
Mare Do Well: Under the Red Cloak

by TheBestGamer

Chapter 1: Chapter One

Out in the snowy part of Equestria lied the Crystal Empire where a certain pony was looking out in disgust and regret over an event that he could have prevented but caused. Standing on a balcony was said pony who was watching out in the snowy landscape wondering if he could see the mad pony he last talked to. The pony stallion had a pure dark color coat, even darker mane and tail, and bright red eyes. He was wearing a metal suit of armor, a dark red cape with a red jewel in the center, and a silver crown with thorns and an equally red jewel. This pony is known to all as King Sombra.

"Sire," A servant pony came up to him and he turned his head to look at him. "We have located him. He's on the outskirts in an abandoned shack." Sombra crossed his arms and growled in disgust of the mention of him.

He took a deep breath and said, "Very good servant." Sombra has calmed down a little bit and continued to say, "What about the detective and her sidekick?"

"There is currently no word on the Mare Do Well," The servant said. He then took a deep breath and continued. "However, he has taken her sidekick hostage." Hearing that made Sombra closed his eyes and bow his head hoping that Mare Do Well will stop that mad creature in time.

Out in the outskirts of the Crystal Empire in the abandoned shack that the servant to Sombra mentioned there was screaming and moans of pain going on inside. Inside the shack the sidekick of the Mare Do Well was lying on the floor, handcuffed and in a bloody mess. She had an orange coat, dark purple mane, and light purple eyes. She was wearing a red suit with the letter S on it, a black cape, and black mask covering her eyes. The sidekick's name was Sparrow, but only a couple ponies know her secret identity, Scootaloo.

Standing right about her, holding a crowbar, was the one that captured her. The Mare Do Well's greatest nemesis in all of Equestria, also the greatest mistake Mare Do Well ever made in Equestria, Discord. He was wearing a brown formal suit, black dress shoes, a white shirt, yellow bow tie, with a false sun flower on his suit but ponies don't want to find out what comes out of it, those that do end in the hospital getting skin transplants. What really sets him apart was the fact this pony had many other animal parts like yellow his bear claw and eagle talon, small blue wings, deer antler and goat horn, his dark grey coat, yellow eyes with red irises except one eye was smaller than the other, and that one sharp tooth sticking out. However, the one thing ponies can't get past with him is the fact that most of the time in every day, no matter what he does or what happens to him, he's always smiling.

"You know I have a question for you," Discord said while presenting the crowbar he was using to whack Sparrow with none stop. "What do you think hurts worse? Fore-hand?" He whacked Sparrow using a Fore-hand strike to her face. Moaning in pain and seeing the blood coming from her nose and mouth she looked up at Discord again. "Or Back-hand?" He then whacked her again only this time with a Back-hand strike to the top of her head. If he wasn't busy hitting her he would known that he just nearly broke her skull.

Scootaloo didn't bother looking up again for her hope of Mare Do Well coming to save her is slowly dying. She started to form tears in her eyes as she prayed for her to come. "Twilight...where are you?"

"A?" Discord used the Fore-hand strike again.

"Twilight please-"

"Or B?" Discord used the Back-hand strike again.

Back at the Crystal Empire King Sombra decided to quickly look out the window and went to the desk in his room where he sipped some of his favorite wine. Just then the servant from before came in saying, "Sire we have found the Mare Do Well."

He was about to tell him off and possibly punish him for coming into his quarters unannounced but that bit of information caught his attention. He set his wine glass down and focused on the servant. "That's good to hear. Where is she?"

"She's making her way toward the master of chaos as we speak. However," The servant stopped, knowing that what he will say might upset his king. However, looking at him he knew that his king wants to know what it is he knows. "She won't be able to make it in time." Hearing that made Sombra close his eyes and sigh in defeat.

Far off from the abandoned shack where Sparrow is being held by Discord the fedora wearing capped crusader known as Mare Do Well rode through the snow in one of the vehicles given to her by Princess Luna, former tyrannical ruler that went under the name Nightmare-Moon, current the co-ruler of Equestria ruling alongside her sister Princess Celestia, and current CEO of SparkTech and Spark Enterprises, the Mare-cycle. It looked like a regular motorcycle only it had a lot more gadgets built in, it was colored dark purple, and the tires on it were much bigger and wider than regular tires.

