
The Pony Weapon

by Leo Pachino

Chapter 13: The Final Restraints

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The Final Restraints

As the trio of heroes exits the forest, they see monstrous beast deep within Ponyville, ripping apart houses with its teeth. Relv begins to exit from the surge of his second power as he gallops across the fields. Drawing closer to the town, Fluttershy and Luna notice a line of six stone statues in front of the town, all standing in defensive positions.

“Relv!” Fluttershy exclaims, “They’re our friends over there, frozen!”

“Hop off.” Relv immediately responds. The two mares follow his orders and fly from his back as Relv turns towards the frozen friends. One by one, Relv runs past each of them and hits them, breaking them from their stone imprisonment. He punches Twilight below the chin, jumps over and kicks Rainbow Dash’s back, slides under Applejack and head-butts her stomach, slams his side in Pinkie’s snout, draws a sword and bashes the hilt at the back of Rarity’s neck, and tosses Spike up into the air with his mouth and lets him fall back down onto the ground. Upon being set free, the six gasp and stretch their stiff limbs, unknowing of who just freed them and how Relv then quickly turns back towards the Hades Timberwolf tearing up Town Hall.

“What just happened?” Twilight turns and asks her now freed friends. Fluttershy and Luna soon reach them.

“Girls! Spike!” Fluttershy excitedly cheers, “Relv’s come back to help!”


“Look!” Fluttershy quickly points to the black beast behind Twilight’s shoulder. She and the others look back and are shocked to see the red stallion running towards it.

“Oh my…” As Relv comes within only a few metres from the massive best’s hind leg, his five swords draw from their holdings and charge forward, stabbing the dark flesh of the monster. The enormous wolf grunts in reaction to the swords and looks back to see his new adversary. The Hades Timberwolf then opens his mouth at Relv and breathes out a wave of purple flames with a powerful roar. Relv’s blades quickly return in front of him and immediately begin rapidly circling around each other, fanning the flames away from the pony. As the beast finishes his fire attack, the swords then dart into the beast’s mouth and slash at his throat from the inside. As the Timberwolf howls in agony, Relv runs around to its front legs and latches himself onto a large flaming claw.

He quickly yells out, “Unleashing Power #12: Regeneration.” Immediately, the flesh of Relv’s front heals faster than the damage caused by the dark purple fire. The Hades Timberwolf soon spits out the five swords and lifts his paw towards his face, feeling the stallion grabbing onto his claw. With the wolf’s leg now level, Relv quickly leaps onto the paw and runs along the flat flaming surface to the main body. The beast reacts quickly by raising his other claw in attempts to slash at Relv. However, just as the second set of claws charges down to Relv, Relv’s swords return and each locks a long black claw in place, giving their wielder just enough room to make it to the torso. Relv soon climbs his way to the back of the massive beast’s neck. However, the Hades Timberwolf breaks free of the blade lock and begins to roll onto his back.

Relv realizes, with the beast’s sleek flesh, he would lose his grip and fall down to the stone floor and quickly be crushed by a single step. “Unleashing Power #24: Force Control!” As the black beast finishes his roll onto his back, Relv doesn’t fall off, rather, begins to stand as the effects of gravity on Relv reverse, pulling him towards the monster. Using his gravity altering abilities, Relv leaps on the top of the Hades Timberwolf’s head and summons his swords to him. One by one, he rapidly stabs a blade deep into the top of the beast’s head and pulls it back out for another stab. Boiling black blood starts to burst from the stabs and coats Relv in it. A slight groan escapes the stallion as his unleashed power of regeneration begins to wear off with now the blood damaging more than he can repair. “Unleashing Power #21: Hyper Regeneration!” The Hades Timberwolf roars in even greater pain and quickly rolls back up to his normal standing position. Relv also returns himself to dealing with the effects of normal gravity and quickly prepares for his finishing attack. “Unleashing Power #29: Hyper Strength!” With a slam of his hoof into the stabbing area, the massive beast roars out once more as begins to fall down. However, the Timberwolf instead springs his body back upwards, sending the force of the punch back to Relv, launching him into the air and past the clouds. With several seconds of Relv’s disappearance, the Hades Timberwolf soon returns to his mission of attacking Ponyville as if nothing had happened. A minute passes before Relv finally crashes down onto the outside hills, creating a large crater in his wake. The stallion quickly gets up and is immediately greeted by the mares and Spike at the edge of the steaming hole.

