ball before it could finish the job.

“One little princess, left all alone.”

Twilight screamed as she burned under the white-hot flames of Houndoom. She beat her wings desperately, rising frantically from the forest floor, but the heat of Flamethrower followed her. Eyes screwed up against agony and fire alike, she hit her head on a branch as she tried to fly away. The sharp crack only added to the pain of it all.

Then, without warning, the pain stopped and there was a sharp howl. Twilight opened her eyes just in time to see Houndoom getting electrocuted by an incredibly angry yellow Pokémon. The devil dog turned and opened her jaws again, this time firing a beam of dark energy. Pikachu all but vanished as he dodged, charging straight at the much larger Pokémon to slam straight into her horned skull with Quick Attack. She staggered back several steps, shaking her injured head heavily.

All at once, Twilight saw her chance. Gathering multicolored energy about her horn, in just a fraction of a second the alicorn unleashed a Psybeam attack, but not at Houndoom. Instead of uselessly glancing off the Dark-type Pokémon, it sliced through the trunk of the nearest tree. Pikachu darted out of the way, but Houndoom was too dazed to do more than look up in confusion when a fifty-year-old oak up and toppled over on top of her.

There was a great crash and a rustle of leaves, the earth itself bearing a faint tremor. Only Houndoom’s head and front paw were left visible, lying limp and pinned by several thousand pounds of solid wood. Twilight couldn’t help but give her downed foe a spiteful glare. Pikachu looked up at the alicorn, then gave an encouraging nod.

“Come on!” she shouted down at him. “We’ve got to help Princess Celestia!”

“Right,” he nodded again.

“Rhyperior, let’s finish this! Use Rock Wrecker once more!”

“Dodge it!” James ordered.

Stones began emerging from the grey giant’s palms once again, forming up rapidly into fresh boulders coated with deep red energy. Celestia beat her wings hard, rising higher and higher until she punched through the forest canopy altogether. The princess disappeared through the hole into the open sky, leaving the enemy to stare awkwardly at the space she had just occupied.

“Target Team Rocket!” Mable pointed without missing a beat. “Obliterate them now!”

Rhyperior whirled around, roared, and then launched both boulders straight at the trio. Now defenseless and without any Pokémon, all Jessie, James, and Meowth could do was scream and hold one another as the attack closed in. At the last second, there was a flash of white followed by a flash of turquoise, and then finally an explosion.

“There she is!” one of the slower grunts pointed out as the smoke cleared.

Mable grinned. “I knew that’d get her.”

Protect faded away with the smoke, leaving Celestia to stand between Team Rocket and Rhyperior, Toxicroak, Swampert, and Barbaracle with wings flared and a defiant look on her face. But it escaped no one’s notice that the white alicorn was beginning to breath harder.

“Alright Celestia, we can still win this!” James insisted. “Solar Beam, let’s go!”

“Geez, are you really that stupid? Rhyperior, Protect.”

Celestia drew again on the warm sun’s power as more golden light appeared around her horn. She lowered her head at her massive grey-orange adversary, which promptly folded both arms about its chest and encased itself in yet another protective bubble. The princess kept her horn leveled at it as the charge built over what couldn’t have been more than a second or two but felt like a lifetime. James smiled and gave her a slight nod.

At the last possible second, Celestia whipped her head around and unleashed the full golden fury of her Solar Beam. The brilliant energy tore through the forest and struck not Rhyperior, but Barbaracle. The startled Pokémon had no time to dodge the golden light, taking the full force of the impact. When the smoke cleared, it lay at the end of a shallow trench twenty yards long, totally inert.

“You’re only delaying the inevitable,” Mable sounded annoyed as she extracted another Dark Ball from her pouch. “Go, Fearow!”

This time it was an enormous bird that materialized in the dark energy. It was a deep brown, with a long beak, red crest, and soulless eyes. It shrieked an incoherent war cry.

“Attack Team Rocket all together! Swampert, Hammer Arm! Toxicroak, Poison Jab! Fearow, Drill Peak!”

The three Pokémon charged all together, fist and claws and beak all alight with energy.

“Celestia, counter with Hyper Voice!”

The alicorn princess stood her ground, head held high despite the sweat running down her neck. As her foes closed the distance she cleared her throat, opened her mouth, and took in a deep breath. Then, with all the disgust and moral indignation that she could muster, Celestia released a scream of pure, incandescent rage. The massive shockwave ripped branches from tree, tore out bushes by the roots, and tossed all three adversaries about like leaves in a hurricane. Unfortunately, the tremendous noise also drowned out all sound of Mable’s voice in her ears.

This time, Celestia barely got a second’s warning before an enormous boulder, easily twice the size of her head, tore through the air. Rhyperior’s Rock Wrecker at last struck home, and its effect on a Fire-type was utterly devastating. Team Rocket cried out in horror as the princess went soaring through the sky like a baseball in a home run. She struck the earth like a meteor, kicking up dust and driving a crater straight into the ground.

“Celestia!” James cried, extending a Poke Ball. “Retu-”

“Now there’ll be none of that!” Mable leveled a finger. “Stone Edge!”

Team Rocket screamed and scattered as sharp chunks of jagged rocks embedded themselves in the ground all around them. Dual streams of rock chased Jessie, James, and Meowth as they frantically scampered for the faint cover of the trees. Stone Edge punched holes straight through the wood, leaving trees to totter and fall.

“Swampert, take Jessie. Toxicroak, eliminate James. Fearow, get Meowth.”

The three Pokémon set off in hot pursuit, leaping through the branches and bounding across the forest floor with claws and fists shining bright. Team Rocket scattered even further as they desperately ran for their lives. There was no one left who could watch as Celestia struggled to her hooves, eyes scrunched up against the pain, then collapsed back to her knees at the lip of the crater.

“Let’s finish this now. Rhyperior,” Mable folded her arms, “kill Celestia with Rock Wrecker.”

Rhyperior let out a triumphant roar as yet more rocky debris flowed from its palms. Twin boulders took shape rapidly, their red sheen giving the brainwashed Pokemon and even more sinister aspect. It leveled both hands at the struggling white alicorn.

Mable gave a faint grin. “Do it.”

Rhyperior roared, and in its roar, it neglected to pay any attention to its flanks. It didn’t notice a yellow blur racing through the underbrush, didn’t see a little yellow Pokémon take a leap. At the last possible instant it caught movement in the corner of it eye, but by then it was much too late.

Pikachu’s Iron Tail came down like a thunderclap, taking Rhyperior straight between the eyes. The towering Pokémon staggered back against the pain of the hammer blow to its skull, launching its twin projectiles in completely random directions by pure reflex. They reduced two trees to mere splinters, but did nothing to prevent the beam of multicolored psychic energy that swept across its chest a fraction of a second later. The explosion drove the grey beast further onto its back foot. Rhyperior tripped over a massive tangle of roots, crashing backwards onto the forest floor with the force of an avalanche.

“What?!” Mable’s head whirled around, visor rapidly sifting through visual data. It quickly picked up on Pikachu and, above him, a purple alicorn baring an expression of such pure, incandescent rage that even the Team Flare Scientist felt a faint sheen of sweat forming.

Pikachu leapt atop the stricken Rhyperior before it could recover and began pounding on it with Iron Tail after Iron Tail, but the snarling princess ignored the huge Pokémon entirely. She leveled her horn at Team Flare and unleashed another Psybeam. The multicolored energy raked across the ground and towards the humans, who scattered and ducked. Mable dodged beneath the attack, but two of her grunts were caught and flung in different directions into tree and bushes. A Dark Ball fell from one of their belts, and Psybeam streaked across it as well. The black and grey orb sparked, then exploded in a surge of dark energy.

At that same instant, the forest rang out with a piercing howl. Toxicroak, about to leap at James with poisonous spikes glowing, suddenly threw back its head and let out a piercing, unnatural wail. Dark energies crackled about it for a few seconds, then stopped just as suddenly as they had begun. The smoking Pokémon tottered in the breeze for just a moment, then toppled over like a felled tree and lay still.

There was a moment of silence as all eyes stared at the downed Pokémon. Team Rocket looked shocked, James breathed a sigh of relief. The Team Flare grunts that weren’t already slumped across the ground cringed back. Twilight’s head turned ever so slowly back towards the red-suited humans, a knowing gleam in her eye and a disturbingly malicious grin painted across her face.

Mable threw herself to the side as more Psybeams cut a swathe through the forest floor. She rolled nimbly, dodging one, but her subordinates were less lucky. First one then the other of her two standing grunts were caught by the multicolored energy. They screamed, and a Dark Ball one had on his waist was zeroed in on and destroyed. Swampert, still pursuing Jessie, let out another unnatural wail as more dark energy enveloped it, before likewise collapsing in a limp heap.

“Rhyperior!” Mable screamed. “Get up! Stone Edge on the purple one now!”

The massive grey Pokémon, despite the beating it had received, shoved itself to its feet with a single massive push. Pikachu was thrown free of it and landed on his feet, but was ignored as Rhyperior immediately rounded on Twilight. It fired yet another hailstorm of rock shards up at her. Psybeam rushed to meet it and the two deadlocked for just a moment before the enhanced Pokémon’s attack pushed through the alicorn’s. Twilight was blasted from the air in another explosion.

“That’s the way!” Mable cheered.

“Pikachu!” James’ voice rang out. “Oh I’ve always want to say this – use Thunderbolt!”

“I don’t take orders from you!” Pikachu snapped, then flinched as Rhyperior rounded on him. “Ah whatever.”

Pikachu turned, ran up the side of a tree, and leapt into the air over Rhyperior’s head. Cheeks sparking he unleashed a truly titanic bolt of lightning that soared right over the Pokémon to descend directly on Mable’s head. The Flare scientist screamed, skeleton flashing in and out, as she received the single most potent electrocution of her life. Dark Balls at her waist cracked and then, overwhelmed by sheer voltage, shorted out. Rhyperior and Fearow cried out as well, dark energies enveloping them. Then, like a set of dominoes, all three of them toppled over into the bush and lay still.

Pikachu landed, and the forest was quiet.

Rest Well

“Ooooh… my head…” Ash moaned.

“Ash?!” came a booming voice from somewhere. “Are you alright?”

“Come on, speak to us please!” came another, equally unrecognizable voice.

Ash cracked open an eye with great effort, only to immediately slam it shut again against the blinding light of the sun. As awareness slowly returned to his brain and voices continued, he summoned up more energy to try again. This time he squinted, flinched, and quickly brought up a hand to block out the cruel glare overhead. His eyes began to adjust, and soon the vague shapes around him resolved into several familiar faces.

“Ash!” Serena smiled and clasped her hands together. “Are you alright? Does anything hurt?”

“You took quite a shock there,” Clemont explained. “All three of us did.”

“Pikachu,” the little yellow Pokémon said, scratching the back of his head.

“I’m – nrgh – fine,” Ash managed as he forced himself to sit up, ignoring the ache in his muscles. “How’s everybody else doing? How’s…” his eyes widened as memories came flooding back. “How’s Twilight? And what happened with-” he caught sight of something beyond the friends clustered about him and sat bolt upright. “Team Rocket?!” The young trainer immediately screwed up his eyes and clenched his teeth as the muscles in his back and chest screamed like they were on fire.

“Easy there,” Serena cautioned, putting a hand on his shoulder. “We all took a really nasty shock back there and it takes a few minutes for you to start feeling normal again.”

“Never mind me,” Ash insisted. “Is everybody else alright?”

“We’re fine,” Clemont assured him. “This isn’t the first time any of us have taken Pokémon attacks, the Thunderbolt wasn’t nearly enough to do serious or permanent damage.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Ash said in a lower tone. “But what happened to Twilight? When we got zapped didn’t that leave her alone out here? And can someone tell me why we’re camping right next to Team Rocket?”

“You didn’t leave her alone, you left me here too!” Bonnie said from behind him. When Ash turned, she had hands on her hips and a pout on her face. But after a moment, it softened. “I was really worried for you all, you know?”

“I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He looked back at Serena, Clemont, and Pikachu. “Or to get you guys hurt.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” Serena said quickly. “It was Team Rocket that sent the attack back at us, and they’ve almost never done something like that before, much less so well. How could you have expected it?”

“Maybe…” Ash bit his lip. “But can someone please tell me what’s going on here?”

“Do you want me to tell him?” Clemont asked softly. “Or-”

“I’ll tell him,” Bonnie declared. “I saw it all.”

“Are you sure?” Clemont said. “I know it must have been hard for you to watch, and I don’t-”

“I’ll tell him!” Bonnie insisted emphatically.

“Alright,” Ash held up his hands. “What happened? Why are we next to Team Rocket?” He looked past the others again. “And why are there so many Pokémon laid out on the ground?”

It was true, there were a number of blankets and mats spread out on the forest floor, and Pokémon of all kinds laid out on them. Ash recognized Twilight, Celestia, Inkay, Pumpkaboo, and Wobbuffet, but there were others he was sure that he hadn’t met before. He also saw what looked to be several empty bottles of Potion and Super Potion scattered about rather carelessly.

Bonnie sighed and looked down a bit. “Well, after you all got zapped, Team Rocket was trying to convince Twilight to go with them.”

“They didn’t just try to steal her and Pikachu?” Ash blinked.

“Don’t interrupt me!” the little girl said, before regaining poise and continuing. “Anyway, they didn’t seem to get anyway before these horrible people in tacky clothes called Team Flare came out from the woods. They had these weird black Poke Balls and the Pokémon that came out of them… something wasn’t right.”

Weird black Poke Balls? Ash wondered, a faint memory niggling at him.

“They said they were here for Team Rocket, then this blue-haired lady told her Pokemon to… to…” Bonnie hesitated for a moment, then swallowed. “To kill you guys.”

Ash’s eyes widened. Bonnie fell into silence, looking down at her feet.

“I understand this is hard for you,” Clemont put a hand on his sister’s shoulder. “If you want to let me finish it and you take a break, that’s just fine.”

“No…” she said, taking a deep breath. “I’ll finish it.”

“If you’re sure,” he nodded, but his expression remained worried.

“A-Anyway… there was a big fight with lots of Pokémon, and it seemed like they wanted to get rid of us and Team Rocket together. I didn’t see everything, but it was looking real bad until one of the weird Poke Balls got blown up. That made one of the bad Pokémon just fall over and faint. Then they kept doing that, and Pikachu zapped the evil lady really hard, and when she fainted too everything was over.” She looked up. “All of Team Rocket’s Pokémon were really hurt, so they started taking care of them and haven’t done anything to bother us. The other Pokemon are here too, but I don’t know what’s happening with them.”

“So those,” Ash looked at the strange, unconscious Pokémon, “are the ones from the weird Poke Balls?”

“Yeah,” Bonnie looked sadly at them. “I think those things must have done something really bad to them, because they haven’t woken up at all and it’s been hours.”

Ash’s frown deepened.

“Are you feeling any better?” Twilight asked Celestia from the blanket where she lay.

Her mentor was covered in bandages, enveloping her chest, wings, and perhaps half of her face in linen. She’d been lying there for hours, but the purple alicorn absolutely refused to let the elder white one out of her sight while she was this injured. She’d watched James like a hawk when he’d applied medicine, but so far as she could tell it was ordinary Super Potion. She’d tried it herself to be sure.

Celestia creaked one eye open and gave a faint smile. “Since the last time you asked me that? Yes, I believe I am.”

“That’s a relief,” Twilight said. “Rock Wrecker is a high-powered Rock-type move, super effective against Fire-types and further boosted by the same type attack bonus, so it would really have done a number on you.”

“I had realized as much, yes,” her mentor said a little drily.

“Heh heh, I… shouldtotallyhaverealizedthat…” Twilight trailed off awkwardly.

“I appreciate your vigilance over my health,” the white alicorn said, “but I was not the only one injured in this clash. You ought to get some rest as well, while you can. I believe that you will need it.”

“At least we’re together again,” Twilight gave a slight smile. “So whatever comes next can’t be so bad.”

“Oh, my little pony,” now Celestia just looked exhausted, “I fear the worst is yet to come.”

Meanwhile, far to the north of where the two princesses recuperated, another clash rocked the earth. Deep in the twisting maze of cavern systems beneath Kalos’ many mountains, a titanic blue and black deerlike Pokémon, long antlers gleaming like gemstones, faced a veritable army of Pokémon led by a far larger blue serpent amidst a wide cavern filled with shining green gemstones.

“Swalot!” cried a man in a red-orange suit, “Use Sludge Bomb on Xerneas!”

“Golbat, use Sludge Bomb as well!” a similarly-dressed woman shouted.

As orders were shouted, dozens more Pokemon scattered throughout the massive cave opened up with a barrage of mostly Poison-type attacks. All save for Gyarados, who curled protectively around it trainer with fangs showing. Lysandre stood there, arms behind his back, and observed the action with a neutral expression on his face.

Xerneas leaped as the mass of projectiles converged on it, a deceptively graceful movement that appeared entirely unhurried. It soared hundreds of feet, bound loosely by gravity if at all, and came down easily atop a massive shining gemstone. The spot it had just left was already coated in countless varieties of poisonous slime, light fading from the crystals as toxins ate away at the fruits of millions of years of geological processes.

The majestic Legendary simply looked down at the startled humans and Pokémon for a moment, cocking its head slightly as though considering something. It looked back at darkened spot of the cavern, now hissing and smoking as rock melted, and then back at them. Its crystalline antlers blazed into life like a blinding noonday sun.

“Use Protect,” Lysandre ordered calmly.

Gyarados lowered its head in front of its trainer, a turquoise bubble enveloping both not a moment too soon. Dozens of rays of rainbow-colored light swept through Team Flare’s ranks, interspersed with sparkles so bright and perfect they looked like nothing so much as floating diamonds. The next moment, the beams seemed to join together into one all-consuming wave of blistering fey energies. Many of Team Flare’s Pokémon were Poison-type, the better to resist such an attack. That proved not to matter at all.

Red-suited humans and their Pokémon all cried out as they were first blinded, then blasted from their feet by the sheer overwhelming power of the attack. They were caught like so much debris by a tornado, tossed about as though they weighed nothing. Pokémon that should have resisted the attack were knocked out in a single hit. In seconds, what had seemed a force to be reckoned with was reduced to just one man and his Pokémon, huddled underneath their protective barrier.

“So, this is the power of a Legendary’s Dazzling Gleam,” Lysandre mused. “Impressive.”

Xerneas leapt down from its perch, staring as if curious about the monstrous blue serpent that now stood alone against it. Light slowly faded away from its horns, and in response the protective barrier dissolved away as well. Gyarados, undaunted by this display of raw power, reared up to its full height and roared a challenge. The cavern’s crystals visibly vibrated from the deafening call, small bits of dust and rock fell from the ceiling. Perhaps in answer, the smaller Pokémon raked one hoof across the rocky ground.

Lysandre pointed at it. “Hyper Beam.”

Immediately, a sphere of yellow and orange energy appeared in the midst of Gyarados’s open maw, and then was fired as a titanic beam of annihilation. It tore a visible rut into the cavern’s solid rock floor, zeroing in on Xerneas. But the Legendary was no longer there. It had already made another leap, not away from Gyarados but directly towards it.

Xerneas flew well over the Hyper Beam and landed straight in front of the great serpent. Temporarily paralyzed by the output of its own move, Gyarados could do nothing for a crucial second as the Legendary’s horns lit up in angry red and yellow. It leapt straight for Gyarados’ neck, and with a thunderous impact the frail-looking deer drove itself so hard into the monstrous muscled water dragon that the latter’s head was driven to smash straight through a crystal and take a notable chunk of the rock behind.

“Giga Impact!” Lysandre’s eyes briefly widened, then quickly returned to their customary scowl. “Gyarados, don’t give up! Use Aqua Tail, quickly!”

Despite the many crushed scales and the damaged crest atop its head, Lysandre’s most loyal Pokémon brought its blue tail around quickly, crashing into Xerneas’ side while it was itself temporarily paralyzed. It was flung a short ways and cracked a rock itself with the impact, but nonetheless landed on its feet and shook its head briefly. Gyarados rose back up as well, but Lysandre could hear his friend’s heavy breathing and see bits of broken scale and rock raining from atop its head.

“Finish this, quickly!” he called out. “Iron Head!”

Without hesitation, Gyarados roared and hurled itself at its foe, head quickly becoming enveloped in silver light. Xerneas answered the charge with one of its own, horns again flaring red and yellow. Iron Head and Giga Impact slammed into one another with an earthshaking explosion, hurling both combatants back. Gyarados flew through the air, collided with a stalactite, and then crashed back to the ground and lay still. Lysandre’s heart was, for just a moment, caught in his throat.

Then a second heavy thud alerted him to where Xerneas had landed. The deerlike Pokemon was at the end of a short trench gouged into the rock by its fall. It was obviously injured, but already struggling to rise again. It was now or never.

Team Flare’s leader grabbed a grey and black ball from his belt, doubled its size with the push of a button, and then hurled it at the Legendary Pokémon with all the strength he possessed. The Dark Ball struck Xerneas in the face, opened wide, and swallowed up the startled creature in a vortex of black energy. It snapped shut behind its victim and fell neatly to the cave’s floor, crackling with more energy. But Lysandre’s mind was no longer there.

“Gyarados,” he said, extending an ordinary red and white ball, “you’ve earned a long rest, old friend. Return now.”

The injured and sprawled out blue serpent vanished back into its ball in red light. Lysandre stared at it for a moment, hand shaking just a little. Then the pang was gone, and he put it away with another frown. He returned his gaze to the Dark Ball, still twitching and sparking with its sinister energy.

“It will all be worth it in the end,” he promised in a low voice. “It will all have been worth it.”

Only silence was there to answer.


“A Dark Ball?!” Ash recoiled as though physically struck. “You’re kidding!”

“Read my lips, twerp,” Jessie said with a hand on her hip and scowl on her face. “Each and every one of those funny-looking balls Team Fashion Victim was carrying was a Dark Ball.”

“But how?” the young boy asked. “Where would they get them? Weren’t they all destroyed back in Ilex Forest?”

“How should I know where they came from? I thought they were all gone when that Iron-Masked Marauder creep was dragged away to prison. Ask him, maybe he had a secret stockpile in his basement or something.” Jessie shrugged. “But if you’re asking where Team Flare got so many, then-”

“Uh, beg your pardon,” Serena coughed. “But what’s a Dark Ball?”

“I was wondering the same thing,” Clemont nodded. “I’ve read about every type of Poke Ball ever publicly produced or even conceptualized, and I’ve never heard of anything that matches up with what you’re describing.”

“They’re your pals,” Jessie prodded Ash. “You tell them.”

“Right,” he turned around, a deep frown on his face. “Dark Balls are a sick, twisted kind of Poke Ball that take away a Pokémon’s free will and reduce it to a mindless fighting machine. I’ve only seen them being used once, in Ilex Forest in the Johto Region, years ago. There was this man called the Iron-Masked Marauder who used one to capture Celebi. It got really bad, and Celebi almost died breaking free, but in the end he lost and his Pokémon were all set free. When he was taken away, I thought we’d seen the last of them.”

“And so did we,” Jessie said. “Until a few weeks ago, when we spotted one being carried north to Laverre by none other than Lysandre.”



“Why would a man like Lysandre be carrying an item like that?” Clemont asked with wide eyes. “He’s well-known as a lover of Pokémon.”

“Because he’s Team Flare’s leader, duh.” Jessie rolled her eyes. “Honestly, you twerps can’t even see through the simplest ruses.”

“And why should we believe you? You lie to us all the time!”

“Cause last time ya didn’t and thanks ta dat we’re up to our armpits in evil Poke Balls,” Meowth walked right into the conversation without a moment’s pause.

“He’s right!” James joined in from where he’d been sitting down. “You lot should be on your hands and knees begging us for forgiveness!”

“Oh yeah?” Ash looked him in the eyes. “And why’s that?”

“Because it’s your fault those Team Flare goons have as many Dark Balls as they feel like carrying,” Jessie told them.

“What?!” Ash reeled back.

“No way!” Serena gasped.

“It couldn’t be!” Clemont insisted.

“Chu!” Pikachu said.

“Well when ya stopped us from breakin’ dose machines at da factory, ya made it all possible for ‘dem. What’d ya think we were doin’, smashin’ stuff for fun?”

“Pretty much, yeah,” Serena said immediately.

“You twerps really think that little of us?!” James snapped.

“You guys have an unhealthy obsession with showboating,” Clemont observed. “If you just stuck to your goals you’d be much more dangerous. I thought you were there to steal Poke Balls and decided to wreck the place so no one else could have any.”

“And the fact that we weren’t hauling giant sacks of Poke Balls around didn’t tip you off that something was wrong with that theory?”

“Well, no,” Serena replied. “When was the last time you guys pulled off a theft more complicated than an eat and run at a buffet?”

“I resent that remark even if it is true!” James halfway shouted.

Anyway, you idiots lost track of da point. We were in da factory ‘cause we knew Team Flare wanted ta use it ta make more Dark Balls, so we were tryin’ ta make sure dat dey couldn’t,” Meowth explained. “Den Lysandre played you chumps like a two-bit fiddle and interrupted our delicate operation.”

“The boss wants those Dark Balls gone,” Jessie told them. “But now thanks to you who knows how many could be wandering around? Team Flare had hours to run the Laverre factory.”

“Even operating at a quarter of capacity, well over three hundred Poke Balls can be produced in Laverre in a single hour,” Clemont breathed.

“Well now you know how miss blue, tacky, and murderous got hers.” Jessie folded her arms across her chest.

“If what you’re saying is true, and I think it is,” Ash nodded at Bonnie, “then we have to do something.”

“But what can we do?” Clemont asked. “Assuming we believe all of this, how are we supposed to stop Team Flare? We don’t know how many Dark Balls they might have, what their plan is, or even where their primary headquarters is.”

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out,” James said.

“We stole all dat data from Team Flare’s big Lumiose base for a reason, ya know. We needed more info on were dey live and what dey were up to so we can stop ‘em real good.”

“And what did you find out?” Serena asked.

“Nothing yet, the files are too heavily encrypted.” James shook his head.

“But no file is safe from Team Rocket’s hackers!” Jessie said. “We’ll break through them eventually and when we do, look out!”

“I see,” Serena put a hand to her chin, considering as her friends did likewise.

“You know,” Ash said after a moment had passed. “There might be an easier way.”

“And what’s that supposed to be?”

In answer, Clemont pointed behind Team Rocket, to a tree where Mable and four other members of Team Flare were securely bound. Houndoom, jaws and legs all tied together, was bunched up at their feet. Weavile dangled from a tree branch, encased in so much rope it looked like nothing so much as a cocoon.

“Ask them.”

“I still don’t trust them,” Twilight half-whispered, a conspiratorial hoof over her mouth. “Team Rocket, I mean.”

“And why would that be?” Celestia said from where she lay, not even opening an eye.

“Even if Team Flare is out to get them, it doesn’t make them the good guys,” Twilight said, watching the humans out of the corner of her eyes. “Evil can fight amongst themselves. Remember what happened with Tirek and Discord?”

Wearily, the elder alicorn cracked open a single eye. “And what makes you so certain that they are, in fact, evil?”

“Preponderance of evidence,” Twilight argued. “While I admit that I may have… overestimated their skills just a teensy tiny bit…”

Celestia couldn’t quite hide the tiniest of smiles.

“The fact remains,” her former student continued, “that Team Rocket is well-known in the Kanto Region as a gang of thieves and criminals with tendrils extending throughout the region’s underworld. Theft, sabotage, racketeering, black marketeering, vandalism, the kidnap and sale of trained Pokémon, failure to pay library fines…” she shook her head. “You name it, and Team Rocket has likely dabbled in it. And the fact that one Jessie, James, and Meowth have all been seen in close pursuit of Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town for years is a matter of public record. Ever since an incident in Viridian City at a Pokémon Center, they’ve cropped up in news accounts and police reports across the region and beyond!”

“How do you know all that?” Celestia asked.

“Oh, I did some light reading on the history of the trainer who captured me while I was at Professor Oak’s lab. In between the research on the state of interdimensional travel and the nature of Pokémon, it made for an interesting side project. Also, I did some extra research on Team Rocket in particular after I'd heard they had you back in Laverre.”

“I see.” Celestia supposed that some things never changed. “But I think you fail to account for a few factors, Princess Twilight.”

“Oh really?” the purple alicorn cocked her head. “Like what?”

“Granting for the sake of it that all that you say is true, have they ever actually succeeded in robbing a child? In all of the reports and stories that you glanced over, did they ever steal your friend’s Pokémon and get away with them?”

“Well…” Twilight tapped her chin. “Not really. Most of the stories I read ended with them flying over the horizon only to survive and come back in the next week or so… somehow. When I heard they had you, I thought that had to be a ploy.”

“And do you now?”

“Given that they were on the verge of dying to Team Flare back there?” Twilight frowned a bit. “I’m… reconsidering that particular hypothesis.”

“I thought you would be. So, my first point would be that even if they are evil as you say, they are incredibly incompetent at it and hence a much lesser threat than the likes of Lysandre and Team Flare,” Celestia closed her eye again and laid her head back down. “This supports what I’ve seen during my time traveling with them. As I believe I have mentioned, I had to plan their heist against Team Flare’s data storage.”

“I guess I can see how you might draw that conclusion.”

“Secondly, whether or not their leader, Giovanni, wishes Team Flare and the Dark Balls eliminated for altruistic purposes or not it seems indisputable to me that he does sincerely want that. I have seen him giving these three and other agents orders with my own eyes. Every evidence suggests he feels roughly the same as I do, even if it is not for what I would consider the correct reasons. It would be far from the first time I have had to deal with somepony wishing to do the right thing for all the wrong reasons. I would not allow whatever these humans are scheming to come to fruition, and if Giovanni wishes to help I will take what I can get.” The white alicorn sighed. “Not everypony is as selfless and you and your friends, Twilight. That does not mean they cannot do the right thing.”

“I see,” the other princess frowned again.

“Thirdly and perhaps most crucially,” Celestia opened one eye wearily, “I believe in redemption. Can you honestly say that even if I grant you that all the crimes you accuse them of are true that they are responsible for even a thousandth of the suffering Discord once caused? Keeping in mind all of the surviving archives of his reign you have been given access to.”

“Well…” Twilight shook her head. “No, I really can’t. Ineffectually stalking a child and drowning entire nations in insanity for an unknowable number of years really aren’t even close to the same level.”

“And yet I still chose to try and reform him.” Celestia said. “With Jessie, James, and Meowth, granting for the sake of it that they are criminals every bit as bad as you say, I would still put them as 90% of the way towards good.”

“That far?”

“It is clear to me that they already understand friendship, at least towards one another and their Pokémon,” Celestia told her. “They demonstrated a capacity for kindness towards a complete stranger the day we first met, and since then I have seen a great deal of how they treat each other. While far from frictionless, there is no question in my mind they care for each other and their Pokémon a great deal and find the concept of a Dark Ball as repulsive and terrifying as I do. Instead of teaching them what friendship is, reforming Team Rocket would simply require them learning to extend their empathy to others on a more consistent basis.”

Celestia paused for a moment. Twilight stared quietly at the trio, an uneasy expression on her face.

“If Team Rocket is evil,” Celestia closed her eye and settled back down to rest, “then I shall simply have to teach them to be good.”


“I’m telling you nothing!” a slightly-charred, visor-less Mable half screamed.

Bereft of her Pokémon and visor, hair wild, clothing torn, skin visibly burnt, and tied very thoroughly to a tree, Team Flare’s Scientist looked far more pitiable than intimidating. Still, the snarl on her face and unwavering gleam in her eyes said that while she might be beaten, she certainly wasn’t broken. She stared up at her captors and the children alike with naked hate in her eyes.

“Do your worst!” she went on. “Bash me, roast me, drown me, it doesn’t matter one bit! I won’t betray Team Flare to the enemy!”

“Oh yeah?” Jessie crossed her arms. “And why not?”

“Scum like you don’t deserve any answers, and you won’t get any here!” Mable declared. “You may as well just kill us all right now, you’re wasting your time.”

A visibly paler grunt spoke up. “Now let’s not be-”

“If any one of you so much breathes a word of actionable intelligence to them,” Mable cut him off. “I swear I’ll strangle the snitch with my bare hands if I have to! Team Flare’s mission is vastly more important than any of our lives! If we have to leave this world so the boss can succeed, I’ll walk into the hereafter with my head held high.”

The other men and women tied next to Mable looked visibly unnerved by her tirade, seeming to shrink back as they fell into silence. Even bound and helpless, the blue-haired woman seemed to effortlessly dominate them.

“What’s da matta with you?” Meowth looked at them. “What kinda crooks are tellin’ people ta bump ‘em off?”

“Crooks?” Mable sneered at him. “You think we’re bottom-feeding scum like you?”

“No!” Serena cut in. “I think you’re worse! Even Team Rocket’s never done something so horrible to Pokémon! You took away their minds and made them try to kill people! Even after so many hours they still haven’t woken up, who knows how much damage you might have done to them?”

“I wouldn’t expect a child to understand the concept of a necessary sacrifice,” she retorted. “Team Flare acts for the ultimate good of people and the planet. We alone hold the key to this world’s future, there is no one else with the vision required. Without us, this world and everything and everyone in it are utterly, finally, irreversibly doomed to a long, slow spiral into oblivion. There is no higher calling, no higher morality. By any just definition of the word, everything we must do along the way to utopia is righteous.”

“What a load of bunk!” James glared down at her. “How can you possibly look at what you’re doing and tell yourself you’re the good guys?”

“You can’t seriously be crazy enough to believe enslaving Pokémon to kill children is the right thing to do,” Ash added.

“I believe it with every fiber of my being,” Mable declared. “Your deaths were an inconvenient but ultimately meaningless necessity. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but your ultimate fate didn’t change one iota.”

“The fact that humans are mortal doesn’t give you the right to kill whoever you please!” Clemont shouted down at her. “You told your Pokémon to attack my little sister before she’s even turned seven years old! How can you possibly justify that?!”

“Team Flare is the only force standing up for the planet’s future,” she replied. “And the only organization capable of halting the inevitable and ushering in a permanent golden age for humanity. That gives us the right to do as we please in our pursuit of it. Team Rocket has proven a consistent thorn in our sides, an evil that has to be expunged before it risks the world’s future to satisfy its own petty greed. And you children were simply in the way. After all,” Mable gave a slight smirk, “why should we care about saving people who aren’t on our side?”

“Are you even listening to yourself?!” Jessie was shouting herself. “You sound more like some insane apocalypse cult when you’re just a petty pack of criminals dressed up in ridiculous clothing!” She glared at all five bound members, all but one shrinking from her gaze. “Are all of you so out of it you’re going to give us babble when you’re totally at our mercy and we’ve got every reason to hate you?”

“You don’t get it at all,” Mable said in a surprisingly low tone. “Heh heh heh… ha ha ha…” She threw back her head. “Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

“And just what is it you find so hilarious?!” James demanded, hand curled into a fist.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You’re just so oblivious!” she cackled, blinking a tear out of the corner of her eye. “Don’t you idiots get it?”

“Get what?” Ash shot back.

“Ha, this is too rich!” Mable chuckled again. “We aren’t some garden variety thugs, petty criminals, or disgusting lowlife parasites like Team Rocket! Team Flare is going to remake this world in our image very soon, and there’s nothing you can do about it. My personal fate and those of these fools with me changes nothing.”

“And just what da ya think is gonna happen dat’ll make everything all hunky-dory for you guys?” Meowth showed his claws. “We got all your super-secret stuff back ta base, and soon Team Rocket is gonna come down on ya like a Golem avalanche! Your days are already numbered!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You really believe that?!” Mable grinned up at him. “Then allow me to spell it out for you! In the coming days Team Flare – and only Team Flare – will survive! That’s right, your victory over me here was completely meaningless!” She gazed up at all of them with the unflinching confidence of a true believer and smiled. “You’re all going to die!”

Another round of hysterical laughter erupted from the Flare Scientist, who threw back her head to the tree and gave voice to a wild, seemingly-unhinged sense of irrational triumph. Even her own grunts seemed to shrink away from her as best they could, to say nothing of the visibly-disturbed twerps and Team Rocket. No one had expected anything like this, and from the uneasy looks on everyone’s faces it was clear no one had any real idea of how to respond.

Save one.

Pikachu, thus far quiet, hopped down from where he had sat on Ash’s shoulder onto the forest floor. A determined glare in his little black eyes, he marched right up to the still-giggling scientist until he was just outside the kicking range of her foot. The look that he gave her looked like little less than utter hatred.

“Pffft… ha ha ha ha…” Mable giggled when she saw him. “What’s the matter? Baby’s first Pokémon can’t handle the-”

Her remarkably unwise taunt was cut short by the sound of her own screaming. Without warning, Pikachu’s body almost exploded into electricity. Point-blank, bound and helpless, there was nothing Mable could do but cry out as the little yellow Pokémon gave her a Thunderbolt worthy of ten Pikachu. Electricity surged through her as she writhed and screamed, all nearby who could taking several steps back when her skeleton flashed in and out of visibility. The only mercy was that it was short-lived – her body could take no more after only a few seconds. The blue-haired woman slumped forward against the rope when it finally ceased, eyes closed and breathing shallow and erratic. Lingering yellow bolts danced across her limp form.

There was silence in the forest for just a moment. Just as no one had known quite how to deal with the Flare Scientist, no one was entirely sure how to respond to this.

“Pikachu…” Ash stepped forwards first, concern writ large across his face. “Are you okay, buddy?”

“Chu…” Pikachu growled in an uncharacteristically low tone. “Pika pika chu…”

Meowth couldn’t help but flinch.

“How are they doing?” Celestia peered up from where she lay wearily. “Are they alright?”

“Team Rocket’s Pokémon seem to be well within the expected parameters of such beings in the aftermath of a particularly intense engagement,” Twilight replied, as she slowly walked back to her own space. Of the two, she was by far the least injured, so it only made sense that she should be the one taking a look. “That is to say, they’ll need rest and medicine, but I see no clear reason that they shouldn’t make a full recovery in due course.”

“That’s good,” the white alicorn nodded slowly. “What about the others?”

“The Pokémon that came from the Dark Balls…” Twilight hesitated a moment as she sat back down, “they’re not looking so good. I saw no particularly serious-looking injuries, but none of them have roused. It could be a result of excessive strain caused by the Dark Balls and the sudden termination of their connection or… possibly some form of internal damage. I don’t have the tools or spells to do a proper diagnosis.”

“A recovery is possible,” Celestia said, “Team Rocket has dealt with these before, the Pokémon in question did ultimately survive… but I admit that is no guarantee.”

“There’s too much we don’t know,” Twilight said sadly. “What are the effects of a Dark Ball on a Pokémon’s body, and how does it differ by species, age, and evolutionary level? What kind of physiological changes does a sudden severing of the machine’s power actually trigger inside of them? How long were they trapped, and what damage did they take over the course of that? Without more information, it’s impossible to tell what kind of recovery time we’re looking at… if any.”

The white alicorn was, for the moment, silent.

“Oh yeah,” the purple princess continued. “There’s something else you should know. Some of them are murmuring in their sleep.”


“Most of it is gibberish, but a few recognizable words come out here and there. I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence, but…”

“What did they say?”

“Fearow,” Twilight filled her in. “It said ‘Luna’.”

Heart to Heart

Sleep came fitfully to Team Rocket and Ash’s friends alike that night, to the extent that it came at all. Despite their injuries and grueling battle, few of them could shake the image of the hysterical Mable laughing at the thought of the world’s death. The fact that even unconscious her own lackeys were so afraid of her they simply clammed up only made things worse. Though everyone laid down soon after the sun set, few did more than toss and turn until orange rays were peeking through the clouds once more.

Meowth was the first one up, surprisingly enough. He was sitting back against a tree, nibbling on some sort of breakfast bar, when Pikachu found him.

“Hey,” said the yellow Pokémon softly, “Mind if I join you?”

“Hmm?” Meowth looked up, bags visible beneath his eyes. “Yeah sure, I guess.”

Pikachu promptly sat down amidst the trees’ roots. He looked at Meowth, but the white cat Pokémon was just staring up into the sky. After a moment, his black eyes shifted that way as well. Together, the two watched in silence as the faint orange sun crept slowly up and over the horizon. Normally it would have been pretty, even relaxing, but today the orange and red light and faint overcast brought the mind to something else altogether.

“Do ya think she meant it?” Meowth eventually asked. “Was she just trying to freak us out, or…”

“She meant it,” Pikachu answered softly. “It isn’t the first threat I’ve gotten, but never one quite like that.”

“I was afraid you’d say dat,” the other Pokémon sighed. “Makes ya wonder, don’t it? If she meant it, is today gonna be da last day for us and our pals?”

“No,” Pikachu shook his head emphatically. “It won’t be.”

“And how do ya know dat? Dere could be more of ‘em on da way if even ‘dis big scheme a ‘dere’s ain’t ready.”

“Since when do any of you give up? You three idiots have spent years of your lives chasing me when it’s long been evident that it’s hopeless. Now some crazy lady rambles a death threat and you’re talking like they’ve already won?” Pikachu pointed. “Earth to Meowth, they’re the ones tied to a tree, not us. They can be beaten, and that’s what we’re gonna do.”

“I guess ya got a point dere,” Meowth took a bite of breakfast bar. “Maybe I just didn’t get enough sleep or something.”

“That’s the spirit!” Pikachu clapped him on the back. “Team Rocket never gives up, does it?”

“Well, no,” Meowth admitted.

“And neither do we!” he pumped his little yellow fist. “It doesn’t matter what these people throw at us, we aren’t going to let them win! Am I right?”

“Well ‘dere’s still-”

“I said,” Pikachu’s red cheeks began to spark. “Am. I. Right.”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Meowth waved his paws hastily. “Of course you’re right! ‘Dere’s nothing ta worry about with so much electrical firepower with us!”

“And you’re not gonna forget that, are you?”

“Course not!” he nodded hastily. “You can count on me, good buddy!”

Pikachu gave a satisfied nod. “That’s what I thought.”

Many miles to the north, a four-legged blue and yellow Pokémon was likewise awake bright and early. It had its nose pressed almost into the dirt, wetting it obliviously with the morning dew as it sniffed through the grass and foliage. It paid little attention to the world around it, shifting its pace this way and that seemingly at random. Finally, it paused over one spot, took a long whiff of the damp earth, and growled in a deep tone.

“Find something, Manectric?” Celosia of Team Flare asked.

“Tric!” her Pokémon answered.

The purple-haired scientist hopped off her vehicle, yawned once and stretched, and then walked carefully over to where her companion stood. Her visor was already sifting through the visual where it stood, rapidly zeroing in on a half-faded footprint in the dirt. Celosia got to one knee beside her companion, running a finger through the air around the vague hoof shape.

“It matches the profile we have for our quarry,” she announced to the grunts supporting her after a minute’s examination. “But it’s older. Perhaps two or three days. And there are other tracks not far from it. Houndour, I believe.”

“Does it look like she went with them?” one of the minions asked hopefully.

“No,” Celosia shook her head to universal groans. “There’s little in the way of a trail for her. I wouldn’t say our princess did more than touch down for a minute or two. Add it to the map.”

One of the red-suited men did as instructed, adding a reference point to a holographic map with a single finger. It joined more than a dozen others scattered throughout the forest. A bit of typing added the date and time of the track’s discovery, along with estimated age and other tracks in the vicinity. All would be sent back to headquarters as well, for further analysis.

“Done, ma’am,” he said after just a moment. “Data collected.”

“Good,” she nodded, then returned her gaze to her Pokémon. “Manectric, can you smell any kind of trail from here?”

Her faithful creature held its head high, sniffing the air this way and that. It took another whiff of the hoofprint and repeated the process, then grimaced a bit and shook its head.

“I see…” Celosia frowned. “Alright grunts, move out! We’re returning to base camp for now.”

“Yes ma’am!” they all saluted in unison, this time with genuine cheer.

After recalling Manectric to its Poke Ball and resuming her seat, Celosia considered the situation. They’d been after this “Princess Luna” for some days now, and while it hadn’t taken long for her electric hound to pick out her unique scent, that had been about the extent of the progress. The map of her confirmed locations showed no clear pattern or central point, and they’d yet to come within actual sight of their quarry. She was clearly on a constant move, traveling from place to place and only rarely touching down on the earth.

More worrying was the consistent pattern of other Pokémon tracks near hers. Some were readily identifiable as Spearow and Fearow, but others belonged to more ground-bound local species. It suggested that Lysandre, as usual, was right. She was meeting with other wild Pokémon in the vicinity of Geosenge base, and this close to realizing Team Flare’s ambitions a threat close to home was far too much risk. It was possible however unlikely that this dimensional traveler would actually be able to rally other groups of Pokémon to her side as she apparently had the birds, and if that happened they could be in for a serious fight far too close to the ultimate weapon. The irreplaceable machine could conceivably be damaged in such a fight, potentially setting the plan back years.


Something had to be done to turn aside this potential attack before it came, but so far Celosia was having little luck. Team Flare didn’t have much of an air fleet in the vicinity of Geosenge and didn’t want attention, so she was stuck combing the ground while her quarry could fly. There was little hope of catching up amidst the dense forests if Luna didn’t wish to be found, apart from sheer chance. But she had to force some sort of confrontation before this so-called “alicorn” was able to build a sufficiently-sized force to be a real threat. The solution was obvious.

If she could not find Luna, then she simply must force Luna to come to her.

“Fearow is still breathing,” Twilight said, looking over the sprawled bird and shaking her head, “but I don’t think it’s going to be talking right now.”

“Mmm, I was afraid of that,” Celestia said. “But I can’t say I didn’t expect it. Poor creature, what did that machine do to it?”

“Likely it exerts some form of artificial suppression of the primary behavioral control sections of the frontal lobe,” Twilight answered. “While at the same time substantially increasing production of epinephrine in the adrenal gland to boost performance levels in combat to potentially unsustainable levels.” She looked down at the five still-unconscious Pokemon. “I doubt they cared, though.”

“No,” the white alicorn shook her head sadly. “They did not.”

“It reminds me of Sombra,” Twilight said. “I’m sure if given enough time, he’d have come up with something similar. Mind control helmets or something like that.”

“I think he would have,” Celestia nodded. “We’re fortunate he never got the chance. Thanks to all of you.”

Twilight scratched the back of her head, a little bit embarrassed. That feeling dropped when her still-bandaged elder sighed, turned around, and began walking away from the unconscious Pokémon. The purple alicorn quickly scrambled after her, walking right beside her mentor as the two neared the rather subdued-looking humans.

“Now, there is something I need to do with Team Rocket,” Celestia told her student. “If you wish to accompany me you may.”

“Of course I will!” Twilight declared immediately. “I wouldn’t leave you alone with those criminals, especially not while you’re still injured!”

“An injury that they treated,” she grinned faintly. “But I appreciate your concern all the same. Come along then.”

Celestia and Twilight walked almost straight up to where Jessie, James, and Meowth were sitting. The trio were taking the time to relax out in the warm morning sun, whether propped up against a tree or simply laid out on the grass. None was wearing a particularly happy expression. Still, they weren’t far from their three Pokémon still lying on the mats and blankets – they would easily hear if they needed anything.

“Meowth?” Celestia asked as they approached.

“Hmmm?” Meowth looked up from his position flat on his back. “Yeah what is it?”

“Would you mind translating for me for just a moment? I have something I need to ask all three of you.”

“Sure I guess,” he shrugged. “Beats sittin’ around and waitin’ for da boss ta call or something bad ta happen.”

“Thank you,” the white alicorn nodded politely, before addressing Jessie and James. “Have I been a good companion to you?”

“Of course, what would give you reason to think otherwise?” James said, immediately after the translation.

“Can’t say too much bad about you,” Jessie said.

“Cept you eat too many s’mores,” Meowth added.

“I suppose I’ll take that as a yes,” Celestia cracked a faint smile. “And have I dealt honestly with you all the time we’ve been together?”

“As far as I can tell,” Jessie shrugged. “Purple horse there seems to suggest you weren’t entirely making the whole alien princess thing up.”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle!” Twilight interjected.

“And you spotted the Dark Balls in the first place,” James nodded. “You told us the truth even when we didn’t believe you.”

“I’m glad you think so,” the princess nodded back. “So, will you please do me the kindness of dealing honestly with me? I have something I wish to ask.”

“Of course we will, after you fought so hard with us!” James agreed immediately.

“Don’t see why not, I guess you’ve earned it,” Jessie added.

“So long as ya ain’t askin’ about my credit history.”

“Thank you.” Celestia sat down next to them. “Can you then please tell me the truth? Is Team Rocket, your organization, actually a band of criminals?”

The trio actually paused at the question, rather startled looks on their faces. A moment of silence ensued as all three looked at one another a little uneasily, then back at Celestia, then again at each other. As if reaching some silent consensus, they slowly turned their heads back to the princess. James was the one who answered for the group, one hand behind his head and eyes a little downcast.

“Well, you see…” he began. “The truth is… kinda… sorta… maybe… yes.”

“I knew it!” Twilight declared immediately, leaping to her hooves.

“Please be seated if you choose to observe, Princess Twilight,” Celestia said softly, before turning back towards the trio. “So, it’s true then, what my old student tells me? You really have wasted years of your lives chasing after a child and Pikachu in a vain attempt to impress your leader, committing countless petty crimes and attempting other kidnappings along the way?”

“Well when ya put it like dat it sounds kinda bad, don’t it?” Meowth replied. “But I guess ya could if ya wanted to.”

“I see.” Celestia’s tone remained soft, though a note of sadness now appeared. “May I ask why you have done this? It is clear to me that you understand the importance of friendship, that you care greatly for your own companions and Pokémon. You would be greatly distressed if someone were to steal Wobbuffet, Inkay, or Pumpkaboo, would you not?”

“Of course we would!” Jessie snapped immediately. “What kind of soulless savages do you take us for?!”

“Just because we’re crooks doesn’t mean we’re that bad!” James defended them.

“Ya can ask Arbok, Weezing, or Dustox if dese guys were sad ta see ‘em go,” Meowth said. “Cacnea and Chimecho left too, and dey sure as heck were sad about it. Ask all da other Pokémon back at Rocket HQ if ya don’t believe us.”

“I thought as much. Why, then, would you waste so much precious, irreplaceable time attempting to inflict the same suffering on another?”

“Because Team Rocket is the only good thing that ever happened to any of us,” James admitted.

“Oh?” Celestia cocked her head. “Can you elaborate?”

“I grew up wealthy,” James told her. “I had wonderful friends, it’s true, like Growlie and Carnivine. But my parents… they wanted to control absolutely everything I did. They picked out my life ahead of time, down to my fiancé.” He shuddered. “Jessebelle. A horrible, shrieking harridan who wanted nothing more than to control everything I did.” He looked Celestia in the eye. “I’m not exaggerating when I say she chased me around with a whip. She wanted to get rid of Growlie for a Skitty! But my parents thought she was the perfect daughter-in-law, and they were so set on marrying me off to her that I… I…” he looked down. “I ran away from home. But where could I hide from a family with so many friends in high places? With criminals, where else? When Team Rocket accepted me, it was the first time in my life I had any freedom at all.”

“I grew up on da streets,” Meowth said. “Didn’t have much, not even parents. Spent some time with otha Meowth in a gang, stole ta eat. Dere was dis girl… real fancy upper class type Meowth. I had a big time crush on her, but she liked humans betta. So…” he sighed. “I taught myself ta speak an’ walk like a human. Only, didn’t work. She thought I was a freak and wanted nothin’ ta do with me. So I said ta myself dat I’m gonna be da richest ‘freak’ of all time and prove I’m worth somethin’.” The cat sighed again. “Team Rocket was da first place I found real friends. ‘Dese two idiots have been with me through thick an’ thin, don’t really think I could leave ‘em now. What would dey do without me?”

“If you’re looking for a sob story from me,” Jessie sniffed disdainfully, “then you’ll have to look elsewhere. Just because I went into a foster home at the age of five and grew up poor doesn’t mean I’m going to join the self-pity parade.”

“What about da time ya tried ta graduate Pokémon nursin’ school with dat Chansey but couldn’t do it ‘cause ya weren’t a Pokémon? I thought dat was pretty sad.”

“The past is past, and that’s where it stays,” the woman replied. “I’m with Team Rocket because I like it, not because of some tragic backstory or because I like you guys or anything. Idiot.”

“Well whatever the case, Team Rocket did a lot for all of us,” James continued speaking for them. “So the boss deserves our loyalty and our 110% in everything!”

“That’s right!” Jessie and Meowth immediately nodded.

That’s sad. Celestia thought.

Right and Wrong

“So, what you’re saying is that Team Rocket took you in when no one else was there?” Celestia asked. “And that, because of that, you feel like you have to prove your worth to Giovanni by… stalking a child to try and steal his Pikachu?”

“That Pikachu is no ordinary Pikachu!” James declared.

“It’s very rare and well beyond the standards of any others of his kind!” Jessie nodded along. “He’d make a perfect present for the boss.”

“If we could ever catch him,” Meowth said glumly.

“True,” James hung his head a bit. “How many years since that first time in Viridian?”

“I don’t even know anymore.” Jessie sighed. “It feels like forever, though.”

Poor souls. Celestia thought. If someone, anyone, except a criminal organization had been there for them, would they even be criminals at all?

Aloud, the white alicorn went on. “I gather that your endeavors have been rather fruitless?”

“Ya don’t have ta be so hard about it,” Meowth said. “But ya, dat about sums it up. When was da last time we even sent a Pokémon ta Giovanni? Yanma, back in Sinnoh, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Jessie answered. “And he sent her back to us anyway.”

“No one had even caught it yet. Can we really even count that as a theft?” James wondered.

“You seem a bit dissatisfied with your lot in life.” Celestia noted. “Have you ever considered a change of career?”

This time, when Meowth translated her words, the trio looked genuinely shocked and perhaps even a bit offended.

“No way!” Jessie declared. “Team Rocket is for life and there’s nothing we like better than being bad!”

“Yeah, we’re da meanest, nastiest, most thievin’-est band of thieves ya ever did see!”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, then looked over at the resting Pokémon. “So evil that you take care not only of your own Pokemon, but those enslaved by a total stranger that tried to kill you? Positively fiendish if I may say so myself.”

“Well, uh…”

“If you’re so evil, why haven’t you tossed your own Poke Balls at them? Those Pokémon are fully evolved, quite rare, and in no position to resist you. You could send all five of them to your boss without the faintest consideration for their welfare.”

“Alright, maybe we aren’t quite that bad,” Jessie admitted. “But villainy is still our calling!”

James nodded his head emphatically. “Being the bad guys is what we’re the best at!”

“That’s not what I’ve seen,” said another voice.


Both alicorns and Team Rocket alike looked behind them. There, walking slowly over towards them with Pikachu on his shoulder, was Ash Ketchum. He had an uncertain expression on his face, though no one did much of anything to stop him from walking over and taking a seat not far from the others.

“What do you want, twerp?” James said irritably.

“Come ta kick us while we’re down?” Meowth growled.

“Don’t you guys know me better than that by now?” Ash frowned a little. “Every time we fight it’s ‘cause you’re trying to steal Pikachu or someone else’s Pokémon.”

“Except the time Lysandre played you like a cheap drum.”

“If any of this is my fault I’m sorry, and I’ll do everything I can to try and make it right,” Ash said. “But what I was saying was that I’ve seen you guys in action for years. You’re not best at being bad.”

“Not by a long shot,” Pikachu nodded, hopping down to the ground.

“You take that back!” Jessie demanded. “We’re hardened criminals, feared by all and bad to the bone!”

Pikachu just sniggered.

“How many battles have you had with me and my friends?”

“Uh… too many to count,” James admitted.

“I don’t even remember any more,” Jessie sighed.

Ash sat back against a tree. “How many have you won?”

“A big fat zero,” Meowth groaned.

“And how do you do when you’re fighting with me and my friends?” he continued.

“We usually win when we’re with you twerps,” Jessie folded her arms and humphed. “Why? What’s your point?”

“The point is that you’re bad at being bad,” Pikachu said. “But you’re not bad at being good.”

“He’s right,” Ash said after Meowth translated. “Remember back in the Orange Islands? How you wanted to help me save the world when Zapados, Moltres, and Articuno were all fighting each other?”

“If the world is destroyed we can’t steal anything!” James defended. “We helped you because Team Rocket can’t dominate a world that’s been destroyed first!”

“That’s why you guys intentionally let go of Lugia mid-flight?” Ash asked. “You plummeted to the ocean from hundreds of feet up, risking your lives to try and help me get there faster to save the day. Is that a bad thing to do? Didn’t seem like it to me.”

“Well it’s because… uh…”

“This anecdote raises an excellent point,” Celestia said. “You can hardly steal anything if you’re dead. But you did it anyway.”

“It’s because we’re so loyal to the boss!” James finally declared.

“Yeah!” Jessie nodded. “Even if we ceased to be the cause of Team Rocket would have gone on in a world that was saved!”

“The cause of stealing stuff and making money from it? That’s worth dying for?” Ash asked.

“Shows what you know, twerp!” Meowth humphed. “Team Rocket is like our family. It’s about standin’ with each otha, brotherhood, an’ self-respect!”

“What part of any of that requires attempting to steal others’ Pokémon?” Celestia asked. “You alone, Meowth, could be wealthy and famous as a professional mediator between humans and Pokémon and have no need to steal anything.”

“And you wouldn’t get zapped with lightning every week or so,” Pikachu added.

“Jessie and James, I’m less immediately certain of what your greatest skills are, but for sheer persistence alone I have little doubt you could master whatever you truly put your minds to.” The white princess shook her head. “You could be so much more than mere peons in a criminal organization obsessively stalking a child.”

“Why would we want to be anything else?”

“Yeah, we like being Team Rocket!”

“Do you? Or do you like being alongside one another?” Celestia asked. “I certainly noticed you didn’t much get along with Cassidy and Burt, and that no one else there said a word in your defense.”

“Well dat’s different.”

“How so? They’re Team Rocket every bit as much as you are. Would family treat you as they did?”


“Look, what’s your point?” Jessie demanded. “Are you too good for us now that you know we’re criminals? Or are you going full-on monarch and demanding we stop lawbreaking under penalty of whatever?”

“I’m trying to help my friends,” Celestia replied.

“And just how’s that?”

“I do think that you should cease your criminal activities,” the white alicorn nodded, “but it’s because of both morality and concern for your welfare.”

“And how is being criminals a threat to our welfare?” James asked.

“You’re kidding, right?” Pikachu asked.

“Apart from the apparently semi-regular electrocutions and falls from great heights? You might also actually be captured by competent authorities and imprisoned for many years. I get the sense that police in this world are not terribly effective,” Celestia shrugged, “but when you play the odds long enough something is bound to happen.”

“Pffft, yeah right,” Meowth scoffed.

“There are two questions you ought to ask yourselves. One, if you understand the pain of losing a valued Pokémon friend, why are you alright with inflicting that pain on another? Two, have any of your crimes actually made your lives any better?” Her expression softened. “Because from what I hear they have only ever ended in pain and explosions.”

“That may or may not be true,” Jessie grumbled.

“From what I have seen in my travels with you, what makes your lives better is your friendship with one another and your Pokémon. For your own sake if nothing else, you should drop what only brings you pain and embrace what brings you joy. Surely there are many other things you could do together if only you put your minds to it.”

“Well we have dabbled in various lines of work in hungry times,” James admitted.

“If you ever needed any help, once this crisis is over and I find a way home, you have but ask,” Celestia offered. “I’d happily assist you if you were to decide to turn your backs on crime.”

“We’re in dis way too deep ta turn and quit now,” Meowth folded his arms across his chest.

“If that is truly so, it’s a tragedy,” the white alicorn sighed. “Is that truly all that you want out of life? When you are old and on your last legs, will you look back with pride and satisfaction on years of petty crime and failed efforts to rob a child? Is that all the legacy that you would leave behind?”

Silence fell over that small forest clearing. Team Rocket stared blankly at the alicorn princess, no answer forthcoming. Ash looked a little puzzled. Pikachu blinked.

“All I am saying is that I have learned one very important lesson watching the generations go by. You only have so much time on this world, and it ought not to be wasted.” Celestia looked sadly at the trio. “It isn’t worth it.”

“So,” James said a good while later, “is this goodbye?”

Celestia cocked her head curiously.

“Now that you know we’re criminals, are you going to leave us? Maybe go off with the twerps and your ‘Twilight’ friend instead?” He looked glum. “I doubt royalty wants to hang out with a gang of failed thieves.”

“Of course not,” Celestia shook her head vigorously. “I’m still 100% committed to seeing our mutual mission against Team Flare through to the end. And besides…” her eyes twinkled “I find that the lot of you have a certain, unique charm to you. If you’ll have me, I’ll gladly remain with you as long as I remain in this world.”

“You really mean it?” He blinked.

“Of course I mean it,” she said. “I only speak out of concern for your welfare and those around you. It’s because I care that I want you to reform.”

“That’s so sweet of you to say!” James said. “C’mere you!”

The white alicorn blinked in surprise when the human abruptly took several steps forward and wrapped his arms around her neck, his head quickly enveloped by her flowing mane. But after a moment she smiled and put her right foreleg around his back. Celestia pulled him in closer and then rubbed her muzzle against the side of his face.

“Gag me,” Meowth muttered.


“Princess Celestia?” came the sound of Twilight’s voice. “Are you awake?”

“Hmmm?” the white alicorn cracked open one eye and yawned. “What’s the matter, Princess Twilight? Do you need something?”

“Did I wake you up?” the purple princess winced. “I know you’re still recovering from that battle, if you need to sleep some more I can always-”

“Oh Twilight,” Celestia giggled, raising her head to look at her former student. “You know I’ll make time for you if I possibly can. I’m not so frail that I can’t hear whatever it is you have to say.”

“Uh… thanks,” Twilight looked a little embarrassed. “Anyway, what I wanted to say was that I’ve been talking with one of my new friends, and there was something he’d wanted to say to you. Right?”

“Right,” said a little yellow Pokémon, hopping down from the princess’ back. “Hi there, I think we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Pikachu.”

“I am Princess Celestia, Diarch of Equestria,” she said in a formal tone, before smiling a little. “I’m fairly certain you’ve heard of me.”

“Yeah…” Pikachu scratched the back of his head. “Anyway, the reason I interrupted your name was because I…” he looked at Twilight, “realized that the first time we met I sorta blindsided you without bothering to pay any attention to what you were saying. I didn’t really know what you were and you weren’t attacking, so I guess I should have listened a little harder.”

“For the record, that was my first time out of the Poke Ball, and I was berating what I assumed to be my kidnappers. I had no real idea what was going on at the time.”

“Oooh…” Pikachu winced. “Well, anyway, what I wanted to say was that I’m sorry about blindsiding you like that. I thought you were one of Team Rocket’s usual Pokémon and were there to help try and kidnap me again.”

