
Pregnancy is not an illness!

by Guiding Breeze
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
Pregnancy is not an illness! But it doesn't matter how many times Princess Celestia reminds ponies they just won't treat her the same. She ruled the country alone for a thousand years for Tartus sake, eleven months of pregnancy is nothing!
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Pregnancy is not an illness! But it doesn't matter how many times Princess Celestia reminds her servants...

...or the guards...

...or her sister...

they just won't treat her the same. She ruled the country alone for a thousand years for Tartus sake, eleven months of pregnancy is nothing.

It's tagged AU just so people don't moan about any of the issues about pregnancy - if it's not true or matches your view, consider it Alternative Universe. And considering we are talking about magical talking ponies, that sounds fair to me!

Just a short story of a couple of chapters...

Slice of Life
Alternate Universe

2,333 words: Estimated 10 Minutes to read: [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. No I did not raid the kitchens again [Cache] May 13th, 2015
Published May 13th, 2015
Last Update May 14th, 2015


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