
A Nobody's Destiny

by Golden Flare

Chapter 3: Day 2: Getting Involved

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Day 2
Getting Involved

Your New Home - Your Room
Time of Day: Morning
Weather: Sunny
Time: 8:53 AM

You stir from your slumber as the sunlight peeks through the curtains and onto your eyes. You slowly sit up, pull the curtains across, and open your window, taking the same position you had yesterday; your arms folded over each other on the windowsill while staring at the sky, even the birds were out this morning. A knock came at your door as it opened to reveal Vice Principal Luna, or as you would now call her, Auntie Lulu. She was wearing a dark blue bathrobe, but she doesn't appear wet like Celestia was last night.

"Ah, you woke up sooner than I anticipated." She smiles. "Good morning, Naxon."

Good morning, Auntie Lulu

Your response made her eyes widen, but quickly softened as she chuckled, "I didn't think my sister would get you to agree to that so quickly." She motioned with her hand for you to follow, "Come, let's get you to the bathroom to freshen up and head down for breakfast."

You nodded and strayed away from your spot, following your aunt into the room just across from yours; on your right, there's a sink with a mirror-plated cabinet above it and next to that is a toilet, on your left is a towel rack and on the other side of the room is a rectangular bathtub that stretches out to the left and right wall with a shower head just above on the right wall and a window on the back wall.

"Go ahead and take a shower, my sister is making breakfast downstairs." Luna began to leave the room, but stopped at the doorway and turned her head, "Oh, and brush your teeth afterwards, there's an extra toothbrush in the medicine cabinet." She made her exit and closed the door with a 'click'.

You set your pen and papers down on the counter next to the sink, turned the shower on, and began to strip yourself down for your shower, which lasted for twenty minutes until you got out, put a towel on from the towel rack as you retrieved your pajamas, and returned to your room to change into your coat.

Your New Home - 1st Floor
Time of Day: Morning
Weather: Sunny
Time: 9:15 AM

Luna is currently taking her own shower as you made your way downstairs after you put your coat back on, the scent of cinnamon fills the air, it reminds you of the breakfast you had yesterday. From your point of view, the oven sat against the back wall with two small counters on either side that each have a cabinet below them, a refrigerator next to the left counter, a sink sitting on the side wall and against the right counter, and turning your gaze to the side of the staircase, you can see a small door which you can deduce is a pantry. Celestia is just in front of the oven with oven mitts on, slightly opening the door on its front to check its contents.

"A few more minutes..." She muttered as she closed it back up and turned to you, "Oh! Good morning, Naxon!"

Good morning, Mama Tia

She giggles, "Well, breakfast will be ready in a few, could you go set the table?"

You raise an eyebrow.

Realization flashed upon her face, "You don't know how, do you?"

You shake your head.

"Um, how about I help you?"

You nod and follow her past the main hall and into a room adjacent from the kitchen; in the center of the room stood a long table with a simple white tablecloth and eight chairs, one on either end and three on each side. You help her set three places to eat at the end nearest to the entrance with Celestia at the foot of table and you and Luna on either side right next to her.


"Oh, the cinnamon buns are done!" Celestia exclaimed as she rushed back to the kitchen.

You take your place at the table and wait for Celestia to come back with breakfast. As soon as she did, Luna was with her, completely dressed with her hair slightly damp.

Your New Home - Dining Room
Time of Day: Breakfast
Weather: Sunny
Time: 9:20 AM

You all eat your breakfast in peace, which tastes really good, the icing really complements the cinnamon. For some reason, you feel your fatigue and small aches from this morning wash away as you eat, could the food in this world offer some kind of healing?

"Naxon," Luna caught your attention, "don't you have anything else to wear besides that coat? It's going to be awful warm today."

You shook your head.

Celestia and Luna frowned as the latter spoke up, "Sister, we should think about getting Naxon some new clothes soon."

"I agree."

The rest of the breakfast was spent in silence. Afterwards, you all took your plates to the sink and Celestia grabbed a cluster of keys on a clip.

"Is everyone ready? We need to be at the courthouse early."

"Yes, sister." Luna said.

You nodded and you all exited the house and entered the car, driving to the courthouse for your ID Card.

Canterlot Courthouse
Time of Day: Morning
Weather: Sunny
Time: 9:41 AM

You all entered the courthouse and delivered the documents, the only thing left to do was to get your picture taken. After that, the attendant went through the process of making an ID Card and gave it to you, though you did not, "smile", as your guardians put it, you didn't even know what a smile was, but you didn't let it bother you, you got what you came here for and that's what matters, at least, that's the way you see it.

ID Card
Your Canterlot identification; it is your proof of becoming a legal citizen in the city of Canterlot.

