
...And It's Freaking Cold Up Here

by TailsIsNotAlone

Chapter 6: VI: By the Princesses' Rule, Get Outta My Way

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“Okay, little birdies…let’s try it one more time from the top. You’ve gotten so much better since we started. I know you can do it!”

My eyes open slowly, seeing nothing. I groan slightly and stretch…whoa. I’m lying on something much too soft to be the floor. Did Twilight put me back in her bed? How late have I slept?

“Here we go. Three, two, one: la la la la laaaa…”

Several high voices whistle after her in unison.

I turn to the left, and warm sunlight hitting my face tells me it’s late enough. That and the noises outside mean there must be a window. It’s Twilight’s room, all right.

“That’s wonderful! Oh, I’m so proud of you. I think you’re all finally ready to give your farewell performance before you fly south!” the pony outside the window says proudly. Whoever it is she’s got a nice voice, soft and light as a feather. She sighs. “I’m sorry. I should be more excited, but…it’s just so hard to see you go. The Running of the Leaves is always the hardest time of year.”

“I know how you feel, dear,” says an elegant-sounding pony with a vague accent that I can’t place. Sounds like something I’ve heard in the movies. “But just think how wonderful it will be when they return! I’m sure they’ll sing another song especially for you.”

“Winter isn’t the most excitin’ time of the year around the Acres, either,” a third female pony chimes in. This one has a southern accent. Her voice is full of warmth and strength. “But we gotta have it anyway. ‘Sides, Rainbow Dash might just need that much time to recover when I outrace her this year.”

The elegant one sounds amused. “Oh Applejack, must we go through this in every Running of the Leaves? Every year you two are nipping at each other like Canterlot and Manehattan, and neither of you quite manages to defeat the other…much less finish first.”

“I’m sorry, Applejack, but I think she’s got a point.” The delicate one chimes in meekly.

“Is that so? Well, I reckon I’ll just have to try even harder this time! I’ll get her right by the tail, just you wait and see.” Determination. Guts. Now that’s a pony I’d like to meet.

Their names sound kind of familiar. Sitting up and listening by the window, I hear the sound of hooves on the ground as the strong one gallops away. The other two ponies giggle among themselves.

“Seasonal ceremonies, adventures, even simple discussions. Must those two turn everything into a competition?”

“I think they enjoy it, Rarity. And if Snowdrop is really going to be there, it will be the most special Running of the Leaves ever!”

“Oh, Fluttershy, don’t tell me you believe those rumors! I think Pinkie Pie just saw somepony who looked like Snowdrop and got overexcited. Ponies do not simply come back to life, and besides…”

I sit up in bed and listen to their voices fade into the distance. The Running of the Leaves! Snowdrop said it was almost time, but I didn’t think she meant this soon. That gives me a few months at best to reach the castle she mentioned and make those snowflakes. Don’t know how I’m supposed to make them with just my hooves and my sense of touch, but maybe Luna will have a few ideas. What about Twilight? Can she really pitch in or was it just the temporary insanity talking? I’d better ask her right away. This is going to take a team effort.

I’m halfway out of bed when someone knocks lightly on the door. “Come in.”

“Hey, Jay. Good to see you’re awake.”

“Rainbow!” I roll over onto my hooves and stand up. “Hey, you’re not gonna believe what happened last night.”

“In a minute, kid,” Rainbow says over a strange muffled sound, like someone else is trying to talk but their mouth is covered up. “There’s somepony who needs to tell you something. Go ahead, Pinkie.”


I cringe and hold the pillow in front of me for protection. Here it comes. More trumpets, confetti in the eyes, and baked goods at maximum velocity. At least it’ll wake me up.

Just when I think I know what to expect in this world, it has to prove me wrong. There’s no flying cake batter, no band section, and when she does start singing it’s in a sort of loud whisper.

“Sorry sorry sorry, I thought that you could see
Sorry sorry sorry, about the loud party
Sorry sorry sorry, Pinkie sure feels bad
Sorry sorry sorry, I hope you’re not too mad!”

She blows a noisemaker. Softly.

Seconds pass before I peek out from behind the pillow. “Is that it?”

“That’s my apology song! Can we be friends now? Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with cherries on top? Pretty please with cherries and whipped cream and sprinkles and nutmeg? Mmmm, that sounds good!”

She scared me half to death yesterday, but so did a lot of other things. Compared to waking up as a pony and nearly plummeting to my death, I guess she wasn't so bad.

