
Rainbow Rocks: Unfinished Business

by Gadman85

Chapter 13: Heart to Hearts and Fun

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After the trio got back to their home and had enjoyed their new time as official friends, there was a bit of an atmosphere surrounding at least one of the trio. It was something which had always been there a little bit, but now it seemed a bit heavier.

Aria was besides herself on something that had been bothering her this whole time to an extent regarding Adagio. She wasn’t sure why she felt she had to find out the truth about it now, but she felt it would otherwise cause some strain on her regarding their friendship. She paused in her step just inside their apartment and frowned to herself.

Adagio wondered what was going on with one of her friends. She turned and gave Aria a concerned look. “Is there something bothering you, Aria?”

Aria’s eyes widened and she looked away. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to mention what was bothering her, but if Adagio could sense something was up she probably should get it over and done with. She shook her head and decided against it. She didn’t want to hurt their friendship. “No… there isn’t anything bothering me.” It would be tough after seeing her friend's concern, but she would manage.

Sonata then looked to her concerned as well. “What is it, Aria? You can tell us. We’re all friends after all.” Adagio gave a nod in agreement with Sonata.

Aria looked to the ground gave a frown to herself. She really wanted to know, but at the same time she didn’t want to talk about it. She feared what the reaction would be. She looked to the others again and sighed. There wasn't much she could do if both Sonata and Adagio where concerned.

“Alright, but don’t get too upset. I just feel like I really have to ask is all.” Aria then gave Adagio a serious gaze. The curly haired girl felt a little nervous about what Aria was going to ask.

“What were you talking about when you said after everything the good and the bad? It didn’t feel like you meant losing the pendants. It felt like you were talking about recently. And I think you were meaning the things you did to protect us…”

Aria leveled her gaze further on Adagio. She wasn’t going to let the subject go this time. She had a suspicion, but she wanted to hear Adagio talk about it. The twin tailed girl felt it was something that had to be said and not just for curiosity’s sake.

Adagio’s eyes widened and she took a step back. Sonata looked worried between her and Aria. “Why does she have to bring that up now?” Adagio thought to herself in a timid voice. She didn’t want to talk about it. Aria was ruining the moment they were all feeling.

Raspberry eyes locked with purple eyes. “Maybe I should tell them…” Adagio thought to herself with a sigh. It was something she wasn’t proud of at all, but maybe they needed know now. Maybe it would be for the best. Not telling them would cause strain to their friendship, since Aria already seemed to at least have a clue there was something more.

Adagio gave an outward sigh. “We might as well sit down and grab a drink of our choice… Please don’t get upset about what I say.”

Aria’s gaze only let up a little bit, but her eyes were still locked on to Adagio. “I’ll get us some drinks…” Sonata said in a quiet voice.

While they waited for Sonata to return, Aria kept her focus on Adagio and the curly haired girl held a look of concentration. Adagio would look into her “friend’s” eyes every so often but couldn’t really keep her gaze. She was not looking forward to the discussion they were about to have.

The curly haired girl was even debating if she could call Aria a friend at all at this moment. She feared if she even could currently call her a friend it wouldn’t last once she said what she was about to say. There was also a part of her that felt betrayed despite nothing having been said yet.

At the same time, a small part of her felt like this wasn’t something for Sonata to hear. Adagio shook her head at that foolish thought. It was odd how both she and Aria always saw Sonata as the youngest despite her being the same age. It was even more foolish of a thought given how long they had all three been alive.

Sonata may still have some innocence compared to them, but she wasn't a child and sometimes she even seemed a little more mature than they did. It was rare, but it did happen. Sonata was the one who got them jobs pretty much and even found a place where they could be together while working. She deserved to know as well. No matter the consequences.

Adagio looked up at Aria’s eyes yet again. Once more, she looked down and even felt almost as if she was trembling a little. While looking at the floor she wished for Sonata to hurry up with their drinks, but at the same time wished for her friend to take forever to return.

It was stupid, but Adagio felt as if the second she told them the whole truth their friendship and everything would end. She figured they would be disgusted with her, even more so if she told them how despite everything a small part of her somewhere primal enjoyed it to an extent. She took in a deep breath and let it out as she shut her eyes tight.

Aria frowned and felt a little worse every time Adagio looked to her and then away. “Maybe I should have just left it alone and not mentioned it…” she thought. Despite this thought there was also a part of her that insisted they not put this off any longer and getting this over with was for the best. Her heart honestly told her this was needed or it would be in the way of whatever the three of them saw each other as.

Regardless of these thoughts and the tension in the air, a part of Aria wondered just what it was her friend had done to warrant such fear in herself. Her slight theories, if proven correct, she didn't think would cause this kind of a reaction. It was Adagio after all. Aria still had to fight her urge to give Adagio a hug and tell her to forget she asked such a question. The twin tailed girl had never really seen their leader in this state, even with everything else they had been through as humans.

Aria was about to give in to change her mind and just give Adagio a hug in understanding, but Sonata walked into the room with drinks. She gave one to Aria, who schooled her features, and again decided to be unyielding on this matter. Sonata then gave a drink to Adagio, who looked up to her and just gave a nod in thanks. The ponytailed girl then sat down nearby ready to listen.

Adagio let out another sigh and took a long sip of her drink. The drink felt good as it went down her throat. She then gave an extra swallow for her nerves. “Please try not to get too angry with me and hear me out…” Adagio finally spoke in a pleading voice.

Aria’s resolve to insist on this explanation completely crumbled at that point. She felt like the bad guy at the moment having heard Adagio’s tone. She would have said something, but Adagio started to speak again before she could get a word in to stop it.

“Do you two remember when I went out for that walk while we were all three starving?” she asked them. Aria and Sonata both gave nods for her to continue.

