
Rainbow Rocks: Unfinished Business

by Gadman85

First published

After the battle of the bands, Twilight has something on her mind regarding the Dazzlings. Sunset has also had some things on her mind regarding Twilight.

After the battle of the bands, Twilight has been thinking over many things regarding the Dazzlings. She feels that she failed in her duty as Princess of Friendship not just because she didn't figure everything out, but also due to the fact she just left the Dazzlings alone. When she defeated Sunset she gave her friends, but Twilight just watched as the Adagio, Aria, and Sonata ran off the stage. Don't they also deserve another chance?

Twilight has decided to make it her mission to fix this mistake, and she hopes Sunset Shimmer will help her. She also hopes the two of them can improve their friendship.

After the battle of the bands, things have been different and better for Sunset Shimmer. However, there are a couple of things on her mind still. The main one being how she wants things to be better between her and Twilight. After all, Sunset knows she owes the purple pony princess everything. She also feels like they didn't really get to know each other better last time Twilight came to the human world.

When Twilight mentions a mission for the two of them will this be the chance Sunset wanted to improve things? Also how deep will their relationship grow if it grows in the first place? Also what happened to the Dazzlings afterwards anyways?

Featured Jan. 6, 2015 (even if only for an hour or so).

Thoughts and Letters

Princess Twilight Sparkle gave a sigh as she woke up a few days after her trip to the human world and the battle with the Sirens. She frowned as she fixed herself up for the morning. There was something that quickly grabbed hold in her mind after everything while she got ready. She wasn't very happy about what it was, much less that it had been doing so these last couple of days.

Why didn't I think about it sooner… What became of the Sirens…? If they are just normal girls now, don’t they deserve a second chance?” Twilight knew some wouldn't understand that easily, but she already learned her lesson with both Discord and Sunset Shimmer.

She also now knew friendship was something that actually needed work from everyone involved. She hated to admit it, but she hadn't really lived up to her new title with Discord and that ended up hurting them all.

She knew she failed at living up to her title again while helping with the Sirens. “At least in that case, I felt pressure to solve it on my own and didn't see what was right in front of me. For the little that matters…” The pony princess gave a sigh before heading down for breakfast.

“I’ll tell you what. As much as I liked those Milk Bone things on the other side, nothing beats a real breakfast with pancakes!” Spike said cheerfully as he served himself some pancakes and noticed Twilight enter the kitchen.

Twilight giggled at her favorite dragon as she readied her own breakfast. “I can understand that, though I never tried those Milk Bones. I was a little tempted by what they called Bacon, but Sunset kind of steered me away from it for some reason. I’ll have to ask her about that some time.”

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset gave a stretch as she woke up next to Pinkie and the others. A few days after Twilight left them again, Pinkie insisted they all needed another slumber party to cheer up. Sunset didn't really complain about this, since she liked her friends a lot. She did miss Twilight like the others did, or maybe even more than they did, but she was usually okay just being around them.

Later in the day after they finished using the stage to practice for the real Music Showcase, it really wasn't too much of a surprise Sunset found herself writing a letter to Twilight with a smile on her face. The fact she could write Twilight anytime probably helped her "cope" with the loss of their friend as the pony princess returned to Equestria.

Dear Princess Twilight,

It seems odd to be writing to a different princess, but I like it. I know you haven’t been gone for long, but I’m missing you already. I think it has to do with the fact none of us really got to properly catch up, since we had to worry about the Dazzlings trying to take over the school and all. I hope sometime we’ll have a chance to actually talk. I suppose this book will help until then. I’m really glad I remembered it after all of these years.

We just finished practicing for the actual Music Showcase. As you remember right before you had to head back, Principal Celestia announced we would have the real event, since the last one got out of hand “due to unforeseen circumstances”.

It really is impressive how much pull she seems to actually have in this world.

We all get to have the event on the same stage our fight with the Dazzlings took place…

Sunset had to pause for a couple of seconds at this. “I wonder what happened to them anyways…” She was half tempted to write that out, but she didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Part of her thought she should, but another part thought it wasn't really her business and she still had enough to worry about on her on.

She got back to writing after rereading her letter to pick up her train of thought.

…I guess she has connections with all of the right people in the area or something. Scary how a principal can have so much power despite only being in charge of one school. It’s a good thing she mostly uses that power for good it seems.

Everyone is excited about getting to play on the stage and the surrounding city is really excited as well. This time we are holding the event, like originally planned, for a fundraiser. They are selling tickets cheap to people who wish to watch it. This time it won’t just be the school there.

Things are really starting to look up for me here after helping take care of the Sirens. Rainbow seems to have learned her lesson for the moment about not trying to always hog the spotlight, especially around her friends. I do wonder how long or if it will stick though. Is pony Rainbow like this as well?

Well I don’t really have a whole lot more to say at this moment. I’m new to this friendship thing, but I’m learning. I hope you don’t mind me asking you for advice sometimes. You are the Princess of Friendship after all and my friend.

Your Friend,

Sunset Shimmer

Sunset had a small smile as she finished the letter. She had lied a little in it. She actually had a lot to say. She just wasn't sure how or if she should write it. She really needed to figure things out on her own, but she didn't want to do something that might unintentionally harm the friendship she had with Twilight.

She remembered when Twilight first returned the girl was unsure in taking her hand. Sunset knew it was understandable and things got better soon after that between them. Still she wasn't sure what kind of relationship the two of them had.

The night they talked in the kitchen at Pinkie’s house really meant a lot more to her than she would admit. It helped her feel a little better about things and she felt they could actually relate to each other better than she could with her other friends even if just a little. They both felt pressured in the same way even if the reasons were different.

Sunset still wondered what it was Twilight wanted to say but didn't that night. Was it just the pony princess almost admitting she wasn't sure what to do and asking for Sunset’s help? Was it something different? The fiery haired girl didn't really know.

All she knew is she wished she had been able to get those words from Twilight whatever they were. Sunset felt she owed everything to Twilight. The Pony Princess gave her a second chance and even went further and gave her five great friends who were there for her as she tried her best to make up for what she did in the past.

Even if they don’t exactly always trust me yet…” She thought to herself. She knew it was silly to think that, but she couldn't help it. She tried to play off their slips about her past and even though she knew they didn't completely hold it against her. The slips still hurt to hear.

If that wasn't enough, there was the time she tried to help them out and they got angry at her for it. “It was almost as if they believed I really did just as Trixie said and wanted to mess up their show,” she thought to herself. She hoped it was simply the Sirens plans that caused the mistrust, but she knew it wasn't completely.

She had forgiven them for that already, but it still hurt. However, she knew friendship was hard, but worth it. She knew they didn't mean to hurt her like they did and their snaps during the Battle of the Bands were partly due to the mounting stress in the group as a whole. They were heading to an explosion of sorts already, but Rainbow’s song and actions pushed it further. Then it all came to a boil when they were trapped under the stage.

I’m just glad things worked out in the end and improved our friendships,” she thought with a sigh.

After the battle, they spent a little time with Twilight. The pony princess didn't think she could stay for too long and soon had to return to Equestria, at least they could write her now. Sunset had already agreed to let the others write some time if they wanted. They were still a little wary of magic in general understandably, since it wasn't common in this world.

Despite their thoughts on magic, they were still the best friends she could have ever hoped for and it was all thanks to a pony princess. They had always been there for her even after what she did. The thought about her friends brought a smile to Sunset's face as she closed the journal.

“So what are you up to, Sunset? You seem really happy,” Fluttershy asked softly.

“Oh, I was writing a letter to Princess Twilight and just thinking about everything that's happened again. I really am glad things have more or less worked out with us all so far," Sunset answered, the smile not leaving her face.

“Oooo. Maybe you can read her response to us later?” Fluttershy asked with her big blue eyes reflecting barely contained eagerness.

Sunset gave a nervous laugh as she replied. “I’m not so sure about this one. I kind of asked her about some personal stuff.”

Fluttershy gave a frown. Sunset gulped. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. I’m sure there will be plenty of letters from her that we’ll all share in the future.”

Fluttershy gave a smile and said, “Okay then. So long as you promise.”

“I do,” Sunset replied.

“Good," Fluttershy's smile grew a little. "Anyways we all wanted to head over to Sam’s Subs. Are you in?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sure, sounds good,” Sunset answered with a smile as she got up and left with her friends.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight let out a sigh as she relaxed on her throne. The others were there as well, but all of them were a little unsure what to do. For the moment, they were all just enjoying each other’s company.

“Really this whole Council of Friendship thing is kinda boring. I mean I like hanging out with you guys, but I like actually doing something you know.” Rainbow unsuccessfully tried to hide a yawn from the others.

“I do know what you mean, dear. I can only polish my throne so many times before it gets redundant. As shocking as that may be.” Rarity once again examined her handy work with a smile.

“I don’t really mind it so much, but I do need to check up on my animals a little more than I have lately. They are feeling a little neglected I fear,” Fluttershy said with a hint of worry in her voice towards the end.

“Ah’m just lucky there ain't much to do on the farm currently that Big Mac, Caramel, and Apple Bloom can’t handle, but ya’ll know how it is. There’s always something that can be fixed up and taken care of on the farm somewhere,” Applejack said as she actually stretched out next to her own throne.

“I love you girls, but like Dashie said this is getting waaaaay boring. Are you sure we can’t go do something today, Twilight?” Pinkie asked as she sat on another one of her balloons. She had tried it once before Twilight went to the other world. It became her favorite way to sit after that.

Before Twilight could say anything Spike added his thoughts. “Yah, are you sure? I mean so far this whole Friendship Council thingy isn't what I thought it would be.”

Twilight gave him a questioning look. “What did you think it was going to be, Spike?”

“Well I thought there would be some kind of magical map of Equestria that would show all major Friendship or Harmony problems that needed to be fixed or something. I mean that happens in comics when superheroes form some kind of group and get a secret base. Didn't you know that?” Spike replied as if this made perfect sense.

“I’m not so sure we’re superheroes, Spike,” Twilight said in response.

“Oh please… Of course you all are. I mean for crying out loud you all defeated Tirek. Defeated Discord and befriended him and then faced him again when he turned sides, before then accepting him back and really befriending him this time. Have you forgotten everything else all of you have done?” Spike said with a raised eyebrow.

The ponies all had various thoughtful faces thinking on his words. “I mean if that doesn't make you all Equestria’s superheroes. Then I don’t know what a superhero is. And I know what they are. I've read all of the comics I can after all,” Spike finished with no small amount of pride in his voice.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at him while Pinkie snickered. Applejack just shook her head.

The blonde pony knew she was just a simple farm pony and nothing more. It was just what she wanted to be. She just had other things happen in her life with her friends was all.

Rainbow hummed in thought as she grinned. “I think I've got to agree with you there, Spike.”

“See!” Spike answered as if Rainbow’s word was all the confirmation needed in this case.

“I don’t think I really want to be a superhero, not again after that comic book incident,” Fluttershy said as she tried to hide behind her mane.

“We'll totally have to have a ‘We’re Superheroes Now Party’ party. Still so far it’s kind of boring. I’m even running low on balloons,” Pinkie said with a sigh.

The other friends looked up to the ceiling and blinked at the sheer amount of balloons up there. They knew she was blowing up balloons and a lot of them at that, but seeing them actually there was something else. There had to be hundreds of them. Luckily the Council’s room had really high ceilings. Otherwise they would have to walk through a sea of balloons to get anywhere.

Twilight gave a small sigh no one else noticed. She shook her head and gave her friends a warm smile. “You girls can go ahead and do what you want. I appreciate you all being with me, but I understand you have other obligations. Mine is to sit here in this throne room until I at least figure something else out as Princess of Friendship.”

“Are you sure, Sugarcube? We don’t mind staying with you if you need us,” Applejack said as the others looked to Twilight seriously.

“Applejack’s right, Twilight. You’re our friend and we’re in this together,” Rarity added.

Twilight gave them all a smile again. “I understand and appreciate it, but I can’t expect you all to stop whatever else you might be doing at this time just to sit here in this throne room with me. If something comes up, I’ll find you all. Go ahead and feel free to go.”

“Yes!!!” Rainbow shouted as she hovered above her throne. Applejack gave her a half frown as the blue pegasus nervously chuckled. “I mean thanks. Like I said I like you girls and all, but I can’t just stay still for too long. You know how it is.”

Twilight gave a chuckle and the others followed. “I completely understand, Rainbow. I’m going to have to work something out. I can’t stand being too still for too long anymore either. I mean if I have a really good book then maybe, but still I like to read while I at least walk in a circle or something. Go on and have fun, everypony.”

The others stood up as well and stretched out before shaking the stiffness from their bodies. They all bid her farewell and left. Twilight stretched as well before sitting back down and sighing.

She didn't really feel lonely or anything like that, honestly she rarely if ever felt truly lonely anymore. With her friends gone though, it wasn't long until the thoughts that had been going on in her head returned. Something her friends had helped keep away being there with her.

She didn't share these thoughts with her friends though. She knew they would want to help and maybe even demand to help her in the other world if she decided to go there again. They probably wouldn't be as accepting of a “No” from her this time either.

Twilight let her purple eyes wander around the room when she suddenly noticed the book linked to Sunset's in the other world glow and vibrate. She didn't really notice the smile that grew on her muzzle, nor did she really notice the speed she used to get to the book. She just thought about how she was happy and a little excited to already hear from the others again.

She read the letter a few times and thought about her answer before writing back and sending her reply. With that finished, she now put some more serious thought into what she should do about the issue on her mind regarding the other world.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset let out a tired, but content sigh as she finally plopped down on her wonderful bed in her apartment. It took her some work to procure this place as her home, but it worked out in the end and she loved it. It was perfect after a long afternoon of fun.

After Sam’s Subs, Pinkie begged them to go play laser tag at a place called Fun Zone Plus. Sunset was a little unsure about this at first because she always thought it was something for little boys to do. She was surprised when they got there to see a much more diverse group of people waiting to play. There were still a couple more guys than girls after their group joined, but that was all.

She also never thought about how much fun she would end up having either. Fluttershy managed to actually ‘be assertive’ and only cower half of the time. Applejack and Rainbow Dash, as expected, got into a competition to see who could get the highest score. Pinkie Pie was all over the place and ended up in second overall.

Rarity wasn’t happy with the vest they had to wear, but when one little brat called her ugly she got angry and really got into the game and surprisingly got first overall. Sunset remembered the last moment of the final game.

----- Flashback -----

“Call me ugly will you?!” Rarity scoffed as she shot the kid ‘dead’ once again and he realized she was Dress Maker 27, the one who got him the most in all of the games. “You should never call a refined lady such as myself ‘Ugly’ you little brat. Unless you are ready to face the consequences!”

The kid just cowered in fear as he looked at her. No one else dared to interfere with what was happening. “I’m sorrryyy…. I’m sorryyyy ma’am… I won’t do it again. I swear!”

Rarity finally let up on the kid. She got him to his feet and dusted him off and said, “Good. Let that be a lesson to you.” She then gave him a couple of dollars and said in a kind voice, “Now go wash yourself up and have a soda on me and enjoy the rest of your day.” The kid took the money and walked away in a confused haze at what just happened.

“Remind me to never completely piss off Rarity again, Applejack.” Rainbow whispered to her farmer friend.

“Only if ya’ll do the same for me…” Applejack replied.

The others nodded in agreement quickly and smiled when Rarity turned to face them. The Fashionista then gave a sigh and said, “I might have gone a little overboard. Do you all think so?”

They all shook their heads and gave her a chorus of “No” and “Totally didn't”.

Rarity gave them a searching look at their responses until Sunset spoke up, “Hey why don’t we try bowling next?” Everyone then nodded in agreement as Applejack and Rainbow started going on about their next great competition.

Fortunately the rest of the afternoon didn't have an incident. However, Fluttershy turned out to be surprisingly good at bowling. She got several strikes during their games.

---- Flashback Ends ----

Sunset gave a smile as she further sunk into her bed and relaxed. Soon after she started to relax, she noticed her book glow and vibrate. The girl failed to notice her own excitement as she bounded over to where she kept the book and opened it to read what Twilight had to say.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

First off I just wanted to say how happy I was to hear again from you already. I was also excited you wanted to write to me for help with friendship matters. I may not have done the best last time I was over there, but that is because I let the pressure get to me.

Regardless, I would be more than willing to help when you want it. Plus having you write to me about friendship reminds me of how Princess Celestia had me do the same when I first moved to Ponyville.

As for Rainbow Dash, Pony Dash was the same, but she learned her lesson even if it took some time. Oddly enough most of the other girls are very similar to how my Ponyville friends were before we finally started learning about friendship together.

I hope you girls will write me a lot about the lessons you all learn when you can. It would be really interesting to see the problems and solutions the human world has compared to Equestria. It will also be interesting to see how everyone grows differently from their pony counterparts.

I really wish I had a chance to study all I could about the human world. However, time and my duties simply won’t allow that. Even if I’m not exactly sure what being the Princess of Friendship means here in Equestria… It still sometimes feels like merely a title I was given to keep me satisfied.

I’m glad to hear things are already going better for you, Sunset. You deserve it. I know you have been trying hard to make up for what happened in the past. There is also how you helped us save the whole school as well. We couldn't have done so without you.

As for you being new to the friendship thing, I think you have a better understanding of it than you give yourself credit for already. Still friendship is something that everyone keeps learning about even as time passes. I know my friends and I here are still learning about it ourselves at times.

Well it was great to hear from you, Sunset. I will write you again soon, but there is something I need to take care of over here first.

Your Friend,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Sunset smiled as she finished the letter. She wondered what it was that Twilight would be writing to her about soon. However for the moment she was going to take a nice nap in her warm bed.

{-} {-} {-}

Having read and replied to Sunset’s letter, Twilight made her decision on what to do. She was now going to tell Celestia and Luna about it. They would have to agree with her she was certain. She was the Princess of Friendship and there really wasn't any need for her in Equestria at the moment.

However, she was needed to help at least three girls in the human world. Twilight was going to make this a quest she did on her own. She was planning to try and get Sunset’s help if she could, but she wasn't going to mention that part of the plan to Celestia unless she really had to.

Twilight would also remind them the now ex-sirens were their responsibility if needed. They shouldn't have just left them to run free in a new world completely unchecked like they did, and she shouldn't have left without finding out what would happen to them.

“I just hope they can learn friendship and won’t try something that will cause even more problems.” Twilight sighed to herself as she got ready to meet Celestia and Luna. Part of the reason she wanted to help the ex-sirens find friendship was so they wouldn't try something that might cause problems in a search for power.

She had left Trixie alone and the pony found an amulet that corrupted her and caused Ponyville all kinds of problems. “We lucked out there in many ways. The main way being that she was focused on getting back at me mostly and not at taking over Equestria,” she thought to herself.

Discord was another example of what can happen without real friendship even in those reformed. They left him alone and treated him badly apart from Fluttershy and look what happened.

No, Twilight knew Equestria needed to start taking care of those they beat if they could. Friendship was powerful and could save ponies and people from really bad problems, but it took work.

The human world didn't have magic, but that doesn't mean the sirens might not try something to get their power back or search for another way to get into a different dimension anyways. This was something to be feared. It wouldn't be all that surprising if their actions somehow caused a new tear in the space time continuum.

Twilight also feared if they had just given up on everything they might do something drastic. She couldn't really live with that on her conscience without at least trying to help. “Besides if Discord deserved another chance. Don’t they?” the princess thought.

Then there was Sunset Shimmer in the other world as well. Twilight really wanted to see her again. She wanted to be there to spend some time with the reformed Sunset Shimmer without having to worry about saving the world from another evil in a short time frame. She had grown closer to Sunset last time and wanted to talk about so many things with her without the others around.

Twilight cared about all of her friends, but she wanted to care about them as individuals and not just as groups. She had spent a good bit of time with the other girls separately before she returned, but for some reason she could never get time with just Sunset Shimmer.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight approached the castle as several guards quickly snapped to attention. She blushed a little at the gesture, fortunately for her it didn't really show. “Can somepony tell me if Princesses Luna and Celestia are free to meet with me?” She asked as she stood in front of the gates.

A couple of the guard ponies looked at each other and nodded. A pegasus guard then spoke. “We can see for you, Princess Twilight. Do you wish to wait for them in the Princess Lounge?”

“Princess Lounge?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

The guard nodded. “Yes. Princess Luna said with so many princesses now we should have a special room where you can all meet undisturbed for social or business calls.”

Twilight hummed to this and smiled. “Sounds good. Do you mind leading the way?” The guard smiled at her. “Oh and tell Celestia and Luna this is a business call.” With that, two guards bowed and took off to search for the other princesses as Twilight was led to the lounge.

Author's Notes:

Well this is my first attempt at a sunlight fic as Twilight and Sunset go on their mission, but that is only going to be half of the story. The other half will be about Aria, Sonata, and Adagio and what their lives are like now and more.

Princess Meeting and Plans

Twilight looked around the lounge with a little bit of awe. The place was very comfy. It had a couple of tables, a bar, several pillows everywhere and even a few Princess sized couches. The walls were a mix of colors that gave off an early evening vibe which faded into a night sky on the ceiling.

It was a few minutes later that Luna and Celestia both came into the room. Luna looked a little tired like she had just been woken from a nap. Celestia looked a mix of concern, joy and relief oddly enough. “Guess she’s a little glad for a break from court hours,” Twilight thought to herself.

As the other two settled, Celestia spoke first with a smile. “What is the problem my dear Princess of Friendship?”

Twilight blushed a little at hearing Celestia say her title. The white Alicorn chuckled at this. Twilight soon regained her composure and gave them a solemn face.

Celestia stopped her chuckling and Luna seemed to wake up a little more. “Is there something wrong, Friend Twilight?” Luna asked.

“Yes, there is actually,” Twilight said as she cleared her throat. “You two both saw my report on the Sirens, correct?”

“Yes. It was good to see you and your friends were able to take care of them. Was there something else you didn’t explain in your report?” Celestia asked kindly.

“No. I was thorough with it. However, after the report I started thinking about the whole situation and some other things.” Twilight paused here for a second to think how best to approach the topic.

“I am guessing this is why your sleep has been uneasy of late? I am sorry, but I have seen fragments of your dreams. They are really powerful coming from a fellow Alicorn and sometimes bleed through into my own rest,” Luna said with a frown.

Twilight frowned hearing that. “I’m sorry to have disturbed you, Luna. Is there anything I can do to make sure this doesn’t happen again?”

“There is nothing to be sorry for. It is just how it is. Even Tia’s dreams sometimes do as well,” Luna said as she gave her sister a stern look.

Celestia blushed before clearing her own throat and getting back to the subject. “So, Twilight... What's been on your mind because of this mission?”

“The Dazzlings. And also the implications they represent,” Twilight said as she looked each princess in the eyes.

“First of all. I want to know if there are any other villains and dangers we have warped over to that world that you can think of,” Twilight said in a manner that left no room for argument.

“I’m not fully sure, Twilight. If you want, we can have a team look into the matter in the royal archives,” Princess Celestia replied.

“I think we need a fairly good sized team for that, dear sister,” Luna said. She wanted to emphasize this was actually important. Celestia didn’t always take requests and warnings from others as serious as she should. The older sister placed too much faith in her foresight, limited as it was.

“Good. I hope so. I don’t like the thought of my home just shipping all of her problems to other worlds,” Twilight said as she nodded in agreement with Luna.

“I’ll come up with a group and you two can tell me if you think its substantial enough. I'll even make sure they have full access to all of the archives,” Celestia said.

“Better just ask Luna for now,” Twilight said as the other two Alicorns looked to her in confusion.

“I also wish to tell you two I feel I need to return to the human world,” Twilight sighed as she hung her head a little. “I messed up as the Princess of Friendship over there and want to fulfill my duties.”

“How so?” Luna asked with a thoughtful frown.

“I just left the Dazzlings alone after everything. I was too focused on getting back here. Now however, I realized I should have sought them out and at least tried to speak to them,” Twilight replied as she looked down again.

“Why do you want to speak with them? They were pretty bad even here,” Celestia said. She had a feeling, but felt Twilight needed to say it out loud.

“I didn't even offer them a second chance. When Sunset’s plans fell apart, I forgave her for taking my element and even gave her five friends. I didn't do that with the Dazzlings. I don’t know if they feel sorry for what they did or anything. I just know they were completely shocked and ran off after everything happened. I need to find out about them now,” Twilight answered.

“You know you might not be able to track them down now, right?” Luna said. She wasn't opposed to letting their young princess do what she felt was right, but she felt her friend might need to have a little bit of a reality check.

“I know this, but I have to go back and at least try. They deserve another chance. If Discord did. Then I don’t see why they wouldn't,” Twilight said as she started to pace a little.

Luna and Celestia looked to each other without Twilight noticing and nodded. Celestia spoke up. “Do you have a plan for going between the two worlds? It sounds like you don’t know how long this might take.”

“I do. Also, if I’m needed back here because some other ancient evil returns, I can get back with little problem,” Twilight answered back causally to the surprise of both Luna and Celestia. They were a little shocked she thought ancient evils returning was just typical of life in Equestria.

Celestia wanted to know more about this plan for going between the worlds, but she decided to trust Twilight on this one. Twilight had more than earned her trust many times over. “Then I see no problem with this,” Celestia replied.

“I don’t either, Twilight. Is there anything else you require of us?” Princess Luna asked.

“Nope. I just wanted to let you two know. I just need to make a few more arrangements, but it won’t take long,” Twilight answered. She then walked around the table and gave each princess a hug in thanks.

As she hugged Luna, she asked quietly. “Princess Luna, can you stay a little longer? I wanted to talk to about something in private.” Luna gave a smile and nodded. The Princess of the Night had a feeling what it might be as did Celestia who overheard the question. The sun princess just gave a chuckle and left.

Once the two were alone, Luna turned around to see a serious looking Twilight. “I asked you stay back for a couple of reasons.”

“I figured as much,” Luna replied easily.

“Are you sure there isn't anything I can do to make sure my dreams don’t bother you?” Twilight asked.

Luna gave her a soft smile. “You can’t really. Like I said even Celestia after all these years still can’t help it. It is just a part of my domain. You can try to go to bed with a clear mind. That will at least help a little.”

Twilight gave her a searching look before nodding. Luna then asked, “Is there anything else you wish of me, Friend Twilight?”

“Yes, actually there is,” Twilight said as she straightened up. Luna looked to her curiously. “I wanted to ask you to look after the book for me while I’m off on this mission. I don’t want to just leave the portal open like I did last time.”

She gave a sigh. “I barely noticed as the other Pinkie Pie looked through it for a split second. If it was anyone else it might have been really bad. I fear others might get curious or accidentally stumble across it. Honestly, I think we've lucked out it hasn't been a problem in the past.”

“I share your concerns. In the past few years, Celestia left it alone pretty much hoping Sunset would return remorsefully. Now it is in your care, so the fate of the portal is for you to decide.” Luna answered.

“I guess that’s something I’ll think about once I return from my mission,” Twilight said.

“Good to hear. Now if you don’t mind me asking, why do you wish for me to be in charge of the book and not one of your friends in Ponyville or my sister?” The night princess asked.

“My friends have enough to worry about on a normal day to day basis and I don’t really think they would be able to keep it as safe and ready to find as you might. As for Celestia…" Twilight sighed. "I know she misses Sunset a lot. I fear she might be tempted to use the book to talk to Sunset.”

Luna gave a slow nod. She wasn't sure why this would be a bad thing, but she figured Twilight had more to say.

“I do want the two of them to talk again, but I don’t want it to happen before Sunset is ready. I fear Celestia might accidentally or purposefully force their needed talk. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I did notice how panicked Celestia was when she asked if Sunset was okay after my first trip,” Twilight added.

The purple pony princess at the time was a little hurt by that actually. It was because she had just been through all of that and Celestia’s first words after she returned were “Is Sunset okay? How is she?” Twilight eventually got over it and told herself the seeming lack of concern for her was due to Celestia’s belief in her.

Princess Luna gave her friend and fellow princess a smile and a nod. “I'll do as you ask. I do wish to see the portal before you go though. That way if you are needed or when you return I will be able to act quickly.”

Princess Twilight gave a big smile and hugged Luna tightly as she said, “Thank you so much, Luna. This means a lot to me. I’ll owe you after this.”

Luna chuckled as she replied, “I’m not so sure about that. I still owe you much for all you and the others have done for me.” Luna then gave a bit of a mischievous grin as she added, “But I’ll take your IOU for the future, regardless.”

Twilight gave a nervous laugh. “Well I can’t really take it back now, can I?” Luna shook her head playfully in answer. “Anyways. Thanks again, Luna. I really don’t want more ponies to know about the details dealing with this mission than necessary.”

Twilight gave Luna a smile. “Well I need to go and get other things taken care of. I’ll have Spike send you a letter once I’m ready to show you the portal. Then we can set up the actual crossing through the portal parts of the mission.”

Luna gave a nod and a smile. “I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor, Friend Twilight.” The two princesses exchanged one last hug before going their separate ways.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight gave a sigh as she figured how to approach her friends with the news of her trip. “I’ll just have to tell them that it’s a subtle mission or something. I know they’ll want to come. I won’t be able to keep them completely in the dark.

“Is something on your mind, Twilight?” Spike asked as he entered her room. He heard her pacing again. The castle was really echoy at times.

“Oh. Sorry, Spike. I didn't mean to bother you. I was just thinking about this mission I have to go to the other side of the mirror for,” Twilight answered as she sat down on a pillow.

“You have to go back again already?” Spike asked. Twilight nodded. “But we haven’t even been back that long at all.”

“I know but there is something I have to do over there. Besides I’m not going this instant. I have to set some things up over here first before I can go back,” Twilight said trying to reassure him she wasn't leaving right away. “One of those things is what to do about you…” she thought to herself.

Twilight knew Spike would be torn between being there to help her out again and staying in Equestria with the others. If they hadn't been to the other side recently he would want to come no matter what.

The only option I can come up with is to let him stay with Rarity if she doesn't mind. Maybe if needed, he can spend some time with each of them. I’m sure he wouldn't mind staying with the Apples or the others some,” Twilight thought to herself.

Before she could really get too far ahead with her plans, she had to figure a few other things out as well. She did have some time, but she didn't want to take too long.

{-} {-} {-}

A couple of days later the Princess of Friendship sighed as she stood in front of the Carousel Boutique. She was hoping Rarity would agree to at least help watch over Spike and not ask too many questions. She didn't want to really go into too much detail about why she was doing this and some of her other thoughts.

Twilight thought it might make her friends a little nervous to hear she thought there might be other ancient threats out there waiting. It would be even worse if they knew she felt a little ashamed of her own country for just shipping their problems away and not even making sure they were really dealt with correctly.

Twilight feared they would get to the point where her friends would force her to let them come with her. She really didn't know how that would affect either of the worlds. Also she didn't want her pony friends influencing how their human counterparts grew. Plus Twilight really didn't like the idea of dealing with two of each of her friends in the same place at the same time, especially more than one Pinkie Pie again.

Twilight took in another deep breath and entered the shop/home of her fashion friend. “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique and magnifique!” Rarity’s voice sang from the back room cheerfully.

The fashionable unicorn entered the main floor of her store and gave a smile. “Oh Twilight, Darling! It is so good to see you this morning. How may I help you?” Rarity reached over to give Twilight a hug.

Twilight met Rarity in the hug and smiled. “I actually wished to talk to you about something. Do you have a minute?”

“Of course I always do for one of my best friends. Do you want something to drink?” Rarity asked as she led Twilight to the kitchen.

“No thank you,” Twilight said as she sat down at the table while Rarity helped her herself to a juice of some kind and sat opposite her.

“So what is it you wish to ask of me?” Rarity asked as she took a sip of her juice.

“Well I have to go on a trip and I was wondering if you could watch Spike while I’m gone,” Twilight said deciding not to beat around the bush much.

“You have to leave to go somewhere again already?” Rarity asked with a small frown. Twilight gave a solemn nod. “How long are you going to be gone? Where are you going and what are you doing?”

Twilight took in a breath before answering, “I have to go on a mission of sorts as the Princess of Friendship. I can’t really take anyone else with me. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone. So if you don’t think you can watch Spike the whole time, I’ll ask the others to help as well. I hate to say this, but I can’t really go into much of any detail about what and where I’m going.”

Rarity gave a pout and sighed. “I’ll try to watch him for you. I love the little guy, but I don’t know if I can really watch him the whole time when I don’t even know how long it will be. Is there any way we will be able to get in touch with you at least?”

“Yes there is a way. Princess Luna, not Celestia, but Luna will be able to get in touch with me during this mission. I may not be able to respond right away unless its an actual emergency, but I will receive any messages sent to her. Spike can send Luna letters as well. You just have to tell him you want the letter sent to Princess Luna,” Twilight answered.

The pony princess then gave a sorrowful sigh as she continued, “I wish I could tell you how long it will take. But I’m not sure yet. I would tell you more, but this mission is kind of very secret and you girls have enough to do right now anyways.”

Rarity gave a thoughtful frown as she asked, “I’ll look after him, but I would appreciate it if you at least got the others to agree to help if needed.”

Twilight gave a relieved smile and hugged Rarity in thanks. “Thank you so much, Rarity! I knew I could count on you.”

“If you knew this than why haven’t you told me more about what you're doing? I really don’t like being left out of the loop on important matters,” Rarity said with a frown.

Twilight looked to the ground. “I just can’t tell you because it’s very secret. If there was a reason to tell you and the others I would.” Twilight felt a little guilty keeping this from them, but she didn't want to bother them with something she got herself into like this.

Rarity nodded slowly, “I know that… I just wish you would tell me more about what is going on lately. We all wish you would. We’re concerned. You’ve been a little down and out of it ever since you returned from that mirror world you won’t let us go see.”

Twilight gave a sigh, “I’ve already told you girls why we can’t all go through the mirror. It’s enough of a risk when I go through the mirror with Spike. I’ve only gone through twice and only because I absolutely needed to go through it. Hay… even Celestia refuses to go through it, and she’s been around for over a thousand years.”

Rarity gave a defeated sigh, “I know… I just don’t like it… Regardless, I agree to watch over Spike. Have you told him yet?”

Twilight shifted a little uncomfortably, “I’ve told him I’m going on a mission. I haven’t told him he isn’t coming. I wanted to get everything worked out first. Again. Thank you for agreeing to this selfish request of mine, Rarity.”

The white unicorn gave a smile, “Don’t mention it, Twilight. I’m always glad to help a friend. Is there anything else you need?”

Twilight shook her head, “Nope that's all I needed. I’ll let you get back to work and I’ll go talk to the others.” The two friends gave each other one last hug as Rarity led Twilight out the door.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight gave a sigh as she finally finished meeting with all of her friends. Rainbow Dash was the only one who couldn't watch over Spike for a few days if needed. This was because her cloud home was too dangerous for all non-pegasus powered ponies and non-flying dragons. Instead, the rainbow maned flyer said she would help watch Spike with any of the others at their place if they needed it.

The Princess of Friendship was not looking forward to the conversation she was about to have with the purple dragon. She hoped it would go well, but she wasn't counting on it. Still despite everything she was once again reminded of how wonderful her friends were. They didn't try to pry too much into her mission once they realized she was staying tight lipped on it.

The pony princess shook her head and composed herself. “Might as well get this over with…” she said with a sigh. “Spike!” She called aloud so he could hear her. It was sometimes difficult having a palace without any helpers or anything like that.

“Yah? Twilight?” Spike called from not too far away.

“I need to talk to you about something. Meet me in the living room area,” Twilight replied to him.

It took them a few minutes to get together in the living room, but they now were. “I’m not in trouble or anything am I?” Spike asked with a worried frown.

Twilight was tempted to ask him why he thought that, but decided against it. This was no time for parental/sibling tactics for getting a confession to something. “No, Spike. You aren't.”

Spike gave a sigh of relief and sat on a chair. “I’ve told you about the mission I have to take right?”

“Yes. To the other side of the mirror again.” He stood up quickly and asked, “Are we going already? I haven’t even put a thought to packing.” He was about to run off, but soon found himself encased in a purple bubble until he calmed down.

“No. I’m not leaving yet,” Twilight said adding emphasis hoping he would understand.

Spike gave her a raised eyebrow. Twilight sighed yet again, it was something she had been doing a lot today. “Spike. When I leave for the mission, you aren't coming with me this time.”

“But…,” Spike started only to be silenced by a purple hoof.

“I’m not sure how long it will take. Also I’ll need to be more careful this time. Unfortunately that means I can’t have you in your dog form following me through this time,” Twilight said evenly as she looked into his eyes.

“What will I do while you’re gone then?” he asked.

“I’ve already talked to the others. You'll be staying with Rarity for as long as she can have you or until my mission is complete, whichever comes first. The others will take turns watching over you as well while I’m gone if needed.” Twilight said as she reached out and gave Spike a wing hug.

“I guess that will work…” Spike said unsure with a half frown. Even the prospect of being with Rarity wasn't taking his mind off of Twilight going on this mission without him.

Spike gave a sniff. “I didn't do anything to make you angry, did I? I’m sorry if I only caused you stress problems last time we went through…”

Twilight hugged him tighter as she said softly, “That isn't it at all, Spike. You did kind of get on my nerves last time a little, but you were a big help in the end when we needed it the most.”

Spike seemed to calm down a little hearing that. Twilight continued, “I just can’t take you with me this time. I’ll still be in contact with you all in some manner. If you really need to say something to me, just speak to Luna. She’ll be able to get in contact with me.”

“You remember how you send letters to her, right?” Twilight asked as she looked him in the eyes.

“Of course I do! I’m your number one assistant remember,” Spike answered with pride in his voice.

“Which is also part of the reason I need you here. If you can find the time, I would like for you to help keep an eye on things going on here while I’m on the mission. Also I need you to promise not to tell anyone about my mission being in the mirror world. I don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to that. Do you understand number one assistant?” Twilight asked with a stern face.

“I got ya, Twilight. I won’t even talk about it with the others. Not unless I really have to tell them and you tell me to tell them.” Spike replied with a grin and a bit of that pride he always had when being called Twilight’s number one assistant.

“Good. I knew I could count on you, Spike. Being able to keep secrets will be important since I’m a princess now. Hopefully very few, if any others, will have to be kept from the girls after this,” Twilight finished with a yawn.

“I think I’m going straight to bed after dinner tonight,” Twilight said as she made her way towards the kitchen to make something for them to eat.

{-} {-} {-}

When waking up the day after her talk with Spike, Twilight was surprised to see a packet to her from Celestia with a letter on top. Twilight wasted no time at all reading the letter. It was short and to the point.

Dear Twilight,

Attached is a list of recommended ponies for the search of the archives. I have also included in the packet the plan for this under taking. I will admit I thought little of it at first, but my sister made sure to remind me that my foresight isn’t exactly 20/20. She has already approved it and said, you should look over it before going on to your mission.

Sincerely yours,


Twilight looked over the packet and was surprised how expansive the operation had become so quickly. There were going to be five teams of four with ponies of all kinds working on it. Each group had a team leader who reported to the Earth Pony overseeing the whole operation.

The lead pony was even going to have the unicorns use a slower version of the reading spell on the books. Usually this spell was used to skim through the book looking for particular details the unicorn had in mind. This modified version of the spell would allow them to read through a little faster than normal, but they wouldn't accidentally overlook anything while they did so.

Once Twilight gave her approval of the plan with a few minor additions, she sent it back. She had a couple more minor things to take care of and in about two days she would return through the mirror. “Now I just need to get in contact with Sunset Shimmer and everything should be set once I finish here,” she thought as she started to write the letter to Sunset in the journal.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I am going to be coming back through the mirror soon again. I’m really excited to get to see you again and hopefully actually catch up some. However, I would really appreciate it if you kept this visit between just the two of us. I do not want to meet with the others anytime soon. I wish I could say more, but its something I feel can only be said in person.

Please keep this visit of mine a secret. I will tell you everything once I cross over. I'll send another letter much closer to my actual departure time.

Yours truly,

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight hated to ask Sunset to keep something from her other friends, but she needed to do this without them getting involved. Twilight really hoped Sunset would accept her request for help when she spoke to her in person. She would visit the others before she returned back to Equestria if she could, but they shouldn't get involved in this matter. “At least not soon…

Twilight gave a sigh as she closed the journal and got ready for the rest of her day. The next couple of days might be difficult, but she could handle it. She had to set everything up before she left on her mission. At the same time, she was really excited about getting to see Sunset again and hopefully in a more personal setting.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset read over the letter from Twilight again. She didn’t know what to make of this. “Twilight’s coming back? She only wants to see me?!” The thought caused her heart to thump louder in her chest. She knew what her heart’s reaction meant and she was mostly okay with it.

The girl started to pace in her apartment as she thought over the letter again. It was still an odd letter. Even if Twilight wanted to meet her only, Sunset wasn't sure about this secrecy.

Still it brought a smile to her face as she knew Twilight wanted to see her. She would finally be able to actually talk to the girl who gave her everything intimately. Sunset had feelings for Twilight and knew they were growing stronger. Some might even call it love. The fiery haired girl wouldn't mind calling it that either.

However, she wasn't sure if Twilight would or could even feel the same way. There was also the problem that she had been thinking about lately. “Are these feelings of love actually, that? Or do I feel I have to love her after everything she did for me?” these questions had been in her brain since shortly after Twilight left.

She really hoped it was the beginnings of love and not something she was forcing on herself as a way to make it all up to Twilight. Sunset gave a sigh as she sat in a chair to nurse a glass of juice. Another thing that was on her mind was, “Why do I still feel a little lonely even with such great friends?

Sunset wasn't sure why she still felt lonely at times. She cared for her friends and was very thankful to have them, but even if they were close there was just a large part of her life they could never really understand or relate to. She knew they were now a huge part of her life, but even if they were close. “Friends in the human world aren't as close to each other as they are in Equestria,” she said to herself after taking a sip.

Maybe I just miss Equestria too much and see Twilight as Equestria,” Sunset thought. She knew this didn't rightly represent all of her feelings, if it made up any part of her feelings at all, but it was still part of why she was so unsure about what to do. She wanted whatever she had with Twilight to be something on its own and not because of some strange sense of nostalgia.

Her medium blue eyes narrowed slightly. “Or worse yet… caused by some twisted form of hidden jealousy…” It was a very nasty thought, but it had crossed her mind a couple of times before. Even though things were really good with her friends now, she still at times felt like a replacement for Twilight. Like the others somehow had to be friends with a pony from Equestria and since Twilight wasn't around Sunset would have to do.

She had feared a couple of times she only wanted to be closer to Twilight and love her more than the others as a way of saying “Take that!” to them. She feared it was a way to show them up by being the one closest to Twilight that some deep hidden remnant of her past was using to get back at them.

Sunset closed her eyes and shook her head. It was a stupid thought. She stretched and gave a sigh, “Maybe I need to find a hobby of some kind and get my mind off such thoughts…”

That was the worst part of it. These thoughts had mostly just happened when she was alone in her apartment. When she was around the others such thoughts were nowhere to be found usually. She felt included and everything she could ever have wanted in friendship. Even with the rough patches, she savored what she had.

The cell phone on the kitchen counter by her bag started to ring. Sunset got up and answered it.

“Hello Sunset!” Pinkie’s voice shouted from the other end.

Sunset winced and held the phone a little away from her ear. “I thought I finally trained myself to always look to see who it was before answering,” She thought as she shook her head and smiled.

“Hey, Pinkie. What’s up?” She answered brightly.

“We wanted to know if you were up for coming out tonight,” Pinkie replied cheerfully, but at a more reasonable volume.

“Ummm… You do remember it’s a school night right?” Sunset asked with a frown. It was typical Pinkie to get so caught up in planning fun with friends to forget the day of the week sometimes.

“Well yeah! It was taco day at lunch today. Still why not come hang out at our favorite sweet shop anyways? It isn’t like we have to stay up really late… That would be kind of fun though. We could totally have a contest to see who can stay up the latest on a school night and do the best tomorrow in classes! That would be so fun! We could have a slumber party and…” Pinkie’s voice was cut off and Sunset could over hear the other voice.

“Pinkie… No… Not on a school night. Besides I need my beauty sleep.” It was Rarity.

“Okay… Fine… Be that way… It still would have been fun…” Pinkie replied. Sunset gave a chuckle as she just imagined Pinkie giving a pout and then give a great big smile as she continued speaking. “Annnnywhoooo! You should totally come, Sunset. Rarity’s already here and the others are on their way! Come on! Please?!”

Sunset shook her head and gave another chuckle. “Okay I’ll be there soon. See you in a bit.”

“Yeah! You're coming! See you soon.” Pinkie replied before hanging up.

Sunset’s smile dropped a little as she wondered, “Why is it I still seem to always be the last one invited?” She shook her head once more and got ready to go.

It did sting a little sometimes she was always last it seemed, but she ignored the matter. Knowing Pinkie it could be something as simple as she contacted all of her friends in Alphabetical order or something because it was easier and more fun to her somehow. Besides she was going to see her friends, it didn't really matter if she was last every time... mostly.

{-} {-} {-}

Luna looked over the jury-rigged on demand mirror portal with a sense of awe. “So all I need to do for it to work is place the book at the top with my magic and the portal activates in a matter of seconds?”

“Yep,” Twilight responded simply while she looked through her bag one last time to check she had everything she needed. She remembered when she asked Sunset how she managed to get by in the human world before she last returned.

------- Flashback starts -------

“So… Sunset…” Twilight asked a little embarrassed the question she was about to ask might be prying a little too much.

“Yes, Twilight?” Sunset asked in a contented manner. Twilight thought this manner really suited Sunset. It made Sunset seem friendly but still cool in a way.

“I was just wondering… How did you manage here on your own? I mean with living expenses and such,” Twilight asked.

Sunset looked around to see they were still alone, which was something rare. None of the others were there to see Twilight off yet. The fiery haired girl blushed a little shamefully before she answered. “I kind of was planning on sneaking away to this world eventually, even if Celestia didn't let me. I kind of packed some bits and gems just in case.”

Twilight looked at her questioningly and was going to ask for more detail, but soon they heard the others approach as Pinkie shouted to them. Sunset regained her composure, which Twilight thought was a shame. She thought Sunset looked nice when she blushed. “Anyways let’s say the exchange rate was very much in my favor. Getting an ID and a home was more trouble, but I won’t go into that.”

Sunset waved to Pinkie as they approached and whispered to Twilight, “Please don’t tell the others. It was my own money and I really don’t want them knowing too much about it. Money can sometimes be a touchy issue here, even with really good friends.”

Twilight nodded to Sunset before she waved as well.

----- Flashback ends -----

“This really is amazing, Twilight. How did you come up with such a plan?” Princess Luna asked as she looked over the mirror contraption closer.

“Actually Pinkie gave me the idea,” Twilight answered. Luna looked to her and raised an eyebrow. “She asked why it was the book worked. That got me thinking and then I found a way to use the magic of the book to open the portal. The equipment around the mirror kind of acts as an amplifier of the latent magic in the book connected to Sunset’s on the other side.”

Luna gave a smile of understanding. “That really is a wonderful solution, Twilight. No wonder your special talent is magic. You were able to figure out something so complex and make it look simple.”

Twilight blushed at the praise a little, “It isn’t that big of a deal.”

Luna shook her head and spoke, “You found a way to make an inter-dimensional portal device which relies on the moon cycles to open and made it on demand. It doesn't matter that you had the tools to do such a thing already in a way. I have faith you would have figured this out sooner or later on your own, so you could visit your other friends.”

Twilight thought about that for a bit and nodded to herself. Luna then gave a smile as she said, “Celestia has had this mirror for many years. Startswirl even studied it for a period of time. Neither of them figured this out. Yet you did just because of a magic book and a comment from one of your friends.”

Twilight blushed deeper and was about to rebuke Luna’s high praise, but the Princess of the Night cut her off.

“You really do sell yourself short far too often, Twilight Sparkle. I’m not saying you should be overly proud, but realize that you are an Alicorn, the bearer of the Element of Magic and Starswirl, as amazing as he was, never wielded the elements of harmony nor did he ascend and last but not least. He never faced the kind of ancient evils you so causally dismiss as normal to face during his life time.”

“But he banished the sirens to the human world!” Twilight argued.

Luna shook her head. “A banishment spell of that level isn’t really hard to cast, Twilight. He also had surprise on his side. I figured you of all ponies would know how big of an advantage that is. The sirens didn’t see him as a threat so he could cast the spell without them knowing what hit them until it was too late.”

"What about Tirek?" Twilight asked still not willing to let it go.

"That was Scorpan who helped with that. Not Starswirl. The two were kind of friends, but nothing compared to you and the others. Starswirl did a great many things, Twilight. However, he is often romanticized and his tales have been exaggerated over the years. No doubt in the future Twilight and her friends will be seen as the biggest heroes and some of the most important ponies of Equestria."

Twilight blushed deeper and would have argued more, but instead shook her head and focused on the mirror. She could think on this stuff later. She needed to go and work with the Sirens. “It’s time I leave. I sent Sunset the letter a couple of days ago with the time I would arrive.”

Luna nodded with a serious face and placed the book where it goes on the contraption. Seconds later the portal burst to life. Twilight gave her a hug in thanks and they bid each other goodbye. Twilight then walked through the portal and disappeared before Luna’s eyes.

“Good Luck, Friend Twilight… Good luck in all things in your life,” Luna said as she took the book back. She squinted at the book and felt there was less magic in it than there was before. She concentrated as her horn glowed and gave the book more power until it was back to how it was before. “Seems like your method isn’t perfect after all,” she said with a smile.

Still it’s something that can easily be taken care of by any Alicorn. Regardless, no one else would have figured this all out, Twilight.” The dark Alicorn returned to her own castle and started thinking up creative ways to cash in on Twilight’s IOU. It would be a waste not to use such a gift properly from a very remarkable pony after all.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset woke up not really feeling very rested at all. She gave a sigh and stretched as she looked in her journal again at the last filled in page. After she returned from the Sweet shop with the others that night, she saw the vibrating book on its shelf by her bed.

The last page had only a simple message. It wasn’t even properly addressed. However, she knew Twilight's script well enough and the message had filled her with excitement.

I’ll come Friday afternoon once school's out. See you then and alone Sunset.

Not so Dazzling Anymore

In a part of Canterlot City usually traveled evenings and nights, there is a decent sized restaurant called Johnston’s Bar and Grill. It wasn't super popular, but it wasn't hated either. It was a good place to eat and such but a little bit out of the way.

It was the perfect “hideout” for a trio of girls who recently found their selves completely at a loss on what to do with their lives. No one here knew what they had done and it was far enough away that the chance of running into anyone from Canterlot High was really low. They could figure out what to do with their lives now in relative peace.

“Order up! Table 3.” called a rather upbeat cheerful voice from a girl with long light blue hair with darker blue streaks gathered into a ponytail. She had a bright smile and wore a small white hat on her head.

“Got it,” said a girl in a rather defeated voice. She walked up and picked up the tray to take to the table.

“Oh come on cheer up, Dagio! It isn't that bad here,” said the cheerful voice from before.

The other girl, Adagio Dazzle, had large light orange curly hair with yellow streaks in it. She was not really happy at the moment. “Sonata… We were so close to everything we wanted until it was ripped away from us by the Rainbooms… We have never had to… work before… How can you be so cheerful about our situation?”

“It isn't like we have any other options anyways. So we might as well try to enjoy it for realsies. Besides, things are much better for us now than they were after that night,” Sonata answered in a less cheerful manner. She wasn't exactly thrilled with how things turned out, but she knew it could have been far worse. Plus she was kind of enjoying the change of scenery and what they were doing. Sure it was harder than before, but it wasn't that bad and she sometimes felt an amount of fulfillment after a day's work.

Adagio just gave a sigh and turned around with the tray of food in her hands. Fortunately they had been around a long time, despite their appearances, and they knew how to do some things at least, working in a restaurant was one of them. Adagio put on a convincing smile as she gave the table their food and asked if they needed anything else.

When they told her “No” she made her rounds to the tables again. One lady asked for a refill on her Pink Lady Cocktail. Adagio made her way over to the bar. It was still early in the evening so there weren't many people sitting around the bar yet.

“Aria, Another Pink Lady for the woman at table 7 in blue,” she said in a disapproving tone.

“That’s her third one in little over an hour,” said a bored voice from behind the bar. A girl who appeared to be 18 years old with purple and aquamarine streaked hair tied in side tails started getting the ingredients together.

“Order up! Table 10,” called Sonata again in her once more cheerful voice. One of the other servers went to get the food.

“I still don’t see how she can be that upbeat despite everything usually,” Adagio said.

“What did you expect? She’s Sonata,” answered Aria in a bored tone as she poured the drink ingredients into the shaker and started shaking it.

The bored bar tender wasn't about to admit it, but honestly she felt if it wasn't for Sonata’s attitude they would probably be in an even worse position. The Three girls never really seemed friendly towards the others, but they always stuck together. Neither of them would say it, but each felt something reassuring about being with the others after all of these years and what happened that night. Even if they complained and called each other idiots or fought, they were always together and still were. They had no magic anymore, but they knew no one else would ever be able to relate to them in any way after all the years they've lived through. The girls didn't want to be completely alone in this world.

They were all scared even though they didn't let it show. They had never been without their magic. Adagio counted them all lucky really. They thought without their pendants and source of energy they would slowly starve to death.

However, it seems whatever that rainbow beam did to them they were still alive and could still survive. They had to actually eat now like normal girls their apparent age did. In the past, eating actual food was something they sometimes did to enjoy a certain type of food. Sonata ate often because she really loved food. They were never actually hungry for food before.

Now though, they got hungry for actual food if they didn't eat regularly. “Surprisingly… We have felt more satisfied after a meal lately than we had most of our years here,” Adagio thought to herself.

It was no secret they had fed off energy from people arguing with each other and while it was easy to get these humans to fight with one another in small places. It was as Aria had said, “Fast food and not a real meal.”

Still…,” the orange haired girl thought as she placed the drink in front of the lady in blue. “It feels as if something is missing inside now… as if a part of us is empty.” They didn't have their power anymore, but that wasn't what seemed to be missing in them, despite their original thoughts on that being exactly what was missing.

Adagio just gave a sigh in the back room as she took a quick break. She kind of wished she was working the bar right now instead of waiting tables. All three of them had Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) licenses and took turns as needed. The license was required for them to work here in the first place.

They actually all took turns on cooking, bartending, or waiting tables. They already had a couple of times where all three did the same thing for the night, which was rare. This setup was just the case for their little group though. The rest of the staff stuck to one job alone.

The trio of girls pooled their earnings together for rent and groceries, which was something they never had to worry about before. The truth was they had a pretty good thing going here. They weren't living a life of luxury, but they weren't in any money trouble either now. It probably helped when Sonata waited tables she usually got very good tips because of her personality.

Adagio’s break ended and she went back to work. She placed any other thoughts on what happened in the back of her mind. She had to make sure she did a good job, even if she wasn't exactly happy with it. "Still it could have been a lot worse," she thought as she gave a small smile.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset Shimmer sighed as she paced back and forth in front of the mirror portal. She had mixed feelings about what was going on here. She was happy Twilight was returning again already, but she wondered why the Alicorn Princess wanted to meet with her alone. She figured the whole group would be invited for this, but that wasn't the case apparently.

Sunset was a little excited about this, but perplexed. The message even said not to mention it to the others at all. The only explanation given was Twilight would give more details once she came through the portal.

At first, Sunset wanted to hear the details of this meeting really quickly after the first message, but it had taken longer than she thought. Sunset was a little concerned something was happening to the link or that maybe Twilight had changed her mind. When the answer came the fiery haired girl reminded herself that Twilight was an Alicorn Princess now and so she was probably really busy.

“I really should count myself lucky she even writes to me some period,” Sunset sighed to herself as she sat down next to the portal entrance again. She shook her head to clear her thoughts.

She really was excited that Twilight was actually coming over to visit. Sunset soon gave a smile as she decided she would try to make sure they got to actually spend some time together no matter what it was Twilight was coming over to do.

Soon she heard the portal open next to her. Sunset quickly stood up and moved away from it. Twilight didn’t really have a good record for smooth portal landings. This time however the pony princess seemed to have a better grasp on inter-dimensional travel.

Twilight actually walked out of the portal instead of flying out this time. Sunset couldn't help but take in the sight. It was something to see. Twilight walked out surrounded by magenta light with her eyes closed.

The Equestrian princess was standing tall, beautiful and regal actually. Twilight then opened her eyes and blinked a few times. She had a bright smile as she stepped forward and gave Sunset a tight hug.

Sunset was a little surprised but happy. It was a much better greeting than last time. She returned the hug easily and they actually held it for a bit longer than normal. Sunset without noticing took in the other girl’s scent. It was very pleasant.

Twilight broke off the hug and said with a smile, “It’s so good to see you again, Sunset. I’m really glad you agreed to meet with me alone.”

Sunset smiled in return and looked around. She noticed a certain talking dog wasn't present this time. “It was nothing, Twilight. I was glad to get to see you again and that you seemed to want my help. But why the secrecy? Where's Spike? You did say you would explain things better once you arrived.”

Twilight nodded and heard the school bell ring from nearby. Twilight’s eyes widened as she spoke. “Not here. Is there somewhere we can talk alone and the others won’t stumble upon us?”

Sunset gave a puzzled look for a second, but soon nodded. “Yeah, follow me. Do you want to get something to eat or drink maybe?”

“That sounds good. I have a lot to talk to you about. Plus I really do want to properly catch up with you, Sunset,” Twilight said with a warm smile.

Why does she have to look so cute naturally?” Sunset thought as she led the way to her car. “So Twilight, you do remember what a car is right?”

“Yeah I remember seeing a lot of them here. The others and I even rented what Rarity called a limousine for the Fall Formal.” Twilight answered her.

“Good. I know we took one to the Apple Family farm during the battle of the bands, but you were kind of absorbed in you notebook.” Sunset said as she gave a smile and continued. “You definitely seem like the type who doesn't notice other things when you’re really focused.”

Twilight looked down and blushed to Sunset’s words as she gave a nervous giggle, “Well… We did sort of have a big problem at the time.” Twilight tried to weakly excuse her obliviousness to her surroundings.

Sunset gave a little laugh as she thought, “Yep… She really is naturally cute. No wonder people seem to like her so easily.

“Well we’re going to take mine. I know a place we can go where the others are very unlikely to find us. That is unless Rarity somehow managed to get a date with a hipster guy and not tell us all about him.” Sunset said as the two laughed. They both knew that if either Rarity had a date they would never hear the end about it from her.

“Wait a second… You drive a limousine?” Twilight asked.

“Not really a limo. It’s a good car though,” Sunset gave a smile as they reached the parking lot.

“No one will see us leaving right? I would hate to put you into a situation where you had to tell them why they didn’t know I was back like this,” Twilight said with genuine concern.

“Don’t worry about it. They’re meeting to do something here on campus after school today. I would have stayed as well, but I told them I had a previous engagement I couldn’t cancel. So we should be good,” Sunset said with a smile.

{-} {-} {-}

It was about half an hour later that Twilight found herself in front of what looked like a Coffee Café with Sunset. The place had an odd feel to it. Almost as if the owner wanted to make the place feel more down to Earth, but artistic and above it all at the same time. It was nice, but it just seemed so strange to Twilight.

She also noticed a lot of people with fashion sense she didn't understand, but a lot of thick rimmed glasses. The guys were wearing sweaters and coats of some kind even though the weather really didn't call for it. There were some other people who didn't really seem to fit in with the rest.

Twilight looked to Sunset who was waiting as the pony princess took the place in. She just didn’t really see Sunset knowing this place much less hanging out at it. Sunset was wearing her iconic jacket, top and skirt. “So you knew of this place how? There isn’t anything wrong with it. It just doesn't…” Twilight didn't really want to accidentally say something that might be taken the wrong way.

“Seem like me?” Sunset provided for her. Twilight gave a slow nod.

“It isn’t usually. The place does have good drinks and food. However, I mostly just came here when I was climbing the social ladder at CHS. I went through a ‘hipster’ phase when I was trying to at one point establish I was more mature and in the know than others,” Sunset said as she started to cross the street.

“It isn’t too bad of a place and the others aren’t likely to find us here. Also most of the customers here mostly keep to their selves. Maybe if they noticed you dressed similarly and reading a news article they might talk to you, but otherwise not likely,” Sunset finished as she made to open the door.

“Sounds perfect,” Twilight said as Sunset found them a table secluded from the others.

Once they found drinks and a nice appetizer to try, Twilight looked to Sunset with a serious expression. “So do you have any particular questions or do you want me to just start at the beginning?”

“Start at the beginning,” Sunset replied.

“Okay.” Twilight took in a deep breath and started as she looked down in shame. “After the Battle of the Bands and returning to Equestria, I started thinking about the situation as a whole. Two things really got to me. The first was that Equestria failed to actually take responsibility for their actions with the sirens. The second and more pressing thought, was how I failed as the Princess of Friendship.”

Sunset placed a comforting hand on Twilight’s. “You had a lot of things on your mind and we put a lot of pressure on you unfairly. We kind of talked about this that night at Pinkie’s.”

Twilight gave a smile in thanks before continuing, “It isn't just that though. When the Dazzlings were defeated by us, I didn't bother to go after them or even try to check on them. I should have done that.”

Twilight gave a sigh, “I know what they did was bad, but that shouldn't matter. I mean well you know there was… that.” Sunset gave a curt nod and small sigh. She knew Twilight was talking about the crown incident.

“Also if Discord deserved another chance than why shouldn’t they?” Twilight added causally.

Sunset’s eyes blinked as her mouth opened in bewilderment. “What does Discord have to with any of this? What do you mean he got another chance? I remember the tales of him in the past...”

Twilight slapped her forehead. She hadn’t told them about her adventures in Equestria. She told them about the sirens and being a princess and her castle but nothing else, even when she first came to get her crown she didn't say much about her past. “Sorry… I forgot I didn’t really tell any of you all about that.”

“You see a couple of years ago Discord broke free again. He really did a number on Equestria for a while as well. He even took our magic away for a maze and really caused some hard times for my friends and me.” Twilight took a sip of her drink before continuing.

“I won’t go into details, but he pretty much made all of them the exact opposite personality wise than they actually were. I even momentarily lost faith in friendship.” Twilight looked down with a gloomy expression. Even now it was still hard to swallow that actually happened at the time. This is why being Discord’s friend was so tough at times, even if he was kind of entertaining once you got to know him.

“We ended up remembering the magic of friendship and defeated him again. However, a year after that Celestia told us we should try to reform him. It kind of worked, but anyways he is actually for real reformed now and a friend. Even if he is difficult at times because of who he is,” Twilight said as she took a sip again.

Sunset just stared in awe for a minute or two. “She and her pony friends have actually been through even more than I thought…” She was starting to respect and care even more for Twilight.

The princess of Friendship started again, “The point is, compared to what he did, the sirens’ crimes here aren’t really all that bad. I partly came back here to look for them and check on them. I would like to help them learn friendship, but in the least I want to make sure they aren’t getting up to anymore trouble.”

Twilight shifted a little and looked away in embarrassment. “I was kind of hoping you would be willing to help me, Sunset. If it wasn't too much trouble for you,” Twilight shot Sunset a slight pleading look.

If you look at me that way there isn't any way I can say ‘No’, Twilight…” Sunset thought with a slight blush.

“Why me? Or more specifically. Why me alone?” Sunset asked as she took a bite of the appetizer their waitress just delivered and recovered from her blush.

Twilight gave a sigh and looked to Sunset seriously. “I’m not going to sugar coat it. I wanted you to help me because you too were a villain, but you have successfully reformed from what I can tell. Also having the others help would probably make the ex-sirens feel pressured and the Dazzlings might end up doing something out of desperation. I don't really want that.”

Twilight then cleared her throat and blushed a little again as she said, “Also. Well… I wanted to spend some time with you alone, Sunset. I wanted to get to know you better personally. I have a mission here, but it isn't one that I have to solve in like three days or something. We can take some time.”

Sunset looked away and found herself blushing in surprise and happiness. She wanted to shout “Yes! Yes! Yes I would love to help and get to know you personally.” However, she didn’t want to scare Twilight. Still this was almost exactly what she was hoping would happen with her and Twilight.

“I see your point. I’ll do it,” Sunset replied with a smile.

“Really?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“I didn't stutter or anything. Yes I’ll help you, Twilight.” Sunset replied causally wanting to seem cool for Twilight.

Twilight gave a small cheer and reached across the table to hug Sunset, which the other customers out right ignored. Sunset blushed brightly and gave a chuckle as she returned the hug, which the other customers flat out ignored.

“That means so much to me! You have no idea Sunset,” Twilight said as she broke the hug and sat back down in her place.

“So I guess you’ll be staying at my place, huh?” Sunset asked.

Twilight nodded. “If that would be alright with you. I could get my own place and stay at a hotel or something if it’s a problem. I remembered to bring money this time along with a magical ID in case it’s needed. I found a book on how to make magical IDs, though it called the ID Psychic paper for some reason instead . It seems there was a pony who used one a lot of the time when he was doing things in secret. Since I have Equestria money you’ll have to tell me how you got it exchanged for the currency here.”

“There isn't an exchange rate for Equestrian money to cash here. However, bits are pure gold and humans place a really high value on gold along with gems. Like I told you last time you were here that’s how I was able to afford living here,” Sunset said as she took a sip of her drink.

Twilight nodded in understanding. Sunset gave a smile as she answered, “I don’t mind you staying at my place while you’re here. It will be like a long term sleepover or something. Plus that will make it easier for us to get to know each other better and to plan our search.”

“Those were my thoughts exactly.” Twilight then gave a giggle as she added, “Great minds huh?” Sunset giggled to this as well.

“So…” Sunset started as Twilight took a sip of her drink. “You and the others faced off against Discord? What else have you done? I didn't really know much of what was going on when I made my last trip to Equestria.”

Twilight gave a confident smile as she said, “Which do you want to hear about first? Nightmare Moon, the Crystal Empire resurfacing, my brother’s wedding, or…” Twilight was interrupted by Sunset.

“Wait wait… why would I want to hear about your brother’s wedding? I didn’t even know you had a brother,” Sunset asked in amusement.

“Changeling invasion… that’s why,” Twilight said dismissively with a grin.

“Really?” Sunset asked with an awed expression. Twilight nodded. Sunset shook her head. She was starting to wonder if this was some kind of joke or something. She asked her next question regardless, “What was the next thing you were going to say?”

Twilight couldn't help but give an even wider grin. She couldn't wait to see Sunset’s reaction. Twilight usually wasn't one to brag or tell stories about herself, but she kind of wanted to really impress Sunset. “I was going to finish with Tirek’s return to power and conquest of Equestria,” Twilight said in a mock bored voice. “You might remember him as the worst villain in Equestria’s history.”

Sunset stood up and slammed her fists on the table as she said, “You have got to be shitting me?!”

She then blushed and quickly sat back down out of embarrassment, which wasn't really necessary since the other customers flat out ignored everything dealing with her and Twilight. They knew it was beneath them to give the fantasies of these girls any ounce of their attention. They had more important things to think about, such as what was now too mainstream and if they had sipped their coffee too much or too little to be appropriate.

Twilight gave Sunset a serious expression again as she said, “No, I’m not making it up. I wish I was it was a rather scary and bad situation.”

Sunset regained her composure as she took a sip of her drink. “Might as well start at the beginning here as well. I get the feeling your adventures will get progressively more amazing as they go along.”

Twilight gave her a nod and started telling Sunset about what she considered her biggest and most important adventures. It was something that would probably take the rest of the night if not longer. Sunset seemed eager to listen however, and Twilight was more than happy to share her experiences with her friend.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata gave a sigh of relief as she stretched her arms to the sky and waited for the others to come out. Their shifts had finally ended and it was a fairly busy night at work for them all. The blue haired girl couldn't wait until next time they came in and she got to work tables. She didn't mind working in the kitchens or tending the bar, but she liked working tables the best because she got to really move around some instead of just mostly standing still all the while.

If it was just her she would wait tables the whole time for her job. It wasn't just her though. She had to share responsibilities with the others. She came up with the idea and when Adagio explained it to the general manager and owner they had no problem with it.

Sonata came up with the idea mostly to help keep the peace between them all. She wasn't the brightest girl, but she felt if they got stuck with just one position at their job things might get bad and they might split up or something. She didn't want that. She wanted them to stay together.

Sonata wasn't sure why she felt they should stay together, but she figured that even if they weren't "friends" or anything she would feel very lonely without Adagio and Aria around. She sometimes had a feeling the others felt that way as well, but they never really said anything on the matter.

“Glad that’s over with…” Adagio’s voice came as she exited the backdoor with Aria behind her. They had to get all of their tips sorted out, so it always took whoever bartended and waited longer to close out their shift unless it was to closing time.

“We don’t have to pick anything up from the store right? I’m way too tired for that.” Aria said as she stretched and covered a yawn with a hand. They weren't used to the energy drain from actually working throughout a day yet.

“No, unless you want to go pick up those pendants tonight.” Adagio said as she stretched out as well.

“We’re off tomorrow, right?” Sonata asked cheerfully as the other two slowly nodded. “Then let’s go then.” The others nodded as they headed to their apartment.

The pendants Adagio mentioned weren't really anything special, but they all three liked how they looked and the things were affordable. Plus they felt naked without something like their pendants around their necks oddly enough.

“Glad that’s decided… I feel like I’m about to fall over from exhaustion… How are you still able to be so energetic, Sonata?” Aria asked as she looked to the light blue haired girl and frowned.

“I don’t know… I just am…” Sonata answered with a shrug of her shoulders. She was a little tired herself, but she managed to get something to eat while on her break. Johnston’s Bar and Grill actually had half way decent tacos so she had a few of those earlier during a break.

“You should know by now she’s just Sonata, Aria.” Adagio said as she sighed in her waitress uniform. She was actually surprised she found it kind of nice to wear. Sonata was wearing a kitchen staff uniform and Aria was wearing normal clothes. Bartenders had a dress code, but no uniform. They were told it encouraged a less formal and more relaxed setting by the bar part of the restaurant.

It was about 15 minutes later when the trio of girls made it to their apartment. They walked to work usually, since it wasn't too far of a trip. Even if gas wasn't as bad as it used to be price wise, it was still an expense.

They did have a couple of cars they could drive to places and since they got them before they lost their powers they actually got a really good deal on them. However, they were being extra tight with their money in some places out of mostly panic of not knowing how to manage their money and if something might happen to them now.

The girls were mostly quiet as they walked up to the third floor of their apartment. Aria was the one who found the place. It wasn't as glamorous as they were used to, but it wasn't too bad either and with the rent split up between the three of them it was very much affordable.

Adagio wasn't happy with the place at first, but she got over it as she felt it was more important to be with Aria and Sonata than to live in some upscale place, even if she could have afforded it. Their apartment was a three bed and two bath floor plan with a balcony.

Aria and Sonata shared the larger of the two bathrooms. They agreed on this since they sold Adagio’s car, plus due to her hair their leader took longer to get ready in the mornings.

This apartment was their home ever since they made their “escape” from the hotel where they had been staying and living like queens. They sold Adagio’s car to get some money to pay the expenses the management of the hotel suddenly remembered they owed.

The car also gave them some really good start up money because of how well it sold. They could have bought a lot more with the money they had from selling the car, but they weren't sure if others, who had been under their spell would suddenly remember they owed them money. They decided to keep most of it for emergencies at the moment.

Adagio’s car was a fairly new well maintained Dodge Viper SRT, so it sold very well. The other two had more “modest” cars. Aria had a BMW M3 and Sonata had a Range Rover Evoque. The Range Rover came in handy for grocery trips and whenever the three of them needed extra room for trips in the car.

{-} {-} {-}

Once they finally reached their apartment, Aria immediately collapsed on the couch. She didn't even bother to get to her bedroom. Sonata sighed as she went behind their bar. “You two want anything tonight?”

“Jack and coke,” Aria mumbled as she continued to lie down on the couch acting as if she was dead to the world for the most part.

“Red Wine Spritzer,” Adagio answered as she sat down in a chair with a sigh of relief.

During their time at their job, it quickly became an understood agreement that when someone worked the kitchen they would serve the others drinks if they had any that night. They didn't drink too often and only when they were off the next day together. Their schedules almost always worked out where the three of them worked the same hours.

Adagio may have convinced the general manager to help do this, since they lived under the same roof. He was a pretty reasonable guy and had no problems with the arrangement. It was also nice for him because the three girls were flexible in what they could do for the business, so they were always a viable option for busy days.

One of the shift managers did have a problem with this arrangement for some reason, but Adagio somehow sorted that out as well. The only difference they noticed was sometimes she would arrive a little earlier than them or stay a little later despite having the same shift. She never really went into detail about it, not even after that manager left the restaurant.

Sonata came over with the drinks for the other two, before making her own. Aria finally got up and took a sip of her drink. She felt a little more refreshed now. “So you don’t think we will like, suddenly age super-fast, right?” Sonata asked as she made herself a jack and coke as well.

“I’m pretty sure if that was going to happen it already would have by now.” Adagio said. They had answered this question several times, but Aria and Adagio appreciated that Sonata asked questions they already knew the answers to. It was nice because it was something they felt confident about when there was little else they could feel this way about after having lost pretty much everything.

“I’m freaking glad that’s the case,” Aria answered as she gave a shiver and continued. “I don’t much like the idea of suddenly turning into dust…” The other two girls shivered as well.

They partly considered their selves lucky, since the pedants were more or less like their hearts, but it seemed the rainbow beam somehow gave them real ones before the stones were destroyed. They were reminded of how powerful Equestrian magic really was when that happened.

Starswirl banished them to this world and he was just one unicorn, a powerful unicorn, but still a unicorn. The thing that attacked them was some manifestation of an element of harmony infused Alicorn! So they agreed with Aria in that they were lucky not to have been instantly turned into dust or something worse.

This lucky break was the reason they decided not to bother with trying to find some new powerful source of magic to use. It was also why they decided they would rather just keep to their selves instead of looking for revenge of some kind. They wouldn't run if they saw the Rainbooms or the other students at CHS again, but they wouldn't try to start anything with them either.

Sonata sat down on the couch next to Aria as she looked down a little to the floor and took a slow sip of her drink. Adagio looked to the blue haired girl and frowned. “Something else on your mind, Sonata?” After what happened in the battle of the bands the other girls' thoughts and well being actually had come to matter to Adagio a good bit. She wasn't sure why this started happening, but she knew it didn't sit right with her if the others weren't their usual selves, especially Sonata.

Sonata took a sip of her drink again before answering. “You two are sure you don’t want to ever… sing again, period?”

Aria sighed. This was something Sonata had been asking about every so often. “You heard us after we lost or magic… We were terrible! I really didn't expect us to sound bad. I just thought the whole magic part would be gone at worst.”

“I think we could sound good if we practiced a little bit,” Sonata replied.

“Why do you want to sing, Sonata? We won’t be able to use it like we did in the past you know. Probably not even in the smallest of ways,” Adagio said as she looked over Sonata.

The light blue haired girl frowned before answering. “I don’t want to sing for anything like that. I just… want to be able to sing again… you know for realsies. I mean it’s something we always did…” She wasn't sure how to really explain it to the others.

Aria sighed and took another sip of her drink. “I would rather not be tempted to try and return to the way things were. I don’t want things to get out of hand and get obliterated by magic again. We already pretty much figured we can’t even return to Equestria even if we somehow had magic. And those princesses probably would remember us even if we were ponies instead of what we were back then somehow.”

“I don’t think it would be that bad to sing again some really. I mean we could do it for just fun. We all love music and even when we had the magic I liked singing just to sing… Didn't you two?” Sonata asked as she looked down to the floor.

Aria refused to look as she took another sip. Adagio thought over everything. Sonata was completely correct. Before they found out about their powers, the three of them loved to sing just to make music they and others enjoyed in some measure.

It wasn't until later they realized they absorbed energy from ponies enjoying their singing. After that, they figured out they could even control other ponies through their singing. The last part of their power discovered was how the energy from ponies under their spell fighting others was much more potent than simply being liked while they sang.

“Maybe that would fill in what feels like is missing… if we sang again…” Sonata said quietly in thought.

Aria seemed to tense up hearing those words and almost snapped at Sonata for mentioning that. It was something that bothered all three of them and she really wasn't in the mood to even touch that discussion tonight. It was hard enough having to face it every night before she went to bed. Aria would try to sing something and the sound always brought tears to her.

Adagio thought about it and spoke her thoughts. “Or it might keep us from finally figuring out how to move on and where to go in our lives. We've seen what happens when you focus too much on your past before.”

“But…” Sonata started before getting quiet again.

“Let’s think on it more some other time, Sonata… please,” Aria said in a surprisingly pleading tone.

“So, Aria? How many drinks did table seven blue end up having tonight? I remember she was almost kicked out by the owner.” Adagio said in an attempt to change the subject.

Aria, eager for the change, gave a scoff. “Just the three you served her. I guess she just isn’t the best at holding her liquor. How was it in the kitchens tonight, Sonata? I remember hearing some cheering at one point.”

Sonata gave a smile. She would put her thoughts on singing again to the side for now. “They were listening to some obscure sports broadcast on the radio and the underdog team won in the end by just a couple of points. One of the cooks had a good bit of money on the game and won. He promised to take several of them out for some drinks when their shift ended.”

The three girls ended up actually kind of enjoying their night as they continued their mundane talk about work and such before finally going to sleep. They were mostly relieved the tension from earlier was lifted a bit. They wouldn't admit it, but they each felt a little happier as the night ended.

As long as things kept at the current pace, Adagio felt that things would somehow workout for them. “Even if I don’t know if we deserve to have things work out for us like this…” she thought to herself with some guilt. That was something new as well.

She had never felt bad for what she did in the past, but this time she did. Mostly she felt she let the others down. She didn’t understand this at all and hoped these… feelings… would stop sometime.

Adagio had already taken it upon herself to watch over the others the best she could. She had already done things she wasn’t proud of for their sakes. She would never tell them what these things were. Adagio gave a sniff into her pillow as she started to slowly cry herself to sleep as the recent memories washed over her.

Author's Notes:

Well another chapter down and the Dazzlings have finally entered the story. Hopefully people won't mind my take on the Dazzlings after the Battle of the Bands.

Dark Days of a Recent Past

Three girls ran off the stage as even more food hit and the chorus of “Boos” increased. The Dazzlings couldn't believe what just happened. They were singing and absorbing more power than they had felt in a long time and they had seemingly defeated the Rainbooms. Next thing they knew some kind of cosmic Alicorn appeared in the sky and blasted them with a high powered rainbow beam that shattered their magic cores.

The trio kept running even after they were well out of range of the stage they thought they owned. The girls kept running as fast as they could even though they weren't being chased and they didn't stop until reaching the hotel. They wished they took one of their cars to the show tonight, but they had planned to celebrate their complete victory downtown after the battle of the bands and rent a limo.

Once they entered the hotel's lobby, things really started to sink in for them. Sonata gave a sniff and only let a couple of her many tears fall as they entered the elevator and took it to their suite on the top floor. She didn't understand why everyone reacted so quickly like they did. She also couldn't figure out where they managed to find a hot dog to throw at the stage. “Why would you waste a perfectly good hot dog like that?” she thought to herself not wanting to focus on the bigger issue.

Aria had a deep frown as she tried to figure out what just happened. “How did that happen? Why did that happen? Why are we still alive after that?” she couldn't help but to ask quickly aloud.

Adagio had a vacant almost lifeless expression as she answered simply. “I don’t know…” Adagio had to fight back the tears and sadness she suddenly felt inside as she repeated quieter, “I really don’t know…”

The Dazzlings made their way slowly to their room and Sonata opened the door for them. Adagio collapsed on to the couch her vacant expression deepening. Aria gave a sigh as she searched through the room's minibar. She pulled out two vodkas, two tequilas, and two whiskeys. There were six bottles total.

“Sonata.” She called to get the light blue haired girl’s attention. “Whiskey or vodka?” Aria asked. She already decided Adagio would get the tequila. Their leader was in a funk and Aria knew it. She hoped the tequila kick would be enough to bring her about.

Sonata looked down and with a sigh said, “vodka.”

Aria nodded and handed Sonata two open bottles. Aria then gave the two opened tequilas to Adagio, who held one in each hand. Once Aria opened her whiskeys, she took in a deep breath, let it out, and said, “bottoms up!” As one, each girl downed their two bottles in turn.