You and your new guardians left the courthouse and headed for the school, you remember Celestia saying something about joining some of the school's social groups, you also recall the voice in your very first dream saying that you needed to make friends to find the truth and your place in this world. Your thoughts immediately went to that girl, Sunset Shimmer, when she gave you that one hug, a warm sensation flowed through your body, and something in your mind was telling that you wanted that to happen again, it was comforting to you, you suddenly had an unquenchable need to see her again, why is that...?

What's going on with you?

Canterlot High School - Front Entrance
Time of Day: Late Morning
Weather: Sunny
Time: 10:05 AM

You all arrive at the school parking lot at a decent time, all of the student who are involved with the social groups or want to be involved are gathering within the building, but not without casting some weird glances your way, ranging from curiosity to suspicion. You tap on Celestia's shoulder, earning her attention.

"What's wrong, Naxon?"

Why is everyone looking at me strangely?

Celestia shifted her gaze toward the student body and had a worried look on her features, "It's okay, Naxon, just ignore them for now."

You were reluctant, but nodded, trusting her judgment and continuing into the school. Celestia, on the other hand, wasn't so confident in her words.

Hopefully, we can find Sunset and her friends before something bad happens, Celestia thought.

Canterlot High School - Gymnasium
Time of Day: Late Morning
Weather: Sunny
Time: 10:11 AM

You and the principals entered the gym when the boy you met at your party, Flash Sentry, and what appeared to be his band were up on the stage doing a sound check on their equipment. You noticed two other groups of people in the room: Sunset Shimmer and her friends near with instruments in hand and Trixie with two other people, you assume they must be the Fuchsia Blush and Lavender Lace she mentioned at your party; one had pale fuchsia skin, such as her name, short, deep purple hair, and baby blue eyes, and the other had lavender skin, much like her name as well, two-toned blonde hair, and purple eyes, they're wearing the exact same thing, dark purple, collared capes over their shoulders, lighter purple dresses with light blue cloth below their skirts and gold sashes at their midsections, and black tights, but the only differences in their outfits are the brooches for their capes, in which Fuchsia Blush's is light blue and Lavender Lace's is royal purple, and their boots, which were the same main color but Fuchsia's had purple straps and white tongues and the tops of Lavender's appeared folded down and laced with gold at its ends.

Celestia and Luna led you Sunset and her group, "Good morning, girls." Celestia said with a smile.

They all said their own version of "good morning" when Sunset noticed you, "Oh! Good morning to you too, Naxon!" She greeted, baring a friendly smile of her own.

Good morning, Sunset

"Sunset, may I speak with you in private?" Celestia asked.

"Um, sure."

The two walked away the group as they conversed amongst themselves, when they were a good distance away from them (and Trixie and the Illusions, with good reason), Celestia and Sunset began their talk.

"Sunset, on our way here, the most of the student body have been giving Naxon the 'evil eye', as some put it."

Sunset's eyes widened in shock, this was exactly what she was afraid of, "Oh no...what do we do?"

"When Vice Principal Luna and I aren't around, I want you and your friends to keep an eye Naxon, make sure the students don't try anything drastic."

Sunset nods and they make their way back to the group as they were in a conversation of their own.

"...Still, I can't believe you and Principal Celestia adopted him." Fluttershy said.

"It was my sister's decision, I only agreed to it after hearing her reason for doing so." Luna replied.

"Well, I can't believe you two got him to call you Mama Tia and Auntie Lulu so quickly!" Pinkie added, making your face heat up.

As Sunset and Celestia made their way back, you turn attention away from the conversation and to Flash and his bandmates, becoming curious about the instrument in his hands. Without warning, you walk toward the stage and climb up top, earning the band's attention.

"Hey there, Naxon, what's up?" Flash greets.

What is that instrument?

"Oh, this? This is an electric guitar," he emphasizes by holding it up.

May I see it?

"Um, sure, just be careful with it, okay?"

You nod and take the guitar from his hands. You examine it in great detail, strumming the strings and positioning your fingers on certain parts of the neck.

"The neck of the guitar has little things called 'frets', they allow you to change the sound of the strings when you play."

You nod in understanding and continue to test the waters of the instrument. After a few test strums with different frets, you feel like you want to try it out for real.

Okay, I think I get it now, you thought.

You struggle with the guitar in your hands, but able to write your question:

Can I try playing this, like, ACTUALLY play?

Flash was surprised, "Really? You sure? You don't look like you have much experience with the guitar."

I have learned a bit from testing this, and I wish to see what I can do

Flash looked at his bandmates for their take on the matter, they all just shrugged, it wasn't long until Flash did the same, "Okay then, what kind of beat do you need from our drummer?"

You think for a moment, then a piece of music pops into your head.

Something fast-paced

"Uh, you sure?"

You nodded.

"Oookay then..."

It was quiet for a moment as you mentally prepared your self.

"Hey, what's Naxy doin' on stage?" Pinkie asked, making everyone in the gym turn to see him.

