
Father Of Mine

by ArtGuru



Scootaloo was just sitting on her bed in the orphanage with her little breezie friend. She loved the orphanage even though it got lonely sometimes. The pony who ran it, Raindrops was a sweet mare who would always spend time with Scootaloo when she was down. Scootaloo sighed, "This is boring. I wanna go outside and play!" It was winter, and all the other fillies and colts were playing. Everypony looked like they were having fun, everypony but Scootaloo. It was too cold for Raindrops liking. Scootaloo growled a bit, "Y know what? We're blowin' this joint anyways!" Her friend looked at her in surprise. "Hvordan har du tenkt å gjøre det?" she asked. "Simple! We're gonna sneak out my friend!" Scootaloo retorted. With that she put on her gloves and scarf. The breezie wrapped a tiny bit of long cloth around her neck as if she was trying to get a scarf herself. Scootaloo smiled, "Alright Cherry Breeze! Let's go have some fun!" Scootaloo rushed out the door with her friend and downstairs. Unfortunately they had an obstacle. Raindrops was cooking in the kitchen right next to the door. Scootaloo groaned then whispered, "Now what?" Cherry thought and thought till she got an idea. She swooped in and started causing a ruckus distracting Raindrops in every way possible. She pushed out pots and pans and even flew about and around and in Raindrops' face. Scootaloo quickly took the chance and ran out the door, Cherry very quickly following behind her once she noticed the door was about to close. They were free. "Well, what should we do first?" Scootaloo asked her friend, eager for some fun. "Hvorfor ikke vi gå på oppdagelsesferd?" Cherry replied. Scootaloo smirked and glanced at the woods behind the house, "Perfect!" Scootaloo and Cherry hurried off towards adventure.

The Discovery

Sombra was trotting back and forth in frustration. He was in a seemingly never ending blackness after the blast. "This is ridiculous. I mean, I'm Sombra! How could that namby pamby magic overpower my own?! And my horn, my horn is just completely gone!" He pointingly tapped on the spot on his head where his horn used to be. He was beyond outraged. And to top it all off, he didn't even know where he was. Was he in Tartarus perhaps? Was this a punishment for his actions? Or was he...dead? The questions raging through his head angered him further, "STUPID WOMAN!!!" Just then, he heard giggling. He looked around but no one was there. "What is that annoying sound? As if this couldn't get any worse!"


Scootaloo and Cherry Breeze were happy as could be playing around in the snow. But their fun didn't last too long as they started hearing what sounded like a stallion rambling about. Scootaloo pressed her ear to a lump of snow and the sound was clearer, "I swear to God I find this damn place insufferable! I can't take it much longer! I think I'm going insane! All thanks to the woman!" Scootaloo giggled a bit, whoever it was they sounded crazy for sure. But Scootaloo knew she couldn't leave them buried under the snow so she started digging. But she only found what looked like a horn with a crack in it. But the voice was loud and clear now. "Hey! Is somepony in there?!" Scootaloo yelled into the crack. The voice stopped yelling suddenly, "What the?! Where is that coming fro- AH!!!" Scootaloo giggled once more, "I see you found me. What're you doing in there anyway?" The voice wasted no time replying, "I don't know! Last thing I remember I was blown to bits, then I wake up here! This is actually the first time I'm getting any light."

"Well, you're in some kinda horn thingy that's got a crack in it. Is it yours?"

"Horn? Is it red?!"


"Oh thank the gods my horn managed to encase my body inside!"

"Uh, what's your name?"


"I said what's your name?"

"I am King Sombra! Lord of darkne-"

"Never heard of 'im."

"What?! But how can you not know?!"

Scootaloo giggled again and shrugged, "I donno. But I do know one thing. I'm takin' you home Mr Sombrero!" "IT'S SOMBRA YOU HALFWIT BRAT!!!" Sombra snapped. But Scootaloo didn't mind him. She handed the horn to her friend and they started off toward the orphanage. "So Mr Sombrero, tell me about yourself. How'd ya get blown up?" Scootaloo asked. Sombra sighed, "It's SOMBRA. And well...I studied a lot of magic as a youngling. Even had a girlfriend. But then I found this really powerful spell I just had to try out." Scootaloo raised an eyebrow, "How powerful?" Sombra smirked and chuckled in his prison, "Godlike." Scootaloo started feeling nervous but let him continue. "It was wonderful once I got my power! I...made a little agreement with the queen and I became the king! But my girlfriend didn't WANT a castle life so she left me." "Really? That's horrible!" Scootaloo said. "Indeed," Sombra retorted. "But then those princesses banished me for 1000 years. However...the time came for the seal to break. I was back on top. But these ponies got in my way. And in the end they blew me to pieces." Scootaloo frowned, "Aww, I'm sorry to hear that Mr Sombrero! For now you can stay with me and Cherry Breeze." Sombra groaned. This child was impossible. Scootaloo finally brought him back and brought him upstairs to her room. She took off her scarf and gloves and gently placed Sombra's horn on her dresser. "There ya go! Nice and cozy!" Scootaloo cheered. Sombra just laid down in his temporary confinement. Soon he'd be free and the Crystal Empire would be back under his hoof. "I'm taking a nap," he grumbled. Scootaloo smiled, "Alright! Goodnight Mr Sombrero!" Then Scootaloo left to go downstairs, but she didn't hear Sombra growling under his breath, "It's SOMBRA."