“Given what I know now, I suppose I can understand that particular assumption,” Celestia said.

“Also, about what happened in Laverre… if we were getting played and helped make what happened the other day possible, I’m sorry about that too.”

“Likewise,” Celestia replied.

“Princess-” Twilight began, but her elder held up one wing.

“I ought not to have immediately made assumptions about your knowledge of events. If I had told you who and what purpose you were actually serving, perhaps things would have turned out differently.”

“I dunno, maybe,” Pikachu looked thoughtful. “I mean, usually Team Rocket is pretty up front about their ‘villainy’ so it’d have given me a moment’s pause at least if you had started talking about being on the side of good.”

“Also, I’d like to thank you for saving my life and Team Rocket’s lives the other day,” the white princess said. “If you hadn’t blindsided Rhyperior when you did, it is very possible that we would all now be dead.”

“Well, thanks,” Pikachu blushed and scratched the back of his head.

“And I’d also like to thank you and your trainer for coming in on my side in the discussion with Team Rocket earlier today. I believe we may have gotten through to them.”

“That’d be a first,” the yellow Pokémon muttered.

“Oh, and apology accepted,” Celestia smiled warmly.

“Same here,” Pikachu nodded back.

“So everyone’s on the same page?” Twilight asked hopefully. “Cause with the whole end of the world thing maybe looming over everypony’s shoulders…”

“We wouldn’t want any lingering animosities,” Celestia finished for her. “Not to worry, Princess Twilight, I don’t think there will be any issue working together.” She looked at Pikachu. “Right?”

He shook his head. “None at all.”

“Manectric, Thunderbolt!” Celosia ordered, hand outstretched. “Drapion, Sludge Bomb!”

Her yellow and blue hound-like Pokémon crackled for an instant before unleashing a searing lightning bolt that tore through the forest to strike a luckless pack of Houndour. Simultaneously, her purple scorpion-like creature opened its mouth and spewed a stream of purple-black poisonous globs. The four wild Pokémon cried out as they were electrocuted and slammed with toxic discharges all at once by creatures far more powerful than themselves. Their brief attempt at defending their homes ended as they collapsed in a heap.

Celosia gestured briefly with two fingers, and behind her Team Flare grunts immediately began throwing their Dark Balls. The Houndour, paralyzed or simply unconscious, could do nothing as they were drawn inside by black energies. The orbs fell to the ground, crackling with their sinister intent. The Team Flare Scientist nodded briefly in satisfaction.

“Good work,” she congratulated her two Pokémon, hands on hips.

“All Pokémon are secured, ma’am,” she heard one of her subordinates’ voice behind her. “That brings today’s total to thirty-three in all.”

Beneath her visor, Celosia rolled her eyes. “I can already see that. And if I want a report, I’ll ask for it.” She reached down and petted Manectric on the head. Her Pokémon wagged its blue tail eagerly.

“Yes ma’am,” the grunt said. “Should we continue our sweep?”

“No,” Celosia shook her head. “I think we have enough to make our point now. Tell the others to open up the case and call out the catch of the day.”

A minute or so later, and the forest before her was filled with a small army of Pokemon, from Houndour and Snubbull to Spearow and Electrike. No matter their species, though, they all stared up at their mistress with characteristic soulless, dead gazes. Many still sported injuries from their brief battles earlier that day, but none voiced so much as a whimper of complaint. Even the Houndour just captured from their den stood at rapt, mindless attention.

“This,” the scientist pulled a small holo-projector from her belt, “is your target.”

Celosia flicked the device on, and almost immediately a half-size hologram of a dark alicorn took shape. It had taken painstaking hours of work to compile a decent likeness from blurry pictures taken outside during the brief skirmish near Geosenge, but she considered the result a reasonable facsimile. Certainly, this creature wasn’t likely to be mistaken for anything else, even by the braindead slaves now lined up before her.

“This creature, this Luna,” she went on, “poses a potential risk to our plans. But she has proven elusive so far, so I want all of you to split up. Scour this forest in all directions and keep an eye on the skies. Fight anything else only to defend yourselves, but seek out and kill this thing without delay. No rest, and no mercy. Am I understood?”

A chorus of barks, howls, and growls answered in the affirmative.

“Good.” Celosia pointed. “Now go!”

Almost instantly the brainwashed Pokémon scrambled to do her bidding, scurrying, bolting, or flying off in all directions. Those that could had their noses pressed to the ground, seeking traces of scent. Those that could fly rose rapidly past the forest canopy and out of sight. Those that could do neither simply picked a direction and ran that way, but in all cases they rapidly left the humans of Team Flare behind.

“Was that wise, ma’am?” one of Celosia’s underlings asked. “We’re not likely to be seeing them again, and we can’t reuse the Dark Balls without cutting them loose.”

“We have more than enough captured Pokémon to fuel the ultimate weapon already,” she told her lackey. “A few running around in the wilderness doesn’t change the balance of things at all.”

“Do you really think they can kill her?” another questioned. “The battle at the base doesn’t make it look like she’ll go down easily.”

“On the contrary, I expect maybe one or two to actually locate her and then go down almost instantly. The rest can run themselves ragged until they drop, it won’t matter. The point isn’t to directly defeat her with freshly-caught, largely-unevolved Pokémon. The point is to deliver a challenge she can’t ignore.”


“Think, you fool. If she truly is gathering a force of wild Pokémon to her, the sight of one of their own bursting from the bush and fighting to the death to try and kill her is sure to scare them out of their wits. Even if she doesn’t want to try and destroy our Dark Balls to rescue them – and witness testimony suggests she will – she has to respond somehow or look weak. We’re here, in the middle of the territory she seems to be fluttering about in, and we’re capturing the very Pokémon she’s trying to build a coalition of. And if she isn’t gathering a force about herself then she poses little threat anyway.”

“And what happens if she does decide to come and get us?”

“In that case…” Celosia tossed an empty Dark Ball into the air with one hand, then caught it and smirked. “We’ll be ready for her.”


“Is it not obvious to you?” Luna said as she looked out over the assembled Electrike. “To all of you? Your homes, your lives, even your very minds are at risk here.”

“And how do we know you’re telling us the truth?” said one, the largest and apparent alpha of the small green Pokémon. “Because the way I’m hearing it, you want us to abandon our homes, subordinate ourselves to you, and throw ourselves into battle en-mas with humans.”

“I have presented you with the evidence,” the princess said.

“You showed us broken shards of human stuff,” Electrike cut her off. “And some Fearow told a sob story. We have only your word that any of it is true, or means what you say it means. Why should we trust any of you? You’re a total stranger, and the flock you travel with has encroached on our territory and stolen our food too many times to count.”

“Why would I be asking for your help if what I said was anything but the utmost truth?” Luna asked him. “If I wished to take your lands or food I could do it myself – ask my Fearow if that is not the case. I cannot even fit inside your burrows, and Spearow have no use for ground nests. And if I were lying to you to try and deceive you into service would it not swiftly become evident? I have every intent of taking the fight to these humans – this ‘Team Flare’ – without delay. Then you may see for yourself that what I say is true.”

“What sounds more likely?” the green Pokémon asked. “That humans, after living near the forests’ edge since before my grandfather was born, have suddenly decided instead of catching a few usually eager Pokémon every year to storm throughout the land and enslave everyone they can see? Or that some stranger, after brutalizing her way to the top of a pack of flying vermin, wants to expand her power by roping others in?”

“I am telling you that these humans are not the same humans that your people have long dealt with.” Luna frowned. “They are far more rapacious and infinitely more ruthless than the peaceful villagers whom you know.

“And I am not believing you,” he answered with a frown of its own. “I’ve seen no evidence that anything at all is amiss around here that you aren’t the cause of.”

At that exact moment, Luna’s ears perked up to the sound of crunching leaves, coming closer and moving fast. Electrike cocked its head at the princess when she cast her gaze to the side instead of responding. A frown creased her brow.

“Oh now what’s this?” the small Pokémon continued. “If you think some sort of act is going to con me into selling you my pack’s freedom then you can-”

The sentence remained unfinished, as right at that moment a bush rustled and then burst open as a different Electrike punched right through it. Darker in completion than the ones next to Luna, it took one look at the dark alicorn, bared its white fangs, and charged with an incoherent howl. The Electrike she had been talking to only looked irritated.

“I wasn’t born yesterday,” his said, sparks of electricity crackling through his green fur, “But all the same, intruders aren’t welcome!”

Electrike’s body flashed yellow as he unleashed a bolt of electricity at the newcomer. The other Pokémon never even stopped charging. Instead, it leapt into the air and unleashed a lightning bolt of its own. The two electrical attacks met in midair, but to call it a contest would have been an insult to the term. The darker Pokémon’s attack brushed aside that of Luna’s would-be ally in an instant. Electrike barely had time to look startled before his body was consumed in the attack. The pack alpha was flung back into the midst of his astonished fellows in a heap, body smoking and sparking.

The newcomer didn’t slow down for a second, continuing to charge the much larger alicorn without a moment’s hesitation. Luna flared her wings, placing herself between the stranger and the other Pokémon, but even as she did sparks were gathering about it again. A second lightning bolt rose to meet a beam of purple-black rings unleashed from the princess’ horn. This time there was a brief clash before Luna’s attack forced its way through, but by the time it struck the earth Electrike was no longer there.

The small green Pokémon darted forwards and leapt, mouth open and fangs exposed, straight for Luna’s throat. But she was already moving herself, hoof shining bright with a silvery energy. Face met hoof, and the dark Electrike went soaring through the air itself. It smashed into a nearby tree branch, snapping it off the trunk, then hit the ground with a dull thud. Electrike didn’t stop though, it shook its head and got to its feet almost instantly. Despite its visible injuries, it turned and snarled a second time.

A second blast from Luna’s horn put an end to that.

The princess let out a satisfied snort as her would-be assassin twitched limply on the ground, before turning back to the other Electrike. They were helping their still-smoking leader back to his feet, visibly distressed by the seemingly-effortless defeat of their oldest and strongest member. For his part, the alpha looked more shocked than pained.

“What w-was that?” he managed, staring at the darker Pokémon. “If there was one of my kind that strong… I would have known. Would have been challenged.”

“Scour the area from the skies,” Luna ordered the Spearow who were with her. “See if there are more of them, or any humans nearby. Perhaps we may be able to release this poor soul yet.”

“Huh?” Electrike asked.

“Were you paying no attention at all?” the alicorn asked. “I told you that these humans are using some manner of black magic on their technology or something of that manner. These ‘Dark Balls’ increase a Pokémon’s power but strip it of its will. Doubtless that creature is an unfortunate but otherwise ordinary member of your species. I doubt it would be more powerful than you in its natural state.”

“It looked like it was going after you,” he said.

“I have little doubt it was. Why it attacked alone is what befuddles me.” Luna frowned. “I can see little tactical value in such a reckless assault.”

“Maybe it was a scout of some kind?” Electrike guessed.

“From what I know of such unfortunates I doubt it. Still, perhaps it is best that we be cautious. Fall back from this position and regroup at the spring southeast of here. There are allies there already, tell them I dispatched you and you should be welcomed.”

“What about our dens?” one of the other Electrike said. “All our food is down there!”

“We don’t take orders from you!” a third added.

“Hold on,” the visibly-shaken alpha shook his head. “I think perhaps it would be best if we go along for now. Safety in numbers.” Electrike looked again at his downed fellow. “Imagine if a whole pack of those came through.”

“A wise choice,” Luna nodded. “I shall meet up with you there ‘ere the day is out, but first I shall make some observations of my own.”

Electrike looked at her and blinked.

“I must check for any danger, and perchance the humans that caught our unfortunate adversary there. If their vile devices are destroyed, the victim is freed from their grasp.”

“I see…” he nodded.

“I should certainly hope so.”

Fearow hurt. Everything hurt. His body throbbed with a continuous, low-key pulse of pain. His muscles alternated between aching and feeling like so many wet noodles – his energy was all but gone. But all of that was nothing but a sideshow, a nuisance, compared to the pain inside his mind.

It felt to the bird Pokémon as though something titanic and monstrous had physically pushed dozens of writhing tentacles straight through his skull and directly into his cranial matter. They had writhed inside of his cramped skull, crushing everything else beneath their weight before being suddenly and inexplicably torn right back out again. He could still feel the remnants of mental slime clinging to his system, disgusting flashes of vague memory and random emotion. He felt… violated.

Fearow couldn’t quite have said exactly how long he went on like that, floating half-consciously through a sea of pain and mental scarring. But, as with all things, eventually even that bizarre state slowly came to its inevitable end. One moment he hurt, and then the next the pain – the physical pain at least – was inexplicably gone. He still had no energy, but at long last began to feel more definitive sensory input.

His stomach growled at a sudden, overwhelming hunger. Part of Fearow to tried to tell himself that his head still hurt and he was tired, but his body stubbornly insisted that he hadn’t eaten anything for days. Fast metabolism and low stores of fat meant he wouldn’t last long without food, so primal instincts compelled him at the last crack a single, reluctant eye open. He squinted against the harsh daylight as the seconds ticked by and the world slowly swam into view.

It was then Fearow realized that he appeared to be staring right at a white version of Lady Luna.

Watch Out

“Are you feeling better?” Princess Celestia asked, looking down at the brown bird Pokémon. “Is there any lingering pain?”

“Mmph,” Fearow replied, face deep in a massive bag of Pokémon food.

“Wonderful,” Celestia smiled warmly. “I’m so glad to hear that!”

Behind her, Twilight, Meowth, and Pikachu were all staring. Behind them, Team Rocket and Ash’s friends alike were looking on with expressions ranging from concern to bafflement. Dry, portable Pokémon food was meant to provide filling, nourishing repast to almost any species, true, but it was also meant to be eaten in relatively small amounts. One Pokémon not even the size of an adult human eating an entire week’s worth in one sitting….

A moment later, Fearow tipped the bag upside down with its long neck, draining the last few crumbs into its lengthy beak. Then it sniffed the inside of the bag several times. Only when it was satisfied that it had eaten everything conceivably defined as edible did it finally shake off the empty bag and let out a long, satisfied belch. It patted its now-bulging belly with one wing.

“Aw man, that hit the spot!” it said, before burping again. Everyone, barring Celestia, cringed. “You have no idea how hungry I was!”

“I think we can guess,” Pikachu muttered.

“I’m pleased to hear you’re feeling better,” Celestia said. “There isn’t any residual pain, is there?”

“Well, a bit of a headache but that’s it,” Fearow replied, then paused a moment. “I, uh… guess I should say thanks for the nap and the grub. And springing me from that… thing. Evil Poke Ball or whatever it was.”

“A Dark Ball,” Twilight supplied immediately.

“Yeah, that,” the bird nodded. “Can’t say I’ve had anyone show as much hospitality since I left the nest. Back home I’d either be shielded by the flock or get eaten by strangers, so having folks I don’t know take care of me… I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to do from here. Is there a catch?” Fearow looked at the humans. “Is one of them wanting to capture me or something?”

“Not at all,” Ash said after Meowth translated. “We were all just worried about you, that’s all. You and the other five Pokémon they had caught. None of us is looking to catch you.”

“What, am I not good enough for you?!” Fearow puffed out its chest and ruffled its feathers indignantly. “I’ll have you know I’m an experienced and capable battler and a great addition to any Pokémon team!”

“It’s not like that at all!” Ash assured it hastily.

“No, we were just concerned about your health!” James added. “None of us even gave thought to capturing any of you!”

“You guys have been through enough already,” Serena agreed.


“Well then… thanks,” Fearow still looked a bit puzzled. “So if none of you wanted anything, why spend time and effort helping me?” It looked over at the still-unconscious Rhyperior, Swampert, Barbaracle, Toxicroak, and Nidoking. “And the rest of them?”

“Because we didn’t want you to be hurt,” Pikachu said. “Ash and I may not always have had the best relationship with your species, but no one deserves what happened to you guys.”

“I do apologize for interrupting,” Celestia cut in, “but I’m afraid that there is one small error here. There is one small thing I would like from you, if you feel up to it.”

Fearow eyed her with a sudden suspicion. “And what do you want?”

“During your time unconscious you had mentioned a name. ‘Luna’, to be specific. Is there anyone you know that goes by that name?”

“Sure,” Fearow said. “She looks a lot like you but shorter and darker. She talks in big fancy words a lot, and I mean a lot. Do any of you know what ‘reprehensible miscreants disenfranchising the plebian class of their legitimate birthright will not be countenanced’ is supposed to mean?”

“Equestrian social theory broadly subscribes to the belief in the innate rights of even the lowliest of sapient beings,” Twilight immediately told it. “Among these are life, liberty of body and mind, and the opportunity for livelihood. Princess Luna assumes certain villainous personages – most probably representatives of Team Flare – are violating those rights, and refuses to tolerate it.”

Fearow stared blankly at her.

“What she meant was that bad people are doing bad things to ordinary folk,” Celestia interjected politely. “And we are going to go and beat them over the head until they stop.”

“Riiight…” Fearow nodded slowly. “But she’s still handy in a fight. That sound like who you’re thinking about?”

“Yes!” Celestia nodded eagerly, eyes sparkling. “She’s my sister, you see. We’ve been separated for far too long already and I’m eager to see her again. Might you know where she is now?”

“I have a general idea, sure. The flock always moves around a bit but I know the territory,” Fearow ruffled its feathers. “I’m sure I could find her. If that’s all you want for saving me-”

“I don’t think I’m being too hasty when I say it is,” Celestia said.

“If you know where Princess Luna is please take us to her right away!” Twilight nodded vigorously.

“I think we’d be okay with that,” Pikachu said.

“I want some a dat food back,” Meowth grumbled. “It ain’t cheap.”

“Right, so we’re all in agreement,” Celestia said. “If you can lead us to my sister, then that is definitely what we would request from you.”

“Sure, I was going back that way anyway. Back to the flock and away from crazy blue-haired humans,” Fearow glared balefully at the distant, still-bound Team Flare members. “I see you two have wings, we can go right away if you’re ready.”

Fearow stretched out its long, brown wings and beat them several times. After a moment, it tucked them back against its sides, and then looked down at its midsection.

“Okay, slight correction. In a couple of hours we can go.”

“Wait a second,” Pikachu said. “What about the other five?” He looked over at the other, still-unconscious Pokémon that Team Flare had brought. “We can’t just run off and leave them here.”

Celestia winced, but nodded. “You do have a point there.”

“We still don’t know what kind of internal damage the Dark Ball or the battle itself might have inflicted on them,” Twilight pointed out. “I’m not a medical professional, but from what I’ve read I don’t think you’re supposed to move patients in a state like that if you don’t absolutely have to.”

“Well it ain’t like da balloon’s got room for all a us, all a you, and all a dem. And we can’t exactly split up now,” Meowth hmphed. “Not like I like you twerps or anything, but what if dere’s more a dem Flare freaks on da way? You’da been goners if it weren’t for us!”

“You say that like you wouldn’t have been mincemeat without us,” Pikachu glared at him.

“All the same…” Celestia chewed her lip, “It’s a legitimate point. If it turns out that Team Flare has sent out more than one squad of assassins of that quality… And we were to split ourselves… Our odds should one of our groups encounter them alone…”

She didn’t say the rest. From the group’s collective face, she didn’t need to.

“We still know little about the overall disposition of their forces,” she went on. “To be frank, I don’t know how many more Mables they have to throw at us. One was far too close.”

“So you think we ought to wait a little while?” Twilight asked her mentor. “Until these other Pokémon have regained consciousness?”

There weren’t many moments that Celestia could say that she was genuinely tempted to ignore the suffering of innocents when it lay in her power to do something. Still, a thousand years of separation leaves some awful memories in its wake.

“I do,” she pronounced after a moment, eyes a bit downcast. “We cannot simply abandon these poor souls, and to split ourselves invites doom on us all. I don’t like it, but…” the princess sighed. “I have faith in my sister.”

They are mocking me. Luna thought through clenched teeth.

High in the sky – much, much higher than any human could possibly toss a Dark Ball – the dark alicorn stared down from amidst the clouds. Many humans dressed in the distinctive uniforms of Team Flare were plainly visible below in a forest clearing. Wheeled vehicles were parked and tents were pitched in the open. Smoke trails rose from multiple campfires, easily visible from every direction. In the dead center of the encampment was a projected image of a stylized “F” resembling a flame, resplendent and orange even in the dimming light of the dusk. The technology might be different, but Luna knew a proudly flapping banner when she saw one.

Even from on high she could make out multiple groups of humans and Pokémon, whether sitting around their dinner fires, using some technology she did not understand, or patrolling in and out of the surrounding trees. There were dozens total that she could see, including what had to have recently been the very Pokémon she was trying to appeal to. The enemy had gotten to them first, and that brought waves of pity and rage in equal measure.

They could not have offended her sensibilities more if they had tried. To rove and enslave in the territory that she, however vainly, considered in a sense her own was horrifying enough. To act proud of it, to plant the flag in the open and strut about like they owned the place, now that grated. Noble knights won the right to proudly raise high their banners by acts of valor and righteousness, to see criminals and slavers doing the same made the princess grind her perfect white teeth.

No doubt they are trying to offend you. Luna’s wiser side told her. They know you are here. They will wish to add you to their twisted collection.

To a mare well versed in classical warfare, the challenge could not have been more obvious. To raise a banner in another’s lands uninvited was to declare them impotent, helpless to stop you from doing anything that you wished. That what they wished was to cruelly reave the very minds of the locals only made it more glaring.

Here we are. The image seemed to say. Come and get us, if you dare.

Such traditions had evolved for reason. If a sovereign could not stop an enemy from raising banners in their lands, they truly were impotent. When the Pokémon she had gathered, was still gathering, found out that the enemy was camped comfortably in the midst of their homes, what would they think? If they were allowed to stay, allowed to seize yet more innocents and send them abroad to wreak havoc, then what?

Luna knew very well what. She had promised them safety, and even retribution, in numbers and under her command. If her followers learned of this situation, and then saw her doing nothing about it, what cause would they have to believe in her? If a campsite with a fraction of the enemy’s total numbers was impervious, why would they believe she could lead a counterattack on their base? Many of them had had instincts to run and hide, and had had to be persuaded safety could only be found in banding together to defeat the threat. If she was seen to be incapable of doing so, they would doubtless desert her in droves. And she would not blame them.

It is undoubtedly a lure. They cannot but know they challenge any who claim this land as their domain. They will be prepared.

But, Luna told herself, they must fall all the same.

Not so far away, Jessie, James, and Meowth were huddled around a small, faintly beeping projector. After taking a quick look around to make sure no one else was too close, Meowth hit a button, and Giovanni’s face appeared on the screen.

“About time,” he said with his usual serious expression.

“What’s da scoop, boss?’ Meowth asked.

“Have we got anything new out of Team Flare’s computer data?” Jessie asked.

“Or is there anything you want us to be doing?” James added.

“I’ll take that for eagerness to work, this time,” he said flatly. “But don’t grow used to speaking out of turn.”

“Yes sir!” the trio saluted.

“Good.” Giovanni nodded. “To answer your relevant questions, no there has not yet been a serious breakthrough with the stolen data. Whomever encrypted it knew what they were doing, or perhaps my subordinates do not. It wouldn’t be the first time.”

Jessie, James, and Meowth exchanged nervous glances.

“But what I want you to do is confirm your location to me. In light of recent events, I’ve decided to send you a little something, and I want it there without delay.”

“Wow, you really mean it, boss?!”

“Would I lie?”

The trio stared awkwardly at the screen.

“To you?”

The staring continued.

Giovanni rolled his eyes. “Yes I mean it, you idiots.”

New Plans, Old Friends

As the last rays of the evening sun finally dipped below the horizon, dozens upon dozens of Pokemon gathered beneath the forest canopy. Here, far from any clearings or human trails, beside a clear, bubbling spring, they awaited the word of the self-appointed leader. Even gathered together ostensibly for a single cause, few clans or packs mingled beyond their own species, if that. Many had been enemies or rivals for generations, some even predator and prey. The fact that this Luna was of a totally new species and, to the best of everyone’s knowledge, had never eaten anyone’s grandpa was half the reason any of them had been willing to listen to her in the first place.

The princess herself stared down at her somewhat ragtag, heavily-segregated forces from a perch atop a high, thick tree branch. It reminded her, in a way, of her days leading armies composed of rough alliances of peasant levies and knights sworn to scores of different lords, great and petty alike. That thought made her feel strangely nostalgic.

“Hearken to my words,” she said in a commanding tone, and to her satisfaction what little conversation there had been died almost at once. “As I forewarned you, the enemy of us all has not proven content with the lives they have already stolen away. They have erected a camp in midst of your woodlands, all the better to steal the very minds from your family and friends.”

Several Pokémon flinched at that, but Luna was pleased to see more of them looking angry. Some even bared fangs or snarled.

“We must drive them out and dash their schemes to ruin,” the alicorn declared. “They must not be allowed to ravage this fair wood any further!”

That won a series of barks, growls, and screeches, mostly approving.

“But,” Luna held up a hoof for silence. “We must also consider that they come so openly because they come in numbers. They are prepared for a fight.” She looked down into the Pokémon’s faces, hard eyes meeting many an upward gaze. “If we are to ensure that we do not share the fate of those already taken, we must know how prepared.” She paused a moment. “I have a stratagem, but I will require volunteers with superb night vision and a keen sense of patience.”

Pokémon looked at one another and hurled, some muttering faintly.

“We will not simply rush in ignorantly to our doom,” Luna said firmly. “I require those of quick wit and not bound by pride. They must be prepared both to brave proximity to the enemy camp, and to retreat on a moment’s notice should they be spotted. Am I understood?” She swept her eyes across the crowd again, careful not to so much as blink. “This is a mission of the strictest observation, not engagement. No one is to so much as growl at them until I give the word. Now… which of you believes that they can accomplish this?”

“Hey guys, look!” Jessie called out the next day. “You’ll never guess who’s here!”

“Santa Claus?” Meowth grumbled sarcastically, cracking open an eye from where he was sunbathing.

“Even better!” Jessie smiled as her two cohorts looked up at her. “It’s Delibird!”

“It’s here already?” James’ eyes widened. “It made a cross-continent flight by itself in just one night?”

“Or maybe it already arrived in Kalos earlier and set out from there,” Twilight suggested from a perch a few trees down. “Delibird are known for stamina, due to the extreme conditions of their native environment, but not for exceptional flight speed. Oh, and why would a Delibird seeking us out be a good thing again?”

“Come on, let’s go!” Jessie beckoned as she went, summarily ignoring the alicorn. “The boss sent us a gift and we don’t want to keep to keep him waiting!”

“She’s right!” James got to his feet and started running towards the descending bird as well. “Last one there’s a rotten egg!”

“Huh – hey!” Meowth had barely had time to sit up and stretch before he was forced to scramble up and onto his paws, chasing after the two humans. “Wait for me!”

The trio ran out of the trees and into one of the forest’s many clearings, waving up cheerfully at the red and white Pokémon now coming directly towards them. Delibird was a chubby-looking Pokémon that seemed to fly in active defiance of the laws of physics, totally lacking any visible flight feathers or appropriate tail. While it flapped its stubby “wings” to carry itself along, it hoisted a sack over its back and clutched the bag’s tip with its yellow beak.

When Delibird landed, Team Rocket were there to greet it with the sparkling eyes of children on Christmas Eve. Celestia, Twilight, and the others watched with vague interest as Delibird reached into its sack and handed Jessie two Poke Balls. It reached back in and handed James a single red and white orb.

“Hey!” he complained. “How come she gets two and I only get one?”

“Because the boss knows who the best battler is,” Jessie smiled. “Wouldn’t want to waste too many Pokémon, now would we?”

James ground his teeth.

Ignoring both of them, Delibird handed Meowth a tube, follow by a flat tablet. The white cat Pokemon frowned and took a look at a note taped to the corner of the machine. He sat it down on the ground and hit the power button. While it was booting up, Delibird turned and took off, flying back the way it had come. An image of an elderly, mustached man sporting a white lab coat and monocle appeared, and all three of the trio snapped to attention immediately.

“This is a prerecorded message from Dr. Zager,” the old man said. “Jessie, James, Meowth, I hope this finds you well, and quickly. The boss feels that, with you as the sole Team Rocket operatives left in Kalos, you need more firepower at your disposal. You had left these Pokémon at our base because they weren’t native to the regions your travels took you to, but Giovanni now believes the possibility of increased suspicion is acceptable.”

“Hold on…” Jessie’s eyes widened. “You don’t mean…”

Immediately, she tossed both Poke Balls in the air. Two flashes of silvery light later and a black snake with prominent red fangs and knifelike tail appeared alongside a titanic green dragonfly with red eyes and four wings ending in red spots. Jessie barely had a chance to smile before the two were on her, and she was wrapped up by the snake’s coils while the dragonfly landed atop her long hair.

“Seviper! Yanmega!” Jessie cried happily, hugging the former around the neck. “I’ve missed you guys!”

Seviper replied by licking her in the face with its forked tongue, while Yanmega eagerly nuzzled the top of her head with its own.

“James, I recall that you had said that Mime Jr. was not a battle-ready Pokémon,” Dr. Zager’s message continued. “And that you didn’t wish to place it in any danger. We anticipate serious dangers in the days ahead, so we opted to continue caring for it here.”

“If Mime Jr’s still at headquarters,” James said, looking down at his Poke Ball, “then this can only be-”

The Poke Ball spontaneously exploded into silver light before he could finish that sentence, and he was immediately all but swallowed up by something green.

“Carnivine, I’m happy to see you too!” came James’ muffled protest. “But please, for the love of Team Rocket GET OFF OF MY HEAD!”

The venus flytrap-like Pokémon totally ignored his screams and flailing, pulling him closer in a hug with a big grin on its massive jaws.

“Is it trying to eat him?” Celestia stood up, a worried expression on her face.

“Nah,” Pikachu waved a hand. “It always does that. Look, it’s happy to see him.”

James ran around in a circle, screaming and waving his arms around. Carnivine hung on with a massive smile on its face, hugging him close while clamping down ever harder with its jaws. Meanwhile, Seviper was coiled tight about Jessie and Yanmega had crawled forwards so its face could peer down into Jessie’s, buzzing happily. Meowth was totally ignoring his teammates, focusing solely on Dr. Zager.

“And we’ve also sent your entire team another useful asset, though unfortunately it was too heavy for Delibird to carry. Since we lack any further agents in Kalos, we had to…” he looked embarrassed. “Ship it legally. Do you have any idea what Kalos Post charges for overnight international shipping? I thought we were the extortionists. Also, they don’t exactly deliver to the middle of the woods, so we had to send it to a warehouse in a nearby town.” Zager shook his head. “I’ve included the address and proper credentials on the blueprints. It’s just a few hours out of your way, and that’s including the do it yourself parts. Regardless, I designed it myself to suit your current needs. If you’ll take the time to go and collect it, I’m certain you’ll find that it’s definitely worth the trouble.”

Meowth unscrewed the plastic top of the tube Delibird had given him, extracting a cylinder of blue paper. Almost the moment he unrolled it, his eyes widened, then gleamed.

“Oh yeah,” he grinned. “Dis is definitely gonna be worth it.”

Moonlight and Fire

For the second night in a row, Houndour crept through the brush as softly as he could. His dark coat blended in well with his surroundings, and many years spent hunting for his pack had taught him much about the fine art of stealth. As a naturally nocturnal Pokémon, his night vision was keen enough to pick out fine details in the dimmest of light. His sharp ears, used to ferreting out cowering prey from countless hiding holes, now turned themselves to picking out what his eyes could not. Though he was crouched amidst a lowly scrub bush, he was keenly aware of everything around him.

The same could not be said for those he was there to watch. Houndour had never had a trainer, but he had seen humans many times before, and it was obvious that these particular humans had little idea of what they were doing. Their clothes weren’t the rugged sorts that travelers usually wore, getting dirty or torn with remarkable regularity, which seemed to annoy them greatly. The red-orange suits left them sweating heavily on muggy nights like this one, making them even easier to pick out by smell. They made excessive use of light, whether lanterns and flashlights carried in their hands or the bright glare coming from their main camp. Too much bright light prevented the eyes from adjusting, left anything outside its rays all but invisible.

This “Team Flare”, whatever else it was, evidently contained very few if any outdoorsmen. The men and women Houndour saw passing by grumbled and muttered about being made to patrol at night in a forest, wished for the comforts of “cafes” and “air conditioning”, whatever those were. Everything from the temperature and humidity to the dirt and roots they stumbled over irritated them, and they weren’t shy in voicing where their leader couldn’t hear.

There were moments, such as when a woman tripped over a root and fell to her hands and knees, that Houndour’s hunting instincts told him to pounce. He suppressed the urge, easily done after a lifetime of strict pack hierarchy. While the humans themselves might not be particularly good at roughing it, the same didn’t necessarily apply to their Pokémon partners. Every human had at least one accompanying them, and while some of them were obviously just as uncomfortable, others were better prepared. Houndour saw more than one of his own species amongst their ranks, and to his anger not all of them sported the dead eyes of an enslaved Pokémon. He would do many things for the sake of his pack, but to willingly participate in the enslavement of one own species… he had to suppress the urge to challenge the traitors then and there.

He wasn’t here to fight, he reminded himself for the hundredth time as a Team Flare Houndour passed by, sniffing. Lady Luna’s orders had been exactingly specific. Observe their numbers and disposition of forces, but retreat at once if there was even a possibility that they had been spotted. Take a convoluted route to confuse pursuit but return to their rally point and let her know what had happened. Many Pokémon were too prideful to just turn and run at the first sign of danger like that, but not his kind. Hunting packs of Houndour were a well-oiled machine as the humans would say, well prepared to do whatever it took to bring home food and able to perform many complex tactics. If the pack’s alpha male wanted him to listen to this strange winged creature, then he would, and follow her orders to the letter. Their discipline was something to be proud of – another thing that made them superior to the other forest dwellers.

Hours passed by, waning moon shining dimly overhead, as Houndour simply sat and observed the humans coming and going. He wasn’t the only one. Woven throughout the forest were fourteen other Pokémon of varying species, hiding amidst bushes or peering down from trees or crouching in hastily-dug burrows. For a second night in a row they simply sat in silence, keeping a careful watch on what these people were up to. It was a tiresome, lonely, and boring task, but those present had the patience or discipline to see it through. The night passed with little incident, and about an hour before sunrise, the Pokémon slowly melted away back into the woods.

“You are certain, then?” Luna asked the dangerous-looking devil dog. “None of your subordinates were detected by the enemy?”

“I already told you that once,” Houndoom growled slightly in reply. “If I say my pack has carried out its task successfully, then it has.”

“Peace,” Luna stood up straight, keeping her eyes firmly fixed on Houndoom’s. “I meant you no disrespect, I mean only to verify details of vital importance. If our enemy has the faintest notion that they are being actively observed, the dangers of our campaign increase exponentially.”

“I don’t even know what that word means, but we did what you asked. And the result is the same as last night.” Houndoom snorted. “We watched some soft-bellied city dwellers and their pampered lickspittles trudge about with as much skill as a Snorlax attempting acrobatics. They had no idea that we were ever there. Even their Houndour have clearly been spoiled by an easy life or had their sense ripped out with the rest of their minds.”

“I trust that you had the wisdom to remain downwind?”

“Do you take me for some newly-hatched pup? Of course we did. But we didn’t learn anything new or interesting. There are perhaps a dozen humans and Pokémon on patrol at any given time. They use too much light and make too much noise themselves to be truly aware of the forest around them. A few of us could skirt around them or in between with minimal difficulty. But we cannot approach too close to the camp itself, because all the light would leave us little place to hide.”

“On the contrary,” Luna grinned at him. “We have been learning something quite interesting. It seems that this Team Flare is composed almost entirely of urbanites with little regular contact with the natural world. Further, there are Houndour and Houndoom represented amongst their Pokémon. This is important information, and I sincerely thank you for delivering it to me.”

“You can thank me by telling me what we’re going to be doing about this. They’re squatting in our territory, bringing intruder and rival packs to our hunting grounds. This can’t be allowed to go on.”

“And it will not be,” Luna promised him. “Have faith in me, I am even now preparing a stratagem to evict them from this forest, using the invaluable information that you have brought me.”

“And what’s that? How does what you heard help us? We still don’t know their full fighting strength.”

“Ah, but what we do know is that there many of them. And what is it that makes armies – or packs – above a certain size unfeasible?”

“Food,” Houndoom answered automatically. “Hunting grounds will only support so many new pups at a time.”

“Exactly,” Luna nodded, a bit impressed he’d gotten it right away. “While our forces are capable of living off the land, the information you’ve brought me these past nights informs me that our enemies are almost certainly not. As we have not seen a supply train running back to their primary fortress, it stands to reason that they are dependent on the food and goods that they have brought with them. Further, we know that Houndour are not an unexpected sight amongst their ranks.”

“What does that all mean?” Houndoom asked.

“What it means is that, given a sufficient level of attention drawn elsewhere, they would not think to question the presence in their midst of Houndour not immediately accompanied by an obvious master. If their focus is elsewhere, we should be able to infiltrate members of your pack into their base of operations undetected.”

“And what would we do in there?”

“Why, you would simply do what I am told that you are the best at,” Luna replied. “You would burn.”

Many hours later as it was nearing midnight in Team Flare’s encampment, things were peaceful as could be expected. With a new moon and mild overcast the night was dark, but there was plenty of artificial light to be had. The holographic Flare emblem floating proudly in the camp’s center provided a comforting orange glow, amplified by brilliant white lanterns strung about the clearing’s perimeter. Campfires blazed cheerfully, some few men and women who knew how still cooking over them. With most already asleep things were quiet. No wild Pokémon were about – they had already fled or else been captured. The only sounds were the grumbling of those out on patrol, the snoring of those in bed, or the crackling of the fire. It seemed right then that it would be another peaceful, sweaty, dirty, boring night.

Two out of four ain’t bad.

The first clue anyone had that anything at all was wrong was when a pinkish-white orb crashed down like a meteor from the heavens. It struck the projector beneath the holographic Flare symbol, which exploded with a gratifyingly large bang. Men and women were torn from slumber by a thunderclap just in time to catch glimpses of tiny smoking pieces of metal raining down throughout the camp. Few had had time to do more than gape when a second sphere crashed into one of their off-road vehicles, flinging shards of glass and metal in every direction. Flare grunts hurriedly scrambled from their tents as the bonfire formerly known as an engine roared ever higher.

“It’s coming from the sky!” one of the already-awake men shouted, pointing up.

Pokémon, ordinary and brainwashed alike, were already being called out. Swalot, Golbat, Houndour, Electrike, Skorupi and others appeared in flashes of silver and dark energy. The more perceptive were already looking up when a third attack rained down from the darkness. This one was a beam of purple-black rings, sweeping wildly through the camp in a single great slash. It cut through several tents, a campfire, sliced a tire from a four-wheeler in two, and hurdled a particularly unlucky woman a dozen yards. Fire, electricity, poisonous globs, and venom-tipped stingers were launched skywards in response, but the effort was haphazard and no cries of pain rewarded it. Another white-pink sphere struck the ground between two rows of tents, tearing several to shreds and leaving a deep hole in the ground.

“Out of my way, you idiot!” Celosia snarled, roughly shoving an unfortunate man aside.

The scientist was already affixing her visor to her face, lenses flaring to life with a soft purple glow. She stood in the open and looked up, hand on hip, attracting a handful of stares herself. Few had ever seen the rather attractive woman in her bedwear before, but no one was stupid enough to say anything now. She tossed a Poke Ball into the air.

“Manectric!” she called out. “Light Screen, now!”

Her blue-yellow canine appeared on the scene, and at once its eyes lit up with a shimmering multicolored rainbow. Those of Team Flare that were near it, human and Pokémon alike, found themselves enveloped by a soft multicolor aura. They redoubled their efforts in response, sporadic returning fire now becoming a steady stream flung vaguely upwards. Celosia ignored, switching her visor to body temperature mode with a slight touch. It only took a few seconds for technology to do what the naked eye evidently couldn’t.

“There she is!” the scientist pointed, flicking a second Poke Ball to bring forth a bulky purple scorpion. “Manectric, light up the skies with your Thunderbolt!”

Her Pokémon bared its teeth and nodded, fur crackling with electricity. A massive lightning bolt, longer and stronger than any other, tore its way skywards. It struck exactly where its mistress was pointing and was rewarded with a flashing silhouette between the stars.

“That’s the way! Drapion, follow up with Sludge Bomb!” Celosia commanded.

While her other Pokémon sent globs of poisonous goop skywards, another dark beam rained down from on high. Aimed in the general vicinity of Manectric, it went well wide of its target and near vaporized an unoccupied tent instead. Debris rained down, but Light Screen offered considerable protection and even those closest to the blast got little more than scratched.

“She’s circling to evade!” Celosia called out again, tracking their assailant with a finger. “Concentrate all your attacks where I point, bring her down before she can get away! Manectric, another Thunderbolt! Drapion, Sludge Bomb once more!”

Team Flare’s Pokémon unleashed dozens of attacks up into the blackened sky, this time in a rather wide but still aimed cone. Most missed, because their enemy was very high and moving fast, but there were enough that occasionally one or two struck home. Perhaps more important, the steady stream of fire and electricity in her vicinity finally rendered a vague silhouette of the alicorn visible to the naked eye.

But while all of that was happening and all eyes were on the sky, no one noticed a half-dozen small claws poking out from the earth throughout the camp. Those claws quickly became larger holes, as Nincada burrowed their way up to the surface with prodigious speed. Just as soon as the small bug Pokémon appeared, they scampered back into their tunnels, allowing their allies to be disgorged. Each passage contained a pair of dirty, irritable, but still fresh Houndour, and they raced out quickly.

Sticking together in their pairs, Houndour sniffed the air. Their keen noses were used to tracking prey through the confusing menagerie of smells that was a nighttime forest, finding stored provisions in boxes was little enough challenge. They crept closer with admirable efficiency, ignoring the urge to pounce on their enemies while they were distracted. They located their targets in mere seconds, and the backs of their throats began to glow.

“That’s it!” Celosia pumped a fist when a Sludge Bomb struck home, and her quarry plummeted dozens of yards before catching herself. “Keep up the pressure, don’t let her rest!”

The cone of attacks tracked the princess as she dived, pulling away towards the sanctuary of the forest. No attacks from her now, no. Celosia’s magnified vision could see her muscles spasm when lightning struck, witness her flinch away from bright red flames, spot the venomous barbs embedded in her legs and flanks. However powerful and alien she might be, she was a finite creature, and any mathematician worth his variables knew any finite number could be reduced to zero.

Her attention was torn from enjoying the sight of more Poison Sting raking Luna’s body by the sudden sound of Manectric’s barking. She knew her partner enough to turn to look at it, and then was all but blinded by sudden flares of massive heat throughout the camp. Blinking quickly to clear her watering eyes, Celosia shielded her face and adjusted the visor’s mode with a quick brush of her fingers.

“What?!” she snarled as the world came back into focus. “What in the – gah!”

Fires already blazed throughout her encampment. Boxes and bags full of consumable supplies mostly, but several of the still-standing tents and even one vehicle now danced merrily with red-orange flame. Smoke trails were beginning to rise into the sky, accompanied by the foul scent of burning plastics. Manectric continued to bark and growl, then unleashed a burst of electricity. Celosia tracked the direction, then bared her teeth at the sight of a Houndour staggering back under the Thunderbolt.

“Dark Ball, go!” she yelled, hurling the only one to hand at the intruder and snapping it up before it could recover.

But whatever cheer she might have gotten from that was soured in the next instant, when she spotted several more of the black Pokémon darting hurriedly through the burning campsite. She was about to order some grunts to head them off, but then her visor picked up one vanishing into a hole in the ground through the growing smoke.

“Drapion, hurry!” she thrust a finger out like a lance. “Take out that Houndour with Cross Poison before it can get away!”

Her larger purple Pokémon immediately bowled towards the nearest invader with claws glowing purple. But Houndour was already too close, diving into a tunnel seconds before the lethal pincers dug great gouges in the earth. Drapion clawed frantically after it but was far too large to fit in the Nincada’s burrow. All it succeeded in doing was partially collapsing the entrance.

Celosia stamped her foot and gritted her teeth, before quickly returning her attention to the sky. Even if much of their gear was destroyed, her mission would still be a success if she brought down-

She was just in time to see the alicorn pull low enough to the trees that the cone of attacks could no longer reach her, soaring away hard and fast for all her injuries.

Team Flare’s Scientist managed a strangled cry of frustration before a wave of heat washed over her. She looked around with no small sense of alarm to see the blaze spreading quickly. Her subordinates knew little about camping and the accompanying fire safety and had left flammable objects and garbage everywhere. It had to be smothered before it kicked off a full-fledged forest fire that consumed them all. She realized in an instant that there was no way to mount a timely pursuit.

Celosia’s wrathful scream was loud enough to wake the dead.

Panting, dark coat slick with sweat and coated in many places with a burning, toxic grime, Luna took a moment to catch her breath on a tree branch. Her blood vessels felt as though they were on fire, and she knew the many barbs and darts still embedded in her flesh were poisonous. Gingerly, she pried a few out with her teeth where she could reach, but between the venom and scorch marks and burns from electricity and fire, it did little if anything for the pain.

As fate transpired, she had little time for rest. Barely a minute had passed before her subordinates came racing and scurrying through the dark forest to the rendezvous point. The princess blinked to clear away the blurring at edges of her vision, then looked down at them. Eleven Houndour, six Nincada remaining. Seventeen of eighteen returned. Better than she had feared, worse than she had hoped.

“Mission accomplished, my lady,” breathed one of Houndour. “The enemy’s den is aflame.”

“Aye,” Luna nodded, then screwed up her eyes against a fresh wave of pain. “Let us… let us return home.”


“You were right, they’ve abandoned their nest,” a Fearow told Luna, some hours later. “Nothing left there but grey ash and broken machines. The forest makes it hard to tell for sure, but I think they’re heading back to the big stone thingie where they live.”

For her part, the alicorn princess was lying high on a secluded tree branch, protected from the rising sun by green leaves. Out of sight of almost all of her allies, she was free to slump over and moan in pain all she liked. Between the fire and acid, there were numerous patches of dark skin showing through where fur had been scoured away. And even though the barbs themselves were gone, the burning venom continued to eat away at her insides. Damn this place and its lack of healing magicks!

“Houndoom is saying we should be harassing them as they go,” Fearow went on. “And a bunch of the others agree with him. Take more revenge for what’s happened. Hit them while they’re weak.”

“They are not…” Luna had to pause a moment against a spasm. “Weak. Tell them that the enemy will concentrate… forces. All Pokémon will be… out and alert.” She took a deep breath. “Looking for a fight… their firepower is…” she winced, “formidable. We require more time… to build forces. Send them out to their own kind… tell them of our victory… tell them the invaders can be… defeated.”

Wheezing wracked her body from the effort of speaking, frequently forcing her to pause for breath mid-sentence. It was why she could not be giving orders in person, in full sight of all her allies. While a bravely-wounded leader was an inspirational figure, a sickly one who could barely talk through it did not command much respect. There were still too many Pokémon, in Luna’s estimation, who would see a clearly debilitated commander as an opportunity to rise by finishing the job. Better not to give them too many ideas.

Even speaking to Fearow was a calculated risk. She had been with the flock the longest and had done what she could to inspire at least respect but had never been so weak in front of any of them. If one of their number harbored aspirations to challenge her, now was clearly the time. Still, she had to give some commands lest others take the initiative, and the birds were amongst the few capable of physically reaching her.

“…Yes,” Fearow replied, just a moment later. “Of course. Is there anything else?”

Luna thought about it, then shook her throbbing head.

“No,” she wheezed, wincing at the sound of her own voice.

Fearow gave her an odd look, and then flapped away.

“Ooooh…” Nidoking groaned softly. “My head… my back…”

The purple Pokemon managed to force his eyes open a fraction, only to immediately slam them shut again against the cruel, blinding glare of the sun. Everything hurt, what wasn’t throbbing was stiff and sore. His stomach was empty and ravenous, his throat bone dry and utterly parched. Together, the primal need for sustenance outweighed the pain and exhaustion he felt.

“Where… am I?” he managed, slowly prying his heavy eyelids open once again. The world around him swam with impossibly brilliant and blurry colors. “Wha happened?”

“Shhh… it’s alright,” a voice said, “you’re safe now. You’re free now.”

“Huh?” Nidoking mumbled. “What?”

Slowly, over the course of a good few seconds, the swirling maelstrom of vivid color began to resolve itself into something more coherent. As his eyes began to focus, Nidoking slowly realized that there was something purple bending down over him. He forced his throbbing head to tilt up a few degrees and found himself looking into the strange face of a species he had never seen before.

“It’s alright,” she repeated softly in that same voice. “You’re going to be alright. You’re with friends here.”

“Hey, what’s da big idea a droppin’ dat all over me?!” screeched another voice from somewhere. “Get back here an’ taste Fury Swipes!”

“You don’t have to chew on my head every time, you know?!” wailed a third voice from a completely different direction. “Get off! Get off! Get oooofffff!”

“Well,” the purple creature shrugged, “mostly.”

“Tell me,” said Lysandre in a dangerously calm tone. “Am I the only competent member of this entire organization?”

Behind him, Celosia flinched but said nothing. The scientist stood stock still at attention, while her leader had his back to her. Deep underground, he stared out a window at the deceptively beautiful crystalline bud with hands behind his back. Team Flare agents and lesser scientists continued to work in the ultimate weapon’s chamber, testing and retesting, calibrating energy levels and calculating output. Thick red and black cords ran from the sides of the rainbow-tinted crystal, disappearing down onto a still lower floor where the power source was to be kept.

“First, Aliana is made a fool of and our entire central data repository is plundered by criminal vermin under her watch,” Lysandre went on. “Following that, Mable leaves on an important mission and goes out of contact for days. And now you come crawling back to me with your tail between your legs to inform me that your camp and hundreds of thousands in equipment has been burned to ash for no discernable gain. The alicorn remains at large, and it appears that she has made progress in recruiting further Pokémon to her cause. The threat grows, and you have totally failed to contain it.” Team Flare’s leader finally took a half-step around, looking sideways at Celosia with his hard, blue eyes. “Given all of that, I’ll be generous and give you an opportunity to convince me of why I shouldn’t reduce your rank to floor-scrubber immediately.”

“Sir, please give me one more chance!” Celosia said immediately. “I know that I may have messed up-”

“You cost us substantial assets for no gain,” he interrupted. “We’re tantalizingly close to the point where financial viability is of no concern, but all the same I have never tolerated wastefulness.”

“My plan failed to eliminate the princess, it’s true, but I have the seeds of another one!” Celosia hurriedly extracted a Dark Ball from her belt. “I captured one of the alicorn’s followers when they attacked our camp. We can use it to track them back to their source! With enough men and Pokémon, I can put an end to whatever she’s planning!”

“And what will you do if she’s moved her camp?” Lysandre asked. “She has already proven more tactically astute than you had anticipated.”

“We have Houndour, and there’s no better tracker than my Manectric! We know that she has ground-bound allies, she can’t just flutter away without leaving a trail anymore!”

“And if she separates herself from them?”

“Then we’ll hunt them down and eliminate every Pokémon we can find!” Celosia vowed. “But she won’t get far on her own, sir! I saw it myself last night, she was burned, electrocuted, coated in toxic sludge, and riddled with venomous barbs while creating her distraction. There’s no way she could shake off that kind of injury in just a few hours. If you allow me to collect a new force right away, I promise we can hunt her down and eliminate her as a threat before she can even recover enough to put up a fight!”

“A bold claim,” her leader noted, “considering your track record.”

“I swear if you’ll give me one more chance I won’t let you down, sir!” Celosia stood stock straight, sweat trickling down her face. “I’ll stake my existence in the new world on it!”

For the first time, Lysandre’s eyes widened.

“You don’t understand what you’re saying,” he shook his head a few moments later, expression returning to normal. “But I understand the spirit in which your words are offered.” He smiled sardonically. “Very well, I’ll grant you one final chance to prove your competence. Take your forces, take fresh supplies from storage and more vehicles from the fleet, and hunt down this Luna. Crush her and eliminate the threat she poses to our future, and I’ll forget this ever happened. Don’t fail me again.”

“Yes sir!” Celosia saluted crisply.

“You may go,” he nodded, turning his back on her. “Good hunting.”

The scientist turned on her heels at once and spun around, walking briskly towards the room’s exit. Before she was even halfway there, the door slid open to reveal a man dressed in a white admin’s uniform. He saluted Lysandre, seemingly ignoring the purple-haired woman.

“Yes?” Team Flare’s leader said, not facing him. “What is it?”

“Malva, sir,” the admin said as Celosia walked past him. “She’s arrived, as you ordered.”

“Excellent. Instruct her to take whatever rest and refreshment she requires and be ready to leave again before noon.” Lysandre’s voice grew more distant as Celosia strode quickly down the hallway. “She is to accompany me on one last mission, before the world is reborn.”

Luna stirred from a vague, half-conscious morass of dreamlike pain at the sound of leaves rustling. She raised her head, blinking her bleary eyes, as a large Fearow forced its way through the branches. The princess tried to rise, but another jolt of pain from the lingering venom coursed through her veins. Fearow said nothing as it ambled closer, though its razor-sharp beak was slightly opened.

The alicorn felt a tinge of fear, as she realized just how alone and how weak she truly was at that moment. At the very nadir of her power, her neck lying bare mere feet from the brown Pokémon, there was no way it could miss. One strike, one quick jab of its pointed beak and it would all be-

Fearow bent over and spat something out of its mouth.

Luna blinked, blue eyes looking wearily down at the wet little object now poised rather precariously on the tree branch. It was some kind of fruit, two bright green leaves along its stem. A dark pink color predominated the flesh closest to the stem, transitioning into lighter and lighter shades of pink the further away it got. Spots of a pink so light it was nearly white were speckled here and there. The alicorn stared. The breeze picked up, and Fearow had to catch the fruit with its beak to prevent it falling off.

“Well don’t just look at it,” Fearow mumbled, still holding on. “Eat it before the wind does!”

“What… is it?” Luna managed.

“Pecha Berry,” Fearow said. “Great cure for poison. Works every time.”

Luna blinked again.

“Come on, we need you fighting fit. Eat it already!”

“I…” for a moment, Luna didn’t know what to say. “Thank you.”

Last Chance

The unearthly quiet of the emptied forest was shattered by the sounds of leaves crunching, engines humming, and branches being crushed to powder. A Houndour was on point, dashing straight through the trees with none of the subtlety that its kind were capable of. Behind it came a Manectric, and behind that a whole pack of Electrike and Houndour. Then came Team Flare itself.

There was no subtlety to Celosia’s approach this time. There couldn’t be – she was a born and bred city-slicker, and her subordinates were almost all in a same boat. They weren’t frontiersmen, they didn’t know these woods like the back of their collective hand and with the end of the world nigh they didn’t have time to learn. The only chance of timely victory lay in forcing a massive, decisive confrontation as quickly as possible. That was why almost all of Team Flare’s remaining four-wheelers were crashing through the undergrowth like a Tauros in a china shop. Appropriately enough, there weren’t enough mechanical steeds for everyone, so quite a few Flare grunts were riding actual Tauros. A handful of Ponyta and Rapidash, too. Their expressions suggested that they were less than happy about it.

Celosia winced at the sound of one of her subordinates losing their lunch behind her. Shaking her head, she opted just to keep focused on the pack of hound Pokémon leading the charge. Her vehicle kept up easily even in the rough terrain, inbuilt and expensive computer systems automatically working to compensate for every bump and pitch to keep her as level as possible.

They tore into an empty clearing, and the purple-haired woman snarled. Ashes and wrecked equipment were everywhere – she had to weave between a number of burnt-out wrecks that had been Flare vehicles. She even ran over the torched remains of her own tent, embittered but all the more resolved to take revenge. She would eliminate the wretched creature and prove her right to rule in the new world.

Such comforting thoughts in her head, Celosia plowed onwards.

Faint silvery light radiated from Luna’s body for perhaps the fifth time that day. As she closed her eyes and allowed it to envelope her skin, the black-red burns further receded into mere pinkish inflammations. Some of her coat began poking out again in the lesser spots, soft and fuzzy like a newborn foal’s. Unfortunately, the soothing sensation of Moonlight didn’t last. After just a few seconds of it her energy reserves were all but drained again, and she was forced to cease.

Yes. Luna thought. It is certainly far less effective during daylight hours.

Still, that Pecha Berry had been every bit as good as Fearow had said. It tasted like bird saliva, but it had only taken a few minutes for the burning sensation inside of her to start to ebb away. Within an hour of eating it the poison was all but gone, and she could actually recuperate. The healing move helped, but it required power and that required rest.

Not that she had time for it.

Bitter experience had long ago taught her that in wartime there was always something that needed doing, and it seemed that even changing dimensions and species had no effect on that reality. She flapped her wings and descended from the treetops. Several Pokemon were already waiting on the ground for her.

“I kept an eye on their nest like you asked,” said a Fearow, albeit a different one. “Circled it from really high up. Did you know we can fly an entire day without resting?” He puffed out his chest feathers.

“Get to the point,” Houndoom growled. “You didn’t come back here just to preen.”

“I’ll say what I want to say! I’d like to see you and your mutts get that close and not get caught!”

“One of my pack is lost to the enemy, sacrificed to our victory. Insult my kindred again and you’ll direly regret it.” Houndoom showed his fangs.

Fearow spread his wings wide and stood up straighter, clearly unintimidated. “My flock was making sacrifices before you came to beg us for shelter. If you want-”

“Peace!” Luna said in a stern tone, holding out one leg between the two of them. “We are all comrades in this struggle.” She met the gaze of both Fearow and Houndoom one after the other, never allowing her hard blue eyes to falter. “We are all present because we desire the downfall of these rapscallions. To do battle with one another will do nothing to aid in our cause. Therefore cease, or else suffer my ire.” When neither of them said anything, she nodded at Fearow. “Please, continue with your account.”

“Like I was saying,” Fearow ruffled his feathers. “I was circling their funny stone thing when I saw it open up again. There was a big stampede of humans and Pokémon that came out. They made a beeline for the forest and just plunged right in, not even slowing down.”

“Did you espy in which direction they went?” Luna frowned.

“Couldn’t really tell through all the trees, plus I came back here quick as I could.”

“I see.” The princess considered a moment, then turned her head upwards. “Spearow. Take a small measure of your swiftest kindred and depart north. Locate this enemy column and bring me news of its whereabouts and destination. Attempt to discern its numerical strength, if possible, but do not place yourselves in undue peril.”


“Go and find the enemy,” Luna sighed. “Tell me where they are and where they are going. Do not get caught.”

“Oh,” Spearow ruffled its feathers. “Why didn’t you just say so?”

Luna sighed again.

“I like to consider myself a just ruler,” Princess Celestia said, head held straight.

Before the princess, still bound and increasingly ragged, were the five members of Team Flare. They had only been allowed to get up for essential business sparsely over the preceding days, and even then only one at a time. They had had only a little to eat and canteen water to drink, and none of them had the chance to bathe. There was bags under their eyes from lack of sleep, and their prized red suits were smudged with dirt and forest debris.

“Yet I find myself in a dilemma,” she went on. “What to do with all of you?”

Behind Celestia were Rhyperior, Swampert, Nidoking, Barbaracle, Toxicroak, and Fearow. Each of the Pokémon were staring down at their former captors with expressions ranging from cold indifference to just short of rabid. Meowth was perched atop Rhyperior’s shoulder, acting as official translator.

“You are all unquestionably guilty of such crimes as enslavement, attempted murder, attempted child murder, and accessories to attempted genocide. If she is to be believed.” Celestia nodded once at Mable.

The blue-haired woman only smirked.

“Yet I have little in the way of courts to convict and sentence you, and neither the time nor the inclination to attempt to go through the legal proceedings of this world. There are other places and tasks which call to me.” Celestia paused. “So, in lieu of a jury of your peers, I felt that perhaps the most just outcome would be to leave your fates in the hands of those you had so grievously wronged.”

Rhyperior and Nidoking cracked their enormous knuckles. Barbaracle flashed razor-sharp claws, Toxicroak its poison-tipped spikes. Four of the five men and women flinched away. Mable alone seemed unconcerned.

“Too much of a preening coward to kill me yourself?” she taunted. “Have to have someone else do it so your sparkly white hands get to stay clean?”

“But I am also a believer in mercy and redemption,” the alicorn continued, ignoring her. “Therefore, I had a talk with these fine fellows and we eventually hit upon a compromise. I cannot and will not ignore your misdeeds. But neither will I give you no way out.”

“You can take your pity and shove it up-”

“One hour,” Celestia cut her off. “I offer you all one hour’s head start, to flee and hide yourselves away wherever you would. In return, you will tell me all that you know of what is truly happening here. How many are you? Where do you make your abode? What is this plan of yours? Tell me these things, now, and you may go.”

“We’re telling you nothing!” Mable snarled at her, defiant to the end. “I told you before, you may as well just kill us all right now!”

“Wait!” one of the men shouted. “I’m too young to go! I’ll talk! I’ll talk!”

Traitor!” Mable screamed at the grunt, straining with all her might against the bonds. “I’ll choke the life from you with my bare hands, you worthless dung heap!”

Celestia’s eyes began to glow, and all of a sudden the Flare Scientist’s body was enveloped in a soft golden sheen. Her arms were pinned to her sides, her legs locked together, and though she struggled she couldn’t budge an inch any more.

“I’m with him!” one of the female grunts nodded hurriedly.

“I didn’t sign up for this!” a third voice was raised in agreement.

“Don’t leave me here with her!” the fourth grunt said.

“Alright,” Celestia said. “Start talking.”

Less than an hour later, Team Rocket’s balloon lifted off from the ground. Celestia, Twilight, and Fearow were perched atop it as it gained altitude, a southerly air current quickly pushing it in the right direction. In the basket itself, the mood amongst both Team Rocket and the twerps was unusually subdued. No one felt like saying much of anything at that moment.

From on high it was possible to see little red-orange dots that were Team Flare’s grunts. Given the time-limited amnesty the alicorn had promised, they one and all had spontaneously become champion sprinters, fleeing northwards with all their might. As for Mable, the true believer remained defiant, and so remained where she was. It was in the Pokémon’s hands now.

Celestia doubted they’d hear from her again.

The Chase

The afternoon sun was just beginning its long, slow descent into the orange of evening. The air was dry and warm, the breeze was mild and clean, and an avalanche of people and Pokémon was crashing through the forest at a breakneck pace. After one quick look ahead, Celosia gave a signal, then pulled hard on the handlebar breaks. Her vehicle came to a halt with a smooth and practiced ease, others of Team Flare skidding past her while attempting to control their own mounts.

