
I Haven't Done That Either!

by TheNewYorkBrony

Chapter 1: Adding Insult To Injury

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"Ha! Beat you again!" Rainbow gloated, getting in Applejack's face. She grinned in triumph as her side of the screen in Mario Kart flashed "You Win".

"That ain't fair! You got this game at home! Ah don't!" Applejack protested, crossing her arms. "'Sides, Ah bet Sonata could beat you with 'er eyes closed!"

"Huh?" The blue haired Siren looked up. "I could do what now?"

"Ya'll ever play video games?" Applejack asked, patting the spot next to her.

Sonata got off the bed and plopped down next to Applejack. "Shyeah! Like, all the time! Dagi and Ari go against each other like it's nothing! I have tons of experience watching them play!"

Applejack handed her the controller. "Well then, show me whatcha got!"

"Oh that color of nail polish looks simply lovely on you Adagio," Rarity cooed as she finished the maroon nail she had just been painting. It really did work well with her skin tone.

"Well, your eye for color is as good as mine," Adagio responded, shaking her right hand back and forth to dry it faster. "I just wish Aria would loosen up a bit. That girl's more wound up than a melted Slinky."

There was a hearty "Ha!" from Applejack in front of the tv.

"Well excuse me for not wanting to indulge myself in stupid sleepover activities like this," Aria snapped from Pinkie's bed where she sat with Fluttershy who was absentmindedly braiding the Siren's hair.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes but kept her vision on the screen as she concentrated on staying in first place. "Well, what do you want to do?"

"Let's play a game."

That made Rainbow pause the game momentarily before unpausing it. "What kind of game?" She asked, dodging a shell Sonata had sent her way. In the reflection of the screen, Dash saw Aria shrug.

"I don't care. You pick."

"NO!" Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy shouted in unison.

But it was too late.

"How about, 'Never Have I Ever'?" Dash suggested with a grin.

Aria's eyebrows knitted. "Never Have I Ever? What's that?"

"A game that we agreed to never ever play again, but might have to thanks to a certain rainbow haired girl," Applejack responded, glaring at Rainbow Dash who just grinned and shrugged.

It had been months since they had last played it and they all wanted to keep it that way. Though they all knew if the chance arose, Dash would suggest it with no hesitation.

Adagio raised an eyebrow. "Really? That game? What was so bad about it that made you all never want to play it again?" She asked, shaking out the hand that Rarity just finished painting.

"We learned things 'bout each other that Ah could've gone my whole life without knowin'." Applejack said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"That's it?" The Siren made a sound of disgust. "Try living with two idiots for a thousand years! You'll know every single thing about them and more! I'm surprised I haven't gone mad!" Adagio told her. "One game of Never Have I Ever isn't worth all the things I know about them!" She jabbed a finger at Aria and Sonata.

"Feeling the love, Dagi," Aria said, rolling her eyes.

"Well whatever. I say we play." Dash said getting up.

Applejack promptly pulled her back down. "And Ah say we don't. 'Specially since Twilight, Sunset, and Pinkie haven't come back from their snack run."

As if on cue, the three aforementioned girls came through the door, bags of snacks in hand. They dropped everything on the floor and sighed in relief when they took their jackets off and were met with warm heat from the heater in Pinkie's room.

"We got lucky!" Twilight told them, putting the bags on the floor.

"Yeah there was so much snow outside, by the time we got to the convenience store, it was almost closing time!" Pinkie added in dramatically. "Good thing Sunny used her flirting skills and got the boy behind the counter to let us in!"

"I did not!" Sunset protested, folding her arms. "He's just someone I know from my past who owed me a favor."

"Is he one of your former customers too?" Rainbow asked with a raised brow.

"Haha," Sunset laughed dryly, rolling her eyes. "And no, he's not. He's just someone I happen to know."

"Uh huh," Rainbow responded, not believing her one bit. "Didja bring the Twinkies?" She was met with the sugary confection being thrown in her face.

"So, what happened while we were gone?" Twilight asked, plopping down on the bed next to Aria.

"Dash suggested we play Never Have I Ever again," Rarity tattled. "And you can imagine how that went." She grumbled, examining her own nearly dry nails.

Sunset groaned as she laid next to Twilight face down. "Ugh, we're playing it again, aren't we?" She said, her voice muffled by Pinkie's comforter.