Then, without warning, the music began to play, as you began to play the guitar, in a short period of time, you played it as if you've played guitar your entire life, yet you know you haven't. Everybody in the room went slack-jawed at your ability.

"He's...playing guitar...so perfectly?" Fluttershy mumbled.

"How is that even possible?" Rarity asked.

"I...have no idea." Sunset answered.

"I don't know either, but he's REALLY good!" Pinkie remarks, "He might be even better than you are, Dashie!"

That single comment was enough to make Rainbow grit her teeth and growl in anger and frustration, "There is NO WAY that he is better than me at ANYTHING!!"

"This is...quite surprising," Luna said.

"Indeed," Celestia replies, "after what Naxon has told us, I strongly doubt he even know anything about a guitar, let alone play it like an expert. Could he be THAT fast of a learner?"

"It is difficult, but not impossible, sister."

"Or maybe he's been lying to us from the very beginning?" Rainbow bluntly suggests.

"Now that's enough, Rainbow Dash!" Applejack yells.

The two of them go back and forth with their arguing, while Trixie and her bandmates just stand where they are in shock, mouths hanging wide open. Flash wasn't faring any better as he was slack-jawed as well, but his bandmates were trying to hold back their reactions and focus on the song. You, on the other hand, were oblivious to the world around you as you continued to play your music.

Somehow...you felt content...like music was your life's work...you lost yourself in it, enjoying the sounds of the instruments creating their musical harmony. You soon came to your senses as the song came to an end, your body shuddered from the sensation the music gave you, and you gave Flash his guitar back and nod in thanks.

You have forged a Z-Link with Flash Sentry.

You make your way back to your group, who are now silent and staring at you.

Celestia clears your throat, "Well, um, we should probably getting going and look for a club or sport for Naxon to join."

"Uh, yes, of course, sister," Luna agreed.

With that, the three of you made your way to the exit and back into the hallway with all eyes on you the entire time.

"Looks like ya got competition, Dash," Applejack says.

Rainbow growled in anger, the thought of you being better than her boiling her blood. Before the doors closed, Trixie snapped out of her stupor and furrowed her brow.

"Hold the phone," she said as she made her way to the door as her bandmates quickly regained their senses and followed her out.

She walked at a brisk pace to catch up to you with the other following close behind, when she reached you, she said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What was THAT!?"

You raise an eyebrow,

What was what?

"THAT!" She motioned to the gym, "Back there, that was amazing! Where did you learn to play like that!?"

You shrug,

Just a few minutes ago

The trio's eyes bugged out at that response, "What!? But, that's impossible! Nobody's a fast learner like that! Especially when it comes to playing guitar!" Trixie explains, frantically.

You inwardly panicked; you forgot that you're not like everybody else and quick learning at your caliber isn't possible. You may have just blown your cover. Before you could think of a way out of this, Trixie leans in close to you with glare, scrutinizing you as if you're some mark her record.

"You're lying," she says, "you have to be. I don't know who you think are, but I'm watching you." She and her bandmates turned and walked down the opposite direction of the hall.

I think I just lost a friend, you thought.

Celestia put a hand on your shoulder, "It's okay," she said, "she'll look beyond it and you two will be friends again, you'll see."

You turned to her and nod, which earned you a smile from her. You all continued down the hall when Sunset and her friends began walking past you.

"Sunset, where are you all going?" Luna asked.

"Flash is gonna be a while, so we're jus' headin' back to th' music room." Applejack explained.

You turn to face Celestia and the look on her features made it seem like she had an idea pop into her head, "You know...maybe you should go with them, Naxon."

"What!?" Rainbow exclaimed.

"It'll be good for you to get to know your new friends better, don't you agree, Sunset Shimmer?" Celestia winked knowingly at her.

Sunset's face lit up, "Oh! Of course, he can come with us! We don't mind, right, girls?"

The group voiced their agreements, except for one.

"Right, Rainbow Dash?" Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow.

"...Fine." Rainbow grumbled.

"Good, glad to see you're all giving him a chance," Celestia said, "my sister and I have some paperwork to sort, so we'll be back for him later," she bent down to you and put a hand below your chin, making you shift your gaze up at her, "are you okay with this, Naxon?"

You looked at the girls, Sunset specifically, and felt that warm sensation again, you return your attention to Celestia and nod.

She smiles, "Okay. We'll see you all later!" Celestia and Luna turn around and head for the former's office.

"Why did you let Naxon go with them?" Luna whispered.

"I just thought that Naxon should spend a little time with his friends."

"You're still on him and Sunset being together, aren't you?" Luna deadpans.

Celestia giggles, "Is it really that obvious?"

Luna sighed as they continued their trek. Naxon stared at the backs of his guardians as they walked away, until Sunset reclaimed his attention by putting a hand to his shoulder and giving him a friendly smile.

"Ready to go?" She asked.

