
Static World

by Kendandra

Chapter 34: 34: Fear of Falling

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Twilight Sparkle awoke to the warm familiar softness blue fur pressed up against her. Twilight lifted her head up. Her cheek hurt from laying on the hard stone floor; she rubbed it gingerly and attempted to open her eyes. Princess Luna was seemingly sleeping. The purple unicorn yawned quietly. Her body ached; she did not know if was from the stone floor or stress. Probably both, now that she thought about it. As comforting as it was leaning up against Luna’s side, she knew she had a long day ahead of her. “Or… span of twilight ahead…” She whispered with a scowl. Her muzzle was freezing. The castle’s temperature must have dropped another twenty or so degrees since the last time she was awake. With how cold it was, and knowing full well the tasks she still had in front of her, never before had she had such a strong pull to stay curled up next to the alicorn. Summoning all her strength and willpower at once, she crept out from the shelter of Luna’s wing and stood up. Luna trembled slightly from the movement, but otherwise remained sound asleep. Satisfied that she had not woken up the alicorn she now turned her attention to small brass sculpture that sat near the door in the room.

The unicorn inspected herself in the reflection. She lifted Celestia’s tiara off of her head and ran her hooves through her mane. She smoothed out the bed-head and then went to work on her tail. She looked back at the unicorn in the reflection and could only sigh. The reflection showed large bags underneath her eyes and that her coat was unkempt. There was a slight droop in her stance and a small twitch to her eye. Overall she looked terrible. She attempted to smile, but it looked as false as she felt. For the longest time she stared into the eyes of the reflection. Finally she chuckled as she pointed to the reflection. “By Celesita… Don’t you think she looks tired?” She glanced backwards as if she was speaking to somepony about the absolute wreck of a unicorn that was standing in front of her.

She sighed and picked up the tiara. She placed it back on her head and double checked to make sure it looked straight. It did not, of course. Celestia’s regalia were fitted for a much larger pony and Twilight Sparkle looked rather silly wearing it. At least it would have if it did not seem so appropriate. Twilight could not help but notice that the oversized crown on her small form reflected how she felt about her current situation. It weighed down on her head and overwhelmed her. She reached down to adjust Celestia’s peytrel only to find it was missing. “What?” She glanced around looking for the garment. “I must have taken it off when I went to sleep?” She spent a few more minutes searching the room before walking back over to Luna.

Twilight looked down at the alicorn. She contemplated giving her a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room, but could not bring herself to do so. Whenever she looked at the large blue pony she was filled with such conflicting emotions. She shook her head and sighed. “Now is really not the time to deal with this sort of thing.” She whispered to herself. She inhaled sharply and stared at the door to the literary restoration room. She reached her hoof up to the handle. It depressed slightly with the weight of her hoof and the mechanism inside the door produced a small click. She had not even opened the door when she heard the echoing sound of hooves clopping against the stone floor.

“Twilight…” A soft voice spoke from behind her. Twilight did not turn around to face the alicorn, but she could hear her hoofsteps coming closer and closer. She knew Luna must have been standing right behind her and had the lighting in the room been better, she probably would have seen her shadow overcast her own.

“Luna,” Twilight began, “I have to go to Ponyville.” The unicorn shook her head. “There’s a book there I need that might provide part of the solution to this crisis. You… you should probably….”

“Stay here, in this room. I understand. Ponies might not find me the most welcoming sight at the moment. It is not the first time my actions have led to such a result.”

“I’ll… see you later.” Twilight said with a sigh. She opened the door and took a step through the frame.

“Twilight!” The alicorn had shouted. The poor, tired unicorn shivered from a combination of the cold and the sudden noise. Luna sighed and continued. “I want you to know something before you go. I did not know exactly what the outcome would be from my fight with Celestia. I suspected the ramifications could be as bad as this, but I never expected to be so powerless to help fix it. I just want you to know that… what I did… was because I couldn’t stand the thought of Celestia taking you away from me. I love you, Twilight. I know that’s not what you need to hear right now. I know you’ll think this is your fault… but it’s not. It’s mine. It has always been my fault. It was selfish to not consider the consequences and it is selfish to tell you that I did it out of love. I’m not asking you to understand my motivations or how I could be so selfish. I’m just asking you… well I don’t really know…. I just…. I want you to know I realize I was wrong.” Luna looked at the floor. “I know that’s also not helpful to hear right now. But….” Luna looked off to the side. She felt her innards squirming and even though it was well into freezing in the room, she felt as though she were on fire.

“Luna….” Twilight’s head sagged and her shoulders sunk downward.

