How to Train Your O.C.

How to Train Your O.C.

by MrAquino


  • About me.
  • The Box.
  • About me.

    The name's Kane Sergio Aquino (pronounced Uh-Kee-No), a young adult male born and raised in Arizona, that's, though I don't tell a lot of people about, born with Autism, or to be exact, Asperger Syndrome. Before most of you go like 'oh, that's so sad!' or even asking me that #1 asked question: 'what's it like having Autism/Asperger Syndrome?', I have two things to say: 1) It's not bad, I've gotten a true hold of it and have overcame most of the problems it comes with it. 2) I've been born with it, I'm not like the Hulk where I can turn it on and off anytime I want, that's the equivalent of me asking a woman 'what's it like having an extra x in your 23rd Chromosome?'. I have a younger brother, Quinton Aquino, who luckily isn't born with Autism and works at a Wendy's, a mom who's a hair stylist, and a father who's a retired air force veteran that works as one of the many employees at a water recycling plant. I myself, though considered 'smart' around my peers and family, I got a job as a cart pusher at the local Wal-Mart, though I'm not exactly the buffets guy around, nor the scrawniest. In fact, I'm actually big boned with a round belly and wore, what most folks call, nerdy glasses. My family, like a lot out there, isn't the most perfect family around, but we work together and put in all our money together to pay pills and, if we're able to, go and spend time together.

    With that out of the way, I will say that it's true that, like a lot of guys around, I am a Brony, a guy that enjoys "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". I was in High School at the time, Sophomore year, and unlike most guys, who start with a simple friend telling them 'hey man, watch this!' and become one through that, or simply just being bored one day and wanted to explore something different, I started off more as a fanboy rage thing after watching ScrewAttack's Death Battle: Starscream of the G1 Decepticons Vs. Rainbow Dash of G4 My Little Pony. I was surprised to see how Dashie won against Starscream, causing me to have a fit about the battle for the following week... the week where I joined the herd. As a lot of guys, I watched the first 2 episodes... followed by a third... then a fourth... a fifth... sixth... seventh... eighth... ninth.... TENTH!!! 10 Episodes in, and that's when I gain an epiphany: I loved this show. I loved "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"!!! I wasn't a computer whizz, not knew ANYTHING about the Bronies, so I assumed I was either going crazy or, worst of all (to me at least) becoming gay!!! The first guy I told about was my friend, a ginger named Robbie Meiron who was a huge anime fan, a lot more than me as I can safely say. My explaining to the show to him was more of a warning, rather than a 'you gotta watch this!!!' thing, as I, quote on quote, told him 'It's like Drugs!!! You can't get enough of it!!! Stay away from it at all costs!!!'. Would ya know it, he became a brony too! It took me a while, but Knowyourmeme.com posted a video about MlP, and that's where I learned about the Brony phenomenon, something I never thought would be possible. Using my new information, and deep courage, I told my friends about the show: I gave them all the pros, from the animation, the characters, the humor, and, overall, how it was a strange but delightful experience!!! Nearly everyone joined the herd because of me, and I loved the new attention I was getting... until my parents came along.      

    It's not that they hated it, they just founded it strange that a guy like me enjoyed something meant for little girls. They took away all internet privileges and kept a close eye on me, just to stop me from becoming too 'crazy' about it. If it weren't for my friends, then I wouldn't be able to type down what you're seeing, because they saw how I was becoming more social from it and were curious to see why I enjoyed it. I personally would've wanted to show them some better episodes like "The Last Roundup" or both parts to "A Canterlot Wedding", but they saw "Call of the Cutie". Though my father says, quoted, 'It's not my Cup of tea', my mother seems to enjoy it and would watch more about it. Since then, We've been cool with each other: I keep the MlP stuff away from them, they don't call me out for it, we work together, the end! 'What about Quinton?', you may ask? He was with me when I joined, but he wasn't much help with parents... and anything for that matter.

    After graduating High School and celebrating my 18th birthday, I filled out many applications to every place nearly everyday, until I got a job as a cart pusher at Wal-Mart. I won't lie, I'm with the others on this: I graduated with much higher math education, taking both Honors College Algebra and Honors College Trigonometry, and the best I can get is a cart pusher at Wal-Mart? Kinda embarrassing, might I say. Anyways, I got a job that pays a bit above average minimum wage in country standards (thanks to the state I'm living in) and, as you can see, I'm a writer with two popular stories that has pretty goo reactions to it. Of course, this story isn't fiction, but an autobiography! Most would say it's fake, but I know that I'm living it, so it's real!!! This is how I meet my O.C., Braveheart!

    The Box.

