
Equestria's Warriors: The Snakes Resurrection

by Wildcard25

Chapter 12: What True Strength is

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The ponies, warriors, and snakes reached the edge of the forest and saw the San Palomino Desert. The group sighed in relief.

"We finally made it." Drake said.

Alistair squinted up ahead seeing towers and buildings partly constructed, "I think I see their kingdom up ahead.

"Zyphon can you get a visual in the distance?" Dustin asked.

"I'm on it." Zyphon's eyes squinted as he zoomed in using his eyes as telescopes and saw the kingdom up ahead still under construction.

"What do you see?" Muse asked.

"I see the kingdom Pythor is having built, and the tribes..."

"Are they ok?" Skales asked.

"For now, but they look tired." Zyphon answered.

"This is bad." Acidicus said.

"We better hurry." Twilight said, as they continued on.

As they trekked through the desert, Dustin spoke, "Pythor's gonna be tough to fight with the Orochi Sword in hand."

"Especially since he's held onto it for a year." Burai added.

"I don't care what happens, we have to rescue our tribes." Skales said.

"And we will, Skales." Wild assured him.

"Keep your heads up, we're coming up on top of it." Xever said, as they got closer.

"You think the guards stationed will let us slip by?" Omaddon asked.

"I don't know." Skalidor answered.

They hid behind some boulders before peaking around and noticed two Anacondrai soldiers blocking the entrance.

"Oh, no, Anacondrai soldiers," Arcturus said, "It's not certain if they're still devoted to Pythor or not."

"How do we get in now?" Pinkie asked.

"Anypony got any bright ideas?" Applejack inquired.

"We could just bust in?" Rainbow suggested.

"Far too rash, Rainbow." Rarity replied.

"She's right, we need to get in without being detected." Twilight added.

"But how?" Fluttershy asked, as everyone present started pondering, until Dustin spoke up.

"Brain blast!" they looked to him oddly, as he answered, "I got plan. Gather around." they gathered around so Dustin could brief them.

At the entrance to the Snakes Kingdom in the making, the two Anacondrai soldiers were standing guard until they saw something approach.

"Be on guard." one told the other until they saw coming into clear was Arcturus and the four generals along with the ponies, warriors, Spike, Zyphon, and the familiars in chains and shackles.

"At ease you two." Arcturus said.

"Arcturus, generals? Why're you five here?" one frowned.

"Pythor gave us strict orders to see to it you be brought to justice." the second said firmly.

"Yes, it was not smart of us to escape our custody, but we we've come home with a gift for our leader." Skales began.

"A gift?" they asked.

"Behold." Acidicus answered, as the snakes revealed the captives.

"The ponies and the warriors?" one guard asked.

"Yes," Fangtom answered, "When we escaped we captured them as a means to show Pythor how sorry we are for questioning his authority."

"If you would be so kind to take us to him, we'll tell him everything." Skalidor said.

The two soldiers looked to each other, while the generals and Arcturus looked hopeful, until one of the soldiers answered, "Follow us."

"Thank you." Skales said, as they followed the two with their captives.

As the guards led them through the under construction kingdom, the snakes looked around seeing their tribes still working themselves to the bone by order of Pythor. The sight of this got the four generals and lieutenant appalled and angry. The ponies and humans themselves while glancing around didn't look too happy about it either.

'This is so wrong.' Twilight thought in disbelief.

'Even I don't work like this without a break.' Applejack thought in shock.

The group was brought into the partially constructed castle and into the throne room where they noticed Pythor atop the throne. They all noticed his eyes looked more sinister and savage like.

"King Pythor." one of the soldiers began.

"What is it?" he asked sounding bored.

"We bring visitors." the second said.

"Visitors?" he asked before seeing the five snakes, "You! You five have a lot of nerve slinking back here after breaking out of jail, and you Arcturus, you traitor!"

Arcturus approached, "My apologies for my actions, sir. It was wrong of me to go against your word and break the other generals out."

"And it was wrong of us to question your own rule." Skales added.

"Mere apologies is not enough to make me forget your treachery." Pythor hissed as his eyes glowed.

"Then perhaps a peace offering to show how sorry we really are?" Acidicus suggested.

"Peace offering?" Pythor asked curiously.

"Behold, Pythor." Skales said, as they revealed the captives.

Pythor looked shocked and overjoyed seeing his enemies chained and shackled, "Can this be? The Elements of Harmony and the human warriors in custody?"

"Yes. We knew if we came back to apologize with words alone it would not suffice, so we got you this as a gift." Arcturus explained.

Pythor slunk around the captives, who kept their heads down in shame, "Well, I dare say I am very pleased. Perhaps I was wrong about all of you."

"Then does that mean we can be generals again?" Skalidor asked hopefully.