“No, listen…! I love you. But I realize that because I love you…. What I’m trying to say is… if I was given the chance again… I would rather be apart from you, than force you to shoulder the world’s burden.”

Twilight turned around. “Luna… you silly filly.” The unicorn shook her head. “I have to go now. You stay here.

The sound of her heartbeat thrummed in the alicorn’s ears. It was deafening to her and there was nothing she could do to stop the noise. It thump-thumped over and over again, drowning out her thoughts. In between the beats, where she expected silence it was replaced by the sound of her breathing. The sound of her heavy inhales did nothing to keep her heart rate down. She rolled over on her back and kicked the pile of scrolls in frustration. It did not matter how many times she tried. She could never write anything more than a mess of scribbles. She tried so hard to get any message out. She tried to speak but she could not. She tried to gesture but no pony understood; they never would. She tried to scream but even that eluded her.

She struggled to her hooves. Her head seemed to split open with pain. She could have sworn that her horn had been ripped from her skull by a crude blow. She staggered to her left, her legs refusing to cooperate. In a loud crash, her side slammed back to the floor. Sheets of parchment fluttered around her, disturbed in her fall. A small brass ornament, a bookend, was tossed off to the side as her hoof collided with it. The metal object bounced nosily around the room until it snapped in half and came to rest in a corner. She waited a moment. Certainly the guards outside the room would have noticed the noise. She stared for a long time at the wooden doors; her eyes traced their painted frames and noticed the slight crookedness of one of the hinges. Alas, after a solid amount of time, no help came. It was obvious that her subjects were now afraid of her. Years of trust built up and thrown away in an instant. She sighed. It would be a long time before she could rebuild her reputation

How many generations will it take? The alicorn thought to herself. Never mind that now. I have to tell Twilight… the thing…. It’s important.

Her mind raced. The thought had been there but now it was not. The world seemed to spin whenever she tried to think. Not thinking was easier. The world did not dance around her when she sat with a clear mind.

But… there’s that thing…. It’s important! Twilight needs to know. It’s the only way. Heart is too noisy.

Her head was struck with a stake. She winced in pain. Some pony must have been trying to pound her horn back inside her skull. She was sure of it.

I have to tell her. Write a letter. Need to write….

She picked up a quill in her mouth. She placed the tip of the quill to parchment and then….

Need to write a letter. Letters are made of… words. I can do that.... Words… those are made of… letters. Right, I know this. Letters… you make them with…? Words? No wait… I’m looping. I think? No… loops are like circles. Circles are in words…. Circles and squiggly things…. Squiggly like… stomach ache. Must be hungry. Need… cake…. No wait… supposed to be doing something. It’s important! It was the squiggly things. What were those…? Something had them. Cake frosting? No… Cutie marks sometimes have squiggles. Supposed to do something. Something for Twilight. Something with squiggles. It’s important! Was it with cutie marks? No… no… Twilight’s cutie mark is made of stars. There’s no squiggles there. Wonder if Twilight will visit again. She was sad. Not my fault. Must be Luna’s…. Maybe broke her heart? Why was she so sad? No! Wait… was doing something. It’s important…. Words! Words have… the squiggly things…. Alphabets! They have the…. Heartbeat…. Too loud… can’t think.

The quill fell out of her mouth with a sigh.

Must be another way.

She summoned her strength again. The sound of her heartbeat and breath drowned out the sound of her hooves making contact with the floor. She was standing. She did not know how and she tried not to think about how it was possible. She foolishly took a step forward. The world spiraled around her, the floor went to the left and the ceiling went to the right. Wavy lines of shadow crept at the edge of her vision. The obscured her sight and she felt her eyes begin to close.

No. Have to do the thing…. It’s important!

She again lifted herself to her hooves. This time she did not try to stand. She crawled, her belly scraping against the carpet of the room as she made her way to the window. First she reached out with her left hoof. She dug the hoof into the carpet and then pulled. Next the right hoof.

Not so hard. Going to make it. Have to. It’s… something….

She miscalculated, however. One of her rear legs were caught underneath her from the last time she fell. As she pulled herself forward she felt the leg catch between the ground and her own weight. Pain raced up the appendage and she winced. Immediately she regretted closing her eyes as a spell of dizziness overtook her head. The world spun, but not in the way she expected. She felt her head falling and her backside rising into the air. She somersaulted hoof over head several times before she was able to open her eyes again. Finally she came to rest as her eyes opened again.

I must get the attendants to remove rollercoaster from this room. Seems dangerous. Wait… must focus. Something needs to be done. So dark in here. Should raise the sun. Right… that’s what’s missing. Got to write to Twilight. Ah! Head hurts… so much.

