
Moonlit Romance

by Lux

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The rest day seemed to drag on forever as you finished unpacking and arranging your new home to your liking. It was strange not being on patrol during the day and the short time it took for you to get things in order leaving you waiting for your time to start your new job. This is something that you always hated as a guard: waiting. You didn’t mind standing around and guarding a particular area as this you felt important and even essential to your duties. But when you knew that something was coming up and you had to wait for it to happen you couldn’t just sit idle. There was always something to do while in preparation for the next task, and doing nothing was an option you’d rather skip.

Your hatred of waiting was intensified as you knew what was coming up. You couldn’t just go on patrol like you did before, as that was now a chapter closed in your life. You could wander the halls, but in doing so you would only draw suspicion and more questions from your fellow guards. The less that knew your new position, the less time you needed to explain where you were and what you were doing. Having met Silver Streak and enduring his disbelief you didn’t want that repeated many times after if you could help it. You knew eventually the truth would get out, but this would be on your terms as you walked alongside Luna, standing guard in your new silvery armor.

“That’s an idea. I’ll try the armor,” you said as you looked at the pile of metal on the bed. It would certainly take some time putting it on as you knew first hand when you were on patrol. You got used to it though, going from requiring an hour to put it on to about twenty minutes. To your relief the armor was very similar to the one you wore on patrols, divided similarly into parts and held on with the familiar clasps and straps. To your surprise everything fit perfectly, which made you wonder how Princess Celestia knew your armor size in time to get it ready for your position. Maybe the last pony to have this job was your size or maybe there were several suits of armor in different sizes that can be picked. Looking in the mirror once you were finished you felt and admittedly looked very well in your new Luna inspired armor.

“Same job different armor,” you said with a smile as you took off your helmet. You were about to begin removing your armor and head to the mess hall for an early supper when you heard a knock at the door. Bracing yourself for what you thought would be one of your guard friends who found out where you were staying you opened the door. There you saw Princess Celestia standing there.

“Hello again,” she said in her calm tone, “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“Not at all,” you said trying to not act too surprised, “I was trying the new armor on.”

“I see. Well I’m happy to see that it looks very well on you. I actually came here to see how you were doing and to offer you to dinner with my sister and me.”

The offer the Princess gave you was one that shocked you. Before this once in a lifetime offer you considered it a privilege to live even in the barracks let alone eat in the mess hall. This however was something that you couldn’t imagine happening to you. While part of you wanted to run up and hug the Princess, you decided to play it cool.

“Are you sure I won’t be interrupting anything important Princess?”

“True my time spent with my sister is important, but since you will be with her as much as I am, I feel it is the best way to get acquainted with Princess Luna. Unless, of course, that you have prior arrangements for dinner.”

“No,” you said kind of more forceful than you liked it to be, “I mean, I would love to dine with you Your Highness and Princess Luna.”
“Then I would be happy to have you. May I ask one thing?”

“Sure,” you replied willing to do practically anything if it meant a great meal.

“I know you were trained to address me as Your Majesty or Your Highness, but since you are working so closely with my sister you can call me simply Princess Celestia or even Celestia.”

“Ok Your Highness… I mean, Princess Celestia. I’m ready to join you.”

The two of you proceeded out of your room and down the familiar marble halls passing a number of doors that in your life as a guard you had yet to set your hooves in. Part of you always wondered the lives that the Princesses lived while not in the public eye. You and many other ponies saw inklings of this private life and the sisterly bond while the two were out and about the city. It wasn’t that you assumed that Princess Celestia was one to put on a façade with her subjects, and from the many times you’ve seen her in passing you knew that public and private life blended seamlessly with each other. Still not having any siblings yourself nor being thrust in such a public role made you curious.

You almost kept going down the hall when Princess Celestia stopped at a rather ordinary looking door. Quickly wheeling around to catch up with her, you followed through the door to the dining room. The place was not like the dining room where Celestia attended with guests with its long ornate table and sea of chairs. This one was more intimate, consisting of a simple round table only big enough to fit a mere eight ponies comfortably like a table in a restaurant to fit a small group. This clearly wasn’t a place where ordinary ponies visited but only her most trusted of friends and family could dine. To be there and know you were welcomed to dine was a great honor indeed. The rest of the room was ordinary with walls painted green, a large window to looking out over the city, and a small chandelier overhead providing light especially when the evening hours would come.

“Please, have a seat,” Celestia said motioning with a pale pink hand to the table.

“Thank you,” you replied as you chose a chair closest to you. Celestia merely nodded and sat across from you as a courtesy so that she could speak with you without needing to turn her head.

“I hope that you don’t mind having a bread bowl salad. If you prefer something else, I can have my personal chef make something to your liking.”

“No, bread bowl salad is fine,” you reply, finding it ironic that the Princess chose your favorite food for the first night of your duty as Luna’s bodyguard. You wondered if it was just a coincidence or if she somehow knew. She merely nodded as the head chef appeared from a side door.

“I see that you have a guest Princess. Will he be having what you are having?”

“Yes, and the usual breakfast for my sister,” Celestia said as the chef nodded and disappeared into the kitchen again.

“Princess Luna has breakfast for dinner?” you ask Celestia, making sure that you heard her correctly.