"Why not? Ruling all of these tribes alone can be strenuous," The Anacondrai general answered, as he slunk to retrieve the other tribe staffs. He began returning them to each of the generals, "Now with all five of us together again we really will make this kingdom one of the strongest in Equestria."

Skales was the last to accept his tribe staff, and spoke, "Of course, Pythor..." Suddenly the four generals and Arcturus smirked and announced.


The warriors, ponies, and Zyphon broke out of the chains and shackles which were all fakes and stood ready for battle.

"You fell for our Trojan Horse act, Pythor." Dustin smirked.

"What? But... YOU!" he growled at the other generals and lieutenant.

"Honestly, Pythor, you fell for the oldest trick in the book." Skales said.

Pythor's eyes glowed in anger, "I shall destroy you all!" he struck at the generals who used both their staffs and their Anacondrai blades against the Orochi Sword.

"Let's help them!" Dustin called, as the group went to join their new allies.

Pythor suddenly found himself facing all of them, but with the Orochi Sword powering him up, he was able to defend himself with no problem.

"You are all fools to challenge me, with the Orochi Sword I have more power than I've ever had before!"

"Then let's even the odds." Dean answered.

"Zyphon, the portal!" Dustin ordered.

Zyphon nodded and activated the portal. Emerging from it was the rest of the warriors, Ralph, Zimmer, Thatch, and Topher.

"About time you guys called us." Thatch said.

"We were beginning to think you'd leave us out on all the fun." Ralph added.

"Like we'd keep you away from this?" Dustin chuckled.

Pythor frowned, "A mere four additional support is not enough."

"On the contrary," Xever cut in, "Even the smallest numbers can make all the difference."

"All right, guys. Let's get him!" Dustin called, as the group took off fighting Pythor. The warriors fired their spirit and shadow attacks at him, while Drake and Felix combined smoke shot and fox fire, only for Pythor to resist it.

"Fire is not going to work on me." he explained revealing his undamaged scales.

"Then how about a punch to the face?!" Ralph called as he slugged Pythor with his spirit energized fist.

Pythor hissed angrily from getting hit and extended his claws releasing his snake restraining binds on Ralph.

"Let go of me!"

"Not a chance!"

Ralph struggled, as Pythor was planning to drag him closer, only for Arcturus, Dustin, and Alistair to jump in using their blades to cut the bonds freeing Ralph.

"We're gonna stop you here, Pythor!" Dustin called, as he flew at Pythor, tackling him out a window and the fell from it.

"Dustin!" they called, as they ran to the window seeing their friend and Pythor crashed onto a smaller building's roof and continued fighting.

"We got to get out there." Burai said, as the pegasi and Twilight flew out the window followed the warriors, and Zyphon, while the others were carried by some of the humans.

They saw Pythor and Dustin were going at it on the roof, while the Serpentine tribes saw what was going on. They ceased their jobs ad gathered around watching the two fight.

Skales had to do something, "I need something to get the tribes attention."

Pinkie whipped out a loudspeaker out of thin air, "Try this."

Skales blinked wondering how she did that, but had not time to ask. He took it and spoke into it, "Attention tribes!" the serpentine turned towards Skales who stood with the other generals, Arcturus, and their new allies, "You have no reason to fear anymore. My fellow generals and I have returned to end Pythor's tyranny upon you!"

Pythor hissed, "Do not listen to him. You obey me now!"

Skales not wanting to lose the tribes attention continued, "We all know what Pythor's been doing to you, and it is not right. He's treating you the same way Sombra treated his subjects. My generals and I now see how wrong that is. Which is why we want to protect you all even from one of our own."

Dustin spoke up, "I know this is a lot coming from me of all people, but me and my friends have also come to help. And we promise you will be freed from this cruel treatment."

Pythor struck back with the Orochi Sword knocking Dustin down. He groaned, before Pythor announced, "You can never trust a pony or a human. Follow them and they'll only lock you back in Tartarus!"

Suddenly Mezmo stepped forward, "I'd rather rot in Tartarus than continue to put up under your rule." he dropped the tools he was working with.

The ponies and warriors smiled seeing one of them stood up to Pythor. Suddenly Chunk, Fang, and Spitz took a stand and dropped their tools as well. Pythor frowned before announcing, "Anacondrai, seize them!"

"No!" one of the Anacondrai soldiers answered.

"What?!" Pythor hissed, as he saw his own tribe taking a stand.

"You are not the Pythor we've come to respect. You've just become a monster far worse than Sombra!" the soldier hissed back.

The serpentine stood together with the ponies and the humans, as Twilight spoke, "It's over Pythor, all of the tribes now side against you. Meaning you're all alone."

