
Cutiemark Crusaders 10k: The fourth deity

by The Psychopath

Chapter 3: Sun Goddess vs Deity of Darkness

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Author's Notes:

Bare with me on the crystal puns. I didn't make the names. Besides, we all know how Sombra is with crystals and stairs. Weirdo. Should look for a psychiatrist.

"Hm. I have no interest in fighting a mere beast. We shall make our leave. Come, slaves." Abstract gestured to the four ponies hiding behind the rubble.

Crystalestia's face twisted with anger. Her pride had been insulted. How dare this mere beast insult her pride?!

"You dare call me a weakling?! I am the ruler of Canterlot! I am a soldier of the great King Sombra! I am--"

"Uninteresting," Abstract interrupted.

Crystalestia grit her teeth together with fury and turned to the griffon standing to her right. His head reeled back instinctively when she looked directly at him.

"Deal with this creature. Use your claws."

"Dois-je? I do not vant to damage zese claws," Crystave complained as he looked at said claws with disappointment.

Crystalestia glared even harder at the griffon who shouted:

"D'accord! Okay! I vill do it! I do not vant to bring ze ire of Sombra." He stepped forward in front of the alicorn and looked directly at Abstract. Much to Crystave's frustration, it was clear that the crystallion was fixated on the alicorn.

"That's KING Sombra, knave!"

Crystave ignored the outburst and began to wave his claws in front of the crystallion.

"Hé ho! Iz anyone in zere? Allo!" Crystave's anger was beginning to boil to the point of overflowing.

The griffon did not hesitate to flap his wings once, getting enough height to plant his claws into the crystallion. His satisfaction was met with immediate confusion when a 'tink' sound occurred. His claws didn't penetrate, making Crystave look at them in confusion. He pushed the conundrum aside and decided to start slashing and cutting at Abstract continuously. Several minutes had passed, and the sounds would not stop. However, Abstract had grown tired of the noise and lift his left foreleg, trapping Crystave within a slowly barreling swirl of darkness. The griffon tried struggling his legs to be released, but all he did was slowly rotate clockwise in the. The serpentine strand of darkness continued to rotate around him and extend behind Crystave. He started to resign to his fate of levitation when a humming sound started resonating in his ears. The sound started to get louder and louder until a sudden burst a dark energy erupted from Abstract's hoof. It exploded outwards, causing the blue pegasus and the four ponies to shield their eyes. Crystalestia simply squinted very lightly.

Gustave was quite literally flung out of the spiral like a cannon and passed through several buildings in the process.

"Woah. Did you see that?!" Amber exclaimed.

"Awesome! I bet everypony will want to follow him now!" Rosy Notes cheered with her brother.

"Not yet. Crystave is a low ranker. Our new leader can't prove himself until he fights against Cryst--"

Concrete Cavel was interrupted by the sound of Abstract getting kicked strongly into the building adjacent from theirs. Celestia had teleported right in front of him with her hind legs ready to kick. The building in question carried two fragile towers just begging to collapse, and the alicorn obliged. Two whips of magic were emitted from her horn, tearing down the towers onto the crystal creature. The four 'liberated' looked in abject horror at their new leader being utterly defeated. They immediately turned back to face Crystalestia who was looking quite loudly.

"Stupid creature. You were a fool to oppose King Sombra, and you were a fool to oppose me. I don't know how you were capable of deflecting Crystave's claws, but you were lucky I was the one to point you down. I am the Goddess of the Sun! You have no power to oppose me!"

"If you are a god, what shall we call Abstract?" a voice rung from below the rubble.

"What? Well, I suppose I shouldn't have been so surprised. I guess I will simply have to end this quickly."