Ahead of them the Houndour and Electrike had suddenly come to a halt, and it didn’t take long to figure out why. Even without her visor, Celosia could see tracks from dozens, perhaps hundreds, of Pokémon all crisscrossing one another on the forest floor. Magnification confirmed what was already obvious: several different species at a minimum, including some that ought to have been predator and prey.

Celosia stepped off her transport, too preoccupied to enjoy the chance to stretch. A couple of her saddle-sore subordinates were already doing just that, but the scientist simply knelt down for a closer look. The computer system built into her visor began analysis, and within seconds was informing her that almost all of these tracks seemed to be fairly recent. She swept it over a few other patches just to make certain, but the results came back the same. There was no clear age correlated with a particular species’ presence. Which meant that they were here at the same time, all working together.

Not good.

When she looked up again, she saw one particular dead-eyed Houndour standing there, staring patiently at her. Celosia frowned and stood back up, hands on hips.

“So, I take it this is the place they were meeting?” she asked.

Houndour nodded once.

“I see,” she turned to her henchmen. “Alright, call out your Pokémon and fan out! I want a perimeter created twenty-five yards in every direction! Keep an eye on the trees and watch out for tunnels in the ground! Lock down this area, they can’t have gone far!”

“Yes ma’am!” her grunts saluted, some more enthusiastically than others.

“Manectric!” Celosia called, and her Pokémon bounded to her side almost at once. Despite all the running, it showed no signs of exhaustion. “Get the rest of them together and get their scent and direction as best you can. They probably split up, so focus on the alien if you can find it.”

“Manec!” the blue-yellow hound answered. “Tric!”

“That’s a good girl,” Celosia smiled, and Manectric wagged her tail. “If you can find her I promise there’s something really nice in it for you.”

“Tric!” Manectric barked happily, before pressing her nose to the earth.

The next few minutes were a tense mix of anticipation and nervous energy. Doglike Pokémon wandered this way and that, trying to pick out individual scent trails amidst the mix. Flare grunt eyed the surrounding deep forests uneasily, sticking close to their Pokémon. Celosia herself paced back and forth, hands behind her back, pondering just what to do next. From the way Manectric and her cohorts were prowling a dozen different directions at once in small groups, it looked like the enemy had somehow got word of their coming and scattered to the winds.

Normally, that would be a good thing, and Celosia would happily declare victory and head home. After all, a pack of naturally contentious wild Pokémon couldn’t be expected to stand together against a united attack from Team Flare. But this creature, this Luna, had demonstrated a greater aptitude for tactics than the forest dwellers. More important, she was apparently accepted as leader by species not her own. Equally as important, she’d humiliated the scientist before her master, and right before the new world was due to be born! If she wasn’t hunted down now, vengeance would soon be forever out of Celosia’s reach. The idea of an eternal blemish on her record in the perfect new world was far too horrifying to accept.

Celosia clenched her fists. For threatening the vision of a perfect world and for threatening her station in it, Luna had to be destroyed. Or, even better, taken and made to fuel the cleansing flame with her life energy. After the debacle at the campsite, the prospect of watching a dead-eyed alien drained away to nothing as mere wood on the fire warmed the recesses of her heart.

“Tric! Tric man!” her loyal pet’s voice cut into her thoughts.

“Saddle up, ladies and gentlemen!” Celosia commanded after a few seconds, to general groans. “We have our heading!”

Several minutes of continued riding followed, Team Flare continuing to smash their way through the jungle in the wake of their hunting pack of Pokémon. Beyond the racket they themselves created, the evening forest seemed entirely still. Unnaturally so. Celosia’s visor could penetrate the trees and detect the body heat of living things out to a considerable distance, yet during the whole time she spotted not even a single Wurmple crawling on a tree.

Without warning, Manectric suddenly came to a halt. The Electrike and Houndour around it continued racing forwards, but Celosia’s personal Pokémon simply stood there in the middle of the woods, sniffing and growling. A hand signal was enough to call her lackies behind her to a halt, but she had to shout to stop the smaller hounds running any further ahead.

“What is it, girl?” the scientist asked. “What are you smelling?”

“Tric tric! Manec!” Manectric jerked her head off to the side, showing fangs. “Tric!”

“You’re saying the princess went that way?” After a nod of confirmation, Celosia went on. “But the others continued onwards?”

“Manectric!” she nodded again, a silver collar briefly visible amidst her fur.

“You think she’s alone then?”


“I see…” Celosia considered that for a moment, then smirked. “Ha! Nice try, princess.”

“Ma’am?” one of her grunts asked.

“Isn’t she our objective?” another said.

“Don’t you fools get it?” the purple-haired woman chuckled. “She’s trying to pull the same trick on us twice! She’s using herself as bait, first to lure us away from the bulk of her allies, and then trying to get us to chase her into the forest by herself. She can fly, and we can’t. If we chase her by herself, she’ll be able to lead us on a merry dance through the woods, always somewhere our Pokémon can smell but out of reach. Until we run ourselves ragged and are left stranded in the middle of the forest, easy prey to be picked off bit by bit. She honestly believes that we’re that stupid! Ha ha ha ha ha!”

“Why was she with Pokémon at all if all she wanted was to get us to chase her by herself?” a third grunt chimed in.

“To make it less obvious what she was doing. I’m sure she hoped we’d just mindlessly chase her tail and ignore the others heading away from her. That would give them time to disappear amidst the trees.” Celosia tapped her forehead with two fingers. “Fortunately we have me, and I’m not going to be fooled by the same ploy twice.”

“Then what do we do, ma’am?”

“Do I have to explain everything to you people?” she sighed. “If she wants us to chase her and ignore the others, instead of the other way around, what does that tell you about her?”

“That… she cares about them?” one grunt guessed.

“Exactly,” Celosia grinned. “And we can use that to our advantage. Manectric! Electrike! Houndour!”

A chorus of growls and barks answered her words, her own Pokémon foremost among them.

“Ignore the alien! Follow the trail of the other Pokémon!” Celosia pointed. “Ready the Dark Balls, we’re taking them alive!”

It took perhaps another twenty minutes of hard riding through the thick forests. Team Flare’s quarry knew the lands far better than they did and did their best to weave through terrain that would be difficult for their mechanical steeds. All the same, the humans were ably assisted by strong runners as mounts and pack predators well adapted for long chases themselves. They closed the distance slowly but surely, until at last Celosia caught sight of a dark purple Pokemon slipping away into a distant bush.

“Manectric, Thunder Wave now!” she ordered.

Her Pokémon howled triumphantly as she unleashed several pulses of electrical energy. These bright yellow rings seared away the brush on the first two strikes, while the third took the scampering Pokémon from behind. It cried out in terror as its muscles seized up and it fell to the ground, paralyzed.

“Stunky, eh?” Celosia made a sour expression. “Dark Ball that thing before it ruins my perfume!”

One of her grunts obligingly tossed a black ball at the helpless creature. It hurdled through the air, almost making it before a glob of vile-smelling fluid struck it from nowhere. The delicate technology, already half-melted from Acid Spray, smashed itself to fragments on a nearby rock instead.

“S-Stun…” the Pokémon on the ground moaned.

“Stunky. Ky!” another, deeper voice said as a second one stepped from amidst the undergrowth. “Ky!”

“Stun stun!” agreed a third voice.

Celosia watched with distaste as several more Stunky emerged from the amidst the forest, bounding back towards their downed friend. They stood protectively over the paralyzed Pokémon, tails high and faces masks of determination. Several hissed and spat or raked the ground with their paws.

“Stunky…” the downed one whimpered with tears in its eyes. “K-Ky!”

“Stun,” another replied, sounding resigned.

“Aw, no mon left behind, is that it?” Celosia clasped her hands together and batted her eyelashes. “That kind of dedication… it just brings tears to my poor jaded eyes!”

“Really?” one of her slower subordinates asked. “I can’t see your eyes.”

“No, you idiot!” she snapped at him, then returned her attention to the Pokémon packs. “Manectric, Electrike! Thunder Wave all together!”

The Stunky opened their mouths at the same time Team Flare’s Pokémon were charging up. As one, they unleashed a cloud of greenish-black, toxic, rancid-smelling gasses at their enemies. They were consumed by it all but immediately, and the Electric-types were left firing blind into the midst of it. Unfortunately, however heroic the gesture they were outnumbered more than three to one and their attackers already had a vague idea of their locations.

Celosia held her breath and pinched off her nose as the foul-smelling cloud washed over the lot of them. She could hear her subordinates and their Pokémon coughing and retching all around her, and her skin crawled at it. Nonetheless, the attack didn’t last long and all it took was a mild breeze to dissipate it. The scientist took a deep breath, then immediately pinched her nose tight again. There was no gentle way of putting it – she stank, and so did everything else.

Her anger was only partly sated by the sight of all the Stunky lying in the dirt, struggling to move despite the paralysis. They were given no such chance. She pointed, and her now-putrid minions tossed yet more of their Dark Balls at them. This time, there was no one left to defend them. One by one, they were dragged inside to have their minds stolen.

But Celosia wasn’t done yet. The princess couldn’t have simply left them to run off on their own and hide – in a forest this large, there might be no way to find to find them ever again. If she wanted to reassemble her split forces in a timely manner, there had to be some way of getting into contact with each other quickly. Since they didn’t have technology, there could only be one way…


Her visor, again set to detect heat, zeroed in on a small Pokémon huddled amidst a tree’s branches, well concealed by leaves. Smirking, she leveled a finger at its location. Almost immediately, Manectric unleashed another Thunder Wave. A moment later, a Spearow came tumbling down onto the forest floor. One of her grunts held up a Dark Ball, but she restrained him with a simple gesture.

Celosia hopped off of her vehicle, finally enjoying the opportunity to stretch. After a moment of relieving her sore legs, she walked calmly over to where the Stunky had made their brief and futile stand and picked up a Dark Ball at random. Still pinching the bridge of her nose against the overpowering reek, she made her way over to the stunned Pokémon. She towered over Spearow, idly tossing and catching the black orb with one hand.

“Useful little things, these,” she told it, almost conversationally. “Did you know that they instantly render any Pokémon absolutely obedient to any order whatsoever? They haven’t the slightest regard even for their own lives.”

Spearow twitched and groaned, terror etched clearly on its features.

“It’s true,” Celosia said, tossing the Dark Ball into the air. “Here, let me show you!”

A flash of dark energy brought one of the Stunky back into being. It stared down at its former comrade with a totally passive, soulless expression.

“Stay there and do absolutely nothing until I give the order,” she told it, putting away the Dark Ball for a more normal red and white orb.

When the second ball opened, it brought out a massively-oversized purple scorpion in a flash of silver light. Celosia pointed at Stunky, and her Drapion laid a single claw on its back, easily the size of the smaller Pokémon’s head. The dead-eyed captive didn’t react in the slightest.

“If you want to avoid that fate, you’re going to deliver a message from me to your leader. Understand?”

Spearow could only manage a weak nod.

“That’s a good Pokémon,” Celosia smirked. “Now then, I’m going to use a Paralyze Heal on you in just a moment, and you’re going to fly back to your dear Luna and tell her that she’s going to come and meet me. We’ll be waiting right here for her. She will come, alone, and face me. Woman to alien. If she defeats me, then I’ll allow all these poor Pokémon I just caught to go free.” She paused, then shrugged. “What the heck, I’ll even throw in that Houndour I caught during her raid and all the others we have here in Dark Balls. Aren’t I generous?”

There was total silence.

“Buuuut…” Celosia held up a finger. “There is a catch. For every hour that she doesn’t show up, one of these poor dears…” she reached down and patted the unresponsive Stunky softly on the head. “Will be very sorry. Get the idea?”

Spearow, staring up at her with wide eyes, nodded its head as best it could.

“Excellent!” Celosia stood up, placing a hand on her hip.

"Is directly challenging her wise, ma'am?" one of her grunts asked. "I heard that she's really strong."

"Oh, don't you worry," Celosia pulled back one of her sleeves, exposing a delicate-looking gold chain around her wrist, a beautiful rainbow gemstone hanging in its center. "Master Lysandre gave me just what I need to take her down a notch."

"Is that..." the woman gasped but was ignored.

“Before you go though," the scientist returned her attention to the Spearow, "one last demonstration. Drapion?”

“Drap,” it nodded.

“Show Spearow here that we mean it.”

Showdown at Sunset

As the sun slowly dipped towards the horizon, the forest was all but silent. No insects were chirping, no birds were singing. Even the grunts of Team Flare were in a sober, nervous mood as they looked out into the lengthening shadows. Only a slight breeze was blowing, rustling the leaves and causing most humans to cling ever tighter to one another and their Pokémon. Eyes darted this way and that, searching uneasily for the slightest sign of the enemy or indeed anyone at all. But, at that moment, the woodlands seemed to them to be entirely lifeless.

Celosia sat atop her vehicle with her arms folded, a sour expression on her face. Right then she wished for all the world that she had brought perfume, or at least a Pokémon that knew Sweet Scent. The rancid fumes of the Stunky refused to leave her clothing or her skin, and she knew she would have to scrub herself for hours after her return to headquarters. The outfit, she sulkily noted, would probably have to be burned. Nothing ruined a triumphant return quite like reeking to high heaven.

When the sun was almost halfway over the world’s edge, the scientist was roused from her bitter musings by an intruding noise. The leaves above her rustled, far more insistently than before, and she instantly looked up. Switching her visor to seek body heat, she peered through the branches and smirked triumphantly.

A dark equine shape emerged from amidst the green, standing tall and proud atop a thick oak limb. She gazed down at the mixed humans and Pokémon with an expression so hard it might as well have been carved from granite. Several of both flinched away as her gaze swept over them, not daring to meet her hateful blue eyes. For her part Celosia only grinned, stepping easily down from where she sat and striding forwards without an apparent care in the world.

“Princess!” she called up with a friendly wave. “How good of you to grace us lowly commoners with your presence! I’m Celosia, your humble host for the evening. Won’t you come down and join us?”

Luna said nothing in response to the taunts, though if anything her grimace seemed to grow even more intense.

“Not one for pleasantries, eh?” Celosia shrugged. “Fine, if you insist. Straight to business.” She reached into a pouch on her belt, extracting a Dark Ball. “Tell you what. Before we begin, I’m prepared to make you an offer. These Pokémon I’ve caught from the wild, from amidst your friends, they don’t mean anything to Team Flare. The only reason we’re here at all is for you. So, I’ll offer you a deal. Allow me to catch you with one of these right now, and you have my word on the honor of Team Flare that I’ll release every single other Pokémon we have in a Dark Ball right here this very instant.” She put a hand to her heart. “And just because I’m a such a sweetheart, we’ll leave this forest and never return. You saw how little we’re suited for it.” She smiled. “So, what do you say?”

The dark alicorn stared down at her with an utterly unchanged expression, not a single word passing from her lips. Blue eyes stared down purple visor, but in the end neither flinched. Instead, the princess leapt from the branch, gliding smoothly to the forest floor. She kept her gaze firmly locked on the purple haired woman, flared her wings, and pawed meaningfully at the earth.

“You’re choosing to resist?” Celosia grinned, then reached for two Poke Balls. “Go, Drapion and Manectric!”

Both red and white orbs burst open in her hands, releasing two Pokémon in bursts of silvery light. One was a purple scorpion with a pincered tail that came up to the scientist’s chest, the other her ever-faithful blue and yellow hound. Both stared down their foe fearlessly, Drapion flexing its claws, Manectric showing her fangs. For her part, Luna seemed to be undaunted.

“Now Manectric,” Celosia pulled back her sleeve and touched the rainbow gem with two fingers, “unleash your Mega Evolution energy!”

Manectric threw back her head and howled to the sky, exposing the silver collar with a gemstone now blazing bright. An orb of rainbow energy enveloped her, and for the first time the alicorn’s expression changed. Her eyes widened as the sphere shattered a moment later, revealing a Pokémon transformed. Now considerably larger, Manectric’s yellow fur enveloped the whole of her back, jutting up in great spikes so charged with electricity one could spot sparks dancing across them. A pair of yellow horns framed her head, and she pawed at the ground and snarled right back at the princess.

A tense moment passed as both sides stared one another down across the forest floor. Luna’s eyes drifted from Manectric to Drapion and back again, her ears twitching. The Flare grunts spoke to one another in awed whispers, pointing alternatively to their leader and her Pokémon. For her part Celosia had her hands on her hips and a genuine smile on her face, very pleased to have gotten it just right on her very first try.

The standoff was broken in a fraction of a second, when the princess reared up, flared her wings, and fired a beam of black-purple energy from her horn straight at Manectric.

“Quick Manectric,” Celosia ordered with a smile, “you use Light Screen!”

Manectric’s eyes shone bright, enveloping itself, Drapion, and their trainer in a thin rainbow-colored aura. It didn’t stop the Dark Pulse, though. Luna’s move swept over the hound, detonating in an explosion of dark energy that momentarily consumed the scientist’s Pokémon. Yet, when the smoke cleared away a moment later, Manectric appeared to be all but unharmed.

“Sorry,” her smile widened, the rainbow sheen enveloping her causing her to glow in the fading light, “but Light Screen cuts the power of all Special moves by half against my team. Hope that’s not going to be a problem for you.”

Luna tensed and bared her teeth.

“Alright, enough playing around!” Celosia put her hands on her hips. “Manectric, use Thunderbolt! Drapion, use Sludge Bomb!”

Immediately, without having to charge at all, Manectric unleashed a lightning bolt just as thick as she herself was. Drapion reared back its head and spat globs of toxic goo. The alicorn sprang into the air just before the attacks struck home. They seared the back, while Luna pulled back her head and fired off a white-pink ball of energy at the scorpion.

“Leap into the air and use Cross Poison!” Celosia pointed.

Drapion jumped with surprising speed for its size, dodging the attack, which struck the earth with the force of a meteor. It flew at Luna, pincers dripping with purple venom. In response she only flew higher towards the forest canopy, far above Drapion’s snapping claws. As Celosia’s Pokémon back descending, she suddenly stopped flapping her wings. Luna plummeted almost directly on top of Drapion, all four hooves aglow. The scorpion landed on its feet, only to be immediately crushed into the dirt by the force of her impact.

“Throw her off!” its mistress clenched a fist. “Cross Poison!”

Drapion wasn’t done, not by a mile. Its pincered tail grabbed for the alicorn, who scrambled hurriedly off its back. The claw caught her own tail, ripping out a chunk of the glittering starlight hair. The scorpion surged to its feet and slashed with both claws. Luna backpedaled, but not fast enough, and took a twin strike across the chest. She made her first sound that battle as she cried out in pain. She staggered back a step, but as Drapion lunged for her neck brought up a shining silver hoof. The move struck the Flare Pokémon right between the eyes, the sheer force throwing it onto its back several yards distant.

“Get in there, Manectric! Thunder Wave!”

Luna leapt again as a trio of electrical rings struck out for her position, gaining altitude quickly.

“Drapion, Sludge Bomb!”

The scorpion winced but rose to its feet again and launched another round of poisonous projectiles skywards. The princess’ wings carried her swiftly ahead of the toxic sludge, but it was a close thing. Manectric stared skywards with orange eyes narrowed, settled into a hunting crouch.

“Thunderbolt, now!” Celosia suddenly snapped.

Manectric hurled another lightning bolt up, aimed just a fraction ahead of the alicorn. This time it caught her perfectly, lighting up the darkening forest with flashes of her skeleton. After a few seconds it was over, but Luna was already falling to the ground. She impacted with a painful-sounding thud, kicking up dirt and dead leaves.

“Lock her down with Thunder Wave!”

A soothing silvery light was already enveloping the dark alicorn’s body as she rose to her hooves, cuts across her chest quickly closing up. But she wasn’t back up quickly enough to dodge the electrical rings this time. Her body crackled with electricity and, though her expression showed no pain, her muscles were visibly seizing up. She tried to open her wings again, but they sparkled and froze up barely an inch from her flanks.

“No flying away now,” Celosia wagged a finger. “You’re stuck on the ground just like us mere mortals. Manectric, finish her off with another Thunderbolt!”

“Triiic!” Manectric howled, as she immediately launched another rapid-fire lightning strike at her foe.

This time Luna’s horn came alive with more dark energies, and a beam of purple-black rings rushed out. The two attacks met in the middle, contending with one another for a brief instant, before exploding in a spectacular fashion. Luna and Manectric alike flinched away from the blast with eyes slammed shut, Drapion and Celosia covered their faces with their arms. A moment later the flash was gone, and the forest returned to the dim dusk light.

“Drapion, she’s not going anywhere now!” Celosia made a fist again. “Tear her apart with Cross Poison!”

The purple scorpion snarled and barreled right at the alicorn, razor-sharp claws once more coated with venom. Luna reared back her head and fired off another pink-white sphere, which burst into a blinding flare across the rainbow energy on Drapion’s chest. The great scorpion flinched momentarily, but the very next second continued its headlong charge. There was no way for the princess to dodge this time, and before she could take more than a handful of steps Celosia’s Pokémon was on her. Seizing Luna by her neck and her belly, Drapion lifted her high above its own head, poison-drenched pincers squeezing hard on dark flesh.

“That’s it!” Celosia cheered. “Take her down!”

Drapion roared its approval and clamped down all the harder, drawing deep red blood. Luna’s face was a mask of pain and fury, but she didn’t cry out. Instead, while the scorpion was doing its best to squeeze the life from her, she smashed it in the face with a glowing silver forehoof. Drapion staggered, eyes shut tight, and the pressure loosened marginally.

Luna didn’t stop there, hitting Celosia’s Pokémon in the head again with her other front hoof. And then she hit it a third time, then a fourth. Drapion lost its grip on the princess and toppled over sideways with her still atop it. The alicorn didn’t let up for a moment, pounding mercilessly on the downed scorpion with two glowing hooves and a naked expression of pure hatred.

Quietly, without saying a word, Celosia reached into a pouch on her belt and pulled out a small black-grey orb. She hit a button and it doubled in size. While the princess was occupied whaling on Drapion, the scientist tossed a Dark Ball straight at her. But Luna’s ears pricked up all the same, and her head whirled about with a surprising speed. A Dark Pulse all but vaporized the sinister ball before it could get anywhere near her.

“You’re annoyingly persistent,” Celosia grumbled before holding out a normal Poke Ball. “Drapion, return!”

The purple scorpion disappeared back into its ball in a stream of red light, leaving Luna to hit the ground roughly. More silver light encased her body, healing some of her wounds and lending her fresh vigor. She took a few steps forward but winced and froze up as more electricity danced across her fur.

“You did well, Drapion.” Celosia said to the Poke Ball in her hand. “Take it easy now, and we’ll make sure you get fixed up when we get back to base.” She looked away. “Manectric?”

“Manectric!” her Pokémon barked, pawing the ground eagerly.

“It’s all up to you now!” Celosia pointed. “Take her highness down a peg with Thunderbolt!”

Manectric howled and fired off yet another bolt of lightning. Luna raised her head again, horn surrounded with dark energy, but sparks crackled on her body and she found herself entirely frozen for a critical sound. The full force of the attack took her head on, and she was flung backwards into tree hard enough to put a noticeable indent into the wood. Smoking and sparking, she tumbled down to the ground.

Celosia grinned for a moment, but the smile faded when still more silver energy encased Luna. The smoke faded away and charred flesh mended once again, and the alicorn stood back up to face the hound.

“How many times can you even use Moonlight?” the scientist grumbled, before shaking her head. “But you’re only prolonging the inevitable! Manectric!”


“Use your-”

Another pink-white sphere took shape before Luna and launched itself immediately at the hound.

“Scratch that, jump over it and use Thunderbolt!”

Manectric leapt nimbly into the air, allowing Moonblast to destroy the patch of dirt where she had been standing instead. Mid-leap she unleashed more electricity, which shot down to be met with dark energy. Both attacks exploded against one another once again, and Manectric landed smoothly on her paws.

“Just give up!” Celosia told her. “You can’t run and Manectric is safe behind Light Screen! You’re done!”

“Na,” Luna spat.

“Have it your own way. Manectric, use Flamethrower on that tree!”

Her hound Pokémon opened her jaws wide and spat red-hot flames. Luna froze momentarily again as Thunder Wave’s effects were felt, and the fire caught the old redwood all across the trunk. Smoke began to rise almost immediately, still-living wood blackening rapidly.

“That’s the way! Now box her in with a Flamethrower on the ground around her!”

Manectric opened her jaws again, more fire dancing at the back of her throat.

“Are you crazy?!” one of the previously quiet Flare grunts worked up the courage to say. “If you start a forest fire this deep we’ll all go up in smoke!”

Celosia paused for a moment, seemingly torn. Then she shook her head and waved a hand.

“Alright, forget the Flamethrower! Use another Thunderbolt instead!”

Manectric’s fire died away and instead she shot at Luna with more electricity. This time the alicorn managed to throw herself to the side, and the lightning struck the earth in a titanic explosion. Dirt and pieces of root rained down across the battlefield. The alicorn immediately followed up with another beam of dark energy, which raked across Manectric before she had time to dodge. While the explosion was suitably impressive, when the smoke cleared once again little real harm appeared to have been done.

“You can’t beat Manectric through Light Screen with special attacks,” Celosia smirked. “And we know better than to get close to you again.”

“Manec!” the Pokémon nodded.

“So just give up already,” she continued as the still-burning redwood began to sag slightly. “Because I’m so nice I’ll even offer you the same deal as at the start. Let yourself be captured and I’ll let all your little friends go.”

Luna’s only reply was a strangled hiss, cut off halfway as paralysis again froze her for a moment.

“Alright,” Celosia beckoned to her grunts. “You idiots make yourselves useful and contain the blaze. Manectric, light her up with Thunderbolt!”

Flare grunts rushed forward, giving the princess an extremely wide berth, as Manectric continued her electrical assault. Luna ignored the humans and returned fire with an energy sphere. Both attacks clashed, but this time the sheer magnitude of the lightning dispersed Moonblast and forced its way through. The princess’ bones were once again momentarily visible, and even the struggling humans winced at her anguished wail.

Smoking, yellow electricity leaping across her fur, the dark alicorn swayed for a moment, then collapsed.

Manectric howled triumphantly, and Celosia allowed herself a brief chuckle. She pulled another Dark Ball from her belt and spun it nimbly on one finger. Behind her, those men and women not engaged in amateur firefighting cheered. Manectric raised her muzzle to the heavens and gave another howl.

That was when Moonblast took her in the face.

The impact of the fey energy was immense and, Light Screen or no, the hound Pokémon was thrown backwards. She hit her trainer hard, bowling both over. As they lay there in a sprawled heap, Luna’s horn unleashed another Dark Pulse almost directly away from them. It raked across the base of the flaming redwood, pulverizing the earth and all but disintegrating many of its remaining roots. With a tremendous groan, the towering tree finally gave in and toppled.

Manectric shook her head, far more used to taking a beating than her trainer, and stood back up. She looked behind her, and orange eyes widened at the sight of several thousand pounds of burning wood crashing down on them like a mace from the heavens. Celosia was just managing to sit up when she was tackled roughly by her own Pokémon and sent flying. Manectric immediately darted towards her mistress with all her own not inconsiderable speed. She was a fraction of a second too slow.

While the titanic, half-black trunk missed the yellow-blue canine, she was treated to a flaming, falling branch twice as thick as her own body. The once-majestic redwood crashed into the forest floor with all the force of an earthquake, knocking several humans and Pokémon from their feet. Leaves and ash rained down throughout the area, while those with the presence of mind to do so rushed to prevent the smoldering fire from spreading any further.

“Manectric!” Celosia cried out, crawling straight for the collapsed tree despite the heat. “Are you alright?!”

“Manec…” Manetric’s head and front paws were sticking out from beneath the burning branch. “Triiic…”

As her trainer got closer, the Pokémon’s eyes screwed up against the pain. Before Celosia could reach her, Manectric gave a low moan and her head slumped over. Rainbow energy encased her once again, only to disperse a moment later. She lay there unmoving, breaths ragged, in her normal form as Celosia hurriedly fumbled for a Poke Ball.

“Return right now!” the purple haired woman called, a beam of red energy dissolving her Pokémon’s body.

Celosia stared blankly at the red and white orb, while all around her her subordinates were scurrying to dampen the blaze with their own Pokémon or whatever else was to hand. Her gaze slowly swept out to fall on Luna, now back on her hooves but still sparking and sweating. The princess returned her gaze, and for a little while blue eyes and purple visor smet one another in silence. The scientist’s expression was unreadable as she stared back and forth between Manectric’s ball and the panting, paralyzed princess. Slowly, she climbed back onto her feet.

“Ma’am?” one of her grunts asked quietly. “Now what?”

“We are so lame…” Celosia muttered under her breath.

“Ma’am?” another said.

“Now…” Celosia sighed, then turned to her grunts and waved a hand. “Now we live up to our end.”

Luna let out a slight gasp.

“I’m a woman of my word,” she continued. “Open every Dark Ball we have and let out the Pokémon stored inside.”

The men and women of Team Flare looked shocked and disconcerted by the order, muttering to one another in hushed tones. But when Celosia crossed her arms and began impatiently tapping one foot, old instincts took over. Flashes of dark energy flared up throughout the surrounding woods, numerous species of dead-eyed Pokémon appearing on the scene. The scientist stared at them, the same impassive expression on her face, then turned back around to face the alicorn.

“As I promised, they’ll all be free to go,” she sighed. “I don’t like it but I won’t violate our agreement.”

“Lu luna?”

“Yes, I really mean it.”

A moment passed. The dying flames crackled.

“Psych!” a cruel smile appeared on Celosia’s face. “Did you really think I’d let you spit in Team Flare’s face like that? All of you!” she leveled her finger at Luna. “Avenge my Pokémon’s pain! Take her down right now!”

Flare Up

“Attack now!” Celosia ordered. “Take her down!”

Electrike, Houndour, Stunky, Snubbull, Spearow, Gulpin, and still more species were all present, and they all roared, screeched, or shouted an incoherent battle cry to the skies. Those that could immediately breathed flames, unleashed lightning, or spat poison. Those that couldn’t charged with mindless ferocity, totally heedless of the attacks of their comrades. The Flare scientist watched with a confident smirk on her face as the princess was blasted from her hooves by the combined force of over a dozen attacks and thrown about like a toddler’s plaything. Excess fire, electricity, and toxic sludge went everywhere, but in that moment, Celosia found that she didn’t care.

Just as she was cheerfully watching the stampede of physical attackers dogpile the weakened alicorn despite some being struck by their own allies, her visor flashed an alert. The woman’s head quickly jerked to the side – and just as quickly she threw herself blindly to the forest floor. She landed painfully amidst leaves and dead wood while a jet of red-range flame passed through the exact space her head had just occupied. It struck a nearby tree instead, which began to catch.

“What in blazes?!” Celosia snarled, looking up.

A Houndoom’s head and chest could be seen emerging from the dark forest a hundred yards or so from Team Flare’s position. There were Houndour flanking it on both sides, and the sound of fluttering wings signaled Flying-type Pokémon on the branches above. As the purple-haired woman looked around, she could make out scores more Pokémon becoming visible amidst the last of the twilight gloom.

“Aw, you brought friends?” she smiled as she pushed herself back to one knee. “That’s so sweet of you! We’ll bring you and them to our master, and he’ll be even more pleased!”

Kicking and flailing wildly against an assortment of brainwashed Pokémon biting, pecking, and clawing at her with the mad strength of rabid animals, Luna had no answer. Team Flare grunts were already calling out Pokémon from ordinary Poke Balls, and the first shots were being exchanged. Golbat tangled with Spearow and Fearow amongst the trees, while Liepard and Scrafty fought Houndour and Electrike.

“Alright, change of plans!” Celosia ordered the dark Pokémon. “Forget the princess! Take down every single Pokémon here not fighting for Team Flare! Now!”

Just as quickly as they had swarmed all over her, Luna’s attackers abandoned their victim. The princess was left to lie there, taking ragged breaths in the dirt, while the small army of dark Pokémon charged fearlessly at her allies. She could do little else but watch as the engagement intensified, fire and electricity lighting up the woods in every direction. For her part, Celosia resumed her feet with a satisfied look on her face.

“You’ve given me more than enough trouble, princess,” she said, Dark Ball in hand. “I’m going to enjoy watching the life drained out of you.”

But once again, a blast of red fire cut her off, this time just barely nicking the edge of her left bicep. She yelped, then frantically patted her sleeve down before dropping to the ground and rolling in the dirt, extinguishing the flame before it could spread. The woman looked up with teeth clenched so hard they almost cracked, quickly zeroing in on the same Houndoom, now grappling with Flare Mightyena.

“Alright, you wanna be first, do you?” she snarled. “Then take this!”

Celosia flung the Dark Ball straight for Houndoom, aim impeccable despite the gloom and growing melee. It soared through the air at it as it struggled to pry Mightyena off its back. Just a second before it hit, a Houndour full-body tackled Houndoom from the side. The bigger Pokémon staggered away and fell, and the black orb struck Houndour instead. It vanished inside the ball, which hit the forest floor crackling with sinister energy.

Mightyena wasted little time going for the throat, but Houndoom unleashed a jet of fire straight in its face. The wolf-like Pokémon staggered back with a pained yelp. Houndoom rolled back onto its feet, then its eyes fell on the Dark Ball. They widened, then narrowed again. It looked over at Celosia, bared its fangs, and growled.

Before Houndoom could do anything more, a Flare grunt yelled out a command, and another Houndoom leapt straight for it. The Flare Pokémon unleashed a Flamethrower on the wild one to no apparent effect, then simply snapped for its foe’s flesh with its prominent canines. Mightyena meanwhile had shaken off the worst of the pain and rejoined the vicious melee despite the charred patches of fur and angry red burns.

“Hmph,” Celosia snorted, resuming her feet and extracting another black ball from her belt. “This is a waste of my time.”

All around her, dark forest blazed with energy. Here, a Liepard was crackling with electricity after a charged tackle from an Electrike. There, a Houndour breathed jets of flame at a dead-eyed Snubbull. A Golbat crashed through a tree branch after being slammed by a pair of Spearow, sending the wood tumbling down to the earth. Seconds later, a stray spark caught some of its fresh green leaves. A Scrafty smashed a Poliwhirl hard enough in the gut to send it flying into a nearby bush, while its trainer cheered.

There were more of the enemy than she’d anticipated, true. And more species represented among their ranks that she had first expected. But ultimately the only issue with that was they might simply exhaust their supply of Dark Balls on hand and have to simply run off or eliminate the excess. The brainwashed Pokemon were proving their worth – she watched a dark-complexioned Gulpin blast a Fearow from the sky – and victory could only be a matter of time.

“Alright you,” Celosia turned back to Luna, struggling to stand after the vicious beating, “Time’s up. Prepare for-”

“Prepare for trouble,” boomed a female, mechanically-magnified voice from overhead, “from up in the sky!”

“And make it double,” said a male voice, every bit as loud, “raining down from on high!”

Celosia looked up past the trees, visor giving her the clearest view that technology could manage. She gasped.

“To protect this world from devastation!”

“To unite all peoples within our nation!”

All across the woodland battlefield, Flare grunts and even some of the Pokémon in their right minds had paused at the noise. Many were already looking up, the smarter ones through the hole in the canopy where the redwood had fallen. One or two were pointing.

“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”

“To extend our reach to the stars above!”

Through what gaps in the trees there were, some of the combatants could make out a deep shadow against the night sky, blotting out those few bold stars that showed themselves first as the sun’s last ebbs died away.


“And James!”

The space where the redwood had fallen suddenly became black as midnight as jet engines slowly died away. People and Pokemon scrambled to clear the area as the trees around it creaked and listed, huge branches crashing to the forest floor as something titanic forced its way through.

“Team Rocket blasts off in a shiny new mech!”

“You’re sure to lose, ‘cause we’ve stacked the deck!”

The earth trembled as a massive mechanical marvel hit the ground, knocking over at least two trees as it did so and visibly cracking the trunk of a third. At least three stories tall, perhaps even more, the machine vaguely resembled a Meowth. Only this one appeared to have seriously hit the gym, sporting a heavy physique rippling with mechanical muscle, steel claws as long as a human arm, a lean, whip-like curled tail, and an eager, combative expression etched on its metal face. A huge red “R” was emblazoned proudly across its off-white chest.

“Meowth,” boomed a third voice from its ear speakers, “you’re gettin’ wrecked!”

“Wobbuffet!” an incongruously cheerful fourth voice added.

“What in the world…” Celosia breathed.

Her reaction was largely shared by her henchmen, who most stared, pointed, or backed off a few steps. Even the heated Pokémon battle had largely paused, with only those Pokémon under the influence of a Dark Ball and those immediately engaging them still going at it. No one was entirely sure what was going on, but no one wanted to provoke the giant robot either. Things became even stranger, yet somehow clearer, when two more of the alien alicorns descended through the hole the robot had just punched through the canopy. They landed on either side of the gigantic machine, while a Fearow flew down to perch on its head coin.

“Team Rocket?!” Celosia was the first to recover, shaking her head vigorously. “You’re supposed to be dead!”

So sorry to disappoint you,” Jessie replied through the speakers. “Oh wait…”

NO WE’RE NOT!” shouted all three at once, the machine rendering it so loud it almost qualified as a sonic attack in its own right.

“Can anyone but me do anything right?!” Celosia growled as she stumbled back, clutching her ringing ears. After shaking her head again, she released them and clenched a fist. “Well I’ll fix that right now! All dark Pokemon,” she called out, voice loud and clear amidst stunned silence, “scrap that rust heap right now!”

Every dead-eyed Pokémon still conscious – which was most of them – immediately broke off whatever they were doing. Toxic sludge, envenomed stingers, bolts of lightning, and streams of hurdled across the forest, while underneath them more physical attackers stampeded forwards mindlessly. There was no way to miss such an enormous target. Explosions blossomed across its torso and neck as electricity struck home, an inferno rose past its eyes, corrosive chemicals gave off vapor. In moments, the entire machine was covered in smoke.

“Yes!” Celosia pumped a fist. “Master Lysandre will be so pleased that I did Mable’s job and my ow-”

The smoke faded, and the mech stood completely unharmed. They hadn’t even scratched the paint.

“Our Dark Ball bustin’ Robo Mega Meowth 9000 is as tough as it is good-lookin’,” Meowth boasted. “Dis here’s got all da latest an’ greatest Team Rocket technology straight from da boss’s labs!”

“Fireproof, waterproof, corrosion resistant, electricity resistant…” Jessie swooned audibly. “Oh, Robo Mega Meowth, where have you been all of my sad, pathetic life?” She paused a moment. “Wait, let me rephrase that.”

“Now check dis out!”

The Mega Meowth 9000 turned around, with surprising agility for its size. Its metal tail uncurled and lashed out like a whip as thick as a grown man’s waist. In one broad sweep it caught every one of the charging Pokémon, none of whom had the wit to stop, and sent the almost two dozen flying like baseballs in a home run.

“Now dat’s what I call a Tail Whip!” Meowth laughed.

More long-range attacks were already slamming into the mech, to no more effect than before. There were fewer of them, though. The Pokémon they’d been engaging had rallied and, with their brainwashed aggressors targeting the robot exclusively, fell on them in a vengeful fury. Celosia felt a sheen of sweat forming as Team Rocket’s machine strode towards Team Flare, brushing off attacks like light rain and shoving trees aside like they were mere stalks of grass. All around her the battle was rejoined in earnest, as the forest Pokémon found fresh heart in the titanic machine while Flare Pokémon in possession of their senses fought the urge to flee for their lives. Fire and electricity continued to fly in all directions, striking earth or vegetation almost as often as their intended targets. Sparks flew and some caught, leaves withering and wood blackening as fire continued to take hold.

A familiar white-pink light alerted Celosia to another problem. She turned to see Luna, now propped up by two other alicorns, staring at her with naked hate in her eyes. She had a fraction of a second to contemplate the sphere of energy taking shape before it was launched. Moonblast caught the Team Flare Scientist right in the chest. The fey energy hurled her back and across the woodlands and into the air. She struck a branch. And then she struck the earth, and she knew no more.

“Do not slay them!” Luna called out, silvery light encasing her body. “They are victims, not villains! Subdue them, but do not slay them!”

In response, a Houndour and Electrike that had been tearing into an unmoving, dead-eyed Gulpin paused a moment to stare straight at her. Blue eyes met theirs firmly in a brief stare down. Then the instant passed, and both Pokémon bounded off to engage something else. Luna breathed a sigh of relief, unheard amidst the roar of battle and crash of the mechanical monstrosity.

“Can’t believe that needs to be said,” Twilight muttered softly under her breath, while blasting a Flare Golbat from the sky with some sort of multicolored beam.

“Thank goodness you’re safe!” Celestia hugged Luna for the fifth time, then unleashed a golden beam from her horn into a Mightyena. “I was so worried!”

“I am uncertain as to whether I would call our present condition ‘safe’,” Luna replied, as an explosion set another tree alight. “But I acknowledge that we appear to have the upper hand, thanks to…”

“Get your elbow out of my face, twerp!” the speakers boomed as the mech stomped forward.

“Yeah, dis cockpit ain’t designed for eight!”

“That’s the way it is!”

“That,” Luna finished, attempting to hug her sister back and wincing as paralysis locked her in place.

“They’re a bit strange, I’ll grant you,” Celestia said.

“Whoever it is, stop hitting the windshield wipers!” the ear speakers boomed again.

“But I think they are decent folk at the root of it,” the solar princess finished.

“If they are here to aid us, I will voice no complaints whatever their… eccentricities,” Luna answered.

“Uh… your highnesses?” Twilight piped up as a burning branch fell of a tree and her rainbow beam blasted it to tiny pieces.

“What troubles you, dearest Twilight?” the dark alicorn asked immediately.

“I think we may want to get everyone out of here,” Twilight winced as another flaming branch broke off a tree some distance away, tumbling down between a Liepard and a Granbull. Thankfully, both had the presence of mind to dodge. “Ummm… as soon as we can would be good.”

The battle had been waged for several minutes now, and there were Fire-type Pokémon fighting for both sides. Houndour and its evolution were particularly well represented in both camps, and neither side had been particularly restrained in their use. Jets of flame had been flung every which where, and when they missed there was fuel everywhere. Dead leaves and sticks coated the ground, and the trees were dry and primed for it. More than a dozen were already full-fledged infernos, and over three times that number had been set alight at least partially. The number of smaller brush fires springing up across the forest floor didn’t bear thinking about.

On the bright side, the tide had well and truly turned. Robo Mega Meowth had, despite a few stumbles, reached Team Flare. One slash of its claws cut an empty four-wheeler into five pieces, and a punch from its other fist sent a Mightyena and Scrafty soaring out of the park. Its tail lashed out at Pokémon behind it, swatting three more Golbat from the air. Some we still trying to attack it, but one and all they were Pokémon under the influence of the Dark Balls.

Across the length and breadth of the battlefield, Team Flare’s Pokémon were being recalled. Whether they were conscious or not, whether their balls were ordinary or dark, many trainers were taking them back as fast as they could. There was no one left telling the grunts what to do and a giant unstoppable robot currently stomping through their vehicle pool and smashing everything in its path. They by and large did what most people would do in that situation – run away screaming.

Some were able to climb atop Tauros or Ponyta and a lucky few still had intact mechanical steeds, but for many Flare grunts the only viable option was to use their own two feet. Faced with the prospects of being trapped with a mechanical monster backed by an army of wild Pokémon and two more alicorns in a forest rapidly catching fire, many a champion sprinter was being discovered that night. And the effect was much like a dam bursting. Once a handful began to waver and bolt, already shaky morale plummeted in those that remained, and it didn’t take long for them to join in. In just a few minutes, an apparent imminent win had devolved into a complete and utter rout.

“Do not pursue them!” Luna called as best she could to the more eager elements of her forces. “I said, do not pursue them! Allow them to flee!”

Some Pokémon heard her and turned back. Others couldn’t hear above the tremendous ongoing racket – or simply ignored her command.

“Your kin are in danger!” Luna called out, entirely truthfully. “Many of our own are struck down or unable to flee! We must remove them to safety!”

As to punctuate her statement, a burning tree finally had enough and began to collapse. The giant robot hurried to catch the trunk before it could crush the unconscious Electrike and Spearow beneath it, but the tree was so weakened the piece above the mech’s hands broke off anyway. The top of the flaming tree hit the ground with a great thud and split open. Thankfully no one was directly under it, but it provided further vector for the fire to spread on the ground. Robo Mega Meowth’s foot stomped on it as best it could while continuing to hold up the bulk of the tree, largely crushing it to shouldering ash.

“Why doesn’t this thing come with a fire extinguisher?!” Jessie’s voice complained.

“But it does, don’t you remember the one in the stairway?” James’ amplified voice replied.

“I mean one that would help, you moron!”

Meanwhile, Houndour and Poliwhirl dragged the unconscious Pokémon out from under the tree’s immediate drop zone. The latter had to stop and spray Water Gun to clear a path through the underbrush as they went. When they were out of immediate danger, the mech allowed the crumbling, burning tree to slam into the ground, then stomped it out as best it could.

“Seize hold of your comrades!” Luna urged again at the top of her voice. “We must rescue them lest the flames claim them all!”

Some of her subordinates continued to pursue the shrinking members of Team Flare off into the distance or simply fled, but hearteningly the majority seemed to be listening. Pokémon were gathering their fellows onto their backs, or dragging them along with paws, or even picking up smaller ones in their talons as they took flight. However brief, the fight had been intense and the brainwashed Pokémon very powerful, so there were many casualties to be gathered.

“Alright, listen up!” Meowth’s voice ran out from the speakers. “Team Rocket is gonna knock ya a path outa dis mess! Grab yer pals an’ run for it! Don’t worry about us, ‘dis baby’s totally fireproof!”

DO AS HE SAYS!” Luna added, doing her level best to match the mech speakers for volume and not falling far short. “FERRY YOUR KINDRED TO SAFETY!

Robo Mega Meowth stomped through the mounting forest fire, totally impervious to the rising flame. Its huge feet alone were enough to crush brush fires and sweep aside tinder, leaving a black but safe path for the others to follow. Its paws and tail seized the branches alight overhead and crushed them until they were so much ash before they could fall. In one case it shoved a tottering tree over in the opposite direction of its trail after making certain there were no friendlies in the way.

“But where is safety?” Celestia asked, as Twilight helped her to hoist her still-paralyzed sister atop her own back. “From the air, this forest stretches for many miles in all directions. It could burn for days.” She winced as another flaming branch crashed down. “Weeks even.”

“Princess Luna, I saw you had members of the Poliwag evolutionary line on your side,” Twilight said, making sure Luna was steady. “How many are there?”

“A fair number,” the dark alicorn said. “Why?”

“Five words,” Twilight answered. “Water Sport and Rain Dance.”

Celosia awoke with a start to the smell of burning wood. She reflexively took a deep breath, and then immediately regretted it as smoke filled her lungs and she doubled back over, hacking and coughing. Pressing her head low to the ground offered some relief, enough to let her get a few lungfuls of oxygen.

The Flare scientist looked around, visor allowing her to penetrate the smoke, and discovered to her mounting horror that there was fire in every direction. Trees that had stood for decades or even centuries blazed merrily like torches in the night, while the forest floor was reduced to piles of grey and black ash where it wasn’t alight itself. There were no people or Pokémon she could see, alive or otherwise, anywhere at all.

A flaming tree not far from Celosia creaked ominously, and her head flicked from side to side in quick succession. She wouldn’t be able to run through this blaze, there was no way she could avoid choking on the smoke. She’d have to crawl through the dirt and pray the air was breathable. But even with the aid of her technology she still couldn’t see very far – couldn’t see a clear way out.

It was just when she was on the verge of picking a direction at random and hoping for the best that her visor detected movement. She whipped her head around, switching through several settings and zooming in to try and get a better look. What she saw was a jet-black hound with prominent horns atop its head and a pointed tail. It had its nose to the ground yet was walking straight through the bright red-orange flames without any apparent pain or injury.

It was obviously a Houndoom, but what was less clear was its allegiance. It was looking for someone or something, but Celosia knew there were members of the species on Team Flare as well as on the alien’s side. She shrank back for a moment, debating briefly whether or not to try and hide from it. But, she decided, things could hardly get much worse.

“Hey!” she yelled as best she could, watching Houndoom’s head suddenly jerk her way. “Over here!”

Things got worse.

The Fire Rises

Nearly an hour later, Robo Mega Meowth touched down amidst a forest clearing. Heavy armor plating on its chest slid open and stairs descended from its insides to the ground. A number of small blue Pokémon hurried down, racing to get there ahead of the surging flames. A single Poliwrath lead a few Poliwhirl and Poliwag into the trees.

The Pokémon stopped just short of where the fire was encroaching, the larger evolved forms out front. At a signal from their leader, the Poliwag and some of the younger Poliwhirl sprayed water from their tails and spirals, spinning around in all directions. Those plants yet untouched were quickly getting soaked, with the flames themselves weakened beneath the deluge of Water Sport.

Poliwrath and the stronger Poliwhirl instead began a strange, coordinated, ritualistic dance. As they bobbed up and down in ritual unison, arms jerking spasmodically this way and that, their bodies began to glow with a blue aura and dark clouds began to blot out the stars. The longer they did their strange Rain Dance, the more and more grey clouds appeared in the sky. The raindrops began to fall as nothing more than a light, inconvenient drizzle, but increasing in number and intensity with every passing second. By the time the blue Pokemon had been dancing for almost a minute it had become a torrential downpour, soaking the surrounding forest to the roots and drowning lesser fires altogether. Steam hissed from blackened wood, burning leaves and ash became so much mud.

From where she stood in the mech’s chest, Twilight gave a nod of satisfaction. The worst of the fire in the immediate area was gone, and the surrounding trees and ground were so thoroughly soaked it would be almost impossible for them to catch. With so many simultaneous uses of Rain Dance the storm would linger here a good little while, further dampening the blaze. The forest fire in this area was, if not out entirely, at least contained.

“Good job everyone!” she called out over the pitter patter of rain on metal. “Come on back, we’ve got to move on to the next one!”

The various members of Poliwag’s evolutionary line ran back as fast they could, perfectly at home amidst the deluge of rain. Once they were it, the giant robot would carry them through the air to the next flare up, and the process would repeat itself. Slowly but surely, they would build a ring of rain around the forest fire, then push it all the way to the epicenter of the blaze. There was no way to save much of what had already burned, but they could at least stop it from spreading further afield. Still, the forest was going to bear scars of that night for decades to come.

Assuming there were decades to come.

“You found them,” Luna repeated, some time later.

“Yes,” Houndoom nodded, surrounded by members of his pack. “We found them.”

Luna looked down again. Houndoom and many of his cohorts were outright immune to the effects of fire and had no trouble breathing in the smoke, which made them the perfect choice to comb through the forest fire and try to rescue any that had been left behind in the struggle. They had retrieved a single, badly-burnt Snubbull and carried her out on their backs, but Houndoom personally had brought something more. There was a truly brilliant rainbow-colored gemstone, loosely attached on one end to a piece of badly-scorched gold chain, and pair of red and white Poke Balls seared almost black. The jewel alone appeared curiously undamaged.

“Where did you find them?” the princess asked after a moment.

“Amongst ashes, near a fallen tree,” the dark canine answered in a perfectly level tone. “It was a redwood, and mostly burned out by the time we got there.”

“Was there a human attached to these things?” Luna eyed the gem warily. “I recognize that this is the same stone our enemy used to induce that powerful transformation in her Pokémon. I doubt she would simply have abandoned it, and I would like to question her.”

“No humans,” Houndoom shook his head. “And no body. Just ashes.”

“Are you quite certain?” she asked, staring him down with unblinking blue eyes.

“Entirely,” his red eyes met hers without flinching. “When you’re well, I can show you the spot we found these, if you wish.”

“Perhaps,” she said as if considering it. “But for now, we must see to the injured. There are too many of those to go around, I fear.”

“And there are still members of my pack missing,” Houndoom let out a low, guttural growl. “The enemy might still have them.”

“If that is so, then you have my word I shall do my utmost to retrieve them as soon as circumstances permit it,” Luna said, finally breaking eye contact to look at the small objects again. “For the moment, well done for your retrieval of Snubbull and for bringing these spoils of war to me. We may yet have use for them.”

“I certainly hope so.”

Far away, amidst a rocky mountain valley, Lysandre and Malva stood amidst a field of hardly grass, waiting. Both stared upwards at a mountain peak stretching many thousands of feet into the air, so high it remained snow-capped even in the high point of spring. Team Flare’s leader wore a determined frown, while the pink-haired newscaster and member of the Elite Four sported a confident grin. Apart from themselves and a few hardy and fast-growing species of plants, the valley and indeed the mountain itself seemed eerily silent and lifeless. Not a single tree or flower grew anywhere. There wasn’t a single Pokémon not their own to be seen, whether on the slopes or in the sky or in the ground. Neither had any illusions about the fact that, if they failed, the valley would quickly become entirely lifeless once again.

“Here he comes,” Lysandre broke the silence, as a small black shape appeared in the sky. “Be ready.”

“I’ve been ready for a long time, sir,” Malva replied, not losing her smile for a moment.

The black shape plummeted swiftly towards them, more guided falling than any form of controlled flight. It soon resolved itself into a large black bird Pokémon with a tuft of white around its chest and hat-like feathers on its head. As he returned to his master, both humans could make out a nervous expression on his normally irrepressibly confident face.

“I’m glad you’re well, Honchkrow,” Lysandre said, smiling a little when the Pokémon landed on his outstretched arm. “Did you find our quarry?”

Honchkrow hesitated a moment, looking away from his owner’s eyes and up into the air briefly. When his gaze fell back down again, he nodded once.

“Krow,” he said.

While the circumstantial and anecdotal evidence was good, the fact remained that the mountain was vast and far too high and windy to be navigated effectively by helicopter. And neither human nor anyone on Team Flare was a particularly experienced mountain climber. A strong and experienced flyer was needed to confirm the presence of their target, and then of course-

A hitch-pitched, piercing, avian cry boomed from high overhead, magnified and echoed into a cacophony that seemed to come from every direction by the lifeless stone of the valley. Honchkrow flinched visibly at the noise and shrank back, huddling against his master’s shoulder. Lysandre’s frown deepened, while Malva’s smile only grew wider. Around them, Lysandre’s Gyarados and Malva’s Houndoom showed their fangs, the latter letting out a low growl.

“Seems like someone didn’t like its wakeup call,” Malva put a hand on her hip.

“You did well, Honchkrow,” Lysandre held out its Poke Ball. “And this is not your fight. Return now.” Honchkrow disappeared, and he pulled out a Dark Ball instead. “But it is yours!”

Lysandre tossed the ball into the air, and in a surge of dark energies emerged a great blue and black deer. Its complexion was darker than before, its rainbow crystalline antlers duller. Spots of smoky blackness seemed to float randomly through its horns like ink. Xerneas’ eyes, of course, were empty and soulless. It tilted its head upwards at the cry of its old enemy, scraping the rocky ground with one hoof.

“Answer it,” Team Flare’s leader ordered.

Xerneas obediently reared up and let loose a high-pitched, whirring screech of its own. Amidst the confines of the mountains and valleys it echoed just as easily in all directions. There was a momentary pause when the brainwashed Legendary returned to tall four hooves, followed by a second avian shriek seeming to promise the end of all things. This time the source was closer, and it went on longer.

“Here it comes,” Malva sounded almost eager. “Now, sir?”

“Now,” Lysandre nodded.

Both humans reached out to touch gorgeous rainbow gemstones with two fingers – Lysandre’s on a ring on his finger, Malva’s on a pendant around her neck. They lit up immediately at their touch, a corresponding glow emerging from stones affixed to their Pokémon.

“Beyond evolution!” both called out. “Mega Evolve!”

Rainbow energy enveloped both Gyarados and Houndoom almost immediately, encasing them in solid spheres. A much larger dark shape appeared overhead, and then the orbs shattered. Gyarados had again become far bulkier, a trail of red scale dotted its sides and lining its now-black underbelly. Enormous new wing-like fins sprouted from its back, its extended barbels waving about agitatedly. Houndoom’s horns had grown far taller and more prominent, and it now sported vaguely skull-shaped armor around its neck and upper chest. Prominent tusks extended from the armor, while rib-like bony plates protected its back. It looked up, now double-pronged tail swished back and forth in anticipation.

They didn’t have long to wait.

Soaring down from the sky, first agitated by an intruding Honchkrow then driven to wrath by the cry of its eternal foe, came their quarry. A red and black monster of an avian almost as large as Gyarados, its shadow fell atop Team Flare with the inevitability of death. Black and grey patterns dotted its red underside, its wings and long tailed ended in claw-like appendages. A ruff of grey feathers encircled its horned head. Blue eyes glared pitilessly down at the humans and Pokémon.

“There it is,” Malva said. “The Legendary Destruction Pokémon, Yveltal.”

Without even waiting a moment for orders, Xerneas formed a pink-white sphere amidst its horns and launched it straight up at enemy. Yveltal dodged by rolling to the side midair, and then opened its wings wide. An orb of red, black, and violet energy took shape in front of its chest. And then the next second the orb became a coherent beam of annihilation, lancing down from on high.

“Gyarados, Hyper Beam!” Lysandre clenched his fist.

“Houndoom, Flamethrower!” Malva pointed.

Both Mega Pokémon opened their jaws wide and unleashed a golden beam of light and red-orange fire. The twin attacks soared skywards right beside on another, meeting Yveltal’s move roughly at the halfway point. All three energy beams connected, forming a blinding sphere of white light in the center. The struggle was a deadlock for a single heartbeat before the Legendary Pokémon abandoned the contest.

Yveltal dived straight for Xerneas and ignored the others, allowing the two attacks to pass harmlessly above its head. The deerlike creature rose eagerly to meet it, leaping from the ground with horns glowing an angry red. Yet, before it could strike, a shadowy portal appeared before the titanic avian and it vanished inside. Xerneas’ horns stabbed into the purple-black substance after it, but that simply dispersed as if it were mere mist. The lifegiving creature was left to float as much as fall back to the ground.

A split second after Xerneas’ hooves touched back down on the earth, a second portal opened up almost directly behind it. It whirled about quickly, but not quickly enough to avoid Yveltal’s raking claws. Coated with ghostly energy, their impact was enough to send the deer crashing into the barren mountainside with the force to leave a small crater.

“Its Phantom Force isn’t to be trifled with,” Lysandre said while Xerneas shook the rubble from its head.

“And neither are we,” Malva finished, then swept out an opened hand. “Houndoom, use Toxic!”

Her canine Pokémon bounded forwards and opened its jaws again, this time to spray a stream of dark purple sludge at the Legendary. Yveltal dodged, but it was so close to the ground this time that it couldn’t avoid it completely. The disgusting slime swept briefly over its tail, and while it seemed to ignore the hit Malva smiled even more.

“Xerneas, Dazzling Gleam!” Lysandre ordered. “Gyarados, Blizzard!”

Xerneas horns lit up and it unleashed wave upon wave of rainbow-colored light up at its old enemy. Gyarados fired off a withering beam of ice and snow for its part. Yveltal didn’t even try to dodge Xerneas’ attack, spreading its wings wide and allowing itself to be hurled backwards and upwards by the force of the fey energy. Meanwhile the icy attack expended itself uselessly freezing over mountain soil.

Despite the visible injuries it now carried, Yveltal had gained considerable altitude. It opened its wings wide again and shot a second beam of red and black downwards, this time directly for Xerneas. It struck the thin deer with the force of a meteor impact, sheer magnitude driving the rival Legendary to its knees.

“Use Flamethrower once more!”

“Bring it down with Hyper Beam!”

Once more, Gyarados and Houndoom fired their twin energy attacks up into the sky. This time Yveltal had its focus elsewhere and did nothing to dodge when golden light slammed into it and flames licked its body. Its own attack sputtered out as the Pokémon was enveloped in thick black smoke, and a moment later Xerneas regained its hooves. But its enemy swiftly emerged from the thick cloud, sporting new wounds but missing some old ones.

“It looks like Oblivion Wing really does sap the energy of Yveltal’s opponents,” Lysandre commented.

“Let’s just hope it doesn’t use it on us.”

For the first time, Yveltal’s blue eyes fell properly on the two humans and their Pokémon, as if finally seeing them for a true threat. With another avian cry, it beat it wings and rose higher still before firing a third Oblivion Wing off, this time directly at where the two humans were standing.

“So much for that…” Malva muttered.

“Gyarados, Protect!”

Obediently, the massive sea serpent sprang into the air with its tail, directly in the path of the attack. A turquoise bubble encased its bulky body, and the dark energies spent themselves fruitlessly against it. The attack cut off after a few seconds, when Xerneas launched another fey sphere at its foe. The white-pink attack struck home in a massive explosion, and Gyarados tumbled back down to earth.

High up above, Yveltal beat its wings and gained yet more altitude as it rose from the cloud of smoke. It continued to soar higher and despite the attacks that rose to meet it, becoming little more than a black dot in the distance. Both Lysandre and Malva grimaced – if it ignored its ancient enmities and simply flew away, there was precious little they could do to stop it. But a moment later more dark energy appeared before it, and their quarry vanished into another shadowy portal.

“Xerneas!” Lysandre called. “Keep your eyes out for-”

"Look out sir!" Malva shouted.

Phantom Force had reopened directly behind the two humans. Lysandre threw himself forwards as one massive clawed wing came swinging to pulp him, and Yveltal’s claws dug great gouges in the earth instead. It raised the other wing to strike, but Gyarados made a desperate lunge for it instead. Its massive jaws clamped down on the Legendry’s head with all its considerable strength. Yveltal instead struck Gyarados on the side of its face with ghostly energy about its claw. The serpent flinched but did not let go. While it bit down as hard as it could, its avian opponent wrestled it with astonishing strength. Gyarados was thrown roughly onto its back, flailing against Yveltal’s beating but absolutely refusing to release its grip. Team Flare’s leader was forced to roll aside to avoid being crushed by the sheer bulk of his own struggling Pokémon.

Malva, meanwhile, had frantically backed off from the life or death struggle between the two titanic Pokémon. With her Houndoom standing protectively between her and them, she fished about in her pocket and extracted a Poke Ball. She tossed it quickly into the air with a flick of her wrist.

“Now’s our chance!” she shouted. “Chandelure, use Confuse Ray on Yveltal!”

The ball opened, and the silver light that poured out took the form of an elaborate black chandelier with ghostly blue flames burning in its fine crystal center. The Pokémon’s yellow eyes immediately lit up, unleashing several gold-white spheres. They struck the massive red and black avian in the back, and almost immediately its movements became more disjointed. It was still beating at Gyarados, but sporadically now and it sometimes managed to miss.

“Release its head!” Lysandre ordered as he pushed himself back to his feet some distance away. “Then hit it with Aqua Tail!”