“Fine, Pinkie. But no more of that damn welcome wagon."

A loud continuous squeak fills the room, building in volume and intensity. At first I wonder if someone left a teapot on; then I realize it's her. I duck behind the pillow again.

“WOO-HOO!” Pinkie explodes with joy. “I just love making friends! I got so excited when I thought you were Snowdrop coming back from the dead that I had to tell everypony in Ponyville! I guess I overdid it. But then Twilight told us it was all a mistake and I felt really sorry and now that we’re friends I get to throw you a Sorry-I-Thought-You-Were-A-Famous-Zombie Party! OH YEAH!”

I blink. "You're not like other ponies, are you?"

"I dunno," she sounds like she's never thought about it before. "But I sure like to make them smile!"

“A party is a cool idea, Pinks, but let’s wait until Jay is ready,” Rainbow says firmly. "He still has to eat breakfast. And do more of Twilight's funky tests. And take a flying lesson with yours truly."

I shiver. "Flying lesson?"

"Hey, you've got wings, buddy--like it or not. You gotta learn to use 'em sometime."

"But I can't even see where I'm going!"

"Hey, neither could the real Snowdrop and she was a great flyer! Twi said she was one of the best cloud movers in Old Equestria."

I hold up my hooves. "Well, I'm not. And I can't make snowflakes, either! I don't know how she thinks I'm going to do all this crazy stuff. The next time she needs an errand boy she can just pick one from her own damn universe."

"Um...Jay? Who are you talking about?"

"Yeah. Have you gone loco in the coco?" Pinkie giggles.

I sigh. Of course they wouldn't have a clue what I'm talking about. "It's a long story. Would you believe me if I said that Princess Luna visited me in my dreams last night?"

"Ooooo! I know!" Pinkie exclaims. "Then she told you you were her long-lost foal and the seventh Element of Harmony and she needed you to save Equestria from evil giant...um, zucchini!"

"Why zucchini?" Rainbow asks.

"Why not zucchini?"

"Well, how can zucchini be evil?"

"Have you ever met anypony who liked it?"

"Hmm...good point."

"It's not zucchini!" I snap. "Luna and Snowdrop told me I needed to go to some old castle and make more of her weird snowflakes or Equestria will be buried in snow forever."

Rainbow sounds unconvinced. "Yep. That's some dream, all right."

"I like the giant zucchini idea better," Pinkie adds. "Plus 'zucchini' is such a funny word. Like guava! Couldn't you just say 'guava' over and over again? Guava guava guava guava guava guava guava--"

I pull the pillow over my face and groan.


“Well…it’s certainly an interesting theory,” Twilight says patiently.

I feel one of my eyelids beginning to twitch. “That's it? You believed me when you were spying on Spike and me last night!"

"Well, actually, I don't remember much about that," she says with a touch of guilt. "I was really tired, and I think I said some things I didn't mean. I'm sorry if I--"

"Never mind that. Look, Luna and Snowdrop stood right there in front of me and told me it was true! What, do you think they were screwing with me? Just invading my dreams for kicks or something?! I wouldn’t put it past Luna, but the ghost of Snowdrop did not come back nine centuries later and abduct my soul just for laughs! Hell, I don’t think that pony ever laughed in her life.”

“Jay, of course I’m not saying that,” she sounds as if she’s talking to a child. She doesn’t want to hurt my feelings, so she insults my intelligence instead. Beth did that to me too when we argued and I hated it. “I’m just saying that despite all the rumors about Princess Luna entering other ponies' dreams, it’s actually very rare. There have been many ponies who thought it happened to them, especially since she came back from the moon. But they turned out to be just regular dreams about Princess Luna.”

“This is different. I know it. I was standing right there in my real body, my human body, and she saw me! Now if you’re not going to help me I’ll just hitch a ride with Rainbow, go straight to Canterlot, and drag Luna out of bed myself!”

I turn my back (flank, I guess) on her and head for the door. Fortunately I’m not so pissed off that I forget where it is. That would be even more embarrassing than having to argue with someone in Snowdrop’s voice.

“Wait. You can’t!” At least she’s taking me seriously now. “You can’t even get into the castle without the princesses’ permission. Especially now, after the Changelings...well, I guess you wouldn’t know about that. But Changelings are--”

“Don’t bother. Luna told me what they were last night. 'Nasty little creatures they are. They canst steal the shape-est of anything they see-est.' That sound about right to you?"

