
Sonata's Poem

by Hoshii Niisan

Chapter 4: Verse Three, Part Two

Previous Chapter

The father looked at Sonata, then at her mother.

"Fine," he said boastingly. "You want a divorce?" He pointed the blade at his chest. He barely heard her scream as he thruster the blade into his heart, exerting a sickly crack of ribs as he did so. He pulled the blade out, covered in blood and fragments of bone. Sonata's mother was speechless with horror. All she could think was of what to say to Sonata:

"Please don't mention this. To anyone. Please."


Sonata was glad Silver Tiara was kept away in a secluded part of the hospital. Only one week and two days left.

Himi entered the entertainment room with Sonata to see what was on TV. The doctors had it set to a specific channel, and today's show was Caturday Night Live, a show with the in cutest cats on Earth. Himi and Sonata both loved cats, and they sat close to each other as they watched the show.


"Try this," said a girl who walked up to Sonata at breakfast the next day. She gave her an apple danish, something she hadn't tried before. The taste was exquisite, with the layers of apple and cinnamon colliding as one extremely amazing sweet taste, and with the doughy base, she couldn't help but grab a hundred more when she went back to the line for seconds.

Despite Sonata's social anxiety, she had to ask. "So... what's your name?"

"Scootaloo," said the girl, brushing her dark purple hair with her finger. She blushed as she sheepishly admitted why she was here. "I... kinda used a potato peeler to cut myself."

Sonata, almost speechless, replied, "I just cut myself with a knife." The two smiled at each other as Scootaloo extended her hand. Sonata didn't know what to do besides shake it, and that's what they did.

One week and a day left.


Sonata's mother searched frantically on her computer, clicking and typing quickly.

"What are you doin'" asked Sonata casually.

"I'm trying to get my money from my bank account money before he does," she said between clicks and sounds of typing. She didn't dare to say 'Your Father' or 'Herb' anymore. She was absolutely done. Any mention would leave her bursting into tears. Sonata couldn't stand to see her mother unhappy, so she didn't dare mention him.

"Okay. I'll just be in my room" Sonata said, walking toward the door.

"Okay, be sure to come out for dinner." She called back, smiling slightly. Sonata walked into her room, softly closing the door behind her. She walked to the desk, clearing off random papers and grabbing a pencil, sliding a paper toward her. She thought for a while, before transmitting her thoughts down onto paper.

Feelings are a general thing,
Sometimes I feel like I could sing,
Other times I feel very sad,
Which makes my father equally mad.

I can still feel the drying blood,
The echoing screams 'round the neighborhood,
Love is lost and hope is gone,
Yet I never get a "how ya doing hun?"

She stopped, laying her head down onto the desk. She heard the slow gentle pats and pits of tears sliding down her face onto the paper, staining it. The pencil dropped from her hand and rolled onto the floor. She cried herself asleep, unable to continue. Later her mom entered, wondering why Sonata had not answered her call. Tears escaped her as she read the poem. Picking Sonata up and laying her down on the bed, she stroked her hair and kissed her forehead, turning out the lights as she left.

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