
Flutter's Dark Fibers

by Julia

Chapter 2: The Great Winged Pendulum

Previous Chapter

The dream was terrible. "Dream" did not do it any justice. Fluttershy could not bear to think about it, and trying to discard the imagery which was portrayed in the mental simulation was by far the hardest thing she would ever have to do. It's only a dream... just, calm down... there's nothing here, nothing that can hurt you..., she tried to tell herself over and over, but this proved fruitless as Screwball, being now one in mind with her, taunted her endlessly to no bounds,

You have no idea how foolish you look. Do you know what nightmares that I had to endure while Daddy was stoned? "Daddy, wake up!" I called to him over and over... now, feel the same pain by imagining your only beloved friends, gone before your eyes. I will not allow you to not live through such a terrible pain, knowing not when they'll be back, if they ever will!

Fluttershy began crying, cowering in her subconscious in great fear, knowing she could do nothing to fight back, not knowing what Screwball truly wanted. Why? "Why" was all she could ask... for now. "Why... why are you doing this?" she whimpered weakly, trembling in fear and trying not to vomit from the gruesome imagery shown to her through her dreams.

How dumb can you be? I thought you were smarter than this, Mommy... Do you truly not know? Are you blind to reason? Deaf to logic?

Applejack found herself impaled on a wooden stake, with her entrails being skewered down like a rope and her head like a tether ball tied to them.

Fluttershy cried out, begging for her to stop. She tried to run away, but Screwball appeared in front of her and dropkicked her backwards into a bunch of chains which held onto her body. "Please! Don't... don't do this!" Fluttershy cried as Screwball jammed her foreleg into Fluttershy's abdomen and forced her to then shut up.

Do you want to know why? You and your friends took my Daddy away from me. Celestia and Luna may have done it, but I already got my revenge by corrupting the younger sister... but you and those bitchy friends of yours purified her... and then along came Daddy! The world was well overdue for a visit from him, and I tried to make sure it lasted... but I was not able to before you and your friends ruined it by imprisoning Daddy in that stone prison again!

"I'm not understanding you..." Fluttershy said weakly, "we freed your father to offer him a second chance... and we've reformed him... we've made him better than what he used to be--"

HE USED TO BE MY DADDY, YOU FUCKING BITCH! Sorry, I got a bit undercarried there...

"Under...carried?" Fluttershy asked, when she was punched again in the stomach by Screwball.

You turned Daddy into a pussy! How can I love a pussy? How can I allow my father, Discord, the fucking god of CHAOS, be a fucking Fluttershy like you? I will NOT allow that for as long as I live!

Fluttershy was crying, not even making a noticeable attempt to hold back her tears and weeps from Screwball, who obviously was not having any pity upon her. "Look... I'm really sorry, I speak on the behalf of all of my friends, just please... let me go?"

"Are you truly sorry?" Screwball said with her own mouth, retracting a bit and hitting the pegasus with her foreleg. "To even consider feeling such an emotion after the harm you've done. You've taken the one thing I've ever loved and vandalized him beyond recognition... honey, sweetie, my beloved.... things Daddy would never say... You and your friends forced him to vocalize such atrocities... from his very own mouth, and he actually means it, every word! To you, you think that's good, you think it's a wonderful thing that Daddy is being what you idiotic mortals call nice. You think it's cute? What would you do if the one you loved suddenly began to act differently? Huh?"

Fluttershy spit up blood, as Screwball drew blood from her face with the punch. She tried as hard as she could to muster up a look of courage and authority in her eyes, and looked Screwball right in her's. "Yes... Yes I do." Fluttershy leaned forward as much as she could. "You... It's you, Screwball. When you came to Discord and I, and I found that you were his daughter, I knew I could manage loving and caring for you like a daughter... You're a sweet, kind, chaotic pony... just like your father. I initially felt as though I had no right at all to claim such a sweetheart like you... and how you feel, it's exactly how I feel about you right now. And... I'm sorry..."

YOU'RE sorry? I'M the one who's sorry?! Screwball tore Fluttershy from the chains as the pegasus pony's subconscious became flooded with chaotic imagery. Butterflies and various animals flowing crazily like a wild river. "Do you really believe you're sorry?" Screwball asked her, with a crazed look on her face, and childish giggling. "I'll let you see..."

I'll let you truly taste what it feels like to be sorry...

You've seen already what it's like to have your friends changed before your very eyes... and even you fell prey to Daddy's magic. It was utterly beautiful! But... those damned Elements got in the way again... what would it be like if they all... I don't know...died?

Fluttershy met the sight of her friends, all fallen dead before her, by none other than Discord.

I had a dream quite like this one... Daddy tortured your friends and you until finally eating them like candy! It was so wonderful! I would give anything, anything, anything to feel that dame joy and zeal that I had the morning I woke up to after being treated to such a sweet pastry that my dream that night and morning had been! The dream of the morning included your mourning, but I was mourning for the morning which interrupted my dream this morning of your mourning!

Fluttershy met a headless fate with Discord, but awoke within his stomach, meeting her friends yet once again, falling apart and deteriorating from his stomach acids of mumbling chaos.

How much I want to kill you! Ooo! But I simply can't! See, Fluttershy, you're the key to the Pandora's box which I wish to open. To unless all of the ails unto this world, and you will weave them all into one yourself. Fitting I managed to get ahold of this thread right? That thread you wear... is the thread of the Life Fibers...