You nod and walk with her and the rest of the girls. Suddenly, you felt something cold and piercing boring into the back of your head, you knew this feeling because one of the Organization members explained that an assassin like Number VIII, Axel has this feeling almost all the time during missions.

You were being watched.

Hiding behind a corner of another hallway were Trixie and the Illusions, watching as you and your new friends left.

"It looks like they're headed to the music room," Fuchsia said.

"Duh, Fuchsia," Trixie remarked, "it's the Rainboom's little base of operations here, besides Sugarcube Corner or Sweet Apple Acres," she saw them turn a corner, "c'mon, we're losing them."

"Um, run this by me again," Lavender began as they quickly made their way to the corner you all had passed, "why are we spying on the new kid? Granted, he's a little weird and he always wears that creepy coat, but..."

Trixie stopped and got in Lavender's face, "Naxon is hiding something; he couldn't possibly learn to play guitar so quickly, so we're going to figure out what's going on here. Are you with us, or not?"

Lavender thought about it for a brief moment and nodded.

"Good, now let's hurry."

They continued to follow you and your friends, until you entered a room with double doors. They swiftly took their positions beside the doors; Trixie and Fuchsia on the left, and Lavender on the right. Trixie pursed her lips and put a finger to them, indicating for them to be quiet as she put her ear to the door...

(stop music)

Canterlot High School - Music Room
Time of Day: Late Morning
Weather: Sunny
Time: 10:30 AM

After everyone gets situated, you explain to the girls what happened between you and Trixie; they didn't seem like it was important to be friends with Trixie, as if they didn't even like her, but Sunset knew this bothered you, so she sat with you on the piano and rested her hand on your shoulder once more, but in a comforting way.

"I'm sorry that you lost a friend, Naxon," she says, "but it'll be okay, you can make new friends, there are other people here than Trixie and the Illusions."

You were reluctant, but nodded all the same. The girls prepared themselves and their instruments for their upcoming song, except for Sunset, who still remained by your side.

"You aren't playing, Sunny?" Pinkie asked, while calling her a cute nickname.

"Not this time, I'm just gonna sit with Naxon and listen," she answered.

Applejack shrugs, "Suit yerself."

Sunset perked up when she remembered something important, something that happens when they play, "Oh, and Naxon?" You turn your head to face her, "You might wanna bear with us for a bit..."

Huh? You thought.

Pinkie raised her drumsticks and tapped them together as she called, "One, two, three!"

There was a time were apart
But that's behind us now
See how we've made a brand new start
And the future's lookin' up, ah-oh, ah-oh!

And when you walk these halls
You feel it everywhere
Yeah, we're the Wondercolts forever, ah-oh, yeah!

We are all together

Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh

Now it's better than ever

Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh

You can feel it, we are back
And I'm so glad that we're better

Better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

As the song continued, you began to notice the girls transforming; their ears now sit atop their head, their hair from the backs of their heads have grown longer, and only a couple, namely Fluttershy and Rainbow, have sprouted wings from their backs.

There was a time we couldn't see
Past the differences

That separated you and me
And it left us on our own

But now you walk these halls
And friends are everywhere

Suddenly, you started bobbing your head to the music.

Yeah, we're the Wondercolts forever, ah-oh, yeah!

We are all together

Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh

Now it's better than ever

Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh

Then, your hand began tapping your lap to the beat as the corners of your lips tugged at themselves.

Now that we are back on track
Yes, I'm so glad that we're better

Better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Oh yeah, we're better than ever!

(stop music)

When the song ended, they turned back to normal, leaving you to ponder how that happened. Ignoring it for now, you began to clap your hands at their brilliant musical skill.

Rainbow smirked, "You liked that, huh?" You nod. "Well, the song was pretty awesome, but the transformations are twenty percent cooler!"

The transformations did pique my curiosity, but I was more captivated by the song

Rainbow frowned and scoffed, "Well, aren't you Mr. Perfect? Nothing ever seems to faze you, with your near-emotionless straight face and inability to talk. And yet, you sit there, not being bothered by our magic!?" She was getting frustrated now. "You honestly think you're better than us!?"

Fluttershy rushed over to Rainbow, "Rainbow, breathe..." she demonstrated breathing in and out deeply as Rainbow did the same. After she calmed down, Fluttershy asked, "Better?"

"Yeah." Rainbow returned her gaze to you, "Anyway...about the transformations—"

"—It's a long story!" Sunset quickly intercepted.

The girls were surprised, but then became somber, as if however they've acquired their magic wasn't on pleasant terms.

Pinkie stood up from her drum set and walked over to you two on the piano, "Naxy...how we got our magic...well, it's kinda hard to explain, but...let's just say Sunny wasn't always nice."

You looked at Sunset to see her spirits dampen quite a bit. You remembered what Sunset did when she thought you appeared the same way as she does now; that one simple hug. You throw all caution to the wind and gently embrace her, making her gasp in surprise. She turns to you as you both look into each other's eyes.