“While I went for my walk I ended up in bad part of Canterlot. Shortly after I realized where I was, I heard a group of male voices from around the corner up ahead of me. I was thinking about turning right back around and running back or something, but they rounded the corner and where quickly next to me.” Adagio took a sip of her drink.

“The group was made of three college aged guys. They approached me thinking I was a prostitute. I…” she faltered a little before continuing. “I kind of went along with it. I knew my body was weak since we hadn’t really eaten any food at that point. I also felt completely powerless.”

She took in a deep breath. “I was scared. We didn’t have our powers anymore and if I went with them I would get a little money which I knew we would need if we hadn’t died of starvation at that time. They led me to the hotel where they were staying after we came up with a price.”

Sonata gave a gasp in shock. Aria looked to the floor and just listened.

“I hated how I went to such a length, but I was desperate.” Adagio took another long sip of her glass. She could tell she didn't need to give a play by play at least.

“It was at this time I figured we might just be human. It is hard for me to explain, but when I was having sex with them it felt too real. I wasn’t happy with what was happening but I wasn't really angry either, and my body was enjoying it. I had never felt that way while doing such things before. Then there was the shower afterwards.”

She looked down. “The water felt too good on my bare skin. After I received the money for my services and left, I decided to get us sandwiches. I wasn’t sure if it would make a difference, but after having gone hungry for so long and the condition you two were in I was willing to try anything even if it was just a small glimmer of an answer.”

Sonata and Aria were both silent. They weren’t sure what to say to that. Aria settled for asking in a much sterner voice than she meant to ask. “Was that the only time?”

Adagio looked away from them both and took another long sip of her drink. She couldn’t look them in the eyes as she said quietly, “No…”

Aria was feeling angry now, but only grabbed her arms tighter. She wanted to lash out at something for this. Why would Adagio do something like that? How could she even be in such a state? However as much as she wanted to yell or something the truth was she started this conversation. She was the one who pressed. “Stupid Aria!!!” she thought. She didn’t know what to do here.

“When else… Adagio?” Sonata asked in a lifeless voice.

The curly haired girl was still looking away from them not wanting to answer. “When else… Adagio?” Sonata asked again in the same voice but it sounded more firm.

Adagio gave a flinch to this. She hated hearing Sonata sounding so lifeless. She shouldn’t have said anything. She should have refused to talk about it. It didn’t matter if things would have been strained between her and Aria. It was better than hearing Sonata sound like this.

She couldn’t go back. She had to see this through completely. She finally spoke, “When we first started working at the restaurant.” Aria slammed her glass on the table, luckily it didn’t break.

Adagio continued, “I’m sure you two remember, Mr. Simms…” she almost hissed out the name.

Sonata gave another gasp. Aria’s eyes widened as her jaw dropped. They already knew this would be bad.

“I didn’t like how he was really picking on you two unfairly and kept trying to get us separated or at least one of us booted. I also noticed how he had taken a certain liking to me. I confronted him and didn’t exactly handle the situation best,” Adagio gave a barely audible sniff. It had been a good while since it happened and ended, but it was one of those scars that would forever be there.

“I wasn’t sure how to approach the situation and bring it to a stop. I ended up coming to an agreement with him… it was the reason why I would sometimes go in a little earlier than you two or stay later than you two during that time.” Adagio would have taken another sip but it seemed like she had already finished her drink. Sonata offered her own drink to Adagio. There was still about half of it left and Adagio took the drink. She needed it to finish.

Aria clenched her fists in anger and frustration as she held her eyes shut and listened. She had to listen now. It didn’t matter how bad it got. She asked about it and had to listen. She had to know what her friend fully went through.

“He… he did things to me… Things that made me ask questions I would rather not have asked as a result of his actions.” Adagio’s head turned to face forward but her eyes were unfocused and a little lifeless as she looked forward. “What really gets me is that a part of me enjoyed it sometimes. There was a sick and twisted part of me that enjoyed even some of the worst of it.”

“I… I… I don’t like how human bodies work sometimes…” she said in a weak voice. “The thing is… I don’t fully regret doing that… It got him off of your backs. I was okay with going through that knowing it was to help you two. After losing the battle of the bands, I didn’t care what happened to me for the longest time…”

Sonata started to cry. Aria even did a little as well. Adagio continued, “I was even willing to let Twilight and Sunset do whatever they wanted to do to me if they were seeking revenge. It didn’t matter what happened to me so long as you two were okay. Even if it meant I had to di-”

Sonata cut her off as she burst out in more furious tears and she latched on to Adagio in a tight hug. Aria did the same as she said quietly in Adagio’s ear. “Enough… enough… You don’t have to say anything else... I’m sorry I asked.”

The hug seemed to tighten as Sonata begged, “Adagio! Please don’t ever do something like that again! I’m sorry you went through all of that. We care about you too much. Never ever think we want you to do something like that for our sake. You’re very important! We love you… You’re our friend.” Aria nodded in agreement.

Adagio started to cry and hugged both of her friends in return. “I love you two girls as well. You’re my best friends!” She was so very happy and relieved they still wanted to put up with her even after hearing everything. She was so happy to have two people that cared about her so much.

The three girls continued to hug each other like that for a while longer. It seemed after everything they still had tears they needed to let out for a little longer. It was tough reliving the past like that, but each of the girls felt as if they had grown even closer than they were before after it was all said and done. Their feelings were still very much raw, but they knew they would make it through eventually.

“You know I feel a little silly now… There were a few times I thought the two of you would just abandon me… There’s no way that could be the case if you were willing to go that far for us, Adagio.” Sonata sniffed as she spoke and tears flowed down her cheek and on to Adagio’s chest.

Adagio frowned after hearing that and felt a little hurt for many reasons, none of which where Sonata's fault. Aria gave a sniff as she said, “We’d never leave you alone, Sonata.” Adagio hugged the blue haired girl tighter to show her agreement with Aria.

