

by xjuggernaughtx

Chapter 38: Unnamed Sequel to First Steps - Chapter One, Incomplete (Romance, Slice-of-Life)

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Pinkie’s eyes slowly fluttered open, but she closed them again immediately. Few things in life were as fun as lounging in bed, and she was far too warm and snuggly to get up just yet. Yawning, Pinkie pulled the covers up over her head.

Squirming over onto Rarity’s side of the bed, Pinkie he pressed her nose to the pillow and inhaled. Mmmmmm! Still smells like her. Cradled in the divot Rarity’s body had carved out over the years, and supported by her pillow, Pinkie could almost fool herself into thinking the unicorn was still here, holding her again. Almost.

Oh, why does she have to be such a morning pony? Pinkie poked her head out of the covers and ran her hooves over the silky sheets, enjoying the sensation. It was like a piece of her. Refined. Gentle. Sophisticated, but not in a snooty, stand-offy kind of a way. Rarity was always right there beside you, no matter how crazy or scary the situation was.

Pinkie’s eyes drifted over to a single purple hair lying on the pillow next to her. But not today… Pinkie pinched herself on the hip. Stop that. You know she’s got that super-important meeting this morning and she can’t lie around in bed just ’cause you want her to.

Rolling onto her back, Pinkie picking up the hair and examined it. With a sigh, she traced its flowing curves with a hoof. Even each hair is beautiful. How does she always get it so… so… Pinkie scrunched her face up, searching for the word. After a moment, she snorted. Guess that’s the problem. I don’t even know what the hairstyle words are supposed to be!

Her laughter trailed off little by little as the morning sun’s rays caught the hair. It shimmered with vibrancy, testament to the care Rarity put into her appearance. Frowning, Pinkie pulled out one of her own hairs and compared them side by side.

Where the purple hair glowed, her own pink hair seemed dull by comparison. Instead of elegantly curling in flowing waves like Rarity’s, her’s was hopelessly tangled, and the end had a two-inch split. Looks like one of Rarity’s yarn balls when Opal gets into her workroom. With a disgusted sigh, she tossed her hair off the side of the bed, and then reflexively leaned over and picked it up again. Reaching out, she dropped it into the trashcan. Rarity hated a mess. What does she see in me?

Rolling back onto her side of the bed, she snatched up Rarity’s pillow and hugged it. The scent was strongest there. A mixture of perfume, shampoo, and Rarity’s own subtle spiciness. A smell she was pretty sure that Rarity wasn’t even aware of. It was a smell that you found by burying your nose into the crook of somepony’s neck or by lying face to face in their embrace. A secret smell, and just like her sheets, Rarity smelled sophisticated and complex. It was welcoming and exciting. It smelled like home. Not the place where you grew up, but the one that was in your imagination. Your perfect home that you only ever dreamed about and never, ever told to anyone because they would tell you to quit acting like a foal.

Wonder what I smell like? Pinkie pressed her nose into her shoulder and snorted. Nothing. Squeezing the pillow tighter, she rested her head on it. That’s what I feel like, too. A big ol’ nothing. And that’s probably why she always leaves—

Pinkie pinched herself again, harder this time. “Pinkamena, you stop that this instant! You know better.” Sighing, she pulled the blankets up and tucked them in around her chin. She did know better, but it was just so hard to believe. She’d tried and tried, but she still couldn’t figure out why the loveliest mare in all of Equestria wanted to be with her.

Oh, Rarity had told her a million times. She’d said that Pinkie was loving and energetic in a way that Rarity found irresistible and inspirational. She’d been there for Rarity when the times were dark and helped her through some of her worst problems. It was true and she knew it.

Pinkie squinted and scooched over a bit. The sun’s rays had hit the mirror on Rarity’s vanity, and the beam was bouncing right into Pinkie’s eyes. Wiggling to get out of the light’s path, Pinkie caught herself in the mirror’s reflection.

Her eyes were still bleary from sleep, and her mane was a haphazard mess. Blinking, she slowly turned her head back and forth, and the whispers started again. The reminded her that she was plain where Rarity was beautiful. That she was loud where Rarity was demure. That nopony invited her to dinner parties where napkins were a must and where there was more than one kind of silverware.

“Oh, shut up,” she growled, throwing her pillow at the reflection. Flopping back into bed, she clutched Rarity’s pillow again. She needed something to hold on to, and the smell was reassuring. She didn’t understand why Rarity loved her, but she did.

