
Sunsets and Apples

by LtMajorDude

Chapter 1: Sunsets and Apples

Sunset Shimmer twirled her crimson and yellow hair as she walked up to the dirt road of Sweet Apple Acres. She sighed as she saw her apple farmer friend.

Applejack smiled. "Howdy Sunset. Let me get your apple picking basket."

"No. It's OK." Sunset said, giving a weak smile. "I'll get it."

Sunset Shimmer went inside the barn where the baskets for apple picking were located. She came back outside, holding a wide straw basket.

"Ya can go ahead and pick the apples there." Applejack said as she pointed to one of the apple tree groves.

Sunset nodded and headed towards the grove. Before she stops and blushes, she spots a teenager who smiles and nods at her, a salutation that she returns, along with a wave. As she walks away, it is at a much faster pace than before, her face is hot, and she has no doubt it is crimson like her hair.

Sunset walked up to one tree, which gave her a good vantage point to see the teenager. She saw an apple hanging from the tree. She extended her arm to grab it, only to turn around to see the teenager. Eventually, she forgot about the apple and focused fully on the teenager.

The teen was handsome, his hair was auburn and brighten like fire in the light of the sun. His green eyes were enchanting; it’s as if Sunset saw nothing but emeralds glittering in moonlight. His red jacket made him look athletic, like a knight clad in a red jacket. His silent demeanor made him desirable, probably because it made him look thoughtful. And when that rare smile did grace his face, it was like that of an angel. The teen was handsome or, at least, Sunset thought so.

Watching Mac return to his work, Sunset remembered the first time she had fallen for him...

"So, you want me to help you pick apples, right?" Sunset Shimmer quietly asked as she and Applejack walked towards Sweet Apple Acres. She decided to help her new friends ever since she was given a second chance, since it is something Princess Twilight would do.

"We had a huge harvest." Applejack answered as she pointed to the apple trees next to her. "We're gonna need more help with this. If ya don't mind..."

"It's alright." Sunset replied softly with a tiny smile as she saw Applejack head towards the barn. Sunset Shimmer marveled at the large acre, admiring the amount of apple trees there are.

"I forgot how big this place is." She commented.


She blinked and turned around, only to face towards an orange-haired teenager. He sported a red jacket and blue jeans.

"Oh, hi." Sunset stammered. "I'm Sunset Shimmer. And you are...wait. I think I've seen you before..."

Sunset gulped as she remembered that he went to Canterlot High too. Perhaps he had even been there the night she had become corrupted.

He probably knows about me for how evil I was,” she thought, looking at the ground in shame.

All of a sudden, she felt something on her shoulder. She was surprised that it wasn't a punch or something like that. She looked at her shoulder and saw the teenager's hand gently gripping her shoulder. She turned to the teenager and saw his kind smile. Sunset smiled weakly, she didn't know how, but she understood that he was telling her that he did not care.

"Ah see ya met mah big brother, Big Macintosh."

Sunset turned around and saw Applejack standing there with her arms crossed. Sunset was surprised, not expecting that this teenager was Applejack's brother.

"He's gonna help ya wit' the apple harvest, right Big Mac?" She said with a smirk.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied calmly as he smiled at Sunset Shimmer.

"Well, do a good job y'all." Applejack said as she walked away. Sunset Shimmer looked back at Big Macintosh.

Suddenly, she realized something that horrified her.

"You country folk really aren't that bright. Must be why the other students say such awful things about you."

Sunset bit her lip, realizing that Big Macintosh was probably there when she made that rude comment to Applejack.

"You were probably there when I made that comment about country folk being not that bright." She said as a small tear came out of her left eye. She did not have the courage to look up to Big Macintosh. She was disgusted with herself.

"I'm so sorry for insulting your sister back the-"

She stopped when a pair of fingers were placed on her lips. She blushed wildly as she looked up and saw Big Macintosh smiling. He said no words, yet Sunset somehow knew that he was telling her to not worry about it.

Normally, Sunset did not like it whenever someone put their fingers on her lips. Yet, she did not mind it. For some reason, she actually liked it. Perhaps it was the gentleness in the gesture, or the silent assurance it conveys. His fingers felt smooth for for someone who worked so much with his hands. She stared at his eyes, which looked enchanting to her.

