
Pony Tatakai - Adagio Death

by Hoshii Niisan

Chapter 1: The Mirror

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Adagio Dazzle dismissively walked away from the stage. Or so it seemed.

"Look at it this way," said Sonata Dusk cheerfully. "No one died...!"

I suppose that's true, Adagio thought, only halfheartedly. "It's getting late," she said, looking at her watch, one of the few things that weren't destroyed that belonged to her. She walked away, but not toward home.

Adagio Dazzle had no home.

She slept in the alleyway between the café and the store that night.


The next morning, she noticed a group of six people gathered around the statue. Well, seven if you count that worthless Twilight Sparkle. No matter, she was being sent off. Nonetheless, Adagio watched from the Alleyway. Twilight entered the statue, which sparked an idea. She would go through the statue as well, and gain the minds of Equestria. She waited for the other six to depart, and just as she was ready, Sonata and Aria stopped her.

"Adagio, where ya goin'?" Asked Sonata

"Oh," replied Adagio nonchalantly, "just through this mirror to take over Equestria."

"Cool!" Exclaimed Sonata. "Can we come?"

"Well, it depends on if our banishment is up. Maybe it will." Adagio put a finger in the portal, followed by an hand. The feeling was almost abnormal at first. The Dazzlings got through by a unicorn, and they had to travel back by a mirror now. Adagio looked suspiciously at the statue. Was the banishment really over?

A quick burst of energy which sent her flying back answered this question. Adagio grunted.

"Girls, I have an idea." She grabs the other two girls by the hands. Sonata giggles a bit, while Aria simply exerts a confused look of slight disgust. Adagio gripped them tighter. "Our pendants are no longer with us, but I hope this works. On the count of three, we barge through that portal. Don't let the force of the energy pull you back." Aria didn't know it was possible to have her hand gripped any tighter, but Adagio did just that. She lost all feeling in her hand. Sonata simply stomped her feet, getting ready to run.


Sonata got so excited she even started sweating a bit. Her face turned a bright red and she was sprinting in place. Aria just rolled her eyes and sighed. She was almost certain it wouldn't work.


Aria now figured out Adagio was serious. Her look of melancholy boredom turned to a curious look. Sonata just got too excited.


At almost racecar speed, Sonata sprinted in front of everyone else. Aria woke up and sprinted alongside her. Adagio, surprised and confused, ran just as fast, and they ran into the portal. The force of the portal pained the three greatly? They all screamed almost a warcry, and a red aura surrounded them. They entered the portal almost effortlessly from there. It created a shockwave of red, spreading all across Equestria and the human planet.

The portal exploded in the human world, and the three found themselves in Princess Twilight's castle.


The three landed with a thud, a large one at that. They landed in a pile a books, which seemed to be the only thing there. They looked at their hooves. The plan had worked! So far.

Adagio had almost forgotten her pony form- she was a pegasus, Sonata was an earth pony, and Aria was a unicorn. What dumbfounded her further was the fact they were in a castle of some sort, but it looked nothing like the Crystal Empire's castle. This one looked newer, and if you were to put a mere spec of dust on any of its shiny surfaces, a nervous Twilight Sparkle would dust it vigorously, just as she was now.

"Where should we hide?" Whispered Aria. Adagio noticed the six chairs (and the one small one) off in the distance.

"Those chairs are our best shot. Granted they're a bit far away, I'll bet we can make it." The three suddenly heard a book vibrating. The book was right beside them, and they noticed Sunset Shimmer's cutie mark on it. Their faces turned pale as Twilight Sparkle came trotting towards the book-and them. She had plans to pick up the book while it she was in close range of it.

"Ah! It must be Sunset Shimmer. I hope she's learning more about friendship."

Spike wasn't far behind. "I can't believe she's transformed like this. Honestly, I'm kinda proud of her!"

"Me too. I hope she's doing okay at Canterlot High."

She went to pick up the book, and the Dazzlings were revealed. There was a silent moment of silence had by all, and that turned into a few seconds, half a minute, a whole minute. Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. The book continued to vibrate as Sonata started drooling from her mouth being open all the while, and barely aware of anything in Twilight's presence. Aria looked blankly at the alicorn princess, with both eyes fixated on her surprised gaze. Adagio seemed the only one alert and brave enough to say something.

"Yo, Twiley."

More silence. It lasted about two minutes this time, which made Twilight wonder if they were even alive anymore. Probably, she thought, they're alive. But what to do with them? Hiding them is out of the question. I don't wanna make Equestria panic...

Suddenly, a furious Spike, in a burning rage, lashed out on the Dazzlings.

"Just because you're girls doesn't mean I'll go easy on you...!"

"Spike." Twilight glared at the baby dragon, who had managed to get a scratch on Adagio's muzzle.

"After all they've done..."

"Still, don't try and hurt them. Not yet anyway."

"Well," said Adagio nonchalantly, "this has been a fun chat, but we must be going. Now if you'll excuse us, we have somewhere to be."

"Psst!" Sonata leaned towards Adagio. "Where do we have to be?"


"You girls aren't going anywhere." She used her horn to cast upon them a cage made of iron, which gleamed and illuminated the room when light came in contact with it.

"Let us out!" Adagio screamed, but it was all in vain upon Twilight's reply.

"Not until Princess Celstia sees this."

Next Chapter: The Investigation Estimated time remaining: 11 Minutes
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