
My Little Pony: Friendship is Spike

by CubexTrain

Chapter 23: Re;Birth S1E3: Twilight, Spike, and the Tickets to the Gala

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Author's Notes:

Release Notes:
ver. 1.0: Humble Dash, Slice of Life, and Basically Nothing Happens Edition

Prime Universe Equivalent: The Ticket Master

The Grand Galloping Gala is held every Summer in this story. Episodes 1 and 2 took place during Summer. Episode 3 is sometime after that year's gala was finished. (Nothing like justifying the canon of your own story.)

The day after they redeemed Princess Luna, Twilight and Spike spent their afternoon at Sweet Apple Acres helping Applejack with one of her harvests. It was nice to take a break from the city life and enjoy nature.

"That was fun Applejack, thank you for letting us be of assistance," Twilight cheerfully commented.

"No problem Twilight, it's not everyday that I am able to show a little bit about the farm life. Hm... here, catch!" Applejack tossed two big red juicy apples that had Windows printed all over towards the purple duo, "a nice snack for the hard work you did."

"Thanks Applejack! Your apples are the best after all, right?" Spike nudged the farm pony while taking a bite of the apple received, "Hmm? Something the matter?"

Applejack flushed red, but regained her composure. Spike then receives a letter from Princess Celestia.

"Let's see what we have here... wait what?!?!" he exclaims.

"Hmm?" Twilight takes the letter in her magic, munching on the apple in her magical grip.

She then went wide eyed.

"Princess Celestia is inviting us to the Grand Galloping Gala?!?!"

Begin Theme. Twinkling Balloon holding Spike and Twilight descends.

My Little Pony
My Little Pony

Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah...

Cloud Zoom Transition. Rainbow Dash is absent. Twilight climbs out of the basket with Spike on her back and trots into Ponyville.

My Little Pony
I used to wonder how much Spike could mean
My Little Pony
Until you all chose to share him with me?

Camera pans to empty scene and Twilight gives a very confused look as to the lyrics she just sung.

Spike falls from a high height in front of a Cloudsdale-like background while screaming like a mare.
Rainbow Transition.

Spike opens the door to Pinkie Pie's room in Sugarcube Corner then questions why he's walking into a mare's room.
Confetti Transition.

Spike enters Carousel Boutique and finds it empty.
Flash of Light Transition.

Spike walks around Sweet Apple Acres, looking for somepony to talk to.
Apple Transition.

Spike sits down in front of Fluttershy's cottage, admiring nature.
Butterfly Transition.

Spike is outside the Golden Oak Library. Twilight teleports into the scene.
It's easy to see

That he is the best drakefriend!
Twilight gives Spike a kiss on the cheek.

You have my little ponies
They take a picture of the kiss and send it to the Princesses in Canterlot.

Princess Celestia is mildly amused and has a warm smile while Princess Luna looks at the photo with filly-like naive confusion.
Do you know that Spike is really the best?
Zoom out on picture of Twilight and Spike.

Pink Background and Slam Logo on Top as Theme Ends.

Fade to Black.

Yes indeed. The letter mentioned the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot, and that Princess Celestia is giving Twilight, Spike, and their five friends the first of the tickets as a way of saying "thank you" for bringing back her sister.

"This is so exciting! I've never been to the gala!" Twilight excitedly jumps up and down in a circle around Spike and Applejack.

Applejack caught the letter that flew out of Twilight's grasp and read over it while Spike burped up seven tickets.

"Sounds fun. We're definitely going, right Ms. Sparkle?" Spike gave Twilight a tight hug.

"Mmhmm~ Belles of the ball, correct?"

"Uh... I'm still here ya know," Applejack flushed as she gave the letter back to Twilight.

"*squee* Sorry Applejack," was the response from both of them.

"Anyways, sounds mighty nice Twilight," Applejack commented, "Princess Celestia must be pretty happy to have her sister back."

"You can say that again!" Spike chirped.

Applejack chuckled.

"Well, tell the Princess I said thanks for the ticket. I may be a farm pony, but it is nice to be able to go frou-frou occasionally. Don't tell Rarity I said that though."

There was an understanding smile from the purple duo. After that exchange, Twilight and Spike departed Sweet Apple Acres, being in a cheerful mood from an afternoon well spent. As they were walking/trotting down the farm road, a familiar rainbow Pegasus crash landed in front of them because of plot convenience.

"You doing alright Rainbow Dash?" Spike pokes the downed Pegasus.

Rainbow Dash got up and dusted herself off.

"Yep, nothing new after all, right? So, what's new..." she caught sight of the tickets Twilight and Spike were trying to bring home, "are those what I think those are?"

The purple duo squee'd.

"Yeah, tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala," Twilight matter-of-factly answered.

"That's awesome! The Wonderbolts perform at The Grand Galloping Gala every year!" Rainbow spoke, "I know I would totally love to go, so make sure you have fun alright?"

There was the obvious "hiding that she really wants a ticket" face plastered on the cerulean mare.

"Rainbow Dash, you do realize that one of these tickets is for you right?"

Rainbow Dash was confused and pointed a hoof at herself, asking for clarification if she heard Twilight correctly. Twilight just nodded.

