
Tennis Match Tales

by VitalSpark

Chapter 3: Tennis Match Sandwich

Previous Chapter

"Yes, that's right. Fill it up with your meat," squealed Tennis Match.

"Like this?" asked Teddy.

"Yeah. I want some of that creamy white sauce inside."

"Don't worry. I'll fill it up with lots of sauce."

"Oooh, yeah. Like that," purred Tennis Match happily. "Yes, more… more! That's right."

Curly came up from behind. "Should I put this in there?" he asked, pointing at Tennis Match's can.

Tennis Match's face took on a mixture of horror and curiosity. "Both at once?"

"Sure," said Teddy, "Sunset likes it."

"I don't know." Tennis Match was still hesitant. "Sunset Shimmer is a little more 'experimental' than me."

Curly patted Tennis Match's can. "Trust me, you're going to love it."

Tennis Match looked at him nervously. Having both of them in at the same time didn't sound like something she'd enjoy. "OK, but promise you'll take it out if I don't like it."

Curly smiled, glad she'd decided to try something new. "Of course, but I'm telling you: once you've tried it, you'll love it."

Moments later, Tennis Match was moaning as she bit into the chicken and canned sweetcorn sandwich (with extra mayo). It seemed Sunset Shimmer was right — putting them both in the same sandwich was delicious.

Maybe next time Tennis Match wouldn't be so dismissive of Sunset's other suggestions. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

Author's Notes:

This is the little story I've been teasing Tennis Match Fan with for ten whole months.

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