"Looks like it," Applejack agreed. "Though Ah think it's fair we let our new friends decide. What do ya'll think?" She turned to the three Sirens.

Adagio shrugged. "Doesn't really matter to me."

"Boom! In your face!" Sonata shouted, pumping a fist in the air as Rainbow pouted and crossed her arms. Her side of the screen flashed "You Win" while Rainbow's said the opposite. "And I don't care either!" She said happily. "I'm up for anything!"

Aria rolled her eyes. "Eh, whatever. How bad could it be?"

"Bad. Real bad. Like eating chocolate with salsa bad." Pinkie insisted.

"Who eats chocolate with salsa?" Fluttershy asked with a confused look.

"Me! I had the runs for a week after that!" Pinkie responded, rubbing her belly while making a disgusted face, the others mirroring hers with their own.

"See?! This is the kinda stuff we don't need ta know about each other!" Applejack shouted, shoving a thumb in Pinkie's direction as they all sat in a circle on the floor.

Twilight sighed. "This is going to be another hour of you all talking about things I don't understand, and then having to explain it to me once the joke has become stale, isn't it?"

"Well, look at it this way darling, you aren't the only one not familiar with our slang this time," Rarity assured her, sitting cross legged and cracking her knuckles. (Which was unlady like in her eyes but necessary for this type of game.)

Fluttershy cracked hers too. "Okay, who's going first this time?" She asked, side glancing Pinkie. She really hoped it wasn't her this time around, she couldn't handle an opening question like the one she asked the first game.

"Wait, shouldn't we explain the rules to them?" Twilight asked. "After all, they don't seem to know what it is as much as I hadn't before."

Applejack grunted in response, "Ten fingers up. If ya'll have done it, put a finger down, if not, keep 'em up. First one with all ten down loses." Out of the corner of her eye she saw Rainbow Dash open her mouth. She cut her off before Rainbow could even make a sound. "And no bettin'," she said sternly, looking at Dash. "We ain't raisin' no stakes neither."

The athlete angrily shut her mouth and glared at the farm girl vehemently. Well. There goes that idea.

"Okay seriously though, who's going to start the circle of mentally scarring confessions?" Sunset asked, taking a sip of her soda as the others readied themselves.

"Me," Twilight volunteered. "Never Have I Ever-"

"Wait, wait, wait," Dash interrupted her. She grinned at Applejack. "No bets, no stakes. But how about we make this a little more interesting?"

Rarity raised a brow. "Oh? How so?"

Rainbow leaned over to whisper something in Pinkie's ear. When the pink haired girl seemed to get it, she beamed and nodded her head wildly.

She jumped up and left the room without a single word.

"What'd you tell her?" Applejack asked the athlete suspiciously.

Dash shrugged nonchalantly. "You'll see."

Applejack narrowed her eyes. She knew nothing good could come from one of Dash's schemes. She didn't know what the other girl was up to, but she knew she was about to find out.

Pinkie returned with four cases of the Apple family's cider. Though by the looks of it, it wasn't the type they drank at school. No, it was the cider that only Mac could sell.

Alcoholic cider.

"What in tarnation are you doin' with four cases of alcoholic cider?!" Applejack barked at Pinkie as she handed everyone a bottle. "Ah'm not even allowed to touch the stuff, let alone sell it!"

"My parents buy it all the time. The cellar in the basement is full of it. They won't miss a few cases." Pinkie shrugged.

"You do know besides Sunset and The Dazzlings we're all under drinking age, right?" Twilight told her, but took her bottle nonetheless.

Sunset's eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not that much older than you. You should be of drinking age in Equestria. In fact, doesn't Applejack's family over there sell alcoholic cider?"

"Oh, right." Twilight blinked. "I'm not even going to try calculate the age differences between here and Equestria."

"Anyway," Dash said, plucking a bottle for herself. "Here's the deal. None of this tween bullshit with the fingers. New rules. If you've done it, chug down a whole bottle or at least, as much as you can without choking. If you haven't? Take a sip anyway."

Fluttershy tapped her. "I don't think that's how this is supposed to work..."

"Who cares?! I just want to get wasted!" Rainbow uncapped her bottle and took a long swig. "So? What do you guys think?" She looked around the circle for some confirmation.

"Aw hell, I'm in," Sunset said, raising her bottle.