The trio didn’t do much of anything else that night apart from just hugging each other and maybe have another drink in silence before calling it a night. They would have to save the more fun and enjoyable parts of their new found friendship for the next day.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio gave a moan of contentment as she woke up for the day, even if it was later than usual. Last night ended up being very draining, but it was also a very good and important night in the end even if it was tough. She gave a stretch, but she couldn’t really move too much because of her surroundings. The curly haired girl couldn’t help but give a smile as she looked to her left and then to her right. Sonata was snuggled up to her left and Aria was snuggled up to her right.

Last night after she had finally said many things, it was Sonata’s idea the three of them sleep together that night. Aria was ‘opposed’ to this, but her tough front didn’t last long. Sonata gave a laugh to her expression and said, “Oh come on, Aria. You know you want to. I mean you are the snuggle bandit after all.”

Aria blushed furiously to this and shouted as she asked, “What do you mean by that? I don’t snuggle or anything like that!” She then looked to Adagio and asked, “Did you tell her?”

Adagio gave a frown as she answered, “No I didn’t tell her. I figured you wouldn’t want me to tell her.”

Sonata then looked to Adagio with wide eyes and said, “Wait? So she snuggled with you as well?” Adagio gave a nod to this and looked a little surprised herself.

Aria then turned away and asked weakly, “What are you talking about, Sonata?” She was trying to not admit or believe anyone knew about her snuggle habits.

Sonata gave an answer, “Well back on that first night after the CHS thingy I had to make a late night bathroom run and noticed you were snuggled with me.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Aria asked still turned away from them.

“I guess I too figured you wouldn’t really want me to say anything… It just kind of slipped out this time…” Sonata now felt a little bad. She was angry at herself for letting it slip.

She and Adagio watched as Aria turned around. They were going to apologize to her. They didn’t think she would be this upset. Instead they both found themselves tackled to the ground when Aria hugged them tightly. They noticed she was still a little teary eyed, but she seemed touched instead of angry.

They both gave warm smiles as they hugged her back. Aria then gave a sniffle as she said, “Thanks… It sounds like a good idea, Sonata.”

She didn’t need to explain to them that she was really touched here. She was a little upset at first, but then both said they hadn’t said anything because they figured she wouldn’t want them to say anything. She was even further touched by this because even though both of them knew about her snuggle habits they had still both treated her like Aria and not some silly girly girl.

It took some work, but the three of them were finally able to all fit in the bed comfortably and talked a little more into the night. Adagio felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted from her after everything they talked about. She was happy to have friends like Aria and Sonata. She was even pretty sure they were more than just friends, but she wasn’t sure what that meant yet.

After a few more minutes of Adagio's early morning thoughts, Aria shifted just a little bit and Adagio was able to get out of bed to get ready for the morning. She wasn’t sure what they would do today, but she wanted to be ready for anything, even if they just stayed inside and talked more or something. She wanted to just stay in bed with the others, but she took longer to get ready in the morning than they did thanks to her hair.

Sonata was the next to get up and blinked as she noticed Adagio wasn’t in bed. She wondered where her friend was, but she soon heard the sound of humming coming from the open bathroom door. She had to admit she liked the sound a lot. She smiled as she walked over to the doorway.

She watched as Adagio brushed her hair and hummed a tune of some kind absent mindedly. Shortly after the blue haired girl entered the doorway, Adagio looked into the mirror and asked, “Do you need something, Sonata?”

Sonata gave a smile and answered, “Nope. Not really… sorry…”

Adagio was about to give a dismissive nod, but then remembered something Sonata had many times wanted to do, but she never let anyone do it. Adagio nodded her head and after last night felt the least she could do was let Sonata fulfill that small wish. She turned around and gave a smile as she asked, “Do you want to brush my hair, Sonata?”

Sonata blinked a couple of times then gave a big Sonata smile as she nodded. Adagio held out the brush and moved a second stool close to her own. She always had two stools in her restrooms wherever they lived for some reason. Whatever that reason was they were both kind of happy that was the case as Sonata sat down and started to brush Adagio’s hair.

“I don’t really know why you’ve wanted to do this so many times before, but I guess it doesn’t matter. I mean it is something friends do right?” Adagio asked to make light conversation.

Sonata gave a giggle as she said, “I’m not really an expert you know. Maybe it is. Maybe friends do whatever depending on what they want with each other.”

“You’re probably right. I guess the three of us will just have to figure it out on our own,” Adagio answered with a contented smile. “Friends…” she thought as her friend brushed her hair. She had to admit she was looking forward to figuring those things out with Aria and Sonata. Also she found it kind of nice to let someone else brush her hair for once. She would have to return the favor sometime.

Sonata continued brushing in silence as both she and Adagio enjoyed simply being in each other’s presence.

“So… Adagio…” Sonata started after a little while in a more serious tone than she had usually used.

“Yes, Sonata?” Adagio asked a little concerned by her friend's tone.

“Will you forgive me for ever thinking you would abandon me?” She asked as she paused in her brushing of Adagio’s hair.

Adagio took in a deep breath before answering. She wasn’t sure what all to say to this question. She figured it would be best to be truthful. “I was a little upset you felt that way, Sonata.” Sonata flinched and Adagio saw it in the mirror.

“I was upset you felt that way when I could have easily just told you and Aria the truth so long ago. It did hurt a little, but I know it isn’t really just one person’s fault. We do at least all have the remainder of our lives to make up for such things. So don’t get angry at yourself for feeling like that. It was perfectly understandable. We will just have to work together and make sure it doesn't happen again.” Adagio had a few more thoughts on the issue, but she didn't want to bring them up. She didn't see a reason to do so anyways. She said the really important part.

Sonata stood still for a couple of seconds before giving Adagio a quick hug. After the hug, she returned to brushing Adagio’s hair and smiling. Sonata had felt bad at how foolish she was for having felt that way after hearing the truth of what all Adagio had done to protect her and Aria. It may not have been the best choice at the time, but it was Adagio’s feelings that mattered. At least those days were pretty much over, for now.