Abstract brushed off the bricks and debris from himself when he blocked a punch coming from the alicorn. The mare began to throw several punches that the crystallion deflected several times. At one point, Crystalestia tried to grapple him, tossing Abstract over her shoulder, but he countered by sliding his body in her grip, landing on the ground, wrapping his arms around her, then crunching her body against his chest. The alicorn yiped in pain from her spine cracking painfully. She was expecting the crystallion to laugh, but he remained as stoic as ever.

"You truly thought you could defeat me with these simplistic techniques when I have over ten millenia of military training at my disposal?" Abstract wondered.

Crystalestia recovered slightly from her panting and glared fiercely at her opponent. Her teeth were fully shown and her pupils shrunken down from her extreme fury.


The mare's horn glowed powerfully, extreme strands of light bursting forth from it and illuminating the area everyone was standing in. Several streaks of light were swung wildly towards Abstract after their maximum momentum had been achieved. The crystallion immediately ducked from the first strand, allowing it to cut through an already damaged wall behind him. The creature dodged several more times while he used his own powers to climb on the damaged buildings. As he was about to jump, Abstract was grazed by one of the strands, burning the surface of is crystalline body. Yet, he did not react, and launched himself at his opponent. The alicorn was not swift enough to dodge and found herself flying backward from the impact the crystallion caused after impacting the ground.

Several cracks formed along the surface of the cobbled roads, many enormous ones stretching as well. One such fissure stretched all the way underneath Crystalestia, intent on intercepting her when she fell, but she was clever. She righted herself up in midair and use her wings to dodge right. Had she not done this, she would have been slice in two from the black blades that erupted from all of the fissures. The sharp edges glimmered in the light of the alicorn's horn, dragging the mare's attention from the blade to the origin point, where Abstract stood waiting.

"Hmph. Impressive parlor tricks, but they will get you nowhere," she taunted.

"For my people, these are parlor tricks," he replied.

Crystalestia narrowed her eyes and slowly walked around Abstract while being careful not to trip over any piles of debris. The mare was taken aback and her face etched with confusion when the two lights representing Abstract's eyes seemed to rotate through his head. They were following Crystalestia even when she was behind him.

"What in Sombra's name?" she thought.

In just a brief moment, Abstract was engulfed by a black, swirling shadows, disappearing once it shrunk out of existence. Crystalestia looked around to see where he went, but she was surprised by two clamps of dark magic flying towards her from her sides. She countered with a tri-headed drill into both clamps. The mare concentrated as hard as she could and gave a yell when the clamps finally broke. Using her new found strength from her sudden anger, Crystalestia flew high in the air and started to concentrate on her horn. When it sparked, she flew towards Abstract in a bid to blast him to pieces. The crystallion avoid the funnel of magic and deployed his own 'wings'. A dark cloud-like substance slowly expanded from the crystals, creating a pair of pseudo-wings, but the crystallion was more than capable of flight, and he took after the mare. Their battle was being taken throughout the devastated city, creating flashes of light and darkness as both fired different spells at each other. One such spell of darkness sliced through the the buildings above everypony, scaring three of Abstract's four 'followers'.

"That was close," Rosy Notes sighed in relief.

"Imagine if it were lower," Blue Mellow replied shaking his hoof and exhaling stressfully.

Amber started looking around their hiding spot then asked: "Where's Concrete?"

"He's next to that blue guy who stayed behind. He looks like he's--" Blue Mellow tried to say.

"Go to sleep," Concrete was overheard saying.

The blue pegasus collapsed after the huge stallion struck him in the jugular with his hoof. The other three walked out of their hidden area and looked around cautiously. Amber was the most cautious, her body scrunched up and her head jolting in every direction for any signs of danger.

"So, what do you think will happen after this?" Blue Mellow hummed.

"I don't know, but if our new master does not defeat her, then we will be executed," Concrete said worryingly. He looked up at the sky to see several more flashes and explosions illuminating it.

"EXECUTED?!" Amber screamed.

