
Death Battle: Equestria

by RLYoshi

Chapter 3: Battle 3: Omnius VS Mobius

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NOTE: This chapter, and this entire story in general, does not reflect my personal opinions of the characters fighting. Some people may like the results, and others may not. I may be the writer, but I technically do not control who wins and who loses. My job is to research the combatants, find any advantages they could use in a battle to the death, counter them with any disadvantages that would hinder them, and weigh the pros and cons until one has more pros and less cons than the other, thus making them the winner. I then present the information in a somewhat entertaining way to keep viewers intrigued.

I am saying this so people know that the winners of these fights are not my decision. So if you're PO'd about who won and who lost, don't blame me. Blame the research.

Now, enjoy the fight.

There are plenty of quirky original characters, or OCs, in the land of pony fanon.

Like Omnius, the Eternal Traveler of Good...

...and Mobius, the Seer of the Moon.

He's Yah-Shee and I'm Arrell!

And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armour, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.


Real Name: Sean Nathaniel Brandenburg
Preferred Name: Nathan Traveler / Omnius the Traveling Guardian
Species: Human
17 years old
Traveler for the side of the Gods of Good
Can transform into an earth pony, pegasus, or unicorn at will
Obsessed with video games and Coca-Cola
Seems to attract lightning

Sean Brandenburg, better known to his friends as either Nathan Traveler or Omnius, is the Eternal Traveler of Good, created and chosen by the Gods themselves.

Man, he must be one lucky bastard!

Not exactly, but we'll get into that later. Omnius is one of three Travelers that are sent to different dimensions and realities to ensure their continued existence.

The other two Travelers are Torrentican, the Endless Traveler of Evil, and Neutra, the...Traveler of Neutrality. Apparently we don't know her actual title yet, but that's not really the point here.

Omnius has had a longtime rivalry with Torrentican, which is made even longer because of one thing both of them possess: immortality.

They can't permanently die, or even physically age. If one of them takes a fatal blow, they just respawn on a homeworld, kind of like one of those online multiplayer games.

Omnius often travels between different dimensions, and therefore has acquired various skills and abilities from other realities, which range from movies to video games to places we don't even know of. In his travels, he has met all sorts of characters, ranging from Sonic the Hedgehog to Doctor Who.


That's right.

But I-

While Omnius is a human originally, he tends to go around as a pony while in public. He can switch between earth pony, pegasus, and unicorn forms by using a simple transformation spell. This spell normally doesn't take longer than a few seconds, but in the middle of a fight, those few seconds can be very precious, so he usually stays in one form while battling unless he somehow has free time.

Though he usually uses his free time for stuff he considers more important...like taunting his foe.

He has access to a number of different auras, which affect his physical condition. Most of them are simply elemental, such as fire auras or water auras, but some are more specific.

His Wizard's Aura weakens him physically while strengthening him mentally, his Speed Aura allows him to run at impossible speeds, and his Strength Aura increases his physical power enough that he can kick down solid metal walls. And they can all be summoned at will!

He used to have a much more dangerous aura known as the Dark Aura, which was more of a curse than a power. While he managed to defeat and permanently remove this aura, he apparently has many others with similar characteristics. Thankfully, he has yet to actually discover most of them, and the ones he does know he keeps locked away and vows to never use them.

But that's not all! All of his auras pale in comparison to the greatest of them all: the horribly-named Super Aura!

His Super Aura is likely the most powerful of all his auras. It turns him into an alicorn, enhances every single one of his powers, and even gives him access to some powers he has yet to actually master.

Of course, the most overpowered of his auras is the one he can't actually use on his own. He can't use this aura without outside assistance in the form of either advanced technology, the Elements of Harmony, or just the situation being really bad and him being in a really tough spot.

His auras are energy-draining, depending on how powerful they are and how often he uses them. Auras he uses more often, like the Speed Aura, leave him mildly out of breath, while the Super Aura exhausts him as time goes on as he uses it and leaves him unconscious after too long.

But a fighter can't be a fighter with just auras; he's got normal weapons as well!

Omnius's signature weapon, the Traveler's Blade, is capable of transforming into three different weapons: the Keyblade, a sword that gains different characteristics depending on special keychains attached to it; the Vampire Killer whip, a legendary whip that can take down just about every supernatural evil in existence; and the Mega Buster, a cannon that shoots searing plasma bolts alongside other ranged weapons.

But if the Mega Buster is used too much without being given a cool-down, it takes a full twenty-four hours to reload. That's one annoying wait!

Omnius is smartmouthed and snarky to his opponents, but has a good heart underneath. He becomes a couple with Twilight Sparkle in the future, just after learning some rather disturbing and confusing secrets about his prior love, Jenna.

His life never really seems to go right. His luck is possibly the worst in history after the whole "chosen hero" thing.

The environment seems to be a prankster to Omnius, as it sees fit to strike him with lightning at every possible opportunity, as well as try and throw whatever other obstacles it can at him when he's just trying to relax. Of course, Omnius being Omnius, he just laughs it off with a witty remark and keeps on going.