"Me too," Aria said with a grin, copying her.

"This shall be interesting," Adagio commented.

"Yay!" Sonata clapped her hands with excitement. "I haven't seen this much booze since the Prohibition!"

"The whoosie what now?" Pinkie asked, confused.

"Pay attention in history class, darling, you'll learn something," Rarity told her patting her head like a child. "And I suppose I'll play along," she added with an exasperated sigh.

Twilight groaned. "I think I don't have much of a choice,"

Fluttershy agreed in a small voice, "Me either,"

Everyone turned to Applejack.

The farm girl sighed and took a bottle. "Fine. Let's just get this over with."

"Alright!" Dash cheered. "Twilight, continue!"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Fine. Never Have I Ever tried to take over the school," She smirked at Sunset.

"Ah, starting off strong, I see," She said, chugging her first bottle.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata did the same.

Fluttershy looked uneasily around the circle. She knew that if someone said they hadn't done something they knew she had done, that she would have to drink. The problem was, everyone knew she was a total lightweight, and if she chugged the entire bottle in her hand, she would pass out before the game had even gotten interesting. (Not that she wanted to stick around for that anyway.)

"Ah'll go," AJ volunteered. "Never Have Ah Ever told a lie."

"That's not fair!" Rarity squeaked in protest. "Everyone lies!"

"Not me."

"See?! That's a lie right there!" The fashionista said, pointing at her. "Find another one!"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Fine. Never Have Ah ever gotten a tattoo."

"Cheers!" Sunset said, clinking bottles with Twilight.

They both downed the alcohol.

"Whoa, wait, where?!" Dash barked, her eyes scanning over both girls repeatedly. She could believe Sunset, but Twilight was a bit of a stretch.

"Back in Equestria, a cutie mark is basically a tattoo you get around you guys' age that shows what you are good at and what you will do for the rest of your life," Sunset explained. "It's usually a picture of your special talent."

"Like a tramp stamp?" Dash asked.

"What?! No! That's not even close to what I just described!" Sunset told her, face palming. "It's not even in the same place!"

"Okay...so where exactly is it, then?" The athlete raised a brow, eyeing Sunset's body lasciviously.

Sunset got up from her place in the circle and walked over to Rainbow. Pulling up her night shirt slightly, she pulled down her pants a bit to reveal the top of her thigh. "Right there." She said, taking Rainbow’s hand and putting it against the smooth skin. She then fixed herself and went back to her seat.

“Well then,” Rarity said, eating a chip.

"Me next! Never Have I Ever moaned out a friend's name while flicking the bean," Rainbow said, give all the girls a leering look.

"You couldn't come up with a better way to phrase it?" Rarity scoffed.

"Honestly," Adagio agreed, flipping her hair in disgust.

Twilight sighed. "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that what Rainbow just said was something of the sexual nature, specifically pertaining to masturbation, correct?"

"Yep," Sunset confirmed.

Twilight sighed, picking up her half empty bottle. "Don't ask." She said before downing the rest of it.

Sunset, Pinkie, and Sonata did the same.

Dash nudged AJ. "What about you, hayseed? You ever let it all out?" She grinned. "Oh Rarity! Harder!" She said in an impressively bad imitation of Applejack's drawl.

Applejack's nostrils flared as her light orange cheeks burned red hot. "Ah should knock you out for jus' thinkin' Ah would do that!" She looked over at Rarity who had a hand to her mouth. Her face was also flushed.

Fluttershy breathed out through her nose. So far three people have gone, and she had yet to drink her first cider. This was good, because it meant she was in the game longer. Feeling confident, she said, “I’ll go.” She pushed some of her light pink hair over her shoulder. “Never Have I Ever physically hurt someone in a fight.”

“Bottoms up!” Dash shouted.

“My turn! Yes! I have a gooood one!” Pinkie said, clapping her hands. “Never Have I Ever been involved in an orgy!”

“Pinkie!” Rarity said, aghast.

Dash fell over laughing.

Sunset and Applejack’s eyes widened and Fluttershy squeaked.

“What’s an orgy?” Twilight asked, severely confused by her friends reactions. “Is it a bad thing? Cause the looks on you guys’ faces is telling me it’s a bad thing.”

“Oh, on the contrary,” Adagio told her with a chuckle. “It’s possibly the best thing you will ever experience in your lifetime,” She raised an eyebrow. “Are you a virgin, Twilight?”

