
A Second Chance

by Jay David

Chapter 105: Memories and Reunions

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Twilight stood there, staring at the ornate door before her, with a look on her face that made it very clear that she was not looking forward to this. After all, the circumstances hadn't exactly been good when the two mares met each other, either in this timeline or the other. Thankfully, this time at least had the benefit of Sunset's attempted theft having been stopped before she got away with it, but even so, now she was in the position of being an outright prisoner, and if nothing else, that was going to make this next meeting between them all the more difficult. Twilight let out a sigh, glancing to her left and right, seeing the two guards that her brother had posted here. They remained in that usual stoic look that the guards were famous for, but every once in a while, they would dart their eyes in her direction, only to look back forward, hoping she hadn't noticed. Perhaps they were unsure of how to address or deal with an alicorn that wasn't a princess, as such a thing was quite unprecedented in Equestrian history. Either way, Twilight had little time to think about it, and so looked back to the door in front of her. Taking a deep breath, she raised a hoof and gently turned the knob, allowing herself entry within. Once inside, she used her magic to close the door behind her, after which she gazed at the room's sole occupant. And like she suspected, she did not appear to be in a good mood.

Sunset Shimmer, former student of Princess Celestia, was pacing up and down the room, clearly angry at her failed attempt to steal the Element of Harmony from Twilight. Upon her horn was the magical inhibitor ring that Twilight had placed upon her, which the captive unicorn would occasionally try to yank off herself, to no avail. However, as soon as Twilight closed the door behind her, it alerted Sunset to her presence. There was silence between the two mares, as well as a look on Sunset's face that made it obvious that she was considering some kind of action. However, since it was an alicorn barring the door from her, she silently decided it would be wiser to do nothing, especially since her magic was unavailable to her at this time. Instead, she stood there, looking more than a little indignant at the young alicorn before her, before staking a single step closer.

"Well...has Princess Celestia asked for my interrogation, Princess Twilight?"

But Twilight simply shook her head at that before speaking.

"She hasn't. And for the record...I'm no princess."

Sunset raised an eyebrow at that, with her eyes glancing down to Twilight's wings. Getting the message, the young alicorn gave a nod before answering the question that was no doubt on her captive's mind.

"Yes...I'm an alicorn...but that doesn't make me a princess. I refused that title."

The captive mare looked to her captor with an expression of pure shock, although, given what Twilight knew about her, it wasn't hard to imagine why. After all, rejecting a position of princesshood was something utterly anathema to one such as Sunset. Still, the latter's moment of pause was short-lived, as she then narrowed her eyes at the opposing mare.

"Regardless...why are you here? To get me to say sorry for what I've done?"

Twilight shook her head at that.

"No...I've come to help you."

Sunset scoffed in response to those words.

"Help? I don't need any help. Not from you, and definitely not from Celestia!"

The bitterness in her words was evident, the result of what was probably years of telling herself the same hateful things over and over again while she was in her self-imposed exile in the other world. Even so, Twilight was not deterred.

"Sunset...I know what happened between you and the princess. I know how close the two of you used to be. If you truly want...it can be that way again."

Raising an eyebrow, the older unicorn looked to Twilight, scepticism plastered all over her face.

"You even sound like her. You were probably a student to her far longer than I was."

Taking a step closer, Sunset's face became one of bitterness and resentment.

"Tell me...are you the new favourite? Does Celestia go on about how proud she is about having a student more loyal and trustworthy...or rather...more controllable than I was?"

It took a great deal of strength on Twilight's part to not respond angrily to those words of utter bile being thrown at her, and instead, she stayed still, watching as Sunset got out all of what she needed to say.

"Oh yes, I remember my time with her well. Oh sure, she said she was happy with my work and my progress, but when it came time...she didn’t want me to be as good as I knew I could be! I knew I could become as great as her, if not greater! But no! She couldn't have that, now could she? Because the pristine and perfect Princess Celestia always has to be above everypony else, doesn't she?"

Only now did Twilight speak, though her words were soft and considerate.

"Sunset...you know that isn't true. You knew her for years. You can't possibly think that's how she thought of you."

Sunset turned to her, utter fury in her eyes, as she gave a response to that.

"And who are you to say that to me? I spent almost my whole life trying to do everything she wanted, but when I got too curious about what I could become...she turned against me! Everything I thought she felt about me was a lie! She feared what I could do! She even tried to exile me because I dared to rise higher! So tell me, O mighty alicorn...who are you to tell me what Celestia is?!"