Before they could continue their conversation, Celestia was seen tumbling out of the sky above the group before stopping her descent. Her body had various marks exuding signs of darkness eating away at them. The patches looked quite similar to a burnt object from which smoke was rising. The mare looked angrily in front of her, then looked downwards and grinned viciously. She raised a hoof to summon a weapon of her own creation, but found herself caught within a grip of shadows that smashed her down into the ground to toss dirt and debris everywhere. When Abstract arrived, he too was shown to be injured. Many parts of his body were cracked and damaged. Portions of his crystal mane were broken or chipped, and one of his wings' lengthy, white crystals had been snapped off.

Crystalestia did not give up, however, and she stood back up as best she can, her mind trying to defy her fatigue and wobbling.

"Why won't you yell in pain?!" she screamed.

"Crystallions cannot feel physical pain from such weak powers."

The alicorn growled at this response and, once more, flew high into the air. However, this time, she began to form an enormous ball of light above her horn. The four walked to Abstract and pleaded:

"We must leave now, master. You are wounded WE can't--"

Amber was kicked away by Abstract's leg while he looked towards Celestia.

"My title is not just for your amusement! I have it for a reason, and you will see why all of Equestria, nay, the WORLD fears me!"

"Heheh. 'Neigh'," Blue Mellow chuckled.

Above Celestia shun an enormous sun-like ball of magic. Its arms flowed like fire and its core was a molten mess of fury.

"Foolish pony," Abstract mused.

As Crystalestia raised her hooves to push this heavy mass of magic downwards, both of Abstract's horns began to glow, and a gigantic mass of darkness rose from around the block. It converged onto the crystallion and his servants while the sun was slowly thrust towards them. The moment was slow but extremely stressful. One wrong move, and Abstract would be destroyed. He had just emerged from the surface and met with these new magics to which he had no adaptation, but he was certain that additional time in this newly changed world would allot him the necessary information he needed.

As the shadow and sun converged onto each other, the Shadow began forming arms ending in clawed hands as well as a face with hollow eyes and mouth. The interaction literally blew apart the entire city in a flash of darkness and light. The ensuing explosion rocked the world all around it, garnering attention to the lands of Sombra all around, but this was several hours ago. The four ponies now lay within an empty field covered by pink and purple crystals that were slowly growing forward.

"Ugh. My head," Concrete complained as he sat up and rubbed it. "Where are we?"

"We're in a field of crystal! Oh no! I don't want to be a crystal pony again!" Rosy panicked. She started galloping back and forth nervously.

Blue checked his hooves and noticed that nothing was climbing up his body. "Huh. Nothing's happening," he noted with satisfaction. "Hm!"

"What? It isn't?"

"Nope! Look," he said while lifting his hooves.

The three ponies inspected his hooves closely and widened their eyes in surprise.

"Stop your mumbling."

"But, leader! The crystals!" Amber pleaded.

"They will not affect you. My people used crystals and created crystal magic. These are not only those substances, but it is also a mere offshoot of our magic," Abstract said as he kicked the ground. "You will no longer be converted by such repulsive and simplistic tricks called 'magic'. Now, I must know where the closest center of purity lies. I wish to create a new domain there from which to learn and spread my influence and will."

The four stood up in unison and did the same when they turned around to point in a direction. Abstract followed their forelegs and looked to the far horizon. There, far from all of this horror, a city stood tall. It was too far away to make out the details, but one thing was for certain: The city on the horizon was a powerful beacon of light. If anything, Abstract was mentally scolding himself for not noticing that earlier.

"That's Vanhoover," Amber said.

"The location of the remaining survivors?"


"Then we shall travel there. Come, servants. Ignore whatever meaningless creature crosses our paths."

The path in question would indeed prove to be quite difficult. Not many ponies who had made the trip ever succeeded, after all, but Abstract was determined. He would bring back his people as well as their glory of old. The Crystallion Empire needed to be revived, even if only for vengeance.

Next Chapter: Transport to Vanhoover Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 3 Minutes
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