"It's good to be the Traveler!"


Name: Mobius, Traveling Seer of the Moon
Species: Aries Leo Sagittarius
Also Known As: A flying cat with magic powers
Over six thousand years old, but still mentally 17
Sides with the Lunar Gods
Only has half the typical Traveling Seer power

Now there's something you don't see every day: an OC in Equestria who isn't a pony...or a human!

Well, he is human originally, but...forget it. Mobius is the Traveling Seer of the Moon, meaning he travels to different dimensions on command of the Gods and Goddesses to right wrongs and-

Whoah whoah whoah...isn't this exactly the same as Omnius's story?

Not even close. If I may continue, Mobius is part of the clan of Seers, a group of beings chosen by the Gods and Goddesses for each of the three sides: Solar, Lunar, and Dark. Mobius is the Traveling Seer for the Lunar side and has a longtime rivalry with Hunter, the Traveling Seer for the side of Dark.

...Still sounds a lot like Omnius.

...Does to me too, actually. But moving on, there are four different kinds of Seers: Truth, Scout, Tank, and Traveler. Truth Seers can sense disturbances in other forces and beings, Scout Seers have enhanced vision that can see through walls, Tank Seers are extraordinarily powerful physically, and Traveling Seers like Mobius have attributes from all three. In addition, they can travel between realities.

Mobius is completely immortal, as he can't really die. When he does, he just respawns on a homeworld a while later, depending on how painfully he died; the more pain he was in as he died, the longer it takes to come back.

Unlike Omnius, Mobius actually does age physically; at the moment, he is six thousand, one hundred and fifty-three years old. However, he still mentally has the mind of a seventeen-year-old.

I've seen old geezers try to act young, but this is ridiculous!

Mobius is an Aries Leo Sagittarius, which is a type of cat-like creature that has wings like a pegasus, as well as magical powers like a unicorn. He can fly at speeds much faster than the average pegasus can reach, thanks in part to his wings being rather large; roughly the length of two ponies each, in his own words. This has allowed him to keep up with Rainbow Dash on various occasions, which is useful since the two of them become a couple eventually.

He can cast spells like a unicorn, but rather than activating these spells with a horn, he uses them with his eyes. Because of this, he calls them Sights rather than spells. He can use levitation, teleportation, healing, sedating, and night vision, along with several other Sights. And they say looks can't really kill!

...Right. In addition to his wings and Sights, Mobius also has his own weapons.

His Seer's Word is a sword with various different forms, such as broadsword, scythe, and clawed diamond knuckles, while his Seer's Row is essentially a sawed-off shotgun that can turn into a regular pistol or M429 PARA, making it one of the most badass guns I've ever seen!

Seer's Row doesn't run on physical ammunition, but rather the energy of the user. This gives it virtually limitless ammo, though it naturally weakens the user if used too much.

Thankfully, Mobius is so energetic, he'll likely never need to worry about that!

That's right. Mobius is happy-go-lucky and carefree in his relaxing times, along with being a bit of a prankster. However, when the situation turns serious, so does he. He will not hesitate to take down any enemy that poses a threat to him, his friends, or whatever dimension he is in.

Definitely one black cat you do not want to have walk in front of your path.

One last thing about Mobius that many ponies consider strange: his eyes.

They're completely different colours! One is blue, and one is...silver? Gray?

Silver. For a potential Seer, silver eyes mean that they have no actual Seer power, preventing them from actually joining a clan. If their eyes are a different colour, such as blue, then they are a true Seer. In Mobius's case, he only has half the typical Traveling Seer power, so one eye is blue and the other is silver.

So he's only half as strong as normal Traveling Seers. Why? No bucking clue!

However, he has implied that this is a choice made by the Gods themselves and is likely only temporary. For now, however, he'll have to stick with half.

"Of all the stereotypical ways to arrive here, you chose a little flash of light!? How stupid is that? Come on, this place is apparently unexplored, you could at least add a few bangs, or maybe I could arrive just in the nick of time to save someone’s life!"

Okay, the combatants are set! Let's end this debate once and for all!


In a dark underground cavern, lit only by the careful placement of lanterns along the walls, a certain dark brown earth pony sits, awaiting the arrival of his opponent. Sure enough, just a few seconds later, there is a brief flash of light before an Aries Leo Sagittarius warps into the cavern, primed to fight. The two stare each other down.


Omnius drew his Traveler's Blade while Mobius pulled out his Seer's Word. With the two weapons still in their basic sword form, the two charged, slashing and slicing away at each other. However, every blow was blocked by the other's sword; for a short while, the two continued this pattern, dealing no damage to each other.

Finally, Mobius jumped back and morphed his Seer's Word into its form of clawed diamong knuckles before charging again. Omnius rolled to the side to dodge the attack, turning his Traveler's Blade into the Vampire Killer whip and lashing it out at the cat. The whip wrapped around Mobius's left wing and pulled him to the floor, leaving him open.