The massive blue serpent loyally obeyed by opening its jaws. Yveltal stumbled and shook its head, trying to clear out the disorientation, but for a crucial second it was distracted. That gave the exhausted Gyarados a chance to slam the Legendary from the side with a water-encased fin. The force of the impact sent Yveltal slamming into the mountainside itself, while Lysandre’s Pokémon doubled over with its eyes screwed up.

“Houndoom, Flamethrower! Chandelure, Flame Burst!”

“Xerneas, Moonblast!”

Another white-pink sphere took the still-disoriented Yveltal in the chest before it could recover, driving it deeper into the packed dirt and solid rock. This was followed closely by a stream of orange and yellow flames, as well as a solid bolt of blue fire that exploded to rain down further flames across its Y-shaped body. The beast let out a wild, incoherent cry of pain and lashed randomly with its still-deadly claws. But nothing was in immediate reach, so all it accomplished was to destroy parts of the mountainside

Meanwhile the Elite Four member had retrieved a Dark Ball from her person, enlarging it to full size with a touch. Before the confused and enraged Pokémon could recover its wits enough to resume the battle, the black orb struck it in the chest. Yveltal was drawn inside in another surge of dark energy, and the ball fell and wedged itself amongst the jagged, broken stones.

“Master Lysandre,” Malva’s returned grin was twice as she watched the ball spark ominously. “Mission accomplished.”

All Together Again

In the darkest depths of the night, with a massive grey and black cloud stretching off in all directions, hundreds of Pokemon were huddled underneath the forest canopy. Many were nursing injuries or tending to those of their kindred that needed it. A few, such as a small group of Stunky, were secluded in a dark mood. For others, it was the opposite, and even the torrential downpour couldn’t shake their enthusiasm over victory. There was boasting and mourning in almost equal measure.

It made Luna feel strangely nostalgic.

“We won’t let this stop us,” Skuntank was vowing to her. “We’ve seen loss before, but something like that…” he shook his head. “No human or Pokémon has ever done that here for as long as I’ve lived. I won’t let it happen again. They have to be defeated. Those of us still in thrall must be freed.”

“Your courage does you and your kindred great credit,” Luna told him, in a low and solemn tone. “Go then. Be among your folk and keep their spirits raised. Mourn as you would, but never lose heart. The perpetrator is no more, and we have powerful new allies.” She looked him right in the eyes and spoke with utter conviction. “We will be victorious.”

“I understand,” he nodded.

“Good,” Luna’s expression softened, and she spoke gently. “Then you ought to go to them. They will need you.”

Skuntank nodded once again, and then turned and set off into the night. He disappeared rather quickly into the dark, wet underbrush, but Luna had every confidence that he and his kindred would still be there come dawn. She found herself getting oddly nostalgic once more – courage in the face of dire peril always did have a way of getting to her.

“You handled that quite well,” said a soft voice from on high.

Luna looked up to a branch hanging high overhead, a dark silhouette just visible amongst all the soaked leafage.

“I do my best,” she said to her sister. “If I am to be entirely honest it feels rather like leading an army in the old days.”

“Some things cross dimensions. Battle, unfortunately, is one of them.” Celestia shook her head sadly. “But there are better things here as well.”

“I assume that you mean friendship?” the dark alicorn asked.

“Well, that and dessert.”

Luna snorted, then smirked.

“Speaking of friends, you might want to know that our new friends are on their way back now. Even in this weather you can hardly miss that mech of theirs.” The white princess shook her head again. “I swear Lulu, you ought to have seen the looks on their faces when they walked into that warehouse. ‘Foals on Hearths Warming Morn’ doesn’t begin to describe it.”

“I find it to be rather overdesigned,” Luna replied. “But it does appear as effective, so I shall not complain greatly.”

Celestia hopped down from the tree branch, landing with barely a sound with a sling graceful flap of her wings. Luna briefly wished that she could do that.

“I think you’ll like them, once you have the chance to meet properly. They’re kind, if a bit… eccentric.”

“Would you not say that the same holds true for me? I am somewhat of an anachronism on occasion, am I not?”

Celestia frowned. “I don’t think I would put it like that.”

“No, I am certain you would find a more eloquent means of informing me that I maintain certain affectations a millennium past their time,” Luna chuckled a little. “Take not offense, dear sister, I merely indulge in a jest at my own expense.”

“You don’t need to be self-depreciating with me all the time,” she took a few steps forward. “You have a lot to be proud of. What you’ve done here means a lot to these Pokémon. I have no doubt the situation here would be much worse if not for you.”

“Well, putting that aside for the moment,” Luna couldn’t help puffing out her chest a little, even as she coughed politely. “You were informing me about these friends of yours?”

“Yes, Jessie, James, and Meowth.”

“I have heard their names. I doubt there is anyone for ten miles that has not.”

“Yes….” Celestia scratched behind her head. “They’re a bit silly at times, but good-hearted in the end I feel. But…”

“But what?” Luna frowned.

“You ought to know that they maaay technically be a part of a band of thieves.” Upon seeing her sister’s frown deepen, the white alicorn hastily went on. “But so far as I can tell they have yet to successfully commit any crime of note despite many wasted and foolish efforts, and they have sworn it off for now. As I said, I believe them ultimately to be good people pushed into the wrong herd by poor circumstances. I believe they very much can change for the better, and once this is through I’ll do all I can to help make that happen.” She flashed a winning, if strained, grin.

Luna tapped a hoof on her chin, face expressionless. Seconds passed in silence, and she was unsure if it was just rain trickling down her sister’s face.

“Oh, very well,” Luna nodded, then grinned slightly a split second later. “I should be quite the hypocrite if I denied another a chance for reformation, should I not?” She shook her head. “They came to our aid when it was sorely needed, and for that I vow I shall hold no prejudices against them.”

“Thank you,” Celestia smiled faintly.

The sisters embraced.

Robo Mega Meowth 9000 touched down with all the grace one could reasonably expect from a giant mecha in the middle of a forest during a thunderstorm. That is to say it only snapped one tree in half and didn’t step on anyone.

The giant robot’s chest armor slid open once again, and stairs descended to the wet forest floor. First out were an assortment of tired-looking Poliwag and Poliwhirl, led by a dark blue Poliwrath. After that came a purple alicorn princess, who raced immediately towards her elders.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna,” she bowed her head briefly, to nods from the others. “I’m happy to report that there won’t be any more threat to this woods from that quarter. The forest fire is well and truly out!”

“We noticed,” Luna said in a perfectly serious tone, while rainwater dripped from her sopping wet coat.

“Well done, all of you,” Celestia nodded at her apprentice and the Water Pokémon, then frowned at the mecha. “Where are the rest of them?”

“Well, they… uh…” Twilight scratched behind her head, and thunder boomed in the sky. “They decided to spend the night indoors.”

As if waiting for some kind of cue, the mechanical stairway retracted itself back into the robot’s chest, armor plates sealing shut behind it with a loud clang. Out in the darkness, the downpour if anything seemed to double in intensity. All three alicorns stared with dawning realization and just a touch of envy.

“Perhaps they are not quite as foolish as you thought, sister.”

“…should we knock?” Twilight wondered.

“Nay!” Luna declared immediately. “In times of war, a leader must endure the full privations alongside the very lowliest of her troops, that she might not forget the pain and sacrifice of even the least amongst them! Tis only right that we set such an example here!”

“A very… noble sentiment,” Celestia agreed, while her mane sagged down over her face. “She’s right, of course. We ought not to indulge in unnecessary luxuries when others go without. Not at a time like this.”

“Being dry is a luxury?” Twilight asked.

“It is tonight,” her mentor informed her.

“And besides,” Luna put a leg around Celestia and Twilight’s necks. “This gives me the opportunity to regale you with tales from our last war!”

Is it too late to knock? Celestia wondered.

Many hours later, Lysandre and Malva returned to Team Flare’s headquarters via helicopter, dirty and beaten yet triumphant. Lysandre in particular had a very rare genuine smile on his face as the two descended in the elevator, the expression of a man who knows his lifelong dream is on the cusp of fulfilment. They reached the observation level without incident, and Lysandre strode past rows of grunts and scientists working behind computer banks, calibrating and recalibrating, double-checking calculations, estimating energy output and the destructive radius of shots of varying power levels. The future of the world was riding on everything being absolutely perfect, they couldn’t afford even the smallest error in their numbers.

“It’s finally about to begin,” Lysandre said, arms behind his back as he stared down at the dormant crystal flower. “This beautiful world… will not just fade away.”

“I know just how you feel, sir,” Malva said from behind him. “A perfect, undying world…” she smiled. “Sounds magical, doesn’t it?”

“It will be real very soon,” he smiled back at her. “Thanks to you.” He turned away from the weapon, towards the Team Flare members still hard at work. “Thanks to all of you! Without your hard work and dedication, none of this would be possible! I can’t find the words to properly express my gratitude to each and every one of you, but rest assured I shall spend as many centuries as it takes to invent them!”

There were cheers, a few chuckles, and a light round of applause from the men and women gathered there. Lysandre stood there, genuinely happy for a brief moment. As the grunts and scientists slowly sat back down and returned to their work stations, a side door opened from a deeper level and a white-suited admin came out.

“Sir,” he said with a salute. “I’m glad to see you and lady Malva back safely.”

“As am I,” Lysandre nodded. “How are things here?”

“Sir, both Mable and Celosia’s teams returned to base while you were away.”

“Excellent!” he smiled again. “Then everything went well?”

“Sir, they… they failed to destroy their targets.” The admin cringed at Lysandre’s sudden frown. “And there’s more. Mable and Celosia… they didn’t come back. From what we can tell, sir, they’re gone.”

Lysandre recoiled as if physically struck, eyes wide. Team Flare’s leader took one step back, then another. His frown grew far deeper, and he squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his fists simultaneously. Malva took a few steps forward and laid a hand softly on his shoulder. When he opened his blue eyes again a second later, a tear trickled down his cheek.

“I should have destroyed her that night in the factory,” he muttered, clenched fists trembling. “But I dismissed her too easily, and now good people have suffered for my mistake.”

“You didn’t know,” Malva said gently. “You couldn’t have foreseen what would happen.”

“I should have known, it’s my responsibility,” Lysandre sniffed once, then brushed away his tear with a dirty sleeve. “But they will all pay,” he held his clenched fist in front of his chest. “And pay dearly.”

“Should I hunt them down, sir?” Malva asked immediately. “If you want, I’ll go out and destroy them right now.”

“About that…” the white-suited admin again looked hesitant. “We’ve lost almost the entirety of our motor vehicles. Mable’s team members returned on foot, as did most of Celosia’s. Something about a giant metal Meowth. We don’t have many left in the garage.”

“I’ll walk I have to, to avenge the honor of Team Flare,” the pink-haired woman declared, but her boss shook his head.

“No. We’ve underestimated their true threat too many times now and lost far too much for that mistake. I’ll not make it again.”

“Then what should we do, sir?”

“Send out the recall signal. Order every agent of Team Flare, covert and overt, across the whole of Kalos to return to base at once. They may do whatever they require to avoid unnecessary suspicion, but they are to make their way to our location as swiftly as they can. As soon as we have accounted for everyone, we proceed without delay.” Lysandre’s eyes blazed. “The alicorns will burn in the light of our ultimate weapon.”

A Gift

It was early the next morning. The sun was slowly rising again, casting gentle rays across the damp, muddy, humid forest. Many of those Pokémon that could still stand were up and about, looking for breakfast or looking after their fellows. And an alicorn princess was pounding on the head of a giant metal Meowth.

“Come on, up and out with you!” Luna half yelled over the clang of hoof on metal. “Dawn has already come and gone! There are introductions to be made and much work to be done! So rise up!”

There was no immediate response.

“Do you not know that we are at war?” she demanded. “Is this how things are done in this dimension – chase off a problem once and then forget it exists?”

“Judging by how many times Team Rocket has gotten away from police custody?” Twilight asked. “I’d say yes. Definitely.”

“You are not helping, young princess,” Luna said as she continued to knock.


In the end, it took several more minutes of concentrated pounding and shouting, but eventually Robo Mega Meowth’s armored chest slid open again. Down the stairs slowly trudged a motley assortment of humans and Pokémon in varying stages of half-asleep. With eyes only halfway cracked open and pausing every so often to yawn, the faces staring down at the alicorns seemed anything but happy campers.

“…for goodness’ sake what is it?” the woman with the long magenta hair yawned. “You’re interrupting my beauty sleep.”

“It’s not even six o’clock in the morning yet,” the young black-haired boy mumbled, rubbing one eye.

“Exactly! That is what makes it the perfect time to begin the day!”

“Meowth… translation please?” the blue-haired man managed.

“She’s sayin’ she’s crazy and we should all just go right back ta bed,” the white cat Pokémon said.

LIAR!” Luna’s voice boomed with enough force to wake the dead or throw a little yellow Pokémon off the boy’s shoulders and into the mud.

“Okay, we get it!” the taller woman clutched her ears. “Your name is Luna! Now what do you want with us at this horrible hour?!”

“What I desire is twofold,” Luna said. “First, I wish to make your acquaintance and thank you properly for what you have done. Secondly, I wish to speak with you regarding future coordination against our mutual enemy.”

“Urgh…” Meowth groaned. “She’s sayin’ she wants to be all buddy-buddy and den talk with us ‘bout fightin’ dose Flare guys.”

“Can’t it wait ‘til a little later?” the blond-haired boy asked, rubbing his glasses.

“Nonsense, there is far too much to do!” Luna raised a hoof high and flared her wings. “But before we begin the most serious tasks, I would introduce myself. I am Princess Luna of Equestria, Diarch of the Night, Maiden of the Stars, Guardian of Dreams.” She gave a slight but formal curtsey. “I would also ask that you do me the courtesy of naming yourselves.”

This time, when Meowth translated for her, the two older humans looked at him, and then at each other. There was just a moment’s pause.

“You don’t think…” the taller girl amongst the children began.

“Prepare for trouble, you don’t know who we are?” the magenta-haired woman began, backflipping with sudden energy to strike a pose.

“And make it double, we’re the best here by far!” the blue-haired man echoed, as he too flipped into a pose.

“Here we go again,” the small blonde girl sighed.

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all peoples within our nation!”

“To denounce the evils of staying quiet!”

“To extend our reach and cause a riot!”



“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!”

“Team Flare beware, we can’t lose this fight!”

“Meowth, dat’s right!”


“And Celestia, shining bright!”

The white alicorn had seemingly appeared from nowhere to stand in their midst, foreleg posed in a suitably heroic fashion and a pearly white grin on her face. Luna just stared. The others groaned.

“Do you guys have to do that every time?” the black-haired boy yawned again.

“There’s nothing that gets the blood pumping quite like reciting the motto!” James raised his fist in the air. “Now we’re up and ready to win the day!”

“That’s right!” his two teammates cheered.


“Your minstrel performance is quite well-rehearsed and your acrobatics are superb,” Luna commented. “And your passion for your art is obvious. You ought to consider becoming performers in lieu of a life of crime.”

“She tinks we’re great, so ‘dere!” Meowth taunted the younger group.

“Marginally biased translations aside,” Luna shook her head, looking at the others. “I should also like you all to introduce yourselves if you please.”

“She says go ahead an’ talk, twerps.”

“Well, I don’t have a motto, but I’m Ash Ketchum,” the black-haired boy said. “And this is my buddy Pikachu.”

“Hi,” said the little yellow Pokemon in between trying to clean mud out of his fur.

“I’m Serena, it’s so nice to meet you!” the taller girl said.

“I’m Clemont, leader of the Lumiose Gym.”

“And I’m Bonnie, here to make sure my big brother doesn’t get into any trouble.”

“Bonnie…” Clemont groaned.

“I am well pleased to make your acquaintance, friends of my sister,” Luna nodded at Team Rocket, “and friends of young Twilight,” she nodded at Ash’s group. “I wish to thank you all for taking care of them, and for coming to aid in battle. It means a great deal to these Pokémon, and to me.”

“Well, we did single-handedly turn the tide of battle with our flawless mech,” Jessie had her arms folded and a grin on her face after the translation. “So I can see why you’d feel that way.”

“Yes…” Luna nodded. “I wished to reward you as is only proper, but unfortunately I currently lack any lands or noble titles to bestow on you, or even base currency.”

“Cash ain’t ‘base’ unless yer rollin’ in it.”

“What I do possess is this.” Luna unfurled one of her wings and pulled back on some feathers. There, nestled amidst the dark plumage, was a shining rainbow gemstone.

“That’s what’s known as a Key Stone,” Twilight stepped in to explain. “Typically embedded in some form of object, it’s one of the requirements to trigger Mega Evolution. But it’s not the only thing, you also need a Pokémon of a species capable of it that possesses the appropriate Mega Stone. But even more important than that, you need a strong bond of trust and affection between a human and the Pokémon you want to evolve. Wild Pokémon never undergo this rare phenomenon.”

“Unfortunately, as young Twilight says, Pokémon not trained by humans cannot undergo this process for some unaccountable reason.” Luna sighed. “Thus, despite the proven power of this gem, it is of absolutely no use to me or any of mine. Therefore, I have decided to bequeath it to you instead, as the best reward I have available. I apologize if it seems trifling for saving many lives, but it is all I have to give.” The alicorn bowed her head just a little.

“I know it’s sudden, but do any of you have any Mega Stones?” Twilight asked all of them.

Blank stares and scratched heads were all that greeted her. Some even looked down at their feet.

“Sorry… but no.”

“None here.”

“I wish I did.”

“Can’t say I’ve got one.”

“I’ve got to go with no.”

“That is truly fantastic,” Luna muttered. “We come into possession of an extremely rare treasure as spoils of war, and no one possesses the means to actually use it.” She sighed. “All the same, I did promise it to you.”

The dark alicorn looked over the humans once more, then flicked her wing towards Team Rocket. James caught the shining jewel in one black-gloved hand, then stared incredulously at it.

“It was your machine that came to our aid,” she explained. “Therefore, it seems fitting that if none of us may use it then you should have the gemstone in reward.”

“Hey, let me see that!” Jessie snatched at James’ hand, then held up the Mega Stone in front of her face. “This would look great as the centerpiece for a tiara! And you know where a tiara would look best? On my head!”

“Hey, back off!” James snatched it back. “I caught it, so it’s mine and it’s going in my collection!”

“A jewel like that deserves to be flaunted, not gathering dust with your stupid bottle caps!”

“How dare you insult my bottle caps?! I’ll have you know they hold the world record for how polished and shiny they are!”

“Dat robot is shaped like me and I was doin’ most a da pilotin’!” Meowth butted in. “So I say dat pretty stone belongs ta me!”

“No, it’s mine!” Jessie yelled.

“You’re both wrong, it’s all mine!” James shouted back.

As Team Rocket fell to squabbling with one another over the Key Stone, Luna simply gave another sigh. Twilight and Ash’s group stared with somewhat exasperated and/or sleepy expressions. Beside her sister, Celestia watched with a slightly concerned look on her face as Fury Swipes was brought into play.

“Well, at least they all seem to like your reward,” Celestia said, then winced.

“I simply hope they do not have a falling out over a mere trinket,” Luna replied. “Because unless fervent wishes have the power to trigger Mega Evolution, it is of no true use to any of them.”

“They’re not coming out,” Spearow said. “I mean, like at all.”

“So they are making no efforts to sally forth and counterattack?” Luna frowned. “Nor are they increasing patrols about their base? Nor engaged in any form of defensive fortification?”

“Uh… no?” the little bird ventured. “Look, all I saw was that there were maybe two humans in red suits hanging close to the rocks today, not nearly as many as before. And when I took a look at that small human town not far away? Totally empty. I didn’t get too close, but not a single soul to be seen there.”

“Surely their losses were not so great as to force them to abandon the surface altogether,” Luna said. “Even with our new allies they still have formidable numbers.”

“Maybe they all ran away?” Spearow cocked its head.

“An unplanned mass exodus in the dark? And the pouring rain? With their woodsman skills?” the dark alicorn snorted. “That is hardly something we could miss. No, they must still be present beneath the earth. The only question worth pondering is why.”


“Pulling back their exterior defenses opens the way for us to choke off their lines of supply. No matter how well-provisioned their fortress may be, they cannot supply hundreds of humans and Pokémon indefinitely. If we can establish an effective cordon then we may simply wait until hunger and thirst do our work for us,” Luna tapped her hoof on her chin. “And surely they must know it. So, once more we return to the question of why. Are they planning some trap to draw us in? Do they have reinforcements of their own on the way? And why render the nearby village a ghost town?”

“I propose another alternative,” Celestia spoke up. “We know that their intended objective is to wipe out all life not themselves. And, from what Mable’s minions told us, we know that their trump card is located beneath Geosenge Town, though they did not know the whole of what it is. Perhaps they make ready to use it.”

“But if that is so, why now?” Luna asked her sister. “Why attempt to confront us conventionally if they already possessed the means to scour the forest away to begin with?”

“I don’t know,” Celestia frowned a bit herself. “Perhaps they didn’t, or it isn’t working properly, or they only just obtained some necessary component. Whatever the case, I doubt they’re simply waiting to be besieged and starved out. If they’re hunkering down, it’s because they have some sort of plan.”

“Then we must have one of our own,” Luna declared. “We begin by locking down all roads and trails in and out of the area. This time there will be no reinforcements, and no escape.”

“There we are,” Lysandre smiled gently as he pried the small, irritating shard of stone from between Gyarados’ scales. “Is there anywhere else?” he asked, applying an expensive Full Restore to the small wound. “Any more pain?”

The massive blue sea serpent shook his head gently. In the depths of Team Flare’s ultimate stronghold, even his normally bright scales were tinted by the dull red lights.

“Good as new then,” Lysandre said, walking calmly up to jaws big enough to swallow him whole and stroking one white cheek fin. “You ought to be proud, you know. Not many Pokémon alive can say they’ve fought Xerneas and Yveltal both and come away victorious.”

Gyarados gave a low, throaty grumble.

“Don’t be ridiculous, no one else could have done better. They’re both Legendary Pokémon, embodiments of the cycle of life and death. That you couldn’t beat the both of them by yourself on your first try is no slight against you.” Lysandre continued to pet his Pokémon, now scratching behind his head crest. “You were everything I could have asked for and more.”

“Dos?” came a surprisingly slight hiss.

“Of course I mean it,” Team Flare’s leader smiled again. “Don’t you know me too well by now? I’d never lie. Not to you.”

Gyarados paused for a moment, seemingly considering it. His eyes and head slowly wandered up towards the ceiling, staring meaningfully in one particular direction. Lysandre winced as he followed its gaze, knowing well at this close range such powerful energies could not be concealed.

“I can’t hide anything from you, can I?” He continued to pet Gyarados’ scales, but his smile began to fade away. “Yes, we’re close. Everything is completely ready. We’re just waiting on the last of our people to return. Days at most. Perhaps even hours.”

The great serpent’s gaze turned, and Lysandre found himself staring into a red eye as large as his head. It said nothing. It didn’t need to.

“Yes… Once the weapon has been unleashed and the new world is coming into being…” his eyes were starting to water. “It will be time for our goodbye.”

Gyarados nodded once, bobbing his massive head in a slow and solemn manner. His gaze shifted away from his trainer, looking forwards again.

“You know I have to do it.” Tears began to creep slowly down Lysandre’s cheeks. “The world can never be free from violence as long as Pokémon exist. It’s too… too bound up inside.” He wiped his face with one sleeve. “Of you. Of me. Of all of us. Utopia can’t exist while that bond between us does. It has to be expunged, and there’s only one way.”

His Pokémon nodded once again.

“Naturally, you know,” Lysandre smiled faintly even as he continued to weep. “You’ve known for years this was inevitably coming, only now that it’s almost here I…” he hesitated. “I just don’t know if I can do it.”

This time the reaction was immediate. Gyarados whipped around like a striking serpent, incredibly fast despite his vast bulk. Lysandre staggered as the scales he had been leaning on became a sudden blue blur, but a white tail fin caught him. He blinked away the worst of the tears to discover that he’d been surrounded, encircled by the bulk sea dragon’s coils. Gyarados’ head brushed up against the ceiling, and for the first time he looked genuinely angry. He bared his fangs and gave a deep, rumbling growl.

“Of course I don’t want our work to be for nothing!” Lysandre shouted up at his Pokémon. “I know what has to be done, but…” he looked down. “But I want to be a little selfish in the end, is that too much to ask? I want to keep you and Pyroar and Mienshao and Honchkrow and all the others! Greedy, arrogant, entitled people are ruining the world, not you! Why must they take you from me?!” He pounded one fist ineffectually on Gyarados’ hard scales. “It isn’t fair!”

Gyarados lowered his head down to just above Lysandre’s and let out another low grumble. This one, strangely enough, was almost reassuring.

“Yes…” Lysandre swallowed, nodding slowly. “You’re right. We’ve known about this for years, it just always seemed so far away. Now that we’re almost here…” More tears were sliding freely down his face.

Gyarados gave one more nod. Lysandre put his hand on the sea serpent’s belly.

“I’ll miss you.”

A Message

A young man, no older than twenty, walked down a forest path. Dressed in an inconspicuous black shirt, blue vest, jeans, and a red hat, he hoisted a grey backpack with all his most precious belongings in the world. He’d been working undercover as an editor in Kalos media for over a year now, forced to keep his true allegiances a secret to help filter out any potentially damaging or alarming news stories from ever seeing the light of day. It was tedious and difficult labor, and so he hadn’t hesitated a moment when the long-awaited signal had finally come. He’d called in sick, packed his favorite things, and left without a word to his neighbors.

The journey northwest from Lumiose had gone smoothly, an oblivious taxi driver getting him as far as Cyllage City. From there it was just a few hours walk to the worthless backwoods town his colleagues had so easily commandeered. He was excited, a little nervous too, but mostly excited. After all, he’d been promised a heaven on earth. Who wouldn’t be?

“Trike!” a short yap cut into his thoughts.

“Hmmm?” he frowned, looking ahead.

A small green Pokémon stood on the path ahead, sharp teeth bared and crouched as if ready to pounce.

“Trike!” it barked again. “Electrike!”

“Yeah, what do you want?” he asked it. “I’m really busy today, so I don’t have time to battle-”

A bolt of yellow electricity flew from Electrike, just above the young man’s shoulder. He could feel his hair standing on end – it had just missed his face. He took several hasty, reflexive steps backwards, eyes wide as the small hound pawed the ground aggressively. But when it didn’t advance, his shock swiftly turned to anger.

“Alright, if that’s the way you wanna play it,” he gritted his teeth and fished around in his pack. “Tyrunt and I can-”

“Spearow! Row row row!”

He was interrupted, again, by the sound of a Pokemon’s voice. He looked up to see a small bird perched on a tree branch, glaring down at him with baleful eyes. A rustle in the bushes to the side of the path alerted him to the coming of a third, this one a furry purple Stunky with a white stripe along its back. Then, from the other side of the road, a Snubbull. Then a Houndour from amongst the dark woods. It was around this time he began having second thoughts.

“Nice Pokémon…” he said softly, taking several steps back with empty hands in front of his chest. “Good Pokémon… I-I didn’t mean anything bad, okay?”

“Dour!” the Houndour barked in reply, breathing a small trail of flame. It struck the dirt at the human’s feet, searing a crude black line into the tail. “Houndour!”

“Electrike!” the other Pokémon added.

“What?” He looked down, blinked, and looked back up. “Oh… you’re saying don’t go any further, right?”

“Hound,” the dark canine nodded once.

“Okay…” He said, briefly considering his odds of making a dash past them all. “I’ll just turn around and go back then, is that good?”

The Pokémon didn’t say anything, but on the other hand they didn’t do anything when he turned back around and began walking back the way he had come. The young man walked a good few yards before nervously checking over his shoulder. Finding them still staring unwaveringly at his back, he picked up the pace and within a few minutes had lost sight of them altogether. He cast newly-wary eyes about the dark forest several times as he walked, and only when he was absolutely sure that he was alone did he reach into his backpack and extract a Holo Caster.

“Agent XY to base,” he said almost as soon as it booted up, “we’ve got a problem.”

“It’s happening everywhere?” Lysandre frowned.

“Yes sir,” Bryony said in a neutral tone, “We’ve received reports from multiple agents on several different paths through Routes 10 and 11. When they begin to approach Geosenge Town, multiple Pokémon come emerge from the woods and threaten them until they turn around and leave. We have instances of different species of Pokémon working together to turn our people back. There seem to be too many to handle in a standard battle. One our people tried, and she subsequently reported having to flee with unconscious Pokémon and her hair on fire.”

“Intolerable,” Team Flare’s leader clenched his fist. “We can’t allow our people to be harmed and humiliated like that. We’ve suffered far too many losses already.”

“What are your orders, sir?” the green-haired scientist asked.

“Hmmm…” Lysandre unclenched his hand and considered a moment, stroking his beard. “This is obviously the work of that ‘Luna’ creature. She must feel emboldened by Celosia’s downfall and be moving to trap us here. Or perhaps she wishes for us to come and meet her on her home ground again, to waste more good people trying to flush her out. Either way, this poses too much risk to our people and cannot be ignored.”

“As you say,” Bryony nodded.

“Send out a message to all our incoming agents. Order them to meet up along their respective routes. Gather together for safety, then await my signal.” Lysandre folded his arms behind his back. “As for you, collect Malva and Aliana and inform them I want a distraction. The alien is sure to have spies watching over our base. When I give the order take whatever you need and use your visors to locate them. I don’t require them to be eliminated or captured, simply attacked and driven off or otherwise occupied. Keep all attention on yourselves. Accomplish that task, and don’t stray far. Return to base immediately if resistance becomes stiff.” He looked her right in the eye, even through her visor. “I don’t want any further losses, do you understand?”

“Yes sir.”

Jessie, James, and Meowth were started from the relative complacency of running a systems check on their mecha by the sound of chiming on the control dashboard. Meowth hastily pressed a button to accept communication, and the viewscreen in front of them was replaced by a black background with a bright red “R” emblazoned on it. A moment later, Giovanni’s stern-looking face appeared on screen, several times larger than life.

“Boss!” all three of the trio, plus Wobbuffet, saluted at once.

“Me,” he said in a low tone couched with anger. “Listen up you three and listen well. We’ve finally broken the encryption on the data that you stole. And the situation is worse than we believed. Far worse.”

“Sir?” Jessie asked.

“We’ve confirmed that Team Flare has indeed obtained the ultimate weapon used in Kalos’ mythic war 3,000 years ago,” Giovanni said. “And they appear frighteningly close to being able to use it. Based on the data from their system, they only need one key component to activate it. And what they intend to do with it…” for the first time any of the trio could remember, their boss looked genuinely discomfited. “I might use it as a means of extortion. They intend to use it to utterly annihilate all life, barring themselves.”

Jessie, James, and Meowth looked nervously at one another. Mable had been telling the truth after all.

“And when the world has been reduced to ashes, they intend to use it to create a verdant paradise, eternal and unchangeable, for themselves alone. It’s a fit of utopian delusion at its finest, but whatever happens to their ‘perfect world’ will be of no concern if we are one and all burned away to nothing.” Giovanni closed his eyes, for once not stroking his Persian. “It goes without saying that this is extremely serious. I’m sending the architectural plans for their base around the ultimate weapon – near Geosenge Town – along with their membership roster. Proceed to the attached coordinates immediately and prepare for an attack. We must put an end to this before it begins.”

“Just prepare, sir?” James said.

“Do you honestly think I would be so foolish as to leave the fate of the world in your hands?” Giovanni kept his eyes closed, hands folded together. “I’m on my way there as we speak. Kanto and Kalos are a considerable distance from one another, but I will be there as soon as I can. We will destroy Team Flare all together and dash the madman’s dreams on the hard rocks of reality.” He opened his eyes again. “And after that, who knows?” He smirked. “Perhaps we shall even claim the ultimate weapon for ourselves. I can think of few other tools that can extort entire nations.”

“Y-Yeah, dat’s right!” Meowth nodded hastily.

“Team Rocket could really rule the world with that thing!” Jessie added.

“We’ll do our best, boss!” James assured him.

“I should hope so. All our lives may depend on what happens during these next few hours.” Team Rocket’s leader nodded once. “Are there any questions?”

“J-Just one, boss,” James raised a slightly-trembling hand. “Do we have idea now where Team Flare got the Dark Ball data from? That was a Team Rocket project, wasn’t it?”

“It was, briefly, until I ordered it aborted and all data destroyed. It never advanced past the prototype stage, and its sole field tester was the man you know as the Iron-Masked Marauder.” Giovanni’s tone was even. “The benefits it conferred came with unacceptable costs. I’ve double-checked our computer networks and cross-examined the scientists involved in the experiment, and I’ve yet to establish any clear means the data could have leaked.”

“Maybe the Marauder had some backups stashed somewhere?” Jessie volunteered. “He’s in prison, isn’t he? Couldn’t we ask him?”

“Oh, I assure you, no one will be asking him anything ever again.” A vicious gleam appeared in Giovanni’s eyes. “It seems that prison food didn’t quite agree with his delicate constitution.” He smirked again, finally giving his Persian a pat on the head. “How very unfortunate for him.”

Jessie, James, and Meowth looked at each other again, and this time couldn’t quite hide their shuddering.

“I’ll tolerate a great deal of failure in my agents but plotting to overthrow me is a step too far,” he continued, now stroking his cat. “Are there any further questions?”

This time, all three members of Team Rocket emphatically shook their heads as hard as they possibly could.

“Excellent. Prepare yourselves for battle and await my arrival. Giovanni out.”

The boss’s face disappeared from the great viewscreen. Once again, the trio were staring out at an incongruously bright and pleasant sunny day, with many species of Pokémon scurrying around through the greenery at the mecha’s feet. They didn’t even have to look at once another before simultaneously reaching straight for their microphones.

“Princesses!” their voices boomed out.

“Your courage is commendable,” Lysandre said, arms folded behind his back. “And your determination is also praiseworthy. You allowed my men the chance to turn around and walk away unharmed, which is why I’m extending the same offer to you now.”

All around Team Flare’s leader, wild Pokémon were gathered. Almost a score of them altogether, with species from Gulpin to Houndour to Poliwag to Electrike all represented amongst their ranks. All were staring at him with the same angry expression regardless of species, fanning out to surround him on all sides. Many of those who had them were showing fangs.

“Perhaps you don’t understand quite who you’re dealing with. I am Lysandre, the leader of Team Flare.” That brought a chorus of angry barks and growls, though he remained unmoved. “While my associates back at base keep your leader’s spies occupied, I’ve come here to retrieve my errant subordinates. I far beyond your battling skills – you cannot hope to win against me. But because you allowed my people to flee, I’m giving all of you the chance to do the same. Turn and run right now, and I won’t raise a hand against you. Attempt to stop me, and I can’t guarantee your safety.”

In answer, a Houndour growled and lunged at Lysandre with jaws wide. But it never even got close, because the white and purple Pokémon accompanying him leapt immediately into action. Its long paws glowed with orange energy as it slammed them together, the clap unleashing a shockwave that hurled the dark canine back before it could touch the trainer.

“Thank you, Mienshao,” Lysandre patted his Pokémon on the head briefly. “Now, is that your final answer? All I desire here is to collect my subordinates and return to base.”

Electrike struck him in the back with a bolt of lightning.

Lysandre dropped to one knee with a pained grimace on his face and sparks dancing across his dark suit. Behind him, Mienshao sent Electrike soaring into the distance with a single blow, but more forest Pokémon were already surging forward to attack. Lysandre’s Pokemon was by far the most individually powerful of them, but it was also getting all but buried in a dogpile of its wild brethren.

“Fine,” Lysandre fished into a suit pocket while Mienshao struggled to throw off its enemies. “Xerneas, come out!”

He tossed a black and grey orb into the air, and the blue and black Legendary Pokémon appeared in a burst of dark energy. Its horns flared to life showing all colors of the rainbow in a beautiful display of the raw energies of life itself. It pawed the ground aggressively, empty eyes looking from one stunned forest Pokémon to the next with no trace of empathy or compassion.

“Every Pokémon here except Mienshao is an enemy of Team Flare,” Lysandre announced. “Get rid of them with your Dazzling Gleam!”

Xerneas’ antlers shone like a second sun, and the forest exploded into rainbow light.

A Distraction

“You received these from your leader?” Luna asked. “You are quite certain of its veracity?”

“I helped them to steal this data myself,” Celestia told her sister. “There’s no reason to doubt its providence.”

Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Team Rocket, and all of Ash’s gang were gathered around a small holoprojector. Displayed on it was a simple, dry set of three dimensional blueprints that sent shivers down every sensible spine. The underground headquarters was a full order of magnitude larger than the night princess had been expecting, with room and provisions for hundreds of people. And the membership list streaming by showed a roster of several hundred current and active humans, plus two to three times that number of Pokémon. Luna had assumed that she had Team Flare outnumbered. In reality, though she hadn’t an exact count of her own forces, she would be fortunate to have rough numerical parity.

A dug-in enemy with an extensive underground fortification and no need to come outside any time soon. Pokémon in numbers to match hers. An unknown number of Dark Balls left to be used. And also… Luna’s eyes fixed on the budlike structure embedded deep into the heart of the base. A supposed superweapon and the mad will to use it on everything and everyone. At the moment, another millennium spent on the moon sounded comparatively easy.

“It’s so big,” the girl called Serena said. “How could he have hidden this? Wouldn’t someone have noticed all the digging and building?”

“I don’t think you realize just how wealthy Lysandre is,” Clemont replied. “His family comes from old nobility in the first place, so he inherited a lot. Lysandre Labs is a massive commercial success, rated amongst the top five highest valued companies in Kalos for years running. Even after all his charitable giving, he could probably have bought out all of Geosenge Town and moved his own people in without anyone being the wiser.”

“Why would someone so successful want to destroy the world?” Twilight wondered. “It doesn’t make any sense. Maybe…” she rubbed her chin. “Maybe he’s lonely because he doesn’t have any real friends?”

“That is an incredibly poor excuse for wanting to wipe out all life,” Luna replied. “And yes, I am aware of irony of that statement.”

“I think we ought to focus on stopping him now, and dissect his motives at a later date,” Celestia said.

“Sounds good ta me,” Meowth said.

“I’m in,” Pikachu nodded.

“Even if we’re outnumbered, there’s no way we can let him destroy the world!” Ash declared.

“Way to restate the obvious, twerp,” Jessie said.

“We may not be outnumbered fer long,” Meowth cut in. “Da boss said he’s on his way here right now. And I’m sure he’s bringin’ lots a Rocket reinforcements!”

“Your liege lord is coming here?” Luna asked. “Well, I suppose I am pleased someone else is taking this crisis seriously.”

“I can’t say I’d be pleased to have a crime lord fighting beside me in most circumstances,” Celestia admitted, “but I would prefer that to global annihilation. So long as he keeps his intentions on the up and up, as it were.”

When Meowth translated that one, there was a brief flash of unease across the trio’s faces. But far more obvious was the naked anger on Ash’s face, mirrored by the sparks on Pikachu’s cheeks.

“Your boss is coming here?” he growled in a surprisingly low tone, fists clenched.

“Ash, who’s their boss?” Serena asked.

“Do you two know each other?” Bonnie added.

“Their boss is called Giovanni, and he’s a really bad man,” Ash said through clenched teeth. “He nearly killed a Pokemon called Mewtwo trying to force it to obey him. Back in Unova, he threatened to crush Pikachu and I just to make Meloetta do what he said. Then he tried to use Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus to take over the whole region!” He made a fist. “You can’t trust him, not at all!”

There was an uncomfortable silence amidst the trees for just a few seconds. Not even Team Rocket spoke up to defend their boss. Whatever might have come next will never be known, because at that exact moment a Spearow forced its way through the forest canopy.

“Lady Luna!” it panted heavily as it landed on a branch. “A lot of humans from the big stone nest! We’re under attack!”

“What?!” the dark alicorn looked up and immediately unfurled her wings. “Where?”

“All around their place…” Spearow managed. “Pokémon in the air and on the ground. They’re attacking everywhere.”

“How many are there?” the alicorn flew right up next to the bird. “Do we have any idea?”

“No, I came here as soon as the battle started,” Spearow shook its head. “We were all flying away real fast.”

“If they mean to break their encirclement, perhaps they do not possess the final key to their weapon after all,” Luna considered. “And they require access to the outside world to get it. If so, we must counterattack before they are able to break the cordon. Prepare-”

The princess words died in her throat, as through the trees she briefly caught sight of a flare of rainbow energy. Bright as a giant sparkling diamond but short-lived, it died down after just a moment in her gaze. But seeing how far away it was…

“Luna?” Celestia’s voice cut into her thoughts. “What’s wrong?”

“There was a great blaze of some kind,” Luna shook her head and frowned. “Some manner of rainbow colored light. Near where some of ours are. I like it not.”

“An attack of some kind?” Twilight wondered. “Psybeam, maybe?”

“What’s she saying, Meowth?” Jessie asked.

“She’s sayin’ dat dere’s a big Team Flare attack near their base an’ also some kinda rainbow energy blaze comin’ from dat way,” Meowth pointed vaguely in the direction Luna was looking.

“If Team Flare’s trying to break out, we’ve gotta go and stop ‘em,” Ash looked at Pikacu, who nodded.

“I find that I concur,” Luna said, “but that energy might well have been an attack in its own right. If they mean to break out in multiple locations, we must stop them everywhere.”

“I’ll go,” Celestia volunteered. “If it’s something, I can get there quickly and put an end to it. If not, then I can return just as quickly.”

“I will gather those I can and make for their headquarters without delay,” Luna nodded at her sister.

“We’re with you!” Pikachu said, pointing at the dark alicorn.

“And we’ll go with Celestia,” James said, once Meowth had interpreted. “The Robo Mega Meowth 9000 packs plenty of punch and flies like a Braviary! Together we’re more than enough to handle anything that might be happening over there, and if it’s nothing we can be back over here in a hurry.”

“That would leave everyone else free to counterattack at their base,” Twilight said. “But are we sure we want to split up again?”

“Risks must be taken during wartime,” Luna said. “I find this plan agreeable.”

“Then let’s waste no time,” her sister said.

In truth, finding the enemy wasn’t a challenge at all. Even if Luna hadn’t already known right where to go, it would have been easy. Simply follow the sounds of explosions and crashing wood. The only difficult part was not getting too far ahead, allowing those incapable of flight to keep up with her. After a only a short while they were getting close, and she flew higher into the air to get a good look at what was going on.

From on high, she could see dozens of humans and Pokémon gathered near the forest’s edge. There were explosions, thuds, and the sound of metal carving through wood as one by one the trees were brought down. The forest was systemically being destroyed where it was closest to Team Flare’s base. Luna’s eyes narrowed when she saw limp Pokémon piled up in the midst of the humans – no doubt the scouts she’d left to observe their headquarters. She guessed that they hadn’t caught them to better serve as bait, and the princess immediately vowed silently to rescue them if at all possible.

Strategizing was, if anything, even simpler.

A few minutes later, a Swalot was busy spraying down yet another tree with its acidic gunk, calmly watching the purple sludge hiss as it ate easily through the trunk. Just as the old maple teetered and crashed to the ground, a lance of dark energy erupted from the forest and took it right in the chest. The Poison Bag Pokemon went flying, struck a fallen tree, then slumped down into the dirt. It tried feebly to raise its head, then winced and collapsed into a heap.

Other Pokemon were already bounding past the unconscious Swalot, falling on their Flare counterparts with all the primal savagery of nature itself. No words were exchanged, no warnings or posturing preceded the fight. Dark energy, fire, electricity, poison, waters, fangs, talons, and claws did all the talking they needed to do. But the humans of Team Flare were reacting quickly, calling out fresh reinforcements and barking out orders.

A pink-haired woman in a revealing black shirt and red pants grasped a charm around her neck, and a Houndoom at her side was enveloped in rainbow energy. A Scrafty leapt for Luna, chopping for her throat, but she pulled back nimbly and allowed it to overswing. It stumbled for half a second, and in that time she’d hit it in the face with a glowing forehoof. Scrafty went sailing away overhead, and Luna didn’t give it a second thought. A Houndoom, form changed and enlarged, was already bounding across the fallen trees towards her. The dark princess took a deep breath, bared her teeth, and rushed to meet it. All around her, battle was joined.

Faster, please. Celestia mentally urged the mecha. Faster.

The white princess stood atop Robo Mega Meowth’s head as its jet engines tore through the sky faster than even she could have hope to fly. The ground far below simply whizzed by and her long mane whipped about in the breeze, yet for her it still seemed inadequate. It was rational to investigate, she knew, and this was the fastest way of doing so whilst being prepared to fight. All the same, there was a faint uneasiness in her gut that wouldn’t go away.

It didn’t take long at all for the towering robot to reach the spot that her sister had pointed out, and even less to spot what was amiss. Trees lay sprawled across the ground, uprooted and stripped of leaves and foliage by what appeared to have been a cone-shaped attack. Even where the forest hadn’t been toppled it had been stripped bare, tall trees left as leafless as the coldest months of winter.

Celestia hopped of the machine’s head while it was landing, soaring gracefully to the earth while the mecha landed with a massive thud behind her. Up close, the devastation was even more evident – there wasn’t a single shred of anything left in the ground for dozens of yards. The forest soil itself had been stripped of its top lair and sat curiously, unnaturally exposed. But when the alicorn looked a little more closely, she realized that every single piece of debris had been thrown in a textbook perfect cone with no variation from the toppled trees to the tilled soil. Whatever had done this had done without having to move from one spot – quite likely had done it in one shot.

“Ya see anything down dere?” Meowth’s voice came from the speakers on the mech.

“Give me a moment,” Celestia told him. “I need to check something.”

Flapping her wings just enough that her hooves didn’t touch the ground, the alicorn flew over the soft, churned soil with a careful eye on it. It didn’t long for her to spot what she was looking for. With the ground so recently ripped up it was soft and extremely sensitive to pressure such as from, say, a human foot. Or several pairs of feet.

“I would say that twenty or more people recently passed this way,” she shouted up at the mech. “But they aren’t heading away from Team Flare’s base. They look to be running as hard as they can straight towards it.”

Celestia flew further, flowing the prints just to make sure that there weren’t any deviations or doubling back. But she saw nothing of the sort, and from the way their footwear dug into the ground she guessed that they had been outright sprinting this way. She followed the footprints all the way to the edge of the cone of destruction and beyond to make absolutely certain, but even though they were much fainter in the undisturbed dirt path they definitely continued straight on without any tricks. Her gnawing unease redoubled – whatever had done this looked to be heading straight for Luna and Twilight.

It was when she was doing one last hasty sweep around the edge of the destruction that she spotted something small and green buried in the midst of the debris. Rushing over to it and using Psychic to remove some of the wood and dirt covering it, Celestia found a small Pokémon she recognized as a Gulpin. This one was direly wounded, covered in energy burns and painful-looking bruises, but there was ragged, shallow breathing.

“Open your doors!” she called out to Team Rocket, a soft golden glow hoisting Gulpin into the air as gently as possible. “This Pokémon needs medical attention at once! We must make haste to search for other survivors!”

“How could you do this?” Clemont yelled over the sounds of battle. “You’re one of the Elite Four! Luxray, use Wild Charge!”

“My mom watches your newscast every day!” Serena added. “You’re so nice on tv, how could you want to destroy the world? Braixen, use Flamethrower!”

“Well, you know what they say, children,” Malva half-smiled at them. “Don’t believe everything you see in the news. Talonflame, Flare Blitz. Chandelure, use Shadow Ball!”

The fur on Clemont’s blue and black Pokémon stood on end as it was enveloped in a field of yellow electricity. It snarled and bounded forwards, rushing to meet the grey and red bird descending from the sky in a fiery aura. Meanwhile, Serena’s bipedal foxlike companion twirled its stick wand once, then unleashed a gout of orange-yellow fire at Malva’s floating chandelier. For its part a pulsating orb of dark purple energies took shape right between Chandelure’s yellow eyes, then launched itself at the incoming flames.

Ghostly energy met blazing fire in the middle, and for a moment the two attacks were deadlocked. Simultaneously Luxray and Talonflame were all but on top of one another, auras ready to clash – when Talonflame suddenly beat its wings several times, rising swiftly above the earth. Clemont’s Pokémon passed harmlessly below Malva’s, landing gracefully on a fallen tree. But the avian was very swift and well-trained, turning on a dime in midair and plunging back down.

“Luxray, look out!” Clemont shouted.

Luxray did look behind it – just in time to catch a glimpse of Talonflame as it struck. The bird slammed into the feline with all the force and flare of a meteor impact, sending Luxray sprawling. Meanwhile, Shadow Ball finally forced its way through the cone of flames, heading straight for Serena’s Pokemon.

“Braixen, use the tree as cover!” Serena commanded.

“Talonflame, Quick Attack,” Malva countered.

Braixen obediently leapt off the fallen tree it had stood atop, allowing the dark energy ball to pass over its head. But before had even had time to blink, a red and grey blur crashed into its side, leaving a silvery trail behind it.

“Now Chandelure, one more Shadow Ball!”

“Quick, duck and run!”

While Braixen staggered several steps back, eyes squeezed shut against the sudden pain. The ghostly chandelier had formed another dark orb as fast as thought and launched it with the speed of a bullet. Talonflame climbed rapidly into the air, silver trail fading behind it. Serena’s Pokémon shook its head and hurried to dodge, but it only managed a few feet before Shadow Ball hit the fallen tree beside it instead. The sheer force of the explosion threw Braixen from its feet, sharp chunks of wood battering its body. It hit its head hard on another tree and slumped over.

“Braixen!” Serena was already rushing over to her Pokemon’s side. “Are you alright?”

“Luxray, speak to me please!” Clemont was on one knee beside his, shaking it gently.

“Well that was easy,” Malva put a hand on her hip. “And they let you be a Gym Leader?”

Dark rings of energy met blistering red and orange flames in midair, igniting a brief but blinding white explosion. The intense flash quickly faded away, revealing a Mega Houndoom snarling up at a flying dark alicorn. The expression was amply returned, and the princess rapidly conjured a Moonblast down on the black canine. Malva’s Pokémon dodged nimbly, leaping behind a fallen tree for cover as Luna’s attack obliterated another one, shattered fragments of wood lodging themselves in the plant rather than its body.

“You are annoyingly persistent, aren’t you?” the Elite Four member frowned. “Well, no sense in fighting fair. Chandelure, use Flame Burst on the alien. Talonflame, use Brave Bird. Houndoom, Flamethrower.”

Houndoom was the first to react, leaping eagerly back up and spewing a jet of withering flames from its fanged maw. This time Luna dodged away from the cone, it’s blistering heat distorting the air all around it instead. But almost the moment she had done so Talonflame slammed into her from behind, body encased in a blue aura and moving so fast it was almost a blur. Luna was flung forward by the sheer force of the impact, just in time to be caught directly by a ball of blue fire. The instant it struck it exploded out in all directions, consuming her body in hungry flames and smoke.

“Nice shot,” she complimented it.

But the very next instant a Dark Pulse ripped out from the black smoke, raking along the ground in a crude slash that nonetheless caught Chandelure across one its arms. Explosions followed quickly, one of them consuming the ghostly Pokémon. The newcaster threw up an arm to protect her face as yet more debris rained down.

“You wanna be difficult? Fine! Talonflame, another Brave Bird!”

Before her avian Pokémon could get started, though, it was struck by lightning from below. It plummeted from the sky, smoke trailing behind it. Malva’s head whipped around, looking genuinely put out for the first time. The expression quickly became one of shock, and then she did a textbook perfect backflip. The Elite Four member landed smoothly while flames consumed the spot she’d just stood in.

“Don’t count us out so soon!” Serena yelled over the racket of combat.

“We’re not done here yet!” Clemont stood beside her.



“Don’t you annoying kids know when to quit?” Malva put a hand on her hip, Chandelure and Talonflame by her side. Houndoom raced over to its mistress as well, crouching protectively and snapping at Braixen.

“Not a chance!”

“Not on your life!”

“I don’t have time for this. Aliana, Bryony, deal with these kids!” her eyes had drifted upwards, to where the smoke had cleared and Luna was enveloped in soothing silvery light.

“We’re a little busy right now, Lady Malva,” one of the Flare Scientists shouted her reply. “Bisharp, use Metal Claw!”

“Druddigon, Night Slash!” the other ordered.

A sharp-looking red, black, and silver metallic Pokémon charged with glowing blades extended at the end of its arms, while a heavier-looking blue dragon followed up with dark energy running down its claws. Both massively outweighed the tiny electric rodent they were barreling towards.

“Alright, now use Psychic!” a young boy’s voice called.

And both of Team Flare’s Pokemon looked equally surprised when rough half a fallen tree was enveloped in a purple glow and swung itself at them like an enormous club. Both went flying backwards like baseballs in a home run, crashing into a heap at their trainers’ feet. Said heap was immediately electrified by the little Pikachu.

“You’re losing to a child and a fairy tale princess?!” Malva’s tone was outraged, even when her subordinates’ Pokémon did get back up. “What’s wrong with you?”

“The same thing that’s going to be wrong with you!” Clemont pointed. “Luxray, Thunderbolt!”

“Braixen, use Flamethrower!”

Serena’s and Clemont’s Pokémon unleashed a cone of flames and a bolt of lightning, while high above the dark alicorn whipped her head around and fired another beam of purple-black energy rings. Malva barked an order, and Houndoom and Chandelure breathed their own red and blue fires back at the incoming attack. All five attacks met in a wild collision, forming a white sphere bright as a second sun as they struggled against one another. The Elite Four member flinched and looked away, shielding her eyes against the blaze.

“Oh,” Malva’s eyes widened as they turned south. “You’ve got to kidding me!”

The five attacks finally set off an earth-shaking explosion that forced both sides back, but truthfully she barely noticed. Because it was that same moment that a giant mechanical Meowth swooped over the treetops on foot-mounted jets, moving far faster than it should have been able to. The fighting lulled momentarily as both sides couldn’t help but stare. The mechanical marvel came to a surprisingly smooth halt between Team Flare and their base, then dropped to the ground with teeth-rattling boom.

“Don’t panic!” Malva shouted to her wavering underlings, even while the massive machine stomped towards them. “It’s big but they won’t swing at their own side!” She pointed to the piled up and unconscious spies Luna had left scattered around their base. “Take cover near downed enemy Pokémon! Have your Pokémon engage the enemy at close range! Don’t give them any room to attack and that thing is just an oversized paperweight!”

“You coward!” Serena shouted over thunderous footsteps. “Using Pokémon as shields?! How can you do something like that?”

“Like this,” Malva picked up an unconscious Spearow in one hand, brandishing it like talisman. “You want to hit me, you’re going to have to hit this little one too.”

“That’s despicable!” Clemont clenched his fist. “How can you do something like that and still think you’re the good guys?”

“When the future of life itself is at stake, anything goes,” Malva shrugged. “Now do you wanna talk, or do you wanna fight?"

The battle quickly resumed across the toppled forest, Pokémon charging forward to clash in dazzling yet vicious displays. Malva’s Mega Houndom rushed for Serena and Clemont with fangs alight, only to be slammed into from on high by Luna. Alicorn and hound rolled across the ground in a frantic wrestling match, stabbing with horn or snapping with sharp teeth. Talonflame and Chandelure exchanged blows with Luxray and Braixen. Meanwhile Pikachu dodged around Bisharp’s blows while Twilight tangled with Druddigon.

Everywhere throughout the battlefield Team Flare’s members scrambled for cover as the mecha came near, hiding next to unconscious enemies or in fallen trees. Malva herself didn’t flinch even when she fell in the robot’s shadow, merely turning to face it with Spearow clutched tightly to her chest right where they couldn’t miss it. A clawed paw raised at her, but she didn’t move at all. After a few seconds, the paw lowered and claws retracted, and the newcaster gave a faint smile.

Once the metal claws retreated into the machine, it fired several red and white balls from the holes in its paws instead. They burst open in silver light, forming five Pokemon at its feet. Malva recognized Seviper, Yanmega, Carnivine, Pumpkaboo, and Inkay in varying battle poses. Except Carnivine, which looked eagerly to its side, then behind it, then hung its head a little. Another figure emerged from inside the machine, a white alicorn that landed gracefully at the head of the other five Pokémon.

“Alright, fine,” Malva tossed another Poke Ball. “Pyroar, let’s go!”

A well-built and sleek feline Pokémon emerged from the ball, crouching excitedly at the sight of so many enemies. Unlike her leader’s, Malva’s Pyroar was female and sported a long streak of red-yellow fur from her head that lay across her back.

“Now, use – huh?” Malva suddenly stopped mid-order, leaving her Pyroar confused as she tapped an earpiece that she was wearing. “Yes?” The Elite Four member grinned. “I understand sir.”

Without orders, Pyroar simply pounced for Celestia as any hunt cat would. The white alicorn’s eyes lit up and the feline was frozen in place mid-leap, surrounded by a golden glow. Team Rocket’s other Pokémon took that as their cue, with Seviper striking Pyroar with a glowing purple knifelike tail, Carnivine lashing her with whip-like vines, Yanmega conjuring a boulder midair and firing that, Pumpkaboo launching a ghostly purple orb, and Inkay firing off a multicolored beam of psychic energy. All of these attacks struck home roughly at the same time as Celestia released her grip, and Pyroar went soaring. She landed in an unconscious heap at her mistress’ feet, but Malva didn’t seem worried. Quite the opposite.

“Alright, change of plans!” she called out while Pyroar disappeared back inside her ball. “Houndoom, Chandelure, use Smog! Talonflame, spread it with Tailwind!”

Houndoom at last broke its contest with Luna, while Chandelure fell back towards its mistress. Both immediately belched truly prodigious quantities of noxious, choking fumes into the air towards their enemies. Overhead, Talonflame spread its wings wide and air currents picked up the revolting clouds, transforming them into a wave of putrid gas that swept rapidly out over the battlefield. Those Flare grunts who could added their own Pokémon’s Smog to the mix, covering a broad area in toxic gas. Malva gave a mocking salute as the clouds engulfed her as well.

“Next time, princess.”

“Get them… out!” Luna managed as she retched and coughed amidst the noxious fumes. “Get… get…” she coughed violently. “Get everyone out! Fall back!”

In truth, there was little need for her to give a command. No one, save perhaps a few Poison-types, enjoyed breathing toxic gas. People and Pokémon were fleeing blindly for the cloud’s edge, many tripping and falling as they did. The princess beat her wings several times, eventually rising above the black-green clouds.

The situation was hazy, the towering mechanical Meowth the only real landmark, but as best Luna could tell from on high her allies were stumbling out of the gas towards the forest, while the enemy was fleeing as best it could towards its base. The mecha was waving its massive arms through the air, trying as best it could to fan away some of the choking smog.

The dark princess spotted an injured Poliwhirl stumble near the cloud’s edge, and raced to help it back to its feet. It propped itself up on her extended wing, took a few deep breaths, gave her a nod, then retreated back towards the forest. Luna breathed a quick sigh of relief, then took flight again. By now the smog was beginning to clear in some places, enough for her to see injured and unconscious Pokemon left lying on the ground everywhere. The enemy had apparently abandoned any thought of taking hostages in its haste to flee.

Things had gone, on reflection, reasonably well. The foe had quit the field and abandoned its efforts to cut back the forest with many of its Pokemon unconscious or injured themselves. They had completely failed to break the encirclement. And Luna knew from personal experience that they had the cure for any poison that had gotten into her own allies’ systems.

So why did it feel like she was missing something?

“When I was a young man,” Lysandre began, his face broadcast through Team Flare’s headquarters, “I went on a journey through Kalos with my Pokémon. I saw many beautiful wonders that took my breath away, and I met many different people. Many people I saw were in great need, an ugly blemish on the world around them. I had grown up in great wealth, wanting for nothing, and so I pitied those poor souls.”

All throughout the underground base, men and woman had stopped what they were doing. Those that could were crowded into the central chamber, where their leader was standing on an elevated platform with the great crystal bud behind him. Others pressed their faces to the observation chamber’s window. But most of Team Flare was crowded around viewscreens dotted throughout the facility, whispering quietly amongst themselves. Many had just accompanied their master in returning stealthily via a side entrance in Geosenge Town. Other still stank from the noxious fumes of battle.

“When I returned from my journey, I had realized that as long as suffering and want existed, the beautiful world I saw would be forever marred. And so I threw myself wholly into my work, into Lysandre Labs and the many technological breakthroughs we made. My company was a massive success, and I had inherited vast wealth. I dreamed of creating a world where no one wanted for anything, and I was so young and naïve that I thought I could do it.” Lysandre’s eyes were downcast, just for a moment. “I reached out to help people, those that were in need and suffering. I brought food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, healing to the sick, and comfort to those suffering alone and in silence. For many years I poured out my heart to the people of this land, and Kalos rejoiced.”

Lysandre paused, taking a deep breath while his followers continued to mutter to one another. Some had heard this story before, but for others it was all new.

“But that didn’t last long,” he continued. “They all began to take my help for granted and expected it, like they had some sort of right. People were content to do nothing, certain that I would come to solve their problems. And they lied to me. Shameless people would invent all sorts of tragedies and dire circumstances in hopes of receiving my help, and then laugh at my gullibility behind my back. I once spent a fortune funding a rare treatment for a poor man’s ill daughter, only to later learn that she had never existed at all. As the years went by the people only became louder and louder with their demands. And my help had actually brought about this arrogance!”

Team Flare’s leader clenched one fist at his side so hard that the hand trembled.

“I sat down one evening and simply looked through all my records, and do you know what I found?” Lysandre paused a moment. “That though I had spent many years of my life in charitable work and given away more wealth than a thousand men are apt to see in their lifetimes, I was receiving more demands for aid than ever before! And then I looked out at the world around me, and found it still marred by the same disgusting ugliness as before! Nothing that I had done had changed anything!” He pounded his fist on the platform’s railing. “My beautiful world was no closer to being a reality!”

Many of Team Flare’s agents, even those watching safely through a screen, flinched away at their leader’s sudden outburst.

“Poverty, strife, crime, disease, greed, corruption, and violence… these ills continued to mar the world around me despite everything that I had done. My help had done nothing but to confirm the lazy in their complacency and fill the pockets of the greedy and entitled.” Lysandre bared his teeth in a snarl. “Foolish, arrogant people. They consumed everything without a thought in their entitlement and wanted more. I realized then and there that the greed of humanity would never be sated, that it would consume all things around it and eventually the very planet itself. I realized that the world’s problems were far too vast to be solved with mere charity. While the numbers of people and Pokémon continue to grow without restraint, despoiling ever more of our planet’s precious beauty to feed their appetites, only a rare and special few have had the foresight to see where this will lead.”

The men and women around him began whispering more excitedly, getting louder as their leader favored them with a rare unfeigned smile.