I just thought you needed a hug. That's what friends do, right?

Sunset began to blush at your written words. You took her silence as your chance to continue.

I understand that this is a sensitive subject, I will not force you to relive bad memories just to sate my curiosity

"Aww, that's so sweet of you, Naxon," Rarity cooed.

"Bleech!" Rainbow moaned, forcing Rarity to glare at her.

The door to the music room opened to reveal the principals, "Sorry to barge in without knocking, but the day's going by, and we finish our paperwork quite efficiently." Celestia said, "How are you all getting alo—" she stopped and noticed you holding Sunset, which make her smirk, "Well, well...what do we have here?"

You swiftly let go and nervously rubbed your hands together with the heat rising in your cheeks.

Sunset became even more flustered than before, "I-I-It wasn't like that! I-I was just upset, and N-Naxon was trying to—!"

She stopped when she heard Celestia giggling, "I'm just teasing, Sunset, no need to get nervous...unless you two really do..." she waggled her eyebrows in a knowing matter.

Sunset at this point was completely speechless, the blazing inferno in the sides of her face did nothing to calm her nerves.


(stop music)

Rainbow noticed the shrill sound coming from her digital watch, she looked at the time, and her eyes became as wide as dinner plates, "Aw man! I'm late for soccer practice!"

Sunset breathed a quiet sigh of relief, Saved by the beep, she thought.

Rainbow set her guitar on its stand, swiped her backpack, and ran past the principals, "Sorry girls! Let's pick this up tomorrow! Bye!" With that, she exited the music room.

Celestia perked up when she had an idea, "I know! Naxon should try out for soccer!" She said, earning everyone's attention, "It'll be a good way to keep him active and make new friends!"

"Mmm...I don't know, sister," Luna began, "Rainbow Dash seemed very hostile towards Naxon at first glance, so I'm a tad concerned."

Celestia sighed, "I understand why she would be; after the events of the Fall Formal," she stopped and turned to the girl on the piano, "no offense, Sunset," she continued, "and the premature Battle of the Bands, curtsey of the Dazzlings, anyone who wears a jet black hooded coat that comes to this school, new student or not, is considered a threat."

You look down as you take in the information; Sunset wasn't always a good person, and you theorize that something happened at this, "Fall Formal", that has most likely changed her ways, next is this, "Battle of the Bands", you have nothing to go on other than the fact that something bad must've happened similar to Sunset's ordeal. Could this place partially be associated with dark magic? Has the Organization come here without your knowledge of it? Knowing that all of this involves Sunset, and the fact that she's greatly unsettled by it, you decide to ask questions later, at least until Sunset is ready to tell you. It's only fair, after all, you have your own share of secrets that your new friends and family are better off not knowing.

"But nonetheless," Celestia spoke up, pulling you out of your thoughts, "I still wish for him to try out for soccer, maybe Rainbow can open up to him and give him a chance."

Luna sighed, "What do you think, Naxon?"

You shrug,

It's worth a try

Celestia beamed, "Excellent! Shall we go then, Naxon?"

You nod and hop off the piano, making your way to the principals as they exited the room. After the door closed, the girls began to chat with one another.

Pinkie spoke to Sunset in a singsong tone, "I think Naxy likes you!"

"W-W-What!? Not you too, Pinkie!" Sunset exclaimed.

"Now, now, Pinkie," Rarity stepped in, "you shouldn't poke fun at Sunset over some silly theory."

Sunset relaxed a bit, "Thanks, Rarity."

"It's no problem at all, dearie, now if I may," she turned to face Sunset, "what's your opinion on Naxon?"

While they were talking, they failed to notice the voices from the other side of the door, "He's on the move! Quick, after him!"

Canterlot High School - Soccer Field
Time of Day: Late Morning
Weather: Sunny
Time: 11:19 AM

When you all arrived at the soccer field, you noticed everyone looks lively in terms of practicing, blocking, dribbling, and defending the nets on both opposite sides of the field, which you assumed must be the key point of the game.

Now if only I knew the rules... You think.

Deciding to worry about it later, you let the principals guide you along the sidelines of the field, over to a set of benches with a few of the students conversing with each other.

"Coach Spitfire," Celestia called out, "could we have a moment of your time?"

One of them perked up at the mention of their name; she had yellow skin, fiery orange hair, and dark orange eyes, wearing a blue shirt with a fiery yellow stripe down the front, blue shorts with the same stripe on both its sides, blue and yellow striped wristbands on both her wrists, and blue knee-high cleats with white laces. You could almost taste the burning passion radiating from this girl. You also happened to notice something: doesn't she look a little young to be a coach? Her age appears on par with Rainbow's. She turn to Celestia, stood up, and walked in your direction.

"What's up, Principal Celestia?" She asks.

"I would like to have my adopted son, Naxon try out for the soccer team."

