
A Musician's Birthday

by I Like Pie

Chapter 1: The One And Only Chapter

Vinyl Scratch sits at a brown wooden table. There's a chocolate cake with pink icing in front of her. She greedily stares at the scrumptious cake before her.

Octavia stands next to her girlfriend with a large smile upon her face. She wears a party hat and she has a bright smile on her face.

Vinyl Scratch says as she waves one of her hands in front of Octavia's face and then just points at the cake. It's a simple gesture but Octavia gets the message easily.

Octavia rolls her eyes, grabs a knife, and starts cutting the cake. There's a ton of cake there for just two people. They both get three pieces.

Vinyl Scratch pats her tummy and burps. "I'm going to regret this tomorrow morning." She says very quietly.

Octavia laughs and nods her head. "Well, happy birthday. I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow if you need it."

Vinyl points at a closet that is down a hall. The presents are in it.

"Classic Vinyl. Go right ahead but don't you dare peak!"

Vinyl Scratch smiles mysteriously and then shrugs. She walks down the hall, opens the closet, and grabs the presents. She then walks back over to Octavia.

She puts them on the table and sits down. She then starts opening them. She manages to get a wide variety of stuff. Octavia takes notes with a notepad so that she know what came from whom.

After a couple of moments Octavia sits the notepad on the table. "Do you remember when I first got here?" Vinyl Scratch nods.


Four years ago Octavia walked up to a building. It looked like an DJ persons' greatest dream.

Octavia rolled her eyes as she walked up to the door. She then knocked.

The door then opened and a person with spikey blue hair stepped onto the threshold. "So, you are the owner of this house?" The person nodded.

"So, I assume that your name is Vinyl Scratch." She nodded again. "Good to know. It's great to finally meet you in person. My name is Octavia. Could we please redecorate this house. I have a couple of ideas that I think are sufficient."

Vinyl Scratch was somewhat shocked but after a couple of awkward moment she nodded again.

"You don't talk much, don't you? Not that's a bad thing. I actually know some people who talk a little bit to much." Vinyl politely and softly chuckled.


Vinyl Scratch pokes Octavia on the head and noisy (by her standards) clears her throat. Octavia quickly gets out of her daze and smiles at her.

Octavia kisses her girlfriend immediately. After a long moment later, the two of them pull away.

Vinyl Scratch is now smiling extremely goofily. "About time, my beloved girlfriend." Both of them are blushing an extremely deep red color.

A bad memory suddenly hits her and takes her right out of the moment and Vinyl facehoofs jokingly. Oh, goodie. She's staring back at space again, Vinyl thinks.


Vinyl Scratch and Octavia walked towards Octavia's parent's house. It's extremely traditional and dark. Octavia walked up to the house's door and knocked on it. Vinyl hung back.

The door opened up and Octavia's mother walks out. She looks almost like her daughter. The only difference between them is that the mother has a multitude of wrinkles on her face and she's taller.

Octavia stared at the ground. "I'd like you too meet the person I'm living with and-" She got a bit choked up. "A-and I'm dating her. We've been dating for awhile."

"What!" Her eyes were as wide as saucer and she seemed pretty confused. Octavia then looked at Vinyl and then back at her.

"Yes! She's my girlfriend, is there anything wrong with that!?" Her mother raised her hands up in peace and took two small steps back slowly and hesitantly.

"I just find it different." She glanced at the ground.

"Oh, really!" Octavia took a step forward and Vinyl ran forward and restrained her.

"I'm just going to leave! I'm going to leave you with your girlfriend." She put a certain snarky emphasis on the word: 'girlfriend'. She then slammed the door shut.

Vinyl let go of her and Octavia burst into tears.


"Octavia?" Octavia stares at the tabletop meekly.

She then lifts her head. "I was thinking about when I let you meet my mother." Now Vinyl is the one who stares at the ground. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be doing this during your birthday."

She wraps an arm around her. "It's more than okay, I love you." The two of them kiss again.

When they're done Octavia turn back to the presents. "Ok. Okay. Why don't we go back to the presents. Maybe we could possibly start on the cards?"

"No!" Octavia is now extremely startled.

"What?" Vinyl laughs quietly (yet still rudely) in her face.

"C'mon, Octi, didn't that moment with her affect you a lot?" She is now a lot more concerned.

"I'm fine. Although, I guess in away it affected me. She's my mother, but I guess I also overreacted."

Vinyl pats her on the back. "You're good. Do you want to go back to presents or something?"

Octavia smiles again. "But you're the birthday girl! Why don't you make the decision."

Vinyl then rubs her hands together greedily. "Oh, that's how it goes.." The two of them laugh in unison.

"Oh god, I love you Vinyl Scratch!" She then kisses her girlfriend on the cheek.

"I love you too."

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