

by FaelaArts

Chapter 2: Sun

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“Wakey wakey dear sister of mine!” The voice was one Celestia knew well. Her eyes opened the the landscape, the void where no life dwelled any longer. Standing up slowly on aching limbs, she glanced toward her sun, proudly glowing as it swathed the land in eternal day. Before her was a blackened body, burned nearly to a crisp.

“Are you satisfied?” Celestia spoke to the monster possessing her sister’s corpse with an ache she felt all the way to her bones. There was no use fighting, the monster only allowed her control to gloat. If Celestia really wanted an end, she would have to take it herself.

“Of course I am. Everyone is now gone, we are alone at last!” The voice crackled with glee, and Celestia forced herself to look it in the face.

“This is not what you wanted, and you know it.” There was always the chance, the hope that the monster may still listen to reason. All doubts could be swept aside, for this was truly the final chance for the monster to see the truth.

“I know that we are alone, and will be forevermore. No more loud noises waking us up of the night! No more letters from an annoying princess! No more paperwork! No more responsibility! We are free!” The monster smiled, cracking its blackened wings open, rendering the feathers to ash.

“No, you are not alone. At least not yet. But you will be.” Celestia closed her eyes, and gave a faint smile as a single tear fell from her eye. The monster tilted its head, before walking over and leaning in close. Celestia felt her body lock up as it once more took over her.

“Nonsense, we are alone. How more alone could we be?” The monster shuddered, and the burned body fell away as it resumed control of Celestia. Smiling, it glanced to the cage in its mind that held the princess.

You hath no clue what true loneliness is, nightmare. But I am more than happy to gift it to you now that everything I fought for has perished.’ Hovering in her mental cage, Celestia looked to the darkness around her. There would be no coming back from this, but what was there to come back to? Celestia knew she wasn’t like Twilight, who could find the spark of hope in even the most dire of straits.

I’m coming, my sister…’ Closing her eyes, Celestia let herself fade into oblivion. The sun above blackened, and died. The monster noticed its body’s mane stop flowing, and become just a lifeless gray. Looking around as the light faded from everything, it finally understood what it had actually wanted. It finally understood what being alone truly meant.

And it wept, for the rest of eternity.

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