
A Super New World of Infinity

by RainbowSixtySix

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Slice of Life(Edited)

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Mal's frown quickly turned into a sinister grin. He watched the two Pokemon approach him slowly, getting ready to attack when the moment is right. Enigma and Pend walked up to Mal's side, helping the Malamar up on his feet.

"I never thought I'd see you again? Sirius. And you, Miss Resia...." Mal grinned.

Resia growled at the Malamar and was about to approach him, But Sirius puts a paw up to her; telling her that he'll handle this. Resia nodded and stepped aside. The Pokemon of Aura glared at the Malamar and pointed at him.

"That's SIR Sirius to you, Mal! What are you doing here? And why you are hurting these ponies?!" Sirius demanded.

Mal just chuckled coldly and grin at the Lucario. "I don't need to answer you, I am simply doing this for my own gain. Also, you're in no position to make demands. We are a team of psychics and you're just a fighting type. We have the advantage."

Aaron just growled and activated his Bone Rush, preparing for battle.

Mal and his partner's eyes glow blue as they prepare as well.

Start Battle Music

Sirius charged at the psychic Pokemon, quickly attacking with his Bone Rush move. The Malamar saw this coming and dodge all of his strikes, he grinned and used a Psybeam against the aura Pokemon. Acting quickly, Sirius spun his Bone Rush staff in front of him like a fan. It reflected the attack back at Mal who took the blunt of the attack but didn't affect him at all due to his dark typing. Sirius then let out a huge Dragon Pulse , but Mal made half a dozen copies of himself with Double Teambefore hitting Sirius with Thunderbolt. The Lucario closed his eyes to concentrate and sensed the aura of the true Mal and threw a Aura Sphere at him. They then ran at each other, Mal with Psycho Cut and Sir Sirius with Metal Claw. At the last minute, the Lucario ducked and hit his opponent with a Metal Claw uppercut. Mal then rose up into the air and used Psychic to lift Sirius up with him before throwing him back to the ground, but before he could do it again he was faced with the unbearable Metal Sound coming from the spot where he had thrown his enemy. Once he cleared his head he was knocked out of the sky by a Shadow Ball. The smoke on the ground showed Sir Sirius standing upright, who cracked his neck before rushing his enemy.

Meanwhile, Resia jumped away to avoid the attacks of Enigma and Pend, the former of which shot a Hidden Power at her, causing the Delphox to slam into a wall. She growled before she became completely covered in her own flames, and went for the Beheeyem at a blinding speed, but was met with Pend and his Zen Headbutt. The two clashed before they both jumped back. They both went in with the same attack of Zen Headbutt, but she engulfed them both in her Mystical Fire. Pend brought his hands together for a Focus Blast, while Resia responded with Signal Beam. The two attacks caused a small explosion causing the area they were in to become with smoke. The Hypno and Beheeyem looked around to find their foe, and saw a silhouette of their target. They instantly fired a Shadow Ball and Charge Beam only to find nothing there. Their eyes widened as they were hit by a Flamethrower. They were about to retaliate when they saw their leader getting hit by a barrage of Extreme Speedattacks.

Sirius charged at the psychic type Pokemon, but was intercepted by Enigma and Pend.

'Dammit! How could I have forgotten about the other two?!' The Lucario grunted.

"You will desist in harming our leader." Enigma ordered monotonously as he and Pend charged up a Charge Beam and Focus Blast. Mal grinned as he gave his partners a nod; the two Pokemon launched their attacks at the Lucario. Sirius was prepared to counter both attacks; however, two different colored shields appeared around him and protected him from the attack. He looked at the source to where it came from to find the two ponies he just seen earlier, Shining Armor and Cadence.

"Three against one? That's hardly fair..." Shining Armor said. Sirius looked at the unicorn and then at the Alicorn, soon Resia joined him as well.

"Now it's four against three.... You better quit while you're ahead Mal." Resia warned. Mal growled, but knew that they were right, not to mention the remaining guards would have joined in too. He then began to glow along with his teammates, one of the Bisharp guards noticed that this is the move called Teleport.

