
A letter from a fan

by Dashie-Stories

Chapter 1: Pony with a pure heart

It had been nearing dusk and Princess Celestia was tired from doing her important royal duties all day long. She still had a somewhat short stack of papers still left sitting next to her throne where had sat for the last 5 hours. She sighed and began to pick it up with her magic as her horn glowed a bright yellow. The letter, as usual, was cream colored with a fancy pink border and sealed shut tightly. Princess Celestia picked it up and began to read...

After an hour or so, she picked up the final letter, it was very different from the others and was nowhere near fancy compared to the other letters Celestia had received. "Well... at least it's something new." Before Celestia had gotten a chance to open it, Princess Luna had barged into the doors. "Sister! My apologies for interrupting thee, but you are needed for a special meeting." "Tell the ponies that I will be there shortly." Luna nodded at Celestia's reply and left to make her move.

Celestia picked up the letter again and opened it, she had began to read it........ "Dear Princess Celestia, you may not know me and that's all right. There are many ponies in Equestria and I doubt you will meet me one day. I just wanted to write this letter because I just wanted you to know that I love you Celestia, I love everything you do and I admire you. Every day the sun comes up I think of you, your beautiful dawn brings me joy to my heart and soul. I don't admire the stars and planets as much as the sunny skies. Don't get me wrong, I love Luna's night, but I just love the day far more better. It gives me an opportunity to be the best I can be. I don't just love you because your a Princess. I love you because you always do what's best for your subjects and you would put somepony else before you. You really care for every pony, and that's what makes you such an amazing leader. I don't know what I would do without you. I have been staying up late every night to make sure this letter was perfect, just for you. Once again, I love you Celestia.... I really do. From - Your biggest fan, SunStone."

Celestia wiped a fresh tear away and looked to see where the letter had come from and the address. Celestia had sat there and thought for a moment, she then she pulled a fresh piece of paper out and began to write. "Dear my precious Sunstone, thank you so much for the letter. It means the world to me. I am honored to have you as one of my amazing subjects. I wish the best for you. I know this letter is so short but hopefully my reply is enough to repay you, you have made my day, my bright subject . From, Princess Celestia." She then sent it away to it's rightful place. Princess Celestia sat up and began to walk into the meeting she had been called in for. "I'm so sorry that I am running late, I had something very important to finish. But I am here now, so let's begin." After the meeting was over Princess Celestia was exhausted, she trailed off to her bedroom giving Luna a good night, as she plopped on her bed she had thought about the letter for a while and eventually fell asleep.

Sunstone had woken up bright and early to go check the mailbox. She was delighted to see that one letter was for her. It was cream colored and had a yellow border around it. The letter said it had come all the way from Canterlot. She smiled big and went inside. "Mommy mommy! I got a letter all the way from Canterlot!" "Good for you honey, now go play. Mommy's busy." SunStone then went upstairs and opened the letter. She began to read it and as she did her smile grew bigger and brighter, and her eyes wide with astonishment. She finished it and set it down. She then started jumping around everywhere in excitement. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! The Princess of Equestria replied to my letter!"

Back at Canterlot, Princess Celestia was getting ready to go somewhere very important. "Luna, can I trust you to keep the castle up and going?"
"You have my word, dear sister. The castle is in good hooves."
"Alright, goodbye then, and good luck!" Princess Celestia then walked over to the balcony of the Canterlot castle and took to the air. She gracefully glided over Canterlot and to Manehattan. She swiftly landed and began to search for a certain building. "Hopefully I am in the right place." She then began to search again.

Back at SunStone's house, she was in the middle of drawing when she heard a knock at her front door. Her mother answered it and nearly fainted. SunStone could hear her mother talking with another pony. She couldn't quite make out what they were saying and decided to wait in her room. Her mother then called her down, "SunStone! There is somepony here to see you!" She said sweetly. SunStone made her way downstairs and what a sight she saw. She had found that her mother serving tea to the Princess of Equestria!

"Hello SunStone, hopefully you received my letter." She said in a gentle tone as she smiled. SunStone's face almost turned blue, she had been holding her breath so long. She then breathed in and out calmly and sat next to Celestia on the couch.

"I did receive your letter Princess! And I am so excited you're here!" Princess Celestia then replied. "Your letter is the biggest gift I have ever gotten, my loyal subject." Sunstone then gave Celestia a huge hug.

Author's Notes:

Just a little sweet story I came up with. I was originally going to write this about Luna and another Oc of mine. But then i thought that maybe Celestia needed a little love. My Oc Sunstone is originally a mare, but appears as a filly in this story.

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