Last night, after Adagio fell asleep on the bed between her and Aria, the two of them decided they would watch for similar signs in the future and actually confront her about it. They kind of knew what to look for just in case. They would also be sure to give her a tight hug if she needed it if that came back to haunt her again more in the future.

Once they finished with Adagio's hair the two went to try and rouse Aria from her sleep. Sometimes the twin tailed girl wasn't a morning person at all.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria gave a big yawn as she sat down at the table waiting for Adagio to serve breakfast. Sonata was extremely happy and having trouble sitting still as she waited for breakfast. They were having her second favorite breakfast food (breakfast tacos being number one). “Pancakes!” she cheered as they were placed on the table and she helped herself. Aria gave a chuckle at Sonata’s behavior.

The trio mostly ate their breakfast in silence just enjoying the atmosphere. Towards the end of the meal, Sonata asked a question, “So can we go and do something fun today? All three of us? Together?”

“What did you have in mind?” Adagio asked as Aria stretched while listening.

“I was thinking we could go to that water park,” Sonata said before taking her last bite and giving a “mmmmm” of ecstasy. Both Aria and Adagio gave giggles at the scene.

“I don’t really have a problem with that. What do you think, Aria?” Adagio asked.

Aria thought about it for a minute then gave a smile and said, “That sounds like a lot of fun actually.”

It wasn’t long until the three girls were ready for their water park trip. They each had a bag with their swimsuits and a towel with them. They decided to change at the park and store their stuff. They kind of thought three girls driving together in nothing but swimsuits might prove a distraction for others. They weren’t exactly in a coastal area.

Sonata led the race to her car. She was the only one racing, but that didn’t stop her. It wasn’t like Aria and Adagio were that far behind her anyways. The two of them decided to just walk fast instead of full out run. They knew they didn’t have Sonata’s energy anyways. Both girls did wonder if it was really a good idea to let her drive though. They thought she might be too excited.

{-} {-} {-}

It didn’t take too long for the trio to make it to Splish Splash Water Fun. Fortunately while Sonata was excited she did know to calm down while driving. “We made it!” Sonata cheered as she stepped out of her parked Range Rover.

Adagio gave a laugh at her friend’s enthusiasm as she said, “Yep we sure did.” She then gave a stretch and felt the warm sun on her once again. She couldn’t wait to feel it all over. She still wasn’t sure why she loved it so much, but she did.

“Looks like we won’t have to wait too long to get inside either,” Aria added as she pointed to the entrance. There were only a few people waiting and the girls were thankful they hadn’t waited too long to go on their trip. They knew a place like this would be more crowded towards the middle of the afternoon and early evening.

“Let’s get going then!” Sonata said as she led a fast walking charge towards the park entrance. The last thing she wanted now was to get separated from her friends. To Sonata, it felt a lot longer than it actually was for the group to get to the entrance.

Once inside, she was more or less ready to jump in with her clothes still on. She knew better of course. Still she quickly changed and was waiting for the others. Sonata felt they had put off a fun trip for the three of them long enough.

Unfortunately the fun still had to wait a little longer. She forgot about the whole sunscreen business. She half-heartedly cursed the sun, since there wasn’t an almighty and powerful Alicorn Princess controlling it here who might take offense to her curse. She didn’t want to fully curse it though, because Adagio really loved the sun and its warmth.

I’ll have to make sure she doesn’t disappear to just sun bathe the whole time,” Sonata thought to herself as she formed plans to make sure that wouldn’t happen. They were here to have fun together not separately on their own. Unfortunately for Sonata’s many plans Adagio had no intention of going off on her own today. All of those plans now had no purpose and would go to waste in the end.

After what felt like two or three hours to the pony tailed girl (it was actually only about 15 to 20 minutes including time to take care of each other’s backs), the trio stuffed all of their bags and towels into their shared locker and were ready for their day of fun. “So what should we do first?” Aria asked as she once more checked herself to make sure she got all of the sunscreen in nice and good. It wouldn’t do for her image if she had smudges of white on her hiding from her somewhere that everyone would see.

“That!” Sonata shouted rather loudly and pointed to a big slide towards the top of the main slide tower before starting off at a rather brisk pace. A couple of families nearby gathered up their children a little closer and shushed them while saying not to point at the girl acting a lot more like an excitable kid at the moment.

Sonata was the first to reach the tower and frowned after they climbed several flights of stairs and caught up with the waiting line. Her frown soon disappeared as she realized she at least got to wait in line with her two favorite people. “Looks like a bit of a waiting line for the slide,” Adagio pointed out.

Sonata gave a nod and smiled as she said, “I just know it will be worth it though.” Adagio and Aria didn’t disagree with her. They had somehow decided Sonata was the water park expert here, since the girl did spend a good bit of her free time looking things up on her laptop including water parks.

Adagio gave a sigh of happiness as they reached a sunny part of the tower. She immediately found herself a great spot to soak it up. She closed her eyes a little and smiled as she felt the rays on her back. “Hey, Adagio?”

“Yes, Aria?” she replied without really looking.

“Why do you love the sun so much?” Aria asked curiously. Sonata decided to pay extra close attention to the answer. She had wondered the same a few times before. Adagio never liked it anywhere near this much when they were still sirens. She never really hated it either. She was just indifferent for the most part.

Adagio placed a finger on her chin as she thought for a few seconds. She then shrugged her shoulders and said, “I don’t really have much of an answer. I just love how it feels on my skin and the warmth.” She then gave a giggle as she said, “No wonder so many worshiped it.”