“What happened?” Fluttershy frantically asks.

“That beast’s too big. I wasn’t able to inflict any damage to the brain to kill it. I clearly underestimated it, both in physical and mental capabilities.”


“That thing’s intelligent, I can sense it.”

“So what now?”

“Perhaps I can destroy it on the inside. Stand aside.”

Relv runs back in front of the Hades Timberwolf and yells out, “Unleashing Power #17: Electricity!” Electricity soon begins to spark on Relv’s hooves as he expected. Two of Relv’s swords quickly hover to him. Hastily, the red stallion rubs his front hooves on each other the swords, causing electricity to spark from them as well. The two weapons then soar towards the face of the Timberwolf and stab each of the wolf’s flaming eyes, causing the beast to roar in pain. The gigantic rubs his eyes with his paws, removing the swords in the process. It looks down to see Relv standing in front of him. Furiously, the beast charges with his open mouth aimed at the stallion. Just as the teeth begin to clamp shut, Relv leaps in between the razor sharp fangs and crawls down the monster’s throat. Although being extremely dark and filled with boiling blood, Relv navigates his way through the beast’s black insides and swims to the inside of the monster’s heart in a couple of minutes. He mumbles to himself, “Let’s see how you tick…” Gently, Relv places his hoof on the inside wall of the heart, feeling its slow pulses. “Unleashing Power #15: Clock Geno-Mutation! Unleashing Power #18: Blood Pressure Control!” In a matter of moments, the density of the blood flowing around Relv lightens dramatically and the heart increases its pulsing rate exponentially. Relv soon hears heavy breathing coming from the lungs as well as a groan from the Hades Timberwolf’s mouth. As the pulsing of the heart reaches its climax, Relv slams his electrified hooves into the heart wall. Immediately, the entire heart becomes struck with electricity and stops pulsing. Eventually, the beast’s blood stops flowing as well and begins to grow cold. Outside, the mares and Spike watch as the Hades Timberwolf collapses onto his side, no longer moving.

“Relv?!” Fluttershy screams out in concern. She runs over to the fallen creature’s mouth and looks inside, only to see darkness beyond the rows of teeth. “Relv, are you okay-” A large amount of black blood suddenly bursts from the beast’s mouth, almost hitting Fluttershy, soon followed by a familiar figure crawling out of the darkness, completely dry mane to hoof. “Relv! You did it!”

“It seems so.”

“What did you even do to it?”

“I gave it a powerful cardiac arrest.”

“So Ponyville’s saved?”

“There have only been a few causalities here, but other than that, it should recover quick-” Relv’s reply is cut short however by a low grumble coming from the massive wolf.


“No… Run!” Relv frantically grabs Fluttershy and runs away from the beasts mouth now starting to move again. Upon reaching the edge of town and the others, the duo nervously look back to see the Timberwolf come back to life. As the beast stands up again, it arches its back and roar more triumphantly than ever before.

“It’s not dead?!” Fluttershy, Rainbow, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Luna, Pinkie, and Spike exclaim at once.

“Yes. It’s just too big and powerful for even me!”

“We’re all doomed then?!”

“Yes… Unless…”

“Unless…” Fluttershy responds, “…Unless what?”

“I have a hunch, a hunch on how to finish this thing. However, I will require all of you to get as far away as you possibly can.”

“What are you going to do?”

“First, I’m going to anger him. If my guess is correct, the determining factor of whether I win or not is who has the most of their intelligence remaining.”

“Relv, you’re not going to-”

“The only way I’m going to take this monster down is if I become one myself. Now get away, all of you!” The others listen and run back towards the Everfree Forest. After watching them run for a while, Relv returns his attention to the Hades Timberwolf and slowly approaches it.

