

by Thebravenorse

Chapter 1: Drowned Hearts

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Drowned Hearts

The ocean surface was covered by the shadow of the Large-class, transport airship. Looking outward of a port window, that was located in the lounge area of the airship, was Spike.

Picking up his glass of hot tea, Spike smiled as the warm liquid washed down his throat. Setting his cup on the table he looked around the lounge room.

The room itself was very fancy. And rightfully so. With a ticket being 400 Equestrian dollars. But it was worth every cent. With luscious blue wallpaper and gray carpets. Cocktail bar in the middle for all the costumers. Wood tables and chairs made of the finest Equestrian trees. And an atmosphere of peace and pleasure.

Yes. The lounge area was one of Spikes favorite spots on these ships.

Airships had actually been in use for the public domain for sometime now. Even if many ponies still didn't trust the grand machines. Most of who were farmers and small town ponies. Like the towns people back in his small hometown of Ponyville.  But Spike had always loved airships. They had a feeling of power that he enjoyed.

Spike sighed in bliss.

"Yea..." He placed his claws behind his head and closed his eyes. "Twilight was right. This vacation was a good idea."

Quietly Spike drifted off to sleep.  Dreaming of a wonderful vacation he was going to have in the Zebra Islands soon. Sadly though, his dream was short lived.

"The ship is on FIRE!" screamed a mare.

Spike was awoken by the sound of yelling and the smell of smoke. The drake shot up in his seat and looked around.

Indeed the mare was telling the truth. All around him fire was consuming the place. Ponies scrambled to the metal door, but it was sealed shut. Two stallions tried with all their might to pry the door open. But to no avail.

What was going on? Had the kitchen caught on fire? Did the engine blow up? Was this done on purpose! And if so who-

"You their. Stop your day dreaming and help open that door!" Spike was pulled from his thoughts by what looked like the captain. "Come on lad. We need that door open so we can get to the parachutes."

Spike shook his head and yelled over the sounds of chaos.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at the wheel?"  

The captain took off his hat and sighed.

"Lad, the whole ship is on fire. Our only way of living is to get that door open. Now mov-"


The explosion knocked Spike back into the hard, metal wall. The drake never even got to see the grand airship fall out of the sky. And into the deep, dark sea before his eyes closed completely.  

Remains of Large-class Airship. Location: Under the sea. Spikes location: Destroyed lounge area.




Spike and the Alicorn Sandwich

Dear Spike.

How have you been? How have the girls been? And what about your daughter? I think that the last time we saw each other was the day of your daughters birth. Congratulations by the way. And that was a whole five years ago. Far too long I must say. And with that being said I would like to invite you and the girls to visit the Crystal Empire for a weekend. Think of it as a vacation!  Me and Shinning can't wait for your response.  

With love, Princess Cadence.

P.S. Make sure to bring little Stellar Fang along as well. I miss my niece.


Dear, Princess Cadence.

It was great to get a letter from you. The girls were really excited to hear from you as well. Especially Twilight. We've talked it over and we have decided to take you up on that vacation. It will be like a second honeymoon. We will be arriving in the Crystal Empire in two days.

Likewise, your friend, Spike

P.S. Stellar just can't wait to see you.  

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