Twilight said no words, and instead just thought long and hard about how best to respond. Eventually, after considering all the options available to her, she chose one that most would not have available to them. Had this occurred just a few days ago, when she was still only a unicorn, she might not have been able to pull it off. But now? Now, she was an alicorn, and thus, greater powers were at her disposal. With a look of seriousness upon her face, Twilight began to approach the hindered Sunset, with the latter starting to lose some of the fury that had been present in her expression this whole time. Instead, she began to look worried, especially when Twilight's horn began to light up. She started to take a few steps backwards, but Twilight just kept on approaching her, leading to a greater sense of fear and danger in Sunset. In time, she'd backed herself into a corner, and had nowhere else to retreat to, as Twilight finally reached her. The alicorn's horn was glowing brightly, and she closed her eyes before leaning her head forward. Sunset, although fearful, knew that there would be little point in trying to resist the power of an alicorn, and so simply remained still as her captor's head drew closer. Moments later, their horns touched, and in an instant, Sunset let out a gasp, as her vision had now changed completely as a result of Twilight's magic.

Instead of looking upon the room that served as her cell, Sunset's sight was instead made privy to a barrage of images. But these were no mere hallucinations, conjured up by Twilight as a means of punishing or intimidating her. No, these were memories. Snapshots of the young alicorn's life, and the deeds she had committed. In the blink of an eye, Sunset saw many of the things her captor had done in recent years. The monsters she'd fought, the things she'd tried to make better, the commitment she'd given herself to live her life for the good of Equestria. And above all, there was her resolve. It had no image to go with it, but Sunset could feel it with every passing moment that this was happening to her. Although Twilight was a stranger to her, she nevertheless felt that she knew her now, and, more importantly, could feel the sheer weight of the responsibilities she'd placed upon herself, as well as the guilt that had led to her being in this place in her life. The whole experience was strange, and could best be described as having a massive photo album jumbled about and put out-of-order before flashing in front of one's eyes. As such, Sunset could see the acts, the loss, and the tasks Twilight had set for herself, but it was not the same as Twilight's own memory spell from her future, and thus, many of the things Twilight knew were hidden from her captive.

Even so, the question of "who are you" had very much been answered for the older unicorn, and in a flash, she found that Twilight had ceased her spell, and had instead taken a step back from her. The effect of what had just occurred was overwhelming, and Sunset found that she was panting heavily from the result. As she looked to Twilight, it was as if, for the first time, she truly comprehended who it was that she was dealing with. Gone was the sense of self-righteousness that had been there before, as if her act tonight had been to claim what was rightfully hers. No, instead she looked like a frightened foal, who had just realised that they'd stolen gold from a dragon. One look at Sunset's face told Twilight everything she needed to. For at this moment, Sunset was not looking at her as if she were another pony, or even an alicorn. No, that expression was one only reserved for those who thought they were looking upon a God. Needless to say, Twilight was not too happy about being regarded in this way. Seeing that look of fear upon her one-time rival's face, Twilight looked to her with softness and compassion in her expression, and speaking in a manner that matched.

"Sunset...I'm not going to hurt you. I just...want to help you."

The unicorn before her took a moment, but soon got back to her hooves, and her face was one of confusion.

"I...I know. Don't ask me how, but...I know. I...it's like...those images, and..."

In spite of the seriousness of the situation, Twilight couldn't help but give a sly smile.

"Difficult to get your head around? Believe me, I that know better than you do."

Contrary to the confrontational way she'd been before, Sunset let out a dry chuckle.

"Huh...I guess you do, don't you?"

But, it wasn't long before the steel returned to Sunset's eyes, and she stamped her hoof down angrily before addressing the powerful alicorn before her.

"Don’t think this changes anything! Do you really think that showing off your power is going to get me to just bow down and admit that what I did was wrong? You think you're that imposing?"

Although she knew that Sunset was still angry at her, Twilight couldn't help but put on that same sly smile as before.

"Oh...I'd say I was. I mean...you haven't even noticed where we are right now."

Sunset looked to her with confusion over those words, but soon, understanding dawned on her, and she began to turn her head and look around. When she did, her eyes widened with shock, as she discovered that Twilight’s words were true. For the two of them were no longer in that comfortable quarters in the crystal palace, but someplace else. Someplace strange. It was, for all intents and purposes, complete darkness all around them, save for what seemed to be a magical purple mist swirling all around them. Sunset's head darted around, as she tried her best to make sense of her current surroundings. However, it was clear that this was easier said than done, as noting about this place seemed to make sense at all. Eventually, she looked back to Twilight, her expression one of confusion, as if silently begging her for an explanation as to what was going on. But, moments afterwards, the formerly-exiled unicorn gained a look of understanding, as she spoke in a hushed tone.

"You...your spell didn't stop, did it?"

Twilight shook her head.

"No, it didn't. This place...is a place of memory. Yours and mine, together. You have already seen some of what my mind has within it, and here...I hope that I can convince you to stray from the path you wanted for yourself."

Sunset narrowed her eyes at that.

"You still think you can change my mind?"

Hearing that question, Twilight expression became softer, and more sympathetic.