Twilight felt a little uncomfortable with the forwardness of the question, but nodded anyway.

Adagio hummed. “You’re young. You’ve got many years ahead of you. If you truly want to know what an orgy is, just ask those Princesses of yours. I’m sure they could tell you.”

"Ooookay. Well, that was something I could have gone without knowing," Sunset said, drinking the rest of her cider just to get the image out her mind.

"Toughen up, girlie. Game's only just begun," Dash told her, mischievously rubbing her hands together. "Rarity! Go!"

The fashionista sighed. "Fine, if you insist. Never Have I Ever eaten food off of someone."

"In a sexual manner?" Twilight asked, tilting her head.

"What other manner would there be?" Sunset asked back, mirroring her confused look.

Pinkie gulped down some of her bottle. "When you work in a bakery, you get a little curious with what tastes good where," she explained with a shrug.

"I actually want to know who was dumb enough to let you lick anything off of them," Aria commented, speaking up for the first time since the game started. She drunk out her bottle too.

Adagio took a sip also. "When you've been around as long as me and my girls, you learn a few things about pleasing human men."

"I'm really good at it!" Sonata offered, beaming proudly.

"I bet you are!" Dash cackled as Applejack nudged her in the rib.

"Come to think of it, I don't think there's anything you guys haven't done." Sunset pointed out. "I mean, you've been in this world for a thousand years! What normal or sexual and lewd thing could you all have possibly skipped over?"

All three sirens shared a look and then shrugged. There wasn't anything they haven't done. At least from what they could remember on the spot. A thousand years was a long time to live, and to say you haven't done it all seemed a little far fetched.

"We'll let you know when we find one," Sonata decided.

"I'll go then," Sunset said, cracking her knuckles. "Never Have I Ever gotten off with the help of a little friend." She smirked when a blush overcame Rarity and Fluttershy's faces.

"Like a midget?!" Pinkie asked.

The others smacked their foreheads.

"No, Pinkie, like a vibrator," Applejack explained, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Oh!" The pink haired girl giggled. "I knew that!" She gleefully stuffed a cookie in her mouth. "Maud has one of those! She calls him Rocky!" She laughed with a mouth full of cookie.

There was a knock at the door that startled everyone, causing Pinkie to cough because of some of the cookie getting stuck in her windpipe.

The others quickly shoved the unopened cases of cider under Pinkie's bed while hiding their half full and empty bottles behind their backs.

The door opened, revealing Maud herself. "What are you all doing?" She asked in a monotone voice, eyes scanning the room.

"Hiya Maud!" Pinkie exclaimed, smiling. "We're playing Nmf-"

"We're playing uh, Cards Against Humanity!" Applejack hastily lied nervously, putting a hand over Pinkie's mouth.

"I don't see any cards," Maud said, the only indication of her confusion being the slight downward bend of her eyebrows.

"It's the online edition!" Sunset said, quickly backing AJ up. "Only a select few people can play it." She added, nodding.

The others nodded along with her.

"Okay. Well, Pinkie Pie, when you're done, make sure you get rid of all the bottles and the smell before Mother and Father get home." Maud instructed, turning to leave. "Have fun." And with that, the door was once again closed, leaving ten bewildered teenagers to wonder what the heck just happened.

"How did she- But we- How?!" Dash asked, gesturing about herself. "You saw we hid that stuff right?! I'm not going crazy, am I?!"

"I'm just as confused as you are," Sunset whispered, pulling out the cases from under the bed.

"Don't think about it too hard!" Pinkie told them. "That's just Maud being Maud! A true Pie! Through and through!"

"You're telling me," Applejack mumbled. "Anyway, who's go is it?"

"Mine," Twilight answered. "Never Have I Ever had sex."

Dash snorted, rolling her eyes."We know you haven't. You told Adagio you were a virgin like five seconds ago!"

"Fifteen minutes ago, to be exact," Twilight corrected her. "And I may not have but I know at least a quarter of you all have."

Sunset twisted open the cap of her fourth bottle and drank out of it confidently. "To be fair, I wasn't exactly a virgin when I left Equestria," she said, hiccuping. "Is anyone else feeling slightly buzzed?" She then asked, looking around.

Twilight raised her hand. "Me. I don't exactly drink like this back in Equestria."