Adagio gave a cough at the kick and burn which caught her by surprise. Her eyes weren't vacant anymore and she could feel tears wanting to spill out. She held strong though. She was still their leader. Still in charge of doing what she could to keep Sonata and Aria safe, even if as far as she knew she had just royally screwed them over.

Sonata sniffed again and this time let her tears flow freely as she bawled her eyes out. “It’s gone… It’s gone…” She said in between sobs. The others thought she meant the power, but she was actually thinking about their singing voices she had loved so much.

There was silence as Sonata carried on letting her tears fall. Aria gripped the counter tighter as she fought back her own tears. “Come on Aria, you’re the tough one… You can’t cry… no matter how much it hurts and you want to. I can’t in front of the others…” she thought to herself.

Sonata kept bawling as she asked, “What… What happens now? What happens now?! Adagio?!” Adagio couldn’t look Sonata in the face. Adagio couldn’t look up period. She may have given Sonata a hard time almost all of the time, but she cared for her some and couldn’t stand seeing the usually bubbly and cheerful girl sad and for some reason hearing Sonata's cries hurt much more than it did before.

“Adagio? What are we going to do? Do you have a plan?” Sonata asked, her voice going higher due to her panic. She started to sob a little louder.

“Hey… Adagio? You do have a plan, right?” Sonata begged one more time.

Adagio couldn’t take it anymore. She stood up and glared as she shouted, “I don’t know!! Okay?! I don’t!”

Sonata’s raspberry colored eyes widened in shock at the anger and pain in Adagio’s voice. She had never felt something like this before coming from their leader. She had annoyed Adagio before, but this seemed much different. Aria’s purple eyes were even shocked at the outburst.

Adagio’s own raspberry colored eyes blinked in surprise as well. She sighed and looked down as she headed to her room in the suite. “I… I need to rest… night, you two…” She then closed the door to her room.

When the door was closed and she was sure the others couldn't hear Adagio added in a quiet voice, “I really don’t know, Sonata… And I hate myself for it… Why did you have to press like that…?”

Adagio let the tears she hid from the others fall as she sobbed to herself. She was terrified at what would happen now. She didn't even know what had happened to her and the others when that light hit them. Aria’s questions in the elevator came to her again. “How did it happen? Why did it happen? Why are we still alive after that?”

More tears fell as she sniffed and thought to herself, “We fed off the energy we absorbed through those pendants… Have I… Doomed us to slowly starve to death?” The thought caused her to panic more and she started pacing in her room.

She had to figure something out and she had to do it quick. She had to at least find a way for Aria and Sonata to survive. Adagio didn't care much for her fate at the moment oddly enough.

I deserve what punishment I receive. I was the one that got us in that mess not the others,” She thought darkly to herself as she fell on to her bed and cried herself to sleep.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata sat in her chair staring blankly at the carpeted floor. She had really done it now. She had truly angered Adagio, and Aria as well it seemed. Aria had locked herself in the bathroom shortly after Adagio stormed out of the room.

Sonata tried to get her to come out, but all she got in return was a “Go away, Sonata.” After that, the fan turned on and she heard nothing else above the roar.

Sonata didn't know what to think at the moment. All she knew was she felt really sad and ever so alone. She had never really pissed off the others so much they stormed out on her like that. They were all she had left now that they lost their singing voices and powers. She supposed she had done something to deserve this, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

Sonata eventually got up and went to the second bedroom and plopped down on one of the beds. She hoped that maybe she would just go to sleep and wake up in the morning and they would have never left to go to that high school place and the three of them would act like they always did with each other.

Sleep wasn’t coming easy for her and she kept having flashes of memories of her past with the others. Each memory brought her more pain and sadness. Her tears started flowing again and she eventually cried herself to sleep.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria was sitting on the bathroom floor hugging her knees as the fan droned on above her. She finally started to cry herself. She took comfort in the noise of the fan keeping anyone from hearing her cry.

Aria tried again to sing, to use her voice that she was so proud of before. All that came out was a horrible sound. It was the sound of someone trying to sing, but incapable of singing on key.

The horrible singing brought more sadness to her as her tears intensified. “Why did we have to lose our voices too… Wasn't it enough we lost our powers?” She asked as she sniffed back more tears.

About two hours later, Aria finally came out of the restroom and made her way to the second bed room. She looked around and noticed Sonata was already asleep. It seemed the other girl was having an uneasy night's sleep.

Aria wasn't sure why she did what she did, but she did it. She climbed into the same bed Sonata was sleeping in and cuddled up next to her. Aria felt a little better lying there next to the other girl, it was reassuring in some odd way. She also noticed Sonata’s sleep seemed to ease a little. “I guess we do at least still have each other... if that makes any difference…” she quietly said to herself. She also vowed to never admit to the comfort that thought brought her.

{-} {-} {-}

When morning came, Adagio woke up and entered into the kitchen area to get herself a glass of water. Her stomach growled a little, but she paid it no mind. “Best not to dwell on our hunger… maybe that will make it easier.

As she took a sip, she noticed Aria sitting in a chair looking at a sheet of paper. “Adagio…” Aria said as she looked up with worry in her eyes. “What do we do about this?” She handed the paper over.

Adagio took it and her eyes widened in surprise. “This doesn't make sense… We still have the suite for a while yet…” she said with barely a whisper. “Does this mean…?” The curly haired girl thought as she panicked a little.

“What are we going to do about it?” Aria asked again the worry in her eyes growing a little.

Adagio’s brain worked in overtime as she tried to calm down and think things through. “I have to buy us some time at the moment… This has to be a mistake… The reservation is still good.

“Is Sonata up yet?” Adagio asked. She barely noticed Aria’s blush before she got her answer.

“No… she’s still asleep… Sonata cried herself to sleep last night. She seems worse off than I feel.” Aria said with a frown.

Adagio gave a sigh. “I’ll take care of this. It's probably some misunderstanding and nothing else. We have the room for a good while yet. We made sure of that remember?”

“Yes but that was before…” Aria started, but was cut off by Adagio.

“I’ll take care of it. That doesn't matter, Aria,” Adagio said as she finished her water and left to get ready for the day. She didn't want to hear her fellow dazzling voice her current and pressing fear.

Aria just nodded as she gave a frown. She didn't want Adagio to have to do everything alone, but she didn't know how to help at this moment anyways. She decided to have some water of her own and sat down in the living room. The water seemed to oddly soothe her throat. She might have wondered about this since it never really mattered before, but there was too much going on at the moment.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio was now ready for the day and heading down to the main desk to speak with a manager about what was going on with getting the room receipt early like this. She knew hotels didn't give you the receipt until the day you left. The elevator dinged as the doors slid open to the main lobby of their hotel.

The leader of the Dazzlings made her way towards the main desk with a look of disgust on her face. She hoped they would try to help her quick so no one would wonder for long why a guest at such a fine hotel looked upset. She stood in front of a well-dressed young woman and spoke. “I wish to speak with a manager please.”

“May I ask why?” the woman asked in a pleasant voice.

“I wish to discuss a certain problem pertaining to the handling of this business.” Adagio replied. She was going for the sophisticated and upset young woman approach.

The desk worker nodded and quickly showed her to the manager’s office. The hotel didn't like letting unhappy customers linger in front of others if they could help it. It was bad for business.

“A guest to see you Mr. Sinclair,” she said with a knock on the door.

Adagio hoped this would go well since he was the manager on duty when she checked in. She remembered seeing him in the lobby that day. A lanky man with early graying hair in a rather fancy version of the work uniform opened the door. He recognized the girl at once and let her in.

“Is there a problem, Miss Dazzle?” The manager asked as he motioned for her to sit down and he closed his office door.

“Yes, there is, Mr. Sinclair. It seems someone on your staff made a mistake in believing my companions and I are supposed to check out today. I received a receipt despite the fact we still have the room booked for several more days,” Adagio said with a voice that showed her displeasure without being directly accusatory.

“Ahh… This is a rather odd situation here then. Let me check on something real quick,” Mr. Sinclair said as he worked on his computer.

A few clicks later he spoke again in a business tone. “It seems they made a mistake since there wasn't a credit card assigned to the reservation. This has happened before in the past, but our protocol demands we give the guests a receipt daily until they either give us a credit card or they pay their daily bill.” It was complete crap really and he knew it.

There wasn't such a protocol, but they rarely if ever had rooms assigned without a credit card on file. The truth of the matter was last night as he was getting ready to call it a day he realized he had made this mistake without even remembering why it happened. He felt something fishy was going on with these guests.

His memory was perfectly fine and he had a nearly spotless record on his job. There was no way he would assign their fancy suite to a trio of teenage girls without a credit card or more to make sure they had the money to pay for such a room. It was even stranger that someone would stay with them in such a suite for so long a time period as these three booked it.

Mr. Sinclair was pretty much covering his own ass and he knew it. However, the girls didn't know this and he doubted they knew a lot about the inner workings of a hotel. He would use this opportunity to either solve the problem or know to watch the girls carefully.

“You have got to be kidding me?! I’ve never heard of something like that before.” Adagio said as she narrowed her eyes. She was watching to see if he was trying to pull something. This is why she missed her powers. This wouldn't have happened with them. She would have just sung a note or two and the problem would be gone for good, if it arose at all in the first place.

“Well how often do you hear about the inner workings of a hotel, Miss Dazzle?” The manager asked in a polite tone without giving any clue of deceit.

Adagio sighed as she sat back down. “So what can be done to take care of this problem, Mr. Sinclair?”

“Well you can either pay the bill now or give us a credit card to put on file and this won’t happen again I promise you, Miss Dazzle. I don’t want to interfere with your stay here in Canterlot City, but my hands are tied on this matter.” He said as he gave her a face that showed he was "sorry".

Adagio thought for a moment as she came up with a lie to get the hotel off her back. She would get the money and deal with that when they checked out along with other things. “I don’t really trust others with keeping my card on file. I've heard plenty of stories about identity theft. I do have the money, but I have to take care of some other more pressing matters first. I can’t pay you at this moment because of this. However, I will have the money needed when it comes to check out. Is there any way we can work something out?”

Mr. Sinclair narrowed his eyes. He would play ball here, but he now knew to keep an eye on these teen girls. It was really strange not to come across a teenager without a credit card they were willing to use for everything. Well a group that would be staying in such a hotel like this alone at least. They were a fancy hotel so they did get spoiled teenage brats every so often.

The manager gave a sigh after a few moments of ‘thinking it over’, “I’ll see what I can do. I'll be putting myself on the line here helping you like this, though.”

Adagio stood up and thanked him for his help. If she didn't have other more pressing issues on mind, she would have thought it odd he so willingly agreed to accommodate her, despite his hands "being tied on the matter".

However, there were more important issues than that right now. She had to get the money. She had to figure out what happened to them and if they were going to end up starving to death or not. Also she had to try to keep Sonata and Aria calm.

Mr. Sinclair watched Adagio leave his office and made a note to tell the staff to keep an eye on their guests in the top floor suite. If the girl paid at the end of their stay there wouldn't be a problem, but if they didn't he would be sure they were brought in for their tricks.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio sighed as the elevator stopped on the top floor. She was relieved that issue was over with already and was taken care of. Now to check on the others and assure them it was all good.

Adagio opened the door to see Sonata was finally up and about. “Good Morning, Sonata. Are you feeling any better?”

Sonata gave a weak smile as she answered. “I was feeling a little better, but then I saw the receipt. Don’t we have the room for a longer time? How are we going to get the money? Plus… well I feel a little hungry…”

“Let’s all sit down. I have some things to tell you two.” Adagio said with a sigh.

Once the trio was in the main room together, Adagio spoke again, “I'm sorry for what I got us into. I’m also sorry for how I acted last night, Sonata. I was just scared myself.”

“It’s okay, Dagio. I was panicking as well. I just didn't know what to think or feel,” Sonata answered with a smile.

“I’m also sorry for how I acted last night, Sonata.” Aria said as the bubbly girl smiled at her and nodded it was okay. Aria felt very relieved Sonata had forgiven her. It was odd because she never really cared about such things before. Usually her and Adagio would apologize to mostly stop the third girl's whining.

“As for the Hotel issue, I took care of it. I bought some time to get the money we will need when it comes to checkout time. I’m not sure how much it will be if we aren't careful with room service and the minibar though. I think it would be best if we avoided using those services. At least until I sort out our money problem,” Adagio said with a tired smile. Sonata and Aria let out breaths of relief.

“Unfortunately… I think hunger is going to be a problem. You two know we fed off the energy from our amulets. Food here doesn't really do anything for us apart from being something we sometimes enjoyed,” Adagio gave them a frown as the other two looked to the floor.

“I’ll figure something out there as well. I’m responsible for our problem after all. Until then, the only thing I can think is to try and conserve our energy the best we can. We've had to do it before. We can do it now.” Adagio finished as she got herself another glass of water.

She thought it strange she seemed to actually want water now for something to drink. It was almost as if she needed it. She was too busy thinking about other things to ponder it much. She was a siren after all not a human, she shouldn't need what humans need.

“It’s going to be tough isn’t it?” Sonata asked with a frown.

“Yes it will be, but we’ll make it. I’m sure we will,” Adagio said acting confident as she mentally told herself, “or at least you two will make it… I’ll make sure of that.

“So we just sit here and hide out in our room?” Aria asked not sure she liked this idea.

“That is part of how you conserve energy. You don’t really have to sit the whole time, but be careful,” Adagio said as she started to think of ways to get through their problems.

{-} {-} {-}

It had been two days since the incident with the receipt, but they hadn't really made any progress in their situation. They did look a little worse for wear, but for the most part that was all that seemed to be wrong with them physically. However, they could all feel the hunger crawling inside them. It was getting worse. Even when things were at their worst before it was never this bad. It was bad, but not like this.

Adagio gave a sigh. She needed to clear her head. “I need to go for a walk to think over things. I’ll be back,” she said as she left the room. Sonata and Aria were too out of it to do anything but wave as she left.

It was at least a fairly pleasant night sky outside as Adagio walked. She didn't really pay much attention to where she was going as her feet carried her. She was busy trying to think over the situation, but all she could think about was how hungry she was at this point.

The curly haired girl shouldn't have been surprised when she arrived in a shadier part of Canterlot City, not that it really had a shady part. Still she felt a little uneasy at the moment as she looked around the area. She actually felt a little shiver of fear as the realization further hit her that she didn't have her powers anymore. She was for all intents and purposes a normal 18 year old girl now.

She tried to straighten up and look more confident than she was as she heard what sounded like a group of guys laughing out loud with each other. As she walked forward, she noticed the guys she heard turn around the corner and head her way. There were three of them and they looked to be only a couple years older than she appeared.

Adagio just kept walking hoping they wouldn't bother her or anything. She almost let out a breath of relief as she passed by them. However, her relief was cut short as one of them gave a whistle to her.

“Hey, girl. You’re looking hot tonight,” one of them shouted as the group turned around to look her over and fell into step by her. Adagio didn't let her panic show as she kept going forward pretending not to have heard them.

“So… We were wondering how much it would cost to have a little fun with you. We’re ready for some real fun tonight.” The tallest of the three said with a weak smirk.

Adagio froze for a minuet as thoughts ran through her head. She gave a mental gulp as she decided she didn't really have any other options at the moment. She would have usually just blown them off and kept going, but then she thought of how she and the others needed money and she was without any power.

She looked the three guys over. All three of them looked at least decently strong. She wasn't going to take a risk. She straightened up and gave them a smile before speaking in a confident seductive voice. “Well you three aren't too bad looking yourselves. I’m in the mood for a little fun tonight as well.”

Adagio mentally hated this, but she was desperate at the moment and scared some inside. Her feelings of weakness increased as she also knew she had little energy for actually fighting, let alone running away. “Better to go along with them and maybe get a little something instead of angering them. They might decide my wishes don't matter.

“Also I’m feeling a little generous tonight… What do you guys say to 30 each?” Adagio wasn't sure how this kind of thing actually worked, but it looked like these guys weren't either despite they more or less propositioned her.

“Ohhh…? That sounds decent what do you two think?” The tall guy asked the others. He didn't really hide the hint of surprise in his voice.

The other two thought things over for a second as Adagio stood there with her weight shifted a little to show off her assets. “Not so sure about the price, but it’s for the experience right?” one with brown hair said to the others, who gave disbelieving nods. “Sounds good to me then. We just better make sure we get our money’s worth.”

“Oh I’ll make sure you guys get your money’s worth don’t worry,” Adagio said in a slightly lower voice as her eyes showed apparent lust.

The third guy, who had green hair, gave a chuckle and said, “I believe you will. Sweet thing like yourself.”

Adagio pretended to be amused by his flirting attempt. “So where do you boys want to have our fun? I’m not the type who will just go into an alleyway.”

“We’re staying at a place nearby. It isn't the Ritz Carlton, but it will do.” The tall guy said as he and his friends laughed to his joke.

Adagio didn't show it, but she suddenly felt a little nervous they might somehow be going to the same hotel where her and the others were staying. This would be very bad if that was the case.

“So can you drink or anything like that?” Greenie asked trying to make conversation.

“Not that it’s my preference, but I could smoke. I can’t drink though.” Adagio answered which seemed to put the guy at ease. She guessed he was trying to figure out her age in a roundabout manner. She also lied a little bit. She felt she might as well act closer to the age she appears in public to avoid problems.

“I’m surprised you didn't ask for money up front.” The brown haired guy asked.

Adagio gave an enchanting and seductive laugh. “That’s how you know I’m the real deal. Those in this profession don’t ask for money up front.”

“Really?” the tall guy asked in puzzlement.

“Really. That way if our client’s urges change or they get the courage to ask for something particular we will just tell them the price and add it on to the total,” Adagio said to them.

She then stretched for a second to again accentuate her features for them. “If you ever try something like this and the girl asks for money up front, then odds are she’s probably an undercover cop working as part of a sting op.”

“But you gave us a flat rate of 30 apiece.” The green haired guy said with a raised eyebrow.

“Well I sort of meant that as a starting rate. Still I am in a generous mood and looking for some fun, so I'm open for quite a bit. If you three ask for something too bizarre than I might have to add a little extra depending on what it is,” she said playing the part. She also hoped it would cause them to curb some of their deeper and darker desires.

You couldn't be too careful she felt. They were paying her, so they would be more willing to try things they otherwise wouldn't with a girl. Also she was a whore in their eyes. Strip away inhibitions and respect for someone a little bit and you would be surprised how much people will do.

It took about ten minutes to get to their destination. When they arrived, the ex-siren was glad it wasn't her hotel. It was a Holiday Inn. She hoped she wouldn't have to be too loud for her ‘clients’ pleasure, though. She didn't want management to be given a call and check their room.

“We’re lucky this place is fairly empty near us tonight. That means we don’t have to hold back.” The tall guy turned and gave Adagio a smile.

Adagio was feeling worse and worse about this decision as they progressed. She decided this would be a one-time thing if she had the choice in the future. They walked down the hall and Adagio felt a loud thumping in her chest.

They made it to the door and she took in a deep breath. She saw there were two beds and what looked like a fold out couch as well; currently it was in couch mode.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio gave a sigh as she finished washing some globs of a certain consistency out of her hair and off her face. She felt odd inside. She was sickened she did something so desperate. At the same time, her body reacted to it and she did feel good even if only during the activities.

She lost herself to the pleasure while she was with her "clients". She wanted to make sure they were satisfied and kept their deeper and darker sexual desires in check, so she let them know how much they pleased her without it seeming fake. Even if they saw her as a whore, they weren't used to this kind of thing she knew so they still treated her fairly decent. They might have gotten a little rough and enthusiastic, but it wasn't any thing too bad. Plus, she oddly enough did enjoy it a little when they got that way.

Adagio took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as she turned on the shower. Fortunately they didn't want to risk any questions so they allowed her to use the shower at her leisure. Adagio relished in the feeling of the warm running water.

It felt really good on her skin, almost too good. This caused her to reflect on how intense and real the experience she just had felt compared to the past. The intensity made it easy for her to get lost in the pleasure and not realize how desperate she actually was during the heat of the moment.

In the past, it always felt like their human bodies were more like a suit of some kind instead of their actual body but at the same time it was still them in some odd way. They could get pleasure from sexual activities and feel other sensations, but it was kind of muted and didn't really feel like their bodies. That was always the case until now.

Adagio’s eyes widened. “Can it be? Is that what happened?” She felt that pounding in her chest again. “It would explain why things have been feeling the way they have. Why hunger has affected us in such a way,” the orange haired girl thought as the shower’s water beat down on her body.

She wished she had thought of this earlier, but the hunger had been too much. It was consuming her every thought. She supposed some extra good may have come out of this encounter after all. She now at least had a theory to work with. She hoped it was right. It would help to have figured this problem out and maybe she could focus on other things besides mostly hunger after this.

Adagio finally finished drying her hair and put on her clothes again. Her hair was still a little damp in places, but she was more focused on trying to get back to the others. She could survive slightly damp hair for a bit if it meant getting back to Aria and Sonata a little sooner and putting her theory to work.

She entered the main room and noticed the green haired guy contemplating the couch not sure how it was supposed to be a bed. Adagio gave a small chuckle. This guy was actually the nicest to her of the three. She also felt a little satisfied as she noticed the other two were sprawled out on a bed each fast asleep and not exactly clothed. She really did make sure they got their money’s worth and wore those two out at least.

“Here. Let me help you with that.” Adagio said in an uncharacteristically sweet voice for her. The green haired guy looked to her puzzled. He watched with some embarrassment as she pulled off the cushions and revealed the fold out couch.

“Now I feel real stupid. I can’t believe I didn't think of that. I always thought these places had cushions you couldn't remove on their furniture.” He said with a chuckle.

“I’m guessing you've never really used one of these before.” Adagio said with a smile. She momentarily felt a little contented having possibly found a solution to one of the pressing problems.

“Nah… Usually when I go on trips I’m with family. My dad and I usually share a bed while my mom and sister share the other one. Sometimes we would actually get two rooms. This really has been an experience for me,” he said with a chuckle. She gave a friendly shake of her head.

“I’m guessing it’s the same for you,” he said as he gave her a serious look.

Adagio actually gave a little blush to being called out like that. This was again something else that was new to her. She never blushed. “It’s amazing what losing everything does to someone I guess,” she thought to herself before answering him.

She gave a sigh. “You’re right. I've never done this before. How did you know?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “Just a feeling I guess… Why do it?”

“My life really turned around recently. I’m a little desperate right now,” she said with a reflective frown.

The two stood in silence for a moment before she took in a deep breath. “Well I have my money now. So I’ll just be going,” she was at the door when she heard him start to speak.

“I guess if I ever see you again you won’t be in the same profession, huh?” he said.

“Hopefully not…” she said so quiet he didn't hear her.

He took her silence as a sign he said something stupid. “Well… I hope things work out for you. Bye,” he finished awkwardly.

“Good bye,” Adagio replied as she left through the door.

Once she was outside the Holiday Inn, Adagio knew the way back to her hotel. She was going to make a stop on the way first. She needed to try out that hypothesis. Worst case scenario it might at least get their minds off of hunger for a little bit.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria tried not to be too obvious as she looked to the door a little worried. Adagio had been gone for a good while now. She was actually starting to worry. She didn't understand this. She had never seemed to care about such things in the past.

Sonata was staring up at the ceiling of their suite. The light blue haired girl wasn't sure how much time had passed. She just knew she felt a little dizzy earlier and still had a headache.

Soon there was a knock on the door, Aria got up and walked over and looked through the peephole. She gasped quietly and then swung open the door. Adagio walked in carrying a bag of what looked like sandwiches from Sam’s Subs.

“What is this about, Adagio? And where have you been?” Aria asked, her voice almost betraying that she was actually worried and not just curious.

Adagio gave a smile and said, “I told you I went on a walk. I think I might have figured out the answer to our biggest problem.”

“For Realzies?! Which one?” Sonata asked sitting up quickly and regretting it immediately.

“Sonata… You have been drinking water right?” Adagio asked a little concerned. Sonata seemed a little too far gone for hunger alone.

The light blue haired girl gave a blush and tried to explain herself. “But it feels so weird to actually have to drink water for some reason.”

Aria shook her head and got a few glasses for them. “So what do you think is the answer to one of our problems?”

“It's just a guess, but I think it's a very good guess. I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but I think we aren't sirens anymore…” Adagio said with a frown.

“What do you mean by that?” Aria asked with a confused frown.

“I think we were turned into humans… for real,” Adagio said as she placed the bags on the table in the kitchen. “I think that's why we have been feeling hunger the way we have been. I think that's why we really need water now.”

“How did you come to that conclusion?” Aria asked as she thought it over.

Adagio looked down as she said, “Well… certain things have been feeling… realer than they did before.”

Aria handed Sonata a glass and the girl started to drink. The twin tailed girl then went over and helped get the sandwiches out of their bags and arrange them. “You didn't steal these, did you?”

Adagio looked to her with a scowl. “Of course not! Why would I have them in store bags if I stole them?”

“Where did you get the money then?” Aria asked as she looked the girl over from the corner of her eyes while pretending to only be interested in the sandwiches. It was actually very easy to do this. Her mouth was starting to water just at the sight of food.

“While I was walking I came across some people that wanted help from me. They were kind enough to give me some money in return,” Adagio said as her cheeks reddened at the recent memory of what she had just done for money.

While standing next to her, Aria tried to take a sniff of Adagio because something seemed off about their leader. Aria smelled shampoo in Adagio's hair and soap on her body. There was also a hint of something else she didn't instantly recognize. She might have thought more on it, but soon the purple haired girl’s nostrils were assaulted by the wonderful smell of the sandwiches.

“I think you might be right, Adagio. These smell way too delicious for just sandwiches,” Aria wiped some saliva from her mouth as she picked out her favorite. They had eaten human food lots. It tasted good at times, but it was never their main source of energy to stave off their hunger.

Now though as she took a bite her taste buds rejoiced and she almost moaned. There was no mistaking it now. They were human. They needed human food.

Sonata was devouring the sandwich Adagio gave her. There were tears of happiness in her eyes. “This tastes soooooo good! I never knew sandwiches tasted so wonderful!” She shouted with glee.

Adagio gave a snicker and said, “Well they say hunger is the best seasoning.” Adagio then happily took a bite from her sandwich as well. It was the best thing she had ever eaten before.

Did Adagio just make a joke?” Aria looked with her mouth hanging open in surprise. “I guess hunger was really getting to us all.

“I know you probably want to eat everything right now. But since it seems we are human, we need to be careful not to go overboard,” Adagio said hoping they would listen to her warning. She deep down knew Sonata probably wouldn't this time.

“How come you got six of these big sandwiches?” Aria asked curiously.

“Well I thought they would keep fairly well and we could make them last for a couple of meals at least. I do still have about half of the money I earned left, but I don’t know how long it will take to get more of it,” The orange haired girl said as she took and relished a bite of her sandwich. She even let out a moan of pleasure at the taste.

“Why don’t you just do what you did today again, Dagio?” Sonata asked between bites.

Adagio looked away and cleared her throat while she blushed for a second in embarrassment. “I’m pretty sure it was a one-time thing, Sonata.”

Aria looked over at Adagio with a searching look. She gave a frown. She had a hunch on what it could be, but at the same time she could be jumping to conclusions.

“Regardless, let’s enjoy this meal and the fact we know more about our new situation,” Adagio said as she quickly took another bite and chewed it slowly so the others wouldn't ask her questions, plus she wanted to really enjoy this meal.

Sonata smiled and said, “I knew you’d figure something out, Adagio. You've always been there with a plan for us. Thanks!”

Adagio paused in the middle of her bite at Sonata’s words. It wasn't that big of a deal for Sonata to say thanks, but for some reason this time it really hit Adagio in the chest and gave her a small warm feeling. She smiled, finished her bite and said, “Of course I do.”

Adagio cringed a little at her choice of words and tone. There was a voice inside her head telling her she needed to say you’re welcome or maybe even thank Sonata for always being there as well. However, the ex-siren couldn't bring herself to say those words, even if she wanted to say them. She just continued eating her meal.

Once their meal was finished and the remaining sandwiches placed in the room’s fridge, Sonata was the first to go to bed and fall asleep. Aria followed after she knew Sonata was asleep. She once again decided to curl up with Sonata. She told herself this would be last night she did so like she had told herself before.

Aria still didn't really understand why she wanted to sleep like this, but she tried last night to sleep on her own and it didn't work out so well. She felt cold and alone with only her darkening thoughts on what had happened to them on that night. Tonight she at least knew some answers, but still she saw Sonata as a reaffirmation that they would be together in this harsh new reality and that brought her a strange sense of comfort.

Adagio soon retreated to her bed after taking another shower. When she was alone on the bed in the dark she remembered what she had done that night in full detail. She curled up and felt tears threatening to spill at how far she had really fallen in her eyes.

She next thought back to their supper. Adagio saw Aria's and Sonata's faces as they happily ate their sandwiches. She felt a little better. It was when she thought again about Sonata’s “Thanks!” She felt that warm feeling again. “I guess it wasn't all bad tonight…” she thought to herself one last time before she fell asleep.

Author's Notes:

This chapter I feel was a little darker and had some sad parts to it. The next chapter will show the last days of their recent past and catch up to where they were in chapter three.

There is one more scene I have planned out that I feel might press the Teen rating like Adagio's "job" did here, but apart from that nothing else I feel will press the rating. I don't think I will need to bump this up to Mature because of these two scenes alone. I might just be worried about nothing and the story is actually far from pushing the teen rating.

The Price of Tacos

Adagio gave a sigh as she finished getting ready for what she was about to do. She and the others found a way to get the remaining sandwiches to last and they made good use of the remaining money she got for her “services rendered". Now however, they needed a lot more for their bigger expenses and to carry them over while she figured out a more immediate plan of action.

Without hunger weighing so heavily on her mind, the leader of the ex-sirens figured something out. She spent a good bit of time in the hotel’s Business Center to get her plan in motion, but her time there paid off. Adagio wasn't happy with what she was about to do, but money for her and the others was more important than what she wanted.

“So are you sure about this, Adagio?” Aria asked as the curly haired girl entered the room.

“I don’t really have a choice in the matter at the moment. I’ll miss it, but there are more important things to worry about,” Adagio said with a sad expression. “I’m glad you agreed to help me and not worry Sonata about it, Aria.”

“I’m just driving there and back. No real problems here. I get to keep my car,” Aria said leading the way out.

“Well my car is worth the most and it was easy to find a legitimate buyer. The other guy is even paying for the notarization of the Bill of Sale for both of us. I’m just glad it was easy to find all of the needed paperwork and documents,” Adagio said.

{-} {-} {-}

“I still can’t believe you’re selling a Dodge Viper SRT. And in such great condition.” A man in his mid-40s with a black beard looked over the car in awe.

The car had a dark blue body with white racing stripes. It was mostly stock except there was an aftermarket spoiler with a matching paint job. The car had some decent miles on it, but nothing too severe. For the most part, it seemed to be in good condition.

The buyer was a little surprised the seller was an 18 year old girl. He was suspicious, but she had all of the right documents including the title and everything. All of the paper work and everything was even under her name alone.

At first, the man was scared she would have really messed with it on the inside or something. Instead she seemed to have taken a why mess with perfection approach to the car. The only thing he could tell she added was the spoiler and it was an appropriate one at that in his books. “Very odd for a teen. Usually they try to customize the hell out of their cars if they can,” he thought to himself.

He was further impressed she really took good care of it on top of everything else. He could tell she had loved the car. That was why he was completely astonished with what was going on here. She looked like she didn't really want to sell it.

“Let’s just say I wouldn't sell it, but I recently went through a very unexpected and dramatic change in my life. I really need the money,” Adagio answered his earlier question with a sad smile.

The man tried to give her a sympathetic look, but he was too excited about buying the car. It was something he had always wanted and recently he got some real good extra money. So while it was unfortunate for this girl to be in trouble of some kind it was good for him. Plus he was buying the car so she was getting what she needed anyways.

“Well I’ll be sure to take real good care of her,” He said with a smile as he once more took in the view of the car again.

“I appreciate the thought, but once everything is finished it doesn't really matter. It will be your car. You can do what you want with it,” Adagio said.

The neutral third party overseeing the transaction looked to make sure everything was in order. It wasn't long until they finished and spoke up. “Well everything’s good. All of the appropriate documents and paperwork are here and legitimate. You even already took your license plate off already," they looked to Adagio at the last part a little amazed how on top of it she was about this whole thing.

He then looked to the buyer and said, “Once we get the Bill of Sale filled and the money exchanged, you can get it registered under your name and go.” They were actually meeting right by the Department of Motor Vehicles for this reason.

Adagio asked for one last look at the car before they completed the sale. The man was excited about getting this car, but he understood her and was willing to wait a little longer. He would get to have all the time he wanted with the car after this. Also he knew she wasn't about to back out of the sale.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria sighed as she rested her forehead on the steering wheel of her BMW. She waited outside earlier, but decided she didn't want to get involved in Adagio’s business any more. She appreciated what their leader was doing, but she didn't want to think about it, because… she had more complex feelings now and might come to care too much and blow her “bored tough girl” reputation if she got more involved with this.

Finally she heard the passenger car door open and close. She looked to her side and saw a sad Adagio sitting there. She knew Adagio loved her car and it had to be tough for her to sell it. The twin tailed girl sat up and asked, “Are we done here?”

Adagio gave a nod. “Let’s head to the bank now. I’ll use this money to open an account for us.” Aria didn't say a word. She just drove to the bank.

It had taken some time, but they finally got things taken care of at the bank. The attendant helping them had to make sure the money was good first. It didn't take long to get an affirmative it was. After that, they took time setting up the account.

Now they were going to get supper, for the night. “What are we going to get, Adagio?” Aria asked.

“Let’s pick up Sonata and go to that Taco place near the hotel,” Adagio answered with a small smile. She could use something as a pick me up and that was Sonata in her books. Aria didn't say a word and just went with it while trying to seem bored.

{-} {-} {-}

“For realsies?!” Sonata asked with a bright smile and big eyes.

“Yes for realsies… I took care of our money problem for the moment. I decided we should go out and eat without worry tonight. Just try not to overdo it and get sick. That's a possibility now you know,” Adagio said trying to sound stern and hide her smile. It wasn't really working. There was just something about Sonata lately that made things seem better and at times it was hard not to crack a smile for a couple of seconds.

“Yeah yeah… whatever… I just want to go and eat tacos!” Sonata’s mouth started to water. “I haven’t had any in a looooongggg time…”

Aria gave a scoff and rolled her eyes but stayed silent. She was afraid if she started talking she wouldn't stop and something might happen. Like her letting slip that she seemed to care for these two or worse… she liked them. She wasn't ready for that.

Once they were seated at Taco Casa and their orders arrived, Aria and Adagio were surprised at the amount of tacos Sonata got. It looked as if even the servers were amazed. Sonata’s mouth just watered in anticipation of the tacoy goodness she was about to devour.

Adagio had her own taco meal, but it looked like a small snack compared to Sonata’s order. Aria, despite her attempts, wasn't able to keep her shock from showing. She had decided she would not even dare think about sneaking into Sonata’s bed tonight.

She might even use the couch or ask Adagio to share beds with her tonight. She did not want to have to worry about Sonata's gas from tacos the whole night. Also Aria had a pretty good feeling Sonata was going to eat herself sick tonight on top of everything else. Fortunately their suite had two restrooms they could use.

{-} {-} {-}

“Ahhhh… That hit the spot!” Sonata said with a smile as she patted her belly. Adagio couldn't help but give a little snicker to Sonata’s satisfied expression. “Ohhhh? So you can smile and laugh, Dagio?” Sonata asked with a smile.

Adagio blushed and cleared her throat. “Well… It would be hard not to after watching that, once the shock wore off that is. Besides we haven’t really had a lot to smile about lately. Enough about that though.” Adagio then gave Sonata a concerned look, “Are you really going to be ok? That was a lot of tacos?”

Sonata gave a smile and nodded her head eagerly. “Of course I’ll be okay!” Her stomach groaned a little and she almost burped. “But well… I’m glad the hotel isn't too far from here. Heh heh…” She blushed a little as she scratched the back of her head.

“Yeah… sure…” Aria said with a frown. She then turned to Adagio and gave her a pleading but still bored look as she asked, “Can I share your bed with you tonight? I really don’t want to have to be with Sonata’s taco gas all night.”

“I do not get gassy!” Sonata said with an angry face.

“Yes you do. Your gas is the worst. I still don’t see where you put all of those tacos… You don’t even look a little fat after eating all of those,” Aria said with a frown.

Aria was secretly scared she, herself, might end up ballooning out, since they weren't sirens anymore. She would just have to actually watch what she eats she supposed.

“It is not the worst!” Sonata said as she stood with her cheeks puffing in anger. Aria raised an eyebrow at the light blue haired girl. Adagio just watched. She would step in if they got out of hand, but she didn't think they would.

Sonata felt a gurgle of some kind and blushed as she sat back down. “Okay maybe I do get gassy. But just a little bit.”

Aria wouldn't say it, but she had to admit Sonata’s many expressions were fun to see. Aria turned to Adagio again, “So can we? I really don’t want to sleep on the couch or something. Plus in case Sonata really is sick she might be up all night.”

The fact Aria didn't press the issue even after Sonata admitted she was wrong, was proof she too had changed. She would still tease Sonata, but she usually knew where to draw the line now and didn't dare cross that line. She even really cared for the other two, but she didn't admit it even to herself.

Adagio thought it over for a second and was surprised she wasn't opposed to the idea. She figured she would just say “No! Sleep in your own bed or on the couch! Not in my bed.”

Instead she said, “I suppose it will be okay for tonight.” She then paid their bill and was surprised how cheap it actually was considering all of the tacos Sonata ordered. She guessed in the future the store wouldn't allow the blue haired girl to get the all you can eat taco supper.

At the very least, they’ll probably add a star on the menu saying a max of 30 or something like that,” Adagio thought with a giggle. She blushed in shame at giggling, but relaxed when she noticed the others weren't paying attention to her. Sonata was frowning at the floor while holding her tummy. Aria frowned as if she was trying to figure out if Sonata was going to puke in the car or not.

{-} {-} {-}

“Ughu…” Sonata groaned as she clutched her tummy in the back of Aria’s BMW. Maybe she underestimated how fragile her body and digestive system were now. Still “No regrets,” she mumbled to herself as she closed her eyes to concentrate on not getting sick.

“You aren't about to puke in the car are you?” Aria asked in a barely neutral tone. “Because that would really suck.” The truth was despite seeming worried about her car, she was actually concerned for Sonata.

Aria quickly glanced to Adagio as they waited at a light. “It seems I’m not the only one concerned for Sonata,” she thought. She was still trying to get used to the fact that Dagio actually seemed to care for them a little. Usually the curly haired girl only focused on their big plans. It was odd to Aria and it made her feel a little warm inside for some reason.

“I’ll get you some medicine from the hotel’s gift shop, Sonata. It should still be open,” Adagio said.

“uhhhghhh,” was the only response Sonata gave. The other two girls figured it meant, ‘thanks’.

The orange haired girl turned around and frowned in thought as the light turned green and they made the final stretch to the hotel. She figured she would have to scold Sonata a little for this, so it wouldn't happen again. She still couldn't figure out why she cared so much, but she did. “At least, it was still a good meal. Sonata just enjoyed herself too much,” she thought.

Sonata and Aria went straight up as Adagio got stomach medicine in the gift shop. She looked at all of the many bottles of medicine and pills and frowned as her eyebrow twitched. “How the hell am I supposed to pick out the right one?! We've never had to worry about getting sick before. We got hungry, but not sick. How do humans even manage to live since it seems everything hurts them or worse?

Adagio sighed and really wished they could have kept the immortality thing. She could handle this whole being human bit if that was the case, but no such luck. She finally gave a long shuttering sigh. “There’s no choice in the matter… I have no other options,” she mumbled to herself as she looked over to the smiling shop clerk.

At least the girl seems friendly enough,” she thought as she swallowed the little there was left of her pride and got ready to ask for help.

She walked up to the counter blushing as she asked, “Ummm… Excuse me… Can you help me?”

“Sure what can I do for you?!” The girl who looked only a couple years older than her asked with a bright smile.

Adagio looked to the side as she asked, “Well you see I’m ummm… not used to having to buy medicine, but one of my friends…” She shuddered at saying the word. It sounded very foreign on her tongue, even if she was only saying it to keep things simple, and not at all because she had come to see the other two as something like that. “Got a little too enthusiastic with her all you can eat taco meal and now her stomach’s bothering her.”

The clerk gave a friendly laugh as she said, “Oh I know how that can get. I always get carried away when I go out for Japanese food. Right this way.”

Adagio followed the clerk and soon paid for the medicine and made her way upstairs. She was never going to tell the others she actually had to ask for help on this.

{-} {-} {-}

“ughuggg,” Sonata groaned as she took the medicine and went to the bathroom. Adagio was about to scold her, but decided that could wait until Sonata was closer to normal. She instead just gave a frown and sighed.

“I’m still sharing your bed tonight, Adagio,” Aria wasn't about to let Dagio boot her to the couch or tell her to stay in her own bed. She doubted the medicine would be enough. She didn't know how this human stuff really worked, if it even did.

“I expected as much, Aria. I already told you it was okay,” Adagio said as she turned to head to her room. There wasn't anything more they could do for Sonata now. “I just hope you don’t toss and turn or snore.”

Aria frowned, “I don’t snore..."

“Well then we don’t have to worry about anything. I’m going to go ahead and get ready for bed. It’s been a long day…” Adagio said with another sigh.

Aria’s frown disappeared. “I’ll be there in a bit,” she replied. She waited before she got ready herself. Aria wanted Adagio to take all the time she needed to get ready for the night. She hoped allowing this would give her dibs on the restroom in the morning. Adagio always took a while to get ready because of all that hair she had.

When the twin-tailed girl finally climbed in bed next to Adagio, she laid there in thought. She hadn't really realized how much Adagio had really done for them. It hadn't really sunk in until now.

She had a really good idea what the curly haired girl had done to get that money at first. She was also sure it was something Adagio hated herself for doing. Then their leader went and sold her car so they would have money for the things they needed.

Aria vowed she would do what she could to help out with the next part of the plan. She wouldn't care if Adagio wanted it or not. It was time their leader stop doing everything herself. They were all in this together. “I hope it stays that way the whole time too…” Aria thought as she looked to Adagio with a thoughtful frown.

Aria gave a sigh and made sure not to cry as she thought over their situation again. She looked to Adagio once more. Adagio had been so strong this whole time in front of them, the girl had that one outburst the first night. After that, though she hadn't had any outbursts. Sonata had a few and even she herself did mostly in private, but it was still noticeable she had them afterwards.

The twin-tailed girl took in a shuddering breath. She then scooted a little closer. She felt that maybe it was partly because she wasn't quite back to her tough girl self yet really, or maybe it was because she thought Adagio deserved it. Regardless Aria once again, to her halfhearted dismay, cuddled up to one of her fellow ex-sirens. This time it was Adagio.

She couldn't help but think, “Not too bad. This is kind of nice. But Sonata is more… comfy.” Still it was a lot nicer than she thought it would be. She wondered why she kept doing things like this. She wondered why she liked it and why it made her feel warmer inside. Maybe she was trying to be a little too cool or something usually and this was how the feelings made up for that. She wasn't sure.

She might have thought more on the subject, but hearing Adagio's rhythmic breathing and the steady beating of her heart lulled Aria to sleep. She just hoped she woke up before Adagio. Otherwise it might be embarrassing to be caught like this and all of her hopes of being the cool tough girl would be gone forever. At the moment, she wasn't so sure that would be such a bad thing.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio slowly woke up from the best night’s sleep she had since the Battle of the Bands. She wondered why this was, since yesterday she had to sell her beloved Viper and Sonata got sick. As her brain started waking up more, she realized something was cuddled up against her. She looked to her side and her raspberry eyes widened as she saw a very contented Aria snuggling up to her still fast asleep.

What?!” Adagio thought. She had never taken Aria to be the snuggle type. She figured that would be Sonata. Adagio didn't usually sleep around the other two, but she was pretty sure she knew Aria didn't snuggle. However, seeing the tough girl sleeping like this actually brought a smile to her lips and a small giggle. “Again with the giggling… Why is it happening? Why do I actually kind of like doing it?

Being human really was puzzling. She had laughed in the past, but she never giggled and it wasn't ever for something like this. She shook her head and took in a deep breath as she turned away from Aria.

She thought of her options. She noticed she kind of liked being held onto like this. It made her feel happy and similar to how she did when Sonata thanked her for the sandwiches, but stronger.

Sonata… I hope she’s doing better this morning,” she thought as she remembered in concern all of the tacos the girl packed away last night.

That was all it took for her to decide she was going to get up completely. She would wait until after Aria was ready for the day before she showered. She loved her wonderfully gorgeous curly orange hair, but she knew better than the others it took her a good while to get ready in mornings.

Once she got out of the bed without waking up Aria, she made her way to the restroom. She briefly thought about teasing Aria about her snuggling, but shook her head. The old Adagio would have been either angry to find Aria like this or used it as fuel to make fun of her to no end.

Now however, she didn't want to mention it because she knew it would have really hurt Aria’s feelings and made the girl really angry. Sure it would have been fun to see Aria blush up a storm, but it wouldn't end there. Aria would be really mad and probably not talk to her.

Surprisingly, Adagio didn't want that. She could talk to Sonata about some things and the light blue haired girl could cheer her up. Aria on the other hand was someone she could talk to about more serious matters. Plus Aria helped with selling the car and everything. No, she would not make fun of Aria for this, even if she really did want to see the girl blush for some reason.

I probably just want to see her show some kind of emotion apart from bored and sometimes a little worried,” Adagio decided as she left the room. It didn't really matter. There was still a lot of work she had to do for all of them.

She took in a deep breath and knocked on the door to Sonata’s bedroom. “Y-y-yes,” a very tired sounding Sonata answered from the other side.

“Are you alright?” Adagio asked.

Sonata opened the door and looked like she hadn't slept very well if at all. “Not really…” she answered in a small voice.

“Are you feeling any better?” The orange haired girl asked.

“A little…” Sonata replied as she yawned. “I didn't really get much sleep last night though.”

“I can see that,” Adagio looked her over. “Go ahead and lie back down. I’ll get you some water and your medicine.”

Sonata looked as grateful as she could in her condition. She went and collapsed on her bed with a tired sigh. She never knew opening her door was so much work.

Adagio soon returned and gave a frown. She sat on the corner of the bed and gave Sonata her medicine. “I really hope you learned your lesson, Sonata. We’re human now. We have to be a lot more careful. We’re weak…” she finished quietly.

“I don’t think we’re as weak as you think, Adagio. At least not compared to other humans. Still I learned that while tacos are still the food of the gods. It's a good idea to be careful. Maybe I should stop at just 20 in the future. Hee hee,” Sonata finished with a tired giggle which morphed into a yawn.

Adagio couldn't help, but give a smile as she shook her head. “You do realize we were at one time those very ‘gods’ humans speak about when they say such things, right?”

“And I love tacos! So tacos are still the food of the ‘gods’,” Sonata said with a small smile as she took a sip of water. “So how’s Aria?”

Adagio was looking away as she blushed for a moment. “She’s still asleep.” She then looked to Sonata and asked, "After she’s up, I’m going to order from room service. Do you want anything?”

Sonata turned a little green at the thought of more food. Adagio gave a small laugh, “I take that as a ‘no’.” Sonata nodded in agreement. “Rest up and hopefully you’ll be back to your usually self soon enough.”

She seemed… nice… really nice…” Sonata thought for a moment. She then gave a smile as she said to herself, “I knew she always cared deep down.” Her stomach then groaned and she clutched it and told it, “Stop being so grumpy tummy.” For the moment, it seemed to have listened to her.

Adagio stretched as she sat in the kitchen/living room area of their suite. She still felt a little tired as well. She hoped Aria would wake up soon so she could go ahead and shower and everything. There wasn't a better way to wake up in the morning than with a nice warm shower in Adagio’s opinion.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria gave a sigh of contentment as she woke up. Her eyes snapped awake as she looked around the bed and to her side. She gasped in horror and her purple eyes widened as she noticed Adagio wasn't there.

“Just great, Aria… You decide to sleep in when you’re sharing Adagio’s bed,” she grumbled as she looked around expecting to see Adagio waiting nearby with an eyebrow raised ready to question her.

She looked around and saw nothing but the room. The restroom door was open but there wasn't any sound coming from it. “Just great. She’s probably waiting in the living room with a smug grin on her face getting ready to laugh at me,” she thought with a frown.

Might as well get it over with, Aria. I’ll just have to get her back if she does make fun of me,” the purple haired girl thought as she entered the main part of their suite. She was surprised when she saw a yawning Adagio sitting at the table with a glass of water.

Adagio looked to Aria and gave a sigh of relief. “Finally you’re awake. Can you hurry up and get ready please? I’m really not actually awake until after I’ve had my morning shower.”

Aria looked to her trying to read her expression. She couldn't see anything, but tired and maybe some worry. “Is that all you have to say?”

Adagio looked in thought for a moment before her eyes opened a little. “Sonata’s still a bit sick. She’s probably not really going to leave her room unless for the bathroom. She’s at least a little bit better than she was last night. Now can you please hurry up and get ready?”

Aria just nodded and went back to get ready. “Maybe she’s waiting for the right moment to mention it.” Aria still wasn't convinced Adagio hadn't noticed her snuggling in bed.

As she stepped into the shower, one more thought came to her mind. “Maybe she really didn't notice… Or maybe she doesn't want to say anything about it?” She wasn't sure what to think about this.

Part of Aria would be relieved if that was the case. Another part wondered if Adagio was embarrassed and wanted to pretend it didn't happen. A final part felt offended if that was the case. “She should be happy I cuddled her like that! I mean I’m Aria! I’m cool and hot! People should be glad if I cuddle them… even if I don’t want them to find out.

She shook her head as the water poured on her skin. She gave a moan in appreciation. She didn't understand these thoughts at all. This human thing was too much work. They had to worry about everything hurting them. They had to find ways to get money. They had to eat enough food, but not too much. It was all too much work. “Then there’s this whole feelings thing… We had them as sirens, but they were much simpler, fewer and easier.

She finished up in the bathroom and told Adagio it was her turn. There was still no change in Adagio as the girl made her way. Aria was starting to think it wasn't the waiting until the right moment to make fun of her option. She kept thinking about this the entire time while Adagio got ready for the day.

“I was going to order breakfast from room service once I got out of the shower. Did you want anything? I already asked Sonata and unsurprisingly she said ‘no’,” Adagio asked as she returned to the room ready for the day.

“Cereal, fruit and maybe some juice,” Aria answered.

“Sounds about like what I was going to get myself. Alright then,” Adagio said as she placed the order.

{-} {-} {-}

Once their breakfast, which was a quiet affair, was over the two girls were still sitting at the table across from each other. Aria was looking at Adagio. Adagio was looking in the newspaper.

“So… What’s the next plan?” Aria asked.

“We need to get ourselves an apartment. I know our check out time is coming up soon, but I’ll take care of that. I’ll either get us an extension on this room or we’ll have to check into a couple of new rooms instead. I’m going for staying in this room. Once I show the manager we have more than enough money now, I’m sure he won't mind too much,” Adagio answered.

After a few moments of silence, Aria couldn't take it anymore and had to ask, “Why aren't you saying anything?”

Adagio raised an eyebrow at her in question. Aria looked away and blushed. “I know you saw me this morning… I know you weren't so out of it you didn't notice another girl wrapped around you tightly. Why aren't you saying anything about it?” She turned back to Adagio with a bit of an angry face.

Adagio sighed yet again. She wondered if that was due to being human as well. “I didn't really want to say anything about it. I didn't think you would want me to say anything about it.”

Adagio looked down to her glass of juice and spoke again after a couple of seconds. “The last thing I want right now is for either of us to really get into a fight, Aria.”

Aria looked to her waiting for more. It looked like there was something else on Adagio’s mind, almost as if there was more to her not saying anything about it than just avoiding a fight.

“I didn't really hate it or anything either… It was kind of nice.” Adagio then gulped as she continued, “It felt filled… even if only for a moment,” she said quietly more to herself than to Aria.

Aria’s eyes widened hearing those words. “You feel that as well?” Adagio looked to her in shock wanting further explanation. “You feel as if something is missing inside us? And I don’t mean our powers.”

Adagio’s eyes were wide as she slowly nodded. “You feel that way too, Aria?”

Aria nodded, “Sonata also. But I don’t think she feels it as often oddly enough.”

The two looked to each other their eyes meeting directly. They each wanted to say something more, but at the same time they were scared to speak more of it. They were frightened what might happen if they did keep talking about it. It was something they weren't sure about. It was another mystery.

In the end, neither said anything more on the subject. They had enough to worry about as it was. “Well… I need to speak with the manager about the... ummm room,” Adagio said.

“Ummm yeah… later,” Aria replied.

Adagio finished her juice and got up to leave. Both girls were half relieved the matter was dropped, but also half disappointed the matter was dropped. It felt as if something was close to changing in a big way if they had talked about it more. More big changes was the last thing they wanted though.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio returned a lot quicker than she thought she would. Her talk with the manager went much smoother than she expected. She paid off their bill and asked him if they could keep the suite for longer.

----- Flashback starts -----

“I don’t know. That's asking a whole lot, Miss Dazzle,” Mr. Sinclair said.

Adagio swallowed her pride again. “I’m surprised there’s any of my pride left to swallow really,” she thought before speaking.

“Please, Mr. Sinclair… The three of us have been through a really tough and unexpected change during this trip of ours. All we have left are each other. I promise we’ll get out of here as soon as we can. I already showed you we have the money… Isn't there some kind of arrangement we can make?” She even batted her eyes a little at him.

Mr. Sinclair sighed as he scratched the back of his head. He looked up something on his computer to clarify if it would work or not. “Okay… Look… You three can stay longer. Just make sure you have the money when you check out. And please be quick about moving on. I’m already sticking my neck out a good bit for you three girls.”

“Thank you so much,” Adagio said and to both their shock she hugged him in gratitude. She recovered first and blushed as she left the office and thanked him once more.

Mr. Sinclair was just blinking in surprise before he cleared his head and got back to running the hotel. They had a huge banquet to prepare for tonight. It was going to be a busy day, but he did manage to smile. It was kind of nice to actually be thanked in such a manner.

---- Flashback ends ----

To Adagio, the biggest surprise was she actually meant the thanks she gave him. She blamed this emotion and feeling stuff that she had now. She gave a sigh, “Being Human sucks…” It wasn't all bad really, she liked how she felt in a way closer to the others than she did before their defeat, but that wasn't enough to make her happy with being a human now.

As she walked into the suite, she shook her head. She needed to work on other things now and tell the other two the good news. She was surprised when she opened the door and heard, “Welcome back, Dagio.” It wasn't as exuberant as it usually would be, but it still had some of that Sonata flair to it.

“So you got up? Are you sure that was a good idea?” Adagio asked with concern.

Sonata smiled, “Well I’m not sleepy right now even if I'm tired. Plus I don’t want to be cooped up in my room alone all day. So where did you go?”

Adagio nodded and looked around to see Aria was sitting in a chair nearby. “I spoke to the manager and he agreed to let us stay longer. It went better than I expected it to go. I still want to find us an apartment soon, but we at least have a temporary place to stay until then."

Sonata even in her condition found the energy to come over and give Adagio a hug. The orange haired girl was surprised by this. “I knew I could count on you, Adagio. You’re always there for us,” Sonata said as she hugged the other girl.

Adagio didn't know what to think. She just gave a small smile and thanked Sonata in her mind. Sonata soon let go of the hug because her tummy was getting 'a little grumpy again'. Adagio excused herself to her room claiming the meeting was more draining than she thought it would be.

Aria looked to their leader a little concerned. She wondered if Adagio had done something like that one night again. Regardless of if Aria’s thoughts were true or not, the girl simply went back to looking through the paper again.

The truth was Adagio simply found herself overcome by emotion after the Sonata hug and thanks. She didn't want the others to see this. She wasn't even sure why it affected her so much.

Author's Notes:

So yeah... I know I said the next chapter would end with where the Dazzlings were in chapter 3, but that didn't happen. I kept writing and writing and soon the chapter was too long for just one chapter and there was a perfect place to break it into two. Then I kept writing and kept writing and soon the second chapter was too big and so in the end one chapter ended up being three...

I decided to release all three at once, since they were supposed to be one chapter. Hopefully this isn't too much of the Dazzlings for everyone. I promise Twilight and Sunset will be a major part of the story. I just really had to get the Dazzlings' history since the Battle of the Bands completed. I also didn't want to end up rushing things too much.

"We're equals now."

It had been several days since they got the extension on their suite. Adagio had been busy looking for apartments. Aria had been as well, even if she kept her search secret from the others. She thought it was high time Adagio realize she doesn't have to be their leader and do everything on her own. They were all three in this together as equals. They were no longer their old group for better or worse.

Aria found a pretty good place in her search. It was a good bit away from CHS, so they wouldn't have to worry about the students from there crossing their paths much hopefully. The place was also located in a really good location in the city. There were plenty of shops, restaurants, businesses and even a few grocery stores all within walking distance, even if it took a good while to walk to some of the places.

Money was something they were being very tight about. They didn't want to be unprepared if others from their past suddenly remembered the trio owed them money or something. Anywhere they could cut expenses they did, gas was one of those expenses. They couldn't cutback that expense yet, but they could once they moved into their new place.

Aria had already been to this place and looked it over once. It took some convincing, but once she assured the Apartment staff the three of them were all 18 years old and had money she was given a tour of the complex. It was a pretty good apartment. However, she wasn't about to just give into them and ask to sign something right then and there.

Instead she told them, “I’ll think about it, but there are a couple of other places we’re interested in at the moment as well. I also would like to let them see the place first hand. You wouldn't mind giving us a tour in a couple of days would you?”

“No of course not, Miss Blaze. We can even schedule the next tour before you leave if you’d like.” The eager property manager said as he led her back to the office.

It was now a couple of days later. She had looked at some other places and so had Adagio. Aria was confident and hopeful she had picked the winner to surprise Adagio and Sonata with. “I want Adagio to realize she isn't alone in this anymore and we can and should work together,” Aria thought to herself as they climbed into her car.

{-} {-} {-}

“Are we almost there, Aria?” Sonata asked from the back. She was eager to see the place and bored. It seemed like they had been driving around for almost an hour to her.

“A little longer, Sonata. I wanted to show you two I picked a good place location wise,” Aria answered. Sonata just nodded and kind of drifted off a little. Aria didn't care, because she was mostly interested in showing Adagio more than Sonata.

“I’m still a little surprised you went and looked for places as well, Aria,” Adagio said in a rather dull voice. She wasn't about to admit it to the others, but she felt like she had again let them down by not being the one to find them a new place. She would have said something about it, but getting their new home was more important than her almost nonexistent pride, even if it still hurt a little.

Aria looked forward. She could tell something was bothering Adagio. She decided now wasn't the time to keep acting tough and uncaring towards the others. “Adagio… You've already done more for us than you needed to on your own. You gave up your car so we would have money. You’ve been talking with the manager at the hotel and making sure we have a place to stay. You solved our hunger problem. You were the one who discovered we were actually human now for real.”

“I’m also the one who got us in this mess in the first place,” Adagio said dispassionately as she looked out the passenger window. She had to admit this looked like a good location. It pretty much had everything she could think they would need in one place and within walking distance if Aria was to be believed. This meant they wouldn't have to use as much money on gas if they moved here.

“Adagio. We all got here together. We had almost succeeded in the plan you came up with. Not to mention it wasn't your fault it failed. Also you've been taking care of us since we were first banished from Equestria. With all your smarts and wits, even you couldn't have expected we would face some kind of Cosmic Rainbow Harmony powered Alicorn in the end. None of us thought that Twilight girl and the others were going to be a real problem. Let alone that her and the others had the powers of the elements inside them somehow,” Aria said.

“Besides…” Aria started with a sigh. “We aren't The Dazzlings anymore. We aren't the Sirens anymore, Adagio. We aren't some kind of powerful group. We don’t have to have an official leader. We’re Aria Blaze, Adagio Dazzle, and Sonata Dusk. Nothing more. Just three girls stuck in this world, in this situation together with one another. We need to share the work. We don’t have any other choice unless we take on this world alone without each other.”

Aria gave a shudder, “I know I’m not ready for that. I don’t even really want that. There are a lot of things we don’t understand going on in our lives now. But we know each other. We’re the only things we have in this world… We're equals now.”

Sonata wasn’t drifting off anymore. She was listening quietly in the back. She was taking in Aria’s words. She was thinking about things herself. About how Aria was right, how they should all pitch in and help each other out. “We’re all that any of us really has in this world now,” she thought. She would try to do what she could do to help with whatever was next. She needed to do more than just watch Adagio and Aria do everything.

Adagio looked out the window and sighed. “You’re right… I’m still probably going to try and be the leader. I’ll try to be more open about things at least. Let’s see this apartment you found. I know I haven’t had much luck in my search.”

{-} {-} {-}

The three girls were looking around the apartment. It was a pretty good place. Not a luxury condominium or anything like that, but they would live. It was like Aria more or less pointed out in the car. Being together is what mattered the most now, even if they weren't exactly friends. They were still together and this place had three bedrooms and two bathrooms. They could figure out who went where later if they got the apartment.

Sonata gave a bit of a gasp as she looked out at the balcony. “Oh neato! A balcony!” Aria and Adagio frowned at this. They were pretty sure it was a no-no to let the sales associate know one of them actually really liked the place so easily.

It meant they wouldn't be able to really do much haggling on the rent price. They supposed they probably wouldn't have done much anyways because of necessity, but still the apartment didn't need to know that.

Adagio managed to even the playing field again by saying, “Sonata, there are many apartments with balconies.” She walked over to window and looked outside with a half frown. “And many of them actually have a much better view as well. It's nice to have something like a balcony, but it isn't really all that rare in apartments.”

“Ohhh okay,” Sonata replied. She turned to the person showing them the place. “Sorry. I have a tendency to get excited and act like things are better than they actually might be. That’s why they’re the ones actually picking out the place and not me.” She gave him a smile.

The man showing them the apartment kept his ‘friendly smile’ in place as he assured her, “It's nothing to worry about.” He was a little disappointed they weren't going to be sold because of the balcony alone.

During the rest of the tour, they asked him all kinds of questions about expenses and other amenities the complex offered. In the end, the three discussed things and “eventually" decided to go with this place. It would still be a couple of days until they could move in, but they got the place at a price they decided was workable.

“I have to admit, Aria. You found a really good apartment for us,” Adagio said once they were in the car and about to leave. She looked down and added quietly, “Thanks.”

Aria heard it and it did bring a smile to her lips, but she left it alone. She figured it was probably tough for Adagio to say thanks like this. Aria knew she, herself, had yet to actually say something like that, so she left it alone as they drove back.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata gave a moan and a stretch as she woke up in the middle of the night. She once again felt something or rather someone wrapped around her. She gave a quiet giggle and looked to her side. “It seems, Aria really is quite the Snuggle Bandit.” She had noticed it a couple of other nights when she made a middle of the night bathroom run.

The first night she noticed Aria she was shocked, but she actually felt a little happy and warm. At the time, she hadn't been sleeping well the past couple of nights with everything going on in life. That night, apart from her trip to the toilet, she had a good night’s sleep. She of course just knew it was because someone snuggled up with her.

Sonata had thought about saying something to Aria, but decided against it. "Knowing Aria she would get all mad and embarrassed and probably stop doing it altogether." That was something Sonata wouldn't like. In the end, she didn't say anything about the discovery of the snuggle bandit.

She thought what Aria did was sweet and liked it herself. If staying silent meant it might keep happening, she was fine with that. She really would have liked to see a blushing Aria, but that was okay to pass up… for now.

As Sonata thought back to that time, she realized it was their last night in the Hotel. They had a few days of overlap as they got things they needed for the new place. The list included furniture and some groceries mostly. Sonata had enjoyed their furniture trips a lot. They had a budget but it was still fun to her seeing everything.

The trio stuck mostly to basics. At this point, that meant beds, towels, a dining table set with chairs, glasses, silverware and some plates. “I’m glad we at least all got Queen sized beds because of the sale at that one place,” Sonata thought as she finished up in the restroom and went back to bed. She couldn't immediately go back to sleep though.

Her mind was busy thinking about their new place. They had stayed in much nicer and fancier places in the past, but this was different and she was excited about it. “Probably because it will be our first home as humans,” she decided.

She heard Aria take in a deep breath and let it out as the purple haired girl snuggled in more. “I wonder if she'll still do this even after we move into the new place.” Sonata would miss it if it didn’t happen ever again. She knew it was a possibility in their new home at least. Her and Aria had their bedrooms next to each other. If Aria was determined to snuggle up in the future she easily could as far as she was concerned.

Sonata did kind of hope it didn’t happen too often. She had a certain way she preferred to sleep when they weren’t in hotels or sharing beds and she wasn’t sure if the others knew or not. She didn’t think Aria would appreciate slipping in to snuggle with a more or less naked Sonata.

The light blue haired girl would see how things went, but she hoped maybe she could at least get away with underwear only. Sleep was much more comfortable for her that way. Sonata laid awake thinking about different things a little longer before she fell asleep once again.

When morning came, Sonata was the last awake. This was normal, but she was starting to hate it. She wanted to prove she was a part of the group. She couldn't very well do that if she always slept in while the others woke up and got busy for the day. She could get up early, but she needed an alarm clock or a wake up call or something.

"Good Morning," Aria and Adagio greeted her as she walked into the kitchen.

"Morning..." Sonata greeted still feeling a little tired. She was up too late last night just staring at the ceiling and thinking things over. She was also appreciating Aria's snuggle most of the night. She was always surprised how snuggly and comfy Aria was.

She paused in her thoughts and wondered, "Did Aria snuggle with Adagio when I was sick? Ooo I wonder if Adagio is a good snuggle with all of that hair?" She shook her head and got herself some cereal before sitting at the table with the others. She could think about such things another time.

"Sooo... What's the plan today?" Sonata asked.

"Well we have to get bedding for our beds sometime before we go to sleep tonight. We have to check out of here by noon. That's about it." Adagio answered.

Sonata sat down and decided to tell them her plan. "I want to go for a walk again once we get to the apartment and a get a better understanding of the area."

Adagio looked to her and said, "Just make sure you have your cell phone with you, Sonata."

Sonata nodded to this. The three of them decided they needed cell phones in case something happened to one of them. Also it was nice to have a phone period. They didn't have some super fancy plan with their phones, but what they did have was affordable and worked for them.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata was humming to herself as she walked around some of the areas close to their apartment. She may not be the smartest in their group, but she knew it was super important to know their new home’s surrounding area. They were planning to walk whenever they could. Plus she thought it was fun to walk and the area had some really nice places to visit.

What she hadn't told the others was she wanted to think while she walked as well. It wasn't something she was used to doing, she usually left thinking up to Aria and Adagio, but now things were different. They were in this together and were equals with each other. This meant she needed to do her part as well.

She felt sad deep inside that the other two hadn't really included her in their planning and talks about what to do. Their current goal was to find jobs. It was hard figuring out what they were really able to get as a job. There was also the fact they wanted to work together if possible which they felt was important, but made things even more difficult.

The light blue haired girl kept walking paying attention to the roads and such as she did. She needed to know where she was and how to get back after all. She might be a little on the dumb side, but she wasn't completely hopeless, despite sometimes coming off as just that.

She thought more about everything and oddly enough she found herself in a small way liking their lives now. It was nice to actually be getting along better with the others. She did miss some of the perks they had before, but that didn't mean their change was all for the worse.

Sure humans were weak compared to sirens and they had to eat food on a regular basis, but that was actually something that was good she thought. It was tough at first, but she knew better now and even if their hunger was more intense as humans. It was something they could easily solve, and it wasn't something always there no matter what like before. They could actually be satisfied now and not hungry.

She also kind of liked having these feelings. It was different, but she liked it in many ways. Add in the fact they didn't have to worry about how to best control others and not be hunted down, and things were actually really good in her mind.

Still…” Sonata thought as she placed a hand on her neck where her pendant used to be, tears starting to form in her eyes. “I miss being able to sing. I really do. I also miss my pendant. I thought it was pretty and it feels strange not having one after all these years.

By this point, Sonata believed they mostly got what they deserved for how they twisted people’s emotions like they did in the past. She had never really thought much about it, because emotions weren't really that strong for their old selves. Now that she was human and knew just how powerful these feelings could be. She felt really bad about what they did in the past.

Even feeling this way, she didn't think they deserved to lose their singing voices completely. She didn't mind losing the powers now that they had kind of gotten with the program, but losing their voices seemed a little cruel to her. Things were even worse in some ways because they had this emptiness of some kind inside now. She had talked about it with Aria a little. Sometimes it filled up, but it never stayed filled and when it emptied again it felt even worse than before to her.

Probably because I know a little of what it’s like to have that hole filled. To have that warmth inside again. Then it disappears again or the warmth feels very… muted,” she thought to herself.

Sonata for whatever reason was sure if they could sing again that warmth would return and that emptiness would stay filled. No one was around right now so she decided to try singing one more time.

Sonata took in a deep breath and tried to sing...

Tears filled her raspberry eyes as she heard the horrible sound that came from her voice. It wasn't anything like what they used to have. She didn't care about the powers. She never really did. She used them with the others and sometimes for herself, but what she loved was singing. Like when they first met all those many, many years ago. They would sing and ponies would really enjoy their voices, but that was before the powers started to surface.

Sonata shook her head to clear it. “Cheer up, Sonata… The others seem to feel better when you’re being your happy self… It’s all I can do for now… Come on, Sonata,” she pleaded with herself. It worked a little, but not much. She guessed she could fake her happiness, but it just seemed wrong to her to fake her feelings. They were important to humans and shouldn't be carelessly used.

Sonata continued walking and soon realized it was getting close to time to eat supper. She really wanted to see if they could actually go to a place to eat tonight. She knew money was an issue, but maybe they could as a bit of a celebration for having their own place set up now and not still staying in the hotel.

As her footsteps carried her a little further, she came across what looked like a restaurant. “Johnston’s Bar and Grill,” she read the sign on the door. The place looked like it was doing pretty well, but wasn't overly popular. She also noticed a lot of specials on the chalk board by the entrance. She figured that would make it easier to get the others here.

Sonata picked up her cell phone and called up Adagio. “Hello?” Adagio answered.

“Hey, Dagio! How are you?” Sonata greeted cheerfully.

“Same as usual, Sonata. What are you up to?” Adagio replied.

“Well I went for a walk as you know. And anyways I realized it was getting late and I was getting hungry. I figured you and Aria would be as well. Unless you two have already eaten,” Sonata said with her fingers crossed.

“No, Sonata, we haven’t,” Adagio said with a sigh.

“Well you see I thought with everything going on we could eat out somewhere tonight. In fact, I’m standing in front of a place that looks perfect for us. It even has a number of delicious specials. I don’t think we’ll have to worry about any body knowing us ever showing up here,” she explained hoping that would work.

She heard silence for a couple of seconds and then some muffled discussion. Soon Adagio spoke to her again. “Sounds good, Sonata. It would be nice to have something different tonight. Where are you?”

Sonata gave a silent cheer which caused a nearby couple to laugh a little. She then thanked the other two and told them how to get to where she was. She finished by saying, “It’s within walking distance it just takes some time is all, but not too much.”

“Alright, Go ahead and get us a table in a few minutes then. Aria and I will meet you there. Sound good?” Adagio asked. It was more of an order really, but Adagio was trying to break her leader habits and get the other’s opinions. Sometimes she wouldn't really leave much room for argument, but she was at least trying to break the old habit. She was making remarkable progress considering it was a thousand plus year habit.

“Yep! See you two soon!” Sonata replied cheerfully.

“Yes. See you soon as well,” Adagio replied before ending the call.

Sonata hung up and looked over the specials. Her mouth started to water as she looked at the list. She was going to make sure she picked the best meal and it would give her enough leftovers for tomorrow.

After waiting a few minutes, Sonata finally went in the place and got a table for them all. She looked around from where she was sitting, the place looked nice. It had a lot of room filled with tables and booths. It had a bar area with some TV screens and a few bar tables. It also had a nice long bar area with lots of stools.

Sonata looked at the bottles behind the bar. She was impressed with the collection. The three of them had been around a long time. They knew their Alcohol. They even enjoyed it a good bit, but they never got carried away. The light blue haired girl wondered what it would be like as a human, if it was any different.

She shook her head as she noticed Aria and Adagio walk into the restaurant. Sonata gave them a smile and a big wave. She was again feeling better after her earlier thoughts.

"This place isn't too bad, Sonata," Aria said as a waitress gave her and Adagio menus.

"I was just hungry. I didn't think it would be this nice in here. Oh well!" Sonata answered happily.

Shortly after they had their menus, their waitress returned and told them the specials. There really were a number of them. It took some time, but the trio finally ordered their meals.

"We got bedding for all of us. You don't mind light green do you, Sonata?" Adagio asked.

"That is like one of my favorite colors. Well after Maroon and a few others, but that will be just fine!" Sonata said with a smile as she took a sip of her drink.

Soon their orders arrived and they started on their meals. The three girls had some conversation over their meal. It wasn't anything really big, but they were feeling better than earlier thanks to it.

{-} {-} {-}

As they left Johnston’s, they were each happy and each had part of their meal still left. They ordered big meals at good prices, so they could have leftovers to eat later.

Sonata felt really happy because she found a way to get the others to at least not be all frowny once again. Sure they were still guarding their emotions, but Sonata could tell they were happier than when they first arrived. She didn't realize it yet, but she actually was really good at knowing what the others felt even if they hid their feelings.

She decided the place was very good for them. She even saw something the other two didn't seem to notice. She saw a sign on the building saying the restaurant was looking to hire help. She decided to pay the place a visit tomorrow without the others.

Sonata wanted to do like Aria did with the apartment. She wanted to show both Adagio and Aria she was able to be a helpful part of the group. That she wasn't just a complete idiot and she could be as equal as they were. Getting them their jobs sounded like the perfect way for her to do just that.

The next day when Sonata awoke she made her way back to Johnston's. As she entered, one of the people greeted her. "Hello. How can I help you?"

"I saw the sign saying you were hiring," Sonata started.

The hostess and a waiter nodded to each other and the waiter said, "This way."

Sonata followed him quietly. She felt a little nervous, but didn't drop her friendly smile. They approached a door that was an office in the back. "Mr. Elric, there's someone here who's asking about a job." The waiter said before then going back to work.

Mr. Elric was a tall man with blonde hair who looked to be in his early thirties. He gave Sonata a smile and motioned for her to step inside his office. "Come in. Have a seat. What's your name?"

"Sonata Dusk, sir," she answered as she sat down in front of his desk.

"So you're looking for a job? Do you happen to have any previous experience?" He asked.

"Not really, sorry... But I can learn when I put my mind to it. I was mostly just wanting basic information about the job if that was okay, sir," Sonata asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I was just ready to get right into it. We usually have a drop in employees about this time of year, because a lot of them go home for the summer. We have a couple of high schoolers but not many. Anyways. Information..." The man started.

He cleared his throat and seemed as if he was about to give a well practiced speech. Sonata did her best to pay full attention. "We are looking for all positions, currently. There will be some overlap in staff at first, since we usually hire preemptively for this time of year. You need to have an ABC, Alcohol Beverage Control, license before you can start work here, but the building across the street handles that easily."

"The class is about five hours long so not much different from a school day. Usually what we do here is we hire people and tell them they have a couple of days to get the certification before their first shift. If they don't get it then we don't let them work here. We will sometimes, but not often, make exceptions for wait staff under 18. We don't hire anyone younger than 17 and in that case they must have written proof from their parents or legal guardian they are allowed to work. We also tell them once they turn 18 they have a week to get their certification if they wish to stay with us."

"Okay... So what do you mean by all positions specifically?" Sonata asked. She was trying to be smart like Aria or Adagio with her questions. She also didn't want to end up a janitor or something like that.

"We're looking for Wait staff, Kitchen staff and Bartenders. You have to be at least 18 to serve at the bar. We are also giving hiring preference to people with flexible schedules," Mr. Elric finished.

"Can I have three applications for now? I have a couple of friends also looking for jobs and I would like to think about it with them. We kind of want to work together. That won't be a problem will it?" Sonata asked.

"So long as you three do your jobs that won't be a problem. I'll give you the applications. You can either return them in person or mail them in. You will have to work under multiple managers. Hopefully that won't be a problem. There are only three of us immediate managers you have to worry about, so it isn't as bad as some places. We work around each other's schedules fairly well," the blonde man told her.

Sonata shook her head, "No I don't think that will be a problem, sir."

"Alright then. Follow me out. I would recommend you turn in the applications in person, preferably in the middle of the afternoon. That's when the General Manager is in and many times the owner as well. They handle the hiring and the rest of us managers take care of the normal work as well as sometimes give a bit of a pre-interview. That isn't the case at the moment," Mr. Elric said as he led her outside.

"Hopefully we'll see you soon, Miss Dusk," he said as he waved goodbye to her. She smiled and waved back.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata made it back to the apartment and had on a serious face that kind of looked a little out of place on her. "Make them listen if you have to, Sonata," she cheered herself on as she got ready to meet with the others and tell them what she found.

Sonata opened the door and was a little surprised to find both Aria and Adagio sitting in the kitchen around the table. They didn't really have much of anywhere else to sit yet besides the floor, so she soon realized she shouldn't have been surprised they were around the table. "I want to talk to you two about something and I want you to hear me out."

Aria and Adagio blinked a few times and looked to one another. They were both surprised when they saw such a serious looking Sonata. They didn't even really know she could look so serious. "Okay go ahead, Sonata," Adagio said.

Sonata relaxed a little and took in a breath. "I think I might have found us jobs. Possibly... I mean we have to fill out the applications and meet with a couple of people, then we have to get an ABC license then we can work, but it is a job," She said it all very quickly. She feared if she didn't they wouldn't listen to her.

"What kind of a job is it? And what's an ABC License?" Aria asked.

"It's at the restaurant we went to last night. When we left I saw a hiring sign. I went back today. The manager guy I spoke to said they usually have a lot of people leave around this time of year to head back home from college. So they hire in advance. They have plenty of openings for all positions and I thought it would work, because the three of us could work there together. We might even be able to get them to let us kind of do a little bit of everything or something," Sonata said a little slower this time.

"Oh and an ABC License stands for Alcohol Beverage Control License. They said when they hire people they give them a couple of days to get one before they start work. There's a place right near it that offers the class. He said it was only about five hours long and everyone who works there has to have one," She again spilled out all of the information rather quickly. Maybe it was a little fast, but she got it fast and feared if she didn't say it fast she might forget something important.

"Did you get applications for us?" Adagio asked. She wasn't about to say no to a job that might be exactly what they were looking for. She was actually impressed Sonata found one for them.

"Oh yeah I got those. The manager, Mr. Elric, said it was best to return them in person about the middle of the afternoon. That's when the people in charge of hiring will be there. We could just mail them in if we really wanted to, but well I was hoping we could get this going faster by going there in person," Sonata said as she handed them the applications.

"Well it's better than nothing. Thanks, Sonata." Adagio said as she started looking over the application. Sonata was too happy they did listen to her to notice the thanks.

The three of them took their time looking over the applications and filling them out. They wanted to make sure they did it right. When it came to previous experience they sighed. They actually had a good bit of experience here, but not an amount 18 year old teens could claim without a lot of questions. They wanted to avoid questions where they could.

In the end, they claimed zero previous experience and agreed to just do their best to come off as "naturals". Working restaurants was something they actually had a good bit of practice in. They didn't think it would be too hard for them to pose as naturals.

They had used restaurants as temporary bases many times in the past. Adagio and Aria were actually a little embarrassed they didn't think about getting jobs in one sooner. Regardless they were impressed Sonata thought to do just that and they were happy she did mostly because Sonata seemed happier to be helping them with this kind of thing.

Johnston's Bar and Grill

The next day after they filled out the applications for the jobs Sonata found them, the girls went to turn them in at the restaurant. When they got there, it was during the recommended time Mr. Elric told them to arrive. They were a little surprised they managed to get their interviews almost right away.

"Hello. My name's James Forrester. I'm the General Manager here," the man introduced himself. Mr. Forrester was a tall and muscular man with dark skin and a neatly shaved hair. He may seem imposing at first, but they would quickly find out he was a rather reasonable person.

"Hi, I'm Mr. Johnston, the owner," a medium built man, who looked to be in his late to early fifties with a little pudge, introduced himself.