The other two gave smiles knowing she was talking in particular about the ponies of Equestria. Sure Celestia was powerful and controlled the sun, but even in the past from what they knew about history, the ponies still more or less revered and loved the Sun. Celestia mostly just the received the reverence and love by association. It was also something of note that many “ancient” human cultures worshiped it as well.

As they waited in line, Sonata took a minute every so often to look around them. She gave a blush a few times as well. She wasn’t sure what to really make of it, but she really liked the amount of skin being shown off around her. She even liked Aria’s and Adagio’s.

Sonata blushed deeper as she was almost caught peeking a few times and shook her head. There were slides here that needed to be slid on, rides to ride, and wave pools to play in. She shouldn’t get distracted.

The blue haired girl gave a sigh at her own behavior as she thought, “Even after everything else being human is still complicated…” She wasn’t sure why seeing other people in swimsuits and such affected her so much. In the past, they went to places where it was common place to see some people completely naked and it didn’t really matter much to her. Now however, even seeing the smallest bit of skin sometimes caused her to have reactions and certain feelings.

Sonata soon decided to join Adagio in the sun to get her mind off of such things. When she was next to Adagio she gave a sigh of contentment as well. She had never really noticed how good sun felt much before today, even as a human. She kind of understood it now though. She gave a smile and said, “I think I get it, Dagio. It really is nice and warm.”

Aria shook her head and pretended not to really care, even as she took a few steps closer to her friends so that she too was in sun. She most certainly did not sigh, nor did she actually feel nice and warm inside and out either. Anyone who said otherwise were probably mistaking her for Sonata or Adagio.

After a little while, the small group of guys behind them finally looked at the trio as one asked, “So… What are you all doing here?”

Adagio raised an eyebrow as she said, “Waiting in line for the slide.” She was hoping they would get the hint. She along with both Aria and Sonata still looked over the three guys regardless.

One of them was fairly muscular with styled green and red hair. The one in the middle was lean and fit with light green and dark green hair in a short fohawk and a little bit of scruff. The last one had blonde and blue short hair combed forward with green eyes and was fit but not muscular in build.

“Cool. Cool. So are we,” Fohawk guy said in response. Apparently they didn’t get the hint to just not say anything.

“Soooo. Come here often?” The muscular guy said. He then smiled and added in a rather cheerful and excited voice, “This is our third time this year already! It really is awesome to have such a place close by.”

Sonata smiled and said in an excited tone, “I know right! I really wish we had come here sooner and I hope we can come here at least one or two more times. I can’t wait to try all of the rides and get into the wave pool areas. So exciting!”

The guys just chuckled good-heartedly as their muscular friend soon joined Sonata in her excitement. Adagio decided it probably wouldn’t hurt to be decent to the guys at least, so long as they didn’t try anything or hang around too long.

For the rest of the wait, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria actually talked to either their selves or the guys right behind them. It wasn’t too bad of a wait, and once again Sonata showed how she can easily be friendly to people and even fit in. She was easily able to talk to the three guys they just met and get them laughing. It was even clear they weren't doing so just because they thought her pretty.

A small part of Adagio felt angry and jealous as she feared, as she had many times before, that Sonata was only a step away from leaving them and finding a happy and fulfilling life. While she and Aria would have to struggle for it. This was part of the reason she felt Sonata’s fears of abandonment were silly. It always felt more likely the blue haired girl would abandon them first. This was also what she left out while talking to Sonata earlier this morning. The curly haired girl momentarily gave the guys a bit of a frown not wanting them to somehow take Sonata away.

Adagio shook her head and her frown disappeared. She then said to herself, “It doesn’t matter if that happens or not. Sonata should find happiness. It didn't matter where that happiness took her or when it did. Plus, she wouldn’t just leave us and forget about us. She would make sure we were all there for everything that happened in her life. Get it together, Adagio! Sonata would never leave you or Aria completely.” Adagio frowned again. This time she frowned in disappointment at herself. There was no way Sonata would abandon them for anything and that was part of the reason why she didn't tell her friend about this earlier.

The former leader felt relieved and smiled as the lean guy asked her a couple of questions. It got her away from those stupid feelings on the matter. She knew those dark thoughts weren’t completely gone from her heart, but they were diminishing. There was also the fact she refused to let such thoughts get in the way of her enjoying a day at the water park with both Sonata and Aria, her two most important people and best friends.

All three of the girls felt excited as they finally reached the end of the line. They were told only a max of two people could use a single float at the same time. The trio did a round of rock-paper-scissors to determine who had a float on their own. The winner got their own float.

Aria gave a small smile in victory as she ended up winning and got in her own float. She did however notice that neither Sonata nor Adagio really seemed upset at losing. In fact, they actually seemed happy for some reason. The twin tailed girl might have thought on it more, but her thoughts ended as the guy in charge of the slide sent them on their way.

Aria screamed a lot louder than the “tough girl” of the group should on a slide. She was thankful she was alone. At the same time, despite her supposed embarrassment she really enjoyed it and wouldn’t mind going again… hopefully later. As she came to the end with a big splash, she let out a large “Wooooo!!!” She stood up and breathed in a few times as she waited a few seconds for her friends. She didn’t have to wait long.

Adagio and Sonata both screamed as they sped off on the ride. Adagio was in the back and screamed more than Sonata. Her pony tailed friend eventually started to cheer and laugh as the slide continued. Adagio also noticed Sonata tried to lean forward to increase their speed. Unfortunately for her friend the curly haired girl tried to lean back since she was caught a little unawares by the slide and didn't want to go any faster. She thought it amazing how different even this felt as a human. Sonata and Adagio both let out a cheer as the slide ended and together they gave Aria a big hug.

The three girls giggled after they handed over their floats and waited to see how the guys they met would be when it was over. The muscular guy was the loudest as he came into the final stretch of the slide shouting "Yeah! Awesome!" and other such descriptive words. He was soon followed by his friends and all three of them gave a cheer and a high five as Adagio and her friends laughed.