"How much do you drink?" Dash asked, noticing the slight blush on Twilight's cheeks.

"One? One and a half? No more than two because I get really," The pony princess giggled. "Silly."

"Oh yes! Drunk Twilight is best Twilight!" Dash cheered. "Whoo! Take it off!"

Applejack mushed her in the face. "Yeah that's not going to happen,"

Sonata, Aria, and Adagio all took sips from their bottles too.

"My turn," Applejack announced. "Never Have I Ever farted in public."

"In public in general or with other people around because there's a difference," Sunset told her.

Applejack shrugged. "Either or."

Rarity turned away from the girls and quickly took a sip of her luke warm cider hoping the other girls wouldn't see. Unfortunately for her, Rainbow did see.

"You?!" She asked, pointing at the fashionista laughing. "You have farted in public?! Holy crap! That's amazing!" Dash doubled over laughing, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Pinkie put hand on Rarity's shoulder. "It's okay, Rares. If it makes you feel any better, I've done it too!"

"That doesn't make me feel any better!" Rarity wailed as Dash busted into another fit of laughter. "Someone go, please!"

"Lucky me! It's my turn once again!" Rainbow grinned mischievously.

"Uh, not to ruin yer fun there, Loki, but how much longer are we gonna play this horrible game? Ah mean, it's almost midnight and no one's really losing yet." Applejack pointed out.

"Until someone's drunk, I guess," Rainbow shrugged. She hadn't exactly thought her plan through. Like always. "Maybe just until someone passes out?"

"That sounds dangerous," Sunset said.

"And completely illogical," said Twilight.

"Yeah, thanks for the obvious Kirk and Spock." Rainbow told them both, rolling her eyes. "Look, let's just continue this round and see what happens, alright?"

"This game is boring and whoever came up with it should feel bad," Aria frowned.

"You wanted to play a game! So we're playing one! A raunchy, indecent one, but a game nonetheless!" Rarity said to her.

"I'm going now!" Dash shouted in exasperated tone, making everyone turn their attention back to her. "Never Have I Ever had a wet dream about someone in this room!"

"Hey! That's similar to your other one!" Pinkie objected, folding her arms.

"Nuh-uh! That one was about masturbation! This one's subconscious!" Rainbow clarified.

"She does have a point," Adagio agreed.

Everyone looked around the circle. No one reached for their bottle.

"Huh," Pinkie said. "Guess no one has done that either." She turned to Fluttershy. "Your turn, Shy."

Fluttershy seemed startled, but recovered. "Never Have I Ever had a crush on Rainbow!"

"That's pretty specific," Sonata observed, eyebrows furrowing.

"And obvious," Adagio agreed, rolling her eyes. "Do pick something that's not obviously about you?"

Fluttershy blushed. "Uh, um, okay. Never Have I Ever made out with someone. Technically it's different from just a kiss."

"She's got a point," Sunset said. She took a long swig of her fourth bottle. "Who's go is it?" She asked, her words beginning to slur.

Aria, Adagio, Sonata, Pinkie, Rainbow and Twilight all drank out of their bottles.

Pinkie grinned. "Never Have I Ever eaten someone out!"

"So you've licked food off of someone and sucked a dick, but you've never eaten someone out?" Sunset asked.

"Have you?" Pinkie asked back, arching an eyebrow.

"Touche, Cotton Candy. Touche."

Rarity frowned. "Skip me," She said simply, waving her hand dismissively.

"We can't skip you that's not how the game works," Rainbow told her, mirroring her expression. "Just go and you won't have to go again for a while."

"I don't care! Skip me!"

"Stop being a spoiled brat and go already!" Dash barked.

Rarity flipped her hair. "Hmph. Fine. Never Have I Ever worked as something sexual."

Sunset frowned. "Honestly! I just did what I had to do to survive in this world!" She angrily drank from her (Fourth? Fifth? She had lost count) bottle while angrily glaring at a snickering Rainbow Dash.

Adagio gazed at her, interested. "And that would be?" She asked, prompting Sunset to continue.

Sunset let out an exasperated sigh. "I worked for a phone sex hotline when I first came to this world. I quit long before Twilight came to take her crown back."

"That's funny! Dagi used to call one of those things all the time! She used to sit in the bathroom for a really long time too!" Sonata gushed, much to the horror of the girls beside her.