Embedded with a cruel soul which none other may imagine. My soul managed only to find another vessel of stray Life Fibers which found themselves upon your world after a loooong journey through the coldness of space... I too, made that journey, and found refuge here.

Hey, I told you to keep quiet.

How can you keep me quiet? I am but a soul... I now control this body. It is mine, and when I can finally move on my own, I'll destroy you and all of these damned HORSES! I hate horses!

Fluttershy could not compute what was going on. "What's going on? Who are you? What... What am I to you?"

It was no use, as Screwball had completely muted Fluttershy's voice. Nui? Was it? You've made quite the ruckus within this body? Trying to snatch her from my control?

Nui, completely naked, came from the shadows of Fluttershy's mind and walked up to the unconscious pegasus and kicked her, though she did not feel a thing. "Stuck within a dream, I see?" she muttered to Screwball, who looked angry. Nui looked to her and stuck out her tongue lightly. "Mmmm. Stupid pony."

You were not supposed to manifest so early. Why are you resisting my control so much? I am merely using your previous abilities on Fluttershy to turn her into a magical you. If anything, you should be thanking me. With her body, you'll be much, much better than you ever were!

"Stop it with the telepathy, will you?" Nui urged her, kicking her, but Screwball's flesh grew over her body and entrapped her foot. "And please... stop with the weird things that make you even harder to understand... And this body isn't mine. She's wearing my body... but since you've allowed me to take her blood, her body will soon become mine, and then you'll have no control over me or her then."

It's the perfect plan!

Sugarcube... you ought not to push yourself so hard. Just lie on your back and do nothin'... sure beats a day of strugglin' with chaos.

What's the use? I may as well stop trying... these two have taken me over... whoever they are... Screwball is a monster... but the other voice is... it's... So... alluring! This is truly an art, right Applejack?

Sometimes it's okay to quit, Fluttershy! That's what you are after all! A big, shy, quitter!

You're right... A quitter not even fit to have her own body. I guess you'd know, huh... Twilight?

Yeah! Remember those days when I quit? Me? Of all ponies?! It's so easy! And much better than fighting! You should practice you mad, depressing sighs!

Sigh.... sigh.... sigh....

Darling, you're quite the shy one, right? So why try and change? You should always stay weak, powerless, and that damsel in distress which you always are!

But... I don't really need much help... I can help myself...

No... you can't. As a filly, you were helpless, so as a mare, you are 20% more helpless.

Rainbow? Is that you? Oh.... what's the use anymore? If I truly can't help myself...

Nui replied to Screwball, "Then, I'll listen to you... for now."

I was actually expecting more of a challenge from somepony like you. What are you planning? You can't possibly just hand yourself over like that... Especially after everything you've told me!

Nui helped herself to a beddress and an imaginary tea party with various teddy bears. Oh shut up... I have a thing for listening to dominas with multicolored hair.

Fluttershy woke up, with the dress hanging in her closet, which was open so she could see right into it. Discord and Screwball were waiting for her to wake up, as they had already prepared her breakfast which she could have in bed.

"How are you feeling... Nui?" they both asked her at once, monotonously.

Fluttershy hesitated to answer first, and she got a good look and feel for the body she was in, getting out of bed and strutting happily through the room. "I take this back! Being a pony is sooo awesome! I even have two eyes again!" Nui cried, jumping up and looking to Discord and Screwball, who looked devious as usual. Nui used her new wings to keep herself afloat in the air. "Well... I owe you one. But, why don't we go and get this started immediately?"

"You can't just handle that scissor and this body like that... once you put on your old body and get used to your previous powers, your body will modify itself to be able to handle that," Screwball replied. "Therefore, you need to train first... and I know just the place."

Nui looked at her conspicuously. She lowered down and saw how lifeless Discord looked, and she laughed st him in his face. "My DNA, did this? But... he has an aura of a thousand Kamui! How can you control something like this? Also, how do you know exactly what to do? Your knowledge on this matter is quite surprising... It's almost like, you can see the future... "

Screwball laughed, saying nothing but, "You'd be surprised at how much I know, Nui... especially about you and your world."

Princess Celestia was sitting in her bed room, organizing the scrolls she had received from various ponies this week, when suddenly her messaging diary for Sunset had lit up with a new message. Celestia, turning to check and see if what she thought had happened had actually happened and feeling overjoyed at the thought of her former student messaging her again. She felt as if she were on a cloud!

She levitated the book to her face, opened it, and began to read from it.

Dear Princess Celestia, I was planning this sleepover that I am going to have with my friends her, when I realized how great it would be if Twilight could join me too. You wouldn't mind notifying her so that she can join too, would you? Also, I love you.
-Sunset Shimmer

Even it's briefness was a refreshment to her. As long as she knew Sunset was alright. She knew not what she would do had anything, anything happened to Sunset. She loved her too, like a daughter. Like a mother would her daughter is how much Celestia loved and cared for Sunset's wellbeing... she would however love it if Sunset came back to Equestria, but maybe somethings were better left how they were. "Don't worry, Sunset," Celestia said with a giggle and a sigh of relief. She got her quill, paper, and inkwell so she could send a letter to Twilight to inform her of the news. "I'll be sure to tell Twilight right away. Anything for you..."

to be continued....

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