    "Another Day, another $63.20 to USAA." I jokingly said to one of my coworkers in the back of Wal-Mart, just before signing out. Sean, the coworker I joked with, chuckled at my joke. I got my badge ready, swiped the machine, clicked the button that simply said 'sign out', and heard a simple 'Beep', signaling it accepted my stamp, allowing me to go home! I always had these things on me when I head to work: My cell Phone, Ear buds, a jacket (winter time only), my yellow vest with orange stripes, wallet with I.D. & debit card, watch, badge, and near comically smal hat that barely fits my dome of a head! I pulled out the ear plugs out of my jacket pocket, connected it to my phone, placed the ear plugs in, pressed 'play' on my phone, and listened to my music as I made my near 15 minute hike back home. I'm actually lucky that I can walk home, considering I didn't know how to drive yet nor had a car to use, and listening to my music helped me move, considering I keep moving carts to the front, where two rows can be taken away easily as soon as I add a new one. I won't lie, when I listen to my music, I feel like Star-Lord in the begining of "Guardians of the Galaxy", dancing without a care, just glad to go home with very few people staring at me. Going home with music playing is great: you pass by many people around, with the stores I pass by in order: A family dentistry, a healthcare program, Dominoes Pizza, 'Booty's' (a bar and grill area), a small ice-cream shop, a package area, a tanning saloon & bouquiet, Fry's (the other grocery store), an animal hospital & grooming saloon, a dryer area, Cricket cell-phone store, Sub-Way, a donut store simply called 'Fresh Donuts', an insurance area, Palermo's Pizzeria, Jack in the Box, a car repair shop, and a storage area. All of these, in Vice Versa, is what I pass when HEADING to my job, but luckily, I didn't have to go tomorrow! Passing by all these area with cars passing right beside me, having lights pass by me all the time, was no problem at all!

    Today, however, my parents said they'll be gone for about three weeks now, and my brother, who is still in high school, had the opportunity to go on a vacation with his friends, also for about three weeks, leaving me alone in the house! I had a simple schedule really: if I was working, turn everything off, lock the door outside, bring out the Trash can on Tuesday or Recycling Bin on Thursday, do work, get home, shower, sleep, repeat! If I had a day off, however, I would do anything I felt like!!! I went on the computer, looking for news on what would happen in the next season or movies of MLP, perhaps even adding new chapters to Deadpool or to the M.I.B. Either way, I had the house to myself. I immediately jumped to the shower, removing all sorts of clothing, making myself smell good from a hard day of work.

    "I think you lost five pounds today!" I told my reflection in the mirror. "Why thank you! Keep this up, and we can be the next Chris Hemsworth in a couple of years." I jumped into the shower, getting myself cleaned up.

    I heard a 'din dong!' as soon as I finished. Was someone seriously ringing? Last time I knew, there wouldn't be anyone coming over with the exception of Vivian, our neighbor, nearly every morning, not night time. I quickly put on my pajamas: some black gym shorts and a red T-shirt that claimed how my 'Swag' was 'priceless', though I was never a guy that felt the need to express one's 'swag' to the public. I peeped through and saw no one.

    "Probably Ding Dong ditchers." I thought. At that moment, another ringing of the doorbell! I jumped a bit, but quickly opened the door! I only saw what liked a yellow tail, running past the corner of my home. Was some animal dinging my doorbell? I began to ran, but stopped as I felt myself kicking something on the floor. I looked down and saw a simple, rectangular shaped box with a note on it. Something must've controlled me, for I picked up the box and went inside the house, closing the door behind me. I placed the box on the table and took off the note.

    "Dear Good Sir," it read "Please, take care of this small foal. When you take care of him, he'll take care of you in the future. Treat him as if he were your own son. ~P.C."

    "P.C.?" I asked "Foal? Is Bill Gates sending me a foal? Or... is it really-" the box moved, interrupting me and making me jump! I heard something inside growling, trying it's hardest to get out of the box! I grabbed the box, preventing it to move and began to rip the top! It stopped and I heard whimpering. I began to slowly open the box's top and looked inside. I couldn't believe it!!! Inside my O.C.: a light brown Alicorn with a small black mane & tail and white, Big Macintosh designed hooves. His ears perked back and his small, darker brown than his coat eyes looked at me, staring at me with both fear and curiosity at what I am. I stared right back, also curious at three questions: Was that really my O.C., How did he get here, and why was he so young? I looked in the box: there was a pair of more squarish glasses, much bigger than him, and next to it was a really large saddle. Without any word, I laid both my hands on the table, busy watching it. The small foal climbed out of his box and walked to my right hand. As soon as it nudged my index finger, I fainted for the first time in my life, landing hard with a loud slam!  

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