She resumed her slow crawl. The room seemed to stretch out and elongate as she neared the window. She reached up with her hoof and gripped the windowsill. She glanced upwards from her spot on the ground.

Made it. Now need to go… in that one direction. One opposite of down. That’s… left? Oh my head… so much noise.

She struggled to pull herself up so she was able to see out the window. Her head slammed against the windowpane and the two halves of the window opened outward. A chilling air rushed into the room. She cast her gaze out of the window.

Snow. Shouldn’t be… here now. So dark. Should raise the sun. Feels like time for sunrise. Oh look. Griffins are here. Why are griffins flying in? Do I have a meeting? Wait… no… they must be here because of the thing… with the sun…. Oh… No… my kingdom…. What have I done? Have to fix this. Have to help Twilight fix this. Can’t let him win. Can’t let him win. Have to get to the library.

She stood up on the windowsill and looked down.

Very high. Ten… no… twenty stories? Which tower is this? This isn’t my room. This is… a window. Yes. Got to get down to the library. Must be a way. Have to; it’s important. Can’t fly. Wings… wings so weak. No way down. Wait… that should work.

She tipped forward and felt the wind begin to pick up around her.

Have to save Equestira. It’s important.

Air wisped past her, ruffling her mane. The ground was getting closer, faster than she anticipated.


In the distance, a royal guard looked around. He huddled under his blanket, shivering from the cold. “Hello? Is somepony there?” He walked towards the sound but when a brisk wind picked up he turned around. “Nah…. Must…. M… Must be my imagination.” He glanced upwards at the sky. Several large winged figures were wavering around in the air. His teeth chattered loudly. “W… W…What in the hay are griffins doing h…h…here?”

“Oh we are so bucked….” Rainbow Dash looked down over the edge of the railing. She watched as the clouds quickly drifted by beneath her. She gazed downward at the snow-covered ground and felt a wave of dizziness overcome her. One of the higher flying clouds brushed up against the bottom of the airship. Rainbow Dash winced as the whole ship began to bounce and vibrate as it cut through the cloud. The airship groaned and moaned as the metal warped. She wrapped her hooves around the metal railing and held on tightly until the rumbling stopped. She immediately regretted touching the metal railing as the terror she felt was soon replaced by freezing cold. The pegasus bit her lip as she looked down over the edge once more.

“Rainbow, darling!” The pony turned around to see a unicorn standing in a doorway, tightly gripping her scarf. “What in Equestira are you doing out here?! Get inside before you freeze to death!”

“R… Rarity, I… was just…” The pegasus was at a loss for words. She shivered as a stray air current wrapped its way around the structure she was standing behind.

The white unicorn wrapped her hooves around the pegasus and pulled her through the doorway. The door slammed shut as the air currents pushed against it and Rarity quickly twisted her hoof around the lock. “Honestly… d…d…darling, what is your problem? Being daring is one thing, but freezing to death is something else entirely.”

Rainbow Dash’s wings rubbed up and down against her body in an effort to warm her. The airship rumbled once more as it hit turbulence and the pegasus dashed over to a window to peer out at the ground. “Oh… geeze… do you guys see how high up we are?” The ship rumbled again with a metallic moan. “Horseapples! Fluttershy, can you possibly not hit EVERY SINLGE CLOUD in our path?”

A timid looking yellow pegasus tightly gripped the ship’s wheel. She looked over at Rainbow Dash and bit her lip. “I’m sorry. It’s just that it’s my first time flying one of these and I have no idea what I’m doing. And there are clouds everywhere.” Fluttershy wiped her hoof on the windshield, trying to clean off the fog so she could see. Her wing reached up and tugged on a dangling rope that caused the ship to tilt slightly.

“I think you’re doing great, dear.” Rarity said as she rubbed her hooves together for warmth. “I’m surprised you of all ponies knew how to pilot this thing.” The ship rumbled with another moan.

Rainbow Dash covered her head with her hooves. “Oh Celestia’s teacups! Do we have to fly so high up in this death trap?”

Rarity gasped. “Rainbow! Do… do you have a fear of… well… flying?”

“Phfft. No. It’s just… okay look. This thing is made of metal and wood, alright? It doesn’t even have wings. Stuff like this isn’t meant to be in the sky. This isn’t natural.” The ship rumbled again and Rainbow Dash quickly ran to Rarity and wrapped her hooves around her.

“Uh… there, there, Rainbow. Everything is alright. No need to panic. Fluttershy knows exactly what she’s doing.”