"Sunset...I know you must have been lonely in that other world. Cut off from your own people...and from the only real friend you ever had in your life."

Sunset turned her gaze away from Twilight.

"Celestia was not my friend! She held me back! Kept me from being what she knew I was capable of becoming!"

Twilight shook her head again.

"That isn't true. Celestia thought of you as one of her dearest friends. And for a time...I think you felt the same about her."

Slowly, Sunset turned to look upon her once more, though she remained silent, prompting Twilight to continue.

"Believe me...I know what it's like to have friends no longer be a part of your life."

The look on her face made it clear that she spoke the truth on that count, and for a moment, Sunset remembered some of the flashes she saw in the alicorn's mind before. Images of five mares, all looking to her with anger, or a sense of betrayal. She didn't know how to make sense of those images, but she had enough to know that, just maybe, Twilight had some sense of what she'd been going through during her exile. Even so, the unicorn was unwilling to simply admit to this, and looked away from her once more.

"For the sake of argument...let's just assume that it was me that was in the wrong. Do you really think Celestia would ever welcome me back with open hooves? I openly insulted her. I turned against her when I learned about my possible ascension. I defied her command to escape into that other world. After all that..."

For a brief moment, Twilight could see a glimmer of regret in Sunset's eyes as she carried on.

"...how could she ever want me near her again? She probably hates me."

But Twilight shook her head, looking to Sunset with a soft expression.

"You're wrong. You're all she thought about for years. From the time you were together...you've been important to her."

Sunset looked to her, and it looked like she was somewhat unconvinced by Twilight's words. However, before Sunset had a chance to speak up, she was distracted by a new sound. It was unmistakeably the sound of a young filly giggling, but Sunset, despite looking all over, couldn't quite pin where it was coming from. However, that soon changed when she noted a small figure emerging from the purple mist around them. She narrowed her eyes, trying to get a better look, and when she did, her eyes widened with shock. For there, finally coming into view, was the filly herself. But, against all reason and logic, that filly was Sunset herself. The unicorn backed up, shocked at the sight of her younger self as she ran towards her, even more so when, moments afterwards, the young filly ran not only up to her, but also through her, as if she were a ghost. Although greatly taken aback by that, Sunset spun around, and then saw, on top of everything else, that Princess Celestia was there. For a moment, she took a step backwards, but then, she noticed that the filly version of her was running right up to Celestia, practically bouncing in place when she reached her. As for Celestia, she smiled down at the young filly as she spoke, with her voice filled with great enthusiasm.

"I did it! Did you seem me, Princess!? I got that flower to bloom! The whole class was clapping for me!"

Celestia smiled in that warm way she was so famous for, before getting onto her knees and placing a hoof upon the young Sunset's shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you, Sunset. Your practise has paid off. And this is just the beginning. I have so many wonderful things to teach you, my student."

The present Sunset watched this scene play out before her, and for the first time, understood what was going on. It was as Twilight said. This was a place of memories, and right now, this was one of hers, playing out before her as if it were happening right now. She watched as her younger self struggled to contain the sheer joy she felt from hearing her beloved mentor's praises, before, in a manner nopony else would have been willing to do, leapt forward and embraced her. Celestia was not angry at this. On the contrary, for she seemed happier than she usually did, and embraced the young filly in return. In this moment, the older Sunset felt her heart lift, as that happy memory took the forefront in her mind, causing her to smile. However, that smile faded as the image and memory became less clear to her, causing her to look around and see where it went. When she realised it was gone, she turned, looking upon Twilight once more, with an expression of melancholy upon her face.

"That...that was a long time ago. Things change...and they did change! I...I betrayed her. I said...so many things to her before I left."

Sunset turned from the alicorn, looking down at the ground as sadness now covered her face.

"If she ever thought about me in that time...it's was probably just to remember how disappointed she was in me."

Twilight said nothing, instead keeping quiet as Sunset was deep in thought over what was most likely her relationship to Celestia. Thinking on the matter herself, Twilight soon broke out into a small smile, as she began to concentrate on her own memories. Before long, they too began to take shape, and it was here that Sunset began to notice. The memory that now formed before the two of them was from a few months ago, and the image that came forth was of Twilight and Celestia. The present Twilight watched, standing alongside Sunset, as the memory played out before them, with Celestia taking a long sigh before speaking.

"Sunset...was one of the most impressive students I ever had. Many have talent in magic, but she...she was something more."

Sunset, now curious about what was taking place in front of her, took a step forward, listening intently as the memory of Celestia continued speaking.

"She always...put so much of herself into her work, and her spells. Whatever task I gave her, she accomplished, far beyond what I would have expected of any other student."

Nostalgia and warmth painted Celestia's face, much to Sunset's regret, though she remained silent as the image of her mentor continued.

"We were close for many years. Barely a day went by without her by my side. She looked up to me, like...like I was some kind of hero."