“Yes,” said Lysandre, “you of Team Flare are that special few, chosen by destiny to inherit a new and beautiful world. You see clearly what others do not, you understand what must be done, and that proves that you have the beautiful souls the new world requires.” He spread his arms wide. “You are willing to give up everything to see the world swept clean of the filth that pollutes it, even that which is most precious to you.” His blue eyes briefly went to the red and white orbs on his belt. “And for that you have my eternal and undying gratitude. If it were not for you – not for each and every one of you – then we would not be standing here today. Thanks to your hard work and sacrifice, the arrogant and greedy will be swept away and the world will blossom forevermore. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me and for all life.” He beamed out over the crowd, smiling warmly. “Now that we stand on the precipice of victory, I simply want you to take a moment to give yourselves a round of applause.”

All throughout the base, Team Flare’s many members erupted into frantic clapping and cheers. Many hugged one another close or shook a friend’s hand in congratulation. A few took the moment to kiss their sweethearts. Lysandre watched them do it, waiting until the excitement had died back a bit before continuing.

“This world is greedy, arrogant, and corrupt,” he said. “Its people multiply thoughtlessly and consume without limit. Their entitlement would see the planet sucked dry and left an empty husk. The world’s so-called guardians have failed in their duty, and so it falls to us. Today we stand up and make our objections plain. Today we say to all the world that it’s time for a new start! To create my utopian dream!”

There was more applause from the crowd, more cheers and scattered chants of “Flare” and “Lysandre”. Their leader waved pleasantly, to still more cheering.

“I’d like to propose a toast,” Lysandre nodded at Malva, who handed him a glass of red wine. “To the end of the world!” he raised his glass high. “And to the birth of the new!”

All around him, the crowd roared.

To the northeast, atop a distant mountain, a strange Pokémon looked down upon the world. Its canine body was primarily black, with small spots of green around its muzzle, neck, paws, and chest. Its pupil-less white eyes stared down at a distant forest and beheld the ugly black scar marking the extent of the night’s flames. It saw the forest It looked further north, gaze fixed intently on a trio of stone monoliths sprouting from the earth.

The Pokémon’s eyes narrowed, and it leapt from its perch.


The woods were as quiet as could expected in the presence of hundreds of Pokémon. Technically they had won, their enemy’s attempt at a breakout foiled before it ever got very far, but not many felt triumphant. The battle had ended too suddenly and anticlimactically, and they had little to show for their efforts but bruises and burns. As she walked in their midst Luna judged their mood sullen, at best. Still, far better than some situations she had seen. What occupied more of her attention was the sister walking beside her.

“One?” Luna repeated, in a low voice.

“One,” Celestia nodded grimly. “Only one.”

“That is… distressing,” Luna closed her eyes, bowing her head briefly in ancient ritual.

“Whatever did it ripped trees from the ground and toppled them like they were nothing, utterly annihilating almost every Pokémon on the scene” her sister went on, after a moment of silence. “And seems to have done it all in a single strike.”

“They have been holding some manner of foulness back,” the dark alicorn concluded immediately. “A secret and final gambit for a decisive battle.”

“Perhaps…” Celestia looked up a little. “But it seems to me that such a potent weapon could have been used against us more directly.” She looked over to the towering mecha. “Perhaps to destroy that machine. The question is: why didn’t they?”

“You think they avoided using the weapon on our main force deliberately?” Luna frowned as she considered it. “But that could only mean that the entire battle was nothing more than a distraction. A ruse that their hidden weapon might break our siege for a moment.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Celestia said grimly. “Because if they would go to such trouble and risk just to let something slip by us, then it must have been of great importance.”

“Do you think it could be the missing piece? Whatever it is that they require to activate this ultimate weapon of theirs?”

“I don’t know,” the white alicorn said. “But I don’t think we’ll like the answer either.”

“Are you proposing we should launch our assault prematurely?” Luna’s already furrowed brow sunk deeper. “We have injured, and most all are tired. It would ill suit us to throw everything into a head-on attack on a fortified position and fail before our reinforcements arrive.”

“I’m unsure,” Celestia confessed. “If we do, and we lose, we could be handing the world over to Lysandre on a silver platter. But if we don’t, and it turns out that they can activate the weapon now and it is everything that they say, then we could be wiped off the face of the earth any second.”

Luna sighed heavily, her mind returning to wars long past. It had never been this difficult to make a call back then, she remembered. The enemy, whether besieged or clashing blades on an open field, had always been refreshingly simple and direct in its tactics. At stake was land, or honor, or simple revenge. No one had ever wanted to wipe out the world in some fit of apocalyptic madness. No one had so reduced sapients to mindless slaves.

Still, war always changes. And a good commander must be ready for anything. The princess of the night bit her lip, ruffled her feathers, and came to a decision.

“All severely injured fall back to the rally point!” Luna’s voice boomed out. “Those of you who can still fight, find your packs and get in formation! Every last one of you: prepare for battle!”

In the deep forest south of Geosenge Town stood row upon row of might grey stone monoliths jutting from the earth. Time and erosion had worn away most of their distinct features, leaving them little more than lumpy slabs, but an echo of their power still hung over their clearing. No trees would grow near then and no plant at all, not even the hardiest vines and moss, would grow on the ancient stone. The grove where they stood had long been shunned as a cursed place by people and Pokémon alike, and it bore no name.

But, for the first time in a long time, the clearing was now abuzz with activity. The age-old silence was broken by the sounds of hurried industry, as shining new chains were rapidly and crudely hammered into the hard rock. Dozens of dead-eyed Pokémon stared emotionlessly at men and women in bright orange clothing as lengths of chain were wound around their bodies, showing no reaction as they were quickly secured in place. All they knew was that they existed to fight and to obey, to question their masters or feel fear was now far beyond them.

Of course, even in such a place and with the enemy in disarray, such rampant commotion could not fail to attract the prying eyes of locals or enemies. Sentries, with those Pokémon whose time on the monoliths had not yet come, dealt with any creature they spotted in a swift and permanent fashion, any pretense of the formal niceties of battle long gone. A bare few free Pokémon, stealthier or quicker than their brethren, did manage to draw close enough for a look before escaping back into the trees, bearing a warning that might already be too late.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of hundreds of wild Pokémon moving about in bewildering fashion beneath a massive mecha, Clemont was on one knee, gingering applying a Super Potion to his Luxray. The blue and black Pokémon winced at the stinging stuff, but with its trainer’s hand reassuringly on its head, bit down and refused to voice its discomfort.

“You did a great job back there, buddy,” the Gym Leader said, patting his Pokémon affectionately on the head.

“Yeah,” Bonnie agreed, smiling as Luxray’s wounds began to slowly fade. “It takes a lot of guts to take on one of the Elite Four.”

Clemont’s face fell a bit. “I still can’t believe she would do something like that,” he said. “And I still don’t understand why Lysandre is doing this.”

“I know what you mean, he always seemed so nice before,” his little sister replied, before glancing up at his backpack. “Hey, what’s up with your Holo Caster?”

“Hmmm? I set it to silent, but who would be calling at right now anyway?” Clemont reached back and pulled out the small blue device, a small light blinking to indicate a call marked as urgent. Frowning, he activated it and a holographic projection immediately appeared in front of his face. He recoiled briefly, recognizing the symbol.

“Hey guys?” Clemont did his best to make himself heard over the bark, yaps, and squawks of hundreds of wild Pokémon. “I think you’ll want to see this!”

Many miles away, over the pristine blue of the ocean, a custom jet aircraft tore through the sky at speeds just short of dangerously taxing the engines. In a finely appointed cabin just behind the cockpit, an uncommonly anxious Giovanni stared in brooding silence at a screen on the wall showing his plane’s progress and estimated arrival time. Persian was in his lap as always, but for once was not being stroked. A delectable teriyaki steak dinner sat all but untouched on a tray beside him, a drained glass of sake the only evidence he had even looked at it on the hours-long flight.

At that moment, Giovanni’s musings were interrupted by a soft knock coming from the cockpit door. The copilot gingerly stuck a small part of his head out of a crack.

“Don’t dawdle in doorways,” the Rocket boss told his subordinate without moving his eyes. “If you have something to say, come in here and say it. Otherwise, don’t waste my time.” Persian added a his to his owner’s words.

“Y-Yes sir,” the younger man hastened through, standing up straight as an arrow. “We thought you should be aware, sir, that we’re picking up a very strong signal coming from the Kalos mainland, sir.” He swallowed. “It’s being broadcast simultaneously on more than a dozen different frequencies that we’ve tried so far, sir.”

“Then cease your squirming,” Giovanni deigned to look over at him, “and play this signal for me.”

“Yes sir!” the man saluted and fled back into the cockpit.

At that same moment, all across Kalos and even beyond, every single Holo Caster in operation began buzzing, ringing, and blinking with an urgent call. Television screens went dark across the country as their signals were interrupted. In Lumiose city, massive screens attached to the sides of buildings suddenly switched images to a strange, stylized letter F. This moment had been years in the making and all the nation, whether it liked it or not, was watching.

Very shortly, the stylized letter disappeared and was replaced by a face familiar to many in the region. He bore a hard look on his face and stood in a strange red chamber surrounded by odd machinery.

“People and Pokémon of Kalos,” Lysandre began, the crimson lights shrouding parts of his face in shadows. “I come to you this day with an important announcement. Listen well.” Here he paused momentarily. “Our world has become locked in an inescapable cycle of unsustainable growth and rampant overconsumption. Unproductive fools are consuming our future. If nothing changes, the world will become a blighted, scarred wasteland and conflicts will raze the land from end to end. The great guardians of life and death, Xerneas and Yveltal, have felt it as I have, and their wrath is terrible to behold.”

Here the image panned out, revealing both of the legendary Pokemon standing behind the famous philanthropist. Hundreds of thousands of people across the region stared incredulously as what had been the domain of fairy tales suddenly became awfully, terribly real, cast in sinister shadows by the deep red lights.

“I regret to inform you all that there is only one viable solution.” Lysandre continued. “Team Flare will revive the ultimate weapon, eliminate everyone who isn’t in our group, and return the world to a beautiful, natural state.” He paused for a moment, allowing the terrible pronouncement to begin to sink in. “I repeat. We will use the ultimate weapon to wipe the slate clean.”

All across the region, surprise was swiftly turning to panic. Some people stared at screens in mute, slack-jawed horror. Others ran, screaming, in whatever direction they could find. Others dashed their Holo Casters against the ground, as if by destroying the device they could silence the message. Still more were simply too shocked to do anything, the sheer ludicrousness of what was happening half convincing their minds that it must be some sort of mistake.

“I'm truly sorry, those of you who are not members of Team Flare, but this is adieu to you all." Lysandre took a deep breath. “I suggest that you make your peace now.” The camera’s image now switched back to a pure image of his face, the legendary Pokémon gone from view. “For you’re all about to die.”

With that, the signal cut.

Back in the depths of the forest humans, alicorns, and Pokémon alike stared at the now dead Holo Caster in various shades of horrorstruck, appalled, righteously angry, and simply shocked that the madman would actually go through with it. For everything that they had seen and gone through, no one really wanted to believe that someone could actually be so crazed as to kill the world to “save” the world. Even the massing Pokémon of the forest had all but fallen silent, many straining to catch snippets of what had enthralled their leader. Even those that had heard nothing were quiet, seeming to understand just from the mood.

In the end, it was Luna who first recovered her voice.

“Forget the formations!” she screamed, and the teeming masses were shocked all the more by the sudden note of fear in their previously-indomitable leader’s voice. “Every Pokémon that can fight, we attack now!”Cha

This sent paroxysms of further shock and nervous energy through the ranks of the assembled Pokémon, and they scurried this way and that. Without waiting for anyone else to say or do anything, the dark alicorn took off and landed atop a high and sturdy-looking branch, her face rapidly contorting into a almost feral snarl.

“These cowardly curs have spilt the blood of our friends!” she roared out to the crowd. “Now they would spill the blood of the world itself!” she pounded a hoof, audibly cracking the branch almost twice as wide as herself. “Will we allow it?”

The answer was not a chant, nor a battle cry, nor even a coherent word. It came instead as a roar of noise, of hisses and growls and barks, of gnashing fangs and claws digging deep furrows in the earth. It was electricity in the air, fire in the soul. Shock became anger, fear became hatred, and the feral spirit of the wild became a cry of vengeance.

Shrieking with unrestrained fury, needing no orders, a howling pack of wild Pokémon crashed through the forest, a midnight alicorn at their fore.

Towards the rear, the humans might not have understood what was being said but the certainly grasped the intentions. Team Rocket was already piling desperately into Robo Mega Meowth and firing all engines to maximum when their holographic phone chimed wildly. Meowth hit the acceptance almost absentmindedly between fiddling with a dozen or more controls at his panel, and Giovanni’s face appeared.

“Change of plans,” he said at once, not bothering at all with the usual calm demeanor. “Attack their base of operations right now. Do whatever you can, but don’t let them start firing." Giovanni rang his hands around something. The sight of their boss' naked anxiety might have worried the trio if it had been possible to make them any more scared than they already were. "If you three idiots have a time to do anything right, let it be now.”

“We’re on it, boss!” Jessie, James, and Meowth shouted simultaneously, as the powerful robot began to move.

The Ultimate Weapon

Three standing stones stood in the deserted heart of Geosenge Town, as they had done since anyone could remember. Ancient, worn away by countless years of erosion, covered with hardy moss and lichen, and rooted deeply in the earth, they seemed as unmoving and eternal as anything could be. Today that was proven false.

Slowly, grindingly, the three stones began to shake. Age-old accumulated dirt shook free, as impossibly old mechanisms did their work. Designed by a genius driven mad with hate millennia ago, they had endured time’s ravages with impossible fortitude and now served their purpose once more. The three markers were dragged painfully into the depths of the earth, leaving gaping holes where they had stood for so many years. The ground trembled and was still for a moment, as though the world held its breath.

Then the earth trembled once more, and a small spike slowly pushed its way out onto the surface. It was beautiful, a smoothly-cut crystal that shimmered marvelously in the sun with all colors of the rainbow. It only grew taller and wider as seconds passed, first reaching to the tops of nearby homes and buildings, then exceeding their height. The diamond-like spike continued to rise, dirt merely sliding off of its pristine surface like water, until it at last reached nearly five stories in height.

With a great clank and a whir, the massive construct halted at last. Then it shuddered, and cracks appeared at the top. They raced frantically down the sides as the spike burst open, unfolding at last from its millennia of slumber. The spike came apart into three great parts, exposing a smaller spike within. This likewise split into three parts with a flare of brilliant whit energy, revealing a perfect orb emmeshed comfortably in the center. From above, one could see that the entire contraption resembled nothing so much as a gigantic flower of perfect jewels, hauntingly beautiful with the promise of eternal life.

The orb at the center flared suddenly and turned a deep crimson as further mechanisms began their work. The ultimate weapon had come.

While the onrushing tide of wild Pokémon certainly did not lack for strength or motivation, they still couldn’t match the latest and greatest in miniaturized rocketry for speed. Robo Mega Meowth pulled ahead of Luna’s forces easily enough, soaring over the trees in a beeline for the Team Flare headquarters. When they arrived, the trio found the earlier battlefield still deserted, the wreckage of trees and scorch marks along the ground the only evidence that the clash had ever occurred.

“I’m guessing that thing is their fancy new toy,” Jessie said, eyeing the crystalline flower sprawled out below them. “But where are Team Fashion Victim?”

“Still skulking underground I’d say,” James scowled.

“Well maybe we oughta dig ‘em out,” Meowth grinned.

The massive machine angled away from the massive gemstone flower for a moment, touching down instead next to the rock formation where they had seen the Team Flare members retreat towards in the last battle. Robo Mega Meowth pulled back an arm and made a fist the size of a small car.

“Knock knock,” Meowth’s voice boomed through the speakers.

The giant armored paw slammed into the grey rock face with enough force to shake the ground around it. Cracks began appearing immediately in the stone, and only widened as the fist struck again, and then half the face simply crumbled away altogether with the fourth blow, the rock face reduced to pebbles. Inside was a now badly-dented sliding steel door. A metallic paw reached down, claws punching through to the other side. Team Rocket’s robot got a grip and strained, all three of the trio pulling back on their controls with all the might. A moment later, with a horrible screech of metal scraping metal, the front door to Team Flare’s secret base was ripped off altogether. The robot flung the battered hunk of metal at the ultimate weapon, where it bounced off a spike to no apparent affect, crashing into a nearby house instead.

“No more safe space for you,” Jessie smirked at the exposed elevator shaft and, perhaps more importantly, emergency stairwell leading into the darkness below.

“Nobody can hide from Team Rocket,” Meowth put a paw on his hip, then checked the rearward monitor. “Looks like da slowpokes are catchin’ up.”

Behind the great machine and newly exposed entranceway, a horde of Pokémon was beginning to spill from the treeline. Hundreds strong, with a snarling dark alicorn racing at their head, they raced towards Team Rocket’s robot and the way down it had shown them.

“You know, I almost feel bad about making the twerps run with them.” James paused. “Almost, but not quite.”

“We’ll let them deal with the chaff down there,” Jessie decreed.

“And we’ll take care a dat big ugly bloom over dere,” Meowth grinned, before gunning it.

Celestia was flying above the bulk of her sister’s allies when she burst out of the trees and saw Team Rocket’s machine activate its rocket feet and soar into the strange and massive crystal structure that now dominated the landscape. It collided with what had to be the ultimate weapon with a deafening clang of metal but had no obvious effect beyond the pained moans suddenly issuing from the speakers. She winced.

The alicorn’s attention was suddenly grabbed by the sight of all too familiar red and orange boiling up from the ruined entranceway. With their ultimate plan in motion and their secret base now lying exposed, it was do or die for Team Flare. Poke Balls, Dark and otherwise, were flashing all around them. An opposing force was quickly taking shape in and around the open entryway as the tide of wild Pokemon surged towards them.

Celestia saw her sister, the very tip of the spear, fire the first shot. A purple and black beam of energy shot out of her horn, raking across a Swalot, a Toxicroak, a Liepard, and the human standing behind them all in a single shot, enveloping them all in explosions. Her followers that could began to fire as they ran, wildly inaccurate shots of fire and electricity, poison and razor-edged leaves hurling towards the defenders, who began to shoot back. A handful of the Pokémon in the front ranks fell, knocked from their feet by one attack or another, but the tide was too strong to be stopped. The two armies crashed into one another just before the entrance to Team Flare’s base, any attempt at order immediately devolving into a wild mess of snarling brawls as yes more Pokémon rushed to join the fight on both sides.

Celestia gathered her nerves, silently wished her compatriots luck, and hurled herself like a meteor into the fray.

Much deeper underground, Lysandre felt a moment of triumphant vindication as the heavy gauntlet was slipped over his right arm. As the visor covering his eyes flared to life with streams of incoming data, he knew in the depths of his soul that years upon years of planning and hard work had at last culminated in this moment and he was proud, like a blacksmith gazing at a well-honed sword. As the odd, flittering targeting relays emerged from his mechanical backpack and began fluttering like insects, he remembered what exactly he was about to do and his pride vanished beneath a sea of bitter regret.

Lysandre allowed himself a single grimace, before he clenched his fist and steeled himself. It was too late for remorse, the die was cast now and he would remake the world or watch everything he hoped for go down in flames.

“Power intake has reached acceptable levels,” one of the technicians surrounding him announced. “Conduits are live. Energy dispersal is optimum.” The dark-skinned woman looked up to her leader. “The ultimate weapon is ready to fire, sir.”

“Very good,” Lysandre favored her with a smile.

He took a brief glance over at Yveltal, thick red cables plugged into its massive frame, drawing deep upon the deadly energies nurtured within. The legendary Pokémon stared impassively back with its dead eyes, utterly obedient even to the most unnatural orders. The Dark Balls were truly a wonderous and terrible technology, necessary as the ultimate weapon itself but a small part of him still wondered that any human could be so sick as to make them in the first place.

As targeting data flooded in from the countless esoteric sensor built into the deadly crystalline flower above, Lysandre scowled to see the gigantic mechanical Meowth pounding on the petals of his weapon. Yes, the delicate circuitry that might be actually vulnerable was buried deep underground. And yes, the strange material that made up the firing mechanism was by necessity all but invulnerable to anything less than its own firepower, but he still didn’t want to risk even the smallest chance of the Team Rocket filth actually managing to damage it somehow. And it was thanks to them that Mable and Celosia weren’t here, had been robbed of their rightful place in the perfect world soon to come. That thought clinched it.

He had his target.

“Set blast yield to absolute minimum,” he ordered his technicians. “I want as small and localized a shot as this weapon can manage.”

Celestia saw it.

The crimson crystal at the heart of the rainbow flower pulsed once, briefly surrounded by a shimmering aura of energy that distorted the very air around it. The very next moment, before she could even think about shouting a warning or doing anything at all, it was suddenly and terribly all too late.

A shimmering lance of red and white energy, thick and broad as an oncoming freight train, erupted straight out of the ultimate weapon’s heart. It punched right through the chest of Robo Mega Meowth in an instant, heavy reinforced armor of no more use than wet tissue paper against it. The beam tore right out the other side, streaking over the heads of the momentarily stunned combatants like the hand of a wrathful god, burning a solid path straight through the forest behind them, utterly annihilating anything in its path. It at last culminated in a titanic flash and a mushroom cloud many miles away.

The great thunderclap of the explosion immediately deafened everyone outdoors. The earth shook beneath their feet, and an instant later the shockwave hurled everyone, human and Pokémon alike, from their feet. The sprawled multitudes were pelted with bits of torn wood, a rain of ash and leaves covering the battlefield. The great forest for miles around now lay stripped bare, trees reduced to simple leafless stumps or snapped int half by the sheer force of the wave. The white alicorn had eyes for none of it.

As the princess stared up in wide-eyed horror from where she lay sprawled, Robo Mega Meowth teetered. All but sliced in two by the energy beam that had passed right through it, a hundred circuits had already cooked off in the mere second or two since the firing. Flames roared freely across its metal frame. With a creaking groan that none could now hear, it toppled backwards. In any other time and place, its impact would have seemed great, but right now it was almost pitifully underwhelming. The flaming wreckage lay sprawled at the base of the ultimate weapon, smoke racing up to join the great cloud forming rapidly overhead.

Celestia screamed, though she could no longer hear the sound of her own voice.


Going In

Celestia screamed.

Everything boiling up inside of her – the shock, horror, dread, and above all anger – found its outlet in a single, primal, incoherent wail bursting from the depths of her throat. The shrill, piercing sound was enough to crack nearby orange sunglasses and might even have been deafening had anyone been able to hear it over the ringing in their ears. But while no one could hear, certainly all saw it.

The white alicorn’s eyes blazed with a brilliant golden radiance, lashing out wildly towards her enemies. The Pokémon, piled in wild heaps or sprawled randomly across the ground, were almost impossible for the distraught princess to identify one side from the other, but the humans in their bright clothing and dyed hair were not so lucky. Men and women in their red-orange Team Flare suits were enveloped in auric auras and flung wildly about like debris in a tornado. Some were flung into the now-bare trees, some skidded violently across the ground, some were bashed frantically into the shatter rock face, and some were simply tossed carelessly down the stairwell or elevator shaft by the raging princess, their panicked screams receding into the darkness below.

Celestia was on her hooves again, though she had no memory of getting up. There were others around her resuming their feet, some looking around nervously, some eying the open threshold eagerly, and some dead-eyed and already beginning to resume the fight. The princess had no time for any of them. Another scream tore its way out of her, this one nothing short of a sonic attack in its own right. Waves of energy bowled over the Pokémon attempting to hold the entranceway, some of the rearmost plunging down the elevator shaft after their masters.

She registered, dimly, that among those getting back up was her dark sibling, at the very front of the line as ever. Luna turned her head towards her briefly, teal eyes meeting purple ones still throbbing with barely-controlled energy. A silent understanding passed between the sisters, which was good as neither could actually hear anything.

While Luna smashed aside more of the dazed enemy Pokémon, Celestia’s wings unfurled and beat harder than they had in a very long time. Behind her, a flood of Pokémon was pouring into the enemy’s base.

Staring out through censors at the devastation he’d unleashed, Lysandre couldn’t quite help but feel conflicted. On the one hand, there was a pang of remorse that it had come to this, that he had torn apart the beautiful forest and killed Team Rocket with his own two hands. On the other, he had to confess that the sight of the full power now at his fingertips was… somewhat exhilarating. To hold the power to decide between life and death, to destroy the world and remake it in his own ideal, it was incredible. He wondered briefly if that was how it felt to be a god.

Team Flare’s leader shook his head and did his best to dismiss both feelings. He hadn’t really destroyed the forest, after all, it would be restored and made eternal before the day was done. And it was sad what he had to do to create a perfect world, but there was no other option than a slow slide to oblivion. He also couldn’t let excitement cloud his judgement – not now, when there was so much work to be done.

“Bring the weapon up to maximum power output,” he ordered his technicians, who hurried to make the adjustments. “The test fire was successful. Now we cleanse the world.”

The energy readings in his visor’s display were already spiking when Lysandre adjusted the targeting lock with a mere twist of his hand. He had already decided that the Kanto region would be the first to feel the weapon’s wrath. Team Rocket had given him enough trouble, taken enough of his subordinates’ lives, that their home region deserved to be the first to perish.

“Energy flow at optimum levels, sir,” one of his subordinates called out. “It’s ready to fire.”

“Thank you for the information, but I can see that for myself,” Lysandre told him. He held out one gauntleted hand. “Let’s do this.”

As he locked on target, only a small part of his mind wondered about the tremor beneath his feet.

The once-titanic machine was little more than pieces of scrap scattered haphazardly across the ground, ablaze. Withering red-orange flames hot enough to make even Celestia uncomfortable poured columns of black smoke into the sky. The mech’s torso and lower chest were simply gone, the heavy armor frame wiped from existence as though it had never been. The leg sections had simply toppled over backwards, crushing most of what had once been a modest garden and spreading the fire to the rest of it. One arm had fallen from what was left of the upper torso and head, which themselves were splayed out, slumped and burning, across the ground. The fine white coat and the proud red R were gone, blackened and warped or simply invisible beneath the flames.

Celestia’s heart was already in her throat before she even got close. The alicorn wasted no time at all, wings guiding her quickly to the exposed inner torso. She charged immediately into the raging inferno, heedless of the flames licking at her fur and skin. The interior was unrecognizable from how she remembered it, everything remotely flammable set alight by the kiss of the ultimate weapon’s energies. Even the metal had outright melted and fused in the closest proximity, growing visibly red hot in some areas.

When she slammed into the door leading upwards at full speed, the princess barely felt anything at all. More than a meter thick and heavily reinforced, it refused to budge. Celestia slammed into it a second time without hesitation, and then a third when that likewise failed. The throbbing pain she felt as she staggered back was nothing to her, just as the burning sensation. Eyes struggling to make sense of the picture through smoke and tears she hadn’t even been aware, she did the only thing she could think of and lashed out.

Eyes alight with golden power, the alicorn’s will seized the impudent portal. She screamed incoherently as fear, rage, guilt, and pain pitted themselves against the finest alloys that Team Rocket could steal and manufacture. At first, there was nothing, merely another glow amidst the blaze. Celestia screamed in fury, slamming herself against the door with all the strength she possessed even while redoubling her psychic efforts. Though she merely bounced off the metal again and again, the pain only seemed to feed her determination.

Slowly, with an agonizing shriek of metal scraping metal, the obstinate door upwards began to shrink. Fused to the walls around it by the unfathomable energy of the ultimate weapon, its interior electronics melted to rubbery goop, it tore itself free from its bonds inch by agonizing inch. A rational observer might have thought it looked as though it were being crushed in the hands of some wrathful giant, but the alicorn was far beyond rationality now. To her, at that moment, the door represented everything that was evil in the world, a malevolent conspirator attempting to keep her from those she cared for. She never stopped hurling herself at it with hatred in her heart the entire time. The very instant the last bindings were torn free the door was smashed backwards onto what had once been a stairway wall.

Celestia didn’t bother with little things like delicacy or sanity. She simply barreled through the dark, smoke-filled stairwell like a charging bull, bursting right through any stairs in her path and ignoring the pain, or simply tearing them apart like tinfoil. There was much less fire here, but sharp metal newly coated in white still scraped her oblivious hide. She likewise ignored the open and emptied metal case directly beside the cockpit door, opting instead to simply plunge her horn right into it. It punched right through all the way up to her skull, and with a twist of her neck that she would surely feel later, simply tore the last obstacle out of its socket and flung the whole thing rather carelessly over her shoulder.

She turned around and immediately got a burst of white foam full in the face.

Coughing madly and genuinely surprised the alicorn took her first willing step backwards. Celestia squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head vigorously, missing the sound of someone’s voice over the roaring flames and squealing metal behind her. The next thing she knew she was staggering backwards under the weight of first one, then another, then a third pair of arms all wrapped around her suddenly-aching neck.

The alicorn princess opened her eyes to find James’ face about half an inch from the right side of her own, Jessie’s pressed up against her left side, and Meowth atop her head.

“Thank goodness you’re alright!” James blubbered into her ear.

“And tank goodness yer here!” Meowth sobbed.

“I thought we were goners!” Jessie all but wailed.

“I… I….” Celestia’s words caught in her throat, tears welling up in her eyes again. “Come here!”

A warm golden glow pulled the whole of Team Rocket into a hug to make Cacnea’s seem merciful.

“Target locked,” Lysandre said, as much for his own benefit as his subordinates’. He took one last deep breath, suppressed one last pang of conscience….

And fell over backwards as the floor beneath his feet erupted.

The bare steel floor split open and burst out as though propelled by the force of an erupting volcano. Heavy shards of metal embedded themselves in the ceiling as earth rained down on the cowering technicians nearby. The whole room quaked, the cables connecting Yveltal to the ultimate weapon shook and many came loose from the unmoved Legendary. From the floor, Lysandre shielded his face from the rain of debris with his right arm, his visor suddenly struggling to pick out anything.

Then, just as suddenly, Team Flare’s leader rolled to the side. A green spike of compressed earth embedded itself into the floor where he had just been. Lysandre resumed his feet at the end of the nimble roll, but still couldn’t see much. A cry was already on his lips.


The reply was immediate. With a shrieking battle cry and the sound of tearing metal, the birdlike Pokémon tore its way from the cradle of wiring and hurled itself unhesitatingly at the silhouetted intruder. Its claws struck hard and fast, enveloped in dark energy, and sent the newcomer crashing backwards into a wall with enough force to rattle the room once more. Yveltal made to follow up, but a sudden blast of green energy sent it flying back the way it had come.

While that was happening, Lysandre was already reaching for the balls on his belt. He had one in each hand when his visor finally penetrated the lingering dust cloud enough to firmly identify the intruder. It was enormous, easily three times his own height if not more, matching Yveltal for size. It had a long, flattened, snake-like black and green body with a protruding head with compound blank hexagons in place of eyes. A fivefold crest flared proudly behind its head, almost as if it wore an ancient feathered headdress. From his research into Kalos’ mythology, he recognized it at once.

“Zygarde,” Lysandre said.

The titanic Legendary Pokémon looked down at the little human, face expressionless but somehow saying all it truly needed to.

“The supposed guardian of the ecosystem,” Team Flare’s leader gave a snort of contempt. “Where were you when humanity began to consume beyond the world’s limits? Where were you when the Legendary Birds fought the Guardian of the Sea and threatened to tip the world into chaos?”

Yveltal came rushing back across the room with a piercing shriek. Zygarde ignored Lysandre, rising to meet the frenzied assault. Emerald green met shadowy black as the two giants clashed.

“Now at last the senile old fool comes, and it’s to try and halt the world’s one hope.” Lysandre raised his twin orbs high. “Well I won’t allow it! Go, Xerneas and Gyarados!”

Silver and black energies flared simultaneously, forming quickly into the massive blue serpent and dead-eyed fey deer. The former immediately interposed its bulk between Team Flare’s leader and the two struggling Legendaries.

“Take cover!” Lysandre yelled at his still-cowering technical staff, before touching his ring with two fingers. “Bare your fangs and defend the world’s future, old friend! It’s time to Mega Evolve!”

Gyarados roared its approval as the gem atop its crest blazed in response, engulfing it in powerful rainbow energies. Its formidable muscles stretched and swelled with fresh strength, mighty winglike fins emerging from its back.

At that same moment, green energy overpowered its shadowy opponent, sending Yveltal soaring backwards. It plunged its taloned feet and the claws at the end of its wings into the floor, gouging yards-long furrows into the reinforced steel. The Legendary finally screeched to a halt just in front of Lysandre, then released its grip and flared its wings. Zygarde rose to its full height, unintimidated by the three opponents now staring it down, body enveloped in an aura of emerald energy.

Then it hurled forward with speed far beyond anything its size should be capable of, and the battle was joined.

Underground War

The Pokémon of the forest poured into the upper reaches of Team Flare’s base. With an enraged dark alicorn at their head and resistance at the main entrance already broken, there seemed little that the enemy could do to stop them. First dozens, then hundreds of forest dwellers flooded hallways, broke down doors, gnawed on exposed machinery, toppled furniture, and blew out cameras and lightbulbs alike with indiscriminate bouts of fire, electricity, acid, and razor-sharp leaves. Here and there they engaged with humans in red, but resistance was scattered, uncoordinated, and badly outnumbered. It seemed as though almost all of the enemy near the surface had tried to hold the entrance and been blown aside by the force of Celestia’s attack.

To Twilight, this whole ordeal seemed less like an organized military assault and more a chaotic combination of mob arson and barbarian ransacking. The inside of the base was a wild morass of sounds, from screeching alarms and intercoms to the clash of combat and the screech of metal being torn apart. Half of the overhead lights seemed to have been knocked out, shrouding the halls in intermittent darkness. It seemed as though everything flammable had been set on fire, and what emergency sprinklers were still intact were blasting full tilt with water and foam.

Celestia had vanished shortly after the explosion outside, and Luna had seemingly disappeared into the base’s depths at the head of her vanguard. There was seemingly no one left enforcing any kind of order above pack leaders – the Pokémon army flowed where it willed. And here their wild nature was showing, and badly. Very few had the slightest clue about architecture, layout, or electronics. Without anyone giving them clear orders, gaggles of Pokémon were stopping almost randomly at doors, breaking them down, and indiscriminately savaging everything in what amounted to living quarters and storage closets. Signs and maps were being destroyed with equal vigor as cameras, plunging the already disorienting dark hallways into more anarchy. Twilight didn’t know what was going on in the bigger picture, where anyone was, or how to get to anything actually important to the Ultimate Weapon’s functioning.

“Twilight?!” a voice called out from somewhere in the darkness.

“Ash?” she shouted back. “Over here!” The princess fired a weak Psybeam into the ceiling, cutting through the darkness with a shaft of rainbow light.

Pikachu was the first to reach her, his own sparking cheeks providing more illumination for the humans and Pokémon following him. Caught up in the wild tide of the initial charge, they’d been separated for a minute before the surge thinned as their allies spread out.

“There… you are…” Ash was breathing heavily as he caught up to her, his smile a little strained from the effort of sprinting all the way from the forest to the underground base.

“Where…” Serena panted, looking around at the dim corridor extending a good ways in both directions, “where are we?”

“No idea,” Twilight shook her head, as a trio of Electrike ran past them.

“I… don’t know,” Clemont said, “this place… is so big.”

“I told you, they went that way,” one of the Electrike snapped at another one, who was chewing on exposed wires on an open wall panel. “We should follow. Fight!” More lights died as the other Pokémon finished gnawing away the wiring, unhurt by the sparks leaping out.

“This is fighting!” the second Electrike replied, spitting out bits of copper. “Destroying everything that they could use. They can’t fire if they have no power, right?”

“We should be with the alpha. He would know what to do,” said the third.

“We should find more stairs and go down more!” the first one to speak argued. “They must have kept going down.”

“No, they’re destroying everything everywhere,” the second Electrike said, throwing a jolt of electricity into the open wall for good measure before jerking its head at a group of Stunky spitting poison onto some kind of screen in a nearby room, the electronics sizzling and releasing an acrid stench. “It’s what Lady Luna wants us to do, I’m sure of it.”

The first shook its head. “You’re wrong, we should go down below and find her and fight. She must be fighting somewhere.”

“He’s right,” Twilight injected herself. “Luna was in the lead of the charge last I saw her, she should be somewhere below us now. Fighting with her seems like the best choice, if we can find her. Your species has a powerful sense of smell, you should be able to pick her out even in this place. If you could guide us to her-”

Immediately, all three Electrike rounded on her with snarls on their faces and bared fangs. Fur bristled, and sparks danced across it.

“We don’t take orders from you,” the first one growled.

“You’re not the alpha. You’re not Lady Luna,” the third added.

Twilight swallowed the urge to shout at them for being willful now, of all times, and kept her voice level. “I was the one who directed the raining team, remember that? Lady Luna trusts me.”

“Then ask the rain team to help you, we aren’t your minions,” the second one added with a snap of its fangs. “Now come on, let’s find more things to destroy.”

“No, we should find the alpha!”

“No, Lady Luna!”

The three of them went right back to arguing with one another, just as the sprinkler system went off directly overhead, soaking Pokémon and humans alike. The Electrike didn’t seem to mind, though Twilight destroyed the nearest one in irritation. It was just when she was considering picking a direction largely at random that more Pokémon came flying down the corridor – several Spearow and a Fearow. The former were small enough not to have problems, but the latter was having visible difficulty flying in the dark, confined space.

“Lady Luna!” one of the Spearow was squawking. “Lady Luna!” It paused over Twilight’s head. “Where’s Lady Luna?”

“I haven’t seen her for a few minutes, I’m trying to-” Twilight began, only for Spearow to immediately move on to the Electrike and repeat itself.

“I don’t know where she is,” one Electrike told it. “But we should find her.”

“The fight is here,” another argued back immediately.

“But you can smell real good,” the wet, irritated-looking Fearow managed to land right near them. “Smell Lady Luna, take us to her now! We have something important she has to know!”

“We don’t take orders from smelly birds!” an Electrike countered.

“Take us to her now or you’ll regret those words!” Fearow flared its wings wide, while the Electrike began sparking quite visibly in the darkness.

“What is it you need to tell Luna?” Twilight interjected herself again. “What does she need to know right now? Are Team Flare doing something?”

“We shouldn’t just be standing around while the Pokémon talk, every minute could be crucial,” Clemont, having caught his breath, said. He made to move forward, but Twilight stuck a wing out to halt him.

“We don’t-” Fearow began.

“Take orders from me, yes I know,” Twilight clenched her teeth. “But if you have a lick of sense in those feathers…” she looked over at Electrike, “or in that fur, you’ll stop fighting in the middle of a battle and start working together RIGHT NOW!

Her voice came out as a shout far louder than she’d expected, little less than an outright sonic attack in the tight underground corridors. Before the startled Electrike, Spearow, Fearow, or the Stunky currently sticking their heads out of several rooms could do more than blink, she was in their faces.

“We’re in the middle of a battle and you idiots think this is a good time to get into a tribalistic squabble?! We’re fighting for the FUTURE OF THE WORLD!” Twilight boomed. “Now shut up, stop being stupid, and tell ME what it is Luna needs to know!” There was a brief moment of stunned silence. “NOW!

“There’s a bunch of the red guys standing around the stone pillars not far from here!” one of the Spearow hurriedly blurted out. “They tied a bunch of the dead-eyed Pokémon to them and they’re still guarding them even though we’re attacking here! Some of us saw some of the Pokémon glowing and the glow going into the rocks right before the big blast!” It fluttered back several steps from both its leader and the alicorn.

“A power source…” Twilight’s eyes widened as the implication clicked. “They’re using the life force of the brainwashed Pokémon as a power source for the ultimate weapon! That’s the only thing that makes sense, the only reason they would stand out in the open while their base is under attack!” She put a wingtip under her chin. “If we can take them out and destroy the Dark Balls keeping them there, then…”

“Then the entire thing would sputter out,” Pikachu offered her.

“Exactly!” Twilight nodded, looking around excitedly. “How many are there?”

“I don’t know, maybe five or six talons?” Spearow hazarded.

“Spearow talons have four digits, so maybe twenty to twenty-five humans?” the alicorn paused briefly. “Did they have many Pokémon not on the rocks? Quickly!”

“Didn’t see many, I promise! No more than the number of humans!”

“So we could win a battle there, in the open, much more expediently than down here in confined, unknown terrain against hundreds of opponents!” the princess sounded excited.


“Alright, I have a plan!” Twilight announced. “Electrike, you three use your noses to find Luna! Spearow, two of you go with them and relay the news to her! Fearow, your wings are too big to be very effective underground, you and the rest go with us back outside! We’ll round up the stragglers on these upper levels quickly, head back outside and put a stop to that power source before it can fire again! Go, quickly!”

Electrike shook its head. “I told you before, we don’t-”


Far deeper underground, the situation wasn’t much better. What ought to have been the organization’s moment of triumph was devolving into a disaster. Alarms of all sorts were wailing, security footage showed a veritable tide of angry Pokémon pouring into the upper levels, and something enormous was clashing with Master Lysandre in the middle of the primary control center. The base itself was starting to shake slightly at irregular intervals.

The observation level was in complete pandemonium, a dozen different voices trying to talk over each other and the sounds of battle below. Men and women in white and red suits were pouring over the remaining security footage and shouting themselves hoarse trying to give out conflicting orders over the radio. All available combat personnel should rush upwards to halt the tide – no, they should converge on the lowest chambers to help Master Lysandre – no, they should gather on sublevel five and brace for impact, as long as the enemy was contained to the upper levels they wouldn’t be able to do critical levels of damage. Personnel stationed outside the base near the stone pillars received instructions to return to base at once, then to hold position, then to circle around and hit the oncoming wild Pokémon from behind, then to hold position again. The combination of yelling, alarms, and combat drowned out half of what was being radioed regardless.

And so it went. No one was clearly in charge, and Team Flare boasted few talented tacticians amongst its ranks. Caught completely unawares by the scale and speed of what was happening, they might well have shattered their own capacity to resist completely if a burst of blue fire hadn’t suddenly incinerated a flashing overhead siren in a spectacular blaze. Men and women ducked away from flaming debris, shielding their heads and cringing backwards as a new figure stormed into the room, a Chandelure at her side and Xerosic behind her.

“Shut off the alarms!” Malva barked at the other occupants of the observation room without the slightest hesitation. “The whole base already knows we’re under attack, the damn wailing is just making it harder to coordinate.”

“Who put you in-” one of the bolder admins began, immediately before Chandelure blasted him square in the chest with a ball of ghostly energy. He hit the tough metal wall hard enough to make a small dent, then collapsed in a heap on the floor.

“Now!” the Elite Four member pointed, and the remaining admins, grunts, and technicians all but fought each other to obey. It only took a few seconds at the consoles and a handful of administrator override codes before the incessant screeching and wailing of the overhead alarm system abruptly shut down. Malva walked briskly to the center of the now all but silent observation room with eyes rolling quickly over what security footage was still coming in. She glanced briefly out the window overlooking the roots of the ultimate weapon, where four massive Pokémon clashed, and came to a decision.

“Reroute power through secondary circuits,” she ordered. “Initiate override of primary systems control, passcode F253L769A398R347E. Transfer control to auxiliary station. There won’t be enough left down there to manage power output.”

Under clear direction at last and with a potent Ghost-type hanging over their heads, the technicians that were present wasted precious little time. Power regulation was diverted from the controls near Lysandre towards the imperfect but serviceable models on the observation level itself. While they concentrated on stabilizing the system, Malva was already giving out more orders.

“Order all combat personnel in the base to fall back to sublevel seven. Activate emergency seals on halls four and five but leave one and three open. Channel them down those two hallways where we can pin them in and prevent them from swarming us. Personnel at the stone pillars are to hold position at all costs. Don’t let a single Pokémon get detached. We can still win this but only if we fight smart.”

“Ma’am,” one of the white-suited admins managed, flinching under Malva’s gaze but holding his ground. “What about Master Lysandre?”

“Lysandre can defeat the intruder below, anyone else will just get in the way,” she declared immediately. “We need to focus on stopping that mob.”

Malva narrowed her eyes at the security footage showing a dark alicorn blasting a Toxicroak and Golbat backwards into an admin with enough force to send all three tumbling down a flight of stairs. A pack of baying Houndour were at her back, and a Houndoom breathed a jet of flame upwards. The camera was enveloped in blinding light for a moment before the signal cut.

“And I know just how to do it.” The Elite Four woman clenched her fist, already turning for the door. “Hold your positions and report any developments to me. Xerosic, you’re in command for now.” The pale, red-haired Flare Scientist nodded at her. “I’m going to cut the head off this snake.”

Flaring bursts of brilliant light illuminated the dark heart of the underground base. Zygarde hurdled forward much faster than anything of its bulk had a right to, encased in an aura of shining emerald energy. Xerneas surged forwards to meet it without prompting, rainbow horns glowing a deep crimson. The two Legendary Pokémon collided in a spectacular blaze of energy, only for the blue and black deer to be sent flying by the sheer power of its opponent. It crashed right through a bank of control consoles, sending already terrified technicians scrambling for their lives.

“Get out of here!” Lysandre yelled at those of his staff too committed or senseless to have already fled. “Save yourselves now!”

That order took only an instant to give, but an instant was enough. Zygarde slammed its massive bulk into the ground, and the steel floor was split by a jagged row of glowing green spikes bursting from the earth, heading straight for Team Flare’s leader. Gyarados hurled itself into the path of the attack, crushing stone beneath his vast bulk and roaring in pain as the man-sized spikes drove hard into his armored scales.

“Yveltal, Phantom Force!” he cried out. “Xerneas, use Moonblast!”

Xerneas surged back to its thin hooves at just the same moment that Yveltal vanished into a portal of shadows. A ball of pink-white energy was formed almost instantly between its horns and hurled at the crested green serpent. But Zygarde darted to the side with that same impossible quickness, moving fast enough that it seemed almost to be in two places at once, and all the attack struck was the solid steel of the wall. It reared up impressively over the still-recovering Gyarados – only to suddenly take a massive claw to the upside of its head. Yveltal tore its way out of another dark portal directly over its enemy, claws coated in ethereal energy. Zygarde was forced back as the birdlike Legendary simply went berserk on it, pounding wildly on its body with claws, tail, beak, and talons.

Quick as a flash, Xerneas had already formed a second energy sphere. Without the faintest hint of concern for its ally, it fired right into the melee. With Yveltal grappling directly onto its face it had no chance to dodge, and both Pokémon took the full brunt of the potent Fairy-type attack. The explosion of white energy flung the two combatants apart, with Zygarde sliding roughly along the floor while Yveltal crashed roughly into a wall. Meanwhile, Gyarados rose back to its full height.

“Hydro Pump!” Lysandre ordered.

Gyarados immediately unleashed a torrential jet of water at the emerald serpent’s head, but it was already too late. Zygarde did not burrow so much as dive right through the increasingly-unstable steel floor and into the earth from which it had come, leaving the attack to pass harmlessly overhead. Lysandre and the three Pokémon were given perhaps a second to look around in frantic anticipation of where the Legendary guardian of the ecosystem might come from next before the question was answered for them. With a rending screech Zygarde burst forth from the ground directly beneath the now-deserted control panels, tearing them to shreds and sending bits and pieces of ruined machinery raining down throughout the control room.

It seemed to Lysandre as if everything froze for just a moment. The rain of paneling and wires, nuts and bolts all gave way to the eyeless gaze of Zygarde staring straight down at him. With that, I’ve already won, it seemed to say. Even beneath his eye-concealing visor, Team Flare’s leader resisted the urge to look up towards the observation level. Then the moment was gone.

“Giga Impact!” Lysandre heard himself roar. “Oblivion Wing!”

Xerneas charged Zygarde without hesitation, rainbow horns given over entirely to angry red. Its opponent was already covered in green and surged forward to meet it. The two were quickly locked together and straining against one another, sharp antlers against crested head. Yveltal picked itself up quickly, forming a red-black sphere of energy between its wings. Returning its ally’s callous disregard in kind, it fired a beam of dark energy straight into the melee. But this time Zygarde was clever. The intruder abruptly ceased the struggle, allowing Xerneas to push it back and right out of the attack’s trajectory. Oblivion Wing took the deerlike Legendary right in the back, toppling it forwards. While Yveltal grew grander with stolen energy, Xerneas’ aspect diminished.

While its opponent was in disarray, the emerald serpent took its opportunity. Alit again in its mighty aura, it darted forwards and straight for Team Flare’s leader.

“Gyarados, use Return now!”

The bulky sea serpent flung itself right back at the Legendary, its own body shining a blinding silvery-white. The two snakes collided near the center of the chamber, smashing together with enough force to topple both Lysandre and Xerneas even at a distance. Gyarados was sent hurdling backwards – but so was Zygarde. They smashed into the increasingly-dented walls on opposite sides of the vast chamber, Gyarados tearing through a part of Yveltal’s former mechanical cocoon as it did so. Before Zygarde had a chance to rise, Yveltal hit it square on with a second Oblivion Wing.

“A Pokémon, no matter if it’s worshiped as a deity,” Lysandre forced himself back to his feet as Zygarde’s energy was drained away, “is still in the end only a Pokémon.” Behind him Gyarados rose up and roared. “You’re no match for us.”

It seemed as if Zygarde begged to differ. As Oblivion Wing petered out, it was met with the sight of a wildly-charging Xerneas with horns still aglow. Whatever strength it had lost to Yveltal’s parasitic attack, it was still quick as a flash. Zygarde dove right back through the floor and into the earth, leaving its reckless opponent to swing its antlers uselessly at empty air.

Lysandre had mere moments to sense the tremor under his feet and start to run before the floor underneath him seemed to explode, hurling him from his feet. He hit the ground roughly on top of his left arm, drawing blood. The vast bulk of Zygarde loomed over him for a split second before Gyarados slammed into it from the side in a full-body tackle. The writhing serpents toppled to the floor, wildly biting and slamming into each other.

“Nrgh…” Lysandre gritted his teeth against the uncustomary pain. “Use Blizzard!”

Gyarados immediately detached its jaw from around one of Zygarde’s five crests and received a powerful headbutt straight to the side of its neck. It reared up in pain, but still managed to open its mouth wide enough for a cone of bright white, bone-chilling energy. Entwined as their bodies were, Zygarde had no chance to dodge and took the full force of the attack straight to its face. For the first time, the intruder made a true sound of its own.

It screamed.

Armored glass cracked as the lowest depths of the underground base were filled with a wailing, inhuman shriek of pain. Zygarde flailed wildly as ice crystals formed about its head and upper torso, frantic movements and incredible strength throwing Gyarados from atop it and sending Lysandre’s Pokémon crashing to the ground. But the emerald serpent scarcely had time to rise halfway, shaking vigorously to clear the ice from its head, before Xerneas struck it head-on with another Giga Impact. The deer simply charged and kept charging, pinning the serpent to a wall. Whereupon both were struck by another indiscriminate Oblivion Wing.

“Don’t like the Ice-type much, eh?” Lysandre grinned as he forced himself to his feet, cradling his left arm and doing his best to ignore the pain. “Gyarados, give it to our friend again!”

The blue serpent reared up and fired a second cone of bone-chilling energy into the melee with no regard for Xerneas’ well-being. But if any had thought that a cry of pain was a cry of defeat, they were badly mistaken. Oblivion Wing was fading away when Zygarde’s body was again enveloped in emerald energy. It threw Xerneas off in a surprising surge of strength, then darted to the side with all the astonishing speed it had shown before. Blizzard missed, striking nothing but much-abused steel.

Giving its enemies no time to get another lock on it, Zygarde pounded the earth with its powerful tail. The entire room suddenly shook and convulsed with the force of a mighty Earthquake. Yveltal, floating above the ground, seemed unaffected, but Lysandre, Gyarados, and the charging Xerneas alike were yet again bowled over to the ground.

Fast as a striking serpent, Zygarde pounced onto the downed Xerneas. It crashed into the other Legendary with all the force of a speeding freight train, sending it flying. Following up immediately, it reared back its head and its crests flared. Another row of jagged green stone spikes tore their way up, this time directly at Xerneas. The deer Pokémon never had a chance. One moment it had just crashed to the ground yet again and was struggling to rise, the next an earthen spike twice the size of a man shattered against the side of its skull.

That was its final straw. Xerneas had been beaten, tossed around, clashed directly with Zygarde, and twice had its vitality leeched by Oblivion Wing. Legendary Pokémon or no, Dark Ball or no, there was simply only so much abuse its physical form could withstand. It collapsed in a heap on the floor and lay still.

“Return,” Lysandre growled, holding out the defeated Legendary’s Dark Ball.

For a moment both sides simply stared at one another, catching their breath amongst the pain of throbbing wounds and the distant sounds of more battle above. Then Zygarde surged forward, Gyarados rose to meet it, and the battle continued.

The Back Foot

Once clear of the flaming wreckage of their once-great mech, Team Rocket did the only thing that they could do. They bolted straight for the shattered front entrance to Team Flare’s base, ignoring the virtual field of humans and Pokémon lying sprawled out on the ground before it as well as the occasional protest when they stepped on someone. The trio and alicorn princess raced down the main stairwell braced for a fight… only to discover a dark, dank hallway with most of its lights out, water leaking from ruptured pipes, wires sparking in broken walls, and bits and pieces of miscellaneous torn items strewn about everywhere.

“Geez, this place is a dump!” Jessie put her hands on her hips. “Is this what happens when they don’t have us around to do all the cleaning?”

“And where is everyone?” James peered around. “Surely we can’t have been stuck in there for that long?”

“How could ya tell over the two a you whinin’ da whole time?” Meowth piped up from his current place atop Celestia’s back.

“Hey, we weren’t whining! We just had smoke in our eyes!” James protested.

“And you were blubbering and hugging against my leg the whole time, you ingrate!” Jessie snapped back at Meowth.

“Was not!”

“Were too!”

“Was not!”

“Were too!”

“As much as I’m sure this is important, perhaps we should settle this little spat after we deal with the world-ending superweapon below our hooves, hmm?” Celestia managed in a strained voice, trying to pick out which way the nearest stairwell leading further down might be.

“Eh, good enough point!” Meowth kicked his feet into Celestia’s sides as though he were a cowboy wearing spurs. “Onwards, noble steed!” He pointed in a completely random direction.

“I’m only willing to tolerate your antics so far, you know,” the alicorn muttered to him, right before taking off at a full-fledged gallop.

Meowth was very nearly thrown off by her sudden burst of speed, grabbing desperately onto the princess’ folded wings with both paws as the darkened hallway zoomed past. Celestia ignored his yelp and the tug on her feathers, thoughts fully given over now towards finding the battle, her sister, and her student. Wherever the fighting was Luna would be at the front, and the critical systems would be close to the bottom. It took her only seconds to find a stairway with its door ripped asunder and signs of battle scarring its walls. She paused for just long enough for the humans scrambling to keep up to catch sight of her, then leapt right over the listing railing.

Meowth screamed and clutched her white-furred neck as the both of them plummeted several stories right through the center of the spiral stairs. At the last second she flared her wings wide, coming to a controlled and graceful landing born of centuries of practice. The first thing she did upon touching down was look back up, only to see that Jessie and James had only just reached the very top.

“Hold up a second!” James panted as the two began jogging down the stairs. “Not all of us have four legs you know!”

Celestia’s response came in the form of her eyes shining a brilliant gold, lanterns in their own right amidst the gloomy half-dark. Both humans jumped a little as their bodies were enveloped in a warm golden glow, then pulled off the ground and simply over the railing. The ensuing descent was quick, but the landing was as gentle as touching down on a feather bed.

“Hey!” Jessie protested as the aura faded away. “Ask permission next time why don’t you?”

“Wasting time in a battlefield situation is never wise,” Celestia replied calmly, her ears twitching. “I hear combat nearby.”

“Oh?” Meowth sat up from where he’d been shivering against the back of her neck, his own off-white ears craning. “Oh yeah, I hear it too!”

“Hear what?” asked Jessie.

“She’s sayin’ dere’s fightin’ near here and dat’s why she’s in a hurry.”

“Oh really? Where is-” James began, but the alicorn was already off.

A better-prepared Meowth hung on marginally more successfully as the alicorn tore through a somewhat better lit hallway, rounding three corners and passing through another smashed doorway in a breeze. A menagerie of Pokémon clashing in front of two humans in red suits and one in a white lab coat and goggles was abruptly revealed, but Celestia’s charge didn’t slow for a second. She simply jumped right over the heads of most of the combatants, crashing down with all her weight and speed right atop a dead-eyed Crawdaunt. Meowth yelped as he was pitched forward, only to be cushioned by a golden aura of his own.

“It’s another one of them!” the lab-coated man yelped at the sudden interloper. “Crawdaunt, use-”

“Fury Swipes!” Meowth cried at the top of his lungs, taking a running jump right off of the princess’ head. The man screamed as the cat Pokémon suddenly landed right on his face, raking across it with sharp claws. He staggered back, shredded bits of his goggles scattering to the floor.

Celestia was already pounding on the shellfish Pokémon with a glowing silver wing, right in the head. Once, twice, three times, and then a slam into the wall. She was breathing fire on it just to be sure when Jessie and James finally caught up.

“This fight is over for you losers!” Jessie shouted at the two grunts trying to help the unfortunate man with a semi-rabid cat on his face. “Seviper, Glare attack!”

She threw a red and white Poke Ball directly at the melee, and out burst her long, black, knife-tailed snake. Seviper appeared coiled and hissing, eyes almost immediately glowing a sapphire blue. It locked gazes with one unfortunate grunt, who all but immediately froze up in an awkward pose, teetered, and fell over onto her backside.

“Let’s go Roselia!” the other grunt frantically pointed in their direction.

“Inkay, Psybeam attack now!”

James hurled a Poke Ball of his own, and his own little floating squid burst onto the scene. Inkay all but instantly flipped upside down, a white spot glowing, and fired a multicolored beam of psychic energy straight at the miniature plant Pokémon. Roselia went flying backwards into its trainer, and both hit the wall behind them.

“Seviper, Poison Tail!”

“Celestia, Psychic! Inkay, use Psybeam!”

“Get it off me!” the luckless man screamed.

“For Robo Mega Meowth!” Meowth screamed back.

Seviper sprang forwards with its tail glowing purple, Inkay fired another multicolored beam, and Celestia blasted the backs of the remaining few Flare Pokémon with a wave of mental energy. The enemy, now bereft of direction, stood no chance. Seviper’s strike took down a Marill, Inkay’s a Gloom, and the alicorn simply swept aside the rest. What half a minute before had been a deadlock became simply one man screaming about a cat he couldn’t pry off his noggin before a Helioptile, perhaps mercifully, zapped him with enough of a jolt to send him slumping to the ground as well.

The motley assortment of wild Pokémon were taking a moment to catch their breath while Jessie and James finally caught up to Celestia and Meowth hopped off the down man in the lab coat.

“Well dat wasn’t so bad!” Meowth put his paws on his hips. “We kicked ‘dere butts all good an’ proper!”

“Speak… for yourself…” James wheezed, as adrenaline finally wore off enough to let the two humans realize how fast they’d been running.

“The sign behind them reads ‘Detention – Authorized Personnel Only’,” Celestia read aloud as she strode calmly towards it, unwinded by the brief exertion. “I don’t know if they would have kept any prisoners this late, but any reasonable chance to save lives should be taken.”

Without even bothering to wait for Meowth to translate, the white alicorn ignored the keypad and thumbprint scanner entirely and breathed fire right where the lock ought to be. After giving the metal a little time to heat up, Celestia focused a psychic grip on the internal mechanisms, reared back her head, and yanked as hard as she could. The reinforced mechanical lock and deadbolt strained against her for a few seconds, but ultimately neither were strong enough. They shattered, and the door swung violently open.

“Now hold on a second, we can talk about th-” an unpleasantly familiar voice began, before cutting off in a sudden gasp. “You?!”

“What’s huh?” Meowth poked his head into the doorframe, then a moment later burst out laughing. “Ba ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hey, Jessie! James! Come ova here an’ see who it is!”

The two humans were still breathing a bit heavily when they wandered up to Celestia’s side to see what was up, but that still didn’t prevent them from bursting out into laughter of their own when they did. Nor did it stop them from striding right past the princess and into the other room with grins on their faces.

“Well well well,” Jessie crossed her arms and smirked. “If it isn’t Cassidy.”

“And Burt,” James joined her.

“My name is Butch!”

In truth, though, it was more than just those two. Crammed into a pair of cells obviously built for a much smaller number of people were a fair number of men and women in battered and dirty Team Rocket uniforms, looking disheveled. A third cell hosted a much taller man in shabby clothes, though he was curled up towards the back of his cell and not saying anything.

“How the heck did you morons make it all the way down here?!” Cassidy demanded, only to get immediately shoved aside by her partner.

“Never mind that, get us out of here before that psycho blue-haired lady comes back and terminates us like she said she would!” Butch told them.

“And wit’ dat kinda attitude why should we?” Meowth walked right up in between his human partners and put his paws on his hips. “You guys don’t sound very grateful ta be rescued.”

That launched a storm of protest – from the assorted grunts of Team Rocket, who were just tired of passing the days in cramped cells with not enough to eat and had no stake in the grudge match between the duo and trio. While they were busy with assorted sucking up, Celestia was talking to the wild Pokémon that remained.

“If you last saw your lady leading the charge down the nearby stairwell, then you ought to go after her at once. She may need reinforcements,” the princess glanced over her shoulder, “and we’ll be along shortly.”

“Why should we listen to you?” a Golett demanded.

Celestia just glared at it. It wasn’t long before the hallway was cleared.

“Well we’re not convinced that you really want to be busted out all that badly,” Jessie was saying when the alicorn turned back around.

“So, I guess the two of you will just have to show us,” James said.

“What do you want?” Cassidy managed through gritted teeth.

“You shouldn’t waste so much time on gloating,” Celestia spoke up, but none of the trio appeared to be listening. Even battle wasn’t enough to erase the memory of their recent humiliations.

“Let’s see…” Jessie put a finger on her chin, “get on your knees…”

“Tell us we’re da greatest Team Rocket agents of all time…” Meowth added.

“And beg us to let you out,” James finished for them.

Celestia sighed and stepped forwards, prepared to just ignore the trio and finish this so that they could continue, when Butch slowly, reluctantly took a knee. Cassidy for her part had to be all but pushed by the grunts surrounding her. Both of them were forcing words through teeth clenched so tightly the alicorn wondered if they would crack.

“Y-You’re…” they managed, “the grea… the g-gre… the greatest Team Rocket agents…”

Celestia could practically see steam coming from their ears, and even in these dire circumstances couldn’t restrain a small giggle, immediately covering her mouth with a wing in hopes that no one saw.