Fluttershy bit her lip. “Um. Well… actually, I only said I’ve flown in one of these before and watched the pilot. I’ve never even touched these controls before. So… there’s a very good reason to be panicking and frighten out of your mind right now. If it makes you feel any better, Rainbow, I’m practically petrified with fear too.”

Rarity shot Fluttershy a terrible scowl which caused the pegasus to cringe. “Don’t listen to her, dear. Um… you know… you’re the best flyer in Equestira. If we go down, I’m sure you’ll be okay.”

“Have you been out there? I was just testing the air and by freakin’ Celestia’s feathers it is freezing! Pegasus immunity to cold or not, the only thing that’s flying out there right now are griffins. Buck them and their feathery… coat… things…. My wings are frozen to my sides. We are so going to die when this thing comes crashing down.” The ship rumbled and the sound of the vibrating coils could be heard from outside. “Fluttershy! Fly lower!”

Rarity wrapped her scarf around the pony and led her over to a set of steps in the back of the cabin. “Okay, dear. I think somepony has had enough time up where there are windows. I’m telling you these things are perfectly safe. Even in this weather.”

“Oh, what would you know?” Rainbow Dash said as she raised an eyebrow.

“Believe it or not, I christen one of these once.” Rarity said with a smug smirk.

“And that means you have flown in one?” Rainbow Dash said, nuzzling into Rarity’s scarf for warmth.

“Well… uh…. Of course… you know… with the flying and all that. Dear, there’s really no safer or more stylish way to travel.” Rarity stood up and used her magic to straighten Rainbow’s posture. “Now, let’s get your mind off of the sway of the airship and get it to more productive matters. Twilight really needs your support right now. The poor dear is absolutely a mess.”

“Yeah… You guys all know we’re pretty much bucked right now, right?” Rainbow sighed. Rarity lifted up her hoof, preparing to say something when Rainbow Dash continued. “I mean, the way I see it, we’re heading to Ponyville so Twilight can pick up a book that will tell her how to perfect that catalyst-thing she’s making down in the cargo hold. And to power the darn thing she’s going to need a changeling queen. I mean I don’t want to point out the obvious flaw in her plan or nothing, but what the hay are we going to do if we get to Ponyville and Queen Chrissie isn’t like hiding underneath Twilight’s bed? All that work on that catalyst-thing will be for nothing and we’ll be right back where we started.”

Rarity shook her head. “The royal guards are on the case! Honestly, you needn’t worry so much, Rainbow. Even if we don’t find the changeling queen, Twilight has a Plan B. What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

Rainbow Dash frowned. “Have you heard what Plan B is?” Rarity shook her head. “Applejack told me. I can hardly believe it but… Plan B is….” Rainbow Dash winced. “Twilight kills the princesses.”


“Okay, so apparently when you kill a goddess you get their powers or something. That’s how Celestia and Luna got control of the sun and moon when they were little. If Twilight can’t figure out how to solve this before it gets too late, she’s going to have to kill the princesses and take their jobs…. Forever.”

Rarity was stunned. “That’s….”

“That’s not even the worst part. See… I don’t think she’ll actually be able to do it. I know I wouldn’t and Twilight is…. well she doesn’t exactly have the spine for that much violence. Plus you know… the princesses are like... well, one is practically her mother and the other is her fillyfriend.” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “She’ll let the world die rather than sacrifice one of them.”

Rarity sat down on her haunches. “This is… No pony told me that was the backup plan.”

“Yeah, well I have a feeling I wasn’t supposed to find out either. Twilight only told Applejack and I think she was supposed to keep it quiet.”

“Could she even do it?” Rarity bit at her hoof. It was an unladylike thing to do, but she was not feeling particularly like a lady at the moment.

“Like I said…. No, I don’t think she could. And I can’t say I’d blame her. I mean, when before has Princess Celestia ever not been anything but nice to us? I don’t think any of us could.”

“No, I meant… can you even kill an alicorn?”

“I don’t know and I don’t want to find out.”

“Rainbow I think…”

A shout startled both ponies. “Rarity! Ah need help with this stupid furnace!” Applejack’s voice echoed from one of the nearby rooms. “It’s going out again! Ah could really use some of that unicorn magic!”

Rarity shook her head. “Rainbow, such thoughts should not be swimming in our heads right now. That’s not going to lead to anything productive.” Rarity looked down the hall. “Applejack! I’ll be right there; hang on, dear!” The unicorn turned back to Rainbow Dash. “Now, Rainbow, go to the cargo hold and watch over Twilight. It’s your turn to keep her from… breaking down. I think even Pinkie’s had all she can take right now.”