A chuckle escaped the elder alicorn, before, slowly, she started to gain a look of sadness.

"I suppose...I'm partly to blame for what happened to her. I spent so long trying to teach her to master her power, to help her grow in her abilities...I utterly failed to teach her some of the more important things. That power isn't always the be-all-end-all of one's life, and that friends can sometimes make our lives all the richer."

The sadness deepened in Celestia's face, as it did in Sunset's, as the former carried on.

"Twilight...to me...Sunset was not just a reminder of my failings as a teacher. She was my greatest student..."

Perhaps sensing what was about to happen, Sunset began to back away, shaking her head furiously as she did so.

"No...no! Please don't say it!"

"...she was one of my dearest friends..."

"No! I...I don't want to hear it!"

"...she was...she was like..."

Sunset raised her hooves, planting them right over her hears in a vain attempt to drown out the words.

"No...please! Don't think of me like...like..."

"...like my own daughter."

The words had been spoken, and despite Sunset's best efforts, she had heard them. Slowly, she lowered her hooves, looking instead upon the mental image of Celestia before her, which, like the previous memory, began to fade away. Before it did, the once-exiled unicorn reached out, as if to try and hold her mentor close once more, but it was too late, for the memory now disappeared before her eyes. The image of Celestia was gone now, leaving the unicorn all alone, save for Twilight. The latter watched in silence, seeing Sunset sit quietly on the ground, thinking over everything that had just occurred. She didn't know how much time had passed before Sunset finally spoke again, but when she did, her voice was hushed, and realisation filled her eyes.

"What...what have I done?"

Twilight looked to her with sympathy, and placed a hoof upon her shoulder.

"What you did...was make a mistake. Having made many mistakes myself...I know that sometimes...we can't see it...until it's too late."

Sunset looked away, a look of great pain covering her face. But, she soon heard Twilight's voice yet again.

"But it's not too late for you, Sunset. You can still make things right. All you have to do...is talk to her."

Sunset's head snapped back in her direction, disbelief in her eyes.

"But...how? How can I possibly face her after what I did? What...what would she say to me?"

In spite of how upsetting this was for her, Twilight broke out into a small smile.

"If you want to know...let's ask her."

Sunset gained a look of confusion at that, but then looked on with shock as Twilight closed her eyes, starting to concentrate on something. Before Sunset had a chance to ask what was going on, she was taken aback when she saw, to her amazement, that the magical realm around them was beginning to crumble. She braced herself, ready to defend against whatever harm would come her way from this. However, none came. Instead, and very slowly, Sunset began to open her eyes again, wherein she saw Twilight pull away from her, having finally moved her horn off hers in the waking world, with her magical aura fading away at last, leaving the two of them back where this all started, in the quarters Sunset had been given. However, Sunsets eyes widened with shock when she noticed that the two of them were not alone in this place. For there, standing tall behind Twilight, and looking down at her with utter seriousness, was Princess Celestia. Instinctively, Sunset took a step back at the sight of her old mentor, all while Twilight stood to one side, having known without looking that Celestia was there. The elder alicorn stepped forward, staring intently at the unicorn she had not seen for so many years. Silence fell between the two mares, until finally, it was Celestia who broke it.

"Sunset Shimmer...it has been a long time."

Naturally, Sunset began to panic. Her mind raced with all of the things that her teacher might say or do to her. Anger. Disappointment. Punishment. Surely all of these things and more were what Sunset would soon be experiencing, she was certain of it. She opened her mouth to try and say something, anything that she could use to defend herself, but all she could get out were false starts, prompting her to shut her eyes tightly. Now cowering in the corner of that room, she waited for the inevitable retribution that Celestia was no doubt preparing to deliver to her for her betrayal. And yet, against everything Sunset was expecting, all she felt was a hoof, gently placed on the side of her face. Slowly, she cracked one eye open, and then another, before looking up to her old teacher. And it was here that she saw the truth. For Celestia was looking down at her, not with anger, or resentment, but happiness. Her eyes were filling with tears of joy, and she spoke to the mare in that motherly tone she had not heard from her in far too many years.

"I've...I've missed you."

And this was the moment in which the floodgates opened. With the uttering of those words, Sunset's own eyes began to well up, and before long, tears were flowing down her cheeks. Seconds afterwards, the weight of this situation finally got to her, and her knees buckled, causing her to drop to the ground as she cried. Celestia, still smiling, knelt down beside her, leaning forward and tenderly nuzzling the side of her head with her own. As for Twilight, she looked upon this heart-warming reunion with joy of her own, never saying a word, but merely watching those two mares hold each other close, for the first time in many years. Smiling, she could not help but well up herself at the sight of this reconciliation, and all the while, Sunset kept on saying the same things over and over again.

"I'm...I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Next Chapter: Through the Looking Glass Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 16 Minutes
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