

by Pickleless

Chapter 6: Idea.

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Blueberry crepes, a ham and cheese omelet, and french toast laid uneaten on the kitchen counter. All three of the girls ate cereal instead. No one said anything as they ate, but the tension around the table was unbearably thick. Growing up on a farm, all three of them were very aware of the importance of conserving resources. Normally, leaving cooked untouched food to be wasted, especially food that had somewhat expensive ingredients, was unheard of; And yet, they could not bring themselves to touch it.  They all came to the same conclusion on their own, eating their favorite meals right after hearing about Grandpa's condition would be like celebrating the progression of his illness. Even if it wasn't true, the feeling remained pressing down harshly on their hearts, turning their stomach into knots. They ate their cereal slowly, none of them very hungry.

Aria emptied what was left of her cereal down the sink and headed towards the shower. A five minute hot shower in the morning was one of the highlights of Aria's day. She would frequently daydream of one day visiting a natural hot-spring with her family. In fact, Aria has always had a strong connection with water, a trait she shared with her sisters. After a hard day's of farm work, the three of them would frequently play in the nearby pond together. The more she thought about it, she realized the only time she really ever heard Adagio laugh without any reservations was when the three of them were swimming together.

Her mind left the pleasant subject and went to another one, How Sonata's singing voice has gotten better. She loved to hear her sisters sing as much as she loved to sing herself. Without thinking about it, she started whispering a sad, mournful tune. As more of heart entered her song, her volume increased. Last night, she was overcome with self doubt. She was told everything would be alright, no thanks to her. Now she was full of fear, for her family, and her future. Her voice beautifully belied the uncertainty she felt, keeping a strong, steady melody flowing out. Soothing her spirit and healing her heart. Between the three girls music had always felt like a holy sanctuary.

Two other voices joined in outside of the bathroom, full of strength and hope. Aria realized she'd been standing still in a cold shower for ten minutes. She turned off the shower and hurried out of the bathroom. Outside, Adagio and Sonata waited for her. Aria hung her head in shame, she wasted water during a time where they needed money the most and showed weakness in front of them. The two wrapped their arms around her, trapping her in a tight hug. The warmth of their bodies felt wonderful against her cold skin. Aria tried to hold it back until a sob slipped out.

She openly cried in her sisters' arms.

Life had an interesting way of making one overestimate the nearby future. Whether it was getting a new job, going on a trip, dealing with confrontation, or anything really, the mind had a special way of making one imagine every possible way it play out, and in turn, dread it. Some of Aria's worst fears came true: Grandpa was fatally ill, a massive debt was starting to rear it's head, and she was about to fail in helping take care of her family needs.

Yet, the morning chores on the farm still had to be done, and the three of them still had to go to school. Regardless of the tragedy, life would not take the time to stop and respect her drama. Whether she liked it or not, the day continued to play out like any other day, and it escalated her paranoia even further. She had every intention of taking the day off, but then Adagio, being Adagio, had to be completely understanding and sympathetic, while also stating she intended to still go to school. Upon hearing Adagio was still attending, Sonata also said she would be going. A completely unintended peer pressure put on from her sisters guilted Aria into going too.

And so, Aria did what she did last night and stared at the school doors in regret. She already felt like she took all the mental abuse she could handle today. Six long hours of attempting to study, focus, and not let other students bother her sounded like torture at the moment, and she almost turned right back around and headed home.


The song in the shower and her sisters' compassion helped Aria brace herself for what was ahead. It's only school. She told herself. You do this five days out of the week normally, you can do this now. This isn't going to be a problem.

Pre-Algebra was unusually peaceful today. Once every other day at school at least one student would mess with Aria or one of her sisters; Usually someone trying to get in Sunset Shimmer's good graces, as she seemed to hate Aria and her siblings. Nobody had messed with them at all yet, in fact, some students when out of their way to hold open a door or politely greet them. Aria wished that they would act like this some other day so she could fully appreciate it. It wasn't until the third student randomly apologized to her that she got it. Somehow, word of her grandfather's condition must have spread around town.