"He's planning to escape!" One of them announced, but it was too late. As soon as that sentence was finished, they were already gone. Sirius growled at this and ordered some of the guards to clean up the mess and take in the green downed mare that the so called rescue team attack attacked. Shining Armor, meanwhile, had ordered the rest of Lively Town's residents to go back into their daily activities. He turned to the Lucario and smiled at him. Sirius smiled back and decided to thank him.

"Thanks for saving my butt back there, uh...What is your name?" Asked Sirius

"Shining---Shining Armor and this is my wife, Cadence." He introduced. Cadence walked up to the two Pokemon and bowed to them.

"It is nice to meet you, Sir Sirius the Legend, Bellator Number 1# and.... I am sorry, What is your name?" Cadence asked the Delphox. She smiled and shook the princess of love's hoof.

"My name is Resia. I am Sirius's teammate. It's nice to meet you too." Resia replied. Cadence smiled and then gained a serious look on her face and turned to Sirius.

"What is going to happen to that mare? Is she going to be alright?" She asked.

Sirius smiled at her concern and nodded. "Do not worry, she'll just be taken into questioning. After she has answered all of our questions; she's free to go. We just need to know her side of the story and what went down."

12 minutes later

The green mare had found herself in a white room with a same colored table. Across the table, was a Bisharp, a Lucario and two royal guards. One of the guards she noticed was Shining Armor. The mare suddenly felt scared, thinking she was going to be thrown in jail or even worse. Being a Lucario can allow you to feel other creature's auras, and her aura right now radiated fear. Sirius decided to take a more gentle approach and gave her a small smile.

"Relax. If you are wondering if you would be thrown in jail. You're not. You have done absolutely nothing wrong." Sirius said.

This seemed to calm the mare's nerves as she took a deep breath.

"We just want you to answer some questions for us ok?" Shining Armor added. The mare nodded and took a deep breath to calm herself once more.

"Let's start with your name. Who are you and what happened?" Asked Sirius

"Well, My name is Spring Meadow and as you know, I was attacked by those three Pokemon. What had happened before all of this was I was planning to leave the town to go live in a place called Sariwa Village. I heard it's peaceful village and not much of a bustling town. Don't get me wrong, this place is nice...but it isn't me." She apologized.

Sirius and Shining Armor chuckled at that, knowing exactly how she felt. After sharing a laugh, Spring decided to continue her story.

"I was walking through the streets and I saw the three Pokemon, chatting among themselves. I decided to go ask for directions to the nearest train station. They said that they would lead me to the train station, however, they only lead me to a dark alley. I knew something was up, but I just didn't want to believe it. My thoughts were true when they attacked me and demanded my bits---I mean, Poke. Sorry. Anyways, I try to fend them off myself, but I wasn't... strong enough.... I... I lost them and I Poke along with the rest of my belongings were stolen." She finished as tears started to come out of her eyes. Sirius and Shining Armor took all the information in and nodded to themselves.

"Alright Ms. Spring. Just step out of this room and we will get everything situated. Giving you some poke to move out and an ID."Sirius directed.

Spring nodded with tears streaming down her face, smiling. "Thank you so much sir." The guards had let her out of the room and Shining and Sirius followed, they turned to see the girls Resia and Cadence is standing there. The two walked up to their partners and gave them a smile.

"So how did it go?" Asked Cadence.

"It went well. Her name is Spring Meadow and she was robbed and attacked by those three Pokemon. She was trying to leave Lively Town to live in a place much quieter." Sirius informed to the princess of love.

Resia nodded while Cadence gasped at this. "She was tricked or something?" Resia asked.

Shining Armor replied "Yeah. She went up to them and asked for directions to the nearest train station. They had said they would help, lead her into a dark alley and had attacked and robbed her. Then that's when we heard her scream."

Resia and Cadence absorb the information in. They pray that she'll be alright. Then, a thought came to Shining Armor, he remembered that Aaron had said that move that Mal was using is forbidden.

"Hey, Sir Sirius? You mentioned earlier that Mal used a forbidden move called.... Hypnosis was it?... What do you mean? Why is it forbidden?" Asked Shining Armor.

