
Future Threats

by I Like Pie

Chapter 1: Chapter One

Chapter One

Clinking silver wear. Loud voices. Food.

That is how Blitz remembered her family reunion event.

It would always start with all of her family members crowding into the living room. There they would talk about all the things life things threw at them since the last time they saw one another. This always annoyed Blitz because she thought that if her family members really cared about one another's life, they should send letters to each other.

After that the family was herded into the kitchen. There the adults would talk about politics. Surprisingly, Blitz likes this. In her eyes, politics is a great way to learn about the interworking of her world.

And finally, the family members would leave.

It was time for the reunion again. Blitz sat in front of while her mother cuts her hair with her unicorn magic. Blitz groaned and moaned under her breath as this happened.

"Good enough." Blitz's mother said once she was done with fusing over her daughter. Blitz sighed with relief.

Both mother and daughter then walked into the living room. There they would wait for the family.

After a while the doorbell rang. Blitz opened the door. Outside there was Blitz's unicorn cousin, Supernova.

"Hey." Supernova in a tired tone of voice.


The two ponies sloppily hugged- their arms quickly wrapped around another and then they forcefully pulled away.

"What's that?" Blitz said as pointed at a silver creature by Supernova's feet.

"A robot."

"That's so-!" Blitz stopped herself. "Interesting. What does it do?"

"It follows all of my commands Robo, greet Blitz." The robot rolled over to Blitz.

"Hello, Blitz. I am Robo. Welcome." The robot had a rough, mechanical voice.

"Sweet." They stepped out of the doorway and entered the living room, Robo tracking behind. Everyone talking at once didn't please neither Blitz, nor Supernova. They were each given a slip of paper with conversation starters.

"Seriously?! Conversation starters?!" Supernova asked, flabbergasted.

Blitz shrugged and looked at her slip. "Have you met any new friends since we last saw each other?" She read, then looked up.  Instead of responding, Supernova laughed at the obscurity of the question starters.

The next guest was Uncle Ferdinand, a pegasus with a yellow coat and a orange mane and tail.

He entered the room with a hardy laugh. He trotted over to the couch and flopped on it.

"It's been ages since we've talked!" He said loudly.

"Indeed. How have you been?" Blitz's mother asked.

"Sadly I've been doing poorly. My company recently made me visit some poor towns. I thought it wouldn't be bad, but it was. I saw fillies and colts who begged for food but didn't get it. I saw dingy households. I know the princesses are trying there hardest to improve those towns, but there failing." Uncle Ferdinand sobs.

"What about that princesses whose taking care of that town? What's her name?" Supernova asked.

"Sportsy Sketch. She's a stubborn young alicorn who can barely take of her responsibilities." Uncle Ferdinand snapped.

"Hasn't she promoted great bills?" Supernova asked.

Blitz stared at her family members.  This debate was fiercer than many of the other debates in her family.

"Sure she's done that. Sure it's nice to have young royal but she can't get out us out of this economic depression!"

"Why don't we get dinner ready?" Blitz's mother interjected.

Everyone nods in approvement, knowing that no one wants the argument to get too extreme.

"Alright then. Now, why don't you two go play?" she asks to Blitz and Supernova, before leaving to go into the kitchen.

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