"You're Sonata right?" Mr. Forrester asked pointing to the light blue haired girl. She nodded and shook both their hands. "Mr. Elric said you came by yesterday. I guess these are the friends you mentioned?"

"Hello. I'm Adagio Dazzle, sir." Adagio introduced herself and shook his hand followed by shaking the owner's hand as well.

"I'm Aria Blaze," the last of their trio said following Adagio's actions.

"Well then let's get this interview started shall we, Mr. Forrester?" The two men then led them to the office.

{-} {-} {-}

The interview had gone really well and pretty quick. They were asked the standard questions and the two men made them feel a bit at ease. Their time was now coming to an end. "So is there anything you want to ask us?" Mr. Johnston asked in conclusion.

"Well I was wondering if maybe we could not have to do just one job only," Sonata started. She gulped when the others looked to her. She soon regained her composure and continued, "I was also wondering if the three of us could kind of be allowed to work together most of the time if that was possible."

"That's an odd thing to ask." The owner seemed deep in thought. He thought it might be something they could do, but first asked. "Do you have anything to say on this Mr. Forrester?"

"So let me get this straight." The three girls looked to him. "You three want to work together, but are otherwise flexible with your schedule?"

They slowly nodded. Aria and Adagio decided to let Sonata kind of run things with this. They wanted the second request, but weren't sure about the first one she made. Now that they thought about it, they weren't opposed to the idea really. It sounded kind of nice to them.

"You three also want to be allowed to work as cooks, waitresses and bartenders?" he asked looking them over. They nodded to this as well. "I'm assuming you don't necessarily mean all three of you work the same job as each other every time right?"

"We would appreciate it if you just let us work the same shift and not be stuck to one job only. I think that's what she's asking." Adagio decided to try and clarify and help out Sonata here.

"That's what I was meaning, sir," Sonata replied in agreement with Adagio. Aria just stayed quiet here.

"Since you three got here quickly like this before most of our new positions will be filled I don't see a problem. Just make sure you get your shift codes right. And we won't have a problem. In fact..." He gave them a smile. "I think that will really help us out a lot. Three girls working the same shift able to fill in any gaps on the schedule sounds like a good idea to me. If you think that will work, sir."

Mr. Johnston was in thought for a couple of seconds. This was a very unusual idea for him. It was also something he wouldn't normally consider, but he would give it a try and see how it goes. If they worked out like this that would be more than worth the extra training time it might take them.

"It will require more training for you three, but I'll see how this goes. If it doesn't workout then you'll have to settle for just the same shifts and more permanent positions. You three have three days to get your ABC License. If you don't have it by then you will not be working here. The building across the street can help you with that. They have plenty of classes they can set up," he said to them.

The three thanked the men, were given their first shifts and left the office. As they left, Mr. Forrester spoke up one last time, "Make sure you have your cards by your first shifts. You can come by and show a manager the card before then if you want."

They were thankful this plan was working out for them. They wasted no time getting signed up for the certification class.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio, Aria and Sonata were meeting with all of the managers and some others before they started their first day. "We're going to try something a little different with these three. They are going to be on pretty much the same schedule and they are going to be put into a rotation of sorts. They asked for this and the owner and I decided it was worth a try. This way we'll have a flexible team that can do whatever needs help when they have their shifts or if we are really busy. They will be trained as bartenders, cooks, and wait staff. Do you all understand?"

The gathered people were a little curious, but understood. None of them really seemed to have a problem with this apart from one of the managers, who didn't say anything. The man in question was Mr. Simms. He was tall with a light muscular build. He had a light tan and dark blue hair. Adagio made a mental note to keep an eye on him. She would make sure he didn't find a way to cause them any trouble here.

"Okay good. Miss Dazzle, you're learning to bartend first. Mrs. Franks here will help teach you." A pretty woman in her late twenties gave her a friendly smile.

"Miss Blaze your working the kitchens first. Mr. Thompson will be helping you out with training." Aria looked to a gruff and muscular man with some gut. The man gave her a nod and Aria actually thought he seemed like he could be kind of cool.

"Sonata, You'll be learning to wait tables first. You will be tagging along with Wendy here for the next couple of days." Sonata looked to a girl who looked to be about the same age with a smile. The girl had red hair with a couple of light rose streaks in it.

Training and their first day of work actually ended up going really well. They got along with most of their fellow employees and the trainers were good at training them. The girls knew they had found their temporary hideaway now.

It probably also helped that they went with their plan of being 'naturals' at their jobs. They had learned a few things over their long life times and some of those skills were paying off here. It was looking like this would be the perfect place for them. The best part was they didn't have to use their powers for this to happen.

{-} {-} {-}

Things had been going fairly well for the most part with their new job these past couple of weeks. There were still problems here even if things were mostly going well. The main and really only problem the trio of girls had, came in the form of Mr. Simms. For some reason, he seemed to be trying to make things harder for them than they should be. It wasn't anything that would really seem more than just a little bit of trouble with a manager that didn't like you, but Adagio knew better.

She had been paying attention to him closely and noticed some small tricks he did here and there to mess things up for Sonata or Aria. Surprisingly he hadn't really done much of anything to bother her. Adagio didn't understand why this was the case. She would probably have said something to the right people, but it was just her word against his own word. He was slick with the tricks he pulled, so her word wouldn't really go anywhere.

Mr. Simms was seemingly just a little harsher on a couple of the new girls than the others to outsider observers. Things like when Sonata had a couple of accidents he came down on her harder than he usually would, but in a way that it wouldn't seem like anything to really worry about.

With Aria, he would give her a hard time about her attitude with customers. Aria wasn't as friendly as the others, but she was more than pleasant enough and she was actually a little popular because of her attitude.

Despite the popularity her attitude had, it seemed Mr. Simms managed to "hear complaints" about her. He would even sometimes recommend that maybe she shouldn't be on the same shift as the other two girls. "She feels like she has to play a role around them instead of doing her job." He would claim. It made sense enough and would be a good reason to shift her around, but he was the only one who seemed to think this.

Another thing Adagio noticed was he would give her and a few other girls certain looks. Usually Adagio wouldn't care about such things and just blow it off as stupid. However, she had seen him do things that made other girls feel uncomfortable. To the outside observer, it seemed he was just someone who was a little awkward around girls, but not anything too bad. He also still knew and preformed his job well. He just happened to be a little stricter than the others and nothing more.

Adagio knew better though. She had seen it too often and thought it creepy and wrong. For the most part, things were good for the group even with the Simms situation at least. Adagio kept an eye on him and couldn't really do anything about it yet. She had instead decided to wait for the right moment. He was bound to slip up sometime and then she could make her move.

She was being extra cautious and didn't want to do something that would threaten their jobs. If it was just about her alone she would just leave and find a new job somewhere else. However it wasn't just about her. It was about the others as well and she doubted they would find another job which allowed them this much convenience. They didn't really have to work together like this, but they all liked it. It was reassuring to work and either look at the kitchens or the bar and see one of the others there as well.

No, Adagio would find a way to make sure they stayed here. She would take care of this herself. She was letting the others help sometimes and appreciated what they did, but this was something they didn't need to have to worry about. She would take action if needed.

When she noticed Mr. Simms getting a little too fresh with Sonata one time, Adagio knew it was time she took action. She guessed there was a reason he would give her looks and glances every so often and wasn't bothering her unlike the others. She could use this to her advantage. She wasn't happy about it, but she was sure it would work. She wasn't about to pretend to like him or anything like that though.

It might not be the best way to handle it, but at the moment it was all she could think about on the matter. Adagio gave a stretch and walked over to the others as they got ready to leave after their shift, "I need to talk to Mr. Simms about something. You two can go ahead and get the furniture. I'll be home after a while. See you two later."

"Are you sure, Dagio?" Sonata asked with a puzzled frown. Aria was looking at the curly haired girl a little strangely, but said nothing.

"Yes I am, Sonata. I'll see you two later," Adagio finished with a small smile.

Sonata gave a big grin and grabbed Aria before they left. The trio decided to get some more furniture today for their apartment. They could each pay for things now even if they were still tight with their money. Sonata was excited so Aria had little choice but to go with her despite wanting to confront Adagio.

Adagio gave a sigh once they were out of the restaurant. She knew what she had to do to make sure things didn't get bad. She hated it and only hoped maybe part of it would be enjoyable for her in someway, but she doubted it. She didn't think Mr. Simms would be nice to her, but this was the only way to take care of it right now she could think of.

The orange haired girl waited until she knew he would retreat to his office for a bit to take care of other business. She wasn't going to let anyone have any idea what was going on if she could help it. She knocked on the door and said, "Mr. Simms. It's me, Adagio Dazzle. I wanted to speak with you about something."

"Come in Miss Dazzle," came his quick reply.

She opened the door and closed it behind her. She locked it as well. He heard the click and looked to her questioningly. She probably could have tried to be threatening instead of what she was going to do, but that wouldn't work as well she was sure. "Also no powers..."

"Is there something on your mind?" He asked as he looked her over.

"Yes there is. I know what you're doing to some of the other girls, sir," She said.

He shifted uneasily and cleared his throat. "I don't think I understand what you mean."

Adagio gave a sigh. "Let's cut the chase. I've seen you getting a little extra feely and grabby a bit. I know you also don't like the setup Aria, Sonata and I have."

"You have a lot of gall to accuse me of such things. As for the agreement you and the other two have with the Bosses, I don't like it. It's not right to give such preferential treatment to three employees like that. As for the other stuff, what proof do you have of any of it?" Mr. Simms said. He wasn't sure what to do here. He'd never actually been called out like this about it.

Adagio frowned, "That's why I'm here and not somewhere else." She gathered her courage and sauntered up to him putting a little sway in her hips and accentuated her features with a seductive smile. "I can't really do too much about it. I have noticed the way you look at me as well."

"I was thinking..." She placed a hand on his chest and caressed it. "We could come up with some agreement. You aren't too bad looking." She hated how she was having to feed his ego like this, but she was confident it would work.

"How do I know you aren't going to just do something and then blab as a way to try and prove these fantasies of yours that I'm being inappropriate with the female staff?" Mr. Simms asked. He was a little nervous here, because he was trying to remain strong. Adagio had somehow caught his eye and attention when he first saw her. He also wasn't above making a deal like this to get what he wanted, but he needed to be sure it would work in his favor.

Adagio's shoulders drooped. She had to let him know he was in control here or her plan wouldn't work. "Because we really want to keep this job and have it the way it is. I wish you would leave all of the other girls alone, but I only really care about Aria and Sonata. I'll do as you say if you leave them alone. I'm not stupid. I know you really do want me. I'm willing to let you have all of me if you will do this for me."

Mr. Simms swallowed to this. It was really hard to think here with how close she was and with her caressing. Her hands were so smooth and meticulous. He would take her up on this offer, but he was going to show her that he was completely in charge here.

The manager placed both hands on Adagio, catching her by surprise. He then twirled her around until she was lying face up with her back on his desk. She was breathing a little hard because of the surprise. He was even stronger than he looked. He stared into her eyes and kissed her fiercely. He then started to undress her as she gasped in surprise.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio was panting as she finally recovered from her twisted high. She had to admit it was more intense than she thought it would be. She hated the fact the pleasure senses of her body overrode her mind and she did find some enjoyment in what was happening. She finally got up and dressed as Mr. Simms did some work on a laptop.

"Good your up," he said in a causal voice that showed he knew he was still in charge here and he was only using her. Adagio frowned at this, but it would make things easier on her she felt. None of those pesky feelings trying to get in and muddle things at any time. She didn't really trust feelings yet. It was better they had a cold relationship where he just used her and maybe she might get something out of it as well.

"Yes I am," she said in a cool tone.

"So here's the deal. Whenever you three are working my shifts you will come early unless told otherwise. I'm sure the others won't be a problem. I doubt you want them to know what you're doing for their sake," Mr. Simms said in a business like tone. It suited the situation just fine Adagio thought. "Understood?" he asked.

"Understood, sir," She replied with a grimace.

He gave a scoff as he said, "Oh come on now. You act like you didn't enjoy that, Miss Dazzle. I'm pretty sure your voice and body betrayed you if that was the case. In a most intense fashion, I might add. Good thing these walls are well built here, or someone might hear you and think you were trying to get a head in this business with me or something."

Adagio just looked at him with a glare. It actually scared him, but he didn't let it show. Plus, it only lasted a couple of seconds before it disappeared and a somewhat defeated expression took it's place. "I'll keep up my end of our agreement regarding your friends, so don't worry, Adagio."

She walked over to the door and regained her composure quickly. She opened the door and turned to give him a small smile as she said, "Thanks for you time, Mr. Simms. I'll make sure we work on Sonata's clumsiness."

"It was a pleasure, Miss Dazzle. Until next time." The door closed behind her. Mr. Simms folded his hands in thought. She was different. Adagio was stronger than the other girls they had on staff. It would be fun to deal with her in the future. He then closed his laptop and went back out to check on his employees. He was still a very good manager at running the restaurant, even if he took small liberties he shouldn't.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio made her way home slowly. She couldn't stop the tears falling from her eyes. She would make sure something happened to that horrible man. She would wait for him to drop his guard. She would build his confidence and let him think she wasn't ever going to turn against him. This was her new plan, unless something happened to change it up.

She stopped at the office for a bit and calmed down. She got herself a soda from the vending machine along with a flavored water for Aria and another soda for Sonata. Adagio gave a small smile. "At least he won't bother them anymore. He really won't go back on his word, even if he is a complete asshole. I can tell," she thought as she made her way to the apartment.

She felt a little warmer inside when she saw Sonata and Aria sitting on a nice new couch. "Hey, Adagio! Look what we got. We now have a couch!" Sonata squealed in delight.

"We also got two chairs, Sonata. They came as a set remember?" Aria said as she sat on the opposite end of the couch from Sonata.

Sonata gave a giggle, "Sorry I forgot. I just really like this couch. So what do you have there, and how did it go with Mr. Simms. I don't really like him that much. He's a little mean and sometimes acts strange."

Adagio gave them a small smile. "I talked to him about that and a few other things as well. I don't think you'll have to worry anymore, Sonata. As for what I got." Adagio sat down right in the middle of the couch. Sonata was happy about this, Aria was seemingly indifferent.

"Well on my way back I decided to stop by the vending machine. Here you two go." Adagio then held out the drinks for the other girls as she took the one she got for herself from her hoodie's pocket.

"I love this drink!" Sonata said as she snatched it. "Thanks, Adagio!"

"You're welcome, Sonata," Adagio said quietly.

"Thanks... I guess," Aria said with a small blush as she grabbed her drink. It was her favorite flavor.

The other two looked at her for a second or two. "What's the problem?" she asked.

The others looked away and said, "Nothing." They would each remember her blush even if they didn't point out she just said thanks.

The trio enjoyed their drinks as Sonata went into detail about their adventure in the furniture store. Well it was an adventure the way she told it. Despite what she had done earlier, Adagio was able to enjoy her night with the other two and have a good night's sleep. She was pretty sure that wouldn't always be the case in the coming days, but that was to worry about later. For now, things were once again alright for them. They had their jobs. They had a home, and most importantly they had each other.

{-} {-} {-}

In the following weeks, things were going well for the trio, but not everything was for Adagio. Mr. Simms kept his end of the deal and she kept her end. She didn't really like it though and she was feeling more and more powerless around him. He had her do things that she didn't really like, but she humored him. "It seems I was right when I thought, he wouldn't be as nice as the guys at the Holiday Inn," she thought as she took in a deep breath and let it out again.

Adagio was sitting in the break room as her shift ended for the day. Once again, she was meeting with Mr. Simms. He told her to wait a bit saying he had some other business to take care of first and would send for her when it was time. She was still keeping a close eye on him waiting for him to slip up and make her move to get rid of him, but that moment hadn't come yet.

Her eyes wandered the break room until they rested on an odd colored poster. It was in the back and kind of hidden. It didn't look like it was on purpose though. She was pretty sure it just happened to end up hidden. She went over to look closer at the poster.

Her breath hitched as she saw the poster and her eyes widened. "Why didn't I think about that?! It only makes sense!" She now knew what to do about Mr. Simms. She would put up with whatever perverted deeds he wanted this time. She knew it still might take time, but it was something that would hopefully work out in the end for the better.

Adagio heard footsteps and saw another girl who seemed a little shaken with her uniform a little untidy step into the break room. The other girl looked to her and said in a timid voice, "Mr. Simms is ready to speak to you, Adagio... What were you looking at?"

Adagio looked the other girl up and down. She recognized her as one of the other girls that had a certain unpleasant manager's attentions. She looked the girl in the eyes as she calmly said, "Something I wish I had seen sooner." She walked closer to leave the room and stopped as she said to the other girl in a whisper, "Something you might want to look at as well." She knew they girl took the hint.

As the ex-siren left, the other girl looked at the poster as well and had a similar reaction to Adagio's. Adagio hoped the girl would have the courage as well. She already knew she would have it. Two people taking action here would be better than one though.

She opened the door and gave her usual seductive smile to the man in the office. "Good evening, Mr. Simms."

"Good evening, Miss Dazzle," he replied as she locked the door. "I have some thing special planned this time. I assure you."

"I wouldn't doubt you do, sir." Adagio used an even more seductive walk as she made her way over to him this time. She had him now she was sure of it. It didn't matter what happened tonight.

{-} {-} {-}

After everything was over with, Adagio was a little confused. She had questions about her sexuality she didn't before. This really got to her. She should not have discovered anything this way. She should have found out on her own. That night Adagio just left without much of any exchange of words.

Adagio took her time getting home. She called up the others and told them she would have supper on her way back. Her mind was racing in a very confused manner. She went to a sushi bar and got herself something good to eat. She needed something special tonight as she processed everything.

When she finally got home, she told the others she was really tired tonight and went straight to bed. She laid there for a bit as she finally felt like herself again. This ordeal had gone on long enough. She was glad they wouldn't be working with him for awhile after this. Hopefully it would be enough time for something to happen and it wouldn't be an issue after this.

As she sat back up, she picked up her cell phone and dialed the number she saw on the poster. "Thank you for calling the Sexual Harassment at Work Hotline for Folken Restaurant Group Incorporated. All calls are recorded and shared with the police department if needed. Do you wish to remain anonymous?" A cool female voice asked on the other end of the line.

"I'd appreciate that," She answered.

"I need to ask you a series of questions and then you can tell me any other details you wish to share. Are you okay with this?" the woman asked in a kinder tone.

"I am," Adagio said.

"Good..." with that the operator asked several questions and Adagio answered them all the best she could. She didn't leave much out. She wanted the sorry excuse of a human gone.

Once the call was over, Adagio collapsed on the bed and cried herself to sleep that night. She didn't dare stop her tears and she wanted to get it all out. Even if she was doing this for the others, it wasn't any less hard on her.

{-} {-} {-}

The next several days where the trio didn't have to work with Mr. Simms were wonderful. Adagio even smiled a few times. Working at Johnston's was still far from a dream job, but it wasn't really that bad. Sonata was really starting to take to it even. The light blue haired girl really got along with a lot of the staff.

Sonata wasn't about to say it, but she was starting to like their new job in some ways. It was hard work yes, but it felt good to finish the day and know they had earned their money. They weren't taking things from others anymore. They were earning what they had.

Aria was starting to actually be a little more friendly to everyone. She still played the cool tough girl a good bit. After all, she noticed regular customers liked her for it. "That Girl with the twin tails. She has spirit!" some customers said when they thought she wasn't listening.

"I like how she is all like tough and cool, but at the same time she still treats us just as well as the rest of the wait staff." Another couple said to each other. It was still kind of a boring job to Aria, but it wasn't really that bad.

Adagio once again started to feel that missing part in her or hole fill up some as she spent time with the others. It was nice after everything she had done. She was a little concerned what would happen in the next couple of days when they worked with Mr. Simms again. She hadn't really seen any results from her call yet. "I suppose not enough time has passed for them to get what they need to take action, yet." She still hoped something would happen.

The next day their shift ended and Mr. Simms came to take over for Mr. Elric. Adagio was waiting tables again today and currently acting as hostess as her shift was starting to come to an end. Two men and a woman in normal business attire stepped into the restaurant. If they didn't have a certain aura about them, Adagio would have guessed they just got off work from an office nearby. However that aura said otherwise.

"Is a Mr. Simms in at the moment?" The lady in the lead asked Adagio.

"I believe he just came in. His shift is about to start. He's probably in the manager office," she replied.

"Can someone show us the way?" The woman asked calmly.

Adagio looked to see some people behind the group waiting to be seated. She felt relieved. She did not want to be the one that took them to Mr. Simms. "Eric?" she asked a man behind her.

"Yes, Adagio?" he asked with a smile.

"Would you mind showing these three to the manger's office? They wish to speak with Mr. Simms," she asked kindly.

He looked a little puzzled, but then it seemed like he understood something. He soon had a smile that was a little dark. "Yes, I'll show them the way, Adagio." The three people followed him into the back.

Adagio helped the other customers get seated. Her heart was racing the whole time. She wondered if something was going to happen now after all. The three people never came back to the front of the restaurant.

Soon she saw Eric again. He seemed to be a little relieved for some reason. "So what happened?" She asked him when no one was around.

Eric looked to her and simply said, "There will be an all staff meeting about in a few days. I'm not supposed to say anything else. I'm still glad something finally happened though. Never really had much proof to show, but something must have changed."

Adagio's eyes widened for a moment before she saw a few more guests arrive waiting to be seated. She could think about and contemplate things later. She had work to do now, even if she was smiling more than she usually did.

{-} {-} {-}

The staff meeting a few days later was at first in the break room, but soon they realized there wasn't enough space. They moved into the main part of the restaurant instead. They were having the meeting before they opened for the day. That way everyone would be sure to arrive.

Mr. Johnston and Mr. Forrester stood in the center of the half circle. They were not happy, but they weren't angry either. They seemed a little disappointed but not at any of the people gathered.

"It pains me this happened. But it's unfortunately a truth in this world of ours. An ugly truth but a truth nonetheless. Fortunately the problem has been taken care of. If you don't yet know what I'm talking about, that's good." There were several confused looks in the crowd, but there were a few, including Adagio who knew what was being said.

"Mr. Simms had to part with us. He had committed crimes against certain staff members here. I won't go into details, but I have to tell you what it was. He committed some crimes of Sexual Harassment. I'm not required by law to have said that, but I felt I had to tell you all," he paused as several people gasped.

Mr Forrester spoke up next. "He was fairly sly about it, but it happened. We didn't know it was happening because we were busy with other parts of the business. If something like this happens you can and should tell a manager about it. However, if that seems too much. There is a hotline you can call. This is part of the reason why we are a part of Folken Restaurant Group Incorporated. They are good at handling these kinds of problems. We like to think of everyone here as part of a family."

He gave a sigh. "It's painful this happened, but some people who we don't know stepped forward and reported him. This allowed Folken to take actions and look into the matter. They are really quick about these things and were able to find what they needed to take appropriate action, which they did."

Mr. Johnston took over again, "Fortunately, Mr. Simms was an outlier and not the norm here. The situation has been handled and we will do a better job of making people aware. Something like this hadn't happened before so we didn't take it as seriously as we should have."

Some people seemed a little uneasy wondering if this was going to cause a lot of changes to the place. Mr. Forrester noticed this and spoke up, "Don't worry we won't be doing anything too drastic. We are just going to keep a better eye out for this stuff and make sure people are aware there is a hotline that can be called and you can remain anonymous as you report these things. We aren't told who all is involved and we aren't given any recordings or anything that might give away who reported it. That is strictly for Folken to know and not us."

He gave a sigh again before saying, "The main thing to keep in mind on this matter is if someone tells you they don't like you doing what you're doing then you should heed their word. It goes for both males and females. Keep that in mind as well. Few usually do."

The meeting was a little better after some questions were asked and they covered other topics that needed to be addressed. It finally came to an end on a fairly happy note. "Since we now have a new management position open we need to fill it. Mr. Forrester and I discussed this with the other management staff and a few others. We decided to promote someone already a part of our family," Mr. Johnston gave a smile now.

"Mrs. Franks has agreed to step out from behind the bar to help out. As many of you know, she's been with us for awhile and has for a long time now been an 'unofficial manager'." Several people laughed to this as she stepped forward and everyone gave applause.

Mr. Forrester stood up and dismissed them, "Alright that's it for the meeting. Everyone you're dismissed. Those of you working be ready for a busy day. Those of you off. You can go home and go back to sleep."

The rest of the day was very busy and Adagio, Aria and Sonata had a long shift. Despite this, Adagio had a smile on her face most of the day. She felt happy and relieved. The only problem this place had was taken care of now. She and the others could work in as much peace as a restaurant can have. That night she slept really well.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio woke up after she had cried herself to sleep the night before in a long time. She wasn't happy about this, but she didn't let it get to her. She more or less remembered everything that happened to them up to now again. It was tough, but now that she remembered all of that again. She realized just how good things really were for them. She hoped she wouldn't have to remember her past in such detail any time soon.

As she brushed her hair, she hummed a tune to herself. She gave a giggle as she thought about how Sonata had asked if she could brush Adagio's hair for her. The orange haired girl of course said no at the time, but now she thought that maybe she would let Sonata try. It might be kind of nice. "If nothing else it will make her really happy," she thought and oddly enough that was more than enough reason for her to allow it.

"Really feelings are strange..." she thought once more. "But... they aren't always so bad really. Even if I'm not used to them yet."

Knowing she had been through what she had been through since the battle of the bands and made it, gave her a small sense warmth. Their lot in life was still pretty bad in comparison to before, but it was working out. She just hoped Sonata wouldn't press the singing thing again any time soon. Thinking about that caused Adagio to frown a bit. She shook her head. "Best not think about that for now."

She was about to spend the day with her three companions as they went to go and check out the mall for those pendants they saw the other day. It was something she was a little excited about herself. There was this green one she really liked. Surprisingly the part she mostly looked forward to was being with Aria and Sonata. After thinking over everything once again, she was glad to have something to get her mind off it all.

Adagio finished with her hair and took in a deep breath. She gave her reflection a nod of approval and left to meet the others. It was a new day after all and she was sure Sonata would come bouncing into the room to drag her out if she made them wait any longer. Adagio gave one last chuckle as she turned the light off to her bathroom.

Author's Notes:

I'm hoping this wasn't too much... It did get bad, but it got better in the end, much better. I'm not sure how those hotlines actually work, so it was completely guess work here. Anyways I hope people enjoyed these three chapters that were at one time one... I have written some really long chapters before in my time, but I'm pretty sure if these three were still one chapter it would be the longest I have ever written.

Anyways... The story will now go back to being about Sunset and Twilight along with the Dazzlings once again. I bet some people might have forgotten they were a part of this story as well. Sorry about that.

A Delayed Start to an Important Mission

Sunset woke up feeling as if she had been through a rough night, but she didn’t remember anything apart from finally falling asleep after staying up late. She gave a stretch and a yawn. She was thinking about falling back asleep, but then she looked to her left side.

Sunset’s light blue eyes widened as she almost shouted in surprise before covering her mouth. She almost fell out of her own bed and would have if she wasn’t being held on to by a beautiful purple skinned girl who seemed to have been using her as a body pillow. Sunset’s mind started racing as it kicked into gear and she remembered what happened last night.

---- Flashback starts ----

Sunset was excited about being able to spend a lot of time helping Twilight out. In her excitement, she forgot about something that she didn’t really remember until she opened the door to her apartment.

“Ummm… I forgot I only have one bed, Twilight. I’ll take the couch, no worries. You can have the bed while you’re here. Sound good?”

Twilight gave her a thoughtful look and asked, “How big is it?”

“Well it probably isn’t as big as the bed you have in Equestria, but it’s a Queen sized bed, which is a good size here. I hope that won’t be a problem,” Sunset said half seriously. She didn’t think Twilight would complain about the size of her bed, but she was a little scared she might for some reason.

“That makes things easier. We’ll just share your bed while I’m here,” Twilight said with an air of common sense.

Sunset blushed at unbidden thoughts in her mind and was thankful Twilight didn’t seem to notice her state. “Are you sure about that?” she asked cautiously.

Twilight easily answered the question, “Well yeah. I don’t see why not. You said it was big and I would hate for you to sleep on an uncomfortable couch during any part of my stay here, especially since I don’t know how long it might take.”

Twilight gave a shrug as she said, “Besides we’re both girls and it isn’t that big of a deal really. I mean Rarity and Applejack shared my guest bed in Equestria when we had a sleep over one time. Once they got over their differences in how to properly sleep in a bed and everything else, they were fine with it. Of course that wasn't until our second sleepover that they finally got over those things.”

Twilight's eyes went oddly vacant as she added, "We don't talk about the first sleepover anymore..."

“Ummm… okay...,” Sunset said blandly as they entered the bedroom. She decided not to really go into how things were different in the human world at the moment. She didn’t want to have to sleep on her couch and if Twilight thought of it as natural for friends to share a bed then who was she to complain. Twilight was the Princess of Friendship after all, plus Sunset really didn’t want to make things awkward between them by mentioning human norms.

There was a part of her that looked forward to this and thought maybe it really wasn’t a big deal after all. She had been to a couple of sleepovers with the others here, but it was with all six or seven of them. You can’t share a bed with that many people so it was more of a Rock/Paper/Scissors kind of thing. Maybe it was kind of common with humans as well as far as she knew.

While thinking on proper sleepover behavior, Sunset looked in her chest of drawers for a set of pajamas. When she heard the sound of a blouse and bow quietly fall to the floor behind her followed by a sigh of relief, her mind filled with other thoughts. She wasn’t sure where they came from either.

Sunset blinked a few times and looked behind her. She blushed when she saw Twilight’s backside as the girl seemed to be fiddling with her skirt. Sunset should have said something right away, but she was too busy staring in half disbelief and half something else. “Hot…” Sunset thought as she continued looking not sure where the thought came from again.

When Twilight’s skirt fell to the ground and the girl stood back up tossing her hair to the side, Sunset’s brain stopped working as she just looked and her body seemed to react to the earlier thoughts. She saw Twilight’s hand reach back and start to unclasp her bra, the red and yellow haired girl finally spoke.

“Ummm… Twilight…” She started.

Twilight with one hand on her bra’s clasp turned to the side and responded, “Hmmm?”

“What are you doing?” Sunset asked as she looked and blushed.

“Getting ready for bed. Why?” Twilight replied.

“Ummmm… where are your pajamas? People usually wear sleeping clothes.” Sunset replied as she tried to look away thinking her blush might lessen. Oddly enough that other part of Sunset wished she hadn’t said anything on the matter and let Twilight continue undressing.

“Huh?” Twilight asked as she turned around to face Sunset properly. The purple haired girl looked a little nervous at the fact she might have forgotten something important, but she couldn’t think what.

“You know... clothes to sleep in at night,” clarified Sunset.

Twilight looked a little bewildered as she asked, “You mean to tell me humans usually wear clothes when they sleep as well?”

“They kind of do. Sleeping clothes are usually more comfortable though.” Sunset gave a frown and felt a little bad as she saw Twilight frowning.

“I’m sorry, Twilight. I should have told you. I thought you knew already. I mean you did go to Pinkie’s sleepover after all. You do have some right?” Sunset asked in concern.

Twilight gave a sigh and shook her head. “I thought that was just the theme of the party. I don’t have any.” Her frown seemed to deepen.

Sunset felt a little sad seeing Twilight like this. The purple haired girl looked to Sunset and noticed the concern on her face. Twilight took in a deep breath and let it out before smiling. “Don’t worry about it, Sunset. It wasn’t your fault. I should have looked into the matter more before I crossed over.”

After a few seconds of silence, Twilight asked, “So what do we do now, then? Do I have to wear my clothes from earlier the whole night?”

Sunset looked over Twilight's body again. She gave a nod and turned back to her chest of drawers. “I’ll lend you a set of mine. I think they’ll fit you well enough.” Twilight gave Sunset a smile and thanked her.

After the friendship princess tried on a set of Sunset’s pajamas, she spoke as she held the waist out a little with a puzzled face. “Well they seem fairly loose around the waist.” She looked up and asked, “Is that normal?”

Sunset gave a cough as she took a sip from a glass of water she just retrieved. She looked away and blushed a little bit and answered with a nervous laugh, “Well... usually pajamas are loose to be more comfortable.”

The truth was Sunset actually liked her pajamas fitting very snug and not loose at all. She wasn’t about to admit it to Twilight though. “How the hell does she have a smaller waist than me?!” she thought to herself with only a small hint of jealousy.

“That makes sense in a way I guess. I do remember the pjs I borrowed from Pinkie last time were tighter in the waist than these, but she said they were from when she was younger,” Twilight said with a thoughtful nod. Sunset just gave a smile and nod in return.

When they finally had their pajamas sorted out, the two crawled into bed and Sunset felt a little uncomfortable with how close Twilight decided to lay next to her. She might have said something about the matter, but soon they started talking about other things and Sunset quickly got used to Twilight’s close proximity and decided it probably wasn’t really a big deal.

---- End Flashback----

Even though she thought that at the time, actually being there with Twilight lying next to her in the bed was a lot more intense. The purple haired girl being completely comfortable and cute almost as soon as she hit the bed didn’t help matters either. Sunset knew she had certain feelings regarding Twilight, but she hadn't really figured them out. This made things unclear.

It was also very nice having another warm body in the bed, even if it was a little… hot… for her. She even thought it nice hearing another person’s even breathing and heart beating next to her. It made Sunset’s usual feelings of loneliness in her apartment and other fears drift away.

Things might not have been a big deal even with Twilight sharing the bed. However, the purple skinned girl fell asleep first and soon decided Sunset was the perfect body pillow and cuddled up to her. Obviously this caused Sunset’s heart to beat faster, especially when Twilight pressed up against her like she did. Somehow Sunset did manage to finally fall asleep, she figured it was the exhaustion from the last few days catching up to her finally.

Now though, things were complicated again. Sunset needed to get up and take care of her morning routine, but she didn’t want to disturb the sleeping beautiful princess next to her. She wouldn’t mind just staying there and waiting for Twilight to wake up, but she didn’t know when that would be.

Plus it did feel kind of awkward to just lie there with Twilight cuddled up next to her, almost as if she was taking advantage of her visitor’s innocence. It didn’t help that the loose pjs had managed to slip down some and so Sunset got a view of Twilight’s upper thigh and panty lace. That just added to her already confused feelings further.

Sunset finally managed to find a way to get out of the bed and so she got ready for the morning. As she entered her bedroom again, she heard a soft yawn followed by a sleepy “Morning, Sunset.” Twilight was sitting up in the bed now. The girl’s hair was wonderfully disheveled and she had a sleepy face. Sunset was wondering if there was ever really a moment Twilight wasn’t cute.

As the two girls had breakfast, Sunset decided it was time to mention business a little. “So do you have any idea where you want to start this search?”

Twilight gave her a nod, “Yes. It’s kind of vague, but I was thinking me might ask around at some of the hotels and such near the school. They had to stay somewhere while they were here. And I don’t see them staying in the school library.”

Twilight gave a little blush here as she added, “I’m probably the only one who thought that was a good idea. I have to admit it wasn’t as nice as I thought it would be. I was really glad Pinkie let me stay with her last time instead.”

Sunset gave a little giggle to this. It was kind of funny and staying in a library with a bed of books seemed like the Twilight thing to do. “There are several nice hotels in the area within driving distance to CHS. I think we can stay away from any motels until we have a trail of some kind. I doubt they would stay in just any old place.”

Twilight was fiddling with her spoon as she thought about what to do. “Do you have a map of the city, Sunset?”

“I actually do have such a map. Most people don’t really have one any more. They just use a GPS unit or their phone if they don’t have the area memorized.” Sunset stood from her table and looked for her map nearby.

She blushed a little bit as she had to bend over and other such positions. She oddly felt a little embarrassed getting in them with Twilight watching her. “I used one when I first came to this world because Equestria doesn’t have anywhere near the technology this world has, so I was a little lost in that regard. We really rely on magic for most of everything.”

Twilight had a thoughtful look on her face as she asked, “What’s a GPS?”

Sunset did a double take. She forgot that Twilight didn’t actually know that much about this world. It seemed weird to her. She knew Twilight was really smart; she wouldn’t be Celestia’s personal student otherwise. Still being in such a place knowing nothing about it seemed a strange concept to wrap your head around, even if she was in such a state herself not that many years ago when she first came through the mirror. It’s amazing how quickly she adapted to this world.

“GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It’s pretty much this world’s version of a navigation spell except more advanced. It actually displays a map and plots out your travel route using parameters the user sets. It can even reroute based on deviations you make from the route and give you a travel time estimate. It really is amazing, but it's so common here people take it for granted,” Sunset explained.

“Wow… I wonder why they first made something like that,” Twilight said not at all hiding her wonderment at the idea of GPS.

“I never really looked into why it was made really. I’d bet it was first designed for the military. Most technology in this world comes from military or other government needs before later being made for civilians,” Sunset found the map and wondered how it managed to get so far in the back of this cabinet.

“That’s too bad. Is the civilian version poorly made in comparison?” Twilight asked. She was really enjoying this discussion with Sunset. It wasn’t anything too exciting, but it felt nice and was something friends did when they weren’t busy fighting ancient enemies wishing to destroy everything. Twilight wished she had more moments like this in Equestria, but things always happened there.

“Maybe a little at first, but then the civilian companies end up taking it to new heights and improving on it greatly. Anyways I found the map. Not really sure how it ended up so far in the back, but it’s still good.” Sunset found an empty space on the table and spread it out.

It took her a little while to find where they were, but when she did she circled it and did the same for CHS. “This city looks huge! I’ve never seen anything like this except maybe a couple of places such as Manehatten and Fillydelphia,” Twilight said as she watched Sunset work.

The fiery haired girl gave a chuckle. “The human counterparts of those cities make Canterlot look like a small town.”

Twilight was amazed as she looked over the map, even though she knew the scale of the map and took that into consideration, the city was still very large. “Wow…” was all she could say.

“It’s impressive, but it’s mostly because humans build out instead of up. Also they don’t have roughly a third of the population capable of living on clouds,” Sunset said. She was hoping this would better put things into perspective for Twilight.

Twilight gave a nod but still seemed to wonder at the massive city map. The two then planned their mission and were finally about to get ready to start.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio was smiling more than when she woke up that morning. The memories of their recent past were still very much on her mind, but she was more at ease. Things were much better for them now. Also she didn’t want to let her bad memories ruin the day for Sonata.

Sonata was happy as they all got into Aria’s BMW and were headed towards the mall. She wasn’t sure why it was shopping made her feel so much happier, especially after her uneasy sleep last night. She figured it had something to do with getting out of their apartment and not having to go to work today. She also figured it was due to her spending the day with both Aria and Adagio. Both of them were in better moods and not as tired as they were last night so the air felt more cheerful.

Sonata thought about where they were going. She really hoped the mall store still had that pedant she wanted. One day, when they were taking some time to actually see the area around them, the trio found themselves at the mall they were currently heading towards. At first, they were a little scared to enter the place. They feared they might run into some of the students from CHS.

They were far away from that place, but this was a mall. It was a place students might make the longer trip to visit. They could at least feel a little relieved it was a week night and only a couple of hours before the place closed. On that first trip, they were pretty sure most of the CHS students were back home by now or on the way.

----- Flashback starts -----

Once the girls entered the mall, they heard some rather nice music softly playing over the speakers of a nearby store. The trio looked around a little panicked at first and felt relieved when they didn’t recognize anyone in the crowd of people. The three let out a collective sigh they didn’t realize they were holding.

They started walking around the mall looking at the different stores. They were happy to see this mall actually had a variety of stores and not all of them clothing stores. The mall had a surprisingly relaxing atmosphere to it for the trio. In the past they usually loved to stand out, but this time they were content to just mind their own business and not bring attention to their selves.

As their trip went on, Adagio was the first to speak as they looked in a window of a shop. “You know I’ve never really noticed just how much there is to see in a mall before.”

“I know what you mean, Dagio. Usually we were all about having everyone’s attention in places like these and you know... making them get all angry with a little push here and there to feed. But we never really did look around such places,” Sonata said with a smile as she moved on to look at a store with stuffed animals.

Unheard by the others, Aria said quietly to herself, “I’m glad that’s over.” She didn’t miss the need to constantly feed at all.

Their trip ended up going without much fuss. They noticed a surprising amount of teens considering the time, but none of them were from CHS. They felt more at ease and realized this mall was close to the opposing High School in the area so it seemed most Wondercolts avoided the place because of rivalries. This was fine as far as they were concerned.

---- End Flashback ----

After that first trip to the mall, they made a couple of trips when they had free time and wanted to get out of the apartment. They mostly just looked at items and maybe bought something not too expensive here and there, but that was all. Each trip they felt more relaxed with going to this mall and unknowingly their current situation as well.

On one of these trips, the three were looking around a department store when Adagio decided to look at one of the jewelry cases. The pendants inside caught her eye and she showed the others as well. Each of them had felt a little off without their pedants, but not because of the power they held. They loved how the pieces of jewelry looked and it was odd not having something you were used to wearing for as many years as they have lived on this planet.

The items were pricey, but not too much and they really wanted them. Now, after having worked for awhile, the three of them had the money needed to buy them thanks to budgeting their expenses properly. It also helped that no one else seemed to have “suddenly remembered” the girls owed them a lot of money for something.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata gave a stretch as she got out of the car in the parking garage. “Ahhh… It feels so good to be out again!” She gave a cheerful smile as she looked around and took in a deep breath.

“My car isn’t that bad…" Aria said with a small frown. her face then returned to its usual expression as she added, "We aren’t really outside even. We’re in a parking garage.”

“Besides you had the sunroof open and your window rolled down the whole way, Sonata. I don’t see too much of a difference here,” Adagio said as she climbed out.

“It isn’t that, girls,” Sonata said with a playful roll of her eyes. “I’m just glad we’re out of the house for something other than work for a change.” Her smile grew as she grabbed both of the other girls and led the way. Both Adagio and Aria gave gasps of surprise, but couldn’t help but feel a little happier as Sonata led them to the mall entrance.

As they walked through the mall, they passed the food court. Adagio stopped the other two to speak, “If we somehow get split up let’s meet here, okay?”

Aria gave a frown as she spoke, “We can take care of ourselves you know, Adagio.” She hated it when the curly haired girl started to act like their mom or older sister or something. She didn’t want Adagio to feel she had to hold their group together on her own. Aria appreciated she did that sometimes, but they were equals and in this together.

“Besides. We like, have cell phones, Dagio. Don’t be so like that you know,” Sonata said. She noticed Adagio give a frown and look down to the ground. Sonata gave a warm smile and added, “But I guess it’s a good idea just in case something happens to our phones or something.” She didn’t think it would, but it seemed Adagio felt a little better hearing her agree with the idea.

It seems like Adagio will always try to look out for us no matter what,” Sonata thought as she looked over to the orange haired girl. She also noticed Aria give a barely hidden concerned look to Adagio. Sonata gave a wider smile. It warmed her heart a little when Aria let it show she cared for them, even in small ways.

“What are you smiling about?” Aria asked her with her usual neutral look again.

“Nothing really! Just really happy to be out and about is all,” She replied and even gave a little bit of an excited cheer to herself. Aria looked her over and shook her head with the faintest hint of a smile. Sonata’s mood was always a bit infectious even after all of the years they had spent with her.

“Look we’re here,” Adagio called to get the others’ attention. They were right in front of the department store where they saw the pendants. This time they weren’t just going to look though.

It didn’t take them long to get to the jewelry counter. The clerk behind the desk was the usual lady they saw working it near the display with their pendants. She turned and gave them a Friendly saleswoman smile and greeting. “Welcome! What are you looking for to-…” her smile shrunk. “It’s you three again. Go ahead and look, but don’t get in the way of purchasing customers.”

Aria gave her a frown. The woman rolled her eyes at the frown. Her teenage daughter gave her similar frowns, so they didn’t have an effect on her.

Adagio gave a scoff. “Maybe we should ask another associate to help us then. This time we will buy three pendants.”

The woman blinked at them owlishly in disbelief. Her smile then returned with more force and her demeanor changed as well. “Really?” Both Sonata and Adagio nodded to her. Aria’s frown disappeared as the three of them started looking over the pendants. They wanted to check which ones were still available for purchase in case the one’s they really wanted had sold.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight felt a little embarrassed as she tried on some new clothes. She had the whole day planned out in her head and even their route plotted in the most travel time efficient way possible using the information Sunset gave her and the map. There was just one problem with the plan. Twilight had forgotten that she had to actually buy clothes to wear this time.

“I can’t believe I forgot something so basic…” Twilight mumbled more to herself as she stepped outside the changing room with the last of her new outfits for her stay during the mission. Fortunately there was a shopping center near Sunset's apartment, but it still took some time.

Sunset told her to just get enough clothes for a few days and later she would show her how to wash clothes. Something Twilight had never really had to do before. Even with this decided, she didn’t realize how many clothes there were and how complicated the process could be. Well… complicated for a pony princess who wasn’t used to wearing clothes outside of formal occasions.

“Don’t sweat it, Twilight.” Sunset said causally to try and help her friend get over her little funk. “You’re not used to having to wear clothes. I still find it a little hard to believe you only had that one outfit. What did you do on your last two trips here?”

“Well…” Twilight started to answer as she blushed deeper. Sunset was torn between feeling bad for her friend and also liking the sight of a blushing Twilight. “I… kind of… didn’t really change my clothes the first trip apart from when I went to the fall formal. I was only here for three days max that time.”

“At least on the second trip I knew to bathe and borrowed clean underwear from Rarity,” Twilight finished hoping to somehow make up for her oversight.

Sunset blinked a couple of times and looked away as she blushed for some weird reason. It kind of explained a few things she noticed about Twilight those past times now that she thought about it.

After regaining her composure, the yellow skinned girl tried to comfort her friend, “See you’re already learning new things and making up for past mistakes.”

Twilight gave a weak smile as she said, “Well a little… Still I didn’t even think to buy extra underwear at first despite knowing better this time.”

“Anyways, why don’t we go to the Amphitheater and start our search there?” Sunset asked getting their heads back into the game and deciding they would have to change their original plan regardless.

Twilight held a hand to her chin and gave a hum before answering, “I guess that makes sense. My earlier plan is out the window now. A change of scenery and a new approach might somehow give us a better idea on how to now proceed.”

Sunset nodded eagerly. She was glad to have gotten out of the previous conversation and Twilight's mind off her “failure”. Sunset forgot how hard and personal Twilight took such things. She thought maybe the Princess of Friendship didn’t let such things get to her usually after everything she had been through in Equestria and at CHS.

“Agreed,” Sunset said as she lead the way to the checkout counter and then to her car. As they walked closer to the car, Twilight gave a giggle. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh nothing. I just think it’s funny you drive a Mustang is all. Imagine the reactions you would get if you told ponies back in Equestria you ride a Mustang everywhere you go?” Twilight giggled again.

Sunset blinked at that. “Did Twilight just make a sex joke?” she thought before laughing as well. She was already starting to learn a little about Twilight as Twilight instead of the Princess of Friendship. Sunset liked this. It was kind of funny too. Mustang was a term used in Equestria for a wild in bed Stallion.

“I’m pretty sure I would get gasps at how scandalous such a thing is and/or ponies asking for tips on how they could do the same. Especially if I talk about how long and enjoyable the ride always is or how finely tuned this one mustang is. I could even tell them how expert my handling of such a powerful specimen is.” Sunset gave a smirk as she noticed Twilight’s footsteps stop.

Her smirk grew when she turned to see a gaped mouth and blushing princess behind her. There was also a certain look in those purple eyes directed at her, but Sunset wasn’t sure what it meant. She soon however found herself blushing under the gaze. She was thinking maybe she had gone too far with the joke.

Twilight seemed to come back to her senses and started to laugh. “That really would be something to see. I would love to see how that ended up playing out.” Sunset laughed as well, though her reaction was more out of relief than finding it funny. She would have hated it if she went too far with a joke and disappointed Twilight.

{-} {-} {-}

A couple of hours had passed since two of the trio bought their pendants. Both Sonata and Adagio sighed as they held their bags and waited. Adagio picked one with a deep green jewel and a silver casing with a black strap. Sonata picked an orange and yellow colored jewel, it looked like fire or Adagio’s hair, with a brass casing and a black strap.

They were now waiting for Aria to pick one. “Aria, you can wait if you want you know. We can come back another time,” Adagio said in a tired voice. She was getting a little tired of this wait.

“I said I was getting one. I’m not going back on my word,” Aria said with a hint of annoyance. There were a lot of choices. There was one she really wanted, but it didn’t go with her image so it was out of the question. She was trying to find a suitable replacement. It wasn’t working too well.

Aria again unknowingly drifted towards the pendant she really liked and again Sonata and Adagio noticed. The two looked to each other and soon Sonata whispered into Adagio’s ear. The curly haired girl nodded her head.

Sonata stood right next to Aria and “accidentally” looked to where the twintailed girl was looking. “Oooo that one looks really pretty!” She pointed towards the pendant both she and Adagio knew Aria really wanted.

The pendant Aria wanted was a pretty one with a pink heart shaped crystal in a brass casing with a black strap. Her eyes lit up when she saw it every time, but it wasn’t something a “tough girl” would wear. It was really “girly”. It was something that suited someone like Sonata better in Aria’s mind. She still really wanted it regardless and she knew it would look good on her.

“I think that one would look wonderful on you, Aria! You should get it.” Sonata said with an excited grin.

Aria gave her a look that didn't fool either of the others. “Really… You know I’m the tough one right?” Sonata just smiled. “I don’t think so, Sonata.”

Sonata then gave her a pout and a sniff. Aria gulped slightly in guilt at the look. “Pleaseeeee, Aria. I think it would look really good on you.”

Adagio came up to her and quietly said, “I think you should get it. You know how Sonata gets about these kinds of things when she really wants something. Besides there isn’t anything wrong with a tough girl wearing something like that. It would give a sort of cool irony to your look.”

Aria was determined to remain strong in not getting the pendant she really wanted because of "reasons". She might have stayed strong if it wasn’t for Sonata’s look intensifying and what Adagio said. There was also the fact deep down she really wanted it.

Aria pretended to give in to Sonata and acted like she was reluctant to get the pendant as she got the clerk’s attention. The woman gave a friendly smile and took out the pendant Aria pointed to. “Good choice. It really gives your look a certain edge. Almost as if you are taking ‘girly’ and turning it on its head.” She figured out the other two's plan. She thought it kind of funny and pleasant the way these three were acting.

Aria gave a smile which she quickly turned into a neutral expression and almost succeeded in hiding the blush on her cheeks that showed how happy she really was to get the pendant. She even put it on right after she paid for it before the others even thought to do the same with their own pendants. “Alright let’s go!” she said as she led the way to the exit.

Adagio and Sonata gave each other smiles and even shared a small giggle. “Let’s head to the food court. I’m hungry,” Adagio said. The other two seemed to feel the same way.

{-} {-} {-}

After a lunch consisting of sandwiches from Sam’s Subs, Sonata and Aria both wanted to split up and do a little shopping on their own separately. Adagio decided to stay behind alone with her thoughts and just wait at the table where they had lunch.

They all cleaned the table before the other two left and she got a refill for her drink. She caressed the new pendant on her neck in thought. It wasn’t anything too fancy and it was very likely a synthetic gem stone, but she liked it never the less.

The necklace was merely a pretty thing to most who looked at it, but to Adagio it was something more. It wasn’t something that could easily be described, but she tried to describe it as merely an answer to “feeling naked without a pedant on my neck”. The truth was it represented something more to her for both good and bad reasons.

The jewel used in it was a fake that used it’s sparkle and clarity to hide that it wasn’t real. It mesmerized those who looked at it in some manner, but it was still fake. Most didn’t really care if it wasn’t real nor did they bother to look at it more than for it’s appearance alone. The girls had paid for something that was artificial, but still they liked it, despite the fact it wouldn’t even last as long as the real deal would most likely.

The pendant made Adagio think of her and the others in a way. Without their magic jewels their seemingly beautiful music was gone. They were no more natural than the stone on her necklace when they sang. They used something else to make their song seem like it was the real deal. In their case, it was magic. It was something they were born with, but their singing was still fake for all that mattered.

This was part of the reason the ex-siren didn’t really want to sing again. She was scared. Could they ever sound beautiful anymore? Could their song ever be something more than artificially created? Sonata seemed to think so.

Actually she only hopes so…” Adagio thought to herself.

She knew about all of the tools and tricks in the present world to make songs. Many songs that were popular relied on these tricks and people enjoyed them, but in the end those songs were no more real than the artificial jewel on her necklace.

They were pretty and pleasant, but so much had been used to dress the songs up they weren't real anymore. Even if you loved something that was more or less fake, there was still a part that yearned for something real even when it came to music. Maybe even more so when it involved music.

That part of a person wanted something that left a lasting impression. It was the reason why some of the more popular songs, who used these tools and tricks, wouldn’t be as popular nor memorable in a few years.

Real music left a lasting impression. This is part of the reason why classical music was still appreciated even though it was first created many years ago. Rock music and earlier pop songs that didn’t use such tools as much were similar even if not as likely to leave an impression hundreds of years from now.

Perhaps that’s why people are still drawn to classical instruments. Attending an orchestra performing live can’t be faked. The people are using instruments that weren’t recorded separately and then mixed on a computer.” She gazed more into the jewel she now held in her hand and examined it further.

In some twisted sense, she felt similar to this jewel. Her and the others had made beautiful music even if it turned out to be more artificial than she thought it was. However, like the stone in her hand, when compared to the real thing it was found lacking.

Sure the Rainbooms had used magic as well, but it wasn’t used to enhance their music and their singing. What they sang was pure and real while the magic reacted to their song. Something she felt the three of them would never be able to produce their selves.

Adagio gave a sigh. “Perhaps I’m thinking too much about a simple pendant,” she said to herself as she took a sip of her drink. She needed to stop thinking these negative thoughts.

There was more to the necklace than just negative musings. She wouldn’t have bought something that just reminded her of how artificial she really was and the pain those thoughts gave her.

She stretched her arms and checked her phone for something to do. She knew there wouldn’t be anything on it, but it got her mind off such depressing thoughts. The truth was she liked this simple necklace. The other things shouldn’t matter.

Sure the stone was artificially made, but it was still well crafted regardless. It was also something she wanted and bought for herself. No longer did they have to keep their expenses to just necessities and nothing else. Their work could be hard, but it paid them well enough since all three of them were working and splitting living expenses together.

It felt nice in a way to her that she bought this with her own money. It wasn’t something given to her by a fan or something she conned from the saleswoman using her magic. She got it herself and paid for it. That was really something now that she thought about it.

There was also the fact she bought it with Sonata and Aria. They didn’t get matching necklaces or anything like that. They just bought them at the same time, but that was more or less enough for Adagio.

She knew some friends would buy similar necklaces together as a way to show their connection with each other. The three of them didn’t need something like that. She didn’t think they were friends or anything anyways.

She didn’t know what a friend was really. What she did know was the three of them were already connected deeply with each other whether they liked it or not. She wasn’t too upset by this surprisingly. She never really hated it, despite sometimes claiming otherwise, and lately she liked their bond more and more.

Yes. Adagio liked the necklace. But what was more important was she got it with Aria and Sonata. It was also a big plus that Sonata was really excited when they got the pendants together.

The curly haired girl gave a smile as she thought, “Nothing else matters. We’re together with each other.

Even if the three of them weren’t friends and never would be friends, they were in this together. They had experienced good things and bad things, but they were always there with each other. In the end as far as their case was concerned, they didn’t need to be friends.

They had a strong and pretty good connection together. It didn’t matter that this connection was they weren’t always human and used to be immortal. They still had a deeper connection and understanding about things that others never would have and it caused them to unknowingly grow closer to each other.

Adagio took in a deep breath and let it out. She was about to use her phone, but she saw Aria and Sonata coming over to her again at last. She gave them a smile as she said, “Well about time you two returned. I was about to text and ask what the holdup was.”

“Well we’re back now,” Sonata said with a huge smile holding a few bags in her hands from several different stores all across the mall. Adagio wondered how she had time to make it to each of the stores on her own. The two hadn’t really been gone that long, but then again it was Sonata. The blue haired girl had so much energy she probably bounced from store to store in a matter of seconds.

“So shall we go home now?” Aria asked. She had a few bags as well, but they were from a few stores close together in the mall. Regardless it was rather obvious despite her insistence that going to the mall and shopping with the others was something too girly for her, Aria had enjoyed the day.

Adagio gave the other two a smile as she threw her drink away and said, “Sounds like a plan.” She then led the others back to the parking garage and teased Aria a little by saying quietly, "Looks like someone had a lot fun despite pretending not to." Aria blushed in response and speed up her step a little. Adagio gave a small lighthearted laugh at the response.

Sonata's smile didn't change in size or anything, but she felt warmer inside being with the others like this. She was proud of herself. She had pestered Adagio and Aria a little to go on this trip over the last few days. She was glad to see she was right to guess it was something they all needed and wanted.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight and Sunset where standing in the amphitheater where this mission had really first begun. It was also where Twilight had felt she first messed up as the Princess of Friendship.

A lot had actually happened that night, which felt like it was so long ago. She saw her human friends really fight for the first time on that trip. She admitted she was actually wrong in a way. She did at least say a counter spell wasn’t the answer. Twilight also saw how great of a friend Sunset, a former villain, could be when she wasn’t punishing herself or too afraid to speak up.

Twilight looked over to where Sunset was examining the stage. The purple haired girl thought of how she actually learned a lesson on friendship herself that day. She was grateful to Sunset for this, but at the same time she felt a little embarrassed admitting it out loud.

Twilight was a little conflicted on the subject of Sunset Shimmer. She knew the former pony had inadvertently put her on some sort of pedestal. The Princess of Friendship kind of liked being seen that way, but at the same time she didn’t really want to stay that way. Sure they had a mentor and student thing just starting. The thing was Twilight didn’t want this relationship be like it was between Celestia and herself.

No. Twilight wanted a different kind of relationship with Sunset. The princess wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted that relationship to be. She seemed to sense Sunset kind of was in a similar position as well. They needed to figured this out. She had a feeling once she and Sunset did something really wonderful would blossom. She wasn't sure what, but it was something she wanted to see.

Twilight shook her head and got her mind back onto the mission. She looked back to the Siren incident as a whole. “Those three really did make it a spectacle and loved all of the attention and status their songs brought them,” she thought as she remembered the songs the trio sang.

Twilight blinked her eyes as a thought started to form in her mind. “Hey, Sunset?”

“Hmmm?” Sunset replied as she seemed to be really studying the ground in some vain attempt to find a clue from something that happened so long ago while also trying to avoid thinking on the awkward silence.

“How would you describe the Dazzlings. As normal girls?” Twilight asked.

Sunset looked over to Twilight in thought. She understood what Twilight was asking. her friend was asking what the trio was like despite their music and Siren status. “Full of their selves. Only wanting the best of everything and still not being happy with it. They expected everyone to bow to their whims like servants. I’d say they seemed like well… Spoiled rich bitches.” The fact she was similar at first wasn't lost on Sunset.

Twilight smiled and gave a laugh. “Can it be that easy…?”

“What are you thinking, Twilight?” Sunset asked as she looked over with a puzzled expression.

The princess just nodded to herself. “I suppose it wouldn’t be too bad of an idea…” Twilight gave another nod to herself. “What is the richest and fanciest hotel in the area? Does it have something like a Penthouse suite?”

“That’d be the Grand Gala Hotel. I’m sure it has a Penthouse Suite. Why do you ask?” Sunset asked wondering where Twilight was going with this.

“Well spoiled rich brats aren’t going to settle for just fancy, especially if they’re used to getting everything they want with ease,” Twilight said as her smile grew.

Sunset sighed and shook her head at how the rather obvious solution. Twilight giggled and said, “I know right? It seems so simple, but we didn’t think about it. We don’t need to look at multiple hotels for where the Dazzling’s trail starts.”

“We only need to go to the fanciest of them all in the area.” Sunset sighed again before she gave a little laugh as well. “I can’t believe neither of us thought of that sooner.”

Twilight came over and placed a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “Well I’m a bit out of sorts really and we’ve been preoccupied with other things. Like me having to get new clothes.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and would have said something, but the Purple haired girl cut her off, “Let’s go and check out the Grand Gala Hotel.” Sunset nodded with a smile and led the way back to the car.

Author's Notes:

In case anyone cares I have included an alternate pajama scene. I was trying to go for some comedy here but I couldn't really figure out which one to use.

Scene start:

Twilight gave a smile as she moved in Sunset’s extra pajamas a little bit. They were a perfect fit. “You were right, Sunset! These do fit pretty well. Their much more comfortable than the ones I borrowed from Pinkie last time.”

Twilight then looked to Sunset and asked, “How did you know they would fit me so well?”

Sunset gave a laugh and answered, “Well it really is kind of odd, but it seems most humans here are actually about the same size. Pinkie’s pjs you borrowed last time were from when she was younger. So it’s only natural they were tight.”

“I guess that’s also why they were a little short. I spent most of the party that night huddled up because I didn’t feel comfortable with how short the pants and the top were,” Twilight said.

scene ends.

Searching for Sirens

It was the day after they finally figured out where to start their search. Despite how gun-ho they were yesterday after looking over the amphitheater, they kind of realized the search would have to wait until the next day. It had taken them a lot longer to get Twilight clothes and search around the place than they first thought and they needed to prepare before proceeding.

That night, like the night before, Twilight ended up using Sunset as a body pillow. This time the fiery haired girl didn’t really mind it so much. It was surprisingly comfortable being Twilight’s body pillow.

As they made their way over to the Grand Gala Hotel, Sunset gave a quick glance over to Twilight sitting next to her. She was looking at the map in thought as they waited for a light. Sunset kind of wished she had come up with the idea to check the hotel first, because she wanted to impress Twilight for some reason. She really wasn’t sure why that was though.

Sunset had many times in the past wished she thought of something first, but in those cases she almost always pretended she did or felt a little jealous of whoever actually did. In this case, she didn’t feel any of that. She just wished she had figured it out first so she could impress Twilight and her pretty friend would think better of her.

That was something she had always wanted as well, to have others think better of her. This time her reasons were much different from the past. Sunset didn’t want a person to think she was above them and better, but instead it was something different she wanted.

She knew someone usually wanted their friends to think high of them in some respect, but this felt… “different from that” she thought as she focused once more on driving. She wouldn't mind looking at Twilight more really, but when driving she knew it wouldn’t matter who you were in a traffic accident.

{-} {-} {-}

It didn’t take long before they reached the Grand Gala Hotel. Sunset knew the place lived up to its name. It was the most expensive and richly furnished Hotel in the City. It was definitely the place pre-battle-of-the-bands Sirens would stay at the cost of just a few musical notes.

“To think they stayed here for just a song, probably…” Sunset unknowingly voiced part of her thoughts as they got out of the car. She could only imagine how addicting such a power would be to use. The vile power she held briefly was addicting, but for different reasons than she was sure the sirens power was.

A barely audible “Yah…” was the only response Twilight gave.

Sunset looked to her friend with concern at the response and asked. “What’s wrong?”

The friendship princess frowned as she said, “It’s just… I think I can better understand just how much I failed them a little.”

Sunset wasn’t sure what to say here really. She decided to simply ask, “What do you mean?”

Twilight seemed to be looking at the hotel, but her mind seemed to be elsewhere. “I may not know exactly how they feel, but I do know what it's like to more or less have godlike powers and then lose a fair amount of it.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow, “I’m not saying this to be mean, but you do realize most ponies would consider you a goddess right, Twilight? You are an Alicorn Princess after all.”

“Yes I am. But I was referring to my fight with Tirek. I held, for however briefly, all of the Alicorn power in Equestria. Sure I was relieved when it was taken back from me, but I think it was actually more because the battle was over and things were back to normal,” Twilight said.

“What about the Elements of Harmony? Even Celestia admitted their power was far greater than her own and even she couldn’t understand it. You have at least part of that power inside of you at all times,” Sunset said.

“True… But you experienced that power yourself when you wielded it with the rest of us. How would you describe it?” Twilight asked as they started to walk to the hotel entrance.

“Powerful, beautiful, wonderful, terrifying and wild,” Sunset answered as she paused in her steps and reflected on that night again.

Twilight turned to look at Sunset as she spoke. “Exactly. You weren’t and didn’t really feel in control of it. We get to experience that power flowing through us and it is everything you said. However, we don’t control it. We can’t call it at will and do with it as we want. We are merely conduits for the power and give it focus to do what it does and maybe a little aim to help reach the target.”

Sunset gave a nod as she started to understand what Twilight was saying and continued to listen. “But when I fought Tirek, I had all of Celestia’s, Luna’s, Cadence’s and my own power at my command. It was tricky to handle, but I was starting to already learn how to control it by the time I fought Tirek. I get the feeling my body and soul just had to acclimate to it a little longer and then it would have seemed as if it was a very part of me.”

Twilight looked down and gave a sigh as she said, “I never really told anyone else this, but even after everything... I missed all of that magic power. I can only imagine how much worse it would be for beings like the sirens, who had that kind of power for thousands of years, to lose it all suddenly.”

Twilight took in a deep breath and let it out as she seemed to focus more on the present. “It doesn’t excuse them for what they did, but I should have been there for them after that.”

Sunset placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder and gave her a smile. “Even if that was true and you were somehow really at fault here. What matters now is that you're trying to do something about it.”

Twilight gave a warm smile as she placed her own hand on Sunset’s, which caused the fiery haired girl to blush. Twilight then closed her eyes and took another deep breath before saying, “Thanks, Sunset.”

Sunset removed her hand and turned towards the hotel as she said, “No worries. Come on let’s go, Twilight.” Her cheeks seemed to heat up further and she was thankful the other girl didn’t seem to notice.

While Twilight smiled she thought to herself a little on Sunset’s reaction. She had noticed her friend’s odd behavior while she had been around. She felt a little disappointed at Sunset’s reactions. She did think they were cute, but at the same time she feared what they might mean.

The last thing I want is for my new best friend to act like I used to around Celestia. I hope things get better,” she thought to herself. She had said what she said because it was how she really felt. She had also hoped it might help Sunset see her as Twilight instead of the Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle.

At the same time though, Twilight had to admit she was a lot more forthcoming about things in general with Sunset than she was even with her pony friends. Twilight thought this a little odd. Sure, she wanted to be seen as a human or rather a pony, but still she was going to further lengths than she needed to with Sunset.

Twilight shook her head and refocused as they entered the lobby of the hotel. Her eyes widened a little in surprise. She hadn’t expected the place to be so fancy. She was used to fancier places, having spent most of her youth in Canterlot castle, but this place would definitely be seen as “adequate” by the nobles of Canterlot.

It was also the fanciest place she had been to in the human world. Though that didn’t say much since the only other places were the high school, Pinkie’s house, AJ’s farm, Sunset’s apartment and a couple of shops and restaurants. Still of the places she had seen in the human world so far this hotel was the fanciest. She still preferred Sunset’s apartment the most of the places for some reason.

The two took a couple of minutes to look around the place from the entrance. The main lobby floor was covered with polished marble stone slabs bordered with polished granite slabs along the base of the walls. There were also several sitting places with luxurious rugs to protect the floor and for the guests comfort.

Towards the back of the lobby there was a set of grand staircases curving up to the second floor on opposite sides with a fountain in the middle towards the front. The fountain was large with a small island in the center with a beautiful statue of a mother holding a child in her arms with plants surrounding it. There was a high ceiling with several grand crystal chandeliers hanging down to provide light. Twilight and Sunset managed to take in every detail of the place quickly before approaching the front desk located along the left side wall of the lobby.

{-} {-} {-}

Clark gave a sigh. He usually did when there wasn’t a customer in front of him. He felt he did so because he had to make up for all of the smiling and cheerfulness he showed guests even when they were complaining about something. He wasn’t really opposed to working his job and he really did like the Grand Gala Hotel. Heck he’s worked at the place for years now.

He thought it was interesting to see all of the different people who came to stay at the hotel. He had been here for a good while and as a result learned how to get a good grasp on people. It wasn’t really judging them in his mind. It was more like observing and learning what to look for in people and possibly expect of them.

He did treat all of the customers fairly for the most part, but he had learned how to tell the real rich and classy people from those that just put up a front. There was just a certain air about the different types of people and then there was their eyes. Of course you couldn’t really make out the eyes until they were close, but there were other signs you could notice if you knew what to look for in a person.

Regardless of his expertise and honed senses he still would find it interesting every time he saw new people. It was even more interesting when he actually got to talk to the different people in more depth for short while. This was part of the reason he kept working here. He met all kinds of people and he was the type to get along with most and learn a lot with just the brief interactions he had with different guests.

Because of his experience he did try to help out his younger coworkers when he could. It was also because of his expertise that he never really put too much stock in his current co-worker's “Expert observations”.

“Oh great… looks like we have two bratty popular girls here. They always think they deserve the best of everything. They probably just want to look around the place so they can go and brag about it to everyone at their school. No doubt they'll make up a story or something,” Kimberly said quietly to Clark.

Kimberly was actually a good person she just didn’t always let it show. She was at least good at her job and polite to customers despite her real thoughts. Also she was getting better, but she always had something against certain types of people. Clark had told her many times she needed to get over that and she had mostly listened to him. She still did cling to her own preconceived thoughts because sometimes she was right.

This time was not one of those times though. Clark looked up to the two girls who had just entered and he could already tell they weren’t what Kimberly said they were. On top of that, he could tell there was something extra special about the girl with the purple hair and her friend. “I’ve told you before you need to get over that habit of yours, Kim.”

She gave a sigh because she knew he was right and she knew what he was going to say next. “Besides… even if you were right. We're supposed to treat all of our customers fairly,” he finished like many times before.

“Maybe, but I still stand by what I said. They aren’t really the type to come here for any actual business. They seem too normal,” she said with a half frown.

Clark gave a half smile in return as he spoke. “You’d be surprised how many of the quote unquote rich and famous started out as just regular people or worse. Look at the author of that book series you love so much about the boy wizard. She started out as a single mom barely making it by in life. Now she’s become much more than that. There's also quite a few normal people that are actually rich and famous out there in the world.”

Kim frowned at that. She hated it when he won their little battles that he never actually seemed to consider a battle. She nodded to him as the two girls seemed to finally make their way over to the desk.

“Look at them. The one with the red and yellow hair doesn’t walk as if she is some high and mighty ‘popular’ girl. In fact, I’d say she walks as if she used to be before she realized how stupid it was or something happened that brought her back down to Earth.” Clark spoke in a volume only Kim would hear. He then pointed out hints in said girl’s demeanor that lent to his observations.

“As for the girl with the dark hair, she actually has the poise of a younger leader in high standing who chooses to lead by example instead of just words. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was similar to a princess who wished to remain approachable. She has that certain poise even if it isn’t very well practiced yet,” he concluded. Kim put on a welcoming smile like she did for all guests as they approached, but she doubted Clark was right this time.

“Excuse me. I’m Twilight Sparkle. I was wondering if you could help us with something,” the girl with the purple hair started politely.

“Of course we can ma’am and welcome to the Grand Gala Hotel. How may we help you today?” Kim greeted her. She wasn’t sure about the whole ‘princess’ thing Clark said, but she was pleasantly surprised how polite the girl seemingly was.

“You see we are looking for a trio of girls. They're going through some hard times lately and we're here to help them, but they've been hard to reach for some reason,” the girl said.

The girl with the fiery hair spoke next, “I’m Sunset Shimmer. We know they were here, but it might have been a while ago. There were three of them. They went by the names Adagio, Aria, and Sonata.”

Kim was silent here. She wasn’t sure how to handle this situation. She knew who those three girls were. All of the staff knew who those three girls were. The trio had stayed here for a good while and there was some drama around their stay plus there were certain orders regarding those three the staff were given. She never thought it would be something that popped up again and so she wasn’t sure what to do here. Fortunately it seemed Clark did know what to do.

“I’m not exactly sure who you are talking about, but if you don’t mind waiting over there." He pointed to a sitting area nearby as he continued, "I can ask the manager to help you. We have many guests who pass through here. Mr. Sinclair always makes sure to know who comes in and out to the best of his abilities. If anyone can help you, he can.”

Twilight gave a polite smile and a nod in thanks. Sunset gave a thoughtful expression as she looked over both workers and soon followed Twilight. As they sat down, Sunset spoke. “They were here and it seems like something happened while they were here. I think the staff was told to get a manager if those three were mentioned.”

Twilight gave a hum sound and a nod in understanding. “You're very perceptive, Sunset. I thought they really didn’t know them. I wonder why they were given such orders.”

“No idea,” Sunset said offhandedly. She then turned and looked the beautiful girl straight in the eyes and spoke. “If we don’t get anywhere with the manager then I’ll take the lead a little if you don’t mind. I'm sure someone here will have seen something and not mind talking about it.”

Twilight looked Sunset over for a few minutes. She didn’t notice Sunset’s blush nor did she hear the girl’s thoughts. “I really hope she likes what she sees! Why am I thinking that at a time like this...” Sunset blinked at her thoughts and mentally sighed. She knew Twilight was just getting a read on her and knowing the pony princess, concerned she might be pushing Sunset into falling to old habits with this mission in some roundabout way.

Twilight gave a smile as she finished looking over Sunset. She was a bit concerned about her friend, but Twilight quickly was reassured there was nothing to worry about regarding Sunset returning to her old self. Twilight knew sometimes you had to get tough and a little "dirty" when on a mission. It honestly made her feel better that Sunset would be able to do such things if needed without any problems.

The pony princess thought, among other things, that Sunset would have to more or less become the “Princess of Friendship” of the human world pretty much. This was something Twilight was happy and thrilled about, but also a bit saddened about.

She knew it was selfish, but part of Twilight wished she could return to Equestria after this mission with Sunset and they could have a joyful reunion with Princess Celestia. She also really wanted to introduce her friend to everyone in Equestria. She really didn't like the idea of leaving Sunset here in the human world.

{-} {-} {-}

Despite his many years working at the hotel, Clark was a little nervous about what he was doing. “Those three girls were really a bit of a dramatic and sore spot for Mr. Sinclair… I hope we aren’t about to discover something really bad about them now…” the veteran desk worker thought to himself.

The staff all knew about the somewhat troublesome trio. They had money issues and Mr. Sinclair reacted strongly against them. They didn’t really do anything to the girls, but they all kept a suspicious eye on them under his orders. This was something they weren't technically supposed to do, but they all kind of feared what might happen if it was discovered.

Eventually with time they each kind of grew a little bit of a soft spot for the trio. They knew the girls had been through something and were struggling to survive. The staff as a whole gave a collective sigh of relief when Mr. Sinclair finally told them “The Prolonged Penthouse Guests Situation is taken care of”.

Still he did warn them there might be future issues with them and to report to him directly if anyone was to come looking for them for whatever reason. He would take care of the matter and deal with it as he saw fit. He also would take full responsibility if something happened.

At first, it was mostly lip service that he said what he did. He had no intention of ever mentioning or admitting to having known of any trio of girls who may or may not have stayed in their penthouse suite for a prolonged period of time. However Mr. Sinclair did eventually take his promise to heart in his own manner.

Clark straightened up and knocked on the door to the manager’s office. “What is it?” came the question.

“Ummm… Sir… We have two girls asking about that trio in the lounge,” Clark answered.

It didn’t take long for the lanky manager to open the door with slightly surprised eyes. “What's your take on them?”

“They're at the very least polite. They both have a certain air about them. It seems like they actually want to help the trio, but I'm still not too sure about that part. It is possible, though unlikely, they are just very good at getting what they want with subtly.”

Mr. Sinclair was in thought for a couple of seconds before nodding to himself and asking, “Where are they?”

“I’ll show you, sir,” Clark replied.

{-} {-} {-}

It took less time for the manager to meet with them than Twilight thought it would. He introduced himself and invited them into his office. They were now seated across from each other. Twilight and Sunset were on one side while Mr. Sinclair was sitting behind the desk in his chair.

“So you're wondering about a trio of girls calling themselves Aria, Sonata, and Adagio?” he asked for clarification.

“Yes we are,” Twilight answered simply.

“What do they look like? If you don’t mind telling me? I've heard many names here at the Grand Gala Hotel and sometimes I forget them. Maybe if you describe them I might be of more help to you. I can usually remember faces and looks when it comes to people,” he replied calmly. He wasn’t about to lose his composure, but Clark was right about there being something different in a good way with these two girls in front of him.

“Adagio would be the easiest to recognize. She had really large orange and yellow curly hair. I mean it was really large. She kind of acts as the leader of the trio at times,” Sunset started.

“Aria had purple and bright turquoise hair usually styled in twin tails and can be a bit snarky at times,” Twilight added.

“And then there's Sonata. She has Light blue and dark blue colored hair usually in a simple long ponytail. She can be a bit air headed at times, but is mostly cheerful,” finished Sunset.

“Can you please help us, sir? They have been through some hard times recently and kind of panicked about it. We want to help them, but they're hard to track down,” Twilight asked in a slightly pleading manner.

She then blushed a little and looked to the side as she added, “It took a while for some important things to settle down, so we're a bit late in our search to try and help them. Which is a little embarrassing and I'm very sorry about.”

Sunset then added, “Yes. Please sir, help us if you can. It’s kind of important we find them.”

Mr. Sinclair had promised himself to not get really involved if those girls were ever mentioned, but after sometime he decided it would be best if he did talk about them to the right people. He soon realized these two girls just might be said right people. He also could tell these two girls were actually looking to help Adagio and her friends.

The manager gave a sigh before looking to the two hopeful girls. “I do know who you are talking about.” The duo gave a sigh of relief.

“But…” Their relief faded. “It’s been awhile since they were here. And I think they might be in a worse situation than you know. They were guests here for a good while in our Penthouse Suite, which is unusual. They also had some money issues. They did manage to solve those in some way, but I don't know how.”

Twilight and Sunset looked to him with interest. “When they left they each looked like a bit of a mess as well. I was suspicious of them due to the bizarre manner in which they booked their room. There wasn’t a card on file or anything like that.”

Sunset’s eyes widened a little at that news. She half expected them to have credit cards without spending limits or something. "Then again when you can get anything for a song you probably don't really need to worry about money much," she thought to herself as the manager continued.

Mr. Sinclair shifted a little uncomfortably in his desk chair. “I acted in a rather unbecoming manner with them because of this. Looking back on it I shouldn’t have behaved in such a way, but it seemed like the best course of action at the time.”

“So where did they go? Do you have any idea?” Twilight asked a bit more forcefully than she wished.

The manager gave another sigh. “I don’t really know much I’m afraid… Just that they were looking for and found an apartment to stay at here in the city somewhere.”

Twilight looked relieved to hear this news, but Sunset seemed to frown. Sunset knew just how big the City was and that there were tons of apartment complexes in it. Not to mention it might be hard to get information on residents at any of these apartment complexes.

Mr. Sinclair looked the two over and then added, “Just to give you a warning as you continue your search for those three. As you said they are panicky and seemed to be concerned about many things when they left. So wherever they are now they may not even be using their own names due to their panic and fear.”

Twilight frowned deeply to this. “Is there anything else you can tell us, sir?”

He thought for a moment and spoke. “They seemed very defeated about something. Apart from that… There isn’t really anything else I can tell you I’m afraid. They kept mostly to themselves as they made their plans. Miss Dazzle only told me what she needed to tell me. As I said earlier I’m not even sure how they got the money to pay for the room and their food.”

Twilight and Sunset exchanged a look for a few seconds before they stood up and gave him a quick bow in thanks and made for the door. “One other thing,” he started as they paused in their steps. “I wish you two the best of luck in your search. And despite how I acted towards them at the time. I really hope you can help them out if they still need it. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance.” The two then left his office and headed back to their car.

Despite knowing they still had a lot work to do for this mission, Twilight turned and gave him a friendly smile. “You’ve nothing to be sorry about. With just this much you’ve already helped us out more than you know.”

As she left with Sunset, Twilight said to her quietly, “We need to get back to your place… And figure out what to do next about my failure.”

After Twilight spoke to him, Mr. Sinclair couldn’t help but feel as if he had just been pardoned of something grave by someone of royal status for some reason. It was silly really. America didn’t have a royal family or even nobility, but he still felt that way. Also he hadn't really done anything too terrible. He took a moment to himself before taking a deep breath and getting back to work. The Grand Gala Hotel wasn’t going to run its self after all.

Twilight seemed to be speeding up a bit as they left the hotel. Sunset frowned at this. She really didn't like where this was going. It seemed as if her friend might try to start rushing things. Sunset would have to do something about it. She already kind of knew how bad Twilight could get when she felt too pressured and/or down about something.

