
Harmony and Light

by TheChronicler

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Unedited

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After the encounter with Rider's friend Steven Magnet and several minutes of walking our hero's next challenge took the form of a wall with a gate bolted shut with a skull an cross bones mounted on top. In front of the gate a table of rune tile's on top of the wall a lighting rod as the pony's neared the gate the Skull suddenly came to life

"Halt none may pass unless they overcome the challenge of the runes select the rune name of the great Queen Faust and move on select the wrong rune and get zapped with that lighting rod and DIE!!!" The skull declared.

The pony's gasped. "But no one but the princess know's that!" Twilight yelled.

"Oh great the only pony who knows the information that can save the princess is the princess now what are we gong to do" Swiftblade grunted.

"No worry's lads and lasses i got this!" Clover exclaimed as he walked up to the table he's magic flared and he was surrounded be a green light he closed his eyes and picked up a rune.

"CLOVER!!!!" Everypony screamed they waited and waited but no blast of magic.

"Maybe it's out of battery's?" Pinkie asked with a shrug.

"You have chosen wisely proceed." The talking skull said as the table descended and the gate opened evreypony cheered.

Rarity rushed forward and glomped Clover. "Clover Mcloven don't you ever scare me like that again!" She said sternly.

"Dude that was amazing how did you do that?" Soarin asked.

Clover got up and brushed himself off then simply pointed at his cutie mark "Simple luck magic for a limited time I can make it so that anything that can go right or wrong will." He explained.

"Normally I'd start trying to learn about this but as fascinating it is we need to get going come on everypony." Twilight said as our hero's proceeded the dark mist flew out of the skull and headed to cut them off.

After the challenge of the runes our hero's trekked though what seamed to be the ruins of an old civilization. As they walked down the main street they began to see the castle over the horizon. "There it is, the ruin that holds The Elements of Harmony. We made it!" Twilight exclaimed as she ran towards it.

"Twilight, wait for us!" Applejack called as she and the others ran to catch up with Twilight.

"We're almost there. Whoa!" Twilight yelped as she almost fell into the gorge in front of her until rainbow caught her.

"What's with you and falling off cliffs today?" Rainbow asked as she pulled her up.

"Now what?" Pinkie sighed looking at the gorge.

"Duh." Rainbow dash said as she spread her wings and flew into the gorge.

"Oh yeah." Pinkie said.

Rainbow soon flew out of the gorge on the other side with the other end of the bridge in her mouth as she tied the fist string she head a voice "Rainbow..." the voice said.

"Who's there?" Rainbow yelled as she got into a defensive stance.

"Rainbow..." the voice said.

"I ain't scared of you! Show yourself!" Rainbow said throwing a few punches.

"We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria." the voice said.

Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrow "Who?" she asked.

"Why, you, of course." the voice said.

"Really?!" Rainbow asked surprised. "I mean... Oh yeah, me. Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like, ever." she said.

"No, Rainbow Dash. We want you to join us, The Shadowbolts. We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria, but first, we need a captain. The most magnificent" The Shadowbolt Leader said as she flew around Rainbow.

"Yep." Rainbow Dash blushed at the complement.

"Swiftest." Shadowbolt Leader said.

"Yes." Rainbow Dash said.

"Bravest flyer in all the land." the Shadowbolt Leader said.

"Yes, it's all true." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"We need... you." The Shadowbolt Leader whisperer in Rainbows ear.

"WOOHOO!" Rainbow Dash whooped. "Sign me up. Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal." she said as she tried to pick up the rope.

"No! It's them or us." The Shadowbolt Leader declared.

"Rainbow, what's taking so long?" Twilight called out she strained her eyes to see the Shadowbolts. "Oh no. Rainbow! Don't listen to them." she cried out in vain. as the fog thickened.

"Well?" The Shadowbolt Leader asked.

"You..." Rainbow Dash said as the Shadowbolt Leader gained a look of victory Rainbow continued. "Thank you! For the offer, I mean, but I'm afraid I have to say no." She said as she tied the rope. As she flew to he friends clearing the fog the Shadowbolts turned into the dark mist and flew towards the castle.

"See?" Rainbow Dash said as she landed while the pony's cheered "I'd never leave my friends hangin'." she said as they crossed the bridge.

At last our hero's reach their goal but with one slight problem. "WHY.WONT.THESE.STUPID.BUCKING.DOORS.OPEN!" Rider yelled as he rapidly bucked the doors to the castle.

Twilight rushed over to Rider "Take it easy let me try" She said as she inspected the lock. "This lock is heavily enchanted the doors reinforced the only way in is with the key but were is it?" She questioned.

"A Twilight I think i know were the key is." Swiftblade said as he stared upwards.

"Great were is it...." Twilight trailed of as she and the others fallowed Swift's gaze to see hundreds of bats hanging for the door archway in the biggest bats toe's was an ancient key. "Ok slight problem but all we have to do is get the key from the bats." she said.

"NO Twilight you don't understand those aren't you run of the mill Bat's their vampire bats they can suck a pony dry in 9.1 seconds!" Fluttershy Proclaimed.

"That would be so cool if it weren't about to hurt us." Rainbow said.

"All right evreypony stand back I got this." Soarin said as he took off as he reached the archway he gave a big flap of his wings sending a gust of wind disorienting the bats. "You want me come get me!" he yelled as he flew in the opposite direction of the castle the bats fallowing in what looked like a black cloud. Soarin started to climb into the sky the bats struggling to keep up. "All right its now or never." he said as he closed his wings and dived towards the bats and started to spin when he collided with the bats they got scattered and Soarin was still diving only now he had the key in his mouth. The bats realized this quickly and raced to catch up with him Soarin threw the key at the others. "Open the door now!" He yelled.

Twilight caught the key with her magic and opened the door everypony rushed inside Soarin was closing in on the door the bats hot on his heels the moment he got inside twilight slammed the door. "Soarin that was amazing!" She said.

Soarin dusted himself off and gave a smile. "Please Spitfire's morning warm up is harder then that now come on we have a princess to save." he said.

Unbeknownst to our hero's the bats outside started to dissolve into the dark mist that has been chasing them all night the mist suddenly grew two glowing eyes and a voice suddenly came from nowhere "That dose it this time no mercy." The mist said as it entered the castle through the cracks in the wall.

Next Chapter: Chapter 9 Unedited Estimated time remaining: 8 Minutes
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