Applejack’s voice rang out. “Rarity! It’s going to get colder than Grandpa Smith’s body in here you don’t get your bejeweled butt over here!” Rarity did a quick curtsy and left.

Rainbow chuckled for a moment but was silenced as the airship shook again. The pegasus looked upwards at the deck above her. “Fluttershy! What did I say about clouds?!”

The large door to Canterlot Castle rattled loudly. Rising Star rushed to the door in the slowest trot possible. She looked down at her hooves. They were gray and dull. The door rattled again. Rising Star frowned as she reached up to the door handle. The door burst open and Rising Star fell back upon her haunches. “Oof!” She said in a zombie-like tone. She glanced upwards at the creatures that had opened the door. Her eyes met several large shapes which she quickly identified as griffins. “Yes?” Rising Star said in a zombie-like tone.

“I am Gallant, grand vizier to the king of the great Griffica Kingdom, Grifficus XXXVII. I demand an audience with Princess Celestia!”

“Oh…” Rising Star said in a zombie-like tone. “Princess Celestia is unavailable at the moment. You’ll have to talk to the Regent.”

The griffin spat on the ground. “Listen here, you filthy snow-cone headed horse, the sun has not risen for five days. The cold is killing everything. Now we griffins have sat by up until now, we gave your princesses time to sort out their differences. But if eternal night is once again plaguing our world then by the ancient spirit Gratis we are ready to force the princess to raise the sun by claw if needed!”

“The princesses are unavailable. You’ll have to talk to Lady Twilight.” Rising Star said in a zombie-like tone.

“And where exactly is this… Lady Twilight?” The griffin shouted. Rising Star opened her mouth to speak but was quickly silenced by Gallant. “Our crops are dying. This cold weather is going to trash our economy and starve our race. We’ve had to move into the caves in order to survive. The royal palace is buried in snow! Equestira’s rulers are responsible. I will meet with this… regent. She will provide the aid Griffica needs at this moment! I have on the way one thousand… shall we say… ‘couriers’… that are ready to ferry aid from Equestrian soil to the Griffica Mountains. Food supplies, blankets… the like.”

Rising Star felt a pop. Suddenly her color returned and her glazed expression shifted to that of horror. “Uh…? What?! One thou… one thou…. Oh… dear… Celestia….

“Now then! Where! Is! The! Regent?!”

“Uh…?” Rising Star’s face fell to pure horror.


“Hold please.” Rising Star’s timid tone could have made a full grown dragon sound like a bunny. She quietly and quickly shut the door to the castle and turned around. With a mighty gallop she raced down the hall screaming. “WIND STRIIIIIIIDEEEEEERRR!

Rainbow Dash looked down at the door handle in front of her. She could hear some sort of ruckus coming from the other side. A high pitched voice was whining and a second voice was ranting something fierce. Rainbow Dash cringed as the airship rumbled once more. She looked upwards where she knew Fluttershy was timidly gripping the wheel and mentally cursed the yellow mare. A piercing shout rang out from behind the door and soon after the door flung open. Pinkie Pie marched forward out of the room and slammed the door shut. Her face was adorned with a scowl and her mane was flat against her neck. She growled at Rainbow Dash. “That… star… flanked… party pooper. Who does she think she is?”

“Uh. Hi, Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow said. “Um… I like… your mane?”

“What?” Pinkie Pie looked upwards at her mane and sighed. “Oh… She’s just so depressing to be around right now, she can make any pony dreary.” She placed her hoof in front of her snout and blew. Her mane popped back to a curly mess with the sound of a noisemaker. “And she still hasn't apologized for yelling at me! I mean come on! Why do we have to be the perfect friends and she gets to whine and throw a tantrum?”

Rainbow Dash scratched her head. “Well she’s been under a lot of stress and stuff, you know?”

“Fine, then you deal with her!” Pinkie Pie began to trot up the stairs. She poked her head back around the corner to speak one more line. “I’m going to go see if Applejack needs help with the furnace. At least she won’t call my songs… pointless drivel. Hmph!”