“Of… all… time…” the duo just barely made themselves finish.

“Now please let us out!” Butch grabbed the cell bars, while Cassidy was frantically trying to scrape her own tongue clean. The trio looked at one another and smirked.

“Eh, close enough,” James shrugged. “Now let’s see that ‘dolly’ of mine in action! Celestia, use Psychic!”

“Gladl- I mean, finally!” Celestia corrected herself as her eyes flared.

The cell doors shook for just a moment, then cracked with a suitably dramatic loudness. First the tall man’s, then the grunts’, then the cell with Cassidy and Butch and more grunts swung open with locks crushed by psychic force. The members of Team Rocket all but stampeded past the trio and alicorn, weeks of captivity driving them onwards and upwards. Seviper stuck its forked tongue out at Cassidy and Butch as they passed.

But Celestia quickly noticed that in the mad dash for freedom, one figure was conspicuously absent. The tall old man in the last cell sat unmoving, head buried in his hands, not even reacting to the open cell door. Not wanting to waste any more time but also not wanting to leave someone behind, she walked briskly over and blinked in surprise. She recognized him – the same strange old man who had given her directions on the road!

“What’s da matta, old timer?” Meowth voiced her thoughts as he joined the alicorn where she stood. “Don’t ya wanna get while da gettin’s good?”

“Why bother?” he said in a raspy voice. “I deserve to be in here. This whole nightmare is all my fault.”

Zygarde surged forward at Gyarados, its emerald aura still undiminished in spite of all the damage it had undoubtedly sustained so far. The sea serpent carried its wounds more visibly, but remained incredibly tough, strong, and well-trained. The two seemed set for another collision.

“Yveltal, use Sucker Punch!” Lysandre called out suddenly.

Yveltal’s clawed digits at the end of its wings curled into something vaguely resembling a fist and swung it rapidly. A shadowy impression leapt out and vanished immediately. Just before Zygarde collided with Gyarados, the dark echo suddenly blindsided it. Zygarde staggered and did not fall, but its momentum was disrupted. Gyarados slammed into the Legendary Pokémon with the full force of its Return, and the emerald serpent again was sent sprawling.

“Quickly, finish it off with Blizzard!” Lysandre pointed with his right hand.

Gyarados reared up, generated a cone of cold, and unleashed it, but even injured as it was the guardian of the ecosystem was fast and strong. It dove into the earth once more, and this time it burst out directly beneath the sea serpent only a few heartbeats later. In spite of its massive bulk, Gyarados was hurled upwards with such force that it actually hit its head on the cavernous ceiling several stories above. It had a second to flail before crashing back down onto what was coming to resemble not so much a floor as an artillery range.

Zygarde’s crests flared again, a thousand tiny shards of jagged stone and green energy taking shape around it. A second phantom fist from Yveltal struck it in the face, but the storm of projectiles launched anyway. They swarmed over Yveltal, exploding to powder against its tough red-black hide, but still so numerous and so intense that the embodiment of life’s end plummeted from its place in the air.

The emerald serpent turned again, this time back to Lysandre himself. The crests behind its head lit up yet again, and a thousand more tiny arrows coalesced rapidly. It fired them right at the human – but once again the ever-loyal Gyarados imposed itself. This time the teal bubble of Protect formed around the Pokémon, weathering the rocky storm with stoic fortitude.

“You see?” Lysandre gave a pained grin from behind the protective bulk of his oldest friend. “Your sheer power is no match for the bond of our friendship that exists between us.”

If Zygarde heard, or cared about, the man’s words then it gave no sign.

“Yveltal, use Phantom Force!” Team Flare’s leader commanded.

Yveltal managed to pick itself up off the ground, still flush with stolen vitality, and vanished into the shadows once more. Zygarde pounded its tail into the floor again just as Protect and Thousand Arrows alike were fading away, unleashing another Earthquake. Gyarados couldn’t defend its trainer here – it was all it could do to avoid crushing him with its own bulk as they both fell once again.

Yveltal chose that moment to burst from the ghostly realm of shadows, swooping back into being from directly behind Zygarde and falling on it in a berserker rage. It screamed a ghastly war cry as its vicious claws tore madly into the other Legendary’s back. The emerald serpent was driven face-first into the ground by the weight and sheer ferocity of the avian now perched directly atop its back.

“Urgh…” Lysandre moaned from the floor, shaking his head. “Now’s your chance! Gyarados, Blizzard right now!”

Gyarados, unlike Xerneas before it, had its free will intact, but the loyal Pokémon proved it could match the brainwashed one for ruthlessness. It fired the massive icy attack straight into the frantic melee, catching both Yveltal and Zygarde in the wild blast of snow and ice. Both Pokémon were especially vulnerable to it, but only one was sane enough to care.

Zygarde shrieked again in its inhuman way, writhing like a maddened worm and slamming Yveltal repeatedly with its own face. Also weakened by the ice, the avian was thrown clear after the fifth such blow, landing a good few yards away. Zygarde flung itself away even before Blizzard was finished, landing roughly with ice crystals clinging stubbornly to huge sections of its vast bulk.

Yveltal was already rising, shaking off the frost on its own form with a few swift shakes. But where it was fueled by the stolen vitality of Xerneas and Zygarde alike, the emerald serpent was having visible difficulty doing the same thing. Sensing weakness, Gyarados lunged with predatory instinct – but vulnerability was not the same as defeat. Zygarde’s crests shone with a guttering burst of emerald energy, calling up another row of rocky spikes from the earth. Several smashed into Gyarados, points bursting against its armored belly with enough impact to throw it back.

The guardian of the world’s ecosystem looked frantically around for Yveltal, but the avian had already returned to its shadowy realm. Zygarde whipped its head around to check behind it, but this time Yveltal simply exploded back into the material realm directly in front of it. This time the first blow from the shadowy claws was backed by enough force to send the ice-crusted serpent skittering along the floor, ending in a heap on its back.

“Blizzard one more time!” Lysandre almost shouted himself hoarse.

Zygarde was trying to rise when Gyarados’ latest attack struck home, but it had been badly weakened. Between the separate poundings from Xerneas and Yveltal, the energy stolen by two Oblivion Wings, and the strikes from two prior Blizzard attacks, it just wasn’t fast enough this time. It shrieked again, pulling away as best it could and attempting to shield its head with its tail, but ice crystals were already solidifying across its entire body. They moved rapidly up its smooth body and across its chest while its entire world shrank to just the blinding whiteness that engulfed it. The protector of the world’s balance gave a final haunting, mourning wail before the ice swallowed up its eyeless head.

“Finish this now!” Lysandre screamed. “Aqua Tail!”

Gyarados roared, using its powerful tail to launch itself into the air like a vast spring. It seemed to hang in the air for a heartbeat, churning blue water condensing about its tail and thick white fin. Then reality reasserted itself, and the sea serpent was plummeting tail-first right for the frozen Pokémon. It struck like a wrecking ball, leveraging all its weight into a single blow right to the crown of its enemy’s head.

Zygarde shattered.

The emerald serpent’s head, proud crests, and much of its upper chest simply dissolved before the mighty blow, too weak now to withstand it. Chunks of ice-coated green and black substance rained down across the wrecked control room as Gyarados drove right through Zygarde and into the ground. There was no blood – the alien substance of its body was far beyond the need for such things.

As Gyarados stared, the remaining chunks of Zygarde’s body simply seemed to dematerialize. Green and black flesh returned to bright emerald energy, shooting wildly in all directions. The sea serpent looked around and saw that the bits and pieces scattered across the room were doing likewise, streaks of emerald seeming to pass effortlessly through wall and chunks of machinery and back into the earth from which it had come.

Soon, all that was left was an icy cast of the part of its body that was not physically pulped by Gyarados. That hollow façade likewise crumbled away without support. As Lysandre picked himself up from the dirt and rubble, his ruined control room was all but silent.

Luna was at the front. That wasn’t simply a description of a particular situation, as her sister could well attest, it was a simple fact of life. Whenever there was a charge that needed doing, the dark alicorn was always at the forefront. Many explanations had been proposed over the years, from a propensity for glory-seeking to a latent bloodlust to an aversion to traditional command. But the truth was quite simple: the princess had never truly been able to countenance sending her subordinates into more danger than she endured herself.

Today was no exception to that rule. Though the dimensions had changed, though the species at her back was different, Luna was as ever at the very tip of the spear. And what a spear it was. Once they had broken through the main entrance, nothing had been able to stop her, precious little to slow her down. She swept through hallways like a thunderbolt, blasting wildly at any humans she saw in red or white along with any Pokémon they had with them, trampling those she hadn’t already beaten with the sheer force of her own charge. That, coupled with the tide of Pokémon inevitably surging at her heels, had seen her smash her way through the first several floors of her enemy’s underground base.

Luna was, vaguely, aware that the highly-segregated tribal horde she led was not a disciplined military unit and was almost certainly splintering behind her. But that didn’t matter. Speed was of the essence, as long as her personal presence served as a kind of living banner and rally point for enough Pokémon to continue the attack then everything was alright.

The princess of the night was at that very moment engaged in a full-body tackle of an Umbreon and the white-suited woman just behind it, whom they had caught attempting to flee down a flight of stairs. The much heavier alicorn easily smashed the smaller black catlike Pokemon into its trainer’s back, leaving both to tumble down the staircase in a heap. Luna leapt over their prone forms as a courtesy to a fallen foe, though the Pokémon – largely Houndour – at her back were not quite as considerate. Her hooves touched down first on the metal of a new floor. The seventh, by her count.

Luna had barely blasted the door ahead open with Dark Pulse when gouts of flame and globs of acid began coming through from the other side. She fired back wildly at these and was rewarded with the sounds of something exploding. She didn’t even hesitate to head right through the door, knowing hanging back in this situation was worse than useless anyway. The moment she got a good look at the hallway beyond, she knew resistance was picking up.

Men and women set up behind improvised barricades dotted the long hallway, backed by dozens of Pokemon from assorted species stretching down the stark white corridor and out of sight around the next corner. The dark princess grinned even as she charged. Increased resistance was good. It meant she was nearing something of importance, something that they couldn’t let her destroy.

Luna jumped on top of an overturned desk set up in the middle of the hall, ignoring the glob of acid that struck her side. While it sizzled and burned, she concentrated on the Swalot taking cover there that had done it. She pounded on the purple blob with a pair of glowing forehooves until a snarling Mightyena leapt at her. She took the painful bite in the foreleg, then headbutted the hound with her own sharp horn. That hurt it enough to release her limb. Mightyena fell back to the floor. Luna simply jumped off the desk and glided right over it, leaving the tide of Pokémon that had caught up it to her to swarm over the desk and dogpile it and Swalot.

As she rushed passed several sealed doors towards the next barricade, Luna saw their game. Space out their barriers to give the Pokémon behind plenty of time to unleash distance attacks on the enemy as they made their way from one to another. It wasn’t a bad plan for defense in depth, and it certainly beat the scattershot resistance she’d seen before, but it didn’t count on just how quickly a motivated alicorn could move.

“She’s here! She’s here!” one of the red-suited humans was shouting frantically into a mechanical device behind a tall stack of metal crates.

This time a Manectric and Golbat were waiting to greet her on the other side with electricity and acid. Even while she was firing a pink-white ball of energy into Manectric’s face, Luna was obscurely pleased to note that the humans and Pokémon further back had stopped trying to attack her while she was in up close with their comrades. At least they had some concern for someone’s life beyond their own.

“Golbat, use Confuse R-” the human here was trying to direct, before the alicorn smashed him hard with her own skull.

Luna was aware that she couldn’t best every single Pokémon in this hallway on her own, but she also knew that she didn’t need to. All that was necessary was for her to disrupt the next barricade in the line long enough for the Pokémon at her heels to catch up and mount it. Moonlight enveloped her right then, just as her followers did so. Some of her vitality returned while a brief but frantic melee ensued. Then it was on to the next one.

The humans, while hardly the greatest tacticians in the world, were not completely oblivious. By the time the fifth barricade fell to her pattern of charge, disrupt, melee, recover, the occupants of the sixth were already retreating. Incoming fire intensified as the defenders towards the end of the hallway sought to cover their comrades’ escape. But even though several wild Pokémon behind her fell, with Luna at its head the press was inexorable.

Then something happened that surprised her. As the charge neared the end of the first hallway, rather than mass for a single great defense the humans scattered, taking their Pokémon with them. As she neared the last barricade the alicorn realized that it wasn’t protecting a single corner, but rather a four-way intersection. Team Flare’s members were running into three separate directions, with doors opening up to allow them to split up even further into what seemed like subsidiary halls and chambers. When Luna mounted the final barricade, she realized she had only a split second to pick a direction – any longer and the sheer momentum of the charge would carry her forces right past her and doubtlessly cut them to pieces.

She wished she could read any of the signs.

Failing that, the alicorn princess simply picked what looked like the largest concentration of foes and followed them down the hallway to the right. Anchored by her presence, most of her followers continued on after her, though she had no doubt that some of them would be drawn off in different directions by sheer predatory instinct. Some of the enemies ahead were breaking off and fleeing into doors on the sides of this new hall, but not too many.

In truth, it wasn’t too much of a chase. The humans had two legs and Luna had four. Even with a head start for them, it wasn’t long before she got close enough to blast the floor out from under the rearmost human and send her tumbling. One of her compatriots turned to try and help her up, which only gave the alicorn a chance to blast him too. Under other circumstances, she might have felt bad about that. But the humans kept running, and she kept picking them off, until they came to an end to the corridor with perhaps half their original number. Some took the two splits to the left and right, but most just kept running into the room at the end of it.

Luna didn’t even hesitate to throw herself in after them, crossing the threshold hot on their heels – and immediately twisted to the side as a grey-black sphere passed directly over her head.

The alicorn lost her balance and fell, her sheer momentum carrying her skidding along the floor and into a nearby table. It toppled over, smashing some kind of chemical apparatus against the tiled floor. Luna looked promptly up from where she lay, spotting a man in red pressed right up against the wall next to the door where she had entered. He was already reaching for a second Dark Ball around his belt, but she didn’t give him the chance. The Flare grunt went down to a beam of purple-black energy before he had the opportunity to try again.

Even while that human was slumping limply to the floor, Luna saw the entrance behind her sealing itself shut with surprising alacrity. Mechanical locks clicked automatically into place, separating the princess from all but the swiftest of her forces – the bare handful of Pokémon that had managed to truly keep pace. As she rose to her hooves, she saw that the remaining humans and perhaps a few extra had stopped retreating and turned to call out more Pokémon. The door on the opposite side of the room was sealing shut as well. This was their idea of a trap? The princess pitied the poor fools.

“With me!” she yelled at the two Houndour and lone Absol that were in the room with her. “Show them the world’s wrath!”

With that, Luna attacked. Her first target was a Scrafty just emerged from its Poke Ball. She launched a Moonblast right at its face.

“Dodge and use Brick Break!” its trainer commanded.

The yellow-orange Pokémon jumped nimbly over the pink-white orb, bringing its right hand down into a ferocious red-hued karate chop. Luna darted back, the blow shattering tile, and immediately charged the enemy. She hit Scrafty in the face with her horn, tossing it backwards and into a screen of some kind. Before the princess could follow up, another Mightyena tackled her in the side. She fell over onto her back, the wolf pounced. Her hooves caught it in the chest as it frantically snapped for her throat. The contest of strength went on for just a moment before a silver scythe of energy took Mightyena in the back of the head, throwing it off. Luna nodded her thanks to Absol for a quick moment before blasting the incoming Scrafty with a second pink-white orb. This time it crashed through a microscope display and did not get up.

Things weren’t going all her way, though. One Houndour fell to a strange purple starfish its trainer was calling Starmie, half-drowned under a torrential deluge. Luna made that her next target, battering her way past the ailing Mightyena with sheer force before firing off a Dark Pulse at it. Starmie countered with another jet of water, and for a moment the two were locked together in a midair struggle. That moment lasted until a Heliolisk pounced on Luna from behind, jumping on her back and unloading a point-blank electrical discharge into her flesh. She cried out in pain, only to find herself choking beneath a tide as Starmie’s attack struck the both of them at once.

Luna and her attacker were both carried backwards by the jet, smashing right into a glass display case full of immaculately organized cellular growths. Broken petri dishes rained down on them, and the first thing the alicorn did when the water abated was to gasp for breath. The second was to seize the dazed Heliolisk’s head in her hoof and smash it three times into the hard steel of the cabinet’s rear.

In spite of the pain, the princess threw herself right back into the fight. She mounted a table, trampling racks of test tubes beneath her hooves, then threw herself off with wings open wide. She glided easily through the air, descending on Starmie like a guided missile.

“Psychic!” its white-suited trainer screamed out.

The red gemstone at the center of the Pokémon’s many arms lit up brilliantly, shining like a star in the sky. An identically-colored red aura appeared around Luna’s body… for an instant before shattering to no effect whatsoever. The princess bowled over the starfish with her flying tackle, pinning it to the ground beneath her weight. Before it had a chance to recover, she unleashed another beam of dark energy right to the center of its jewel. Then she immediately dodged to the side as a nearby Swalot flung a Sludge Bomb at her.

Getting a glimpse around as she hit the floor and rolled nimbly back to her hooves, Luna realized that the other Houndour had fallen to something and that Absol was being heavily pressed by three more Pokémon. Never one to abandon an ally, she ignored Swalot and fired a Moonblast into the back of a Stunky at Absol’s back, flinging the little purple creature up and into a nearby sink, breaking the faucet open. Her ally flung another scythe of silver energy from its curved horn into a second Mightyena’s face before dodging back from a Toxicroak’s blow. It darted backwards towards Luna.

Acting in concert, the two of them ducked behind a nearby overturned table to dodge a trio of incoming attacks, which scoured and sizzled away at the polished steel surface instead. Both Luna and Absol were breathing heavily. Even together they were still outnumbered around three to one. The odds weren’t in their favor, but Luna didn’t even consider giving up.

“We have them right where we want them,” the princess said through a tight grin.

“I’m with you all the way,” the white-furred Pokémon nodded.

“Wait…” Luna’s ears were up. “Wait… up and over, now!”

At the precise moment the incoming attacks withered away to nothing, the pair leapt right over the top of the table and fired in midair. Absol’s scything attack caught Swalot in the midsection, while Luna’s purple-black beam raked along the ceiling and cut into a piece of exposed piping. Just as she’d hoped, high pressure water gushed out onto the heads of two of the humans, taking them off their feet.

The princess landed directly atop the second, charging Mightyena. They tumbled together to the floor, and Luna bashed it right in the face with a glowing hoof. She followed that up with a headbutt, and followed that up with a scream of pain as Toxicroak drove a poisoned wrist spike into the small of her back. She rolled with the blow, allowing it to carry her over the top of the entangled Mightyena and into the floor of that enemy’s other side. With the wolf now between her and her other assailant, Luna kicked hard with all four legs and sent Mightyena crashing into Toxicroak’s face.

It was at that precise moment, when the princess was picking herself up off the tiled floor, panting hard and sporting several fresh injuries, that the door opposite where she had first come in hissed and slid open. Luna narrowed her eyes as she recognized the pink-haired woman, the Houndoom standing before her and the Chandelure at her back. She could do little with that information right then, as Toxicroak chose that exact moment to throw off the unconscious Mightyena and pounce at her on powerful legs. Luna reeled backwards, narrowly avoiding several swift, poisonous jabs aimed for her neck.

“I think that’s enough softening up,” Malva declared with a smile on her face. “Houndoom, time to Mega Evolve.”

Her red and black Pokémon howled as rainbow energies enveloped it, swelling its body with new muscle, thick chest armor, and a tall crown of horns. Luna meanwhile spotted an opportunity as Toxicroak overextended in its latest jab, smashing its face with a glowing hoof and all the force she could muster. She barely had time to register that victory before she doubled over under the sudden weight of a Liepard coming down onto her back. Sharp fangs dug into the base of her neck.

“First, let’s take out the trash.” Malva pointed. “Flamethrower!”

Houndoom turned its head to where Absol had grabbed on to the backside of Swalot’s body, slashing at the rubbery purple Pokémon with its horn and sharp claws. Showing no hesitation, the Elite Four member’s ace breathed a massive cone of red-orange flame that engulfed both Pokémon and the steel cabinet behind them. When it was done a few seconds later, the metal was warped and both Pokémon lay charred and unmoving on the floor.

Malva turned her attention back to the alicorn, who was busy slamming her back and the purple feline on it into another cabinet with all the strength she possessed. The Flare Pokemon couldn’t maintain its grip for long. The moment it fell off, Luna struck the underside of its chin with the glowing hoof of her Mega Kick. Liepard was flung across the room, hit the ceiling, fell to the floor, and lay still.

“Go Houndoom, use Flamethrower!”

“Croagunk, Poison Jab!” one of the other Flare members ordered.

“Gloom, Acid!” a different man ordered the last Pokémon.

Houndoom breathed another jet of flame, Gloom spat a glob of purple acid, and Croagunk launched into a wild charge. Luna simply bolted, fire licking at her long tail when she threw herself behind another table to take cover. She could feel the withering heat of the flames even through the industrial-strength metal she hid behind – it was almost a joke when Croagunk rounded one end with a glowing purple hand. She took it out with a single Moonblast before it even got close.

“Now, Fire Fang!” Malva commanded.

“Gloom, Acid one more time!” the last grunt with an active Pokémon ordered.

Malva’s Houndoom effortlessly cleared the table in a single bound, seamlessly transitioning into a snapping lunge at Luna. Its blazing fangs grazed the side of Luna’s neck as she frantically retreated, burning away fur in an instant and blackening her already dark skin. Houndoom stayed right on top of her as she did, giving the alicorn absolutely no breathing space and forcing her quickly towards a corner.

Gloom chose that moment to spit another sizzling purple glob, but it misjudged its aim. Instead of Luna, Acid struck Houndoom in the side as it advanced. The minor letup as it faltered was enough to let the princess bash it in the face with one of her hooves, sending it staggering back. She made to follow up, but Houndoom quickly breathed red-hot fire across the floor between them, halting her countercharge in its tracks. The black hound whipped its head around to the hapless Gloom, spitefully breathing fire all over the soon-to-be unconscious Pokémon.

“Fire Fang once more!” Malva yelled.

Houndom leapt right through the lingering flames separating it from Luna, gaining for an instant a truly hellish aspect. The next moment it crashed into the princess, burning fangs just missing her neck and clamping tight to her right shoulder. She screamed as she went down, Malva’s Pokemon right on top of her. Luna wrestled desperately to pry it off, Houndoom clinging on with the force of beartrap. The Elite Four member meanwhile gazed slightly over at her Chandelure, smirked, and gave it a small nod before returning her attention to the contest of strength.

Screaming with fury and pain, Luna drove a shining hoof right into Houndoom’s gut, finally dislodging her assailant and hurling it onto its back. Both rose as one, but one of them was fresh and the other covered in increasingly-numerous injuries.

“Quick Houndoom, use Smog!”

Houndoom immediately breathed out a cloud of thick purple fumes, engulfing Luna and a considerable portion of Xerosic’s now-ruined laboratory in choking, blinding, poisonous gas. The alicorn coughed and sputtered, countering with a wild Moonblast that Houndoom simply ducked underneath.

“Follow up with Flamethrower!”

Her Pokémon breathed another jet of flame almost at once. But Luna was ready and dodged to the side by a rather comfortable margin. The attack soared right by her and it would have been the perfect counter. Except for one thing.

Houndoom’s fumes were highly flammable.

The human Team Flare personnel that were still conscious backed frantically away as perhaps a third of the entire room was consumed in fire. Malva alone remained where she was, smile growing wider. The blaze had no effect on Houndoom itself, its Flash Fire ability granting it total protection from its own maneuver. But the alicorn? Luna screamed as the blaze engulfed her entire body almost instantly. She couldn’t see or breathe and bolted wildly away from the epicenter of the blaze. Malva’s Pokemon leapt right through the blaze and on top of its blinded foe, pinning the struggling alicorn to the ground with fangs gripped tightly around her neck.

“Chandelure, now’s your chance!” Malva called out. “Confuse Ray right now!”

The ghostly chandelier-like Pokemon had been creeping carefully around the sides of the battle, careful to avoid drawing any attention to itself while Luna and Houndoom clashed. But now it heeded its mistress’ call, surging forward even while a small sphere of yellow energy formed between its eyes. It launched the attack at the thrashing princess with well-trained accuracy, striking her in the flank.

Luna had barely blinked half the lights out of her eyes. She could hardly breathe. Her neck was held in a burning, vicelike clamp. And now her world dissolved into a wild and confusing morass of contradictory sensory impressions. Everything blazed in kaleidoscopic waves of color, a thousand and one voices shouted into her ringing ears, and mounds of writhing worms crawled over her skin. Fuzziness assaulted her brain with incoherent jumbles of memory and deranged imagination.

She never even saw the grey-black orb that struck her in the head.

“Whaddya mean it’s your fault?” Meowth demanded of the old man. “How is any a ‘dis your fault an’ why aren’t ya scurryin’ like ya should be?”

“You won’t believe me, but I made this abomination,” he hissed back. “Thousands of years ago now. Everything that’s happening here… it’s all because of me.”

“Den why are ya sittin’ around mopin’, ya lazy bum?!” Meowth barked at him. “If all a ‘dis is ‘cause a you, den you ain’t got no right ta just sit ‘dere an cry about it!”

“Meowth is right,” Jessie put her hands on her hips, “I don’t know if you’re telling the truth or just crazy, these last few weeks have been too loony to be sure. But if you are the one responsible for putting us all through this nightmare, then you owe it to us to get up off your sad little behind and help us fix it.”

“If there’s one thing that I can’t stand it’s a quitter!” James clenched his fist. “So what if you fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and-”

Celestia gave him a gentle tap on the back with her wing.

“Er, fail?” James cleared his throat. “The point is, you never give up and stop trying! Just look at us!”

“I wanted to do good, and this is the result,” the pathetic shell of a man mumbled. “I bring nothing but pain and death to anyone around me. The smart thing for me to do is give up before I somehow make this even worse. Just go and leave me here.”

“Da smart ting?” Meowth balled his paw into a fist, sounding genuinely upset. “Da smart ting ta do woulda been for Team Rocket ta quit chasin’ after Pikachu years ago, but did we? No!” He swiped his claws along the cell bars, causing a nasty screech. “When somethin’s worth doin’, it’s worth doin’ through to da end! Ya never give up! When da odds are against ya and da world has got it out for ya and da smart ting is ta give up an’ crawl away, whaddya do?” Meowth raised his fist. “I say ya take da Team Rocket route! Ya face da impossible odds and laugh! If da smart ting ta do is give up, den ya just gotta be dumb enough ta face down da odds! Otherwise you’re nothin’!”

“Yeah!” Jessie and James had clenched their own fists.

“Who’s dumb enough ta face da impossible odds?”

“We’re dumb enough!” Jessie and James both cheered.

“Now let’s go an’ kick some Team Flare butt!”

“Yeah!” two humans and an alicorn all cheered.

The group turned as one and ran right back out the way they had come, leaving a bewildered old man staring at their wake.

Sibling Rivalry

Malva had precious little time to savor her moment before her earpiece chimed for what felt like the dozenth time in the last five minutes. With a grimace, she decided not to ignore the communication this time and accepted the call with a slight tap.

“Yes, what is it?” the Elite Four trainer demanded, watching idly as Team Flare personnel around her recalled unconscious Pokémon or dragged limp comrades from the still-smoldering lab.

“Lady Malva, you’re the one who demanded situational updates!” Xerosic’s voice cut into her ears. “I’ve been trying to keep you informed and you’ve been completely unresponsive.”

“Because I was busy eliminating the mob’s leader as a threat – doing what Celosia couldn’t do twice I might add.” Malva tossed the Dark Ball up and caught it casually in one hand. “But I didn’t ask you to whine at me. Give me a status report, now.”

“There’s no need to be rude.” The man on the other end cleared his throat. “Well, the good news is that Master Lysandre was able to see off the subterranean invader in a very thorough and convincing fashion.”

“I told those fools to have faith in the boss.”

“Yes. Yes you did.” The scientist paused. “Unfortunately, the bad news is that while your gambit-”

“My successful gambit,” Malva reminded him.

“While your successful gambit may have separated the alien from its followers, it also cost us a considerable portion of our defenses and tied up many of our best trainers.” A tinge of worry entered his voice. “I do hope some of them still have battle-ready Pokémon?”

The Elite Four member glanced at the Team Flare personnel she’d used as ablative armor to preserve her own Pokémon’s fighting strength. Half of them weren’t even conscious.

“No, I wouldn’t say so.”

“That is unfortunate. I assume I don’t have a laboratory anymore either?”

“I asked you for a status update, Xerosic, not a litany of your complaints. What’s been happening out there while I’ve been busy in here?”

“Well, you see…” he sounded nervous. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but when you drew away so many combat personnel to act as your bait you left one of our hallways almost completely exposed. The wild horde seems to have overrun approximately half of sublevel seven, and we’re getting reports of running battles on sublevel eight. The defenses remaining between there and here are beginning to look dangerously thin.”

“Is that all?” Malva smiled. “Not to worry, I’ve got the solution to that problem right here in my hand.” She tossed the Dark Ball up and caught it easily again. “With this, we can break their will to fight and send them scurrying right back to the holes they crawled out of.”

“Is that so? Well if you can then I’ll ask you to please do it soon. Master Lysandre has already had enough setbacks and delays for one afternoon and the last thing I want is to try explaining to him why some pack of wild mutts is gnawing on the weapon’s power cables.”

“Not to worry, Xerosic,” she smiled. “I’ve got this completely in hand.”

Further underground, deep in the war zone formerly known as the control room, Lysandre watched impatiently as his best electrical engineers and technicians scurried like ants. The cradle-like nest of wires, cables, and clamps that had formerly connected Yveltal to its proper place on the ultimate weapon had taken a severe mauling. First the avian Legendary had torn its way roughly out of it, then stray attacks had grazed it, and finally Gyarados had crashed right through part of what was left. It was frankly lucky that there were any parts of it at all intact enough to use.

But that particular stroke of fortune wasn’t enough. Lysandre knew after his public announcement that the weapon had to fire before the whole of Kalos came down on his head, and that meant the already-stressed tech team was working at a frankly inhuman pace. Torn and punctured wiring was being ripped out and replacements fitted in, or if that wasn’t possible the system was simply jury-rigged in the most expedient manner possible. The resulting contraption would probably break down and need more comprehensive repairs before the resurrection of the perfect new world could be completed, but as long as it would work long enough to oversee the annihilation of the old world before giving out then it was acceptable.

Gyarados, returned to its normal form and with several Full Restores rubbed into its wounds, watched the process alongside his trainer. He had earned that right a dozen times over, most of all for his valor in defense of their plan in spite of the sacrifice he knew he was soon to make. Besides, the presence of a giant blue sea serpent with a mouth filled with sharp fangs and big enough to swallow a man whole looking over their shoulders was proving remarkably motivational for Team Flares technicians.

No, Lysandre thought while he stroked his Pokémon’s tough scales, it wouldn’t be much longer now.

“Celestia, Psychic! Inkay, Psybeam! Carnivine, use Bullet Seed!” James’ voice cried out over the din.

“Seviper, you use Bite!” Jessie yelled from right next to him. “Yanmega, Ancient Power! Pumpkaboo, Shadow Ball!”

The white alicorn and five Pokémon were already enmeshed in a whirling maelstrom of melee, such that they could barely even make out the voices of Team Rocket. If the upper levels had seemed almost empty, then further down was little short of a warzone. Humans and Pokémon were fighting running battles sprawling across what seemed to be the entire floor, half of them in near pitch darkness as much of the lighting had already been destroyed.

Celestia’s golden aura tore a Golbat from the air above the central table of the conference room where they were currently fighting, simply bashing the enemy Pokémon into the scarred furniture and squeezing it with psychic energy until it could stand no more. She threw the bat’s unconscious form into the face of a Scraggy attempting to leap onto Seviper, which itself had its massive red fangs gripped tight around the head of a Zigzagoon and was thrashing the poor creature from side to side. A Croagunk hopped onto the conference table and made to charge the alicorn, she simply tilted her head a little bit and the entire table simply fell over onto its side. She flung it top-first at the nearby wall for good measure, pinning Croagunk and two red-suited humans up against it. Celestia glanced back towards the far end of the room just in time to see a Binacle collapse under a hail of green-brown seeds from Carnivine’s cavernous maw.

“That takes care of these amateurs,” Jessie looked out at the heap of foes – and some wild Pokémon – lying sprawled out across the floor before pointing to the door opposite where they had originally entered. “Now let’s go find more freaks to crush!”

For once, the princess wasn’t inclined to disagree. The sliding door ahead was already dented and buckled inwards from battle on the other side, telekinetically breaking the lock enough to slide it open was a simple enough task. Several wild Pokémon were already through the gap before Team Rocket, and others were rushing in the same way they had come. One Houndour was setting fire to a chair for no apparent reason.

The next moment, the brief respite was over. Whatever else might be said of them, Team Flare seemed absolutely, fanatically determined to dig in and hold this ground come hell or high water. The corridor ahead was a writhing mass of Pokémon embroiled in a vicious melee at point-blank range to the extent that it could be seen at all – there were two lone working lights left in a stretch perhaps twice the length of an average-sized house. The rest of the hall was illuminated, if at all, by intermittent flashes from Pokémon attacks.

Team Rocket had burst out almost directly on the flanks of a force of Team Flare personnel that had been attempting to surround the entire group of attackers from both ends, taking them totally by surprise. The first seconds of the combat that followed were easy enough for the princess, tossing aside the startled humans and their servants with waves of psychic force before they could properly react.

But what came next was anything but easy. The long, dark hall was simply crammed full of Pokémon of all stripes, making firing into the crowd a nonstarter. Worse, telling friend from foe in the bleak close quarters fighting was next to impossible until she was right on top of them, whereupon Pokémon either started rallying around a tall, majestic alicorn or tried to bite her ankles off. Slogging through that morass, half-blind in the blackness and all but deaf to her friend’s words, acting on instinct and depending on reflex to avoid sudden attacks bursting from the inky depths, was not an experience she would have wished on anyone.

In the end, though, with the sudden failure of their gambit to surround their enemies Team Flare’s position in that corridor was untenable. They’d sealed off one end to try and cut off the flow of wild reinforcements, only for the stream to resume through the broken conference room. None of the Pokémon they had were strong enough to last long against the likes of Celestia. Though they fought with the bitter tenacity of cornered rattlesnakes, that only served to buy them a little more time before their position holding the open end of the hall simply collapsed under the weight of the assault. With even more of this level opened up before them, the wild Pokémon that were still conscious began breaking up swiftly in different directions, chasing those of Team Flare who were fleeing or just looking for more things to destroy.

“Well, which way now?” James asked, looking around as wild Pokemon ran past him in several different directions.

“How should I know? This place is like a maze!” Jessie complained.

“It would have been easier if you had taken the time to download those blueprints Giovanni sent you into something more portable,” Celestia reprimanded them gently, then shook her head, “or if my sister’s followers would refrain from torching all of the maps.” The princess took a deep breath and looked around, ears up, for a few seconds. “This way!” she beckoned with a wing. “Follow me!”

“She says ta go after her!” Meowth translated, just as Celestia broke out into a run.

“Right!” Jessie and James nodded, before taking off after her.

Some might have questioned whether or not the beautiful, majestic, alien alicorn had a mystic sense of direction or could feel the minds of her enemies with her golden psychic power. The truth was much simpler: without the immediate clamor of battle stuffing her ears, she could hear the nearby sounds of shoes descending metal stairs. Celestia only had to turn two corners and run part way down yet another hallway before halting at another nondescript door with a damaged sign.

“Use Psychic!” James ordered.

Celestia, who had been about to do that anyway, had no difficulty obeying. The internal locking mechanisms of this base had proven a poor match for her mental strength before and this portal was no exception. Her eyes gleamed gold, and the door crunched and swung open a few seconds later, revealing several red-suited humans at the top of a stairwell speaking frantically into mechanical devices. Others were halfway down the steps.

“Hyper Voice now!” James didn’t miss a beat.

OUT OF OUR WAY!” Celestia promptly screamed at them.

The alicorn’s words became visible waves of sonic energy, throwing humans and Pokémon right over the stairway’s rails or sending them tumbling painfully all the rest of the way down. What had been a room full of retreating enemies quickly became a heap of moaning and unconscious red-suited men and women.

“That’s the way!” James cheered.

“Quickly, let’s go!” the alicorn urged, stepping through the ruined portal. “We need to keep movi-”

Celestia’s voice was cut off by a sudden burst of static from the walls. Speakers and intercoms, many damaged and mangling the words, blared to sudden life across the underground base. It wasn’t just on this particular floor either – the alicorn’s keen hearing picked up identical sounds coming from below, albeit muffled by distance and barriers. A cracked vid-screen lit up in an open room across the hall, showing a pink-haired younger woman in a sleeveless black top standing in the middle of another hallway with a sign behind her.

“This is Malva of the Elite Four and of Team Flare,” her voice boomed simultaneously through dozens of speakers, albeit cracked and broken in many of them. “Your attack has already failed. The alien creature you serve has fallen.”

“Luna.” Celestia whispered quietly, ears folded back.

“She’s lyin’! De’re on da run!” Meowth accused.

“You’re right, this has to be some kind of desperate trick by a cornered Rattata!” James pointed an accusing finger at the image on the screen.

“The lying warlord who led you out of your homes and into the depths of this base is no more. Your cause is hopeless. She led you only to your doom. Here!” Malva held up a Dark Ball in her right hand. “See for yourselves!”

The woman almost gently gave the ball an underhanded toss into the air. It rose perhaps a foot, split in half, and disgorged the all too familiar dark energy. It resolved itself quickly, taking on the form that couldn’t help but stop the princess’ heart right in her chest.

“Why don’t you say something for the camera?” Malva said mockingly, walking up to touch the dark alicorn’s neck. Luna’s head seemed to flinch away from the human’s touch, eyes squeezed shut, before straightening up an instant later and staring straight ahead with those horrible dead eyes. “Give your followers one last quote to remember you by?”

Luna’s mouth twitched and opened, but all that came out was a strangled moan.

“I see,” the camera’s focus returned to the newscaster as she backed away from the alicorn. “Well, you heard it here first. Your leader played you false and led you straight to her own doom. If you’d like to avoid a similar fate, I suggest that you run away right now. Because if you continue to intrude, then you’ll suffer the same consequences.” Malva smiled in an incongruously warm manner. “So, I’m warning you all, turn right around and run and you’ll be spared. Otherwise there’s no hope for you.”

With that, the message went right back to the beginning and started again, the same voice booming out of a thousand different angles, echoing all throughout the underground lair. Team Rocket slowly turned from where they’d been watching the video screen back to where the white alicorn had been standing.

“Celestia, I’m so sorry,” James began. “I promise we’ll-”

The princess wasn’t there anymore. She was already falling right through the mangled heap of scrap formerly known as the stairway’s guardrails. Team Rocket and their Pokémon had a split second to contemplate that before a golden light tore them right off their feet and yanked them screaming over the edge.

“Wait for me!” Inkay called out.

By the time that Team Rocket had been deposited none too gently atop the freshly-sore pile of Flare personnel at the base of the stairs, Celestia had torn the door asunder. She took off at an all-out gallop.

For their part, there were few times any of Team Rocket’s members could remember running quite so hard as they did right then. This floor, in contrast to the last, seemed nearly deserted, so there wasn’t much getting in their way. Two humans and five Pokémon were chasing after an alicorn by glimpses of white or rainbow amidst the stark halls, or by the chunks of still more doors ripped apart. And one further Pokémon was chasing after them.

As intense as the chase was, it was also a brief one. One moment they were all running, slithering, and floating as fast as they possibly could after a flash of pastel rainbow, and then the next they turned a corner and skidded to a sudden stop just in time to avoid crashing into their quarry’s back. Celestia stood tall and proud in the center of that hall with her wings flared wide and the breeze that perpetually swept her mane seeming to pick up.

Her face seemingly carved from flawless white marble, Celestia stared straight ahead. There, not even very far from the same sign she had stood beside in her message, was her dark sibling, staring right back with her blue eyes expressionless and unblinking. Behind her was the human woman, a Houndoom at her side. While Team Rocket watched, Houndoom was wreathed in rainbow energies, swelling with fresh power.

“Meowth?” said Celestia in a low, quiet voice. “Inform this woman that she will release my sister, now, or else she takes her life into her own hands.”

“She’s sayin’ let da lady go pronto or else.”

“Hmmm, let me think about that.” The pink-haired woman put two fingers on her chin, then gave a mocking smile. “No.”

“So be it,” Celestia hissed.

“We’ve taken down a Team Flare termagant before and we can do it again!” James clenched his fist. “Psychic attack now!”

“You’re really going to attack your own sister?” Malva put a hand on her hip.

“Who said anything about her?” Celestia whispered while her eyes shone.

“Wha- aaah!” the Elite Four trainer yelped when a golden aura appeared around her and flung her straight upwards, pinning her against the ceiling in a crushing mental grip. “Nrrrgh, Dark Pulse!”

Luna’s head twitched a little, and then lowered its horn to point at her sister. Darkness congealed rapidly about the base, forming into something almost solid. An instant later, it was unleashed to the sound of tearing metal.

“Protect!” James half-screamed.

Malva yelped again as the attack pinning her in place suddenly vanished, leaving her to plummet to the cold steel flooring. A bubble of teal energy rose protectively over the princess in its place – and not a moment too soon. One instant the hallway was a stark, hygienic white, the very next it seemed to Team Rocket as though it had been swallowed by a void. Darkness surrounded them and their Pokémon completely, the only faint light coming from the wide sphere of energy they were cowering behind. When the attack faded away the walls and ceiling had been scoured back by its touch, exposing wires, piping, and insulation.

“Okay…” Malva was picking herself up off the floor. “Now I’m mad. Go Houndoom, use Fire Fang on Celestia!”

“Yanmega, counter that with your Silver Wind! Pumpkaboo, use Shadow Ball!” Jessie commanded her own Pokemon while Malva’s charged.

“Carnivine, you use Bullet Seed! Celestia, use Hyper Beam!”

All of the Pokémon obeyed, Carnivine spitting gobs of explosive seeds, Pumpkaboo firing off a sphere of spiritual energy, and Yanmega buzzing its wings at a hyper-accelerated pace to generate silvery scythe-like aerial projectiles. All save Celestia. When Houndoom raced forward right through the storm of incoming attacks, the white alicorn charged it right back with a snarl on her face.

“Hold off on the Dark Pulse for now,” Malva ordered Luna, who had with some apparent difficulty been gathering energy for a second beam attack. “I don’t want you to hit Houndoom. Use Moonblast on Team Rocket instead.”

“Wait wait wait!” came a little voice as James’ last Pokemon finally rounded the corner, panting. “You guys are too fast!”

“Inkay, perfect timing!” James turned with a smile, then pointed. “Use your Hypnosis to subdue that alicorn!”

“Like that’s going to happen! Use Moonblast on Inkay instead!”

Luna’s head jerked from side to side once, then twice, with teeth clenched. But finally, her glassy eyes leveled themselves at the small floating cephalopod. A sphere of pink and white energy the size of a human head took shape at the very tip of her horn, then fired off at the speed of a bullet. James’ little Pokémon never had a chance. The otherworldly energy struck it with a blinding flash, and it bounced off the ceiling and hit an exposed pipe in the corner wall. It slumped limply to the floor, a trickle of water from the cracked pipe dribbling across its pink upper half.

“No, Inkay!” James hurried backwards, got on one knee, and scooped up his unmoving Pokémon. “Are you alright? Say something!”

“Go, Seviper!” Jessie yelled. “Glare attack now!”

“Shut your eyes!” Malva yelled back. “And then Moonblast on Seviper!”

Jessie’s long knife-tailed serpent reared up above the dark alicorn, its eyes acquiring a shining sapphire glow. But not only did Luna’s eyes not close, her head seemed to jerk upwards a fraction, eyes meeting Seviper’s in the most direct contact possible. The next instant she visibly tensed as muscle groups across her body seized up uncontrollably.

“That’s it!” Jessie cheered her Pokémon. “Now use Wrap!”

Seviper sprang forward through the air, over where Celestia and Houndoom wrestled, and landed heavily atop Luna. Thick, scaly coils quickly enveloped the alicorn, drawing her tightly into their crushing embrace. The serpent pulled back hard against her neck, forcing her twitching head upwards even while fey energy coalesced at the tip of her horn. When the attack went off a second later, all it managed to do was hit the ceiling, which cracked and squealed ominously under the assault.

“Is she trying to lose this?!” Malva gritted her teeth, ignoring the tingling feeling around her right pocket and choosing another Poke Ball. “Go Chandelure! Shadow Ball on Seviper!”

Her potent Ghost-type appeared hovering over Luna and Seviper in a flash of silver light. Purple and black spiritual energy formed a perfect orb right between its glowing yellow eyes, then a perfectly-aimed shot took the black snake straight in its face, leaving the alicorn completely untouched. Jessie’s Pokémon teetered and swayed briefly before collapsing, coils rolling off Luna as it hit the floor.

“Seviper!” Jessie cried out.

“Inkay, you deserve a good rest,” James held a Poke Ball over his limp friend. “Return now.” Once his Pokémon was safely put away he stood back up, walking several steps forward. “Celestia, enough with the Steel Wing! Use Disarming Voice!”

Not far now from where Luna stood stock-still, Celestia was pounding relentlessly on Malva’s Houndoom. Both were on two legs, hooves and paws wrapped around the other’s shoulders, and both were straining and pushing at one another with all their might. Houndoom snapped at the alicorn’s face with sharp fangs set ablaze, while her glowing wings smacked against its body and the side of its head. Celestia ignored what little pain she felt from the fiery attacks, pushing relentlessly onwards with furious determination. In spite of its size, strength, superb training, and Mega Evolution, it was Houndoom that was being forced slowly but unstoppably backwards.

When she heard her trainer’s words again, Celestia’s wings folded back. Rearing back her head to avoid the enemy’s jaws, she opened her mouth. She intoned a single low note in pitch-perfect contralto, sad but still sweet to hear even now. Except of course for Houndoom, who simply got blasted in the face with purple-pink heart-shaped waves of energy. Malva’s Pokémon reeled under the sonic assault, losing its balance and tumbling towards the floor away from the princess. Now Celestia was a scant few paces from her sister, panting slightly as she stared into Luna’s blue eyes. The dark alicorn stared back, unblinking.

“Use Dark Pulse once more! Wipe them all out!” Malva called out.

Luna stood there, unmoving. Nothing happened, save Houndoom resuming its feet.

“This should not be so annoying!” The Elite Four trainer growled. Celestia thought she saw something flash in one of her pockets. “Fine! Houndoom, Flamethrower on the alien! Chandelure, use Shadow Ball on her!”

“Annoying is what Team Rocket does best!” Jessie jeered, holding a Poke Ball. “Go, Wobbuffet! Use Mirror Coat!”

She tossed her ball at the same instant Houndoom’s throat was blazing and Chandelure’s ghostly orb was making a return appearance. Silver energy resolved itself into the bright blue punching bag in front of the alicorn just when the attacks launched. They surged forward – and halted midair against the rainbow sheen surrounding Wobbuffet’s body. Both attacks held there for a few seconds, straining back and forth as both sides pushed hard at one another. Jessie’s Pokémon slipped back to within inches of Celestia’s face as he pushed back with all his might, then suddenly almost fell over onto his face as he finally broke through.

Both attacks leapt back upon the Pokémon that had unleashed them at double the power. Houndoom seemed fine being bathed in the surging flames, even looking to the alicorn’s eyes as though it was finding the experience rejuvenating. Chandelure was not so lucky. Its own Shadow Ball took it in the face and it went soaring backward, over Malva’s head, struck the ceiling, and crashed to the ground. It simply lay there, swirls in its eyes and ghostly blue flame guttering low.

“Chandelure!” Malva’s voice sounded genuinely shocked, upset even.

“Seviper, you’ve been avenged!” Jessie held out a different Poke Ball. “Now return and get some rest.”

“Thank you,” Celestia muttered to Wobbuffet as the serpent disappeared.

He nodded once back at her.

“Alright Celestia, let’s win this!” James cheered. “Attack Houndoom with your sculpted salubrious sonnets! Disarming Voice!”

“Rrrrgh…” Malva was clenching her teeth. “Counter with Flamethrower!”

Celestia sang her mournful note once again, while her devilish black opponent breathed more fire. Bright purple-pink crashed into red-orange, the raging energies of both sides fusing into a sphere of brilliant white, which both alicorn and Pokémon strained to push onto the other side. Little by little the princess was forcing the thing away from herself, but it was a slow and laborious task.

“I’m sick of this wasting my time!” Malva reached into her pocket, pulling out a Dark Ball and enlarging it to full size. “Luna, I order you to eliminate them all right now! Dark Pulse!”

“Carnivine!” James yelled. “Use your Vine Whip to pin her down!”

“You think so, do you?” Malva threw a normal Poke Ball with her off hand with practiced ease. “Talonflame, Brave Bird on Carnivine!”

Luna’s head twitched and strained, and darkness began to pool at the base of her horn for the third time. Carnivine leaped forwards, a pair of long green vines sprouting out from beneath its leaflike arms. Both wrapped themselves around the dark alicorn’s neck and face, straining to pull her aim upwards. Then the red and white ball burst open in a blaze of silver, and a tall red and grey falcon-like Pokémon shot out. It crossed the distance between the two groups in the blink of an eye, trailing energy behind it as it soared. Talonflame’s beak struck Carnivine’s massive head with the force of a cannonball. James’ Pokémon went tumbling backwards, vines going suddenly slack as it hit the ground. Malva’s Pokémon soared easily back towards its trainer in the same moment that Celestia finally overwhelmed Houndoom, blasting it in the head with the combined energy of both of their moves.

The explosion sent Houndoom flying back much as Chandelure had, hitting the ground and sliding right past its trainer’s side. Celestia’s eyes darted back to her sibling. Darkness was collecting along her long, proud horn at an incredible rate, seeming to leech the very light out of her surroundings. Wobbuffet stood between her and Team Rocket, blue arms held wide as if to shield its friends. But Luna… Luna was…

“What?” Celestia vaguely heard Malva speak.

The dark alicorn’s neck was bent over almost double, both eyes squeezed shut as if against some astronomical pressure. Celestia immediately placed herself between Luna and Wobbuffet, flaring her wings and ready to use Protect again at a second’s notice. But the last thing she wanted to do was attack her sister, especially with such power gathering around her. Luna’s head began thrashing from side to side, crackling bolts of darkness dancing up and down her body.

“Luna!” Celestia opted to call out over the increasing noise. “Sister, can you hear me?!”

“What are you doing?!” Malva half-screamed. “Attack them now!”

“You don’t have to listen to her!” Celestia shouted back as her sibling’s teeth clenched and her head began flailing harder and wider. “You aren’t a slave, remember?! You’re Princess Luna of Equestria! My only sister! My-”

Luna’s twitching, sparking face, half subsumed by the darkness she had summoned, managed to turn around enough for a single blue eye to stare Malva down with a look of sheer, raw, unbridled rage. The Dark Ball in the woman’s hand seemed to be going crazy, bolts of its own dark energy running rampant across its grey-black surface.

“No way…” Malva breathed, then looked urgently up at her Pokémon. “Talonflame, use-”

Those were the last words anyone heard her speak. With a strangled cry that was half primal roar, half scream of agony, Luna’s head and upper body whipped around towards her true enemy, and the darkness pooled about her was unleashed. The corridor ahead of Celestia simply seemed to vanish entirely as it was consumed by an inky blackness so wide and so deep it simply encompassed the entire available space. The white alicorn could count the beats of her heart: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

There was a tremendous crashing heard even over her sister’s voice, and the ground around them shook. As the overwhelming darkness faded away, it revealed nothing but a great heap of rubble where the hallway once was. The damaged ceiling above and much of the walls had simply collapsed, letting in a veritable flood of earth and stone, burying everything. But Celestia had eyes for none of that.

Luna screamed wildly as her body was consumed by nothing less than a storm of the dark energy. She writhed anew, howling pain to the heavens, bolts of the darkness the width of a human finger jumping up and down her neck, her sides, her wings, her legs. Then, without warning, it simply up and vanished, leaving a teetering, smoking alicorn to tumble to the ground and lie still.

Cutting The Power

“LUNA!” Celestia was at her sister’s side in an instant. “Sister!”

The white alicorn was already bending down over her darker, smoking sibling, wings half-instinctively enveloping Luna in a protective stance. For an instant as Celestia put an ear to the left side of her chest, her heart was in her throat. The next moment she breathed a deep and heartfelt sigh of relief. A heartbeat, ragged but clear, was still audible in her sister’s chest.

“Celestia!” The princess’ attention was drawn to the sight of her teammates, James in the lead, running towards her. “Is she alright?” her trainer asked. “Is she…” he hesistated.

“She… she lives,” Celestia breathed, panting with an exhaustion that was only just beginning to dawn on her awareness.

“But she ain’t lookin’ so good, is she?” Meowth said, a little quietly.

Celestia looked back down at her sister. With her own heartbeat now thumping ever more loudly in her own ears, she reached down as gently as she could. With one soft, feathered wing, she stroked her sister’s forehead just as she had done in their youngest days.

“Luna?” she whispered gently into her sister’s ear. “Luna, can you hear me?”

The white alicorn listened closely for several long seconds, but there was no response. Luna continued to lie sprawled out on the ground, the last few wisps of grey smoke trailing off of her prone form. Her chest rose and fell, but beyond that she did not move, not even a twitch. Celestia looked back up at the others and shook her head slowly.

“James, have you got any of your potions?” Jessie asked, even the usual bite of her voice lessened now.

“Well, um… no.” James shook his head glumly. “They were in my bag, and my bag was in the locker onboard Robo Mega Meowth.”

“So dey got flash fried den,” Meowth sighed. “Dat’s just typical for today.”

“If we don’t have a means of healing her right away, then we must get my sister to safety immediately,” Celestia declared, standing up straight and tall. “I know our time is short, but I will not leave her here. We cannot just drag her around, so we must remove her from his battle zone.”

“Meowth, what’s she saying?” Jessie asked.

“She sayin’ dat we need ta get her sista dere outa here before we go on,” he relayed.

“Right,” James nodded quickly. “Celestia, I know that you must be tired but do you feel up to maintaining Psychic a little while?”

“Of course,” the princess nodded.

“Great, so we’ll have to be careful in avoiding the fighting but Celestia should have an easier time carrying her sister than us, so if we run up all nine flights of stairs really quickly we can probably be back down here by-”

“Or,” Jessie cut him off, brushing past her teammates, “we could do something that isn’t stupid.”

With that, she picked a red and white Poke Ball from her belt and tossed it idly into Luna’s face. The dark alicorn vanished into a blaze of silver light. The ball didn’t even wiggle once before dinging unceremoniously to signal a successful capture.

Celestia blinked.

“There, now she can rest with Seviper and Inkay and Carnivine,” Jessie declared, scooping up the Poke Ball and pocketing it. Eyeing the others, she crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t look at me like that, what would make you think running back and forth in a warzone with the boss counting on us would be a good idea?”

The white alicorn frowned. “I don’t know how Luna would-”

“Now come on,” Jessie pointed to a hallway going away from the mound of rubble ahead of them. “Everyone’s least favorite newscaster may be down for the count but there’s still the Pyroar-haired blabbermouth and his water worm to take care of! We need to move!”

“I…” Celestia considered it for a moment, and then decided that in her own presence was about the safest place Luna could reasonably expect to find herself under the circumstances. “Very well, I’ll entrust her safety to you until this battle is done.” She stared Jessie right in the eye, expression firm. “Don’t disappoint me.”

Jessie flinched a little but nodded in seeming understanding.

“Alright then team, let’s go!” James beckoned.

All three members of Team Rocket, plus the Pokémon they had that were still conscious, immediately took off running down the hall. Meowth quickly decided he liked riding better and scrambled hurriedly up the alicorn when she passed by. Celestia easily took the lead, as before.

“And besides,” she heard Jessie telling James as they ran, “You have one, so it’s only fair that I do too.”

Internally, Celestia sighed.

“Druddigon, Sludge Bomb!” a red-haired woman with a prominent visor ordered her Pokémon. “Mightyena, use Dark Pulse!”

“Bisharp, attack the alien with Iron Head!” a green-haired woman next to the first shouted. “Liepard, you use Fury Swipes!”

Bright flashes of Pokémon attacks were erupting all across the secluded forest clearing. Just as Spearow had promised, the many rows of stone monoliths lined up neatly each held a single Pokémon, chained firmly in place and guarded by the humans and Pokémon of Team Flare. The restraints scarcely seemed necessary though. The bound creatures bore the telltale dead eyes common to the victims of Dark Balls, so utterly obedient to their orders to remain still and not react that not even an attack passing within a hair’s breadth of their faces caused the slightest stir.

Spearow might have miscounted the enemy, though.

There were more of them than Twilight had expected, even accounting for the birds’ unsophisticated way of tallying things. And so when the ragtag group of stragglers she and her human friends had managed to round up arrived, they had faced not an outnumbered and surprised gaggle of city-slickers out of their element, but a pitched and dangerously even battlefield. And that was how the princess of friendship had found herself fighting two on four against what, from their uniforms and attitude at least, seemed to be Team Flare’s leadership.

“Dodge it together!” she could hear Ash’s voice behind her, intermittently between directing his other Pokémon. There was no battle line here – merely a running brawl scattered freely through the rocks.

“Right,” Twilight glanced towards her companion, who nodded.

In virtually the same moment, Druddigon spat globs of sizzling purplish gunk and Mightyena opened its fangs to unleash its writhing knots of purple-black energy. Twilight had already pushed off of the ground, wings beating hard, when she felt a sudden and familiar light weight land on her back. The red-head’s Pokémon continued to fire up at her as she gained altitude. Bisharp hopped nimbly to the top of one of the monoliths, then knelt for a moment as Liepard landed right on its back. The elegant catlike Pokemon waited a moment, head down and legs scrunched, tail waving back and forth. Then it saw its chance and pounced.

Liepard’s leap was surprisingly on target clearing fifty feet into the air easily with elongated ivory claws bared right for the alicorn’s neck. Twilight felt a small pressure as her back was used as a springboard, and then was treated to the sight of a summersaulting Pikachu soaring through the air with a glowing silver tail. He’d timed this well, too. Just as Liepard was reaching the apogee of its arc, the spinning lightning bolt tail smacked the Flare Pokémon upside the head with the force of a steel pipe, sending it tumbling back to the earth too fast to be entirely healthy.

No sooner had Liepard fallen than Bisharp was reaching the pinnacle of its own leaping attack, the shining ax head emerging from its skull gleaming brilliantly in the sunlight and poised to strike the alicorn down.

“Like we practiced!” she could still hear her trainer from below.

Twilight’s eyes glowed with the violet aura of Psychic, though it was useless on the Dark-type Bisharp. But that was never the idea – her mental energy caught Pikachu instead. Bisharp was all but on top of her when its body was suddenly wracked with lightning, losing focus so fast that Twilight simply moved slightly to the side and let her crackling foe just plummet helplessly back towards the ground. She looked at Pikachu, buoyed by her telekinetic aura, and couldn’t resist a small grin.

All good things come to an end, and being hit in the face with stinking acidic sludge is a considerably less pleasant end than most. Twilight hacked and coughed at the vile fumes flooding her nostrils, and more importantly the hideously burning goop hissed and steamed on her skin. Eyes squeezed firmly shut and concentration most thoroughly broken, the princess lost her balance and fell herself. She hit a rocky outcrop on the way down, ancient warp stone scraping painfully against her flank before a none too pleasant thud into the packed earth.

“Yes!” she heard one of the Flare women call out. “I knew Poison-type moves were a good pick!”

“Gloat when they’re eliminated, Aliana,” the other woman barked. “Bisharp, carve her up with your Metal Claw!”

“You never were much fun, Bryony,” the first voice grumbled. “Druddigon, another Sludge Bomb! Mightyena, Crunch!”

Twilight had barely managed to wiped enough horrible sludge off of her face with a wing to open her eyes when a second glob took her in the chest. She skidded harshly along the ground until un-gentle impact of another pillar stopped her with force that felt like it might snap her spine. She had just enough time to open her eyes, ignore the burning pain eating away at her sternum, and roll desperately to one side. Bisharp’s glowing, bladed hands stabbed into the dirt right where she had just been.

The princess used the momentum of the roll to regain her hooves while Bisharp neatly extracted shining blades from immaculately precise slits cut into the ground. Twilight’s ears perked, but she heard nothing from Ash – some other fight must be occupying him. In absence of orders she threw herself behind a stone pillar for cover as another Sludge Bomb came hurdling again. The disgusting purple stuff clipped the Steel-type, but it didn’t seem to care.

Breathing heavily, Twilight rounded the pillar only for Bisharp to suddenly appear from the opposite way. Bryony’s Pokémon drove a bladed fist into her face, fine edge slicing into her cheek and drawing blood. She cried out but countercharged, driving Horn Attack into Bisharp’s own face and knocking it onto its back with sheer weight. Mightyena finally rounded the monolith itself, only to be blindsided by an electrically-charged tackle from Pikachu.

Twilight didn’t have time to thank her little yellow comrade, because Bisharp chose that moment to drive both bladed fists upwards into her underbelly. Its Metal Claw hurt like dickens and threw her right off of it. In a pattern she was already getting sick of, she hit the side of another pillar and slid right off of it. Chains holding an Electrike in place rattled as she disrupted them.

An inkling of an idea was coming to her even as Bisharp darted forward and swung again. Twilight ducked, and Metal Claw sundered one of the links on the chain, leaving the long shiny metal strand and its occupant to tumble limply to the ground.

“Watch it!” Bryony yelled at her Pokémon. “Those are important!”

“Don’t tell them that you moron!” Aliana screamed at her partner.

“Why would they be here if they didn’t already know?!”

Twilight didn’t really hear, or care about, the remainder of the argument. The split second of distraction the sound of its trainer’s voice had caused Bisharp was already enough. She had back away several paces, but more importantly had invoked Psychic. The Pokémon itself was totally immune to such an attack as she well knew – but the chain was not. Like a silvery snake glowing violet, it sprang up behind Bisharp and struck at lightning speed. Before the Flare Pokémon properly knew what was happening, it was entangled in strong metallic coils, pinning its arms to its sides, out of reach of its blades.

