
You thought what now?

by That Pony Writer

Chapter 1: It was just an apology?

You thought what now?

Writers Nonanonymous

It was just an apology?

Discord stood in front of the door that led to Celestia’s chambers, staring at the wooden material with hesitation. He had been standing there for a while, unsure if he should enter or not, knowing that the Solar Princess was behind on the other side, waiting for him. Having been summoned by Celestia, he was told to go up and meet her in her Royal Chambers as soon as possible. There was no reason as to why she wanted to meet him, but from the sound of it, it seemed very important. This confused him and made he wonder why she wanted to see him.

Although he was the God of Chaos and loved surprises as much as the next pony, being summoned inside the private chambers of the Solar Princess didn’t seem to tickle his fancy. Usually, the only time Celestia summons him is before a crisis or after he committed some chaos. Last time he checked, there was no impending doom that was about to befall Equestria. Nor did he create any chaos that was worth getting him in trouble. This left him to wonder why he was being summoned.

Another odd thing was the fact that he was being summoned to her personal chambers. Normally, the Princess would meet him in the throne room, with her sitting on her golden throne and him standing beneath her. It felt demeaning to have the God of Chaos lower than anybody else, but he would just have to live with it.

Every meeting with Celestia had been the same: formal and serious, like they were having a diplomatic meeting. But now, it seemed different.

Instead of the extravagant white halls of the throne room, with its golden throne and stained glass depicting the defeats of Equestria’s enemies, including himself, he was going to meet her in her Royal Chambers: A place where she kept all her personal belongings and a room that was known to be private. Aside from Princess Luna, he knew no other living being that entered that room, except maybe Twilight Sparkle.

The sudden change of venue puzzled him even more. The place would be confined with personal materials and would hardly be a place for a formal meeting. Why let him enter her chambers, when there were countless of other rooms to meet him in?

Suddenly, a thought hit him: Maybe she was going to tell him something important? So important that it has to be kept a secret from prying ears. That would explain why she wanted to meet him in her chambers, seeing that nopony would dare spy on her room.

But what important and secretive information could she tell him? The question repeated itself in his normally wandering mind , as he tried to ponder for an answer.

Was it a secret map for hidden treasure?

Maybe the secret to nuclear energy?

Or evidence that would prove the existence of humans? He knew a certain mint green mare that would love to hear that news.

The possibilities were endless, but there was no way of finding out unless he went in. If he wanted to learn about the summoning and get this over with, all he had to do was open the door and enter. Although there was still a slight fear in him, telling him that something might go wrong, he drew up the courage to move forward.

So after a long sigh, he brought up his lion paw onto the door and knocked. With two knocks on the sturdy door, he lowered his paw to this side, and waited for a reply.

“Come in.” Came Celestia’s voice, sweet and smooth as silk.

Taking a big gulp, he pushed the door open. Creaking as it swung, Discord pushed the door to see the inside of the room.

The room wasn’t as fancy as most thought it would, lacking the shunny furniture and artistic architecture most expect. Instead, it looked homey. With book shelves on the one corner, a study desk on the other, it looked more like a small personal library than a bedroom. The only object that reminded him of a bedroom was the large bed that was located near the window, which had royal purple curtains in front of it.

On top of the bed was a tall white alicorn, who was busying herself with a book that she levitated in front of her with her golden magical aura, but as Discord opened the door, her attention moved away from the book and towards him. At the sight of the draconequus, a smile formed on her face as she put the book down on the soft surface of the bed.

“Ah, Discord, I see you received my message.” She said, gracefully moving off of the bed, her voice somewhat cheerful.

“Why of course, your highness. I am always at your service.” He said, bowing sarcastically. He still didn’t like the fact that he was now serving under the Princesses of Equestria, but he made a promise to Fluttershy and he knew that friends don’t break promises. Especially one made to Fluttershy.

Celestia rolled her eyes, but shook her head.

“You’re probably wondering why I summoned you here, aren’t you?” She asked, approaching him.

“Well I was a tad bit curious. Would you mind explaining???"

"Why of course Discord. You see..." She said, hesitating for a moment before continuing. "...ever since that day, when we celebrated the defeat at Twilight's castle, I had been having deep thoughts about you."

"Deep thoughts?" Discord asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, because you see, I never took you to be the romantic type and it actually surprised me when when you gave me those flowers. By the way, they were quite lovely. I'm having the maids pick out a wonderful vase so that I can place them next to my throne."

"Wait, wait, wait." Discord said, waving his paw and claw. "Romantic? Flowers? What in you're name are you talking about?"

"Why the flowers you gave me during the celebration of course!" Celestia exclaimed as she rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Discord, I know you act clueless sometimes but I think you're being more clueless than usual."

Stroking his white beared, Discord tried to think back on what Celestia was referring to. With so many things happening in the past couple of days, from cleaning up the mess he made to trying to mend his relationship with Fluttershy, it was hard to keep track with everything. Good thing he had some kind of reference, as Celestia said the it happened during the celebration of Tirek's defeat.

Taking a sip from the cup of tea he just spawned, he tried to ponder on the events of that day. 'Let's see...' He thought. '...Twilight and her friends just finished singing their little song, we were all in the castle, Fluttershy told me to apologize to the Princesses, so I gave her some flowers and....oh...'

Spitting out the tea in his mouth, he stared at Celestia as he finally realized what she was reffering too.

"Well its good to see that you finally realized what I'm talking about." She said before turning her gaze to the puddle of tea that he just spit out. "Great, I'll have to ask somepony to clean that up. Well, at least you'll be able to repay that mess you made when you take me on our first date."

"F...first d...d...date?" He asked, dreading the reply.

"Why of course. Wasn't that the point of the flowers?" She said. "I know you wanted to do it that day, but I guess your new job of fixing all the destruction you and Tirek did was number one priority. But now that we are bought free for the day, and night, I think that you can take me out. I was thinking of some place fancy, like that Prance resturant-"

But before she could continue, she was cut off by Discord, who covered her lips with his claw.

"Okay now, Celestia, just slow down..." He said, as she stared at him. "...I wasn't asking you on a date."

She stared at him for a second with a questioning look. "But...but the flowers...."

"Apology flowers." He said. "Fluttershy told me that I should apologize to you and what says sorry better than a bunch of flowers."

"But...but..." She stammered, refusing to believe what she was hearing. She was greatly dissapointed by what he was saying, as she felt her heart break. "...you winked at me..."

"That was a 'I'm sorry please forgive me' wink. You have to keep up to date Celestia, during this day and age, winks have many different meanings."

Celestia looked down as she remained silent. Like a great blow, she felt shattered. All the hopes that built up inside her fell apart, as he revealed the true meaning to the flowers he gave her.

"So....it was just all an aplogy, nothing more?" She asked, not bothering to look up.

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but yes." Discord said, hoping that she wasn't angry at him.

There was another moment of awkward silence before Celestia broke it. Looking up, she stared at him directly in the eyes.

"One last question, Discord."

"Fire away." He said, with an internal sigh of relief, noting no anger in her voice.

"If given a chance, would you still go on a date with me?" She said, before changing to a firm tone. "Now, before you answer, remember that I can teleport Twilight and her friends, along with the Elements, right over here in a blink of an eye."

Discord gulped, as he struggled to think off an answer.

Author's Notes:

Well, Discord seems to be between a rock and a hard place.

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