Rainbow Dash turned back to the door and carefully pushed the door open. She peered inside the room and was taken aback by the view. She had yet to visit Twilight Sparkle in her improvised laboratory. Though, in the past few hours she had heard the horror stories from Rarity. Now apparently even Pinkie Pie was having difficulty with the mare. Still, this was nothing the awesome Rainbow Dash could not handle. She scanned her eyes across the cargo hold of the airship. The walls were littered with papers and charts, all showing various graphs. Twilight Sparkle had her back turned to the entry way and was busy trying to write on a chalkboard that kept sliding around with the movement of the airship. To her left, carefully enveloped in her magic, was a spiked crystal. The crystal itself looked like it could be a weapon if it was attached to a chain. To her right, the Elements of Harmony sat in their case. Twilight reached up with her piece of chalk after inspecting the diagram on the chalkboard. The airship rumbled violently with a metal moan. The chalkboard slid off to the side and her chalk drew a squiggly line right though the center of her diagram. Twilight stamped her hoof and grunted angrily. The unicorn threw the piece of chalk on the ground and stormed over to a large metal device, shaped like a bell. She stomped her hoof on a small petal and shouted into the mouth of the metal device. “Fluttershy! Could you possibly try to not hit! Every! Single! Cloud?!”

The metal device vibrated with a tinny sound as Fluttershy’s voice came though. “Sorry!”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Heh. I said something similar a bit ago. Only face to face.”

Twilight turned around and scowled at the pegasus. “Oh, perfect. I suppose you’re here to try and cheer me up now too.”

Rainbow Dash looked confused. “Isn’t that the whole reason all of us are here?”

Twilight raised her hoof in protest. “Well that’s… uh… right…” The unicorn bowed her head in defeat and sighed. “Sorry… just… you know….”

“Nah, I really don’t. I mean, I’ve not personally plunged the world into darkness. Well I helped, but that’s a bit different.”

“Well I wouldn’t recommend it.” Twilight said. She sat down and stared at the spiked crystal ball. A few books floated around her head and she periodically consulted one then focused magic into the crystal.

“So,” Rainbow said as she sat down facing Twilight. “This thing is going to save the world? Doesn’t look like much.”

“It’s a magical catalysis. And it’s only one part of the setup that is… hopefully… going to save the world.” Twilight flipped the chalkboard around. She picked up a piece of chalk with her magic and began to draw a diagram. “See in order to move the sun, without Celestia, we need to have first, a large amount of magical power and second, a magical signature that mimics Celestia’s own. See once we get to Ponyville I’m going to make a attunement pendent. Think of that like… well… it’s like a key. A key that fits the sun, which would be the lock.”

“And that’s what we need ol’ Chrissie for?” Rainbow Dash smiled.

“Well think of her like the key mold. She’s going to make the key… oh… this metaphor isn’t holding up as well as I hoped.”

“Then what’s this catalyst-thing for?” Rainbow gestured to the

“Well it’s a focusing crystal. See imagine that the lock is rusted so we need a lot of muscle to turn the key…. Except it’s not like that at all, really. So think of a key and a lock… except don’t because that’s a terrible analogy, but think of it if it helps you. If you want to pretend that it’s like a lock and key do that, because it’s kind of like that, but not at all.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head a few times to clear it. “So… basically… this is the power source for the whole thing.”

Twilight sighed. “Well no. The power source… if we’re lucky and it’s enough… will be the Elements of Harmony. We’ll channel the blast from them into this focusing crystal and if I’ve built it right, it should amplify any magical source fortyfold. Well… it will if I get this focusing plate on here correctly. Right now it’s unfocused. It kind of will just spread the blast out in all directions like uh… like uh…”

“A harmony bomb?” Rainbow said as she tilted her head.

“Yeah. Kind of like that… except not. But that’s not a bad analogy.” Twilight went back to fiddling with the crystal. “The inner fractal matrix is supposed to be lining up with the outer lattice pattern… but… I must be reading this book wrong….” Twilight scratched her head. “Hm…”

Rainbow Dash leaned up against the wall and smiled. “Well, I don’t know what the others are complaining about. You seem pretty pleasant to me. A bit snippy, but hay, look at the circumstances.”

Twilight glanced up from her work. “You still here? Is there something you need?”

Rainbow Dash smiled sheepishly. “Just, you know… keeping you company. Making sure you don’t break down in a fit of tears.”

“Oh… Thanks then, I guess. Just sit there and be quiet. Calibrating this thing is turning out to be harder than I thought it would be.” Twilight nodded and then continued to squint at the crystal. She rotated the crystal several times and held it up to the light. The purple unicorn gripped the crystal between her forehooves and gave it a shake. It made a quiet jingling sound that she seemed unhappy about. Rainbow Dash quickly lost interest in what Twilight was doing and preceded to let her eyes wander around the room. She quickly lost interest in staring at all the diagrams that were posted on the walls. She quickly lost intrest in watching the books, levitated by the unicorn’s magic, orbit around Twilight’s head. She again quickly lost interest in watching the clouds fly past in the porthole. She wished she had a rubber ball or something to occupy her. Mostly she just kept telling herself she was the loyalist of friends and that would have to be enough to keep her in the same room, boredom or not. Eventually though, there comes a point where a pegasus cannot keep quiet anymore.