His fingers left her lips and he extended his other hand in a gesture as if to say, "let bygones be bygones". Sunset smiled, and shook his hand. Sunset smiled and wasted no time shaking his hand. After they let go, Sunset and Big Macintosh headed towards the apple tree grove.

Sunset Shimmer no longer felt shame. Instead, she felt mild joy.

Sunset Shimmer started to visit Sweet Apple Acres from then on. She enjoyed visiting Big Macintosh, who also seemed happy to see her. Whenever they see each other, they couldn't help but smile at each other.

Sunset visited back to the farm, more intent on meeting with Big Macintosh rather than harvesting apples. However, when she got there, she saw Big Macintosh talking with his little sister, Apple Bloom, one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Sunset hid behind a hay bale as she eavesdropped their conversation, seeing how Big Macintosh seemed angry at his little sister.

"Ah don't get why yer letting her help us with the harvest!" Apple Bloom shouted at her older brother, who just calmly chewed on a piece of hay.

"Ah say ya kick her out before she-"

She was interrupted by Big Macintosh, who crossed his arms, let out a frown, and said:


Apple Bloom dropped her jaw. "B-b-but Big Mac..."


"But she can't be truste-"


"What if she turned back into a demon an-"


She shut her mouth as Big Macintosh glared at his younger sister and shook his head at her. Apple Bloom looked down at her feet, her expression becoming one of shame.


She looked up to her brother, who just continued to glare at her. No words were spoken, yet Apple Bloom knew that she should probably go home. She nodded slowly and walked away. Big Macintosh sighed as he walked away.

Sunset Shimmer was speechless. She had done nothing but insult his sisters in the past and even destroyed most of the school! Why wasn't he as harsh as most students were? Why did he actually treat her as a human being? Sunset sat on the ground, trying to register all this in her mind.

Sunset Shimmer felt even more comfortable with Big Macintosh. Every time she saw him, she felt happy and could not stop thinking about him. However, she and her friends now had a new problem.

Sunset sighed as she leaned against the wall. She wondered how the Rainbooms were going to stop the Dazzlings. She had to admit, the music sounds pretty horrible.

"The music's horrible." She admitted as she put her hand on her forehead.


She looked up and saw Big Macintosh with two glasses of apple cider in his hands. She blushed lightly and smiled a bit.

"Hey Big Macintosh."

Big Mac nods his greetings with a modest smile. He handed her one glass. She took it and began to gulp it down, savoring the taste.

As soon as she was finished, she let out a satisfied sigh. "Thanks Big Mac."


Before he walked away, he gave Sunset a grin, which Sunset deciphered that he wished her good luck. She fingered a lock of her hair, silently thanking him. She let out a sigh, wondering what that feeling was. That feeling that burned inside her heart, yet it did not hurt. Instead, it felt wonderful.

It was about two months since they finally defeated the Dazzlings and the school finally accepted Sunset Shimmer. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer confirmed one thing. One thing that she could not deny.

She liked Big Macintosh. No, liked wasn't the right word. She didn't merely like him.She loved him.

He was the one of the few who cared for her. He was one of the few who accepted her. He was one of the few who made her smile. Every single time he grinned, she felt butterflies in her stomach. A piece of her conscience wanted Sunset Shimmer to feel ashamed for developing feelings for him. Instead, she just felt happiness.

Back in present times, she saw how Big Macintosh climbed a ladder that was next to him. After climbing at a reasonable height, he began to pluck out apples with his hands and throw them in the woven basket in the ground.

Sunset Shimmer looked at the other ladder that was near her. After pondering for a while, she decided that maybe she did not need the ladder. She took off her jacket and placed it near her basket. She started to carefully climb the tree. She did some climbing in the past, so maybe it would not be a problem. After climbing high enough, she saw a single apple to her right. She extended her hand as she tried to grab the apple. She did not notice or heard the branch that was losing its support. After some struggling, she grabbed an apple, making her smile triumphantly.


Sunset let out a shriek as she fell through some branches before impacting to the ground. Big Macintosh turned around and jumped off the ladder with a concerned look on his face. Sunset got up with a pained look on her face. She looked at her left arm, one of the branches cut her as she fell. Now there was a small slash across her arm.

She let out a tiny whimper as she looked up to Big Macintosh, who just raised his hand at her, signaling her to stay put. She nodded and Big Macintosh quickly ran towards the barn. A while later, he came back with a small red first aid box in his hands.