"Really now? So, this guy's the one you adopted?" Spitfire asked, curiously. She fixed her gaze toward you and began circling you. "Hmm..." She hums, scrutinizing you most likely for physical capability, "I could let him participate in the tryouts six days from now, we're trying to get some new recruits for the Wondercolts, can't just stick with the same old team every year, gotta have some new blood, y'know?"

Celestia smiles, "I'm glad you're willing to give him a chance."

"No offense, but don't get your hopes up," Spitfire says, bluntly, "I'm not gonna let just anyone join the team, I need the best of the best, and I'm willing to give your boy a shot. Also..." she eyes you as she draws out her words, "I'm curious to see what he looks like in uniform."

"Are you up for it, Naxon?" Luna asked you.

You nod without hesitation.

"Awesome, let's head for the locker rooms and get you into your Wondercolt uniform!" Spitfire said.

You all follow Spitfire to said locker rooms, but little did either of you know that one of the students conversing was a certain rainbow-haired girl, who overheard your conversation and is now stomping her way behind you.

Canterlot High School - Boy's Locker Room
Time of Day: Late Morning
Weather: Sunny
Time: 11:27 AM

After entering the locker room, you proceeded to shed your usual black coat and put on your new uniform, which looks exactly like Spitfire's, except yours fits your own frame and it feels like it was made for males of your age.

Wondercolt Uniform
An outfit with Canterlot High School's signature colors made for sporting events.

+1 Strength
+1 Defense
+1 Speed

Somehow, you feel lighter wearing these clothes than you did with your coat...

High Jump LV1


Abilities will give you an extra boost in battle, or in your everyday life. You will gain new abilities as you continue your adventure, some you will have to level up, some will remain as they are. For example, you have just acquired "High Jump LV1", which will allow you to jump higher, but this ability can level up, meaning it can grow stronger. Be sure to keep track of all the abilities you gain.

You make a quick once over to make sure you've gotten every part of the uniform on, from your shirt to your cleats, and that you've put it on correctly. Feeling that you're wearing it right, you step out of the locker room to show your guardians and Spitfire how you look, and each of them went wide-eyed.

"Oh my...his body's more well kept than I thought," Celestia voiced.

"Your physique is well toned, you must have been exercising during your time in this 'bad place' you once spoke of," Luna added.

Spitfire whistled, "Not bad, kid, you look good, but can you play?"

You grin,

Guess we'll find out, won't we?

Spitfire grins as well, "Confident, I like that, let's see how far that confidence of yours can go during tryouts."

You give a determined nod.

"We're going to talk more about the sport programs, could you wait here until we come back, Naxon?" Celestia asked.

You nod again.

"Be right back."

Celestia, Luna, and Spitfire walk back to the direction of the soccer field, leaving you alone in the hallway. You began to ponder your current situation.

Maybe joining some of these social groups might be good for me, the voice said that friendship with others will help me see the truth...but what truth? Well, other than that, I do need friends, I don't want to be alone like I was before. Speaking of friends, what about Sunset Shimmer? There's something about her that makes me want to show her that I'm a good person. But...I'm keeping secrets from her and her friends...I can't tell them who I really am, not yet, at least. I want to get to know them better, before I tell them the truth. You breathe a silent sigh. Well, anyway, I'll probably join more social groups later on, when I get a better grasp of Canterlot High.

You turn to head back into the locker room to change back into your coat, but just then, someone grabs your shirt and forcefully slams you into the wall, pinning you there. You quint your eyes closed from the pain, but you force them open to see your attacker, who is honestly the least person you'd expect.

Rainbow Dash!? You internally shout.

"Listen here," she began, "I don't know who you are or what you're trying to do, but don't think just because you're Principal Celestia's son, doesn't mean I'll pull any punches. You're on MY turf now."

You try to struggle out of her grip, but she holds firm. Then out of nowhere, Fuchsia Blush and Lavender Lace latch onto Rainbow's arms and pulls her off of you, then they proceed to hold her against the opposite wall as she tries to escape. You slide to the floor and catch your breath from the adrenaline kicking in at that point. Soon, Trixie appears by your side, examining you with a worried expression.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

You weakly nod.

"What's going on here!?"

You all turn to see Celestia, who was the one who shouted, Luna, Spitfire, and two others with them; one was female with icy blue skin, purple eyes, and wind-blown white hair, she was wearing the same uniform as Spitfire, the other was male with pale blue skin, green eyes, and wind-blown dark blue hair, similar to the female's, he also was wearing the same uniform.

Trixie stood up and pointed to Rainbow, "She grabbed Naxon and pinned him to the wall, my bandmates pried her off of him while I made sure he was okay."

"It's true!" Fuchsia agreed.

"I saw it with my own eyes!" Lavender added.

Celestia glared in Rainbow's direction before shifting her gaze to you, "Is this true, Naxon?"