Author's Notes:

This chapter and the next one are probably going to be a little on the shorter side, but I felt they needed to be separate. When they were combined they seemed too long in my opinion. Also these next two chapters might be a little bit rougher than usual. I'm not fully sure.

Clouds and Stars

Once they got in the car again and sat for a minute, Twilight seemed to grow a little more down. The fact they had missed the Dazzlings and heard just how tough things were for the trio of girls made Twilight feel even more like a failure.

Usually she would also feel more anxious as well, but that wasn't necessarily the case this time. Perhaps it was because Twilight actually felt genuinely lost on what to next do. She couldn't really count on magic here and she wasn't that familiar with this world. She also couldn't really ask Celestia for advice. She could rely on Sunset, but it felt strange not being able to find a spell in a library somewhere that would have the answer to her questions. There might also be the fact she didn't feel the need to act completely in control of things around Sunset for better or worse.

Twilight was beginning to think maybe she relied a little too much on her magic to help with matters in general once again. She needed to really work on that issue along with how she failed the Dazzlings. Equestrian solutions weren't exactly the same as human solutions even if friendship was much more universal. At the moment, she needed to focus on the Dazzlings and do something about them quickly.

Sunset looked to the girl sitting next to her and gave a sigh. As much as she cared for Twilight, the girl really could let things get to her and took things far too personally. The fiery haired girl’s heart seemed to feel strongly for Twilight in a way.

She really wanted to do something for her friend. She just wasn’t sure what to do. She just knew she had to do something and soon. She was also pretty sure she would have to be a bit forceful with Twilight. The pony princess no doubt would soon decide they needed to check every single apartment complex in the city, not knowing just how many there were instead of sticking to heading back to the apartment and planning their next move. Twilight would decide so out of desperation to correct a supposed failure.

It wasn't really Twilight's fault in Sunset's mind. Sure she might not have helped them right off the bat like she did with Sunset, but it was understandable she didn't do so at the time. When you got right down to it, if anyone was at fault it was either Celestia for not taking care of the problem herself or maybe Starswirl for not being more exact with inter-dimensional magical travel or something. "Okay so he's not really to blame either," Sunset thought to herself. No matter how brilliant you are at magic there isn't anyway to know exactly what will happen with such magic.

Sunset's thoughts stopped as she pulled up to a stop light and looked around the intersection. She noticed a park nearby. It was one she had visited a few times because it was out of the way from the school. She could come here to just relax and not be who she was trying to be at CHS when she first arrived. Here, no matter how briefly it was, Sunset was just Sunset. As she fell more and more into the role she assigned herself, she went to the park less and less.

She thought things over again and made up her mind. When the light turned green instead of going straight she turned right. “What’s going on? This isn’t how we get back to your place. We need to plan… No matter how hopeless it might be,” Twilight said as she looked out the window.

“I’m going somewhere else,” was the only answer Twilight received apart from a small smile that caused her to raise an eyebrow.

“But this isn’t part of the plan…” Twilight said as she gave a frown. “We need to find the Dazzlings!”

“I’m momentarily changing the plan up,” Sunset said to a frowning Princess of Friendship. “I’m the one driving I can do that.” Sunset finished with a slightly smug grin.

Twilight gave in even if she wasn’t happy about it. She knew the other girl was right. She also kind of liked the grin she received from Sunset. She had to admit Sunset was pretty enough to pull it off well.

Their car pulled into an empty space and Sunset got out. Twilight followed suit wondering what they were doing in a park. “You’re probably wondering why we’re here.” Sunset wasn’t asking a question, but Twilight still gave a half-hearted nod. She didn’t have to be happy with Sunset’s changes, even if she couldn’t really do anything about them apart from complain.

The two girls walked along a path until they came to a large rolling clearing. There were tables in the area and a few small grassy hills out in the open. Twilight had to admit it was pretty, but she had seen much better in Equestria especially right near Ponyville. Twilight felt a brief pang of homesickness at the thought, but soon she felt relief and ease. It did feel a little like Equestria here, even if only by a little bit. It was oddly comforting for her.

“You’re already feeling part of the reason we’re here. The other part is because you really need to take a break. You’re getting out of your funk before we do anything else,” Sunset said as she gave Twilight a look of concern.

“I’m not in a funk,” Twilight replied simply with a frown.

“You've been frowning and feeling really down the whole time. That isn’t going to help at all. I know you feel responsible, but getting depressed isn’t going to accomplish anything. You should actually feel a little relieved. We know they are alive and seem to be able to take care of themselves to some extent. After all, Mr. Sinclair said they had money to pay for the room and food. So they know what they need to do to survive at least,” Sunset replied as her look of concern shifted to an even gaze.

Twilight blushed and gave a sigh as she relaxed her shoulders. Her friend was right. She really needed to work on these kinds of things. It was like Sunset said. They had made some progress on the mission at least.

After they walked over to a hill and sat down, Twilight spoke again, “So why did you choose this place?”

“When I first came through and started working on being the ‘popular’ girl at school, I needed some time to myself despite everything and to fully grasp what I was doing. I also used that time to just be myself. Briefly after I came through I was actually at peace, before I started to really focus on my plans of taking over Equestria,” Sunset replied.

Twilight pictured a slightly younger Sunset who was actually at peace with everything. She thought it was probably cute to see her that way. She remembered the pictures she had seen of Sunset with the Fall Formal crowns at the school during her first trip. The fiery haired girl had looked genuinely happy and kind at first.

Sunset gave a sigh as her past memories washed over her. “I probably would have eventually returned if I had stayed in the mindset I had at that time. The only thing that really kept me from returning early on was my own stubbornness and not wanting to admit I was wrong to have left like I did. I threw a really bad temper tantrum when I left. Said things to Celestia that I really shouldn't have. I was just too caught up in the moment and angry that I left rather face the consequences.”

Twilight walked up to her friend and gave her a hug. Sunset appreciated it more than she probably should have, but now wasn’t the time for such thoughts. “So what else is special about this place?” Twilight asked getting the focus away from Sunset's sad thoughts. The last thing her friend needed was to think too hard on past mistakes. Twilight didn't really fully appreciate the irony.

Sunset gave a smile and grabbed her hand. “Follow me. It isn’t too much further, just over on that hill there.” She pointed with her free hand towards the back of the clearing. Twilight smiled and followed as she started to enjoy the atmosphere and feel a little more like herself already.

Once they were on the side of the hill facing the clearing, Sunset sat down and Twilight followed. The fiery haired girl then laid back and said, “You do the same, Twilight.”

“Cloud watching?” Twilight asked a little in disbelief. This was something foals did and soon most lost interest apart from Pegasi fillies and colts as they dreamed of flying up to the sky and laying on a cloud instead.

“Just do it, Twilight.” Sunset said with a roll of her eyes and a smile.

Twilight complied. She didn’t see what the big deal was really. The clouds were so disorganized and all over the place here. They didn’t have the standard shapes clouds in Equestria did. “They aren’t even staying in place…” Twilight thought as she looked to the sky.

She soon started to find it calming as she looked up above her. It wasn’t long until she took in a deep calming breath before slowly letting it out. She just kept looking up into the sky with Sunset there next to her. The two were just watching clouds in silence with each other and it felt like something truly wonderful for both of them.

Twilight was the first to break the silence. “Okay. I admit it’s kind of fascinating watching clouds here like this. As you know, in Equestria weather is almost always completely predictable and the clouds never look this varied!” Her voice was getting a little more excited as she spoke.

“I know exactly what you mean. To most people, the weather is something that is just there and they have found ways to predict it to an extent, but they don’t actually control it here. Most don’t even seem to realize how interesting the sky really is. I even learned something recently that makes it more fun,” Sunset said with a smile.

She looked over the clouds above them and pointed to one in particular. “That one looks like Angel Bunny. Except actually nice for once,” She said earning a giggle from Twilight who looked at the cloud Sunset pointed out.

Twilight had to admit it was kind of interesting to see the vaguely shaped bunny in the sky. It wasn’t sculpted by a cloud artist so it wasn’t too accurate, but that made it more remarkable in a way.

“That one looks like Winona.” Twilight pointed to one which looked like the panting small dog. Sunset laughed and nodded. It was extra funny to them because Twilight told her how both Apple families seemed to have named their dog the same and even got the same breed. Fluttershy naming her bunny the same wasn't as surprising because it was kind of a common name. Winona on the other hand wasn't, let alone four people coming up with it at once.

The two girls laughed and continued to point out different shapes they saw in the clouds every so often. When they were once again silent, Twilight once more broke it after some time. “You said looking for shapes in the clouds was a recent discovery. What did you mean by that?”

Sunset looked up to the sky as she took in a breath and let it out. “It was something Applejack introduced to me actually.”

“Really?” Twilight asked in surprise. It didn’t seem like Applejack to look at clouds; both pony and human were hard workers on their family’s farm.

“Yeah really. It was when I first became friends with the others, shortly after you left. They were a bit wary of me at first, but they were still kind to me. Eventually they all warmed up to me, but I kept feeling like I needed to do something to make up for how I treated them,” Sunset said.

Twilight frowned and Sunset continued to reassure her it wasn’t something bad, “They didn’t make it seem like I needed to do them favors or anything like that. I just felt it deep inside myself. I even asked them if I could do something to help each of them out big time. Rainbow at the time was all on board with the idea. She kind of still had something against me. You know how she is.”

“Yep both of them are stubborn like that. They're really loyal friends that will always be there when needed for the most part, but it takes some warming up to them.” Twilight gave a giggle. “Pony Rainbow Dash accused me of being a spy for Nightmare Moon at first. Once it was all said and done, she did eventually apologize.”

Sunset gave a laugh to this as well. “Human Rainbow was like that as well. Once she was finally sure I wasn’t faking my reformation, she gave me a big apology in private. She didn’t want to ruin her ‘awesomeness’ rating because of mushy stuff.” They both shared a chuckle to this.

The fiery haired girl took in another breath. “Regardless, the truth is I was the one who wanted to do something for each of them separately. Applejack was particularly vocal in not letting it happen. She didn’t want a friend feeling like they owed her one just for acting like a friend should.”

Twilight nodded to this. It made sense to her. Both AJs were like that from what she could tell.

Sunset continued, “I finally cornered her and told her I felt friends should help each other out when they could and not just let another friend’s kindness go without returning it. I eventually told her I also saw it as a way to get to know each of them as an individual instead of just my group of friends.”

Twilight turned to her and gave a big smile. “You know, Sunset. You really are much better at this friend thing than you give yourself credit for.”

Sunset felt happy hearing Twilight. “Thanks for saying that, Twilight.” She returned the other girl’s smile as her heart beat just a little louder for a couple of seconds.

“After I explained that to her, she agreed to it. I ended working with her first. I helped out with some work on the farm. She didn’t have me do anything major, but it was still helpful and tiring. When it was finally late in the afternoon, almost evening, we took a break and laid down on a hill and looked to the sky. It was quiet for a while as we just relaxed, until she pointed out a couple of clouds and said what shape they were. I joined in and found it to be surprisingly fun.” Sunset smiled at the memory.

There really wasn’t much Sunset could say to really drive home the experience. She had worked hard, for her at least, that day and she and Applejack just laid there looking up at the sky relaxing as a soothing breeze blew through the area. It was just two friends enjoying the sky together. It was something so simple, but to Sunset it was truly wonderful at the time. She had never before done anything like it and hadn’t realized until then just how much she was missing out on with this friendship stuff.

“That sounds like a wonderful way to get to know Applejack,” Twilight said with a smile. She then gave a giggle, “When I first actually spent time alone with Applejack as a friend, I was trying my best to get her to realize she needed to have help with the harvest. Big Mac said he realistically didn’t think she could do it on her own. She got stubborn thinking he was putting her down and decided to prove to him she could along with everything else she had promised to do around Ponyville.”

Twilight gave a sigh as she continued, “It wasn’t pretty. She caused a lot of problems. When she finally realized she had only harvested one of their orchards instead of them all she finally admitted she needed help. This happened after she couldn’t even see straight anymore. I probably should have helped her instead of trying to get her to admit she needed help first. Wow…. I really wasn’t that good at this friend thing back then.” She gave a frown at the memory.

Sunset gave a giggle. “I doubt anyone is automatically an expert at friendship. So don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Twilight nodded as she lay back down on the grass. “You’re right. Besides… This imperfect sky is actually perfect in many ways. I’ve never really looked at the sky just to look at it, especially this close to the evening.”

Sunset got another wonderful idea. She couldn’t help but give a smile as she asked, “Have you ever looked at the stars in the night sky just to look at them?”

Twilight was about to scoff and go on about how she loved astronomy and was even the head of the astronomy club at Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. She stopped herself before when she thought over Sunset’s question. The truth was she never had done as Sunset asked.

Purple eyes lit up in excitement. Twilight was certain the night sky would be amazing here as well. “Actually I never have just looked at the stars in the sky. I’ve studied them lots, but never just looked at them.”

Sunset nodded as she sat up and said, “Then that’s what we’ll do tonight right here. It will take some time, but I promise you, Twilight, it’s worth it.”

Sunset then laughed as she heard Twilight’s stomach growl. “I think that’s a good idea, Twilight’s stomach. I’ll go get us something to eat.” Twilight was blushing furiously at herself. “Will sandwiches work?”

Twilight gave a nod through her blush and answered, “Ummm… yeah…”

“Shhh… Twilight, I was asking your stomach.” Sunset said before giving a laugh as Twilight managed to blush deeper. Sunset knew it was a little mean, but she couldn’t help it. She really liked seeing Twilight blush.

“Geez…” Twilight said with a half serious frown.

Sunset gave a shake of her head and asked again, “Will sandwiches work, Twilight? That way we can just enjoy them right here?”

Twilight gave a smile now. “That sounds like a wonderful idea. Get me a vegetarian one if you can. Okay?”

Sunset got up and gave a nod. “It won’t be too long there’s a place near here I know of.”

{-} {-} {-}

It had taken Sunset longer than she thought it would, but she managed to get two Veggie Works sandwiches and a couple of Lemonades. She did have to test her patience as a girl placed an order for six sandwiches and wasn't even really sure what was supposed to go on each of them. She was on her cell talking to whoever she was getting the sandwiches for, but the conversation often strayed to other topics briefly.

When she returned Twilight briefly looked over to her and gave a lazy wave with a smile before sitting up. "They had veggie sandwiches. I also thought we could both use something to drink," Sunset said as she handed Twilight her meal and drink.

Their impromptu meal passed mostly in silence. They just enjoyed the scenery and each other’s company. Sunset knew they would have to really get on the ball with their search tomorrow, but she also knew a clear headed Twilight would be the best for that. She had a feeling there would be enough panic once she pointed out to Twilight just how many apartment complexes there were in the city. For now, she just enjoyed Twilight’s better mood and being able to be with the purple haired girl like this.

As they waited for night to fall, they made small talk with each other. When it got to be a little later Sunset ran to her car and grabbed a few blankets from her trunk. She had come to keep a small stash in her trunk because Pinkie Pie was prone to throwing impromptu picnics after they finished an activity together. It was easier to just have some ready to go instead of driving all of the way back to her apartment and then returning. She found out later the others did the same thing as well.

It might have been a good idea to get them earlier, but she and Twilight were enjoying laying next to each other on the grass. However, it did get a little uncomfortable after some time.

They laid down on the blankets and waited together. Well they would have waited together, but Twilight fell asleep. Sunset gave a smile and just let her friend sleep. She figured it would be more impressive to wake Twilight up after the night sky was in full swing.

{-} {-} {-}

It wasn’t too long before the night sky was twinkling with many stars up above. Sunset took in the view for a few seconds before waking her friend. Twilight slowly stirred awake and blinked a few times.

“It’s time, Twilight. The stars are out,” Sunset said with a smile.

Twilight looked up to the sky and her eyes immediately widened and her jaw dropped. She wasn’t sure what it was, but the night sky here was truly beautiful. She had never really taken the one back in Equestria in as a whole. Well she did back when she was a filly, but that was a really long time ago. Even then she was more interested in the constellations than anything else.

As she looked over the sky, she noticed closer to the horizon the stars were harder to see because of the glow of the city lights. This might have distracted from the view to some people, but to Twilight it seemed to add to it in a way. She did wish it wasn’t as strong of a glow, but it was still very pretty in her eyes.

“At Applejack’s farm, we looked at the night sky one time. You still get the city glow on the horizon, but it is much less and I think it makes for a perfect view that isn’t too perfect,” Sunset said quietly as she leaned in close to Twilight.

“I think I get what you mean. I can imagine that. It wouldn’t be a perfect night sky like you get in Equestria, but that makes it an even more interesting view in a way,” Twilight replied just as quietly for some reason.

“Plus, well… Nothing against Celestia, but I always felt the stars in the night sky back in Equestria were too perfectly placed if you know what I mean,” Sunset continued.

“I do. It’s different and better now with Luna back. But still there is a certain order to the stars there. Here you have a certain chaotic but natural scattering of stars in the sky.” Twilight looked all over the best she could and squinted as she noticed several lights blinking and some moving.

“What are those blinking lights, Sunset?” Twilight asked.

Sunset couldn’t help but give a very pleased grin as she answered. “Some of them are airplanes in the sky. Others… are satellites orbiting the Earth.”

Twilight’s eyes widened again. She knew Sunset briefly talked to her about satellites and such when they talked about GPS earlier in the day. It just never really sunk in until now just what all that entailed. “How far have humans reached beyond Earth…?” she asked not really expecting an answer.

“They’ve landed on the moon multiple times. They even have a space station orbiting the Earth where astronauts stay to complete experiments and even test spacecraft systems. The more recent development are their plans to make a trip to Mars. The nearest formerly habitable planet to Earth,” Sunset answered. She had to admit she liked being able to tell this stuff to Twilight and be a bit of a teacher in her own way as a result. It caused her to feel a little closer to Twilight.

Twilight looked to Sunset with her mouth opened in disbelief. This was something else entirely. She knew humans had done some amazing things with technology, but most of those things she knew about had magical equivalents in Equestria.

Going to the moon was different though, only Luna had done that and not by choice. The only time it was ever even mentioned otherwise was by mothers trying to get a rowdy foal to behave by saying to them, “If you don’t stop misbehaving Celestia will banish you to the moon!” It worked until the foals became fillies and colts and realized that Celestia wouldn't really do such a thing easily.

The fact humans had made many trips to the moon, launched things that orbited the Earth and even dared to think about traveling to another planet was completely beyond her belief. She didn’t doubt Sunset though. She could tell her friend was speaking the truth.

“How far are they to doing that?” she asked curiously.

“They’ve already launched and tested a spacecraft for that purpose. They still aren’t to human flights with it yet. I think they are aiming for that in 2021. Who knows if it will happen at that time or not. Even then that won’t be to Mars, but they are working on achieving that goal and it seems withing our reach,” Sunset said with some awe of her own. She hadn’t been here that much longer than Twilight, so some things were still hard for her to believe, even if she knew they were true.

Their conversation died down some after that as they just enjoyed the night sky and the stars with each other. Eventually Sunset noticed Twilight shiver. She could tell her friend wasn’t ready to leave regardless of the encroaching slight chill in the air. Sunset blushed and was thankful it was too dark for Twilight to notice as she took off her jacket and handed it over.

Twilight looked to her and asked, “Are you sure?” Sunset nodded and gave a smile. Twilight took the jacket and smiled in return. “Thanks, Sunset!”

“No worries,” she replied.

“No. Really thanks a lot, Sunset. You’ve shown me some really wonderful things today and you helped me get over my ‘funk’. I’m sure tomorrow I’ll be more than ready to plan out our next move with a clear head. You really are a wonderful person and pony.” Twilight gave a smile as she snuggled into Sunset’s jacket and leaned a little on Sunset. “And probably my best friend…” The Princess of Friendship added to herself.

Sunset felt warm hearing Twilight’s words, but she knew she would be a little chilly herself soon enough. Fortunately, she also had a very good feeling she would once again be wrapped in the warmth that was Twilight’s embrace tonight as she again subbed as a body pillow. This time Sunset was actually looking forward to it a little.

“Just a little bit longer and then we can head back, Sunset,” Twilight said as she looked up to the night sky. Sunset gave a nod and hoped it wouldn’t be too soon. She was really enjoying this moment alone with Twilight. She wanted it to last as long as it could. She didn’t know why it was so important to her… actually she was starting to get an idea why it was. She just wasn't sure what to make of it.

Either way she wanted this moment to last as long as it could. She had never done something like this with someone before. She had looked at the stars with her friends a couple of times, but it was never this intimate nor was it this enjoyable. "I really hope she's feeling the same way..." Sunset thought as she felt her heart beat a little faster.

As the two girls sat with each other looking at the stars in the sky, there was streak that ran across their view. "Look a shooting star, Twilight. Here they say if you make a wish on a shooting star it will come true."

Twilight gave a little chuckle. "Come on, Sunset. You know it's just a piece of rock entering the atmosphere and will most likely burn out soon enough. I'm from a place that hasn't built a space-station and even I know that."

"Shhhhh... Twilight. I know that, but remember no looking at the sky scientifically tonight," Sunset said to her.

"Alright fine," Twilight replied as she made a wish. Sunset made a wish as well.

Once the shooting star was out of sight, Twilight asked, "So what did you wish for, Sunset?"

Her friend gave a teasing smile as she said, "You aren't supposed to tell anyone or it won't come true, Twilight."

Twilight gave a frown, but then giggled. "Fine be that way. I was thinking about telling you mine, but since we can't. You'll never hear it from me." The two laughed at that, but truthfully both were a bit thankful they weren't sharing their wishes.

As they got ready for bed back at the apartment, both girls once more thought of their wish before going to sleep for the night.

"I wish to get even closer to her."

Author's Notes:

I'm not sure about this chapter. I'm kind of new to the whole romance thing (well writing it at least), especially Sunlight, and I really hope it isn’t too awkward. But maybe it is and if that is the case hopefully it is for good reasons. I also hope that ending wasn't too sappy either.

Also Chapter 9 became Chapters 9 and 10… It simply got too long for one chapter. This will push back my estimations mentioned in my blog about the timeline of chapters a little.

Dazzling Days and a Closing Net

Adagio gave a contented sigh as she lay out on their apartment’s balcony sunbathing in a purple bikini. It was a nice day outside. It was sunny and it was just the right temperature. Many sunbathers would probably go to a pool or maybe the park somewhere to sunbath. Usually when it was the three of them together they did just that.

Today they were again off from work and the three girls were each doing their own thing. They found they really enjoyed their time together, but they also liked having time to themselves every so often. Today was one of those days for the trio.

Adagio touched her pendant again and smiled. It felt right to have one again and she rarely ever took it off. She did when she went to bed at night and when she showered. She also took it off when she had kitchen duty at Johnson’s Bar and Grill. However when they were off from work she almost immediately put it right back on her neck. Aria and Sonata did the same thing with their own pendants as well.

“This really is the life here,” she said to herself as she continued to lay under the sun. She had never before noticed how wonderful it felt on her bare skin in the past. “I really don’t mind this whole human thing actually,” she thought.

Sure some things were tougher than they were before, but it was as Aria said. The constant hunger was gone. This meant they could enjoy other things in their life now, even if they weren’t immortal, and sunbathing was one of the best things to do in Adagio's opinion.

She again gave a contented sigh as she briefly stretched out her body on her lounge chair. It was a rather peaceful day outside. Sure there were the sounds of traffic nearby and kids playing, but Adagio didn’t really mind those sounds so much. Working at the restaurant, she was used to more ruckus than this. The place was peaceful compared to that.

A child laughed out loud from somewhere nearby and that actually caused Adagio to think about what the other two were doing today. Sonata was quiet and clam today in her room looking into some festival she really wanted to go to soon.

Aria was out running/jogging/walking. The twin-tailed girl loved to do such things and many times Sonata and Adagio joined her.

Two more kids laughed out loud again. This caused Adagio to snicker. “I wonder if Aria will take any detours near the park again,” she thought. The curly haired girl snickered a little more. She really thought that change was one of the more entertaining ones to have taken place within her companions.

Aria had surprisingly come too really like kids lately. She of coursed pretended to be ‘bothered’ by them many times, but she was always smiling a little when she claimed such things. Adagio supposed it made sense in a way. Most kids thought Aria was the coolest girl ever because of her attitude and style.

This obviously fed Aria’s ego a good bit, but her ego was nowhere near as bad as it was in the past. This meant Adagio and Sonata found the whole situation not only bearable, but sometimes fun as their ‘tough girl’ companion pretended to not enjoy playing with the kids. She would almost always later fall to the kids’ insistence and join them in their games.

Aria usually responded by saying, “Fine… geez…. Only for a little bit. And ONLY so you will leave me alone about it.” The kids would pretend to be ‘heartbroken’ but Sonata was under the impression the kids were merely playing along with Aria. Adagio wasn’t sure so she just went with Sonata on the subject. If any of the three of them knew something about kids it was the ever energetic and seemingly youngest, Sonata.

Adagio stretched again, gave a yawn and turned over. It really was a restful day and the sun felt so wonderful on her skin.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight had a very determined look on her face as she looked at the city map. There were hundreds of red circles on it. In fact there were so many red circles on the map, Sunset was glad she had somehow ended up with two city maps. This one was now too cluttered with red circles to be of much use normally.

Sunset gave a sigh as she looked to her friend. “Glaring at the map won’t make any of the apartments disappear, Twilight.”

The other girl gave a somewhat defeated sigh. “I know… But it's somehow a little therapeutic to do so...” Twilight then looked away from the map and sighed again. There were just so many apartments in Canterlot City.

She thought hearing the Dazzlings were in large multiunit living quarters would make things easier. She had no idea just how many there were. In Equestria, while there were some apartments, there weren’t that many. Most ponies managed to find houses of some kind to live in, even if they built it out of clouds or lived together with another pony.

“I know… There’s a lot of them… Humans are a lot more compact in their living arrangements,” Sunset said to Twilight.

Twilight sat back in her chair at the table and folded her arms as she gave a half frown. Sunset wondered why she thought the expression so cute. Twilight finally said, “Well at least we know we can count out any of the really rich ones. It seems like they aren’t in the best shape financially from what Mr. Sinclair told us. I still can’t believe there are so many apartments.”

Sunset gave a humorless laugh as she grabbed a drink from her refrigerator. “Why do you think I didn’t really tell you how many there were the past few days.”

The two of them had already looked at a few places. Twilight had at first thought it wouldn’t take long. Then she realized there were more than she thought possibly, but stayed optimistic they would soon find the Dazzlings and then plan on how to approach them. By the fourth day, she finally had enough and asked Sunset to show her on the map just how many places they needed to look for in their search.

Sunset had frowned, but conceded to her request. Twilight now knew why the fiery haired girl was a little nervous during their search. The pony princess at first thought her friend was feeling anxious like she was. Instead she was trying to hide just how large their search would have to be.

Sunset sat down with her drink across from Twilight. She then crossed out several places on the map. She crossed out a few others after a moment of thought. “I think it’s safe to say they aren’t close to the school either.”

“Yeah. I’m sure they want to be away from there, but the city is still so big!” Twilight said. She gave a thoughtful face, which Sunset found distracting a bit. It was another of Twilight’s faces Sunset had come to like seeing.

How the hell can she be that cute…? I mean princesses are supposed to be beautiful, graceful, and dignified… Not cute, a little vulnerable, and still somehow beautiful. Also… she has a better body than me… that shouldn’t be possible,” Sunset thought. She wasn’t jealous or anything now, these were just facts in her mind. She knew she had a damn fine body, Twilight’s was just unexpectedly better in her mind.

“Ah!” Twilight said aloud, causing Sunset to snap out of her thoughts and almost fall out of her chair sideways from the surprise.

“Are you okay, Sunset?” Twilight asked with deep warmth and concern. Sunset was sure Twilight could even befriend the whole of the Gryphon Kingdom if she wanted with just that voice sometimes.

Sunset blushed and gave a nervous laugh. “Ha ha haaa.. Yeah. My mind wasn’t somewhere else or anything… don’t worry…” She then cleared her throat and continued to avoid further questions, “You were about to say something?”

Twilight seemed to blush a little at Sunset’s actions, but the other girl didn’t notice. Twilight quickly continued and regained her composure. “I was about to ask you if you knew where a lot of the students lived from CHS? Did any of them live in apartments with families?”

Sunset looked to the side and blushed again, but this time in shame. “Ummm… yeah… I kind of do... you know from then… I ummm kept tabs on who would be easy targets due to living arrangements… I was really very hor-“

Sunset would have continued, but to her shock her face turned forwards and a purple hand was placed on her mouth. Twilight was leaning across the table and with a very serious expression said, “Don’t say that… It was in the past. The past is not who you are today. We learn from it and it can be helpful still. Just mark them off on the map. Understand?”

Sunset's body froze and she was finally starting to really feel like the burden of her past was lifting from her shoulders again. Plus Twilight’s actions really struck a chord in her heart. Sure the others had told her similar things, but never had they actually stopped her and said what Twilight did or in such a manner. They always said such things in a way that felt more like it was purely for her benefit and not what they felt was the truth.

It took a couple of seconds, but Sunset nodded and focused on marking off the apartments so she wouldn’t let the tears of relief show. This wasn’t the time. Plus she wanted to keep up her cool image for Twilight. Well Sunset thought she still had a cool image needed to keep up at least. In the end, her ‘image’ didn’t matter to Twilight though. Twilight really liked her regardless of such things.

Sunset finished and there were still a lot of places for their search to lead them, but there were also a good few less than at the start. Twilight and Sunset were starting to feel a good bit less intimidated by their task, even if it was still an impressive one. They looked over the map again and smiled encouragingly to each other as they came up with a plan.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria was out and about. She had more or less just finished her running and jogging, but she wanted to still be outside in the nice weather. Plus she had come to really love the park near where they lived. It was a nice place and it made part of her feel at home. She was used to the human world, but she really did wish there was more green around the place.

She sometimes missed the forests of Europe during the middle ages. Sure there would be bandits and such, but with the power they had at the time that wasn’t a problem for them. It was actually an advantage. Bandits were easy for them to manipulate and feed off of. That was one of the few times they didn’t really have to worry about the hunger as much. It was still there like always though.

The parks of Canterlot City weren’t of the same caliber, but not having that hunger allowed her to enjoy them more even if she missed the old forests of the past. “At least they do provide just the perfect distraction and change of scenery from the rest of the city at times,” she thought as she looked around the place.

Plus there was also another reason she enjoyed these parks so much. Since she didn’t really have to worry too much about keeping her image up away from Adagio and Sonata it was even better. “Cool sis Aria!” a group of kids playing shouted while their parents watched from nearby. They all ran over to her as the parents looked up and gave her a wave.

Aria smiled, but soon made sure it was small. She could let her image down a little, but she wasn’t about to give it up completely. She was soon tackled to the ground by a group of playful kids despite her being the ‘tough girl’.

The twin tailed girl almost laughed out loud, but managed to keep it down. She then said, “Yeah yeah… I’m here. I was on my run and you all spotted me… like you always do.” One of the kids laughed as they climbed off her one by one.

“So what are you kiddos up to today?” she asked.

One of the kids gave a mischievous grin and said, “Playing tag! You have to play with us now and you're it!” The other kids gave cheers of agreement.

Aria gave a laugh. “That’s not even fair. I just told you I was on my run and you ask me to play tag when I’m already a little tired…” She was met with big grins in response. She rolled her eyes “Fine… Fine…” she then gave a small smirk as she said, “I guess that will just make it a bit fairer for you guys.” They laughed as they all ran away from her and started the game.

As the game finished, a very tired group including Aria plopped down on the grass. Aria wasn’t sure why she enjoyed this so much. She knew people her age… well apparent age… didn’t usually ever ‘enjoy’ being around kids. A part of her guessed it was some kind of way to actually experience being young herself or something.

“Hey help me build a castle in the sand over there will you, Cool sis?” a kid asked her.

Aria pretended to think it over before agreeing. “Alright. I guess.” a couple of kids cheered to this. Some others rolled their eyes and were secretly glad it was time they left.

Aria was always serious about castles. You would almost believe she had actually lived in one a time or two. Some kids loved this about her and others didn’t, even if she wasn’t intentionally mean about their ‘needless’ additions.

After a masterpiece of a castle was built, under Aria’s instruction, the older girl decided it was time to head back home. The kids were saddened but happy she played with them like she did. They also secretly knew she only pretended they forced her into playing as well. They weren’t about to do anything that might accidentally threaten their playtime with her so they left it alone and went with it.

Aria gave a stretch and sigh of contentment as she walked home. She was looking forward to that shower and then whatever else she ended up doing today. She was very much pleased with this human business. Running and jogging felt good especially when doing so with Sonata and Adagio. Hanging out in the park, because she didn’t ‘play’ that’s what others did but not her, was also very enjoyable. Additionally she never got tired of the sensation of a nice shower after such a day.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset sighed as she stepped outside of yet another apartment complex office. She was glad the staff was helpful with their questions. They had bought the story about looking to help their friends, the Dazzlings. She figured it helped that they were just asking if the trio lived there and not their actual address.

Still Sunset felt kind of down that it was another dead end. After the way Twilight unknowingly helped her yet again this morning, she really wanted to find the girls even more. Even though she knew it was stupid, she felt like she was letting Twilight down and disappointing her more the longer they went without finding the trio.

A purple hand rested on Sunset’s shoulder. “Don’t be so down, Sunset…” Twilight said with concern. She found it a bit interesting that she was the one saying such words this time, but she meant them wholeheartedly.

“I know it’s just… well it feels like we really aren’t getting anywhere. You know,” the fiery haired girl responded.

“I know what you mean. I feel the same way... But if it wasn’t for your help with the map it would be a lot worse,” Twilight told her.

Sunset gave a nod and stretched up to the sky while taking in a deep breath. She didn’t notice a blushing Twilight trying not to look at her too intently. Twilight wasn’t sure why things seemed to be getting more awkward from time to time with Sunset. She kept wanting to look at Sunset whenever she could in ways she didn’t usually look at other ponies or people.

“Anyways… It’s getting to be a bit late, Twilight. I think we should have ourselves something good tonight. What do you think? Sandwiches are getting a bit old, right?” Sunset asked.

Twilight blushed as her tummy growled and she placed a hand on it. Sunset gave a musical giggle and the purple haired girl smiled to that. She liked the sound.

Sunset looked to Twilight after a moment of silence and asked, “Well?”

She was briefly met with silence until Twilight gave a small smile and asked, “Are you asking me or my stomach?” She couldn’t help but smile a little wider and even stick her tongue out slightly for a couple of seconds at Sunset.

Sunset paused and blinked. She then laughed to cover up the fact she had found yet another cute Twilight expression. “Maybe I should call her the Princess of Cute Expressions instead of Friendship. She keeps pulling them out of nowhere,” Sunset thought. She next answered, “I’ll ask you this time, Twilight.”

“Then the answer is. That sounds wonderful!” Twilight said happily. She was glad to try something different from sandwiches as well.

Sunset raised an eyebrow and asked, “What would your stomach have said?”

“Ask Twilight,” she replied quickly with a smile.

The two shared a giggle as they headed to the car. “I have to say, Twilight. That was a pretty good joke,” Sunset said as she started the Mustang.

“I know,” Twilight answered simply.

“I’m sure you do. I know of a good place. It has some wonderful pizza,” Sunset replied.

“Ooo! That sounds great. I really like human pizza for some reason,” Twilight said as she buckled up.

{-} {-} {-}

“I win!” cheered Sonata as she placed the controller down in front of their TV and did a little Sonata victory dance in her spot on the floor.

“I’m still betting you somehow cheated…” Aria said in a ‘grumpy’ voice.

Sonata rolled her eyes and said, “Oh please! You say that all of the time, Aria.”

Aria pretended to be upset for a total of 2.3 seconds before she smiled and said, “Let’s go again! Just the two of us, since someone doesn’t want to ‘drink and drive’,” she said as she looked behind her to a laughing Adagio holding a glass of white wine.

“You do know it’s because I find it too much fun watching Sonata beat you and your fits afterwards, right?” Adagio asked with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah yeah…” Aria replied as Sonata started up another round of Mario Kart.

They got the game system awhile ago. They knew it didn’t have to best rep and it was ‘last gen’, but everyone also talked about how much fun it was with a group and friends. Since it was either the three of them or two of them playing they were perfectly fine with that alone.

Adagio sometimes liked to just watch Aria and Sonata play while she occasionally enjoyed a drink. When she watched she would alternate between who she cheered for. She sometimes, just for fun, cheered for a computer racer, even if they were at the bottom of the rankings.

Sonata and Aria usually thought it funny and really liked it when Adagio was relaxed and just enjoying herself like that. They were also both happy to notice it was happening more and more often lately. It had taken what felt like forever, but things finally seemed to be looking up for the trio.

In addition to this, Sonata was kind of glad Adagio wasn’t playing right now. When she did play, Adagio was very much a wild card. She won just as often as she lost, but you never knew what would happen. Sometimes Adagio being in the game as well ended Sonata’s winning streak against Aria. Sure it was just a game, but Sonata liked being undeniably good at something a little bit.

An hour later after many cheers, laughs, and boos the trio were about ready to hit bed. All in all they each felt it was a really good and fun day. Sonata noted how they each seemed to enjoy their evening together more than usual after spending most of the day apart. They had come to like each other’s company, but the little break every so often caused them to treasure their moments together even more. They just didn’t all really realize this yet.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight and Sunset both gave contented sighs as they got ready for bed that night. They hadn’t made as much progress as they would like, but they had made some. Plus the pizza place they went to was really fun and the food good.

Once her head hit the pillow, Twilight again fell asleep rather quickly and like every other night before, she made Sunset her body pillow. Sunset this time didn’t mind at all. In fact, she felt warm and happy to be Twilight’s body pillow.

I think I could really get used to this,” she thought to herself. She stayed up a little later just listening to the soft even rhythm of Twilight’s breathing. Sunset even shifted a little so that Twilight snuggled her even more than usual. Tomorrow would be another day of searching for the Dazzlings, but for right now that didn’t matter.

Sunset turned her head to look at the sleeping princess next to her. She didn’t care how close their faces were this time. She could selfishly enjoy it without feeling like she was accidentally crossing some line or embarrassing herself in front of Twilight.

Sunset gave a smile as she thought, “Sometime I’ll have to take her to Bo’s Pizza Palace. I bet she never experienced something like that before.” She gave a warm smile not sure why planning a side trip with Twilight filled her with so much excitement and happiness. She guessed it was because of how much Twilight enjoyed tonight’s pizza supper and she really liked how Twilight’s face lit up with happiness as they sat together and had their meal. She wanted to see more of that Twilight if she could.

{-} {-} {-}

“Order up! Table 3,” called Sonata’s upbeat and cheerful voice. She had a bright smile and wore a white hat on top of her head.

“Got it!” answered Adagio in a happy voice as she picked up the tray.

So much better than it was,” Sonata thought with a very pleased smile as Adagio took the tray. If she wasn’t in her professional mode, she would have shed a happy tear. They had been here working and living together for a while now and the mood had really improved lately. "Things are really good," she thought as she went back to work.

Adagio delivered Table 3 their order and was flagged down when a different customer called, “Hey, Adagio.”

Adagio wore a genuine smile as she headed over to the lady who flagged her down. It wasn’t as big as a Sonata smile, but it wasn’t as small as Aria’s. Her smile was in between the two and it really fit her.

“Yes? How may I help you, Miss Sherry?” she asked kindly.

“I would like another Pink Lady please,” Sherry responded.

“This is your second one right?” Adagio asked with a small amount of concern for the lady.

“Yes… and last,” Sherry said with a small blush. She remembered what happened the time she had three. She returned the next day and apologized to the owner. She had become one of their regular customers and made sure to cut off at two drinks, since then. She really liked the food and the atmosphere of the restaurant and she didn't want to do something that might ruin it.

Adagio gave a smile and said, “No problem. You’re the customer. I was just looking out for you liked you asked us to.” Sherry gave a smile and nodded in thanks.

The curly haired waitress walked over to the bar. “Another Pink Lady for Sherry, please.”

“Sure no problem, that’s number two, right?” Aria asked and made the drink after the Adagio’s nod.

“Yep. And she says it’s her last one. She's been good about that since that time.” Adagio then gave a small laugh. “I would behave too if I was in her shoes. Mr. Johnson can be a bit intimidating sometimes even though he isn’t mean or anything.”

Aria gave a laugh, “I hear you there. I bet that’s probably why we never really have many trouble makers. Also there’s Mr. Forrester.”

Adagio gave a contented sigh as she gave a small stretch and looked over to where Sonata was working as she called another order up. “Sonata really did find us the perfect place to work. Most restaurants aren’t this fun to work at.”

“Yep. And it really is the best seeing her happy,” Aria said with a small smile as she handed the drink over. Adagio gave a nod in reply as she took the drink.

“Quick… Get me a piece of paper! I just know these numbers will work this time! Lady Luck is surely on our side this time!” said an excited customer at the bar nearby as his friend grabbed some paper and a pen quickly.

Aria’s smile morphed into a frown as she looked over to the two guys and gave them a glare. “What was that?” Adagio giggled as she went to deliver the drink.

“Aww… Dang… it didn’t last, Larry,” said the smaller man.

“Ha! I wrote them down before she turned to us! So don’t worry, Jimmy,” Larry said with a smile.

Aria glared at them a little more and the two gulped as they sheepishly hid the piece of paper. She sighed and shook her head before getting back to work with her trademark neutral expression.

Aria couldn’t really blame them she guessed. One of their regular customers came in happily dazed one day as he sat at the bar. He had a goofy grin plastered on his face. When asked he told them he finally got lucky with the love of his life and just knew it was because he caught Aria smiling the day before. The guys congratulated him and the girls nearby rolled their eyes and shook their heads.

That would have been the end of it, but three days later a young college student came in and cheered as he joined some of his friends. He had just received word he got the big internship he really wanted. He claimed it was because he had seen her smile from the corner of his eye as he passed the kitchens.

A couple more similar stories of really good things happening to people after seeing her give a small smile and Aria had been dubbed ‘Lady Luck’. It was said her smile meant the heavens were favoring you. Most of the staff found it funny including the managers.

Aria understandably hated this, but eventually she got used to it and just went with it. It did lead to some entertaining situations as people tried to get her to smile. She had at one time hoped her persistent frown she wore for a while on purpose would deter them, but instead it seemed to give credibility to the theory.

She then tried fake smiling, but it was obvious she was faking it. When nothing happened as a result, there was just more evidence in the Lady Luck theory for those that believed in it. In the end, Aria just gave up and only even acknowledged it when it was put right in front of her face.

She decided it didn’t matter if other people got lucky after seeing her smile. If she was happy enough to smile then she would smile damn it. Just don’t expect her to smile like Sonata. Right now she was happy enough to smile. Things were really working out for them now and Adagio’s good mood was further proof of that.

As Aria started working again, she started to unknowingly hum a tune she heard over the radio. It wasn’t really her ‘kind of music’ but she liked it, even if it was kind of cheery. She didn’t notice the two guys’ jaws drop as they quickly got to work on making plans to place a few bets. The fact ‘Lady Luck’ was humming a happy tune had to be another sign.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset and Twilight both gave a sigh and stretch together before they got into the car and started to head off to their next destination. They had struck out again. The two weren’t really surprised or very much fazed by this, but still it was a little disheartening even if they didn’t show the other they felt that way. They just took comfort in the fact they were at least working on this together. It was really surprising how much more bearable, if not better, things were when you weren’t alone. Still it was kind of unfortunate.

“Do you think we could take a little break, Sunset?” Twilight asked wearily from her seat.

Sunset looked to Twilight and said, “You’re the Princess here and it's your mission. If you want to take a break you can. You aren’t about to start slacking off because of a small break I'm pretty sure.”

Twilight sighed again as she said, “I guess. It just feels wrong to not ask you first before taking a little break.”

Sunset wasn’t sure what to make of this. She gave a suggestion regardless. “How about we take the rest of the afternoon off then? We’ve been at this for days now.”

Twilight gave a smile of relief, “That sounds like a wonderful idea. Any ideas on what to do?”

Spa! Take her to the Spa! Then we’ll get to see more of her body and it will be completely normal!” A part of Sunset’s mind told her. Sunset quickly shoved those thoughts to the side and looked out her car window as she blushed at her thoughts.

Oh come on! You know you want to… You tried to sneak a little peak last night…” Sunset’s mind shouted at her. Sunset’s blush intensified and she quickly threw out the first suggestion on her mind. “Bowling?”

Sunset flinched a little and nervously looked over to see Twilight’s response. She was surprised when Twilight gave a big smile and said, “That sounds like fun!”

Sunset was surprised that Twilight liked the random suggestion. She went with it, but was still a little stunned when they arrived at the bowling alley. She shook her head as they headed inside and soon smiled. She didn’t really mind bowling and she was with Twilight.

She even made sure to go to a bowling alley where the others wouldn’t see them. She nodded to her decision. This was for the best they shouldn’t be seen yet. It would ruin things she was sure. “You know you just want Twilight to yourself… don’t lie…” that part of her mind told her. Sunset knew it was right, but she wouldn’t admit it yet.

{-} {-} {-}

When they were finally leaving from the bowling alley, Twilight learned two really important things from the trip. The first thing she learned was that Sunset was really good at bowling. The second thing was Sunset looked really good when she leaned over to pick up her bowling ball and when she threw it as well, even with the ridiculous shoes.

As they left the bowling alley, Sunset had learned two important things. The first was that Twilight was really horrible at bowling and that was saying something coming from Sunset. The second was she enjoyed watching Twilight lean over to pick up the bowling ball and when she threw it too much. She didn’t really care though and it seemed that part of her mind had suddenly decided bowling was the next best thing to spa and pool or beach trips.

Pool trip… hmmm…,” Sunset thought before shaking her head and focusing on getting into the car. She didn't need thoughts of Twilight in a swimsuit or diving into the water naked all together distracting her. Sunset also took note Twilight was already happily in her seat waiting to go and humming to herself. Sunset gave a smile as she sat down and started the car.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata gave a sigh as she sat in her room. The three of them had the next three days off after all of the long shifts they pulled the past couple of the weeks. Sonata was usually happy about days off, but today was their first day off and there was this festival she really wanted to go to a couple of towns over, but it rained out and she wasn’t sure what to do instead. It was going to be the last day for the festival as well.

Sonata finally decided to use her laptop. She was a little surprised her laptop wasn’t in really bad shape in all honesty. She got it used from a co-worker, who had before used it as a secondary computer for ‘stuff’. She figured the guy probably looked at a lot of porn with the laptop or something. After all, that’s what the internet was for really. At least, that’s what she thought at the time.

Now that she had her own computer she found out there was actually a lot more to the internet than she first thought. There were cat videos… Lots and lots of cat videos. She was pretty sure the internet was now for cat videos and pictures instead of porn.

Thankfully she soon found more than just that. Not that she was complaining about them, cat videos were lots of fun and cute. She found a side to the internet she never knew existed. She found out there was actually a lot of music out there on the internet from all over the world. It wasn’t all big time commercialized either. Some of it was music people made just because they wanted to make music… to sing… Something she wanted to do as well.

Some of the videos were better than others obviously. Sonata mostly found people who could sing well when she just wanted to listen to some music. She would sometimes listen to the not as good ones who were singing just because they wanted and didn’t care about anything else. She had an odd respect for them. Other times she listened to those who were really trying to get better at singing, but not with much success.

Many of the latter were terrible singers and brought tears to her eyes, but not because she hated them. In fact, when she shed tears it was because she knew what it was like to be in their shoes. Sonata could relate to them with the whole wanting to get better at singing thing.

She also noticed how mean people were in the comments and that really made her sad. She realized she was like the people being mean in the past. Singing used to come naturally to her and she didn’t understand how someone couldn’t sing well instantly. She would even join Adagio and Aria in making fun of them.

Now she knew just how bad it really was to have been that way towards others. This was probably why she did try to be supportive and even got into a flame war a few times in the comments on videos. Sometimes when she did this she would get responses from the singers thanking her for being supportive.

There were still times this wasn’t the case. One time was really bad because she noticed how nervous the kid was to be singing in a video posted on the internet. The kid wasn’t the best, but he also wasn’t the worst by far. Still people would be mean in the comments and the kid seemed to really take it hard. She got involved in the comments section as well, but honestly tried to encourage the kid to not give up on his dreams. She even gave some tips that she knew were good.

Unfortunately, it was the internet and so the kid took her words of help and support as her being sarcastic and making fun of him. He ended up lashing out at her. The kid went on about how if she was such ‘an expert’ why doesn’t she actually try singing herself and record it.

Sonata didn’t respond to him. She instead shut down her computer and curled up on her bed after that. She knew the kid was just lashing out and she was just the unlucky one he locked on to in the comments section. However, his words had hurt deeper than he would ever know and probably deeper than he actually meant for them to hurt.

She still tried to sing when she was alone and no one could hear her. It wasn’t any better than it was after the Battle of the Bands. There was just something missing in her voice. Being told off like that after trying to help really hurt her and she even cried that night. Singing had really meant that much to her.

The only difference from before in her voice was that she could at least hum decently now, but that was far from what she wanted. She felt even worse that time because it seemed like she was the only one who wanted to sing again. That night in the past she probably felt the loneliest she had felt in a long while.

Sonata hated how neither Aria nor Adagio really wanted to try to sing again. They claimed it was because they didn’t want to be tempted to return to old ways, but Sonata more often than not felt it was simply, “Cowardice!!! They’ve just given up”. She sometimes secretly feared they would next decide to just give up on them… on her. It didn’t matter how foolish the thought was it was there.

She knew they had some kind of deeper connection they didn’t fully understand. She was sure it would always be there and they would always have each other. However, she felt they sometimes just tolerated her despite the fact they were all three working hard and supporting each other while enjoying each other’s company.

Still each time they refused to try and sing together again it hurt her a little more. She never let it show though. She always had to be happy and cheerful. She was Sonata. It was expected of her. It even seemed to be the only thing expected of her.

Sonata also felt they were giving up on an important part of their bond with their refusal to sing and just taking the easy route by not facing their past that way. To her, it felt like each time they refused to sing together they were drifting further and further away from finding out what it was and filling that hole and emptiness they felt in their hearts. It didn’t matter how close they seemed at times.

This really frustrated her to no end at times, but she didn’t say anything. She would get better eventually because of something the others did for her. It still got to her because at times she felt they were so very close. She just knew they had to sing to fill it… She just knew it. She even knew a few times she probably came close to letting her sad feelings slip.

What Sonata didn’t know was that when her feelings slipped, Adagio and Aria both thought of how to make things better for her in their own way. She also didn’t know when it was really bad her smile didn’t fool the others and sometimes Aria would snuggle with her in the night because she didn’t know what else to do to help. Adagio usually figured something out when these moments happened and the next day Sonata would be happy again because of the curly haired girl's actions.

Sonata sighed as she watched and listened to another video and tried to push those thoughts and reflections of the past to the side. She looked through her Vocaloid playlist and picked another song. She knew the singers were programs and they many times sounded a little metallic, but there were so many songs that so many people made. She could always find one for her mood. There was also something about them that made her a little happy while listening.

The blue ponytailed girl eventually had enough of watching videos and turned her laptop off. She laid down on her bed and looked to the ceiling wondering if she would ever sing again. “Maybe it’s like some kind of punishment…” she thought not for the first time.

At times, she figured not being able to sing was a punishment for having taken something as wonderful as music and singing and using it as a weapon for so long. She wondered if maybe they didn’t deserve to sing. She still wanted to try never less.

She lay there looking up to her ceiling and gave a yawn. Maybe she was thinking this way because she was so tired. Maybe it was because she felt so disappointed in not getting to go to that festival. It also didn’t help that both Aria and Adagio were doing their own thing and she didn’t want to disturb them.

After a few more minutes of laying down, she got up and stretched as she heard Aria snicker from the living room. “It’s not funny… Aria…” Adagio said in a pouting voice.

Aria just replied with another laugh.

“Geez…” Adagio said.

Sonata went to the living room wondering what was going on. The sight that met her was not something she would call funny really. Aria was standing in the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand and Adagio was by the door to the balcony.

“What’s so funny?” Sonata asked with curiosity.

Aria snickered and then said, “Adagio, you have to at least show her.”

Adagio sighed as she turned around. Adagio’s back was sunburned while the front of her was perfectly fine. Sonata looked for a few seconds as Aria spoke again, “Adagio fell asleep face down while she was sunbathing again. This time it looks like she forgot to redo her sunscreen.”

Adagio turned around with a pout and Aria laughed again. Sonata couldn’t help, but laugh as well. She soon started laughing louder than she really should have, but she couldn’t stop laughing. It was probably because of how she was feeling earlier that she laughed so much. She didn’t notice as Adagio and Aria exchanged looks with each other. After a few seconds Aria gave another laugh.

“Geez really! It isn’t that funny. I couldn’t help it. It felt so nice outside and it was fairly quiet… It also kind of hurts a little…” Adagio finished with a frown.

“Okay. Okay. I’m sorry… Ha Ha I won’t laugh,” Aria said while still laughing. Adagio rolled her eyes. “How about this then. I’ll help you with the Aloe Vera. I’m pretty sure you can’t get all of your back alone," Aria said.

“I suppose that will do,” Adagio said with a sigh.

“I’ll make us that punch we all like while you get that taken care of!” Sonata said with a smile after she finished laughing. The two gave her thankful looks and left.

As Adagio and Aria made their way to the bathroom and out of earshot, Aria asked, “I wonder what was wrong with her. She doesn’t usually laugh that loud at anything. She laughs just not like that.”

Adagio gave a nod. “It’s probably because she was feeling down since she couldn’t go to that festival today. We should go somewhere she’ll love tomorrow.”

“How about that Arcade place? She loves it there and there’s plenty to do for fun,” Aria said as she pulled out the Aloe Vera from the cabinet.

“That’s a good idea,” Adagio said as she moved her hair out of the way and undid her bikini straps. She hated how her massive hair didn’t protect her back from getting sunburned. You would think it would, but she was lying face down outside so her hair splayed out instead.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata continued to smile as the other two went to Adagio’s bathroom. She had no reason to really be upset. Sure she missed that festival and really wanted to sing again, but worrying about it and letting it get her down wasn’t going to do anything.

Besides, she had both Aria and Adagio and she knew truthfully, despite what her sad thoughts sometimes wanted to tell her, that they would never leave her alone. They would never give up each other either. Many people would want what the three of them seemed to have so it wasn’t right to be sad she figured.

Sonata still wanted to sing and would keep trying, but she knew apart from that everything was wonderful. Adagio was no longer depressed and trying to do everything on her own and the three of them really got along well.

As long as nothing too unexpected happened, they would all three be perfectly fine and happy she was sure. Now she needed to work on that punch for all three of them to enjoy. It was perfect for a day like today and it was so tasty it always made bad days into good ones.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight gave another sigh. Their search net seemed to have too many holes in it and was too wide spread. She really wished they could find something to narrow it even more than they already had. She enjoyed bowling and was very patient, but she wanted to make some really good progress on this mission again.

Sunset was in a similar mind to Twilight. She really thought they had done a fairly good job with it, but there was something missing from their search before they could finally move to another part of the city. “Where could they be…” she thought to herself as she thought over everything they knew so far again. It wasn’t much but maybe there was something they had missed.

Sunset’s Cyan eyes looked over the map and wondered. The ex-sirens were really good at keeping out of sight it seemed. She stood up and went and grabbed a snack bar from her fridge. She sighed as she looked over her dwindling supplies of groceries. “It really is good I went on a big grocery run before Twilight arrived,” she thought.

She usually went to a large grocery store near where she lived because there weren’t many smaller ones left in this part of Canterlot City anymore. There were still a lot of them over in the older part of town. She was also glad she didn’t have to make a run so far, because she always ran into someone she knew from school at any of the stores near her it seemed.

This could have been really problematic because as far as the school was concerned she was on a cultural studies trip of some kind. She had worked it out with Principle Celestia after telling her Princess Twilight had a mission in their world and needed Sunset’s help. Still they did have to be a little careful so not to be caught.

It’s really a miracle the Dazzlings haven’t been spotted by someone from school now that I think about it. I mean they have to get food and would be… unless…” Sunset’s thought switched as an idea came to her head.

She ran over to the map where Twilight was sighing over how much they still needed to do.

Twilight was startled when Sunset frantically looked over the map and added some more marks, this time in purple, and started putting X’s on several places they haven’t even ruled out yet that she was aware of.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked.

“I should have thought about this earlier. It makes so much sense. We’ve been looking in the completely wrong places,” Sunset said as she finished with a larger purple circle on the map.

Twilight waited for further details, but knit her eyebrows as she looked at the map in question.

Sunset finally gave more of an answer. “There’s a big rival school district in Canterlot City. Everyone who lives here knows about it. There’s even kind of a boundary line of sorts for most business. Wondercolts never go into Every Free Flyer territory and vice versa. It’s some unspoken agreement.”

“Okay… So what are you saying exactly?” Twilight asked.

Sunset was making more circles and some other marks as well. She continued, “The Dazzlings want to be away from CHS as much as possible. But don’t seem to actually be leaving the city too quickly as far as we know, right?”

Twilight nodded to this. She was starting to maybe see what Sunset was saying.

The fiery haired girl stood up and gave a smile to her work. There really was a lot you could do with Geography even without a fancy computer. “I’m thinking it’s safe to count out most of this side of the city completely. I know from experience they wouldn’t be able to get the things they need as humans from stores here without being spotted by students from CHS,” she said.

Twilight was looking at the map and started to see the pattern and gasped. Sunset continued, “Whereas in Ever Free Academy territory they wouldn’t, and they could go to smaller grocery stores for their needs as well.”

She then gave a smile as she said, “I guess you already see what the purple circles are.”

“The general service areas for all of those grocery stores you were talking about,” Twilight answered.

Sunset nodded. “Yep, I think we should forget about everywhere else for now and focus on those areas. I’m betting we can ask around at the grocery stores about Adagio, Aria and Sonata and get answers. I mean… no offense to her, but Adagio’s hair really stands out and since the stores are smaller the staff would remember them to an extent.”

Sunset was shocked when she was suddenly wrapped into a very tight and pleasant hug from Twilight. She smiled and returned it. They hugged each other for longer than usual for friends, but neither of them cared. Twilight then blushed and quickly broke the hug. Sunset blushed as well at Twilight's blush.

Twilight then gave a smile as she said, “Sunset! You’re the best! That’s amazing! I agree with you completely on this. You’ve cut our search time down significantly even if they aren’t in that part of the city. But I have a feeling you might be right about this.”

The other girl had recovered from her blush and surprise at the hug. “Well we now have a plan for tomorrow. Now we just have to sleep the night and go.”

Twilight gave a laugh. “Easier said than done, Sunset. I think I might be a little too excited and worked up to sleep now. This feels like a huge step in the right direction.”

Sunset gave a laugh as well and said, “I think you’ll probably fall asleep as soon as you hit the bed. You have every night so far. I’ve seen so myself and been your pillow. Not that I mind being your pillow... So don’t worry about it.”

Twilight blushed again. She was sure that just made it impossible for her to sleep easily tonight. The thought of Sunset watching her as she slept and not minding being a body pillow apparently made her body feel really warm along with other feelings and thoughts.

Regardless of such embarrassing thoughts. The truth is we have very likely finally closed the search net a good bit more. I can just feel we are getting closer to finding the Dazzlings,” Twilight thought to herself as they both went to find something to do together for the rest of the evening.

Author's Notes:

I’ll admit I almost thought about having Sunset freeze when Twilight covered her mouth because she could see Twilight’s cleavage a little, but that felt like it wouldn’t be funny. It would instead ruin the moment. I think I like what I did better instead anyways.

An Unexpected Turn in Events

As excited as they both were last night after Sunset’s epiphany, Twilight was starting to feel a little nervous. She was very sure, with Sunset’s idea, they would find the Dazzlings soon enough. This caused her to start worrying about what would happen once they met them in person.

Sure she knew this would happen and she was working towards making sure they would meet them finally. However now that it seemed like they were going to actually meet them, she was starting to worry about things. She wondered what kind of condition the trio would be in once they found them.

She was also starting to think they would react very badly to seeing her and Sunset again. This made her to start to question her mission despite how adamant she was about finishing it. “So do you really think we’ll find them?” Twilight asked a little unsure.

“I already told you this earlier this morning. I believe so. You were so happy and excited last night. What’s going on, Twilight?” Sunset asked with concern.

“Nothing… Just getting a little nervous… Do you think we’ll be able to actually help them?” Twilight asked not bothering to mask her worry.

“If anyone can, I think it’s us,” Sunset replied. She was nervous herself, but quickly figured out in this situation she would have to be the calm one. It didn’t matter that her mind was racing faster than normal because she was thinking the same things as Twilight.

“Still… I wonder if we really will be able to help them out… Or if they'll even allow us to help them,” Twilight said. She frowned in thought as she said, “Maybe they don’t even need our help? What if we end up making things worse coming after them?! What if-”

“Calm down, Twilight. You’re over thinking things again. We already said we're going to be careful in approaching them. We might even be able to watch them from afar some and find out what we can do to help them." Sunset interrupted the princess' ramblings.

They were then silent as they went to their first stop for the new search plan. They had several grocery stores to try and it would take them more than one day with that alone. The only way it wouldn’t take more than one day would be if they somehow found the right grocery store today. Sunset wasn’t going to count on it. They had been a little lucky here and there, but never that lucky in their search.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight and Sunset approached a local grocery store called “Ron and Ron’s”. The place looked fairly friendly. Sunset was wishing they had stores like this on her side of Canterlot City instead of the large chain stores. There was a certain charm to local stores.

She would have started walking, but she heard a gasp from next to her, “What? Do you see them? Already?” She was thinking maybe they had somehow been super lucky. She just wasn't sure if it was the good kind or the bad kind of lucky.

Twilight blushed and shook her head. “Sorry… It’s just this place looks interesting.”

Sunset looked at Twilight for a minute and then asked, “You’ve never been to a grocery store before?"

Twilight shook her head. “My mom usually did the shopping alone. She either had my brother or Cadance watch me. In rare cases, she left me alone when I was stuck so deep in a book studying I wouldn't notice her absence. When I was at the castle the staff usually prepared my meals. In Ponyville, most of the inhabitants were farmers so we had market stalls for everything.”

Sunset thought this odd at first, but then remembered she really hadn’t seen a grocery store until after she came to the human world herself. In Canterlot, she was always studying and would send for the servants to get food if she needed it. Sometimes, but rarely, she would go out herself to eat somewhere alone because she thought being around other ponies was just a distraction. Sunset frowned at the memories of her lonely past. She shook her head and remembered the words that reached her heart not too long ago, which Twilight said to her.

She gave a smile and said, “Well then it looks like we have to do more than just ask about the Dazzlings here.”

Twilight gave a smile and said, “I guess that makes sense, we can’t be distracted by the surroundings. Best to just get them taken in before proceeding.”

Sunset was perfectly happy with this. If she could share any of Twilight’s new experiences she gladly would. “Especially those kind of experiences…” that voice spoke again and Sunset was glad Twilight was too distracted to notice her blush as thoughts of a certain nature filled her mind.

“How do they keep them this fresh…? Is that water?” Twilight asked as she looked at some of the vegetables.

The fiery haired girl gave a chuckle, “Yes it is. They have a misting sprinkler system setup for some of the vegetables to keep them fresh longer.”

“That’s pretty cool,” Twilight said with a smile.

They continued their tour of the grocery store for a little while. Twilight’s eyes widened and mouth watered when she saw Ron and Ron's bakery section. It was like a mini Sugar Cube Corner. It wasn’t as large of a selection, but everything looked tasty to her.

After Sunset pulled Twilight away from the sweets, they continued. She wondered if it was an Alicorn thing to really like sweets. She remembered Celestia was always partial to cake. Sunset liked sweets herself to an extent, but the look in Twilight’s eyes at the sight of the bakery was closer to that of Pinkie Pie than any other human. It didn't seem natural.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset and Twilight left the store an hour later having no luck with the Dazzlings. They were now making their way to store number two. This store was called “Amy Ann’s” and Sunset was already getting prepared in case she would have to drag Twilight away from the bakery again.

“I think we should start with the bakery. I’m sure if anyone in the store would know about Adagio and the others it would be the bakery staff,” Twilight said with an odd smile as they parked the car. It was actually a good idea, but Sunset was sure there were other reasons Twilight wanted to start there first.

Sunset and Twilight were both looking at the gorgeous cakes and other confectionery delights on display. It seemed Amy Ann’s was also a local bakery as well. This meant they had a good sized baked goods section. Sunset wiped the drool from her mouth and blushed at her reaction to the treats as she asked the staff about their targets.

It was with a sigh that Twilight left the store with Sunset a little later. To the Princess’ secret shame, the sigh wasn’t due to not finding anything out about the Dazzlings. She really wanted to try one of those amazing and wonderful looking cupcakes. They were so amazing and creative not to mention extra tasty looking.

She had already decided to tell Pinkie Pie all about them in hopes the pony baker could do something similar. She was even planning on possibly bringing her pink friend through the portal on a secret sweet recon if need be. Twilight was sure the pink pony would be game and actually fairly focused on "The Sweets Mission". Pinkie loved to do anything she could to help the Cake’s business and finding more interesting and tasty sweets for them to bake would be a huge boon to the Ponyville bakers.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset was hoping there wouldn’t be any problems at the next store’s bakery after Amy Ann’s. The next place was a store called “Food King Joe’s”. Sunset was even more certain it wouldn’t be as bad as the last one with that name.

As they left the store, Sunset learned two things. She really wished they had a Food King Joe’s near her, the place was amazing and they had lots of food tasting stations with all kinds of wonderful scents in the air. She also learned to never make any assumptions about a store’s bakery based off of its name alone.

Food King’s had a decent sized bakery, but more than that. It seemed the place was locally well known for their ice cream cakes. This concept was something surprisingly new to Twilight as well. The purple haired girl was completely fascinated by the idea of a cake made of ice cream. This was something Sunset found kind of cute.

They didn’t really have much luck on the siren front, but Sunset wasn’t too surprised. The place looked really busy, even by chain grocery store standards. They both made a mental note to later check the apartments here separately after they tried the other stores first.

Twilight’s stomach growled as she stood by Sunset’s car. The girl gave a cute blush as she nervously giggled and asked, “Think we can have an early supper today, Sunset?”

Sunset’s stomach growled as well and she said, “Sure. I guess we should have figured this would happen. All of those wonderful smells and food everywhere. That’s why they say to never grocery shop while you’re hungry if you can avoid it. You’re likely to buy more food than you’ll need.”

Twilight gave a little giggle and smiled as Sunset continued, “I know of a really good place not too far from here. It’s called Johnston’s Bar and Grill… Flash took me there once,” Sunset said a little wary at mentioning the boy’s name.

She hated the effect he had on Twilight. She thought Twilight looked cute blushing and flustered like that, but she didn’t like Flash being the one that got that reaction from her, especially after her other thoughts kept getting more and more active in her brain. Sunset was pretty certain at this point she wanted something much more than just friendship with Twilight, but she wasn’t sure where the object of her many affections and thoughts stood on the subject.

To Sunset’s surprise, Twilight just gave a nod of acknowledgement in response. She looked to Twilight with a raised eyebrow. “What?” asked Twilight quickly giving another small blush under Sunset’s gaze. She didn't really hate Sunset's gaze it just made her feel a little self-conscious.

“I mentioned Flash’s name and you didn’t get all… well you know.” Sunset said with a puzzled expression. She doubted even this mission could keep the pony princess from going all girly like that at hearing his name. After all, Twilight acted that way when they had to protect the world from the same three girls they were now seeking out to help.

“Yeah…. I don’t really know what caused me to act that way around him… I hated it after I thought about it. I finally decided I merely acted that way because he showed interest in me in that way and I hadn’t ever really experienced that before.” Twilight said with a sigh and blushed a little, this time in shame at her lack of experience in the subject of love.

Sunset blinked a few times to this. She was a bit lost for words. Twilight continued as she leaned on the Mustang, “Besides I don’t really know him that well. I mean I know that Pony Flash at least is actually doing something with his life and is respectable. Still I don’t have that same reaction around him. I smiled a little the first time I saw him but that was it.”

“What does pony Flash do anyways?” Sunset couldn’t help but ask as she came around and stood next to Twilight.

“He’s a royal guard for my brother and Cadance at the Crystal Empire. Apparently, he helped my brother get the Crystal pony guards into ‘Equestrian shape’ as he calls it,” Twilight answered.

Sunset gave a kind of nervous chuckle as she hid certain feelings of hope and said, “I’m surprised you haven’t had guys all over you, Twilight.”

“Why is that?” The purple pony lifted an eyebrow in question.

Sunset looked her up and down before blushing. “Well I mean you are really pretty. I’m sure you’re just as pretty if not more so as a mare. Plus you’re friendly and welcoming to others.”

Twilight gave a smile hearing the beautiful Sunset Shimmer call her pretty. “Maybe... Then again if you think about it. It makes sense I haven’t experienced much in that regard. I wasn’t the friendliest pony growing up.”

She gave a little laugh as she continued, “Plus when you’re the Princess’ personal student, your brother is a respected and well known Captain of the Guard, who became a Prince after marrying your very protective foal sitter and Princess of love. Ponies are a little intimidated to approach you.”

Twilight gave a sigh as she concluded, “Add in the fact you were born into nobility and then became a princess yourself. Ponies are even more intimidated by your very presence for the most part. Unless they're wanting something from you for their benefit alone. Then they're magically the chummiest chum you ever met.”

“I forgot you told me you were that connected." Sunset noticed Twilight's mood seemed to sink a little. She next added, "At least your friends and I see you as just Twilight Sparkle.” Sunset said with a smile and gave the other girl a hug to try to cheer her up. the hug seemed to work very well.

“Thanks, Sunset,” Twilight said with a warm smile as she returned the hug. “It means a lot to hear you say that.”

The two just stayed there in silence for a while before Twilight felt a little too warm and asked, “So where is this place?”

Sunset gave a smile and opened the passenger door for Twilight. She then gave a teasing bow and said in a cheesy voice, “If your Highness would be so kind as to take a seat in her carriage we will be there soon enough.”

Twilight gave a smile and stuck her nose straight up in the air as she took her seat. “On ward then Gwendolyn. You wouldn’t want to upset your Princess of Friendship now would you?”

It was a total of five seconds before both girls started laughing together. Once their stomachs again reminded them of their current objective, Sunset spoke. “It’s not that far really and the place has a great menu.”

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata was standing behind the bar as Aria finished cleaning it up and getting it as ready as they could for the evening. Right now it was slow, but earlier there was a big game that brought in a lot of fans. The manager gave the bar extra help because of this game and called them into work early.

Aria threw the dirty rag into the Rag Bag and got a clean one out to finish wiping down the bar. She looked to Sonata and saw the girl giving a rather sincere and reflective smile. “What’s got you looking like that, Sonata?”

Sonata then pointed over to where Adagio was taking a break and genuinely laughing at a joke one of their fellow employees made. It was a welcoming sight. They had heard Adagio laugh many times, but not really seen her do so around other people.

She was usually polite but not really much of a laugher. Even Sam, the guy she was talking to currently, couldn’t get an actual real laugh out of her and he was actually a pretty good stand-up comedian. The fact she was laughing now showed she was feeling even more comfortable with how their lives were now.

“I just think it’s nice to see Dagio enjoying herself around others like that is all.” Sonata said with a smile. Aria gave a small smile as well, this time no customers were there to notice and carry on about Lady Luck. They both knew Adagio had done a lot to look after them and hadn’t told them much about it. There wasn’t much of a hint of worry around her now though.

As nice as this moment was, they did need to get back to work and Aria took it upon herself to get them focused again. “It’s nice, but we need to be ready. We still have some time left in our shift, Sonata.” With that the blue haired girl gave a nod and checked on their liquor stores at the bar.

It was a Friday, so the bar would be very busy this evening. Fortunately they didn’t have to work that shift as well since they came in early. However it was kind of understood the earlier shift got the stores ready for the weekend evening and night shift before they left for the day.

“Looks like we need quite a bit from the back, Mike?” Sonata asked in a pleasant voice as she turned to their third bartender. The guy looked to her as she asked, “Mind watching while Aria and I get some supplies?” The guy nodded and the two girls walked into the back and towards the store room.

As they started their way to the back, the music changed and Sonata couldn’t help but add a little dance to her step. Aria gave a laugh as they went and she joined a little bit as well. They both felt happy to have more or less finished their shift and have a Friday Night off.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight and Sunset entered the restaurant as the music changed, since the place was sparsely populated right now they easily heard it over the speakers. Twilight thought it was kind of a nice place from her quick initial glance. She could only imagine how busy the place would be once it was actually supper time and people arrived for the evening.

“Welcome to Johnston’s. Table for two?” The hostess asked the two girls as they entered.

“Yep. Non-smoking please,” Sunset replied. The hostess nodded with a smile and motioned for them to follow her.

“Your server will be with you in a minute.” The hostess said as she gave them menus and went to get them a waitress.

Twilight and Sunset started looking over their menus and Twilight bobbed her head to the music a little while reading it. Sunset stifled a giggle, which Twilight didn’t notice. She had found another cute side of Twilight she liked.

“We have guests at table 12, Adagio. I know your shift’s almost over, but. Feel like taking one more?” The hostess asked. The waitress in question nodded and smiled as the hostess went back to the front.

Adagio gave a genuine smile to Sam. “Well work calls. I’ll try to make it to your next show with Aria and Sonata.” Sam gave a nod as he too got back to work.

The curly haired girl smiled to herself as she went to help the table. She reflected on how things had really improved lately. She felt like her and the girls had actually moved on a good bit since that CHS business. They still had a good ways to go she was sure, but they were all three at least mostly content with their new life.

She felt a little warm inside thinking about the other two and her smile grew a little. As she made her way to the table, she went over the specials again without paying too much attention to her surroundings. She had learned her way around the place and since it was fairly empty she was relaxed after the tough earlier shift.

She didn’t even have to put on a convincing smile like many times in the past as she got to her table. She pulled out her note pad and flipped to an empty page without looking up and said in a surprisingly cheerful voice, “Welcome to Johnston’s! I’m your server, Adagio Dazzle. Our specials are…” She would have continued, but one of her customers interrupted her in surprise.

“No way!? Really?!” Sunset asked in surprise as Twilight looked up with wide eyes. Right in front of them was one of the girls they were looking for. It was odd seeing Adagio in a waitress getup, but that didn’t matter. They had unexpectedly made contact with one of the three.

The ex-siren recognized the voice and her spirits fell as she went into alert. She looked up and the last two people she ever wanted to see for the rest of her mortal life were sitting at the table in front of her. Twilight then said, “Does that mean…” She looked to the side as she heard another familiar voice.

“Gah… Sonata… How are you so good at carrying these bottles?” Aria asked as she had crates of beer bottles for the front fridge in her hands.

“I don’t know. I’ve just always been good at balancing and griping things.” A cheerful voice said with a bit of giggle.

Adagio recovered from her momentary shock and soon stood in front of the table trying to block their view of the others. She didn’t know why these two were here, but she wasn’t about to let them do anything to Sonata and Aria if she could help it. Even if she didn’t have magic anymore and their presence just ruined the good mood she was in today. She would at least make sure Aria and Sonata didn’t have to see the unwanted guests as well.

“I don’t know how or why you found us, but I don’t want you doing anything to them. I would prefer it if you two left now and forgot about us, but I have to put up with you since you are customers,” Adagio said in a low displeased voice.

“Why are you three here?” Sunset couldn’t help but ask. She mostly was shocked they managed to just stumble upon them like this after all their searching. She was also re-evaluating her earlier thoughts on how much luck she and Twilight had in this search. She didn’t think they would ever find them working in a restaurant.

“It doesn’t matter to you two… but we work here. Look you already took our magic and left us with little more than nothing. Isn’t that enough… Could you please leave us alone…? We can’t do anything anymore. We just want to get by and figure out what to do in our lives now,” Adagio said in an almost pleading tone.

Adagio decided no matter how much she hated it she would plead to at least get Sonata and Aria left alone. “If you want revenge or something, than take it out on me only. I was the one that came up with the plan. They were just following me. Don't do anything to them.”

Both Sunset and Twilight looked to each other. This wasn’t how they wanted things to go down at all. They guessed they should have figured this was possible, since they knew the girls were in the area and had to make a living somehow. Still it was off putting seeing Adagio, leader of the Dazzlings, pleading them to not do anything to her or more specifically the others.

After a moment of silence, Twilight’s stomach growled again and Adagio blinked in surprise. The purple haired girl blushed as she scratched the back of her head. Sunset gave a quiet laugh to this causing the girl to blush further. Twilight soon laughed a little as well and Adagio dropped her guard.

“We just came here because little Miss Princess here was hungry and we happened to be in the area,” Sunset said through a giggle.

Twilight then gave Sunset a pout and said, "You were just as hungry too. It wasn't just me."

Adagio blinked to their words. The ex-siren couldn’t really wrap her head around how they somehow ended up here and so she just did what came automatic to her while at work. “Okay… if you say so… Our specials are…” she then listed the specials and took their drink orders.

She was surprised, but it seemed that Twilight and Sunset really were here just to eat and had no intention of starting any trouble. She was relieved, but wouldn’t drop her guard around them again. She was just thankful that Aria and Sonata probably wouldn’t even notice them. It looked like they were too busy getting the bar stocked and ready for the next rush in advance.

Twilight looked to Sunset with a worried and slightly confused expression after Adagio took their orders and left. “Should we say something or just eat and go before coming back another time?”

Sunset thought for a moment. “So you actually think you could get yourself ready for this? I mean we have the chance now and we don’t know what their schedule is. Plus it seems to be a slow time right now here... and I kind of want to get this started if you don't mind.”

Twilight gulped as she took a sip of water. She took a deep breath, placed a hand on her chest and let out the breath while extending her hand and relaxing. Her purple eyes showed determination as she said, “I can do it. I'll ask her if we can talk and assure her we mean no harm or anything bad. If she has the time and agrees then we will talk.”

Adagio sighed as she came back with their drinks. She tried to delay it as much as possible without causing problems. She gave Sunset a Root Beer and Twilight a Shirley Temple. She gave a mental laugh. She found Twilight’s drink fitting of the girl.

Waitress Adagio then asked with a pleasant but obviously fake voice, “May I take your orders? Do you need to hear the specials again?” The voice was something she had never used before really. She usually was a rather pleasant enough waitress and never over did her business voice like this.

“I’ll take the Chef’s Salad without the meat.” Twilight ordered. She felt it best to place their orders first. She thought it might reinforce that they weren’t here with any ill intentions.

Sunset followed her lead. “I’ll take the Veggie Special Sandwich with fries.”

“I’ll go ahead and get these orders placed.” Adagio then quickly dismissed herself. She still wasn’t sure what to make of this. She did feel a little more relieved they just placed their orders and nothing else.

When Adagio returned later with their orders she asked, “Is there anything else you would like at this time?”

“Adagio, can we talk?” Twilight asked with a serious face.

Adagio wanted to scream “NO!!! Of course not!!! You ruined our lives, especially Aria’s and Sonata’s. I never want to see you again. I wish you never even showed your face here!”

However the words that came out of her mouth were different as she looked over to Sonata and Aria briefly. “I don’t know why you want to talk, but if it will get you to leave us alone afterwards, okay... You two are just lucky you're my last table for the day. Let me speak to my manager first.” She then gave a defeated sigh as she left again.

The ex-siren didn’t see why she should go along with this. She had nothing to say to them and she was sure it would only lead to problems, but she hoped maybe something good might come of it. “I seriously doubt it will,” she thought to herself in reply to those hopes.

Adagio went to the back and told her manager she had a couple of girls from her old High school here wanting to talk to her. “Since it’s my last table for the day and I don’t know how long it will take, can I go ahead and clock out and talk to them? I’ll keep serving them until they leave.”

It was a win win the way she saw it for the manager. He easily agreed. Her shift was only a few minuets longer anyways and if this meant she got a little less hourly pay and didn’t care this wasn’t really a problem.

Adagio grabbed herself a drink and paid for it. She then sighed as she sat down across from her enemies. She wasn’t sure why she agreed to this after all, but she felt it was the right choice. Maybe she was thinking it would keep the focus off of the other two if nothing else. Maybe she was sort of okay with it because she could tell they weren’t going to start anything. Maybe it was because a part deep down inside of her wanted to talk to the two and prayed it would give a clean break from the past. She wasn’t sure, but took a seat at the table in a position to try and block the bar from sight.