He kneeled next to Sunset as he opened the first aid box and looked for the rubbing alcohol. After finding it, he took it and applied it to a cotton swab he obtained from the first aid box. He looked at Sunset Shimmer, giving her a warning face. She nodded, understanding that this will sting a bit.

He began to rub her wound with the cotton swab, causing her to let out a tiny whimper from the pain. He placed a hand on her shoulder, which helped her calm down and relax. After cleaning the wound, he began to look for the roll gauze. He frowned, realizing that there is no more roll gauze. He turned to Sunset Shimmer, who had a worried expression on her face. After some thinking, Big Macintosh knew what to do.

He began to take off his red jacket, which made Sunset Shimmer blush a bit, realizing what he was planning to do.

"Oh no no." Sunset said as she held up a hand. "You don't have to use your jacket to help cover up my cut."

Big Macintosh stopped and looked at Sunset Shimmer. She remained silent, understanding that he insisted on doing so. Big Macintosh removed his red jacket. As he held the white cotton swab on her wound, he wrapped his jacket around her arm, ending with a tie.

Sunset smiled and immediately gave him a big hug, slightly surprising him. She widen her eyes when she realized she was embracing Big Macintosh. She quickly let go and let out a blush and nervous smile.

"Sorry about that..." She mumbled. "And thank you Big Macintosh."


After that, there was an uncomfortable silence. Big Macintosh looked at Sunset Shimmer as she tried to hide her blush. She was failing miserably. Eventually, Big Macintosh walked up to a tree and sat down underneath it. He smiled and patted the ground, wanting Sunset Shimmer to sit down with him. She smiled and walked up to the tree's shadow and sat down next to Big Macintosh.

Big Macintosh looked at the sunset in the sky. Sunset Shimmer sighed contently as she also watched the sunset. She let out a small gasp as she felt something on her shoulder. It wasn't Big Macintosh's hand; it was his arm. She looked at Big Macintosh, who was smiling at her. She looked into his green eyes. His bright and gentle eyes. She felt something inside her. She felt something inside her, wanting her to do something. Eventually, she heard a small voice in her mind. The voice is telling her to:

"Do it."

Sunset looked at Big Macintosh. He was certainly handsome, his orange hair brightened like the sun, his green eyes were enchanting, his white t-shirt made him look athletic, his silent demeanor made him desirable, and his smile looked like an angel smiling...

Big Macintosh widen his eyes lightly as Sunset Shimmer quickly pressed her lips against his. Sunset lingered for a bit before parting lips. She let out an ashamed whimper.

"I-I-I'm sorry..." She gasped as she turned the other way, unable to look at Big Macintosh after what she did. The silence made her more uncomfortable.

He probably hates me now, she thought bitterly.

Her uneasiness disappeared as she felt Big Macintosh's hand on her chin. He then turned her head to face him. Sunset looked in his eyes. She expected a scowl or an upset face. She was surprised when she saw a compassionate smile.

He leaned towards her, planting his lips on her lips. Sunset's eyes widened. He was actually kissing her.

Sunset closed her eyes, and kissed back. She loved how his lips was incredibly smooth, like kissing a flower.

Eventually, they parted lips. They breathed heavily as they stared at each other, light blushed formed in their cheeks. Eventually, their lips formed a content smile. Big Macintosh put his arm on Sunset's shoulder as she leaned her head on his shoulder. They continued sat like this, enjoying the sunset, the tree's shade, and, most of all, each other's presence.

They both did not notice Applejack and Apple Bloom standing from a distance, who watched the whole thing.

"Awww..." Apple Bloom sighed as she let out a happy face. "Aren't they cute together, sis?"

"Eeyup." Applejack replied happily as she patted Apple Bloom's head. "C'mon sugarcube. Let's give 'em some privacy."

Applejack and Apple Bloom soon walked away. Sunset Shimmer looked at Big Macintosh. Her smiled grew larger as she said the one thing she wanted to say to him:

"I love you."

Big Macintosh smiled at Sunset Shimmer as he put a hand on Sunset's cheek.

"I love ya too."

Author's Notes:

What do ya know? A non-King of the Hill story with no KOTH references! :twilightblush: This is also the first story I've done to fully focus on romance. Sorry if the romance seems to be bad or somethin'.

Thanks again MythrilMoth for indirectly giving me the idea for the ship from your story, How Would You Do Sunset Shimmer?

And Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :heart:

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