“So what should we do next?” Sonata asked her friends as the guys shared laugh and another high five with each other.

Aria wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, but Adagio seemed to have something in mind. “I say we go on that ride.” She pointed to a slide ride that had high walls and a wide tube with many turns and other things on it.

“We were thinking about going on that ride as well. It requires you to have at least four to six people to go on it. If you don’t mind, we could join you three,” the blonde and blue haired guy said/asked as his friends nodded.

Aria gave them a thoughtful frown before giving a small smile and said, “Sure I guess that could work.” The guys seemed relieve and happy. Aria, wanting to keep up her tough girl face, changed her demeanor and added, “Just don’t get any ideas.” The guys chuckled and two of them seemed to scratch the back of their heads nervously.

It took some time, but not as much time to get to the top of the group ride Adagio chose. The three girls and three guys climbed into the same large tubular raft. Sonata was super happy about going on another slide ride so soon and sat on Adagio’s right side while Aria took the left. The guys filled in the last three spots before they were launched by two of the staff.

“Ahhhhhh!!!” screamed Aria in a very girly voice as she was almost completely vertical and feared she might end up upside down on the float. She instinctively held on to Adagio tightly for support. She wasn’t upset or disappointed with the ride or anything, but she was a little scared while also enjoying it. For the whole ride, Aria didn’t fully let go of her curly haired friend even when she was on the low kind of flattish part of the slide ride.

Sonata was cheering/screaming for a lot of the ride and gave her curly haired friend spontaneous hugs when she felt she had to support herself for some reason or the other during the ride. Adagio would sometimes hug both her friends tighter at certain parts of the ride.

When all six of them finished the ride, they took a moment to catch their breath and then cheered and high fived each other while laughing. After that, the guys gave a last chuckle as the muscular guy said, “Well it was nice meeting you three, but we don’t want to hold you up. Plus we kind of wanted to head to the old park using the tram after this anyways.”

“Don’t worry!” shouted Sonata. “If you ever want to see us again just go to Johnston’s Bar & Grill. We work there. Bye!” The guys gave her smiles and nods as they all said good bye to each other and left to go their separate ways.

Once the guys were gone, Aria asked, “Why did you tell them where we work?”

“Oh come on they were fun and it isn’t that big of a deal,” Sonata defended her action.

“So long as they don’t get any ideas, it isn’t a problem I guess,” added Adagio.

Sonata playfully rolled her eyes and laughed as she asked, “Do you honestly think they will get any ideas after meeting Mr. Johnston and/or Mr. Forrester.” Both Aria and Adagio thought over this and laughed as Sonata added, “Besides. More Business for the restaurant also helps us as well you know.”

After hearing her logic on the matter, Aria and Adagio could only giggle in return as they went to their next stop. They were going to a slide that didn’t use any floats. It was the highest slide on the tower in the center of the park. They decided to hold each other’s hands for a little bit as they made their way to it.

{-} {-} {-}

The wait for the mega slide was actually longer than they thought it would be, but they pushed through nevertheless. They each enjoyed the feeling of the sun on their bodies when they had to wait in a sunny part of the tower on the way up. For better or worse, they didn’t have any people flirting with them this time, though they did notice a couple of girls looking to them with more interest than normal. Adagio had sort of puffed out her chest and kind of posed as the girls looked her over before blushing a slight bit and looking forward for the remainder of the wait.

Once they reached the top, Aria and Adagio went down first. Both girls screamed in both terror and joyous excitement as they raced towards the bottom. The two girls laughed and gave each other a quick hug as the adrenaline rush from the slide started to fade. Adagio and Aria waited with smiles for Sonata.

Sonata was a little bummed she had to wait until after her friends to go, but once her turn came she smiled brightly. She gave a slight frown as she ended up having to wait a little longer as the young kid next in the line was a little bit afraid of going down the slide. One of the attendants was comforting him as the other went ahead and kept the line moving. Sonata got to go before a second person took the left side spot at least.

She cheered and yelled in happiness as she felt the wind and water rush past her as she sped downwards. She even closed her eyes as she cheered and was pleasantly surprised when she felt more wind on her skin unexpectedly. She loved the feeling and was surprised that certain parts of her body suddenly felt a little harder.

When she came to the bottom of the ride she shouted out, “Heck yeah that was fun!!!” Sonata was surprised and caught off guard by her friends' next actions.

After Sonata came out, both Adagio and Aria giggled at her enthusiasm for a couple of seconds. Adagio was then the first to look back and she soon gave a large gasp and panicked for one second before quickly grabbing Sonata in a tight hug that felt a little different than usual for her friend.

Aria’s mulberry eyes widened before she blushed and frantically started to look around the area. She fortunately found what she was looking for and grabbed it quickly. She gave a sigh of relief and blushed again as she looked at her two friends in their embrace, but she wasn't really sure why.

Sonata was caught off guard by Adagio’s sudden hug. She didn’t mind it and in fact even enjoyed the hug, but it was still unexpected. “Are you alright, Sonata?” Adagio asked.

“Y-yes… What’s going on? I mean…” she blushed deeper as she continued, “I don’t mind the hug and even like it, but still…” She looked to her side and saw a blushing Aria holding something out for her.

Sonata’s face turned almost completely red as she grabbed the top part of her swimsuit Aria was holding for her. She gulped not sure how to solve her current predicament. She instead just enjoyed the hug she was receiving while unsuccessfully thinking up what to do here.

It seemed Adagio noticed what was going on and blushed as she took Sonata’s bikini top from her hands. The curly haired girl blushed as she looked down and unintentionally stared for a little bit before kicking herself into action. Adagio’s face was also bright red and both Aria and Sonata couldn’t help but watch as their former leader fumbled a little before helping Sonata get fully dressed in her swimsuit again.

A blushing Adagio then asked, “Ummm… will that work? Or should we visit a gift shop and get you a different swimsuit?”