Sirius and Resia looked at each other and sighed. He looked at Shining Armor and spoke. "A long time ago, Lady Xerneas declared for ten certain moves to be forbidden to use due to their power and abilities. Use one of these moves and you could end up in the dungeon for about ten years time and stripped from using your Pokemon powers."

Cadence and Shining gulped at this, it was a good thing they were not Pokemon, so it hasn't really applied to them. But it did scare them a bit, back in Equestria the most anyone could stay in the dungeon was six months. On the Water Continent, However; it's ten years, and that's for using an illegal move. If that's what you can get for using something illegal, they hated to know what the penalty for murder was. Cadence and Shining soon regain themselves and asked what were the other nine illegal moves that were forbidden to use.

"Oh...let's see then....Fissure, Zap Cannon, Dark Void, Metronome, Oblivion Wing, Curse, Sheer Cold, Magma Storm and Gastro Acid. These plus Hypnosis are the moves no Pokemon should ever use--unless they want to spend ten years in the dungeon of course." Resia said with a slight smirk on her face. Shining Armor and Cadence took all the information in, they would have to be careful and keep a look out on certain Pokemon that will use these techniques. Who knows what kind of destruction it could bring. A thought popped into Shining's mind as he looked at the two Pokemon.

"Sir Sirius? Resia? Where did you two come from? Are you two from the six major continents?"

Sirius smiled and shook his head. "No. I'm from a place called Cheol Town in the Iron Continent. The Iron Continent is a small continent that is south of the Sand Continent. The continent is ruled by Registeel." He informed. "And Resia is from Yeol Town in the Flame Continent. Like the Iron Continent, it is a small place. Only it is north of the Water Continent and it is ruled by Entei."

This confused Cadence and her husband a bit. 'I thought there were only 6 continents?' She wondered.

"Small continents? How many continents are there in the world?" Shining asked.

Sirius smiled and explain to the prince. "There are 12 continents in total. The first 6 are the ones you had already known about. The other six are the Thunder Continent which is ruled by Raikou. The Arcane Continent which is ruled by Cresselia. The Haze Continent is ruled by Suicune. Flame Continent is ruled by Entei and the Iron Continent is ruled by Registeel."

Cadence nodded at this information until she realized he only mentioned five continents.

"Wait? What about the sixth one?"

Sirius shrugged. "That's the thing. This continent. The Mystery Continent. We really don't know much about. It's a deserted place. Not many Pokemon go there."

Meanwhile, in Serene Village. Derpy walked down the stairs of her new home to get some breakfast. There, at the table already was Time Turner or Doctor as she likes to call him reading a newspaper and eating buttered toast. She smiled and trotted towards him, giving him a kiss on the check. Doctor smiled and put his newspaper down.

"Ah, morning Derpy. I see that you're awake." He greeted with a smile.

"Morning Doctor. Wow, it's odd. This new world I mean...and that's saying something since I'm the 'Queen of Odd' " She joked with a chuckle. Doctor nodded and looked out a nearby window. There he saw few Pokemon and Ponies going to their new jobs or just simply taking a walk. It was amazing that how quickly some ponies were adapting to the place. But he knew there was bound to be conflict soon. He sighed and looked at his wife who is now eating a Muffin.

"I suppose we should get Dinky in the Serene Village Pokemon School too, since her old one got blown up." He said.

"I agree, Dinky does need to go back to school. But I am not sure though---since the school here is for Pokemon. What will they learn? More importantly, what would Ms. Cheerilee would do about the school....it is her special talent after all." Doctor said to himself.

Derpy heard him speak and nodded "I am sure everything will be resolved....Oh! Speaking of jobs. I'm going to be really busy today...so could you take Dinky to school to get her registered? We live in this odd but nice community.... it'll be best if we do it now than later right?"

Doctor nodded with a smile. "Of course Muffin, I'll do that as soon as I finish eating my breakfast. You should go though, If I remember correctly, there's a post office down the street... maybe you could be mailpony again?" He suggested.

The gray pegasus golden eyes widen as she realized this, she nodded and bolted out the door, while the Doctor chuckled at this.