The unicorn Mare Do Well, or as a few ponies know her as Twilight Sparkle, was wearing her trademark suit. A purple suit of armor, dark blue gloves and boots, a dark blue belt carrying her hand held gadgets, a dark blue cape with a large golden letter M holding it up, same color cowl with light blue tinted eyepieces, and a large purple fedora which she was using her magic to keep held to her head lest it fly off while she was riding the Marecycle. She increased her speed as she rode to her destination and rescue her side-kick and friend, Scootaloo.

"Let's try this again OK pumpkin," Discord asked Sparrow sarcastically while still holding the crowbar in his hands. Just then he saw her mutter something softly and quietly. He knelt down and started mocking what she was doing until he said, "You're going to have to speak up. I can't hear you."

He leaned in closer only for Sparrow to spit blood into his face. "I said...screw you," Sparrow said as loud as she could while still in pain from the continuous whacks to the face.

Discord stood up and grabbed a handkerchief from his suit to wipe the blood from his face. "Now that was just rude," Discord said while wiping the blood off. "The first Sparrow had more manners even though he was a dragon. Still though you should learn to respect your elders and be more like him."

"Well news flash: I'm not him," Scootaloo said while doing her best to look at him. "And why would I ever give you any respect?"

Discord started thinking and said, "Point made! Still though I think I should teach you some things to make you better at following in his footsteps and maybe you'll be better than him." Then he started thinking again and said, "Nah, I think I'll just keep on whacking you." As he said that he resumed whacking her on the head with the crowbar.

After a few minutes of this Discord finally stopped and left her alone. He walked over to the entrance, grabbed his dark brown winter coat, and opened the door. "Well alright then, I shall be heading out," He said looking at Sparrow. "Now be a good girl, finish all your homework, there's some leftovers in the fridge, and be in bed by 9:00. Don't forget to brush your teeth." Sparrow just stared daggers into him but it didn't phase him one bit. He placed the hood of his coat over his head and said, "By the way, if she does come by here after all then tell her I said," He stared deep into her eyes with all the chaos and insanity he could muster, "hello." He left with only a chaotic laughter to scare her.

"I got to get out of here," Scootaloo thought to herself as she struggled to get herself up off the floor. "Why didn't you come rescue me from that maniac Twilight. I thought you were my friend." She successfully repositioned her hand-cuffed hands to the front of her and got up.

She slowly made her way toward the door while trying to make sure that she won't fall back down. Scootaloo reached for the door but soon found out that it was locked. Falling back down from exhaustion she didn't know what else to do to get out as she started coughing up blood. However, that was not the only thing that she had a problem with when she started hearing a beeping sound in the room she was in.

Looking around for a bit she found the source of the beeping and stared at it with wide eyes. Discord left her in there with a bomb that would go off in about twenty seconds in counting. No password, code-combination, or anything. Nothing can stop the bomb from going off, which meant that there really was nothing left to save her from her doom. Scootaloo then closed her eyes and waited for the end to come with only one thought on her mind.

"Am I not that important?"

The abandoned shack was finally within Mare Do Well's line of sight as she accelerated toward it and toward Scootaloo. However, just as she made her way toward the shack the one thing that she didn't expect to happen. A big explosion that originated at the shack has appeared and Twilight was nothing but frightened at what just happened. Staring wide eyed at the explosion she refused to believe that it took Scootaloo's life away so she got off of her Mare-cycle and ran toward the shack.

"No, no, no, no, no this can't be," Twilight said to herself as she searched through the rubble for any sign of Scootaloo. After a few seconds she finally found her, but it wasn't the sight that she wanted to see. In fact it was the one thing that she saw that was close to topping another horrific sight back when she was a child. Right there she saw the body of her sidekick and friend Scootaloo. "Scootaloo! Please be alright," She said as she dropped down and held her in her arms. She checked her neck and felt it for any sign of a pulse.

There wasn't any.

No! Twilight refused to let this happen. She then placed her palms on Scootaloo's chest and started to preform CPR, while also using her magic to try and seal her wounds and maybe help her bring her back to life. It was one of the most advanced of healing magic but Twilight didn't care. Twilight just couldn't go through something like this again. She's been at this for about a minute but there weren't any results. None of the wounds have been sealed and her pulse has not returned, which meant the worst has happened.