However, when Omnius tried to jump in and attack, Mobius's eyes flashed and he teleported away from the whip. He turned his Seer's Word into a broadsword and flew at Omnius, only for the earth pony to switch his Traveler's Blade into the Mega Buster and begin firing at Mobius. The Aries Leo Sagittarius dodged the searing plasma bolts, but one eventually struck him in the tail, startling him enough to crash him into a wall. Smirking, Omnius transformed into a unicorn and trotted up.

Mobius stayed down, waiting for the perfect moment. As soon as Omnius was close enough, he pulled out Seer's Row and shot at the unicorn, only for Omnius to see the shot coming and duck it. Glaring, he used his magic on the lanterns spread around the cavern, causing them all to explode and shut off, casting the arena into total darkness.

Thinking he could use this as a chance to finish his opponent, Omnius summoned his Strength Aura and looked around. However, he had forgotten about Mobius's night vision Sight, which he used now to easily locate his foe. The flying cat tackled Omnius and began punching away at him, only to be kicked away thanks to the Strength Aura. Omnius glared and charged again, but Mobius used one of his Medic Sights to cast a light sedation spell, weakening Omnius back to his normal strength.

Thinking fast, the brown unicorn conjured up his Speed Aura and ran down a nearby corridor. He thought he could lose Mobius in the maze, then ambush him at the perfect moment. However, Mobius was following right behind, keeping up thanks to his large wingpower and staying hidden with his black coat.

Suddenly, Mobius shot himself forward, tackling Omnius to the floor and delivering a series of close-range attacks, using his paws as fists and slashing away with the Seer's Word. Omnius seemed to lay there, almost dead, when suddenly there was a giant flash of light. Mobius stumbled back and stared as Omnius transformed into an alicorn.

His Super Aura now summoned, Omnius was feeling at almost peak physical condition, and he was ready to fight more than ever. Mobius's eyes widened, seeing the danger, and he flew off, trying to escape. Omnius followed behind him, keeping up effortlessly. He tried using his powerful magic to catch Mobius, but the black cat avoided every spell.

Eventually, Mobius saw a wall coming up, and quickly dipped low and stopped flying. Omnius didn't stop in time, crashing into the wall and falling to the floor. He got up, wincing slightly but still moving. Mobius's sedation Sight had started to work, and he was losing his energy faster than normal. He charged at Mobius again, but the cat just pulled a paw back and timed a punch, knocking the alicorn Omnius to the floor.

The light began to wear off, and Omnius struggled to get up as his wings and horn vanished. He slowly turned back into a brown earth pony, lying on the floor unconscious. Seeing his chance, Mobius pulled out the Seer's Word as a scythe and Seer's Row, attacking wildly with them until all of Omnius's limbs were nigh-useless. For the final blow, he picked Omnius up and flew straight up, crashing through the ceiling and flying up into the sky. Once he got high enough, he dropped Omnius, who crashed into the ground and left a giant crater, the dirt covering his undoubtedly lifeless body.


YEAAAAH! Now that's what we look for here on Death Battle: Equestria!

Though their main weapons and abilities were similar, when it came right down to it, Mobius had the advantage for almost the entire fight. While Omnius has to switch between forms to fly or use magic, Mobius could use them both from the get-go.

And when Omnius used his Super Aura, all Mobius had to do was use good maneuverability to keep away from the fatal attacks until the aura ran out and left Omnius vulnerable! That's one smart cat!

In addition, Mobius could match Omnius's auras easily with his Sights and expert flying speed. The sedation Sight in particular proved useful, as it sped up Omnius's exhaustion from the Super Aura and helped keep Mobius alive long enough to deliver that final assault to keep his foe down and drop him from the sky to ensure his death.

Plus, these guys weren't even at full power! Both of them had at least some abilities and powers that they hadn't yet discovered! Who knows how the fight would have gone if they had them!

I can't say for certain, Arrell. It could have made things go all sorts of different ways. Mobius could still win, or it could have turned the tide for Omnius, or even finished in a draw. But, for now, the decision has been reached.

I guess you could say Omnius really "fell" for Mobius's plan!

The winner is Mobius.

Next time on DEATH BATTLE: Equestria:

It's going to be something a little different next time. Rather than the usual one-on-one fights to the death, we're going to give you a battle royale starring a certain trio of rambunctious fillies. Come back then for a free-for-all Death Battle!

Omnius is from the story Omnius' Travels: Equestria by Nathan Traveler.

Mobius is from the story Mobius: Equestrian Adventures by Mobius of the Moon.

I recommend checking out both stories. They're both really good.

Got a suggestion for a Death Battle? Post a comment below suggesting matchups, or send me a PM with suggestions in it!

You may suggest OC characters, provided they are from a story on this site that is at least somewhat well-known.

Please do not suggest matchups that have already happened. You may suggest individual characters to appear in matches against a different opponent than one they have fought previously, but suggestions like those are less likely to be used (unless I REALLY like the idea).

Next Chapter: Battle 4: Cutie Mark Crusaders Free-For-All Estimated time remaining: 6 Hours, 6 Minutes
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