“So…” Rainbow Dash said quietly.

The books that were flying around Twilight’s head fell to the ground. “Oh, here it comes….” The unicorn said with an exasperated sigh. “If you breathe even the first syllable of ‘Luna’ I will teleport you straight to the other side of this wall. Right outside of the airship!”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Wow… you know I can’t fly in this weather, right? I’ll fall straight down. That’s a little dark for you.”

“Buck off. I just am tired of getting relationship advice from my friends. Especially you. Like you could even get Applejack to fall for you.”

“Ouch. Talk about a low blow.” Rainbow bowed her head slightly.

Twilight stood up and stomped her hoof. “First Applejack gives me all this manure about choice and how Luna is vulnerable. Fluttershy is telling me that I should just roll over and blindly forgive her! Then Pinkie comes in here with a bucking song! I’ve just about had it with all this stuff. No more advice! No more lengthy speeches about the beauty of romance and complexities of relationships.”

Rainbow leaned backwards and crossed her hooves behind her head. “Actually, I’ve got just two words for you.”

“And I’m tired of all this philosophical horsefeathers! There’s no magic phrase that is suddenly going to make this all better.”

“Here’s one: Dump her.”

“Listen, you can’t even hope to understand the comp… Wait, what?”

“Dump her. From Cloudsdale to the ground.” Rainbow raised her hoof in the air then spiraled it downwards like a leaf falling off a tree in autumn making a whistling noise as she did.

Twilight looked bewildered. “Okay… what? You’re really bad at this, I think….”

“Let me break it down for you: Dump… her… flank.” Rainbow Dash pointed to a random spot in the air as she said each word. “Tada! Problem solved.” She raised her hooves up in mock celebration.

“I’m sorry… uh… what?” Twilight’s eyes widened and her face scrunched up in utter confusion.

“Perhaps a visual aid?” Rainbow Dash stood up and walked over to the chalkboard. She rubbed her wing against it producing clouds of chalk dust as she erased Twilight’s diagram. The unicorn squeaked in protest but was ignored by the pegasus. Rainbow picked up the chalk in her mouth and drew a crude picture of a pony’s hindquarters. “Exhibit A: Her flank.” She then drew a small trash bin next to the first drawing. “Exhibit B: Dumping.” Rainbow spit the chalk out and pointed to the drawings. “Stay with me now, because this is going to get a bit complex.” Rainbow Dash inhaled dramatically. “Dump… the mare’s…. flank.”

“But that…” Twilight lifted a hoof, as if trying to grab on to whatever thought process was spinning in her mind.

Rainbow Dash smiled. “Look at it this way, okay? You are miserable right now, right? And what is causing the miserable-bility? Luna. So say it with me. ‘Dump her.’ All you have to do is go up to her and say: ‘Sorry, princess, but your flank is dumped.’”


“Oh? Right. Well if you think she deserves it, you could be a little nicer. You could say something like: ‘I’m so sorry, but it’s just not working out, so I’m dumping your flank.’”

“But… I can’t…”

“Oh? Still got urges, huh?” Rainbow patted Twilight on the shoulder. “That’s fine. All you gotta do then is roll with her in the hay for a bit then turn to her and say: ‘Flank. Dumped.’ Throw a sorry in there if you want to be all polite and classy like. You know, like Rarity.”

“Rainbow!” Twilight shouted overtop her friend’s ranting.

“She’s being clingy and still not getting it? Try in her native tongue. ‘Forsooth! Thou flankest hast been dumpest-ed!’”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight screamed.

“What?” The pegasus looked over at Twilight with a smile.

Twilight shook her head. “Now look here! It’s not fair to be so cruel to her…!”

Rainbow threw her legs back and flopped on her back casually. “Why not? Didn’t she pretty much trash the world?”

“No! She…. I also….”

Rainbow shook her head. “You? Nah. Who was it that got into a fight with Celestia?”

“Well, Luna. But technically Nightmare….”

“That’s right. Luna. And who was it that trashed Canterlot in said fight?” Twilight opened her mouth to answer but Rainbow Dash continued on before letting her. “That’s right. Luna. And which pony is supposed to control the sun?”

“Well that’s actually Celestia’s…”

“Oh… right… And which pony’s sister is supposed to control the sun? That’s right. Luna.”