Pythor's mind which had been dwindling on the bring of madness had finally snapped when he saw all of the snakes rebelling against him. The energy from the Orochi Sword had fed off all sanity he had and erupted.

"I WILL NOT BE DEFIED!" he bellowed, as his body started glowing.

"Dustin, get away from there!" Aria cried.

Dustin flew away from Pythor, as the whole group saw Pythor going under metamorphosis.

"Dejavu, guys." Wild told the ponies who nodded, knowing what came next.

Pythor had once again grew to a colossal size as before with his scales white and gold again, while wielding his staff and the Orochi Sword.

"It's Serpent King part 2!" Rainbow gasped.

"Minus four heads." Pinkie put in.

"Never thought we'd be facing that again." Applejack added.

"How much powerful can he be if it's just him?" Rarity wondered.

"Obviously still plenty powerful." Alistair answered.

"I concur." Zyphon nodded.

"But we'll still fight no matter how big or strong he is." Drake spoke taking a stand.

"I'm with you." Eu gripped her staff.

"We all are." Twilight confirmed, as the other warriors summoned their weapons.

"Attack!" Dustin called, as the warriors flew up to Serpent King's level and started striking and blasting at him with their attacks, while down below the generals, and their tribes were striking at his tail.

Serpent King hissed as he was swinging his sword around trying to swat his enemies like flies.

"Stay clear of the sword!" Dustin called.

"No need to remind me!" Zyphon replied, as he launched a missile barrage upon the giant snake distorting him.

"Good job, Zyphon." Twilight spoke, as she blasted Serpent King with her magic.

Eu was blasting it with her elemental magic, as Drake was shot up above the snake and came crashing down nailing him on top of his head.

Serpent King hissed, "You are becoming more annoying by the second!" he knocked Drake with the Orochi sword sending him crashing into Felix. The two started falling only to be caught by Xever and Burai.

"We gotchas."Xever said.

"You ok?" Burai asked.

"I'm fine." Drake answered.

"Me too." Felix confirmed.

Serpent King looked down seeing all of the snakes were determined to make him fall, but he swiped his sword knocking them away.

"Guys!" Dustin called seeing the generals and Arcturus get swatted away.

Serpent King continued striking back at the ponies and warriors before he ensnared Twilight, Dustin, Alistair, Drake, Muse, and Wild in his tail. Serpent King laughed, "Don't you see it now?" he asked, "I have won! You all thought you could defeat me? Well, you were mistaken. And now all shall bare witness to your final moments, as I finish what I should have done years ago!" he raised the Orochi sword up.

"Twilight! Wild! Muse!" the ponies gasped.

"Dustin! Eu! Alistair! Drake!" the warriors cried.

The four generals saw Pythor was about to finish them off by dropping the sword on them. They watched as their memories off what they've been through with their new allies flashed before their eyes. Suddenly, their eyes tightened, and launched themselves to their restrained friends.

"NO!" the four cried, as they intended to take the sword blow.

Twilight, Dustin, and the others gasped feeling they were done for. Before the Orochi Sword could connect, however, the weapon was repelled by a force surrounding the four generals.

"What?!" Serpent King hissed.

Twilight and the others watched seeing the aura surrounding the four generals, "Skales, what's happening to you four?" she asked.

"I don't know, but I feel stronger than ever." Skales answered.

"So do I." Acidicus agreed.

"Me too." Skalidor confirmed, as he used his strength to pry them out of Pythor's tail grip.

The others landed and noticed the Serpentine generals glow, "What's going on with them?" Rarity asked.

"It looks like some kind of magic." Eu answered.

"Magic?" Applejack asked.

"But the snakes aren't magical." Rainbow said.

Twilight pondered before gasping upon realization, "Maybe the generals are."

The ponies and Spike flashed back to what Princess Luna said, when they were first told of the Serpentine.

"Using his dark magic, King Sombra bestowed upon five types of snakes powers unlike any pony's ever seen giving them bigger and stronger forms."

"It looks like a bit of King Sombra's magic still resided with them." Twilight explained.

"So why isn't it dark magic instead of this good kind?" Alistair asked.

Pinkie gasped, "Remember them saying they had this warm fuzzy feeling inside after they learned to appreciate us and accept our friendship?"

"Yeah?" Johan answered, until Twilight realized it.

"When they learned to appreciate friendship with us, it purified the dark magic inside them." The princess explained.

"This is impossible!" Serpent King bellowed in anger.

Skales and the others looked up at him, as the Hypnobrai general answered, "No, Pythor. It is not. Anything is possible when you have friendship as strong as the one we've forged with our new friends. Everyone gather close. We'll put an end to Pythor's tyranny once and for all together!"

"Spoken like a true friend." Applejack smiled.

"Uh-huh." Dustin agreed.