You looked at Rainbow, who was still held against the wall, scowling at you with pure hate. She was supposed to be your friend, but you didn't think she distrusted you this much. You internally apologize to her and Sunset Shimmer before you nod in confirmation.

"That's all we needed to know," Luna said, walking over to Rainbow and grabbing her arm, making Trixie's companions let go, "Rainbow Dash, my office, NOW."

The two began to walk away, but before they disappeared behind the corner, Rainbow craned her head back and said, "I'm watching you."

You look towards Trixie and the Illusions,

Thank you for your help

They waved him off, "It's no big deal," Fuchsia said.

"Yeah, totally," Lavender agreed.

"Even though what you told us was impossible, even you don't deserve to be assaulted," Trixie added.

You felt the corners of your mouth tug at themselves again. You have a good feeling that you've got your friend back.

You have forged a Z-Link with Trixie Lulamoon.

"Don't worry, Trixie's not mad at you anymore, especially after what just happened, so I guess we'll see you later," Trixie, along with her followers, began leave, "Oh, and by the way..." Trixie stopped and craned her head back to you, "...You look cute in that uniform." She winks at you, then leaves.

Celestia, Spitfire, and the other two made their way to you and helped you up, asking you if you're okay all the while.

I'm okay, everyone, really, I am

"Are you sure?" Celestia asks, "I just...don't know what I would do if something happened to you. You're my son, you're part of our family now."

I'm flattered Mama Ti Principal Celestia, but I assure you, I am well

Celestia smiles, "At least I care, unlike whoever locked you up."

You nod as you felt something within you; you didn't understand it, but you felt fulfilled and grateful that she said that.

Z-Link Level Up!
VIII - Principal Celestia (Mama Tia) - Lv. 3/20

Eternal Flames
No. VIII Axel's primary weapons: his chakrams.

A low level fire elemental spell.

As you level up your Z-Links, you will awaken your hidden abilities, such as the Organization's elemental powers and weapons. The more time you spend with other people, the stronger you become. Keep this in mind as go on through life, make sure your bonds are genuine, and try not to use them for your own selfish reasons.

Like your weapons, your magic will awaken through your Z-Links. The elements of your magic will vary from the Z-Link's you forge and strengthen. For example, you have just obtained the Fire magic, and Principal Celestia is associated with Axel's element in her Z-Link, as you level up your Z-Links, your magic will grow stronger. Never forget this.

"Dude, did you see that?" The blue-haired guy asked, "Trixie totally likes you!"

"Ha! Yeah, right!" The icy blue skinned girl said, "She was teasing him, genius!"

"And how do you know that, Fleetfoot?"

Fleetfoot deadpanned, "I'm a girl, Soarin'."

"...Oh." Was all Soarin' said.

"Alright, alright, break it up, you two," Spitfire stepped in, "it's not our business to pry into Naxon's love life."

"Yeah, you're right, Spits."

"For once, I actually agree with him," Fleetfoot said.

"Well, we gotta get back to the soccer field, we'll see you all later," Spitfire said as she, Fleetfoot, and Soarin' turned back to said soccer field, but not before she stopped to talk to you one last time and smirked, "I'll see you at tryouts...Rookie."

As you gazed at her retreating backside, you noticed she, like your friends, has her own pet name for you. Celestia puts a hand to your shoulder, earning your attention.

"Shall we find Auntie Lulu and head home?" She asks, "After what just happened, I think we should look for social groups some other time."

You nod in agreement and after changing back into your coat, you two leave the hallway you were in. After a good five minutes, you were able to find Luna walking through the halls.

"Sister, Naxon, I was just looking for you two," she says.

"How did it go with Rainbow Dash?" Celestia asked.

"She will be in detention for most of the week," she answered, "so, what are we doing now?"

"We're going home for today, too much excitement, if you what I mean."


You all made your way back through the entrance and headed for the car, but not before seeing Fluttershy over by the statue with a stack of fliers in her arms.

I guess band practice must be over, you think, but what's with the paper?

She held one out and you could barely hear, "Canterlot Animal Shelter needs more volunteers, won't you help an animal that can't help itself?"

But, unfortunately, everybody ignored her, as if she wasn't there. The fliers began fall out to the ground one by one as she slid against the statue, she put her arms around her legs and buried her head in them, beginning to cry. You wasted no time rushing to her side and began to pick her fliers up for her. Doing this earned her attention as she looked up to see you.

"Oh! Um...H-Hello, Naxon...what are you doing here?"

I saw what happened, are you okay?

She looked away, "I...I'm fine."

You furrowed your brow,

You're a bad liar

She just squeaked.

Please, tell me what's wrong

She hesitates, "I just...every Wednesday I pass out fliers for the animal shelter, but nobody seems to want to help the poor, little animals. I know today isn't Wednesday, but I thought if I'd try on a different day, people might try to help."