“You heard it correctly; my sister has breakfast while I have dinner. My sister begins her day while mine is wrapping up. At least that is our usual schedule. There are times of course that she accompanies me in the daytime as well.”

“May I ask how you remain close while not seeing each other except in passing?”

You realized that your question hovered dangerously close to crossing the line between idle conversation and delving into one’s personal life. You hoped that Princess Celestia wasn’t offended by your question but instead she looked a little wistful.

“I won’t lie to you; it has been trying at times not seeing her as long as I want her. But this was something that we made do with for centuries. Life can throw up barriers, but if you believe in something enough like friends, family, or even love you will find a way to make it work. And I’m happy to say that we made it work.”

Promptly the chef returned again carrying two of the largest bread bowls you’ve seen in your life. It was a while since you were able to venture out from the castle grounds and have one of these due to your busy schedule and while the cafeteria food was good, it wasn’t like you could order what you liked on a whim. The two of you settled into your meals, you especially enjoying the variety of flavors from the bread shaped to hold the salad and the very interesting dressing that was liberally placed on the greens and other veggies.

“Do you like your salad?” Celestia asked between bites as she levitated a napkin and wiped her mouth.

“Yes but there’s something about the dressing that is familiar. Is it made of peanuts?”

“Yes it is,” she said with a slight concern, “You’re not allergic to them, are you?”

“No Princess. Actually it reminds me of the peanut butter I’d have as a colt, only different.”

“Well this dressing was something my sister and I tried while traveling to another territory. Apparently it is a common dressing where we visited. We loved it so much that we have it imported here. And yes, it does taste like peanut butter now that you mention it. It reminds me of that peanut butter pie Luna and I had last night.”

“Speaking of your sister, is Princess Luna ok?”

“Oh don’t worry about her. She has trouble getting up, not an evening pony. I’m sure that any moment now you’ll get to meet Luna.”

“Did you call me sister?” a voice replied as the door to the dining room opened. In stepped Princess Luna, just as beautiful as you last remembered her. But there was something about her despite looking like her sleep was anything but restful and waking up was anything but easy. She still looked stunning dressed in her typical black dress that sparkled and accentuated every curve of her body. She wore her usual silvery arm guards and hoof shoes and her crescent moon necklace and crown only accentuated her beauty.

“I was wondering when you’d be awake” Celestia said with a smile, “Did you sleep well sister?”

“As well as I normally do,” Luna said before noticing that there was somepony that did not belong. That somepony was you.

“Sister,” Luna said, “Who is this stallion at our table?”

“Oh sorry. My mind slipped for a bit. This is your new bodyguard sister.”

“It is an honor to meet you and serve you in this position,” you said rising out of your seat and giving a slight bow of respect. You looked up to see Luna looking at you like she was staring at every inch of your body and mind, counting the strengths and flaws while wearing a frown of disdain.

“Sister,” Luna finally said, “may I see you in private for a moment?”

“I’m sure that what you have to say can be said in front of him,” Celestia said her face scrunched up at Luna’s reaction.

“Not if you want to see your guest upset,” Luna said.

“I…I can leave if you two want to talk alone.”

“Yes,” Luna said curtly.

“No,” Celestia said looking at you and her at the same time, “Sister, in the kitchen now.”

Luna huffed and walked into the kitchen, her eyes ever locked on you. Celestia followed and before entering the kitchen said, “Sorry about this. Please continue your meal. I will talk some sense into my sister.”

The door to the kitchen then closed leaving you in an eerie silence after what happened. You wondered how much Luna new about this arrangement Princess Celestia and Shining Armor organized. Clearly it seemed that Luna wasn’t interested in having anypony as a bodyguard let alone you. Curiosity got the best of you as you got out of your seat again and put an ear to the door to listen to what sounded like a heated conversation.



“Come on Luna!”

“No, and I don’t understand why you felt that this would be something I’d agree to.”

“You need a bodyguard Luna, just as I do.”

“Haven’t things changed in a thousand years like you oh so often tell me? I think I can take care of myself without needing back up.”

“Luna please, I know you’d rather be by yourself, but that guard on the other side of the door is somepony that is highly recommended. Please give him a chance for at least a few nights.”

There was another moment of silence, the tension thick enough to be cut with a knife. Finally you heard the younger sister say with a defeated sigh, “Fine, I’ll give him a chance, but only because you trust him.”

“Thank you sister,” Celestia said.

“But I hope this isn’t one of your schemes to try and force a friend or worse a suitor upon me!”

“I never did that,” Celestia said matter-of-factly.

“You really aren’t a good liar,” Luna said as her voice grew louder as she approached the door causing you to head back to your seat, “I suppose I will have to meet this new bodyguard.”

The two sisters exited the kitchen as you sat like nothing happened.

“Don’t play coy with me,” Luna said taking a seat next to her sister, “I know that you were listening to my sister and I at the door. My sister has decided to force your services upon me to which I have reluctantly agreed to under one condition. My private chamber is off limits. Is that clear?”

“Crystal Clear.”

“Good. Now I shall have my breakfast and we will begin.”

Author's Notes:

Finally the Everypony protagonist meets Luna. But this is only the start of the first night. The best is yeet to come.

Next Chapter: Chapter 4 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 34 Minutes
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