"Really now?" Sunset shot the older girl a smug look. "I wonder who she asked for?"

“Are you implyin’ what I think you’re implyin’?” Applejack asked, giving Sunset a confused look.

"Ah...Am I missing something here?" Twilight asked, pulling at the collar of her pajama shirt. "You could cut through the sudden tension with a dull butter knife."

"I think her name was Sunshine or something. I don't know. It had something to do with the sun though!" Sonata giggled.

Aria smacked her forehead.

"Oh this is rich," Dash said, rubbing her hands together. "Sunset used to get Adagio off? Oh man this is rich!"

"I cannot believe I'm witnessing this,” Rarity said, her mouth slightly open in shock.

“See?! This is why we don’t play games like this! This is information Ah honestly didn’t need to know!” Applejack said, pointing in the general direction of Adagio and Sunset.

“Oh quit your fussing already!” Dash said, throwing a pillow at her. “Sunset, it’s your turn!”

Sunset sighed. “Uh...um...Never Have I Ever watched other people make out or have sex.”

“You mean like, voyeurism?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, that,” Sunset said, tipping her bottle at Rarity.

“Freaky,” Dash commented. “I mean, I’m not into any weird stuff like bondage or whatever, but that sounds really hot.”

“Oh it is!” Fluttershy gushed. She covered her mouth when she realized what she had said. “I-I-I, oh dear I said that out loud, didn’t I?!” Her hands covered her face as a dark red blush overcame it.

“I am...speechless...” said Rarity.

“We are seriously never going to play this game again. Ever. Not even if we all got kidnapped by terrorists and the only way that they were going to let us live was if we played this game.” Sunset said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

“Fluttershy. Into voyeurism. This...I don’t know why but this makes sense...” Twilight gave the girl a curious look. “Is that why you always lose? Because you really are a sexual perverted freak?”

“Twilight!” Rarity called in scolding tone.

Twilight turned to the alabaster fashionista. “What?! Those were her words, not mine!”

“That’s it,” Applejack announced, getting up. “No one wins, everybody loses. Ah can’t take anymore of this.” She went to get a garbage bag from the kitchen to clean up the mess they had accumulated of empty cider bottles, chip bags, and cookie containers.

“I agree,” Rarity said, getting up also. “Things are getting awkward and I don’t want to be apart of it.” She put her lone bottle in the trashcan by Pinkie’s bed.

Sonata pouted. “Aww! But we didn’t get to come up with anything though!” She crossed her arms. “That isn’t fair!” Though she knew that the other girls were ignoring her so she sighed in defeat. It was fun while it lasted, she supposed.

Fluttershy was just relieved that the attention wasn’t on her anymore.

“I’ll have to see if the girls back home are willing to play,” Twilight thought out loud as she laid out her sleeping bag. “That would definitely get some interesting results.” She wondered what Fluttershy would say if she told her that her human counterpart was a little...out there. Or what Rarity would say if she knew that her human counterpart has farted in public. She smiled. That’d be a conversation for the ages.

“Yeah, tell me how that goes,” Sunset told her, taking the bag from Applejack. She stuffed some empty wrappers into the black garbage bag. “You’d fair even worse over there than here.”

“Really? How so?” Twilight asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

Sunset let out a sigh. “Twilight,” She said, putting a hand on the young princess’s shoulder. “I’m pretty sure your friends have done way more than you ever will.”

Twilight stared at her, mouth half open. In fact, almost all the girls in the room except for Adagio, Aria, and Sonata stared at her, shock written all over their faces.

“Ah don’t even wanna know,” Applejack said putting her hands up in defeat. “Goodnight, ya’ll.”

Everyone got in their own bags and said goodnight too. The room soon was filled with the sound of soft and loud snoring.

Sometime later, Twilight felt someone poke her arm, waking her. She looked up to see it was Sunset. She was surprised when the older girl leaned down and kissed her. She stared up at her, wide eyed.

“So,” Sunset said, smirking down at her. “You wanna cross being a virgin off your list?”

Author's Notes:

Yep. I made a second one. Everyone wanted one with the Dazzlings so here we are. Hope you guys like it! It took forever to finish!

Next Chapter: BONUS: Keep Quiet Estimated time remaining: 6 Minutes
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I Haven't Done That Either!

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