Sonata blushed as they broke their hug. “I-I-I think that will work… Thanks… Both of you… I’m sorry… I kind of left it a little loose for maximum comfort earlier.” Sonata gave a cute blushing face before she continued, “It’s good and well… snug now…”

It took a couple of seconds, but Aria broke up the awkward silence and asked, “So…. Can we ummm…. Go to that other park near here? I want to see what it’s like.”

Both Sonata and Adagio were eternally thankful to Aria for breaking things up. They needed to get back to having lots of fun today. Sonata wasn’t about to let even something like this bring her day down. She gave her wonderful smile as she said, “Sure! That sounds like a lot of fun!”

She then blushed in happiness a little as she once again thanked them for their help. “I really do have the best friends,” she thought as they made their way to the other park on the opposite end of the parking lot.

As much as Adagio liked the feeling of the sun on her skin, she had to admit she wasn’t a big fan of sun baked concrete sidewalks which were also a part of sunny days. She had taken to walking in the grass next to the sidewalk. Adagio gave a little bit of a smile as she noticed Sonata soon joined her. Aria joined them as well, but she tried to tough it out for a little bit first.

Sonata looked to her twin tailed friend in thought, “I wonder why she tries to be the tough one in our group. Dagio and I don’t care about something like that. We both love and like Aria because she is Aria and with us.” She gave a sigh deciding it was probably something that would never be fully understood. The two of them would just have to accept it and possibly find a way to tease Aria about her ‘tough girl’ complex.

{-} {-} {-}

Once the trio of best friends entered the other park, they were a little disappointed. It seemed this park was more focused on activities than rides for the most part. There were some smaller slides and a water playground that Sonata had to try her best not to run off too, but that was about all it had.

Sonata still had to fight with herself, while they looked around, not to go and have lots of child like fun on the playground thingy. It had a huge and wonderful Pirate ship playhouse on it. There were also lots of different types of water guns on it as well. She easily imagined herself on one of the big water guns and squirting both Aria and Adagio many times over and over again and again all while saying “Arrggg! Take that ya land lubbers!” in her pirate voice, which was pretty good since they lived during pirate times and sought out the places pirates loved to hang out while not sailing. It was a great food source for them.

After looking around the second park there was one thing that really caught all three of their eyes easily. In the middle of the park, there was a large surf ride thing. It was massive and seemed to have beginner and expert areas. All three girls really wanted to try it out just for fun.

Aria, Adagio and Sonata ignored all of the other games and things as their eyes locked on to the surf ride pool. Aria in particular seemed to be really excited about it. They were a little surprised, but happy, the wait line wasn’t long at all. All three had smiles of some kind on their faces as they were allowed on to the Surf Ride.

The trio had surfed a little in the past before during their time as immortals. However, it seemed they were out of practice, well at least two of them were. Sonata and Adagio both wiped out three times before they had to quit, but they were very happy with what they had done.

Aria on the other hand was in the zone. She wiped out once early on, but that was all. She was more athletic than her two best friends and also more experienced when it came to surfing. In her past, she had spent lots of time surfing in many of the well-known surf destinations during time between meals.

She had been to both Hawaii and California in the US, along with Australia, Tahiti, and even El Salvador. She was actually well known locally in all of these places for a good while. She never went “Pro” because that would have complicated things. However, she had won the heart of a few pros in her life time as she more or less schooled them in surfing and then smiled at them to tell them to keep it up when she wasn't in a completely sour mood. In those days, she wasn't always sour but these days were rather rare. It was even more obvious to her now after she became human with her friends.

Aria felt right as she surfed on the surf pool ride. She once again felt like the complete and utterly unquestioned 'Badass tough girl' in her group of friends. She would look to both Adagio and Sonata every so often to see what they thought of her as she surfed. She smiled as she watched Adagio smile wide and shout, “Go Aria Wooo!” while waving.

The twin tailed surfer noticed Sonata was excited and cheering loud enough to make up a whole Cheerleading squad on her own. Aria got a little more daring as she felt more encouraged and easily pulled off a tough and daring stunt, which at one time made her famous in Hawaii, before flashing both her friends a big smile and a “V” in victory.

However, Aria didn’t notice a visiting pro’s jaw drop as they watched her preform the stunt. This pro decided to look her up and to ask where she learned that trick in the future at the very least. The pro had only heard legends of a twin tailed girl who was able to pull of such a rad stunt. It was years ago, but maybe this Aria girl was a protégée of the legend or something.

Sonata and Adagio cheered loudly for her and gave her a tight hug once she finally got off the Surf Ride. “That was awesome, Aria!” Sonata said.

“I forgot you were really amazing at surfing,” Adagio added with a smile.

Aria felt nice and warm inside as her friends gave her a hug before they walked around the park a little longer in hopes of finding another hidden gem of a ride. The trio finally made their way back to the other park in disappointment and once again chose to use the grass for their trek. They were actually very happy with things at the moment, even with the disappointment from the other park.

“So what should we do once we get back to the first park?” Sonata asked her friends.

Adagio gave them both a bright smile as she said, “I say he hit up the Wave Pool!” Sonata smiled brightly and cheered her agreement to this idea. Aria gave a laugh and agreed with her curly haired friend. Sonata couldn’t help but give a cheer of glee at the prospect of playing in the Wave Pool.

Sonata couldn’t help but giggle in excitement as she, Aria and Adagio all three played in the wave pool. It was kind of more like a somewhat strong current ride really, but lots of fun. The three of them pretended to be skiing across the bottom of the stream for their first few times.

After the first few trips in the current pool, they went and got a couple of inner tubes to use. To everyone’s surprise, including her own, it was Aria who demanded to share a float with Sonata this time. Adagio and Sonata didn’t really have a problem with this, but they were a little curious why she demanded it and felt she had to do so.