“What is it you want?” She asked in a less than pleasant tone.

Twilight took a sip of her drink to buy some time as she collected her thoughts. She decided to just get right to it. She had a feeling Adagio would want it that way. “I’m not going to lie. While we didn’t count on running into you and the others like this, we were looking for you three, and it’s for fairly selfish reasons.”

Adagio was a little surprised with Twilight’s tone. It was to the point and there was some natural power to it, but it wasn’t threatening. The girl wasn’t at all as timid as she appeared last time they met. “Just who are you, Twilight Sparkle?” She thought as she said, “That’s rather blunt. Why were you looking for us?”

“I wanted to see how you three were doing.” Twilight said evenly as she took a bite of her salad.

“I find that hard to believe,” Adagio scoffed. “Why would you care about us?”

“I wanted to make sure you three weren’t causing any problems. Also I was a little concerned. I failed in my responsibilities as Princess of Friendship with you three after the battle.” Twilight said with a stern look.

“Princess of Friendship? Isn’t that a little high and mighty of you to give yourself such a title?” Adagio asked with a raised eyebrow.

“She is. That’s her official title in Equestria.” Sunset answered.

Adagio’s raspberry colored eyes widened hearing those words. “Impossible… Equestrian princesses are Alicorns… They aren’t high school girls…” She managed to keep her voice low so no one would overhear their conversation, but she still showed her surprise nonetheless.

“Besides there are only two Princesses in Equestria. One of them is banished on the moon.” Adagio added as she recovered from her shock and narrowed her eyes as she looked over Twilight. She couldn’t sense magic anymore, but she considered herself still good at reading people. She was surprised to find that Twilight and Sunset weren’t showing any signs of lying. They were either telling the truth or very good liars. Adagio doubted the latter. Well as far as Twilight was concerned at least.

“Well there are four now. Twilight here is the newest one.” Sunset said before taking a bite of her sandwich.

“My Sister-in-law is the other Princess. She’s the Princess of Love and ruler of the Crystal Empire. I ascended about a year ago and Celestia gave me the title Princess of Friendship. Also Princess Luna returned about four years ago now and was cleansed of her Nightmare Moon side.” Twilight said before taking another bite of her salad.

Adagio took the information in as she took a sip of her drink in an effort to hide her surprise. “No wonder we were defeated if we were up against an Alicorn Princess. Even if she was in human form here,” Adagio thought as she sighed. It only made her feel a little better it wasn’t just seven random high schoolers who somehow called on Equestrian magic and defeated them.

“That still doesn’t explain why you failed in your duty… You aren’t really here to finish us off or something are you?” Adagio asked a little concerned. If that was the case she would beg and plead again that she alone would be the one punished and Aria and Sonata left free no matter how much she would miss them.

“No… I failed because I didn’t even try to talk to you three after everything. I just watched as you all ran off the stage. I should have met with you and talked to you three girls,” Twilight replied as she looked down at her food.

“Why do you care?” Adagio started and sighed, this was surprisingly draining for her. “We did attack your school and try to manipulate all of the students into worshiping us and giving us their energy. In case you somehow forgot.”

Twilight and Sunset gave each other a look and Sunset nodded before she spoke. “I don’t know what you actually know about what I did to the school at the Fall Formal. I don’t even know if you learned why I did it even.”

Adagio shook her head, “We heard you tried to control the students and caused them to be divided amongst each other. You essentially ruled over the student population. There was also something about you getting some kind of power and turning into a supposed ‘Raging She Demon’. We didn’t get details, nor did we care. That last part sounded ridiculous to us at the time at least.”

Sunset sighed as she shook her head at herself and frowned. Twilight placed a hand on Sunset’s arm and smiled at the fiery haired girl to reassure her she wasn’t alone. Sunset took in a deep breath and started her tale.

“You see I was originally from Equestria as well. I was Princess Celestia’s personal student, but I felt she was holding me back because she feared I would become too powerful and replace her.” Sunset cringed inwardly at the memory. She really was a bad pony in the past.

"The past is not who you are today…” The memory of Twilight’s words focused her and she quickly continued.

“I got angry at her and discovered a portal between this world and Equestria. I went through and swore I would get her to regret treating me like she did. She simply said she already did as I walked through the portal.” Sunset sniffed at that. She was surprised that even now the memory hurt. It hurt because she now realized just how much those words pained Celestia and what they fully meant.

Twilight gave her a hug before the former school bully continued. “I went back during the Fall Formal because I knew the portal was open. I also knew I could pass through it because I wasn’t actually banished to this world.”

Sunset looked down to her plate here. “I went back and stole Twilight’s crown, the Element of Magic. I used the crown to more or less brain-jack the students. I was going to use them to march back and take over Equestria… Twilight… Stopped me and…”

Sunset looked down and took a bite of her sandwich. She didn’t want to go on right now. It was too much for her to say what happened next because she felt she didn’t have the right to talk about it.

Twilight took the cue and continued the tale. “After the others and I used the magic of Friendship and somehow channeled the Elements of Harmony, we defeated Sunset. When she was defeated I helped her out of the crater she landed in from the earlier battle. I dusted her off. Gave her a hug. I forgave her and even convinced the others to be her friends and help heal her heart with friendship. They did and well you saw them all. They were the rest of the Rainbooms.”

Sunset was recovered now and continued the story. “I had spent my time splitting them apart and they forgave me and became my friends thanks to Princess Twilight here.” She then turned to Twilight and said quietly, “I owe you everything, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled and patted Sunset’s arm to show it was okay. Adagio wouldn’t say it, but she actually felt a little jealous seeing the two being so close. The two were friends or something more without any manipulation or real need. They just liked each other as they were, despite everything it seemed.

“The reason why I wanted you to hear Sunset’s story is to show that I made a huge mistake with you three. I should have done the same for you three. I shouldn’t have just let you all run away. Everyone deserves another chance if they want it.” Twilight finished.

Adagio felt something stir inside her at those words. It was a mix of relief and hope. She didn’t let it get to her, because she had to focus. She couldn’t believe it anyways. It seemed too good to hear that from an Equestrian Princess and someone she had deeply wronged.

“Sunset may have done what she did. But the three of us used our powers to control others for hundreds and hundreds of years… Even when we were in Equestria we caused all kinds of problems and manipulated ponies for our own power… Do you really think we deserve another chance?” The last part came out a lot more hopeful and pleading than Adagio wanted.

Twilight nodded her head with a solemn expression. “Yes, I do. If Discord deserves another chance even with all he did and with his powers still intact. Then I believe you three do as well, especially without your old powers. I want to help if I can… If you’ll let me.”

“Wait… Discord…? As in Discord, Discord?” Adagio asked momentarily shocked.

Twilight and Sunset giggled a little before Twilight spoke calmly again, “Yes. Discord, Discord. He had some problems adjusting after he was reformed, but it was partly my fault along with my fellow Elements that it happened.”

“Regardless…” Twilight started again. “It may seem odd and maybe a little selfish, but I wanted to help you three with friendship as well. I can't really forgive myself otherwise it seems.”

“I don’t know if we can ever actually have that. We weren’t close like that you know… We are just together out of convenience really.” Adagio knew her words weren’t fully true, but she didn’t think what they had was friendship. She wasn’t sure if she could call it that.

She didn’t really know much about what that was though. She never bothered to learn about friendship. She thought it was just something people and ponies made up because they were weak and needed to rely on others. It wasn’t something that just happened without a real reason in her mind.

Sunset shook her head at Adagio. “No, you three already have something close to it. You three just need help learning about it and accepting it. I think.”

Adagio gave her a disbelieving look. She was about to protest, but Twilight spoke up. “If you don’t believe us I can already prove it.” Adagio gave Twilight a look as if daring her to prove it.

“When you first saw us, you wanted us to leave you three alone. You then tried to protect Aria and Sonata. If you say you only did so because you felt you had to. I will say yes that's true. You felt you had to protect them because they are special to you in a way and you see them as important,” Twilight told the ex-siren.

“Friends do what they can to protect their friends. Friends also help each other out when they can. They want to be around their other friends,” Sunset said. “Tell me, Adagio. Do you want them out of your life? I doubt you do. And I doubt they want out of your life.”

“That doesn’t mean… That isn’t how it is…” Adagio said weakly. She had all kinds of arguments in her head about that not being true, but she knew that wasn’t the case deep down. Each argument was shot down before it could be voiced and a feeling was growing inside her heart.

“If you three didn’t want anything to do with each other and didn’t care for one another in some way, then you would have split up before now no matter what. If you three were really only together out of convenience, like you said earlier, then the second your plan fell apart like it did. They would have either left you then or blamed you for everything. Did they do that?” Twilight asked as she took a sip of her drink again hoping she was right to ask this question.

Adagio contemplated her own drink as she thought things over. There was only one answer really. “No… They didn’t. I even told them they could just leave if they wanted at one time, but Sonata refused to go. Aria didn’t say anything, but she didn’t leave either. Neither of them blamed me for what happened despite having every right to do so. We had a little bit of a fight that night, but it didn’t last long and we didn’t continue it after that night.”

Is friendship what she had felt seemingly hiding inside of her? Is that why from time to time she felt at least contented if not happy being around Aria and Sonata? Is that why they still kept spending time together and even talked about the things on their minds and made plans with each other?

“Is this because of that rainbow light that hit us that we might have… friendship?” Adagio asked not aware that both Sonata and Aria were now making their way over to her and giving looks at both Twilight and Sunset. The two bar tenders had seen Adagio talking to them from the bar, despite Adagio's attempts to hide what was happening. They even saw the way Adagio was seemingly affected by The presence of Twilight and Sunset.

“Is something wrong here, Adagio?” Aria asked in a firm tone. Sonata grabbed one of Adagio’s arms to show her support.

“Girls?” Adagio asked as she looked up to them. Sonata squeezed her arm firmer to show she was there. Adagio looked to her and could tell the blue haired girl was a little scared of the two in front of them. It was understandable she was, but still Sonata was standing there by her side.

“No… Nothing is wrong… They're just here to talk.” Adagio said as she looked to her two constant companions and thought, “friends?

She looked back to Twilight and saw the Princess smiling at the three of them. “See they are here for you even now. I don’t think you three have friendship just because of the magic that hit you all. I think it was there all along. Maybe buried deep and a little twisted, but still there.”

They might even have something more than just friendship,” Twilight thought to herself.

“I think I have to agree with Twilight here. Sure you three seemed to bicker a little and get on each other’s nerves, but it didn’t really seem any worse, from the little I saw, than what friends sometimes experience. Also… you three weren’t that badly damaged physically by the magic. You lost your transformations and those pendants, but that was about it,” Sunset said to them.

She looked at the pedants on their necks now, but she knew they weren't magical. If things went well she might ask about them, but that wasn’t important at the moment.

Twilight spoke to them. “Sunset has a point. When she was hit by the Elements’ magic, she was a mess and slightly damaged. When Discord was hit by it, he turned into stone. When Nightmare Moon was hit by the magic, she shattered and Luna reverted to a smaller form. When Tirek was hit by magic, he was left little more than a barely living shell and zapped back to Tartus.”

“You three just lost your pendants and siren powers. Nothing else. I’m sure it wasn’t easy losing just that, but it could have been a lot worse. I think this means you three already have some of the magic of friendship inside. It just needs to shine through is all.” Twilight said with a hint of a smile.

“How?” Adagio asked with her eyes wide in question.

“You have to admit it. You have to admit your feelings for each other before it can start to shine.” Sunset said with a serious face.

Sonata and Aria looked a little confused and lost. They wondered what they had just walked in on. Adagio looked down to the table and felt her heart beat a little faster. Could she do this? Was it true? “Of course it is… Come on Adagio, you’re smart enough to realize what it is now,” a voice inside told her.

She was a little scared. What if Aria and Sonata denied it? What if they hated her and left her after this? She looked up to Twilight and Sunset and felt a little reassured. She looked to Aria and Sonata who were both still there by her side. They seemed a little lost as to what was really going on, but Sonata’s eyes seemed to have widened in comprehension.

Adagio took in a deep breath. “They are!” Sonata and Aria looked to her. “They are my friends. They might be even more. I don’t know….”

She sniffed as tears started to leak from the corner of her eyes. “I may not have ever really shown it before, but they have always been important to me…”

Adagio sniffed again. “I don’t want them to leave me. I want to be with them. I wasn’t sure at times, but I care deeply about them. After everything that happened…” She faltered here a little bit as she felt something inside seem to break free.

“After everything that happened… The good and the bad… They mean…” She sniffed as more tears poured out. She hated this. She hated crying like this, but it felt right. It felt good.

She found her voice again and spoke in her normally strong voice. “They mean everything to me. Even when the plan failed and we lost our powers.”

She looked to Sonata and Aria in turn. “What hurt me the deepest was how I failed you two. How you two were also hurt because of my mistake. I didn’t want to see that.”

She gave a weak smile to them. “I of course wanted to win and thought we would. But the last thing I wanted to see was you two hurt. I do care about you two. I don’t know if you girls care about me or what you think about me, but I do consider you friends… even if you two don’t. Even if I’m still not sure how friendship works…”

Sonata spoke as she hugged Adagio as much as she could, “Of course I think of you two as friends. I’ve always cared about you two. Even when we fought and you two made fun of me. I still thought of you as friends of some sort. When we lost the battle, you two were even more important to me. I felt sad and defeated, but always deep down I thought. As long as we’re together, things will be okay and we can be happy.”

Aria turned red a little and tried to hide her own tears. “I’m supposed to be the cool tough one… I can’t cry…” She tried to tell herself, but it was to no avail. The tears in her eyes leaked out regardless.

“I’ve felt the same way. I never wanted to leave you two. I was actually glad we didn’t seem to be figuring out a ‘new plan’. I was scared it would cause us to split up if we did. I didn’t like losing, but I felt relieved in a way. I at least had you two with me and like I've said before, that hunger was gone. I felt a hole in my… heart sometimes. But it was because I felt like I was holding something back and trying to deny it,” Aria finished.

The ‘cool tough’ girl felt something inside her burst free. It was like a light of some kind. It made her feel warm. The hole she sometimes felt instantly filled. She let more tears fall. She didn’t care anymore. She was with her friends.

“Friends,” Aria said. The word made her feel warmer. She was happy about it. She had friends. Sonata and Adagio were there with her. To her, that was surprisingly all that mattered. She even joined in hugging Adagio.

Twilight and Sunset smiled and went to the hostess. “Can you get us our check please? We would ask Adagio, but we just told her and her friends something they really needed to hear. They’ll be fine, so don’t worry.”

The hostess looked over to the girls who were hugging each other. It was a heartwarming sight. She gave the two customers bright smiles. “Sure. It’s good to see them like this. They were a little gloomy when we first hired them. They were getting better and did their jobs no problem, but there was always something hanging over them it seemed. Thanks for saying whatever you two said to them.”

The hostess then got their checks and Sunset insisted on paying. Twilight had already left a good tip on the table, even though she was sure Adagio didn’t care for one after everything that just happened.

Twilight and Sunset watched the scene for a little bit, but soon left. It was a very personal moment between the three girls. They didn’t want to intrude on it and so they started walking back to the car.

“Wait right there you two!” They heard a voice call to them shortly before they reached the Mustang.

Twilight and Sunset turned to see the trio of girls standing right behind them. They could tell the girls hadn’t even bothered to wash their faces before coming out to get them.

“Is something wrong?” Sunset asked not knowing what else to say. Twilight was hoping something hadn’t gone wrong after all. She was starting to panic thinking that maybe now that they admitted their feelings they might want to try something.

“Can you two meet with us Sunday Night?” Adagio asked as Sonata and even Aria both smiled.

“Sure we can. Where?” Twilight asked. She felt relieved that it seemed things were going well after all instead.

“Bo’s Pizza Palace. Do you know where it is?” Sonata asked the two other girls.

“Yes I do. What time?” Sunset answered.

“Will 6:30 work?” Sonata asked them.

“Yes. That will work. Right, Sunset?” Twilight asked with a smile. Sunset smiled and nodded as well.

“I half expected you three wanted to go do something together right now the way you stopped us like that,” Sunset said to them.

“We kind of want the next couple of days to ourselves. We have a lot of feelings and such to work out with each other,” Aria said as the other two nodded and gave a wave before the trio turned around to clock out and walk home together.

Twilight and Sunset waved back and continued to the car. When they were a couple of blocks away Sunset gave a smile and said, “Well that worked out really well it seems. Don’t you agree?”

Twilight let out a long breath in relief. She then gave a laugh. “I was honestly scared there a few times. I’m glad it worked out and we can spend a little time with them. I would like to see them a few times before I have to head back in case they need a little help still, so getting to meet them again is even better.”

Sunset nodded in agreement. She too was a little scared, but she was also happy and relieved. She admitted some things that had been on her mind in the perfect way at the perfect time as well while talking to Adagio.

Twilight gave Sunset a big hug as she said, “Thank you, Sunset. Thank you so much… I couldn’t have done this without you. You mean a lot to me you know. Hopefully now that the main objective of this trip is over I can spend the rest of the time really getting to know you even better.” Twilight hugged her tighter as she finished speaking.

Sunset blushed to this. “I would like that, Twilight. I really meant what I said in there tonight. I owe you everything. Also I kind of hoped for us to get to know each other better somewhere along the way on this mission.”

She wanted to say more, but she held her tongue. She felt it wasn’t the right time now. Besides Twilight looked like she was completely drained right, it wasn’t really that late yet, but it had been a very intense night for them both already.

“Let’s go home, Sunset.” Twilight said with a warm smile.

Sunset chuckled, “As you wish your Majesty. Princess Twilight Sparkle. Your carriage awaits,” Sunset said as she opened the passenger door to her car. Twilight giggled as she got in.

Twilight felt so relieved and happy now. Her mission was almost finished and she was hoping to get to make some new friends in the Dazzlings. “Actually its Adagio, Aria and Sonata,” she corrected herself. She gave a sigh of contentment as she looked over to Sunset. She blushed as she looked the girl over more. There was also the chance she could focus some more on Sunset now as well.

Sunset felt really good right now. She had helped Twilight with Aria, Sonata and Adagio. She got to be there when the trio of girls learned of friendship, which was a beautiful moment. She could even now plan things to do with Twilight instead of just the mission.

There was also the fact she would get to be Twilight’s pillow again tonight. She had a feeling it would be extra nice this time. They could just take their time tomorrow “and maybe go to one of those bakeries! Twilight would love that and the possibilities…” The other part of Sunset’s mind finished her thoughts for her. It also briefly filled her mind with visions of all kinds. Most of them revolved around Twilight doing cute Twilight things. She gave a smile and turned the key to her car. She could think of more things after they got back to her place and settled in for the evening and night.

Author's Notes:

So there it is. They have finally met and talked to the Dazzlings. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata now know that they are actually friends if not more and what was missing in their hearts was friendship. It took me a little longer to get this chapter ready than I thought it would, but it still kind works I think.

In case you're wondering, the story isn’t over yet, but I felt I had to say a few things here.

Honestly I think the Dazzlings, in my interpretation, would have eventually figured it out on their own, but it would have taken them a lot longer. Also they might not have realized it was actually there all along in some form either.

Also I adjusted the timeline of events in the series for my story, because I think only one year passing between the first and fourth season is way too little time to pass in a long running series.

One last thing I wanted to mention was this story will still try to be fairly evenly split between the Dazzlings and Sunset and Twilight. Aria’s, Adagio’s and Sonata’s story isn’t over just because they realized they have friendship. However, it might be more light and fluffy now that they have figured that out. You have been warned.

Though there is still the whole Sonata and singing again thing… :trollestia:

Heart to Hearts and Fun

After the trio got back to their home and had enjoyed their new time as official friends, there was a bit of an atmosphere surrounding at least one of the trio. It was something which had always been there a little bit, but now it seemed a bit heavier.

Aria was besides herself on something that had been bothering her this whole time to an extent regarding Adagio. She wasn’t sure why she felt she had to find out the truth about it now, but she felt it would otherwise cause some strain on her regarding their friendship. She paused in her step just inside their apartment and frowned to herself.

Adagio wondered what was going on with one of her friends. She turned and gave Aria a concerned look. “Is there something bothering you, Aria?”

Aria’s eyes widened and she looked away. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to mention what was bothering her, but if Adagio could sense something was up she probably should get it over and done with. She shook her head and decided against it. She didn’t want to hurt their friendship. “No… there isn’t anything bothering me.” It would be tough after seeing her friend's concern, but she would manage.

Sonata then looked to her concerned as well. “What is it, Aria? You can tell us. We’re all friends after all.” Adagio gave a nod in agreement with Sonata.

Aria looked to the ground gave a frown to herself. She really wanted to know, but at the same time she didn’t want to talk about it. She feared what the reaction would be. She looked to the others again and sighed. There wasn't much she could do if both Sonata and Adagio where concerned.

“Alright, but don’t get too upset. I just feel like I really have to ask is all.” Aria then gave Adagio a serious gaze. The curly haired girl felt a little nervous about what Aria was going to ask.

“What were you talking about when you said after everything the good and the bad? It didn’t feel like you meant losing the pendants. It felt like you were talking about recently. And I think you were meaning the things you did to protect us…”

Aria leveled her gaze further on Adagio. She wasn’t going to let the subject go this time. She had a suspicion, but she wanted to hear Adagio talk about it. The twin tailed girl felt it was something that had to be said and not just for curiosity’s sake.

Adagio’s eyes widened and she took a step back. Sonata looked worried between her and Aria. “Why does she have to bring that up now?” Adagio thought to herself in a timid voice. She didn’t want to talk about it. Aria was ruining the moment they were all feeling.

Raspberry eyes locked with purple eyes. “Maybe I should tell them…” Adagio thought to herself with a sigh. It was something she wasn’t proud of at all, but maybe they needed know now. Maybe it would be for the best. Not telling them would cause strain to their friendship, since Aria already seemed to at least have a clue there was something more.

Adagio gave an outward sigh. “We might as well sit down and grab a drink of our choice… Please don’t get upset about what I say.”

Aria’s gaze only let up a little bit, but her eyes were still locked on to Adagio. “I’ll get us some drinks…” Sonata said in a quiet voice.

While they waited for Sonata to return, Aria kept her focus on Adagio and the curly haired girl held a look of concentration. Adagio would look into her “friend’s” eyes every so often but couldn’t really keep her gaze. She was not looking forward to the discussion they were about to have.

The curly haired girl was even debating if she could call Aria a friend at all at this moment. She feared if she even could currently call her a friend it wouldn’t last once she said what she was about to say. There was also a part of her that felt betrayed despite nothing having been said yet.

At the same time, a small part of her felt like this wasn’t something for Sonata to hear. Adagio shook her head at that foolish thought. It was odd how both she and Aria always saw Sonata as the youngest despite her being the same age. It was even more foolish of a thought given how long they had all three been alive.

Sonata may still have some innocence compared to them, but she wasn't a child and sometimes she even seemed a little more mature than they did. It was rare, but it did happen. Sonata was the one who got them jobs pretty much and even found a place where they could be together while working. She deserved to know as well. No matter the consequences.

Adagio looked up at Aria’s eyes yet again. Once more, she looked down and even felt almost as if she was trembling a little. While looking at the floor she wished for Sonata to hurry up with their drinks, but at the same time wished for her friend to take forever to return.

It was stupid, but Adagio felt as if the second she told them the whole truth their friendship and everything would end. She figured they would be disgusted with her, even more so if she told them how despite everything a small part of her somewhere primal enjoyed it to an extent. She took in a deep breath and let it out as she shut her eyes tight.

Aria frowned and felt a little worse every time Adagio looked to her and then away. “Maybe I should have just left it alone and not mentioned it…” she thought. Despite this thought there was also a part of her that insisted they not put this off any longer and getting this over with was for the best. Her heart honestly told her this was needed or it would be in the way of whatever the three of them saw each other as.

Regardless of these thoughts and the tension in the air, a part of Aria wondered just what it was her friend had done to warrant such fear in herself. Her slight theories, if proven correct, she didn't think would cause this kind of a reaction. It was Adagio after all. Aria still had to fight her urge to give Adagio a hug and tell her to forget she asked such a question. The twin tailed girl had never really seen their leader in this state, even with everything else they had been through as humans.

Aria was about to give in to change her mind and just give Adagio a hug in understanding, but Sonata walked into the room with drinks. She gave one to Aria, who schooled her features, and again decided to be unyielding on this matter. Sonata then gave a drink to Adagio, who looked up to her and just gave a nod in thanks. The ponytailed girl then sat down nearby ready to listen.

Adagio let out another sigh and took a long sip of her drink. The drink felt good as it went down her throat. She then gave an extra swallow for her nerves. “Please try not to get too angry with me and hear me out…” Adagio finally spoke in a pleading voice.

Aria’s resolve to insist on this explanation completely crumbled at that point. She felt like the bad guy at the moment having heard Adagio’s tone. She would have said something, but Adagio started to speak again before she could get a word in to stop it.

“Do you two remember when I went out for that walk while we were all three starving?” she asked them. Aria and Sonata both gave nods for her to continue.

“While I went for my walk I ended up in bad part of Canterlot. Shortly after I realized where I was, I heard a group of male voices from around the corner up ahead of me. I was thinking about turning right back around and running back or something, but they rounded the corner and where quickly next to me.” Adagio took a sip of her drink.

“The group was made of three college aged guys. They approached me thinking I was a prostitute. I…” she faltered a little before continuing. “I kind of went along with it. I knew my body was weak since we hadn’t really eaten any food at that point. I also felt completely powerless.”

She took in a deep breath. “I was scared. We didn’t have our powers anymore and if I went with them I would get a little money which I knew we would need if we hadn’t died of starvation at that time. They led me to the hotel where they were staying after we came up with a price.”

Sonata gave a gasp in shock. Aria looked to the floor and just listened.

“I hated how I went to such a length, but I was desperate.” Adagio took another long sip of her glass. She could tell she didn't need to give a play by play at least.

“It was at this time I figured we might just be human. It is hard for me to explain, but when I was having sex with them it felt too real. I wasn’t happy with what was happening but I wasn't really angry either, and my body was enjoying it. I had never felt that way while doing such things before. Then there was the shower afterwards.”

She looked down. “The water felt too good on my bare skin. After I received the money for my services and left, I decided to get us sandwiches. I wasn’t sure if it would make a difference, but after having gone hungry for so long and the condition you two were in I was willing to try anything even if it was just a small glimmer of an answer.”

Sonata and Aria were both silent. They weren’t sure what to say to that. Aria settled for asking in a much sterner voice than she meant to ask. “Was that the only time?”

Adagio looked away from them both and took another long sip of her drink. She couldn’t look them in the eyes as she said quietly, “No…”

Aria was feeling angry now, but only grabbed her arms tighter. She wanted to lash out at something for this. Why would Adagio do something like that? How could she even be in such a state? However as much as she wanted to yell or something the truth was she started this conversation. She was the one who pressed. “Stupid Aria!!!” she thought. She didn’t know what to do here.

“When else… Adagio?” Sonata asked in a lifeless voice.

The curly haired girl was still looking away from them not wanting to answer. “When else… Adagio?” Sonata asked again in the same voice but it sounded more firm.

Adagio gave a flinch to this. She hated hearing Sonata sounding so lifeless. She shouldn’t have said anything. She should have refused to talk about it. It didn’t matter if things would have been strained between her and Aria. It was better than hearing Sonata sound like this.

She couldn’t go back. She had to see this through completely. She finally spoke, “When we first started working at the restaurant.” Aria slammed her glass on the table, luckily it didn’t break.

Adagio continued, “I’m sure you two remember, Mr. Simms…” she almost hissed out the name.

Sonata gave another gasp. Aria’s eyes widened as her jaw dropped. They already knew this would be bad.

“I didn’t like how he was really picking on you two unfairly and kept trying to get us separated or at least one of us booted. I also noticed how he had taken a certain liking to me. I confronted him and didn’t exactly handle the situation best,” Adagio gave a barely audible sniff. It had been a good while since it happened and ended, but it was one of those scars that would forever be there.

“I wasn’t sure how to approach the situation and bring it to a stop. I ended up coming to an agreement with him… it was the reason why I would sometimes go in a little earlier than you two or stay later than you two during that time.” Adagio would have taken another sip but it seemed like she had already finished her drink. Sonata offered her own drink to Adagio. There was still about half of it left and Adagio took the drink. She needed it to finish.

Aria clenched her fists in anger and frustration as she held her eyes shut and listened. She had to listen now. It didn’t matter how bad it got. She asked about it and had to listen. She had to know what her friend fully went through.

“He… he did things to me… Things that made me ask questions I would rather not have asked as a result of his actions.” Adagio’s head turned to face forward but her eyes were unfocused and a little lifeless as she looked forward. “What really gets me is that a part of me enjoyed it sometimes. There was a sick and twisted part of me that enjoyed even some of the worst of it.”

“I… I… I don’t like how human bodies work sometimes…” she said in a weak voice. “The thing is… I don’t fully regret doing that… It got him off of your backs. I was okay with going through that knowing it was to help you two. After losing the battle of the bands, I didn’t care what happened to me for the longest time…”

Sonata started to cry. Aria even did a little as well. Adagio continued, “I was even willing to let Twilight and Sunset do whatever they wanted to do to me if they were seeking revenge. It didn’t matter what happened to me so long as you two were okay. Even if it meant I had to di-”

Sonata cut her off as she burst out in more furious tears and she latched on to Adagio in a tight hug. Aria did the same as she said quietly in Adagio’s ear. “Enough… enough… You don’t have to say anything else... I’m sorry I asked.”

The hug seemed to tighten as Sonata begged, “Adagio! Please don’t ever do something like that again! I’m sorry you went through all of that. We care about you too much. Never ever think we want you to do something like that for our sake. You’re very important! We love you… You’re our friend.” Aria nodded in agreement.

Adagio started to cry and hugged both of her friends in return. “I love you two girls as well. You’re my best friends!” She was so very happy and relieved they still wanted to put up with her even after hearing everything. She was so happy to have two people that cared about her so much.

The three girls continued to hug each other like that for a while longer. It seemed after everything they still had tears they needed to let out for a little longer. It was tough reliving the past like that, but each of the girls felt as if they had grown even closer than they were before after it was all said and done. Their feelings were still very much raw, but they knew they would make it through eventually.

“You know I feel a little silly now… There were a few times I thought the two of you would just abandon me… There’s no way that could be the case if you were willing to go that far for us, Adagio.” Sonata sniffed as she spoke and tears flowed down her cheek and on to Adagio’s chest.

Adagio frowned after hearing that and felt a little hurt for many reasons, none of which where Sonata's fault. Aria gave a sniff as she said, “We’d never leave you alone, Sonata.” Adagio hugged the blue haired girl tighter to show her agreement with Aria.

The trio didn’t do much of anything else that night apart from just hugging each other and maybe have another drink in silence before calling it a night. They would have to save the more fun and enjoyable parts of their new found friendship for the next day.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio gave a moan of contentment as she woke up for the day, even if it was later than usual. Last night ended up being very draining, but it was also a very good and important night in the end even if it was tough. She gave a stretch, but she couldn’t really move too much because of her surroundings. The curly haired girl couldn’t help but give a smile as she looked to her left and then to her right. Sonata was snuggled up to her left and Aria was snuggled up to her right.

Last night after she had finally said many things, it was Sonata’s idea the three of them sleep together that night. Aria was ‘opposed’ to this, but her tough front didn’t last long. Sonata gave a laugh to her expression and said, “Oh come on, Aria. You know you want to. I mean you are the snuggle bandit after all.”

Aria blushed furiously to this and shouted as she asked, “What do you mean by that? I don’t snuggle or anything like that!” She then looked to Adagio and asked, “Did you tell her?”

Adagio gave a frown as she answered, “No I didn’t tell her. I figured you wouldn’t want me to tell her.”

Sonata then looked to Adagio with wide eyes and said, “Wait? So she snuggled with you as well?” Adagio gave a nod to this and looked a little surprised herself.

Aria then turned away and asked weakly, “What are you talking about, Sonata?” She was trying to not admit or believe anyone knew about her snuggle habits.

Sonata gave an answer, “Well back on that first night after the CHS thingy I had to make a late night bathroom run and noticed you were snuggled with me.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Aria asked still turned away from them.

“I guess I too figured you wouldn’t really want me to say anything… It just kind of slipped out this time…” Sonata now felt a little bad. She was angry at herself for letting it slip.

She and Adagio watched as Aria turned around. They were going to apologize to her. They didn’t think she would be this upset. Instead they both found themselves tackled to the ground when Aria hugged them tightly. They noticed she was still a little teary eyed, but she seemed touched instead of angry.

They both gave warm smiles as they hugged her back. Aria then gave a sniffle as she said, “Thanks… It sounds like a good idea, Sonata.”

She didn’t need to explain to them that she was really touched here. She was a little upset at first, but then both said they hadn’t said anything because they figured she wouldn’t want them to say anything. She was even further touched by this because even though both of them knew about her snuggle habits they had still both treated her like Aria and not some silly girly girl.

It took some work, but the three of them were finally able to all fit in the bed comfortably and talked a little more into the night. Adagio felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted from her after everything they talked about. She was happy to have friends like Aria and Sonata. She was even pretty sure they were more than just friends, but she wasn’t sure what that meant yet.

After a few more minutes of Adagio's early morning thoughts, Aria shifted just a little bit and Adagio was able to get out of bed to get ready for the morning. She wasn’t sure what they would do today, but she wanted to be ready for anything, even if they just stayed inside and talked more or something. She wanted to just stay in bed with the others, but she took longer to get ready in the morning than they did thanks to her hair.

Sonata was the next to get up and blinked as she noticed Adagio wasn’t in bed. She wondered where her friend was, but she soon heard the sound of humming coming from the open bathroom door. She had to admit she liked the sound a lot. She smiled as she walked over to the doorway.

She watched as Adagio brushed her hair and hummed a tune of some kind absent mindedly. Shortly after the blue haired girl entered the doorway, Adagio looked into the mirror and asked, “Do you need something, Sonata?”

Sonata gave a smile and answered, “Nope. Not really… sorry…”

Adagio was about to give a dismissive nod, but then remembered something Sonata had many times wanted to do, but she never let anyone do it. Adagio nodded her head and after last night felt the least she could do was let Sonata fulfill that small wish. She turned around and gave a smile as she asked, “Do you want to brush my hair, Sonata?”

Sonata blinked a couple of times then gave a big Sonata smile as she nodded. Adagio held out the brush and moved a second stool close to her own. She always had two stools in her restrooms wherever they lived for some reason. Whatever that reason was they were both kind of happy that was the case as Sonata sat down and started to brush Adagio’s hair.

“I don’t really know why you’ve wanted to do this so many times before, but I guess it doesn’t matter. I mean it is something friends do right?” Adagio asked to make light conversation.

Sonata gave a giggle as she said, “I’m not really an expert you know. Maybe it is. Maybe friends do whatever depending on what they want with each other.”

“You’re probably right. I guess the three of us will just have to figure it out on our own,” Adagio answered with a contented smile. “Friends…” she thought as her friend brushed her hair. She had to admit she was looking forward to figuring those things out with Aria and Sonata. Also she found it kind of nice to let someone else brush her hair for once. She would have to return the favor sometime.

Sonata continued brushing in silence as both she and Adagio enjoyed simply being in each other’s presence.

“So… Adagio…” Sonata started after a little while in a more serious tone than she had usually used.

“Yes, Sonata?” Adagio asked a little concerned by her friend's tone.

“Will you forgive me for ever thinking you would abandon me?” She asked as she paused in her brushing of Adagio’s hair.

Adagio took in a deep breath before answering. She wasn’t sure what all to say to this question. She figured it would be best to be truthful. “I was a little upset you felt that way, Sonata.” Sonata flinched and Adagio saw it in the mirror.

“I was upset you felt that way when I could have easily just told you and Aria the truth so long ago. It did hurt a little, but I know it isn’t really just one person’s fault. We do at least all have the remainder of our lives to make up for such things. So don’t get angry at yourself for feeling like that. It was perfectly understandable. We will just have to work together and make sure it doesn't happen again.” Adagio had a few more thoughts on the issue, but she didn't want to bring them up. She didn't see a reason to do so anyways. She said the really important part.

Sonata stood still for a couple of seconds before giving Adagio a quick hug. After the hug, she returned to brushing Adagio’s hair and smiling. Sonata had felt bad at how foolish she was for having felt that way after hearing the truth of what all Adagio had done to protect her and Aria. It may not have been the best choice at the time, but it was Adagio’s feelings that mattered. At least those days were pretty much over, for now.

Last night, after Adagio fell asleep on the bed between her and Aria, the two of them decided they would watch for similar signs in the future and actually confront her about it. They kind of knew what to look for just in case. They would also be sure to give her a tight hug if she needed it if that came back to haunt her again more in the future.

Once they finished with Adagio's hair the two went to try and rouse Aria from her sleep. Sometimes the twin tailed girl wasn't a morning person at all.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria gave a big yawn as she sat down at the table waiting for Adagio to serve breakfast. Sonata was extremely happy and having trouble sitting still as she waited for breakfast. They were having her second favorite breakfast food (breakfast tacos being number one). “Pancakes!” she cheered as they were placed on the table and she helped herself. Aria gave a chuckle at Sonata’s behavior.

The trio mostly ate their breakfast in silence just enjoying the atmosphere. Towards the end of the meal, Sonata asked a question, “So can we go and do something fun today? All three of us? Together?”

“What did you have in mind?” Adagio asked as Aria stretched while listening.

“I was thinking we could go to that water park,” Sonata said before taking her last bite and giving a “mmmmm” of ecstasy. Both Aria and Adagio gave giggles at the scene.

“I don’t really have a problem with that. What do you think, Aria?” Adagio asked.

Aria thought about it for a minute then gave a smile and said, “That sounds like a lot of fun actually.”

It wasn’t long until the three girls were ready for their water park trip. They each had a bag with their swimsuits and a towel with them. They decided to change at the park and store their stuff. They kind of thought three girls driving together in nothing but swimsuits might prove a distraction for others. They weren’t exactly in a coastal area.

Sonata led the race to her car. She was the only one racing, but that didn’t stop her. It wasn’t like Aria and Adagio were that far behind her anyways. The two of them decided to just walk fast instead of full out run. They knew they didn’t have Sonata’s energy anyways. Both girls did wonder if it was really a good idea to let her drive though. They thought she might be too excited.

{-} {-} {-}

It didn’t take too long for the trio to make it to Splish Splash Water Fun. Fortunately while Sonata was excited she did know to calm down while driving. “We made it!” Sonata cheered as she stepped out of her parked Range Rover.

Adagio gave a laugh at her friend’s enthusiasm as she said, “Yep we sure did.” She then gave a stretch and felt the warm sun on her once again. She couldn’t wait to feel it all over. She still wasn’t sure why she loved it so much, but she did.

“Looks like we won’t have to wait too long to get inside either,” Aria added as she pointed to the entrance. There were only a few people waiting and the girls were thankful they hadn’t waited too long to go on their trip. They knew a place like this would be more crowded towards the middle of the afternoon and early evening.

“Let’s get going then!” Sonata said as she led a fast walking charge towards the park entrance. The last thing she wanted now was to get separated from her friends. To Sonata, it felt a lot longer than it actually was for the group to get to the entrance.

Once inside, she was more or less ready to jump in with her clothes still on. She knew better of course. Still she quickly changed and was waiting for the others. Sonata felt they had put off a fun trip for the three of them long enough.

Unfortunately the fun still had to wait a little longer. She forgot about the whole sunscreen business. She half-heartedly cursed the sun, since there wasn’t an almighty and powerful Alicorn Princess controlling it here who might take offense to her curse. She didn’t want to fully curse it though, because Adagio really loved the sun and its warmth.

I’ll have to make sure she doesn’t disappear to just sun bathe the whole time,” Sonata thought to herself as she formed plans to make sure that wouldn’t happen. They were here to have fun together not separately on their own. Unfortunately for Sonata’s many plans Adagio had no intention of going off on her own today. All of those plans now had no purpose and would go to waste in the end.

After what felt like two or three hours to the pony tailed girl (it was actually only about 15 to 20 minutes including time to take care of each other’s backs), the trio stuffed all of their bags and towels into their shared locker and were ready for their day of fun. “So what should we do first?” Aria asked as she once more checked herself to make sure she got all of the sunscreen in nice and good. It wouldn’t do for her image if she had smudges of white on her hiding from her somewhere that everyone would see.

“That!” Sonata shouted rather loudly and pointed to a big slide towards the top of the main slide tower before starting off at a rather brisk pace. A couple of families nearby gathered up their children a little closer and shushed them while saying not to point at the girl acting a lot more like an excitable kid at the moment.

Sonata was the first to reach the tower and frowned after they climbed several flights of stairs and caught up with the waiting line. Her frown soon disappeared as she realized she at least got to wait in line with her two favorite people. “Looks like a bit of a waiting line for the slide,” Adagio pointed out.

Sonata gave a nod and smiled as she said, “I just know it will be worth it though.” Adagio and Aria didn’t disagree with her. They had somehow decided Sonata was the water park expert here, since the girl did spend a good bit of her free time looking things up on her laptop including water parks.

Adagio gave a sigh of happiness as they reached a sunny part of the tower. She immediately found herself a great spot to soak it up. She closed her eyes a little and smiled as she felt the rays on her back. “Hey, Adagio?”

“Yes, Aria?” she replied without really looking.

“Why do you love the sun so much?” Aria asked curiously. Sonata decided to pay extra close attention to the answer. She had wondered the same a few times before. Adagio never liked it anywhere near this much when they were still sirens. She never really hated it either. She was just indifferent for the most part.

Adagio placed a finger on her chin as she thought for a few seconds. She then shrugged her shoulders and said, “I don’t really have much of an answer. I just love how it feels on my skin and the warmth.” She then gave a giggle as she said, “No wonder so many worshiped it.”

The other two gave smiles knowing she was talking in particular about the ponies of Equestria. Sure Celestia was powerful and controlled the sun, but even in the past from what they knew about history, the ponies still more or less revered and loved the Sun. Celestia mostly just the received the reverence and love by association. It was also something of note that many “ancient” human cultures worshiped it as well.

As they waited in line, Sonata took a minute every so often to look around them. She gave a blush a few times as well. She wasn’t sure what to really make of it, but she really liked the amount of skin being shown off around her. She even liked Aria’s and Adagio’s.

Sonata blushed deeper as she was almost caught peeking a few times and shook her head. There were slides here that needed to be slid on, rides to ride, and wave pools to play in. She shouldn’t get distracted.

The blue haired girl gave a sigh at her own behavior as she thought, “Even after everything else being human is still complicated…” She wasn’t sure why seeing other people in swimsuits and such affected her so much. In the past, they went to places where it was common place to see some people completely naked and it didn’t really matter much to her. Now however, even seeing the smallest bit of skin sometimes caused her to have reactions and certain feelings.

Sonata soon decided to join Adagio in the sun to get her mind off of such things. When she was next to Adagio she gave a sigh of contentment as well. She had never really noticed how good sun felt much before today, even as a human. She kind of understood it now though. She gave a smile and said, “I think I get it, Dagio. It really is nice and warm.”

Aria shook her head and pretended not to really care, even as she took a few steps closer to her friends so that she too was in sun. She most certainly did not sigh, nor did she actually feel nice and warm inside and out either. Anyone who said otherwise were probably mistaking her for Sonata or Adagio.

After a little while, the small group of guys behind them finally looked at the trio as one asked, “So… What are you all doing here?”

Adagio raised an eyebrow as she said, “Waiting in line for the slide.” She was hoping they would get the hint. She along with both Aria and Sonata still looked over the three guys regardless.

One of them was fairly muscular with styled green and red hair. The one in the middle was lean and fit with light green and dark green hair in a short fohawk and a little bit of scruff. The last one had blonde and blue short hair combed forward with green eyes and was fit but not muscular in build.

“Cool. Cool. So are we,” Fohawk guy said in response. Apparently they didn’t get the hint to just not say anything.

“Soooo. Come here often?” The muscular guy said. He then smiled and added in a rather cheerful and excited voice, “This is our third time this year already! It really is awesome to have such a place close by.”

Sonata smiled and said in an excited tone, “I know right! I really wish we had come here sooner and I hope we can come here at least one or two more times. I can’t wait to try all of the rides and get into the wave pool areas. So exciting!”

The guys just chuckled good-heartedly as their muscular friend soon joined Sonata in her excitement. Adagio decided it probably wouldn’t hurt to be decent to the guys at least, so long as they didn’t try anything or hang around too long.

For the rest of the wait, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria actually talked to either their selves or the guys right behind them. It wasn’t too bad of a wait, and once again Sonata showed how she can easily be friendly to people and even fit in. She was easily able to talk to the three guys they just met and get them laughing. It was even clear they weren't doing so just because they thought her pretty.

A small part of Adagio felt angry and jealous as she feared, as she had many times before, that Sonata was only a step away from leaving them and finding a happy and fulfilling life. While she and Aria would have to struggle for it. This was part of the reason she felt Sonata’s fears of abandonment were silly. It always felt more likely the blue haired girl would abandon them first. This was also what she left out while talking to Sonata earlier this morning. The curly haired girl momentarily gave the guys a bit of a frown not wanting them to somehow take Sonata away.

Adagio shook her head and her frown disappeared. She then said to herself, “It doesn’t matter if that happens or not. Sonata should find happiness. It didn't matter where that happiness took her or when it did. Plus, she wouldn’t just leave us and forget about us. She would make sure we were all there for everything that happened in her life. Get it together, Adagio! Sonata would never leave you or Aria completely.” Adagio frowned again. This time she frowned in disappointment at herself. There was no way Sonata would abandon them for anything and that was part of the reason why she didn't tell her friend about this earlier.

The former leader felt relieved and smiled as the lean guy asked her a couple of questions. It got her away from those stupid feelings on the matter. She knew those dark thoughts weren’t completely gone from her heart, but they were diminishing. There was also the fact she refused to let such thoughts get in the way of her enjoying a day at the water park with both Sonata and Aria, her two most important people and best friends.

All three of the girls felt excited as they finally reached the end of the line. They were told only a max of two people could use a single float at the same time. The trio did a round of rock-paper-scissors to determine who had a float on their own. The winner got their own float.

Aria gave a small smile in victory as she ended up winning and got in her own float. She did however notice that neither Sonata nor Adagio really seemed upset at losing. In fact, they actually seemed happy for some reason. The twin tailed girl might have thought on it more, but her thoughts ended as the guy in charge of the slide sent them on their way.

Aria screamed a lot louder than the “tough girl” of the group should on a slide. She was thankful she was alone. At the same time, despite her supposed embarrassment she really enjoyed it and wouldn’t mind going again… hopefully later. As she came to the end with a big splash, she let out a large “Wooooo!!!” She stood up and breathed in a few times as she waited a few seconds for her friends. She didn’t have to wait long.

Adagio and Sonata both screamed as they sped off on the ride. Adagio was in the back and screamed more than Sonata. Her pony tailed friend eventually started to cheer and laugh as the slide continued. Adagio also noticed Sonata tried to lean forward to increase their speed. Unfortunately for her friend the curly haired girl tried to lean back since she was caught a little unawares by the slide and didn't want to go any faster. She thought it amazing how different even this felt as a human. Sonata and Adagio both let out a cheer as the slide ended and together they gave Aria a big hug.

The three girls giggled after they handed over their floats and waited to see how the guys they met would be when it was over. The muscular guy was the loudest as he came into the final stretch of the slide shouting "Yeah! Awesome!" and other such descriptive words. He was soon followed by his friends and all three of them gave a cheer and a high five as Adagio and her friends laughed.

“So what should we do next?” Sonata asked her friends as the guys shared laugh and another high five with each other.

Aria wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, but Adagio seemed to have something in mind. “I say we go on that ride.” She pointed to a slide ride that had high walls and a wide tube with many turns and other things on it.

“We were thinking about going on that ride as well. It requires you to have at least four to six people to go on it. If you don’t mind, we could join you three,” the blonde and blue haired guy said/asked as his friends nodded.

Aria gave them a thoughtful frown before giving a small smile and said, “Sure I guess that could work.” The guys seemed relieve and happy. Aria, wanting to keep up her tough girl face, changed her demeanor and added, “Just don’t get any ideas.” The guys chuckled and two of them seemed to scratch the back of their heads nervously.

It took some time, but not as much time to get to the top of the group ride Adagio chose. The three girls and three guys climbed into the same large tubular raft. Sonata was super happy about going on another slide ride so soon and sat on Adagio’s right side while Aria took the left. The guys filled in the last three spots before they were launched by two of the staff.

“Ahhhhhh!!!” screamed Aria in a very girly voice as she was almost completely vertical and feared she might end up upside down on the float. She instinctively held on to Adagio tightly for support. She wasn’t upset or disappointed with the ride or anything, but she was a little scared while also enjoying it. For the whole ride, Aria didn’t fully let go of her curly haired friend even when she was on the low kind of flattish part of the slide ride.

Sonata was cheering/screaming for a lot of the ride and gave her curly haired friend spontaneous hugs when she felt she had to support herself for some reason or the other during the ride. Adagio would sometimes hug both her friends tighter at certain parts of the ride.

When all six of them finished the ride, they took a moment to catch their breath and then cheered and high fived each other while laughing. After that, the guys gave a last chuckle as the muscular guy said, “Well it was nice meeting you three, but we don’t want to hold you up. Plus we kind of wanted to head to the old park using the tram after this anyways.”

“Don’t worry!” shouted Sonata. “If you ever want to see us again just go to Johnston’s Bar & Grill. We work there. Bye!” The guys gave her smiles and nods as they all said good bye to each other and left to go their separate ways.

Once the guys were gone, Aria asked, “Why did you tell them where we work?”

“Oh come on they were fun and it isn’t that big of a deal,” Sonata defended her action.

“So long as they don’t get any ideas, it isn’t a problem I guess,” added Adagio.

Sonata playfully rolled her eyes and laughed as she asked, “Do you honestly think they will get any ideas after meeting Mr. Johnston and/or Mr. Forrester.” Both Aria and Adagio thought over this and laughed as Sonata added, “Besides. More Business for the restaurant also helps us as well you know.”

After hearing her logic on the matter, Aria and Adagio could only giggle in return as they went to their next stop. They were going to a slide that didn’t use any floats. It was the highest slide on the tower in the center of the park. They decided to hold each other’s hands for a little bit as they made their way to it.

{-} {-} {-}

The wait for the mega slide was actually longer than they thought it would be, but they pushed through nevertheless. They each enjoyed the feeling of the sun on their bodies when they had to wait in a sunny part of the tower on the way up. For better or worse, they didn’t have any people flirting with them this time, though they did notice a couple of girls looking to them with more interest than normal. Adagio had sort of puffed out her chest and kind of posed as the girls looked her over before blushing a slight bit and looking forward for the remainder of the wait.

Once they reached the top, Aria and Adagio went down first. Both girls screamed in both terror and joyous excitement as they raced towards the bottom. The two girls laughed and gave each other a quick hug as the adrenaline rush from the slide started to fade. Adagio and Aria waited with smiles for Sonata.

Sonata was a little bummed she had to wait until after her friends to go, but once her turn came she smiled brightly. She gave a slight frown as she ended up having to wait a little longer as the young kid next in the line was a little bit afraid of going down the slide. One of the attendants was comforting him as the other went ahead and kept the line moving. Sonata got to go before a second person took the left side spot at least.

She cheered and yelled in happiness as she felt the wind and water rush past her as she sped downwards. She even closed her eyes as she cheered and was pleasantly surprised when she felt more wind on her skin unexpectedly. She loved the feeling and was surprised that certain parts of her body suddenly felt a little harder.

When she came to the bottom of the ride she shouted out, “Heck yeah that was fun!!!” Sonata was surprised and caught off guard by her friends' next actions.

After Sonata came out, both Adagio and Aria giggled at her enthusiasm for a couple of seconds. Adagio was then the first to look back and she soon gave a large gasp and panicked for one second before quickly grabbing Sonata in a tight hug that felt a little different than usual for her friend.

Aria’s mulberry eyes widened before she blushed and frantically started to look around the area. She fortunately found what she was looking for and grabbed it quickly. She gave a sigh of relief and blushed again as she looked at her two friends in their embrace, but she wasn't really sure why.

Sonata was caught off guard by Adagio’s sudden hug. She didn’t mind it and in fact even enjoyed the hug, but it was still unexpected. “Are you alright, Sonata?” Adagio asked.

“Y-yes… What’s going on? I mean…” she blushed deeper as she continued, “I don’t mind the hug and even like it, but still…” She looked to her side and saw a blushing Aria holding something out for her.

Sonata’s face turned almost completely red as she grabbed the top part of her swimsuit Aria was holding for her. She gulped not sure how to solve her current predicament. She instead just enjoyed the hug she was receiving while unsuccessfully thinking up what to do here.

It seemed Adagio noticed what was going on and blushed as she took Sonata’s bikini top from her hands. The curly haired girl blushed as she looked down and unintentionally stared for a little bit before kicking herself into action. Adagio’s face was also bright red and both Aria and Sonata couldn’t help but watch as their former leader fumbled a little before helping Sonata get fully dressed in her swimsuit again.

A blushing Adagio then asked, “Ummm… will that work? Or should we visit a gift shop and get you a different swimsuit?”

Sonata blushed as they broke their hug. “I-I-I think that will work… Thanks… Both of you… I’m sorry… I kind of left it a little loose for maximum comfort earlier.” Sonata gave a cute blushing face before she continued, “It’s good and well… snug now…”

It took a couple of seconds, but Aria broke up the awkward silence and asked, “So…. Can we ummm…. Go to that other park near here? I want to see what it’s like.”

Both Sonata and Adagio were eternally thankful to Aria for breaking things up. They needed to get back to having lots of fun today. Sonata wasn’t about to let even something like this bring her day down. She gave her wonderful smile as she said, “Sure! That sounds like a lot of fun!”

She then blushed in happiness a little as she once again thanked them for their help. “I really do have the best friends,” she thought as they made their way to the other park on the opposite end of the parking lot.

As much as Adagio liked the feeling of the sun on her skin, she had to admit she wasn’t a big fan of sun baked concrete sidewalks which were also a part of sunny days. She had taken to walking in the grass next to the sidewalk. Adagio gave a little bit of a smile as she noticed Sonata soon joined her. Aria joined them as well, but she tried to tough it out for a little bit first.

Sonata looked to her twin tailed friend in thought, “I wonder why she tries to be the tough one in our group. Dagio and I don’t care about something like that. We both love and like Aria because she is Aria and with us.” She gave a sigh deciding it was probably something that would never be fully understood. The two of them would just have to accept it and possibly find a way to tease Aria about her ‘tough girl’ complex.

{-} {-} {-}

Once the trio of best friends entered the other park, they were a little disappointed. It seemed this park was more focused on activities than rides for the most part. There were some smaller slides and a water playground that Sonata had to try her best not to run off too, but that was about all it had.

Sonata still had to fight with herself, while they looked around, not to go and have lots of child like fun on the playground thingy. It had a huge and wonderful Pirate ship playhouse on it. There were also lots of different types of water guns on it as well. She easily imagined herself on one of the big water guns and squirting both Aria and Adagio many times over and over again and again all while saying “Arrggg! Take that ya land lubbers!” in her pirate voice, which was pretty good since they lived during pirate times and sought out the places pirates loved to hang out while not sailing. It was a great food source for them.

After looking around the second park there was one thing that really caught all three of their eyes easily. In the middle of the park, there was a large surf ride thing. It was massive and seemed to have beginner and expert areas. All three girls really wanted to try it out just for fun.

Aria, Adagio and Sonata ignored all of the other games and things as their eyes locked on to the surf ride pool. Aria in particular seemed to be really excited about it. They were a little surprised, but happy, the wait line wasn’t long at all. All three had smiles of some kind on their faces as they were allowed on to the Surf Ride.

The trio had surfed a little in the past before during their time as immortals. However, it seemed they were out of practice, well at least two of them were. Sonata and Adagio both wiped out three times before they had to quit, but they were very happy with what they had done.

Aria on the other hand was in the zone. She wiped out once early on, but that was all. She was more athletic than her two best friends and also more experienced when it came to surfing. In her past, she had spent lots of time surfing in many of the well-known surf destinations during time between meals.

She had been to both Hawaii and California in the US, along with Australia, Tahiti, and even El Salvador. She was actually well known locally in all of these places for a good while. She never went “Pro” because that would have complicated things. However, she had won the heart of a few pros in her life time as she more or less schooled them in surfing and then smiled at them to tell them to keep it up when she wasn't in a completely sour mood. In those days, she wasn't always sour but these days were rather rare. It was even more obvious to her now after she became human with her friends.

Aria felt right as she surfed on the surf pool ride. She once again felt like the complete and utterly unquestioned 'Badass tough girl' in her group of friends. She would look to both Adagio and Sonata every so often to see what they thought of her as she surfed. She smiled as she watched Adagio smile wide and shout, “Go Aria Wooo!” while waving.

The twin tailed surfer noticed Sonata was excited and cheering loud enough to make up a whole Cheerleading squad on her own. Aria got a little more daring as she felt more encouraged and easily pulled off a tough and daring stunt, which at one time made her famous in Hawaii, before flashing both her friends a big smile and a “V” in victory.

However, Aria didn’t notice a visiting pro’s jaw drop as they watched her preform the stunt. This pro decided to look her up and to ask where she learned that trick in the future at the very least. The pro had only heard legends of a twin tailed girl who was able to pull of such a rad stunt. It was years ago, but maybe this Aria girl was a protégée of the legend or something.

Sonata and Adagio cheered loudly for her and gave her a tight hug once she finally got off the Surf Ride. “That was awesome, Aria!” Sonata said.

“I forgot you were really amazing at surfing,” Adagio added with a smile.

Aria felt nice and warm inside as her friends gave her a hug before they walked around the park a little longer in hopes of finding another hidden gem of a ride. The trio finally made their way back to the other park in disappointment and once again chose to use the grass for their trek. They were actually very happy with things at the moment, even with the disappointment from the other park.

“So what should we do once we get back to the first park?” Sonata asked her friends.

Adagio gave them both a bright smile as she said, “I say he hit up the Wave Pool!” Sonata smiled brightly and cheered her agreement to this idea. Aria gave a laugh and agreed with her curly haired friend. Sonata couldn’t help but give a cheer of glee at the prospect of playing in the Wave Pool.

Sonata couldn’t help but giggle in excitement as she, Aria and Adagio all three played in the wave pool. It was kind of more like a somewhat strong current ride really, but lots of fun. The three of them pretended to be skiing across the bottom of the stream for their first few times.

After the first few trips in the current pool, they went and got a couple of inner tubes to use. To everyone’s surprise, including her own, it was Aria who demanded to share a float with Sonata this time. Adagio and Sonata didn’t really have a problem with this, but they were a little curious why she demanded it and felt she had to do so.

They enjoyed their time in the wave pool and the trio finally took a break for lunch. They didn’t really have much of a special lunch, but it was good. Adagio and Aria got Hamburgers. Sonata got a hot dog and once again wondered why in the hell would someone waste a perfectly good hotdog just to throw it at someone on a stage. She couldn’t really think of a performance that was so bad, including their own, to deserve a hotdog being thrown at it in disgust.

Personally, Sonata loved hot dogs. They were number two on her favorite foods list. Tacos were of course the number one undisputed favorite food of all time. Sonata actually considered the person to first make a taco to be almost god like. At one point in their long lives, Sonata actually started a cult of Taco worshipers, even if it didn't really last very long. A couple of people complained about how unexpectedly normal the punch was at their meetings. Apparently they weren't content to just worship the best food ever and eat the best food ever alone.

After they all had lunch, Adagio introduced her two friends to sun bathing and all of its glory, even if she had done so before. She was happy when she noticed both Sonata and Aria really took to it. The girls laid down next to each other as they waited while their stomachs settled some. Adagio couldn’t help but look at her friends and smile. It felt really nice to find something they could all enjoy together. Today had already been one of the best they had experienced ever.

Once enough time had passed for the three girls to have had an enjoyable amount of sun bathing, they decided to travel to the old water park. It only took them a few minutes to get on a tram that took them to the old park. They gave each other smiles as they looked at the many different rides and slides for them to choose from here.

After going on several different rides, including one that had both Adagio and Aria screaming in a mix of terror and excitement again, the trio decided to just take their time and enjoy the “Lazy River” ride. This time the three of them managed to find a free family sized float and joined each other in it for the ride. This way there wouldn't be any disputes, intentional or otherwise, on who shared a float with who.

It was a rather chill and slow going ride, but Adagio, Sonata, and Aria all three enjoyed it. After a good while, the three went back to the park where they first paid and entered. It took a good while, but they went on the first ride in the park two more times. This required a lot of waiting and having to put up with a few guys who thought they were all that because they spent almost all of their free time in the gym weight lifting. In the end, it was more than worth it as far as they were concerned though.

Adagio stretched and moaned in happiness as she said, “I think we should probably start heading back. I mean we do have to shower off and then get to the car and drive back. If we wait any longer it might take an eon just to get out of the parking lot.”

Sonata gave a bit of a pout, but she understood Adagio. The fact she even gave a bit of a yawn only added to the curly haired girl’s suggestion. Aria didn’t really have a complaint either. The trio took one final circuit through the Wave Pool before hitting up the changing rooms.

As they left the changing rooms, Sonata gave a small pout as she asked, “We don’t have to completely end our day of fun right?”

Adagio gave a thoughtful look for a moment and asked Aria, “Do you want get a movie and pick up a pizza on the way back?” She asked Aria because the girl was driving them back since Sonata was too tired from all the fun she had to drive again today.

“Aren’t we having pizza with Twilight and Sunset at that Pizza Palace place?” Aria asked.

“Well yes we are, but they’ll probably get a veggie pizza or something. You know the whole pony thing and all,” Adagio said.

“Plus we can eat something else while we’re there. I just wish Bo’s had tacos as well,” Sonata added with a sigh.

Aria nodded as she unlocked the Range Rover, “Good point. That sounds like a plan.” The three of them were never ponies like the others so they didn’t have a problem eating meat and even liked how it tasted.

{-} {-} {-}

It had been a long day of fun and friendship for the Dazzlings and they all agreed pizza and a movie was the best way to end it. They didn’t even take long to decide on a movie as they waited for the pizza to be ready. They quickly all sat together on the couch as soon as they had the food and started the movie. Aria was on the right side of the couch with Sonata on the left and Adagio in the center as they watched and ate.

It hadn’t really taken long for Sonata to first fall asleep. It also didn’t take her long to decide the couch was a great place to stretch out some and Adagio’s lap would make a perfect pillow. Aria and Adagio didn’t really have much of a problem accommodating Sonata on this matter. It had been a busy but fun day for them all. Plus they didn’t really care or have the energy to care at the moment as they scooted closer together to make room.

Adagio and Aria watched quietly with the volume low, so as not to disturb their sleeping friend. Due to the quiet it wasn’t long until both Adagio and Aria joined their friend in sleep while using the other as support. The movie continued playing until it ended and returned to the title screen.

Shortly after that, the DVD player cut back to a normal TV channel and remained unnoticed by its owners until they eventually woke up after a slightly louder commercial and made their way to bed. All three of them wandered into Adagio’s bed in their sleepy haze before giving big yawns and falling asleep once again under the covers.

Author's Notes:

Sorry this was such a long chapter, if that bothers anyone. I decided to have the dazzling’s heartwarming but serious moment (even if it was a little dark) and their fun time in the same chapter. They would have otherwise been really short chapters. Also I didn’t really read this as many times as I usually do so there might still be errors.

Sorry it took so long to write this chapter. I was trying hard not to make the Dazzlings trip to a water park too fan servicy. I might have thrown in a little here and there in the end anyways, but hopefully it wasn’t too much. I wanted the trip to be about the three having fun together after their tough talk with Adagio. I also chose a water park because I figured most people would have a “beach chapter” or a “Pool chapter,” but not a “Water park chapter”.

Also for some reason when I was thinking of a fun activity for the day for them, Water Park kept coming up in my mind along with Sonata being the one to suggest it. I’m not sure if the line trio will make much more of an appearance. I think I will probably have them at least visit the restaurant. I kind of want them to meet Mr. Forrester I think that could be fun to write.

I will have the Pro Surfer appear again and talk to Aria some at the very least. That might end up being part of a future chapter and I have some half formed plans involving that. I just have to think of a name and gender for them at the very least.

A Picnic and Bo's Pizza Palace

Twilight gave a moan as she woke up and stretched. She looked around the room and then next to her. She was a little surprised to see Sunset was still in bed asleep. Twilight wasn’t sure, but this might be the first time she woke up before her friend.

The pony princess took in a deep breath and noticed the sunlight streaming in from curtained windows as she heard the sounds of morning from outside. She currently felt more peaceful and happier than she had in this world before. Twilight guessed it was because they had finally made contact with the Dazzlings and it went a lot better than she thought and feared it would.

As her eyes once more scanned the room, a smile came to her face as they settled on the sleeping Sunset Shimmer next to her in the bed. The purple haired girl actually couldn’t help but blush as her eyes continued to rest on the sleeping beauty next to her. She watched as Sunset’s chest rose and fell with the even sound of her breathing. Twilight couldn’t help but lean in closer to Sunset. “I can’t believe she’s been letting me use her as a body pillow without any complaint. She really is wonderful,” she thought as she watched.

After a little longer, Twilight blushed and once again thought, “Beautiful…” she then watched for a couple of seconds more and shook her head as she got out of the bed quietly and smiled. “Time to pay her back for her generosity a little,” she thought as she went to take her morning shower.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset rolled to her side and stretched out on her bed with a half awake moan. It was at this time her body seemed to realize something was wrong. Sunset’s blue eyes opened wide as she felt around for her snuggle buddy. She soon heard the sound of Twilight humming in the kitchen and was surprised she felt a little disappointed she didn’t get her usual couple of minutes to enjoy being Twilight’s pillow.

Can a princess even cook?” she asked herself in wonder as she looked in the direction of her kitchen. She then took in a deep breath through her nose and smiled at the pleasant scents in the air. She got out of her comfy bed and made her way to the kitchen.

“Good morning, Sunset,” Twilight greeted her cheerfully wearing an apron and holding a spatula in one hand. “Breakfast is almost ready, just a little longer. I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed your apron.”

Sunset smiled brightly as she said, “I don’t mind, especially if you’re making some breakfast for me too.”

Twilight gave her smile in return as she said, “Of course I’m making some for you. I wanted to again thank you for helping me out with this mission of mine.”

“No problem. But I’m kind of surprised you can cook. You know being a princess and all,” Sunset half teased.

Twilight playfully rolled her eyes as she placed some food in a serving bowl and said, “You know very well I wasn’t always a princess.”

“Yeah, but Spike,” Sunset countered easily with a playful grin.

Twilight blushed and said, “He may be a better cook than me, but I can still cook and I do so often. Besides… the little guy loves my cooking.” She gave a smile and a small sigh to herself as she started placing the food on the already set table.

As Sunset sat down, Twilight added quietly, “Thanks again for letting me borrow your journal to send him messages to see how he is holding up. I know it's made things easier on him. He really wanted to come along.”

As the fiery haired girl served herself some eggs and hash browns she said, “Don’t mention it. I’m actually surprised you were able to convince him to stay back there and not come with you.”

Twilight gave a giggle as she poured some syrup on her waffles and said, “Once I told him he would be staying with Rarity for part of the time it was easier. He has a not so subtle crush on her. I’m not entirely sure if Rarity knows it or not anymore.”

She gave a puzzled frown as she added, “I used to think she was just humoring him since he’s still a baby dragon. Then I started to realize how often she would ask him to help her with stuff. He was always eager and she did always give him thanks, but never more than she would anyone else really. And I'm pretty sure she isn't the type to take advantage of a baby dragon.”

Sunset gave a chuckle and said, “Well if she’s anything like Rarity here than she might not know of his crush. Rarity is a very good friend, but she does get very much caught up in herself at times.”

Twilight gave laugh as well and nodded. “Yep, pony Rarity is like that as well. She has gotten better about it. It still can cause problems though. She came across this book that gave her the power to make whatever she thinks of a reality. She ended up making all of Ponyville more fabulous with crystal building of different colors and a blinding bright gold road.”

The two gave a bit of a laugh as Twilight continued, “It took Cadance, Luna and me forever to get it sorted out. The book was cursed it turned out, but only Rarity could get that carried away so quickly even if that was the case.”

Twilight then gave a different puzzled expression as she said, “I still haven’t figured out how she almost always has a fainting couch with her whenever she gets in her dramatic moods.”

“Wait, wait, wait… She actually has a fainting couch she can use at any time?” Sunset asked. Now that she thought about it, she could see that fitting Rarity’s character.

Twilight gave another giggle as she said, “Yes she does.”

After the two shared a giggle, they got to eating their breakfast of waffles, eggs and hash browns with Orange juice. Twilight had insisted on having orange juice when she can on this mission. Apparently pony Apple Jack made a habit of replacing her own stores with apple juice. Twilight didn’t mind apple juice, but she liked some variety every so often.

As the two washed the dishes together, Sunset asked, “So what did you want to do today?”

Twilight looked to her friend and replied, “Actually I kind of wanted to take it easy today. It was nice how you took me to look around the city some more yesterday, but I don’t really want to do something like that today since we’ll be meeting with Adagio and the others this evening.”

Sunset looked in thought as she replied, “We can do that, but it might get kind of boring just waiting here all day… Do you want to have a picnic for lunch at least?”

Sunset didn’t really know what she would do if she just lounged around all day with Twilight. She wasn’t opposed to the idea and even really like it, but she didn’t want to accidentally do something because of her growing feelings for Twilight and regret it later. If they went outside, she could possibly distract herself if needed.

Twilight gave a smile, “That sounds lovely, but we have to go and get one of those amazing cupcakes I’ve seen in the bakeries in this world.” Twilight managed to almost hide her drool without Sunset noticing.

Sunset gave a smile as well. “Sounds like a plan. I know of a great spot for our lunch.”

{-} {-} {-}

After taking much longer than was probably sane to decide on which of the delicious cupcakes they each wanted, the two girls quickly finished up shopping for everything else they needed for the picnic. Once they loaded everything into Sunset’s car, they were on their way to the picnic spot. “So where are we going?” Twilight asked.

“Oh I don’t want to tell you. It wouldn’t be a surprise if I did,” Sunset said with a smile as she drove. Twilight gave her a half frown, but didn’t press the issue. She wasn’t really opposed to Sunset’s surprises.

They drove for about fifteen minutes and arrived at a familiar park. “Here? That really isn’t much of a surprise, Sunset,” Twilight said as she gave her friend a small confused frown.

“Just wait and see. We’re in the same park, but we’re going to a different part of it,” Sunset said with a smile.

Twilight stepped out and grabbed her half of the load and followed. They quickly took off in a different direction from last time. Twilight’s curiosity was peaked and she wasn’t hiding it as she took in their surroundings.

Soon Sunset headed down what barely looked like a path and motioned for Twilight to follow. The pony princess was extra curious now. Soon she heard what sounded like running water and some birds chirping as she followed Sunset. It was hard to really see anything through the trees apart from the path ahead.

It wasn’t long until they suddenly emerged into a clearing and Twilight gave a gasp. “I take it you like it?” Sunset said with a knowing smile a few seconds after the gasp. Twilight nodded to her friend and started looking around the area.

There was an old stone table with benches under a wonderfully blooming tree to the left side. Straight in front of them was a good sized pool of water just below a small waterfall. The pool of water flowed into a stream which next flowed out to the right of the clearing.

The ground of the area was covered in a short but lush grass with wildflowers here and there. There were a few trees in the clearing while bushes and more trees formed the edge. “It’s beautiful…” Twilight said breathlessly as Sunset made her way over to the stone table.

“I found it after the Fall Formal. We’re right at the edge of the park. I was surprised that few people ever seem to come here, but it's pretty well hidden. Unlike ponies, humans aren’t generally very keen on using faded footpaths and such. So I guess that’s why,” Sunset spoke as Twilight made her way over and sat down across from Sunset.

“Thanks for sharing this place with me, Sunset.” Twilight gave her friend a smile. Sunset felt warm at Twilight’s words and smiled back.

As the two set up their picnic, Twilight quickly realized Sunset let her have the side with the better view. The purple haired girl couldn’t help but give a warm smile to that. “She’s so very considerate and kind,” she thought as she looked over the girl sitting across from her.

The two friends took their meal mostly in silence as they just enjoyed the atmosphere of the clearing and each other’s company. However, as they started their cupcakes a thought came to Twilight. “How did you end up finding a place like this after the Fall Formal?”

Sunset’s eyes widened a little and she placed her cupcake down. “Like I told you, it wasn’t exactly easy at first. Sometimes it was too much for me and I just felt like I had to get away you know. I actually cried to myself a few times after that. I'm still not sure if it was out of self pity or honest regret over the things I had done to the others.”

Twilight gave a nod in understanding. “So have you brought the others here?”

Sunset took interest in her cupcake once again and said, “Not really. I kind of kept this place to myself.” She then gave a sigh as she continued, “I still sometimes use it as a special retreat. I mean the others are wonderful friends, but well… I just sometimes feel as if I’m just tolerated even now at times.”

“Why is that?” Twilight asked with concern.

“I feel like I’m not usually actually included. Like I’m just invited as an afterthought sometimes. Many times when I hear about what everyone has decided to do it's after they have already met up with each other. I’m also usually the last to be invited to most of the things we all do as a group.” Sunset stopped and looked down to the table.

Twilight came over and sat next to her and placed a hand on her back. Sunset looked up and gave her a smile in thanks for the gesture. “You know you can tell me anything right? Sunset? You’ve already helped me out so much so you are more than entitled to let it all out and I’ll listen to you. If you want.”

Sunset gave a nod and continued. A part of her knew she needed this and Twilight would be the best one for her to talk to about it. “I would have understood it at first, but even now this is still the case sometimes. They are great friends and people, but I still feel a little excluded sometimes. I don’t think they do it purposefully, but I feel like they see me as a stand in for you at times. Like they have to have an Equestrian friend, but you aren’t here and are busy with your princess duties. So I will have to do.”

“I tell myself its stupid, but I still feel that way.” Sunset gave a sigh and said more to herself, “I just sometimes feel like I don’t really belong in this world period.” Twilight gave Sunset a hug and rubbed the girl's back some.

“Have you told them you feel this way?” Twilight asked as they separated again.

“No I haven’t. I don’t want to make them feel bad if it is just coincidence. Should I tell them?” Sunset asked as she looked to Twilight.

“I think you should. It’s your choice, but it might make living in this world better for you. There’s also the fact that you can return to Equestria whenever you want. I would like it if you did return to Equestria sometime, but again it’s your choice which world you choose to be a part of in the end. I think you should at least finish school here even if you don’t really need it. Mentioning your feelings to them will be good because they are a sizable part of your life.” As Twilight spoke, Sunset was in thought over her words.

“I think you should talk to them about this and make sure they know it is a serious discussion. I’m sure it will really help you out and it might even help them out as well. If it somehow turns out that your fears are true, which I don’t think is the case, then remember that you can return to Equestria whenever you want, Sunset.” Twilight gave the other girl a warm smile and finished with, “I’ll always be there for you.”

Sunset gave Twilight a tight hug and said, “Thanks.” She would someday make sure Twilight knew just how much such words meant to her. It was one thing to have a good friend you could talk to via phone, or in their case diary, and another to have such an open invitation that wasn’t given just for the sake of being polite.

That was one thing Sunset loved about Twilight. The lavender skinned girl rarely if ever said something to her friends just to be polite. Twilight almost always meant what she said for real. Sunset easily knew this was such a time. She wasn’t sure what she would do with her life. Knowing that Twilight would happily see her return to Equestria if that was what she chose, was yet another thing that meant more to Sunset than she could ever say.

Once Sunset ended the hug, the two girls talked and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere until they finally left for Sunset’s apartment. There they waited until it was time to get ready for their evening.

{-} {-} {-}

“I can’t wait to see this Bo’s Pizza Palace place. I hope Adagio, Aria, and Sonata can still make it,” Twilight said a bit excitedly as she sat next to Sunset in the car. They were now on their way to meet their newest friends.

“Yeahhhh… me too. Try to remind me to get at least one of their numbers tonight so we can make sure any future plans are still good,” Sunset said a little sheepishly. She was now kicking herself for not getting their numbers sooner.

They were a little early since Twilight was already excited and liked to be early whenever possible. Sunset guessed this might make things easier, they could go ahead and get a table for the five of them and tell the hostess to look for their new friends if the Dazzlings weren't already there as well.

Sunset led the way and opened the door for Twilight. She gave a teasing smile and said, “After you, Princess.” Twilight again played her part but half way through the door she was already giggling. Sunset soon joined her friend’s laughter.

Once they walked up to the hostess, Sunset spoke first. “We’re going to be meeting some friends here and I was wondering if you could tell me if they already arrived.”

“Sure, do you have their names?” the hostess asked with a pleasant smile.

“Adagio, Aria and Sonata,” Sunset answered easily.

The hostess looked at a list on her podium that listed the people waiting for the rest of their group to show up. She gave a frown, “I’m sorry, but I don’t see anyone listed waiting for a party by those names. What are your names?”

“Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer,” Twilight provided.

“I don’t see those names either as anyone waiting for you to arrive. I am sorry,” the hostess replied with a small frown.

“Well, we are early. Do you have any tables for five available?” Sunset asked with an uneasy smile.

“We do have a table open for that many. If you will follow me,” the hostess gave a smile as she led the way to a table.

Once both Sunset and Twilight were sitting down, Twilight spoke up, “Can you lead our friends here? Their names are Adagio, Sonata, and Aria in case you forgot. You can recognize Adagio by her hair. It really stands out and is memorable. It is light orange with yellow streaks and... massive.”

Sunset gave a giggle to Twilight’s description as the hostess gave a confused nod. She would mark down the names on the list. “Your waitress will be Fan Service. She will be with you shortly.”

Soon after the hostess left, a girl that was beautiful and cute to a point that most would find her likable arrived with a wonderful and friendly smile. She had red and brown hair tied in a curly ponytail and her figure was perfect without being too pronounced and causing jealousy.

“Hello,” she cheerfully greeted the girls. “I’m Fan Service and I will be your waitress for tonight. How can I help you tonight? I heard you are waiting for a few friends. Would you like a menu and some drinks?”

Twilight gave a smile, “That would be lovely. Thanks!” The waitress took their drink orders and gave them menus before she left.

Sunset then gave a giggle and said, “I can’t believe you told the hostess to recognize Adagio by her hair.” The fiery haired girl then gave a louder giggle as Twilight blushed and looked to the side.

“Well I mean it’s true… Her hair is that noticeable. Not that it’s a bad thing. I actually kind of wish my hair was like that. Instead it is just plain and straight.” Twilight gave a frown as she spoke.

Sunset gave her a smile and said, “Come on, Twilight. I think your hair is nice the way it is. I know more than a few girls who would wish they had your hair. Don’t let that get to you.”

Twilight gave her a smile as the waitress returned with their drinks and a smile. Twilight went with a Root Beer mixed with extra vanilla after she learned they had one of those really cool soda machines at Bo’s Pizza Palace. Sunset ordered a Sprite mixed with grape. Once they had their drinks the two friends started talking to each other as they waited.

{-} {-} {-}

Three former sirens almost ran into the restaurant where they were meeting their new friends. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria were running a little late because they didn’t realize how thick traffic would be. It was kind of a side effect to the fact they pretty much walked whenever they could, because it was more enjoyable for them. They could drive more now than before, but something about walking to the nearby places they went for business together really made them feel happy.

“I hope we aren’t too late. I would hate for Twilight and Sunset to give up on us because we’re late,” Sonata said with a frown.

"It's not our fault... We didn't know traffic would be that bad," Adagio said with a matching frown.

“Let’s just remember to get Sunset’s cell phone number next time we see her. It really takes us former immortals and Equestrians a little effort to get used to things like that. I think they'll be waiting for us at a table… At least, I hope they will.” Aria said in a calm voice that belied the anxiousness she actually felt.

“Not exactly the best first impression as friends…” Sonata said as they opened the door and entered.

“Wow… She wasn’t lying about the hair…” Was the first phrase they heard when they entered from under the hostess’ breath as she looked the trio over.