“It’s not really fair to…”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Oh right, just because she gave you some sob story about how her foalhood was manure? Oh, please. You should hear stories from my foalhood. Or Fluttershy’s from that matter, if you’re in the mood for a good cry.”

“I don’t think you understand her. She’s got….”

“Oh boo-hoo. Doesn’t really matter. Sounds like a worthless lost cause to me. Why put all that work in a broken wagon when you can get one that’s brand new for just a few bits? Trade up, Twilight.”

“Luna is not worthless! She’s just a bit lonely. Of course she’s going to be a bit clingy, but honestly considering the circumstances she’s doing remarkably well.”

Rainbow laughed. “Does it even matter what the excuse is? She’s making you miserable. That’s grounds for grade-A dumping.”

“She doesn’t make me miserable. It’s the circumstances that are making me miserable. In fact that whole fighting her sister for me thing was kind of sweet. She didn’t know it was going to end so badly!”

“So what? You’re defending her now?” Rainbow Dash shrugged.

“You bet your feathers I’m defending her!” Twilight thrust a hoof in the pegasus’s face. “Just because things went south with the world doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get a second chance!”

Rainbow yawned. “Oh. Well if you say so. Guess you’re going to have to make it work with her then.”

“You bet your feathers I’m going to…. Oh… you… you… did… psychology… on me…” Twilight rubbed her temples with her hooves. “I’m such an idiot.”

“No arguments here.” Rainbow said as she mindlessly played with the pages on one of the books. She flipped the page back and forth from hoof to hoof.

“Still though… For what it’s worth. Thanks.” Twilight nodded. “I mean it. I think I’ve been over thinking this whole thing.” Twilight fell on her back and laid next to Rainbow Dash. She closed her eyes and sighed. “Love’s a terrible thing though. I’m not sure I like it.”

“Yeah. When it bites you, it hurts. It’s like a rattlesnake bite. Then you obsess over finding the cure. Your whole body, heart and mind, are focusing on trying to just survive as it slowly eats away at you. Yet you kind of feel a bit giddy. After all, how many ponies get bit by a rattlesnake and live?”

Twilight scoffed. “That’s kind of deep. A bit morbid, but deep. At least for you.”

“It’s not mine. It’s Applejack’s. You could probably tell it has that sort of feel to it.” Rainbow sighed. “You think you got it bad with Luna? I can’t even get Applejack to consider an ‘us’. It’s really frustrating. At least you only gotta wrestle with your own thoughts.”

“Who knows, maybe we’ll all work it out someday?” Twilight said with a sigh. “The thing I don’t get is… where’d you learn that psychology bit?”

“That’s how I get Fluttershy to give me the bits to buy Wonderbolts’ tickets every single year.” Rainbow Dash broke into a hearty laugh. “Works every time.”

“Rainbow Dash?”


“I’m beginning to think you’re a horrible friend.”

“Yeah probably. You haven’t even heard about this one time at flight camp…”

Twilight held up her hoof. “Wait a second, do you hear that?”

Rainbow Dash looked around for a moment. One of her ears flopped down and she tilted her head to the air. “Hear what?”

“I thought I heard a musical instrument. Some sort of song… is sounded a bit like our national anthem, only in a minor key.”

“I don’t hear anything.”

“Shhh!” Twilight shook her head. “Never mind. I guess it’s gone now.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Like what?”

“I don’t know… a saxophone or something. Maybe Pinkie Pie is playing one.”

Rainbow Dash fell to the floor laughing. “Where would she even get one?”

“Uh. Duh, she’s Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said with a smile. It felt good to smile. It had only been a few days, but it felt like eternity since the last time she had smiled.

On the outside of the airship, resting atop the metal hull sat a peculiar figure. A draconequus lounged. Discord leaned back against a large pile of snow that sat on the airship’s hull. His claws gingerly pressed the valves on a silver-plated saxophone. He silently went thought the motions of a song as he tapped his hoof in the air. His other hoof bounced up and down against the airship’s roof. His tail was curled around a frothy mug, overflowing with cider. He chuckled softly. “A metal boat that sails in the sky, shaped like a silver whale. And they call me silly!” His tail brought the mug of cider to his lips. He licked the foam off the top of it the mug and then poured it down the side of the airship where it froze against the hull. “This one’s for you, Celestia!” He inhaled deeply and then pressed the reed of the saxophone to his lips. A haunting melody rang from the instrument’s bell in a minor key. The airship rumbled as it brushed against a cloud. Discord looked downwards and sighed. He paused from his playing briefly to comment. “The turbulence on this flight is terrible.”

Next Chapter: 35: Sunrise Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 35 Minutes
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