As Relv’s five swords return to him, Relv looks upwards at the face of his nemesis to find that he is as well staring at Relv. The massive Timberwolf unleashes a mighty roar. Relv positions himself at a defensive stance. After a minute of stillness and staring, the black beast makes the first move by charging forwards at Relv and raises his front legs. As the claws charge down to attack however, two bright flashes of grey light suddenly burst next to Relv’s sides with two other Relvs emerging at them with their hovering swords covered in black blood. The ten new swords quickly fly up to the claws and lock each one in place, halting the monster’s attack. The first Relv’s blades quickly join in, with two stabbing into the wolf’s flaming eyes, two slashing into the palms of the creature’s paws, and the last one soaring into the mouth and slashing at the insides of the throat. The Hades Timberwolf screams in pain as his flesh is being torn and his blood is spewing out onto the ground. The first and second Relv on the first’s right turn to see the third Relv on the first’s right looking back at them. The first two quietly nod, prompting the third to charge forwards at the beast. While the third Relv runs below and behind the monster, the original and second Relv bring their blades back to them. Slowly, the first Relv then goes to where the second appeared and the second Relv goes to where the third Relv appeared. As the Timberwolf’s right paw free and having the slashing blades removed, the beast furiously opens his mouth wide at the two standing Relvs and prepares for another fire attack.

However, as the purple flames burst from the beast’s mouth and approach the two, the Relvs immediately shout, “Unleashing Power #37: Time Fold!” Just as the fire is about to hit them, the two Relvs immediately disappear in flashes of grey light, back to where they appeared as the second and third Relvs. The remaining Relv soon reaches the rear of the beast and summons his blades to his sides.  He then stabs the buttocks of the flaming beast with his swords at once. The Hades Timberwolf, now roaring in pain, furiously turns back towards Relv and performs another flame attack with his head low to the ground. Relv avoids the fire attack and runs up to the beast’s face. As he leaps into the air and raises his hoof in a punching position, he yells, “Unleashing Power #1: Strength!” He then strikes his glowing hoof right at the tip of his rival’s snout upon landing, leaping off afterwards and returning to the ground on all four hooves. The Hades Timberwolf howls in agony as he viciously raises his head and backs away. Relv also backs up as well with his swords returning to their sheaves. The two stare at each other once more and slowly begin to circle each other.

“Tia,” Relv thinks to himself as he stares down the green embers of the monster’s soul, “I made a promise that I would never unleash my final power, both to you, me, Luna, your parents, and everypony else that died that day. However, as I stand here, against this might foe, I have no alternatives. When push comes to shove, I must shove. I’m sorry to have broken this promise, with it also shattering the final bond that stands between us. However, the memories will remain. I will still be regretful of my actions the day I killed your parents. Pray however, pray that what I shall do will make up for my failure. If it doesn’t however, either it being that I die, or if whatever is unleashed takes control and destroys everything, I want you to know something. I want you to know and remember for all time, of the fond moments we had together. Even if you yourself must destroy me, remember the pony I want to be remembered as. I’m sorry Tia. Farewell…” As Relv finishes his thoughts, the Hades Timberwolf furiously roars at him, impatiently waiting for the final bought. Gently, Relv stops moving and bows his head to the dirt ground below, closing his eyes in the process. “Unleashing Power #42…” The top of his chest soon starts to glow with a golden light. He face begins to turn into a scowl, baring his teeth and grinding them before instinctively screaming, “Nightmare Formation!” Upon finishing his roar, the golden glow of his chest quickly turns into a black shine. Soon, Relv’s body starts to twitch and spike and pulse in paint. His body soon begins grows incredibly larger at an exponential rate, causing his harness to break off and fall onto the ground. His teeth all sharpen into fangs and turn blood red. The silver portion of his mane grows exponentially longer and turns into a very dark red. His eyes roll over to the back of his head and turn into a glowing pair of bright red lights. His fur grows and darkens into pitch black. His flesh hardens to rock. His hooves start to grow and contort into massive claws with sharp red pointed nails. Now standing slightly larger than the Hades Timberwolf, Relv’s transformation comes to a finish. Everypony watches in shock and awe as they gawk at the massive reptilian and pony hybrid monster that has now appeared.

