
The Faceless Mask

by Avatar Titan
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
They made us in their labs to conduct a simple purpose. But they underestimated us.
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So the void became the shape, …

...and the shape became the land, ...

...and the land became rich, ...

...and all of that is me.


After the Cult of the Eternal End asserted its dominance over a conquered Auriga, their luck took a turn for the worse. One especially powerful winter settled in to stay, and soon the Cult found itself dwindling. As the winter tore the land apart, one automaton, his mind touched by the Queen, proposed a strange and unorthodox plan. Exploration of the Endless ruins deep below the surface of Auriga had yielded results - a Dust-powered machine designed for the creation of beings.

The Cult poured their remaining pinches of Dust into the device, along with a sliver of hair from every creature they had ever conquered. With every pinch the Cult hoped for its future. It hoped for its salvation, within what twisted mass the machine would make.

When the final pinch of Dust left the fingers of the Cult, the machine awoke. It began to whirr. It whirred. It whirred as the winter buried the last of the Cult and shrouded the Palace of the Queen in an impenetrable wall of snow and ice.

In time, however, the machine stopped whirring. And the future of the Cult - and in turn, Auriga, faced the dark Endless facility on four soggy hooves.


300 words: Estimated 2 Minutes to read: [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. Behold, My Birth. [Cache] Apr 23rd, 2015
Published Apr 23rd, 2015


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