Liepard chose that moment to strike from its ambush, pouncing onto Twilight from behind and striking with the rapid-fire slashes of Fury Swipes. She yelped, and her concentration faded, the aura around the chains weakening. At its trainer’s command Bisharp surged forward even bound, forehead ax ablaze with the sheen of Iron Head. Twilight staggered back, allowing Liepard to pull her as if to topple her to her side – then at the absolute last second threw herself flat. The onrushing Bisharp tried to slow, but Twilight tugged the chain as hard as she could and it tripped over her, ax blade taking the distracted Liepard in the face. The catlike Pokémon hit the ground several yards away and did not rise.

The alicorn for her part found herself pinned beneath the heavy armored form of Bisharp. It kicked and squirmed mightily, trying desperately to break free or failing that at least chop her with another Iron Head. Unfortunately for it, Lysandre’s money had been well-spent and its bindings were of an immaculately high quality. Tightening her mental grip once more, Twilight pulled the chain even tighter around Bisharp and then simply pulled it upwards. There was nothing it could do but squirm as it was lifted off of her.

As she rose, Twilight saw Pikachu atop Mightyena’s back, electrocuting it at the command of their trainer. The wolf Pokémon howled mournfully before at last collapsing to lie still. Pikachu looked up at her, panting and sporting a few new scrapes but still packing plenty of punch.

“You alright?” he asked her, eyeing her up. “You look terrible.”

“I’ve looked worse – don’t tell Rarity,” Twilight couldn’t help but snicker a little at the thought, even now.

“Don’t just stand there, Druddigon!” Aliana shouted. “Free Bisharp with your Sludge Bomb!”

“You want it?” Twilight shouted back as she ducked beneath even more of that loathsome goo. “You can have it! Pikachu, batter up!”

With that, she hurled the chain and its prisoner right back at the Team Flare leadership as hard as she could. Her little yellow friend promptly jumped into the air himself, and then gave the enemy a taste of his famous Thunderbolt. The added force of several thousand volts of electricity suddenly coursing through its system propelled the flailing Bisharp as if it had been shot out of a cannon. It slammed into Druddigon, and both slammed into Bryony and Aliana. The entire tangled mess smacked into one of the monoliths, Bisharp’s head ax cutting the chain binding a Doublade to the pillar.

“Urgh…” Aliana shoved her way out of the tangled heap, fist clenched. “I’m not losing to one of these again! Druddigon, Sludge Bomb!”

“Psybeam, Thunderbolt let’s go!” Twilight could hear Ash call out from somewhere behind her.

Druddigon threw off the limp form of Bisharp and got back to its feet. With an angry roar it reared back its head and spat more globs of poison, but this time its opponents were ready. Standing right beside each other, Twilight and Pikachu fired off multicolored streams of psychic energy and bolts of electricity. As they soared forward the twin attacks seemed almost to merge into a solid beam of white light, vaporizing the toxic projectiles before striking home. Druddigon was picked up and hurled not just out of the fight but straight through the top of a stone pillar and into the surrounding forest, where there was an explosion.

“Druddigon!” Aliana shrieked, hand held out towards where it had been thrown.

“Never mind that,” Bryony pushed herself to her feet with gritted teeth. “She’s gonna-”

“Do this,” Twilight said.

With no more Pokémon immediately in her way or standing between them, the alicorn had nothing stopping her eyes from glowing once more. Violet auras enveloped the women and yanked them harshly forward. Twilight slammed the two not particularly gently against the nearest pillar, pinning their arms against their sides before flying right up to their faces.

“Tell your forces here to surrender,” she demanded. “And this will go easier on you.”

Aliana gritted her teeth, saying nothing.

“Doublade!” Bryony barked suddenly. “Destroy the alien!”


Twilight’s eyes turned briefly back to the place where Bisharp lay in a chained heap. Where an immobile Doublade had been bound to the pillar for presumed sacrifice. But the Doublade wasn’t there. It occurred to her just a fraction of a second later – all these Pokémon on the pillars were prisoners of Dark Balls, and that was good for more than just keeping them still.

Unfortunately, this realization came just a second too late to do anything more than duck as a pair of frantic, possessed swords came hurdling through the air right at her. Their sharp edges sliced off the tips of her bangs as they soared overhead. Pikachu, standing behind her, was less lucky. The full force of the attack struck him, sending the lightweight yellow rodent soaring.

“Pikachu!” Twilight cried, concentration thoroughly broken.

“Doublade,” Aliana clenched her fist and shouted as the psychic bindings on her fell away. “Release the Krookodile and Drifblim around you right away!”

“All three of you,” Bryony commanded at almost the same moment, “destroy this alien thing!”

“No mercy!” both Flare leaders ordered at the exact same moment.

Doublade, acting with a phenomenal speed that could only be the work of its dark empowerment, spun around and sliced at the chain links binding a Krookodile and Drifblim to two of the nearby monoliths. Almost the moment that their bindings fell away, both of the enslaved Pokémon surged forward to attack the princess. Behind her, unseen and forgotten, both humans retreated.

That was when the shadow fell.

An unfamiliar whine filled the air as the field around Twilight grew dark. The princess couldn’t pay it much attention – some humans and Pokémon might be looking up but the Dark Ball maddened Doublade, Drifblim, and Krookodile had eyes for nothing but her destruction. She dodged back from twin sword blades attempting a cross chop on her throat, only for the balloon-like purple Pokemon to burst suddenly from some shadowy dimension right over her head. Phantom Force had set Drifblim’s four thin limbs ablaze with shadowy energy and it pounced on the princess, tearing frantically at her as though its very life depended upon it. Each little cut felt as though someone were slicing her skin with a red-hot poker.

“Quick, Psychic!” Twilight could vaguely hear Ash call out above the ever-rising whine.

The princess’ eyes began to glow violet even with Drifblim still right on top of her. The crazed Pokémon found itself caught in an identical aura, and then hurdled bodily forward just as Krookodile leapt forward with massive jaws wide open. Krookodile reflexively clamped down on Drifblim’s head, shaking it savagely for a moment before carelessly flinging its ally aside. Before it could surge forward again for another try, the alligator-like Pokémon was blindsided by Pikachu’s Iron Tail to the side of its head. It staggered back and away.

“Thanks!” Twilight tried to say as she regained her hooves, but the whine had by now become a roar and she couldn’t even hear her own voice any longer.

Not that her little yellow companion would have had time to respond anyway. Doublade’s twin swords carved a powerful Night Slash across Pikachu’s back virtually the instant his feet touched the ground, and he was sent flying. Before Twilight could even think of helping, Drifblim had launched a Shadow Ball from where it lay amidst the grass and Doublade spun forward like a razor-edged whirlwind, blades seemingly everywhere. It didn’t matter to them how much damage they suffered or what was going on with the infernal, deafening roar now dominating the battlefield, only that Twilight fell.

Frantically the princess beat her wings, gaining altitude just as the dark sphere detonated below her, carving another crater into the much-abused battlefield. Doublade pursued eagerly, swiping at her with both of its dark energy-coated swords. Krookodile leapt, snapping at her hooves and just barely missing. Drifblim had disappeared again. Acting on sudden intuition Twilight abruptly stopped beating her wings and plummeted like a stone just a heartbeat before Drifblim burst suddenly out from behind her in another Phantom Force. Rather than catching the alicorn between the two of them and carving her apart, Drifblim and Doublade collided in midair before being blown apart in an explosion of dark energy. For her part Twilight came crashing down directly atop Krookodile, driving her horn into its face as hard as she could.

Krookodile tumbled over onto its back, momentarily stunned, while the two Ghost-types overhead likewise thudded into the dirt. Given a heartbeat where she wasn’t under immediate threat, Twilight’s keen mind raced to take in the battlefield around her. She noticed that the shadow was gone now and the sunlight restored, and the roar that had been overhead was now behind her. Likewise, she quickly noticed that Bryony and Aliana seemed to be trying to scream something inaudible at their subordinates, Bryony pointing at something behind the princess with a very frantic look on her face.

Twilight felt Krookodile already stirring beneath her hooves, and knew she only had a split second to act. Her eyes lit up again as she invoked the power of Psychic against Team Flare’s leaders. This second time she couldn’t be so gentle, so the moment her aura appeared around them the alicorn slammed the two humans’ faces together as hard as she could, and then shoved both of them up against the nearest empty monolith. Part of her winced as the two of them collapsed limply to the ground, hoping she hadn’t just done any permanent damage.

The next moment all of her moral qualms faded into insignificance against the more imminent problem of Krookodile spitting a blinding ball of mud into her face. The Mud Slap was much more powerful than it had any right to be, flinging her into the air like a child’s toy, just in time for a revitalized Doublade to bat her right out again with Night Slash. She hit one of the stone pillars with a wet-sounding crunch, sliding right off the rock face and the oblivious Weepinbell chained to it. Still trying to blink sticky dirt out of her watering eyes, Twilight didn’t even see it coming when Drifblim pounced out of its shadowy dimension yet again. It latched rapidly onto her face, clawing and scraping and blinding her yet further.

A second later and Twilight felt the crushing pressure of powerful jaws grabbing her by the underbelly and lifting her up. She was whipped around like a ragdoll as Krookodile shook her as hard as it could, even with Drifblim still clinging to her face in a death grip. On her exposed back she felt the sudden and sharp stinging cuts of what could only be Doublade’s razor-fine swords. With all three of them dogpiling and flailing on her all at once they had to be doing almost as much damage to each other as to her, but none of them cared at all.

Doing her absolute best to ignore the sharp pain and the blackness closing on the edges of her blurry vision, Twilight clenched her teeth hard enough to crack them. Her horn blazed with rainbow energy, catching Drifblim point-blank in a Psybeam. The ghostly balloon Pokémon was dislodged instantly and hurdled away, but at that very same moment she felt two sword tips driven into the back of her neck in an especially vicious Night Slash. The princess screamed in pain. Krookodile compounded the issue by simply opting to slam her body repeatedly into the monolith as it continued to thrash her.

Between the lingering, stinging mud, the tears, the blackness, and the spots in her eyes Twilight couldn’t see a thing. She flailed against the vice grip of Krookodile’s jaws, but if the brainwashed Pokémon was oblivious to the pain of Doublade’s slashes hitting it as often as the princess it had no difficulty ignoring the comparatively feeble struggles of the rapidly weakening prey in its jaws. On pure, desperate, instinct Twilight attempted to grab at her tormenter with Psychic, but the violet aura simply shattered into a shimmering field of quickly dissolving sparkles the moment it took shape around Krookodile’s body.

Then, all of a sudden, everything changed. Twilight felt more than heard the impact of something tremendous fall like an avalanche onto the back of her foe’s skull. Krookodile’s head was slammed into the monolith, and the alicorn tumbled from now-limp jaws. She hit the ground roughly, and in great pain, but to her credit was already blinking frantically and wiping at her eyes with both wings. A second or two later she had managed to wipe away enough dirt and spots to look up and behold the vague silhouette of Krookodile being lifted up above the head of another Pokémon. A few shakes of her head cleared her vision enough to vaguely identify the newcomer as a bipedal purple Pokémon not too many shades removed from her own coat’s color – a Nidoking, her dazed and aching head informed her after a pause.

That’s funny… didn’t have any… those…

As Twilight’s vision and brain came more fully back to her she realized that this Nidoking was bashing Krookodile repeatedly into the monolith, and that Doublade was nowhere to be seen. Out of the corner of her eye Twilight spied Drifblim rising from the ground, but before it could do anything a familiar yellow shape jumped off another stone pillar and electrocuted the ghostly balloon. Meanwhile, above her head, Nidoking tossed a limp Krookodile up, then battered it away with a single swing of its thick, club-like tail. The princess looked up at her rescuer and found a stony face glancing briefly back down. There was no apparent sympathy in Nidoking’s cold gaze. After a moment, it turned and charged off in another direction without a word.

“Twilight!” a voice from a different direction called out, just before Pikachu ran up to her on all four legs. “Are you alright?!”

“I’m – urgh…” the princess moaned, struggling back to her hooves. “I’ll… I’ll live. Who…” she shook her head again. “New friends?”

“I wouldn’t call them… friends,” Pikachu muttered, standing back on two legs and pointing.

Twilight followed his stubby yellow finger. There, at the edge of the clearing, back behind where the humans were standing, was a short, black aircraft of some sort. It belatedly occurred to her that she could hear again, which naturally meant that the whine/roar was gone. The pieces clicked into place as she saw a newcomer amongst her human friends, an older, taller man in a dark suit and wearing an expression so hard it might as well have been carved from granite.

This must be Giovanni.

Sweeping ahead of Team Rocket’s leader was the powerful Nidoking, the hulking forms of a Rhyperior and Tyranitar, and incongruously enough a Persian. The latter of which took a moment to glance at Pikachu and give a wicked grin before firing off a Power Gem at its trainer’s command.

“You… know each other?” Twilight winced a bit at a sudden jolt of pain in her head.

“You could say that,” Pikachu said sourly, before shaking his head. “Anyway, are you alright? Do you need to rest?” He looked behind him, whipped around, and fired off a Thunderbolt at a nearby Golbat. “If not, there’s still a battle on!”

As she finally cleared the last of the spots from her eyes, Twilight looked around and got a sense of the wider battle. Most of the wild Pokémon, she saw, were either down or fled. Ordering several enslaved Pokémon off of the monoliths and into battle had brought the numbers to Team Flare’s favor, and while they were determined individually Luna’s recruits were just no match for the kind of berserk fury and amplified power that the dead-eyed Pokémon could bring to bear. Even with their commanders still down and apparently unconscious, the red-suited men and women of Team Flare could command a formidable advantage against the attackers.

Or rather, they would have, if it weren’t for the trio of Pokémon currently bulldozing their way right through the center of the battlefield. Nidoking, Rhyperior, and Tyranitar didn’t fight with the crazed fury of the Dark Balls’ victims. Instead they just pressed forward with the same darkly stoic expression as their master, unflinching and all but unstoppable. Nidoking charged forward straight through an incoming Petal Dance, ramming the offending Vileplume with Megahorn and crashing into a stone pillar hard enough to tear half of the rock off. Rhyperior didn’t seem to care that it was being soaked with Water Gun, blasting the Poliwhirl with the knife-sharp bursts of Stone Edge without making a sound. Tyranitar spat the black-purple beam Twilight had come to know as Dark Pulse, slicing a monolith in half and toppling it onto a cowering Scrafty.

“I don’t like it but…” Pikachu shook his head. “We’ve still got a battle to win here!”

“Right,” Twilight nodded, then winced a little bit. “Get back to Ash and help out, I’ll be alright.”

“You sure?” Pikachu asked. “That looked pretty bad.”

“Just give me a second or two more, I’ll be along,” she breathed.

Pikachu looked a little reluctant for a moment, then nodded. He took off on all fours, darting back to wherever Ash doubtlessly was continuing to fight. Twilight continued to breathe hard for a few seconds, trying to shake off the last of the lingering pain. In truth, it had been pretty bad, and she was grateful for the short respite whoever had provided it. But her sense of duty kicked back in a moment later, and she promptly flew to the top of the nearest unoccupied pillar for a better look at the situation.

The first thing she saw was a Fletchinder chasing one of Luna’s Spearow, which she promptly blasted from the sky with a well-aimed Psybeam. The next was Giovanni’s Tyranitar, bashing aside a Mightyena with a single, devastating Brick Break. It continued the swing into the nearby monolith, shattering the chain holding a limp Liepard in place and digging deep furrows into the rock. A Houndoom’s desperate blast of fire had almost no effect on the green behemoth, and it too was tossed aside by Rhyperior’s Horn Drill. From up here Twilight could see that Team Flare was in retreat, falling back before these powerful new Pokémon and even abandoning even the attempts to wake their leaders. That was good, she just needed to find a good place to rejoin the fight herself and…

“Tyranitar, press the attack!” Giovanni’s voice, hard and sharp as flint, cut easily through the bedlam. “No mercy!

“What are you-” Twilight began, her words suddenly choking in her throat as her eyes went wide.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl. Though it could only have truthfully taken a pair of seconds if even that, the young alicorn’s gaze caught every inch of the scene in exacting detail. Tyranitar’s thick neck reared up and back, powerful jaws stretched wide to reveal its multitude of stone-crushing fangs. A sphere of golden-white light, shining bright as the sun, was taking shape inside that cavernous maw. Giovanni’s Pokémon swung its massive head forwards like it was a club.

There was an instant of blinding flash, as though a lightning bolt had struck, followed at once by a crack and a deafening boom. As Twilight shielded her eyes with a wing, a shockwave swept over her. An instant later, blinking to clear the spots from her vision, she brushed her wing aside and beheld a towering column of smoke. Bryony, Aliana, as well as the stone pillar that they had been slumped against, were all vanished, consumed entirely by the rapidly-rising pillar of jet-black smoke.

Flaming debris – bits of ash and smoking black pebbles – fell like rain across a battlefield that had suddenly fallen deathly silent. What had seconds before been a frantic, all-out melee had simply, abruptly frozen in its tracks, all eyes instinctively fixed on the new burning crater. The brief quiet was just as suddenly pierced by the sounds of wailing. Several Pokémon, both those bound to the monoliths and not, threw back their heads and howled as unnatural storms of dark energy wracked their bodies. Their cries choked in their throats seconds later, and one and all they twitched and collapsed. Some slumped against their chains, others lay sprawled out and smoking on the field of hardy grasses. At once the numbers had swung back to favor the attackers, though scarce few noticed it.

Into the stunned silence stepped Giovanni. Arms folded behind his back, Rhyperior flanking his left, Tyranitar with jaws still smoking flanking his right, the hard-faced leader of Team Rocket drew every eye to himself.

“Anyone who wishes to see the light of another day,” the dark-suited man said in a voice as chilling as the winter winds. “Throw down your Dark Balls and flee this place.”

He spoke no more words. No more were needed.

Into The Depths

A lone Dark Ball, slick with sweat and half-covered with dirt, lay half concealed beneath a tuft of scorched grass. All around it were the sprawled forms of dozens of Pokémon from both sides, enemies now lying beaten and limp next to one another. On nearby monoliths hung Pokémon of the field and forest, the mountains and the rivers, listless and unresponsive. With a sour expression on his face, Giovanni stepped on it.

Team Rocket’s leader silently cursed the day he had approved the prototype run of these Dark Balls, easily ignoring the cry of pain from a nearby Snubbull. If he had known how much trouble these things would cause him…

“Hey!” the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps interrupted his bitter reminiscing. “Get back here! What’d you do that for?!”

“What did I do what for?” Giovanni didn’t bother turning around, just continued to walk towards the next grey-black orb.

“They were already down!” Another voice, this one female, also shouted. “You didn’t need to… didn’t need to…”

“I didn’t need to send them screaming into whatever world awaits beyond this one?” Giovanni kept his back to the naïve children and kept walking. “Quite the contrary.”

“They were helpless, you could have-”

“I could have let this pointless battle rage for minutes longer, giving the madman at the heart of this more time to enact his insane plan. I could have allowed more deaths here as well – or do you suppose all of these Pokémon would still be breathing?”

The silence told the hardened crime lord all he needed to know.

“Alternatively, I could have ended this swiftly and efficiently, without any unnecessary theatrics and with a sort of justice.” Giovanni turned to face the group of children for the first time. “Can any of you honestly argue that they didn’t deserve it?”

There were four children in all. Three he had only seen in video reports from his agents, but one he could hardly fail to recognize. The boy that his bumbling trio had been hounding for years, and the little yellow Pikachu never far from his side. He could hardly forget their meeting at the culmination of Operation Tempest back in Unova, nor how helpfully the boy had led him straight to Meloetta. Nor what had happened afterwards. He traveled with new friends now, but Giovanni saw in him that same idiot courage as before.

“I am here to end this madness, and annihilate anything that stands in my way,” he declared, punctuating the sentence by crushing another Dark Ball and letting another of the bound Pokémon howl as the hold was broken.

“And we’re here to stop whatever bad guys try to pull,” Ash responded immediately, noticeably placing himself between Giovanni and the multitudes of unconscious wild and newly-released Pokémon littering the clearing.

That prompted a chorus of affirmations from the other three children. They were one and all meeting his gaze with determination shining clearly in their eyes in spite of what they had just seen him do. Even the little girl. Giovanni had to admit, even if only to himself, that that took guts and those he could respect.

“Quite,” he said, turning away with a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Well, if you’re quite finished with reprimanding your rescuer, I’ll remind you that there’s still work to be done.”

“We’ve gotta get all these Pokemon down from the pillars,” the blonde-haired boy in glasses noted immediately.

“Yes. You may not have seen the mechanical systems layout of this place, but I have. And I assure you whatever Team Flare wants up, we want down.” He looked further afield. “Domino.”

“Sir?” the young, blonde Elite Officer of Team Rocket popped out from around a nearby stone pillar, black and grey debris falling from one clenched fist.

“You heard the boy.” Giovanni’s smirk widened. “We ought to cut these poor Pokémon free.”

“I’m all over it,” she matched his sardonic grin with one of her own. “Roserade, come out and help the poor things with your Petal Dance!”

She tossed a Poke Ball into the air, and a small green flowery Pokémon appeared, elegantly poised in its green leaf cape and the white bud emulating hair atop its head. Fittingly for the agent nicknamed “The Black Tulip”, it featured darker leaves and the telltale purple and black roses at the end of each arm that marked it out as a rare shiny Pokémon. It was the fruit of one of Domino’s many successful heists, stolen as an egg from a professional breeder some years ago when the fool thought she could back out of an arrangement with Team Rocket.

Roserade spun with the natural grace of a ballet dancer, hopping atop her mistress’s shoulder and then balancing perfectly with one leg atop one of Domino’s hands, purely to show off. There she spun even faster, generating a whirling storm of purple and black petals flying off in all directions. The children covered their faces or each other, though Giovanni remained right where he was. True to form, the apparently uncontrolled attack proved impeccably precise, seemingly delicate blooms slicing almost gently through chain links without even touching people or Pokémon. By the time Roserade did a backflip off of her trainer’s fingers and landed nimbly on both feet, almost twenty Pokémon in all directions were dropping to the ground with jangling lengths of broken chains.

“Well done as ever, but there are still more,” Team Rocket’s leader indicated. “Come now children, won’t you help my friend here?”

However little they liked him, or his employee for that matter, at least the four of them had the sense to begin running off to sick their own Pokémon on the bindings. Giovanni couldn’t help but notice as they did that the black-haired boy from Kanto alone of them seemed to be giving Domino almost as much of an evil eye as he gave Giovanni himself. If he weren’t busy, he would have wondered what that was about. The two had never met, as far as he could remember.

Speaking of oddities, as Giovanni resumed his search for Dark Balls to destroy, he couldn’t help but consider that unusual purple equine Pokémon that had been staring down warily at him from atop one of the monoliths. He had other business today, but spotting opportunities was largely a reflex to him. One unusual and unknown species of Pokémon showing up out of the blue could be coincidence, but two so similar right around the same time? Perhaps when the madman and his dreams had been dashed, that might be a matter worth looking into.

“Xerosic, sir,” an olive-skinned Team Flare technician in a white coat said, “I have an important matter requiring your attention.”

“You and half the occupants of this room!” the older man, face drenched in sweat and visibly haggard, snapped at her. “Half of that rabid horde is still running wild across our compound, security footage from above sublevel eight is completely dead and patchy below it, power regulation is nearing critical levels, over 60% of base personnel aren’t responding to hails, I’ve had to direct the final repairs to Yveltal’s array from up here, and Lady Malva is refusing contact again!” he wiped his forehead with a white cloth. “So, deal with it yourself!

“But sir,” the technician protested, “the energy inflow from the forest accumulators is continuing to drop! It has been for several minutes now but in the last ninety seconds it’s been reduced by over 66%!” She gestured desperately at the graph in front of her, but Xerosic was already bent over some other console and had his back to her.

“Contact Bryony and Aliana, that’s their responsibility!” he said without even looking over his shoulder at her. “Now then, connect the last piece to the base of the creature’s spine and the arrangement should be-”

“That’s just it, sir, I can’t raise them!” her voice sounded frantic. “Neither is responding to communications and the input continues to drop with every second! I don’t know what to do! Master Lysandre will be furious!”

“Urgh, fine,” Xerosic stood up to his full height. “You’re competent to pack up your tools and get out of the way down there, I trust?” he barked into a headset, nodding at whatever answer he received and putting it down.

“Xerosic, sir,” a red-suited man on the opposite side of the observation level called out from behind a security feed. “I have an urgent matter requiring your immediate attention!”

Shut up!” the exhausted and overstressed scientist screamed back at him.

“But sir, I-”

Figure it out!” Xerosic shouted again, wiping more sweat off of his brow as he hurriedly walked over to the technician, who flinched as he half shoved her aside to look at her console. He blinked. “How did this inflow get so low?”

“I-I don’t know sir…” she said nervously. “It j-just started dropping a few minutes ago and it hasn’t stopped and inflow is below required levels and we’re not gonna be able to do it and the new world won’t be born and we’re all gonna get arrested and-” she was starting to hyperventilate.

“Easy there,” Xerosic put a gloved, comforting hand on her shoulder. “We haven’t come this far to stumble at the finish line. Don’t panic. We’ll make it.”

She just nodded back, unable to suppress her tremors and unwilling to trust her voice.

“Now then, as a starting measure we can cut power to all systems above sublevel seven and redirect the flow to the weapon for a small boost,” Xerosic said, tapping in high-level officer codes into the screen. “Second, we need a status report from the forest team. If Bryony and Aliana can’t be reached then try-”

Who she was to try, that technician never did find out, because the door behind them both chose that exact moment to be torn right from its track by a wave of raw force. By sheer ill-fortune it landed squarely on Xerosic’s back, smashing his face into the console hard enough to crack the lenses of his red goggles. She shrieked as her superior slumped weakly to the floor.

The remaining staff inside Team Flare’s observation level were not, in the main, combatants. The admin team had been dispatched to fight various fires across the facility what felt like hours ago, both out of necessity and to stop them giving out contrary orders to Xerosic’s. What was left was technical staff and communications operators, not skilled trainers.

“Go Celestia!” James shouted. “Use Psychic!”

“Pumpkaboo, Leech Seed!” Jessie commanded.

As was only right, Celestia had been the first one in the door, and her eyes were already glowing. Startled men and women were torn from their seats by a brilliant golden aura and simply tossed into what amounted to little more than a pile of bodies in the room’s center. Jessie’s Pokémon floated over her head, spitting little seeds that exploded into entangling vines upon contact, soundly enveloping the hapless Team Flare personnel and rapidly draining their energy. Some tried to run. A few tried to go for Poke Balls. In the very near end, that made no difference either way. Team Rocket soon stepped into the observation level filled with bound, twitching Team Flare staff rapidly drifting off into unconsciousness.

The room around them was immense. Its most prominent feature was obviously the enormous, curving glass window looking out on the central chamber several floors below, revealing a red and black avian nestled in a cradle of wiring, a blue sea serpent of prodigious size, and a whole heap of battle damage whose source none of them could even guess at. But beyond just the observation portal, the room also featured rack upon rack of control banks, communications arrays, and screens showing a dizzying array of numbers, charts, graphs, security footage, and diagrams so obtuse that Celestia couldn’t make heads or tails of any of it.

“All right, team,” Jessie shoved one of the limp red-suited Flare personnel off of one of the apparent control panels. “We’ve taken the control room! Now all we have to do is…” she looked around the room. “All we have to do is…” she looked a little more. “Uh, James?”

“Search me,” James was staring at a fluctuating series of numbers and colored bars waving up and down at apparent random on one of the screen, unhelpfully labeled 211-B. “Meowth, got any bright ideas?”

“We could smash everything an’ see if dat works.” Meowth was looking quizzically at a pie graph with five sections in green, orange, yellow, purple, and red, apparently trying to figure out if the slow growth of the red section meant good or bad things.

“If we smash everything without thought then we might inadvertently start some cataclysmic chain reaction that ends with all of the world-destroying energy being unleashed right here in an explosion of unknowable size,” Celestia pointed out, nudging Meowth to translate. “The potential repercussions of that don’t bear thinking about even besides the certainty of our own instant disintegration. You saw the firepower this thing can unleash. Whatever energy it has built up must be safely dissipated, and for that we need these controls… I think.”

“Well then what are we supposed to do, twiddle our thumbs in here and call tech support? Jessie put her hands on her hips. “If we don’t know what’s what how can we be sure it can’t still fire?”

“We do what we were always gonna do, duh,” Meowth said, hopping up on a panel by the massive window and pointing down. A human-sized figure was hard to pick out at this distance, but one could still be faintly made out in the enormous shadow of Gyarados. “We go down ‘dere and kick Lysandre’s rear end from here ta Kanto and back again!”

“Of course, I see.” James said, rushing to take a look himself. “In anything this big the boss is sure to have his finger on the biggest button!”

“That’s just how Giovanni would do it,” Jessie nodded. “So it’s settled, we beat the stuffing out of him, take the keys away, and figure the rest out as we go.”

“A perfect plan!” James and Meowth cheered.

“Uh… I hate to rain on your parade, but are you sure you should be so cocky?” Celestia interjected. “From the looks of that room someone or something else already tried that and it didn’t pan out.”

“Then they just softened him up for us!” James declared with a clenched fist. “We’re unstoppable today!”

“We faced a member of the Elite Four and beat her like a cheap drum!” Jessie said, “There’s nothing we can’t do!”

As I recall, you had some help with that… Celestia found a drop of sweat forming on the back of her neck.

“Lady Luck is finally on our side today!” Meowth nodded emphatically. “I bet we could even catch Pikachu today if we tried!”

“Yeah!” his teammates cheered.

“So we can definitely take some two-bit punk wid’ a lousy haircut and a overgrown Caterpie!”

“Yeah!” the two cheered louder.

“So Team Rocket, let’s get down dere and mop da floor with dat loon!”

YEAH!” all three of them cheered at once.

Celestia smiled despite herself. Their confidence was infectious. As if on cue, one of the many speakers embedded in the multitude of control panels chose that moment to blare to life.

“Lysandre to Observation Level,” a very familiar voice said. “Why is no one responding to my communications? What’s happening up there?”

Jessie, James, Meowth, and even Celestia herself shared a grin. Jessie grabbed for the microphone nearest the speaker without hesitation.

“Prepare for trouble, what’s happening is us!” her voice boomed out to the wide central chamber several stories below.

“And make it double, we’re causing a fuss!”

While he spoke, James nodded once at Celestia, and her eyes lit up. The wide glass window overlooking the heart of the ultimate weapon at first warped, then cracked, and then finally shattered under her telekinetic touch. Moved by some unseen instinct, Jessie, James, and Meowth did a simultaneous acrobatic forward flip out the shattered portal.

“To protect our world from absolute devastation!”

“To bring your schemes to complete ruination!”

The trio were smiling even as they fell, apparently oblivious to the apparent wind whipping through their hair.

“To denounce the evils of burning it all!”

“To unravel your hopes ‘til you start to bawl!”

A soft golden aura appeared around the three of them as they dropped closer to the bottom. So thin and light as to be almost a simple sheen, it slowed the trio’s descent noticeably.


“And it’s James!”

Both immediately struck poses the moment they landed.

“Team Rocket blasts off on the side of light!”

“Bow down in defeat or be crushed by our might!”

Jessie and James had their backs to one another, arms folded across their chests and heads facing Lysandre with confident smiles.

“Meowth, dat’s right!”


Angelic wings unfurled for a gentle glide, Princess Celestia touched down softly in a regal pose just in front of Team Rocket, rainbow mane unfurling to shine brilliantly amidst the darkness. The accompanying shower of golden sparkles was just for effect.

“Celestia, let foes take fright!”

For The Fate Of The World

Author's Notes:

Team Rocket stood there for a moment in silence, poised against one another with smiles befitting their absolute, irrational confidence. Celestia, posed both aesthetically and pragmatically in front of her friends, stared down Lysandre once again, even her rational mind buoyed by the sheer exuberance her friends felt. She really did feel, in that moment, that the lot of them could really do this.

The Lysandre standing before her cut a strange figure. An odd metal backpack he wore sprouted a trio of strange buzzing things that looked like nothing so much as glowing red lenses fitted with insect wings and connective cables. A heavy-looking gauntlet occupied most of his right forearm, while a massive red visor concealed his eyes, making his expression harder to read. More than just his odd getup was the obvious battering he had taken. His once-fine suit was torn or dirty in several spots, and he was leaning heavily on his right leg, using Gyarados for support.

Team Flare’s leader stared back at Team Rocket in total silence. For a moment, everything was still. No one moved, bound as if by some sort of spell. Celestia wasn’t sure what she expected to break it. But it definitely wasn’t Lysandre bursting into laughter.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” he threw back his head and chuckled, a sound more bitter and mirthless than any the princess had heard in a very long time. “Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

“What’s so funny, bub?” Meowth demanded. “Your little plan here is comin’ to an end, so drop da act.”

“Ha ha ha ha!” Lysandre continued to laugh. “Don’t you fools get it? Ha ha ha! What’s funny?” He paused to take a deep breath, letting out another chuckle. “Fate is a cruel wench indeed, for she never seems to tire of throwing you three fools and that little girl’s doll at me. It’s like my life is a cosmic joke today! On the verge of realizing my dreams, the weapon finally charged back to full power, and now suddenly here you are! Ha!”

“So, you’ve realized destiny is on our side?” Jessie said smugly. “We’ll accept your surrender right now then, if you please.”

“Surrender?! Ha!” Lysandre straightened up, and his voice deepened back to its normal pitch. “The joke, you idiots, is that fate has already thrown Zygarde at me and failed! You’re just the punchline!”

“…What’s a Zygarde?” James asked, looking around.

“Search me,” Jessie shrugged.

“Maybe it’s some kinda fruit?” Meowth posited.

Even amidst the rather poor lighting Celestia thought she could make out a vein twitching on Lysandre’s forehead.

“I lost Mable and Celosia…” he muttered through suddenly-clenched teeth, “because of three idiots like you?!”

“If we’re the idiots, then what does that make you?” Jessie snapped at him. “You’re the ones who keep losing to us!”

Bad move. Celestia thought immediately.

“You’re quite right, Ms. Jessie,” Lysandre clenched his fist. “This farce has been going on for far too long already. I’ll do now what the Ultimate Weapon failed to do and avenge the loss of good people to scum like you!”

Lysandre flung out both hands and threw three Poke Balls faster than Celestia would have thought possible. From the central ball burst a fierce-looking lion Pokémon, standing tall and proud with fangs bared. To that creature’s left and right came a white and purple Pokémon that resembled an ermine, and a dark colored bird with a puffed out white chest and head feathers that resembled a hat.

“Pyroar, Mienshao, and Honchkrow,” Lysandre introduced the three of them, gazing out over Team Rocket. “Four on four sounds like a fair fight, wouldn’t you say?” He held up his left hand, a ring with a large and prominent rainbow gem visible even at this distance. “Let’s fix that.”

“No fair!” James shouted over at him. “Why do you get to use a Key Stone when the one we have is completely useless?!”

“Life isn’t fair, Mr. James,” Lysandre grinned humorlessly as he tapped the jewel with two fingers. “Gyarados, respond to my heart! Unleash our fury and bring about the world’s salvation!”

Gyarados roared hatefully at Team Rocket, its voice audible to Celestia not as words nor even a challenge, but simply as a frustrated scream of pure rage. Rainbow energy uncomfortably reminiscent of the Elements swallowed the sea serpent, outline rippling as the Pokémon swelled with new slabs of thick muscle. What emerged wasn’t nearly so sleek and serpentine as its natural form, but twice as thick and well-armored in shimmering blue scales. It gnashed fangs the length of a man’s forearm, hateful eagerness held back only by the presence of its trainer.

“So then let’s not play fair!” James yelled. “Go Celestia, Hyper Voice now!”

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!” the alicorn promptly screamed, manifesting in devastating waves of sonic energy. “HOW CAN YOU KNOW FRIENDSHIP AND WANT TO DESTROY THE WORLD?!

The widening cone of earsplitting energy caught all of Lysandre’s Pokémon while they were still nice and lined up in a row. Honchkrow was thrown the furthest, sent flying over the top of its trainer’s head and crashing into one of the many pillars of rock thrusting out of the ruined floor. Mienshao was bowled over and tossed backwards a ways. Pyroar dug its claws into the metal, leaving visible lines in the floor as it was pushed back, but it kept its footing. Only Gyarados, with its enormous bulk, seemed almost unaffected by the attack. Which was fortunate for Lysandre, as he was slammed into the leviathan’s thick coils by the force of it.

“Yanmega, attack Pyroar with Ancient Power!” Jessie ordered. “Pumpkaboo, Seed Bomb on Gyarados!”

The green dragonfly Pokémon flitted forward every bit as fast as the insect predators of Celestia’s world, forming a glowing chunk of rock between her legs and flinging it at the still-reeling Pyroar. It struck the lion Pokémon in the head, doing what Hyper Voice had failed to do and sweeping Lysandre’s creature from its paws. Pumpkaboo was only marginally slower, spitting a cluster of explosive seeds at the largest target. But in spite of its titanic bulk, Gyarados proved fast as a striking serpent, head darting to the side to let the attack pass harmlessly by while continuing to support his trainer with his massive tail.

“Celestia, don’t let up! Attack Meinshao with your Psychic!”

“Take them down on the double!” Jessie ordered her Pokémon. “Yanmega, Silver Wind! Pumpkaboo, Leech Seed!”

“You think it’ll be that easy, do you?” Lysandre shoved himself off his Pokémon’s tail and back to his feet. “Spread out! Pyroar, Flamethrower on Yanmega! Honchkrow, Aerial Ace on Pumpkaboo!”

Mienshao had barely got back on its feet by the time it found itself enwrapped by a shining golden light as beautiful as it was painful to the elegant Fighting-type. It shuddered as it felt as though it were being crushed from all sides by some invisible hand. Meanwhile, Yanmega’s wings lit up with silver and beat even faster, kicking up a ferocious windstorm laced with crescents of silver, only to be met with an incoming inferno of red and orange pouring out of Pyroar’s mouth. Pumpkaboo spat more seeds, this time at the black Flying-type, but Honchkrow dodged those by flying in a great arc trailing a shining silvery-white. Its long beak struck Pumpkaboo between its shining chest lights, knocking Jessie’s Pokémon from the sky.

“Gyarados, help Mienshao!” Lysandre extended his hand. “Attack Celestia with Aqua Tail!”

“Celestia, dodge it!” James cried.

Still astonishingly agile despite its vast bulk, Gyarados tensed and then leapt into the air using its tail as a springboard. It flipped once, water rushing from nowhere to surround its fin, and then came crashing down with the force of an enraged meteorite. Celestia threw herself to the side, wings beating wildly, and still only just avoided getting crushed underneath it as it drove hard into what was left of the metal floor.

“Don’t let that creature get away! Use Crunch!”

“Celestia, stop it with Psychic!”

Gyarados didn’t hesitate, transitioning into a lunge with jaws open wide almost the instant it hit the ground. Celestia’s eyes lit up again, and a golden aura took shape around the towering colossus… only to shatter immediately into a gorgeous rain of a million tiny sparkles that did absolutely nothing to prevent Gyarados from lunging forward and snapping its fangs shut right on top of the alicorn.

“Don’t you know?” Lysandre lectured as Gyarados madly thrashed Celestia about. “Mega Evolution can effect a type change on the Pokémon that undergoes it. Such as transforming a Water/Flying-type Pokémon into a Water/Dark-type.”

“Water/Dark, huh? Thanks for the tip,” Jessie snarked. “Pumpkaboo, Seed Bomb now!”

“Celestia, hit it with the harmonious hymn of your Disarming Voice!”

The princess hastily intoned a few bars of some half-forgotten opera that had been persistently lodged inside her head for the better part of three centuries, blasting the side of the leviathan’s face with pink, heart-shaped waves of energy. Gyarados recoiled, reflexively spitting her out as it did. This time when Jessie’s Pokémon spat its explosive seeds it wasn’t ready, and it roared with pain as the attack riddled its backside.

“Mienshao, Honchkrow, now is the time to strike! Drain Punch and Aerial Ace on the alicorn, now!”

“Use Protect, quickly!”

Celestia had just about hit the ground, aching and covered in drool, when the black bird trailing silver darted in on one side, the white ermine with a fur-covered arm encased in a green sphere leaping up from the other. The princess squeezed her eyes shut and ducked her head low by simple instinct, calling up a small turquoise bubble around herself. She was just in time, as both attacks struck home a split second later, only to bounce ineffectually off.

“Three on one is no fair!” Jessie pointed. “Yanmega, help her out with Steel Wing!”

“Honchkrow, squash that annoying insect with your Aerial Ace!”

Jessie’s green Bug-type darted forward with wings aglow. Lysandre’s black avian rushed up to meet her, trailing the familiar silver-white. The two struck one another for just an instant, a brief clap and flash of energy the only sign that they had. Honchkrow continued to pull up, and Yanmega to buzz downwards… only for the dragonfly to abruptly stop flapping and simply plummet helplessly back to the earth.

“That’s more like it!” Lysandre called out.

“Celestia, attack Mienshao with your Psychic once more!” James yelled.

Celestia’s hard-working wings beat once more the instant her Protect dissolved away, lifting her from the ground and propelling her backwards to put space between her and Mienshao. It leapt up after her with Drain Punch at the ready, only to be caught in midair by the same aura as before and squeezed twice as hard. It flailed impotently, unable to reach either the alicorn or the ground.

“No you don’t! Gyarados, attack with Hydro Pump!”

“Yanmega, return!” Jessie stuck her Poke Ball out. “Wobbuffet, get in there with Mirror Coat!”

Gyarados arched back, opened its mouth wide, and promptly spat a gushing torrent of pressurized water down at the white equine. Wobbuffet loyally threw himself in the way encased in his mirror aura, only to be pushed back all the way to the princess by the force of it. The collision knocked both from the sky and into one of the craters littering the floor. Mienshao dropped as Celestia’s concentration was broken. Team Rocket’s two Pokémon were continuously pushed back until they hit the lip of the crater, torn steel instead of earth. With something to brace himself against, Wobbuffet pushed back as hard as he could, and finally sent the Hydro Pump soaring back at Gyarados. But the well-trained sea serpent had already twisted aside, and the reflected move simply pressure-washed the walls behind it.

Celestia shook her head as she resumed her hooves, clambering out of the crater for a look around. Some distance away she spotted Mienshao struggling back to its own feet, teeth clenched, and then proceeded to blast it with simple, golden telekinetic force. Lysandre’s Pokémon went flying, striking the torn ruins of what had once been a computer screen of some sort, and then collapsed in a heap to the floor.

“That’s the way!” James cheered her on.

“Wobbuffet!” said Wobbuffet, as he struggled to pull himself out of the crater.

“I’ll make you regret doing harm to my friends,” Lysandre said darkly as he recalled Mienshao.

“What do you imagine you’re trying to do?!” Celestia spat at Team Flare’s leader.

“Pumpkaboo, hit that sea slug with another Seed Bomb!” Jessie ordered.

“Teach that overripe fruit a lesson! Blizzard!”

Pumpkaboo floated up high and spat a dozen more of its deceptively destructive seeds. Gyarados didn’t even try to dodge this time, instead breathing a massive conical blast of ice, snow, and freezing air. The two attacks met in midair but weren’t even close to evenly matched. The tiny seeds were flash-frozen in an instant, then smashed into fine white powder by an incoming chunk of ice. Pumpkaboo didn’t have time to do anything more than look terrified before the roiling winter storm engulfed her completely and turned much of the wall behind her into a sideways ice-skating rink. Moments later she simply dropped like a stone, thudding into the dirt with a foot-thick layer of ice encrusting her.

“Pumpkaboo!” Jessie ran forward towards her Pokémon.

“That’s more like it,” Lysandre said. “Pyroar, attack Celestia with Crunch!”

The fiery lion Pokémon, in true feline fashion, had been following the hunting instincts of his ancestors, creeping low amidst the torn and uneven flooring while awaiting a chance to strike. The time was now, and he pounced out from behind a jutting stone spike with fangs bared. Celestia spotted the cat out of the corner of her eye and dodged to the side, so his pounce simply hit Wobbuffet just as he had managed to pull himself from the crater. The two of them tumbled back down into the pit, Lysandre’s Pokémon on top, Jessie’s waving his arms wildly underneath. Pyroar immediately leaped agilely out, landing on the side and whipping his head around to regard Celestia.

“Wobbuffet can’t do anything against what isn’t an attack,” Lysandre noted. “Gyarados, bury it! Pyroar, Honchkrow, attack Celestia with Flamethrower and Steel Wing!”

“Celestia, dodge and use Hyper Voice!” James countered.

The princess pushed off and into the air, as roaring red and orange flames licked the ground beneath her. Pyroar tilted its head up to track her as she went, while a dark shape with a glowing silver wing descended from on high. Celestia twisted to the side with the practiced ease of an expert flyer, a black blur speeding just by her head as she did so. She followed up with a devastating shout.


The expanding waves of sonic energy tearing their way from her throat caught both of her immediate foes. Pyroar flinched, flames disrupted, but as before the feline dug its claws in and held fast by virtue of its powerful muscles. For Honchkrow, already plummeting towards the ground, the effect was much worse. The dark bird lost control, swept up by Celestia’s attack, and crashed face first into the hard metal floor. Celestia tore her gaze from it just long enough to see Gyarados sweep its powerful tail into a pile of rubble, sending it flying into the same crater where Wobbuffet had just managed to get back up, entombing him beneath a layer of rock, dirt, and machine parts.

“Wobbuffet! Not you too!” Jessie cried.

“Yes, Wobbuffet too,” Lysandre clenched his fist. “And you’re next.”

“No, you are!” James snapped. “Celestia, hit Honchkrow with your Disarming Voice! Now!”

“LaaaaAAAAAAA…” Celestia obediently intoned in soprano.

Below her, Honchkrow was still struggling back onto its four-taloned feet when vivid pink waves of heart shaped energy rained down upon it from on high, blasting it right back onto its face once again. It squawked and writhed, feebly flapping and kicking against the pain. But after a good few seconds it could take no more, flopping down and lying still.

“You’ll pay for that…” Lysandre said through gritted teeth, recalling Honchkrow.

“Your Pokemon wouldn’t be getting hurt if you weren’t trying to kill us all!” Celestia yelled down at him, to no visible response.

“Gyarados, Pyroar, avenge their suffering!” Team Flare’s leader pointed up at Celestia. “Obliterate her with Hyper Beam and Flamethrower!”

“Defend yourself with Protect!” James ordered.

A golden orb of light formed in between Gyarados’ fangs at the same moment that a turquoise bubble encased Celestia. Roaring flames enveloped it almost at once, licking the edges, seeking weakness but finding none. Then a great, bright beam of pure energy slammed into the shield, the pure kinetic power of it taking Celestia by surprise. The barrier did not break, but it was shoved, sheer brute force throwing the alicorn down and backwards. She skidded along the broken ground, grasping as best she could with simple hooves. As the attacks faded away and the bubble dropped, the princess was visibly panting.

“Go Pyroar!” Lysandre pointed while Gyarados was forced to take a moment to recharge. “Show Celestia your own Hyper Voice!”

Pyroar stood tall and proud, opened his jaws as wide as they would go, and unleashed a deep, throaty, wild roar. Waves of sonic energy crashed into Celestia, sweeping her from her hooves and hurling her about. She landed roughly on her side, skidding several feet backwards until she ran right into another earthen spike.

“Don’t let that jumped-up housecat get the better of you!” James shouted to her. “You can do this! Hit it with Hyper Voice!”

“Crush the interloper for the sake of the world!” Lysandre countered. “Hyper Voice!”

Celestia, dirty, sweating, and breathing hard, forced herself back onto her hooves. It had been a long day, a long battle, and she had taken far more damage than she cared to. But her sense of duty refused to let her fall here. A world depended on her victory, and she would not be the one to fail it.

Pyroar roared. Celestia screamed. Twin sets of all-consuming sonic devastation raced to meet one another in the middle. The room around them shook as the two attacks clashed, rattling the nest of wires and cables attached to the unmoving Yveltal, shaking tiles from the ceiling, and forcing the humans to their knees, hands on ears.

“Come on, Celestia!” James shouted above the din, just barely audible. “Stump that punk and leave him sunk!”

“Pyroar, the fate of the world rests on this battle!” Lysandre yelled back. “Destroy her!”

Celestia closed her eyes, screaming louder than she had ever screamed in her life. Her jaws ached, her teeth rattled, the vibration felt like it was splitting her head asunder. But on she screamed. She would not fail. She would not lose. Not here. Not now.

There was a sudden thunderclap, and wild sonic energy splashed out in all directions, sending a wave of dust before it. Celestia braced, shielding her face with her wing, and was shoved roughly back still further. Pyroar was simply picked up and thrown, crashing headfirst into yet another of the many rock formations.

“Pyroar!” Lysandre cried out from where the explosion had flattened him. “Are you alright?! Say something!”

“I…” Pyroar forced himself back onto his paws, wincing and then growling. “I am not done.”

“You… will be,” Celestia said to him, between deep breaths.

“Urrgh…” James, and the rest of Team Rocket, were also picking themselves up from being tossed around by the sonic boom. “Celestia, are you okay?”

“You… could say that,” she acknowledged her trainer with a pained smile, struggling to get her racing heart back under control.

“Don’t stop now, she’s all that’s left!” Lysandre had managed to get back to one knee. “Pyroar, Crunch! Gyarados, get back in there with Aqua Tail!”

In spite of his injuries, Lysandre’s lion Pokémon shook his head a few times, then bounded forward in a leaping, predatory charge. From further back Gyarados, now fully recovered, tensed and once again launched his titanic form into the air purely on the strength of his tail.

“Celestia!” James cried with an outstretched hand. “Hurry, use Psychic to defend yourself!”

“You idiot…” muttered Lysandre.

But Celestia saw what her trainer had meant. Gyarados reached the pinnacle of his leap at the same moment Pyroar finally got into striking distance. The lion Pokémon leapt with fangs bared, his cry a primal roar that had been the last thing prey had ever heard for countless generations. Gyarados was coming down with his mighty fin enveloped in a crushing cocoon of water, eager to finally strike her down. In the face of these predators, Celestia flared her wings and her eyes lit up. A golden aura reached out, not to Gyarados, but to Pyroar. Catching the feline mid-leap, the alicorn yanked her neck up and hurled Pyroar upwards as hard as she could.

Right into the path of Gyarados.

The blue leviathan, in the half second that it had, tried hard to twist out of the way. But it had no leverage, and no time. Its own massive weight for once worked against it. Its water-encrusted tail caught Pyroar as it fell. Celestia threw herself bodily to the side, only just missing being crushed herself. But the entire weight of the mighty Water-type moved pummeled Pyroar straight into the ground.

“Pyroar! NO!” Lysandre cried out in horror as the loyal Pokémon he had raised from kittenhood was revealed, motionless, head driven half into the ground. Team Flare’s boss forced himself back to his feet, clutching his chest. “You’ll pay for that!”

Celestia, panting heavily, was slowly getting up from where she had landed, looking up at the towering Gyarados now before her. He was looking back with absolute rage and disgust in his eyes.

“I’m sick of this and of you!” Team Flare’s leader declared with a sweeping gesture. “Gyarados use your Crunch! Devour the alien right now!”

Roaring, Gyarados reared back and lunged again, so much faster than the exhausted Celestia.

PROTECT!” James screamed at the alicorn.

Enough of you!” Lysandre screamed. “My dream will be delayed no longer! Yveltal!” he pointed. “Oblivion Wing! Obliterate them all!”

NO!” Celestia had just enough time to scream before Gyarados’ jaws enveloped her. The alicorn shrieked in desperation and denial as the gargantuan blue Pokémon bit down as hard as his monstrously enhanced muscles could manage. Ivory fangs clashed with a dangerously thin-looking bubble of turquoise energy as the princess put her all into preventing herself from being eaten, but for those few, crucial seconds, she could do nothing but watch.

The massive red and black Pokémon that had so far motionlessly sat out the battle reacted at once. The claws at the end of its wings flexed without tearing off their wiring forming a sphere of dark energy twice the size of a man directly in front of its dead-eyed face. Lysandre smirked. Scattered on the floor, Team Rocket cowered. Celestia screamed in denial. Yveltal fired.

The crimson-lined black beam raced across the floorspace in a heartbeat. Jessie, James, and Meowth held each other close, eyes shut and screaming, certain that the end had come for them at last. They screamed. And screamed. And screamed.

“Urgh… now what?!”

Lysandre’s voice could barely be heard above the roar of the incoming attack and the trio’s own screaming, but it did at least alert even them that they were not, in fact, dead yet.

When Team Rocket reluctantly began peeking their eyes open again, they immediately screamed and snapped them right back shut. Yveltal’s life stealing beam was right on top of them, about to swallow them whole! And then when another second or two had passed and that didn’t immediately happen, it began to occur to even them that something weird was going on here.

By the time that the trio finally mustered enough courage to actually open their eyes again, Oblivion Wing was a scant ten feet from where they lay and getting closer by the second. Now easily three times the height of a man and getting stronger all the time, it ought to have left all three of them and a considerable portion of the wall behind them as nothing but a few grey ashes floating in the breeze. And it would have too, were it not for a lone figure standing between Team Rocket and utter annihilation.

Jessie held a hand over her eyes and squinted. “W-Wobbuffet?”

Jessie’s Wobbuffet was absolutely puny in comparison to the titanic and growing Oblivion Wing before it, but there it stood. Or, more accurately, there it was being inevitably and increasingly quickly being pushed backwards. Coated from head to toe in a rainbowed mirror sheen, his fingerless blue arms were flung wide as if in futile attempt to grasp the attack and pull it into his own chest. The total mismatch would have been comical if it weren’t so deadly serious.

“Wobbuffet!” Jessie screamed, shoving the others off her in a desperate panic. “We have to help Wobbuffet!”

Without hesitating for even a split-second Jessie ran forward directly at certain annihilation. She braced against her Pokémon, shoving her own arms and back against his and digging her heels into the floor as hard as she possibly could. James and Meowth were right behind her, falling in behind Wobbuffet and pushing and shoving as hard as they could. Their miniscule strength was as nothing compared to Yveltal’s – the whole sorry lot continued to be pushed back towards the wall with barely the faintest dip in speed.

“Come on, you… blue blabby blob,” Jessie managed through clenched teeth as her heels were worn away against the floor. “I… believe in you.”

“You can… urk… do this Wobbuffet…” James strained as he pushed back with all his might, ankle almost twisting as it got caught in one of the innumerable small holes in the floor.

“Ya got ‘dis, buddy!” Meowth shouted, his shoulder braced just above Wobbuffet’s black tail.

“Wooobbb…” Wobbuffet groaned.

“What rank nonsense,” Lysandre said as he watched them get pushed ever closer to the room’s curving edge. “What can selfish, thieving, petty criminal vermin like you know about friendship?” His visor looked over at Yveltal, the sheer size of its beam attack now blocking his view of Gyarados. “Finish them off and let’s be done with this.”

Yveltal thoughtlessly obliged, pouring even more of its immense, enhanced strength into the attack. Wobbuffet, Jessie, James, and Meowth were pressed back towards the wall even faster now, boots and paws leaving visible scuff marks across the ruined floor as they went. It didn’t take long before the trio started to feel the cold press of steel against them, finally hitting the smooth cylindrical barrier. The pressure didn’t ease up just because they had something firm to brace against. If anything, it redoubled, squashing Wobbuffet more and more into the trio, and the trio harder and harder against the unfeeling metal. It was to their credit that only when their faces were being crushed against the wall and an overwhelming beam of raw death was only inches away from them that Team Rocket started to scream again.

A sensible Pokémon might have been prepared. Dodging to the side and firing off a second attack from another angle was a reasonable tactic, one which could easily hit the humans at an angle where there was no chance of the doubtlessly exhausted Wobbuffet being able to protect them in time. Yveltal, with its mind and sense of self-preservation hollowed out by a Dark Ball, was anything but sensible. Its only response to resistance was to pour in more raw power without even a moment of hesitation or doubt. As for Lysandre himself, Team Flare’s leader suddenly found himself rather distracted by the abrupt crash of his Gyarados toppling over onto its back with smoke pouring from its mouth. The sound of his oldest friend crying out in pain kept him from thinking of Yveltal again until it was suddenly, terribly, all too late.

Oblivion Wing reversed.

The effect was as swift as it was unforeseen. One moment Team Rocket and their blobby blue Pokémon were invisible, buried beneath the overwhelming beam of darkness and being rapidly crushed into a pulp against unyielding metal. The very next the red-black beam the size of multiple freight trains had made an abrupt U-turn and was racing back the way it had come. Its return trajectory was just as swift, if not even swifter, than its original attack. Yveltal had no chance to do anything about it – not that it was of a mind to anyway.

The blast of super-concentrated energy slammed straight into the Legendary Pokémon with such power that the kinetic force alone would have doubtless shattered the bones of any other target in the femtoseconds before they were utterly disintegrated. But the Destruction Pokémon was at one with death in ways few others could even comprehend, and if there was anything in the world best suited to enduring such a blow Yveltal was surely it. But that hardly made it immune. It goes without saying that those parts of its cradle which were in contact with its body were reduced to ash in an instant, and that it was carried backwards and into the wall on the opposite side. And then through the wall. And through another wall. And another. And another. And the next one after that.

By the time Yveltal burst right through the ground on the complex’s first floor, it was still going strong. The reflected Oblivion Wing carried the creature hundreds of feet into the sky before exploding at last in a spectacular firework display that momentarily blotted out the sun. The next moment sunlight, pure and wholesome in spite of everything, shined through a series of warped holes into the Ultimate Weapon’s heart for the very first time. Ignoring all of that, Jessie reached out to Wobbuffet with tears trickling down her face.

“Come here, you,” she pulled him in close, sobbing quietly. “That was brilliant! You were brilliant!”

A dark blue and black Wobbuffet managed to offer her a weak, shaky half-salute.

“That’s… the way… it is…”

He went limp.

For The Sake Of The Future

“TEAM ROCKET!” cried Celestia as her exhausted wings beat as frantically as they could.

The first thing she had seen, upon finally forcing her way out from between Gyarados’ jaws, had been the heart-stopping sight of them vanished, a beam of pure dark energy consuming the space where they had stood. For the second time in what couldn’t have been more than half an hour, it had seemed certain that her newfound friends were dead. And once again it seemed someone smiled upon them, because the very next second that same beam had been reflected back and sent its creator packing. The panting, saliva-covered alicorn landed before her teammates, taking a deep breath.

“Celestia!” James looked up from where he had his arms wrapped around his teammates and a motionless Wobbuffet. “Thank heavens you’re alright! Come here!” he beckoned.

The princess nodded, a pained smile on her face. “I-”

What does it take to do away with you people?!” came a far less welcome voice from the opposite side of the room.

In spite of the bone-deep weariness she felt, Celestia whirled around in an instant, spreading her wings protectively over her friends. As the smoke from Yveltal’s sudden ejection cleared away, a vast shape could be seen rising from the ground. Gyarados towered over its trainer, enveloping Lysandre defensively, placing itself between him and harm just as the alicorn did for Team Rocket. For his part, what expression could be read on his visor-ed face was… unhappy, to say the least.

“How many times do I have to get rid of you before it sticks?!” Team Flare’s leader tightened his fists.

“Stuff a sock in it, ya crazy old coot!” Meowth yelled back, paw curled into a fist. “You and your stupid plan are done here, so just come all quiet-like and we won’t hurt ya too bad!”

“Maybe you won’t…” Jessie muttered, recalling the limp Wobbuffet in her arms.

“Done, am I?” Lysandre reached down towards his waist. “We’ll see about that!”

Team Flare’s leader pulled yet another small, black orb from his belt before tossing it into the air. The exhausted alicorn was too far away to even think about seizing it with Psychic before it burst open. Team Rocket recoiled and Celestia grimaced as the same blue and black deerlike Pokémon from the broadcast materialized in front of Gyarados. Visibly battered and more than a little unsteady, it nonetheless pawed the ground aggressively, dead eyes fixed firmly on its enemies.

“Didn’t you see my broadcast?” the red-haired man smirked. “Yveltal and Xerneas are with me. And if I’m not mistaken, you seem to be down to the poor little princess there.”

“Yeah well you’re plan’s already down da drain!” Meowth yelled over at him. “Your contraption dere just got vaporized and ya got no one left upstairs in dat control room!”

“Even if you beat us here, you’ve got nothing left!” James added. “You’re through!”

“Through? What if I told you that the weapon has already absorbed more than enough energy for a full-powered shot? Even one on a fault line can crack a continent in two.” Lysandre clenched his gauntleted fist as Team Rocket blanched. “The way I see it, I’m going to eliminate you here and now, destroy Kanto, and I’ll figure out the rest from there.” There was more than a touch of mania in his voice. “How does that sound?”

“Like it won’t be happening,” Celestia whispered, right before hurling herself at him.

There was only one chance now, and the alicorn knew it. Destroy the man’s equipment and whatever Dark Balls he was carrying before she fell, ending any hope of him being able to carry out his insane plan before Gyarados doubtless tore her apart in revenge. She only hoped her friends would be able to get away while he did.

The moment she felt in range, Celestia’s exhausted eyes shone with the golden light of Psychic, and a corresponding aura took immediate shape around Lysandre. He barely had time to flinch as the princess put all the energy she had into raw telekinetic pressure on his gauntlet, backpack, visor, and the dark orbs around his waist. Cracks started to appear… and then quick as a flash a mountain of blue and black scales appeared between them. A second later and a shimmering turquoise bubble cut her mental energy off from her target altogether.

“No…” Celestia managed to whisper.

She didn’t have any time to let it sink in, because Xerneas was already in full gallop. The massive deerlike Pokémon’s multicolored antlers were a furious red and yellow, swung like a mammoth cudgel backed by a ferocious charge. The comparatively miniscule alicorn never stood a chance.

Xerneas’ Megahorn impacted with a thunderclap, flinging Celestia right back the way she had come with all the force of a runaway freight train. One of the outcroppings of rock from the floor was unfortunate enough to be in her path. The collision shattered the spike altogether, spraying dust and fragments of stone in all directions.

“Celestia, no!” James cried out as Team Rocket shielded their eyes against the incoming storm, sharp bits of rock cutting into their clothes and skin.

“Celestia yes,” Lysandre grinned as the lingering dust cleared enough to reveal a faded white alicorn lying sprawled out on the broken ground, rainbow mane stilled, eye twitching, and expression contorted into one of mute agony.

Half crying, half screaming incoherently, James, followed immediately by Jessie and Meowth, raced to the princess’ side. With the sun shining down on them through the hole in the opposite wall, they crowded around her. Xerneas made to charge a second time but froze immediately upon a gesture from Lysandre.

“Gyarados deserves the final blow,” he said to the Legendary, the protective sphere around him dissolving away.

Jessie, meanwhile, had her hand on Celestia’s back.

“Come on,” she whispered quietly. “You can do this.”