'Well, time to wake up Dinky and Sparkler...' He thought.

Speaking of the pony, Cheerilee is currently walking towards an opening field that had some desks and chairs. There was also a chalkboard that was hanging off of a branch of a cut tree in front of the rows of desks. There was also a desk for the teachers who will teach the class. Next to the row of desks and chairs was a board that displayed the classwork and homework. She also notices three buildings and some stairs too. Cheerilee gulped and walked up to the building on the left that read 'Principal's Office'. She is, to say; incredibly nervous actually. This isn't just a school, but a school for Pokemon, a species she knows absolutely nothing about. But that didn't stop her, she needed this career. Teaching children is her life, her passion and destiny, as it's all in her cutie mark.

"Well, Here goes nothing." She said to herself as she walked into the building. What she saw was some a room with an office desk and large stone ponds with mossy rocks which surrounded the room. There also seems to be a Pokemon whose reading a newspaper and listening to a radio. The Pokemon looked similar to a monkey and was light blue with odd styled hair. Cheerilee also heard what the radio had said. Something about her fellow ponies and other species arriving in the Pokemon World.

"Are they aliens coming to take over our planet or are they new friends coming to greet us?" One of the talk questioned

She heard some chuckling from the radio as the host made that joke. Cheerilee rolled her eyes and went in to hear more.

"Well, right now, we have a special guest with us today. He is what is known as a changeling from the Grass Continent. We are here to answer a few questions." The host announced. Cheerilee blocked out the rest and turned to notice that the Pokemon was staring at her, She then suddenly became embarrassed and smiled sheepishly.

"Oh.. Sorry about intruding in here." She apologized.

The Pokemon smiled and waved at her. Cheerilee nervously looked to the side, trying to avoid eye contact and the awkwardness that is presented. The Pokemon chuckled and finally spoke to her, giving the mare his full attention.

"Sorry about that, I got a little distracted and didn't see you come in. I am Mercury, I am a Simipour and the Principal of the Serene Village Pokemon School. You must be Ms. Cheerilee." Mercury guessed.

This surprised the mare and she nodded her head in confirmation. "Yes... but how do you know that?" She asked.

Mercury chuckled and replied. "Yesterday, a mare by the name of Milano Mash came in yesterday and introduced herself. She told me about the school back in Equestria, you and all the wonderful good heart children in there. You sound like an amazing teacher, Ms. Cheerilee."

Cheerilee blushed at the praise and smiled "Oh, you..." But then she remembered why she came here. "Oh, you see--Principal Mercury... I came here for a request. I...I want to become a teacher here. You see, teaching isn't just my career. It's a passion and my life... and I-" Her speech was interrupted by the chuckling Pokemon.

Cheerilee became irritated and glared at the offending Pokemon. "And what is so funny?!" The Simipour ceased his chuckling and looked at the pony.

"It's funny to me because I was going to come and try to look for you and talk about the job. You could teach with the other teachers who work here." He suggested with a smile.

"You mean collaborative teaching?"

"Yeah! That! Mr. Leek can teach the ponies all about Pokemon and you can teach the Pokemon all about ponies? Whaddya say?" He suggested. Cheerilee thought about it. She would be learning more about Pokemon from the other teachers that are teaching the ponies. She smiled and nodded.

"Sure. Why not. But don't you think the classroom has..... a few desk... the fillies and colts who will be attending will be quite a lot." She replied. Mercury looked at the classroom outside and notice there are only fifty desk tables and chairs in the room. He had seen Cheerilee's point, it could be crowded. However, He had an idea and He'll need her help to do it.

"I have more desk in the storage room in Vice Principal Watcher's office. We could use those desks there." He replied.

Cheerilee nodded and smiled "Alright. Let's get to it."

Meanwhile, with Derpy, the gray Pegasus was walking down the street to see the Pelipper Post Office. Like the Doctor had said, she could score a job as a mailmare for the Water Continent. She just hopes she doesn't screw up and her boss will be lenient towards her. There she was, standing right in front of the building. She examines the building and noticed it is shaped like a Pelipper. She walked in and had seen many Pokemon most of them were birdlike and others were dragons. Derpy smiled and walked up to the counter where she saw a Pelipper doing some work. The Pelipper noticed her and smiled.