I think I understand now, but what I don't understand is why no one would want to help a defenseless animal

Fluttershy sighs, "Some people are just that way, I guess."

For some reason, you felt as if your blood was on fire, Some people don't care about animals!? All these normal humans are no better than the Organization!...Well, almost all of them.

Fluttershy eventually decided to help pick up the fliers and when you got them all, you helped her up and gave them back to her, but you took one for yourself.

Canterlot Animal Shelter Flier
An informational piece of paper that shows what time the shelter is open and where to find it. It is also your symbolic promise to assist Fluttershy there, at least, that's the way you see it.

Fluttershy looked surprised, "W-What are you doing?"

Isn't it obvious? I'm going to volunteer for the animal shelter

Her eyes lit up, "Really!? You mean it!?"

You nod.

She rushes up and hugs you tightly, "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She realized what she was doing and quickly let go, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to just hug you like that! I was just in the moment, and—"

You put a finger to her lips,

It's okay, I'm happy to help

She just smiles, then she swiftly took off before either of you could say something else. Celestia walked up to you with a smirk.

"Well, aren't you the helpful one?" She asks, knowingly.

I just did what I thought was right

"That doesn't make it any less noble," she states with a smile, "come, let's go home."

You return with Celestia to the car with Luna and drive back to the house. The rest of the day is uneventful...

(stop music)

Your Home - Your Room
Time of Day: Evening
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 9:03 PM

After you finished your dinner, you decided to return to your bedroom to change into your pajamas and recuperate after today's events. You found yourself resting on your window sill once again and staring at the sea of stars above.

"The night truly is gorgeous, isn't it?"

You turn to see Luna standing in your now open doorway, she must've opened it quietly as not to spook you. She made her way to your bed and sat on it as you moved aside to allow her to see the night sky with you.

"I've always favored the night, ever since I was a little girl," she chuckled, "I told my sister that I'll never sleep during the night, that I'll sleep all day so I could be awake for the glorious night. But our parents wouldn't let me. Looking back on it, it's actually pretty funny."

You really love the night, don't you?

"Yes, it's something I always look forward to at the end of the day; the sparkling stars, the glowing moon, it's all magnificent to me."

I know what you mean, Auntie Lulu, the night, to me, is second nature in my life

Luna smiles, "I'm glad to see someone else shares my vision." She leans over and kisses your forehead, "Good night, Naxon."

Good night, Auntie Lulu

Z-Link Level Up!
VII - Vice Principal Luna (Auntie Lulu) - Lv. 2/20

Luna stands up and leaves your room, closing the door behind her. After a few more minutes, you close your window and pull your diary out of your nightstand, flipping the pages until you find a blank spot. Taking the pen that Luna gave you, you began to chronicle your life here thus far.

New World, New Life section
Day 1
After being taken in from a terrible thunderstorm and escaping the Dusks, I woke up with a chance to start over, I've already made new friends, despite one of them being suspicious of me, I was even taken in by two women, who were the principal and vice principal of the school that I have now been enrolled in: Canterlot High School. They have given me a place to stay, put food in my stomach, even one of my new friends threw a party for me, invited a lot of people, and I've acquired new items to assist me in the coming days.

Day 2
The day started out well; I ate breakfast, discovered that the food here have some kind of healing properties, received my proof as a citizen here in Canterlot, and when we arrived at the school, people have been giving me strange looks, even now, I don't understand, but we entered the building nonetheless. Inside, I've met up with my friends, twice, taught myself how to play guitar, learned something new about my friends, which is that they're somehow magical, applied for the soccer team, and I've agreed to help Fluttershy at the Canterlot Animal Shelter. Disregarding the fact that one of my new friends, Rainbow Dash, had assaulted me after donning my Wondercolt uniform, overall, today was a good day.

You close your diary, stuff it back into your nightstand, and lay back onto the bed, letting sleep take you once more.

Author's Notes:



No. VIII - Eternal Flames


Gift Card: $10.00 (Sugarcube Corner)


Black Coat (Defense +2)
(E) Pajamas (Defense +1)
Wondercolt Uniform (Strength +1, Defense +1, Speed +1)


Apple x 7 (+20 HP)
Fizzy Apple Cider x 7 (+50 HP)
Sm. Chocolate Cupcake x 1 (+30 HP)

High Jump LV1


Key Items

Popsicle Stick
Paper Stack
Luna's Pen
ePhone 6
Celestia's Number
Luna's Number
House Number
Pinkie's Number
ID Card
Canterlot Animal Shelter Flier


VI - Trixie Lulamoon - Lv. 1/20
VII - Vice Principal Luna (Auntie Lulu) - Lv. 2/20
VIII - Principal Celestia (Mama Tia) - Lv. 3/20
XII - Flash Sentry - Lv. 1/20

Next Chapter: Day 3: Whispers Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 23 Minutes
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