Scootaloo began putting on her boots and outdoor clothing, Sombra watching as best he could from his prison. Cherry Breeze fluttered over to her friend, helping her by grabbing her scarf and wrapping it around Scootaloo's neck. Once that was done, Scootaloo grabbed Sombra's horn and placed it in her bag, "Alright Mr Sombrero-"


"Yeah yeah whatever. You gotta come with me cause if I leave you in here then Ms Raindrop will see you."

"And the problem with that is...?"

"She might think you're garbage and toss you away."


"No offense, but your horn isn't very appealing to the eye. Now then, off we go!"

"Where are we even going?" Sombra whined, seeing he had no choice but to comply with the child.

"Outside dummy! But we gotta be sneaky. My friend Pip's got a plan..."

"Just get on with it."

"Right! Ready Cherry?"

Cherry nodded, and the three departed from the room, carefully sneaking through the halls. Finally, they reached a window at the end of one, Scootaloo quietly opening it and looking down to see her friend Pipsqueak waiting for her. Cherry Breeze flew down and grabbed his attention, pointing up to Scootaloo.

Pipsqueak quickly grabbed a bunch of pillows he had managed to get outside with him and pilled them up. Scootaloo waited patiently until he was done, and took a deep breath before jumping. She landed softly, bouncing off the pillows and into the snow.

She quickly recuperated, shaking off most of the snow that now covered her mane and fur. Pipsqueak giggled, "Right chuff mate! That was bloody hilarious!"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah Pip, very funny. Now come on. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle will be at the park in 15 minutes."

"Got it chief! Let's skip it!" Pip chirped, saluting Scootaloo before they began heading out for the park.

On the way, Scootaloo gestured for Cherry to take Sombra's horn out and Cherry did so, placing it in Scootaloo's hoof. Pipsqueak noticed this and glanced over at her, "You found another great toy Scoots?"

"Not really a toy. But it is something alright. This is a unicorn horn, but not just any old horn. See that crack in it there?"

"Yeah, I see it. Wait...is there a pony in there?"

"Yup! Say hello Mr Sombrero!"

A low and terse voice emerged from the horn, "It's Sombra. Stupid kid..."

"Sombra? Where have I heard that before?"

"I dunno. I guess he was famous or something."

"So what's he doin' in that little horn there?"

"I guess his magic sealed him away as a last resort to keep him alive and he has to wait for his power to get back before he can get his body back. At least...his physical body. I guess he can just manifest himself in this thing somehow."

"Sounds pretty cool. You've got to show Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom too."

Suddenly, a new voice arose in the air, it was terse like Sombra's, but high pitched and child-like, "You won't be showing the dweeb group anything if I have something to say about it."

Scootaloo glared up at the voice she despised so, "Diamond Tiara."

"Sup, chicken wing? Or should I just call you chicken since your wings are just so useless they might as well not even be there?"

"Go away, we're going to see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle."

"Hmm...maybe I can move. If you give me that ugly horn thing."

"What? Why do you want it it's so 'ugly'?"

"Because I want it. Now give it to me," Diamond Tiara snapped, holding her hoof out.

"Forget it!"

"Then turn around and go back to the gutter where you and that little rodent belong!"

Sombra observed all this from inside the comfort of his horn, and though he didn't really care much for any of these kids, something about the pink one gave him a headache. She had that spoiled rich kid vibe, and there was nothing more annoying to Sombra than ponies who had more of anything than he did.

He thought for a moment, Hmm, maybe I can shut her up. I think I've got enough power to use my mist form...

He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate, and began to feel power flowing through him. Meanwhile, Scootaloo was becoming agitated by this whole situation, "Beat it bratface! We don't have time for you!"

"Aww, isn't that just too bad? I don't care. Not hand over that horn before I make you!"

"In your dreams, you drama queen!"

Diamond growled, and pushed Scootaloo to the ground, snatching the horn from her. Pipsqueak and Cherry went over to their fallen friend, making sure she was okay. Diamond just laughed, "This thing is so stupid! It's broken! You probably dropped it when you fell on your head trying to fly again, chicken!"