Even if Aria didn't absorb what the teacher was saying, he pretty much was just explaining what was in the textbook. History was a different story, but she had good grades in that class, she was fairly certain she could take blow. She made a half hearted attempt to take notes in Science, and slowly made her way to the cafeteria.

She smiled when she saw Sonata talking and laughing with other students. Aria was a spiteful girl, but she had never once wished ill on her sisters. If her younger sibling could find relief through socializing, even when Aria herself couldn't relax, then she was happy for her. Spotting Adagio sitting at a table alone, she plopped down next to her and let gravity slam her head into the table.

"Are you okay?" Adagio quietly asked.

"Sorta." Aria replied.

"You can take the rest of the day off you need to."

"I'll manage."

Aria didn't see Adagio frown.

"You should eat something." The older sibling scooted closer.

"I'm not hungry."

Adagio sighed, "I'll find something easy for you to snack on."

"I don't want anything." Aria sulked.

"Aria, please." She insisted.


"Thank you." Adagio squeezed Aria's hand before heading back into line.

Aria watched her walk off. A full minute passed by before she realized that she'd been doing nothing other than staring at the general direction Adagio left in.

"What am I doing?.." She moaned.

Going to school was a bad idea. Of course, it's always good to not lose points for attendance, but Aria grew up on a farm; The routine schedule of managing the fields and having to wake up early everyday kept her healthy and made it very hard to play hooky. She could easily afford to miss a day or three of school. She wasn't absorbing any of the knowledge, she's wasn't resting at home, she wasn't at the hospital, where she should be right now...

"I'm wasting my time, why did I even come here?!?" She growled.

Because your sisters were attending and that scared you. She mocked herself. You're afraid to look weak, especially in front of them. You want to look impressive, and make your family proud, and instead you're just making things worse for yourself.

Aria gently smacked her forehead against the table.

There is absolutely NO WAY today could get any worse.

"Aww, what's wrong Aria, feeling under the weather?" A haughty voice called out.

I stand corrected.

"I heard your grandfather is really sick. Looks like you got no sleep last night, poor thing..." Sunset mocked. "Should you really be at school? What your grandpa has is contagious right? You could get us all sick too!"

Aria clenched her fists. No, she's worked too hard on her attitude this school year, she's not going to lose her temper now.

"Why, you look absolutely dreadful, you should go lie down! I can see your face already started to sag a bit... oh wait, that's how it always looks, my bad!" She laughed.

Glaring at Sunset, Aria rose from her chair and turned to leave. Maybe she could just wait in her classroom for Psychology to start. Sunset generally didn't mess with her in the classrooms unless she was in really bad mood.

"And where are you going?" Sunset growled.

Aria had already risen from the table and turned away to leave. Sunset stuck out a foot to trip her. Bad luck seemed to be the theme for the week, and it held true for Aria as she tripped and smashed her face into the side of the table.

Sunset swore under her breath. "You okay?.. Come on, get up! It didn't look that bad..."

Rising to her knees, Aria shakily lifted her hand up to her nose and wiped away blood. Hearing a loud clank, she saw Adagio drop a tray of food, staring at her in horror. If looks could kill, the stare her older sister gave Sunset would be on the top ten most wanted list; but before Adagio could give Sunset a piece of her mind, Sonata literally beat her to the punch.

Aria watched in slow motion as Sonata grabbed Sunset by the wrist and forced her to turn around. Before Sunset could complain, Sonata had adjusted her stance, pulling her right leg back and pushing her leg left forward. Smoothly, in one motion, like clockwork, she twisted her torso and hips slightly while jutting her right arm out like a spear, and leaned forward slightly while pushing up the heel on her right foot. Sonata exhaled the deep breath she took while flexing her pecs and biceps and relaxing the other muscles in her body. Lastly, she kept her fist loose up until it connected with Sunset face, where she clenched it into a tight ball, keeping her thumb on the outside.

Any boxer would have recognized a perfectly executed straight punch. Sunset didn't, but she definitely felt it. Aria wasn't the only one bleeding anymore.

"What the hell?!?" Sunset spat out a tooth. "You ratty little blue bit-"

Snarling, Sonata grabbed Sunset by the collar and pulled her face up close.