"Why hello there, Miss. How can I help you?" He asked.

"Yeah. I wanted to become a mail pony here? You see, I originally delivered mail back in Ponyville." She informed.

Before the Pelipper could reply, a dragon Pokemon with red lens came up to her and began to examine her. "Tsk..are you sure you're capable of delivering? You won't be just delivering mail in Serene Village. You will also be delivering mail all around the Water Continent."

Derpy put on a challenging grin and stomped her hoof. "You know it!"

"You'll also have to go through harsh blizzards, thunderstorms and scary sandstorms to deliver packages as well? It's alright if you wanna chicken out." The dragon Pokemon said, trying to scare the Pegasus. However, what the Pokemon didn't know was that Derpy already had experience in those types of situations. Not to mention, the greatest mailmare in the history of ever.

"I already had experience in that area. I can handle it." She retorted

Before the Pokemon could reply back, The Pelipper decided to break it up before it escalated. He turned and glared at the Flygon and told her to get back to work.

"Yes Mr. Pete." She grumbled as she left the office. He sighed and shook his head and smiled at the gray Pegasus, apologizing for that minor altercation.

"Oh that's alright. Not the first time that somepony didn't believe in my skills." She chuckled, but soon her eyes widen as she saw what had caught her eye. There, sitting at the ride side of her and was a plate of fresh baked muffins. She licked her lips and stared at the delicious treats. Mr. Pete had noticed and begin to chuckle.

"I see you like muffins. They're usually for mailers, something to start their day since they would have work early in the morn-"

"And they're free?!"

"I'm sorry?"

"Muffins?! FREE?!?!"

"I, uh... Yes?"

"YES!!! MUFFINS!!!" Derpy yelled out as she caught the attention of the Pokemon in the office. Some were conversing about what just transpired.

"I was not ready for today." An Altaria spoke.

"I don't think any of us were." Replied a Noctowl.

Mr. Pete chuckled sheepishly and eventually calmed the mare down, smiling at her. He did love her energy, just what the dull office needed

Vinyl and Octavia are now staying in their homes, moving things around the house. They had only managed to take so much stuff since the whole end of the world disaster. Octavia sighed as she moved her cello near the stairs, she'll admit though. Their old house was so much better and Vinyl does seem to like it.

"Yo Tavi! Come in here real quick!" Called out the DJ. Octavia sighed and walked upstairs to find the DJ rummaging through her stuff like a madmare. She raised an eyebrow at her roommates actions and sighed.

"What is the matter, Vinyl?" She asked.

"What's the matter?! WHAT'S THE MATTER!? I LOST MY SHADES THAT'S WHAT'S THE MATTER!?!?" She yelled.

Octavia's eyes widen at this and tried to calm her best friend down, but to no avail.

"What am I going to do?!" Vinyl asked herself.

Octavia thought to herself and then, suddenly an idea came. "We have 3000 bits each... I mean Poke right? Well, let's just buy some new shades for you down in Treasure City? I could also use some new musical records---since my old ones were destroyed."

Vinyl thought to herself and nodded, at the bright side she'll be gaining some new shades. But at the bad side, she'll be replacing her old ones. She sighed and smiled, best not to dwell in the past.

'Better find me some rockin' shades in that city.'

Author's Notes:

In Celebration of Episode 100 of MLP: Chapter 7 of IAWNWWLI

YES! Derpy and the Doctor are married...deal with it! :derpytongue2:

Sorry guys, I am not good writing battle scenes. As you can tell....:ajbemused:

Also...I have a certain scene coming up...And I was wondering if you would like your oc to be in it?

Here are the rules. It needs to be from Equus and no Godmodding or Alicorn/Time Lords....please....

Just submit your oc into my message box and I'll message you back if you win.

Next Chapter: Chapter 8: Trouble in the Drilbur Coal Mine(Edited). Estimated time remaining: 15 Minutes
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