“Relv!” Fluttershy shouts from afar, “Is that you?” The Timberwolf doesn’t take mind of the transformation however. Furiously, the smaller beast roars at Relv’s face. However, the wolf’s roar is cut short by the monstrous Relv howling back into his face with a much greater roar for several seconds. The flames and smoke of the Hades Timberwolf fly off of his body with the sheer power of Relv’s roar. Onlookers quickly cover their ears and are dragged back by the shockwave of sound. Even Fluttershy and the others beyond the outskirts of town are blasted back an inch or two.

As Relv finishes his roar, the two giants charge at each other and slash at each other’s faces with a single swipe. Dark red blood spews from Relv’s sliced cheek and mixes with the Timberwolf’s black blood. Relv backs away from the wolf’s second swipe and lunges forward. He bites down into the Timberwolf’s neck, creating a loud series of snaps in the process. The Hades Timberwolf shakes Relv off however and breathes a wave of fire. Relv raises a fist at the fire and blocks it from hitting his face, encasing his claw in stone instead. The pony then raises his encased fist and smashes it into the wolf’s face, causing the stone to break in the process and free his claw. Relv tries to go for another neck bite, but is dodged and the Hades Timberwolf takes the moment and bites Relv in the neck. Relv attempts to shake his enemy off, only to be shoved down on his side onto the ground. The Timberwolf’s bite grows harder and harder as Relv frantically flails. However, Relv quickly notices a large building above his head. He swiftly grabs it and smashes it into the Hades Timberwolf, loosening his jaws. Relv quickly frees himself and stands upright as his nemesis is recovering from the smash. The pony grabs another building in his claws and smashes it against the wolf’s forehead. The Timberwolf backs up for a second before quickly charging forwards. Relv charges as well and the two monsters bash their heads together, locking each other in place. Eventually, the humongous Timberwolf wins and causes Relv to fall onto his back. Relv retaliates by delivering a strong kick into his rival’s chest. His rival’s unfazed by this blunt attack however and proceeds to claw at Relv’s stomach, tearing apart his flesh and causing blood to spew across Relv’s body.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy and her friends scream. The scream soon makes its way to Relv, causing his left eye to see and notice them. Relv soon sees the absolutely terrified face of Fluttershy as memories of him and her flash through the innermost parts of his mind. Relv’s attention soon returns to his rival as another spike of pain surges through him. He quickly grab’s the wolf’s head and carries to over to his. Using all of his might, Relv smashes his skull into the Hades Timberwolf, causing it to fly backwards and crash onto the ground. The stallion regains his footing and proceeds to slam his side into the Timberwolf, smashing him into Town Hall and destroying it. The pony backs away a step from the destruction and the fallen wolf and gives a triumphant roar. However, the Hades Timberwolf immediately gets up and gets into Relv’s face and blasts a fire attack directly into Relv’s mouth. Dizzily, Relv backs up and wobbles around from the attack. The Timberwolf then charges at the dazed pony with his mouth wide open for another bite. However, just as the wolf is about to bite into Relv’s neck, Relv snaps out of his faked daze and grabs his rival by the jaws and holds the beast under his face with his mouth wide open. The Timberwolf tries to resist, but Relv promptly breaking his mouth wide open with a very loud snap. Relv then aims his mouth over his nemesis and breathes back the fire attack with a mighty roar, back into the beast’s mouth. The Hades Timberwolf squeals in pain with the insides of his mouth and throat turning to stone. Relv lets go of the upper jaw and grabs the chest as he bites down onto the neck. Finally, using the last of his strength, Relv rips off the head of the Hades Timberwolf from the body, killing his rival. Black blood rampantly spews from the head and neck as Relv lets go of them and lets them hit the ground with an earth shaking thud. Now drenched in both his own and his enemy’s blood, he raises his head towards the sky and gives a triumphant roar, even greater than the last one. Fluttershy and the others cheer for Relv’s success as they scream and bounce around. Upon finishing his roar, Relv turns to look at the cheering party. His vision begins to darken however, as Relv starts to lose consciousness. He can feel his body shrink and return to normal as his other senses die out. The pain from his wounds soon blank out, followed by the sounds of the girls’ cheers dying away and his vision.

“I did it Fluttershy… I did it Tia…”

Next Chapter: Recovery Estimated time remaining: 19 Minutes
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