She then gave them a friendly smile and asked, “Are you three Adagio, Sonata, and Aria?”

The three girls only gave nods since they were caught a little off guard by the hostess. “Follow me then. Your friends are waiting for you.”

Both Aria and Sonata gave giggles as the hostess’ words registered with them. Adagio rolled her eyes, but soon gave a smile for a split second. She quickly came up with a plan for both of her new friends since teasing was something friends did. Right?

As the trio followed the hostess, Adagio gave each Sonata and Aria a look and they straightened their faces. They both had a feeling about what their former leader was going to do and they decided to see how it played out. Sonata had to suppress a giggle as they followed the hostess.

It didn’t take long for the hostess to lead them to their friends. She gave a smile as she told them who their waitress was, took their drink orders and left. The trio sat down with indifferent faces as Twilight and Sunset gave nervous smiles. “Hello you three.” Twilight greeted.

Adagio gave a halfhearted frown as she said, “It was interesting how we didn’t have to give the hostess our names. She took one look at my hair and seemed to know who I was.” Twilight seemed to shift a little nervously. “You wouldn’t happen to know why that was would you? Princess?”

The Princess of Friendship gave a nervous laugh as she looked to the side. Sonata couldn’t hold it in anymore and gave a giggle as she said, “Adagio’s hair really does come in handy. Doesn’t it?” Aria then joined in on the giggle as well.

Adagio then rolled her eyes playfully and gave them a smile as she confidently said, “What can I say? My hair is amazing.” The trio of girls then burst out laughing as Twilight and Sunset felt a little at ease and joined in the laughter.

“Actually Twilight admitted she was a little jealous of your hair shortly after we sat down,” Sunset said with a smirk. Twilight gave a blush and a slight nod.

Adagio and the others smiled at this. “I love my hair, but it does take a lot of extra work, especially in the mornings unfortunately,” she said with a sigh.

“I got to brush her hair!” Sonata said without hiding her happiness at the memory. Twilight and Sunset looked at her with smiles and a little awe. It was probably a feat to do so properly.

“Sorry we’re late, but traffic was more of a hassle than we thought,” Aria said deciding she should apologize to their new friends as the others nodded. “Ummm… can we have a number to contact you for the future?” She added.

Sunset gave a nod as she whipped out her cell. “I told Twilight I wished I had done that when we made our plans, actually.” The two then exchanged numbers and Adagio and Sonata did the same shortly afterwards. Twilight actually felt a little left out on this potential bonding experience, but she knew there really wasn’t much need for her to have a cell phone as well since she rarely visited this world and when she did she was always with someone who had a cell and could reach the others.

“So… Have you two ordered yet?” Adagio asked.

“No we haven’t apart from drinks. We wanted to wait for you three,” Twilight answered with a smile.

“Sounds good. What should we order?” Sonata asked Sunset. They knew where the place was, but this was their first time in a place like this in a long time. They didn't really know the menu. They just knew this was the kind of place friends would go to meet up with each other.

Sunset gave them a confident smile as she said, “I know you three probably prefer to eat meat so you can order that kind of a pizza if you want, but I ask that you at least give the pizza we order a try. I think you will find it very surprisingly good to eat.” The three ex-sirens weren’t really sure about that, but they decided it wouldn’t hurt and if it made things better with Sunset what was the problem?

“So two pizzas then?” Aria asked and received nods in reply.

Shortly after their decision was made, Fan Service returned with the trio’s drinks and refills for Twilight and Sunset. “So are you ready to order?” she asked with a smile.

“Actually we are,” Adagio said. Fan Service continued to smile but then actually stared with a hint of awe as she saw Adagio’s hair. She loved it. There was no way she would be able to get her hair like that. They were both curly haired, but Fan couldn’t wear her own hair the same way Adagio did.

“We’ll take a large Veggie Supreme,” Twilight ordered.

“And we’ll take a Meatball feast pizza!” Sonata ordered cheerfully. Both Adagio and Aria nodded with enthusiasm.

The waitress smiled as she asked, “Will that be all?”

“We also want two large salads as well,” Sunset added and the other four nodded as well.

“Alright! A Meatball Feast pizza, a Veggie Supreme, and two large salads. Is there anything else?” Fan asked. The five girls shook their heads to her as she left to go place the order.

{-} {-} {-}

“Mmmmm….” Adagio seductively sighed as she took another bite of Veggie Supreme pizza. The other girls blushed a little and/or giggled at her reaction.

“So let me get this straight… You and your pony friends defeated and then later befriended Discord?” Aria asked with surprise as she moved the conversation to a different topic. Twilight just nodded. “As in Discord, Discord?” They might have mentioned something like this to Adagio, but she and Sonata weren't there for most of that conversation and learning about friendship was kind of a more important deal.

Twilight giggled. “He actually is kind of fun and entertaining at times. But he also very easily gets jealous as a friend as well. We are working on that and he is getting better in his own way.”

“Wow… Just wow…,” Aria eloquently said.

“Forget that!!!” Sonata interrupted. “Tell me more about what it was like to take on Tirek solo!!!! I mean sure you had your friends in the end and more or less curb stomped him at that point, but still Holy Taco Sauce! You took him on alone.” The blue haired girl said as she looked with awe into Twilight’s eyes.

“Well… It was really exciting, but still I preferred my friends, but…” Twilight started as she retold the most epic battle she had ever been in with the sirens. The trio were impressed with the tale and deep down further understood just how out classed they were when facing Twilight and her human friends.

Twilight was okay with telling the Dazzlings her tales, but at the same time she was busy trying to think of something good to ask them about. She really wanted to ask them a million and more questions about Star Swirl and the Equestira they knew, but she felt that would have been wrong to ask them about just yet. She now knew just how much Sunset’s past was a touchy subject for the beautiful girl. She figured that might be the case with ex-sirens as well. Instead she settled for, “So what is it like working at Johnston’s?” She actually was curious what they would think of such a thing.

The three ex-sirens then went on about their life as staff at the restaurant. They talked about their jobs and some about their managers and co-workers. “So it turns out one of our co-workers is also a standup comedian and fairly good if the way he acts at work is anything to go by. Do you two want to go and see one of his shows with us sometime?” Adagio asked.

“That sounds fun!” Sunset said brightly. She then mock whispered to Adagio, “We might have to explain things to Twilight here though. She doesn’t fully understand human humor.”

The other four girls laughed as Twilight playfully rolled her eyes at them. She soon joined in their laughter after she said, “Ha ha!!! Very funny, Sunset.”

{-} {-} {-}

Once the five girls finished eating, they decided to make the best of the pizza palace. They went and played the games in the arcade area after they paid for their meals. They all five had lots of fun and Sonata turned out to be very good a Skeeball and several other games of that nature. Adagio seemed to actually be good at many of the arcade games as well.

However, it was Aria and Sunset that really surprised the others. The two girls ended up with a bit of a fun and friendly rivalry with each other on pretty much every kind of game. “I’m telling you, Sunset. I will whoop your ass on that motocross game,” Aria said with a grin. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Sunset had a matching grin as she answered, “You bet your ass I’m sure. I got a motorcycle license and almost bought a bike, but decided a V8 Mustang GT was better suited for my plans.” Aria seemed to give Sunset an approving look. “I do still practice motocross during my free time. I’m good enough at it to beat Rainbow Dash and send her home crying…”

Aria raised a skeptical eyebrow. She remembered Rainbow Dash a bit and that girl was probably the least likely to cry for anything. Sunset blushed a little and added, “Okay… So she would just be frowning… Still doesn’t change the fact I can even beat her.”

“You’re on! Just remember. I ain’t Rainbow Dash. I know how to do this really well. I even had a bit of a stint where I was pro with it.”

Sunset just gave a smirk as she said, “Well then I guess you will know not to cry too much when I beat you.”

Twilight, Sonata, and Adagio just exchanged looks with each other at how serious the two girls were taking an arcade game. Sonata was actually a little excited on top of everything else though. The other two girls eventually shrugged and decided to at least watch.

{-} {-} {-}

“Oh come on!!! That doesn’t count as a full win!” Sunset shouted with a frown.

“Heh… yes, it does and you know it does, Sunset. Look at your second win for proof,” Aria countered.

“Fine! That just means we’re tied 2-2… We need a tie breaker,” Sunset said. Aria nodded to this.

The two girls were then lost in thought as they tried to figure out the best way to break their tie. “That was amazing you two!!!” Sonata cheered. “I can only imagine what it would be like to ride with either of you two on a real motorcycle.”

Aria and Sunset then both raised their eye brows in shock. “That sounds like a good idea,” Sunset said.

“I agree. So doubles?” Aria asked Sunset.

“Doubles,” Sunset replied. The two then smirked at each other.

“What do you mean by doubles?” Twilight asked.

“We mean to show who is really the best by having someone ride on back. It will be a little harder since you have to account for your balance along with your passenger’s balance,” Sunset explained.

Twilight could see some logic with that, but she didn’t think it would really matter for this game. She could see what Sunset was talking about if they were racing on something in real life. In the end, she just chalked it up to being a human thing and went with it. It sounded like it could be fun anyways without having to worry about getting into a real wreck.

“Adagio,” Aria said.

“Yes?” the curly haired girl asked in return.

“You’re riding on the back,” Aria more or less commanded.

“Awww…. I don’t get to ride?” Sonata asked, not at all hiding her disappointment.

“You would be too excited, even if it is just a game,” Aria replied.

Sonata mulled over the answer before giving a shrug and a friendly chuckle in reply. “I guess you’re right about that.”

“I’ll make it up to you someday, Sonata. Don’t you worry,” Aria replied as Sonata gave a smile.

Adagio then sat behind Aria and decided to wrap her arms around the other girl. Aria had to admit she didn’t expect that, but she also wasn’t really opposed to the feelings inside her at the action. “I’m trusting you, Aria. And this better be fun,” Adagio said quietly to the twin tailed girl. Aria blushed and gulped as she nodded before her blush quickly disappeared.

Sunset turned to Twilight and before she even spoke, the pony princess gave a heartwarming smile and an excited nod. She quickly held on to Sunset as she sat close behind the fiery haired girl. Sunset blushed and couldn’t help, but smile at their proximity with each other. Twilight was also blushing as she smiled and intentionally moved closer to Sunset and held on a little more tightly.

Sonata frowned for a second because it looked like a lot more fun than she thought it would be to ride on back, but then she smiled and said, “I guess I’ll just have to be the cheerleader! Go Go Go Aria! Hurray Hurray Sunset!”

“Wait! Why are you cheering for both of us?” Aria asked as she shot the ponytailed girl an incredulous look.

“Duh… Someone has to cheer for both sides or it isn’t fair,” Sonata answered with ease. Aria blinked and decided her friend made sense in a Sonata way.

Aria then gave Sunset a smirk as she said, “Don’t think Sonata’s cheering makes that much of a difference for you. We’re still going to beat you two.” She then felt a little warm as Adagio decided to hold her even closer. Despite what the outcome would be from this, Aria decided that all three of them would share a bed again tonight. It was just so much comfier that way, she was sure of it.

Sunset looked over to her opponents and then said to Twilight, “Hold on tight, Twilight. I don’t want you to offset my balance too much.” Twilight’s eyes widened a little as she nodded to herself and then held on to Sunset tighter.

Sunset reveled in the feeling of Twilight holding on to her like this and tried her hardest not to smile like a loon. She then focused on the game as it was about to start. She managed to give Aria one last smirk as the light turned green and the racing game started.

When they came across the first turn, Adagio held on a little tighter, but managed to stay otherwise calm and balanced as Aria leaned into the turn. Aria smiled as she knew she had picked right in having Adagio as her rider. Sonata would have been fun, but she would have also been more exuberant during the game. She gave a smirk to Sunset as she looked to her opponent and friend quickly.

“Ack!” Twilight shouted in surprise as they rounded the first turn. She then leaned in closer to Sunset and the fiery haired girl almost messed up the turn in surprise. However, once that was out of the way, Sunset and Twilight held on tight as they continued to race.

Aria and Adagio leaned in closer to the "bike" instinctively and the twin tailed girl turned the throttle even tighter. They came across another turn and the two girls leaned into it as far as the game would let them lean into it.

Aria was enjoying the high definition screen in front of her and got immersed in the race along with Adagio. The only thing they felt was missing were the sounds and wind of the open world you usually had with a motorcycle.

The race continued and despite Sunset’s efforts, Aria was pulling further and further ahead. It was a few minutes later that the game came to an end with Aria the victor. “Oh yeah! We Rock!” she shouted as she high fived Adagio and Sonata gave them a huge hug.

Sonata then said, “I was cheering for you two the whole time! I’m so glad you won.”

“You were cheering for them as well,” Adagio said with a smirk.

“I know but that doesn’t change the fact I was cheering for you two!” Sonata said in sing song voice with a bright smile as the three laughed together.

Aria then turned to Sunset and said, “See that! I told you I would win.”

“Yeah…” Sunset said in a slightly dazed voice as she continued to relish in the feel of Twilight holding on to her tightly. A few seconds later she gave Aria a smile and said, “Good game, Aria.”

“You bet it was. Now were 3-3 on games… I still can’t believe you’re that good at fighting games.”

“So are you two going to have another tie breaker?” Adagio asked with an amused voice.

“Obviously,” Sunset said with a smile.

“What game are you two going to do this time?” Twilight asked as she and Sunset got off the bike, though she didn’t really break her hold with Sunset too quickly.

The two competitive friends then looked around the arcade area for a suitable game to decide their competition that neither wanted to end just yet. They were having too much fun and so were the others.

A set of Mulberry eyes and a set of Cyan eyes both lit up at the same time as the two decided what they wanted to have as their “Tie breaker”.

“Air Hockey!” both girls said at the same time. The girls then charged for the recently open Air Hockey table. The others looked to one another and just shrugged as they followed.

It didn’t take long for Aria and Sunset to pick their side of the table as the other three just watched from the middle. “You ready for this?” Sunset asked with a smirk.

“Of course I am,” Aria replied with her own smirk.

The two girls each focused and waited as the game started. The game quickly heated up, as far as Air Hockey games go at least. Twilight soon moved over to Sunset’s side of the table next to the fiery haired girl, but still out of the way. She wanted a better look than just from the middle.

Sonata soon made her way over to Aria’s side and whisper cheered, “Go Ariaaaa! Score. Score. Scoreeee!”

Aria paying attention to the game, asked just as quietly oddly enough, “What are you doing, Sonata?”

“I’m cheering for you of course,” Sonata replied simply. “Go. Go. Goooo!” she again whispered.

Aria quickly sent the puck to Sunset and gave a quick glance to her side and asked, “Why are you whispering and I thought you were cheering for both sides?” She then saved herself before sending a return back to Sunset.

“That was last game. This is this game. Besides… Sunset already has Twilight’s support. I don’t think she needs mine as well,” Sonata answered with a smile.

“Ooooh here it comes! Get it, Sunset!” Twilight cheered excitedly. It seemed she had abandoned quiet observation for loud cheering. Aria almost slipped when she giggled at Twilight’s enthusiasm.

Adagio watched the game from the middle with a warm smile at the scene. She felt happier than was probably normal for such a scene, but this friendship thing was new to her still and she was beginning to wonder how it was the three of them went along in their lives without it before now. She may not be immortal anymore, but she was okay with that as long as she had her friends.

She also thought it was odd how despite everything they all five easily got along together as friends. She was relieved and happy Twilight didn’t pester her with all of the questions she could tell the curious girl had about their past in Equestria. Adagio could see why the girl was the Princess of Friendship. She was able to put aside her own wants for others, even when it was difficult for her to do so.

The curly haired girl also liked how pleasant, fun, and understanding Sunset was with them as well. During the Battle of the Bands, the three of them were extra harsh on Sunset, yet the girl seemed to be willing to forgive them if she hadn’t already. Adagio supposed this behavior was due to the girl having a better understanding after going through what she did.

We’re really lucky to have been introduced to friendship by these two,” Adagio thought to herself. She knew none of the others from CHS would be as willing to forgive after everything. It was a good thing there was little chance they would run into others from CHS at least. Still even if they did, Adagio felt she, Aria, and Sonata would stand strong together.

“Ha! I win, Blaze!” Sunset cheered as Twilight still caught up in her enthusiasm gave her a hug which caused Sunset to blush and Sonata to giggle.

Aria gave a sigh and said, “So it seems, Shimmer.” She then gave a smile and added, “Next time I won’t go easy on you, but that will have to be another time.”

“Awww….” Sonata said with a frown.

“Unfortunately Aria’s right. We have to work early tomorrow so we should probably leave soon,” Adagio said with a small frown.

Twilight gave them a reassuring smile as she said, “We’ll just have to meet again soon.”

“We’d love that!” Sonata said with a big smile.

“Just give me a call or text and we can set it up,” Sunset said with a smile as they started to head outside. Once outside they talked for a little longer before going their separate ways.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight smiled to Sunset as they climbed into the mustang, “Well that was a lot of fun! It seemed like they had a lot of fun as well.”

Sunset then gave a grin as she asked, “So... How difficult was it for you not to bombard them with all of your questions about Star Swirl?”

Twilight gave a little whine as she said, “It was one of the hardest things ever! I wanted to ask them so much about everything! But I figured that would be too much too quickly for them. Plus, it wasn’t that bad once I got over my initial eagerness and I mostly put it out of my mind once we started playing games in the arcade.”

“Maybe we'll get to the point with them where you can ask your questions before your mission is really accomplished and you have to head back,” Sunset said as she started the car.

“Yeah… maybe…” Twilight quietly said as the car started.

{-} {-} {-}

As Aria drove them home, the three girls had settled for a warm and friendly quiet. Once they got home, Sonata spoke up with a smile. “Friends really are the best.”

Adagio gave a smile, “I agree, Sonata.”

Aria nodded and said, “We thought we had it all before, but it seems what we had before isn’t much of anything to now.” The other two girls nodded in agreement.

Aria then blushed a little as she said, “Well I was thinking we could have a ‘sleepover’ again tonight, the three of us.” The other two girls looked to her with questioning eyes as she gave a cough and tried to hide her blush as she added, “You know… since I lost to Sunset and all…”

Adagio and Sonata looked to each other and it was Sonata who answered and said teasingly, “Ohhh poor, Aria… She lost in that incredibly intense and impromptu match tonight. I suppose it only makes sense she needs to be cheered up.” Sonata gave a giggle at Aria’s attempt to seem aloof.

Adagio then gave a smile and said, “Well we can’t have one of our best friends be sad now can we?” Sonata shook her head ‘no’.

“It isn’t like tha--” Aria’s retort was cut off as Sonata dragged her and Adagio off to her bedroom.

“I think it should be my bed tonight. It might start to feel lonely if we keep using Adagio’s bed,” Sonata said as if it was common sense beds had feelings too.

Aria might have tried to say something, but Adagio didn’t let her, “Too true. We wouldn’t want that.” The two girls giggled as they all three called it a night.

Aria was very grateful, even if she felt like she shouldn’t have given in so easily to her friends. She really wasn’t sure why it was she liked snuggling up to the others so much, but she really did like it. Maybe she would bother to think more on it some other time, or maybe she wouldn’t. Right now she was just tired and happy to share a bed with her friends once more.

Author's Notes:

Well hopefully it wasn't too much of disaster grammar wise. I only read over it twice.

In case anyone has read my small post Friendship Games story, they might recognize some of the things Sunset mentions about how she feels regarding her human friends. I really saw Sunset as having those issues from the beginning and I did allude to them if not outright write them in earlier chapters in this story. However, I did choose to ignore the whole Anon-a-miss thing from the comics for this story. I really hated that part of the Equestria Girls Holiday Special comic. I kind of vented about it in the other story, here I just ignore it.

Also I have had a “vegetarian” pizza before from Papa Murphy's at a party with some friends. Surprisingly, we all actually found it extremely good and it was the first pizza to be finished. I still love pizzas with meat, but don’t completely count out a veggie pizza too quickly.

P.S.: “Unleash the Magic” is now one of my favorite songs of all time thanks to Friendship Games.

Dazzling Thoughts and Discussions

Adagio and the others were once again working at Johnston’s. All three of them felt rather light hearted after that night and were actually looking forward to more nights like that. Each of them had enjoyed the night for at least one reason.

Sonata loved it because she was with her friends and it was fun to see Aria and Sunset go at it with their little competition between each other. She was a little scared it might turn in to something bad, but in the end both girls loved it and declared it a “Tie” and they would pick up again next time they were all out together.

Aria loved the outing because she got to be the ‘tough’ girl again by getting into a competition with Sunset. The two of them went at it without holding back. She thought her old competitive nature might rear it’s ugly sea faring head, but surprisingly it didn’t. Aria instead found herself having lots of fun with Sunset and she even got a few silent laughs at Sonata’s cheering. Also it was kind of fun having Adagio riding on the back of the fake motor bike during that race.

Adagio had enjoyed the trip to Pizza Palace because she felt happy again. She further felt like she had made the right call for her friends by deciding to give Twilight and Sunset a chance when they came calling at Johnston's. Plus it was nice to be out with others along with Sonata and Aria. She cared deeply for the other two and really enjoyed being around them, but changing it up a little bit also seemed nice.

That was over a free weekend. Now, the trio were back at work once again. This time Aria was on kitchen duty and Adagio was working the bar while Sonata waited tables. It was a rather decently paced night and so Adagio had some time to think on different things while at the bar.

One thing she noticed was that it was a lot more bearable, if not enjoyable, at work when you had friends you enjoyed your time off with after hours. She guessed this was how humans had put up with such routines for so many years throughout the species life time roaming this planet. As a former immortal that always got what she wanted with the sound of note, it was previously a concept she could never understand. It also didn’t help that she really couldn’t have cared less to understand. Humans were merely puppets to her in the past.

Now that she was human herself, she realized how it was to be one to an extent. She had realized she found herself enjoying that free time now that it was more of a precious commodity. As she had many times before, Adagio reflected on how much it was the three of them seemed to have gained at the price of their immortality and powers. She, like the others, found the exchange more than fair enough.

This thought was a still a surprise to her. The curly haired girl had figured she would miss immortality the most of the three of them. “Maybe that is actually the case compared to Aria and Sonata,” she thought to herself. She then gave a smile and a silent chuckle to herself. “It just shows how weak immortality is compared to friendship if even I have so easily tossed aside that notion after such a small period of time.

Adagio looked up and smiled a little brighter as a customer approached, “Welcome to Johnston’s. What can I get you to drink?”

“Ummm… a Rum Punch please?” The customer asked nervously.

Adagio wanted to roll her eyes, but didn’t. She had a hunch about this customer. She might be wrong, but she doubted it. “I need to see your ID first. We have to card everyone.”

The guy shakily handed over his ID for her inspection. She looked it over and was a bit surprised it was a real ID. However, there was one problem. “You still have to wait two days…”

He gave a sigh and looked over to the table where two guys were sitting and definitely not looking over at them to see what happened. “I told them it wouldn’t work. They kept egging me on though saying they'll just look at the month and year since its the end of the month. They don't actually look at it in detail." He gave a sigh and asked, "I won’t get in trouble will I?”

Adagio thought for a moment and gave a sigh. “Usually you would, but since you are only two days away and this isn’t a 21 and up only place. I’ll go easy on you. You should pick better friends though. I’m not an expert, but if this is something they commonly do then maybe you should stop being their friend.”

The guy gave a relieved sigh and said, “Fortunately its not. I mean we do play jokes on each other and such, but not usually like this. Do you think you could do me a favor?”

Adagio gave him a look and the guy leaned in and added quietly, “I want a Mango Mule.” He then gave her a smile that she soon matched with a laugh.

“You’re in luck I know how to make that. Usually in places like this, bartenders only know more common drinks and the ones on the menu, but here a few of our bartenders know a lot more drinks,” She gave him a smile at his idea and felt a little pride that she could make the drink he asked from her.

It was actually a great idea on his part. The Mango Mule was a rather fancy mocktail using different ingredients some of which were common in different cocktails. Also it used Ginger Beer which came in alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties. Johnston’s had both. The receipt stated which was used.

“Are you sure this will work? It isn’t really a ‘man’s’ drink if you get my drift,” Adagio added with a grin.

“Don’t worry about it,” the guy added in reply. He'd drink whatever drink he wanted.

“You should probably pay for the drink now then. The receipt will say it’s non-alcoholic. Don’t go and try to buy anything else for the next two days at least. You’re really lucking out here,” Adagio finished in warning.

“Believe me I won’t,” the customer assured her as she finished up the drink and rung it up for him. With his drink in hand, the guy walked back over to his friends with a bit of extra strut in his step. He had to make it look like he just got away with something after all.

Adagio shook her head at the guy and looked over in the direction of Sonata as the ponytailed girl laughed and talked a little with the customers at the table she was serving. Adagio was happy to see her friend in a good mood even if that was more or less Sonata’s default. Despite Adagio's general feelings on the matter once again there was that little voice, it went on about how the other girl naturally fit in with pretty much anyone and what that might mean. The curly haired girl shook her head as she told herself, “Sonata wouldn’t leave us like that.

Maybe she will once the opportunity comes along…” a voice said in the back of her mind.

No, she wouldn’t,” Adagio thought as she tried to convince herself. At the same time there was a part of her that, while sad, would be happy if her friend did leave them for the right reasons. It didn’t really match up well against the part of Adagio that would be sad and would even beg Sonata not to leave.

Adagio broke from her musings and returned her full attention back to her work. She was still on the clock even if it wasn’t a fast paced day. She had one final thought as she started making another drink for a different customer. “Maybe I should ask Twilight and Sunset about this.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata went and placed another table’s orders and was taking a short break before starting her rounds again. She looked over to the bar where she saw Adagio smile and give a laugh to a guy as he leaned in and placed an order. Sonata felt happier seeing Adagio like that, but again those thoughts of being abandoned appeared in her mind. She shook her head to clear them after a few seconds. It was silly to have them. Her friends even assured her they wouldn’t do that when they had their heart to heart night.

"Maybe I should mention it to them again sometime anyways," she thought. Considering everything else that happened that night they might have sort of overlooked the matter. Sonata gave a sigh, “I’m being a selfish brat… I mean everything Adagio went through for us… She deserves happiness no matter where she finds it.” The light blue haired girl gave a stretch and a yawn as she shook off the sad feelings and smiled again. She needed to make another round to her tables now and there were some really fun customers today.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria didn’t have a problem with working in the kitchens and she even really liked it most days. Many people wouldn’t know it, but she actually loved cooking. She even cooked for her friends some nights. She would do it more often, but working a restaurant and cooking for customers all day could be exhausting at times.

There were actually two things that got to her sometimes when she was on kitchen duty though. The first one was that she had to cook things a certain way. Being in a restaurant you couldn’t really have too much of a difference taste wise in a dish. This meant they had to follow a certain method to cooking the food and make sure it was mostly consistent across the staff.

It has been said that the key to a successful restaurant was consistency in the food. When people choose your restaurant for whatever reason they expect it to be a certain way. If it was just 'okay' that could work, so long as that was always the case. Having the food suddenly get very good a couple of times before then going back to the norm or worse wasn’t a good thing. Fortunately, while Aria couldn’t experiment or try things differently, the food quality and cooking was on the better side at Johnston’s Bar and Grill. This meant she could be a little proud of the meal she cooked for a customer at least.

The second thing that sometimes bothered her, though she would never admit it just like she would never have a heart to heart with the others she started, was she felt a little left out for the day. It didn’t always bother her, but sometimes it did. Whoever was waitress or bartender were out there in the front and got to see pretty much everything. The cook kind of was busy in the back the whole day.

It probably didn’t help that Aria sometimes wondered just how she fit in with their group. She wasn’t really sure what role she should play. She was of course the tough one, but did Adagio and Sonata need a tough one in their life? Sonata was the fun and a little crazy at times friend. Adagio was the one that kept them grounded when needed and still in some ways kind of the leader.

Where do I really fit in with them?” she thought to herself as she had times in the past. She wasn’t really sure and that kind of frightened her. She felt like she needed them, but they didn’t ultimately need her in the end. They wanted her around, but what if that somehow changed? Would she have to keep constantly changing to make sure they didn’t get tired of the ‘tough girl’ or ‘the rebel’ as she kind of was when they were sirens.

It was annoying to be thinking about these kinds of things. She shouldn’t be thinking about them she was the tough girl. “A tough girl who cries and actually likes cute things,” a voice said in the back of her head. “A tough girl who loves playing with kids and worries when kids get hurt. What kind of a tough girl is that?” The voice finished.

Aria shook her head and concentrated more on her work. “I should ask Sunset about this,” she told herself. Sunset would probably know best about this. The fiery haired girl found a way to fit in with an already solid group of friends. Twilight would probably be helpful as well, but the princess wouldn’t fully understand what she, Aria ex-siren, was feeling on this. Sunset probably wouldn’t fully understand how big this deal was either, but at least Sunset would have a much better idea.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio gave a stretch as she took a quick break. She took this as an opportunity to go ahead and give Sunset and Twilight a call.

“Hello, Adagio” Sunset answered.

“Hey, Sunset,” the curly haired girl replied.

“So what’s up?” Sunset asked.

“I was actually wondering if I could talk to you two about something friendship related. It would be just me. Is that okay?” Adagio asked.

“Yes that’s fine. When do you want to meet?” Sunset asked as Twilight waited on her.

“Tomorrow early evening. We don’t have anything planned and it isn’t uncommon for us to do our own thing every so often. Will that work?” she asked.

It wasn’t long until she got a reply. “Yeah that will work just fine. I know a place that isn’t too far from where you work. It should be close enough since you told us you all walk to work a lot of the time. It’s a little bit of a walk for us, but that isn’t a problem.”

“Thanks. Sounds good to me,” Adagio said not hiding her relief that they had a plan.

“Anything else?” Sunset asked.

“Nope. Not this time. I have to get back to work soon anyways. See you tomorrow,” she replied as she got ready to head back.

“See you tomorrow, Adagio,” Sunset replied as they both hung up.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria took a few steeling breaths as she took a break in the "cook’s lounge" as they called it. It was just a small sitting area really, but the other “lounge” wasn’t much different. That one was shared by the Hostesses, wait staff and bartenders.

She stretched and then pulled out her phone and called up Sunset. She might as well get the meeting thing planned. “Hey, Sunset.” She replied when the phone was answered.

“Hey, Aria.” Sunset replied a little surprised. She had just finished talking to Adagio.

“So I was wondering if you know. I could meet with you alone to talk about something,” she said.

“Okay. When do you want to meet with us?” Sunset asked curiously.

Aria frowned a little to herself. “Ummm… No offense to Twilight. And I don’t mean anything by it, but I was kind of hoping to talk to just you… If that was okay...”

After a couple of seconds of silence, Sunset replied. “That can work. What time and did you have a place in mind?”

Aria gave a sigh in relief. “Tomorrow evening at Faller’s. Do you know where that is?” Aria asked.

“Yes, I actually do. I can do that,” Sunset replied a little surprised.

“Good then. Sooo See you then…” Aria finished a little awkwardly.

“Yep see you then,” Sunset finished with a friendly tone.

Aria felt a little more relieved. If Sunset knew of the place that kind of told her it was the best choice to talk to Sunset alone. Faller’s was a bar that allowed older teens inside. You couldn’t get alcohol there unless you had the best fake ID ever (even then it still might not work), or were actually old enough to drink, or if you had mind controlling powers.

{-} {-} {-}

“So, I guess I’ll meet with Adagio. Aria did ask specifically for you alone.” Twilight said after Sunset hung up and put her phone away.

“Yeah seems like it. I’ll tell you how to get to that café. It’s a bit of a walk, but it’s pretty easy to remember. I wonder what they're going to talk about,” Sunset asked as she sat back down across from Twilight.

“Guess we’ll just have to find out tomorrow. Also it’s your turn.” Twilight said with a big smile. They were playing a board game and Sunset was actually surprised how good Twilight was at it. The pony princess was winning the game. It probably didn’t help Sunset’s case that she found Twilight’s thinking face so cute as the princess figured out her next moves. It was distracting. It was still ultimately fun, so she didn't mind.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio walked into the café Sunset texted her about and quickly found a waving Twilight sitting in a booth alone. Adagio walked over and asked, “Where's Sunset?”

“Something came up for her and she had to take care of it. That won’t be a problem will it? If it is then we can reschedule and just hang out for bit instead,” Twilight answered as the curly haired girl sat down across from her and looked at the menu.

“No, this can work. I actually kind of wanted to talk to you about this more than her. I hope you understand there will be certain things I would rather talk to her about instead of you and vice versa.” She pointed to the drink she wanted as the waitress came over to their table.

Twilight smiled as she said, “Naturally I expected that. It’s actually common among friends to an extent. After all I wouldn’t talk to Rarity, who loves fashion and can be obsessed with staying clean, about hiking and camping in the woods. Nor would I have the same kind of heart to heart talk with Sunset I would with someone else. That’s part of the reason I wanted Sunset to approach you three with me. I’ll admit there are things she would be better suited for talking about than me.”

“I thought you did that because you will have to return to Equestria sometime,” Adagio said.

“True, partly, but Sunset might do the same eventually as well. It's her choice and something she has thought about. I’m not sure what will happen if you three tried to return though. You might return as ponies or you might stay as humans. Or you three might not be able to go back through period. Sorry if that was something you three really wanted,” Twilight said with a frown.

Adagio thanked the waitress for her drink and took a refreshing sip before speaking again. “We’re still trying to figure out what we want to do in the future. Returning to Equestira is the last thing we want to do. Earth feels more like our home than Equestria at this point. At the moment, figuring out our relationship with each other is more important. That’s part of the reason I wanted to talk to you today.”

“What is it you wanted to talk about?” Twilight asked as she observed Adagio. Body language was important when talking to someone. She had picked up on a few things humans did that ponies didn’t and what it meant during her visits.

“Well…” Adagio looked away as she spoke quietly. “It’s about Sonata. I’m not sure what to do about her now that we’re all human and the whole friendship thing.” She took a drink to think on how to ask what she wanted to without seeming too selfish.

“Is she having more of a problem adjusting than you and Aria? I haven’t really known her for long, but that didn’t seem to be the case when we all met last time,” Twilight pointed out.

“It’s the opposite more likely. She’s adjusted much better than we have. She isn’t worry free or anything like that. But well… I can’t think of how to say this without seeming selfish,” Adagio said as she looked down at the table.

“Just say it. We’re all selfish in some manner really. It’s part of who we are. Both ponies and humans,” Twilight said hoping to ease Adagio's mind.

Adagio took Twilight’s advice. “I fear she’ll leave us behind. She’s kind of said the opposite, but I fear that will change. She’s a natural social butterfly in this world. She may sometimes seem a little on the dumb side, but she’s much smarter than that. It just took me turning human to better understand that. She's very good at reading people’s emotions and knowing what to do. I was pretty horrible, as you know, and didn’t ever see that about her before we became humans. I really don’t want her to leave us, but I feel that maybe it would be best for her if she did. She could easily find true happiness in this world.”

Adagio gave a sigh and continued, “I actually wouldn’t be surprised if she quickly found true love, like the kind in all of those fairy tales and stories. I know this would be best for her, but I still don’t want her to leave me… I don’t want either of them to leave me. At the same time, part of me knows I should encourage Sonata to go out there and find that happiness. She deserves it more than either Aria or I do. Aria would even agree with me completely on this.”

She gave a groan/whine as she took another sip of her drink. “I’m being a terrible friend aren’t I? I’m being too selfish and greedy. I’m bad at this friendship thing.”

She might have continued, but she felt Twilight place a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see the Princess of Friendship giving her an understanding look. This kind of surprised Adagio. She figured the Princess of Friendship would be appalled at her for being such a bad friend.

“Friendship isn’t always easy. It can at times be very difficult. You are being selfish and a little greedy, but everyone is to an extent. Letting it control you and getting carried away with it, is when it ends up being wrong,” Twilight said.

“That barely helps at all…” Adagio grumbled.

Twilight gave a small laugh as she said, “I wasn’t finished yet, Adagio.” The curly haired girl looked a little sheepish and sat up to listen further. “You aren’t being a bad friend here, Adagio. You’re struggling with what you want and what you think would be best for Sonata. A bad friend wouldn’t care about such things.”’

Twilight sat down and took a long sip of her drink before looking Adagio straight in the eyes with a serious expression. “But in the end. It isn’t for you to decide what is best for Sonata or Aria. It’s their own choice. As their friend, you should try to support them with what they decide. Something I’m sure deep down you already know.”

Adagio looked crestfallen at Twilight’s words. It was true. She hated how she couldn’t decide for them. She wanted them both to keep following her like they had been.

We’re equals now.

Adagio remembered Aria’s words from when they were looking at apartments. She was happy at the time, but hadn’t really thought of the full extent of those words' meaning until later. It still didn’t make things any easier on her.

Adagio was about to let out another sigh and concentrate on her drink, but Twilight wasn’t finished it seemed. “However, this is something you should talk to Sonata and Aria about. You shouldn’t keep it to yourself. You don’t fully know what either of them considers happiness. Who’s to say they don’t want you there with them for the rest of their lives or something like that.”

Twilight gave a smile as she said, “Communication is very important in friendship and most relationships period. It wasn’t the same, but I had two friends who got caught up in doing things and going places neither of them wanted to go. They were too concerned about the other the whole time and what ifs. They didn’t want to talk about it either. Finally, they did talk and found each other wanted something different from what their friend thought they wanted. After that, things quickly got better for both of them.”

Adagio felt a little relieved as she listened to Twilight. “Talk to Sonata about this. Tell her everything. Tell her what you fear will happen and how you feel it is also the best for her if it does happen.”

Adagio gave a sigh. “While I’m a little relieved to hear what you said. I don’t fully like the idea… Last time we talked heart to heart there were all of these emotions and I wasn’t sure how to deal with them.”

Twilight gave a sigh as she said, “I don’t know how sirens are, but both ponies and humans are emotional creatures in many ways. For better or worse.”

The ex-siren had a feeling that whatever the outcome of this talk with Sonata and Aria was it would involve tears, hugs and possibly all three of them having another ‘sleepover’. Being human and this friendship thing was exhausting. “But even you know it will be worth it and in some bizarre way you are kind of enjoying all of this,” the voice in her head told her.

The voice was right. She was ultimately enjoying it all in some way. It was probably just a strange actually feeling truly alive kind of thing. A lot of things were overwhelming, but it had been mostly positive things even with all of the bad they had been through at first.

Adagio gave a determined sigh as she took another sip of her drink. “Thanks for the help, Twilight. So what have you and Sunset been up to since we last met each other?” The curly haired girl didn’t want their meeting to be just a bunch of heavy talk now that she was here.

“We’ve been relaxing a little for the most part. We spent a good bit of time looking for you three up to now. I also wanted to spend more time getting to know Sunset better on this visit if possible. How’s it been at the restaurant?”

Adagio gave a giggle. “Actually I kind of helped one customer pull a bit of joke on his friends…” She then told Twilight the story and the Pony Princess laughed when it was over. The two then each ordered a second drink and talked a little longer before paying and leaving.

Before they parted Twilight asked, “Do you mind if I tell Sunset about our talk? She’ll probably ask when she gets back.”

“I don’t mind. Until whatever it was that came up for her, she would have been here for it anyways. I just thought this was more up your alley than Sunset’s. I think I was right,” Adagio said.

“Maybe… Maybe not… She’s really been a fast learner on friendship, but I appreciate you think that of me,” Twilight said with a smile. The two then said goodbye one last time and went their separate ways.

As Twilight walked back to Sunset’s apartment, she wondered how Sunset’s meeting with Aria went. The princess also wondered if it was a similar issue they were talking about or not. She would ask Sunset about it and hope her friend didn’t mind telling her.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset waited at a table in Faller’s where she was going to meet Aria to have a talk. It was a place that didn’t have a problem with letting in older teens so long as they got their under age stamp and didn’t try to buy alcohol. It wasn’t technically allowed in the area, but the owner was very well connected. He was also very strict on the no alcohol or cigarettes unless you could have them legally, so he managed to get an exception made in the laws for his business. Plus, it didn’t hurt that he was very well known and liked in the community as a whole.

The place seemed like the kind of place Aria would like, but it also seemed like Aria was trying too hard to be cool or something when she said they should meet here to talk. It was the kind of place Sunset would have wanted to ‘meet up’ at when she was trying to be the popular girl at CHS. Sunset had no idea how close she was to the truth thinking this as she waited and sipped on her Ginger Ale.

Sunset didn’t have to wait too long for Aria. “Hey Sunset, glad you made it,” Aria said as she sat on the opposite side of the table.

“No problem. What was it you wanted to talk about with me alone?” Sunset asked.

“Getting right to it, huh?” Aria replied as she ordered a drink of her own.

“Well I didn’t think you would appreciate ‘conversation’ before discussing what it was you wanted to talk about,” Sunset replied easily.

“You're kind of right. I have a bit of a friendship question I was wondering about,” Aria said as she avoided eye contact and quickly took her drink from the waiter. “I thought it would be something you would be better suited to answer than Twilight. I know she is the Princess of Friendship and all, but well… you know…”

Sunset looked at the twin tailed girl with a questioning look as she asked, “I’m not exactly sure what you mean. I’ll help the best I can. Is it about adjusting to friendship after being evil and all powerful or something?”

Aria gave a sigh, “Kind of. I guess I have to actually ask.”

“This is true,” Sunset gave a small chuckle in reply.

“Okay so. I was kind of wondering how you managed to find your role with the other Rainbooms. I mean they were already pretty much a full and close group with each other from what we heard and saw. They had the brash sporty one,” Aria counted with a finger.

“Rainbow Dash,” Sunset said.

Aria nodded and continued. “There was the fun and kind of crazy but in a usually good way one.”

“Pinkie Pie,” Sunset replied.

“Then there was the hard working tell you how it is girl with the hat,” Aria continued to count off on her fingers.

“That would be Applejack,” Sunset replied. Some might think she would get upset that Aria didn’t already know their names, but really it made sense she didn’t. Heck the only reason Sunset knew the Dazzlings’ names were because Twilight picked them up some how.

“Then you have the fashionable and beautiful one that makes dresses, and who acts all sophisticated.”

Sunset gave a chuckle, “That would be Rarity. There is more to her than just that, but yeah that’s how most people know her.”

Aria gave a thoughtful look for a second and continued her list. “Then there was the animal lover and extra shy one. I think I remember her name was Fluttershy. I mean for crying out loud shy is in her name and that is part of her role and what not.”

“Well I’m surprised you remembered any of their names. But yeah that describes Fluttershy really well,” Sunset’s voice showed her surprise.

“Then there’s you and Twilight. She is the one that seemed to bring you all together and you can always ask for help when you really need it. You’re the reformed bad girl who is also really smart and helps keep the others grounded and balanced when needed. If all you've told us is true,” Aria finished.

Sunset had a thoughtful look as she said, “I guess that could be how to describe me. So what is your question, Aria?”

“Well, we kind of have roles as well... or at least the others do. Sonata is the fun and zany, but not always bright one. She is also very much the heart I guess you could say. She brightens our world just being herself. She also seems to know when either of us needs to be cheered up and always knows how to do so,” Aria said as she took a sip of her drink.

Sunset waited for Aria to continue. “Adagio is the brain pretty much and even now kind of seen as the leader to a degree. She’s also very good at figuring out something is wrong and fixing it in some way. She’s far from perfect, but she’s smart. Adagio is also the one that keeps Sonata down to Earth when needed and comes up with plans even if they are just for going to the waterpark. She makes sure they work out the best she can. Then I’m the tough one.”

“What does this have to do with your wanting to meet up exactly?” Sunset asked. She was getting a feeling she would kind of have to push Aria a little to get to the problem.

Aria looked down to the table with a bit of sadness. “I don’t think they really need a tough girl in their friendship group. Adagio and Sonata are both very strong and tough in their own ways. They don’t have a problem with me, but what if they decide they don’t really want a tough friend? What role will I play? I could try to change it to something else, but what if they get tired of that as well? How do I find out what role I’m supposed to play? I feel like they don’t really need me in their group. They would both end up doing fine in the end. Sometimes I feel a bit left out because of this.”

Sunset gave a frown in sympathy for Aria. She thought over how to answer these questions. She took a sip of her drink and took in a breath. “Friendship isn’t about finding roles to play in your group of friends, Aria. Some 'roles' may end up happening, but that isn’t required for friendship. You just have to be yourself. True friends won’t require you to be a certain way to still be their friend. They may try to help you change if you need help with something, but you shouldn’t have to completely change who you are just for your friends.”

Aria was listening intently, but had a bit of a questioning look. “None of my friends are filling a particular role. They aren’t trying to fulfill a certain type of persona for our group. They're who they are. I may be the ‘smart one who keeps them balanced and grounded’, but I don’t do so to fill a particular role. I do so because I care about them.”

“Hmmm…” Aria hummed in thought.

“Tell me, Aria. Do you ever do anything that would go against the ‘tough girl’ attitude?” Sunset asked.

“Sometimes… But not often. Why?” Aria asked with caution.

“Do Adagio or Sonata get upset about this or do they accept it and maybe even like it?” Sunset asked as she looked Aria right in the eyes.

“They don’t really complain and well sometimes they have encouraged me to do so if I really want to that is,” Aria said starting to see where this was going.

“Then I don’t think you have to worry about fulfilling a role in your group. It seems to me they care for you as Aria. Not as Aria, the tough girl,” Sunset said.

“But what if they get tired of just Aria? I mean just me doesn't fill in a role. Like I said they could do just fine without me,” Aria asked as she returned Sunset’s look. “When we were sirens I was the cool rebellious one. What am I supposed to be now? I don’t really want to be like that again. How do I keep them as friends and make sure they aren’t going to eventually get tired of me?”

“It isn’t easy trying to find a way to ‘fit in’, but one thing that will help is if you speak up about this, since it's something you’re worried about. Tell me have they also changed as well?” Sunset asked.

“Well yes they have. We all have to some degree,” Aria answered wanting to hear what Sunset said next.

“Do you still really care for them and consider them friends?” Sunset asked.

“Yes. Of course I do. I wouldn’t be concerned otherwise,” Aria answered.

“We all change as time goes by, Aria. Sometimes these changes can cause problems with others we considered friends, but that is just how it is.” Aria looked a little downcast. This wasn’t what she wanted to hear.

“However…” the twin tailed girl perked up a little. “The fact you three have all changed to some degree and still you’re concerned about the others and see each other as friends. Means you three don’t have to fulfill 'roles' to be friends. We haven’t known each other for long, but it was super obvious to both Twilight and me that you three really care for each other. Remember how Adagio got that night not too long ago when we came to the restaurant where you all work?” Sunset asked.

Aria nodded. “That is not the behavior of someone who will get rid of the ones they care about just because they change some. You three had a moment after that. A moment you wouldn’t have had if your friendship was so tenuous you had to act a certain way for it to exist.”

Sunset paused as Aria absorbed her words before continuing again. “One thing important about friendship is communication. You need to talk to each other if you’re really concerned about something. It won’t be easy, but it’s necessary. So find a time to talk to the others about this, and make sure you don’t put it off for too long either.” Aria looked to Sunset questioningly.

“If you do, then you might never talk about it. It might be something that eventually gets healed after a really long time, or it might never get fully healed. It might get worse and could then actually cause a more serious problem. I had to have a lot of talks and heart to hearts with the others after we first became friends. It was difficult at times, but it was worth it in the end.” Sunset gave a sigh at the memories.

“It probably helped me a lot having Twilight to ask questions about and talk to on these things. That’s part of the reason why we want to help you three when you want us to. We also want to become good friends as well. I hope that was helpful,” Sunset finished with an uneasy smile. She really wanted to show that she had learned a lot since her reformation.

Aria was in thought for a few seconds. “It really does. It won’t be easy, but I’ll do it. Just got to figure out when to talk about it with Adagio and Sonata. Maybe tonight. I’m not sure.”

“That could work. You’ll have to figure it out though. I hope you’ll give me a call once you’ve had the talk if you feel like you need to talk some more,” Sunset said as she took a sip of her Ginger Ale.

“Yea. I’ll do that," Aria said as she took a sip of her drink.

"So… how are you doing?” Aria clumsily segued the conversation after some silence.

“Things are going alright. Twilight beat me at a board game last night, which I thought she wouldn’t understand. She can be surprising like that with things. There’s still some things she isn’t very capable of understanding easily, but not everything,” Sunset started. She knew Aria was trying to keep things from staying awkwardly silent after their talk. The two then talked for a little while longer before they left Faller’s.

While on her way back home, Sunset thought about how much to share with Twilight. She didn’t think to ask Aria what she could talk about or not. Sunset decided this meant she had to be careful. She couldn’t think of much not to discuss with Twilight though. In the end, she decided to just not go too much into detail and at the least give Twilight a good idea about their conversation.

{-} {-} {-}

On the drive back to her home, Aria decided to just get the discussion over and done with. She wasn’t going to wait any longer. They weren’t going in until late tomorrow anyways, so if the talk ended up going well into the night they could just sleep in tomorrow.

This isn’t going to be easy…” Aria thought to herself as she opened the door.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata was bored right now to be honest. Both Aria and Adagio had things they went to take care of on their own. She wished at least one of them would have let her tag along. “Maybe I do need to learn more patience like they sometimes tell me,” she thought to herself.

The light blue haired girl then decided she would try that meditation stuff humans sometimes did. She wondered if it would work now that she was human as well. “Ooooo maybe I’ll reach some kind of taco nirvana! That would be awesome!” she thought as she assumed the position she had seen meditators use many times, especially on tv and in movies.

“Haaummmmm,” Sonata hummed. That had to be part of the deal to meditate, she often heard chant humming was involved.

“Haaummmmm,” She soon repeated a little more anxiously. This wasn’t going as easily as she thought it would.

It had been an hour or maybe longer. Sonata still wasn’t getting this meditation thing. “This position is so not comfortable at all!” She groaned to the empty apartment. Maybe she was doing it wrong. Sonata tried clearing her mind again.

More time passed, but now Sonata could have sworn she saw some kind of taco shaped light in her mind. The light was growing and becoming clearer. Then she heard the door open and close as Adagio gave a sigh and entered the room.

The light vanished and Sonata opened her eyes and smiled at Adagio. “Hey Adagio! Welcome back! Did you do what you had to do?” She asked cheerfully. Taco nirvana could wait, even if it would have been glorious.

“Yeah. I did. Is Aria back?” Adagio asked as she placed her hand bag on the counter.

“Nope!” Sonata answered cheerfully. She then asked questioningly, “Why?”

“I was just wondering because…” Adagio started as the door opened and closed again. Then both Aria and Adagio said, “We all need to talk.”

The two recent arriving girls blinked and looked to each other and asked, “You need to talk about something as well?” They each just nodded and kept staring as thoughts ran through their heads wondering what the other would need to talk about.

Sonata rolled her eyes as she asked, “So are we going to talk, or are you two going to just keep staring at each other?”

The other two broke their stare as Adagio said, “Let’s get ready first then we can talk.”

“Yeah sounds good,” Aria agreed.

“Okay! I needed to use the bathroom anyways. This meditation stuff isn’t what it’s cracked up to be,” She said getting up from the floor. “Maybe I needed to add background music or have tea.”

As Sonata trotted off, both Adagio and Aria were wondering “Meditation?” while they went to get ready. Since apparently they both needed to talk about something it was probably going to be a long night.

Author's Notes:

I thought there was enough discussion stuff this chapter, so the Dazzlings' talk will be next chapter. Also not sure about the bar tender thing Adagio did there. I don't know if it was legal or not, but we'll just not worry about that too much. This is just a fictional story.

Adagio’s Plan

Author's Notes:

This is a warning for Kasugami… and anyone else that might be concerned. There are some epic descriptions of food in this chapter. I’m talking nice and fairly fancy stuff, especially the latter half of the chapter. So if you are affected by reading about food and get hungry or something then be prepared. :moustache: If it isn’t something that gets to you then don’t worry about it.

Adagio and Aria looked to each other as they sat and waited for Sonata to join them. They weren’t going to broach the subject without Sonata, but that didn’t stop them from thinking things up about each other. It also didn’t stop them from feeling a little nervous. They didn’t know what the other would want to talk about and that made them wonder if they had really missed something important.

Why would Aria need to talk about something badly? She hasn’t really had too much trouble as a human.” Adagio thought as she looked over her twin tailed friend. She may not be certain what was going on, but she was determined to do what she could to help and support her friends after talking to Twilight.

Adagio, needing to talk? What does she want to talk about? We aren’t in trouble financially are we? No, that can’t be it. It has to be something else,” Aria thought as she made ‘casual’ glances in the curly haired girl’s direction. She didn’t know what the issue was, but she was going to help if she could.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata gave a hum without noticing as she finished up in her bathroom. She decided to brush her teeth along with other things. At the same time, she was wondering what it was her friends wanted to talk about. “I really hope it isn’t anything bad…” she said with a frown as her humming stopped.

If it was something bad, would they be so eager to talk about it?” a voice in Sonata’s head asked. She went back into the room and they started their talk.

{-} {-} {-}

After a little time passed, Aria and Sonata looked at Adagio with a little shock. Aria spoke first, “So you feared we would leave you? Alone?”

Adagio gave a slight nod.

“We never would, Dagio!” Sonata said her lower lip trembling a little. She felt like she had to be the strong one here, even if she had her own concerns and worries running around in her head.

“It’s not just that…” Adagio started as she hugged her knees. “Part of me feels like maybe you two would be better off without me being around so much.”

Adagio turned to Sonata. “Especially you, Sonata,” she said. She took in a claming breath before continuing, “You’re actually very amazing. You seem to be very good at reading other’s emotions. You make friends everywhere easily. I feel like… I feel like I’m holding you back.”

Adagio looked down to the ground. “I feel like if you left us you would easily get an actual fairy tale ending and be happily married with a family and everything. I’ve actually been a little jealous of you at times, Sonata. You’re such a natural social butterfly. You’re easily the most popular at work between us three with customers and co-workers.”

Adagio sunk her head in her legs. “I’m being selfish. I know you could do better without me around, but I also don’t want you leaving me. At the same time, I don’t want to hold you back. I want you to succeed and achieve whatever happiness you want out there…”

Sonata couldn’t hold back anymore and she quickly grabbed Adagio in a tight Sonata hug. “But that happiness I want more than anything includes both you and Aria no matter what!”

Adagio held the blue haired girl tightly and rubbed her back feeling warm inside from the hug. She then looked to Aria and said, “I feel the same way about you, Aria. If you wanted to leave you could and I have no doubt you would find your own happiness as well.”

Aria gave up on trying to act tough or cool and sniffed a little as she hugged both Adagio and Sonata. While she hugged them she said, “It’s funny really… I was fearing much the same this whole time.”

The others slowly broke off their hug and looked at Aria to continue. “I’ve been struggling trying to figure out how I even fit in. I felt like you two were pretty much a complete set if that makes sense. I felt like I wasn’t needed. I was supposed to be the tough one. Before losing our powers I was the cool rebellious one... I want to just be Aria, but I’m scared what that will mean and if maybe you two will get bored of having me around.”

Aria blushed as she looked away a little and said, “I’m not really the cool tough one… I sometimes like cute and girly things.” She gave a smile as she affectionately touched her pink heart pendant around her neck. “When I go to the park to jog and run. I don’t do it just to exercise… I do it to play with the younger kids we see there a lot.”

Her face turned a brighter red as she said, “I like it when they call me Cool sis Aria. I get a little scared and worried if they get hurt. I feel relieved when they turn out to be alright and laugh it off. Am I even allowed to be like this?” she asked more to herself than the others.

Aria was caught off guard when Sonata gave her a surprise hug and said, “I always liked watching you play with the kids in the park. It’s nice seeing you that happy.”

“I like it too,” Adagio added with a smile. Her smile widened when she added, “I like it when you get all ‘girly’ over something ‘cute’. It’s much nicer than when you were always sour about everything.”

Aria gave a sniff and a smile, “So you two already knew.” She then gave a relieved chuckle as she added, “Sunset was right that I didn’t have anything to worry about and it would be good to talk about it.”

“So that's why Sunset wasn’t there with Twilight tonight…” Adagio said causally.

“You two went and spoke with Sunset and Twilight?” Sonata asked looking between the two. Both girls nodded.

“I wasn’t sure what to do. I wanted to ask someone that could help me understand, so I didn’t screw things up with you both,” Adagio said first.

“Same here. I figured Sunset could help me figure things out so I wouldn’t lose you two. I figured she went through something similar with her friends at CHS,” Aria said.

Sonata gave them a little pout as she ended the hug and sat back. “I was so very bored you know. I hate being alone when you both have something else going on. Especially when I don’t know what it is.”

Aria and Adagio looked to each other with small frowns before nodding and simultaneously hug tackling Sonata. The two then said at the same time, “We’re sorry, Sonata.”

After they held their hug for a few minutes Adagio said, “Tell us what’s been bothering you, Sonata. We’ll listen completely this time. It won’t be like last time. There isn’t anything else that might unintentionally overshadow what you say.”

Sonata gave a sigh, “Right now there isn’t anything. Though sometimes I do feel like you two are leaving me out. And I mean you both. I’ve thought you two would be better off without me around as well. I sometimes feel like I’m the baby you two take care of, or that you only stay with me out of obligation or something like that. I also feel a little useless compared to you both.”

Adagio and Aria continued to hold her in a hug. Aria spoke first. “You aren’t useless. You’re the reason we have our jobs. If it wasn’t for you, who knows where we would be.”

Adagio then spoke. “You’ve also helped me a lot in general, especially earlier on. It’s a little hard to explain. Like I said earlier, you seem to know when something is bothering us. After that, you always seem to find a way to help cheer us up or at the least help us get over whatever was bothering us.”

Aria gave a frown as she said, “If you ever feel like that again, you can talk to us about it. You’re very important to both us. Friends help each other when they can.”

Sonata gave a sniff as she smiled with tears in her eyes. “Thanks! It really means a lot hearing you say that.” She loved Aria and Adagio. They were both so wonderful. She would have to better herself to feel worthy of friends such as these two.

At the moment, Sonata was glad they went through all they had gone through. Sure it was hard at times, but she felt the three of them came out better in the end after having lost all of that power. They were closer in a way they never could have been in the past. It made her heart feel lighter and warmer than it rightfully should have she was sure.

“You know what all of this means right?” Adagio asked with a smile.

“We totally have to have another sleepover?!” Sonata asked grinning.

Aria gave a smile as she added, “I think that sounds fair to me.”

Adagio gave a giggle as she said, “Of course! It only makes sense.” The three friends then laughed together for a couple of minutes before calling it a night together in Adagio’s bed.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio gave a content sigh as she woke up after their impromptu sleepover from last night. She took in a deep breath with her nose and gave a pleasant smile. She had to admit there was something about the air of her room when the others slept with her which she really enjoyed.

The curly haired girl gave a soft moan and stretched as she got out of her bed. She usually went straight for the restroom to get ready for the day, but this time there was something else she wanted to look up instead. Adagio turned to look at the sleeping forms of her two most important people before smiling brighter and walking into their living room to check something on their computer. As she made her way, she couldn’t help but give a small giggle and think to herself, “Those two really are very cute when their sleeping. Plus, it feels really nice to sleep with them.

Adagio shook her head. It wasn’t time to think about such things. The former leader had something she really wanted to do for both Aria and Sonata. She just needed to check a few things regarding finances.

The orange and yellow haired girl was nominated as the unofficial accountant for their group once they all had started earning more money and opening different accounts. Aria and Sonata both did the best they could to keep track of their own money, but they sometimes would ask her to double check things just to be sure. She was also in charge of their larger account as well. This was the one where the money for her Dodge Viper went.

All three of them put a percentage of their money in that account to be safe. They were using it to be an account for future large group expenses. This included trips and other things as well. However, that wasn’t the account Adagio wanted to look into at the moment. She logged on to their shared desktop computer and opened up her account to look at the total balance she had.

“That’s nice to see,” Adagio said to herself comfortingly. It seemed their rather frugal expense practices were paying off for her at least. “I can do what I wanted to do for them…” she thought to herself as she made her plans. She wanted to do something for the other two and show them how much they really meant to her. She knew that wasn’t something she needed to do but, “That’s what friends do right?” she thought quietly as she made calculations.

Once Adagio Dazzle had her plans figured out, she couldn’t help but smile and hum a beautiful tune as she got ready for the day. Sonata woke up to hear Adagio humming out loud. The light blue haired girl couldn’t help, but wear a warm smile as she heard her friend hum. She walked over to the door and knocked on it. “Can I help brush your hair again, Dagi?” she asked.

“I haven’t showered yet, so if you really want to you’ll have to wait a bit,” Adagio said through the door before resuming her humming without realizing it.

Sonata gave a smile and said, “I can do that. Let me know when you’re ready. Okay?”

Adagio couldn’t help but smile as she said, “Sounds good to me.” She wasn't really sure why she had come to like having someone else brush her hair, but she did.

{-} {-} {-}

As Adagio took her shower and continued to hum, Aria eventually woke up from her sleep. The first thing she saw was Sonata’s back. The first thing she heard was the sound of a beautiful hum coming from the restroom. She might have focused more on the hum and what it might mean if she wasn’t so groggy. Aria gave a stretch and a mighty yawn as she said, “Morning, Sonata.”

The other girl turned around with a big grin as she quickly lunged forward and gave Aria a great big and tight morning Sonata hug. Aria was surprised but didn’t complain and even returned it. “Morning, Aria!” Sonata cheerfully said. “I’m waiting for Dagi to finish her shower. Then I get to help brush her hair again.”

Aria actually felt a little jealous after hearing this oddly enough. She didn’t let it get to her though. She would just ask/demand Adagio let her brush her hair next time or something like that. She wasn’t really sure why that had suddenly become a goal, but now it was.

Soon after Aria came to this decision she heard a pretty sing-song voice say, “Sonataaa. I’m ready for you to come brush my hair.”

Sonata lit up as she replied, “Coming!” She gave Aria another quick hug and vanished into the restroom. Aria saw Adagio in there with nothing more than a towel loosely wrapped around her body holding a brush in her hand.

“Good morning, Aria!” Adagio called with a smile before Sonata entered and closed the door.

Aria was actually a little bewildered by this greeting. Adagio wasn’t unpleasant in the mornings, but she was very rarely, if ever, this happy in the mornings. Aria simply groaned and then plopped back down on the bed.

{-} {-} {-}

After the three of them finished their morning showers, they were all seated waiting for breakfast to be served. It wasn’t going to be much longer until it was ready. Adagio started fixing breakfast after both Sonata and Aria decided to take their own showers.

Adagio was still unknowingly humming as she fixed up two waffles, two eggs and two pieces of bacon for each of them. She made sure to make the eggs the way they liked them. This meant scrambled for her along with Aria and Sunny side up for Sonata. She also managed to find just the right percentage of juicy and crispy for their bacon slices. She finished off with glasses of the fancy juice they bought recently. “Who would have thought Orange Strawberry Banana juice would be so tasty,” she thought to herself as she poured their glasses.

When everything was served, Aria couldn’t help but whistle. “Wow Dagio… You really went all out this morning.”

“Yeah! Waffles!” Sonata proclaimed as she raised her fork in the air and smiled as she started to eat her breakfast.

“I felt we should have something good after last night is all,” Adagio said as she started her own breakfast.

As they ate, Adagio spoke up again. It was time to put her plan into action. “Do you two have something really nice to wear? If not, then we need to go shopping.”

Sonata looked up from her eggs and swallowed before asking, “What do you mean by nice?”

Adagio thought how to best put it for them to understand without saying too much. She kind of wanted her plan to be a surprise. “Something you would wear for a night out on town in a kind of fancy way?” She sort of said/asked.

“Like a dress of some kind? Like what we umm… wore that night?” Aria asked with her voice trailing off a little towards the end.

“A dress but not really like that kind of an outfit. Something nice but not as flashy. If that makes sense.” Adagio took a sip of her juice as her two friends thought over their wardrobe.

“I’m not sure…” Aria said with a half frown. She didn’t really do dresses often since she was the ‘cool tough’ one after all. She preferred her usual kind of attire, but she liked the idea of having a dress or two to wear every so often. She started thinking about the money in her own account and the cost that might have.

“I don’t have anything like that really. I mean we used to have clothes like that, but we rarely kept them because of the whole ‘you can’t wear the same dress twice’ thing.” Sonata said with a frown before then giving a grin and saying, “I’d like to have something like that though.”

Adagio shifted a little uncomfortably as she said, “I have some dresses myself, but nothing really modern. I kind of kept a few because I liked them.”

“I guess we’ll have to go shopping then if you really think we need to have something like that,” Aria said as she finished off her bacon.

“I’m always up for shopping,” Sonata said with a smile. She really liked going out with her friends and it was fun to see them try on different things too.

“Then I guess we have to decide if we consider this a ‘group’ purchase or if we use our separate accounts,” Adagio said.

“Are we still going to follow that whole don’t wear the same dress twice thingy?” Sonata asked with a frown. She then added, “I always kind of thought that was stupid really. I mean you shouldn’t wear the same dress like twice in a row because it would be dirty, but other than that I don’t really see the problem.”

“I don’t think we need to worry about that anymore, Sonata. I don’t know about you two, but I find myself thinking such rules are rather silly and not economical. I’m also less concerned about what people who really care about such 'rules' think,” Admitted Adagio. She really mostly only cared about her friends’ thoughts regarding such things, but that was it.

“I don’t care either. We wear the same thing multiple times when it comes to work anyways,” Aria said as she stretched.

“Then how about we make it a group purchase if we are going to wear them more than once. That way we can maybe get two or three each? You know to have a kind of rotation thing going,” Sonata said.

“Do you agree, Aria?” Adagio asked. If they ever did something as a group purchase, they had to all agree with it.

“Yep sounds good to me,” she replied.

“Then we can take care of the shopping trip tomorrow,” Adagio said as the other two nodded. Aria and Sonata wondered why Adagio brought this up, but they decided to just wait and see.

{-} {-} {-}

After another ‘sleepover’, this time in Aria’s bedroom, the three girls made their way to the mall where they bought their pendants. It was away from any possible encounters with CHS students and the place was actually very nice. The three felt at ease here and just enjoyed their trip together.

As they walked toward the store they wanted to buy their dresses from, Aria gently caressed the pendant around her neck. The three of them were wearing their much beloved pendants, since they knew they would wear them for any kind of outing fancy or otherwise. This meant it was important they wore said pendants while searching for dresses to make sure they matched together. Plus, the three friends really loved their new pendants.

They stopped at a soda fountain and cookie stand for a few minutes before continuing to the actual store. Sonata couldn’t help but smile one of her large Sonata smiles at the scene. She loved being here with her two most important people and wondered if things could have been like this sooner if they hadn’t possessed their old hunger.

As the trio made their way to the dress section of the store, Adagio couldn’t help but smile and feel very warm in her heart. Seeing Aria and Sonata so happy and at peace was probably one of the greatest gifts she felt she could ever receive at this moment. She would make sure the three of them were always together in their life somehow. She wondered if she could ever repay them for this feeling in her heart ever. “Does it matter? We can just keep doing wonderful and fun things with them for as long as possible to fulfil that feeling,” that voice inside told the curly haired girl.

Adagio also made a mental note to thank Twilight in some way for helping her with this matter. Sure a lot of it depended on the ex-siren, but that didn’t mean Princess Twilight’s counsel didn’t really help out. Adagio hoped her plans with her best friends would really please them. She kept quiet about them, but that was only because she wanted them to be a surprise for the others. She was really relieved her friends didn’t mind going along with her on this matter.

“Ooooo… this looks really cute! And so does this! And this!” Sonata said as she looked at a few different dresses. It seemed she was favoring the dark fuchsia ones more than the others. The light blue ponytailed girl took three dresses to the changing rooms cheerfully.

A few minutes later Sonata stepped out of the fitting room. She was wearing a dark fuchsia strapless dress which ended just above her knees. The girl smiled, a little nervously if Adagio wasn’t mistaken, and asked, “Sooooo… What do you guys think?”

Aria and Adagio looked to each other after they looked over the dress and smiled. “It looks perfect for you!” Adagio said smiling brightly.

“Yeah. I think so too. It looks great with your hair and the color of your pendant,” Aria added.

Sonata gave a relieved smile. She really liked the dress and it wasn’t too expensive. “Glad you two think it looks good.” She then disappeared only to shortly reappear in her normal attire again. She deposited the other two dresses on a counter so one of the sales associates would tend to it later.

Aria seemed to have decided she was next. She took a few different dresses into a changing room. All of them were black. The twin tailed girl came out three times wearing different dresses. She couldn’t figure out which one was the best and trusted her friends to help her out there.

In the end, Aria chose a black dress with two straps and it ended a few inches above her knees. It was also rather form fitting. The dress showed off her curves and fit body fairly well. At the same time, Aria looked as if she could spend hours in the dress and feel just fine and comfortable. If Adagio was still her old self, she might be jealous of how good Aria looked in the new dress. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case anymore.

It was now Adagio’s turn to look for a new dress. “I wonder why we took turns picking out dresses,” she thought to herself as she looked through the dresses. She found herself drawn to purple colored ones. She really liked that color and felt it went well with her skin and hair tones.

It surprisingly didn’t take long for Adagio to find a couple of dresses she really liked. As she went into the dressing room, she felt a little flutter in her chest. She really hoped Aria and Sonata liked the dress she picked out in the end.

The dress she decided on was a purple strapless which seemed to curve over her breasts a little. The skirt portion of the dress had multiple layers. One of layers was semi-transparent. It also had a silver colored fabric belt with intricate designs a couple of inches below her breasts.

Aria and Sonata both gave her looks before they smiled. “That’s beautiful, Dagi!” Sonata said.

Aria blushed a little as she said, “Yeah. It looks really good. I love how it brings out your… uhhh… natural colors.” Aria wanted to be more girly and truly believed what she said, but it wasn’t easy to change her speech patterns and mannerisms. She was too used to her 'cool and tough' girl thing.

{-} {-} {-}

It was evening and they were on their way to somewhere. “So where are we going?” Sonata asked from the backseat of Aria’s car as they made their way to the mysterious destination Adagio had in mind for that evening.

“You’ll see,” was the only answer Adagio gave as she drove. Aria was in the front passenger seat and she had to admit she felt a little nervous letting Adagio drive her car somewhere without telling them the destination. She held her pink heart pendant with two fingers as they drove.

“We’re almost there,” Adagio said as they turned another corner and she entered a parking garage. “We’ll have to walk a little way from here, but not too far.”

“We’re downtown?” Aria asked as Adagio parked.

“Yes we are,” Adagio answered.

Aria wondered what they were doing here. She knew there were a lot of bars here, but they were only physically 18 they couldn’t enter them legally and they weren’t going to do something that might kick them later like fake ids. They had gone to bars before when they were sirens, but that was when they had their magic and could sing their way out of any possible trouble. They couldn’t do that now and they really didn’t want to have to pay fines or anything like that.

“This is kind of exciting!” Sonata said as they walked out of the parking garage and followed Adagio. She was loving this. She liked the downtown area even if they couldn’t enjoy the place to its fullest.

Adagio was about to enter a restaurant when the others stopped and Aria gasped. Adagio looked to them with a nervous smile. “Dagio… This is… Fanciful Taste. What are we doing here?”

Sonata recovered first and smiled brightly as she answered, “Obviously we’re going to eat, silly.”

“But…” Aria started before she was cut off.

“I wanted to show you two how important you are to me. I already got us reservations and tonight dinner is on me. Don’t worry about cost or anything. Let’s just enjoy the night. I already planned it out in my budget so that isn’t a problem. Get whatever you like,” Adagio said with a blush as Sonata gave her a surprise Sonata hug.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Aria asked.

“I wanted it to be a surprise. That’s why I asked you two if you had dresses at breakfast a couple of days ago,” Adagio answered.

Aria might have asked more questions, but Sonata was ready to go and she grabbed them both by the hand and led them inside. Once inside, she let go of their hands and tried to calm herself down some. This was a place you had to have manners in after all.

Aria straightened up and recovered from her shock. It was too late to ask anything else and she had to admit she was kind of excited too. They had eaten in many fancy places in the past, but this was the first time they did as humans and more importantly as friends.

“I have a 7:30 reservation for three under the name Adagio,” the curly haired girl said to the host.

The man looked up the name and gave them a nod and a smile. “This way ladies,” He said with a bow and a motion with his hand for them to follow. “We chose a great spot for you three. It’s near the fountain in the back.”

They all three took in the sights of the place as they followed the host to their seats. The man was very polite and friendly to them. This was one of the things he liked about his job here. It was nice when people visited for their first time as they took the place in.

He finally stopped by a table towards the back. Along the wall was a small pool with a fountain that trickled and gurgled quietly. The host seated each girl in turn before giving them their menus. He even gave them a wine menu which they set aside immediately.

“Your waiter tonight will be Ramone. Will you be partaking in any wine tonight?” He asked. It was hard to guess how old they were from just looking at them alone. The restaurant decided when this was the case the employees would ask if they wanted wine. If the customers said yes, they would check their IDs.

“No we won’t,” Adagio answered politely. He then bowed and excused himself back to the front.

After he left, the girls looked around the place again. Sonata quickly pulled out her cell phone and used its camera to take some pictures of the place. Sure they had been to places like this or even fancier before, but this was still a fresh experience for her. “Smile!” she said as she quickly took a picture of Aria and Adagio who managed to smile just in time for the photo.

Aria looked over and pointed towards the bar. “Look at that! I bet it would be cool to work at a bar like that.”

The bar was large with fancy lights which covered the center part in a rectangle. There were easily six rows of these chandelier like lights. The counter was made of a frosted glass and it looked like there were lights inside the counter as well. Several people were talking to each other as the bar tenders poured their drinks. “I’m surprised they aren’t being showier in their pouring or something,” Aria said as the others looked at the bar.

“If we’re still in the area once we’re 21, I say we come here again. I bet this is the kind of place that uses sommeliers,” Sonata said. The other two were a little surprised she managed to say the word without any trouble. “What?” she asked innocently as they looked at her.

“Oh nothing… sorry…” Adagio answered in reply while looking away. As if on cue, a couple of waitresses walked out from part of the restaurant wearing a different outfit from the other wait staff. They were each carrying a wine bottle with care to separate tables.

Sonata might have given each of her friends incredulous looks in return, but it was at this time a young well-dressed gentleman approached their table. He gave them each a smile as he walked up to them and said, “I’m, Ramone. I shall be waiting on you beautiful ladies this evening.”

The girls looked him over as he handed out their menus. He was decently tall with tanned skin and his dark hair was slicked back stylishly. He held himself with a certain level of confidence and poise. He definitely looked the part of a waiter for such a refined restaurant.

“Would you like to hear or specials tonight?” he asked. The friends gave him nods. “Good,” he simply said before taking in a deep breath. “We have three specials tonight. The first one is our seafood special….” He then started to list and describe the specials.

“Those sound lovely, but I think we would still like to see the menu,” Adagio said with a smile once he finished listing them.

Ramone gave a nod and said, “But of course, Ma’am. What could I start you off with to drink?”

“I’d like a Lemongrass Jasmine Iced Tea,” said Sonata with a smile as she looked at the non-alcoholic section of the drink menu which was already on their table. Ramone gave a nod.

“I’d love to have a Rosemary Blueberry Smash,” Aria said with a curious look in her eyes. It looked good. She hoped it was just as good.

“I’ll take a Virgin Cucumber Mojito. I also think we’d each like water as well,” finished Adagio.

“I will get your drinks then,” Ramone said as he dismissed himself.

The three friends took a moment to look over the menu and nodded in thanks as a different young man came by and filled their glasses. Aria looked at the menu and the prices and gave a half frown as she looked up at Adagio. She then asked, “You’re sure about this, right? Adagio?”

Adagio looked to her friend and gave a smile as she said, “Yes. I’m sure, Aria. I already told you two I wanted to do something special for you both. You two both mean so much to me that I can’t really put it in words. Besides. Let’s have fun tonight. There isn’t anything wrong with going all out every so often together. Especially if I already planned for it. Don’t worry about it. Just try not to order that five course meal on the menu that costs about 100 dollars.”

“Awww….” Sonata started with an over exaggerated sigh and frown. “That’s what I was going to order….” Adagio blinked in shock at Sonata despite the tone. The light blue haired girl then gave a giggle as she said, “I’m joking. I swear I’m joking. You should have seen your look. That would be insane to get that much food. I wouldn’t even be able to eat it all. I don’t want a repeat of that taco night.” She finished her statement with a blush as her friends laughed at her joke.

“I think I’m going to get this seafood sampler plate. It looks super delicious and it has a bit of everything I want on it!” Sonata said as she grinned to her friends. It might even make for a good second meal.

“Oooo… That does look good…” Adagio said with a dreamy expression. She then gave a determined nod and said, “I think I’m going to get one of these steak dinners though instead. I haven’t had a good steak in a really long time,” the curly haired girl said and managed to not drool at the prospect of her dinner yet to come.

Aria felt more at ease hearing where her friends were thinking food wise and looked at her menu once again. Her mouth began to water as she looked at the Garlic and Herb Pork Roast. Then next to it she saw a lamb chop dinner. She almost gave a whine as she looked between the two on the menu. She was so lost in trying to figure out her meal that she didn’t notice their waiter return. She mentally cursed his timing even if it was more or less perfect as far as being a waiter was concerned.

“Your drinks my ladies,” Ramone said as he placed their drinks on the table for them. Sonata immediately took a sip of her drink and gave a sigh of contentment to its taste. Ramone managed to remain professional and kept from giving a good hearted chuckle at her reaction.

“Are you three ready to order?” He asked politely.

“You two go ahead and order first,” Aria said to her two friends as they looked at her for confirmation and she nodded.

“I’d love to have the seafood sampler plate,” Sonata started.

“Good choice. Do you want the soup, salad, or sautéed vegetables?” he asked.

Sonata gave a cute hum in thought before saying, “I’ll go with the salad this time with blue cheese dressing.”

“My favorite dressing. If I may say so myself,” Ramone said before turning to Adagio.

“I want the Steak and Scallop dinner with the Manhattan sauce,” she ordered giving a smile in anticipation of her meal.

“Excellent choice. How do you want your steak?” Ramone asked.

“Medium,” she answered easily. “I’ll take the salad with the house dressing,” she added answering his would be next question.

Ramone gave a smile as he said, “You really caught on quick.” He then turned to Aria.

Aria gave a frustrated sigh. “Which do you recommend? The Garlic and Herb Pork Roast or the Balsamic Brown Sugar Lamb chops?”

“Both are great choices. But our head chef tonight prides herself on her Pork Roast. It is her specialty,” He answered with confidence.

“I’ll take that then. I was kind of leaning towards it anyways. I think I’d like soup,” Aria said with a nod to herself.

“Might I recommend the butternut squash and apple soup then? It is a good match for the roast and something few people have experience before. Our chefs are all very good at making it,” Ramone said with a smile.

“That sounds perfect actually,” Aria said with her own smile. It had been awhile since she had a good butternut squash and apple soup.

Ramone marked it down on his notepad. “I’ll be back with your soup and salads then,” he said as he headed off to the kitchen.

The three girls started talking to each other as they waited for their salads and soup. When there was a bit of a break in conversation, Aria gave a nod to herself as she suddenly said, “Alright. I think I want to brush Adagio’s hair next time.”

“What brought this on?” Adagio asked with a small giggle.

“Well Sonata’s already done it twice. I just want to see what the deal is. That’s all…” Aria answered with a blush as she looked to the side briefly.

“I don’t want to trouble you, but if you really want to brush my hair you only have to ask,” Adagio answered back with a smile.

“I know. That’s what I’m doing,” Aria replied easily while not meeting her friend in the eyes.

Sonata gave a louder than she wanted thoughtful hum as she looked at her cell phone. “What is it, Sonata?” Adagio asked.

“I’m just trying to think of the best way to get a picture with the three of us is all…” she said in thought just as Ramone returned with their soup and salads.

“If you wish I could take it for you,” he said as he placed Aria’s soup down for her. Aria’s mulberry eyes lit up as she inhaled the scent of her soup. It was wonderful.

“Sounds good to me,” she said. She wanted a picture, but she also wanted it done quickly so she could enjoy her soup. Sonata’s raspberry eyes lit up as she smiled brightly to that and she handed her camera to Ramone.

The light blue harried girl quickly went and placed herself between Aria and Adagio as she grabbed them in a hug. The two girls smiled and easily placed a hand around her in return. Ramone crouched down a little bit and lined up the shot before taking it and a couple more for good measure.