For the first time Twilight sounds unsure. "Yes..."

"I’d never heard of them before. I didn’t even know what Princess Loony and Snowdrop looked like until then.” I whirl around, wishing I could see the look on her face. “So you tell me, Twilight Sparkle. How can I dream up stuff I didn’t even know? Because it wasn’t just a dream.”

I hear her shuffling her hooves, thinking.

“All right, Jay. If you really are sure, I’ll write to Princess Celestia. Spike?”

The baby dragon walks in from the kitchen, acting like he wasn’t eavesdropping. “What’s up, Twilight?”

“I need you to take a letter.”

Shuffling noises as he grabs a paper and quill. “Okay, go ahea…ahea…uh…uhhhhh…” He lets out an enormous belch that rattles the library windows.

I sit on my haunches and applaud slowly. “Dayum, Spike. Good one.”

“It’s more than that, it’s a letter,” he opens it up. “From Princess Celestia! Huh. What do you know?”

“You send letters by burping? How does that work?”

“Magic, dude.”

“Let me see it!” Slight buzz on my skin as Twilight opens the scroll with her own magic. “ ‘Dear Twilight, my most loyal and diligent student’…” She pauses and giggles indulgently.

“Get on with it!” I growl.

“ ‘I am writing again to inform you that your guest’s presence here in Equestria is no accident. My sister Luna tells me she has not only seen his true form, but learned of…an ancient prophecy by the late Starswirl the Bearded foretelling a disastrous winter in Equestria,’ ” Twilight continues in disbelief.

That sure is a fancy way to put it. If they only knew my ‘true form’ was a burned-out guy in his thirties coaching high school football.

“ ‘Please gather Jay and your friends and meet with us tonight at Canterlot Castle, and all will be explained. Your mentor, Princess Celestia’.” Twilight reads sheepishly. "Jay...I guess I owe you another apology. You were right, and you really are who you said you were."

Thank you Luna, I say silently.

Twilight squeals excitedly, rushes forward and puts her hooves on my shoulders. "Quickly! Tell me about your world again! I want to know everything! What kind of magic do you use? How many kinds of humans are there? The books--tell me about the books!"

Never mind, Luna.


I should have known: Twilight's other friends are the same three ponies I heard talking outside this morning. I wonder if there are any coincidences in Equestria.

"Oh my goodness," the shy one says in awe after the introductions. "It's true. You really do look just like Snowdrop."

"See? See? Isn't it amazing?!" Pinkie whoops.

I clear my throat uncomfortably. Blind or not, I don't like the feeling of being stared at. "Yeah, that's what all the ponies tell me."

"I'm afraid they're right, darling. Not even my makeup kit could do a job like that," says another pony. What was her name again...Scarcity? Nope, that doesn't sound right. Rarity--that's it.

"Well, let's put a lid on it. The filly says she's Jay, and that's that," the fifth friend says kindly. Now this one, I remember: Applejack. I thought about telling her that her name was a mixed drink in my world, but thought better of it.

Somepony--I'm guessing it's her--ruffles my mane with their hoof. I breathe a sigh of relief as they just miss the cigarette pack in there.

"Thanks," I mumble. "Look, you all seem really nice and everything, but are you sure you're ready for this? I mean, being friends with Twilight and Rainbow is cool, but we're talking about saving Equestria here. I don't think it's gonna be easy."

I wait through an awkward silence, and then...they all burst out laughing.

"What the hell is so funny?" I stare around blankly. One of the ponies gasps; I think it's Fluttershy. Strange that she's the only one who even notices the cussing.

"We're not laughing at you, Jay," Rainbow says. "It's just, about the whole 'saving Equestria' thing? We're starting to get the hang of it."

As Twilight launches into a crazy spiel about how she and her friends wield six magic weapons called the Elements of Harmony, I start to wonder if this was all part of Snowdrop's plan. No coincidences, indeed.

Author's Notes:

I decided Pinkie needed to apologize to Jay, partly thanks to Flutters is Shy who wrote a neat one-shot inspired by that welcome wagon encounter.
Stay close, because the next chapter will be a doozy. Jay dodged the "flying lessons with Rainbow" and "partying with Pinkie" cliches, at least, but he just can't shake the "saving Equestria" one. But make no mistake: this is going to be a real adventure. As in chaotic, legitimately dangerous, and possibly unsuccessful.

Jay's Cigarette Count: 13

Next Chapter: VII: It's Freaking Hot in Here Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 19 Minutes
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