"Yes Rainbow Dash, for you. You did save Princess Luna after all, and that is something that can't be downplayed. So here you go~ I'm looking forward to spending time with you girls there," she issued Rainbow Dash one of the tickets.

There was a small pause as Rainbow Dash took the ticket in her hoof. There was a sudden rainbow blast followed by a rainbow trail going up towards the sky.

"Best! Princess! Ever!" was what the purple duo could hear.

Twilight and Spike were amused at Rainbow Dash's over the top reaction. They continued towards Ponyville and into the town square when there was a sudden crash and they found themselves on the ground. The tickets floated down in front of the eyes of the crasher, Pinkie Pie.

"Huh? Am I seeing gold? Wait... these are..." Pinkie realized, "tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala?! It's the most amazing incredible tremendous super-fun wonderful terrifically humongous party in all of Equestria! I've always always always wanted to go!"

Pinkie Pie then went on to rant about all the partying that she would do and all the games she would play.

"You're so lucky Twilight! Getting to be treated well by this drake~" Pinkie Pie gave Spike a pat on the head.

Rarity trotted in and squealed at the sight of the golden Grand Galloping Gala tickets grounded on the gravel.

"Twilight, are these what I think these are?" Rarity squealed in excitement.

"Uh--" was all Twilight mumbled.

"Yes, yes, yes! Tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot!" Pinkie Pie squealed in delight.

"The gala? I design ensembles for the gala every year. You're so lucky!" Rarity then pouted, "I too would love to attend..."

Fluttershy trotted in on the scene and saw the tickets. She gasped.

"Um, excuse me, Twilight. I would just like to ask, I mean, if it would be alright..." Fluttershy meekly spoke.

"You? You want to go to the gala?" Rarity questioned.

"Oh, no. I mean, yes, or, actually, kind of. You see…” Fluttershy then went into an explanation of all the flora and fauna in the Canterlot Castle Garden and how she would love to see it herself.

That does sound like a good idea, I should take Spike for a walk/trot through that garden.

"Sounds wonderful Fluttershy," Twilight replied, "but you three do realize that three of these tickets are for you right? Who else would deserve these tickets than the ones who saved Princess Celestia's sister? Pinkie Pie, don't answer that."

The party pony squee'd. Rarity was immediately next to Twilight.

"Tell me you're joking."

"Yeah... no, I'm not."

There was the loudest squeal from Rarity as she jumped around Spike and the other mares. Fluttershy accepted her ticket graciously while Pinkie Pie and Rarity were more animated in receiving their tickets. Afterwards, Twilight and Spike finally managed to return back home.

That was convenient. Now I don't have to go out and issue all those tickets.

It was evening when they entered the library. Twilight went over to one of the living room couches and stretched herself out.

"Ah... that was a day well spent wasn't it Spike?"

"Yep, a simple day in which nothing happened. I'm totally fine with having more of these kinds of days."

Spike joined Twilight in relaxation on the couch, bringing over a book that just so happened to be the script to this story. The two of them studied over it for a while, intrigued by the fact that it kept changing every time they tried to read it over again. Afterwards, it was dinner/supper time. Spike cooked for the two of them that day. It was a simple meal of spaghetti with tomato sauce (clever wording) and emerald shavings. As he was serving the plate for the two of them, Twilight made a comment.

"It's not Hearth's Warming isn't it? It is red and green after all," she let loose a giggle.

"Eh, I like emeralds. Nice and green. Reminds me of nature."

Twilight smiled warmly.

"Well, shall we eat?" she remarked.

"Don't we need to get serving plates?"

"Silly Spike, didn't you read the sentence in the paragraph above? It says 'As he was serving the plate for the two of them...'. That's a singular plate for me and you~"

Spike slapped a claw to his face because of the semantics of writing. Nevertheless, the purple duo began eating. As with all spaghetti eating scenes, the stereotype must happen. There was a moment where Twilight and Spike found themselves on opposite ends of the same noodle. Spike was nonchalantly eating when he found his lips resting on Twilight's. The book mare just gave him a wink and then commented.

"My my Spike, making the moves are we?" Twilight pretended to be sheepish.

"Uh--" Spike blanked out while he flushed red.

They finished eating and went to take a bath. Twilight enjoyed it when Spike washed her mane with his claws. After getting nice and squeaky clean, the purple duo went to the bedroom and prepared to go sleep. Twilight had reservations since she didn't get the best sleep the day before, so she was fiddling around with her tail in her hooves while sitting on their bed. Spike could see how uncomfortable the book mare was. He rummaged through the boxes of stuff that they packed when they moved here and found something that never failed to keep Twilight happy.

"Hey Twilight~ Look what I found~"

"*gasp* It's Smarty Pants! We did bring her over!"

Twilight gave Spike a peck on the cheek and then took Smarty Pants in her grip. The old stuffed animal smell was enough to calm her down. Smarty Pants was wedged between Spike and Twilight cuddling as the two dozed off to sleep peacefully, without any more discomfort.

Zoom out of sleeping duo.

End Theme with Credits.

Next Chapter: Re;Birth S1E4: Applejack Does an Honest Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 7 Minutes
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