“That’s right,” Pinkie muttered, snuggling her cheek against the pillow. “She does.” Unbidden, but not unwelcome, Rarity’s face came floating back to her. She’d laid on this very pillow last night, only inches away. They’d talked for hours like that, noses nearly touching. Rarity’s eyes had been luminous and sparkling. They had been full of love, and when she’d reached for Pinkie, the earth pony’s whole body had quivered. The unicorn’s touch was electric.

“She does!” Pinkie said again, a grin sliding across her face. Her cheeks burned and she pressed her face into the cool pillow. “She really, really does!”

Outside, the chirping of birds had become a full-blown symphony, and the sun seemed determined to shine directly into her eyes. Off in the distance, Pinkie could hear ponies trotting by. “Okay, okay! I’ll get up! Sheesh!”

With a grunt, Pinkie sat up and swung her legs off the side of the bed. For a moment, she just sat there, idly kicking her hooves and letting her eyes travel across the room. For Rarity, the room was a total disaster. It was unusual for even a chair to be out of place. Hmm. She must’ve been in a hurry. She usually doesn’t leave it like this. Pinkie grinned wickedly. ’Course some of that’s my fault!

It had been the mayor’s inauguration last night, and Rarity and Pinkie had been in attendance. As a surprise, Pinkie had asked Fluttershy to whip up a cocktail dress for her. Something bold and sexy. Something that would get Rarity’s attention.

And it had! Fluttershy had poured herself into the dress, letting her imagination run wild. When the pegasus had presented the finished product, Pinkie had turned scarlet. She’d asked for daring and while her friend might not be the boldest pony in a crowd, she was apparently fearless when operating a sewing machine. It hugged each of Pinkie’s many curves, drawing attention in some meaningful ways without crossing the lines. To the average pony, it was just a fancy dress, but to a skilled seamstress, to somepony who knew what the line of a fabric meant, it would be something more. Pinkie knew that Rarity would see it as a flashing neon sign that screamed “Come and get me!”

She’d spent the night trotting with a little added bounce in her step. She’d felt Rarity’s eyes boring into her, and it’d been fantastic. Rarity had lost the thread of her conversation more than once when Pinkie had come by, and when she’d pulled the unicorn out onto the dance floor, Rarity had hardly been able to keep her hooves to herself. Pinkie had worked super hard to make sure she didn’t spill anything on her self or boogie so much that she ripped something, but it had still been the most fun she’d had in years. She’d felt loved and wanted by the pony who mattered most.

They’d barely said their goodbyes when Rarity had growled that she’d better gallop home as fast as her gorgeous gown would allow. Laughing, Pinkie had snatched up the train in her mouth and taken off like a shot. A moment later, Rarity followed, pounding along behind her with a wicked gleam in her eye.

The night had been explosive. They’d hit the bedroom and what were usually potent sparks had grown into a bonfire, the usually tidy room had taken the brunt of it. Both gowns had been thrown off into the corners, a chair had been knocked over, small personal items had fallen from the bureau and several picture hung askew.

Grinning, Pinkie looked at her discarded gown. It was a rumpled mess in the corner, but it had been worth it. I know Fluttershy said not to worry about it, but she’s so getting three dozen cupcakes for that! Still, I better not leave it on the floor. Rarity’ll get that forehead vein thing if she sees it getting all wrinkly like that.

Finally dropping to the floor, Pinkie landed on something. “Wha—oh.” It was Rarity’s sleeping mask. It wasn’t in the usual place on her nightstand. “Aw, I probably kept her up too late and she overslept.” Biting her lip, Pinkie couldn’t quite suppress her giggles. “That’s her fault for being sexy! Still, I should probably get this place cleaned up. She’ll be all yawnerific when she gets home.”

Author's Notes:

Hmmmm. First Steps. Another story that pains me to think about. Steel Resolve is actually much more adult about it than I am. It pisses me off that people kind of refuse to read that story.

Now, it currently sits at one hundred and seventy-one upvotes, which is nothing to sneeze at, but for as many followers as Steel and I have collectively, and as well known as he is for Rarity, that story should be a lot bigger. Not exactly sure what the issue is with it, but people just aren't interested.

This was going to be a sequel to it. You'll notice that I stole the premise from the horrendously terrible AppleDash thing I wrote. I still love that, and it's executed better here.

I'd still love to actually write this, but I'm not sure it's going to happen.

Next Chapter: Unnamed Sequel to First Steps - Chapter Two (Romance, Slice-of-Life) Estimated time remaining: 29 Minutes
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