They enjoyed their time in the wave pool and the trio finally took a break for lunch. They didn’t really have much of a special lunch, but it was good. Adagio and Aria got Hamburgers. Sonata got a hot dog and once again wondered why in the hell would someone waste a perfectly good hotdog just to throw it at someone on a stage. She couldn’t really think of a performance that was so bad, including their own, to deserve a hotdog being thrown at it in disgust.

Personally, Sonata loved hot dogs. They were number two on her favorite foods list. Tacos were of course the number one undisputed favorite food of all time. Sonata actually considered the person to first make a taco to be almost god like. At one point in their long lives, Sonata actually started a cult of Taco worshipers, even if it didn't really last very long. A couple of people complained about how unexpectedly normal the punch was at their meetings. Apparently they weren't content to just worship the best food ever and eat the best food ever alone.

After they all had lunch, Adagio introduced her two friends to sun bathing and all of its glory, even if she had done so before. She was happy when she noticed both Sonata and Aria really took to it. The girls laid down next to each other as they waited while their stomachs settled some. Adagio couldn’t help but look at her friends and smile. It felt really nice to find something they could all enjoy together. Today had already been one of the best they had experienced ever.

Once enough time had passed for the three girls to have had an enjoyable amount of sun bathing, they decided to travel to the old water park. It only took them a few minutes to get on a tram that took them to the old park. They gave each other smiles as they looked at the many different rides and slides for them to choose from here.

After going on several different rides, including one that had both Adagio and Aria screaming in a mix of terror and excitement again, the trio decided to just take their time and enjoy the “Lazy River” ride. This time the three of them managed to find a free family sized float and joined each other in it for the ride. This way there wouldn't be any disputes, intentional or otherwise, on who shared a float with who.

It was a rather chill and slow going ride, but Adagio, Sonata, and Aria all three enjoyed it. After a good while, the three went back to the park where they first paid and entered. It took a good while, but they went on the first ride in the park two more times. This required a lot of waiting and having to put up with a few guys who thought they were all that because they spent almost all of their free time in the gym weight lifting. In the end, it was more than worth it as far as they were concerned though.

Adagio stretched and moaned in happiness as she said, “I think we should probably start heading back. I mean we do have to shower off and then get to the car and drive back. If we wait any longer it might take an eon just to get out of the parking lot.”

Sonata gave a bit of a pout, but she understood Adagio. The fact she even gave a bit of a yawn only added to the curly haired girl’s suggestion. Aria didn’t really have a complaint either. The trio took one final circuit through the Wave Pool before hitting up the changing rooms.

As they left the changing rooms, Sonata gave a small pout as she asked, “We don’t have to completely end our day of fun right?”

Adagio gave a thoughtful look for a moment and asked Aria, “Do you want get a movie and pick up a pizza on the way back?” She asked Aria because the girl was driving them back since Sonata was too tired from all the fun she had to drive again today.

“Aren’t we having pizza with Twilight and Sunset at that Pizza Palace place?” Aria asked.

“Well yes we are, but they’ll probably get a veggie pizza or something. You know the whole pony thing and all,” Adagio said.

“Plus we can eat something else while we’re there. I just wish Bo’s had tacos as well,” Sonata added with a sigh.

Aria nodded as she unlocked the Range Rover, “Good point. That sounds like a plan.” The three of them were never ponies like the others so they didn’t have a problem eating meat and even liked how it tasted.

{-} {-} {-}

It had been a long day of fun and friendship for the Dazzlings and they all agreed pizza and a movie was the best way to end it. They didn’t even take long to decide on a movie as they waited for the pizza to be ready. They quickly all sat together on the couch as soon as they had the food and started the movie. Aria was on the right side of the couch with Sonata on the left and Adagio in the center as they watched and ate.

It hadn’t really taken long for Sonata to first fall asleep. It also didn’t take her long to decide the couch was a great place to stretch out some and Adagio’s lap would make a perfect pillow. Aria and Adagio didn’t really have much of a problem accommodating Sonata on this matter. It had been a busy but fun day for them all. Plus they didn’t really care or have the energy to care at the moment as they scooted closer together to make room.

Adagio and Aria watched quietly with the volume low, so as not to disturb their sleeping friend. Due to the quiet it wasn’t long until both Adagio and Aria joined their friend in sleep while using the other as support. The movie continued playing until it ended and returned to the title screen.

Shortly after that, the DVD player cut back to a normal TV channel and remained unnoticed by its owners until they eventually woke up after a slightly louder commercial and made their way to bed. All three of them wandered into Adagio’s bed in their sleepy haze before giving big yawns and falling asleep once again under the covers.

Author's Notes:

Sorry this was such a long chapter, if that bothers anyone. I decided to have the dazzling’s heartwarming but serious moment (even if it was a little dark) and their fun time in the same chapter. They would have otherwise been really short chapters. Also I didn’t really read this as many times as I usually do so there might still be errors.

Sorry it took so long to write this chapter. I was trying hard not to make the Dazzlings trip to a water park too fan servicy. I might have thrown in a little here and there in the end anyways, but hopefully it wasn’t too much. I wanted the trip to be about the three having fun together after their tough talk with Adagio. I also chose a water park because I figured most people would have a “beach chapter” or a “Pool chapter,” but not a “Water park chapter”.

Also for some reason when I was thinking of a fun activity for the day for them, Water Park kept coming up in my mind along with Sonata being the one to suggest it. I’m not sure if the line trio will make much more of an appearance. I think I will probably have them at least visit the restaurant. I kind of want them to meet Mr. Forrester I think that could be fun to write.

I will have the Pro Surfer appear again and talk to Aria some at the very least. That might end up being part of a future chapter and I have some half formed plans involving that. I just have to think of a name and gender for them at the very least.

Next Chapter: A Picnic and Bo's Pizza Palace Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 55 Minutes
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