“Here you go. I managed to get the fountain in the background,” he said as he handed the camera back to Sonata.

Sonata looked at the picture and gave an impressed, “Oooo… That’s a great picture!” She then showed it to her two friends in turn.

“Is there anything else you wish for at this time?” Ramone asked.

“I think we’re good for now. Thank you, Ramone,” Adagio said with a pleasant smile. He gave a nod and went check on his other tables after placing their salads.

“You do realize you will have to send us each copies of those pictures right.” Aria said to Sonata. Sonata gave a nod in reply.

Once the trio got into their first courses, they were mostly silent just enjoying the start of their meal. However once Aria gave a light moan in pleasure at the taste of her soup, the other two girls couldn’t help but giggle as their friend blushed.

“It must really be good,” Adagio said.

“Of course it is.” Aria replied simply as she took another taste of her soup with her still burning red cheeks.

Right before their main meals arrived they each got a refill on their drinks. Ramone soon appeared with a tray and their food. “Seafood Sampler Plate,” he said before placing Sonata’s meal in front of her.

All three girls gave a collective “Ooo…” as the food was placed before their friend. The plate included a buttered Lobster tail, baked scallops, a skewer of grilled garlic shrimp, and a small fillet of grilled salmon with a lemon butter glaze. It also had a small assortment of veggies on the side.

“That looks amazing, Sonata…” Adagio said with a hint of awe in her voice. Sonata clasped her hands together and gave a mental squee at the feast which lay before her as she nodded to Adagio.

“The steak and scallop dinner,” continued Ramone with a smile and a mental chuckle. He loved it when his customers where obviously happy with their meals. The fact they were beautiful girls helped as well.

Adagio fought hard to keep from drooling a little at the sight of her meal. There was a nice medium steak on the plate covered in the Manhattan sauce. On top of it, there were two sautéed scallops with a light sprinkling of chives on them. Her dinner also had a side of red skinned potatoes. She was eager to enjoy her meal.

“And finally… The Garlic and Herb Pork Roast,” Ramone said as he uncovered the dish and placed it in front of Aria.

“Oooo… Wow!” Adagio and Sonata said together as they looked at their friend’s meal. Aria’s eyes even widened and she barely managed to keep from drooling as she looked at her steaming meal. The pork was a great white color with just the right amount of black and light brown on the outer parts of it. The meal also included a small serving of potatoes and carrots on the side with a beautiful leaf of parsley on top of the roast to garnish it.

“Do you need anything else at this time?” Ramone asked. All three girls quickly shook their heads and he went off to once again check on his other tables.

All three friends took a moment to take in their meal before each took a bite at the same time. All three let out a collective moan of pleasure as their taste buds danced in joy at the first bite of their meals. The three girls then giggled at each other’s reactions before continuing with their meal.

After a few bites, Adagio spoke up. “Try to save some room for dessert… If you can… I kind of had a place in mind for the three of us to go after here. It’s a little bit of a walk, but I think it will be worth it.”

Sonata gave a giggle as she said, “I’ll try, Dagi. But I won’t make any promises… This food tastes too good for that.” Aria gave a vigorous nod in agreement to Sonata.

Adagio gave a giggle as she said, “Well I did say try. I’ll ask again closer to the end of our meal to be sure.” After her words, all three enjoyed a wonderful and relaxed meal together. They made conversation with one another and even traded a few bites of their meals.

{-} {-} {-}

As their meal started to wind down, Adagio spoke up again. “So… did you two save room for dessert?” Aria and Sonata both widened their eyes and quickly decided to save the remainder of their meals for tomorrow.

Sonata gave an uneasy laugh as she said, “Of course we did, Dagio…” She actually forgot about that because of how good her food tasted. Well now she remembered.

“Yeah… You did ask us to save room for dessert after all,” Aria said as she unsuccessfully tried to hide her guilt from forgetting.

Adagio covered her mouth with a hand as she giggled at her friends’ reactions. It was at this time Ramone made his way over to once again check on them. “Is everything alright here, ladies?”

Sonata and Aria were both still blushing as Adagio gave a smile and answered, “Yes we’re good. In fact, I think we would like a carry out each and the check.” Aria and Sonata merely nodded in response.

“Any room for dessert tonight?” Ramone asked.

“I don’t think so. Not tonight,” Adagio answered as both Sonata and Aria showed their agreement with their friend.

“How would you like to handle the check tonight then?” He asked in reply.

“All on one check and I’ll take it,” Adagio answered again with a smile.

Ramone nodded and soon returned with the check and wrapped carryouts. He handed it to Adagio who pulled out a credit card. He soon returned with the receipt which Adagio filled out with a pretty good tip before placing her copy in a handbag.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria gave a groan as she stretched by her car. They went to their car to place their leftovers for tomorrow. Fortunately, they got their carryouts wrapped in plastic to keep the food better. “So where is this dessert place you mentioned, Dagio?” Aria asked.

“It’s a few blocks past where we ate dinner,” she answered with a smile.

Sonata patted her belly as she said, “Sounds good. I’ll have plenty of time to digest before we get there then.”

“Any hints as to what you have in store for us?” Aria asked Adagio.

Adagio took a moment to think before giving a smug grin and saying, “It isn’t your average dessert place.” Aria rolled her eyes, but smiled. Sonata gave a little squee at the excitement of another mystery destination and followed her friends.

The trio talked about many things in fun as they made their way to Adagio’s destination. It took a little time, but they soon were standing in front of a place called Scoop's Ice Cream Bar and Parlor.

“Oooo… Ice cream?!” Sonata asked in excitement. Adagio gave a smile and a nod. Aria looked over the place from the outside and had to admit it looked like a cool place. She wondered what the ice cream here was like.

“I’ve never been here before, but I’ve heard really good things about it. Plus, its ice cream. Kind of hard to go wrong with ice cream desserts,” Adagio said with a soft laugh.

The three friends walked into the shop and saw three seats open along part of the bar. Adagio turned to her friends with a questioning eyebrow. Sonata smiled and nodded as she led the way up to the bar seats. Aria gave a smile as she and Adagio followed their friend. Once the three sat down, one of the ‘bartenders’ gave them a smile and said, “I’ll be with you three in just a moment.”

The three friends looked around the place to take in the atmosphere. It was a nice shop with brick walls and light colored floor tiles. The bar itself was made of marble and cool to the touch. The place also seemed to have a very welcoming atmosphere and they felt like they could talk to each other rather peacefully about pretty much anything if they wanted.

“This has been the best night ever!” Sonata said to Adagio. The light blue haired girl couldn’t contain her excitement any longer. She had called a few nights ‘the best Night Ever!’, but it felt like she truly meant it tonight and it would be hard for any future night to beat it in that category.

“Yeah. I’ll admit I’ve loved tonight, Adagio. It was worth all the wait for this surprise,” Aria answered with a smile.

Adagio gave a smile as she took in a deep breath. Her heart felt so very warm tonight. The hole also felt as if it had never existed in the first place. She tried not to show it as her best friends, her sisters, her whatever they were, ordered their desserts. She choked up and a few light tears of happiness may have escaped her eyes. She wasn’t sure what to make of this feeling in her chest, but it was a feeling she hoped would stay for a very long time.

Maybe… Just maybe… Starswirl actually did us a favor sending us here. And then Princess Twilight, Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms did us another favor by beating us in the battle of the bands,” she thought to herself as the ‘bartender’ returned. She had long since given up on holding a grudge towards those girls for what happened. Her life in many ways had improved since then.

“I’m Soft Cream. I’ll be your server tonight. Are you ready to order or do you three need more time to look over the menu?” Soft Cream asked with a smile.

Sonata looked to her friends and smiled as they nodded to her. “I think we’re ready to order,” she said with a bright smile. “I’ll have a Mint-Chocolate Ice Cream Cake slice!” She ordered cheerfully as she pointed to it on the menu. Adagio couldn’t help but smile brighter and giggle a little at her friend’s excitement.

“I’ll have a three scope waffle cone,” Aria started. “Two Cookie Dough and one chocolate. If that won’t be a problem.”

Soft Cream gave her a friendly smile and said, “That won’t be a problem. Don’t worry.” Soft Cream then turned to the last of the three.

“I’ll have the house special Oreo Cookie shake and glasses of water for each of us,” Adagio said with a smile. She really wished she could try one of the ice creams with alcohol in it. They looked really tasty! However, the Oreo Cookie shake here was actually really well known surprisingly, so that made for a great alternative.

“I’ll get right on those orders,” Soft Cream said with another smile before leaving them.

“So why did you decide on this, Dagio?” Sonata asked innocently.

Adagio took in a deep breath as she looked both of them in the eyes. “I wanted to do something for both of you. I also thought it would be fun for the three of us to do something together and have a wonderful night out.”

Sonata gave her a surprise hug followed quickly by Aria. “Ohhh… I’ve loved tonight! Thanks again, Dagio! I really like being out with you two.”

“I’ve also enjoyed tonight. This was probably the first time I really felt like I could enjoy dressing up and going out. In the past, I treated such things more like a chore despite kind of liking them deep down.” Aria said.

The three soon broke their hug and just in time for their deserts to arrive. All three looked to their ice creams with smiles and maybe a little drool in their mouths. “Here you go!” Soft Cream said as she handed out the orders and glasses of water before heading off to a different customer.

Sonata quickly took her first bite. She also quickly let out a small moan of delight as she said, “Soooo… Tasty!!!” She then took another bite quickly.

Aria took a lick of her ice cream cone. Instead of saying anything, her eyes lit up and she took several quicker licks. Adagio stifled a giggle at her reaction. She felt as if her heart couldn’t get any warmer without burning for all to see. She felt as if a song was growing and desperately wishing to be sung for all nearby to hear. It was only too bad she couldn’t sing anymore Adagio thought briefly.

The curly haired girl took a sip of her milkshake. As she took in the taste of the shake, her eyes widened and she barely contained a moan of ecstasy at the taste. This was unlike anything she had tasted before in her long life. She had partaken in many more luxurious and rarer foods before, but this was something different. Adagio was surprised at how much she loved this milkshake. It was as if her taste buds had only been training until this moment for her. Adagio felt as if she was in a heaven of some kind. She had a wonderful shake to drink. She had her best friends by her side. She felt as if all of that power in the past she had paled so much in comparison to this current feeling.

How is this possible?!” she wondered to herself. If she was a weaker person, Adagio might have been in tears as she drank her shake. She had long since figured the power from before wasn’t worth much of a damn, but now the offerings it provided were so weak they might as well not exist at all. “I’m just having a milkshake with Aria and Sonata… How can something like absolute power over others feel so small compared to this?!” she thought again.

Adagio then decided once again no matter what power tried to seduce her in the future it didn’t matter. She wanted to be with her friends and nothing more. Despite her efforts, a couple of tears dripped into her shake. She was glad no one saw it happen as far as she was concerned. Adagio them hummed a little to herself as she took a break from her shake.

Aria and Sonata both gave Adagio looks as they heard her humming. They smiled to her and thought nothing more about it at the moment before returning to their desserts. It wouldn’t do well to think about something like Adagio’s humming at the moment. They had great desserts to end a wonderful evening with their best friends.

Once Adagio paid for their deserts, after much debating, the trio of best friends made their way back to Aria’s car. Aria had volunteered to drive back home. It had been a wonderful night for them all. As she led the way back she spoke, “You know. I think we should have another night like this with just the three of us again in the future. I also think we should have a night with Twilight and Sunset again sometime.”

“Really?” Sonata asked her.

“Yes. Really. I mean we do kind of owe them a little I think.” Aria replied.

“I like that idea,” Adagio said with a nod.

“I think that would be lots of fun!” Sonata answered cheerfully.

Once the trio returned home, they stayed up a little bit to talk and hang out. In the end, they all decided to have yet another ‘sleepover’ this time in Sonata’s room. The three friends went to bed that night happier than they had been in while.

Adagio was happy that her most important people really loved the surprise she gave them. Sonata and Aria were both thinking of ways they could later do something to show their own appreciation to the others for everything. They each eventually drifted off to sleep and to the pleasant dreams that awaited each of them.

Twilight All Day

As Sunset and Twilight enjoyed a light meal at a café, Sunset started to think how she could achieve her new goal. This new goal of hers was to get the beautiful Princess of Friendship into a swimsuit. A Bikini to be more precise. It probably wouldn’t be that hard for Sunset to accomplish this goal, but she was still putting thought into it, even if that thought was more imagining Twilight in different swimsuits while playing in the water somewhere.

“Is everything alright, Sunset? You seem a little red,” Twilight commented with concern. She would admit she liked the light tinge of pink on Sunset’s cheeks, but when it deepened and continued she was wondering if it was something to worry about.

Sunset seemed to blink as the red seemed to fade after it once more momentarily deepened. She then took a sip of water as she said, “Oh it’s nothing to worry about. Sorry for worrying you, Twilight.”

Twilight gave a smile to that as she took a sip of her own drink. “No need to be sorry. I was just a little concerned.”

They were in silence for a little longer before Sunset spoke up again. “Hey, Twilight. I was thinking we should try something fun again while you are here. You know with just the two of us.”

Twilight was interested in that and asked for Sunset to explain further. Sunset nodded and took a long sip of her drink before continuing. “I was thinking since the weather’s getting warmer we might try going to Hoof’s Lake.”

“What’s that?” Twilight asked even more curious.

“It’s this big lake with sandy shores and there’s even a theme park nearby. The theme park has lots of rides, shows and even a water park located next to the lake. You can easily find a parking place near the two that lets you visit both,” Sunset answered hoping Twilight would be interested.

Twilight’s purple eyes seemed to sparkle in interest. Sunset gave herself a mental congratulatory fist pump. “I’ve never been to a theme park before. I remember hearing the others talk about them a couple of times during previous visits. We don’t have them in Equestria. Plus, swimming and such in this body sounds fun.” Twilight gave a beautiful smile at the thought.

“I take that as a ‘yes’ then?” Sunset asked getting a nod in return. “Great! I’ll make arrangements when we get back. First we have to get you a swimsuit. We can’t just go swimming in normal clothes after all.”

“I’m guessing people don’t usually swim naked either, huh?” Twilight asked in thought. She still found some human behaviors strange. When you were bathing or showering you were naked, but if you were swimming you weren’t. She didn’t really take too much notice of the blush that filled Sunset’s cheeks as the other girl was given images by her mind of a naked Twilight splashing around in the water.

Sunset managed to get her blush under control as their check arrived. “We can head to a nearby department store to shop for swimsuits after we finish here.” Twilight nodded to this suggestion.

{-} {-} {-}

“Now there are two general types of swimsuits. there are One piece swimsuits and there are two piece swimsuits which are usually referred to as bikinis. Bikinis are more popular and have lots of designs. I myself prefer bikinis,” Sunset said as she parked outside of the department store.

Twilight looked over at Sunset and wanted to see her wearing one. “So are you going to be getting a swimsuit too?” she asked maybe a little hopeful.

Sunset took a moment to think. “I might try a couple just to be sure the one I already have will still fit or not at the least.”

It wasn’t long until they had a few to try each. “Could you tell me if they are good?” Twilight asked Sunset. She didn’t yet know what was good and bad here in the human world. Sunset could only nod at this as she blinked a couple of times. She found a seat nearby to sit and wait for Twilight to get dressed. There was a part of her that toyed with the idea of entering the changing room to provide Twilight all of the help she needed, but she knew the Princess of Friendship had been in the human world long enough to know how to dress herself by this point.

The first swimsuit was kind of cute but a bit on the childish side. It was a dark blue number with six large dark pink buttons on it and a blue and white striped top part with a large star shaped bow. Sunset looked it over and said, “It is nice… but it seems like something a 10 year old girl would wear. That’s my opinion at least.” Sunset hoped her honest criticism wouldn’t hurt Twilight’s feelings, but she wasn’t about to lie about something like this just to spare her best friend’s feelings.

Twilight gave a nod in thought and returned to her changing room.

The next swimsuit Twilight Sparkle wore caused her to feel a little embarrassed, but she thought it might work. She would definitely say it was mature and not something a 10 year old girl would wear.

Sunset’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she was overwhelmed by the new swimsuit Twilight chose. This one was an adult one for sure, but it seemed little more than strings. She wasn’t even sure where Twilight found it. While Sunset did enjoy the view and lack of need for imagination, it did not work for their plans. “T-t-twilight… We’re going to be in a very public place…” was all she could say.

Twilight blushed and covered herself. “I-i-i thought so…” she cried before dashing back into the changing room and she felt immense relief no one else saw her like that, not even one of the staff. She did notice that Sunset’s only complaint was that they were going to be in public, so she took that as a sign she did look really good and possibly even sexy in it.

The remaining swimsuits Twilight tried on were at least normal. Some were sexier than others and some looked better with her skin color, but they weren’t too extreme. Sunset was secretly thankful this was the case. Twilight also ended up figuring out what worked and didn’t work in the human world and so she didn’t need Sunset’s opinion for every swimsuit and this allowed the other girl to try her own on as well.

Twilight ended up getting the sky blue and purple striped bikini with a little bit of frill along the waist band. Sunset ended up getting one as well. She decided her old one might be a little on the small side. Fortunately, it was a little on the small side in ways she would want it to be small as a sign of her growing healthier in the chest area. She went with a maroon and yellow zigzag lined bikini.

With their shopping trip successful, the two of them headed back to Sunset’s home. The first thing Sunset did was purchase tickets for the park the next day so they could skip the long lines. The plan was to leave early and spend before lunch at the lake and then after lunch they would go to the theme park.

Sunset also got tickets for a show the two of them could watch together in the early evening. She further planned, without spoiling it for Twilight, to have them get supper at a restaurant by the lake where, if she planned it right, they would get to see the fireworks right as they had their desserts and then she could have her magical moment with Twilight.

That night Sunset’s mind decided to give her some very hot scenes involving various swimsuit mishaps at the lake. Half of these dreams involved blushing and cute Twilight faces. The other half involved cute Twilight faces that match the brazen confidence she exuded about her body at times. Maybe it wasn’t so brazen since Twilight was a pony who rarely wore clothes and didn’t really understand the clothes thing even now. Sunset’s sleep was wonderfully fitful, which was probably only something she could accomplish.

When morning came, Sunset was the first up and well rested. She was ready for their day of fun in the sun! Twilight woke up with a mighty yawn and stretched. “How was your night’s sleep, Twilight?” Sunset asked very cheerfully.

Twilight let out a moan as she stretched again. “Not as restful as I would have liked. You were moving around quite a bit last night. Did you sleep well, Sunset?”

Sunset blushed as she was gifted with memories of her dreams last night for a second or two. “Ohhh… ummm… Yeah. I slept well. Sorry about that.”

Twilight gave a smile as she cheerfully giggled and said, “No worries then.”

{-} {-} {-}

After a quick breakfast, Twilight was more than awake and more excited than Sunset for the day. Sunset was happy they had a day of fun planned and she would get to see the success of “Operation: Twilight Swimsuit”. It didn’t take them too long to pack what they needed for the trip and get in Sunset’s car.

The drive was shorter than Sunset thought it would be. “Remember. We’re going to the lake first and then we’ll go to the theme park afterwards.”

Twilight gave a mock pout as she said, “Hmpf. Making me wait for the more exciting parts until later.” Sunset looked to her from the corner of her eye wondering if maybe Twilight meant it. When she saw the girl giggle, she did as well.

“You know what they say, Twilight. Save the best for last,” Sunset replied jokingly as Twilight rolled her eyes. Sunset gave another laugh before then saying, “On a more serious note, remember to put on sunscreen after we change in the locker room.”

“Alright, though it isn’t really much of a change. I did as you said and wore it underneath,” Twilight answered.

“True,” Sunset started. “But it will be easier to put on sunscreen and such inside the locker room and it will be a good place to keep our stuff. It’s right by the lakeside entrance to the park after all.”

Once they made their way to the locker room, they quickly stored most of their stuff. They were now putting on sunscreen. Sunset quickly got a brilliant idea while she was applying sunscreen. It was a rather obvious idea for most, but since it involved Twilight it was a brilliant idea. “Hey. Ummm, Twilight. Do you want me to help you with your sunscreen? I can take care of your back and you can do the same for me,” Sunset asked without showing how excited she was at this chance.

Twilight paused for a moment before smiling and answering, “Sure, that sounds good. You can do my back first, since you know about these things better than I do.”

As Sunset spread sun screen over Twilight’s back, the purple haired beauty gave a shudder and a moan. Unseen by Twilight, Sunset blushed a little. The fiery haired girl took more pleasure from her friend’s expressions than she probably should have. “Alright, Twilight. I need you to undo the back of your bikini. I don’t want to stretch the elastic and I need to get that part of your back as well.”

Twilight easily complied with Sunset’s order. There was a deep part of Sunset that was tempted to take advantage of Twilight’s apparent subservience, but she ignored it and pushed it to the back of her mind. Maybe she could enjoy that later tonight in a dream as they slept or something.

As Sunset spread sunscreen on Twilight’s back very thoroughly, there was that one voice again that was telling her to help a little with the front as well. “Come on! She doesn’t know how you need to protect the skin at the edges of the swimsuit front as well. Just help her out there with her chest area and act like it was a joke!” Sunset was tempted by that voice oh so very much, but while she would have enjoyed that, it was wrong. Those thoughts were locked away with the earlier ones and many others as well. There was certainly a lot getting locked away though and she wondered how long the lock would last. Sunset was fearing her dreams might end up a little too intense whenever these thoughts broke free in her sleep.

Twilight wondered why it was that sunscreen felt so cold when applied. It was causing her to shiver just a little and parts of her skin were getting what humans called goosebumps. She was at least thankful Sunset was helping her out and being very thorough in doing so. She also felt her heart flutter a little at this innocent act of friendship. Her heart beat a little faster when she realized she would be returning the favor in a minute.

“There we go!” Sunset said as she finished rubbing in the sunscreen so there weren’t any signs of the white lotion on Twilight’s back. It was very important because such things were embarrassing and it was most definitely not because she enjoyed the activity so much. That’s what Sunset told herself at least.

“Make sure to get sunscreen under the edges of your swimsuit even in the front, Twilight. Otherwise you might get a very odd and uncomfortable sunburn,” the fiery haired girl instructed her friend quietly. She wasn’t about to say it out loud because people might overhear in the locker room and that could be embarrassing.

As much as she wanted to see a blushing Twilight, Sunset wasn’t about to embarrass her that way. “Now can you do me?” Sunset asked as she handed the sunscreen to Twilight and turned around before moving her hair out of the way. Twilight had it easier there since the girl was wearing her hair in a ponytail today. Sunset loved how it looked on Twilight and how funny it was that a pony princess from a different world, or maybe dimension, was wearing her human form’s hair in a ponytail.

“So, I squeeze this white stuff into my hand and then spread it on your back?” Twilight asked.

Sunset was thankful Twilight couldn’t see her blush due to how dirty the mind of Sunset Shimmer seemed set on being at hearing her words. “Yes, that’s what you do. You will have to use more than just one handful most likely and you have to be sure to rub it in really good. I don’t really want there to globs of white sunscreen visible on my back,” she answered.

Twilight’s cheeks turned a little pink when she saw Sunset undo the back of her bikini top. “Wow…so beautiful…” Twilight thought. There was also a part of her that shouted, “So Hot! So Sexy!” Twilight was really hating how there was such a voice starting to get more active in her head. She was supposed to be the elegant, innocent, kind of nerdy/dorky Princess of Friendship. She wasn’t supposed to have thoughts in her head as if she was in heat or something. It was also getting to the point she wasn’t sure she could just blame these thoughts on the human body compared to a pony’s.

Was it normal to feel this way? She was kind of seeing Sunset much differently from just a friend or even a best friend. Sunset giving a bit of a relieved sigh as she rubbed in the lotion was not helping matters on that front. There was also the fact Sunset looked so beautiful all the time. Twilight decided she would have to enact an “Operation: Get up before Sunset so I can see her sleeping face in the morning”. She was sure the rewards from this operation’s success would be wonderful.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight’s thoughts on her mixed feelings vanished once they left the locker room and were off to have fun. She didn’t really notice it earlier, but where they were standing they had a great view of the park Sunset mentioned and it was simply... “Fantastic! That looks amazing! Such a place seems like the most fun thing ever! I mean apart from reading books, organizing books and studying. So much to do, here!” Sunset couldn’t help but laugh as Twilight seemed to be almost as bouncy as Pinkie Pie was on a not quite as cheerful as usual, but still very cheerful day for the girl. This level of bounciness was really something for anyone else.

“Yeah, these places can be lots of fun even with all the waiting in lines for rides and slides and stuff,” Sunset said. She then placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder and said, “We’re going over to the waterpark first though.” She pointed it out in front of Twilight and the pony princess was eager to get started.

Twilight had come to a new decision as she and Sunset went on their new favorite slide ride for a third time. The Pony Princess of Friendship had decided Equestria needed waterparks and lots of them. She would use her powers as a princess to see to this. She would simply tell Celestia and Luna the truth. Waterparks were places that could be very key to building friendships. Shared experiences in fun places were important to building stronger bonds of friendship with other ponies. It was not because she loved waterparks and wanted to experience them more. Nope, not at all. Such notions weren’t very princess like. Twilight assured herself she was very princess like.

Twilight also realized she was thankful Sunset warned her about not ruining the elastic on her swimsuit too quickly. As they finished a slide, there were a couple of girls behind them that almost lost their bikini tops as they finished the slide next. There was a part of Twilight that kind of wished such a thing happened to Sunset oddly enough. The princess was sure she would get a scolding if anyone knew she had such thoughts in her head.

The lake had a lot of other fun things to do apart from the waterpark slides. Sunset gave a smile as she said to Twilight, “Come on. Let’s do something a little slower for a bit. I know some people might think they are lame and kiddy… but I’ve always liked paddle boat rides.”

“That sounds fun. I’ve raced in them before, but never really taken it slow around a lake,” Twilight said. She then gave a giggle as she added, “I’ve never really done too many watersports before. My brother Shining Armor gets seasick really easily so our family usually limited trips to the lake or beach. He also gets airsick easily too.”

Sunset laughed to that. “Okay that really is funny. Mister Tough and Imposing Guard Captain gets seasick and airsick. If others found out they might not be so scared to go after his cute little sister.”

Twilight blushed when Sunset called her cute, but played it off as she laughed and said, “Yeah. It is a little embarrassing at times, but it’s loads of fun to tease him about it.”

It didn’t take long for the two of them to get a paddle boat and drinks as well. The boats were comfy and even had a covered top. Twilight was surprised how nice it was to take it slow and easy going in the paddle boat. The two enjoyed the calm and quiet. They did see a few other boats as well, but never really for very long. It was mostly families with younger children and couples in the other boats Twilight noticed.

“So, I’m not really trying to put you on the spot or anything, but have you put more thought into what we talked about in the park clearing?” Twilight asked. She felt out here away from others on this clam boat ride was a good time to bring it up again.

“I have a little. I will talk to them about it when I next get the chance. I still think even with the life I have finally built for myself here. I will more than likely move back to Equestria after finishing high school. I mean getting into high school even with my circumstances is one thing and kind of very much illegal in this world. Getting into a university or college for higher education is another thing. I’m pretty sure Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna would help me there, but I don’t want to bother them with more trouble than I already have,” Sunset said.

“Like I said it is completely your choice. I’m sure if you wanted to stay here you could, but you get to decide and will know what’s best for you,” Twilight said even if inside she was cheering Sunset was leaning towards returning to Equestria.

“Yeah I know. Maybe I will change my mind, but there isn’t really too much more time. Graduation isn’t that far off. Though I will admit now that I think about it again… I have some reservations regarding returning to Equestria…” Sunset looked downcast before taking in a deep breath and letting it out again.

“I’m not sure if Princess Celestia would even allow me to return home… Especially if that is where the mirror is located now. She kind of banned me from the castle,” Sunset said. She wanted to make up with Princess Celestia, but she wasn’t sure how or if she could. She was terrified of talking to the Sun Princess.

Twilight was in thought for a moment thinking how to best say this. “Well the mirror is in my Friendship Castle now not Canterlot Castle. So that isn’t a problem. Plus, there is a lot of room in my castle since it is just me and Spike living there, even if the others visit often. And while she hasn’t official said your ban was lifted to me. When I first returned after retrieving my crown and element, the first thing she asked while in a bit of a panic was if you were okay.”

Sunset’s eyes widened in surprise as she asked, “Really?” Twilight nodded. Sunset paused in her paddling and held her breath without knowing it. She let it out and looked downwards as she quietly asked, “How can she still care about me so much despite everything I did?”

Twilight was quiet for a moment before placing a hand on Sunset’s back and getting the other girl in a hug. Sunset gave a few sniffs. She knew the answer to her question. Twilight didn’t have to say anything. Celestia forgave her because she was Princess Celestia and loved all of her little ponies, even the ones who left for a different world.

“She loves you. That’s how she can still care for you after everything. That’s how Princess Celestia is,” Twilight answered even though she didn’t need to say anything. Sunset held the hug a little longer before regaining her composure and sitting back up. She was glad she wasn’t wearing runny makeup today. She would be a mess if that was the case.

Once they went back to paddling a little longer, Twilight spoke again. “You know when I returned after that first time. There was a part of me that was jealous of you, Sunset.”

“Really?” Sunset asked with her eyes reflecting her surprise.

Twilight nodded in gave a weak laugh. “Yes. Really. I had just been through all of that and traveled to another world, which she wasn’t sure I would be able return from quick enough, and faced demon you and managed to come back and all of that happened within three days. And the first thing she asked was if you were alright. She didn’t even welcome me back like everyone else did.” Twilight gave a huff at the last part.

“Wow…” Sunset said. She couldn’t believe that. It kind of seemed wrong that Princess Celestia asked about her first instead of welcoming Twilight back. “That was kind of wrong of her.”

“I know, right?!” Twilight said showing her supposedly only slight irritation at the matter. She then sighed. “I short of chalked it up to her just having that much faith in me in the end, and she never doubted I would succeed in the mission.”

Sunset actually gave a laugh to that. Twilight looked to her questioningly. “Sorry. I’m not laughing at you, Twilight. I just think it makes sense that was the case. I mean look at everything you’ve done. You became an alicorn and find it normal to fight off world ending threats while saving Equestria on an almost weekly basis. I wouldn’t be surprised if you could raise and lower the sun and moon yourself.”

Twilight blushed and looked away from Sunset pointedly. Sunset raised an eye brow in question for a moment. Then she gasped. “You totally have already, haven’t you?!”

Twilight blushed and was still not looking at Sunset before giving a sigh and nodding. “I kind of had trouble doing so… I mean it isn’t like I’ve ever been taught by either of the princesses on how to do it. I did get there even if it was a little wobbly and I was late in doing so after I had just woken up.”

Sunset stared in awe and forgot to paddle again. She watched as Twilight fidgeted cutely next to her. She soon gave out a laugh and Twilight looked to her with another of those cute Twilight pouts. “Sorry again, Twilight. It’s just you’re freaking out over not having done a perfect job of raising the sun and lowering the moon on your first try without having ever been told how to do so.”

Twilight blinked in thought for a moment and then giggled. “Okay. I guess I see your point there. It is a little silly to freak out about that.”

“Just a little, but that’s one of the many reasons you are so loveable, Twilight.” Sunset looked down pretending to still be giggling once she started to blush up a storm after having almost kind of admitted her feelings. Her words could be taken in a not so serious manner, but she still had said the words “Twilight” and “Loveable” in the same sentence out loud to the girl herself.

Twilight smiled and looked away a little as she blushed. “Stop getting so lovey dovey or whatever it is just because she said that. She was just meaning in a friendly general sense probably,” she scolded herself.

“Maybe there is more truth to Luna’s words when she said I have a tendency to sell myself short,” Twilight said hopping to move on from Sunset’s words.

“Maybe. I mean humility is much better than the arrogance I had, but too much of even that can be bad for you,” Sunset said. “Was there anything else that caught your eye earlier today?” she asked her friend changing the subject.

Twilight nodded and smiled. “Yeah! I wanted to try that big huge tube ride thing and then the wave pool. There was also the waterskiing, but I don’t know if there is time for lessons and trying it out.”

“We’ll see,” Sunset replied as they got back to where they needed to return the paddle boat. They had already started making their way back while talking earlier without even mentioning it to the other.

The huge tube ride was a lot of fun and both girls screamed their lungs out in delight. Twilight insisted they go again immediately. After their second time, Sunset insisted they go for a perfect trinity regarding the ride and go on it again for a third time. Once that was completed, they enjoyed the wave pool and decided it was the perfect place for them until lunch. Waterskiing be damned! They also slipped in another round on the water park’s main attraction ride one more time before lunch.

{-} {-} {-}

After the two girls had sandwiches for lunch from a shack restaurant near the lake in their swimsuits, they rinsed their bodies off in the locker room and got ready for the afternoon. Sunset stretched and blinked as she looked at Twilight. “Are you sure that’s what you want to wear?”

Twilight gave a smile and a nod. “I like this. It feels comfortable.” She was wearing jeans and her bikini top. Sunset gave a smile that might have been a bit more impure than it appeared at the sight. Twilight really could pull off the look. She also chalked it up to a bonus for completing Operation: Twilight Swimsuit so successfully.

It didn’t really matter as far as the park was concerned. There were other girls walking around in bikini tops and some form of shorts or pants. There was one seemingly common denominator between them all. Apart from Twilight all of the girls running around in bikini tops where trying to get the attention of guys. Sunset wondered if Twilight knew this and was actually trying to get her attention. If that was the case, Twilight had succeeded with flying colors. However, knowing the pony princess it could just be that she actually felt more comfortable in her choice outfit. It didn’t matter really. They were now on their way to the theme park portion of their trip.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset felt small butterflies in her stomach as she walked with Twilight through the park. Oddly enough, she actually liked the feeling because in a way it said that she was very much alive and with someone she considered very important to her. There was also the fact she liked the potential the next stage of her plan had. Sunset had studied for the next stage a little bit (even if it was through movies, books and tv shows). It was already off to a good start because Twilight was wearing a sexy bikini top and a pair of designer jeans, which were “worn” in all the right places.

“So what do you have in mind for us to do next, Sunset?” Twilight asked with a bright smile.

Sunset returned the smile and said, “I have a haunted house planned for us to go through next here in the park. You would be surprised how interesting humans can make such things." Sunset couldn’t help but give a little giggle as they continued their trek together.

Twilight wasn’t sure what to make of this news, but she had no problem in deciding to grab Sunset’s hand as they continued to walk together. Sunset managed to hide a blush as she enjoyed the touch of Twilight’s hand. They both held on tight.

After a while, the two girls finally reached the “Haunted House” Sunset mentioned. There was a line, but it wasn’t too bad. Most of the line was comprised of couples with an odd group here and there of friends going through the attraction. Sunset smiled as she looked over the gathered people and noticed none of them were anywhere near a match for Twilight’s beauty, in her opinion.

This will be fun! I bet Twilight gets really scared and grabs on to me tightly!” Sunset thought with a bright smile and blushing cheeks as she thought about how it would feel to have such a beautiful girl grabbing on to her tightly like she was a life line.

I’m not really a fan of scary, but this could be fun. It’s exciting to see what humans consider scary,” Twilight thought as she grabbed Sunset a little tighter in anticipation. Sunset saw this as a good sign for things to come.

{-} {-} {-}

“Ahhh!!!” a surprisingly cute and girlish voice shrieked from the haunted house attraction in the amusement park. A few guys waiting in line couldn’t help but hope their dates would sound similar as they held on tightly. A group of friends laughed to themselves thinking it funny someone would get that frightened from such a park attraction.

A few shrieks and several minutes later, two girls walked out of the Haunted House together. One was shocked at herself and shivering as she clung tightly to her companion. The other girl had a bright blush and was taking extra pleasure from the tight hold the other girl had on her. “They feel so soft…” one thought as she looked to her companion as the other girl’s breasts seemed to lock around her arm.

“I’m actually a little surprised you were so affected by the haunted house, Sunset,” Twilight said as she wrapped her friend in a tight hold.

Sunset shivered a little. She was surprised at herself. “I didn’t think it would get to me that much…” she said as she looked away with a cute blush.

Twilight gave a smile and hugged her friend tighter and even kissed her on the cheek. She had seen others do this and it seemed to help out the girls who were scared after the attraction. Sunset blushed and held Twilight tighter for a little bit longer as she briefly buried her face in the crook of Twilight’s neck.

Well that was an epic fail…” Sunset thought to herself glumly.

This isn’t so bad…” that other voice said to her. Sunset then took in the scent of Twilight’s hair as she smiled. “In fact… This might have actually worked out for the best,” the voice continued as her beautiful smile grew wider.

Twilight’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of Sunset. She wasn’t sure about this human activity, but she really enjoyed it. The Haunted House wasn’t too scary for her, but she supposed it was probably because she was so used to more intense and scarier things back in Equestria. Sunset’s behavior was understandable to an extent. Sunset never had to save Equestria from monsters on a regular basis and she had grown more accustomed to being in the human world than Twilight.

Not that it’s a bad thing…” Twilight thought as she looked to the fiery haired beauty again. She again felt that odd stirring of arousal. She wasn’t sure what to think about these feelings. It wasn’t uncommon for mares to be involved with other mares in Equestria. However, in the human world, such feelings didn’t seem as regular. Twilight didn’t really care about such things, but she was concerned Sunset might.

I really should have known Twilight wouldn’t get scared by such things. I’m surprised I was scared by this place,” Sunset thought to herself with a mental sigh. Regardless of the sigh she actually found herself enjoying her current predicament. Twilight was warm and comfortable to grab ahold of like this. Plus, there was all of the exposed skin because of Twilight’s outfit choice.

{-} {-} {-}

After Sunset had finally let go of Twilight to which the pony princess wasn’t sure she though a good thing, they were headed to a different attraction. “Theme parks have things called Roller coasters. They are very fast and fun. They can also be a bit scary, but still lots of fun. I don’t plan on starting you on one of the really crazy ones with corkscrews and loop-de-loops, but we are going on one,” Sunset said with a lot more determination than Twilight thought necessary.

“This really isn’t too bad,” Twilight said. She smiled as she looked around them. There were several scenes related to the ride's theme around them.

“Most rides in this park have rooms to build up the atmosphere of the ride’s theme or at least make it less boring to wait,” Sunset explained. Twilight took mental notes to keep this in mind when she gave her proposal… no demand! To bring theme parks to Equestria. She was pretty sure there would be plenty of ponies with cutie marks that would work really well in such a place.

It took some time, but it was finally Sunset and Twilight’s turn on the ride. They both loved it immensely. However, Sunset was screaming out of a mix of fear and an adrenaline rush. She still loved it, but Twilight was seemingly having a much different experience. “Woooh!!! Yeah! I can totally see why Rainbow loves flying fast! Ha ha! I need to seriously work on that when I get back home! Come on! Faster! Much faster! Let’s make a Rainboom!”

Sunset was loving the ride and was glad Twilight liked it as well, but she did find it a little odd seeing Twilight like this. She really liked it, but it showed how there was so much more to her best friend/crush than she knew. She guessed it made sense Twilight felt this way given she was an alicorn and thus could use both magic and could fly. It was a little hard for Sunset to actually picture that having been in the human world for so long.

“That was so much fun!” Twilight cheered as she hugged Sunset tightly. “What’s next?” she asked.

Sunset smiled. Her experience was different from Twilight’s, but she still loved it. “Well the next one I wanted to try is supposed to be a bit different, but I’ve heard it is a lot of fun.”

“I like the sound of fun,” Twilight said with an excited smile.

Sunset led the way to the next one. It was a ride called A Magical Journey. Sunset thought it would be fun and hilarious to see what humans called magic. She also heard the ride was fairly advanced given it was a very new addition. It was something that was added within the last year actually. In fact, the buzz about the ride was incredible because of how quickly it was made and ready for others to enjoy. It was a 3-D ride with a lot of effects and actually told a story. Some of the students Sunset was on good terms with had been on it and told her it was something she really should see.

Once the ride was finished, the other people in their cart were cheering and going on and on about how much they loved the ride. “The characters really speak to me you know? I mean sure the villain was a little cliché, but her story… and the resolution,” a girl said with a sniff as her boyfriend smiled and wiped a tear from her eyes before holding her.

“I really like how they told a story while taking us on such an awesome ride!” the boyfriend said as his girlfriend nodded.

Sunset was just staring blankly with her mouth open a little bit. Twilight was in a fairly similar state even if she was affected in a different manner. As they got out of the cart, Twilight spoke first. “Well… It was… ummm… interesting to see that play out from a different perspective.”

“Yeah…” was Sunset’s response. She was still in a state of disbelief and wondering how the ride was made this way.

“Though… I will admit. I’m not exactly fond of the way they modeled the… animatronics? Yeah those,” Twilight said.

“Yeah…” Sunset replied again.

“I mean… I know the protagonist doesn’t look that way. And I know the antagonist doesn’t either. She is much prettier,” Twilight said.

“Can we sit down for a bit?” Sunset pleaded a little weakly. She really didn’t want to sound this way, but after that ride she had no choice. Twilight nodded and the two of them found a table near a drink and snack stand away from most people. Twilight got the two of them waters and snow cones while Sunset sat down and processed what just happened.

After the two girls silently enjoyed their refreshments, Sunset finally broke the silence. “I know I’ve told you this before, but I have to say it again. Thank you, Twilight. Thank you so much…” She actually felt tears on her cheeks as she spoke. She gave a sniff. “I don’t want to think about where I would be now if it wasn’t for you…”

Twilight gave her a tight hug and Sunset actually sobbed just a little despite herself. It wasn’t easy seeing her own story played out in an amusement park ride like that. The ride was fantastic, and amazing in every way! However, it struck far too close to home for both ponies. A Magical Journey told the story of what happened between them during the Fall Formal. They changed how everyone looked and a lot of other things, but it was really their story.

“Why did so many people tell me to see it? Do they still hate me?” Sunset asked in a voice so lost and distant Twilight wanted to cry with her.

“They probably thought you would like to see it again portrayed in a more humorous fashion while still reaching the heart. Maybe they thought if you saw it you would feel better and realize they had for sure forgiven you. I know it still bothers you what happened back then, but maybe they didn’t realize it was still on your mind and something that hurt you. I don’t think they wanted to make you sad. You’ve come a long way since then, and they know it as well now. Perhaps they wanted you to realize it too?” Twilight explained.

Sunset gave a sniff and straightened up after a little bit. She gave a laugh that was more out of relief than anything else as she said, “I don’t recall your dress being that frilly and fluffy. It was frilly, but not that bad.”

Twilight gave a giggle as she said, “Rarity gave it to me. I will admit I did really like how you looked in that jacket though. I mean sure we were against each other, but I really liked your outfit. I like your current outfits better, and I’m not just talking about what your wearing today. You do always look really pretty.”

Sunset smiled to that and gave Twilight a new tight hug. She quietly said, “I will admit I liked how epic and fun they made our final battle. Who knew our fight would make for a pretty good ride?” She gave a giggle which Twilight matched as she nodded in agreement.

{-} {-} {-}

This trip has experienced too much failure,” Sunset thought to herself. The two friends were on their way to a different ride. They were actually going to what was more or less the kiddy section of the park. Sunset really needed a break after the A Magical Journey ride. It was a good ride in the ride sense, but it was too close to her own real-life experiences for Sunset to fully enjoy it.

“What was with that Cat in the Hat?” Twilight asked once they left the ride. It was a fun and easy-going ride, but it was confusing for her in some ways.

Sunset gave a giggle. “It’s based off of a kids’ story. A lot of crazy but fun stuff happens, but they get a little worried when it is about time for their parents to return for the day. That was why we went through that vacuum thing there at the end. That was the Cat in the Hat cleaning up and apologizing for getting out of hand. It really is a fun story for kids.”

Twilight nodded. “I guess it is a human thing.” To her, it didn’t really make a lot of sense, but she could appreciate the rhyming of the story’s words and the ride was fun even if it was a little slow. However, it helped Sunset get over the other ride, so that was the most important thing.

The rest of the day was much easier going. They went on a few more rides and mostly just enjoyed the different parts of the park with all of it’s themes. Sunset even really enjoyed The New Magical World section of the park which popped up around that one ride. It was lots of fun seeing how humans interpreted Equestrian magic.

Thing were even more fun now that Sunset didn’t feel like she was being forced to face her past in such detail. The two even jokingly and happily bought alternative color schemes of the heroine and villain from the ride. The alternative colors were a much closer match to what they really looked like. Twilight got a “Sunfire Endshine” doll that looked very much like Sunset in her regular form weary a very wacky villain costume. Sunset Shimmer bought a “Tivylight Sparks” doll that looked very much like Twilight with a very over the top magical girl hero costume. The two made sure to take pictures of themselves holding up the new souvenirs with broad smiles.

After a very fun day, the two friends were relaxing with drinks as they waited for the show Sunset got tickets for to start. They were in a bar and restaurant that had a live piano player/singer preforming for them all. They even convinced him to let them sing a song while he played at one point. The other patrons really enjoyed it and cheered them on.

“Well… that turned out better than I thought it would. I figured they would give up on the words and just hum there at one point,” the entertainer said with some laughs in response. “I wouldn’t mind doing it again with others if you’re willing to donate like they did and have voices just as wonderful.” Again, several of the people laughed including Twilight and Sunset. The guy then did another request song and because of what it was he added a bit of comedy remix to it before jokingly pretending he couldn’t continue because it was so embarrassing he felt literal pain playing it any longer. The audience including the people who made the request laughed in good humor.

“Ahh! Yes! This is a good song,” he said. He then looked around nervously as he whispered into the mic, “Not that there’s anything wrong with liking that last song… Especially for a man…” The audience again laughed as he started the next song.

{-} {-} {-}

“Wow… This really has been a long day so far. Lots of fun, but long,” Twilight said with a slight yawn.

“Well we still have some more to go. There’s that show and then we have supper before we finally go back,” Sunset said.

“I look for forward to it all. But… I don’t care what your alarm clock says. Tomorrow I am sleeping in,” Twilight said with determination causing Sunset to laugh. It was almost if Twilight was getting ready to do battle with some ancient Equestrian evil.

“Good thing I actually have curtains that block out the sunlight fairly well then. Also, I don’t plan on setting my alarm clock so no worries,” Sunset said with a smile as Twilight gave a hug in thanks.

“So, what can you tell me about this show?” Twilight asked seeming much more eager and forgetting she was feeling tired earlier.

“Well it is a show that can’t really be described into certain a certain category. I’ve just heard it was really good and I’ve really wanted to see it myself for a while, but I felt I would have to go with someone if you know what I mean,” Sunset said.

Twilight was in thought, “You haven’t gone with the others?” Sunset shook her head. “Not even with Flash?” the purple haired girl asked causally.

“Nope. Not even with him. I really wanted to go, but felt it didn’t fit my image or something stupid like that. I didn’t really act towards him like a friend should or especially a girlfriend. I didn’t act towards him in earnest,” Sunset finished with a sigh. She really had come to hate the way she was in the past.

Sunset was a little surprised but both relieved and happy when Twilight grabbed her hands and held them as she smiled. “That was in your past. You aren’t that way anymore,” Twilight said in comfort. Sunset much appreciated it and resolved to be a better friend towards others once more.

“Come on. Let’s get going,” Twilight said after a moment and she was now the one dragging Sunset somewhere. Sunset gave a delighted giggle at this predicament and pushed those voices into the locked area of her mind once again. She didn’t want her other desires to ruin this pure moment.

{-} {-} {-}

“That was incredible!” Twilight shouted happily just like a group of kids were shouting from nearby with their parents. “I can’t believe how talented humans can be and how wonderful hands are!” she said enthusiastically, but fortunately didn’t shout this time. The group in the show had done a lot of really talented things.

“The way they were able to play those instruments they made themselves. Who knew pipes could be used as musical instruments. And that thing with the marshmallows… it was a little gross, but kind of impressive and oddly artistic. Is it always the same show?” she asked Sunset.

Sunset was in thought for a moment. “I’ve never seen them before, but from what I've heard it is but it isn’t. They have a general flow to the show, but they also leave room for improvisation. There are also the audience interactions as well. Those aren’t plants in the audience they use,” she answered as Twilight nodded.

Sunset eyes then gleamed a little as she took a turn to gush about it. “I loved the color effects they did with the paint and everything. The lighting as well and all of the funny antics they got up to even if they were very much playing the role of unfunny and silent people. And the dancing at the end that was so much fun!”

Twilight grinned to this and nodded. “I really have to say that was the way to top off the day.” She then leaned in real close and gave Sunset a tight hug.

Sunset returned it and giggled a little as she said, “I hope you’re still up for dinner though. We really need to eat something after all we did today or we’ll be dead tired tomorrow.”

Twilight made “Feh!” sound as she cutely made a hand that gesture that was both human and ponyish. “I’ve done all nighters lots of time before! I bet you have too. I mean you also were Celestia’s personal student. I don’t care how smart you are there’s no way you didn’t do at least one all-nighter. We can handle it.”

Sunset smiled as she nodded. “Okay. So I’ve done plenty of them as well. I still don’t like doing them on an empty stomach. That was the main point I was making.” Sunset then gasped. “Don’t tell me Princess Twilight couldn’t figure that out.” Sunset then gave a mock glare as she said, “Were you only paying half attention to me?”

Twilight blushed then rolled her eyes as she said, “Hello! We just left a show unlike anything I have ever seen before. Pardon me for still being caught up in it.” She then gave a smile that was a little embarrassed she was caught and Sunset found cute.

“I’ll forgive you this time…” Sunset said pretending to be super serious. She then grinned and said, “It really was something else! I liked the smart phone app skit.”

“You know if it wasn’t for this trip I wouldn’t understand what a smart phone was. I would be like, ‘Is it a phone… with a degree?’ or something like that,” Twilight said as the two laughed together as they approached the restaurant Sunset chose.

“This place looks cool,” Twilight said as they entered it.

“Yes, it does! And it has some really good outside seating with a great view. That’s why I reserved it when I got the tickets for today,” Sunset said. The restaurant was called the Golden Light Veranda. The place was very well known for the beautiful sunset's you could watch from it. The name came from how the placed looked gold in color from across the lake when the sun light hit the place. It was a bit of an odd mix of a crowd here. It was close to the theme park so you had people dressed like people did for a day of fun, but you also got a lot of people who would wear fancy clothes when they came here to eat.

Once they were seated and placed their orders, Sunset and Twilight took in the view of the area around them. They could see both the lake reflecting the moon lit sky and part of the park. There was also a cool but welcoming night breeze. Twilight was perfectly fine now, because they had made an earlier stop to get their clothes and everything. They were leaving after their meal and the ending fireworks show Sunset wanted to surprise Twilight with and hoped it might lead to something really amazing.

“I wanted to think you again, Sunset. For today. For everything. I’ve never had such a wonderful time before like this. I… I…” Twilight trailed off and seemed as if she was stuck on what to say next.

Sunset’s heart actually beat faster in response. “Is she going to be the one to confess?” Sunset thought and felt way too much happiness at such a notion that was most likely not going to be true.

“I’ve said it before, but I wouldn’t have been able to do everything without you,” Twilight said with a small smile and Sunset was both happy to hear it but also a little crushed. Twilight gave a sigh, “The truth is I wouldn’t have been able to save Canterlot High from the sirens in the first place if it wasn’t for you. You of all of us saw what needed to be done. We would probably have never stopped arguing while we were under the stage.”

Twilight looked down in shame, “I may have not said it before and I know you noticed, but I also did as well. In the end before you got us to stop arguing we were actually feeding them energy and they hadn’t even used their powers on us because they couldn't. So, thanks for that as well, Sunset.”

Sunset was speechless and smiling at the same time there was maybe a tear on her cheek, but no one noticed. She instead of saying something, found a way to hug Twilight from across the table without knocking anything over. Twilight returned the hug and the two held it as Sunset figured out what words she needed to say. “You’re welcome, Twilight. And Thank you for saying that,” Sunset said. None of the others had noticed that or really thanked her for her help that day. It was kind of understood they were thankful to her, but actually hearing it was really something more and so very heart warming.

The two might have held the hug longer as they looked into each other’s eyes, but the waiter cleared his throat. “I have brought your meals,” he said to them casually. The girls broke their hug and each thanked him as they hungrily looked at their food. Sunset was a little disappointed their moment didn’t continue, but also relieved it hadn’t. Her plan was for them to have their moment and everything right as the fireworks went off during dessert.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight sighed in contentment as they both waited for their desserts to arrive. They enjoyed their meal mostly recounting their favorite parts of the day and the things they saw as well. Twilight gave a chuckle causing Sunset to raise an eyebrow in question. “Sorry… I just can’t believe you were the one who got scared at the haunted house earlier.”

Sunset pouted to that causing Twilight grin. “Not all of us are used to battling monsters of myth and legend on a regular basis. Though I will admit… It got to me a lot more than I thought it would and that didn’t really work out how I had hoped it would,” Sunset defended herself.

“Well it was kind of cute in a way,” Twilight said offhandedly causing Sunset to wonder if they would get another moment tonight already.

“Don’t get you hopes up. Dessert will probably arrive just as it was about to get good,” Sunset thought. Right on cue the waiter returned with their desserts. “Curse this restaurant’s great customer service! Why couldn’t it be one of those places where you wonder if they had to go and fetch the ingredients for your meal? Or find a cow to milk for your ice cream. Well Twilight’s ice cream in this case.

Twilight looked at the ice cream eagerly and more so than she thought was normal. She was wondering if a massive sweet tooth came with her wings or something. She liked sweets but not as much as she had been since that day. It was something to investigate once she returned even if there were only three other ponies and a discord that would have any information on the matter.

She had ordered a mixed three scoop ice cream cone with a waffle cone. The flavors she chose were Cookies and Cream, she would have to find out how to make these Oreo cookies just to make the flavor, and Chocolate Mint. She had two scoops of the Cookies and Cream and one scoop of the Chocolate Mint.

Sunset was wondering if a sometimes-massive sweet tooth came with being a pony. She had always loved sweets, but it wasn’t until she made friends she realized how much she did compared to her human friends. In her group of friends at CHS, Pinkie was the only one more into sweets than her and that was because she was Pinkie. “Though the Princess of Friendship seems to be giving me a run for my money,” she thought with a giggle as she watched Twilight happily lick her ice cream.

The fiery haired girl ordered a drool worthy strawberry pie. It had filling oozing out the sides with plenty of whipped cream on top covered in chocolate sprinkles with some cookie crumbles. The crust of the pie was a deliciously rich golden color. There was even a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Sometimes you had to go with the classics when it came to ice cream.

When it came to their desserts, the girls’ conversation was mostly sounds of delight at the taste of the food.

Sunset checked her watch and noticed it was getting close to the perfect time for her hopefully perfect moment with Twilight. She had finished her pie and Twilight had finished her ice cream and the two were slowing enjoying the last refills on their drinks. Sunset moved in closer to Twilight and reached out to grab the girl’s free hand. Twilight looked to her and smiled. The two actually brought their faces closer together. Sunset looked into Twilight’s lovely purple eyes and blushed a little as the other girl did first.

And wouldn’t you know it!


The fireworks went off and Twilight actually jumped in surprise and looked to see the pretty display. More went off and Sunset gave a sigh as Twilight was entranced watching the show in the sky before them.

Figures the one thing I was planning to use as the back drop for my perfect Twilight moment would be the thing that ruined said moment,” Sunset mentally thought as she sighed again unnoticed by Twilight.

Well… It isn’t all bad,” she thought as a smile grew on her lips. Twilight was holding Sunset’s hand with both of her own as the fireworks display continued and she wasn’t about to let go it seemed. Twilight even cheered at all of the right moments and Sunset realized she may know more about friendship than she will give herself credit for, but when it came to real romance she had a lot to learn and it couldn’t come out of books, movies and TV shows.

Sunset placed her other hand on top of Twilight’s as the two watched the fireworks show together. There wasn’t a waiter to interrupt them this time. There wasn’t food or dessert either. It was just the two of them and all of the couples there together enjoying the view of the fireworks above both the Amusement park and lake.

“Sunset,” Twilight started as she watched the fireworks. Sunset squeezed Twilight’s hands to show she was listening. “This has been one of the best days of my life. I’m glad you’re the one I’m enjoying it with,” Twilight answered as she smiled brightly.

“Me too,” Sunset replied in a voice barely above a whisper but heard by Twilight anyways.

Not bad at all,” Sunset repeated to herself as her heart felt lighter than it had ever before that she could think of in her life.

Author's Notes:

To head off possible questions, keep in mind this story takes place in an A/U before Friendship Games and all of the Starlight Glimmer stuff. I just felt I needed to throw that out there in case people were thinking, “But Twilight isn’t alone in the castle with just Spike. Starlight lives there as well.” I’m also not really thinking about paying attention to the stinger at the end of Rainbow Rocks and that reveal, even if it would be fun. (Could change my mind later on this, but not likely)

Plus… Did I really for once not go into descriptive detail regarding wonderful meals they were eating?! Some will be relieved, most probably won’t care, and still others will be disappointed or a mix of disappointed and relieved. Though there was the dessert part, but I don’t know if that counts.

I’m sorry about the long gap before this chapter… I had trouble with this chapter and then I started working on something else entirely on a different site and finished a story there. I have written a good bit for the next chapter and some for the chapter after that one, but I don’t know how long that will take. It has to be really well done. Really well done. Vital to the story well done!

Dazzlings Unleashed?

“So, the three of us have bartending duty tonight?” Adagio asked as the other two blinked a little in disbelief. They had never all three been asked to bartend at the same time before. Sure, it wasn’t too uncommon for two of them at a time to bartend together, but their whole strength and the reason they were first hired was because they could do all three main jobs and were happy to just have the same shifts with each other.

“We’re expecting a bit of a crowd tonight. Hopefully they’ll all be happy and cheerful, but the truth is you three are our best bartenders. Even if you try to down play it at times for some reason,” Mr. Forrester said to them as they each looked a little sheepish but didn't really deny what he said.

He gave a smirk as he shook his head. “I don’t know or care why you try to be careful, but it is the truth. You three know pretty much every drink a customer comes up with and in multiple styles. You’re really great at recommending drinks as well and know plenty of mocktails. We added that whole section on the menu because of you three and the others wanting to learn them too. Then there’s the fact you three seem to be the best under pressure. We thought you three would like working together together again, so the choice made perfect sense.”

“We appreciate it. Sir,” Aria replied first as her friends followed suit. Aria didn’t really want to give him too much time to reconsider. She really liked this idea and it seemed both Adagio and Sonata did as well.

Aria liked it when she worked with the others on the bar, even if it hadn’t ever been all three of them at once. If things were going to be busy tonight, she would rather be stuck with the others than someone else. The staff at the restaurant were professional, but when things got busy they didn’t always handle it the best. Things never got too bad or anything like that, but there was extra stress during such times. If she was with Sonata and Adagio, she didn’t think it would be as bad and might even be a little fun.

Mr. Forrester smiled at the three girls. He was kind of hoping he could possibly see just how much they had been holding back. He wasn’t sure why they did, but it wasn’t his business and they always did a fairly good job so they let the matter be. “Good to hear. Now you have a while before things should start to get busy. Check over the bar and make sure it’s ready. If you need anything tonight ask Jake or Kelly, they’ll help restock from the back if needed.”

The girls nodded to him as they made their way over to the bar island. He could have sworn they seemed happier even if only a little. He was really going to keep an eye on them tonight the best he could. The restaurant had a good number of events coming up they were catering and Mr. Johnston was thinking about putting the girls on their ‘unofficial’ catering team.

{-} {-} {-}

“Oooo! That would be cool,” Sonata suddenly said as the three of them were making a list of anything they would need.

“What would be cool?” Aria asked.

“Well, we could all three work as bartenders on a cruise ship or something. That would be so much fun!” Sonata gave a brilliant smile as she added a few different syrups to the list. The levels weren’t too bad for a normal night, but if it was busy it would be a different story. Plus, these were things that might in the worst-case scenario require a quick store run. In the best case, it would just take a while to find them in the back. They never really seemed to be in the same place for some reason.

She continued speaking, “I mean we would get to see all kinds of places and be on the sea a lot. Plus, we are really good even if we haven’t gone all out here. I haven’t even tried my fire breath trick in a looooonggg time.”

Adagio gave a laugh as she said, “That’s because you got carried away last time and started a fire that almost burned the place down. Not to mention what happened to that one guy.”

Aria snickered and Sonata frowned, “Hey! That barbarian deserved it. He threatened the owner and we weren’t ready to move on yet.”

“Still, we can’t just sing our way out of something like that this time. While the crowd would love seeing the trick, I don’t think our bosses would,” Aria added in conclusion as she was crouched down to check some of the bottles.

“Okay yeah… but still if we were on a ship’s bar they would like that kind of stuff. I loved doing other tricks as well you two know. And they don’t involve fire,” Sonata said.

“You do realize we would probably have every guy hitting on us even if his wife was sitting there next to him at the bar on a cruise ship. People are a lot less reserved when on cruises. We would have to actually put up with it and play along to keep our jobs and make good money,” Adagio said.

“And girls too,” Aria added causally as she stood up and noticed her friends looking at her with blinking eyes. “What? It never happens to you two?”

“Not really…” Adagio said.

Sonata nodded in thought as she said, “It’s your pig tails.”

“Hey!” Aria almost shouted as she glared before it turned into a little pout. “They’re Twin tails… Pig tails are shorter and not as cool.”

Adagio and Sonata both snickered to that. “But really it never happened to you two? I mean it isn’t like it wasn’t always unwelcomed…”

Again the others blinked at her. Aria blushed, “Oh come on... Don’t try to pretend you never…” She blushed a little deeper, “you know at least tried that.”

The other two started to giggle now as Aria again gave a little pout.

“Well yeah, we just never really talk that much about it, Aria. But I suppose that might happen once they have enough to drink on a cruise ship, but it would still be totally so much fun!” Sonata said with a huge smile.

“We can think about it sometime, but not right now. You heard Mr. Forrester they’re expecting it to be busy tonight,” Adagio said as Aria nodded in agreement.

“Can’t I at least try some tricks tonight? Boss Man said he knew we were holding back,” Sonata implored as she gave them her ‘Sonata Eyes’. The others quickly discovered they worked better than your usual puppy dog eyes.

“I’m not so sure about that…” Aria said as she looked to Adagio for an answer.

“Maybe a little if we have the chance. But I think we should be careful. Mr. Johnston might have a heart attack if we started juggling bottles and tossing them around to each other or something like that,” Adagio answered.

{-} {-} {-}

“Yeah!” "That’s awesome! Who knew this place was so rocking?” “We should come here again sometime.” The crowd around the bar was in a very good and friendly mood tonight. It was also bigger than anticipated, but there weren’t any real hold ups with the serving of drinks.

“Wooh!!!” Sonata cheered as Aria caught a bottle and did a quick back hand pouring trick. The crowd cheered again in reply.

Aria then quickly filled out a line of shots for a group of friends celebrating a birthday who happened to wander into the place. As she put the tequila away, she added a dash of Tabasco sauce to each of the shots. She then gave them a delightfully wicked, but still fun smile as she said, “I warned you guys not to underestimate this shot. But if there’s any kind of a shot that will put hair on your chest, this is it.”

The group of friends looked to each other cautiously before taking in a breath and letting it out simultaneously. They took the plunge and many of the bar patrons watched with bated breath. “I can’t believe their seriously having Mexican Prairie Fires…” a guy with purple hair said.

The birthday friends quickly stopped trying their best to tough out the shot just as a line of their chosen chasers slid their way. They didn't waste time before downing the lifesaving liquid as Sonata gave them a wink. It was the birthday boy who took the offered relief drink first. The others quickly followed suit as the crowd cheered and laughed. “35 seconds!” the guy with purple hair said as more cheered and some of the customers sitting at tables even applauded them.

“Three Starry Nights coming right up!” Adagio called as she twirled a bottle of Goldschlager while pouring the Jager for the shoots a trio of girls having a night out ordered. They liked the taste of cinnamon and loved the way the flakes from the Goldschlager looked in the shot.

Adagio next easily poured four drinks of cola mixed with Kraken dark rum. She didn’t even need to measure out the amount of rum to pour into the drinks or anything. “I’ve heard this tastes very good. I’m sure you guys will like it,” she said to the customers who wanted to try something new but familiar.

The group wasn’t so sure at first, but when one of their friends, who usually hated rum and cokes, tasted his and his eyes lit up before taking a few more sips, they were sure it was going to be good. “This is probably the best rum and coke I’ve ever had. Thanks!” he said with a smile half way through the drink.

“Hmmm…” one guy said with two friends next to him at the bar.

“You know… it’s just a drink. There’s no relation really…” one of his friends said.

The first guy looked to Sonata, who was smiling while waiting for their orders. “Do you know anything kind of like a Long Island, but not a Long Island?” he asked.

“He just had a bit of a bad break up with a girl from the New York area, but he really loves that drink,” the third friend explained.

Sonata nodded. “I know of one. It adds in bourbon as well as the other liquors.”

“That sounds perfect! What’s it called?” he asked.

“Texas Tea,” she said with a smile.

“Ahhh… Texas… reminds me of home,” he said as Sonata mixed the drink for him.

He then took a sip and let out an “ooo!” in response to the taste.

Sonata gave a giggle as she said, “Maybe I should have mentioned it has some kick.”

He shook his head and took another sip and again let out an “ooo!” in reponse. “Don’t worry about it. I like some kick in my drinks and really needed it.” He took a couple more sips and nodded. “This is actually kind of tasty, but strong.”

“Do you know any really cool drinks?” one of the friends asked.

“What did you have in mind?” she asked.

“Something that looks cool and tastes good. Surprise us,” the other one said.

“Okay, I got one. It’s follows the Texas theme,” she said giving them a wink.

They were curious what she had planned. She pulled out two glasses and poured beer into them before then getting two shot glasses and pouring Amaretto up to two thirds of the shot glass. She then pulled out a bottle of high proof rum and topped off the shot glasses.

The customers were very curious what she was making. One of the girls near to them gave out an “Ooo!” in response but didn’t further explain. She could tell the guys hadn’t ever had this drink before and she didn't want to spoil it for them.

The guys straightened up when Sonata pulled out a lighter and applied it to the shot glasses. The shots flared to life with fire before lowering to a gentle flame on top of the shot. She gave them a sweet innocent smile and asked, “Do you want to do the drop, or are you going to make a girl do it for you?” The guys looked to each other and shrugged as they picked up the shot glasses and dropped them into the beer. “Now shoot it!” she said and they did just that.

Once they were finished, they nodded to it. “That was good! What’s it called and how does it fit in with the Texas theme?”

“It’s called a Flaming Dr. Pepper. It tastes just like the soda it’s named after. Which was founded in Waco, Texas,” Sonata explained. “They have a museum there and everything. It’s pretty neat.”

Sonata, Adagio and Aria actually got a little fancier with their tricks while showing even more of their actual skill in bartending during the night. Adagio had forgotten about the caution she voiced earlier as she got caught up in the fun of bartending with both Sonata and Aria. The customers were all delighted and happy while the drinks still managed to flow at an acceptable rate.

“You know…” Kelly started as she looked to Jake. They were having a short break at the moment because the liquor stores were good at the bar. “Those three girls are really making the rest of us look like amateurs when it comes to the bar.”

Jake gave a chuckle. “They may not have meant to do it, but they might have just assigned themselves as the main and permanent Bartenders. The bosses might have to keep this up.”

“Oh, I think we will just have it be a once every month or two deal. Wouldn’t want to ruin the uniqueness of it,” Mr. Forrester said causing the other two to jump a little. “I think your break is about to be over,” he said with a smile just as Sonata motioned for them to come over. She probably had another list again.

The three girls seemed to almost have a sixth sense for when to get refills at the bar. If the General manager didn’t already know they were just that good at managing the liquors at the bar, he might believe that. They were actually getting a lot of customers asking them to think up drinks for them, so the girls did just that and would always be aware of the booze levels. In fact, Mr. Forrester would say they seemed to have even more experience than some of the most experienced bar owners had when it came to serving up drinks. They also knew how to entertain the crowd while still keeping a certain level of class.

{-} {-} {-}

When the night was finally over, the Dazzlings were in the staff locker rooms getting their clothes out. The three of them decided to use the restaurant waitress outfits with some modifications, since they were all at the bar tonight working together. It was actually Sonata’s idea.

They hadn’t expected to have bartending duty tonight. They usually got more notice for schedule changes. Sonata was supposed to be in the kitchen while both Adagio and Aria were going to be waitresses for the night. They weren’t dressed for bartending. Sonata decided it would be both fun and practical for the three of them to wear the waitress uniform with some slight changes to make it seem more casual. She also really liked the idea of them dressing up the same way like this together.

“That was actually a lot of fun,” Adagio admitted with a smile as she put on her blouse.

“Yes, it was,” Aria said while she unknowingly hummed one of the songs that played over the speaker system while they closed up for the night.

Aria looked to Sonata and smiled as she said, “Glad you suggested we have fun with some tricks and got Adagio to agree with it.”

Sonata snickered as she said, “Yeah. Adagio may have been opposed to the idea at first, but…” Sonata pretended to lower her voice as she stage whispered to Aria. “I think she actually had the most fun in the end.”

Adagio blushed a little but was still smiling.

Aria then jokingly said, “I was thinking for a moment there she was going to be the one to try a fire breath trick.”

Sonata giggled as she said, “And to think she was concerned about me doing it.”

Adagio gave a mock look of indignation before chuckling and saying, “Well I’ve never almost burned down a tavern because of such tricks.”

Aria laughed to this and Sonata gave a pouty look for a couple of seconds before smiling and laughing as well. The three friends laughed together and Sonata spoke again, “I hope we get to do something fun like this again sometime. Though I don’t want it to become a regular thing. That would take away the fun and people wouldn’t enjoy it as much after a while.”

Aria nodded and added, “Plus, I don’t think our usual crowds would be as understanding if it happened often. Though a lot of them seemed to enjoy the atmosphere tonight and the rest weren't really bothered by it.”

As they were about to leave, they heard Mr. Johnston call to them from the office. “Would you three please come in here and sit down?” The three friends were curious and a little worried at those words. Both Mr. Johnston and Mr. Forrester were in the office. Mr. Forrester closed the door once they sat down.

“Are we in trouble?” Sonata asked. Adagio was concerned about this situation. Aria folded her arms as she looked at them with a guarded expression.

Mr. Johnston gave a chuckle and a smile. “No. You three are not in trouble, but what we want to discuss with you all is something we don’t want getting around.”

The girls were more intrigued now than worried. Aria shifted back to a normal position in her chair. “I had expected you three were holding back your skills, but after what I saw tonight. I can safely say I had no idea just how much,” Mr. Forrester said. The girls were a little worried again and fearing they might ask questions.

“Like he told you three earlier, we don’t care how you came about those skills or why you were holding back. We instead have a couple of propositions for you all,” the owner said.

“First of all, we were wondering if you three would like to do this kind of thing again sometime. It isn’t something we want to have happen often. We were thinking maybe every couple of months or at most monthly. It is up to you three since it is you three who will have to go through all of that again. Naturally, you would actually have plenty of notice in the future, unlike tonight, and there would be some leeway for scheduling those nights. It is something to think about for now,” Mr. Forrester said to them.

The girls were excited about this, but took his advice and chose to think on it. They didn't want to rush into agreeing on it simply because they were in a good mood at the moment and still experiencing a bit of a rush from it all.

“The other thing we wanted to mention is about other services our restaurant offers. You know how we do a fair amount of catering, correct?” Mr. Johnston asked them. The girls nodded to that. Catering was kind of a big deal and to get to help with those gigs was a very good opportunity.

“Well we kind of have an unofficial catering team. We offer the staff in general plenty of chances, but there are some individuals we always have cater when they can make it. You three have more than proven yourselves valuable employees and have a very good work ethic. And even without tonight, your skills were noticeable and it really wouldn’t surprise anyone if you three became regular faces on the catering teams. I wanted to ask you three if you wanted this. Not everyone wants to cater and it's another thing to think about as well,” Mr. Johnston said.

The girls were quiet for moment. Adagio spoke up first, “We thank you for the offers and will think them over. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can with a decision.”

“That’s all we can ask,” the owner said to them. “Have yourselves a goodnight,” he added and dismissed them with a smile.

{-} {-} {-}

“We’re going to take them up on those offers, Right? Adagio?” Aria asked once they were walking back to their apartment.

“I so want to do both,” Sonata said in a slightly pleading voice.

Adagio sighed. “I’m perfectly fine with the bartending deal. It’s the catering thing I’m a little concerned about….”

“Why?” Sonata asked quickly.

Aria gave a knowing frown. “We can’t keep hiding from the rest of Canterlot if we want this to be our home, even if not permanently. It will be possible we run into students from CHS even here. It has always been a possibility.”

“Ohh…” Sonata said with a frown. This was why she usually let Aria and Adagio do the thinking about things. She wasn’t stupid, but she was more about helping them with what they came up with.

“I know…” Adagio started. She remembered some of the things Sunset had told her about the students at CHS. They could really hold grudges and weren’t always accepting people can change. She was worried something might happen and they end up catering at some big event with lots of CHS people there and trouble would find them.

Aria looked to Adagio with determined eyes. “We shouldn’t try to hide anymore. If we keep thinking that way, then we’ll never move on physically or emotionally.” She then sighed, “We still have time to think on it, but I don’t want you already deciding no to the catering thing. I like our jobs at the Bar and Grill as they are, but I’d like it if we catered too. I think it would help us figure out what we want to do after the Bar and Grill.” There was one option for after the Bar and Grill Aria had been secretly toying with for a while now, but she wasn’t going to bring it up to the others yet.

Adagio nodded. “I did say we would think about it. I’m not sure about the catering thing, but I’m not saying no to it outright. We just need to think about it carefully.”

Aria was about to say something else and possibly continue the argument, but Sonata spoke first. “We will, Adagio. Right, Aria?” she said while looking to the other girl.

Aria nodded and said, “We will.”

Sonata then grabbed each of them by the arms and smiled as she said, “Tonight really was lots of fun though. I kind of really liked the uniform idea too.”

Adagio chuckled and said, “Of course you did. You came up with it. It was a good idea though.” Sonata smiled brightly to this.

As the three continued home, Aria made up her mind about something else. She was going to start making her own plans. She decided Adagio needed to get out with them a little more and in a way that wasn’t ‘safe’.

She also wanted them to meet with Twilight and Sunset again sometime, but first she felt some time with just the three of them was in order. She’d ask Sunset about places likely to have CHS students visit, though hopefully wouldn’t be something like the popular local hangout or something. They all three needed to face the reality of their past actions sooner or later. She felt the sooner they did together the better. If nothing else, they could speed up their plans to leave the area, even though she had come to see it as home already. There was also that convention thing Sonata wanted them to all go visit together. Aria had a feeling if they didn’t get this whole CHS thing out of the way that trip wouldn’t be as much fun as it should be.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata woke up with a mighty yawn the day after they had bartending together. She really loved doing that with both Aria and Adagio. The truth was she loved pretty much anything they all did together. Sonata didn’t really notice as she hummed happily to herself while showering and getting ready for the day.

The light blue haired girl did notice when she entered the kitchen Aria was humming a pretty tune absentmindedly while working on something. Sonata paused in mid step at the sound. She had now heard both Aria and Adagio humming pretty tunes. She tried to curb the idea and hope spinning around in her heart. It might be nothing. “It could be everything!” she thought for a moment. She shook her head. If that was the case, she knew now wasn’t the time for action. She instead settled for saying, “Good morning, Aria! What are you working on?”

Aria’s humming stopped and she looked up before smiling to Sonata and motioning for her to sit next to her quietly. Adagio was still asleep it seemed. Sonata sat down feeling excited. “I decided something last night as we were walking back and debating about the catering offer the bosses gave us.”

“Ooo what did you decide?” Sonata asked eagerly.

“I think we should do it,” Aria started.

“I do too,” Sonata said. She then sighed and looked towards Adagio’s door.

“I have a plan about that. I’m hoping you can help me with it,” Aria said.

Sonata looked a little worried as she asked, “It isn’t something that will… tear us apart again is it?”

Aria placed a hand on Sonata’s shoulder. “No, it isn’t.” Sonata was relieved hearing this and listened as Aria continued. “I want the three of us to start going out to more places for fun together. Places where we might run into students from CHS. Places that aren't safe from that happening.”

Sonata was curious about this and could see some possible reason for this plan, but she wasn’t sure about it. Fortunately, Aria wasn’t done explaining it yet. “I want the three of us together facing the rest of the city. We are safe here, but I think we need more than safe now. We need to get out there. It could be possible maybe the CHS students will have already moved on to something else given they are kind of used to crazy magic stuff happening.”

“What if they do recognize us and it ends up bad?” Sonata asked with worry.

Aria gave her serious face as she said, “That is a possibility, but then that will just help us decide to move on and maybe we can really start over, even if I do see this place as home now. I just don’t think we should keep things how they are presently. If we aren’t already too complacent yet, it is only matter of time I feel.”

Sonata thought it over in her head. She both liked the idea and didn’t like it. She didn’t want Adagio getting hurt again or in trouble either, but Aria was also right. She helped herself to a glass of juice and took a sip. She sighed as she made up her mind. “Alright, but we take it easy. Places where there are too many people for something bad to happen, or places that aren’t going to be too bad. If this goes bad and goes real bad we move quickly if needed and apologize to Adagio together.”

Aria nodded. “I can agree with that, but I think this is for the best. For all of us. We’re in this together now. We help each other out, even if it isn’t always easy.” Aria then smiled as she said, “I already got some places in mind. I sent Sunset a text asking for suitable places and she replied this morning with a few. I would have asked Twilight for help as well, but she’s too new to this area.”

“Sounds good! We can go over them sometime,” Sonata said before giving a giggle. “Probably whenever Adagio goes sunbathing again. You know she’s going too.” Aria joined Sonata in a laugh. They laughed even more when they heard the sounds of Adagio starting her shower.

Aria got back to what she was doing while eating some toast and sipping juice. Sonata got herself some cereal. The sugary kind. The best kind! She refilled her juice and soon heard Aria again start to hum a tune. Sonata did her best not to make it obvious she noticed something, but she ate rather quietly that morning and just listened. Aria didn’t ask her why she was so quiet because she guessed Sonata was letting her think on her plan some more. By the time Adagio joined them, Aria had already once more stopped humming.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio wasn’t sure about where they were going today. It was a place that was closer to CHS then she liked. It wasn’t the famous Sugarcube Corner, but it wasn’t too far away. Even though it was a weekend, Adagio was feeling a little nervous as they sat down to place their orders. She might have said no to this, but Sonata brought out the Sonata eyes again and Aria really wanted to come here as well for some reason. Adagio gave into them in the end and was partly enjoying herself at least, even if she was constantly looking around for potential problems.

The trio of friends got into Aria’s car after lunch and went to their next stop. It too was in CHS territory, but it was a store they had all three heard some co-workers talking about and wanted to visit. It was a store with lots of decorations and collectible things of all kinds. Adagio might have thought they were pressing their luck, but she wasn’t the one driving and she also wanted to see the place.

When they arrived at the store, Adagio was still a bit wary as they entered. The store looked nice enough and it wasn’t too busy, but there was a part of Adagio expecting a CHS student to suddenly pop up and shout, “There they are! Get them! Get those Dazzlings!” After that, there would be a mob popping up from different parts of the store ready to chase them.

As the three girls looked through the store, Adagio found herself relaxing a little more. She even got a good laugh when Sonata appeared next to her and Aria wearing one of the tiki masks and making a few grunts. Adagio even got in on the fun a little bit and chose a different one to wear. The biggest shocker though was when Aria joined them in their fun. All three of them laughed and a store employee was about to tell them not to play with the merchandise, but he stopped himself when he saw the three girls go look at more of the store while carrying a mask each.

In addition to her mask, Adagio found a beautiful wall scroll that she already knew where to hang in her room. In the car Sonata spoke, “So where should we hang these masks? In the living room? In the kitchen? Ooo ooo on the doors to our rooms!”

Aria was the one to respond first, “I was actually going to hang mine inside my room.”

“Same here,” Adagio admitted.

“That works too!” Sonata said with a smile.

“I’m glad you drove us to that store, Aria. I’ve been wanting to go there for a while now, but didn't because it's close to that place,” Adagio said looking out her window as Aria and Sonata flashed each other a grin.

After all of that, Adagio’s week began.