It was right then Aria and Adagio learned that Sonata wasn't as innocent and fragile as they thought. While Adagio was somewhere between shock and terror, Aria couldn't help but feel an odd sense of pride in her sister well up within her. Looks like the two older siblings weren't the only ones protective of their family, although she wondered where Sonata learned to throw a punch.

"Ms. Dusk!" Harshwhinny yelled out. "What is going on here?!?"

Everyone froze and stared at the most dreaded teacher at the school. Sonata looked at Sunset, then Aria, and lastly, her still clenched up fist.

"I pow'd Sunset Shimmer right in the kisser." Sonata said with a blank expression.

"Principal's office," Harshwhinny commanded, "right now."

"Wait." Adagio coolly injected. "Sunset Shimmer struck Aria first. Sonata didn't just-"

"Then they BOTH can go to the principal's office!" Harshwhinny voice raised an octave. "NOW!"

"Hey," Sunset argued, "it was an accident! She hit me on-"

"No lip Ms. Shimmer, especially not from a bloody one!" Harshwhinny roared. "Either head to the nurse's office, then to the Principal's, or straight to the Principal's!"



Both of them hurried out of the cafeteria.

"Ms. Harshwhinny," Adagio helped Aria to her feet, "please, Sonata isn't-"

"Whatever Sonata is, she just assaulted another student." Harshwhinny growled. "Ms. Dazzle, I trust you'll escort your younger sister to the nurse's office?"

"Of course Ma'am, but if I could just-"

"Good," Harshwhinny cut her off, "I'm going to find a janitor to clean up this mess."

The siblings sighed as Harshwhinny briskly walked away.

"Are you okay?" Adagio calmly said, just above a whisper.

Aria grunted as she popped her broken nose back in place. "Yeah."

Adagio gave Aria a knowing look.

"No." Aria admitted. "Today sucks."

"Let's have the nurse check you out," Adagio gently spoke, "After that, you should go home, get something to eat, and sleep."

"But what about the fields?"

"I'll handle the fields today." Adagio smiled.

Aria frowned. "What about Sonata?"

"Aria," Adagio's tone was soft, but full of authority, "I will take of everything, I promise. Now promise you'll go home and rest. I don't want you to get sick too."

The gentle reminder of their Grandfather's situation made Aria cringe.

"Alright," she relented. "I'll head home after the nurses' office."

"Thank you." Adagio gave Aria a gentle squeeze.

Aria spaced out the rest of the walk down. She absentmindedly took note of Adagio guiding her to a bed as she explained the situation to the nurse. Her nose throbbed in pain, but it didn't bother her, oddly enough. After everything that happened today, getting her nose broke seemed to be the final straw. Aria was now in a emotionally dumb state, staring at the speckles on the ceiling and making out shapes in them.

"-Fall did'cha?"

"What?" Aria snapped out of her stupor.

"Took a nasty fall, did'cha?" Nurse Snowheart repeated.

"Oh, yeah..." Aria tried to focus.

"There there sweat heart, I know you've been having a hard time lately, but tomorrow is another day."

"I have a good feeling tomorrow isn't going to be any better..." Aria murmured.

"Well, I doubt you'll get another broken nose!" Snowheart laughed.

Aria always tried her hardest not to tempt fate, but she always felt it was unfair when somebody just calmly jinxes her like that.

"It's a real shame about Starswirl," Snowheart continued. "All of Pollyville loves him dearly. Why, with a tight knit community like this, I wouldn't be surprised if you had a goodie basket or ten getting dropped off on your doorstep!"

Aria's brain rebooted as she had an epiphany.

"The town loves Grandpa?" She asked.

"Oh of course! Starswirl really went of his way to help us all out when he was younger. A lot of us owe him a favor or two. Don't worry dear, I'm sure somebody will help look after you girls while he's recovering... Dear, where are you going? Aria?!?"

Aria hurried out of the nurse's office, she had an idea on how to help Grandpa!

Next Chapter: Starswirl the Bearded Estimated time remaining: 12 Minutes
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