

by littlewitch
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
I am the monster inside your head. I am all of the critters underneath your bed. I am the sweat that you shed. I am the reason you strive to live instead.
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I am the monster who naps under your bed.

I am the voice shouting inside of your head.

I am the nightmare that disrupts your sleep.

I am the essence of a psychopathic creep.

I am the blood that floods down your neck

when you try to run but hit your head.

I am the illusion; building blocks of society.

I am the root of all insanity.

I am the fear that stunts your growth.

I am the tape that covers your mouth.

I am the sound of her cries and screams.

I am the one who shatters your dreams.

I am the entity who holds you back,

with every belief comes the courage you lack.

I am the root of all insanity,

but at least I can see what you cannot see,

because I am you, and you are me.


295 words: Estimated 2 Minutes to read: [Cache]

2 Chapters:

  1. the first of many nightmares in a long time [Cache] Dec 30th, 2014
  2. remnents [Cache] Dec 31st, 2014
Published Dec 31st, 2014


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