Tears welled up in Scootaloo's eyes as she tried to sound threatening, "I-I'm not...a chicken!"

"Yeah right! You look so stupid!"

Suddenly, a cold, deep, and sinister voice filled the air, causing Diamond to shudder, "Return my horn now..."

"Wh-Who...Who said that?! Did Scootaloo put you up to this?!"

Suddenly, a black smoke began to billow out of the crack in the horn and Diamond began to shake in fear as a face emerged from the smoke, glaring right into her eyes. Scootaloo, Pip, and Cherry all watched in awe, not able to believe what they were seeing. Sombra leaned in close to the shivering filly, remaining silent for a good moment before he spoke, "...Boo."

Diamond screamed and dropped the horn, turning tail and running, screaming like a maniac. Scootaloo got up and collected the horn as Sombra retreated back into the horn, "Woah...! That...was amazing! Did you see the look on her face?!"

"Yeah! Guess the little bugger couldn't handle ol' Sombrito here!"

"My name is Sombra!" Sombra snapped again.

"You're awesome dude! Thanks a bunch!" Scootaloo praised.

Sombra scoffed, though feeling strangely contented with Scootaloo's happiness, "Don't get used to it kid. I just didn't like that pink brat. Gave me a damn migraine."

"I guess even the most hard-hearted of ponies can't stand 'er! How embarrassin'!"

"Come on Pip, I've got to show this to my friends!"

"Darn skippy! Let's go!"


Once Scootaloo reached the park, she noticed that nopony was around. She pondered at this, glancing at her friend Pip, "Is...there supposed to be a snowstorm today?"

"Nope. Clear skies the whole day."

"Huh. Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle! Hello?!"

But there was no answer. Cherry tapped Scootaloo's cheek and Scootaloo glanced over, "Kanskje de har glemt?" Scootaloo thought about it, but shook her head, "No. They probably just got help or something. Maybe we should go into town and see what's up."

Cherry tapped her own cheek before suddenly getting an idea, "Jeg har en idé! La oss gå ms gnisten!"

"Great idea Cherry Breeze! She oughta know what's up!"

Scootaloo and Pip quickly made their way towards town and located the Golden Oak Library. Scootaloo went over and knocked, but there was no answer. She knocked again, but louder, and still there was no answer. Pipsqueak tried to think of an explanation as to what was going on, then it hit him, "Maybe Ms Sparkle and the Elements Of Harmony had to go fight something and everybody is hiding to keep safe!"

"That...makes sense actually."

"Did you just say the Elements Of Harmony?" Sombra asked, his voice muffled by the bag.

Cherry Breeze took out Sombra's horn, handing it to Scootaloo, who asked him to repeat himself, "I said, did you just say Elements Of Harmony?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Ugh...the name tortures my ears so."

"You know the Elements Of Harmony? How?"

"Well you see I-" Sombra stopped himself short.

Wait a minute...if I tell this girl anything and she's friends with those Elements Of Harmony...That could be some serious trouble for me. I need to keep myself as suspicious as possible, he thought.

He shook his head and cleared his throat, "I mean I've heard of them before but uh...they wouldn't want to see me. They don't like me very much."

"Aww, how come?"

"I'd rather not talk about it. So for now could you just not let them know that I'm here. At all?"

"Well if that's what you want then so be it. Still, I gotta find my friends."

"Do your friends know the Elements Of Harmony too?" Sombra asked, a little panicked.

"Actually, they're both related to a barer of the Elements Of Harmony. I'm not but I know one of them who likes think I'm her sister. And I like to think that too. But I don't have any real family..."

"An orphan huh? Well I'm not very good with ponies in general, so I'd rather not meet these friends of yours. I'm...um...shy."

"That sucks. Just like Fluttershy eh? Though you're not as soft are ya Mister Sombrero?"

"My name is Sombra!"

Scootaloo giggled, "Yeah yeah, sure thing tough guy. Well then, back in the bag you go. But I'm still gonna find my friends. Something's not right."

Cherry Breeze spoke up again, "La oss splitte opp, Jeg vil gå se på søte eple dekar. Du ser på kjæresten Belle hus, og Pip kan se i markedet."

"Great idea Cherry! Alright, let's meet up back here in about an hour!"

"Sounds good to me, mate!"

Scootaloo barred off towards Sweetie Belle's house, while Pip and Cherry went off on their own ways. Meanwhile, Sombra was trying not to puke as he got tossed around as his horn flew about in the constantly swaying saddle bag. He groaned as Scootaloo kept running, causing the horn to just bounce around even more.

This was going to be a long day.

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