Monday the group worked until mid afternoon and they went to a different restaurant which was again near CHS for supper. By this point, Adagio was sure Aria and Sonata were up to something and she had a couple of ideas, but didn’t say anything on the matter. She was very tempted to see where things went with whatever it was they were planning.

Tuesday they were busy most of the day at the bar and grill, though they visited a really nice coffee shop that was only a little ways out of their way to work. On Wednesday, they went to an arcade near a burger joint they wanted to try and both were close to CHS. Adagio was a bit surprised no one noticed them that day or maybe they had missed the CHS crowd. Thursday they again spent most of the day working and all three just retired to their apartment that night with some really good Chinese takeout they picked up on the way home.

Friday was going to be a tough day Adagio just knew it. The night before Sonata bought tickets to a movie they all really wanted to see. She even got them tickets to an IMAX 3-D showing of the movie. The only problem was how the light blue haired girl “forgot” the only IMAX 3-D screen in the city was in a mall movie theater which was deep in the heart of CHS territory. On top of that, the three friends found out Friday was a holiday and school was out. They were still going because they didn’t want to waste the money Sonata spent, but Aria and Sonata wanted to spend more time at the mall as well so it was going to be long trip.

Adagio knew what they were trying to do despite their attempts to hide they were planning this. There was still that part of her wanting to see what would happen. “Maybe the students were so caught up in our magic they remember us as little more than a voice pushing them this way and that way. They only reacted to us at the Battle of the Bands because it was so soon after the magic was broken,” Adagio thought as an attempt to reassure herself this wasn't a bad idea while picking out an outfit.

That would be far too convenient,” Adagio’s doubt said to her.

When they arrived at the mall, the girls climbed out of Sonata’s car, which was best for shopping trips, and Adagio was immediately on alert and remembering how to best get back to their car. She carefully followed her friends around the place as she noticed a few familiar faces, even if she never bothered with any of their names. Nothing was happening, but she was still on edge. Adagio was at least feeling some relief since she was here with Aria and Sonata, who were both keeping close to her and each other.

They went to a couple of stores and bought a few things before eating at the food court. Adagio bought some new clothes she needed. Aria bought them all a new video game they could play together and Sonata got a couple of movies. One movie she got for herself the other she got as something they would all like watching.

This mall actually had a very good selection for the food court and it was right by a beautiful two story carousel. Adagio was looking around carefully and trying to avoid eye contact with the two girls she recognized as being a part of Trixie’s band. They didn’t seem to care or notice the trio, so the curly haired girl allowed herself to relax for the rest of their lunch.

Their first stop after lunch was at the Build a Bear Shop. Sonata really wanted to visit it. This one was supposed to have a lot more stuff than the others usually had, and that was saying something. Sonata was humming happily as she looked around the shop with a smile on her face. Adagio registered the hum and might have thought more on it, but she was too busy snickering at Aria.

Aria was pretending to be the cool tough girl again. She was at the entrance with her arms folded as she asked, “Ugh… Sonata… Why are we here again?”

Sonata just continued about her business as she said, “Building a bear. Why else would we be here?” Aria rolled her eyes and left it alone.

Adagio might have bought Aria’s act a little more if she didn’t know better and Aria hadn't just moved from waiting outside the store to waiting inside the store. She was still at the entrance, but she was looking around the store ‘casually’ with too much of a smile for a tough, I hate everything cute kind of girl to have in such a place, even if it wasn’t a big smile.

The orange and yellowed haired girl was looking around the place curiously. She liked the way the store was laid out. It was rather easy to figure out where to get what you wanted, even if there were lots of choices. She made her way back over to Aria, who had moved even further into the store. Adagio waited near Aria, but not so close the girl would feel she had to keep up her image as much.

“Done!” Sonata said in a singsong voice. Aria and Adagio moved closer to each other and waited while a grinning Sonata approached them with her hands behind her back. “Ta Da!” she said as she held out two bears that looked remarkably close to the girls in front of her. “Aria, Dagio! Meet Bearia and Badagio! I got them for you,” she said with a grin and handed a bear to each of the two girls.

Bearia looked just like a bear form of Aria with her hair and everything. The bear had a neutral but still somehow welcoming expression on her face. She even had fur the same color as Aria’s skin and an outfit that was similar enough to what she usually wore.

Badagio looked just like Adagio, though her hair wasn’t as massive as Adagio’s. It was still close enough to mark their resemblance. The bear also wore a similar enough outfit too. However, Badagio actually had a small smile instead of a neutral expression.

Aria looked her bear over and remained still as she held it while examining it. Adagio looked at her bear and smiled before giving Sonata a tight hug in thanks. She even let out a tear or two in happiness. She didn’t expect this and she felt really happy at the surprise gift. She also wasn’t trying to act cool or anything like Aria, so she let it show. “Thanks, Sonata… It is really cute and such a thoughtful gift,” she said to her friend who smiled in return.

Aria didn’t say anything. She disappeared into the shop. Sonata looked a little worried now. She feared maybe Aria didn’t like the gift and was trying to return it. Adagio squeezed her shoulder telling her to wait. Adagio had a feeling she knew what was up. The last thing she or Aria wanted was a sad Sonata, but that could have easily been avoided by just accepting the gift. This was something more to Aria.

The twin tailed girl returned blushing a little as she held a bear out for Sonata. Sonata looked at it and took the bear quickly. It looked just like her and even had a big smile. She quickly gave Aria a hug in thanks. Aria returned the hug in her own way and said, “Wouldn’t feel right for them to leave behind their best friend Bonata.” Aria sniffed back a couple of tears and her voice was filled with emotion as she spoke.

Sonata didn’t care for such reservations. She cried a little in happiness as she hugged Aria again. “Thanks so much, Aria… I didn’t expect this. Bonata is really cute!”

She then happily hugged the bear again as they left the shop and made a trip to the car to drop off what they got so far. Neither of the girls wanted something to happen to their bear counterparts. After they placed everything else into the trunk, they took extra care to sit all three bears together. It wouldn’t do for them to just be tossed into the car. Bonata was in the middle of Bearia and Badagio. Their human counterparts even placed them so the bears were all three holding hands, or paws in their case.

The three friends were in a really good mood as they trekked around the mall a little more together. They still had some time before the movie started. They weren’t really bothered by any of the others at this point. Some of the students looked at them, but it could have been for any reason really.

Later, as they made their way to the movie, Adagio was starting to feel a little nervous again. There were a lot of CHS students in the theater waiting for tickets or refreshments. She was starting to think maybe the three of them had just been lucky earlier no one bothered to actually take notice of them, since they were all minding their own business throughout the mall. However, when waiting in line for a movie or refreshments one did tend to look around at the other people in the area. There were also a lot of them together here, even if they weren’t all there with each other. The students were talking to one another or waving and such.

The former leader of the Dazzlings would do what she could for her friends, but there wasn’t much she felt she could do if needed here. They didn’t have any powers. They weren’t physically that strong compared to some of the guys and they were severely out numbered. If the students suddenly wanted to get back at them, they would only be able to run and pray they did so fast enough.

Adagio felt a hand grab her own. She looked down and noticed it was Sonata’s hand. She looked up and the girl gave her a friendly and warm smile. “Don’t worry Adagio,” she said as she squeezed her hand. Adagio smiled in return and felt calmer as they walked up to the refreshment stand.

“Can I have a Buncha Crunch and a Root Beer?” Aria asked the worker, who was a student at CHS. The girl seemed to look them over, but she didn’t seem bothered by them being there.

“What else?” she asked.

“I want a Sprite mixed with grape and milk duds,” Sonata ordered with a friendly smile.

“And I’ll have a cherry soda with Reese’s pieces,” Adagio said.

Aria paid for their refreshments. Adagio might have complained, but she was stopped before she could. “You paid for our night out on the town. You can’t complain about us being generous as well every now and then,” Aria said. Adagio nodded as she grabbed her refreshments and felt relieved as they walked to go wait for the doors to open for their movie.

Fresh Mint wondered what those three were doing here, but she didn’t care. Sure, there was the whole Battle of the Bands thing, but everyone got heated and caught up in the competition there. Things had gotten intense during that time, but they had all done things they regretted a little during those days. Some had claimed magic was somehow involved, but the majority of the students just cared about apologizing to their friends instead of who to blame after they cooled down, once the competition was over. It probably helped that there weren’t any friendships really broken during that time.

The three girls were actually a little worried something might happen as they stood there in line waiting for the movie. They happened to be standing right next to most of Flash Drive. The leader apparently was too busy to come with the rest of the band, because something came up at the last minute from what they could gather. The rest of the band even looked at the three girls a little curiously, but it felt more as if they were just checking them out a little before smiling and turning back to each other talking again.

The guys of Flash Drive were caught a little off guard when they saw the Dazzlings standing next to them in line for the movie. They weren’t sure what to think, but when the girls just kind of kept to themselves it felt as if they were just three normal girls. They guessed they now were, they weren’t sure how this magic stuff worked, but despite most of the Battle of the Bands' final being a blur they did clearly remember the Dazzlings loosing whatever powers they were supposed to have had.

They also weren’t really too caught up in the whole competition thing. They were serious about it and wanted to win, but it was mostly Flash that they were following since he was their leader. He had done things he later admitted to them he felt bad about, but Flash Sentry never really took anything out on others. He simply got over it and learned from it. After all, if he stood up for Sunset Shimmer after the Fall Formal, despite everything she did to them all and to him personally. There was no way he would get upset at the Dazzlings because he got so carried away with the competition.

{-} {-} {-}

The girls laughed as Aria went over a part of the movie she liked again. “We knew that movie would be awesome and it was,” Aria said as she climbed into Sonata’s car. “Thanks for getting the tickets, Sonata. I don’t think it would have been anywhere near as cool on a regular movie screen.”

The day had actually been a lot of fun for the three, even when they were worried about what might happen. The car ride back consisted of the trio going on about the movie, even though it was mostly Aria and Adagio. Sonata was focused on driving. It didn’t take them long to get everything out of the car and into their rooms once they arrived back at their apartment.

The girls didn’t have to go in to work until late tomorrow, so they decided to have a drink or two with each other as they sat around the living room talking some more. When there was a lull in the conversation, Adagio spoke. “Okay. I get it,” she simply said to them.

The other girls looked to her curiously. “I get it. Things aren’t as bad as I feared they would be. I figured out what you two were trying to do a while back. I appreciate it, though I wish you had just told me what was going on instead of ‘accidentally’ forgetting something was right close to CHS.” She said the last part with a giggle as both Aria and Sonata blushed knowing they were caught. They were also happy it seemed to have worked and Adagio wasn’t angry with them.

Adagio gave a stretch. “Tomorrow after our shift we will meet the bosses together and tell them we do want to join the unofficial catering team. I know you two already wanted to do it from the start and I was the only one with doubts.”

“Well we were a little worried too, but we just figured it was time we see what would happen,” Sonata explained.

Aria nodded, “We were ready to move out if needed, had things gone sour. We weren’t going to let you get hurt again trying to fix things on your own for us.”

Adagio smiled fondly at them both. “I don’t know why or how it is the CHS students aren’t like super angry at us, but I’m thankful. Maybe they just moved on since the Battle of the Bands already. Maybe our magic fogged their minds so much they didn’t really remember anything other than a voice whispering to them. I feel like we can, I can, stop worrying so much about that. I’m sure some of them will remember and not really forgive us. Such as maybe that Flash whatever his name was guy and Trixie. There is also the other Rainbooms, but maybe things will work out there too. Twilight and Sunset are our friends. If we apologize to the others, eventually they might forgive us. Though I will admit, I don’t want to force that confrontation.”

The others nodded their heads in agreement. “I don’t want to press any confrontations. If we have to talk about it to someone we can, but I think not looking for trouble will work out the best for us,” Aria said. Adagio and Sonata nodded in agreement.

Sonata gave a smile. “I really enjoyed today. And I’m really happy you agreed to finally let us join the catering team. I'll admit I was a little worried today at certain times, but it's all good now.” The girls moved in and gave each other a group hug.

Adagio then gave a bit of a snicker. “I still like how Aria made a Sonata bear despite claiming to hate that store so much.” Aria pretended to be indignant and raised her nose in the air before the three of them shared a laugh and enjoyed the rest of the night.

{-} {-} {-}

Saturday was busy as it always was on Saturday, especially at night, but it was a good night business and tip wise. The three girls were meeting again with Mr. Forrester and Mr. Johnston in the main office. Sonata and Adagio were wearing their waitress uniforms and Aria was in her regular clothes having just finished with her kitchen duties. “We decided we would like to do the bar thing some more, but not too often like you said,” Adagio explained as the other two nodded in agreement. Mr. Forrester smiled to their answer. “We also decided to join the unofficial catering team,” Adagio said as the three of them smiled excitedly.

Mr. Johnston gave a good hearted happy chuckle. “Excellent! I was really hoping you would say yes to that.” He then nodded to Mr. Forrester who left to go and finish with the close out duties and pass the message to those who needed to know. “Now we have a few upcoming events already scheduled. I would like you three to look over the calendar here and tell me if there are any you know for sure you can’t make it to because of previous arrangements.”

The girls looked even though there wasn’t any problem like that for them.

Mr. Johnston pointed to a date on the calendar not too far off and said, “This event is coming soon and we could really use your help. Mrs. Franks will be running this one and she will be meeting with you three later to discuss details about it. This one isn’t the usual catering gig, so there will be a number of differences from our regular catering service, but you three are more than capable of helping with it I’m sure.”

They spent a good amount of time talking about the other events as well. Mr. Johnston told them to not over do it on signing up for events. He could tell they were more than ready to go full throttle now that they made their choice. He had faith in them and their skill, but he first wanted to ease them into catering if possible.

The girls left that night in a really good mood and all three were humming at one time or the other as they walked back to their apartment together. Sonata enjoyed the moment, but took note of this occurrence. She was going to take actions on her new plan soon as a result of this. For tonight though, she was just going to enjoy the mood they were all in because of their excitement. "I can't wait to tell to Twilight and Sunset about this," she said.

"I was hoping the five of us could get together again soon and this will be perfect to talk about," Aria said.

Adagio gave a nod. "I'll get in touch with them and tell them we want to all hangout gain soon," she said as they made their way home.

Author's Notes:

I said this chapter would come out soon and here it is :yay: . Sadly, the next chapter will take some time. I wrote the main part of it a while ago, but it needs some serious reworking after all of this time and there is something really hanging me up on it. Who knows? Maybe something will happen and I will get it out quicker as inspiration fires brightly inside me and compels me to focus on writing this! But like I said, who knows? :unsuresweetie:

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter.

Finding Your Voice

Sonata was feeling happier than she had ever felt before in all of her really long life. She was happy things were going well for them. She was even happier they had Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle as friends too.

Friends…” she thought.

Sonata had never realized how wonderful of a word that was until she heard Adagio call her and Aria such that one night. The trio had cried and even ended up cuddling together that night in Adagio’s bed. She knew her two best and longest friends had to be just as happy as she was. “Maybe even happier…” she thought with a smile as she looked over to Adagio.

She was excited and glad Adagio seemed to be the happiest, even if she didn’t always outwardly show it. “Always trying to keep her composure. No matter what, even though she has her moments,” she thought with a giggle.

Some might not fully understand just how happy Adagio was in general, but Sonata knew. She noticed she seemed to have a special understanding of other’s feelings. When it came to Aria and Adagio at least, “But that’s all that matters really,” Sonata thought with a smile.

While reflecting on her thoughts, she fully realized the emptiness she and they others felt was pretty much gone now. Last night after the three of them agreed to joining the unofficial catering team she remembered how all three of them were humming on the way back home. The moment gave her an idea and she was waiting for the right time to enact it.

Another reason Sonata was in a really good mood was because they made plans this Friday with Sunset and Twilight at a place called Fun Zone Plus. Saturday they were working the late shift, so they had no problems with going out Friday night. They were also working the opening shift Friday, so they would have the late afternoon and onward off. This gave them plenty of time to get ready for their night of fun.

{-} {-} {-}

As the week continued, Sonata noticed more humming from her friends, even if they didn’t really seem to notice it. Sonata was extra determined in her plan now. She could tell it was almost time. She only hoped when the time came both Aria and Adagio would be ready.

“Two Blue Hawaiians please,” a new customer asked Sonata at the bar.

The girl smiled and cheerfully said, “Coming right up!” She quickly mixed up the drinks and garnished them with pineapple wedges before passing them to the customer.

“That was fast…” he said a little impressed. Sonata smiled as the guy sampled his drink and let out a “mmm!” in response and nodded. His girlfriend tried her own drink and gave a similar reaction.

“I’m just that good,” Sonata said earning a chuckle from some of the regular patrons who saw her and the others the night all three of them bartended together. Now that they were no longer bothering to keep good but not too good, the girls didn’t really hold back anymore. They even helped some of the other staff members who wanted to get better as well. Though the girls didn’t know it, Johnston’s Bar and Grill was staring to gain in popularity lately in part thanks to their efforts.

{-} {-} {-}

“Hmmm…” a customer at a table expressed as Adagio waited to take his order. His friends rolled their eyes at him.

“Sorry about this. He’s always indecisive when it comes to ordering,” a girl in the group apologized to Adagio on his behalf.

“It’s perfectly fine,” Adagio said with an easy smile. She turned to the indecisive customer. “I can help you if you want,” she told him.

He gave a resigned sigh. He would ask for her help, though he’d bet she would just recommend the special. “I kind of want something a little crunchy and zesty and good and tasty,” he described very vaguely.

“Is there anything you can’t have?” she asked.

He blinked a little to that and shook his head. “Not that I saw on the menu,” he replied. He was caught off guard she hadn’t just recommended the special.

Adagio was in thought for a moment. “Well, I recommend the salmon burger.”

“Salmon burger…” the indecisive customer said in thought. He saw that on the menu but wrote it off.

One of his friends, someone who had come a few times before, gave a chuckle. “Do as the lady says. Trust me.” The others chuckled as the indecisive man placed his order finally.

When the meal later arrived, his mouth was watering at the sight of the Salmon burger. When he took his first bite, it was as if his taste buds were rejoicing at the wonder that was the salmon burger. He had tried them before and while they weren’t terrible, this one was something else.

The salmon meat was a good size and went past the bun without going too far past it. The bun itself was crunchy where it touched the meat and still soft for the most part otherwise. The zestiness of the special recipe spread mixed well with the tastiness of the salmon and the lettuce on the sandwich. It all added up to what he felt was perfection. The seasoned fries on the side also looked to be wonderful.

He let out a moan of pleasure at the taste. Adagio gave a knowing smile glad to have satisfied a customer. His friends were chuckling at his reaction. “I told you to listen to her,” the friend from earlier said earning a nod as the formerly indecisive customer took another bite eagerly.

“Good to see you like it,” Adagio said as she left to get refills for their drinks.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria gave a stretch as she finished up yet another order. She really liked cooking here at the restaurant. The kitchen staff were happy they actually kept up with the orders better than usual. It was in part thanks to Aria. Johnston’s wasn’t one of those places that had major problems with the kitchen keeping up, but when Aria worked in the back things seemed to flow even better.

Aria had shown a few more “tricks of the trade,” as she called them. Her tricks helped out the other cooks. She knew ways to easily improve the taste and cooking speed the others could learn as well. She knew when it came to restaurants the key was still, even in modern times, consistency. She could go all out if she wanted, but that would only be good for a short while and only she could produce those results. The methods she used improved the consistency overall and could be taught to future employees when needed.

She wasn’t the head chef, though she easily could be if she didn’t like the setup her and the other two had instead. Aria was still seen as an unofficial head chef by the kitchen staff when she was working with them. If she wasn’t too busy with her own cooking, you could usually go to her to save many mistakes on dishes without having to start over. Fortunately, those mistakes were becoming less and less of a concern in large part thanks to her and the others as well. All three of them were good at all of the jobs.

Things really are very good for us,” Aria thought as she finished a steak one of the customers ordered. The three of them had things really rough at first, but they had fallen into the routine of things. More importantly than that, the three had each other and now they had at least two good friends in Sunset and Twilight.

I still can’t get over how that turned out,” Aria thought as she placed the steak on the plate and added the side salad and extras. She rang the bell and called the order number letting the waitress know it was up. “To think, the two of them played the biggest role in defeating us, especially Sunset. Now, they're our friends,” she pondered as she took a short break. She wondered if maybe things would be good with the other Rainbooms as well, but it didn’t really matter to her much. She had Adagio and Sonata by her side no matter what.

Aria stretched again. “Well, back to work,” she said to herself with a smile. You couldn’t take too much of a breather when it was busy in the kitchen. She didn’t mind though. It was good things were going so well.

{-} {-} {-}

It was finally Friday and Sunset and Twilight were waiting for Aria, Adagio and Sonata in front of Fun Zone Plus. They didn’t have to wait long this time. Twilight waved as Sonata greeted them cheerfully with Adagio and Aria right behind her.

“Hello!” Sonata said with a wide happy grin.

“Hi!” Twilight returned as they all exchanged greetings.

“We aren’t too late, are we?” Sonata asked.

“We haven’t really been here that long. Maybe a few minutes at most,” Sunset answered.

“Luckily, traffic wasn’t as bad as we feared,” Aria stated.

Adagio sighed. “I really hate traffic, but I still at times can’t help but realize just how far humans have come over the many years. We never really thought much about it, but I guess being mortal has put it a little in perspective.”

“What was it like here 1000 years ago?” Twilight eagerly asked.

“A thousand years ago the High Middle Ages were just starting. Things were getting a little tougher for us. We couldn’t get as much energy as we previously did here,” Adagio started.

“We had to really figure things out some. We had been spending time with Vikings for a good while before then. Fighting both in bars and on the battlefield had been terrible, but kept us well fed,” Aria said.

“What happened to change that?” Twilight couldn’t help but ask.

“The Catholic Church was at its height of power in Europe and they were trying their best to limit violence between nobles and such. Good overall, but not so much when you literally feed off of negative energy. We were still sirens at that point. Though luckily enough at the time for us… the crusades were just around the corner,” Adagio answered as Sonata nodded and Aria looked to the ground with a frown.

“I’m pretty sure the crusades were bad…” Sunset said. “And bloody.”

“They were,” Sonata started. “But like Adagio said, at the time that was a good thing for us because we could only feed off of negative energy. There wasn’t even ambient magic here.” She looked to side and frowned, “We didn’t really have a choice but to feel nourished during all of that in those times. Our power was far from what it was when we first arrived. Our energy built up by our time with the vikings was running low. For better or worse, it was like finally having some food after starving for a long time.”

“But you three wouldn’t have been here that long by that point. I mean it has only been about 1000 years since Starswirl sent you all through to this world,” Twilight said.

“True enough, but we didn’t come here through a stable portal like you two did,” Aria explained.

“Starswirl was a gifted unicorn, but he had to act in haste even while his allies kept us briefly distracted. Otherwise our powers would have gotten to him as well,” Adagio said.

“But he was amazing! He could do pretty much anything,” Twilight couldn't help but feel she had to defend her favorite historical unicorn.

“He was, but even he couldn’t make a magical portal across time and space while taking into account time variance between the two points on the fly,” Adagio explained.

Twilight was in thought for a moment and then nodded. She sighed. “I guess I can see how that would be a problem, even for him.”

“How long have you three been here then?” Sunset asked. She was both really curious and also wanting to head off any possible arguments for the night regarding Starswirl's abilities by changing the subject.

The trio looked a little nervous about answering that question. Age had never really bothered them before in the past, but for some reason being mortal made them actually care about such things. Maybe it was because they knew their lives would end now, even if they fully intended to make these last decades of their lives mean the most.

Sonata sighed and gave a nervous giggle. “Ummm… Since Ancient Egypt’s Period of Reunification…” she gave a bit of a blush. Adagio and Aria joined Sonata in blushing as they noticed Twilight’s and Sunset’s awed expressions.

“Wow… Just wow…” Twilight eloquently proclaimed.

“That’s a really long time…” Sunset said. Both girls were trying to wrap their heads around this. “That’s like even before Ancient Greece…” she couldn’t help but add.

Aria sighed this time. “We were kind of the influence for the Ancient Greece myths about Sirens to an extent.”

“We were also the reason for the myths about the muses as well,” Sonata added. She really wanted their friends to realize they weren’t completely bad and evil. They were just kind of mostly evil at that time. It didn’t make too much of a difference, but it was still difference.

“Really?” Twilight asked. Sunset had told her some about ancient Greek myths. Muses helped inspire people while Sirens led to turmoil among people, usually sailors. It was strange realizing the three girls in front of her were responsible for both sides of those myths.

“Yep,” Sonata answered with a slightly uneasy smile.

“All of the political in-fighting with different empires vying for control and such helped sustain us. We also didn’t fully realize our magic was fading at the time. There isn’t natural magic here like there is in Equestria, but we were extraordinarily powerful when we first arrived,” Adagio said.

“Sometimes when we took a shine to someone, we would use our voices and power to help them find inspiration for their projects. Occasionally we would Siren it up and that would be more than enough to keep us healthy and going,” Aria added.

“Why didn’t you keep doing that?” Twilight asked. Her tone was one of genuine curiosity, so Adagio had no problems answering her question.

“It wasn’t sustainable for us. Again… It goes back to how there isn’t any natural magic here. That’s part of the reason why humans have a belief magic is simply technology they don’t yet fully understand. We would have starved to death long ago if we had kept being muses and using our powers in such a way. It wasn’t pretty or the nice thing for us to act how we did, but we wanted to survive. Unlike in Equestria where we kind of got drunk on the power our magic brought us. Here, it was mostly survival along with sometimes enjoying the rush consuming negative energy gave us which caused us to behave like we did,” Adagio explained.

Twilight might have asked more questions on that topic, but Sunset decided it was time they got to the fun of their night. The Sirens' past was a heavy topic and shouldn’t be discussed outside in public. They were pushing their luck as it was.

“Well. I think we should go ahead and get the night started! We’re starting with bowling,” Sunset said. She then gave a mischievous grin to Twilight as she added, “I want to see if Twilight can set a new record.” Twilight playfully rolled her eyes at the comment. She wanted to ask more questions, but it was time to get to the fun for the night.

“I bet I do better than you, Sunset,” Aria said with a playful smirk.

“HA! We’ll see about that,” Sunset said in reply. She then jokingly added, “You may have been around for the birth of bowling, but that doesn’t mean you’re any better at it than me.”

Adagio gave a loud laugh and Sonata joined her. Aria smirked and the two had a very brief stare down before they broke out into giggles and all five of them headed inside. They were ready for a night of fun and games. Sonata was also ready to put her plan into action and was hoping for the best as she looked over her friends.

{-} {-} {-}

Fun Zone Plus was filled with all kinds of games and plenty of other activities as well. Bo’s Pizza Palace was nice and all, but this was a much more fun oriented place. It had plenty of bowling lanes, Lazer tag, the revolving rock climbing wall and an arcade in a karaoke bar kind of area. It also had a pretty good dining part as well and the menu was diverse, even if some would consider the food standard fare. It was very much a great location for general fun.

The bowling shoes still left much to be desired looks wise for the most part though. “I’m pretty sure bowling shoes are someone’s idea of a joke,” Sunset said as Sonata and Twilight laughed at her unamused expression. She did exaggerate it for fun and effect.

“At least when it comes to the rentals. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these were from the bowling craze of the 50’s and 60’s,” Adagio said. Aria was looking at her rental pair and could have sworn she had indeed recognized them from back during Bowling’s modern hay day.

“At least the music is different now. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing though,” Sonata said with a thoughtful expression. She really did like music from the 1940s and 1950s. Adagio, Aria and she were part of some local scenes at that time. They kept it on the down low though. They could have gone big if they wanted thanks to the whole mind control aspects and events at the time, but they didn’t really like working too much in the public eye. It was annoying having to use their mind control too much to keep questions being asked about them.

The group of friends finally had their lane and were ready to get started. Twilight hoped she improved, but she was still looking forward to it. She gave a sigh, “I know I am not all that great at bowling, not even in Equestria, but for some reason I still enjoy it.”

Sonata smiled to her and placed a hand on her shoulder as she said, “There’s nothing wrong with that. Just don’t be like Aria and Sunset.” She gave a snicker as she looked forward.

Adagio gave a sigh. She was designated as personal marker for the first couple of rounds between Sunset and Aria. She was supposed to say if someone went too far before releasing their ball. Luckily, she only had to do this a couple of frames each, but it was still a bit embarrassing. She wanted to just enjoy the show while chatting with Twilight and Sonata.

“What kind of coffee drink does Adagio like?” Twilight whispered to Sonata.

Sonata smiled to that. “They did have that really cool machine, huh?” she asked rhetorically. Twilight nodded. Sonata whispered to Twilight, “It isn’t anything too fancy, but she loves an Iced Mocha with caramel and some whipped cream if possible.”

“Thanks,” Twilight said. “What do you want? Can you bowl a frame for me if needed while I place the order?”

“Just have them send one of those bottled iced caramel frappuccinos with the drinks you get for Adagio and yourself,” Sonata answered. “Of course, I will bowl for you,” she then gave a mischievous grin as she added, “I might gutter them on purpose. Wouldn’t want your record tarnished because I managed to bowl a good frame or two for you after all.”

Twilight gave a laugh. “Obviously,” she said in a matter-of-fact voice. She then gave a mischievous giggle as she looked towards Aria and Sunset. The two were carefully examining the lane and their bowling balls to make sure everything was fair. “I would ask if they wanted something to drink too, but I don’t want to interfere with their focus,” she said as Sonata chuckled in agreement.

{-} {-} {-}

When Twilight gave Adagio a friendly smile and offered her a cup of her favorite coffee drink, the ex-siren gave a relieved and pleasant sigh as she took a sip. She could just enjoy the rest of her bowling now. It was so ridiculous standing there as some kind of line judge in a bowling alley. There was a foul line sensor, but apparently both Aria and Sunset didn’t trust it. Once Sonata tripped it, possibly on purpose for Adagio’s sake, they started to trust it some and the other three were allowed to enjoy the game in peace.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata laughed with the others as Twilight bowled her final frame and shouted, “Yeah! New Record!” She managed to get 95 this time. Twilight knew she wasn’t good at this game, but she still enjoyed it and the others did cheer her on as she went.

“Next time maybe you’ll make it into the triple digits,” Aria said with a smile before laughing. Some might think it was a rude comment, but she was actually genuine and the others knew this. It was still funny how bad Twilight was at bowling and even the pony princess herself knew this.

The group sat down at a table to finish their drinks before deciding what to do next. They weren’t just going to bowl the whole night. Sonata sneaked a couple of glances at the karaoke bar, but the others didn’t notice her actions.

Sunset gave a grin as she said loud enough for the people at a nearby table to hear, “I think we should play some Lazer Tag now!”

Twilight laughed and said, “You’ve really wanted to play that tonight, haven’t you?”

She turned to the others and jokingly stage whispered, “She was going on and on about it earlier today.” The other three giggled in response.

“After it was introduced to me, I kind of fell in love with it I guess,” Sunset said with a grin.

“Sounds fun. Just try not to be too upset when I completely beat you, Shimmer,” Aria said with a smirk and a laugh.

“Is that so? You seem to think highly of your skills, Blaze,” Sunset said with a matching smirk and laugh.

“I don’t just think highly of my skills at lazer tag. I know how awesome I am at the game,” Aria said as she looked Sunset in the eyes challenging her.

“How about we make a small wager then?” Sunset said getting more excited. She liked the idea of possibly having a bit of a friendly rivalry with Aria. She would admit the twin tailed girl was pretty good at most things sporty or had a certain level of competition to them.

“If you were a little kid, I would warn you not to get in over your head. But you aren’t. So, you’re on!” Aria said with equal excitement in her eyes.

Adagio shook her head as she smiled at their interaction. She then jokingly said to Sonata, “We might have to make extra sure to keep the collateral to a minimum. The fires of their competitive spirits might burn the place down.”

Sonata giggled, “I really don’t want that. We haven’t tried the tacos yet.”

Adagio laughed and said, “Exactly!”

Twilight overheard them and joined in their laughter and said, “Priorities, right?” Sonata grinned and nodded as the three shared a new round of giggles.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria and Sunset learned three things after their games of Lazer Tag. First, they learned they should always be careful when challenging the other. This was something they both liked doing, but they could get a little carried away in their fun rivalry. Fortunately, the others were there to keep them in check and find amusement in their interactions with each other. It was still a lesson.

They also learned to never underestimate Sonata. She was very much a wild card when it came to Lazer Tag. Her results were surprising with each round. Over all she was good and in the last round she got third behind one of the staff members.

The last thing they learned was something they would never forget. As much as she was bad at bowling when it came to Lazer Tag, Twilight utterly dominated them all. There was also the fact this was her first time even playing the game and she really liked it. Sunset was pretty sure even a rage induced Rarity called ugly wouldn’t be a match for Twilight Sparkle the Princess of Lazers.

“That was a lot of fun! I didn’t even know I was apparently that good. I thought I was losing the whole time each round,” Twilight said with a cheerful and friendly tone.

Twilight turned out to be so good that even when Aria and Sunset were on the same team working together against her, she still won. After the first couple of games, some of the others playing with their group picked up on who she was and decided it was ultimately a battle for second. Twilight's team was all but guaranteed to be first, even if she still found it surprising when she won.

She was not only scary good at the game, but also so completely innocent when it came to it. There wasn’t any way it was just beginner’s luck either. Half way through their matches, Twilight won all of them, several members of the staff joined in the game. It was a “Beat the pro night” it turned out and the staff here were known to be really good.

The five friends got a real good laugh at the staff’s expressions when they learned Twilight was ‘PrincessSparklePony4’. It was like they expected ‘PrincessSparklePony4’ to be some retired special forces bad ass using the name as a joke. They did not expect the name to belong to Twilight, a cute, beautiful, and friendly girl, despite the name being very apt for someone like her.

As the five friends picked up their printed score sheets for the last round, Sonata’s stomach growled shortly followed by Twilight’s. Sonata gave a small blush as she asked, “Think we can hit the diner next? I saw they have tacos!” The others agreed instantly. They knew not to get between Sonata and her tacos. Plus, they were all hungry after bowling and Lazer Tag.

{-} {-} {-}

“How are things going at work?” Twilight asked once they were all sitting down with their food. They ended up getting seats in the karaoke bar area.

“Really good actually,” Adagio said.

Sonata was excited and further explained, “We’re on the unofficial catering team!”

“That means when there is a catering event the managers will come to us first to ask if we're interested before opening it up to everyone else,” Aria added.

“That’s good to hear,” Sunset said. She knew that also meant more money for them.

“How did you all earn that privilege?” Twilight asked.

The trio actually blushed a little here. “We ummm… Kind of got a little carried away one night at work and showed what we could really do,” Sonata said.

“They were thinking of asking us about it anyways, but it was a little embarrassing when they called us into the office and told us to sit down before closing the door behind us. We thought we were in serious trouble,” Adagio said.

“Well its good that wasn’t the case,” Sunset replied. She knew all too well it was usually a bad sign when you were told to sit down and the door was closed behind you. It happened to her more times than she wished to count when she was the alpha bitch at CHS.

“I can imagine. There was one time when I turned in an assignment a couple of minutes late, I feared Princess Celestia would banish me into a dungeon and then banish my cell to a different dimension from Equestria after she called me to her room,” Twilight said. She then gave a nervous giggle, “I might have been over reacting a tiny bit at that time. It turned out she didn’t even know it was a couple of minutes late until I told her as I deeply apologized for the mistake.”

{-} {-} {-}

Once they finished their meal, Sonata gave the tacos a six out of ten on the Sonata scale of tacoy goodness. Zero meant they weren’t the best, but still good since they were tacos and ten meant they were the cream of the cream of the taco crop.

As they continued to sit there talking a little and enjoying their drinks, Sonata’s eyes wandered over to karaoke stage again. She saw it was free. You just had to sign up by selecting your song using the simple tablet at your table. She looked at the expansive list of songs on the screen and saw the one perfect for her plan.

It was a song she and the others had sung in the past to ease their settling in with a new community as they were again keeping a low profile after things had gotten a bit out of hand for them. The song also gained some popularity around the turn of the century after it was played in a movie. She guessed that was part of the reason it was on the list, even if the movie was several years ago.

The the three of them made a different arrangement of the song making use of their three voices at the time. She was going to sing that version of the song for the crowd here tonight. Rearranging the song was actually one of the few times in the past she could remember they enjoyed each other's company openly. She hoped it would be enough to get Aria and Adagio to join her. She could also improvise a little since she was singing it a capella, if needed. It was a fairly beautiful song, but it would sound odd with her voice alone using this version and she hoped that would further spur on the other two into joining her.

The blue haired girl felt something inside her as she looked over to Aria and Adagio. This further confirmed to her tonight was the night. She gave a smile and walked over to the Karaoke stage after picking the song. She had been planning this in a way for the whole week.

She was sure she could sing now. She was also sure Aria and Adagio could as well. She was a bit nervous they might not join her in the end, but she had faith in them. She might be embarrassed a little if they didn't join her, but she was taking this risk. If she didn't, she doubted either of them would and they might never sing again.

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me they way!

O sisters let's go down,
Let's go down, oh come on down
O sisters, let's go down
Down in the river to pray...

The people sitting at the tables in the area looked as Sonata started to sing. Sonata's voice sounded wonderful, but it felt like the song was off with the way she was singing. Some of them whispered to each other wondering if their friends might know what was up with the girl's singing.

Aria and Adagio knew better than most people there. They were surprised Sonata could sing again. They were also surprised she was purposely singing just her part of their arrangement of the song. They might have just stood there in awe at their friend singing again, but Twilight gave them each a light push which broke them from their musings.

The two looked to each other and came to an understanding. Twilight broke them from their awe and was encouraging them to join Sonata. It seemed she too had an idea what was happening. They weren't sure what the results would be, but they were going to join her. Worst case scenario they would be embarrassed with Sonata in front of the crowd, but they would still be by each other's side.

Sonata felt nervous while she sang, despite her determination in her plan. She just wasn’t sure if her gamble would pay off even though she knew it was time for them to sing again after everything they'd been through together after CHS.

Aria and Adagio came up and stood on either side of Sonata. Her heart skipped a beat. She felt very relieved once the others joined her and she even stopped singing mid-word.

She turned to her friends and instead of breaking down and hugging them like she wanted. She simply said, "I'm glad you two joined me... From the top."

The gathered people wondered what was going on now that her friends joined her. They were actually feeling a little anticipation as some realized what was going on after the other two joined her. A few people who happened to wander nearby stopped to also see what was going on. They were curious by the atmosphere they could feel from the karaoke bar.

(A/N: "Down to the River to Pray" Alison Krauss. O Brother Where Art Thou? OST Link if interested. Not exactly their version.)

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me they way!

O sisters let's go down,
Let's go down, oh come on down
O sisters, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way!

O brothers, let's go down,
Let's go down, come on down
Come on, brothers, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me they way!

O fathers, lets go down,
Let's go down, come on down
O fathers, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way!

O mothers, let's go down,
Let's go down; Don't you want to go down?
Come on, mothers, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me they way!

O sinners, let's go down,
Let's go down, come on down
O sinners, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way!

When Aria and Adagio joined Sonata, they took their usual parts and sang together. When the three were singing together, the mutterings were immediately replaced with gasps and wide eyes of surprise at the difference. Soon there was just silence as everyone listened.

When the song came to an end, Sonata couldn’t help it as her eyes teared up in happiness. Adagio and Aria gave her a hug and soon they heard cheers and whistles from the impromptu audience. People stood up and clapped as well. Twilight and Sunset were trying to make the most noise while clapping to show their support.

The three girls couldn’t help but feel happy and excited at what just happened. They quickly made their way back to their table to enjoy their excitement and bask in the afterglow. They didn't want to hog the stage area and they wanted to relish the feeling of having finally sung once again and together.

“That was amazing you three!” Twilight said brightly as they sat down at the table.

“Yeah! That was really great singing. It’s nice to hear you actually sing without that and all,” Sunset said smiling brightly as well.

This caused the others to blush a little. It really made them feel even happier hearing Twilight and Sunset praise them. Their first audience and friends to hear them without using magic approved of their singing. “It was all Sonata really,” Adagio said and Aria nodded in agreement.

Aria then turned to Sonata and asked, “How did you know we would be able to sing again?”

Sonata blushed as she answered, “Well, I just kind of figured it out recently. I did gamble a little there though. I wasn’t sure if you two would join me. Considering how things happened in the past when I mentioned singing.”

Adagio and Aria frowned at themselves hearing this. “Sorry…. We just didn’t well, you know… Can you forgive us?” Aria and Adagio asked her as they stumbled over their words.

Sonata gave them smiles as more happy tears flowed from her eyes. “You two sillies… I already did a long time ago! I’m really happy you joined me. Not being able to sing really bothered me for so very long and you two joining me when I could finally sing again is the most I could ask for!”

The three hugged as Sunset and Twilight smiled fondly at the scene. Sonata looked to them and her eyes told them they had to join in on the hug as well as she said, “It’s thanks to you two I finally figured it out. All this time I figured we would have to sing again before we could ever be truly happy with each other. I finally figured out it was because we finally had friendship with each other and admitted it that we would be able to sing again.”

Aria made room for them to join in the hug and so they did with smiles. When they finished their group hug, Sonata spoke again, “We should all five sing a song together sometime before we leave.”

“I’m sure we can, but I’m also sure you three probably want to sing another song or two first,” Twilight said with a knowing smile as the three girls nodded in agreement.

Aria looked at the list and one song quickly caught her attention. She knew it might not be popular, but it would be fun to sing with the others. It was an older song and probably only known by some people, if any, because it was on a very popular 90's show about a high school girl killing vampires. She made her pick and showed it to Adagio and Sonata who nodded to her in understanding.

Sonata let out a giggle as she said, “I find it very fitting you chose that song, Aria.”

“She was a really big fan of the show,” Adagio said with a smile as Aria almost seemed a little embarrassed for some reason. Sunset and Twilight were lost in this conversation. They would have asked for clarification, but oddly enough the three were already up again almost immediately after Aria made her choice. Maybe the audience was still in a bit of stupor after the last song or something, so they didn't have to wait to go again. The three didn't complain and just quickly went back up to the stage.

The song started off with a very different than usual cello sound and soon the trio started singing rather quickly, but the words could still be made out. A couple of people in the audience seemed to recognize it shortly after the three started singing perfectly in sync with each other. It was almost as if they were one voice singing in three parts at the same time. It seemed as if singing still came naturally to the trio after they had found friendship with each other.

“What is this song?” Twilight asked Sunset who shrugged in response. She kind of liked it. The song was obviously about vampires.

Sunset picked up the karaoke tablet at their table and pointed to the song Aria picked still on the screen for Twilight. It was called “Transylvanian Concubine” by Rasputina. (A/N: Link if interested)

When the song came to an end, the crowd in the karaoke bar applauded them again and some even whistled. More people started to sing after that and Adagio looked over the song list for her song as they all sipped their drinks.

“That song Aria picked was kind of cool,” Twilight said.

“The song kind of became known a little after a tv show played it back in the late 1990s. I really liked watching the show,” Aria explained. She and Sonata started telling Sunset and Twilight all about the show. The two thought it sounded pretty cool.

Adagio kept looking for a song to sing. She wanted one she felt would fit everything from before finally admitting her feelings towards Aria and Sonata that night she encountered Sunset and Twilight at the restaurant. Something that also worked to describe how she felt when she admitted certain shames of her own to both Sonata and Aria. Something she felt described how she now saw her life as a Siren before truly seeing the others, now that they were all humans.

The other four were a little surprised by Adagio’s focus as she looked through the very expansive list of songs. They all decided not to bother her and continued their discussion. It was clear Adagio wanted the first song she picked to sing after finding her voice again to really mean something and be special to her.

Adagio started to look under different genres for something that stuck out to her and she recognized. There were a lot of good songs, but not one she felt fit just right. She was beginning to fear she might not find a good fit and would just have to pick something in the end.

Then her eyes caught a song title. She blinked a few times as she recalled the song. It would fit rather well. “But how is that song on this list…” she said just loud enough to get the attention of Aria and Sonata. She looked at the title pondering it, even if she had already made up her mind on selecting it.

The song was actually from an anime. A rather well known and fairly famous one as far as she knew, but it was still from an anime. It made sense finding a song from it here given the anime had a very good sound track that wasn't too... anime. Still, she did not expect to see it and thought it was too niche of a song. “Maybe the owner of this place was a big fan or something?” she finally thought to herself so she wouldn’t keep wondering about it. She was just glad it was on the list.

“I’ve decided,” she said so Aria and Sonata would look to her. She showed them the screen as she tapped the song selecting it.

“Oooo... that's a good one,” Sonata said.

“Another surprise find,” Aria added thinking of her own song choice.

“Are you three going to share with us?” Sunset asked playfully.

Adagio gave a small mischievous grin. “Not this time. You will just have to wait and listen like everyone else,” she said as Sunset shook her head with a playful expression. Adagio made a point of holding on to the karaoke tablet so Twilight and Sunset couldn’t cheat and look up the title.

{-} {-} {-}

Fortunately, they didn’t have to wait long for the Dazzlings to take another turn singing. As the three walked up, the rather large crowd was silent in anticipation having recognized them. The girls had only sung twice so far, but they had gotten a lot of attention. No magic required. There weren’t even enough seats in the karaoke bar for everyone listening.

“That’s them,” one guy whispered to his friends who he dragged over after they finished a round of bowling. The three girls were actually a little caught off guard by all of the attention, but they still kept their focus.

Adagio was ready to sing her heart out and so were Aria and Sonata.

The music started out a little low and had a guitar twang here and there before Sonata and Aria started to sing notes as they stood on either side of Adagio. The audience including Twilight and Sunset were already very interested. The clamor you usually heard in a bar even quieted down as the three started the song. It even seemed the noise from the bowling areas were quieting down waiting for them to sing.

Adagio started singing the song.

(A/N: “Gotta Knock a Little Harder” by the Seatbelts. Cowboy Bebop OST. Link if interested)

Happiness is word to me
And it might have meant a thing or two
If I had known the difference

Emptiness, a lonely parody
And my life, another smoking gun
A sing of my indifference

Always keepin’ safe inside
Where no one ever had a chance to
Penetrate a break in

Let me tell you some have tried
But I would slam door so tight
That they could never get in

Kept my cool under lock and key
And I never shed a tear
Another sign of my condition

The fear of Love or bitter vanity
That kept me on the run
The main events at my confession

I kept a chain upon my door
That would shake the shame of Cain
Into blind submission

The burning ghost without a name
Was still calling all the same
But I just wouldn’t listen

The longer I’d stall
The further I’d crawl
The further I’d crawl
The harder I’d fall
Was crawling into the fire

The more that I saw
The further I’d fall
The further I’d fall
The lower I’d crawl
Kept falling into to the fire

There was a bit of break in the lyrics as a guitar solo started even though the Dazzlings kept singing notes along with it and the song’s pace picked up. The audience were really getting into the song.

Suddenly it occurred to me
The reason for the run and hide
Had totaled my existence

Everything left on the other side
Could never be much worse than this
But could I go the distance?

I faced the door and all my shame
Tearin’ off each piece of chain
Until they all were broken

But no matter how I tried
The other side was locked so tight
The door it wouldn’t open

Gave it all that I got
And started to knock
Shouted for someone to open the lock
Just Gotta
Get through the door

And the more that I knocked
The hotter I got
The hotter I got
The harder I’d knock
Just gotta
Break through the door

Gotta knock a little harder
Gotta knock a little harder
Gotta knock a little harder
Break through the door…

After the trio sang the final chorus a few more times, the song slowed in pace again. Aria and Sonata started to sing the notes from the beginning of the song again.

Adagio then finished by singing, “Break down… the door…”

The song came to an end.

The karaoke bar at Fun Zone Plus was dead silent. The audience was stunned. Some of the people had tears in their eyes due to feeling the emotion of Adagio’s singing.

Adagio, Sonata and Aria were also stunned as they stood there breathing heavily in the silence.

Adagio had forgotten they were in a karaoke bar. She just sang her heart out as memories of the tough times she went through came to her and eventually left her. She felt cleansed in a way. She felt as if those dark memories would no longer hold any power over her ever again.

Sonata and Aria felt similar to Adagio as well. Adagio had really gone all out singing the song and they did as well, even if they were just singing backing vocals for Adagio.

The stunned silence continued for a little bit. It was Sunset who broke it up by finally clapping enthusiastically. She was followed soon by Twilight. The two clapping girls led to the whole bar cheering and shouting praise and whistling and doing all they could to show their support.

“That was amazing singing, Dagio!” Sonata said as she hugged her friend.

Aria joined in the hug and said, “That was a great song to pick, Adagio!” She was really happy and actually showing it instead of trying to play it cool.

“Thanks, you two,” Adagio said with a heartwarming smile.

She then turned to Sonata and said, “Thank you especially, Sonata. I wouldn’t have been able to sing like that if it wasn’t for you.”

“Awww… I love you guys!” Sonata said as she hugged them both tighter.

They held their hug a little bit before they finally went back to their table. People kept applauding them as they made their way back to their two friends. It still took some time for the people to settle down, even after the three girls sat down.

“That was amazing,” Twilight said to them once they came back.

“That’s what I said to her,” Sonata said grinning widely.

“Well, there isn’t a better way to say it,” Sunset said with a laugh. Sunset and Twilight then gave the trio a big hug again.

The girls took a little break as they picked out a song the five of them would sing together. There were a lot of people wanting to sing now, even if none of them were close in caliber to Adagio, Aria and Sonata. That didn't matter though. The people were having a good time and enjoying the night.

When the five finally went up together, the people were surprised that even the trio’s two friends were really good a singing. The five really enjoyed the whole night together and they all sang plenty, even if not all together each song. The friends were sad when they finally parted company as Twilight and Sunset went back to Sunset’s apartment and Adagio, Aria, Sonata went back to their place.

Twilight was fondly holding her final score card from Lazer Tag as they parted. Sonata had circled all of their names and even made little doodles representing each of them. Twilight's wore a crown labeled Lazer Princess and Sonata was giving her two thumbs up. The Aria and Sunset doodles looked playfully upset as they eyed the crown with envy. Adagio's doodle was off to the side giving an elegant laugh at the two of them. It was a really fun and exciting night. Twilight knew she would treasure the night, even if she wouldn't be able to treasure it as much as the Dazzlings would.

{-} {-} {-}

“We totally have to have a sleep over sometime soon with them both,” Sonata said as she stepped out of the car and they went to their door.

“I like the sound of that,” Aria agreed.

“We can call them up later and make plans then,” Adagio said as they finally called it a night. Once more, the three decided to all snuggle into Adagio’s bed for the night together. They were all really happy and exhausted because of how much more they sang the rest of the night. They knew this night would most likely be their most treasured memory and it was all thanks to their taco crazed friend. They all three had pleasant dreams that night.

Author's Notes:

I’m usually very opposed to typing song lyrics in a story because I see typing out songs as padding. I felt I really had to do it this time for Sonata’s song and Adagio’s song though. I didn’t feel I needed to do that for Aria’s song. Nothing against her song choice, she picked a song she thought would be fun to sing with the others. I just didn't want to go overboard with song lyrics.

The hardest part for this chapter was actually figuring out Sonata’s song. I'm still not sure if it was the best choice, but I felt it could work and I wasn't having any luck finding a different song I felt would work.

I actually had most of this chapter already written for a really long time. I had always intended for the Dazzlings to sing again. I saw it as their reward for being fully reformed and struggling through the tough times they faced after Rainbow Rocks in this story.

They learned to survive without their powers. They realized the most important thing was being together. They also realized, even if they didn't let it weigh them down too much, how terrible they had actually been as Sirens despite needing to survive at the time. I felt they deserved to sing again. This time without powers being involved.

This isn't the end of the story, even if part of me thinks I should have made it the end. I still want to finish the SunLight parts and the Dazzlings will still be a big part of the story. I didn't just make them a part of the unofficial catering team for no reason :trollestia: .

Twilight should probably also visit with her human friends some too at one point. Sunset probably shouldn't spend too much more time without going to school for a couple of days, even if she has Principal Celestia's approval for what she's been doing with Twilight. It will probably be a while until the next chapter though, because Octopath Traveler and stuff.

Things are Looking Dazzling

Sonata gave a yawn as she woke up the day after the three of them found their voices. She couldn’t really move too easily yet though. She gave a smile as she looked to her sides. Aria was snuggled into Sonata’s right side and Adagio was snuggled into her left side. Sonata couldn’t help but feel more loved than ever by her two favorite people.

Things were looking wonderful after they found their voices last night. Aria and Adagio joined her on that stage. Sonata was far more nervous than she told them she was. She feared they would leave her hanging on that stage. She feared singing again now would be too much for them. Luckily, that was far from the case and she felt closer than ever to them.

She also felt complete again. Singing had always been a part of their lives. It was again a part of their lives, even if they only sang for fun now. She felt right about that. It felt pure to her.

It wasn’t too much later both Adagio and Aria finally woke up. Once they each yawned and stretched, Sonata gave a squeal of happiness and hugged both of them tightly. Aria and Adagio were caught off guard by her strong morning hug. She even sniffed back happy tears while hugging them.

“What is this about?” Aria asked.

Sonata sniffed happily. “You guys joined me… We’re singing again! I’m… I’m just so happy!” she said to them both.

The other two sniffed back happy tears as well. “We’re both happy too. Thanks, Sonata,” Adagio said warmly as the blue haired girl buried her head in Adagio’s massive bed head.

“Yeah… thanks,” Aria said blushing a little. She was supposed to be the cool one. That was hard to do when it came to mushy stuff. She didn’t exactly hate the mushy stuff either anymore.

“Awwww… You two are the best!” Sonata said as she quickly nuzzled Aria’s cheek. This caused Aria to blush even more. Adagio gave a pleasant laugh at their interaction.

They all three felt today would be a great day and their lives would be even better now. Once again, all three of them felt they had actually gained so much more after losing their powers. The way they felt singing last night was just further proof this was the case. Singing had never before felt so wonderful to them.

{-} {-} {-}

“Are you sure about this?” Sunset asked with a slight frown.

She wasn’t completely opposed to Twilight’s idea, but she wasn’t happy about it. She knew she was being very selfish, but she didn’t want Twilight going through with this. Aria, Sonata, and Adagio just got their voices back and they even went out another night with the trio of girls in celebration of this. And yet…

“I'm sure, Sunset. As sad as it is… there is a real possibility Equestria is in dire need due to my absence. The two worlds are actually linked equally now. Time that has passed here has also passed in an equal manner for Equestira. I really need to check up on it. I do plan and want to return here as soon as I can, but I need to actually physically check in back at Equestria,” Twilight said with a frown matching Sunset’s.

“Okay… But if there is some kind of world ending threat back there. You need to handle it quickly,” Sunset said flatly. She then smiled and added, “That way you can return here as soon as possible.”

Twilight giggled. The pony princess gave a beautiful smile and said, “Duly noted. I will do what I can to expedite my return.”

Sunset giggled in reply. “You do that, Twilight Sparkle,” she said. Sunset mentally added, “I don’t want my pony princess disappearing and leaving me behind.

Twilight smiled brightly. “Even if I go there and find a massive stack of old editions of research books, I will make sure to not get carried away,” she said.

Sunset laughed to that. “I’ll hold you to it, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if that happened and it took months before you remembered either this world or Equestira existed,” she said teasingly.

Twilight gave a playful pout before the two shared a laugh and hugged each other tightly for a moment. The girls found themselves taking in the other’s scent, even if they did so unintentionally.

There was a set of emotions running through Twilight as she fought the urge to go even further with this parting. She wasn’t sure what Sunset felt about her and she still didn’t grasp human relationships and all of that. Sunset also had a number of emotions running through her own self as well. She wasn’t sure how Twilight felt about her and what the deal was regarding relationships and princesses in Equestria. Princess Celestia didn’t have any romance she was aware of, but that could have been by choice.

As the two broke their hug, Sunset quickly sniffed and wiped away a couple of tears before smiling at Twilight. Twilight didn’t notice the fiery haired girl’s actions because she had a similar reaction. Twilight smiled and said, “Besides… You do kind of need to check in with your school. So, think of this as an opportunity to do so and reaffirm your bonds of friendship with the others.”

Sunset gave a soft smile as she said, “Leave it to the Princess of Friendship to find a friendship answer to everything.”

“It is kind of my job,” Twilight said with a giggle.

The two embraced each other again quickly and parted company. Twilight turned and gave Sunset another beautiful smile as she walked through the portal back to Equestria. “Even though it is hopefully for a short time, I’m really going to miss Sunset. I’m also going to miss the Dazzlings,” Twilight thought as she passed through the swirling vortex while crossing between worlds.

Sunset stood in front of the portal staring into the reflective surface as more tears fell from her eyes. This time she didn’t bother to wipe them away immediately. It wasn’t just that Twilight left. It was also the fact despite having friends here in the human world, she deeply missed Equestria. She almost felt ready to fully return and even make amends with Princess Celestia, if that's what it took. Sadly, the key word was “almost”.

“Now isn’t the time, Sunset…” she said to herself. The girl gave a sigh and added, “Twilight is right. I need to check in at school and visit my other friends.”

{-} {-} {-}

The mood for the Dazzlings was very different from their usual. Even if you worked with them, you would know something big just happened in their lives. While many had heard the trio of girls humming at different times, none of their co-workers at Johnston’s Bar and Grill heard them full on singing until recently.

After discovering they could not only sing again, but sing beautifully again. The three girls had been really busy making up for lost time it seemed. Even without the magical powers, there was something deeply ingrained within the girls which caused them to love singing. They didn’t need any powers. They had each other and they had their voices again. Not much else really mattered apart from their job so they could keep living their lives.

Because of this change, the trio were using every excuse to sing they could find. The fortunate people who heard them singing would agree the Dazzlings very much sang songs better than the professionals who claimed to have made the songs. They would sing songs playing on the speakers throughout the restaurant when they had free moments. The girls even sang old songs many didn’t even know existed during their breaks. Living as long as they had, you kind of knew a lot of music.

Someone would think it would get boring or annoying, but that was not the case. After most of the staff got over the initial shock of hearing them sing, some wondered if they were actually trying to make it big and only worked at the bar and grill to make ends meet. The managers even allowed their singing. The girls wouldn’t sing out loud when they needed to focus on work, so they weren’t disrupting customers. There was no reason to stop them.

The three girls didn’t even limit their singing to one language when they were alone. When you have literally been on Earth for thousands of years and lived through several empires, you picked up a few different languages. It also helped they were actually there when the famous Rosetta stone was first created. Few knew this, but the part discovered by humans was only part of the actual stone.

“You know. We could totally be translators if we wanted to as a job,” Sonata said as the trio just finished singing a song together in Japanese after first singing a song in ancient Greek.

“Maybe...” Aria started. She then smirked and said in a teasing voice, “We would first have to prove to our potential employers how good we were and think up an explanation for how a group of girls, seemingly fresh out of High school, were far more advanced in numerous languages than people with master degrees in multiple languages and a couple years of experience.”

Adagio couldn’t help but laugh to that. When the others looked to her in question, she chuckled a couple more times before explaining. “Sorry. I just got a mental image of a group of stuffy looking old men wearing dumbfounded expressions after we did just that. I found it too hilarious.”

Sonata giggled to the mental image. “I would like to see that, but it might actually get a little boring now that I think about it. It would come rather easily to us once we picked up on changes to the language over the years. You're also just repeating what someone else said for your job. We wouldn’t even have to struggle with getting slang and nuances across.”

Aria laughed now. “So, in other words... We would be so awesome it would be boring?” she asked hiding the giggle trying to escape. Giggling was something non-tough girls did. Her two best friends still laughed loudly to that and she joined them.

“Maybe we could try doing video covers of songs and posting them on the internet. It could be a fun way to make some money and I’ve actually seen some people make good careers doing just that,” Sonata said.

The girls had been tossing around more ideas about potential jobs after the Bar and Grill lately. They loved working there, but they didn’t really want it to be their job for the rest of their lives. They also didn’t want to get too involved in the whole entertainment industry either. It may not be actual magical power, but making it in that world could in some ways feel really close to it. They wanted to avoid such situations. They were able to sing again. They remembered how much they loved to sing back before their powers grew and they got drunk off of them.

They weren’t opposed to singing in front of others, but they wanted to avoid going too far down that path. They knew first hand how corrupting power could be and it didn’t have to be limited to just magical power. At the same time, there was a part deep inside each of their hearts that didn’t want to corrupt something as wonderful as music and singing like they did in the past.

“That could be a good idea, but we would probably get in a lot of copyright trouble. After all, music copyright can be very tricky. It also boils down to, if you aren’t making too much money with covers, you’re fine. The minute you start really making money from cover songs. Then you have a problem,” Adagio said as Aria gave a sigh and nodded in agreement.

“We could make our own music to sing, but then we would have to worry about recording companies pestering us and such. We could keep saying ‘no’, but eventually they might up the ante and start going after us with their influence,” Aria said.

Sonata gave a nod to that. She also added her own two cents. “We could make our own label company to fight back. Again, we would come close to changing music and singing into something we don’t want to experience.” She was feeling a little troubled about the future now.

Adagio stepped over and gave a comforting smile as she wrapped an arm around Sonata and gave her a hug. “We can put this to the side and think about other things. Maybe we can go around looking for opportunities again. It worked out really well when you took that approach, Sonata. You gave us hope and a way to survive after everything happened.”

Aria acted like she was joining in the hug through obligation, but couldn’t hide her smile as she gave a quick laugh. “It would be tough, but we could even try to open our own restaurant somewhere. We could have a karaoke night and join in from time to time,” she said. Aria actually really liked that idea. The only problem with it was they wouldn’t be able to see Sunset and Twilight as easily if they moved somewhere else. They kind of felt they would have to move away if they chose such a path.

Sonata was smiling brightly again. She then said with a small chuckle, “I’m still not opposed to the idea of being bartenders on a cruise ship.” She gave a mock scoff and held her nose up in an exaggerated manner. “I still feel offended even after she told me not to do the fire breath trick Adagio went right ahead and did it herself,” Sonata said hiding the snicker bubbling up inside her.

Adagio blushed a little and looked to the side. She then frowned and turned back quickly. “I did not do that trick, Sonata!” she said in her defense as both of her best friends/sisters giggled.

“The fact it took you that long to deny it, shows just how close you were to doing it,” Aria said before giggling even more as Sonata joined her. Adagio simply rolled her eyes and after a moment smiled at the other two.

{-} {-} {-}

“Okay. How is Equestria currently doomed without the help of my friends and me?” Twilight asked the second she exited the portal and landed rather gracefully on the other side. She was getting good at this travel between two worlds business.

Princess Luna snickered in response. She then said, “While I may see the reasoning behind such a question, Friend Twilight. The truth is we are actually peaceful and not in danger.”

Twilight gave an uneasy laugh as she said, “You can’t really blame me too much. It seems like I can’t even go a month on average without some world ending threat popping up and threatening not just all of pony kind but the entire planet.”

Princess Luna gave an elegant laugh in response. Twilight took notes on how to do the same herself. She too was a princess after all. Elegantly laughing seemed to be a requirement for all princesses. Celestia, Luna and even Cadance all had elegant laughs.

“There really isn’t anything going on?” Twilight asked in a rather leading manner. She took note Princess Luna’s smile seemed to change a little and come off more as nervous now.

“While not necessarily World ending… There might be a problem or two…” Princess Luna said. She then looked to side trying to avoid eye contact. “Or five…” she quietly added.

Twilight looked to her in shock and sighed.

{-} {-} {-}

“I really am glad you three were able to make it out tonight,” Sam said to the Dazzlings. They came to an open mic comedy night in a nearby pub. There were important people in the world of stand-up comedy attending that night and he felt more nervous than usual. There were rumors these people were scouting for a project. Seeing the trio of girls’ friendly faces helped him feel more confident in his routine for the night.

“It really was very enjoyable,” Sonata said with a friendly smile.

“Yes. I didn’t think you would be bad or anything, but you were much better than I thought,” Aria said smiling.

Sam laughed. “Does the whole Lady Luck thing work for co-workers?” he asked causing Aria to blush a little as Sonata giggled.

“I guess that depends on if things work out tonight as you were hoping they would,” Adagio said as the one to reply.

“I guess I’ll be finding out soon then. Turns out those rumors were true. The owner of the Comedy Club should be getting around to making calls tomorrow. I’m not sure if its good or not I'm off,” he admitted.

“Just do what you usually do on your days off and don’t get too down on yourself or too hopeful either,” Sonata said in parting advice as the trio left for the night.

{-} {-} {-}

“Sunset Shimmerrrrr!!!” a bright and loud voice called. A pink streak headed for the fiery haired girl. When the streak stopped, Pinkie looked up with big blue watery eyes. “You remember me, right?! Right?!” Pinkie Pie asked with worry.

“Ummm… Yes. Of course, I do. You’re Pinkie Pie the Party master,” Sunset said with a smile.

Pinkie Pie smiled brightly and gave Sunset an extra tight hug. Four other girls made their way over to them. “She remembers me!!!” Pinkie shouted in glee to them.

“We told ya she would,” Applejack said.

“I’m pretty sure I’ve been sort of keeping in touch with you all, even if just through texts… Have I been gone that long?” Sunset asked.

“You have, darling. We understand of course, but Pinkie took it the way Pinkie does,” Rarity said shooting the bubble gum pink haired girl a worried look.

Sunset thought for a moment. She then realized just how long she and Twilight had been busy. “I’ll admit maybe that was the case…” she said. Time with Twilight and their search for the Dazzlings had seemed to fly by now. Sunset decided being around the pony princess for so long and feeling it still wasn’t enough, was more proof of her feelings for the Twilight.

“I’m still surprised you were able to work out such a deal in the first place,” Fluttershy said softly but loud enough to be heard.

“Wish I could pull that off. I’d love to be able to take so much time off from school and it still counted as attending class,” Rainbow said.

Sunset chuckled as she said, “I don’t think playing sports and video games all day would count as independent study.”

Rainbow gave a grumble as she said, “It should… They both take dedication.” The other girls giggled to their friend.

“In my further defense… There are differences between our worlds, but I do essentially have the Equestrian equivalent of a Master’s Degree. I was close to getting the same as a PhD before all of that happened. I also found Earth history really fascinating and that’s part of the reason I do so well in that class as is,” Sunset said.

“Really? You found history that interesting?” Rainbow asked.

Sunset blushed a little as she nodded. “Yeah… especially you know… military history,” she admitted.

“Ohhhh! You mean when you were all hell bent on trying to go back and conquer Equestria?” Pinkie asked.

Sunset looked to the side. “Yeah…”

“Pinkie… That wasn’t nice to say,” Fluttershy said sternly to her friend.

Pinkie’s eyes widened and she said, “I’m so totally sorry about that Sunset! I’m just so excited you’re back and remember me. I forgot that’s a sore subject still.”

Sunset gave a wain smile as she said, “No worries…” She guessed she couldn’t really fault Pinkie, but such accidents were part of the problem she had with the others, even if they didn’t know that exactly. She was working on it. Maybe she should have asked Twilight more about how to handle that. She would when the pony princess returned.

“So… What’s been going on around school while I was away? It always seems all of the cool things happen when you aren’t around. I was gone for a while, so I’m sure a lot of exciting stuff happened,” Sunset asked to move them on to better topics.

“There is so much! We’ll start telling you all about it at lunch,” Rarity said with a big smile.

“Oooo! We should totally throw a Sunset Shimmer Came Back to School and didn’t Forget Us party!” Pinkie said as she bounced where she stood in excitement.

“You were the only one worrying about that,” Rainbow said dryly.

“I think it still sounds like a good idea,” Sunset said with a smile.

{-} {-} {-}

“… And the negotiations still aren’t proceeding!” Rarity said in her overly dramatic voice to Twilight. This was an issue, but Rarity was kind of over playing the severity of it. Twilight was in thought on how to handle the situation though.

“You didn’t think to ask Pinkie Pie to help? She could get to know the ponies. She is good at that kind of thing. You could then handle the business negotiations. You are surprisingly good at that. I know you run your own business, but even then, you are much better than some of the best ponies in the business,” Twilight said.

Rarity blinked for a couple of moments. “You have a point… Knowing both parties involved very well and even on a personal level can really be key in such things, no matter how good you are at discussing business. I suppose Pinkie would be able to learn more about them than I did,” she said.

Twilight smiled to that. “Great! I’ll get Pinkie and bring her here. She can help you and then you can come and help Applejack. Who can then help Rainbow Dash and she can help Fluttershy!” the Princess of Friendship said with a clap of her hooves. That would be most of the problems solved.

“How long will it take for you to get Pinkie here?” Rarity asked. She could delay the talks if she knew how long Twilight would need.

Twilight answered by disappearing in a bright lavender flash of light.

It wasn’t much later when she returned in a similar flash of light with a bright pink pony on her back. “Ooooo! I finally got to ride the Twilight Express solo! This is amazing!” Pinkie shouted with a big grin as she hopped off Twilight.

“Twilight Express?” Rarity asked.

“That’s what I call it when Twilight teleports with any of us in tow,” Pinkie answered causally. “I heard you have some new ponies for me to befriend and help. Let’s get started!”

“Follow me then. Which group do you want to meet with first?” Rarity asked as the two left together.

Twilight sighed in relief and smiled to herself. She wished there weren’t problems in Equestria, but she was glad they weren’t world ending this time, even if there were a lot of them. She decided to tell her friends more about what she had gone to do once this was all solved. She would explain why it would be a risk for them to come with her to the human world.

At the moment, she needed to get ready to make arrangements for solving the other problems her friends have been working on. They had all done a great job on their own, but each needed just a little bit of help to finish solving them. They all got a little absorbed in the problem and hadn’t thought of getting help. She understood them making that mistake, she had done so herself a number of times. It was easy to get overly absorbed in a problem. That was why it was a good idea to involve others and get a second pair of eyes on it.

{-} {-} {-}

It had been longer than Sunset wished for Twilight to return. She was surprised how many problems had popped up in Equestria. Sunset still really missed the place though. She wasn’t so sure she could finish high school here in the human world like Twilight suggested she do. High school was only a little bit interesting. She had done a lot of self-study and that was where most of her knowledge came from in this world. Her methods proved to be exceptionally effective in most subjects.

The journal she shared with Twilight glowed and buzzed suddenly. Sunset smiled as she opened it to read the message.

Dear Sunset,

I will be returning soon. This time I'll bring Spike with me and meet the others. I figure I owe them that. I’m not sure if we should tell them what we did yet. I don’t know how they’d feel about the Dazzlings. I’ve explained it to Spike and he understood once I mentioned how Discord deserved a second chance, so they did as well. He was actually happy to hear about our mission and glad we helped the Dazzlings after we talked about it together.

Please tell me when would be a good time for us to cross over.


Twilight: The best Princess of Friendship Ever!

Sunset couldn’t help but giggle at the title Twilight used. She was really happy to be seeing her pony princess again soon. It would also be nice to see Spike too. He was probably the best behaved dog ever, since he was actually a baby dragon.

Sunset looked over to her calendar and picked out the best day for Twilight and Spike to come over. She was happy to tell her friends this time. It was a little sad it meant she wouldn’t get to hog Twilight all to herself though. She would just have to insist Twilight stay with her again and make the best of that.

{-} {-} {-}

“So… The reason you don’t want us crossing over is because, not only would we be one of these human creatures… But also, because we have counterparts over there?” Rainbow asked.

“That’s about it. It is a big enough risk when I cross over with Spike. It also takes a lot of getting used to being over there. You have to think how you are different from a pony and humans are the dominate species. Humans also… eat meat,” Twilight said.

The others seemed uncomfortable hearing that.

“It sounds disturbing and there are alternatives, but most humans still eat meat. Protein is a big part of their diets. It can be difficult being what they call vegetarian. I’m mostly able to do so, because Sunset already knows how to be one and keep healthy without worries. If you don’t do so correctly there can be some really bad health consequences,” Twilight said.

“I still can’t believe there is another me. How can there be another me? I’m too awesome for anypony else to be me. Is the other me awesome?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight giggled to her friend’s questions. “This is part of the reason why it isn’t a good idea. It doesn’t help matters that the mirror leads to what they call a high school where all of you attend,” she said. She then smiled and turned to Rainbow, “Yes. The other you is awesome too. She can only fly when we pony up though. That’s what we call it when we use the human version of the elements. She is on every sports team though.”

“So long as other me is still awesome and knows how to keep her body moving… I suppose I can give other me a pass,” Rainbow said.

Twilight laughed. “Good of you to approve of your other self,” she said.

“What is other me like?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

Twilight was in thought for a moment. “The other versions of you all are very similar. However… They’re a lot like you all were before we all became friends. They had known each other and were friends at one time, but then they broke up. Then they became friends again when I went over my first time,” Twilight said. She decided to leave out Sunset’s involvement in that matter.

“So, Pinkie Pie wasn’t speaking nonsense when she said all that stuff about other friends just like us helping you out last time?” AJ decided to clarify.

“As hard as it is to wrap your head around that idea… She wasn't,” Twilight said.

Pinkie Pie grinned widely to that. “I told you all I know things!” she said.

“Do you think there is another you in that world?” Rarity asked curiously.

“There might be. That’s why it is a risk even for me to cross over. But if she’s anything like I was before befriending you all. Well… For better or worse... I probably don’t have to worry about ever meeting her,” Twilight said.

“Yeah. I bet other you spends all of her time reading books in her room or something. When she isn’t at some kind of Mad Pony Science Lab, of course,” Rainbow said with a joking grin.

Twilight snickered as she added, “Knowing myself. I wouldn’t be surprised if she converted her room into a Mad Pony Science Lab, just so she wouldn’t have to waste time getting to one.” The others joined her in laughing. That was definitely a Twilight thing to do.

“It is too bad you’re going back again so soon,” Rarity said after a moment.

Twilight frowned a little. “I need to go back for a little bit. I probably won’t stay as long this time around,” she said to them. They seemed a little relieved hearing that. Twilight felt a little conflicted in that regard honestly.

She would love to spend more time over there with Sunset and the others, especially Sunset. She was starting to wish she hadn’t convinced Sunset to wait until she finished high school before returning to Equestria. Being the Princess of Friendship meant she had to do what was best for her friends though, even if she would have to do something she didn’t necessarily like.

She still enjoyed spending this time with her friends here. As much as she loved her human friends, she couldn’t help but prefer this version of them. These were the ones she spent so much time with getting to know them better. She had grown so much with them over her time in Ponyville.

“I’m glad I get to go this time,” Spike said.

“I’m sorry I left you here, but I felt it was for the best. I was gone for a good while last time. I figured you would really miss Equestria,” Twilight said.

“I get it. Besides, I’m going this time. No worries!” the baby dragon said cheerfully. Twilight smiled fondly at him.

{-} {-} {-}

“Good. You three are here,” Mr. Johnston said as the Dazzlings entered his office once they finished with closing for the night.

“What is it you wanted to speak to us about?” Adagio started.

The owner of the restaurant smiled to them. “We have a big catering opportunity coming up. As you know, you three are on our list for such things. It is a pretty nice venue and while there is a bar there, it will be virgin drinks only. It is for a huge party and most of the people attending won’t be old enough to drink, but they wanted something more than just punch. You’ll also get a chance to enjoy the place later on in the night. I’ve heard they have a karaoke stage even. Are you three interested?” he asked.

The three smiled to each other and nodded. Things really were looking up for them. A big catering chance? Free time later? Karaoke? It sounded great, even if they would busy with the party earlier in the day.

“We’re totally in!” Sonata answered for them with a big grin.

“Good. Let’s discuss the details then,” Mr. Johnston said as they seated themselves.

{-} {-} {-}

“So excited Twilight will be visiting us again!” Pinkie squealed in delight.

“Ah’m just glad she’s coming and it ain’t for some kind of Equestrian Magic thingy this time,” Applejack said with a smile.

“I know right?!” Rainbow started. “We finally get a chance to hang out properly with her,” she said. Rainbow loved adventures, don’t get her wrong, but she would like to just get a chance to chill with her pony princess friend for once.

Rarity’s eyes were almost glowing with happiness as she said, “And I get to make another party dress!”

“That’s right! Her timing is perfect this time. She’ll get to join us for the Big Before Summer Vacation Bash!” Pinkie said.

“She has such a wonderful figure. No doubt it’s because she’s a princess,” Rarity said mostly to herself.

“I think her great figure has more to do with how active she usually is, than her being a princess. The things she done with friends over there as she saves Equestria on a regular basis… Her real life is probably comparable to Daring Do,” Sunset said.

“What has she done? She’s never told us about cool adventures over there,” Rainbow said. She made a mental note to ask Twilight about all of that this time. Rainbow wasn’t much of a reader, but she loved Daring Do. She could only imagine how cool such a life could be.

“Yeah. How do you know about them? Hmmmm?” Pinkie asked in a playfully accusing tone.

Sunset gave a nervous smile as she tried to think up something quick.

“It’s obvious,” Fluttershy started and saved Sunset having to explain things. “They’re always writing to each other in the journal. We’ve all done it a few times too,” the shy girl said.

“Ohhh! Of course! Silly me. For a moment there I thought Sunset was having secret meetings and adventures with Twilight or something,” Pinkie said.

Sunset gulped and asked, “Would that be so bad?”

“No. I bet you do miss Equestria. It wouldn’t be a problem if you planned visits to the other side or personal meetings with Twilight. You should just tell us first,” Pinkie said.

Sunset felt a little guilty, but shook it off and continued their conversation. “She’s bringing Spike with her again,” she said.

“I love the little guy!” Rarity and Fluttershy said at the same time. They blinked to one another before smiling together.

{-} {-} {-}

That evening Sunset gave a mighty stretch as she finished up the last of her assignments for tomorrow. She heard her phone chime, notifying her she received a text message. She quickly looked thinking it was Pinkie. She was pleasantly surprised to find it was actually Sonata.

She smiled and opened the message. “It seems fitting Sonata would use a lot of emojis,” she said with a giggle before reading the message.

Hey Sunset! I just had to tell you the three of us have an awesome catering job coming up soon! We’ll have to all hang out again sometime afterwards in celebration!

Sunset smiled as she replied. Her eyes widened in horror after she sent the text. She really hoped she was overthinking things. Canterlot was a big city. There were plenty of people who would have catering parties coming up. There were probably usually three or four going on all at once. At the minimum!

“Yes… That has to be case. That has to be the case,” she told herself.

She sighed.

They probably should be prepared for the worst though. Sunset had a feeling Twilight’s visit wouldn’t be as simple as friends getting together from two different worlds for a fun and awesome party.

She too wasn’t sure how the others would react to meeting the Dazzlings again… Even if they didn’t have magic.

Sunset frowned as she scribbled down a note in the journal.

Dear Twilight,

We might have a complication...

Getting you and Spike through the portal won’t be a problem. In fact, Pinkie Pie and the others are super excited to see you both again. There’s even a big party Pinkie had planned going on and everything! We’ll be at a really nice and fun venue and it will be a catered event.

The complication might be due to the text message Sonata just sent me. Turns out things are going really well for them. They have a huge Catering job coming up even…

It is possible the two are unrelated… But we probably should be ready just in case. I can't help but think they'll be the ones catering the party.


A very concerned Sunset Shimmer

Author's Notes:

Sorry it took so long… I was half tempted to just leave the story where it was. Last chapter could have easily worked as an ending point. Then I decided I needed to write some more because there were some loose ends. I’ve been busy with stuff so that's why it has been so long, or at least that's my excuse. I still have a few chapters planned for this story, but the ending is slowly coming about.

I also watched Equestria Girls: Sunset’s Backstage Pass recently. I enjoyed it.

The following is a minor spoiler for Equestria Girls: Sunset’s Backstage Pass:

It was nice seeing the Dazzlings’ scene. The writers for the show obviously had a different idea on how things played out for them, but it was good the three girls were still together.

I also felt it was a believable path for Adagio, Aria, and Sonata to follow. They weren’t too upset seeing Sunset again after everything, but they weren’t fully repentant and happy with their lives either. They were still together and it seemed they were slowly getting used to things, even if they had misgivings about now being mortal.

Of course, it was just a short scene with them, and I’m probably reading too much into it. I did like Adagio’s line about everyday being a do-over for them called living life, even if she was being mean when saying it. I liked how they unintentionally helped Sunset with their last remark too.

It was good they were singing again except without magic. Well... “Unless you count the magic of Vocal Processing.” Which Adagio doesn’t.

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