
Tavi Tales

by VitalSpark

Chapter 3: Tavi Makes Porridge for Vinyl Scratch

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Octavia lifted a measuring cup in her mouth and carefully measured out half a cup of oatmeal before pouring it into a saucepan. To that she added half a cup of whole milk and a full cup of water.

She turned on the stove and gently heated the contents of the saucepan, stirring it occasionally with a wooden spoon. Once most of the liquid had been absorbed, she shook a little sprinkling of salt into the pan — not really necessary for today's porridge, but she did it out of force of habit.

Now cooked, she poured the porridge into a bowl and allowed it some time to cool to a more reasonable temperature — she wouldn't want Vinyl to get scalded on hot porridge.

She lifted the bowl and trotted over to where Vinyl was sitting before calmly pouring the warm porridge all over Vinyl's mane.

"That's for fucking saying I looked pregnant!"

Next Chapter: Tavi and Lyra Meet for Coffee Again Estimated time remaining: 5 Minutes
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