“Y-You got dis,” Meowth said shakily from where he knelt, trying halfheartedly to prop up Celestia’s limp head.

James for his part seemed too distraught to say anything coherent, simply gritting his teeth against welling tears while tearing frantically through his pockets as if he might find something to save them. He tossed out his wallet, a pair of extremely rare mint condition bottlecaps in traveling cases, a rainbow gemstone, and an old receipt, but not a single healing item. No potions, no herbs, not even a half-smushed berry. Celestia looked up at him with the one eye not covered by her lifeless mane, her light purple meeting his green. Her expression in that moment was almost… apologetic. She gently closed it, allowing a tear of her own to roll down her battered and filthy cheek hair.

“As much as I would like to repay you in full for all that you’ve cost me,” Lysandre’s voice cut in, hard-edged and laced with barely repressed bitterness, “I have no further time for any of you mongrels.” He nodded at Gyarados. “Eliminate them, starting with the alien pest.”

“Now wait just a minute dere!” Meowth yelled back at him. The white cat Pokémon leapt atop the nearest standing rock, unsheathing his claws and assuming a battle stance. “Dat lady is part a Team Rocket, so if ya wanna get ta her den ya gotta go through-”

“Hydro Pump,” Lysandre interrupted.

Gyarados lunged forward and released a pressurized torrent of water thrice Meowth’s height from his open jaws. The attack covered the distance between the two Pokémon in a heartbeat, blasting the feline straight back all the way back to the same wall Yveltal had put him against mere moments before. This time the deluge of cold blue pinned him there for several seconds, pressing him roughly into unyielding steel before letting up. Meowth flopped to the floor with a wet smack and lay still.

“Meowth!” Jessie and James shouted simultaneously, both with hands stretched out as if to grab him.

“Now that the peanut gallery has kindly quieted down, it’s time to do the honors,” Team Flare’s leader continued with barely a pause. “Hyper Beam.”

A brilliant sphere of white-gold coalesced in his serpent’s jaws, outshining even the incoming sunlight in the dim underground chamber. James and Jessie heaved the heavy form of the princess as best they could with what strength they had remaining. With all the speed adrenaline could gift them, they ran. Gyarados fired.

The incandescent beam of energy struck the ground right at Team Rocket’s heels, detonating immediately. The fiery shockwave pitched all three of them, and anything that happened to be in the vicinity, violently into the air. Jessie, who had been at the rear, had it the worst of them. She went sailing overhead until she hit a wall, then simply slid limply down it to lie in a heap at its base. James and Celestia, shielded a little by her misfortune, only made it about three quarters of the way to the same wall, coming to rest several yards apart at the very edge of the sunlight. Smoking bits of twisted steel, electronics, and earth rained down on them while a thick black column rose from the new crater in the already tortured floor.

“What good does flight do?” Lysandre remarked while Gyarados took a necessary moment to recharge. “Just accept your fate with whatever modicum of grace your miserable kind is capable of.”

“Nnnrrrrrrrgh…” James moaned, attempting to force himself to his knees, only to fall back onto his face when his left leg gave out. “I-It can’t… can’t end l-like this…”

“It can and it is,” Lysandre said harshly, arms folded across his chest and a stern expression on the parts of his face that were visible. “I refuse to waste any more time with scum like Team Rocket.”

“C-Come on…” unable for the moment to even crawl properly, James resorted to simply dragging himself across the ground towards Celestia. Her limp face could barely crack an eye at him. “You h-have to g-get up… urrrgh…” he winced against the fresh jolt of pain. “You c-can’t let him… win…”

“There’s no ‘let’ involved here,” the red-haired man replied. “You lose. I win.”

“Please…” James managed with tears in his eyes, straining to pull himself forward a few more inches. “You… you can do this…” He tried to get even closer to the prone white alicorn but could find the strength to do little more than feebly grab onto a handful of smoking debris in one gloved hand. “Get… up! Our world… needs you! We… need you! I…” he moaned again with tears trickling down his cheeks, one hand outstretched with the other still wrapped around the hot gravel. “I need you! Celestia, please!”

No one was as surprised as he was when his fist started glowing.

James started and all but jumped backwards when a scintillating blaze of rainbow burst from between the clenched fingers of his right hand. Uncurling them a fraction, he found a perfectly spherical gemstone amidst the blackened stone and steel, hot to the touch but as undamaged as the night it had survived the forest fire. It shone like a lantern amidst the half gloom, clearly visible to all.

“…What?” Lysandre breathed, taking a handful of steps backwards, one arm unconsciously flung out as if to protect himself. Above him, Gyarados was staring with wide eyes, momentarily transfixed. Even Jessie and Meowth, semiconscious at best, seemed affected when the light touched them. Xerneas alone seemed unmoved.

James’ incredulity at what was in his hand lasted only an instant, and then his eyes were locked on what was directly ahead of him. Celestia’s limp form was gone. Where it had been was a spherical cocoon of churning rainbow, rising slowly from the ground. He had a mere handful of heartbeats to stare blankly at it, his mind point-blank refusing to process what was happening, before it just shattered.

The creature that emerged was beautiful… breathtaking… and utterly alien. Her pure white coat now positively burned the eye to look upon directly, emitting such light as to turn the darkness of the central chamber into a cloudless noonday. Her visibly enlarged body sprouted no less than six seraphic wings, and though they beat not once she floated easily in the air. Golden scales ringed her neck like a choker and decorated her face in elegant curves, highlighting a head with four pupil-less eyes shimmering in every color of the rainbow. The fires that blazed in place of her tail and mane were… almost cool, by comparison with her coat at any rate. They were a cheerful yellow and orange, swaying and writhing back and forth, pleasing to the eye. Almost hypnotically so, even. A careful observer could have speculated that to stare into them too long might be to stare forever. All in all, it was probably for the best that the heat rolling off of her visibly distorted the air in her vicinity, partially obscuring her silhouette.

Impossible,” came the sound of Lysandre’s voice, breaking whatever spell had been keeping the chamber silently mesmerized. “Impossible!” His gauntleted hand clutched tightly at nothing. “Mega Evolution is beyond most real Pokémon! Some alien interloper can’t just achieve it with a Key Stone and a pathetic plea! What on earth are you?!”

“I am the dawn and a new day begun,” a regal-sounding female voice boomed into the minds of everyone present. “I bring you your end, your setting sun.”

“You… you can talk?!” James was surprised by the sudden strength in his own voice, the waves of sheer vigor that seemed to accompany just hearing those words.

“In this form, apparently,” the same voice said much more quietly inside of his head. “Neat, huh?”

In spite of everything, James couldn’t help but smile a little at the sheer absurdity of it. He forced himself back to his feet with less struggle than he anticipated, the strange surge of vitality helping him along the way. He noticed when he did that even Lysandre seemed to be standing straighter and more easily than before and wondered just what exactly he had just done.

“How many ridiculous curveballs does the universe plan to throw at me?!” Lysandre snarled. “How many times must I prove that I am right and that I will not be stopped?!”

“Maybe you should learn to take a hint,” the telepathic voice suggested.

“I will not be delayed any longer by a child’s toy reciting poetry!” he half-screamed back, pointing directly at the blazing alicorn. “Gyarados, douse that thing’s flame in your Hydro Pump!”

Whatever unofficial pause the battle may have had ended right that moment. The blue and black sea serpent, still far and away the largest and bulkiest Pokémon present, reared back and opened its jaws wide for another torrent of briny water.

“Maybe I’m crazy but it seems like you’ve got a theme going on!” James pointed right back. “So, use Flamethrower!”

Celestia didn’t open her mouth. Instead the alicorn’s four shimmering eyes widened, and the very tips of all six of her wings suddenly caught fire. She gently flapped them forward but once, and suddenly all six flames leapt eagerly forward, combining and fusing into a virtual tornado of blazing golden destruction. The column of fire met the column of water midway across the chamber, colliding with a thunderous clap. Scalding clouds of steam hissed as they were projected in all directions, the humidity of the room rising with each passing second. The two attacks struggled with one another, pushing back and forth as both Pokémon exerted effort, but to Gyarados’ visible astonishment the water was failing to extinguish the fire.

“Go Xerneas, Moonblast now!”

Lysandre’s barked command spurred the long-immobile Legendary back into action. Rapidly forming a pink and white orb between its antlers, it took quick aim and let loose against the distracted Celestia. She had precious little chance to react before it struck home, flinging her upwards and backwards, hitting the wall just above the broken observation level window several stories up.

“No matter how much you’d like to posture as an avenging angel, you’re still just an alien freak in the end,” Lysandre smiled grimly, which only widened as the light emanating from Celestia seemed to visibly dim outside of the sunbeam. “Don’t like the shadows, hmm? Gyarados, Xerneas, seize the sunlight and blast her! Hydro Pump and Moonblast!”

“Celestia, are you alright?!” James called up even while backing off frantically from the advancing giants.

“Rather tired, actually,” came the mental voice again. “But at least there’s good news from up here. I think.”

“Deal with it later, dodge and use Psychic!”

Celestia darted downwards far faster than her nonexistent wingbeats should have allowed. A pink sphere and a jet of water struck the wall where she had just been, doing little but further ruining the already devastated chamber. As she all but fell straight down, Gyarados unleashed more water, while a new sphere formed in between Xerneas’ horns. At the last possible second the alicorn jerked her head sharply to the right, and a corresponding force shoved the surprised deer’s own head rightwards just enough. Moonblast struck Gyarados in his bulky flank. Lysandre’s Pokémon roared in pain as the sudden strike sent it sprawling, scales smoking and eyes screwed up tightly.

“That’s the way to play!” James cheered. “Now use Steel Wing!”

Lysandre gritted his teeth. “Megahorn.”

Celestia, descending from on high very much like an avenging angel whatever Lysandre would say, had three of her wings suddenly alight with silver, feathers sharpening until they more resembled knives. Xerneas in turn bounded forwards eagerly, multicolored horns giving way once more to simple red and yellow. One plummeted, the other leapt. The two struck one another dead center and seemed to freeze in place for a moment as both strained against each other. Then there was a deafening bang, and both sides were thrust away. Xerneas hit the ground on its back, crushing some more rubble beneath it. The smaller, lighter Celestia went flying backwards into the wall for the second time, this time smacking unpleasantly into it and sliding down onto the floor.

“Please…” said the voice in James’ head, with a notable tenor of strain this time. “Don’t have me do that again. This form gives me some added stamina but it’s not unlimited.”

“Right, er… sorry,” James scratched the back of his head awkwardly, then noticed that it wasn’t just Celestia but also Jessie and Meowth that seemed to be picking themselves up.

“Quickly, while she’s down!” Lysandre yelled from behind him. “Gyarados, hit her with Hydro Pump!”

“Use Protect!”

Gyarados shook himself free from the last of the pain and fired off another blast without hesitating. In turn, Celestia folded her wings over her face and was enveloped in an energy bubble, which caught the gushing flow before a drop of it could touch the princess. Behind the serpent, though, the black and blue deer regained its hooves, shaking its head several times as it did.

“Alright Celestia, let’s finish these punks off!” James yelled over at her. “Give them a taste of your Hyper Voice!”

“Gyarados, use Protect. Xerneas, you use Geomancy.”

As the incoming tide of salt water slackened and fell away, Celestia’s turquoise shield vanished into nothingness. Already braced and ready, she lost no time in launching herself smoothly back into the air, soaring high above her twin opponents before opening her mouth for the first time since her transformation. The fact that she had no visible teeth – and in fact that the interior of her narrowed mouth appeared to be nothing but a black void utterly without light – did nothing to make her appearance less unnerving. Still, when she screamed like a banshee, the same sonic shockwaves as before emerged.

Gyarados had already shielded himself by the time the attack struck, riding it out safely in another cocoon of turquoise energy. By contrast, Xerneas simply stood there and took it without flinching, at least at first. Its horns lit up first rainbow and then a bright green even while it endured the earsplitting attack, and identically colored green energy seemed to flow from the earth beneath its hooves into its body.

“What’s…” the familiar sound of Jessie’s voice from behind caught James’ attention. “What’s going on here?” she groaned. “I remember hitting a wall, then the next thing I know there’s a voice in my head and miss princess over there has eight wings and two heads or something.”

“Funny, I got da same story over here,” Meowth moaned as he slowly made his way over to where James was taking what cover he could. “So, what gives?”

“Are you guys alright?” James managed, over the sound of Hyper Voice continuing in the background.

“Of course we’re not alright, dummy,” Meowth feebly kicked him in the shin, straining water out of his fur at the same time. “No one’s alright.”

“Meowth is right, now spill the beans,” Jessie added.

“Well, I was crawling on the floor, then I grabbed this thing,” James showed them the rainbow gem still firmly gripped in his hand. “And then Celestia turned into that thing,” he nodded over at her.

“So it sounds like either somebody’s lookin’ out for us, or we’re just dat amazin’,” Meowth observed.

There was a pause.

“We’re just that amazing,” all three agreed.

Meanwhile, the Hyper Voice was at last reaching its finale. Even with a vastly expanded lung capacity there was only so long an alicorn could scream for, and Celestia had reached her limit. Below, Gyarados stood unharmed and strong, but beside it Xerneas was looking distinctly shaky, adjusting its balance several times just in the space of a few seconds.

“Now’s the time!” Lysandre called. “Gyarados, Aqua Tail!”

“Dodge it,” James countered.

Gyarados tensed and leapt immediately into the air, the sheer strength of the tail it used for a springboard propelling it easily to the alicorn’s height. Its swiped for her with a water-encrusted tail, but she dodged almost nonchalantly, not even having to beat her wings to achieve near-perfect agility.

“Moonblast now!”

Celestia had barely had time to hear the words before an energy sphere struck her directly from below with far more kinetic energy than the previous one. She went soaring straight up like a rocket ship, becoming little more than a glowing dot by the time she hit the ceiling a multitude of stories above.

“Ow,” came the voice.

“Xerneas looks a lot quicker on the draw this time,” James winced.

“You think?!”

The Legendary Pokémon reared up, kicking out its two front legs into the air, and fired off one Moonblast after another. The sheer speed of it was astonishing – where previously it had taken a handful of seconds to generate each blast, this time it seemed that it could conjure them every other second without pausing. It stumbled somewhat as it put down again to four hooves, but just kept firing with that aggressively mindless tenacity that characterized victims of Dark Ball technology. Celestia sped through the air in a circle high above it, outside of even Gyarados’ leaping range, relying on the tiniest delay it took Moonblast to reach her height to stay ahead of the constant stream of explosions wracking the poor walls around her.

“Any ideas?”

James frowned for a second. “Erm… drop, then use Psychic?”

“He’s not going to fall for that same trick again.”

“I didn’t mean to pull Xerneas into Gyarados’ way, I-”

“Oh, I get it.”

“Are you reading my mind or something?” James clutched his skull.

“Of course I am.”

“Since when can you do that?!”

“Since a few minutes ago, please keep up.”

With that, Celestia abruptly plummeted towards the ground at considerably more than her terminal velocity. The move was so sudden and unexpected that Xerneas had to take a moment to adjust its aim. In that moment, the uncountable bits of debris cluttering the floor around it came to an abrupt life, lunging for its head in their dozens and hundreds. Most were small, minor irritants that could do little more than get in its eyes and foul its aim. But even a Legendary will fall on its face when the ground it is standing on is suddenly yanked out from under it.

The alicorn’s descent stopped almost instantly when she flared out her wings. She opened her void-like mouth again, only to be blindsided by a blue, watery tail as big as she herself was. Gyarados could leap even higher than it had before and had picked a fine time to demonstrate. Celestia was piledrivered into the floor by over half a ton of muscle and scales with a briny liquid coating.

“Finish her, now!” Lysandre commanded. “Crunch!”

“Disarming Voice!” James screamed.

Gyarados reared back, and then lunged in with snapping fangs, only to be met with pink heart-shaped waves of energy when the princess sweetly sang part of her favorite love song. The sea serpent reeled under the onslaught, lost its balance, and fell over backwards. Celestia took the opportunity to try and extricate herself from the impact crater that she was half buried in.

“Don’t let her keep escaping! Giga Impact!”

Xerneas, now looking very unstable and still partially blinded from all the dirt in its eyes, still had no hesitation about obeying. It charged the immobilized alicorn with radiant red antlers, leaping easily over the prone form of Gyarados as it did so.

“Hyper Voice, now!”

Xerneas leapt, only to be met with sonic shockwaves before it could land its final blow. Without anything to anchor itself on, the Legendary Pokémon was simply tossed through the air. It hit the ground hard and kept going, before finally ramming the wall with the side of its skull. Weakly, the deer attempted to resume its hooves, before something gave out about halfway up. It twitched, then crumpled to the ground and lay still.

“YES!” James cheered.

“In your face!” Jessie taunted.

Meowth blew Lysandre a raspberry.

“We’ll see who’s laughing when this is all done,” Team Flare’s leader muttered under his breath, holding out a Dark Ball to retrieve the unconscious Pokémon. “Gyarados, this has gone on far too long! Hydro Pump!”

“Show him the fiery Team Rocket spirit! Flamethrower!”

Gyarados, freshly upright again, took the opportunity to rear back release another cascade of high-pressure water from its massive jaws. Celestia, still not entirely free of her impact crater, returned fire with another combination inferno generated from all six of her wings. Once again the twin streams of fire and water met in the center. But this time, Celestia was wedged in the ground and out of the sunlight. More scalding steam belched forth from the point of contact, but the golden flame was quickly drowned out by the tide of salt water. The raw physical force of the torrent rapidly filled up her small crater, built up the pressure, and then launched the alicorn skywards in a burst of steam.

Celestia bounced once, twice, and then three times against the floor before finally coming to rest right near Team Rocket. Clouds of hot steam were roiling off of her body, the shimmering aura of heat distortion that concealed some of her figure was all but gone, and her flames were guttering low.

“Celestia,” James took a step forward, one hand raised, “are you-”

“Stay back!” the voice in his head suddenly barked, and he flinched. “You’ll burn if you touch me!”

With three of her four rainbow eyes closed, the princess was slowly forcing her way back onto her hooves, her altered body shuddering at the effort.

“What are you waiting for?!” Lysandre shouted up at Gyarados. “Finish her off!”

For his part, the titanic sea serpent was also panting, bent down and visibly battered from the heavy fighting. Bits of broken scale rained down his sides as he glanced briefly down at his trainer, then back to his enemy.

“I don’t think I have… more than one good hit left in me.” Celestia’s voice admitted to James.

“I don’t think that thing does either,” James replied.

“Then we just have to make this next shot count.”


Gyarados lunged, firing another jet of water as it did. Celestia banked hard to the side, taking off just as fast as she could force her weary body to do so. Hydro Pump tore up the floor where she had been standing and forced Team Rocket to scatter, but that was all. Gyarados ignored them completely, massive head rotating to track the alicorn as she soared in circles around the chamber, rising higher and higher with each one.

“She’s going for the sunlight,” Lysandre hissed. “Gyarados, stop her with your…”

Lysandre looked up and allowed his voice to trail off. At that moment he realized what James and Celestia already had: his Pokémon was too exhausted, and too slow, to be able to block off the entire massive hole where Yveltal had been expelled. It could not fly, nor did it have the strength to simply keep blasting away at her forever.

“Very well,” he looked at Team Rocket with a tight expression on his face. “You want a fight? We’ll give you one.”

Celestia halted, hovering before the hole with six wings spread as widely as possible, as if to catch each precious drop of sunlight. Below, Gyarados reared up to its full, towering height, flared its back fins, and roared up a challenge.

“Gyarados,” Lysandre commanded. “Use Hyper Beam!”

“Celestia,” James extended his hand. “Use Solar Beam!”

Golden light appeared simultaneously in seven places: a small orb in the midst of the serpent’s jaws, and a speck at the very tip of each of the alicorn’s wings. Solar energy, caught bit by bit on Celestia’s wings, flowed upwards in a thin but steady stream towards the tip of her horn. The sphere building in Gyarados’ mouth grew in size, rapidly exceeding that of a human head. Celestia’s horn seemed to change from blinding white to golden as the attack enveloped it completely.

They fired.

Twin sunbursts met exactly equidistant to them both. If the room had been brightly lit up before between the sun and the light roiling off of Celestia, then now it was blindingly so. Two beams of nearly identical golden light clashed together to form the nucleus of a star, growing larger and larger with each passing second. Those without a visor had to throw up their arms to protect their faces against the glare.

“Gyarados, you can do this!” Lysandre cried out to his Pokémon. “Our friendship is stronger than this band of petty thieves!”

The ever-growing star seemed to flare in response, forcing its way a few feet back up towards the alicorn.

“The crazy man may be with his sea slug, but your friends are with you!” James called to Celestia. “And the way I see it there’s three of us and only one of him!”

“James is right for once!” Jessie added. “Thrice the Team Rocket means thrice the gooey friendship mush, so kick that thing’s butt!”

“Ya don’t need no soppy encouragement from me, just win!” Meowth yelled.

It was hard to tell if their words were having much effect on the contest. The burning golden sphere continued to waver back and forth, first towards one side and then the other, as both Celestia and Gyarados threw their whole being without reserve into this final push. Being on the sidelines, hearts on all sides were pounding, clenched palms were slick with sweat. Staring up at the blinding light of what seemed little less than a proto-star, no one could remember feeling more tense. To helplessly watch as their fate was decided right in front of their eyes…

“Oh, stuff that,” James muttered.

“Huh?” Jessie looked at him, still shielding her eyes.

“If Lysandre hasn’t played fair,” James reached down to the ground, scooping something up, “then why should we?”

With that, he turned and threw a rock at Gyarados’ head.

It was a fine, sharp specimen of stone, around two inches across and freshly cut from its millennia old home in the ground. It soared through the air in a neat arc, aimed right for the sea serpent’s massive eye, utterly locked in concentration on the attack in front of it. Unfortunately, the blazing light that filled the room left all eyes straining and threw off James’ aim. The projectile struck blue scales a few inches below its target. Fortunately, something coming so close still triggered the primeval reflex to blink, costing Gyarados some of his concentration for a fraction of a second.

A fraction of a second was all it took.

The small sun, the combined energies of Solar Beam and Hyper Beam, raced suddenly back down towards Gyarados. The titan snapped back almost immediately, eyes refocusing on the contest ahead of it. But it was already too late. The little star was just a few feet from its face. It struggled, pushing back with all its might, dredging up every happy memory it had from the day that a little boy had found a lowly Magikarp lying helpless on the beach to the present, but to no avail. Right when the combined attack was inches from its face, it rumbled something that sounded like an apology.

There was a crack, followed by a boom, and a dazzling flash that left everyone in the room momentarily struck blind. A shockwave swept all present from their feet, even as it kicked up a massive dust storm and shattered glass multiple stories above. A heavy thud resounded as something massive smashed into something metal, tearing into it.

Seconds passed. Eyes cleared. Dust settled. Blinking away watery eyes and lingering spots, Team Rocket looked around. Gyarados lay in a limp heap at the base of the opposite wall, a dent more than a foot deep driven into the steel behind him. The blue sea serpent had lost much of its bulk, becoming serpentine once more as its Mega Evolution energy deserted it. For another moment, all was stillness and silence, save for the ragged breathing of those who remained.

Whaugh!” Lysandre let out an incoherent scream from where he half-stood. “No No No NO NO NO NO NO!” His teeth clenched to the point of cracking, he doubled over with his head clutched in his hands. “Not after all my years of work! Not after everything I’ve sacrificed! This can’t… this can’t be happening!”

“It can… and it is.” Celestia’s voice boomed out inside all of their minds.

From where she was perched, leaning heavily on the side of the hole for support, the alicorn princess looked down on the red-haired man, alien eyes and expressionless mouth making her impossible to read.

“Lysandre, it’s over. You lose.”

“No…” he breathed. “No…”

“For the sake of whatever good you might once have had, and whatever might be left within you, I implore you,” the stern voice continued. “Come with us willingly. Accept whatever justice Kalos chooses to carry out. If you accept punishment and atonement willingly, perhaps we may yet save whatever is left of you.”

“I… I….” Lysandre seemed to flinch, as if looking at something only he could see for the first time. “The power’s gone!” He looked up towards the observation level. “Someone has been draining the power out of the ultimate weapon!”

“Like I said: you lose.”

Without warning, Lysandre’s gauntleted right hand shot up and clenched hard into a fist. There came a brief rumble, and the ceiling overhead flared briefly with white light.

“So, the ultimate weapon is a flower that bloomed to no avail…” Lysandre paused, as the implications of what he had just done began to dawn on all present. “Just like me… But this ends here!” He threw his arms wide. “There was just enough left over for a single pinprick shot.”

“What on earth did you just do you psychotic wacko?!” Jessie yelled at him.

“I directed the final dregs of power into a single shot aimed right at our location,” he laughed mirthlessly. “We will all perish here in the ruins of my dream!”

“Selfish and spiteful to the bitter end,” the alicorn’s voice sounded… a little sad? “So be it.”

An invisible wave of power blasted Lysandre from his feet. Thrown prone onto the hard floor, there was little he could do to stop Jessie, James, and Meowth from dogpiling him.

“Get off of me you idiots!” he yelled at them. “It’s already too late! I couldn’t stop it now even if I wanted to, attacking me now will get you nothing!”

“Shut up already!” Meowth yelled right back, immediately before clawing him in the face. “We’re through wid’ you!”

“He’s right,” James said as he resumed his feet. “It’s time for a trademark Team Rocket great escape!”

“And if this idiot wants to stay then let him,” Jessie nodded, then kicked Lysandre in the shin for good measure.

“Right,” all three nodded.

Leaving Team Flare’s leader lying on his back, clutching a scratched face, and with a throbbing shin, Team Rocket broke and ran for the exit.

Not so long afterwards, in the ruined shell that had been the ultimate weapon’s heart, a shattered wreck of a man stared blankly up. A maelstrom of emotion surged through his mind in his last few moments, a contradictory morass of rage, guilt, sadness, fear, shame, hate, and a truly inexplicable sense of relief. Lysandre wouldn’t have known what to make of it all if he had had days to puzzle it out. He had no such thing.

“Th-This is it,” He turned to his oldest, dearest friend in their final moments. When he cast aside the cracked visor to look at Gyarados with his own eyes, Lysandre found that he could barely make him out through his increasingly blurry vision. “We… we failed. No…” he sniffed. “I failed. I-I’m sorry…” Pressing his head up against the familiar blue scales, the broken man felt the tears flow freely down his cheeks. “I’m sorry I did this to you.”

From Gyarados’ limp form came a low rumble. For once in his life Lysandre couldn’t tell what it meant. His weakened knees at last gave out, and Team Flare’s leader slumped back against the bulk of his most loyal Pokémon. He stared blearily up at the rapidly brightening light, resting his hands across his lap as his doom came to claim him.

His last thought was to wonder where all his Poke Balls had gone.

Getting Away

Team Rocket ran. Ran like they had never ran in their lives.

“Lysandre fired the last dregs of the weapon directly onto our location,” a gravelly voice hoarse from obvious disuse boomed out from every speaker still functioning in the half-wrecked base. “Run! Run for your lives!”

The trio had already heard the looping broadcast echoing through the metal hallways over twenty times since exiting the central chamber. They saw the once-silent alarms, what few remained intact, blazing with flashing red light and wailing something that might have been an emergency evacuation signal in between the voice’s words.

Jessie, James, Meowth, and a normal looking but thoroughly battered and exhausted Celestia tore through metal corridors at speeds much faster than ought to have been possible. All around them the once-fine underground base was a cataclysmic wreck, overhead lighting shattered and sparking, walls burnt and cut open, furniture toppled and set alight, doors bent and jammed halfway open, and debris of every kind everywhere. Chaos abounded. With virtually all leadership on both sides out of the picture, Pokémon and humans alike were running every which way, some in rabid triumph, most in blind panic.

“FLEE!” Celestia boomed out in her best Royal Canterlot Voice to a pack of Electrike still busily dismembering an office space. “THIS PLACE IS COMING DOWN!”

“We don’t take orders from-”

“OBEY!” the alicorn screamed, then picked up speed to catch up to the other three, panting all the way.

There were a few similar scenes as they climbed one story, a second, a third, a fourth, and then a fifth. Some of Luna’s wild Pokémon were crazy enough to think that the voice over the speakers was an enemy trick, even while Team Flare itself was mostly just running and screaming by this point. Fortunately, most weren’t quite that dense – a stampede of Pokémon could be found on every stairway, many dragging limp comrades along the way. Even factional differences dissolved to nothing during this moment of universal threat, the alicorn was perversely pleased to note. Men and women in red suits and white labcoats mingled freely with the churning wild multitudes, not a few of them hoisting other wounded or unconscious humans over their shoulders as they ran.

It wasn’t until they hit the sixth floor up from the bottom that they ran into familiar faces. Literally.

“Erk!” Celestia, ahead of the trio once more, rounded a corner and smacked right into something purple. Both alicorns tumbled together in a heap to the ground.

“Team Rocket?” came a familiar boy’s voice as he managed to catch up.

“Twerps,” the panting trio managed.

“Princess Celestia!” the purple alicorn wrapped her forelegs around her mentor’s neck without bothering to untangle herself first.

“…Twilight,” Celestia managed.

“Where have you jerks been?!” Meowth yelled at them once he had managed to catch some of his breath. “We had ta slog our way through ‘dis practically by ourselves!”

“We’d have fought our way back down here from those creepy monoliths sooner, if someone could keep up,” Serena snapped back, looking meaningfully over her shoulder.

“I’m sorry… I spent my life… doing business… instead of jogging!” came the wheezing retort from a dark-suited, middle-aged man Celestia recognized immediately from the video calls. Giovanni was a considerable distance down the hallway, surrounded by a few men and women in black uniforms that to the best of her judgement appeared to be deliberately slowing their pace.

“Boss!” the trio saluted instinctively.

“Never mind… the formalities,” Giovanni panted, bent over almost double with hands on his knees. “Is the announcement… true?” He gasped a little. “Has the… madman… really set this place… to come down around us?”

“We saw him do it ourselves!” James answered immediately.

“Yeah, right after we trashed him like week-old leftovers!” Jessie added.

“His slimy sea slug was no match for the scintillating sonorous strikes of my lovely Celestia here,” James said proudly, eliciting a groan from the alicorn in question.

“Hey, don’t you dare leave Wobbuffet out of this!” Jessie growled. “If it weren’t for his bravery she never would have-”

“Now is not the time to be arguing over credit!” Giovanni shouted exasperatedly at them.

“As much as I hate to agree with him, that’s not wrong,” Pikachu nodded, before glancing over at Twilight. “There’s some ‘criminal geniuses’ for you…”

The purple alicorn blushed slightly.

“JUST GET OUT OF HERE!” Celestia screamed at everyone.

It was close.

A blinding lance of red and white energy, having completed its great arc to the very edge of the atmosphere, was visibly descending from on high like a falling star when Celestia burst through the front entrance, scattering clouds as it fell. By the time Giovanni, at the rear and being visibly assisted by a young blonde woman and a well-built man, made it out it was only a few thousand feet up. The last person the alicorn saw exit was the abnormally tall man in tattered clothes from the detention level, the same chubby man in red she’d hit with a door in the control room slung over his shoulder. He had only made it ten paces or so when the hammer fell.

The effect was instantaneous. One moment the ultimate weapon was standing proudly in the afternoon sun, a magnificent flower of clear rainbow-tinted crystal around a fine sphere of crimson. The next, a blow from the heavens struck the ancient machine dead-center, shattering its heart in less than an eyeblink and powering right on through. The ground around them heaved violently, sprawling all present across the ground just as the earsplitting boom reached them. Those that managed to look up in the next few seconds bore witness to the last of the crystalline petals sliding with a grand finality into the great rift in the earth, out of which torrents of foul-smelling black smoke were already pouring. It took barely any more time for more of the stuff to begin wafting out of the hole through which Yveltal had been blasted. The earthquake had collapsed the boulders around the front entrance, but even that swiftly began to see wisps of the putrid concoction seep out.

It said something about that moment that for several long minutes afterwards, no one said a thing. Human, Pokémon, or extradimensional alien, all were caught up in the spell of it, the strange death song of something magnificent and terrible speaking to each and every soul. Some looked around, at each other, or at their own feet, but most simply stared as the pure black smoke was mixed with rising fire. It was as if the weapon shared a hint of its wielder’s self-destructive madness, that it was determined to claim everything below ground in the blazing holocaust of its own grave. The Team Rocket trio sat together on the ground and watched in silence next to Celestia, catching their collective breath and wiping sweat away. For her part, the white alicorn’s heart swung between a tinge of sadness, a sense of bone-deep exhaustion, and sheer, unbridled relief.

It was a good little while before Twilight came slowly up behind Celestia, hooves barely daring to touch the green grasses.

“Is it…” the younger alicorn asked quietly. “Is it over?”

Celestia looked around her. The clearing around the collapsed entrance to Team Flare’s former base was littered with hundreds of humans and Pokémon alike, scattered haphazardly with no regard for allegiance. Some were licking their own wounds, some were tending to others nearby, but most were just sitting or lying quietly amidst the soft grasses. The sheer numbers of the men and women in red worried her for a moment, until she looked into their eyes. They nakedly portrayed the dashed hopes, the broken promises, the overwhelming terror, and the simple relief at still being alive. These people were watching all they had been promised and all they had worked to achieve for years literally go up in smoke. There was no fight left in any of them.

“It is,” Celestia gratefully closed her eyes, a sensation that had never felt quite as good. “It really is.”

“And…” Twilight visibly struggled to get the words out. “Princess… Luna?”

The solar alicorn allowed herself to give way fully to a reassuring smile.

“Fear not,” she said, nodding over at Jessie, who looked a little puzzled. “My sister lives, even if we had to carry her out.”

“Ah,” the younger princess let out a sigh of relief.

“Well, well, well,” Giovanni’s interrupting voice was sharp, cutting through the crackle of flames and soft whistling of the wind. “You three actually did it. I must say that I’m pleasantly surprised. I thought I would have to clean up this mess myself.”

Team Rocket’s leader was standing apart from the other humans and Pokémon, not far from where a short, black aircraft was touched down near the edge of the stripped trees. At his side was the blonde woman and his coterie of half a dozen other men and women in black Team Rocket uniforms, red R’s proudly emblazoned across their chests. Giovanni’s dark suit was somewhat ruffled, and he was straightening his tie, but that didn’t seem to detract from his sense of presence at all. Everyone around Celestia, Team Rocket included, drew back a bit as he spoke. The princess noticed that Twilight in particular flinched.

“I mean it when I say that I’m very pleased with your defeat of the madman.” He smiled a tight smile. “But perhaps you could make me even more so.” He glanced over at the fiery pit pouring black smoke into the sky. “The ultimate weapon is lost to us all. Did you manage to retrieve anything that could be of use to us instead while you were down there?”

“Um…” James looked down, then back up. “No, sir. No we didn’t.”

Jessie and Meowth likewise shook their heads.

“Ah well, one cannot have everything,” Giovanni also shook his head after a short pause. “At least not yet. Perhaps we didn’t get all that we were hoping for, but I can see how that might be for the best. Trying to claim ownership of the ultimate weapon now might have brought some unacceptable opportunity costs,” he mused. “Team Flare’s madness is extinguished. Our survival is assured, and that’s the most important thing. You achieved what I set you to do against all odds and against my expectations.”

“Yeah, dat’s right,” Meowth nodded, a little stunned, as if that fact were just occurring to him. “We really did.”

“Yeah…” James considered, flexing the fingers of one hand in front of his face. “It feels…”

“Kinda weird…” Jessie finished for him. “But not bad.”

“Naturally it does,” Giovanni replied. “Because I told you so. Now then, I hope it goes without saying that your victory below won’t go unrewarded.” He stepped forward and opened his hands. “I think that you’ve more than earned a big promotion, and a far more lucrative career pathway than merely chasing this boy around. Congratulations.”

“You… you really mean it, sir?” James asked.

“Of course I mean it. Now, do you need a moment to pack whatever things you have?” He paused. “We’ll be returning to Kanto without delay. I have no doubt that this region will be crawling with police officers within hours, and I have so much to tell and show you about your new roles in the organization.”

The three looked at one another, holding silence for several seconds. Celestia stared up at them from where she sat, light purple eyes boring into theirs one after the other. Their backs seemed to stiffen.

“We quit,” the trio said as one.

Behind them, there came gasps from almost everyone present who knew them.

“Are you guys serious?” asked Clemont.

“No way,” Pikachu breathed.

“Is that some kind of joke?” Serena wondered.

“I didn’t think you had it in you,” Bonnie muttered.

“Really?” Ash’s reaction was the softest.

“What do you mean, you quit?” Giovanni frowned.

“We…” Jessie hesitated. “We mean just what we said, sir. We quit.”

“You three… resigning? You?” Team Rocket’s leader put a hand to his chin. “After all of these years? After so many of your failed and ridiculous schemes to get my attention? After all of your dogged – perhaps insane – persistence? I recall that some time ago during your travels through Johto you refused to be fired and kept acting as though you worked for me regardless. You’ve ate, slept, and breathed for who knows how long just to gain my approval, and now that you finally have it you want to leave?” He stared at them. “What has gotten into you? What happened down there?”

“Sir, we…” James began, but trailed off uncertainly.

“We just ain’t cut out for ‘dis,” Meowth declared suddenly.

“If this is about having to deal with lunatics like Team Flare, then I can assure you that it won’t be as much of an issue going forward.”

“It’s not just that,” James shook his head. “After all this, I don’t think we’re up for the criminal lifestyle.”

“It just doesn’t seem to be our thing,” Jessie agreed.

“Until quite recently I would have agreed with you,” Giovanni replied thoughtfully. “But now? After you’ve finally achieved something noteworthy for me?” He flashed a brief, sardonic grin. “Don’t tell me that this saving the world business has made you go soft.”




“I see how it is,” the Rocket boss continued. “You achieved something that petty moralists would call ‘good’ and found it more to your liking than the prospects of continuing your lives as they were before. Am I close?”

“You…” James glanced at his teammates. “You could say that.”

“And that, after all these years of swearing up and down to me that you loved being bad,” the boss chuckled a little. “You’re letting something as insignificant as a conscience stop you from seeing the world as a vault to be plundered.” He put one hand on his hip. “How disappointing.”

“I don’t think it’s insignificant,” Jessie murmured.

“I think you’ll find that the rewards of being a good little Poke Scout are far outstripped by those of embracing my way of doing things. This newfound sense of morality will let you down, and leave you destitute and alone in the end, I promise you that.”

Celestia’s eyes spotted the blonde-haired woman tapping a white-gloved hand on something concealed beneath her curling locks, right about where her ears ought to be. She didn’t say anything but looked away from the conversation for a few seconds before straightening up. Without even bothering to wait, she walked over to Giovanni with a noticeable bounce in her step, stood up on her tiptoes, cupped a hand over his left ear, and whispered something so softly even the princess’ keen senses couldn’t make it out. Giovanni’s hard face split immediately into a confident grin.

The alicorn had the very unpleasant feeling that something bad had just happened.

“I see,” Giovanni closed his eyes, though the grin did not disappear. “But very well then,” he opened his eyes and scrutinized Jessie, James, and Meowth. “If all that you want for a reward is an end to our association, then I’ll oblige you.” He regarded James specifically. “I’ll see to it that your Mime Jr. is returned to your care promptly.”

“You’re fools to quit now, you know,” the blonde at Giovanni’s side said, hand on hip. “Even with the ultimate weapon gone, Team Rocket’s come out of today victorious, and our stock is only going up in the near future. If you miss out on what’s ahead, you’ll have only yourselves to blame.”

“We don’t need advice from you, Domino,” Jessie answered firmly.

The woman blinked. “How do you know my codename?” she narrowed her eyes. “I’m sure I’ve never met the three of you, much less let you in on it.”

“Enough,” Giovanni interjected before that line of inquiry could go anywhere. “As I said, they’re free to go and under no further obligations to us.” His smirk from earlier still hadn’t wavered. “Go,” he said, “and see if you find what it is that you’re looking for. But when life lets you down once again, remember that you still have a place on my team.” He turned his back on them, beginning to walk up the aircraft’s ramp. “Remember this,” he said as he reached the top, “everything exists for the glory of Team Rocket.”

The low sound of Giovanni’s chuckling was swiftly drowned out by the whine and roar of engines firing up around him. Domino and the handful of other still-loyal Rocket agents filed swiftly up the ramp after him, taking seated positions at the compartment’s sides or grabbing on to overhead holding straps. But Team Rocket’s leader simply stood at the rearmost edge, arms folded behind his back and a grin on his face. He stared out at those remaining behind until the ramp closed in front of him, gaze never faltering until they could see him no more.

Then the engines of the short, black aircraft flared. Humans, alicorns, and Pokémon alike took several steps backwards as the craft rose smoothly upwards past the tree height. The machine’s engines rotated, and it all but shot off, angling upwards into the blue skies beyond. As she followed its progress Celestia’s keen gaze picked out the presence of at least two other black craft in the distance, also vanishing over the horizon.

“So now I guess… we heal up, turn what’s left of Team Flare over to whatever authorities show up, and look for a way back home?” Twilight asked her mentor.

“Indeed,” Celestia let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “I just hope Mi Amore and the others are doing alright. We have been gone for quite a while now.”

“Why… am I… doing this… again?” a straining, sweating pink alicorn heaved as she and half a dozen unicorns worked together to lift the moon from its demesne.

“Because you insisted on having it done your way,” came the reply from a certain draconequus, while all seven of them hoisted the reluctant celestial orb like it was a particularly murderous set of barbells heaped atop their collective backs. “Oh Discord, you can’t just turn the sun into a disco ball and get funky all over the place!” he said in a pitch-perfect copy of Cadance’s voice, albeit considerably whinier. “No Discord, you can’t make the moon square and use it for shadow puppet storytime!” he continued in a nasally replication of Shining Armor’s voice, before finally reverting to his own. “Honestly, you ponies are no fun at all. And after I so generously volunteered to help you out!”

“Would you just…” Cadance forced the words through gritted teeth, “be quiet… for a minute?”

“Say please and I’ll think about it.”

“Pleeeeeaaaaase…” the pink alicorn groaned.

“Oh fine,” Discord pulled a magazine out of his ear and started reading it sideways.

“Come on… we’ve got this…” Cadance managed. “One more push… three… two… one… rrrrgh!”

And with one more magical heft, the seven ponies finally managed to raise the moon to where it was supposed to be that night. Letting out deep breaths, as one all seven collapsed onto prepositioned cushions, panting as a readied unit of pegasi gave the signal to start up a cool night breeze. The princess was already helping herself to a goblet of her favorite chilled red wine, others were attacking mineral water, juice, or ale. The nightly workout did a number on everyone.

“How does… Luna do it every day?” Shining Armor asked after a long swig of his water bottle. “Boot camp was less exhausting!”

The only other guard veteran among the seven nodded his silent agreement.

“If only the moon was as cooperative as the sun,” another of the unicorns muttered.

“Be that as it may…” Cadance said, draining the last dregs of her wine far more quickly than she ought to have, “I’m sure Discord isn’t here to listen to us complain.”

“I most certainly am not,” he huffed from behind his magazine.

“Well?” the alicorn prodded him after a moment.

Well,” Discord looked up, “I checked Avana, Lower Heck, a Galaxy Far Far Away, Xytir, Schdorp, and Sleepy Hollow. And I still haven’t seen heads or tails of your aunties or little sis. Maybe it’s that seven years of bad luck coming back to bite them.”

“And you still haven’t been able to-” Shining Armor began.

“No,” Discord rolled his eyes. “For the thousandth time, I still haven’t been able to just snap them back. It’s the first thing I try. Every day.” He snapped his fingers, and nothing happened. “You make sure of that, don’t you? But like I said before either there’s some dimensional static or something running interference, because I can’t seem to get a lock on them.”

“Riiight…” Cadance said, a little hesitantly. She coughed a little. “You can’t blame us for a being a little… cautious of you after what happened last time we met?”

“Oh, that,” Discord waived a hand dismissively. “Can’t you just be grateful and let bygones be bygones? It’s not like I’d leave your family stranded in another dimension just to amuse myself with your reactions.”

There was a moment of awkward staring.

“Oh, alright, I’d at least bring Princess Twinkle Sprinkle back so Fluttershy could stop worrying so much about her.”

Nopony said anything.

“Well, fine!” Discord huffed, crossing his arms. “Be that way. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have another dimension to search! Hmph!”

The draconequus walked a few steps over and snapped his fingers again. A rift opened before him as the barrier between dimensions was sundered. Through the swirling vortex could be seen a land of endless black under a swirling green sky, plus several colors none of the ponies had ever seen anywhere else. Something titanic suddenly appeared, blocking off the other side. An amorphous mass of shifting arms, tentacles, mouths, eyes, and appendages far stranger than these, it shrieked right through the open rift in the earsplitting voice of a million million madmen gibbering in tongues dead before time began. All the ponies present cried out and clutched desperately at their ears as a trillion dark thoughts dredged from the bowels of insanity itself rushed into their brains, bearing promises of an infinity of screeching praises to the unknowable and uncaring things that dwelt beyond the pitiful bounds of what mortals called reality.

“Oh, hi Mom!” Discord waved cheerfully.

Punishment and Reward

High up in the clouds, a black aircraft was soaring through the skies at a moderate pace. After almost fatally overtaxing the engines to get from Kanto to Kalos in the shortest possible time, Team Rocket’s pilots were taking it easier on the return trip. Giovanni sat in his private cabin, feeling generally content about the results of his trip. The primary objective had been achieved, and more still besides… but he hadn’t gotten to where he was now by ignoring either loose ends or potential opportunities for greater profit. The door behind him opened softly, white boots treading lightly on the lush carpeted floor. Team Rocket’s leader didn’t need to turn around to see who it was.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” Domino asked, standing behind her boss at a respectful distance.

“Indeed I did,” Giovanni replied softly, “I have a special task for you.”

“How may I be of service?” she replied.

“I’m not stupid, and neither are you,” Giovanni said, closing his eyes. “First that strange Pokémon, that… Celestia shows up out of nowhere in the possession of three of the biggest bunglers in Team Rocket. The next, they’re suddenly achieving things far outside their usual weight class, bringing down a lunatic wielding at least two Legendary Pokémon and perhaps saving the entire world in the process, then resigning out of the blue after years of unanswering loyalty. And what’s more, that boy they’ve been chasing shows up with another completely unknown but highly similar Pokémon specimen at around the same time. You saw how they reacted upon running into each other?”

“The purple one hugged the white one underground, then talked to it first once they got back to the surface,” Domino answered him.

“Precisely,” Team Rocket’s leader opened his eyes again, hands folded in front of his face. “The two of them know each other. None of this can be a coincidence. There must be something very special about these strange new Pokémon.” He eyed her. “I want to know what that is.”

“Consider it done, sir,” Domino said, a jetpack already firmly fastened to her back.

“Very good,” he nodded. “You have my leave to proceed.”

The blonde-haired woman saluted, then stepped out of his compartment, sealing the door behind her. A moment later, he heard a sudden hiss, followed immediately by a momentary roar of air, and finally a click and another hiss.

Giovanni smirked.

Back at the clearing, Jessie and James produced three red and white orbs alongside two grey and black ones, huddling in a circle with Meowth around them.

“Well, ‘dese are all of Lysandre’s Pokémon, ‘cept da big blue one,” the white cat noted quietly.

“So, what do we do with them?” James put a hand on his chin. “Celestia, any ideas?”

The only answer came in the form of a loud snore from behind him. The white alicorn was lying flat across the ground, eyes closed and rainbow hair quiescent. Her purple companion was close at hand, awake but only barely so if he was any judge.

“Well, I guess anyone would be tuckered out after all of that.” He shrugged.

“We don’t need her for a moral compass anyway,” Jessie declared confidently. “We’ve always been bad at being bad, so it stands to reason that we must be good at being good!”

“Right!” the other two nodded.

“So, first thing’s first,” the magenta-haired woman picked up both Dark Balls, “the easy part.” She weighed one in each hand. “This one’s empty,” she declared of the one in her left.

“Dat must be da one for da big creepy red and black bird.”

“Well, not anymore,” Jessie declared, crushing it in her fist and letting the pieces fall to the earth.

“So that other one must be for Xerneas,” James said. “And we know it’s in there.”

“You know,” Jessie stared at it, briefly, “If we called the boss – er, Giovanni – right now and told him that we have this, not only would he forgive us for lying to him, he’d probably make us admins on the spot.”

“A few weeks ago, we’d have done dat in a heartbeat,” Meowth observed.

The three looked at each other again. Jessie sighed, then tossed the Dark Ball over her shoulder. Nearby Pokémon and humans alike flinched and scooted back as the enormous blue and black deer appeared, lying limp on its side and covered in injuries. Jessie crushed that sphere as well with one hand, then stood up putting one hand on her hip. She stared at Xerneas as the now-familiar dark energy crackled across its body.

“I could catch that thing right now,” she mused while her fellows stood up behind her. “Toss a Poke Ball at it on the spot and claim a Legendary Pokémon for myself.” Jessie frowned. “But I… don’t want to. Why?” she looked down at her own hands. “What has gotten into me?”

“Maybe…” James was also frowning, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “Do you remember Dustox?”

“Of course I do, don’t insult me!” Jessie snapped at him. “How could I ever forget her?”

“Well, you remember that feeling telling you that it was time to let her go?”

“Yes,” Jessie looked down a little.

“Well maybe there’s a time and place for catching Pokémon, and a time to let them go. Whatever the boss would say,” James mused. “Maybe some Pokémon just aren’t right to catch. At least not by us, not right now. Maybe that’s what we’ve learned.”

“Or maybe ya two dunces knew it all along,” Meowth chimed in. “Otherwise how do ya explain what ya did wid’ Arbok and Weezing?”

“That’s a good point,” James said.

“Then what drove us to do what we’re doing if we already knew this stuff a long time ago?” Jessie looked frustrated. “We didn’t quit Team Rocket after that, why did we do it now?” She rubbed her forehead and stamped her foot. “Why does introspection make my head hurt?”

“Maybe it was her,” James looked back at Celestia, who continued to snore in the background. “Maybe… she was better than us, and just being around her made us want to be better. To be more like her.”

“That’s stupid. I don’t want to be a frilly-looking toy horse!” Jessie crossed her arms.

“Yeah, sounds like a load a’ baloney ta me,” Meowth nodded, paws on hips.

“It was just a guess!” James waved his hands in front of his face.

“Ya know, I tink it was ‘cause we were da ones doin’ da world savin’ dis time,” Meowth said. “We got a chance to be da good guys free an’ clear, and now bein’ bad don’t seem like so much fun anymore.”

“You guys really have changed, haven’t you?” came a familiar voice from behind them.

“Huh?” all three turned around.

Kneeling beside Twilight – who appeared to have finally collapsed into slumber herself – was none other than Ash Ketchum. He had a bottle of potion in one hand and a little yellow rodent by his legs and was spraying some of the medicine onto the purple alicorn’s more prominent wounds. Once that was done, he sprayed what was left of the bottle onto Celestia.

“Thanks for the potion, twerp,” James said brusquely. “But what do you mean by that?”

“You’re thinking,” he said. “When was the last time you did that?”

All three ex-Team Rocket members collapsed to the ground.

“Says the brat who’s been falling for the cheapest disguises in the goodwill section all way back to Kanto!” James yelled at him.

“Hey, those disguises are really tricky!” Ash yelled back, curling a fist.

“You’ve been fooled by me dressed up as a Sunflora!” Meowth barked. “Do I look like a Sunflora ta you?!”

“Pikapi,” Pikachu interjected, stepping between the two sides and raising two stubby arms. “PiPi-kachu. Pika pika pikachu. Pi pikachu, chu chu chu, pika!”

“I guess you’ve got a point there,” Ash stood back up. “What I was going to say was that if you’re not in Team Rocket anymore, then you’re not going to be trying to steal Pikachu or any other Pokémon anymore, right?”

“I… guess not,” Jessie admitted.

“Then there’s no reason we should fight anymore,” the boy declared.

“What, you want us to hug and make up?” James said incredulously. “After all these years we should just be best buddies all of a sudden? Maybe we should bake you an apology cake too while we’re at it?!”

“I do like cake…”

“Pi.” Pikachu stared up at his trainer.

“But that’s not what I meant,” Ash shook his head. “I just meant… if we’re not going to be enemies anymore, there’s no reason to carry any grudges.”

“So, what, years of stalking and kidnapping attempts are just supposed to be water under the bridge?” Jessie looked skeptical. “You’re really just going to let that go? After all this time?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Ash looked genuinely puzzled.

“Dis kid is still as dumb as a box of rocks,” Meowth muttered.

“And what about all your twerp friends?” asked James. “Are they on board with this too?”

“I can only speak for myself.”


“Myself and Pikachu,” Ash corrected. “But if you’re really different now – and the Team Rocket I knew would have handed that over to Giovanni,” he pointed at the prone Xerneas, “then why waste time with bad blood?” He shrugged. “It just doesn’t make sense to me.”

“Because we’ve been harassing you since all the way back on that night in the Viridian City Pokémon Center?” James looked genuinely puzzled.

“And the first time I met Pikachu he zapped me. A lot.”

“Chuuu…” Pikachu rubbed the back of his head.

“Where would I be if I held a grudge against him?” Ash smiled as the little yellow Pokémon hopped up onto his shoulder. “Look, I’m not saying we have to be friends. Just that there’s no more reason to be enemies.”

“Yeah yeah,” Jessie waved a hand dismissively. “Look, don’t think we’re all buddy-buddy all of a sudden just because we’ve taken a new career path.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Ash sighed a little before straightening up. “Anyway, what I came over to do was offer you guys some of these,” he reached into his vest, extracting several bottles of various potions. “We had some extras, and I figured your Pokémon would probably need them.”

The trio eyed one another briefly, before James took several steps forward and snatched the proffered medicine rather abruptly. Ash flinched, and James walked away, muttering something under his breath.

“What was that?” the boy asked.

“He said… thanks,” Meowth forced from between gritted teeth.

Hours passed. Luna, Seviper, Yanmega, Wobbuffet, Pumpkaboo, Carnivine, and Inkay had all joined Celestia and Twilight in being laid out to rest on what space there was left. Albeit, in the dark alicorn’s case, a considerable number of wild Pokemon including Fearow, Houndoom, Skuntank, and others had all apparently taken it upon themselves to guard their unconscious leader, even from Team Rocket. She lay apart from the others, surrounded by Pokémon that growled and snapped at anyone coming too close. Just as others were doing to those few red-suited men and women who worked up the nerve to try and leave. So far none of Lysandre’s former employees had had the steel to try and outright make a break for it.

Xerneas proved to be a different matter. The Pokémon of life was not easily laid low for very long. One minute it was lying still on the ground, its massive presence a visible deterrent to everyone around it, and the next it seemed to be standing back up if not no worse for the wear, at least much less injured than it should have been. Everyone, former Rockets, wild Pokémon, and Team Flare members alike flinched as its antlered head swept over the clearing, pausing at the tall plume of smoke still rising from the ruins of the ultimate weapon. It nodded once, turned, and in what seemed to all observers just a handful of strides vanished into the now-leafless forest. How exactly, no one was quite sure.

As if they had been waiting on some cosmic cue, only a few minutes after the Legendary Pokémon’s departure there came the sound of rotor blades from up above. As eyes turned skyward, the sounds grew louder and louder until several black, dual-rotor helicopters crested the treeline, flying low. Pokémon and human alike backed off as they touched down rapidly, doors sliding open to unload men in heavy protective gear, faces covered with blast helmets, and riot shields in one hand with Poke Balls in the other.

“Everybody on the ground!” a female voice boomed through the speakers, somewhat unnecessarily. “Hands behind your heads!”

“…Whuh?” Celestia yawned from where Jessie, James, and Meowth were already sitting on the grass. “Wha…” she rubbed one of her eyes with the tip of a wing. “What’s going on?”

“Da most useless overpaid slackers in Kalos finally bothered ta show up,” Meowth replied, filing absentmindedly at one of his claws.

“Who?” The alicorn blinked, as beside her Twilight started to rouse.

“Da cops.”

“The ones who couldn’t catch you?”



Celestia stood up, stretching her wings and cricking her neck. Meanwhile, the riot officers had already released a menagerie of their own Pokémon and begun advancing forwards into the clearing and the wreckage of Geosenge Town. Some of the wild Pokémon were snapping at the newcomers, puffing themselves up, visibly crackling with static, or breathing sparks.

“Everyone!” she called out. “Please, remain calm! These humans are not with Team Flare and mean you and your homes no harm!” Some of the still-unconscious Luna’s followers at least looked over at her. “They are here to take your enemies into custody!”

“Why should these fools have control over their fate?” one of her sister’s followers, a Houndoom, shot back at her. “We won the battle, and Lady Luna is our leader! Let her decide, when she wakes.”

“Because not only do you have no place to imprison hundreds of humans,” Celestia patiently explained, “None of your packs are in shape for another battle right now, are they? Surely you must know what comes of picking unnecessary fights?”

“Who said anything about imprisoning?” Houndoom countered. “I had…” he gnashed his teeth. “Other ideas.”

Celestia blanched, as did almost all of the Pokémon surrounding Houndoom, much to her relief. Even the nearby Fearow looked put out.

“Further, not only am I your Lady Luna’s sister, as you well know,” the alicorn went on, “but surely you must have heard by now that it was I who faced the wretch who dared place her in one of the hateful abominations. It was I who faced Lysandre at the heart of the complex. Do such deeds carry no weight with you?”

Houndoom stared her down. Celestia stared right back, face mimicking Lulu’s as best she could. Red eyes bored into purple ones and found them to be entirely unblinking. Finally, the black canine turned away.

“Very well, sister of Lady Luna,” he growled in a low voice. “But do not think we will submit ourselves to these humans.”

“I would not dream of it,” she replied.

Snorting, Houndoom turned and let out several short, controlled barks. Almost immediately, the Houndour throughout the clearing that had previously been imposing themselves in the police’s path pulled back in good order, making way for the newcomers. Other types of Pokémon seemed to be more or less following suit as herd instinct or simple good sense took over. Thankfully, someone in the humans’ ranks had enough sense to avoid antagonizing the wild Pokémon, contenting themselves with slapping handcuffs onto the largely non-resisting men and women of Team Flare.

“Good job Celestia,” James scratched behind the alicorn’s ears, and she cooed softly. “Whatever you just said seemed to do the trick nicely.”

“I dunno, I was kinda looking forward to watching them get roughed up a bit,” Jessie said.

“The Pokémon?”

“The police, you idiot,” she replied. “It would serve them right for taking hours to show up when the world was on the line. If it hadn’t been for us, they would all have been vaporized before they could so much as get out of bed!”

“I can feel ya ‘dere,” Meowth nodded.

“Same here,” James admitted, while Celestia rubbed her head against his shoulder.

“Still,” Jessie grudgingly acknowledged as the cuffed members of Team Flare were made to sit in circles, surrounded by heavy riot troopers and fully-evolved Pokémon, “at least they’re making themselves good for something, for once.”

“What do you mean we’re under arrest?!” Jessie, James, and Meowth screamed at a blue-haired woman in riot armor.

“I mean just what I said,” Officer Jenny responded, face visible through the clear faceguard. “Per your outstanding warrants, my duty requires that I place you under arrest.”

“Are you people as insane as you are useless?!” Jessie shouted at her, eye visibly twitching. “We show up here, single-handedly save the day and all of your lives, wait around just so these clown-suited freaks wouldn’t have the chance to get away, hand over all of Lysandre’s surviving Pokémon to you, and now you want to throw us in the slammer for… for…” she was grinding her teeth.

“For multiple counts of kidnapping, attempted kidnapping, assault, burglary, theft, racketeering, destruction of public property, destruction of private property, fraud, and resisting arrest,” the policewoman filled them in. “Further, while we have received your testimony regarding your alleged heroism, there has yet to be any formal corroborating evidence to suggest-”

“Except us!” Clemont butted in. “I’m Lumiose City’s Gym Leader, Ash is a publicly-known Pokémon League challenger, Serena is a Pokémon Performer, and Bonnie is…”

“Really trustworthy!” his little sister finished.

“Right,” he nodded. “And we’ll all testify that whatever Team Rocket has done in the past, today they risked everything to help save Kalos and the whole world! Surely that has to count for something?”

“Yeah,” Serena nodded vigorously. “I know what they’ve done, Officer Jenny, but can’t you please go easy on them this one time?”

“Can’t you see it wouldn’t be right just to lock someone up after they helped save everybody?” Ash asked. “I don’t know if you know her or not, but there was another Officer Jenny who worked with Team Rocket against some really bad Malamar and didn’t-”

“Just because my cousin ignores the regulations doesn’t mean that I will,” the woman said firmly. “And further, unsworn testimony gathered in the field is hardly exculpatory evidence, in absence of-”

“Several of the detained Team Flare operatives have already admitted the presence of Team Rocket operatives matching these three’s description fighting against them in their former base,” one of the other policemen noted.

“You’re not helping, Claude,” Jenny replied to him. “Anyway, again, unsworn testimony collected in situ doesn’t make the law go away. I may have been sent here to arrest all operatives of Team Flare, but my duties also extend to any existing warrants I happen to come across as well.”

“If you want more proof then for goodness’ sake look behind you, woman!” James shouted in her face, pointing. “There’s the wreck of a giant robot with our logo painted on the front with an ultimate weapon-sized hole right through its torso! What more proof do you need?!”

“I believe you,” said another police officer.

“It’s not a matter of belief, it’s a matter of the law,” Jenny argued. “Evidence is a matter for courts to hear, not for field officers to arbitrarily decide not to arrest criminals with outstanding warrants for.”

“You people are the dumbest, lousiest police force in the entire world! And I’ve seen some pretty bad ones!” Jessie fumed. “Your incompetence let a gang of clown-suited psychopaths almost blow up the world, and your response is to arrest the ones that saved your collective behinds!”

“Look,” Jenny said with a sigh, hands on her hips. “My sworn duty won’t allow me to not take you three into custody tonight. So…” she bit her lip a little, “Why don’t I take you into personal custody? You come over to my apartment for the night, I’ll call the higher-ups, and we’ll see what we can do?”

“Won’t be da worst prison we’ve busted outta,” Meowth muttered under his breath.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”

“What we can do” turned out to mean “pass the buck right up the food chain, over and over again, until the Prime Minister’s phone is ringing in his bunker”. In an emergency meeting the next morning, the National Assembly of Kalos almost unanimously passed SB-6231 (soon to be unofficially dubbed the “We Like Being Alive Act” by the press), formally pardoning those previously accused of crimes for extraordinary services to the nation, along with extending an offer of full Kalosian citizenship to all involved in stopping the Ultimate Weapon Incident who didn’t already have it.

After all, it would hardly be politique to arrest someone right after their award ceremony.

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