She reached for her fedora and mask and took them both off. She just wanted to see Scootaloo one last time without her mask. Twilight had a lavender coat, dark blue hair with a pink strip, and a pair of magenta eyes that were currently shedding tears. "Scootaloo," She mourned as she cradled her fallen friend.

5 Years Later

Canterlot, one of the most well-known cities in all of Equestria, but also the birth place of the current hero of Equestria, Mare Do Well. However, it isn't just Mare Do Well's birth place but also the birth place of many of Equestria's greatest enemies, ever since the night Nightmare Moon took over and brought eternal night but was stopped and reformed by both Celestia and Mare Do Well. However, all the enemies that were born during that time still exist to this day. The gang members of one of Equestria's enemies and fallen ponies, Prince Blueblood aka Blue Mask, are currently in an abandoned building for they were called to a meeting there.

"I don't get who called the meeting here," asked one of the members of the meeting.

"Was it you," another one pointed at a third one.

"How do I know that it wasn't one of you.

"Look can we just figure this out already I can't afford to waste anymore of Blue Mask's time. He'll put a bullet through me.

"Well we could get started if the one called the meeting would just fess up." All five ponies kept pointing fingers until they heard someone that wasn't with any of them.

"I'm the one that called the meeting,"

They all looked up and saw a shadowy figure on the balcony of the building. "Is that Mare Do Well," The first one sat up and pointed at her. "Look here we didn't do anything for you to beet us up."

The shadowy figure quickly pulled out a pistol and fired at the table as a warning shot. "One; do I look like Mare Do Well to you." The shadowy figure stepped out of the shadows and leaned on the railings. She was wearing what looked like a Shadowbolt uniform with her face being covered by a red mask and cloak so none of them could tell what she really looks like. She put up her pistol, pulled out an AK-47, and pointed it at them. "Two; don't lie to me. I know about every single crime all of you committed while in Blue Mask's shadow." They all stood there wondering who this pony is and why she plans on doing to them. "You can all call me Red Cloak and from now on you all work for me."

One of them stood up, pointed at Red Cloak, and said, "Look here I don't know where you get off telling us what to do but we don't take orders from the likes o-"

He didn't get to finish since Red Cloak fired the AK-47 at the table for another warning. "You really think that saying something like that to the one holding the AK-47 is a good idea? Look here I'm the one in-charge of the drug trade now not that low life, Blueblood. And let me tell you that none of you want to cross me."

"Why should we listen to some pony we haven't met til now?"

The only response they got was Red Cloak grabbing a bag she had and threw on the table. "Why don't you open it and find out?" Two of them opened it and what they all saw was horrifying that one of them puked so much he felt like he puked up his lungs. "The heads of all of Blue Mask's lieutenants, this only took me a couple of hours. Try to imagine what I could do before the night ends." They all stood silent and listened to her. "Like I said I'm running the drug trade now. You can go about your regular business but you'll be working for me. However, if I notice that any of you are selling to kids or under-aged teens," She pointed her gun at them again. "I'll kill you."

The one that caused her to shoot stood up and said, "Forget this I'm out of here." Before he could make it to the door Red Cloak pulled out her pistol and shot him in the head making him fall dead on the floor. The rest of them were shocked at what happened as Red Cloak said, "Like I said none of you want to cross me."

"But what about Blue Mask? If he finds out the-"

"Blue Mask won't do anything of importance, I won't allow it. However, if he does go for any of then I'm sure that none of you will be missed. Anymore questions any of you want to ask?"

For a few seconds none of them said anything until, "I have question I'm sure all of us are asking." This caught Red Cloak's as well as the other ponies attention. He stood up and asked, "What about the Mare Do Well?" He was right about all of them were asking that question in there minds.

"Mare Do Well is nothing," She said as she slammed her fist on the railing. "NOTHING?!" The one that asked thought that he must've struck a nerve there, however, she quickly stopped and said. "She won't do anything to stop you completely. Always threatening to kill you, but I know her better she won't kill any of you. It's against her code." None of them could see but at this point she was growling. "It's because of that code that he's still alive today," She thought to herself. "If she shows herself then I'll handle her just do what I tell you so none of you will end up like your friend there." She pointed at the one that she shot. "Now get of here." With that they all left with their orders from their new boss.

"Blue Mask and Mare Do Well will both face their own bloody hell," Red Cloak said to herself as she left too.

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