They all gathered around the four generals as their aura started combining with them. They all levitated up to Serpent King's level and took on the form of a giant magical snake. It punched Serpent King in the face.

The great white snake tried fighting back but was unsuccessful, as the magical Snake disarmed Pythor of his staff and the Orochi Sword.

"My sword!" The other snake fired a blast of magic at the Orochi Sword destroying it, "NO!" he screamed, as his opponent released a rainbow power mixed with spirit and dark energy upon Serpent King.

It encircled around Serpent King as he screamed and cried. On the ground the Serpentine tribes watched in awe at the beauty of the rainbow power that had been unleashed through the friendship of their generals and the ones they had always considered enemies. There was an explosion of light that blinded everyone.

When the light died down, Arcturus and the tribes that were lying on the ground started waking up and getting up.

"What happened?" Chunk asked.

"Where are they?" Spitz asked.

"Look!" Fang called, as they saw their generals, the ponies, and the humans lying on the ground.

They hurried over and woke them up. As they all got on their feet, they saw that they had won.

"We did it!" Pinkie cheered.

"We won!" Fluttershy cheered.

"Whoo-hoo!" Rainbow and Wild cried, while flying around.

Dustin and Alistair fist bumped, before they heard a groan. They saw climbing up from a crater was Pythor who was returned to his normal size and had his normal purple and black scale colors again.

"It's over, Pythor." Dustin declared.

"You lost." Alistair added.

Twilight continued, "You will never be a good ruler by using fear and suppression. And using it on your own tribes has shown them what was in your heart."

Pythor looked up, and too their surprise saw tears in his eyes. Even the serpentine themselves were taken aback. The Anacondrai general sniffled, "I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I only wanted to unite our tribes under our own kingdom." Everyone could tell Pythor's humanity had returned to him thanks to the destruction of the Orochi Sword.

"But you took desperate measures because you became corrupted by power, and ruling by power is the sign of a leader who only cares about himself." Burai explained.

"Your fellow generals and lieutenant learned by spending time with us just how important friendship is, and how it can make all the difference." Muse explained.

"You are more than able to learn about the importance of friendship or remain alone for the rest of your life. It's all up to you." Twilight concluded.

Pythor still guilt stricken for what he done answered, with tears in his eyes, "But all I've ever known since my creation was to cause pain and destruction. I-I don't know anything about friendship."

The Anacondrai general was taken by surprise, as Dustin pulled him out of the crater and spoke, "I'm sure they'd be more than willing to teach you as would my friends. Just like they taught your fellow generals."

Pythor was confused, as he looked at the ponies and humans, before looking over at his fellow generals. The four smiled, as Skales nodded beckoning him to give it a try. Pythor wanting to make an attempt slunk over at Dustin's side before reaching Twilight.

"Twilight, everypony. I know no amount of pleading for forgiveness can make up for all I've tried to do to all of you, and I know this is a lot coming from a snake like me, but would you please help me understand just how important friendship really is?" he asked.

The ponies and humans looked at each other as if trying to decide, until Twilight looked back at him smiling, "Of course."

Pythor looked flabbergasted, "Really?"

"Any one is capable of friendship. Even a Serpentine." The Princess explained.

Pythor smiled happily, "Thank you. And I am sorry."

Fluttershy fluttered over to him, "And we forgive you."

"You do?" he gasped.

Fluttershy nodded, "We do." the others started nodding while Rainbow and Drake first looked skeptical nodded as well.

Pythor smiled, as another tear fell from his eye and onto the ground. Suddenly they watched as the same glow that surrounded the four generals now surrounded Pythor. The snake gasped, "What is this feeling?"

Everyone smiled, as Twilight spoke, "You have accepted our friendship, and now the dark magic Sombra left inside you has been purified."

When the glow died down Pythor smiled, "I feel like a new snake," he then looked guilty again, "But I do not think I am worthy to be a general anymore after all I did."

Twilight knew what to do, "Pythor, let me tell you about how I started off as a Princess. It's not only a ruler's job to lead their subjects in the right direction, but they must also be kind and courageous. And the most important test for a leader is to learn humility. You've learned just that when admitting you were wrong with what you've done. You are meant to be Anacondrai General."

Arcturus slunk over with the rest of the Anacondrai, "And we would be honored to continue having you as our tribe leader." he presented Pythor with his tribe staff.

Pythor was happy as he took his staff and smiled at his tribe, "Thank you all. And, Arcturus, if you still want to be lieutenant the position is all yours."

Arcturus smiled, "I would be honored to continue being at your side, General." the two shook claws, as the ponies and humans watched seeing the Serpentine tribes have made up, and hopefully will have done more.

Next Chapter: Ponies and Snakes United Estimated time remaining: 11 Minutes
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